Civics Connects

Civics Connects

Welcome to Civics Connects, a comprehensive, classroom-ready resource for Virginia’s middle grades. 

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Unit 2
Unit 2 - Now Available! | Lesson 2.5

Amending the Consitution

What is the process for changing the U.S. Constitution & the Constitution of Virginia? Why is it important that the Constitution have an amendment process? In this lesson, students will examine the procedures by which the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of Virginia can be amended.

2023 Standards of Learning (SOL)
2015 Standards of Learning (SOL)
Lesson Outline
Additional Resources

How should we think about the Constitution today?

Join Samuel, a student and aspiring judge, on a journey to learn more about America's founding documents. Samuel visits the National Archives in Washington, DC, where he meets historian Jessie Kratz and sees the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution firsthand. He then visits the Virginia Museum of History and Culture to speak with Judge John Charles Thomas about his interpretation of the founding documents today. 

Education Level
Middle School