Aaroe - Aylette: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Aaroe, Alden 1918-1993
Abbot, Aloins B. See: groups- Abbot family
Abbot, George 1562-1633
Abbot, Houghton D. See: groups- Abbot family
Abbot, Joel Houghton 1839-1926 See also: groups- Abbot family
Abbot, Joel Houghton, Jr. See: groups- Abbot family
Abbot, Lent L. See: groups- Abbot family
Abbot, Walter H. See: groups- Abbot family
Abbot, William S. See: groups- Abbot family
Abbott, Josiah Bartlett, 1793-1849, See also- Abbott, Walter Randolph
Abbott, Walter Randolph 1838-1862 See also-Abbott, Josiah Bartlett
Abernathy, Sir John 1764-1831
Abram, Ellis
Achiltree, Tom Reference: Wise, John S.
Ackiss, Amos Johnston 1871-1928
Acree, Mr. & Mrs. A.B. See: groups- Acree family
Acree, Alec See also- Acree family
Acree, Caroline See: Snodgrass, Caroline Acree
Acree, Pualina P. (Steen) 1806-1861 See also: Acree, Thomas O. & Thomas, Jr.
Acree, Thomas O.
Acree, Thomas O., Jr.
Adair, Cornelia
Adams, Abigail Smith 1744-1818
Adams, Allen Charles 1899-1972
Adams, Andy 1859-1935
Adams, Ben See: groups- Norwood's Univ. School Room C
Adams, Charles Francis 1835-1915 See also: Broadsides- 1920 "Samuel Adams"
Adams, Clothilda (Hassel) 1894-1970 See: groups- Mrs. Hassel-Golden Wedding
Adams, Gen. Daniel W.
Adams, Elizabeth (Fauntleroy) 1736-1792
Adams, Helen Dewitt
Adams, Herbert Baxter
Adams, Howard H. 1891-1971 See: groups- Eastern Shore of Va. His. Soc.
Adams, John 1735-1826 See: groups- Great Statesmen & Orators, see also: Thomas Jefferson and oversize
Adams, Dr. John 1773-1825 See also: Adams, Margaret
Adams, Brig. Gen. John -1864
Adams, John Quincy 1767-1848 See also: oversize
Adams, Kitty
Adams, Louetta (Stuart) See: Snyder, Louetta (Stuart) Adams
Adams, Louisa Catherine (Johnson) 1775-1852
Adams, Margaret (Winston)
Adams, Mary Jane 1834-1914 See: Alley, Mary Jane (Adams)
Adams, Maude 1872-1953
Adams, Richard Henry Toler,Jr. 1871-1936
Adams, "Captain" Robert 1568?-
Adams, Samuel 1722-1803
Adams, Samuel 1876- See: Broadsides: 1920
Adams, Hon. W.H. See also: groups- Adams Family
Adams, Brig. Gen. Wirt
Addison, Jane O. 1792-1888 See: Bayly, Jane O. (Addison)
Addison, Joseph 1672-1719 See: oversize
Adriance, Charles Platt 1790-
Adriance, Sarah (Camp) See: Adriance, Charles Platt
Aiken, Charles D.
Aiken, Elbert
Aiken, Irene See also: Aiken, Mr. & Mrs. W.A.
Aiken, William A. See also: Aiken, Irene
Ailesbury, Robert Bruce, 1st Earl -1685
Ainsworth, Mr.
Akin, John
Akin, Martha Giles (Chaffin) 1847- See: groups- Chaffin, Richard Booker
Albermarle, Earl of
Albermarle, Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke 1653-1688
Albermarle, George Monck, 1st Duke 1608-1670/71
Alderman, Edwin Anderson 1861-1931
Aldrich, Marjore
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey 1836-1907
Aldrich, West
Alexander, Anthony Enders See also: Alexander, John Clifford
Alexander, Archibald 1772-1851
Alexander, Charles Palmer See also: Alexander, Margaret
Alexander, Charles Palmer,Jr.
Alexander, Brig. Gen. Edward Porter
Alexander, Irvin
Alexander, J.R.H. 1882-1966
Alexander, James 1828-1874 See also: Alexander, Wm. Wills & Alexander, Rebecca Ann (Wills)
Alexander, James Butler 1836-1861 See: Alexander, Wm. Wills & Alexander,James
Alexander, John Clifford
Alexander, Laura See also: Alexander, Susan
Alexander, Mrs.
