Haas - Hynes: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Haas, Isabella Hamilton |
Haase, Celeste Bertha, "Lessie",1884-1969 See groups: Haase family |
Hasse, Charles 1828-1907 See also groups: Haase family |
Haase, Charles H. See groups: church groups: St. John's Evanglical Lutheran Church-Confirmation Class, 1921 |
Haase, Charles Ruppert 1868-1944 See groups: Haase family |
Haase, Miss Gertrude See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church |
Haase, Helen Louise 1882-1966 See groups: Haase family |
Haase, Henry Robert 1874-1946 See also groups: Haase family |
Haase, John Edward 1880-1961 See groups: Haase family |
Haase, Josephine See: Miller, Josephine (Haase), 1870-1945 |
Haase, Louis 1889-1890 See groups: Haase family |
Haase, Miss Louise See groups: church groups: st. John's Evangelical church |
Haase, Margaretha Lissette (Ruppert), 1844-1932 See also groups: Haase family |
Haase, Marie Schaaf See groups: Richmonders, coffee club. ie, Mrs. Henry Robert Haase |
Haase, William Frederick 1877-1967 See also groups: Haase family |
Habersham, Joseph 1751-1815 |
Hackley, Harriet Randolph See: Talcott, Harriet Randolph (Hackley), 1810-1880 |
Haddon, C. Gray See groups: Government Agencies |
Haddon, Thomas Gray 1884- |
Hadley, Anne Carleton See: Barkley, Alben W. |
Haden, Benjamin, Jr. 1891-1940 |
Haden, Janet Randolph (Ball) 1909-1965 |
Hagan, James |
Hagen, John Campbell |
Hagen, Stella See: Smith, Stella (Hagan) |
Hageman, Ernest Edwin See groups: Church groups: st. John's United Church of Christ confirmation class, 1909 |
Hageman, Louis See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1909 |
Hagemann, Norma See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1913 |
Hagemueller, Paul See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church |
Hagood, Johnson |
Haien, Martin J. |
Haile, Edwin |
Hailey, William Edward 1870-1950 |
Hairston Unidentified |
Hairston, Samuel -1782 |
Hale, Dr. |
Hale, Nancy See groups: Virginians, 1972 |
Hale, Peyton Guyn 1821-1885 See groups: Big 4 and Massey |
Haley, J. B. |
Halifax, Chalmers |
Halifax, Charles Montague 1661-1715 1st earl (2nd creation) |
Halifax, George Savile 1633-1695 Marquis |
Halke, William, Jr. 1786-1882 |
Hall See groups: Williamsburg, VA, ca 1935. ie., "Mrs. Thadhall" |
Hall, Addison |
Hall, Ann and Maria Double Portrait Dag. |
Hall, Carloiana (Carter) -1799 ie., Mrs. Elisha Hall |
Hall, Caroline |
Hall, Channing Moore 1890-1953 |
Hall, Daniel 7/5/61 MacKenzie $3.00 (Argosy) |
Hall, Harvey Thomas 1869-1944 |
Hall, Elisha |
Hall, J. K. |
Hall, John Lesslie 1856-1928 See also groups: William and Mary College, "The Seven Wise Men" |
Hall, Louisa Ann 1794-1852 See group photographs (oversized): Scott family. Ie., Mrs. Charles Rush Hall |
Hall, Lyman 1724-1790 |
Hall, Maria and Ann Double portrait dag. Sef file for Hall, Ann |
Hall, Maria Allison |
Hall, Marshall Carter 1883-1941 |
Hall, Martha Minor See: Scott, Martha Minor (Hall), 1827-1883 |
Hall Sidney Bartlett 1895-1946 See groups: Virginia University, board, 1933 |
Hall, Wilbur Curtis 1892-1972 |
Hall, William Alfred, Jr. 1898-1964 |
Hallam, Lewis, Jr. ca. 1740- |
Hallam, Nancy |
Halleck, Fitz-Greene |
Halleck, Edgar William See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, 1910 |
Halleck, Henry Wager 1815-1872 |
Haller, C. I. |
Hallihan, Waller |
Halling, Margaret |
Hallowell, Benjamin 1799-1877 |
Hallowell, Charlotte Indiana (Goddin), ca. 1839-1900 |
Hallowell, Josha C. -1865 |
Halsey, Don Peters 1870- |
Halsey, Henry Conklin 1860- See groups: Halsey children |
Halsey, James Taggart 1852-1915 See groups: Halsey children |
Halsey, William Smiley 1856- See groups: Halsey children |
Halsey, William (Admiral) |
Halstead, Benton See groups: Confederate soldiers, 69th Ohio Vol. Reg. |
Haly, Mary E. See: Bruce, Mary E. (Haly) Wright |
Halybwrton, Judge James D[andridge], 1803-1879 |
Hambert, W. H. |
Hamel, Charles Dennis 1881-1970 |
Hamilton, Alexander 1757-1804 |
Hamilton, Alexander 1850-1916 See extra-oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Hamilton, Alexander McNutt |
Hamilton, Burleigh Washington 1905-1961 |
Hamilton, Charles Eaton 1816-1855 |
Hamilton, Elizabeth Grigsby See: Pope, Elizabeth Grigsby (Hamilton), 1858- |
Hamilton, Elizabeth McNutt |
Hamilton, George See: Orkney, George Hamilton, 1st earl, 1666-1737 |
Hamilton, James |
Hamilton, James |
Hamilton, James G. |
Hamilton, John |
Hamilton, John Randolph Pope |
Hamilton, John Richardson |
Hamilton, Joseph C. |
Hamilton, Nancy See: Mackey, Nancy (Hamilton) |
Hamilton, W. S. See: Van Doren family album |
Hammond, Belle (Boyd) Hardinge See: High, Belle (Boyd) Hardinge (Hammond), 1844-1900 |
Hammond, Byrd See: Mowery, Byrd (Hammond) Williams, 1874-1932 |
Hammond, John Edmund 1878- See: High, Nathaniel Rue, 1861 |
Hammond, Lillie M. |
Hammond, Marie Isabella See: Michael, Marie Isabella (Hammond), 1876- |
Hammond, Mildred (Washington) 1772-1894 |
Hammond, Capt. Thomas |
Hammer, Annis Reid |
Hamner, Earl, Jr. See groups: "The Waltons" |
Hamner, Wyatt Wingfield |
Hampton, Betsy See: Hampton, Henry C. |
Hampton, Elizabeth |
Hampton, Harry LeRoy |
Hampton, Henry C. |
Hampton, Isabel A. |
Hampton, Sarah (Buchanan) 1807-1874 |
Hampton, Wade 1818-1902 See also oversized |
