Gaddard - Gwynn: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Gaddard, George |
Gail, Billy See: Gail, Charles |
Gail, Charles |
Gaines Family |
Gaines, Corralelia See groups: Russell, John Wilson, children of |
Gaines, Edmund Pendleton 1777-1849 |
Gaines, Francis Pendleton 1892-1963 |
Gaines, Greenville |
Gaines, Lizzie Taylor (Harris) |
Gaines, Margareta (Wrigley) Also Gaines, William Harris Gaines, McPherson Wrigley |
Gaines, Mary Lena |
Gaines, Robert Edwin 1860-1959 |
Gaines, William Harris 1887-1963 |
Gaither, Harry Hicks 1868- |
Gale, Sir Christopher 1680-1734 |
Gale, Finley |
Galeski, Helen |
Galeski, J. S. |
Gallant, R. M. |
Gallatin, Albert 1761-1849 |
Gallego, Joseph 1758-1818 |
Gallmeyer, Emma Rosaline See Church groups: St. John's evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class of 1901 |
Galt, Alexander Dickie 1771- |
Galt, Annie A. See groups |
Galt, Charles Ernest See: Van Doren family album |
Galt, E. Pegram |
Galt, Hugh Blair Grigsby 1883-1952 |
Galt, James D. |
Galt, Lucy Bertrand See: Garland, Lucy Bertrand (Galt), 1841- 1890 |
Galt, Mary Jeffery See also groups: APVA |
Gamble, Agnes Sarah Bell See: Cabell, Agres Sarah Bell (Gamble), 1783-1863. ie., Mrs. William H. Cabell |
Gamble, Ann Selden 1821-1845 |
Gamble, Catherine (Grattan) 1753-1831 ie., Mrs. Robert Gamble |
Gamble, Elizabeth Washington See: Wirt, Elizabeth washington (Gamble), 1784-1857 |
Gamble, Letitia (Breckinridge) 1791-1866 |
Gamble, Robert 1754-1810 |
Gamble, Robert Grattan 1781-1867 |
Gamble, Robert Howard 1815-1887 |
Ganett, Frank |
Ganett, Lulie |
Ganett, William |
Gantt, E. W. |
Gannaway, John Lancaster 1828-1862 |
Gannoway Children |
Gantt, Lila Goode (Boyd) |
Ganzert, Mrs. Henry See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church |
Garber, J. A. Hon. |
Garcin, Ramon D. |
Gardiner, G. H. See Groups: McGuire's university school, football squad, 1927 |
Gardiner, Julia See: Tyler, Julia (Gardiner), 1820-1889 |
Gardner, A. H, |
Gardner, Anne Eliza See: Lee, Anne Eliza (Gardner), 1819-1885 |
Gardner, Elizabeth 1800-1875 See: Holmes, Elizabeth (Gardner) |
Gardner, Franklin 1823-1873 See groups: Confederate commanders |
Garfield, James Abram 1831-1881 Pres., U. S., see oversized |
Garibaldi, Guiseppi 1807-1882 |
Garland, A. B. |
Garland, Alice Winston 1835-1858 |
Garland, Ann Powell (Burwell) 1805-1855 |
Garland, Anne Rose See: Fulton, Anne Rose (Garland), 1849- 189- |
Garland, Caroline M. See: Thompson, Caroline M. (Garland), 1853-1881 |
Garland, Caroline Matilda See: Garland, caroline Matilda (Garland), 1807-1902 |
Garland, Caroline Matilda (Garland), 1807-1902 |
Garland, David Shepherd 1769-1841 |
Garland, Herbert Galt 1880-1939 |
Garland, Hugh Alfred, Jr. |
Garland, Jane Henry Meredith See: Smith, Jane Henry Meredith (Garland), 1847- |
Garland, John 1792-1861 |
Garland, Judy |
Garland, Landon Cabell 1876-1902 |
Garland, Lucinda Rose See: Lewis, Lucinda Rose (Garland), 1893- |
Garland, Lucy Bertrand (Galt) 1841-1890 |
Garland, Marguerite |
Garland, Martha Henry See: Whitehead, Martha Henry (Garland) 1832-1903 |
Garland, Mary Lightfoot 1871-1972 |
Garland, Mary Lightfoot (Anderson) 1808-1898 |
Garland, Mary Rice See: Cabell, Mary Rice (Garland) 1804-1893 |
Garland, Maurice Hamner 1841-1908 |
Garland, Miss |
Garland, Powell |
Garland, Robert Ernest 1899-1969 |
Garland, Samuel 1789-1861 |
Garland, Samuel 1830-1862 |
Garland, Samuel Meredith 1801-1880 |
Garland, Spotswood 1846-1924 |
Garlick, (Fleet) Elizabeth |
Garlick, G.R. |
Garlick, Lucy Ann See: Gwathmey, Lucy Ann (Garlick) 1806-1891 |
Garner, John N. (Vice president of U.S.) |
Garnett, Alexander Yelverton Peyton 1819-1888 |
Garnett, Ann (Mrs. Muscoe H. Garnett) |
Garnett, Christopher Browne 1875-1955 See Also: Groups: Va. University Board 1933 |
Garnett, Griffin Taylor 1846-1910 See extra oversize: Group, album. "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902." |
Garnett, James Mercer 1770-1843 |
Garnett, Katherine Huntington (Noland) |
Garnett, Mary Eleanor Dick (Mercer) 1774-1837 |
Garnett, Muscoe H. |
Garnett, Musco Russell Hunter, 1821-1864 |
Garnett, Richard Brooke 1817-1863 |
Garnett, Robert Selden 1789-1840 |
Garnett, Robert Seldon 1819-1861 |
Garnett, Theodore Stanford 1844-1915 |
Garrard, K. |
Garraur, Prudence Rosalie See: Picot, Prudence Roslie (Garraur), 1791-1866 |
Garretson, Frederic |
Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. |
Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. 1908 |
Garrett, Benjamin F. ca. 1860- |
Garrett, Edwin Enoch 1870-1957 |
Garrett, Harvey L. 1862-1906 |
Garrett, Jennings Wise ca. 1860- |
Garrett, L. E. |
Garrett, Robert Clarence 1858-1937 |
Garrett, Roland 1879-1925 |
Garrett, Van Franklin 1846-1932 See groups: William and Mary College "the seven wise men" |
Garrett, Winder |
Garrett, W. A. Senator |
Garst, Marietta Wise (Derby) 1911- |
Garvin, Annie See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Garuin, Ed See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Garvin, James F. See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Garvin, James F. See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Garvin, Julian See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Garvin, Rose Farmer (Mrs. Julus Garvin) See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Gary, Julian Vaughan |
Gary, Lawrence See groups: Bicycle Endurance Contest, winners. |
Gary, Martin Witherspoon 1831-1881 |
Gascoigne, Alice Peachy See: Moncure, Alice Peachy (Gascoigne), 1774-1860 |
Gascoigne, Sally See groups photographs: Lyne family group |
Gascoyne, Bamber (fl. 1763) |
Gaskins, Susan See: Luck, Susan (Gakins) |
Gasser Family Collection |
Gasser, Albert |
Gasser, Bernhard |
Gasser, C. Albert |
Gasser, Carl |
Gasser, Miss Helen See groups: Church Groups: St. Johns Evangelical Church |
Gasser, Helen Louise See: Sheppard, Helen Louise (Gasser), (Mrs. Lee C. Gasser) |
Gasser, Helen L. See groups: Church Groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1921 Confirmatimation class |
Gasser, Helena Christine (Brauer) Mrs. Carl Gasser |
Gasser, Herbert Spencer |
Gasser, Karl -1865? |
Gasser, louis |
Gasser, Louis |
Gasser, Louisa (ILL) 1812-1880 Mrs. Karl Gasser |
Gasser, Martha See: Gasser, Louis |
Gasser, Stella May Rogers Mrs. Bernhard |
Gasser, Wilhelm |
Gates, Annie E. 1888- See: Perrine Collection files by city, by gallery |
Gates, Bettie Curtis (Belcher) 1834-1861 |
Gates, Billie |
Gates, Horatio 1728/29-1806 |
Gates, Joan Bryan |
Gates, Judith Ferguson See: Winfree, Judith Ferguson (Gates), 1856-1939 |
Gates, Lillie William See: Gregory, Lillie William (Gates), 1852-1917 |
Gates, Sir Thomas -1621 |
Gates, William Beverley 1815-1869 |
Gatewood, Anna (George) |
Gatewood, Lucy Ann See: Moncure, Lucy ann (Gatewood) |
Gatewood, Mary |
Gatewood, Sue See: Healy, Sue (Gatewood) |
Gay, Ed and Shields Sterrett |
Gay, Edward S. 1846-1916 |
Gay, Elizabeth (Bolling) |
Gay, Thomas B. |
Gayle, Elizabeth Marshall (Cole) See groups: Gayle Family |
Gayle, Joseph Y. See groups: Gayle Family |
Gayle, Robert Finley See also groups: gayle Family |
Gayle, Robert Finley 1892- |
Gaynor, Aglia Garraur (Picot) 1814- |
Geddy, James -1803 |
Geddy, Polly See: Prentis, Polly (Geddy) |
Geddy, Thomas Henley, Jr. 1892-1844 |
Geddy, Vernon Meredith 1897-1952 |
Gee, Margaret L. |
Geisler, Jerry H. |
Geisinger, Joseph Francis 1883- |
Gellman, Samuel Helmer 1894-1955 |
Gentry, Fred Bingham 1898-1970 |
Gentry, James A. 1840-1893 |
Gentry, Mary Cornelia (White) 1827-1903 |
Gentry, Walter B. |
Georghegan, Marshall See groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
George I 1660-1727 King of England 4-7-60 Faber 18/0 4-7-60 Smith 1/1/0 4-7-60 Chevean 15/0 oversized 3-23-61 Picart 1714 1/10/0 oversized |
George II 1683-1760 King of England |
George III 1738-1820 King of England |
George VI King |
George, of Denmark 1653-1708 Consort of Queen Anne 4-7-60 Smith 18/0 4-7-60 Houbraken 7/0 5-20-60 Van Gunst 15/0 |
George, Anna See: Gatewood, Anna (George) |
George, Brooks See groups: Virginia State Barr Committee Commemoration Advent of Common Law- Jamestown 1609 |
George, David Lloyd -1923 |
George, Mrs. Gladys |
George, Ellen Burton See: Boykin, Ellen Burton (George), -1915 |
George, James Zachariah 1826-1897 |
George, John Pittfield 1829-1907 |
George, Miles 1807-1892 See also: Persons (group) PR 1:2 Poe, Edgar Allen |
George, Thomas Jefferson 1882-1958 |
Gephart, Catherine Thayer See: Shook, Catherine Thayer (Gephart) |
Gephart, Elizabeth Warner (Libby) See: Hyde, Elizabeth Warner (Gephart) |
Gephart, Elizabeth Warner (Gregory) See also groups: Gregory family |
Gephart, Greg |
Gephart, John Marshall, Jr. |
Gephart, John Marshall, III |
Gephart, Thomas Jefferson |
Gephart, Julie See also: Gephart, John Marshall, Jr. |