Alexander, Margaret See also: Alexander, Laura & Susan
Alexander, Margaret See also: Alexander Margaret Stuart & Alexander, Charles P., Jr.
Alexander, Margaret Stuart See also: Alexander, Charles Palmer & Alexander, Margaret
Alexander, Marion Stuart See: Johns, John 1796-1876
Alexander, Rebecca Ann Wills See: Alexander, James 1828-1874
Alexander, Sarah Ann See: Nelson, Sarah Ann (Alexander) 1812-1850
Alexander, Sgt. of New Orleans Cadets See: Sheet Music- "Orleans Cadets Quick Step"
Alexander, Susan See: Alexander, Laura
Alexander, William See: Stirling, William Alexander, Earl 1567?-1640
Alexander, William Cabell See also: Alexander, Charles Palmer, Charles P., Jr., Margaret S., & Margaret
Alexander, William Rogers 1852-
Alexander, William Wills 1838-1865
Alexandra, Princess of Wales
Allan, Frances Keeling (Valentine) 1785-1829
Allan, Mr. See: Groups- Haase Family
Allan, W. See: Groups- Jackson T.J.
Allbright, Ola Irvine See: Groups- St. John's Evangelical Church
Allen, Bobbie
Allen, Clara (Walker) 1737-1764/5
Allen, Daniel
Allen, Edgthe -See: Groups- Friends Assn. For Children Board
Allen, Everette G., Jr.
Allen, Forrest See: Allen, Susan
Allen, Frances (Jessup)
Allen, George F., Jr.
Allen, Gilbert See: Groups- Wakefield, Va. High School Stud.
Allen, James 1805-1857 See: Allen, Martha & Heath, Mary Elizabeth
Allen, Jesup Lightfoot 1864-1912
Allen, John See also: Allen, William 1855-1917
Allen, John James 1797-1871
Allen, Joseph
Allen, J. Sidna
Allen, Martha T. (Russell) 1806-1845 See: Allen, James & Heath Mary Elizabeth (Allen)
Allen, Mary Clarkson See: Duyvendak, Mary Clarkson (Allen) Bagby, 1896-
Allen, Mary Elizabeth See: Heath, Mary Elizabeth (Allen) 1829-1901
Allen, Minnie (Anderson) See also: Bagby, Ellen
Allen, Robert
Allen, Robert W., Jr.
Allen, Russell Houston See: group- W&L University, students
Allen, Susan See: Allen, George
Allen, Tandy See: Van Doren, Tandy (Allen) 1835-1873
Allen, Tyler See: Allen, Susan
Allen, Virginia See: groups- Wakefield, Va. H.S. Students
Allen, William
Allen, William 1734-1793 See: Allen, Clara Walker
Allen, William 1855-1917 See: Allen, John
Allen, William Griffin 1815-1875 See: Allen, Frances Jessup
Allen, William Kinkle 1874-1960
Allen, William Raymond 1877- See: group- W&L Univ., students
Alley, C.O.
Alley, Hon. Edmund H.
Alley, Doddridge 1788-1869 See also: Alley, Samuel
Alley, John Shannon 1870-1899 See also: groups- Alley family
Alley, Lena Nellie 1879-1900
Alley, Leo. Glenn 1885-
Alley, McLanson McClallan 1867-1940
Alley, Margeurite See: Alley, Robert
Alley, Mary Jane (Adams) 1834-1914 See also: Alley, Solomon
Alley, May See: Alley, Leo. Glenn
Alley, Milton Daryl See: Alley, Robert
Alley, Mordecai Oliver See: groups- Alley family
Alley, Nancy L. Bunyard 1805-1879 See: Alley, Samuel
Alley, Noah See: groups- Alley family
Alley, Robert See also: Alley, Mary Jane; Alley, Solomon; Alley; McClanson; & Alley family
Alley, Samuel 1808-1875 See: Alley, Doddridge & Alley family
Alley, Samuel J. See: groups- Alley family
Alley, Shannon See: groups- Alley family
Alley, Solomon 1836-1914 See: Alley, Robert; Alley, Mary Jane; & Alley family
Alley, Taswell L. 1861-1937 See also:groups- Alley family
Alley, William M. 1867-1930 See: groups- Alley family
Alley, Zadoc See: groups- Alley family
Allison, Richard
Allman, John Brodie 1895-1958
Allmand, John
Almond, James Lindsey 1898- See also: groups- Eastern Shore of Va. His. Soc.; Virginia Governors
Alpert, Janet A.
