Civics Connects

Welcome to Civics Connects, a comprehensive, classroom-ready resource for Virginia’s middle grades. 

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A Comprehensive Civics Resource for Virginia Students

These Virginia-SOL- and national-standards-aligned lessons may be used sequentially over the course of an academic year or as individual civics and economics enrichment activities.
Civics Connects units will be introduced throughout the year, beginning with "Unit 2: Foundations of American Government" in July 2024, and paced to Virginia schools’ coverage of civics and economics content.
Unit 1
Unit 1
Civics Skills

What skills are required to be a member of our civic society? In this unit, students will learn to distinguish between different types of sources, evaluate information to identify fact and opinion, and model civil discussion in the face of conflict and disagreement.  

Lessons Available September 27, 2024

  • Lesson 1.1: Understanding Different Types of Sources
  • Lesson 1.2: Fact v. Opinion 
  • Lesson 1.3: Civil Discourse


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Unit 2
Unit 2 - Now Available!
Foundations of 
American Government

In this unit, students will explore the Constitution, our nation’s rulebook. They will learn about the documents that inspired founders as they drafted the Constitution, unpack the founding principles that underpin its structure, and model the amendment process. 

Unit 3
Unit 3
Government at the National Level

How does our national government operate? What processes are important to the smooth operation of our federal system? In this unit, students will explore the way in which the federal government works and examine how the three branches of government interact with one another.

Lessons Available October 31, 2024:

  • Lesson 3.1: Checks & Balances, Separation of Powers
  • Lesson 3.2: Structure & Powers of the Legislative Branch
  • Lesson 3.3: Lawmaking Process
  • Lesson 3.4: Structures & Powers of the Executive Branch
  • Lesson 3.5: Roles of the President
  • Lesson 3.6: Structure & Powers of the Judicial Branch
  • Lesson 3.7: Judicial Review
  • Lesson 3.8: Federalism


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Unit 4
Unit 4
Government at the State and Local Level

How does Virginia’s government differ from the federal government? Are there any similarities between local, state, and national systems? In this unit, students will dive into Virginia’s local and state governments, learning how the judiciary, executive, and legislative branches function at those levels.

Lessons Available February 28, 2025:

  • Lesson 4.1: Structure of State Government
  • Lesson 4.2: General Assembly 
  • Lesson 4.3: Governor & Regulatory Boards 
  • Lesson 4.4: Virginia’s Judicial System
  • Lesson 4.5: Local Government Structure
  • Lesson 4.6: Local Decision Making
  • Lesson 4.7: Three Levels of Government

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Unit 5
Unit 5
The Judicial System

What is the purpose of the courts system? Why does the judiciary have the power to review actions of the executive and legislative branches? This unit examines the role of the justice system at the national level and includes a review of civil and criminal court structures.

Lessons Available February 28, 2025:

  • Lesson 5.1: Due Process
  • Lesson 5.2: Criminal & Civil Courts

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Unit 6
Unit 6

How do people become citizens of the United States? What does it mean to be a U.S. citizen, naturalized or native-born? In this unit, students will learn about the processes by which candidates pursue U.S. citizenship, examine the history of immigration in our nation, and review the ways citizens are expected to contribute to the common good.

Available September 27, 2024

  • Lesson 6.1: Becoming a Citizen
  • Lesson 6.2: Immigration
  • Lesson 6.3: Rights & Privileges of Citizenship
  • Lesson 6.4: Duties & Responsibility of Citizenship

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Unit 7
Unit 7
The Political Process

What is the purpose of a political party? Who decides which groups of people should have the right to vote? This unit delves into the nuances of the American political process, helping students better understand the role of the Electoral College, campaign finance, and political parties in our elections.

Lessons Available September 27, 2024

  • Lesson 7.1: Political Parties
  • Lesson 7.2: Campaigning & Finance
  • Lesson 7.3: Voting History & Rights
  • Lesson 7.4: Electoral College

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Unit 8
Unit 8
Media and Politics

Does media have an impact on the way we engage with our government? How do we determine whether the information we consume has bias or is fact-based? This unit will inform students on how to evaluate and analyze the media they consume with an emphasis on identifying bias.

Lessons Available October 31, 2024:

  • Lesson 8.1: What is Media?
  • Lesson 8.2: Recognizing Bias in Media
  • Lesson 8.3: Evaluating & Analyzing Media


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Unit 9
Unit 9

What exactly is the U.S. economy? What financial institutions make up our economic systems? This unit provides students with an outline of the basic functions of the U.S. economy and how the government interacts with it.

Lessons Available February 28, 2025:

  • Lesson 9.1: Basics of Economics
  • Lesson 9.2: Types of Economies
  • Lesson 9.3: U.S. Economy
  • Lesson 9.4: Supply & Demand
  • Lesson 9.5: Business & Competition
  • Lesson 9.6: Money
  • Lesson 9.7: Financial Institutions & Federal Reserve
  • Lesson 9.8: Role of Government in the U.S. Economy
  • Lesson 9.9: Taxes, Public Goods & Services
  • Lesson 9.10: Global Economy


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Unit 10
Unit 10
The Economy and You

What is your role in the economy? How can your skills and talents help the community in which you live? This unit makes the connection between students’ lives and the economy, highlighting how their personal contributions can have an impact on their communities.

Lessons Available February 28, 2025:

  • Lesson 10.1: Identifying Human Capital
  • Lesson 10.2: Personal Finance
  • Lesson 10.3: Preparing for Success


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In addition to Civics Connects content for your classroom, explore other resources, professional development opportunities, and more from the John Marshall Center for Constitutional History & Civics (JMC) at the VMHC.

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