Hampton, William 1809-1887 |
Hanckell, Allan Reeve 1861-1944 |
Hancock, Ann Marie |
Hancock, Ben See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Hancock, Beverly Agustus 1847-1904 See extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02 |
Hancock, Etta See groups: Wakefield, VA High School students |
Hancock, George 1754-1820 |
Hancock, John 1737-1793 |
Hancock, Margaret 1763-1834 See: Hancock, George, 1754-1820 |
Hancock, Mary See: Brown, Mary (Hancock), 1784-1848 |
Hancock, Phillip |
Hancock, R. J. (Mrs) See: Van Doren family album |
Hancock, Winfield Scott 1824-1886 |
Handy, Miss |
Handy, Anne Roy (Johnston) See groups: Daughters of G. B. Johnston |
Handy, Laurens Duvall 1896-1945 |
Handy, May See: Potter, May (Handy), 1865-1952 |
Hanes, H. Earlton 1872-1946 |
Hanes, Virginia See: Chamberlayne, Virginia (Hanes) |
Haney, Herschel (Rev) |
Hanger, Lina See: Perrine collection filed by City, by gallery |
Hank, Joshiah Dickinson, Jr. 1875-1924 |
Hankins, J. Gustavus |
Hanky, C. G. |
Hanger, O.V. |
Hank, Phillip M. |
Hankins, Mr. and Mrs. |
Hannah, George Gordon, 1865-(?) See also: group: Worth, Hal |
Hannah, William Nathaniel 1893-1959 |
Hansbrough, L. C. 1856-1916 |
Hansen, Miss Estelle See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church |
Hansen, Walter See: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation class of 1919 |
Hanson, Ann (Brown) Claggett Horner |
Harbour, William Hooker 1921-1958 |
Hard, Edward See groups: U.S. Army |
Hardaway, Martha Judith See: Old, Martha Judith (Hardaway) Harvie, 1789-1859 |
Hardee, William Joseph 1815-1873 See also: oversize; also: groups: Confederate Generals |
Hardeman, Joan |
Harding |
Harding, Mattie Seay |
Harding, Warren Gamaliel 1865-1923 President of U.S. 1921-1923 |
Hardinge, Belle (Boyd) See: High, Belle (Boyd) Hardinge Hammond 1844-1900 |
Hardwick, H.L. |
Hardwick, Warner(?) and Family See groups: Hardwick family |
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st Earl 1690-1764 Lord Chancellor in 1737 |
Hardy, Edward Hugh 1884-1948 |
Hardy, L.A. See extra oversize: group: "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902" |
Hare, William B. |
Hargrove, Sally |
Hariot, Thames 1560-1621 |
Harker, Mary Slaughter, Mary (Harker) |
Harkins, William G. See: Swem, Earl Gregg, 1870-1965 |
Harlan, Rolvix 1876-1954 |
Harland, Marion See: Terhune, Mary Virginia |
Harless, Allen I. 1866-1930 |
Harley, Robert See: Oxford, Robert Harley, 1st earl, 1661-1724 |
Harlow, Leo Patrick 1879-1945 |
Harman, Alex M., Jr. See groups: Virginia Supreme Court |
Harman, Harriet See: Early, Harriet (Harman) |
Harman, James W. 1883-1970 |
Harman, John A. 1824- |
Harman, King Edwin 1863-1939 |
Harmon, A. C. |
Harmon, Daniel 1859-1912 |
Harnsberger, J. Samuel 1839-1912 |
Harper, Edgar C. |
Harper, Fred 1874-1937 |
Harper, Sir John 1679-1741 |
Harper, Julia Mildred |
Harrell, L. P. |
Harrell, Lyman Christian, Jr. 1909-1970 |
Harrington, John Harington 1592-1614 2nd baron; 5/20/60 Elstrack 3/0; 5/20/60 small oval with lines beneath 2/0 |
Harrington, Sir John 1541-1613 Named in 3rd Virginia charter; 4/7/60 Passe 0/7/6 oversize; 5/5/61 Elstracke 1/10/0 |
Harrington, Lucy See: Bedford, Lucy Harrington, countess, d. 1627 |
Harris, Ben See group (persons): Taylor, Kidder, -1913 |
Harris, Ellen |
Harris, Frederik 1780-1842 |
Harris, G. Ashton 1878-1941 |
Harris, Henry Herbert 1837-1897 |
Harris, Hy?m, Mrs. |
Harris, Isham Green 1818-1897 |
Harris, John 1758-1813 |
Harris, Kate Brander See: Williams, Kate Brander (Harris) Mayo Skipwith, d. 1945 |
Harris, Malcom Kerr 1888-1941 |
Harris, Mary Caroline |
Harris, Nathaniel Harrison 1834-1900 |
Harris, Pete See groups: VA. State Guard Co. 54 |
Harris, Rebecca (Britton) 1779-1857 |
Harris, Sally Anne |
Harris, W. L. |
Harris, W. O. |
Harrison? |
Harrison, Abby Willing See: Walker, Abby W. H. |
Harrison, Albertis Sydney 1907- See also groups: Lynchburg, VA- Lynchburg Training School; Virginia Supreme Courts; Virginia Governors; Godwin, Miles Edwin Inaugration, 1966 |
Harrison, Ann See: Coupland, Ann (Harrison), 1753-1821 |
Harrison, Anne See: Randolph, Anne (Harrison) |
Harrison, Anne (Carter) |
Harrison, Anne Poe See: Berkeley, Anne Poe (Harrison), 1856- 1939 |
Harrison, Anne (Randolph) 1740- Wife of Benjamin Harrison, 1743-1807 |
Harrison, Belle |
Harrison, Benjamin 1743-1807 |
Harrison, Benjamin 1833-1901 President of U.S. 1889-1893; See extra oversized- U. S. Military Academy Photo album; see oversized |
Harrison, Benjamin Munford 1788-1857 See: Harrison, Nathaniel, 1744-1792 |
Harrison, Benjamin 1726(?)-1791 |
Harrison, Benjamin Temple 1863-1908 |
Harrison, Burton Norvell 1838-1904 See group: Harrison, Burton Norvell |
Harrison, Caroline (Scott) 1832-1892 Wife of President Benjamin Harrison |
Harrison, Caskie See groups: Harrison, Burton Norvell |
Harrison, Constance (Cary) 1843-1920 |
Harrison, David Alexander, Jr. 1886-1966 |
Harrison, Dolly Pleasants Gray Briggs Carter (Nicholas), 1788-1857, wife of Benjamin Munford Harrison |
Harrison, Edward Jacqueline 1857- |
Harrison, Edward P. H. ca. 1860 |
Harrison, Elise (Thornton) 1888?-1972 See groups: Thornton family and friends |
Harrison, Elizabeth See: Randolph, Elizabeth (Harrison) |
