Cabaniss - Cutts: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Cabaniss, Florance |
Cabaniss, Sadie Heath |
Cabell, Agnes Sarah Bell 1783-1863 (Gamble) ( Mrs. William H.Cabell) |
Cabell, Alice Winston See:Palmer,Alice Winston (Cabell) |
Cabell, Ballard Hartwell 1915- |
Cabell, Mrs. Caskie See groups: Bagby, Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne) and friends. |
Cabell, Clifford 1885-1931 |
Cabell, Col. Edward A. 1797-1869 |
Cabell, Elvira -1859 See: Bruce, Elvira (Cabell) Henry |
Cabell, Elizabeth See: Lewis, Elizabeth (Cabell) |
Cabell, Frances Grace 1852- See: Campbell, Frances Grace (Cabell) |
Cabell, George jr. |
Cabell, Henry Coalter 1820-1889 |
Cabell, Henry Landon 1858-1936 |
Cabell, James Branch 1879-1958 See also groups: William and Mary Collage-Kappa Alpha Fraternity 1895- 96. |
Cabell, James Branch 1879-1958 |
Cabell, James Lawrence 1813-1889 See also: oversize |
Cabell, John Jordan 1772-1834 |
Cabell, John Willis |
Cabell, Joseph Carrington 1778-1856 |
Cabell, Joseph Hartwell 1863-1955 |
Cabell, Julia Calvert (Bolling) 1834-1923 |
Cabell, Margaret Etta |
Cabell, Patrick Henry Carey |
Cabell, Patrick Matthews |
Cabell, Patrick Henry "Pat" |
Cabell, Randolph |
Cabell, Royal Eubank |
Cabell, Somers E. |
Cabell, Roller, family and servants |
Cabell, Mayo |
Cabell, Nicholas 1667-1730 |
Cabell, Nicholas 1750-1803 |
Cabell, Patrick Henry 1837-1907 |
Cabell, Pattie Waller (Aylett) See: Ward, Pattie Waller (Aylett) Cabell Bliss |
Cabell, Philip Barraud 1836-1904 |
Cabell, Priscilla (Bradley) Shephard -1949 |
Cabell, Mark Rice (Garland) 1804-1893 |
Cabell, Mary Washington 1846-1917 See: Early, Mary Washington (Cabell) |
Cabell, Mary Hopkins See: Beckinridge, Mary Hopkins (Cabell) |
Cabell, Magaret Waller (Freeman) See also groups: Virginia Historical Society, ie., Mrs. James Branch Cabell |
Cabell, Margaret Crouch (Anthony) 1814-1882 |
Cabell, Margaret Baldwin 1826-1877 See: Brown, Margaret Baldwin (Cabell) |
Cabell, Rachel (Hooper) -1737 Wife of Nicholas Cabell |
Cabell, Randolph |
Cabell,Robert Henry 1799-1876 |
Cabell, Sallie (Logan) -1954 |
Cabell, W.C. See groups: Blue Ridge Springs,Va. |
Cabell, William Henry 1772 -1853 Governor of Virginia |
Cabell, William H. See groups:Charge of the V.M.I. Cadets. |
Cabell family, unidentified |
Cabell family, houses |
Cabot, Sebastian Ca. 1476-1557 |
Cadman, Helen |
Cadot, Andrew |
Cadot, Henry |
Caesar, See: Hollins Collage, Hollins Va. |
Caffey, Jerusa May (Rives) 1837-1861 |
Cake, Col. Henry L. |
Caldwell, Peggie |
Calhoun, John Caldwell 1782-1850 |
Call, Almon E. |
Call, Manfred |
Call, M.L. |
Call, Norman See groups: Richmond VA Central School |
Call, Norman 1880-1959 |
Call, Norman |
Callaway, William 1717-1777 |
Callaway, William Aylett |
Callis, Eliza |
Callis, Joel |
Callis, John Dennis 1845-1854 |
Calvert, Cecelius Ca.1605-1675 See: Baltimore, Cecelius Calvert, 2nd baron |
Calvert, Helen 1750-1833 See: Read, Helen (Calvert) Maxwell |
Calvert, Margaret Walke ie., Mrs. John Calvert |
Canidos, James Lyle 1888-1970 |
Cambray-Digny, Louis-Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Chevalier de -1822 |
Camden, Charles Pratt 1713-1793 Earl Lord chancellor in 1766 8/16/60 Bassire-Reynolds 16/60 8/16/60 Faber 15/0 See:oversize |
Cameton, Alexander |
Cameron, Flora |
Cameron, Mary Parke (Haxall) 1846-1915 |
Cameron, William Everlyn 1842-1927 See extra-oversize: Album"Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902". |
Camm, Gertrude See groups: White Sulphur Springs, W. VA |
Cammack, John W. |
Camp, George Washington -1823 |
Camp, Frances (Willoughby) (Mrs.George W.Camp) |
Camp, W.C. See groups:American National Bank directors. |
Campbell, Alexander -1860 |
Campbell, Gen. Alexander W. |
Campbell, Anne |
Campbell, Archibald Algeron -1921 |
Campbell, Bruce |
Campbell, Carrie Lee 1867-1952 See group (persons): Campbell's (Rev.and Mrs.) school, Richmond, VA |
Campbell, Catherine Clairmonte ca. 1895-1853 |
Campbell, Charles 1807-1876 |
Campbell, Brig. Gen. Charles T. |
Campbell, Clarance Jackson 1863 - See extra oversize: Album" Virginia Constitutional Convention-1901-02". |
Campbell, David 1779-1843 |
Campbell, Edmond Douglass -1880 |
Campbell, Eva J. |
Campbell, Frances Grace (Cabell) 1852- |
Campbell, George William |
Campbell, Harriet |
Campbell, Henry Terry 1858- See also groups: Early family. |
Campbell, Mr. and Campbell, Hester Penner |
Campbell, James Laurence See groups: Early family |
Campbell, James |
Campbell, John 1678-1743 See: Argyle, John 2nd duke of, |
Campbell, John 1705-1782 See: Loudon,John Campbell 4th earl of, |
Campbell, Judith Scott 1855 See groups: Early family |
Campbell,Isabelle Paxton 1862-1958 See: Cannon, Isabelle (Campbell) |
Campbell, Letitia Smith 1839-1887 |
Campbell, M.D. |
Campbell, Preston White 1874-1954 See also extra oversize: Album "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901- 02". |
Campbell, Ruth |
Campbell, Sally Brown 1822-1851 |
Campbell, Sarah Buchanan 1766-1846 See: Preston, Sarah Buchanan (Campbell) |
Campbell, Sprigg |
Campbell, Sturart Bland 1888-1973 |
Campbell, Susan 1856-1935 See groups: Early family |
Campbell, T.P. |
Campbell, Virginia Eppes (Dance) See groups (persons): Campbell's (Rev.and Mrs.) school, Richmond, VA |
Campbell, Volney Howard 1919-1967 |
Campbell, Wade Hampton |
Campbell, Brig. Gen. William B. |
Campbell, William Addison 1829-1896 See groups (persons): Campbell's (Rev.and Mrs.) School, Richmond VA |
Campbell, W. John jr. 1928-1993 |
Campbell, Willie See: Perrine collection, Filed by City, by gallery. |
Campbell, William S. |
Campbell, Mrs. Willie See groups (persons): Campbell's (Rev and Mrs.) school, Richmond VA |
Canby, Edward Sprigg, 1817-1873 |
Cann, Edward H. |
Cannon, Isabelle P. (Campbell) See group (persons): Campbell's (Rev.and Mrs,) school, Richmond VA |
Cannon, James 1864-1944 |
Canter, Dr. Hall jr. |
