The Garden Club of Virginia is an active association of 47 clubs. The purposes of The Garden Club of Virginia are to promote gardening among amateurs; to protect native trees, wildflowers and birds; to encourage conservation of natural resources; to promote civic planting; to encourage roadside beautification; and to aid in the restoration and preservation of Virginia's historic gardens.
This commitment to historic garden restoration dates practically from the inception of the club in the 1920s. Through the efforts of its Restoration Committee, over 40 such projects have been undertaken since 1924, the records for most of which may now be found in the collections of the Virginia Historical Society.
Selections from those records are presented here to allow students of historic gardens to trace the development and contributions of the club's efforts in Virginia. Its Restoration Committee set high standards for the selection of sites, research on specific gardens and gardening history, restoration and preservation activities, and long-term commitment to garden care and maintenance.