Kaempf - Kukla: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Kaempf, Frances See also: Kaempf, Willard |
Kaempf, J. T. |
Kaempf, Willard |
Kaempf, Willie Newton |
Kable, Kate |
Kahle, Matthew |
Kahle, Matthew d. ca. 1900 |
Kahle, Mrs. Matthew |
Kahle, William d. ca. 1863 |
Kahle family |
Kane, Elisha Kent 1820-1857 |
Kane, R. R. 1867-1902 |
Karnsford, Dr. |
Kasten, Helen Lee See groups, church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, confirmation class, 1921. ie., "Mrs. Edward Stephens McCarthy |
Kaue, Elias 1772-1840 |
Kaup, Felix F. |
Kavanaugh, Hubbard Hinde 1802-1884 See groups: Methodist episcopal Church- Bishops |
Kean, Mary |
Kean, Robert Carlick Hill 1828-1898 |
Keane, Hugh Payne 1807-1891 See also: group photographs: Keane family |
Keane, Lionel Richard 1808-1850 See also: group:Keane family |
Keane, Marianna See: Palmer, Marianna (Keane), 1799- |
Keane, Susan 1798-(?) See: group photograph: Keane family |
Kearney, Frank A. 1901-1964 |
Keck, Frank E. See groups: church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church - confirmation class 1921 |
Keck, Theodore A. See: church groups: group: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church - confirmation class 1921 |
Keckley, Elizabeth |
Keely, John |
Keen, Ethel |
Keene, Spotswood Hughes 1915-1952 |
Keen, William B. |
Keenan, Barbara M. See: Virginia. Supreme Court |
Keener, John Christian 1819-1906 See groups: Methodist Episcopal Church - Bishops |
Keezel, George Bernard 1854-1913 See also: extra oversize: group album, "Virginia Constitutional Convention. 1901-1902." |
Kegley, Fulton 1866-(?) |
Keiley, Anthony M. 1835-1905 |
Keiley, Anthony Michael 1832-1905 See: MSS1 K2656b 55-58 |
Keiley, Benjamin J. 1847-1925 See: MSS1 K2656b 55-58 |
Keiley, John Denis 1839-1901 See: MSS1 K2656b 55-58 |
Keiley, William S. See: MSS1 K2656b 55-58 |
Keith, James 1839-1918 |
Keith, John A. C. |
Keith, John Augustine Chilton 1870-1915 |
Keith, Mary Randolph See: Marshall, Mary Randolph (Keith), 1737-1809 |
Kellam, Floyd Eaton 1893-1958 |
Kellam, Frederick C. d. ca. 1929 |
Kelleher, Helen |
Keller, may Lansfield 1877-1964 |
Kelleher, Col. Wm. C. |
Kelley, Angeline See group: Richmonders, coffee party |
Kelley, Roland Bev. 1929-1969 |
Kellogg, C. R. See groups: Richmond Auto Show Committee, 1917 |
Kelly, Angeline See groups: Richmonders, Coffee Club |
Kelly, Howard |
Kelly, Joe |
Kelly, Joseph Luther 1867-1925 |
Kelly, M. L. |
Kelly, Mary Emma See: Hoskins, Mary Emma (Kelly) |
Kelly, S. L. |
Kelly, Samuel L. See groups: Government Agencies |
Kelly, Tott See: Robertson, Nelly |
Kelsey, Denham Arthur 1880-1942 |
Kelso, William |
Kemble, Margaret Tilloston ca. 1830-1883 See: Nourse, Margaret Tilloston (Kemble) |
Kemp, Smeltzer Veron 1872-1947 |
Kempe, Josephine |
Kempe, Julia |
Kemper, Alice |
Kemper, Charles Edward 1859-1943 |
Kemper, Daniel 1748-1847 |
Kemper, Maj. Gen. George E. |
Kemper, Jennie Robinson |
Kemper, James Lawson 1823-1895 |
Kemper, Maria Sophia See: Morton, Maria Sophia (Kemper), 1738- 1832 |
Kendall, Gilmer S. See extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02" |
Kemper, Mary, Simeon Jr., Helen |
Kemper, Simeon V. Sr. |
Kemper, Simeon Jr. and Helen See also: Kemper, Mary |
Kendig, Edwin Lawrence 1881-1934 |
Kendrew, A. Edwin 1903-1993 |
Kennedy, Charles See groups: Mayland, VA cornet band |
Kennedy, Granville See: White, Anita Grace (Clark) |
Kennedy, Pres. John Election campaign |
Kennedy, John Pendleton 1795-1870 Wrote on VA. 8/21/61 Whelpley $.50 (Goodspeeds); 8/21/61 American Review $.50 (Goodspeeds) |
Kenney, Walter T. Mayor of Richmond |
Kennon, Elizabeth Beverley (Munford) |
Kennon, Richard -1690 |
Kennon, W. H. |