Canter, Samuel Redd 1876- |
Cantry, Brig. Gen, James |
Capel, Arthur 1631-1683 See: Essex, Arthur Capel, 1st earl (7th creation) |
Capers, Nellie (Roberston) See groups (persons): Campbell's (Rev.and Mrs.) school, Richmond VA |
Capers, Brig. Gen. Ellison |
Caperton, Allen Taylor 1810-1876 |
Caperton, Helena 1878-1962 |
Caperton, Hugh 1781-1874 |
Caplin, Mortimer M. |
Capps, Fannie Bernard 1861-1921 See: Couper, Fannie Bernard (Capps) |
Capps, Washington Tazwell 1829-1905 |
Carbonall(?), Liet Julian See groups: Lee, Fitzhugh and staff. |
Carbutt, John |
Carden, Roscoe C. |
Cardin, J.J. |
Cardozo, L.A. See groups: Blue Ridge Springs,VA |
Cardwell, Alice See: Perrine collection, filed by City,by gallery. |
Cardwell, John Wesley 1821- |
Cardwell, Richard Henry |
Carew, Sir Nicholas -1539 |
Carey, Mrs. John B. |
Carey, Matthew |
Carlton, Ambrose 1808-1878 |
Carlton, Caroline Gardener See: Branch, Caroline Gardener (Carlton) |
Carleton, Dudley 1573-1632 See: Dorchester, Dudley Carleton 1st viscount. |
Carleton, Sir Guy |
Carleton, Helen Frances See: Ransom, Helen Frances (Carlton) |
Carleton, Henry Boyle -1725 See: oversize |
Carleton, Hubbard G. 1849-1941 |
Carleton, Mary Augusta -1919 See: McKenny, Mary Augusta (Carlton) |
Carlisle, Charles Howard 1674-1738 3rd earl Lord treasuer in 1701 8/16/60 Faber-Kneller 1/10/0 |
Carlisle, Mildred See groups: White Sulphur Springs,W,Va. |
Carlton, Joseph 1809-1881 |
Carmichael family See: Powell family album |
Carmichael, Dimple See also: oversize |
Carmichael, Harriette See: Powell family album |
Carmichael, Hartley 1854-1903 |
Carmichael, R.B. See: Powell family album |
Carnegie, Andrew 1835-1919 |
Carney, Alonzo Boleyn 1878-1950 |
Caroline, queen of England 1683-1737 4-7-60 Vertue 0/8/0 6-30-61 Van Haecken 1/8/- 6-30-61 Smith 1/4/- |
Caroline, daughter of GeorgeII of England 1-30-61 Faber 1/5/- And his wife Caroline 6-30-61 Faber(Hysing) 1/8/- |
Carr, Dabney 1773-1837 |
Carr, Julian S. |
Carr, Nancy (Carr) |
Carr, Peter 1770-1815 |
Carreras, William L. |
Carrick, William C. |
Carrico, Harry L. -1916 See also groups: Virginia Supreme Court. |
Carrier, Ronald |
Carrington, C |
Carrington, George W. |
Carrington, Henry B. |
Carrington, Maria See: Weems, Maria (Carrington) |
Carrington, Mary (Watkins) |
Carrington, Paul jr. 1764-1816 |
Carrington, Paul S. 1798-1866 |
Carrington, Sarah |
Carrington, Tucker |
Carrington, William Allen 1830-1866 |
Carrington, William Cornelius |
Carroll, Daniel Long 1787- |
Carroll, William H. |
Carruthers, Mr. See groups: Virginia University Board 1933 |
Carson, Allae (Reynolds) |
Carson, Kit |
Carson, Maria Elizabeth 1815-1900 |
Carson, Theodore M. 1824-1902 |
Carson, Walter Lapsley 1894-1954 |
Carter, Addison Bowles ca.1805- |
Carter, Anne (Byrd) 1725-1757 |
Carter, Anne Hill 1773-1829 See: Lee, Anne Hill (Carter) |
Carter, Bernard Moore 1780-1842 |
Carter, Betty Landon |
Carter, Charles "of Cleve" 1707-1764 |
Carter, E ? (Black artist) |
Carter, Edmondia Fauntleroy (Corbin) 1821-1917 |
Carter, Edward |
Carter, Elizabeth Hill 1731-1760 See: Byrd, Elizabeth Hill (Carter) |
Carter, Elizabeth (Landon) Willis 1684-1719 Wife of Robert Carter (1663-1719) |
Carter, Elizabeth( Wormley) 1714-1740 1st wife of Landon Carter |
Carter, Frances Ann (Tasker) 1738-1787 ie., Mrs. Robert Carter III |
Carter, Eilzabeth Wormley See: Berkley, Elizabeth Wormley (Carter) |
Carter, Evelyn |
Carter, Ezra Thomas 1874-1965 |
Carter, George W. Sr. See: Brown, Norman |
Carter, Henry Clay 1841-1931 |
Carter, Hill 1846-1918 See extra oversize: Album- "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-02". |
Carter, James T. -1959 |
Carter, John -1743 |
Carter, John C. |
Carter, John Mustain |
Carter, John W. 1887-1941 |
Carter, Judith (Armistead) -1699 Wife of "King" Carter (1663-1732) |
Carter, Landon 1710-1778 |
Carter, Landon 1757-1820 |
Carter, Lucy 171?-1773 See: Harrison, Lucy (Carter) Fitzhugh |
Carter ,Lucy Landon See: Minor,Lucy Landon (Carter) |
Carter, Mann Page |
Carter, Margaret (Woolfolk) 1895-1984 |
Carter, Maria (Byrd) 1727-1744 |
Carter, Mary -1898 See: Minigerode, Mary (Carter) Wife of Rev. Charles Fredrick Mingerode(1814-1894) |
Carter, Mary Armistead Wife of Landon Carter |
Carter, Mary Elizabeth See: Davis, Mary Elizabeth (Carter) |
Carter, Mary (Nelson) 1774-1803 Wife of Robert Carter |
Carter, Mary Randoph (Hicks) 1867-1930 |
Carter, Pamela (Herndon) Lewis 1839-1929 |
Carter, Priscilla (Churchill) See: Lewis, Priscilla (Churchill) Carter |
Carter, Randolph Hicks 1904- |
Carter, Randoph Scott |
Carter, Richard H. Dr. |
Carter, Richard Venty 1906-1973 See also groups: Associated Press banquet In Richmond ca.1927-28 |
Carter, Robert 1663-1732 See also: oversize |
Carter, Robert II 1705-1732 |
Carter, Robert 1728-1804 |
Carter, Robert |
Carter, Robert 1774-1805 |
Carter, Robert Hill See groups: Virginia Historical Society |
Carter, Sam See groups: Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Development. |
Carter, Shirley |
Carter, Sophia |
Carter, Spencer Leslie 1873-1950 See extra oversizez: Photograph album, V.M.I. class 1889-93 |
Carter, Thomas See group: Carter ordination (1642) |
Carter, Thomas 1826-1908 |
Carter, Thomas Henry 1831-1908 See also: R.E. Lee camp album Extra oversize |
Carter, Thomas M. |
Carter, Walter Harrison 1890-1965 |
Carter, W.J. |
Carter, Mrs. William See group: Richmonders, Richmond coffee Party. |
Carter, Williams 1782-ca.1860 |
Cartier, Jacques 1491-1557 |
Cartwright, John 1740-1824 Chaplain of American Independence 3/23/61 Meyer 10/0 3/23/61 Adam Buck 6/0 |
Cartwright, Peter 1785-1872 |
Cary, Archibald 1721-1787 |
Cary, Catherine |
Cary, Constance 1843-1920 See: Harrison, Constance (Cary) |
Cary, George Edward 1887-1951 |
Cary, Henry 1575-1633 See: Falkland, Henry Cary 1st viscount. |
Cary, Hetty 1871-1943 See: Harrison, Hetty (Cary) |
Cary, Hetty 1836-1892 See: Martin, Hetty (Cary) Pegram |