Harrison, Elizabeth Gatewood (Williamson) See also: Braxton, Mary Gabriella (Williamson), 1853-1881. Wife of Randolph Harrison, b.1831 |
Harrison, Elizabeth (Page) ca,1751- See also: Page, Mann III, 1749-1803 |
Harrison, Ellen (Robertson) See: Gaymont, Caroline Co., VA |
Harrison, Euphania Claiborne (Taylor), 1819-1897, See: Ellis, Euphania Claiborne (Taylor) Harrison |
Harrison, Evelyn Taylor (Byrd) 1766-1817 |
Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938 |
Harrison, George M. |
Harrison, Gessner 1807-1862 See also oversized |
Harrison, Hannah See: Ludwell, Hannah (Harrison), 1678-1731 |
Harrison, Henry Sydnor 1881-1930 |
Harrison, Hetty (Cary) 1871-1943 |
Harrison, Isabelle See: Keith, John A. C. |
Harrison, Mrs. J. P. See: Harrison, J. P. |
Harrison, J. P. |
Harrison, Jacob Prosser 1834-1908 |
Harrison, James |
Harrison, James F. See: Van Doren family album |
Harrison, John Prosser -d. 1851 |
Harrison, Judith Willantina (Temple), 1837-1905 ie., Mrs. Jacob Prosser Harrison |
Harrison, Julia |
Harrison, Julian 1827-1877 |
Harrison, Lewis See group: Immortal six hundred |
Harrison, Louisa Triplet (Haxall?), 1847- |
Harrison, Lucy See: Randolph, Lucy (Harrison) |
Harrison, Lucy (Carter) Fitzhugh, 171?-1773 |
Harrison, lucy Similiar to the Hudgin's portrait |
Harrison, Maria Louise (Cosby) See: Harrison, William Flening |
Harrison, Maria (Sheerin) See also: Harrison, James |
Harrison, Mary (Randolph) 1771-1835 Mrs. Randolph Harrison |
Harrison, Nathaniel 1744-1792 |
Harrison, Randolph 1769-1839 |
Harrison, Randolph 1799-1844 |
Harrison, Randolph b.ca. 1860- |
Harrison, Randolph 1829-1900 |
Harrison, Randolph |
Harrison, Randolph |
Harrison, Randolph See groups: Lorton family and friends |
Harrison, Rosily See: Van Doren family album |
Harrison, Major Russell B. See groups: Lee (Fitzhugh) and staff 1898 |
Harrison, Sarah See: Blair, Sarah (Harrison), 1678-1713 |
Harrison, Susanna (Randolph) 1757- Wife of Carter Henry Harrison d. 1794 |
Harrison, Thomas Waller 1856-1935 See extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Harrison, Tommy See: Williams, Francis |
Harrison, Virginia L. C. |
Harrison, William -1814 |
Harrison, William Byrd 1800-1870 |
Harrison, William See groups: Hampden-Sydney College- Chi Phi Fraternity 1946-47 |
Harrison, William Elzey |
Harrison, William Flening |
Harrison, William Henry 1773-1841 See also localities: Richmond capitol building,; see oversized; U. S. President |
Harrison, William Henry |
Harrison, Mrs. William Henry |
Harrison, Woodson See groups: Hampden-Sydney College-Chi Phi Fraternity 1946-47 |
Ramsay (Harrold), Mrs. Sears |
Harrold, Elizabeth Sears |
Harshbarger, C. L. |
Hart, Alan L. |
Hart, Ed See groups; VA State Guard Co. 54 |
Hart, Elizabeth LeRoy See: Conway, Elizabeth LeRoy (Hart), 1883- 1972 |
Hart, John Beauregard 1862-1901 |
Hartman, M. P. |
Hartnett, Ann Bird (Ayres) 1932- |
Hartwell, A. S. |
Hartwell, Virginia Thomas and Bathia Thomas (Pairish) |
Harvey, Ellen Virginia (Taylor) See: Taylor, Geo. Alex. Wattkins |
Harvey, Irvin Abraham 1891-1955 |
Harvey, John M. |
Harvey, John W. 1852-1922 |
Harvey, Robert -1831 |
Harvie, Charles, 1852-1927 |
Harvie, Eliza Meade 1850-1930 |
Harvie, James Blair 1847-1937 |
Harvie, John Brockenbrough 1810-1885 |
Harvie, James Seddon 1846-1917 |
Harvie, Lewis Edwin 1809-1887 See also: Por 979.10c on shelves in P.S. |
Harvie, Lewis Edwin (?)-1912 |
Harvie, Martha Judith (Hardaway) See: Old, Martha Judith (Hardaway) 1789- 1854 |
Harvie, Martha Old 1852-(?) See: Blair, Henry Wayne |
Harvie, Mary Elizabeth (Blair) 1819-1912 |
Harvie, Mary Lucy (Michaux) |
Harvie, Mary Rutherford See: Maury, Mary Rutherford (Harvie) |
Harvie, Peggy Blair See: Waring, Peggy Blair (Harvie) 1854-(?) |
Harvie, Sarah Blair 1814-1890 See: por 979.10b in P.S. shelving |
Harvie, Willie See: Creecy, Willie (Harvie) |
Harris, Frederick |
Harwood, Henry See groups: American National Bank Directors |
Harwood, John |
Harzfeld, S. K. |
Hasbrook, Charles E. d. ca., 1920 |
Hase, Robert |
Haskins, Rosa |
Haskins, Sam |
Hassel, Burghard 1828-1912 See also groups: Hassel golden wedding |
Hassel, Carl Clothar 1904-1978 See church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1919 |
Hassel, Clothar 1866-1935 See church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1898; See also: Hassel Golden wedding |
Hassel, Cora See: Wenzel, Cora (Hassel); ie., Mrs. Frederick W. Wenzel, 1877-1963 |
Hassel, Helen See groups: Vaiden family; ie., Mrs. Helen H. Vaiden |
Hassel, Helene Elizabeth (Poehler) See groups: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts: Girl Scout troop #31. ie., Mrs. Rudolph C. Hassel |
Hassel, Marie (Gerhardt) 1837-1919 See: Hassell, Burghard, 1828-1912; See also groups: Hassell golden wedding |
Hassel, Mathilda (Schaaf) 1870-1988 See groups: Hassel golden wedding; ie., "Mrs. Clothar Hassel" |
Hassel, Rudolph C. See groups, church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church Confirmation Class, 1921 |
Hassel, William Frederick d. 1979 See groups: Hassel golden wedding |
Hassell, LeRoy Rountree See: Virginia Supreme Court |
Hassinger, John H. 1869-1948 |
Hastings, Francis Rawdon Hastings, 1754-1826 1st marquis, British general in American Revolution. 3/23/61 Sanders 0/6/0, 3/23/61 Jones 0/1/1, see oversized |
Hastings, Julianna Carolina (Granbery), 1840-1869 |
