McAdams - Myers: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
McAdams, Thomas B. |
McAdoo, Eleanor (Wilson) See groups: Wilson Family |
McAfee, Caty |
McAfee, Ernest and Helen |
McAffe, Mrs. Dr. |
McAllister, William Miller 1843-1929 |
MacArthur, Douglas See oversize |
MacArtney, Frances c.1745 |
MacBryde, Malcom Hugh Jr. 1904-1969 |
McBrier |
McBryde, Mary Whitfield 1789-1854 |
McCabe, Edmund Osborne 1868-1919 |
McCabe, Edward Reynsford 1876-(?) |
McCabe, James Buchanan 1856-1905 |
McCabe, Mrs. Gordon |
McCabe, William 1841-1920 See also groups: Literary figures, poets |
McCall children |
McCall, Jane Byrd (Mercer) |
McCall, Peter |
McCance, M. |
McCandlish, Marshall See also groups: McCandlish group |
McCandlish, Robert J., Jr. |
McCane, James |
McCarron, Joseph Patrick 1887-1961 |
McCarthy, Carlton |
McCarthy, Edward Stephens 1837-1864 |
McCarthy, Florence 1798-1864 |
McCarthy, Frank |
McCarthy, F.A. |
McCarthy, John Calvin |
McCarthy, William |
McCarthy, Ariana (Gunn) See: Cunningham, Ariana (Gunn) McCartney, 1770-1838 |
McCausland, John A. 1836-1927 |
McCaw, A. B. |
McCaw, Delia Ann (Patteson) 1824-1891 See: McCaw, James Brown, 1823-1906 |
McCaw, Dorothy |
McCaw, James |
McCaw, James Drew d. 1842 |
McCaw, James Brown 1823-1906 See: Chimborazo Hospital- Richmond, VA |
McCaw, Mary See groups: Meade Family and friends |
McCawley, J. E. |
McChesney, William Baylor 1849-1930 |
McClary, Isabella See: Gordon, Isabella (McClary) Michael, b. 1807 |
McClellan, George Brinton 1826-1885 See also: Lee, Robert Edward, 1807-1870. Carte-de-Vista photographs. Group Photographs: Union Officers. Morell's headquarters. Groups oversize: Union generals "Our Generals in the Field" |
McMlellan, Major Henry Brainerd |
McClung, Marshall Simmons 1904-1968 |
McClure, Elizabeth Ann (Cooley) 1825-1848 |
McClure, Mary Christian |
McClurg, Elizabeth Seldon See: Wickham, Elizabeth Selden (McClurg), 1781-1853 |
McClury, James 1746-1823 |
McComas, Ann Savage (Willis) b. 1795 |
McComas, James D. (Dr.) |
McComb, Joseph B. |
McComb, William 1828-1918 |
McConnell, Loretta Anne See: McConnell, Mary Louisa (Davison), 1919- |
McConnell, Mary Louise (Davison) b. 1919 |
McConnell, William E. See group: U. S. Army |
McConkey, James G. See extra-oversize: Photograph album, "VMI, class, 1889-_ _93 |
McCorkle, Emma J. (Fourquean) b. 1846 See: Fra, Mary Ella (Fourqurean), 1844- |
McCorkle, Samuel |
McCorkle, Walter L. |
McCorkle, William A. |
McCormick family unidentified family members and friends |
McCormick, Anne Reubenia See: Blair, Anna Reubenia (McCormick), 1860-1917 |
McCormick, Caroline See: Slade, caroline (McCormick), 1874 |
McCormick, Cutler O. d. 1946 |
McCormick, Cyrus Hall 1809-1884 |
McCormick, Elizabeth Maria |
McCormick, Emma Louise See: Smith, Emma Louise (McCormick), 1854-1893 |
McCormick, Henrietta Maria (Hamilton) 1822-1899 |
McCormick, Leander Hamilton |
McCormick, Leander James |
McCormick, Lucy Virginia See: Jewett, Lucy Virginia (McCormick), 1865-1928 |
McCormick, Mary Ann (Grigsby) 1828-1878 |
McCormick, Mary Grigsby See: Stone, Mary Grigsby (McCormick), 1878- |
McCormick, Renie E. |
McCormick, Robert Hall |
McCormick, William Grigsby 1851-1873 |
McCormick, William Sanderson 1815-1865 |
McCormick- Goodhart, Mrs. Frederick E. d. 1932 |
McCoull, Mr. |
McCoull, Mrs. |
McCoy, Annie |
McCoy, Henrietta See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1932 |
McCrary, A. A. See groups: McGuire's University School, football aquad, 1926 |
McCray, Bernard V. 1876-1952 |
McCray, Bernard Winn b. 1907 See also: Por. 986.19 |
McCray, George "Cole" Scott b. 1938 See also: Groups- McCray, George Cole Scott; See also: "Riverview" Charles City County |
McCray, Harriet Hildreth (Scott) b. 1906 ie., Mrs. Bernard Winn McCray |
McCray, Hildreth Davis b. 1946 |
McCray, John H. b. 1940 |
McCray, Lanier Dunn b. 1940 See: "Winnstay" cottage, McCray, George Cole Scott, McCray, John H. |
McCray, Nell (Winn) |
McCrea, Archibald 1892-1937 |
McCrea, Mary (Johnston) Dunlop d. 1960 See: McCrea, Archibald, 1892-1937 |
McCulloch, Benjamin 1811-1862 |
McCullough, T. L. See groups: Military- Doctors- 1917 |
McCutchon, Harry See groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
McDaniel, Mrs. George W. |
McDonald, Bessie See: Dabney, Thomas Lloyd, 1867-1924 |
McDonald, J. |
McDonald, Josie |
McDonald, Virginia Dilworth (Chamberlayne) |
McDow, Mrs. T. B. |
McDowell, Eliza Preston See: Wolff, Eliza Preston (McDowell), 1840-1923 |
McDowell, Ephraim 1771-1830 |
McDowell, Irwin General USA |
McDowell, James 1795-1851 |
McDowell, Mary Fore |
McDowell, Susanne Smith (Preston) 1800-1847 |
McDowell, William George See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910 |
McDowell, William James 1903-1965 |
McElroy, S. Addison |
McEntee, John See groups: Sharpe, George H. and staff |
McEntosh, Donald |
McEwen, Alfred Buffin 1907-1957 |
McFadden, Frank T. See also: Groups: Richmond, VA, First Presbyterian Church |
McFarlane, John |
McFarlane, Mary Gray See: McFarlane, John |
McGavock, James 1728-1812 |
McGavock, Mary (Cloyd) 1741-1827 Wife of James McGavock |
McGee, John |
McGill, John 1809-1872 |
McGowenan, Samuel 1819-1897 |
McGraw, John T. |
McGruder |
McGaffey, William Holmes 1800-1873 See also oversized |
McGuire, Catherine Skelton (Bemiss) b. 1901 |
Mcguire, Edward |
McGuire, Elizabeth See: Glencairn, Elizabeth (McGuire) Cunningham, countess, 1724- 1801 |
McGuire, Francis Howe 1850-1894 |
McGuire, Gertrude See: Taylor, Gertrude (McGuire), 1828-1894 |
McGuire, Getty See: Williams, Maria Ward Skelton (Williams), 1880-1960 |
McGuire, Gitter See group: Rose Lawn, Orange Co., VA 1896 |
McGuire, Hugh Holmes 1801-1875 |
McGuire, Hugh |
McGuire, Hunter Holmes 1835-1900 See also: Por x282 (upright file) for copper plate. See also groups: Jackson, Thomas Jonathan and his staff |