Cary, John Baytop 1819-1898 |
Cary, Lott 1780-1828 |
Cary, Martha 1686-1737 See: Jacquelin, Martha (Cary) |
Cary, Miles |
Cary, Miles Davis 1875- |
Cary, Monimia Fairfax 1820-1875 |
Cary, Sally 1730-1811 See: Fairfax, Sally (Cary) |
Cary, Virginia (Randoph) 1786-1852 ie., Mrs. Wilson Jefferson Cary |
Cary, Wilson Miles 1838-1914 |
Cascie, Andrew J. |
Caskie, George Evans 1858-1919 |
Caskie, James Randoph 1885-1969 |
Cass, Lewis 1782-1866 |
Castle, Geraldine Marie (and Mother) |
Castleman, Robert Allen jr. |
Castleman, Virginia C. |
Cather, Thomas Russell 1888-1944 |
Catherine (of Braganza) 1638-1705 Queen of England 4-7-60 Freeman -5/0 6-30-61 Dunkarton 1/1/- |
Callett, Maria Breckinridge 1860-1930 See: Gordon, Maria Breckinridge (Callett) |
Catlin, George 1796-1872 |
Caton, Harry Bernard 1879-1949 |
Caton, James Randall 1851-1935 |
Caton, James Randall jr. |
Catt, Carrie Chapman 1859-1947 |
Catte, Gordon Rives |
Catterall, Ralph Charles Henry |
Catterall, Ralph T. |
Catterson, Robert Francis |
Cavendish, Thomas 1560-1592 Explorer 5/20/60 Passe (1620) 6/0 " Passe (15980 2/10/0 |
Cavendish, William 1720-1764 See: Devonshire, William Cavendish , 4th duke. |
Cayce, George M. -1886 |
Cazenove, Frances Ansley 1839-1884 See: Minor, Frances Ansley (Cazenove) |
Cease, George |
Cecchini, A.J. See: McGuire's University School, Football squad 1976 |
Cecchini, Paul, family See groups: Cecchini family |
Cecil, Edward 1571-1638 See: Wimbleton, Edward Cecil 1st viscount. |
Cecil, Robert 1542-1662 See: Salisbury, Robert Cecil 1st Cecil, |
Cecil, Thomas 1542-1662 See : Exeter, Thomas Cecil 1st earl. |
Cecil, William 1520-1598 See: Burleigh, William Cecil, baron. |
Cecil, William 1591-1668 See: Salisbury, William Cecil 2nd earl. |
Chaffee, Adna R. jr. See groups: Inauguration, Theodore Rooseavelt, 1905. |
Chaffin, Adelaide Wilson 1876-1952 |
Chaffin, Ann Elizabeth 1841- See: Easley, Ann Elizabeth (Chaffin) |
Chaffin, John See groups: Norwood's University school Room "C". |
Chaffin, John Harvie 1861- |
Chaffin, Mary Blair 1872-1952 See: Vinson, Mary Blair (Chaffin) |
Chaffin, Martha Giles 1847- See: Akin, Martha Giles (Chaffin) |
Chaffin, Richard Booker 1844-1902 See Also: group photographs. |
Chafin, Sarah Heron (Harvie) 1844-1924 |
Chaffin, Susan Adeline (Wilson)1815-ca.1883 See group: Chaffin, Richard Booker- (1844-1902) |
Chalk, Charles |
Chalk, Virginia |
Chalmers, Brig. Gen. James R. |
Chalmers, John Armstrong 1862-1935 |
Chaloner, Sir Thomas 1559-1615 Member of Virginia Company and Virginia Council. 5/20/60 Earlon 15/0 See: oversize |
Chamberlain, Joshua L. |
Chamberlain? |
Chamberlain, Crenshaw? |
Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson 1876-1939 |
Chamberlayne, Crenshaw 1879-1964 |
Chamberlayne, Eddy See groups: Chamberlayne family. |
Chamberlayne, Edward Pyle |
Chamberlayne, Elzabeth Gibson 1880- See: Chamberlayne, Lewis Parke (1879-1917) |
Chamberlayne, Francis West 1832-1904 |
Chamberlayne, Hartwell Mr. See groups: Chamberlain family |
Chamberlayne, Mrs.Hartwell See groups: Chamberlain family |
Chamberlayne, John Hampden 1838-1882 See also: Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson. |
Chamberlayne, John Hampden II 1878-1925 |
Chamberlayne, John Hampden III |
Chamberlayne, Lewis See groups: Chamberlayne family. |
Chamberlayne, Lewis Parke 1879-1917 |
Chamberlayne, Lewis Webb 1798-1854 |
Chamberlayne, Lucy Atkinson 1875-1944 See: Scott, Lucy Atkinson (Chamberlayne) |
Chamberlayne, Lucy Parke 1842-1927 See: Bagby, Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne) |
Chamberlayne, Maria Burwell (Dabney) 1802-1883 |
Chamberlayne, Martha Dabney 1874- See: McNeill, Martha Dabney (Chamberlayne) |
Chamberlayne, Mary Walker (Gibson) 1849-1905 |
Chamberlayne, Sally See groups: Chamberlayne family |
Chamberlayne, Virginia Dilworth See: McDonald, Virginia Dillworth (Chamberlayne) |
Chamberlayne, Virginia (Hanes) 1832-1904 Wife of Francis West Chamberlayne See: Chamberlayne, Francis West |
Chamberlayne, William |
Chamberlayne, Wiiliam Nelson 1870-1892 |
Chambers, Alexander |
Chambers, Benjamin Duval See groups: Virginia Theological Semiary Alexandria, VA 1910. |
Chambers, Edward R. 1795-1872 |
Chambers, Henrietta Lucy 1826-1845 |
Chambers, Lenoir 1891-1970 |
Chambers, Lucy Goode (Tucker) 1805-1854 |
Chambers, Martha Eppes 1830-1878 See: Laird, Martha |
Chambers, Mary Allen |
Chambers, Rose 1842-1921 See: Goode, Rose (Chambers) |
Chambers, William Allen |
Chambliss, John Randolph 1833-1864 |
Chambliss, Capt. W.P. |
Champe, John |
Chapin, Brig. Gen. Edward P. -1863 |
Champion, Rebecca -1723 See: Broadnax, Rebecca (Champion) Travis. |
Champlin, Brig. Gardener |
Chancellor, James Edgar 1826- See also: Van Doren family album. |
Chancellor, Melzi Sanford 1859-1925 See: Fredricksburg, VA, views-folder |
Chancellor, S. Caroll 1860-1905 |
Chandeler, Alvin Duke 1902- See: William and Mary Collage- Inauguration of President. |
Chandeler, Anne Hamilton |
Chandeler, Delacey M. |
Chandeler, Emma Temple |
Chandeler, Ferdinand Fairfax 1897-1965 |
Chandeler, Joseph S. |
Chandeler, Julian Alvin Carroll 1872-1934 |
Chandeler, Juliette 1870- See: Messer, Juliette (Chandeler) |
Chandeler, Lucy Sommerville |
Chandeler, Marie Louise |
Chandeler, Norburne Eaton |
Chandeler, Ruben Grigsby 1852- |
Chandeler, Samuel Temple |
Chandeler, Virginia Hamilton (Pope) 1885- See: Pope, Elizabeth Grigsby (Hamilton) |
Chandeler, Warren M. |
Chanless, See: Bagby, Philip Haxall, (1882-191?) Photograph no.12 |
Chanler, Amilie Rives 1863-1945 See: Trubetskoy, Ameilie Rives (Chanler) |
Chanler, John Armstrong 1862-1935 See: Chaloner, John Armstrong |
Channing, Richard Moore |
Channell, Chester 1841-1864 |
Channing, William Ellery 1780-1842 |
Chapin, Israel |
Chapin, Juliana See: Smith, Juliana (Chapin) McPherson |
Chapline, J.E. |
Chapman, Hunter B. 1866- See extra oversize: "Virginia Constitutional Convention - 1901-02 |