Gephart family See also: Gregory family unidentified Groups: Gregory family |
Gerard, Conrad Alexandre 1729-1790 |
Gerhart, Kale Walkins See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Gerhart, Marie See: Hassell, Marie (Gerhardt), 1828-1912 |
Germaine, George See: Sackville, george Germaine, 1st viscount, 1716-1785 |
Gerring, J. W. |
Gibbes, R. W. |
Gholson, Samuel J. |
Gholson, Thomas Saunders 1808-1868 |
Gibbon, Major James 1759-1835 |
Gibbon, James -1811 |
Gibboney, Jacob Haller See also groups: Virginia theological Seminary, Alexandria |
Gibboney, Joan See: Gibboney, Louise |
Gibboney, Louise |
Gibboney, Marie See: Thompson, Marie (Gibboney), Gibboney, Louise |
Gibbs, Alfred and Blair |
Gibbs, Blair See: Gibbs, Alfred |
Gibbs, Mrs. Henry See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church |
Gibbs, James Ethan Allen 1829-1902 |
Gibbs, Marianne Everard (Skelton) 1861-(?) |
Gibson, Annabella Ravenscroft See: Jenkins, Annabella Ravenscroft (Gibson) 1827-1901 |
Gibson, Churchill Jones 1885-1970 See also: groups; Gibson Family, Protestant Episcopal Church Luray Parish |
Gibson, Edmund bp. Of London 1669-1748 See oversize |
Gibson, Elizabeth Lloyd See: Franklin, Elizabeth Lloyd (Gibson) |
Gibson, Ernest Henry 1870-1956 |
Gibson, Evelyn See groups: Bicycle Endurance Contest Winners |
Gibson, George A. |
Gibson, Gay Blackford (Lloyd) See also: groups: Gibson Family |
Gibson, Gay Lloyd See: Pinder, Gay Lloyd Gibson |
Gibson, George D. |
Gibson, Henry See: Gibson, George A. |
Gibson, Irene See groups: Astor, Nancy |
Gibson, Irene Langhorne i.e. "Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson" See groups: White sulphur springs Wva, (Tea Party); Astor, Nancy Witcher (Langhorne) Shaw, Viscountess |
Gibson, James Davis See Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria 1910 |
Gibson, John Thomas |
Gibson, Mary Walker |
Gibson, Mrs. P.H. |
Gibson, N. |
Gibson, Patrick |
Gibson, Rt. Rev. R.A., Bihop, Epis. Diocese of Va., of others |
Gibson, Randall |
Gibson, Robert Atkinson, bp. 1846-1919 |
Gibson, Susan Stuart See: Davenport, Susan Stuart |
Giesham, Thomas |
Gifford, Hannah (Crane) 1737-1830 |
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 1539-1583 |
Giles, Frances Anna (Gwynn) Second wife of William Branch Giles |
Giles, Lizzie See: Robinson, Lizzie (Giles) |
Giles, Vinny |
Giles, William Branch 1762-1830 |
Gill, Aubrey W. 1918-1993 |
Gill, David Franklin See groups: Norfolk-Hunter school, 1895-96 |
Gill, Edward Hall |
Gill, G. See: Pic925.5 Richmond Light Infantry Blues Co. A, 46th Va Regt. |
Gill, John Monroe Bannister 1878-(?) See group: Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Va., students |
Gill, Lucy (Moncure) 1869-(?) |
Gill, Thomas F. |
Gill, W. G. See groups: McGuire's University School, Football Squad, 1926 |
Gillespie, Albert Pendleton 1855-1913 See also: Extra oversize, group album, "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902." |
Gillespie, Charles Pepper 1903-1954 |
Gilliam, Edward Holland See groups: Virginia Boat Club |
Gilliam, Henry Eugene See groups: Virginia Boat Club |
Gilliam, Hoge 1872-1962 |
Gilliam, Marshall R. See groups: Virginia Boat Club |
Gilliam, Mary Marshall See: Wortham, Mary Marshall (Gilliam) 1874-(?) |
Gilliam, Mary Roche (Hoge) 1847-1902 Wife of Marshall Madison Gilliam |
Gilliam, Robert Hobson 1838-1923 |
Gilliam, William Lee See groups: Virginia Boat Club |
Gillias, Sy |
Gillies, Lucinda See: Mutter, Lucinda (Gillies) |
Gilman, Thomas Etheridge 1893-1959 |
Gilmen, Willie Gilmir(?) See: Perrine Collection, filed by city, by gallery |
Gilmer, Francis Walker 1790-1826 |
Gilmer, Harriet |
Gilmer, Howard Cecil 1879-1944 |
Gilmer, Howard C. Jr. |
Gilmer, J.F. |
Gilmer, M.S. (Mrs.) Mary S. |
Gilmer, Thomas Walker 1802-1844 See: oversize |
Gilmer family |
Gilmore, James William 1851-(?) See: extra oversize, group:album. "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902" |
Gilmore, Louisa Murray (Finney), 1834-1854 |
Gilmore, Martha See: Robinson, Martha (Gilmore) |
Gilmore, Mjr. Gen. Q. A. |
Gilmore, Samuel |
Gilpin, Charles |
Gilpin, Kenneth Newcomer 1890-1947 |
Gilpin, Russell and Jeanette |
Ginter, Lewis 1824-1897 |
Giradin, Louis Hue |
Girard, Stephen 1750-1831 |
Gish, J. Emmett 1875-1948 |
Gist, Mordecai 1743-1792 |
Givens, Fred See groups: VA State Guard, Co. 54 |
Givens, F. B. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad, 1826 |