McGuire, Hunter Holmes 1895-1969 |
McGuire, John Peyton 1836-1906 |
McGuire, John Peyton 1866-1948 for unidentified friends or family members see costumes (3 photos) |
McGuire, John Peyton, Jr. 1904-1961 |
McGuire, L. Courtney |
McGuire, Mary stuart (McGuire) b. 1872 |
McGuire, Murray Mason 1872-1945 |
Mcguire, Peter Gose C. S. A. |
McGuire, Ruth I. (Robertson) 1880?-1963 |
McGuire, Stuart 1867-1948 |
McGuire, William Edward 1860-1921 |
McHugh, Charles A. 1863?-1923 |
McIntosh, David Gregg 1836-1916 |
McIlwaine, A. G. |
McIlwaine, Richard 1834-1913 See also extra-oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902 |
McIlwaine, Richard 1870-1937 See: MSS 1 D2873a 188,189 |
McInnis, John James 1905-1952 |
McIntosh, Claire c. 1929 |
McIntosh, Col. David Gregg 1813-1916 |
McIntosh, Duncan Hynes Unidentified family members, groups |
McIntosh, Duncan Hynes Unidentified family members, male |
McIntosh, Duncan Hynes Unidentified family members, children |
McIntosh, Duncan Hynes Unidentified property |
McIntosh, Duncan Hynes Unidentified family members, female |
McIntosh, Duncan Also: Spinning, Duncan Helen |
McIntosh, James |
McInosh, Lachlan 1725-1806 |
McIntosh, Mamie W. |
McIntosh, Margaret See: Morton, Margaret (McIntosh), 1870-1942 |
McIntosh, Martha Jamison (Gregg) |
McIntosh, Virginia Johnson (Pegram) 1843-1920 |
McIntosh, Will |
McIntyre, George Robert Augustus 1862-1952 |
McIntyre, Paul Goodloe 1860-1952 See groups: Virginia University, Board 1933 |
McKaig, Thomas Jefferson 1840-1806 |
Mackall, John Chicester |
Mackey, Rebecca Holmes (McGuire) |
McKean, Thomas 1734-1817 |
McKee, Jane Lewis See: Kent, Jane Lewis (McKee), 1812-1883 |
McKee, M. See: Van Doren family album |
McKee, Peter Kinstey 1934-1967 |
McKenney, |
Mckenney, ie., Mrs. Carlton Mckenney. See groups: Gregory family |
McKenney, Ambrose Carlton |
McKenney, Joseph B. d. 1898 |
McKenny, Julian |
McKenney, Mary Augusta (Carlton) d. 1919 |
McKenney, William Robertson 1801-1916 |
McKanzie, Dr. Kenneth, Dr. William, Johana Tyler |
Mackey, Dr. Robert 1737-1814 |
McKinley, Benjamin Walter Blaine See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria 1910 |
McKinley, William 1843-1901 President of U. S.; See also: oversize group photographs |
McKinney, Frank Lawrence 1886-1960 |
McKinney, Maude |
McKinney, Gov. Philip Watkins 1832-1899 See groups: German Day Festival meeting |
McLafferty, Lt. J. E. b. 1918 |
McKown, Charlotte |
McLane, Louis 1786-1857 |
Mclane, John 1785-1861 |
McLaughlin, Anne Selden (Brooke) "Mrs. James Fairfox, Sr." |
Mclaughlin, James Fairfax, Sr. |
McLaughlin, James fairfax, Jr. |
McLaughlin, Virginia 1869-1962 |
McLaws, Lafayette |
McLean, Frank |
McLemore, Rev. Britain Sanders |
> McLemore, James Latinns 1866-1954 See also: Silvette, David 1901- |
McLemore, Minnie Fry (Barksdale) |
McLeod, F. H. |
McLeod, Hugh McC See extra-oversized photograph album: "VMI, class 1889-_ _93" |
McLoughlin, J. M. See groups: McGuire's University school football squad, 1927 |
McCann, W. S. |
McMurdo, Cyril E. |
McMurran, Lewis A. See group photographs: Norfolk, Va. Norfolk Academy football team 1908 |
McMurran, Robert F. 1903 |
McNeal, J. M. |
McNeer, Lillian See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
McNeil, Malcolm See Stewart, Norman |
McNeill, Martha Dabney (Chamberlyne) Valentine 1874-1971 |
MacNeven, William See groups: Gregory collection |
McNutt, A. Gallatin |
McNutt, Francis Augustis |
McNutt, J.S. |
McNutt, Joseph P. |
McNutt, Willaim Morton 1865-1939 |
McPherson, Juliana (Chapin) See: Smith, Juliana (Chapin) McPherson |
McRae, Cameron Farquhar See Extra-oversize: Photograph album, "VMI, class 1889-93" |
McRae, Charles Ferguson |
McRae, Christopher |
McRae, Pamela (Harris) |
McRee, Fergus See groups: Jones, Catesby |
McRee, James Iredell See groups: Catesby, Jones |
McSherry, Jim See: Van Doren family album |
McSherry, Miss See: Van Doren family album |
McSherry, Richard Van Doren family album |
McSherry, Richard (?)-1822 |
McTyeire, Holland Nimmous 1824-1889 See groups: Methodist Episcopal Church-Bishops |
McTyre, Mrs. E.T. |
McVeigh, Charlotte Randolph (Skelton) 1847-(?) |
McVeigh, L.W. |
McWhorter, Bessie Bell (Garman) See group photographs: Fredricksburg Collegiate Institute. |
MacArthur, Douglas 1880-1965 |
MacDonough, T. |
MacFarlane, William 1810-1873 |
MacGrill, Charles See: oversize |
Maben, John C. |
Mabry, W.A. See groups: Randolph Macon College, 1966 |
Machain, Herbert See groups: Norfolk, Va. Hunter School |
Machen, Lewis C. |
Machen, Lewis Henry 1871-1927 |
Mackan Family Snapshots |
Mackan, Harry Stewart |
Mackey, Martha Trimble See: Miley, Martha Trimble (Mackey), 1845-(?) |
Mackey, Nancy (Hamilton) Wife of Henry Mackey, Jr. |
Macline, Austin |
MacMurdo, Sarah Catherine See: Rives, Sarah Catherine (MacMurdo), 1833-1909 |
Macneil, Daphne Drake |
Macneil, Lucy Parke |
Macneil, Mary Allen 1944-(?) |
Macneil, Sayre |
Macneil, Virginia Allen (Bagby) 1920-1971 |
Macneil, Tonia |
Macon, Elizabeth Ann See: Heath, Elizabeth Ann (Macon), 1820-1868 |
Macon, Frances (Mutter) |
Macon, Mary Sayre See: Johnston, Mary Sayre (Macon), 1850-1935 |
Macon, Mary Smith Mutter, Mary Smith (Macon) |
Macon, Sarah (Smith) Dabney 1775-1851 |
Maddox, W. Clyde 1921 Ku Klux Klan; Also see: costumes |
Madison, Dolly Payne (Todd) 1768-1849 |
Madison, George William |
Madison, Helen (Banister) |
Madison, James 1723-1801 |
Madison, James 1749-1812 bp. |
Madison, Nelly (Conway) 1732-1829 |
Madison, Nelly Conway See: Hite, Nelly Conway (Madison), 1760-1803 |
Maffitt, John Newland 1819-1886 |
Magill, Ann (Tucker) |
Magill, Charles Fauntleroy |
Magill, Charlie |
Magill, Mary Tucker |
Maginnis, Charles B. |
Maginnis, Josephine See: Rose, Josephine |