Hatch, John W. 1819-1902 |
Hatch, Willie See: Row, Mary Elizabeth |
Hatcher, Samuel C. |
Hatcher, William E, Dr. See also groups: Baptist Foreign Mission Board in VA |
Hatcher, William Eldridge 1834-1912 See also groups: Fork Union Military Academy |
Hatton, Christopher Hatton 1632-1706 1st viscount, Commissioner for trade and plantations in 1681, 8/16/60 Harding 5/0 |
Hatton, Goodrich 1862-1929 See also extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02" |
Haumueller, Karl See groups, church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation Class, 1909 |
Haunewinkle, Edward See groups: White Sulphur Springs, W. VA (tea party) |
Haunewinkle, William See groups: White Sulphur Springs, W. VA (tea party) |
Haw, George Edwin 1881-1971 |
Haw, H. H. |
Haw, Richardson Wallace 1838-1901 |
Hawes, Anne See: McGuire, Catherine Skelton (Bemiss), 1901- |
Hawes, Katie See groups: Meade family and friends |
Hawes, Samuel Horace 1838-1922 |
Hawke, Edward Hawke 1705-1781 1st baron, Commissioner of trade and plantations in 1767; 3/23/61 Barolozzi 5/0; 3/23/61 Ryall 2/6; 3/23/61 Anonymous 2/0 |
Hawkes, Albert See group photograph: Bainbridge Junior High School safety patrol |
Hawkins, Aubrey |
Hawkins, Gertrude Park (Moore) |
Hawkins, Sir John 1532-1595 Explorer; 5/20/60 Passe 10/0 |
Hawks, W. J. See groups: Jackson, Thomas Jonathan and his staff |
Hawley, Mrs. Cornezia Dewey |
Hawthorne, Alexander T. |
Haxall, Anna Martha (Bradly) 1836-1882 |
Haxall, Anne Pleasants See: Johnson, Rose Gordon |
Haxall, Harriet Elizabeth See: Bagby, Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne), 1842-1927 |
Haxall, Harry |
Haxall, Littleberry |
Haxall, Mary Jenifer (Triplett), 1849-1892 See also oversized |
Haxall, Mary Parke See: Cameron, Mary Parke (Haxall), 1846- 1915 |
Haxall, Philip 1770-1831 |
Haxall, Philip 1840-1897 See also oversized |
Haxall, Philip Angustus |
Haxall, Robert William 1802-1872 |
Haxall, Rosalie |
Haxall, Rose Gordon See: Johnson, Rose Gordon (Haxall) |
Haxall, Theodore |
Haxall, William Henry 1809-1888 |
Hayden, Eleanor Franklin See: Price, Eleanor Franklin (Hayden), 1908-1973 |
Hayden, Rev. Horace Edwin 1837-1917 |
Hayden, Horace E., Jr. |
Hayes, Catharine |
Hayes, Honorah |
Hayes, Isabel Lamont Stewart (Bryan) (Mrs. Joseph Bryan) |
Hayes, Isobel Stewart (Bryan) 1909- |
Hayes, Rutherford B. 1822-1893 President of U. S., see oversized |
Haynes, Donald 1934-1988 |
Haynes, Edward Thomas 1901-1953 |
Hayes, James M. |
Hayes, Johnson J. |
Hayes, Margaret Howell (Davis) 1854-1909 See groups: Davis, Jefferson, family of |
Haynes, Thomas |
Haynes, William Tyler 1870- |
Hays, Georgia (Mrs.) |
Hays, Harry Thompson 1820-1876 |
Hays, James 1839-1888 |
Hayton, Harry Craven |
Hazard, Erskine See groups: Nolley's School, 1901 |
Hazelgrove, Guy Blanton 1895-1950 |
Hazeltine, Fred See groups: Virginians, 1972 |
Heald, Elizabeth |
Healy, Elliott |
Healy, Joseph Edward, Jr. 1929-1963 |
Healy, Sue (Gatewood) See: Healy, Tiny? |
Healy, Tiny? |
Heard, Harriet (Hildreth) |
Heard, Harriet Hildreth See: Dunn, Harriet Hildreth (Heard), 1853- 1935 |
Heath, Emma See: vaughan, Emma (Heath) |
Heath, James |
Heath, James Elliott 1871-1941 |
Heath, James Ewell 1792-1862 |
Heath, John 1789-1838 |
Heath, John 1758-1810 |
Heath, John 1863-1892 See also: Heath, Blanche Thayer (Meeks), 1865-1957 |
Heath, Mary Elizabeth (Allen) 1829-1901 See also: Allen, James and Allen, Martha T. A. |
Heath, Richard William 1821-1875 |
Heath, Sir Robert 1575-1649 Commissioner to consider the "state" of Virginia in 1631; 9/30/60 Sawyer 4/6 |
Heath, Blanche Thayer (Meeks) 1865-1957 See also groups: Gregory family and oversize album- Gregory family |
Heath, Elizabeth Ann (Macon) 1820-1868 ie., Mrs. James Ewell Heath |
Heath family Related to Gregory, Constance Adela (Heath), 1890-1982; see also groups: Gregory family |
Heatwole, Margaret |
Heber, Reginald, bp. 1783-1826 |
Heckman, Charles Adams |
Heffleman, Emily (Beatty) 1867-1956 |
Heilman, E. Bruce See: Broadsides: 1971, March 26 |
Heindl, C.T. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad 1926 |
Heinrich, Jeffries |
Heintzelmann, Samuel Peter 1805-1880 See groups: oversize: Union Generals, "Our Generals in the Field" |
Heintzelmann, Samuel P. w/family and staff, Arlington House 1862 |
Heintzelmann, Maj. Gen. |
Heistand, Joseph T. |
Heith, Allen Hampton |
Heith, Barry Jan See: Heith, Allen Hampton |
Helm, Ben Hardin |
Helms, Jeremiah Strother |
Helms, William Roy, 1910-(?) |
Helse, C.C. |
Hempstead, Fay |
Henchman, Humphry 1592-1675 Bishop of London |
Henderson, Elizabeth (Stodghill) 1776-1846 |
Henderson, James 1763-1829 |
Henderson, John 1768-1825 |
Henderson, John (?)-1787 |
Henderson, Maud Truxton 1868-1956 |
Hendrick, Carol Draper 1918-1969 |
Hendy, Patricia See groups: WOBCA |
Hening, William Waller 1768-1828 |
Henley, John M[?] |
Henley, Norvelle Lightfoot 1869-1923 |
Henley, Robert See: Northington, Robert Henley, 1st Earl, 1708(?)-1772 |
Henley, V. W. |
Hennighausen, Charles August 1835-1926 See also: group: Marshall Street Viaduct, Richmond, Va. |
Hennighausen, Charles August 1871-1931 See also: group photographs: Hennighausen Family |
Hennighauson, Johannes Heinrich 1786-1859 |
Hennighausen, Josephine Blanche See: Stahl, Josephine (Hennighausen), i.e. Mrs. Frank Stahl, 1878-1967 |