Alsop, Albert See: groups- Va. Carolina Chemical Co.
Alsop, Benjamin Pollard See: groups- Va. Carolina Chemical Co.
Alsop, Clair
Alsop, J.B. See: groups- Richmond Auto Show Committee, 1917
Alsop, Joseph 1805-1872
Alsop, Sarah Ann (French) 1816-1886
Alsop, Thomas See: extra o.s.- vmi class 1889-1893 (album)
Alvey, Margaret See: Gaymont #16
Ambler, Catherine Bush (Norton) 1773-1846
Ambler, Elizabeth (Jacqueline) 1709-
Ambler, Gordon Barbour 1896-1951 See also: Ambler, Nancy R.
Ambler, Gordon Barbour, Jr. See: Ambler, Nancy
Ambler, James Markham Marshall 1848-1881
Ambler, John Jacqueline 1801-1854
Ambler, John Marshall See also: Ambler, Sarah Coleman
Ambler, Lucy (Marshall) 1768-1793
Ambler, Mary See: Marshall, Mary (Ambler)
Ambler, Nancy R. See also: Ambler, Gordon B.
Ambler, Sarah Coleman See also: Ambler, John Marshall
Amelia, Princess 1711-1786
Ames, E. Almer, Jr. 1903- See: groups- Eastern Shore of Va. His. Soc.
Ames, Fisher 1758-1808
Ames, Fred F. 1897-1968
Ames, Susie May 1888-1969 See also:groups- Eastern Shore of Va. His. Society
Amherst, Sir Jeffrey 1717-1797
Ammen, Brig. Gen. Jacob
Ammons, R. Allen 1889-1923
Anderson (unidentified) See: Hobson (unidentified)
Andersen, Hans Christian 1805-1875
Anderson, Abner 1832-1906
Anderson, Agnes Sinclair (Glass)
Anderson, Alfred 1887-1942
Anderson, Alfred Scott, Jr. 1904-1971
Anderson, Anne (Thomas) -1848
Anderson, Annie Morriss
Anderson, Archer 1838-1918
Anderson, Calvert Allen
Anderson, Cassandra M. (Shanks) 1807-1887
Anderson, Charles Jefferies 1848-1925
Anderson, Charles R.
Anderson, Charles J.
Anderson, Dorsey Cullen
Anderson, Edward See: groups- St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation, 1913.
Anderson, Eleanor Bowles (Armistead) 1881-1965
Anderson, Elizabeth Lydecker 1883-1963 See: Wise, Elizabeth Lydecker
Anderson, Elizabeth (Schumaker) 1876-1946 See: groups- Richmonders. Richmond coffee party
Anderson, Elisabeth Strother See: Bryan, Elisabeth Strother (Anderson)
Anderson, Ella Bascom See: Roane, Ella Bascom (Anderson)
Anderson, Ellen Graham See: Anderson, Joseph Reid
Anderson, Elmira Frances (Roane) 1825-1918
Anderson, Elsie Cullen See also: Hobson, Fannie Anderson
Anderson, Ezekiel Pickens See also: Anderson, George B.
Anderson, Fannie See: Hobson, Fannie Anderson
Anderson, Francis Thomas 1808-1887
Anderson, George Barksdale
Anderson, George Kimbrough 1860-1930 See also: extra-oversize- Virginia Const. Conv. 1901-1902 album
Anderson, George Thomas 1824-1901 See groups: Confederate generals
Anderson, H.W.
Anderson, Col. Henry A. 1870-1954
Anderson, Howard C.
Anderson, Howard Leake 1886-1917
Anderson, Mrs. J. T. See groups: Church groups- St. John's Evangelical Church
Anderson, James B.
Anderson, James Harper 1854-1923 See also: group photographs
Anderson, Jane
Anderson, John F. T.
Anderson, John T.