Chapman, Nathaniel 1780-1853 |
Chapman, Col. W.T. |
Chappelear, Nancy See: Baird, Nancy C. |
Chappell, Bertie |
Chappell, John Taylor 1845-1915 For original see: Chappell papers. |
Charlemagne ca.742-814 |
Charles I 1600-1649 King of Great Britain See also: oversize 4-7-60 Faber 1/10/0 4-7-60 White 0/6/0 4-7-60 Beckett 0/16/0 5-4-61 Passe 2/2/0 6-30-61 Smith -/10/6 6-30-61 Oval Smith -/16/- |
Charles II 1630-1685 King of Great Britain 4-7-60 VanDalen 2/2/0 6/30/61 Quieter 1/5/- filed , 4-7-60 Evans 7/0 |
Charlotte 1744-1818 Queen of England 4-7-60 Ryland18/0 4-7-60 Evans 7/0 See: oversize |
Chase, Elisha 1790-1844 |
Chase, Isabella Watkins (Taylor) See: Taylor, Geo. Alex. Watkins Jr. |
Chase, Roland Ephriam 1867-1948 |
Chase, S.P. |
Chase, Samuel 1741-1811 |
Chase, Virginia 1874-1948 See: Weddell, Virginia (Chase) Steadman. |
Chase, Salmon Portland 1808-1873 |
Chatham, Wiiliam Pitt 1708-1778 1st earl |
Cheatham, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Franklin |
Cheatham, Frank |
Cheek, Cabell(Brown) See: Roome, Cabell (Brown) Cheek |
Cheek, Mary Tyler(Freeman) |
Cheek, Molly |
Chelf family, unidentified photos. See: Dabney family. |
Chenault, Fred |
Chenault, Rosa Edgar Pollard |
Cherry, John W. |
Chesley, Harry See group: Virginia Theological Seminary Alexandra, VA Class of 1878. |
Chesnut, William Calvin 1873-1962 |
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope 1633-1713 2nd earl Privy council (Colonial) in 1681. 9/30/60 Scriven 2/0 |
Chesterman, Evan R. |
Chesterman, W.D. See: Pic 925.5 Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Co. A 46th VA Regt. |
Chesterman, William Dallas |
Chevallie, Jean Auguste Marie 1765-1838 |
Chevallie, Peter Joseph 1791-1837 |
Chew, Roger Preston 1843-1921 |
Chewning, Billy See also Group: Chewning, William, Jeffries family. |
Chewning, Margo (Couzens) See group: Chewning (William Jeffries) Family. |
Chewning, Margo Ann See group: Chewning (William Jeffries) Family. |
Chewning, Ruben (1st) |
Chewning, Wiiliam Jeffries See group: Chewning (William Jeffries) Family. |
Chewton, Charles 1751-1789 See: Wadergrave, George Chewton, 4th earl |
Chicheley, Sir Henry 1615-1683 |
Chichester, Cassius Moncure 1882-1950 |
Chichester, John H. |
Chichester, Julia (Sully) -1863 |
Chichester, Richard Henry Lee 1870-1930 |
Childe, Cathrine Mildred (Lee) 1811-1856 |
Childress, Sarah 1803-1891 See: Polk, Sarah (Childress) Wife of James Knox Polk. |
Childrey, Marion Mease |
Childs, See groups: Wise family and friends. |
Childs, Margaret Elizabeth 1835- |
Childs, James Rives 1893- |
Chiles, Dr. Luther Rice |
Chilton, Margaret |
Chilton, Robert H. |
Chilton, Samuel Blackwell 1900- See: Protestant Episcaopal church St.Peter's New Kent county,VA |
Chiswell, Elizabeth (Randoph) ca. 1722-1776 Wife of John Chiswell. |
Chittenden, William B. |
Chitwood, Joseph Howard 1877-1940 |
Choate, Rufus 1799-1859 |
Chorley, Kenneth 1893- |
Chowning, Mary Chilton |
Chowning, Robert Granville 1865- |
Chowning, Thomas Jackson 1867- |
Christian, |
Christian, Dr. |
Christian, Mrs. H(orace?) B. See: Christian, H(orace?) B. |
Christian, Andrew Dunscomb 1892-1947 |
Christian, Bettie Allen |
Christian, Edward D. |
Christain, Elizabeth (Steptoe) |
Christian, Miss Emily See groups: Galt, Annie A. |
Christian, Frances W. |
Christian, Frank Patterson 1897-1944 |
Christian, Frank Wood 1851-1908 |
Christian, George Llewellyn 1841-1924 |
Christian, Helen (Steptoe) |
Christian, Horace B. II See also: Christian, H(orace?) B. |
Christian, Jackson |
Christian, Julia Laura (Jackson) 1862-1889 See: Jackson, Thomas Jonathan (1824-1863) |
Christian, Maj. Langdon Taylor |
Christian, Langdon Taylor |
Christian, Lightfoot Turnbull (Sims) |
Christian, Mat |
Christian, Mollie H. See Persons (group): (Rev. and Mrs.) Campbell's School, Richmond VA |
Christian, Nellie |
Christian, Rebecca (Ruffin) |
Christian, Sallie |
Christian, Samuel Bedloe 1919-1879 |
Christian, Stuart G. See groups: Virginia Historical Society Grand opening. |
Christian, Thomas Branch |
Christian, Virginia |
Christian, Walter |
Christian, Warren |
Christian, Dr. William Steptoe |
Crysler, Gen. |
Churchill, Clementine (Hozer) See groups: Williamsburg, VA 1946. |
Churchill, Priscilla See: Lewis, Priscilla (Churchill) Carter. |
Churchill, Maj. Gen. Thomas J. |
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spenser 1874-1965 See also groups: Williamsburg, VA |
Cilley, Jonathan P. |
Cinds, Augustus H. |
Clack, Franklin Hulse 1828-1864 |
Claflin, Tennie C. (Mrs.) |
Claggett, Ann (Brown) See: Hanson, Ann (Brown) Claggett Horner. |
Claiborne, Herbert Augustine 1886-1957 See also groups: Virginia Historical Society. |
Claiborne, Jeane Alston |
Claiborne, Jennie |
Claiborn, John |
Claiborne, John Herbert 1763- |
Claiborne, John Herbert 1828-1905 |
Claiborne, Sterling |
Claiborne, William ca.1587-1677 |
Claiborne, William Charles Coles 1775-1817 Born in Sussex County,Va 7/112/61 Longacre 0/2/6 (Suckling) |
Clairmonte, Catherine 1895-1953 See: Campbell, Catherine (Clairmonte) Freedman's Village See: Arlington. |
Clapp, Fanny |
Clapp, Verner See Groups: Barrow Research Labatory. |
Clare, John Holles 1564-1637 1st earl Member of the Virginia Company 5/20/60 Clamp 3/6 |
Clarendon, Edward Hyde 1609-1674 1st earl Lord Treasurer in 1660 8/16/60 Loggan 10/0 8/16/60 Lodge 6/0 |
Clarendon, Henry Hyde 1638-1700 2nd earl Privy Council(clonial) in 1680 9/30/60 Harding 5/0 |
Clark-family or friends, unidentified |
Clark, A.B. |
Clark, Annie See groups: Wakefiekd, VA High School Students. |
Clark, Champ |
Clark, Charles |
Clark, Claude See groups: Wakefield, VA High School Students. |
Clark, Daisy P. See: Clark, Willian J. |
Clark, Lt. Elijah |
Clark, Elise Thompson |
Clark, Eliza Ann (Sprangins) 1821-1897 |
Clark, Estelle Goodman Adele Clark's mother. |
Clark, (Francis?) Glasgow |