Hennighausen, Laura Anna 1866-1953 See: groups |
Hennighausen, Laura Anna 1866-1953 See also: group photographs, Hennighausen Family |
Hennighausen, Louise Anna See: Hobelmann, Louise Anna (Hennighausen), 1881-1970 |
Hennighausen, Margaretha Josephine (Ruppert) 1845-1922 See also: Hennighausen, Charles August, 1835-1926 |
Hennighausen, Maria Catherine (Schulz) 1807-1879 |
Hennighausen, Theresa Marie See: Brauer, Theresa Marie (Hennighausen), 1869-1957 |
Henrietta, Maria Queen of England 1609-1669 |
Herndon, Willaim Lewis |
Henry, --- |
Henry VIII, King of England b.1497 |
Henry, Anne Kilby |
Henry, Annie See groups: Meade family and friends |
Henry, Dorothea Spottswood |
Henry, Dorothy Willing Page |
Henry, Elizabeth See: Lyons, Elizabeth (Henry) |
Henry, Elizabeth See: Russell, Elizabeth (Henry) Campbell, 1749-1825 |
Henry, Elvira (Cabell) See: Bruce, Elvira (Cabell) Henry, (?)- 1859 |
Henry Frederick Stuart, prince, 1593-1612 See also: oversize, and Essex, Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl, 1591-1646 |
Henry, Patrick 1736-1799 See also: oversize; Russell, William; localities, Richmond (Capital Building); Events, 1763, Dec. 1, P. Henry arguing the Parson's cause |
Henry, Robert Randolph 1845-1915 |
Henry, Thomas Stanhope See: group photograph: Hampden Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney Va., student group |
Henry, Uncle |
Henry, William See: Gloucester, William Henry, 4th Duke, 1639-1660 |
Henry, William Wirt 1831-1900 See also: por x282 (copper plate) |
Henshaw, Miss |
Henshel, Dorothy |
Hepburn, David 1866-1931 |
Herbert, Col. Arthur |
Herbert, George Somerville |
Herbert, Philip See: Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 4th Earl 1584-1650 |
Herbert, Thomas Sweptson See: Groups: William & Mary College, Kappa Alpha Fraternity |
Herbert, William See: Pembroke, William Herbert, 3rd Earl, 1580-1630 |
Herbig, Bernard |
Herbig, John H. See groups: St. John's United Church of Christ-Confirmation class 1962. |
Herbig, William See groups: church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church |
Hericke, Sir William 1557-1653 Member of the Virginia Co., 5/20/60 in circle 3/0 |
Herman, Augustine ca.1605-1686 |
Herndon, Ann Hull See: Maury, Ann Hull (Herndon), 1811-1901 |
Herndon, Dabney |
Herndon, Pamela See: Carter, Pamela (Herndon), 1839-1929 |
Herndon, Ty |
Herndon, Capt. William Lewis 1813-1857 |
Herndon, Wolf See Groups: Va. State Guard, Co. 54 |
Herold See groups: Booth, John Wilkes, and his associates |
Heron, William |
Herring, Alvah Livingston 1886-(?) |
Herring, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 1693-1757 See: oversize |
Herrink, Louis Shephard 1892-1965 |
Herrman, Augustine ca. 1605-1686 |
Hertzburg, Bella See: groups: Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts: Girl Scout Troop #12 |
Hertzog, Rachel W. See Cook, Rachel W. (Hertzog) |
Hess, E.L. & Family See groups: Hess |
Hester, Mrs. Margaret W. |
Heth, Henry 1825-1899 |
Heth, Henry 1750-1821 See also: Oversize |
Heth, William 1750-1807 |
Hetzer, Mrs. Henry See groups: church groups: St John's Evangelical Church |
Heuser, Henry Massilon 1867-1957 |
Hibbs, George See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Hibbs, Henry Horace 1888-1977 |
Hickey, John M. d.1927 |
Hickman, C.A. |
Hickman, James Gardner |
Hicks, Robert Randolph 1870-1951 See also: groups: Pershing |
Hicks, W.F. |
Hiden, J.C. |
Hiden, M.B. |
Hiden, Martha (Woodruff) i.e. Mrs. Philip Wallace Hiden See groups: Virginia Historical Society |
Hiden, Nancy See Craig, Nancy (Hiden) |
Higginbothan, David |
Higginbotham, Jane (Bayly) 1827-1900 |
Higginbottom, Joseph |
Higgins, Anne Elizabeth (Greaner) |
Higgins, Eliza Andrews |
Higgins, Eugene |
Higgins, Henry |
Higgins, Violet L. McCray, John H. |
High, Belle (Byrd) Hardinge Hammond 1844-1900 |
High, Nathaniel Rue 1861-(?) |
Hildreth, Harriet See: Heard, Harriet Hildreth |
Hill, Unidentified members of Hill and Booth family, friends and students See also: albums |
Hill, i.e. Mrs. Albert H. Hill See groups: Branch family |
Hill, Capt. A. Govan See groups: Charge of the VMI cadets |
Hill, Albert H. 1866-1933 |
Hill, Albert Hudgins 1869-1933 |
Hill, Ambrose Powell 1825-1865 See also oversize; groups: Confederate commanders |
Hill, Anna Lee |
Hill, Benjamin J. |
Hill, Byrd Lee See: Hill, Albert H. 1866-1933 |
Hill, Daniel Harvey 1821-1889 |
Hill, James Christian 1831-1896 |
Hill, John Booton 1840-1913 |
Hill, Catherine |
Hill/Booth Family Album 50 pages (no. In pencil) |
Hill, Cora J. (Bransford) |
Hill, Eliza Hall See album: Dunlop family |
Hill, Eva |
Hill, Francis Irwin 1860-1946 |
Hill, Gene See: Wolters, Dick |
Hill, Harry See album: Dunlop family |
Hill, Hugh H. |
Hill, Isabella (Dunlop) See album: Dunlop family; ie., Mrs. James Hill |
Hill, James See album: Dunlop family |
Hill, John Booton Plus wife |
Hill, Joseph |
Hill, Judith Bransford See: Weaver, Judith Bransford (Hill) |
Hill, Julia |
Hill, Julien H. |
Hill, Katherine Byrd See: Weaver, Judith Bransford (Hill) |
Hill, Lilly Harrison |
Hill, Mary (Dunlop) See album: Dunlop family, ie., Mrs. James Hill |
Hill, Max See: Hill, W. R. |
Hill, M. M. |
Hill, Mary Louisa 1802-1869 |
Hill, Oliver |
Hill, Richard See groups: Hampden-Sydney College, Chi Phi Fraternity 1946-47 |
