The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, prints and other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories or in private hands.
The group files are organized by the name of the group, family name, company, or the name of the leading individual in the group (for example, "T. J. Jackson and staff").
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photograph file for a particular person or group in which they have an interest should then request an appointment to view the files to determine their exact content.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC holds some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collection, usually as part of a collection of family or personal papers, or of a group of business records. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
The group files are organized by the name of the group, family name, company, or the name of the leading individual in the group (e.g. "T.G. Jackson and staff"). Topics that have a "see also" reference should be checked for additional materials in the online catalog.
Jackson, Judy and others
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan, and his staff
Jamerson, George Hairston, 1869 - 1960
James, Joseph S. family
Jennette Expedition see: Oversize
Jefferson academy.
Jefferson Davis Memorial Committee
Robert Meekin, family of
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Jenkins
Jewal Tea Co. See also: Transportation
Johns Hopkins University. Glee Club
John Marshall High School, Richmond, VA. Scholarship Winners
Johnson (Mary) School, Richmond, VA.
Jones, Cotesby ap Cotesby, 1892-
Keane family
John D, Keiley, sons of
Kemper family
King William County Colonel Ball
Kinsolving family
Kirmiss Ball Richmond VA.
Kiwanis Club - 1923
Klu Klux Klan
Kricorian Family
Ladies Coffee Party c.1890 10 young ladies, 5 Ladies, 100 Ladies
Lady Washington's reception See Extra- oversize
Lamb, Brockenbrough, 1886 - 1975
Lamb Family
Lancaster, Dabney S. And Others See also- Group Nolleys School 1901, Group Darden, Gov. and others
Larus C Bro. Co.
Lawrenceville High School
Lee (Fitzhugh) and staff., 1881 see also oversize
Fitz Lee and Staff (to Dr. Kelly for Governor's Exhibit)
Lee, George Washington Custis
Lee, Gen. R. and his Faculty at Washington College
Lee Crobert E. and his Generals See Confederate Generals
Lee Family
Lee (Robert E.) memorial foundation
Lee, John D, House
Levy Family
Lewis Family
Liberty School, New Kent
Life Insurance Company of Virginia See Oversize
Literary Figures. Poets
Lloyd George, David 1863-1945
Logan, Lillie: students
Logan, Robert
Longstreeet, James and his staff See Oversize
Lorton family and friends
Louisiana guard artillery. Jackson's corps. A.N.V...1892 See Oversize
Lucas Family
Lucy Family Reunion 1972
Lynchburg, Va. Lynchburg training School
Lyne Family group