Gladstone, William Ewart 1809-1898 |
Glasgow, Arthur Graham 1865-1955 |
Glasgow, Charles Spears 1889-1962 |
Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson, 1873-1945 |
Glasgow, Joseph |
Glasgow, Jean |
Glasgow, Joseph Anderson 1867-1940 |
Glasgow, Margaret Elizabeth (Branch), 1876- ie., "Mrs. Arthur Graham Glasgow" |
Glasgow, Marjorie Gholson See: Congreve, Margaret Gholson (Glasgow), 1902- |
Glasgow, William Anderson, Jr. 1865-1930 |
Glass, Agnes Sinclair See: Anderson, Agnes Sinclair (Glass) |
Glass, Carter 1858-1946 See also extra-oversized: Album, "Virginia Constitutional Convention |
Glass, Louisa (Bryarly) See: Van Doren family album |
Glass, Maria (Hackley) |
Glass, R. P. See: Van Doran family album |
Glass, R. P. Jr. See: Van Doren family album |
Glass, Raleigh |
Glass, Sadie See: Van Doren family album |
Glassell, A. |
Glave, Patricia McKenna |
Glazebrook Family photographs, unidentified See also: Glazebroof family album |
Glazebrook, Allan Garnett |
Glazebrook, Eugenia Lewis |
Glazebrook, Evgenia Lewis (Goss) See also: Glazebrook, Preston Goss, Glazebrook, Evgenia Lewis, Glazebrook family album |
Glazebrook, Hawsie Sutton |
Glazebrook, Larkin White See also: Glazebrook, Eugenia Lewis, Glazebrook family album |
Glazebrook, Preston Goss See also: Glazebrook, Eugenia Lewis |
Glazebrook, Reva Gray |
Glazebrook, Sutton Blackwell See also: Glazebrook family album |
Gleckler, W. H. See groups: Mt. Veron, VA |
Glencairn, Elizabeth (McGuire) Cunningham, 1724-1801, countess, wife of the 13th earl of Glencairn |
Glenn, Garrard 1878-1949 |
Gloth, William C. -1944 |
Gloucester, William 1689-1700 Duke of, son of Queen Anne, 4-7-60 Houbraken 6/0 (Oberfund) |
Gloucester, William Henry 1639-1660 4th duke, 4-7-60 Van Dalen 1/5/0 |
Glover, sam See groups: Norwood's University School Room "C" |
Goad, Byrum P. 1891- |
Godbold, Miss Helen See groups: Bell Wedding Party ie., Mrs. A. G. Bell, Jr. |
Godbold, John William Ware 1760-1842 |
Godbold, Sarah Ann (Cruft) 1771-1849 See: Godbold, John William Ware, 1760-1842 |
Goddin, Alfred P. See groups: Nolley's School, 1901 |
Goddin, Charlotte Indiana See: Hallowell, Charlotte Indiana (Goddin), ca. 1839-1900 |
Goddin, Elizabeth (Winston) See: Photograph album: Lynch Family |
Goddin, Hobson |
Goddin, Indie See: Photograph album: Lynch Family |
Goddin, John See: Photograph album: Lynch family |
Goddin, Wellington See: Photograph album: Lynch family |
Godolphin, Sydney Godolphin 1645-1712 1st earl, priry council (Colonial) in 1690, lord treasure in 1702, 8/16/60 Houbraken 9/0, see oversized |
Godwin, Charles Bernard, Jr. |
Godwin, Mills Edwin 1914- See also groups: VA governors and Godwin, Miles Edwin Inauguration |
Goepfarth, Carl |
Goepfarth, Louise See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation Class, 1909. Ie., Mrs. Bernard Schaaf |
Gold, Margaret Ann See: Morgan, Margaret Ann (Gold), 1836- 1905 |
Gold, Maude See: Shepherd, Maude (Gold) |
Gold, William McDowell ca. 1802-1857 |
Golden, Robert E. ?-1970 |
Goldsborough, Anna Maria See: Fitzhugh, Anna Maria (Goldsborough), 1790-1876 |
Goldsborough, Carroll See also groups: Wise, John S. |
Goldsborough, Mat (?) |
Goldthwait, Ezckiel |
Goldwater, Barry |
Golsun, Logan See groups: Roselawn, Orange Co., VA, 1896 |
Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento de Acuna, conde (d.1625), Spanish ambassador to James I, spyed on Jamestown, 5/20/60 Cooper 18/0, see oversized |
Gooch, Sir William 1681-1751 |
Goode, Berkely |
Goode, Bessie Morton See: Jeffreys, Bessie Morton (Goode) 1879- 1930 |
Goode, J. Watkins |
Goode, James Urquhart 1873-1944 |
Goode, John 1829-1909 See also: Extra oversize, album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Goode, John C. See also: Extra oversize, album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Goode, Milton |
Goode, Morton Graham 1886-1959 |
Goode, Nancy Daniel See: Bland, Nancy Daniel (Goode) |
Goode, Rosa (Chambers) 1842-1921 |
Goode, Thomas 1787-1858 |
Goode, Thomas Francis 1825-1905 |
Goodwin, Frank |
Goodhart, Henrietta Laura McCormick |
Goodloe, Ada |
Goodloe, Annie |
Goodloe, Harry Boynton 1882-1969 |
Goodloe, Herbert |
Goodloe, Marion See groups: Virginia Colonial Records Project |
Goodman, Julius 1895-1964 |
Goodner, Ella See: photograph album: Lynch Family |
Goodner, Lyman See: photograph album: Lynch Family |
Goodner, Marietta See: photograph album: Lynch Family |