Anderson, John Thomas 1803-1879
Anderson, Joseph Reid 1813-1892 See also: Anderson, Calvert Allen; Anderson John F.T; Anderson, John T.; Anderson, Mary Evans (Pegram)
Anderson, Joseph Reid 1851-1930
Anderson, Joseph W. 1836-1863
Anderson, Julian
Anderson, Gen. J. Patton
Anderson, Lily Reid
Anderson, Logan Puryear 1812-1881
Anderson, Louise See: Patten, Louise (Anderson), 1880-1973
Anderson, Marie Burnwell
Anderson, Maria Burnwell (Carter) 1855-1931
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Mary Evans (Pegram) 1830-1911 See also: Anderson, Gen. Joseph Reid
Anderson, Mary Lightfoot See: Garland, Mary Lightfoot (Anderson), 1808-1898
Anderson, Mary Mason
Anderson, Mary (Pickens)
Anderson, Mary Tomlin See: groups- Greenbriar, White Sulfur Springs- Hayride
Anderson, Mason
Anderson, Minnie See: Allen, Minnie (Anderson)
Anderson, Morris
Anderson, Nancy
Anderson, Oliver
Anderson, R. A.
Anderson, Reid
Anderson, Richard Heron 1821-1879 See also: groups- Confederate Generals
Anderson, Robert 1805-1871 See also: groups- oversize- Union generals "Our Generals in the Field"
Anderson, Robert Lane See also: Anderson, Sherwood
Anderson, Ross
Anderson, Sally Reid
Anderson, Samuel Armistead 1850-1928
Anderson, Samuel R.
Anderson, Sherwood See also: Anderson, Robert Lane
Anderson, Thomas O.?
Anderson, William ca.1763-1839
Anderson, William Alexander 1842-1930 See also: extra-oversize: "Virginia Const. Conv.- 1901-1902; See: Anderson, Ellen
Anderson, Wythe See: Perrine Collection (filed by City, by Gallery)
Andre', John 1751-1780
Andrew, John Albion 1818-1867
Andrew, Marietta M.
Andrews, John Summerfield 1902-1953
Andrews, Mary (Blair) 1758-1820
Andrews, Matthew Page See: groups- Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church.
Andrews, T. Coleman
Andrews, Welsley G. See: Hampden-Sydney College, Chi Phi Frat. 1946-47.
Andros, Sir Edmund 1637-1714
Angel, Elizabeth Walker Page See: Wilson, Elizabeth Walker Page (Angel)
Anglesey, Earl of 1614-1686 See: Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Anglesey
Anne, Duchess of Buccleuch 1615-1731
Anne (of Denmark), Queen of England 1574-1619 See also: oversize
Anne, Queen of England 1665-1714
Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Anlesey 1614-1686
Ansley, Lewis M.
Anthony, David John -1911
Anthony, Margaret Couch 1814-1882 See: Cabell, Margaret Couch (Anthony)
Antoinett, Marie
Antrim, Hugh See: groups- Norwood's University School Room "C"
Appleton, George Hough 1854-
Apperson, Harvey Black 1890-1948
Archer, Branch T.
Archer, Edward R.
Archer, Essie 1843-?
Archer, James Jay 1817-1864 See also: Pegram family
Archer, John
Archer, Mary Frances 1819-1900 See: Goodwyin, Mary Frances
Archer, Nina Randolph See: Keith family album
Archer, Robert 1794-1877
Archer, Mrs. Robert
Archer, W. S. 1843-?
Archer, William M.
Archer, William Segar 1789-1855
Argyle, Archibald Campbell, 8th Earl abd 1st Marquiss of 1607-1661
Argyle, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of 1673-1743
Arlington, Henry Bennet, Earl 1618-1685
Arliss, George 1868-1946
Armat, Angie Brooke
Armistead, Cary Champion 1894-1944
Armistead, Eleanor Bowles 1881-1965 See: Anderson, Eleanor Bowles (Armistead)
Armistead, Emily See: Purcell, Elizabeth (Bosher)
Armistead, Frank 1878-1952
Armistead, George 1780-1818
Armistead, Jesse S. 1797-1869
Armistead, John See: Armistead, Roslie (Jones)
Armistead, Judith -1699 See: Carter, Judith (Armistead)
Armistead, Lewis Addison 1817-1863
Armistead, Mary See: Carter, Mary (Armistead)
Armistead, Meriwether Irving 1895-1945
Armistead, Roslie (Jones) 1886-1956
Armistead, Walker K.
Armitage, Laura Emily
Armstead See: groups- Equal Suffrage League of Richmond
Armstrong, Anthony W.
Armstrong, Brig. Gen. Frank C.