Hill, Robert See album: Dunlop family |
Hill, Thomas Blout |
Hill, W. L. |
Hill, W. R. |
Hill, William Alexander |
Hill, William Edwin 1880-1940 |
Hill, William P. |
Hilliand, Ed. See groups: Hilliard family |
Hilliand, Fred See groups: Hilliard family |
Hilliard, John T. 1840-1862 |
Hillman, James Noah 1883- |
Hillsman, Blanton L. |
Hillyard, Aldine Shank See groups: Maryland, VA Cornet Band |
Hillyard, Homer See groups: Maryland, VA cornet Band |
Hinckle, G. W. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad, 1926 |
Hindman, Thomas Carmichael 1828-1868 |
Hines |
Hines, Brainard M. See groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Hines, Delores R. See groups: Gregory family |
Hines, Helen (Werner) 1874- See groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Hines, Louise Norton (Mosher) 1892- See persons (group) Mosher family |
Hines, R. B. |
Hinkins, Ernest H. |
Hipkins, Fanny See: Bernard, Fanny (Hipkins), 1771-1801 |
Hirsh, Charles See: Maupin-Ridpath family album extra oversized |
Hirsh, Grace See: Maupin-Ridpath family album extra oversized |
Hirsh, Jerry See: Maupin-Ridpath family album extra oversized |
Hite, Bentley 1900- |
Hite, Mrs. D. M. |
Hite, G. W. |
Hite, Isaac 1758-1836 |
Hite, James Madison 1793-1860 See: Hite, Nelly Conway (Madison), 1760- 1803 |
Hite, Nelly Conway (Madison) 1760-1803 |
Hix, R. J. See: Pic 925.5 Richmond Light Infantry Blues Co. A 46th VA Regt. |
Hoar, George Frisbie 1826-1904 |
Hobart, Major See groups: Lee (Fitzhugh) and staff, 1898 |
Hobart, Sir Henry d. 1625 On the Virginia council, 4/7/60 Passe 0/5/0; 5/5/61 Passe (sold by Sudbury) 2/5/0 |
Hobbs, Thomas Gibson |
Hobelmann, Louise Anna (Hennighausen), 1881-1970 See also: Stahl, Josephine Blanche (Hennighausen), 1878-1967. Group photographs: Hennighansen family |
Hobson, Anderson Unidentified photographs given Dec.'79 |
Hobson, Aqusta See: Tunstall, Aqusta (Hobson) |
Hobson, A. Coryder(?) |
Hobson, A. L., family See groups |
Hobson, Annie Leigh (Camm) See groups: White sulphur springs, W. VA, ie, "Mrs. Reid Hobson" |
Hobson, Bessie M. (Martin) -1966 See also groups: Astor, Nancy; Mrs. Saunder Hobson |
Hobson, E. M. |
Hobson, Eddy |
Hobson, Edwin, family See groups |
Hobson, Edwin See also: Hobson, Lafayette; See also groups: Tennis game 1887; see also groups |
Hobson, Edwin Lafayette 1835-1901 |
Hobson, Elizabeth (Taliaferro) See groups: Girl Scout Troop #3 |
Hobson, Elizabeth M. (Bridges) 1874-1946 Mrs. Graham Hobson |
Hobson, Ellen Graham Anderson See also groups: Tennis 1889 |
Hobson, Fannie |
Hobson, Fannie Anderson 1846-1939 Mrs. Edwin Lafayette Hobson |
Hobson, Fannie Anderson See also: Anderson, Elsie Cullen |
Hobson, Frank See: deGraffenreid, Helmuth |
Hobson, George |
Hobson, Haskins 1877-1954 |
Hobson, Henry Wise 1858-1898 |
Hobson, J. Weivyss |
Hobson, John |
Hobson, Joseph Reid Anderson |
Hobson, Joseph Reid Anderson 1901(?)- |
Hobson, Nannie |
Hobson, P. |
Hobson, Lt. R. P. |
Hobson, R. Archer |
Hobson, Sally Archer Anderson |
Hobson, William |
Hocker, Mr. and Mrs. George Of Buckingham Co.; See: Works of specific artists/ Samuel T. Taylor |
Hocket, Bill |
Hodgman, Charles M. See group photographs: Norfolk, VA. Norfolk academy football team, 1900 |
Hoffbauer, Charles 1875-1957 |
Hoffheimer, Mrs. H. R. |
Hofheimer, Henry Clay II |
Hoffheimer, Herald |
Hoffheimer, Norma J. |
Hogan, J. A. Cameron |
Hoge, Addison |
Hoge, Alice Aylett See: Waller, Alice Aylett (Hoge), 1898 |
Hoge, Bessie Lacy 1845-1911 |
Hoge, Hampden 1867- |
Hoge, Lacy See: Irvine, Lacy (Hoge) |
Hoge, Lizzie |
Hoge, Mary Roche See: Gilliam, Mary Roche (Hoge), 1847-1902 |
Hoge, Moses 1753-1820 |
Hoge, Moses Drury 1818-1899 |
Hoge, Moses Drury, Jr. 1861-1920 See also groups: Hoge, Moses Drury |
Hoge, Susan Morton (Wood) 1825-1868 Wife of Moses Drury Hoge, 1818-1899 |
Hohelmann, Louise (Hennighausen) 1881-1970 See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church 1898; Hennighausen, Laura Anna |
Hoke, Robert Frederick 1836-1912 |
Holcomb, Reverend Henry 1762-1824 Born in Prince Edward Co., Va. |
Holcombe, James Philemon 1820-1873 See: oversize |
Holcombe, William Henry 1825-1893 See groups: Literary figures-poets |
Holdsworth, Francis Ann Woodson, Francis Ann (Holdsworth) |
Holladay |
Holladay, Alexander Randolph 1870-(?) |
Holladay, Eliza Lewis 1816-1878 See: Holladay, James Minor, 1823-1891 |
Holladay, Frances Ann 1821-1878 See: Holladay, James Minor, 1823-1891 |
Holladay, Hulda Lewis 1814-1891 See: Holladay, James Minor, 1823-1891 |
Holladay, James Porter See group photograph: Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney Va., student group |
Holladay, Mary Waller 1818-(?) See: Holladay, James Minor, 1823-1891 |
Holladay, Virginia Randolph (bolling) 1841-1899 |
Holladay, Virginia Watson 1829-1888 See: Holladay, James Minor, 1823-1891 |
Holladay Family |
Holland, Edward Everett 1861-1941 |
Holland, Harvey See groups: Wakefield, VA high school students |
Holland, Henry Rich 1590-1649 1st earl, named in 3rd Virginia charter; 4/7/60 Thomson 5/0- 2 copies; 5/20/60 Clouwet 6/0 |
Hilles, Denzill 1599-1680 Commissioner of trade and plantations in 1679; 9/30/60 White 3/0 |
Holles, John See: Clare, John Holles, 1st earl, 1564- 1637 |