Magginnis, William D. See: Maginnis, Charles B. |
Magoffin, Beriah See extra- oversize: Photograph album: "VMI, class 1889-_ _93" |
Magruder, Aletta Van Doren d. ca. 1909 See: Van Doren family album |
Magruder, Helen d. 1909 See: Van Doren family album |
Magruder, Henry Minor 1808-1885 |
Magruder, John Bankhead 1810-1871 |
Magruder, John Bowie 1839-1863 |
Magruder, L. F. See groups: Military, Doctors 1917 |
Magruder, Martha Wilson d. 1906 See: Van Doren family album |
Mahone, William 1826-1895 See also groups: Massachusetts Civil War Regement |
Majette,? |
Majette, Mary Elizabeth 1877-1897 |
Makemie, Francis 1658-1708 |
Malbone, Edward Greene 1777-1807 |
Malcolm, |
Mallet, John William 1832-1912 |
Mallory, Charles King 1820-1875 |
Mallory, Charles King 1844-1863 |
Mallory, Christina (Wine) 1835-1901 See: Mallory, William, 1826-1908 |
Mallory, henry Reed b. 1892 |
Mallory, J. Edwin See: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation Class of 1919 |
Mallory, Joan Ussher See: Reeves, Joan Ussher (Mallory), 1921- |
Mallory, John Skinner 1857-1932 |
Mallory, John Stevenson b. 1894 See also: Mallory, Henry Reed, 1892- and Group: Mallory, Henry Reed, 1892- |
Mallory, Marie (Briel) ie., "Mrs. John R. Mallory" See group: Richmonders Coffee party |
Mallory, Martha Catherine (Gordon) 1838-1863 ie., Mrs. William Mallory |
Mallory, Mary Susan d. 1863 See: Mallory, Martha Catherine (Gordon), 1838-1863 |
Mallory, Philip Wythe 1891-1906 See: Mallory, Henry Reed, 1892- and Group: Mallory, Henry Reed, 1892 |
Mallory, Sarah (Reed) ie., "Mrs. John Skinner Mallory" |
Mallory, Stephen Russell 1813?-1873 |
Mallory, Thomas ca. 1605-1671 |
Mallory, William 1826-1908 |
Malone, Dumas b. 1892 See also groups: Virginians 1972 |
Malone, Edmund Lucien See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria 1910 |
Malone, Pamela |
Manarin, Louis Henry b. 1932 |
Manchester, Henry Montague 1563?-1642 1st earl; Lord Treasurer in 1620; 8/16/60 Van Houe 5/0; 8/16/60 Delaram 1/1/0; 5/20/60 Harding 2/0; 5/20/60 1642 print 5/0 |
Manley, Langdon |
Manly, Sarah Murray |
Mann, Bernard 1861-1930 |
Mann, Dr. G. C. |
Mann, James 1872-1945 |
Mann, Mary See: Page, Mary (Mann), 1672-1707 |
Mann, William Hodges 1843-1927 |
Mann, William Hodges, Jr. 1890-1953 |
Manning, Henry Pindell See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria 1910 |
Manning, Lelia Bernard (Meredith) 1861-1947 |
Manning, Richard Iroine 1859-1931 |
Manning, Richard Irvine 1883-1902 |
Manning, Sarah B. See: Berkeley, Sarah B. (Manning) |
Manouvier, Albert W. C. See: Sheet Music "Protection Rifles" |
Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno 1803-1862 See groups oversized: Union generals "Our Generals in the Field" |
Mansfield, Cordelia Powell |
Mansfield, James Robert |
Mansfield, John Pelham |
Mansfield, Mary B. Streit |
Mansfield, Nell |
Mansfield, Roger |
Mansfield, William Henry |
Mansfield, William Powell |
Manson, Charlotte Hawes Ashby 1835-1913 |
Manson family |
Manson, Nathaniel Clayton, Jr. 1858-1924 |
Mapp, J. Brooks 1887-1969 |
Marable, Sadie See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Marbois, Francois Barbe, Marguis de 1745-1837 |
Marbury, Leonard 1856-1902 |
Marchant, Alfred Lee 1906-1955 |
Marchant, Georgette M. (Stevens) ie., Mrs. Henry Mortimer |
Marchant, Henry Mortimer 1843-1907 |
Marchetti, Grace See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class 1932 |
Marchetti, Miss Marie See groups; Church groups: St. John's evangelical Church Confirmation class, 1920 |
Marcuse, I. J. |
Margaret, Countess of Ranelagh 1672-1728 |
Marie, Queen of Romania See also: Anderson, Henry Watkins, 1870-1954 |
Marindin, Mr. See group photographs: Union officers. Bermuda Hundred |
Margraf, Gustav B. 1915-1969 |
Marion, Francis 1732-1785 |
Marks, christina Neilson |
Marks, Daniel |
Marks, E. E. |
Marks, Florence |
Marks, George B. |
Marks, James |
Marks, John |
Marks, Josie See: Marks, Maggie |
Marks, Maggie |
Marks, Queenie See also: Marks, James |
Marks, Robert |
Marks, Robert John See also: Marks, Robert |
Marks, Wirt Peebles, Jr. 1893-1963 |
Unidentified Marks See: Unidentidied Lamb |
Marlborough, James Ley 1550-1629 1st earl. Lord Treasurer in 1624; 8/16/60 Payne 4/0 |
Marlowe, Julia |
Marquart, Robin Layton 1889-1951 |
Marr, Robert Athelstan d. 1930 See extra oversized photograph album: "VMI class, 1889-_ _93" |
Marriott, Richard Holbrook 1911-1968 |
Marron, Daniel Garrow 1836-1914 |
Marron, Maria Smith (Peek) 1845-1878 |
Marryat, Florence |
Marratt, J. |
Marsden, Henry Howard See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910 |
Margh, Mary See groups: White Sulphur Springs, W. VA (Lawn Party, 1890) |
Marsh, Robert |
Marshall, Mrs. A. B. See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Marshall, Charles 1830-1903 |
Marshall, Elizabeth See: Colston, Elizabeth (Marshall) 1756-1842 |
Marshall, Ellen |
Marshall, Francis See groups: Epps family (Appomattox) |
Marshall, George d. 1906 |
Marshall, George Catlett 1880-1959 See: Miley Collection, oversize; Events: World War II, Yalta Conference |
Marshall, H. Snowden |
Marshall, Hattie See: Gentry, Mary Cornelia (White) |
Marshall, Humphrey General |
Marshall, James P. |
Marshall, James William 1844-1911 See extra oversize group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Marshall, John 1755-1835 See also oversize; Moore, Richard Channing, 1762-1841; Menu: Constitutional Centennial |
Marshall, John 1904-1963 |
Marshall, Lucy See: Ambler, Lucy Marshall, 1768-1793 |
Marshall, Margaret (Lewis) 1792-1829 Mrs. Thomas Marshall |
Marshall, Mary See: Gentry, Mary Cornelia (White) |
Marshall, Mary (Ambler) 1766-1831 |
Marshall, Mary Randolph (Keith) 1737-1809 |
Marshall, R. C. |
Marshall, Thomas R. See extra oversize photograph album: "VMI class 1889-_ _93 |