Clark, Sir Francis and daugher Dorothy |
Clark, George Rogers 1752-1818 1/11/61 Welch 0/2/6 (Suckling) |
Clark, Gerardus |
Clark, Grace Willis (Thompson) 1856-1940 |
Clark, J.B. (Col.) |
Clark, John See groups. |
Clark, John B. |
Clark, Jonathan See: Heron, William |
Clark, John W. |
Clark, Littleberry |
Clark, Elsie Thompson 1881-1950 See: White, Anita Grace (Clark) |
Clark, Mark Wayne 1896- See group photograph: Jamerson, George Hariston (1869-1960) |
Clark, Mary |
Clark, Mrs. Mark Wayne See groups: Jamerson, George Hairston |
Clark, Mrs. |
Clark, Norma Goodner (Lynch) See photograph album: Lynch family. |
Clark, Peter Cunningham See group photograph: Hampdem-Sydney Collage, Hampden-Sydney,VA student group. |
Clark, Phebe ie., Mrs. Littleberry Clark. |
Clark, Sallie |
Clark, Thomas B. 1851-1919 |
Clark, W.F. |
Clark, William, 1770-1838 |
Clark, William J. |
Clark, Mrs. William Wife of William (1770-1838) |
Clark, William Meade 1855-1914 |
Clarke, Adele 1882-1983 |
Clarke, Augustus Burfoot 1818-1898 |
Clarke, Bolling Byrd See: Byrd Richard E. |
Clarke, Charles Hammett 1827- |
Clarke, Creston |
Clarke, Elizabeth Iris Southall 1871-1958 See: Gordon, Elizabeth Iris Southall Clarke Gordon Biddle. |
Clarke, Eva Turner |
Clarke, Junius Archer See: Perrine Collection, Filed by City, by gallery. |
Clarke, Kellie C. (Miss) |
Clarke, Lizzie See groups: Taliferro/Brander wedding Party. "Southern Beauties" Representing 12 States. |
Clarke, George Harvey 1852-1931 |
Clarke, George Stanley See: Clarke, Mary Pollard. |
Clarke, Mary Ellen (Pollard) 1862-1939 Wife of George Harvey Clarke. |
Clarke, Powhatan |
Clarke, Rebecca Bell 991.88 |
Clarkson, Matthew |
Clary, Paul See group photograph: Bainbridge Jr.High School, Richmond, VA Safefty patrol. |
Clay, Henry 1777-1852 Born in Hanover County Va. 7/5/61 Sartain, oversize (Argosy) 7/5/61 Robinson, oversize (Argosy) 7/11/61 Jackman 0/2/0 (Suckling) 7/11/61 Edwards 0/2/0 (Suckling) 7/11/61 Sealey 0/2/0 (Suckling) 7/11/61 Willard 0/2/0 (Suckling) 7/17/61 D'Argnon oversize (Agosy) 8/21/61 Longacre (Goodspeeds) |
Clayton, Powell |
Clayton, Graham 1852-1903 |
Claytor, Samuel 1794-1831 |
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne 1835-1910 "Mark Twain" |
Clement, James Turner 1874-1944 |
Clement, Nathaniel Elliot 1872-1950 |
Clements, Jennie |
Clemm, Maria |
Clemm, Virginia 1822-1847 See: Poe, Virginia (Clemm) |
Clendenin, William |
Cleaneay, Norma Stuart |
Cleveland, Duchess of See: Villiers, Barbara |
Cleveland, Grover 1837-1908 See: Cleveland Stephen Grover |
Cleveland, Mary Rebecca -1911 See: Cocker, Mary Rebecca (Cleveland) |
Clevinger, French M. 1884-1931 |
Clifford, (of Chuleigh) Thomas 1630-1673 1st baron Lord treasuer in 1672 8/16/60 Scriven 4/0 8/16/60 Lodge 6/0 oversize |
Clingman, Charles See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA |
Clinton, DeWitt 1769-1828 |
Clinton, Florence Edith See: Sutro, Florence Edith (Clinton), 1865-1906 |
Clinton, George 1739-1812 |
Clinton, Sir Henry 1738?-1795 |
Clinton, Hillary Rodham |
Clinton, R. S. See groups: Military-Doctors, 1917 |
Clinton, William Jefferson |
Clipp, James Boyd |
Clopton |
Clopton, John Bacon 1789-1860 |
Clopton, Mary (Booker) |
Clopton, Minnie Vaden (Mrs. William I. Clopton) |
Clopton, William I. 1839-1909 |
Clough, Joel |
Cloyd, David M. |
Cloyd, Mary See: McGavock, Mary (Cloyd), 1741-1827 |
Coalter, Frances Bland (Tucker) 1779-1813 |
Coalter, Henry St. John 1869-1911 |
Coalter, Judge John 1750-1837 |
Coalter, Judith Harrison (Tomlin) |
Coalter, John 1769-1838 |
Coalter, Judith Harrison (Tomlin) 1807-1859 |
Cobb, Daniel W. |
Cobb, E. C. |
Cobb, N. A. |
Cobb, Thomas Reade Rootes 1823-1862 |
Cobb, William L. 1850- See extra oversized: Album- "Virginia Constitutional Convention-1901-1902" |
Cobbs, George N. See groups: Civil War Centennial Commission-West Virginia |
Cochran, George Moffett 1832-1900 |
Cochran, George M. See also groups: Virginia Supreme courts |
Cochran, Herbert G. |
Cochran, John |
Cochran, John Lewis 1827- |
Cochran, Peyton 1880-1969 |
Cochran, Susan Baldwin (Robertson) 1887- |
Cochran, William Berkeley 1810- |
Cochran, William Lynn (D?) |
Cocke, Ann See: Bollong, Ann (Cocke) |
Cocke, Ann Harrison See: Mason, Anne Harrison (Cocke), 1860- |
Cocke, Benjamin 1780-1836 |
Cocke, Betsey (Fauntleroy) |
Cocke, Betty B. |
Cocke, Bowler |
Cocke, Charles Lewis 1820-1901 |
Cocke, Edmonia Randolph 1879-1886 |
Cocke, Eliza |
Cocke, Eliza Bernard Meredith 1848-1922 |
Cocke, Elizabeth (Bunny) |
Cocke, Elizabeth |
Cocke, Elizabeth Preston 1891-1981 See Also groups: WW I Hospitals |
Cocke, Elizabeth Randolph Preston |
Cocke, Elizabeth (Ruffin) |
Cocke, Ella Meredith 1873-1966 See also groups: Johnson (Mang) School, Richmond, VA |
Cocke, Emily Augusta |
Cocke, Emily (Banister) 1820-1869 |
Cocke, Euretta |
Cocke, Harrison Henry 1794-1873 |
Cocke, James |
Cocke, James Powell |
Cocke, John Hartwell 1780-1866 |
Cocke, John Preston 1845-1917 |
Cocke, Juliana Ruffin |
Cocke, Lucian Howard 1858-1927 |
Cocke, Lucian Howard, Jr. 1889-1969 |
Cocke, Lucy 1871- |
Cocke, Mary Monro See: Richards, Mary Monro (Cocke) |
Cocke, Mary Munro |
Cocke, Mary Rebecca (Cleveland) -1911 |
Cocke, Nathaniel 1746-1813 |
Cocke, Philip St. George 1809-1861 |
Cocke, Powell 1833-1862 |
Cocke, Richard 1672-1720 |
Cocke, Richard ca. 1706/07-1772 |
Cocke, Richard 1860- |
Cocke, Rosabel |
Cocke, Sallie Browne See: (Wilson, Sallie Brown), 1840-1909 |
Cocke, Sally Lyle Preston |
Cocke, susanne V. -1906 |
Cocke, Thomas |
Cocke, William Briggs 1868-1943 |
Cocke, William Irby 1862- |
Cocke, Wm. Homer (General) See: also Claremont |
Cocke, William Ruffin Coleman 1884-1967 |
Cockrell, Francis Marion 1834-1915 |
Cockrell, Joseph H. |
Codrington, Christopher 1668-1710 |
Cody, W. F. "Buffalo Bill" |
Cofer, Paul See groups: Wakefield, VA, High School Students |
Cofer, Ruth See groups: Wakefield, VA, High School Students |
