Eager - Ezelle: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Eager, George Boardman, Jr. 1888-1942 |
Eager, Martha See: Davis, Martha (Eager), 1773-1854 |
Ealey, Roland See groups: Friends' Assn. for Chrildren (Board) |
Eanes, Edward Ennis 1886-1956 |
Earle, Elias 1762-1825 |
Early, Benjamin and Mary |
Early Several members of the Early Family |
Early, Annie See: Fairfax, Annie (Early) |
Early, Annie (Fielding) Mrs. Charles Early |
Early, Charles |
Early, Clifford Cabell 1883- See also groups: Early Family |
Early, Elizabeth See: Calloway, Elizabeth (Early), 1759- 1796 |
Early, Estelle (Wilhoit) |
Early, Evelyn Russell 1877-1940 See also groups: Early Family |
Early, Harriet (Harman) See also: Early, Clifford Cabell, 1883- Early Family |
Early, Henrian (Cabell) 1822-1890 See also: Early, Samuel Henry, 1813-1890 Early Family |
Early, Henrianne Cabell -1895 See also groups: Early Family |
Early, Henrianne Cabell 1890- See also groups: Early Family |
Early, James Russell 1901-1960 |
Early, Joab 1791-1870 |
Early, John, BP 1786-1873 |
Early, John Cabell 1848-1909 See also groups: Early Family |
Early, John Richard 1830-1906 See also: George M. Woods and Helen Amanda (Durrett) Woods |
Early, Dr. Joseph Raglan 1822-1858 |
Early, Jubal Anderson 1816-1894 |
Early, Jubal Anderson 1886-1914 See also: Early, Clifford Cabell, 1883- Early Family Inauguration, Theodore Roosevelt |
Early, Mary See: Phelan, Mary (Early) |
Early, Mary Judith -1918 See also: Early, Henrianne Cabell, -1895 Early Family |
Early, Mary Virginia (Early) See: Brown, Mary Virginia (Early), 1823- 1864 |
Early, Mary Washington (Cabell)1864-1917 See also groups: Early Family ie., "Mrs. John Cabell Early" |
Early, Robert Davis 1841-1864 |
Early, Ruth Hairston 1849-1928 See also: Early, Henrian Cabell, -1895 Early Family |
Early, Samuel Henry 1813-1874 |
Early, Samuel Henry 1880-1897 |
Early, Sarah Cornelia 1834-1874 |
Early, Sarah (Graves) 1794-1881 |
Early, Stephen Tyree 1889-1951 |
Early, Thomas Howard 1828-1904 |
Early, William 1843-1865 See: Early, Robert Davies, 1841-1864 |
Early, William David |
Early, William E. |
Earman, George N. 1852- See group: extra-oversized album, "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Easley, Ann Elizabeth (Chaffin)1841- See also groups: Chaffin, Richard Booker, 1844-1902, ie., "Mrs. William Daniel Easley" |
Easley, James Stone 1885-1965 |
Easley, John Dunscomb 1884-1963 |
Eastman, Thomas M. |
Eastman, Brig. Gen. S. |
Easton, Maj. Gen. L.C. |
Eaton, Brig. Gen. C.G. |
Eaton, Brig. Gen. E. H. |
Eaton, E. O. See: Sheet Music, Orleans Cadets Quick Step (1861-1865) |
Eaton, Brig. Gen. J. |
Eaton, Brig. Gen. John Jr. |
Ebel, Elsie (Hassel) 1899- See groups: Hassel Golden Wedding ie., "Mrs. Jacob Ebel" |
Ebel, Jacob See groups: Church Groups, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church Confirmation Class, 1913 |
Echols, Allie |
Echols, Edward 1849-1914 |
Echols, John 1823-1896 |
Echols, Margaret Young |
Eck, Oswald See church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation Class of 1901 |
Eckenrode, Dr. H. J. |
Ector, Brig. Gen. Matthew D. |
Eddleton, Oscar B. See: Protestant Episcopal Church, St. Peter's, New Kent County, VA |
Eddy, Mary Dunn (Mosher) See group: Mosher Family |
Edgerton, Brig. Gen. A. J. |
Edgcumbe, Richard Edgcumbe 1716-1761 Second baron, Commissioner of trade and plantations in 1754 9/30/60 reynolds (S. W.) 7/6 |
Edgerton, Frank See groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
Edmands, Brig. Gen. J. C. |
Edmonds, John |
