Advertising Rates

Advertising Rates

Virginia Magazine of History & Biography advertising rates and guidelines

Thank you for your interest in advertising in the Virginia Magazine of History & Biography.

Established in 1893, the Virginia Magazine, the quarterly journal of the Virginia Museum of History & Culture, publishes scholarly articles and book reviews on Virginia and southern history. Each issue of the magazine offers space for advertisements, which would help your company promote its products or services to the magazine’s 5,000 plus individual and institutional subscribers.


Virginia Magazine sample advertisementNonprofit: $300 for a one-time, full page ad ($1,000 for four consecutive issues)

For profit: $600 for a one-time, full-page ad ($2,200 for four consecutive issues)

To inquire about available premium ad placement and rates, contact the editor.


We require that you submit your ad in PDF format. We produce a printed as well as a digital version of the VMHB, so please note the two formats below and submit your files accordingly. Please follow the following PDF guidelines:

  • For the printed version of the magazine: images must be scanned at 300 dpi (600 for text; 1200 for line art) in grayscale format before importing into layout program. Images and fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • For the digital version of the magazine: images must be scanned at 300 dpi (600 for text; 1200 for line art) in color (RGB) format before importing into layout program. Images and fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Margin requirements: 5 x 7 inches (full page)
  • PDF is compatible with Acrobat 4.0 (PDF version 1.3) or higher
  • White type has been defined as knockout; black text and rules have been set to overprint.
  • PDF pages are free of registration marks and other extraneous and non-printing text.


Margin requirements for a full-page ad measures 5 x 7 inches.

Deadlines for submission

The deadline for "camera-ready" ads is one month before publication. Below is the timetable to submit your ad. Please notify us in advance if we will need to design or modify your ad.

  • Number 1     15 January
  • Number 2     15 April
  • Number 3     15 July
  • Number 4     15 October


The VMHB reaches approximately 5,000 readers per issue, including a large numbers of non-historians.

Questions? Contact Graham T. Dozier, Managing Editor of Publications and Virginius Dabney Editor of the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, at 804.342.9640 or