Marshall, Thomas Riley 1854-1925 |
Marshall, Vause W. |
Marshall, Walton See groups: Rose Lawn, Orange Co., VA, 1896 |
Marshall, William Churchill b. 1855 |
Martin, alice Louise (Becker) b. 1909 ie., Mrs. Daniel F. Martin; See groups: Boy and Girl Scouts: Girl Scout Troop 31 |
Martin, Alvah Howard, Jr. 1890-1957 |
Martin, Mrs. Bessie |
Martin, Bessie M. d. 1966 See: Hobson, Bessie M. (Martin) |
Martin, Daniel E. See groups: Hampden-Sydney College- Chi Phi Fraternity 1946-1947 |
Martin, Delaney |
Martin, Denny d. 1800 |
Marin, Edward (Major) 1722-1775 |
Martin, George Gresham 1869-1929 |
Martin, George Gresham, Jr. 1903-1968 |
Martin, Hetty (Cary) Pegram 1836-1892 |
Martin, James Craig 1874-1957 |
Martin, James Green 1881-1955 |
Martin, Joan See: Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, 1867-1953 |
Martin, Katharine (Sinton) d. 1968 |
Martin, Lillian See: Price, Lillian (Martin) |
Martin, Lucy Chambliss (Day) d. 1915 See also oversize |
Martin, Luther 1744-1826 |
Martin, Miles See groups: Hampden-Sydney College- Chi Phi Fraternity, 1946-1947 |
Martin, Rawley White CSA |
Martin, richard 1570-1618 Named in 2nd Virginia Charter, 4-7-60 Passe 3/6 |
Martin, Stephen Duval 1885-1970 |
Martin, Thomas |
Martin, Thomas Staples 1847-1919 |
Martin, Walter Worth 1907-1964 |
Martin, William Bruce 1846-1921 |
Martin, William W. See groups: Nolley's School, 1901 |
Martyn, Joseph 1643-1718 London merchant, 5/31/61 Smith 1/10/- oversize |
Marvin, Enoch Mather 1823-1877 See groups: Methodist Episcopal church- Bishops |
Marx, Frederick |
Marx, Samuel 1796-1860 |
Mary (of Modena), Queen of England 1658-1718 4-7-60 Vandrebane 0/18/0 oversize; 4-7-60 Audran 0/6/0; 5-20-60 Stephani 0/15/0 oversize; 5-31-61 Smith 1/10/- oversize; 5-31-61 Tompson 2/2/- oversize |
Mary II, Queen of England 1662-1694 See also: William III, King of England, 1650-1702 |
Mary, Queen of Scots 1542-1587 |
Marye, Robert Voss |
Masinter, Morris Louis 1893-1956 |
Mason |
Mason, Anne Eilbeck |
Mason, Anne Harrison (Cocke) b. 1860 |
Mason, Anne Maria See: Lee, Anna Maria (Mason), 1811-1898 |
Mason, Dorothy See: Redmayne, Dorothy (Mason) Rolfe |
Mason, Emily Banister b. 1885 |
Mason, George 1725-1792 |
Mason, George 1853-1923 |
Mason, George |
Mason, George Carrington |
Mason, Ida |
Mason, Mrs. J. H. |
Mason, J. E. 1853-1923 |
Mason, James Murray 1798-1871 See also: oversize |
Mason, James Murray b. 1857 |
Mason, J. T. J. |
Mason, John Young 1799-1859 |
Mason, Rev. John |
Mason, Martha See: Batte, Martha (Mason) |
Mason, Mary See: Turner, Mary (Mason) |
Mason, St. George Tucker 1844-1884 |
Mason, Virginia |
Massenburg, George Alvin b. 1894 |
Massey, John Edward 1819-1901 See groups: Big 4 and Massey |
Massey, Sarah See: Stone, Sarah (Massey) |
Massie, Eugene C. 1861-1924 |
Massie, H. M. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad, 1926 |
Massie, J. P. |
Massie, Joseph Anderson 1871-1922 |
Massie, Joseph Anderson b. 1917 |
Massie, Thomas 1747-1834 |
Massie, Thomas 1783-1864 |
Massie, Thornton Lemmon 1866-1912 |
Massow, Baron Robert Von |
Mathews, C. G. |
Mathews, Colonel Samuel d. 1662 |
Mathieu, Royane See: McCarthy, Frank |
Mathy, John Mathias |
Mattern, Lillie See: Pohlig, Lillie (Mattern) |
Mattews, Ellen Hobson (Bagby) 1831-1898 See also: Matthews, James Muscoe |
Matthews, George Bagby 1857-1944 |
Matthews, James Muscoe 1882-1905 |
Matthews, John W. See groups: The Immortal Six Hundred |
Matthews, Mollie |
Matthews, Nellie See: Matthews, Molloe |
Mauck, Henry Page b. 1891 |
Mauck, Henry Page |
Mauck, Robert |
Maupin See: Maupin- Ridpath Family Album, extra oversized |
Maupin, Chapman |
Maupin, Chapman White 1777-1861 |
Maupin, George Washington |
Maupin, Mary Graves (Spencer) 1779-1868 |
Maupin, Socrates 1808-1871 See also oversize |
Maupin, William Gabriel 1890-1951 |
Maurice, Henry A. |
Maury, Allen 1854-1907 |
Maury, Ann Hull (Herndon) 1811-1901 See: Van Doren family album |
Maury, Dabney Herndon 1822-1900 See also group photographs: Richmond, VA, Westbrook; See also: extra oversized |
Maury, Elizabeth Herndon (Maury) 1835-1903 ie., "Mrs. William Arden Maury"; See: Van Doren family album |
Maury, George Greenhow 1850-1853 See: Maury, Allen, 1854-1907 |
Maury, Isabel 1842-1934 See: Maury, Robert Henry, 1816-1886 |
Maury, James 1746-1840 |
Maury, Lucy Minor See: Van Doren, Lucy Minor (Maury), 1851-1915 |
Maury, Mary Rutherfoord (Harvie) |
Maury, Martha Bickerton (Greenhow) 1820-1909 |
Maury, Matthew Fontaine 1806-1823 See also: oversize and extra oversize Van Doren family album |
Maury, Richard Lancelot 1840-1907 |
Maury, Richard Wortham 1843-1916 See: Maury, Robert Henry, 1816-1886 |
Maury, Robert Henry 1816-1886 |
Maury, Robert Walker 1855-1903 |
Maury, Rose See: Pollard, Rose (Maury) |
Maury, Sarah Ann 1846-1909 See Maury, Robert Henry, 1816-1886 |
Maury, Sarah Ann 1846-1909 See also: Maury, Robert Walker, 1855-1903 |
Maury, William Arden 1832-1918 |
Maus, Anna Page (Russell) ie., Mrs. Lewis Mervin Mavs; See groups: Russell, John Wilson, children of |
Mavs, Lewis Mervin See group: Lee, Fitzhugh and staff 1898 |
Maxey, Mary |
Maxey, Susan Eliza See: Watkins, Susan Eliza (Maxey) |
Maxwell, Helen (Calvert) See: Read, Helen (Calvert) Maxwell, 1750-1833 |
Maxwell, M. |
Maxwell, William 1784-1857 |
May, Edward b. 1855 |
May, James Harrison 1889-1963 |
May, Landon Culter 1904-1953 |
May, Richard A. |
May, Robert Henry 1906-1960 |
Mayer, Eugene |
Mayfield, Nina |
Maynard, Freda Horner (Epps) ie., Lady John Maynard; See groups: Epps family (Appomattox) |
Maynard, Sir John 1602-1690 Lord Chancellor in 1690; 9/30/60 anonymous Cadell 1794 2/6 |
Maynard, Sir John See groups: Epps family (Appomattox) |
May, Benjamin H. |
Mayo, Abigail (de Hart) 1761-1843 |
Mayo, Elizabeth Bland See: Fulton, Elizabeth Bland (Mayo) |