Edmonds, Sarah Battaile (Fitzhugh), 1785-1878 |
Edmonds, John Worth 1799-1874 |
Edmondson, James H. |
Edmondson, Samuel W., Jr. 1918-1956 |
Edmunds, E. Emma S. Union spy and nurse |
Edmunds, James Easley 1860-1952 |
Edmunds, Nicholas and Jane |
Edmunds, Winston |
Edmundson, Henry Alonzo 1814-1890 |
Edmunds, Lizzie See groups |
Edward, Duke of York 1739-1767 |
Edwards, Ballard T. 1870 |
Edwards, Buster See groups: VA State Guard, Co. 54 |
Edwards, Claude Joseph 1876-1946 |
Edwards, J. B. See groups: Military doctors, 1917 |
Edwards, Brig. Gen. John |
Edwards, John Ellis 1814-1891 |
Edwards, Landon Brame 1845-1910 |
Edwards, Mary Ambrose See: Lyne, Mary Ambrose (Edwards), 1812- 1868 |
Edwards, Nancy Syles (Brown) |
Edwards, Richard Augustus, III See: Edwards, Nancy Syles (Brown) |
Edwards, Richard T. 1911-1968 |
Effinger, Maria |
Effinger, William |
Egerton, John See: Bridgewater, John Egerton, 3rd earl, 1646-1701 |
Egerton, Thomas See: Brackley, Thomas Egerton, 1st viscount, 1540?-1617 |
Eggleslace, Emmae See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Eggleslace, Maggie See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Egmont, John Perceval 1683-1748 First earl |
Ehlers, Dean |
Ehrenworth, Moses 1899-1969 |
Ehrhart, Elizabeth See groups: Forrest-Ehrhart Family |
Ehrhart, Mary See groups: Forrest-Ehrhart Family |
Eichelberger, Thomas |
Eike, Maud |
Eisenhower, Dwight David See groups: Williamsburg, VA, 1946 |
Eisenhower, Dwight David |
Eisenhower, Mamie Geneva (Doud) See groups: Williamsburg, VA, 1946 |
Elder, Lt. Col. Alexander B. |
Elder, Fitzhugh 1865-1930 |
Elder, Thomas Claybrook 1834-1904 |
Eldred, Edward See groups: U.S. Army |
Eldred, John 1552-d.1632 |
Eldridge, Brig. Gen. H. W. |
Elivell, Brig. Gen. J. J. |
Elizabeth, Queen of England 1533-1603 See also oversized |
Queen Elizabeth with King George VI |
Elizabeth (Stuart) 1596-1662 Queen of Bohemia 4-7-60 Vertue -/5/0 6-30-61 ?Delaran 1/1/- |
Ellerson, Watkins See group photographs: Richmond, VA, Lakeside amusement park |
Ellett, Ann Virginia (Wrenn) 1805- "Mrs. Loftin Ellett |
Ellet, Charles Jr. 1810-1862 |
Ellett, Francis Marion B. 1837- |
Ellett, Loftin Newman 1797-1865 |
Elliott, Charles |
Elliot, Miss Virginia Randolph |
Elliott, Brig. Gen. I. L. |
Elliott, Milton Courtright 1879-1928 |
Elliott, Norman S. 1905-1968 |
Elliott, Roger |
Elliott, Brig. Gen. S. M. |
Elliott, Brig. Gen. Stephen |
Elliott, W. L. |
Ellis, Andrew Jackson 1891-1950 |
Ellis, Charles 1772-1840 |
Ellis, Euphania Claiborne (Taylor) Harrison, 1819-1897 |
Ellis, Brig. Gen. J. G. |
Ellis, Jane Shelton 1820- See: Tucker, Jane Shelton (Ellis) |
Ellis, John Tyler 1887- |
Ellis, Josiah 1777-1836 |
Ellis, Josiah |
Ellis, Maurice |
Ellis, Pearl (Tyler) 1860-1947 |
Ellis, Powhatan Lewis 1818-1847 |
Ellis, Mrs. Susanna |
Ellis, Richard 1781-1846 |
Ellis, Thomas Harding 1814-1898 |
Ellis, William Munford |
Ellsworth, Elmer Ephriam 1837-1861 See: oversized |
Ellsworth, Oliver 1745-1807 |
Ellyson, James Taylor 1847-1919 See also groups: German Day Festival, Meeting |
Ellyson, Mrs. J. Taylor |
Ellyson, Lora e. (Hotchkiss) 1848-1935 |
Elmore, William Thomas 1835-1916 See: W961.28 (on top of museum object file cases in storage) |
Elrass, Jas |
Elstner, Brig. Gen. G. R. |
Ely, Anne Carter (Lee) ca. 1897-1978 |
Ely, Maj. Gen. J. |
Ely, Brig. Gen. Ralph |
Ely, Robert Burroughs 1894-1951 |
Ely, Brig. Gen. W. G. |
Elzey, Arnold 1816-1871 |
Embrey, Alexander Simmons 1861-1895 See: J977.19 |
Embrey, Alpheus Wilson 1901- |
Embrey, Lucy Alexander See: Wilson, Lucy Alexander (Embrey), 1895- (?) |
