Civics Connects

Civics Connects

Welcome to Civics Connects, a comprehensive, classroom-ready resource for Virginia’s middle grades. 

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Unit 1
Unit 1 - Now Available! | 1.2

Fact v. Opinion

What is the difference between fact and opinion, and how can you tell the two apart? What type of information is most useful when constructing a strong argument?

2023 Standards of Learning (SOL)
2015 Standards of Learning (SOL)
CE (skills) a
Lesson Outline

The interactive slides in this lesson can be used in multiple ways:

  • teachers can direct all students to generate their own copies of the Google Slides on a tablet or laptop, allowing the students to interact directly with the prompts individually. 
  • teachers can use the deck as a presentation, guiding the entire classroom through the content as a large group.
  • by creating their own Google Slides copy, teachers may rearrange or edit the content to suit their own pacing or adaptation needs.
Games & Activities
Additional Resources

What Can Primary Sources Tell us About Immigrant Stories?

Join Caroline, a student and aspiring archaeologist, as she examines artifacts and archival documents at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture and asks Research Library Director James Herrera-Brookes what these sources can tell us about immigrant stories. She also asks Educator Rachel Williams how museums make their collections come to life.

Education Level
Middle School