Goodner, Ralph A. See: photograph album: Lynch Family |
Goodrich, Mary (Hopkins) |
Goodridge, George McC. See: Booker, A. Tyler |
Goodson, Price 1913-1947 |
Goodwin, Ella |
Goodwin, Evelyn (Tannor) D.1915 See: Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord, 1869-1939 |
Goodwin, Frederick Deane 1804-1881 |
Goodwin, Frederick Deane, bp 1888-1968 |
Goodwin, Lettie See: Goodwin, William A. R. |
Goodwin, Mary |
Goodwin, Mary Frances (Archer), 1819-1900 |
Goodwin, Robert Archer See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910. |
Goodwin, Rutherfoord 1901-1962 See: Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord, 1869-1939 |
Goodwin, S. A. |
Goodwin, William A. R. |
Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord, 1869-1939 |
Goowyn, Elizabeth Norfleet See: Ridley, Francis, 1817-1898 |
Goodwyn, Sallie Bennett (Aylett), -1942 |
Goolrick, Charles O'Connor 1876-1960 |
Goolrick, John T. |
Goolrick, William Kinloch 1879-1958 |
Gordon, ? See oversized |
Gordon, Agnes (Knox) 1787-1865 |
Gordon, Anne Campbell See: Thomas, Anne Campbell (Gordon), 1819- 1886 |
Gordon, Anna Campbell (Knox) 1784-1867 ie., Mrs. Bazil gordon of Falmouth, VA |
Gordon, Anne Eliza (Pleasants) 1836-1901 |
Gordon, Ann Huntly ca. 1899 See: Gordon Douglas Huntly, 1902;Gordon, Douglas Huntly family; Dahlgren, Anne H.(Gordon) Marriage of, oversize |
Gordon, Armistead Churchill 1855-1931 |
Gordon, Armistead Churchill 1897- |
Gordon, Bazil 1768-1847 |
Gordon, Bennett Taylor 1855- See extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Gordon, Catherine d. ca 1845 See: Gordon, Isabella (McClary) Michael, b.1807- |
Gordon, Charles George 1833-1885 |
Gordon children (2 girls) |
Gordon, Douglas Hamilton 1817-1883 |
Gordon, Douglas Huntly 1866-1918 |
Gordon, Douglas Huntly 1902- See also persons: oversized, Gordon, Douglas H. and Gordon, Douglash family (group) |
Gordon, Elizabeth Iris Southall (Clarke) Gordon Briddle, 1871-1958 |
Gordon, Elizabeth Stith ca 1898 See: Gordon, Douglas Huntly, 1902-; groups: Gordon, Douglas H. family |
Gordon, Florence W. |
Gordon, George H. |
Gordon, George Loyall 1829-1862 |
Gordon, George Loyall 1899-1918 |
Gordon, H. |
Gordon, Isabella (McClary) Micheal, b. 1807 |
Gordon, James 1714-1768 |
Gordon, James Byron 1822-1864 |
Gordon, James Lindsay 1860-1904 See also oversized |
Gordon, James Linsay 1895- |
Gordon, James Waddell 1869-1952 See also extra-oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" Gordon, Jas. R. See groups: American National Bank Directors |
Gordon, John 1720-1780 |
Gordon, John |
Gordon, John Brown 1832-1904 See also oversized and extra oversized |
Gordon, John W. Jr. See oversized |
Gordon, John W. 1847-1928 |
Gordon, Lucy |
Gordon, Maria Breckinridge (Catlett), 1860-1930 ie., "Mrs. Armistead Churchill Gordon" |
Gordon, Martha Catherine See: Mallory, Martha Catherine (Gordon), 1838-1863 |
Gordon, Mary ie., Mrs. Lamont Humphrey; see groups: Morecock, Pinky |
Gordon, Mary (Harrison) |
Gordon, Mary Long (Daniel) 1829-1876 ie., "Mrs. George Loyall Gordon" |
Gordon, Mason 1840-1914 |
Gordon, Milicent (Conway) 1727- |
Gordon, Priscilla 1801- |
Gordon, Reuben Lindsay 1855- See: extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Gordon, Sarah Stanly See groups: Gordon, Douglas H. Family |
Gordon, Samuel 1784-1855 |
Gordon, Simeon Ca. 1810-1859 |
Gordon, Thelma Duane Young |
Gordon, Thomas Christian Jr. 1915- See also: groups: Va. Supreme Court |
Gordon, Thomas Croxton See groups: Va. Military Institute: Students |
Gordon, Virginia Southall See groups: Gordon, Douglas H. Family |
Gordon, William Alexander |
Gorland, G. G. |
Gorman, Joseph Vincent 1903-1969 |
Gosden, Walter See groups: Mosby's Men |
Goshine, A. J. |
Gosline, Dr. I. T. |
Gotleib, Fredrick See group: Norwood's University School, Room C |
Govan, Daniel C. |
Gracie, Archibald 1832-1864 |
Gracie, Archibald IV 1859-1912 |
Gracie, Constance Elsie (Schack) Wife of Archibald Gracie IV, 1859-1912 |
Graeff, Michael |
Graeme, John 1792-1872 |
Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke 1735-1811 Prime Minister in 1766 |
Graham, Billy |
Graham, Carrie Dandridge (Sampson) |
Graham, Henry Tucker 1865-(?) See group photo: Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, Va. Student Group |
Graham, General |
Graham, Isobel (Pegram) |
Graham, John A. |
Graham, Lawrence P. |