Holles, Thomas Pelham See: Newcastle-under-Lyme, Thomas Pelham Holles, 1st duke, 1693-1768 |
Holladay |
Holladay, James Minor 1841-1862 |
Holliday, Jane Kimbrough See: Pendleton, Jane Kimbrough (Holliday) |
Holliday, Caroline C. (Stuart) |
Holliday, Frederick Williams MacKey, 1828-1899 See also groups: Virginia Governor and staff |
Holladay, Frederick W. M. Governor |
Holliday, Lucy See group photographs: Lyne family group |
Hollingsworth, Charles rouse |
Hollins, George Nichols 1799-1878 |
Hollowell, Indie (Goddin) See photograph album: Lynch family |
Holmes, Andrew Hunter |
Holmes, Daniel Joseph 1840-1920 |
Holmes, David 1770-1832 |
Holmes, Elizabeth (Gardner) 1800-1875 |
Holmes, George Frederick 1820-1897 See also: Van Doren family album |
Holmes, Henry Gardner 1830-1915 |
Holmes, James |
Holmes, Joseph 1746- |
Holmes, Leonie Helen |
Holmes, Nancy Drweilla Tyler |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 1841-1935 |
Holmes, Rebecca See: Conrad, Rebecca (Holmes) |
Holmes, Virginia Alice (Boyer) 1845-1934 |
Holstein, Otto |
Holt, Alvin See group photograph: Bainbridge Junior High School, safety patrol |
Holt, Amelia See: Davies, Amelia (Holt) |
Holt, Charles J. 1850-1906 |
Holt, E. M. See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Holt, Henry Winston 1864-1947 |
Holt, Governor Homer A. |
Holt, Mary Susan See: Letcher, Mary Susan (Holt) |
Holt, Sarah Amanda Allen See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Holt, Saxon Winstion 1871-1940 |
Holton, Linwood 1923- See also groups: Virginians 1972 |
Holton, Tayloe See: Holton, Linwood, 1923- |
Holtzclaw, James T. |
Holzgrefe, Nancy Haxall (Wright), 1920- |
Homer, Alfred Byrne 1861-1934 |
Hood, John Bell |
Hood, Kent See groups: Nolley's School, 1901 |
Hooe, Bernard 1791-1869 |
Hook, J. Edwin See church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class of 1919 |
Hooker, James Murray 1873-1940 See also extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902 |
Hooker, Murray See groups: Government Agencies |
Hooker, Oscar |
Hoomes, Richard 1784-1823 |
Hoomes, William 1775- |
Hooper, D. |
Hooper, Rachel |
Hoover, Herbert Clark 1874-1964 President of the U. S. 1929-1933; See also: Strauss, Lewis Lichenstein, 1896- 1874; See groups: Yorktown, VA, Yorktown Sesquicentennial; see also oversized |
Hoover, J. Edgar |
Hope, James Barron 1829-1887 See groups: Literary figures- poets |
Hope, Louise Parramore |
Hopkins, Abby Byrd Nelson (Page), 1798-1889 |
Hopkins, Abram Hancock 1888-1968 |
Hopkins, Ann (Ross) |
Hopkins, Jean |
Hopkins, John Page ca. 1825-1857 |
Hopkins, Harriet |
Hopkins, Mary |
Hopkins, Mary See: Goodrich, Mary Hopkins |
Hopkins, Samuel ca. 1750-1819 |
Hopkins, Walter L. 1889-1949 |
Hopkins, Francis 1738-1791 |
Hoppin, E. |
Hopson, Julius A. and son(?) 991.85.8 |
Honer, Ann (Brown) Claggett See: Hanson, Ann (Brown) Claggett Horner |
Horner, Benjamin ca. 1840-1928 |
Horner, Elizabeth Welsh See: Epps, Elizabeth Welsh (Horner) |
Horner, Elizabeth (Welsh) 1800-1879 |
Horner, Gustavus Brown |
Horner, Gustavus Richard Brown 1804- |
Horner, Ida See: Horner, Benjamin, ca. 1840-1928 |
Horner, Inman 1791-1860 |
Horner, Janet Cleiland 1822-1895 See: Weaver, Janet cleiland (Horner) |
Horner, Josephine Dulles See: Eppes, Josephine Dulles (Horner), 1826-1852, "Mrs. Richard Eppes" |
Horner, Mary Henderson 1794-1831 |
Horner, William Edmonds 1793-1853 |
Horsley, John Dunscombe 1849-1909 |
Horsley, J. Shelton |
Horton, Thomas B. 1836-1844 |
Hosack, David See: Groups Gregory Collection |
Hoskins, Mary Emma (Kelly) |
Hoskins, T. See groups: McGuire's University football squad, 1923 |
Hoskins, W. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad, 1923 |
Hosmer, Emery N. 1900-1966 |
Hotchkiss, Anne Lydia See: Howison, Anne Lydia (Hotchkiss), 1857- |
Hotchkiss, Ellen May 1855- See also: Howison, Anne Lydia (Hotchkiss), 1857- |
Hotchkiss, Elmore D. |
Hotchkiss, Jedediah 1828-1899 See also group: Hotchkiss, Jedediah and Jackson, Thomas Jonathan and his staff |
Hotchkiss, Lora E. See: Ellyson, Lora E. (Hotchkiss), 1848- 1935 |
Hotchkiss, Nellie M. See groups: Hotchkiss, Jedediah |
Hotchkiss, Patrick Henry Starke, 1881-1971 |
Hotchkiss, Patrick Henry Starke See: Hotchkiss, Henry, 1881-1971 |
Hotchkiss, Sarah Anne (Comfort), 1833- |
Houchins, Ransom Bridges 1902-1963 |
Houdon, Jean Antoine c. 1741-1828 |
Houghawout, J. W. |
Houston, Eleanora Gibson 1883-1942 See also groups: Equal Suffrage League of Richmond |
Houston, Rev. Hale |
Houston, Henry Gibson |
Houston, Samuel 1793-1863 |
Howard |
Howard, Charles See: Carlisle, Charles Howard, 3rd earl, 1674-1738 |
Howard, Conway Robinson 1832?-1895 |
Howard, David Halbert 1865-1925 |
Howard, E. T. |
Howard of Effingham, Francis 1643-1695 5th baron |
Howard, Henry 1792-1874 See also oversized |
Howard, John 1733-1834 |
Howard, John 1875-1951 |
Howard, John Clarke 1846-1925 See: Van Doren family album |
Howard, Mary See: Gordon, Mary (Howard) |
Howard, Nancy McKay |
Howard, Oliver Otis 1836-1909 |
Howard of Effingham, Philadelphia (Pelham), 1654-1685 |
Howard, Thomas See: Arundel, Thomas, 2nd earl of Arundel and Surry, 1586-1646 |
Howard, Thomas See: Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 3rd duke of, d. 1554 |
Howard, Thomas See: Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th duke, 1536-1572 |