Armstrong, James G. -1891
Armstrong, Samuel Chapman 1839-1893 See:Hampton, Va., Hampton Normal & Architectual Institute
Arnald, Josie
Arnett, Trevor See: Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy
Arnold See: groups- Booth, John Wilkes & his Associates
Arnold, Benedict 1741-1801 See also: Arnold, Margaret (Shippen)
Arnold, Charles
Arnold, Herb
Arnold, Margaret (Shippen) 1760-1804 See also: Arnold, Benedict
Arnold, Matthew 1822-1888
Arnold, Maj. Gen. Richard
Arnold, Robert W. 1886-1943
Arnold, Robert Watson 1915-1963
Arrinton, Mary Dade (Thornton) 1886-1979 See: groups- Thornton family and friends
Arthur, Chester A. 1830-1886 See: oversize
Arundel, Thomas Fitzallen (Archbishop)
Arundel, Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Arundel & Surry 1586-1646
Asbury, Francis 1745-1816
Asgill, Sir Charles 1763-1823
Ashburner, A. E.
Ashburner, Charles E. 1938-
Ashby, George
Ashby, James, Jr. 1917-1971
Ashby, Turner 1828-1862 See also: Ashby, Richard; Jackson, Thomas J.; groups- Confederate Generals
Ashe, Arthur 1943-1993
Ashworth, Mrs. O. O.
Aspinall, Lloyd
Asquith, Frank See: groups- oversize A
Asquith, John See: groups- oversize A
Asquith, Mariam See: groups- oversize A
Asquith, Mattie See: groups- oversize A
Asquith, S. A. See: groups- oversize A
Ashton, Walter, 1st Baron 1584-1639 See: oversize
Astor, Nancy Witcher (Langhorne) Shaw 1879-1964 See also: oversize; groups- Astor, Nancy; Bagby, Ellen M.
Atkins, Berthe' Allen 1876- See also: Atkins, Mary
Atkins, Mary 1875- See also: Atkins, Berthe'
Atkins, Stanley See also: groups- Meade family & friends
Atkinson, Ardie See: Duke, Laudne B., Jr.
Atkinson, Hugh Linwood 1908-1963
Atkinson, John Mato Pleasants 1817-1883
Atkinson, Paul Tulane See also: Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy
Atkinson, Samuel Taylor
Atkinson, Thomas
Atkinson, Thomas P.
Atkinson, Virginia See: Hobson, Fannie Anderson
Atwood, Florence Blanton (Chenault)
Atwood, John Randolph
Atwood, Julian Lamar
Atzeroot See: groups- Booth, John Wilkes, & his Assoc.
Auklnad, William Eden, 1st Baron See: oversize
Audubon, John James 1785-1851
August, Thomas P. 1821-1869
Augusta, Pricess of Wales 1719-1772
Augustas, Edward 1739-1767 See: York, Edward Augustus, 10th Duke
Augustus, William See: Cumberland, William Augustus, 3rd Duke
Aulick, Ann Mary (Wetzel) 1759-1834 See: Booker, Ann Mary (Wetzel) Aulick
Aulick, Hamden 1846-1888
Austin, Stephen F.
Austin, W. L.
Atkins, Margaret C.
Avary, Mysta Lockett
Avant, David A., Jr. See: Avant, Eugenia T.
Avant, Eugenia Tatum 1865-1884
Averell, Gwynn Burwell (Patten) See also: Patten, Louise (Anderson)
Avery, E. K.
Avirette, James B. See: van Doren family album
Avirette, John See: van Doren family album
Avirette, Mary (Williams) See: van Doren family album
Avirette, Philip See: van Doren family album
Ayers, Harry J
Ayers, Jeanette 1974-
Ayers, Louisa Victoria (Morison)
Ayers, Rufus Adolphus 1849-1926
Ayers, William
Aylett, Alice (Brockenbrough) -1895
Aylett, John See: Aylett, Lewis Dandridge for family genealogy
Aylett, Judith Page -1942 See: Royall, Judith Page (Aylett)
Aylett, Lewis Dandridge 1856- See also: Williams, T. B.; Aylett, Mary Sheppard
Aylett, Mary -1796 See: Fairfax, Mary (Aylett)
Aylett, Mary Sheppard 1887- See also: Aylett, Lewis Dandridge
Aylett, Patrick Henry 1825-1870
Aylette, Pattie Walker See: Ward, Pattie Walker (Aylette) Cabell Bliss