Mayo, Ellen (Lee) |
Mayo, John 1760-1818 |
Mayo, Kate Brander (Harris) See: Williams, Kate Brander (Harris) Mayo Skipwith (d. 1945) |
Mayo, Katherine Cole (Friend) See: Valentine, Katherine Cole (Friend) Mayo, 1848-1927 |
Mayo, Lucy Garnett 1866?-1955 |
Mayo, Ned See groups: Wilton, Henrico Co., VA |
Mayo, William Col. Of Powhatan seat |
Mays, Austin See groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
Mays, David John 1896-1971 See also groups: Virginia Historical Society |
Mazzei, Philip 1730-1816 |
Meade |
Meade, Ann See: Randolph, Anne (Meade) |
Meade, Ann Wray (Stith) |
Meade, Benjamin Lincoln 1793-1851 |
Meade, Charlotte See: Lane, Charlotte (Meade) Mrs. James H. |
Meade, David 1710-1757 |
Meade, David 1768-(?) |
Meade, David 1778-1854 |
Meade, Edwin B. |
Meade, Eliza See: Harvie, Eliza (Meade), 1850-1930 |
Meade, Everard 1748-1802 |
Meade, Frazier See groups: Meade family and friends |
Meade, Gardiner See groups: Meade family and friends |
Meade, George |
Meade, George Gordon 1815-1872 See also: Group: Union officers at Brandy Station 1864 |
Meade, George Gordon See: Oversize groups: W |
Meade, Hardy See groups: Meade family and friends |
Meade, Hodijah 1789-1842 and Meade, Mary Susanna 1791-(?) |
Meade, Jas. T. |
Meade, Jane Catherine (Fontaine) 1833-1909 |
Meade, Jane Eliza (Hardaway) 1801-1876 See also: Meade, Benjamin Lincoln, 1793-1851 |
Meade, Kate F. See groups: Meade family and friends |
Meade, Mary Susanna See: Meade, Hodijah |
Meade, Lila Hardaway See: Valentine, Lila Haraway (Meade), 1865-1921 |
Meade, Louise Fontaine 1871?-1949 See: Cadot, Louise Fontaine (Meade), 1871?-1949 and Groups: Meade family and friends |
Meade, Maria See: Stith, Maria (Meade) |
Meade, Marianne Everanrd 1876-1970 See also groups: Meade family and friends |
Meade, Mary Susanne b. 1791 See: Meade, Hodijah, 1789-1842 |
Mrs. Meade See: Williams, Maria Ward (Skelton), 1843-1929 |
Meade, Nellie Atkins 1871?-1957 See also: Caperton, Helena 1878-1962 and also Groups: Meade family and friends |
Meade, Richard Everard 1778-1840 |
Meade, Richard Hardaway 1831-1880 |
Meade, Richard Hardaway II 1867-1951 See also: Valentine, Lila Haraway (Meade) |
Meade, Richard Haraway, Jr. See also: Meade, Richard Hardaway II |
Meade, Richard Kidder 1812-1892 Bp., See: Van Doren family album |
Meade, Robert Douthat 1903-1974 |
Meade, Sarah |
Meade, Spencer See: oversize groups W |
Meade, Susannah (Everard) Wife of David Meade, 1710-1757 |
Meade, Susannah (Stith) |
Meade, Thomas J. See Locations: Richmond, transportation terminals, Main Street Station |
Meade, William 1789-1862 Bp. See also oversize: Van Doran family album |
Meade family unidentified |
Mears, Benjamin W., Sr. 1894-1961 |
Mease, J. A. |
Mease, Marion See: Childtey, Marion (Mease) |
Medows, Sir William 1738-1813 British general during American Revolution, 3-23-61 Cook 5/0 |
Meek, Mary Cabeen See: Brown, Mary Cabeen (Meek) |
Meek, Samuel Williams b. 1864 See: MSS5:7 M4714:1 |
Meek, Samuel William 1895-1981 See: MSS5:7 M4714:1 |
Meek, Wilson See: MSS5:7 M4714:1 |
Meeks, Abigal (sic) Livia Martha (Davis) 1826-1876 |
Meeks, Blanche Thayer See also: Heath, Blanche Thayer (Meeks) 1865-1957 |
Meeks, Constance Adela See also: Meeks, Blanche Thayer |
Meeks, Edward |
Meeks, James Cooper b. 1807 |
Meeks, John 1737-1817 |
Meeks, Suzannah (Cooper) 1780-1853 |
Meeks, William Newton 1821-1897 |
Meeks, Washington |
Meeks, William Vincent |
Meem, Elsa |
Meem, John G. |
Megie, Mary Ann Marsh See: Granbery, John Gersham, 1833-1895 |
Mellon, Paul |
Mendelssohn-Barthold, Jakob Ludwig Felix 1809-1847 See oversize |
Menutz, |
Menzel, Emma See: Grimmell, Emma (Menzel), ie., Mrs. C. Frederick Grimmell, 1878-1951 |
Menzel, Henry E. See Church Groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1901 |
Menzel, Marie Brigette (Rasmussen) 1855-1892 ie., Mrs. Paul Louis Menzel |
Menzel, Paul Louis 1839-1907 See also groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church, 1898 |
Mencator, Gerhard 1512-1594 |
Mercer, Ann (Roy) |
Mercer, Ella |
Mercer, Charles Fenton 1778-1858 |
Mercer, George 1733-1784 |
Mercer, Hugh 1725-1777 |
Mercer, Hugh Tenant Weedon 1808-1853 |
Mercer, James 1736-1793 |
Mercer, Jane Byrd See McCall, Jane Byrd (Mercer) |
Mercer, John 1704-1768 |
Mercer, John d. 1848 |
Mercer, John Cyrus b. 1810 |
Mercer, John Francis 1759-1821 |
Mercer, Mary Eleanor Dick See: Garnett, Mary Eleanor Dick (Mercer), 1774-1837 |
Mercer, Mary Scott (Swann) |
Mercer, Mary (Swann) |
Mercer, Walter C. |
Mercer, Sophia (Sprigg) |
Merchant, Maude Blake |
Meredith, Alice Morson 1897-1961 |
Meredith, Ann (Morson) |
Meredith, Bernard d. 1971 See also groups: Virginia University Students, ca 1914 |
Meredith, Bernard |
Meredith, Charles Vivan 1850-1930 See also extra oversize group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Meredith, Edward Douglas 1852-1879 |
Meredith, John Alexander 1814-1882 |
Meredith, Lelia Bernard 1861-1947 See: Manning, Lelia Bernard (Meredith), 1861-1947 |
Meredith, Marion b. 1897 See: Meredith, Alice Morson, 1897-1961 |
Meredith, Mary |
Meredith, Mary Ella |
Meredith, Reuben 1850-1870 |
Meredith, Rosa |
Meredith, Sarah Ann Bernard 1817-1889 |
Meredith, Sophie Rose b. 1880 |
Meredith, William Robertson |
Meredith, Wyndham Robertson 1869-1940 |
Merrill, Christiana Custis |
Merrill, George F. |
Merrill, Mary See: Merrill, George F. |
Merrill, William P. M. See extra oversize |
Merriss, William H. |
Messell, Mrs. Thomas E. |
Messer, Charles See groups: WOBCA |
Messer, Charles |
Messer, Juliette (Chandler) b. 1870 |
Messick, Wesley See: folder under Curtis, Robert Keith |
Mettauer, archer 1820-1910 |
Mettauer, E. W. |
Mettauer, Frances Joseph |
Mettauer, John Peter |
Mettauer, John Peter 1787-1875 |
Meyer, Betty Chauncey Williams See groups: Gregory family |