Kent, Dr. See groups: White Sulphur Springs, W. VA |
Kent, Charles M. |
Kent, David Cloyd 1833-1902 See: Langhorne, Margaret Archer (Kent), 1857- |
Kent, Gordon Cloyd 1816-1869 |
Kent, James 1763-1847 |
Kent, Jane Logan (McKee) 1812-1883 ie., "Mrs. Gordon Cloyd Kent" |
Kent, Jane See: Kent family |
Kent, Joseph 1765-1843 |
Kent, S. T. A. |
Kent family |
Kenton, Simon 1755-1836 Born in Faquier County, VA. 7/11/61 Dodson 0/2/0 (Suckling) |
Keppel, George 1724-1772 3rd earl of Albermmarle |
Kershaw, Joseph Brevard 1822-1894 |
Kerr, (John Leeds?) 1780-1844 |
Kessler, Wilbur Murdock 1923-1959 |
Kester, Howard |
Key, Bobby See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Key, Francis Scott |
Key, Gilbert See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Keyser, Charles Hampson 1873-1924 |
Kiachif, Marcia (Silvette) 1911- |
Kilby, Bradford 1877-1947 |
Kilby, Wilbur John 1850-1907 |
Kilpatrick, Gen. |
Kim, Randolph Hill |
Kimbrough, Unity Yancey See: Pendleton, Unity Yancey (Kimbrough) |
King, A. Owen 1880- |
King, Bertha McC. See groups: Roanoke group |
King, Cabell Franklin 1876- |
King, Charles |
King, Donald See: Whitaker, Pernell |
King, Edwin B. |
King, George Harrison Sanford |
King, John 1559?-1621 Bishop of London. 5/20/60 Passe 0/5/0; 5/5/61 Passe 1/15/0 (sold by Humble) |
King, Martin |
King, Marton Luther See: D. C. Event: 1963 March on Washington |
King, Peter King 1669-1734 Baron, lord chancellor in 1725; 8/16/60 Simon 1/5/0; 8/16/60 Faber 1/4/0 |
King, Robert 1790-1867 |
King, Robert See groups: Roanoke group |
King, Rosannah Lilly (Deans) Smith |
King, Rufus 1755-1827 |
King, Russell M. |
King, Trish See: King, Martin |
King, William Lyons MacKenzie 1874-1950 |
King, William Marshall 1901-1957 |
King, William R. See group photographs: Union officers. Bermuda hundred |
Kingsley, Charles 1819-1875 |
Kinkle, William H. |
Kinnan, Marjorie See: Rawlings, Marjorie (Kinnan), 1896- 1953 |
Kinsolving, Arthur See groups: Kinsolving family |
Kinsolving, Mrs. Arthur See groups: Kinsolving family |
Kinsolving, Charlie See also: Kinsolving family |
Kirby, H. Scott See groups: Gregory family |
Kirby-Smith, Edmund 1824-1893 |
Kirchmier, Frank See groups: Wakefield, VA high school students |
Kirkpatrick, Thomas Snydor 1893-1960 |
Kirsch See: Maupin-Ridpath family album extra oversized |
Kirschman, William Daniel 1863-1920 See groups, church groups: St. John's Evangelical church, 1898 |
Kirsh, Alfred Joseph 1891-1963 |
Kirsh, Walter |
Kirtley |
Klien, Emily J. See: North, Emily J. (Klien) |
Klinge, Henry J. 1904-1960 |
Kliuechevsky, Vasily |
Kluge, Patricia |
Knapp, Douglas See groups: WOBCA |
Knapp, Capt. J. W., Jr. |
Knibbs, Solotion |
Knight, Aquila L. |
Knight, Bettie B. |
Knight, Charles Edward Ashley 1902-1969 |
Knight, Edith Nelson |
Knight (Ryland), Josephine |
Knight, Margaret |
Knight, William and Catherine |
Knight, William I. |
Knollys, William See: Banbury, William Knollys, 1st earl, 1547-1623 |
Knox, Anna Campbell See: Gordon, Anna Campbell (Knox) |
Knox, Fitzhugh 1867-1940 |
Knox, Henry 1750-1806 See also: Cambray-Digny, Louis Antoine Jean Baptiste chevalier de,-1822. [ The Society's portrait of Cambray-Digny was long thought to be Henry Knox] |
Knox, Susannah (Fitzhugh) 1751-1823 |
Knox, William 1729-1805 |
Knudsen, Jerry |
Knudsen, Maude Shields |
Kohler, Charles Frederick d. ca 1945 |
Kohler, John Frederick |
Kohut, Gazelle See: Millhiser, Gazelle (Kohut) |
Kolbe, John George 1886- |
Krebs, Florence Hamilton See also: Krebs, Robert Newton |
Krebs, Katherine Hamilton |
Krebs, Margaret Hamilton |
Kricorian Family funeral |
Krieter, Vick See groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
Kuykendall, J. Sloan |
Kukla, Jon VHS June 2, 1988 |