Graham, Robert Spotts 1881-1967 |
Graham, Samuel Cecil 1846-1923 |
Graham, William 1746-1799 |
Graham, William C. See groups: Rose Lawn, Orange County, VA, 1896 |
Grammar, G. L. |
Granbery, (Lady) |
Granbery, Henry Augustus Thaddeus, 1808-1904 |
Granbery, Henrietta Augusta 1829-1927 |
Granbery, John 1759-1815 |
Granbery, John Cowper 1829-1907 Bp. |
Granbery, John Gershom 1833-1895 |
Granbery, Julian Hastings 1873-1961 |
Granbery, Julianna See: Hastings, Julia Caroline (Granbery), 1840-1869 |
Granbery, Mary Ann Marsh (Megie), 1831-1908 See: Granbery, John Gershom, 1833-1895 |
Granbery, Misses |
Granbery, Prudence (Nimmo) 1807-1903 "ie., Mrs. H. A. T. Granberry" |
Granbery, Susanna Butterfield (Stow), 1772-1852 "ie., Mrs. John Granbery" |
Granbery, Virginia 1831-1921 |
Grant, Ann Elizabeth (Crenshaw), 1826-1901 |
Grant, Henry See groups photograph: Richmond, VA. Lakeside amusement park |
Grant, James, Henry 1876-1937 |
Grant, James Henry 1906-1979 |
Grant, John Shepperson 1911- |
Grant, Lewis Crenshaw 1882-1951 |
Grant, Lucy Hortense (Burton) 1888- |
Grant, Mary Agnes 1908- |
Grant, Nannie Armostead (Storrs), 1851-1953 |
Grant, Pauline Williamson 1879-1945 |
Grant, Pauline W. See group photograph: Fredericksburg Collegiate Institute |
Grant, Robert Nelson |
Grant, Ulysses Simpson 1822-1885 See oversized |
Graser, Louise M. C. See: Bromm, Louise M. C. (Graser), 1849- 1885 |
Grasse, Francois-Joseph-Paul, Comte de, 1723-1788 |
Grantham, Thomas Robinson 1695-1770 1st baron, Commissioner of trade and plantations in 1749. 9/30/60 Harding 3/0 |
Gratiot, Charles 1788-1855 |
Grattan, Catherine See: Gamble, Catherine (Grattan), 1753- 1831 |
Grattan, Jane Elvira (Ferguson), 1806-1888 |
Gravatt, John James 1854-1925 See also groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910 |
Graves, Charles Alfred 1850-1928 |
Graves, Claiborne Giles 1809-1886 |
Graves, George W. |
Graves, Mamie See: Bobbitt, Mamie (Graves) |
Graves, Sarah (Tandy) 1774-1857 |
Gray, Agatha (Ashton) See: Confederate Soldier, otherwise unidentified |
Gray, Alfred Leftwick 1873- |
Gray, Arthur See group photograph: Bainbridge Junior High School, safety patrol |
Gray, Alphonso Alexander, 1835-1908 |
Gray, Arthur Powell, Jr. See group photographs: Virginia University Students; Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA; Jefferson Academy; Brown's University School, Charlottesville, VA, baseball team; Brown's Unversity School, Charlottesville, VA, football team; and Virginia Theological seminary, Alexandria, 1910. |
Gray, Arthur Powell 1853-1921 See also group: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA, class of 1878 |
Gray, Benjamin H. |
Gray, Catherine Daingerfield (Willis) See: Murat, Catherine Daingerfield (Willis) Gray, 1803-1867 |
Gray, Elmont See groups: VHS- Grand Opening; state senator |
Gray, Elizabeth Struart (Derby), 1881-1940 See also group photographs: Derby family |
Gray, George Dabney 1829-1902 |
Gray, James William 1909- Baby with nurse |
Gray, John M., Jr. See groups: Beach Scene, 1896 |
Gray, Lelia Palmer |
Gray, Robert 1755-1826 |
Gray, Dr. Thomas Branch Willson |
Gray, Wilhelmina Jordon (Radford), 1856-1922 Wife of arthur Powell gray, 1853-1921 |
Gray, William Hill 1805-1890 |
Grayson, Eleanor (Smallwood) |
Grayson, William c. 1736-1790 |
Greaner, Anne Elizabeth See: Higgins, Ann Elizabeth (Greaner) |
Greaner, William 1793-1868 |
Greear, Fred Bonham 1899-1960 |
King and Queen of Greece |
Greeley, Horace 1811-1872 |
Green, Berryman 1754-1825 |
Green, Berryman 1836- See extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902 |
Green, Brooke |
Green, Lewis W. 1806-1863 |
Green, Mary Browne See: rives, mary Browne (Green), 1779-1860 |
Green, Lucy Watkins (Lyons) 1807-1831 |
Green, Mary Frances See: Stone, Mary Frances (Green), 1829- |
Green, Mary, Roane (Ritchie) |
Green, Thomas 1798-1883 |
Green, William 1806-1880 |
Green, Wilmer See groups: Wakefield, VA, High School students |
Greene, A. T. See groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
Greene, Israel c. 1823-1909 |
Greene, Nathanael 1742-1786 |
Greener, Mae See group: Richmonders, Richmond coffee party |
Greenhow, (James) children |
Greenhow, Mary |
Greenough, Mrs. |
Greentree, Jane (Obermeyer) See groups: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Girl Scout troop no. 12 |
Greentree, Kitty U. See: Greentree, Meyer |
Greentree, Meyer |
Greenwalt, Joe |