Meyers, Ned See groups: Wilton, Henrico Co., VA |
Meynell, Alice (Thompson) 1850-1922 |
Michael, Isabella (McClary) See: Gordon, Isabella (McClary) Michael, b. 1807 |
Michael, Marie Isabella (Hammond) 1876-(?) See: High, Belle (Boyd) Hardinge Hammond, 1844-1900 |
Michaux, Dr. Jacob |
Michaux, Kate See group photo graphs: Richmond, Va. Lakeside Amusement Park |
Michaux, Dr. Stuart |
Michie, Capt. See groups: Lee (Fitzhugh) and staff, 1898 |
Michie, Addinell Hewson 1897-1957 |
Michie, Peter Smith 1839-1901 See group photographs: Union Officers: Bermuda Hundred |
Middlesex, Lionel Cranfield, 1st Earl Lord Treasurer in 1622 1575-1645 See oversize |
Midkiff, Robert See groups: Va. State Guard Co. 54 |
Miles, Gordon F. |
Miles, Lizzie See: Purdy,Lizzie (Miles) |
Miles, Capt. Sherman See groups: Inauguration: Theodore Roosevelt, 1905 |
Miles, Mattie |
Miles, Waldo C. |
Miles, William Porcher |
Miley, Beatrice |
Miley, Edwin 1876-(?) See also group: Miley, Michael, family |
Miley, Edwin |
Miley, Edwin LaFaucheur |
Miley, G. Hunter See group photographs: Miley (Samuel) family |
Miley, Genevieve (?)-1937 See also: group photographs: Miley, Samuel family |
Miley, Henry Mackey 1873-1955 See also: Miley, Mchael, family 2. Oversize |
Miley, Henry O. See group photographs: Miley, (Samuel) family |
Miley, Herbert 1872-(?) See group: Miley, Michael, family |
Miley, John |
Miley, Martha |
Miley, Martha Trimble (Mackey) 1848-(?) See also: Miley, Michael, family |
Miley, Michael 1841-1918 |
Miley, Myrtle Boyd (LeFaucher), Mrs. Edwin Miley See also: Miley, Edwin, 1876-(?) |
Miley, Pauline Renforth, Pauline (Miley) |
Miley, Samuel Evert See also group photographs: Miley, Samuel, family |
Miley, Mrs. Samuel Evert See group photographs: Miley, (Samuel) family |
Miley, Virginia Hamilton See: Putnam, Virginia Hamilton (Miley) |
Miley. Children of Samuel |
Milhollen, Hirst Dillion b. 1906 |
Milleo, Sallie See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Mill, Neal F. B. 1893 |
Millhiser, Gazelle (Kohut) ie., "Mrs. Emanuel Millhiser" |
Millhiser, E. Ross See: Millhiser, Gazelle (Kohut) |
Millhiser, |
Miller, Annie See: Supplee, Annie (Miller) Rich Flynn, ca. 1871-1943 |
Miller, Ashley Macon See groups: Tennis, 1889 |
Miller, Burnett, Jr. 1908-1954 |
Miller, Charles Clendenin 1811-1898 |
Miller, Charles E. b. 1844 See extra oversize group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02" |
Miller, Charles Edward and family See above in Groups |
Miller, Charles H. See Groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1920 |
Miller, Charles Louis 1840-1900 |
Miller, Christian 1744-1836 |
Miller, Clifton M. See also group photograph: Miller, Clifton M. and family |
Miller, Edward See groups: Gregory Collection |
Miller, Edward T. See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1913 |
Miller, Elizabeth G. See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1921 |
Miller, Elise (Brauer) 1883-1937 |
Miller, Elvira 1850-1955 |
Miller, Emma See groups: Miller, Clifton and family |
Miller, Finetta Anne (Lyon) b. 1851 |
Miller, Francis Pickens b. 1895 |
Miller, George 1891-1959 |
Miller, H. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad, 1925 |
Miller, Helen See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1931 |
Miller, Henry Frederick 1869-1939 |
Miller, Hunter 1876-1961 |
Miller, Jacob W. |
Miller, James 1775-1851 |
Miller, James See groups: U. S. Army |
Miller, James W. See groups: Church groups: St. John's United Church of Christ Confirmation class, 1960 |
Miller, Senator John G. |
Miller, Joseohine (Haase) 1870-1945 See also group photographs: Richmonds, Richmond Coffee Party and Hasse Family |
Miller, L. See groups: McGuire's University School, football squad, 1923 |
Miller, Louis H., Jr. See groups: Church groups: St, John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1921 |
Miller, Margaret Elisabeth See: Franck, Margaret Elisabeth (Miller), 1891-1952 |
Miller, Margaret (Brauer) 1848-1921 See also group photographs: Brauer family |
Miller, Margaret Erskine See: Hutcheson, Margaret Erskine (Miller) |
Miller, Mary B. See groups: Miller, Clifton M. and family |
Miller, Mary See groups: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Girl Scout Troop #31. Died young |
Miller, Nicketti (Johnston) ie., Mrs. Henry R. Miller. See groups: YMCA and YWCA, daughters of Dr. G. B. Johnston |
Miller, Paul R. See groups: Church groups: St. John's United Church of Christ Confirmation class, 1962 |
Miller, Polk 1844-1914 |
Miller, Robert |
Miller, Susanna Ruth |
Miller, Thomas M. 1846-1902 |
Miller, Virginia |
Miller, Willie See groups: Norwood's University School Room "C" |
Miller, Willis Dance 1893-1960 See also groups: Virginia Supreme Court |
Milligan, James See groups: Gregory family |
Millington, John 1779-1868 |
Mills, Charles Spottswood 1812-1892 |
Mills, Dorothea (Rueger) b. 1900 ie., Mrs. Lonnie Neill Mills. See groups: Boy and Girl Scouts, Girl Scout Troop #31 and Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation class, 1921 |
Mills, Nicholas |
Mills, Robert E. 1771-1855 |
Millson, John Singleton 1808-1874 |
Miner, Bertha |
Minge, Benjamin Carter b. 1853 |
Minge, Collier Harrison |
Minge, C. H. See groups: Change of the VMI cadets |
Minge, David See album: Dunlop family |
Minge, Jane Oliver See: Dixey, Jane Oliver (Minge), 1828- |
Minge, John |
Minge, Sarah Harrison b. 1833 See: Minge, William Henry Harrison, 1830-1862 |
Minge, William Henry Harrison 1830-1862 |
Minghini, Dr. W. E. |
Minnigerode, Charles |
Minnegerade, emily See groups: Eggleston Collection |
Minnigerode, Charles Frederic Ernest 1814-1864 |
Minnigerode, James Gibbon |
Minnigerode, Lucy |
Minnigerode, Mary (Carter) d. 1898 See: Minnigerode, Charles Frederic, 1814-1894 |