Coghill, James Henry 1817-1908 |
Coghill, Sarah (Eastman) 1829-1849 |
Coghill, Thomas Dallas 1844- |
Cogsdale, Nancy |
Cohen, Caroline Hazlehurst See: Wise, Caroline Hazlehurst (Cohen), 1872- |
Cohen, Leroy R., Jr. 1904-1970 |
Cohen, Sidney See: Curry, Margaret |
Cohn, Sarah |
Cohoon, Willis Everett 1902-1960 |
Coile, Cecil See groups: U.S. Army |
Coke, Sir John 1563-1644 Commission for foreign plantations in 1634; committee to consider "state of" Virginia in 1631. 8/16/60 Donkarton 5/0 |
Coke, John A. 1877-1939 |
Coke, John Archer -1920 |
Colburn, Lt. Col. See group photographs: Union officers. Morell's headquarters |
Colcock, W.F. |
Cole, Annie Eliza (Lee) 1861- See group photograph, Lee family |
Cole, Annie G. |
Cole, Annie Lee See: Cole, John Thompson, 1857- |
Cole, Eleanor See: Cole, John Thompson, 1857- |
Cole, Fredrick Hancock, Jr. 1909-1957 |
Cole, James Edward 1865-1928 |
Cole, John Thompson 1857- See also: group photograph, Lee family |
Coleman, Beverly Clarke |
Coleman, Beverly Mosby |
Coleman, Charles Washington 1826-1894 |
Coleman, Cynthia Beverley (Tucker) Washington, 1832-1908 |
Coleman, Daniel 1877-1935 |
Coleman, Ethel Bert Algernon 1812-1892 |
Coleman, Frederick William 1878-1941 |
Coleman, George Preston 1870-1948 |
Coleman, Henry Embry 1768-1837 Of Halifax Co. |
Coleman, Anne (Gordon) 1776-1824 Wife of Henry Embry Coleman |
Coleman, John |
Coleman, John Marshall |
Coleman, J. Tinsley 1857-1916 |
Coleman, John Tinsley, Jr. 1886-1947 |
Coleman, Mary Haldane (Begg) 1875-1967 See also groups: Williamsburg, VA ca. 1935 ie, "Mrs. George Preston Coleman" |
Coleman, Pauline Mosby |
Coleman, Samuel Walton, Jr. -1964 |
Coleman, W. S. |
Coles, Edward 1786-1868 |
Coles, Isaac |
Coles, Isaac 1747-1813 |
Coles, Lousia Gertrude (Nivison) 1795-1824 Mrs. Isaac A. Coles |
Coles, Mildred (Lightfoot) 1752-1799 See: Lightfoot, Mildred (Howell) 1723-1783 |
Coles, Russell J. |
Coles, Sarah See: Stevenson, Sarah (Coles), 1789-1848 |
Collet, Susanna (Ferrar) 1581-1657 |
Collier, Sir George 1738-1795 British admiral who raided Chesapeake Bay during the American revolution 3/23/61 Blood 2/0 |
Collings, George B. 1880- |
Collins, Anthony -1729 |
Collins, Cecil C. 1894-1964 |
Collins, Egbert See groups: VA State guard Co. 54 |
Collins, Elizabeth See: Lee, Elizabeth (Collins) |
Collins, Ruth See: Parry, Ruth (Collins) 1782-1843 |
Collins, Lewis Preston 1896-1952 |
Collinson, Peter 1694-1768 |
Colonial Gentleman (unidentified) |
Colonna, B. A. See groups: Charge of the V.M.I. cadets |
Colonna, William Briggs 1876-1948 |
Colquitt, Alfred Holt 1824-1894 |
Colston, Elizabeth Fisher 1846-1930? |
Colston, elizabeth (Marshall) 1756-1842 |
Colston, Gertrude Powell |
Colston, Raleigh Edward 1825-1896 See also: oversized |
Colston, Raleigh T. 1821-1893 |
Colt, Sam |
Colvin, Howard Milton 1880-1956 |
Comfort, David |
Comfort, Sarah Anne See: Hotchkiss, Sarah Anne (Comfort), 1833- |
Compton, Henry 1632-1713 Bishop of London 5/20/60 Beckett 15/o |
Compton, Spencer See: Northumberland, Spencer Compton, 9th earl, 1601-1643 |
Compton, Spencer See: Wilmington, Spencer Compton, earl, 1673?-1743 |
Comstock, Elizabeth |
Cone, Ida See: Photograph album, Lynch family |
Confederate, The Little |
Congreve, Margaret Gholson (Glasgow), 1902- ie., "Mrs. Ambrose Christian Congreve" |
Congreve, William 1670-1729 Playwrite friend of William Byrd II 3/23/61 Gocht 3/0 3/23/61 Cooper 3/0 3/23/61 Fittler 3/0 filed in oversize |
Conklyn, Charles C. |
Conklyn, Robert W. |
Conlyn, Thomas Bryce -1960 See groups: Virginia Military Institute, students |
Connally, Mary |
Conner, James K. 1829-1883 |
Tom Connolly by William Osborne, 1870 |
Connolly, Tom See: Allen, William |
Connor, James |
Connor, Samuel |
Connor, Seldon |
Connors, Chuck |
Conover, Diane See groups: Conover family |
Conover, Joseph, Sr. See groups: Conover family |
Conover, Joseph, Jr. See groups: Conover family |
Conover, Nancy Ann (Davison) See groups: Conover family |
Conover, Samuel See groups: Conover family |
Conover, Virginia See groups: Conover family |
Conquest, Eugenia (Fairfax) See: Fairfax, Eugenia |
Conrad, |
Conrad, Daniel 1771-1806 |
Conrad, David Holmes 1800-1877 See: Conrad, Robert Young, 1805-1875 |
Conrad, Elizabeth Whiting (Powell) 1809-1872 |
Conrad, Georgia Bryan (Forman) 1846-1925 |
Conrad, Holmes 1840-1916 See also groups: McGuire, William |
Conrad, Rebecca (Holmes) See: Conrad, Daniel 1771-1806 |
Conrad, Robert? 1919- See groups: Winchester, VA red cross motor corps., 1942 |
Conrad, Robert Young 1805-1875 |
Conrad, Sarah Harrison See: Fauntleroy, Sarah Harrison (Conrad), 1842-1908 |
Conway, Alfred Taliaferro 1875-1939 See also groups: Conway family |
Conway, Arch Moncure 1880-1931 See groups: Conway family |
Conway, Battaile Fitzhugh Taliaferro 1814-1897 |
Conway, Battaile Fitzhugh Taliaferro 1908-1956 See also group photograph: Conway, Battaile Fitzhugh Taliaferro family Davidson,Byrd Taliaferro (Conway) Reid, 1903- |
Conway, Byrd Taliaferro See: Davidson, Byrd Taliaferro (Conway) Reid, 1903- |
Conway, Catlett 1786-1839 |
Conway, Catlett Fitahugh 1840-1929 |
Conway, Cornelia (Buchanan 1822-1895 |
Conway, Daisy See: Price, Daisy (Conway), 1874-1942 |
Conway, Eleanor Pauline 1928- See: Conway, Elizabeth Byrd, 1927- |
Conway, Elizabeth Byrd 1927- |
Conway, Elizabeth (Fitzhugh) See: Taylor, Elizabeth (Fitzhugh) Conway, 1754-1823 |
Conway, Elizabeth LeRoy (Hart) 1883-1972 |
Conway, Eva Fitzhugh See: Sparks, Eva Fitzhugh (Conway), 1849- 1934 |
Conway, Georgianna June (Sherwin) 1920- See: Conway, John Hart, 1905 |
Conway, John Gibbons See groups: Conway Family Reunion |
Conway, John Hart 1905- See also: Davison, Byrd Taliaferro (Conway) Reid, 1903- |
Conway, John Hart 1956- |
Conway, Julia Ellen (Thomas) 1844-1916 See also groups: Conway Family Reunion |
Conway, Marian Mayine 1930- See: Conway, Elizabeth, 1927- |
