Prepare for Your Library Visit
Prepare for Your Library Visit
Contact Information
Phone: 804.342.9233
Wireless internet access is available. Patrons are encouraged to bring a laptop, tablet, or smart phone to access our online catalog in the reading room, but a limited number of laptops are available for use.
On their first visit to the E. Claiborne Robins, Jr. Research Library, researchers are required to complete a registration form and show a government-issued I.D. that will be photocopied by staff. To save time, you can download our registration form and bring it with you. Please note: Activity in the library is monitored by video cameras and is recorded.
Permitted Items
- Pencil
- Paper
- Identification Card
- Small purse or wallet
- Note cards
- Legal pad or notebook
- One 3-ring binder or one folder
- Laptop (without case)
- Cell phone (ringer turned off)
- Digital camera (permission forms required)
Not Permitted
- Pens
- Markers
- Highlighters
- Backpacks
- Briefcases
- Laptop bags
- Food
- Drinks
- Large purses or tote bags
- Flatbed scanners (scanner phone apps are allowed, and use of overhead scanners is determined on a case-by-case basis)
- Coats
- Umbrellas
We ask patrons to please store all personal items that are not permitted in the library in a locker located in the locker room. This policy has been implemented to assure the security of your personal belongings as well as the security of our collection. Patrons may bring a bag to the reading room to unpack needed items, provided the bag is returned to the lockers. Any personal materials brought to and taken from the library may be examined by the staff.
No library materials may be taken from the room. Use only pencils in the library. Pencils are available at the registration desk. Fill out a separate call slip for each item requested. Deposit call slips (maximum of five at a time) at the registration desk. Call slips will be checked before a researchers leaves to ensure that all materials have been returned.
Only one folder may be examined at a time. Maintaining the exact order of material in a folder and folders within a box is important. Do not remove loose manuscripts from folders or alter the arrangements of items. No personal loose paper is allowed on the table when viewing a manuscript. Handle all manuscripts with care. Return all manuscripts to the registration desk. Photocopies must be made by staff.
Digital Scans
Patrons may use a phone app to scan any library item, unless it is noted as restricted by staff. All digital scanning by library users requires prior approval by the library staff and submission of the permission form. You can view and download the policies and permission form online.
Permission applies only for personal use and not for publication. The library reserves the right to deny permission based on the conditions of the materials, donor or copyright restrictions, or failure to comply with library policies. Guidelines for use may be found on the permission form.
Photocopies must be made by staff.
Limited photocopying and scanning is available for some materials and is done only by the staff as time permits. For reasons of extreme fragility or rarity, not all materials can be photocopied or scanned. Whether or not it is feasible to copy particular documents will be determined by the librarian. Learn more about digital scans and reproductions.
Digital Photography
Patrons may use a camera to photograph any library item, unless it is noted as restricted by staff. Camera flash and sound must be turned off. All photography by library users requires prior approval by the library staff and submission of the permission form. You can view and download the policies and permission form online.
Permission applies only for personal use and not for publication. The library reserves the right to deny permission based on the conditions of the materials, donor or copyright restrictions, or failure to comply with library policies. Guidelines for camera use may be found on the permission form.
No materials from the VMHC's collection may be reproduced in any form for public or commercial use without the VMHC's written permission.
Before Leaving the Library
The researcher is responsible for returning all materials to the registration desk before departure. Theft or mutilation of library materials will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Last Call
Requests for materials or photocopies must be made by 4:30 p.m. All materials must be returned to the registration desk by 4:45 p.m. The building closes at 5:00 p.m. Please note that a limited number of materials may be placed on reserve for use the following day.