Minor See also: Miner |
Minor, Charles Landon Carter 1835-1903 |
Minor, Claude D. 1888-1965 |
Minor, Edmund Christian 1845-1903 |
Minor, Edward C. |
Minor, Frances Ansley (Cazenove) 1839-1884 ie., "Mrs. Charles Landon Carter Minor" |
Minor, G. G. |
Minor, Heloise Innerarity |
Minor, Jane Bell (left) and Margaret R. |
Minor, Margaret R. See: Jane Bell Minor |
Minor, John 1797-1862 |
Minor, John Barbee 1813-1895 See also oversize |
Minor, John Barbee 1866-1952 |
Minor, Gen. John |
Minor, Lewis Willis |
Minor, Lucian 1802-1858 |
Minor, Lucy Landon Carter |
Minor, Maria Ward Skelton (Williams) Sheerin b. 1902 See also: Williams, Fielding Lewis, 1906 |
Minor, Mary Berkeley See: Blackford, Mary Berkeley (Minor), 1802-1896 |
Minor, Marg Washington Ball See: Lightfoot, Mary Washington Ball (Minor), 1851-1930 |
Minor, R. C. See groups: Virginia University, students 1888 |
Minor, Raleigh Colston 1869-1923 |
Minor, Roberta D. b. 1872 |
Minor, Robert Dabney |
Minter, Charles S. 1881-1957 |
Minter, Horatio Fontaine 1882-1965 |
Minter, William Marvin 1886-1970 |
Mitchell, Alice Virginia Broadus See: Mitchell, Samuel Chiles, 1864-1948 |
Mitchell, David See groups: Save Our Neighborhood Schools |
Mitchell, Senator Douglas |
Mitchell, Jennifer See groups: Save Our Neighborhood Schools |
Mitchel, John 1815-1875 |
Mitchell, John, Jr. |
Mitchell, John Douglas 1876-1951 |
Mitchell, Judith Frances Carter (Bassett) |
Mitchell, Maggie Lena See: Walker, Maggie Lena (Mitchell), 1867-1935 |
Mitchell, Margaret Author of Gone with the Wind |
Mitchell, Mark See groups: Save Our Neighborhood Schools |
Mitchell, Michelle |
Mitchell, Dr. R. E. |
Mitchell, Samuel See groups: Gregory Collection |
Mitchell, Samuel Chiles 1864-1948 |
Mitchell, W. P. |
Mitcheson, MacGregor J. |
Mitcheson, Sarah (Johnson) |
Mizell, Arch Conway b. 1915 See groups: Mizell family |
Mizell, Julia Roxanna b. 1910 See groups: Mizell family |
Mizell, Mary (Mamie) (Conway) 1882-1972 See groups: Conway family and Mizell family |
Mizell, William Capers, III b. 1907 See groups: Mizell family |
Moale, Ellin (North) 1741-1826 |
Modena, Virginia Elizabeth See: Embrey, Virginia Elizabeth (Modena), 1838-1899 |
Modjeska, Helena 1840-1909 |
Moffett, Edna Virginia 1870-1962 |
Moffett, William Stuart 1880-1955 |
Moffett, William Walter 1854-(?) |
Moffitt, John |
Moffitt, W.S. (House) |
Moger, Allen Wesley 1905-(?) |
Molesworth, Robert Molesworth, 1st Viscount 1656-1725 |
Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord 1714-1799 |
Monck, Christopher See Albemarle, Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke 1653-1688 |
Monck, George See Albemarle, George, 1st Duke, 1608-1670/71 |
Monckton, Robert 1726-1782 British General during American Revolution |
Moncure, Alice See: Burke, Alice (Moncure) |
Moncure, Alice Peachy (Gascoigne) 1774-1860 |
Moncure, Allenia M. (Cottrell) |
Moncure, Anna Gatewood See: Norment, Anna Gatewood (Moncure) |
Moncure, Anne Lewis (Daniel) 1822-1905 |
Moncure, Belle |
Moncure, Cassie Oliver See: Lyne, Cassie Oliver (Moncure), 1845-1934 |
Moncure, Catherine Ambler See groups: Moncure family |
Moncure, Charles See groups: Moncure family |
Moncure, Charles |
Moncure, Elgin Dentin See: Styll, Elgin Dentin (Moncure) |
Moncure, Elizabeth Cabell |
Moncure, Ella See groups: Meade family and friends |
Moncure, Eustace Conway |
Moncure, Henry Wood See groups: Moncure family |
Moncure, Irby |
Moncure, James A. |
Moncure, John |
Moncure, Lucy A. See: Gill, Lucy A. (Moncure) |
Moncure, Lucy Ann (Gatewood) |
Moneure, Margaret |
Moncure, Maggie (Tinsley) See group: (persons): Campbell's (Rev. and Mrs.) school, Richmond, Va. |
Moncure, Maria Moore See: Moore, Maria Moore (Moncure) |
Moncure, Mary Derby (Ayres) Daniel 1902-(?) |
Moncure, Philip St. Leger |
Moncure, Richard Cassius Lee 1805-1882 |
Moncure, Richard Travers |
Moncure, Sally |
Moncure, Thomas Jefferson 1832-1912 See extra-oversize: group: album "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Moncure, Virginia Buchanan See groups: Gregory family |
Moncure, Walter See groups: Fork Union Military Academy |
Moncure, William Augustus 1803-1862 |
Moncure, William Augustus 1863-1947 |
Moncure, William A. |
Moncure, Judge William A. |
Moncure, William Cassius 1831-1883 |
Monroe, Andrew (?)-1826 |
Monroe, James 1758-1831 See oversize |
Monroe daughters |
Montague, Andrew Jackson 1862-1937 |
Montague, Charles See Halifax, Charles Montague, 1st Earl (2nd creation), 1661-1715 |
Montague, Edward See: Sandwich, Edward Montague, 1st Earl, 1625-1672 |
Montague, Helen (Gwathmey) See groups: Gwathmey family |
Montague, Henry See: Manchester, Henry Montague, 1st Earl, 1563(?)-1642 |
Montague, Hill 1866-1959 |
Montague, James 1568-1618 bp of Bath and Wells. Named in 2nd Virginia Charter, member of Virginia Council |
Montague, John H. See groups: Richmond, "Westbrooke" |
Montague, Margaret See groups: Equal Suffrage League of Richmond |
Montague, Margaret Prescott 1878-(?) |
Montague, Lady Mary Wortley |
Montague, Russell Cary 1877-1960 |
Montgomery, Charles Francis 1889-(?) See group: Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Students |
Montgomery, Jane |
Montgomery, John See folder under Curtis, Robert Keith |
Montgomery, Richard 1738-1775 |
Moody, Betsey Holton |
Moody, Dwight L. |
Moody, William Lewis 1828-1920 |
Moody, Young Marshall 1822-1866 |
Moomaw, Hugh Mangus 1885-1959 |
Moon, John Barclay 1849-1915 |
Moon, Lottie (Charlotte) 1840-1912 |
Mooney, James See group photograph: Bainbridge Junior High School. Richmond, Va. Safety patrol |
Moore See group: Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Students |
Moore, Augustine 1685(?)-1743 |
Moore, Bernard 1720(ca.)-(?) |
Moore, C. See group photograph: Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, Va. Student group |