Conway, Martha Bell |
Conway, Nelly See: Madison, Nelly (Conway), 1732-1829 |
Conway, Pauline (Wilson) 1906-1950 See: Conway, Battile Fitzhugh Taliaferro, 1908-1956 |
Conway, Dr. W.C. See groups: Conway Family Reunion |
Conway, William Buchanan 1845-1920 |
Conway, William Henry 1812-1852 |
Cook, E. G. |
Cook, James 1728-1779 |
Cook, Lena (Kolbe) See group: Richmonders. Coffee party |
Cook, Philip |
Cooke, Barry |
Cooke, Flora See: Stuart, Flora (Cooke), 1836-1923 |
Cooke, Giles Buckner 1838-1937 |
Cooke, Maj. Gen. John |
Cooke, John Rogers 1788-1854 |
Cooke, John Rogers 1833-1891 See also: oversized |
Cooke, John Warren |
Cooke, Louise M. |
Cooke, Maria (Pendleton) 1792-1850 |
Cooke, Merritt See groups: Norfolk, VA Hunter School |
Cooke, Nancy See: Cooke, Barry |
Cooke, Phillip St. George |
Cooke, Philip St. George 1809-1895 |
Cooke, Rachel W. (Hertzog) |
Cooke, Richard D. 1880-1958 |
Cooley, Elizabeth Ann See: McClure, Elizabeth Ann (Cooley) 1825- 1848 |
Coolidge, Calvin 1872-1933 President of the U.S. 1923-1929 |
Coons, Ella Edwina (Thompson) -1849 See also: Coons, Mary Edwina, 1902-1984 See also groups: Coons Family |
Coons, Frank Alexander 1846-1912 |
Coons, Martha Elizabeth 1839-1863 |
Coons, Mary Edwina 1902-1984 See also groups: Coon family See also: Coons, Warren Eldoxus, 1849-1919 |
Coons, Mary Dillard See: Corbin, Mary Dillard (Coons) |
Coons, Robertson 1809-1861 |
Coons, Warren Eudoxus? 1849-1919 See also groups: Coons Family Por 985.72 (tintgpe) |
Cooper, A. A. |
Cooper, Anthony Ashley See: Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st earl, 1621-1683 |
Cooper, Sir Astley-Paston 1768-1841 |
Cooper, Catharine (Fitzgerald) |
Cooper, Cornelius 1750- |
Cooper, Douglas H. |
Cooper, James 1700- |
Cooper, James Fenimore 1789-1851 |
Cooper, James A. |
Cooper, Samuel 1798-1876 |
Cooper, Susannah See: Meeks,Susannah (Cooper), 1780-1853 |
Copeland Family |
Copenhaver, Edwin Henry, Jr. 1896-1968 |
Coppedge, L. J. |
Copple, Raymond See groups photograph: Bainbridge Junior high School, Richmond, VA, Safety patrol |
Corbell, La Salle See: Picket, La Salle (Corbell), 1848-1931 |
Corbett, Andrew |
Corbett, Boston |
Corbett, Charles H. |
Corbett, Doris |
Corbett, Julian |
Corbett, Marguerite |
Corbett, Stephen See: Corbett, Andrew |
Corbett Family and Friends, unidentified |
Corbin, Edmonia Fauntleroy See: Carter, Edmonia Fauntleroy (Corbin), 1821-1917 |
Corbin, Elizabeth (Tayloe) 1721-1784 Wife of Richard Corbin, 1714-1790 |
Corbin, Henry 1629-1675 |
Corbin, Jane, Gawin, and Martha |
Corbin, Lemuel A. |
Corbin, Letita (Lee) See: Lee, Lrtitia (Corbin), 1657-1706 |
Corbin, Mary Dillard (Coons) |
Corbin, Richard Randolph -1853 |
Corbitt, James Howard 1869-1945 |
Corcoran, William Wilson 1798-1888 |
Cornell, Edith |
Corns, E. M. See groups: Mesical College of Virginia |
Cornwallis, Frederick 1713-1783 Archbishop of Canterbury |
Cornwallis, Lady |
Corse, J. M. |
Corse, Montgomery D. 1816-1895 |
Cosby, Azgad Napoleon Bonepart 1843-1916 |
Cosby, Dabney 1879-1956 |
Cosby, Frank Eugene |
Cosby, George B. |
Coste, Jean Francois 1741-1819 |
Cottington, Francis Cottington 1578?-1652 Barron, Lord Treasurer in 1643 8/16/60 Houbraken 9/0 filed in oversize |
Cotton, Sir John Hynde d. 1752 Commissioner of trade and plantations in 1711, 9/30/60 Harding 5/0 |
Cosway, Maria |
Cotton, Joseph See groups: Virginians 1972 |
Cotton, Joseph Actor |
Cottrell, Allenia M. Moncure, Allenia M. (Cottrell) |
Cottrell, Nannie See: Sheet Music: "Violante" |
Cottrell, Walker Crump Sr. |
Cottrell, Walker Crump, Jr. |
Cottrell, W. W. |
Couch, Maj. Gen. |
Coulbourn, William Clark 1892-1968 |
Couper, Fannie Bernard (Capps) 1861-1921 Wife of John D. Couper, Jr. |
Couper, Euphama Ann Monroe (Cowling) 1822-1895 |
Couper, John Diedrich 1822-1908 |
Couper, John Lee 1916- |
Couper, William 1884-1964 See also group photographs: Norfolk Virginia: Norfolk Academy football team, 1900, Hunter School,and Virginia Military Institute students |
Couper, William Couper D. 1723 First Earl, Lord Chancellor in 1705 8/16/60 Smith 1/5/0 filed in oversized |
Coupland, Ann (Harrison) 1753-1821 |
Couric, Katie Mrs. Jay Monahan |
Courtenay, Edward 1803-1853 |
Courteney, Mike See groups: Nolley's School, 1901 |
Couzens, Margo See: Chewning, Margo (Couzens) |
Coventry, Henry 1619-1686 Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in 1679, 8/16/60 harding 3/6 |
Coventry, Thomas Coventry 1578-1640 First Baron, Member of Virginia Company, Lord Treasure in 1625, 8/16/60 Houbraken 10/0, 4/7/60 Houbraken (deep) 6/0, and 4/7/60 Agar 6/0 filed in oversized |
Coventry, Sir William 1628?-1686 Commissioner of foreign plantations in 1667, 9/30/60 cooper 5/0 |
Cowardin, Lewis M. |
Cowdery, Jonathan |
Cowles, Adelaide H. |
Cowling, Euphama Ann Monroe See: Couper, Euphama Ann Monroe (Cowling), 1822-1895 |
Cowper, John 1763-1847 |
Cox, A. J. See: Pic 925.5 Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Co. A 46th VA Regt. |
Cox, E. P. See groups: Medical College of Virginia |
Cox, Edwin P. |
Cox, Mrs. Edwin |
Cox, Edwin Piper 1870-1938 |
Cox, Edwin |
Cox, Elizabeth See: Virginia Christian |
Cox, Gabriel H. |
Cox, Gene Original filed under Bobb |
Cox, Theodore Sullivan 1894-1947 |
Cox, William Ruffin 1832-1919 |
Coxe, Daniel 1673-1739 |
Coxe, Daniel |
Coxe, Whitwell Wentworth |
Coxe, William |
Craft, Ryland Glenmore 1889-1960 |
Craig, James See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Craig, Jane (Steinmetz) See groups: Church Groups, St. John's Evangelisal Lutheran Church, 1931 |
Craig, Jane Stith See: Stanard, Jane Stith (Craig), -1824 |
Craig, John -1863 |
Craig, Nancy (Hiden) |
Craigie, F. |
Craigie, Mr. W. W. |
Craik, James 1730-1814 |
Cralle, Mary H. |
Cramp, Clarissa Layton |
Crane, ie., Mrs. Richard |
Crane, Hannah See: Gifford, Hannah (Crane), 1757-1830 |
Crane, James C. |
Cranfield, Lionel See: Middlesex, Lionel Cranfield, 1st earl, 1575-1645 |