Greenwood, Ruth (Werner) Enders See groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Greer, David G. See: Mosby, Robert O. |
Greever, Edgar Lee 1866-1943 |
Gregg, Alexander 1819-1893 |
Gregg, Eva See: Ezell, Eva (Gregg) |
Gregg, James E. |
Gregg, John 1828-1864 |
Gregg, Martha Jamison See: McIntosh, Martha Jamison (Gregg) |
Gregg, Maxcy 1814-1862 |
Gregory, Catherine Cary |
Gregory, Coleman |
Gregory, Constance Heath, Jr. See group: Gregory family |
Gregory, Diane R. See groups: church groups: St. John's United Church of Christ Confirmation class, 1962 |
Gregory, Dr. See also groups: Baptist Foreign Mission board in Virginia |
Gregory, Edmund See groups: Gregory family |
Gregory, Edward Meeks 1922- See also: Silhouettes by Edward Meeks Gregory collection; locations: Christ Church School, Christ-Church, VA, Richmond, St. Marks Epiocopal Church; Richmond, St. Peters Epiocopal Church. Groups: Gregory family, Friends' Assn. For Children (Board) |
Gregory, Edward Sanford 1843-1884 |
Gregory, Elizabeth Warner See: Gephart, Elizabeth Warner (Gregory). Groups: Gregory family |
Gregory, Fannie See groups: Gregory Family |
Gregory, Frances Jefferson See: Ratcliffe, Frances Jefferson (Gregory) ca. 1836-(?) |
Gregory, George See groups: Gregory Family |
Gregory, George Craigshead 1878-1956 |
Gregory, George Osborne See also: groups: Gregory Family |
Gregory, Elizabeth L. |
Gregory, George Osborne Jr. |
Gregory, Gloria C. |
Gregory, Grover Johnson 1927-1972 |
Gregory, H. L. See groups: Medical College of Virginia |
Gregory, Henry See groups: Gregory Family |
Gregory, Herbert Bailey 1884-1951 |
Gregory, James 1809-1877 |
Gregory, James Imogene 1880-(?) |
Gregory, James Marcus 1841-1916 |
Gregory, Lillie William (Gates) 1852-1917 |
Gregory, Louis See groups: Gregory Family |
Gregory, Lucie Jane (Brodie) |
Gregory, Lucy See groups: Gregory Family |
Gregory, Mary Ann Maria (Brookes) |
Gregory, Ollyn Wickliffe 1871-1934 |
Gregory, R. See groups: McGuire's University School, 1926 |
Gregory, Roger 1685-1730? |
Gregory, Roger 1833-1920 See extra oversize: group album. "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902." |
Gregory, Roger |
Gregory, Susan Courtney |
Gregory, Sylvia Thayer See: Foley, Sylvia Thayer (Gregory) |
Gregory, Thomas West See also groups: Gregory Family |
Gregory, Thomas William |
Gregory, Thurlow Gates 1888-1969 |
Gregory, William See: Hill/Booth Family album, p. 42 |
Gregory ie., Mrs. C. A. Gregory |
Gregory, Alice See groups: Gregory family |
Gregory, Ann H. |
Gregory family and friends Related to Constance Heath Gregory and Edward Meeks Gregory etc. See also groups, and groups oversized and albums- Gregory family |
Gregory family Associated photos-houses, churches, scenes, objects, (Constance Heath, Edward Meeks Gregory etc.) |
Grenville, George 1712-1770 Prime minister in 1763. 8/16/60 Houston 1/10/0; see oversized |
Grenville, Sir Richard ca. 1541-1591 |
Gresham, Hattie Belle 1881?-1964 |
Gresham, Sir Thomas 1520-1579 6/30/61 Delaram 1/15/- |
Greham, William, Mr. and Mrs. |
Gretter, Plummer |
Greville, Fulke See: Brooke, Fulke Greville, 1st baron, 1554-1628 |
Grey, Forde See: Tankerville, Forde Grey, earl, d.1701 |
Grey, Henry See: Suffolk, Henry grey, duke of, d.1554 |
Grice, George Washington 1824-1875 |
Grier, E. |
Grierson, Gen. |
Griffen, Samuel |
Griffin, Catherine See: Gwyn, Catherine (Griffin) Fauntleroy, 1664-1728 |
Griffin, Cyrus 1749-1810 |
Griffen, J. W. See group photograph: Bainbridge Junior High School safety patrol |
Griffin, Lucy (Lewis) 1789-1864 |
Griffin, Samuel 1840-1917 |
Griffith, Alfred Hundley 1895-1964 |
Griffith, John Summerfield |
Griffith, Lelia See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Griffith, Richard 1814-1862 |
Grigsby, Abner Joseph 1821- |
Gribsby, Hugh Blair 1806-1881 |
Grigsby, Hugh Blair 1823- |
Grigsby, Hugh Carrington |
Grigsby, John Warren |
Grigsby, Joseph 1808-1848 |
Grigsby, Lucian Porter 1820- |
Grigsby, Mary Ann See: McCormick, Mary Ann (Grigsby), 1828- 1878 |
Grigsby, Mary Blair 1860- |
Grigsby, Miss Maude |
Grigsby, Melvin |
Grigsby, Reuben |
Grigsby family |
Grimes, Bryan 1828-1880 |
Grimmell, Anna See: Dietrich, Anna (Grimmell), ie., Mrs. George Dietrich |
Grimmell, Annie See: Sommer, Annie (Grimmell) |
Grimmell, August F. ca. 1871-1921 |
Grimmell, Elizabeth (Brauer) 1846-1905 See group photographs: Brauer family |