Howard, Thomas See: Suffolk, Thomas Howard, 9th earl, 1561-1626 |
Howarth, Rev. Boyd Roberts |
Howe, William Howe 1729-1814 5th viscount; see also oversized |
Howell, D. J. See: Dorsey, John C. |
Howell, Julius Franklin 1846-1948 |
Howell, Mary See: Lewis, Mary (Howell), ca. 1700-ca. 1780 |
Howell, Mildred See: Lightfoot, Mildred (Howell), 1723- 1783 |
Howell, Roxy |
Howell, Varina See: Davis, Varina (Howell), 1826-1906 |
Howerson, Lee See groups: Mosby's Men |
Howison, Anne Lydia (Hotchkiss), 1857- |
Howison, Ellen Moore 1894- |
Holton, Mary Semmes |
Hoyt, Mary Wills |
Hubard, Edmund W. 1841- See extra- oversized group album: "Virginia constitutional Convention, 1901-02" |
Hubbard, Elbert (Green) 1856-1915 |
Hubbard, Eliza |
Hubbard, Eleanor |
Hubbard, Lizzie Shields |
Huber, Eduard |
Hucky, Mrs. J. J.(?) See also localities: (Richmond) Louser |
Hudgins, Alexander |
Hudgins, Edward Wren 1882-1958 |
Hudgins, Francis Gordon 1902-1962 |
Hudgins, George Washington |
Hudgins, Mrs. R. S. |
Hudgins, Randolph K. See groups: Hampden-Sydney College: Chi Phi Fraternity, 1946-47 |
Hudgins, Robert Lester 1879- |
Hudnall, Capt. Henry |
Hudson, See group: Washington and Lee University. Lexington, VA, students |
Hucy, Mrs. T. W. |
Huff, Margaret (Jones) |
Huffman, F. L. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad, 1927 |
Huger, Benjamin See extra oversized: Photograph album, "VMI, class 1889-93 |
Huggins |
Hughes, Anna Douglas |
Hughes, Dr. James Fife |
Hughes, James Francis 1897-1952 |
Hughes, Charles E. |
Hughes, John M. |
Hughes, Robert Morton 1855-1940 |
Hughes, Robert Morton, Jr. 1880-1951 See also groups: William and Mary College Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 1895-6 |
Hughes, Robert William 1821-1901 |
Hughes, Rosa See: Roberts, Rosa (Hughes) |
Hughes, William H. |
Hull, Captain Isaac 1775-1843 |
Hull, David Denton 1872-1945 |
Hulvey, Charles Newton 1887- |
Hulvey, Jean Meredith S. See: Hulvey, Charles Newton |
Humes, Williams Y. C. |
Hummelsine, Carlisle H. 1915- |
Humphrey, See: Gordon, Mary; ie., Mrs. Lamount Humphrey |
Humphrey, Evan Harris 1875- See: MSS1 D2873a 186 |
Humphrey, James W. |
Humphreys, David 1752-1818 |
Humrickhouse, Buck See groups: VA state guard co. 54 |
Hundley, Beryl ca. 1894 |
Hundley, Edith Sherwin (Tatum) 1863-1918 |
Hundley, George Jefferson 1838-1924 |
Hundley, Henry Watkins |
Hundley, Lucy Waller (Boyd) 1854- |
Hundley, Robert Garland 1893-1950 |
Hunnicut, James W. 1814- |
Hunt, |
Hunt, A. J. |
Hunt, Bessie 1861- |
Hunt, George 1836- |
Hunt, Gilbert 1773(?)-1863 |
Hunt, John Cunningham |
Hunt, M. Alma |
Hunt, Sallie Venable (Cunningham), -1885 See: Hunt, George, 1836- |
Hunten, Francois 1793-1878 |
Hunter, Charles Evant 1887-1968 |
Hunter, David |
Hunter, David 1802-1886 Major General U. S. A.; See: oversized; See: groups oversized union generals "Our Generals in the Field" |
Hunter, Margaret (Stuart) |
Hunter, Moses T. |
Hunter, Robert See group: McGuire William |
Hunter, Robert See: Norfolk, VA Hunter School |
Hunter, Robert D. 1734 |
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-1887 |
Hunter, Thomas Lomax |
Huntington, A. S. |
Huntington, Collis Potter 1821-1900 |
Huntington, Henry Edwards 1850-1927 See: Huntington, Collis Potter, 1821-1900 |
Huntley, Elizabeth (Valentine) |
Hunton, Eppa, Jr. 1855-1932 See also extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02" |
Hunton, Eppa 1822-1908 |
Hunton, Eppa 1904-1976 See also groups: Virginia Historical Society "Lee Collection" |
Hunton, Lucy Caroline (Weir) 1825-1899 |
Hunton, Minerva Winston (Payne), 1861-1897 |
Hurley, Michael See groups: WOBCA |
Hurt, Eugene Charles, Jr. 1890-1958 |
Hurt, John Sinn 1838-1931 |
Hurt, Joseph M., Jr. 1891-1943 |
Hutcherson, R. B. See groups: VA state guard co. 54 |
Hutcheson, Charles Sterling 1894-1969 |
Hutcheson, James Morrison 1883-1972 |
Hutcheson, James Morrison 1883-1972 See also group: Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, group |
Hutcheson, Joseph Collier 1906-1972 |
Hutcheson, Margaret Erskine (Miller) "Mrs. James Morrison Hutcheson" |
Hutcheson, Margaret Erskine (Miller) See: Dorrier, Margaret Erskine Miller (Hutcheson) |
Hutcheson, Robert Francis 1878-1940 |
Hutcheson, Sterling See groups: Virginia Historical Society |
Hutchings, Amy See: Newton, Amy (Hutchings) |
Hutchinson, Martin Ashton 1892-1962 |
Hutchison, Robert Adolphus 1873-1949 |
Hutson, Joshua Brown 1844- |
Hutter, George Christian 1793-1880 |
Hutton, Francis Beattie 1858-1928 |
Hutton, Matthew 1529-1606 |
Hutzler, Alvin Bryant 1887-1841 |
Hutzler, Henry Sigismund 1857- |
Huxley, T. H. |
Hyat, Susanna See: Davis, Susanna (Hyat), 1765-1847 |
Hyatt, Campbell 1880-1945 |
Hyde, Anne 1637-1671 Duchess of York; 4/7/60 agar 6/0 see oversized |
Hyde, Edward See: Claredon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl, 1609-1674 |
Hyde, Elizabeth Warner (Gephart) See also: Hyde, Harold John, Jr. |
Hyde, Elizabeth Warner |
Hyde, Harold John, Jr. |
Hyde, Harold John, III |
Hyde, Henry See: Claredon, Henry Hyde, 2nd earl, 1638- 1700 |
Hyde, Laurence See: Rochester, Laurence Hyde, 1st earl, 1641-1711 |
Hyde, L. W. |
Hylton, George Preston, Jr. 1912-1962 |
Hynes, Charles Henry |
Hynes, Samuel Burke 1842-1904 |
Hynes, Thomas Woodruff 1815-1905 |