Cranwell, C. Richard |
Craven, Willaim Craven 1606-1697 Earl, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in 1675; 8/16/60 Anonymous 18/0, 8/16/60 Thane 2/6 |
Crawford, Andrew See: Van Doren family album |
Crawford, Mrs. E. B. |
Crawford, Louisa Cutler (Ward) See: Terry, Louisa Cutler (Ward) Crawford, 1823-1897, ie., Mrs. Thomas Crawford |
Crawford, Francis Marion 1854-1909 |
Crawford, Thomas 1813-1857 The sculptor |
Crawford, William 1732-1782 |
Crawford, William Henry 1772-1834 Born in Virginia, 7/11/61 Gimber 0/2/6 (Suckling) |
Creasy, L. D. |
Creecy, John Harvie See groups: McGuire's University School |
Creecy, Joshua Skinner 1788-1817 |
Creecy, Penelope Margaret See: Wright, Penelope Margaret (Creecy) |
Creecy, Willie (Harvie) |
Crenshaw, A. A. |
Crenshaw, Elizabeth |
Crenshaw, John Werner 1848- |
Crenshaw, Lewis |
Crenshaw, W. D. |
Crenshaw, Winifred See groups: Richmond, Lakeside Amusement Park |
Cress, Georgia |
Crews, Brig. Gen. C.C. |
Cridlin, George Patton 1876-1963 |
Crim, Mrs. E. C. |
Cringan, John -ca. 1822 |
Crismond, H. F. 1849- See: extra-oversized: Album, "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902 |
Crittenden, John |
Crittenden, John Jordan 1787-1863 |
Crittenden, Thomas T. |
Crocker, Agnes |
Crocker, Frank Lee 1860-1927 |
Crocker, Isabella Carter |
Crockett, David |
Crockett, Paul See groups: Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Development |
Crockett, Robert O. 1881-1955 |
Crockett, Samuel Thorne 1890- |
Croker, Rosamund Hester Elizabeth See: works of specific artists, Sir Thomas Lawerence |
Cromwell, Betty See: Southwell, Elizabeth (Cromwell), Baroness Cromwell, d. 1709 |
Cromwell, Frank Thomas 1900-1958 |
Cromwell, Oliver 1562?-1655 5/20/60 Houbraken 7/6 and 5/20/60 Turner 18/0 filed in oversized |
Cronkite, Walter |
Cropper, John 1755-1821 |
Cropper, Margaret (Pettit) 1752-1781 |
Crosby, Floridus Scott 1893-1957 |
Crosby, George B. |
Cross, Capt. Alphonse |
Cross, Lawrence L. See: Robertson, Walter, Spencer (1893- 1970) |
Cross, Tom Peete See group photographs: Norfolk, Virginia. Norfolk Academy football team, 1900 |
Crouch, Elizabeth Skyring See: Wallace, Elizabeth Skyring (Crouch), 1835-1913 |
Crouch, Fredrick Nicholls 1808-1896 |
Crouch, Randolph Waldo 1881-1968 |
Crowder, Charles Womack 1890-1952 |
Crowe, T. J. |
Crowell, Alton Ingram 1904-1965 |
Cruft, Sarah Ann See: Godbold, Sarah Ann (Cruft), 1771-1849 |
Crump, Beverley Tucker 1854-1930 |
Crump, Emily See: Gwathmey, Bill |
Crump, Otway See: Archer, Branch T. |
Crump, William Wood 1819-1897 |
Crump, William Wood 1887-1968 |
Crutchfield, A. D. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad 1926 |
Crutchfield, E. Mulford |
Crutchfield, John Jeter 1844-1920 |
Crutchfield, Stapleton |
Cudzik, Daniel |
Cullen, John 1797-1849 |
Cullen, John |
Culler, John Lester 1911-1963 |
Cullen, John Syng Dorsey |
Cullum, Gen. G. W. |
Culp, Alma (Gerharot) See groups: Hassel Golden wedding |
Culpeper, Cathrine See: Fairfax, Cathrine (Culpeper), baroness, 1670-1719 |
Culpeper, Frances See: Berkeley, Lady Frances (Culpeper), 1634?-1690 |
Culpeper, Margaretta (Van Hesse) Lady, 1635-1710 |
Culpeper, Thomas 1635-1689 Lord, second baron |
Cumberland, Margaret Russell 1560-1616 Countess, named in third Virginia charter, 4-7-60 Caldwell 3/16 |
Cumberland, William Augustus 1721-1765 Duke of |
Cumming, Gen. Alfred |
Cumming, Wallace |
Cummings, Diana |
Cummings, Hugh See: Cummings, Diana |
Cummings, Lucy See: Cummings, Diana |
Cumpston, William Hudson See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910 |
Cunningham Family |
Cunningham See also groups: Cunningham Family |
Cunningham, Ariana (Gunn) McCartney, 1770-1838 |
Cunningham, C. T. |
Cunningham, Edward 1771-1836 |
Cunningham, Edward Brahan -1904 See extra-oversized: Photograph album, "VMI, class 1889-93." |
Cunningham, Edward Hall |
Cunningham, Elizabeth (McGuire) See: Glencairn, Elizabeth (McGuire) Cunningham, countess, 1724-1801 |
Cunningham, Francis Deane 1836-1885 |
Cunningham, John |
Cunningham, John Atkinson 1803-1881 |
Cunningham, John Atkinson |
Cunningham, Mary Burley |
Cunningham, Richard |
Cunningham, Richard H. |
Cunningham, Richard Hoope -1887 |
Cunningham, S. A. |
Cunningham, Sallie Venable See: Hunt, Sallie Venable (Cunningham), -1885 |
Curley, Mary Kathrine |
Curry, Charles 1858-1944 |
Curry, Duncan 1887-1955 |
Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe 1825-1903 |
Curry, Margaret |
Curtis, Gen. |
Curtis, |
Curtos, Drayton, Mills |
Curtis, Mary Walke Mrs. Drayton Mills Curtis |
Curtis, Robert Keith |
Cushing, Jonathan Peter 1793-1835 |
Cushing, Lt. W. B. |
Cushman, Pauline 1835-1893 |
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders 1816-1876 |
Cussons, John 1838-1912 |
Custer, George Armstrong 1839-1876 |
Custis children See: Custis, John Parke, 1755-1781 |
Custis, Daniel Parke 1711-1757 |
Custis, Eleanor Parke 1779-1852 See: Lewis, Eleanor Parke (Custis) 1778-1852 |
Custis, Elizabeth Parke See: Law, Elizabeth Parke, 1776-1832 |
Custis, Frances (Parke) 1686-1715 |
Custis, George Washington Parke, 1781-1857 See also: MSS1 L5114d |
Custis, John Parke 1744-1781 See also groups: Washington Family |
Custis, Martha Parke 1757-1773 See also: Custis, John Parke, 1775-1781 groups: Washington Family |
Custis, Mary Anne Randolph See: Lee, Mary Anne Randolph (Curtis), 1808-1873 |
Custis, Mary Lee (Fitzhugh) 1788-1853 See also: MSS1 L5114d Wife of George Washington Parke Custis, 1781-1857 |
Custis, Nellie |
Cuthbert, Frances See: Bragg, Frances (Cuthbert) |
Cuthbert, Francis (Bragg) |
Cuthbert, James -1813 |
Cutshaw, Wilfred Emory 1838-1907 |
Cutts, Anna (Payne) d. 1832 ie., Mrs. Richard Cutts |
Cutts, James Madison 1805-1863 |
Cutts, Richard 1771-1845 |
Cutts, Rose Adele See: Williams, Rose Adele (Cutts) Douglas, 1835-1899 |
Cutts, Ellen Elizabeth (O'Neale), 1811-1899 |