Grimmell, Emma See: Liebert, Emma (Grimmell) ie., Mrs. John S. Liebert, 1878-1951 |
Grimmell, Emma Helene Messgel See groups: Richmonders, coffee club. ie., Mrs. Conrad Frederick Grimmell |
Grimmell, Henry F. |
Grimsley, Daniel Amon 1840-1910 |
Grinnan, Dr. Andrew Giassell |
Grinnan, Daniel 1861-1940 |
Grinnon, Georgia Scriven Bryan |
Grinnell, Martha See: Booker, Martha (Grinnell), 1812-1915 |
Groseclose, Frank Alexander 1874-1954 |
Grosvenor, Richard 1731-1802 1st earl of |
Grove, George Philip 1896-1965 |
Grove, James Philip 1892-1947 |
Grubb, Curtis -1930 See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA, class of 1878 |
Grundy, Barton Haxall 1858-1928 |
Grundy, Felix 1777-1840 |
Grymes, children of Philip and Mary (Randolph) |
Grymes, Alice See: Page, Alice (Grymes), 1723-1746 |
Grymes, Benjamin Andrew 1824-1884 |
Grymes, Benjamin 1725-1776? And Ludwell (1733-1795) |
Grymes, Charles |
Grymes, Elizabeth (Randolph) 1742- Wife of Philip Grymes |
Grymes, Hannah See: Potter, Hannah (Grymes) |
Grymes, John |
Grymes, Lucy See: Burwell, Lucy (Grymes) |
Grymes, Ludwell 1733-1795 See: Grymes, Benjamin, 1725-1776? |
Grymes, mary (Randolph) -1768 |
Grymes, Peyton (Dr.) |
Grymes, Philip 1721-1762 |
Grymes, Philip Ludwell 1746-1805 |
Grymes, Virginia D. |
Guerrant, John Gibson 1875-1904 |
Guest, Elisabeth C. See groups: Wellford family |
Guest, Frank B. See groups: Wellford family |
Guest, John 1768-1817 |
Guest, John W. See groups: Wellford family |
Guest, Mary E. Bernard See: Gaymont #4, (Mrs. George Guest) |
Guigon, Alexander Barclay 1858-1923 |
Guild, Col. Curtis, Jr. See groups: Lee (Fitzhugh) and staff, 1898 |
Guild, Lafayette 1825-1870 |
Guilford, Francis North 1704-1790 1st earl |
Guildford, Francis North 1637-1685 Lord Chancellor in 1682, 8/16/60 Lodge 5/0 |
Guillamme, Bertha See: Hill/Booton family album, pg 19 |
Guillamme, Henry See: Hill/Booton family album, pg 18 |
Guiza, Emily |
Gundlach, Albert Frederick See church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class of 1901 |
Gunn, Ariana See: Cunningham, Ariana (Gunn) McCartney, 1770-1838 |
Gunn, Edgar G. See also groups: American National Bank Directors |
Gunn, Julien 1877-1948 |
Gunn, S. E. |
Gunzburg, Dr. Frank See: Gunzburg, Ernest Max |
Gunzburg, Mary See: Uitkowsky, Mary (Gunzburg) |
Gunzburg, Trudy See: Gunzburg, Ernest Max |
Gunzburg, Ernest Max 1911-1990 |
Guppy, J. J. |
Guthe, Hermon Oscar 1860-1952 |
Guthrie, John Dennett 1878- |
Gurernator, Louisa |
Guvernator, George |
Guy, Jackson |
Guy, Louis Lee 1906-1953 |
Guy, Luther |
Gwathmey, Abbie See groups: Gwathney family |
Gwathmey, Abby (Manly) |
Gwathmey, Anna See groups: Gwathney family |
Gwathmey, Allan Talbott 1903-1963 |
Gwathmey, Basil M. See group: Gwathney family |
Gwathmey, Bill |
Gwathmey, Brooke |
Gwathmey, Caroline Moore (Talbott) |
Gwathmey, Elizabeth See: Jeffress, Elizabeth (Gwathney), 1887-1967 |
Gwathmey, Elizabeth T. (Burnley), 1806- |
Gwathmey, Hardin See groups: Gwathmey family |
Gwathmey, Hardinia Morris |
Gwathmey, Jeannette G. See also groups: Gwathmey family |
Gwathmey, Joe H. See groups: Gwathmey family |
Gwatmey, Joe H., Jr. See also groups: Gwalthmey family |
Gwatmey, John R. See also groups: Gwaltmey family |
Gwatmey, Joseph Hardin 1878?- |
Gwathmey, Laura |
Gwathmey, Laura May 1881- |
Gwathmey, Lewis Temple 1848-1881 |
Gwathmey, Lucy Ann 1806-1891 |
Gwathmey, Margaret (Nicolson) 1791-1824 (Mrs. Robert Gwathmey) |
Gwathmey, Mary Burnley See also: works of specific artists; groups: Executive Retail Institute, Arlington, VA; Gwathmey family; H 987.72 |
Gwathmey, Maj. Joseph 1758-1824 Por. 987.57 |
Gwathmey, Richard See also groups: Gwathmey family |
Gwathmey, Robert 1778-1855 |
Gwathmay, Robert |
Gwathmey, Robert (Judge) |
Gwathmey, Roberta Hollingsworth |
Gwathmey, Virginia |
Gwathmey, William 1878?-(?) See also: groups: Gwathmey Family |
Gwathmey, William Henry 1819-1886 |
Gwathmey, Willaim Henry (possibly the grandfather of) |
Gwathmey - unidentified, also possibly Ryland, Garnett Part of 1987 Burlington Gwathmey Memorial Foundation |
Gwatkin, Lizzie See: Hill/Booton Family Album, p.20 |
Gwin, D. William |
Gwin, William (?)-1863 |
Gwynn, Catherine (Griffin) Fauntleroy 1664-1728 |
Gwyn, Elizabeth See: Tayloe Elizabeth (Gwyn) Lyde, 1692- 1745 |
Gwyn, T. L. See: extra oversize: group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902" |
Gwynn, Frances Ann See: Giles Frances Ann (Gynn) |