Embrey, Merrill Denham 1837-1905 See: J977.19 |
Embrey, Virginia Elizabeth (Modena) 1838-1899 See: J977.19 |
Emmet, John Patten 1796-1842 |
Emett, Daniel Decatur 1815-1904 |
Emory, Charlotte Ann |
Enders, Emil |
Enders, Emilie (Schiebelbuth) See: Enders, Emil |
Enders, Emily Aylett |
Enders, John |
Enders, Minnie See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church confirmation class of 1909 |
Enders, William Henry See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church confirmation class of 1932 |
Engleman, Brig. Gen A. |
Engleby, Joseph Thomas Jr. 1893-1970 |
Engleby, William Staples 1895-1951 |
English, Lt. Cdr. Earl |
English, Lt. Col. James |
Enrougty, Oscar |
Enyart, Brig Gen. D.A. |
Epes, Branch Jones 1832-(?) See extra oversize: group: album "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902" Epes, |
Epes, Louis Spencer 1882-1935 |
Epes, Travis H. |
Eppes, Abigail (Pickman) 1733-1780 |
Eppes, Freda Horner See: Maynard, Freda Horner (Eppes) |
Eppes, Emily See also: Group photographs: Eppes family (Appomattox) |
Eppes, Elizabeth Welsh (Horner) |
Eppes, Hannah |
Eppes, J.W. |
Eppes, John Wayles 1773-1823 |
Eppes, Josephine Dulles (Horner) 1826-1852 "Mrs. Richard Eppes" |
Eppes, Richard 1824-1896 |
Eppes, Richard Jr. |
Epps, i.e. Mrs. Richard See groups: Epps Family (Appomattox) |
Epps, Augustus C. |
Epps, Frank Dashel |
Epps, George W. Jr. |
Epps, Richard |
Ericsson, John 1803-1889 |
Erskine, Brig. Gen. Albert |
Eskridge, ? |
Eskridge, Allen Taylor 1873-1957 |
Eskridge, George 16(?)-1735 |
Eskridge, Rebecca (Bonum) d. 1715 |
Espinta, George |
Essex, Earl of |
Essex, Arthur Capel 1631-1683 1st Earl, (7th Creation), Commisioner of Trade and Plantations in 1679 |
Essex, Robert Devereaux, 2nd Earl of 1567-1601 |
Essex, Robert Devereaux, 3rd Earl of 1591-1646 |
Este, Brig. Gen George P. |
Este, Louise See: Fisher, Louise (Este), 1834-1915 |
Estes, Clayton, See: Scanlan, Clayton (Estes) |
Estes, Brig Gen. L.G. |
Estes, Mary (Phelan) See: Early, Jubal Anderson 1886-1914 |
Etheridge, Herbert Rogers See groups: Norfolk-Hunter School 1895-96 |
Eubank, Beauford Nelson |
Eubank, Eddie |
Eubank, Willis |
Eugtace, Sally Wardlaw 1827-1855 See: Turpin, Sally wardlaw (Eustace) |
Eustice, N. H. |
Eustis, Henry L. |
Evans Unidentified |
Evans, Charley |
Evans, Col. Evan 1732-1794 |
Evans, Dr. George ?-1822 |
Evans, Brig. Gen. George S. |
Evans, Joe |
Evans, Joseph |
Evans, Gen. Nathan G. |
Evans, Oliver P. See groups: Charge of the V. M. I. Cadets |
Evans, Mary See: Johnson, Mrs. Mary (Evans) |
Evans, Otto Lewis 1861-1939 |
Evans, Col. Thomas J. |
Evans, Walter M. 1897-1956 |
Evans, William McKay |
Everard, Giles |
Everard, Susannah See: Meade, Susannah (Everard) |
Everett, Brig. Gen. C. |
Everette, Charles -1848 |
Everett, Edward 1794-1865 |
Everett, Paul Lee 1907-1954 |
Everhart, Stever See also groups: slaves at Confederate Veterans Reunion; see persons: Lee, William Mack |
Ewart, W. C. |
Ewell, Benjamin Stoddert 1810-1894 |
Ewell, James 1773-1832 |
Ewell, Richard Stoddert 1817-1872 See also oversized and folder under Jackson, Thomas Jonathan ans see also groups: Confederate commanders |
Ewing, Lt. Col. Charles |
Ewing, Maj. Gen. Hugh |
Exeter,1st earl, Thomas Cecil 1542-1622 |
Eyman, Katherine |
Ezekiel, Catherine DeCasto (Myers), 1818-1891 |
Ezekiel, Jacob 1812-1899 |
Ezell, Elizabeth A. See: Morgan, Elizabeth A. (Ezell) |
Ezell, Eva (Gregg) |
Ezell, William Robert 1837-1917 |
Ezelle, Helen Ingle See groups: Salle Family and friends |