Moore, Carr |
Moore, Catherine Eliza |
Moore, Charles W. See groups: church groups: St. John's United Chruch of Christ, Confirmation Class 1962. |
Moore, Charlie |
Moore, D.W. |
Moore, Mrs. D.W. |
Moore, David |
Moore, E. Blackburn |
Moore, Elizabeth (Todd) Seaton |
Moore, Fannie |
Moore, Frank 1871-1943 |
Moore, George Lewis See groups: William and Mary College, Kappa Alpha Fraternity |
Moore, Joseph Francis 1887-1962 |
Moore, Julia Grant 1887? See also groups: Moore, Thomas Jefferson (Fammily of) 1840-1898 |
Moore, Lucy See: Moore, Bernard |
Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise) b. 1884 See groups: Peachy- Wise Family |
Moore, Maria Moore (Moncure) |
Moore, Mary Augusta (Brown) |
Moore, Mary Irwin 1884? See groups: Moore, Thomas Jefferson (Family of) 1840-1898 |
Moore, P.T. |
Moore, Richard Channing 1762-1841 See also: oversize |
Moore, Rittenhouse |
Moore, Robert Walton 1859-1941 See also: oversize, Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901- 1902" |
Moore, Samuel Preston 1813-1889 |
Moore, Thomas |
Moore, Thomas Jefferson 1880-1947 See also: groups, Moore, Thomas Jefferson (family of) 1840-1898 |
Moore, Thomas Justin 1890-1958 |
Moore, Thomas Lee 1865-1914 See extra oversize: group: album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention. 1901-1902" |
Moore, Thomas Verner 1818-1871 |
Moore, Virginia Wilson See Faison, Virginia Wilson (Moore), 1896-1944 |
Moore, Walton See groups: University of Va. 1/31/36 |
Moore, William Edward 1903-1955 |
Moorecock, Pinky See group: Musicians |
Moorman, Lulu |
Moorman, Robert |
Moran, Nora |
Morano, Mrs. |
Mordaunt, Charles See: Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, 3rd Earl, 1658-1735 |
Mordecai, Alfred See group photographs: Union Officers, Bermuda Hundred |
Mordecai, Helen Norwood 1848-1937 |
Mordecai, John |
Mordecai, John Brooke 1839-1873 |
Mordecai, Rosina 1876-1941 |
Mordecai, Rosina Ursula Young 1818-1906 |
Mordecai, Samuel 1786-1865 |
Mordecai, William Young 1836-1900 |
More, Jane C. |
Morecock, Miss Pinky See groups: Morecock, Pinky |
Moreland, J. Earl See groups: Randolph Macon College, 1966 |
Moreland, William Haywood 1879-1944 |
Morell, George Webb 1815-1883 See group photographs: Union officers. Morell's headquarters |
Morgan, Andrew |
Morgan, Branch Beale See extra-oversize: photograph album: "VMI, class 1889-93" |
Morgan, Charles Stephen 1799-1859 |
Morgan, Daniel 1736-1802 |
Morgan, Edmund S. |
Morgan, Elizabeth (Ezell) |
Morgan, George D. |
Morgan, James Benjamin 1906-1953 |
Morgan, James Brainerd |
Morgan, John |
Morgan, John |
Morgan, John Hunt 1825-1864 |
Morgan, John Tyler 1824-1907 |
Morgan, Jones 1883-1993 |
Morgan, Lelia Augusta (Myers) 1868-(?) |
Morgan, Lewis 1754-1844 |
Morgan, Margaret Ann (Gold) 1836-1905 See also: Morgan, James Brainerd |
Morgan, Mary Michie See: Blakey, Mary (Morgan) |
Morgan, S. T. |
Morgan, W. H. See groups: Immortal Six Hundred |
Morgan, William A. |
Morice, Sir William 1602-1676 Board of Trade and Plantation in 1662, See: Oversize |
Morison, Hugh Graham 1878-1925 |
Morison, Louisa Victoria See: Ayers, Louisa Victoria (Morison) |
Morison, Samuel Eliot 1887-(?) |
Morrell, James A. 1916-1943 |
Morris |
Morris, George W. |
Morris, George Watts, ca. 1860- 1857-1908 See also: Gordon, James Lindsey 1860-1904 |
Morris, Gouverneur 1752-1816 |
Morris, Hythe David See groups: Norfolk, Hunter School- 1896-96 |
Morris, James W., Dr. |
Morris, John |
Morris, John Joseph 1907-1957 |
Morris, John Speed, ca. 1860- See also: Gordon, James Lindsey, 1860-1904 |
Morris, Lewis Coleman 1872-1923 |
Morris, Richard 1736(?)-1822 |
Morris, Robert 1734-1806 |
Morris, Sally Rives |
Morris, Sarah Winston (Taylor) See groups: Hanover Bicentennial |
Morris, Thomas J. 1837-1912 |
Morrissett, Carlisle Havelock 1892-(?) |
Morrisette, Edna E. See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church- Confirmation Class 1921 |
Morrisette, William W. See groups: Church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church- Confirmation Class 1919 |
Morrison, J. G. See groups: Jackson, Thomas Jonathan and his staff |
Morrison, Mary Anna See: Jackson, Mary Anna (Morrison), 1831-1915 |
Morrison, Dr. Samuel Brown |
Morrisey, Joseph D. 1958- |
Morse, Samuel F.B. 1791-1872 |
Morson, Claudia (Marshall) |
Morson, Ellen Carter (Bruce) 1820-1862 |
Morson, James Marion 1817-1868 |
Morton, George 1883-1963 |
Morton, Maggie Hubbard |
Morton, Margaret (McIntosh) 1870-1942 |
Morton, Maria Sophia (Kemper) 1738-1832 |
Morton, Mr. and Mrs. R.I. |
Morton, Rosalie Slaughter, M.D. |
Morton, Susan See: Hoge, Susan (Morton), (?)-1869 |
Morton, Susie |
Morton, William Smith 1787-1865 |
Mosby? See folder under Chamberlyne? |
Mosby, Beverly Clarke |
Mosby, C.L. |
Mosby, John Garland 1786-1855 |
Mosby, John Singleton 1833-1916 See also groups: Mosby's Men; groups: United Confederate Veterans |
Mosby, John S. Jr. See: Battle, Martha Burwell Dabney (Bagby), 1869-1954 |
Mosby, Pauline (Clarke) 1837-1876 |
Mosby, Robert O. And also: Davis, Richard W., Greer, David G. |
Mosby, Vin (Hobson) |
Mosby, William |
Moseley, Arthur |
Moseley, Lady Elizabeth |
Moseley, Hannah (Bassett) 1772-1834 |
Moseley, Maria See: Williams, Maria Ward Skelton (Williams), 1880-1960 |
Moseley, Samuel 1764-1823 |
Moseley, William 1608-1655 |
Moseley, William, Jr. d. 1700 |
Moses, Charles Thomas |
Mossgrove, Mrs. William |
Mosher, Anne Warren See: Copley, Anne Warren (Mosher) Roberts, 1902- |
Mosher, Hugh Emerson 1890? See persons (group): Mosher family |
Mosher, Louise Norton See: Hines, Louise Norton (Mosher), 1892- |
Mosher, Mary Dunn See: Eddy, Mary Dunn (Mosher) |
Mosher, William Upshaw See persons (group): Mosher family |
Mosmiller, Edith C. See church groups: St. John's Evangelical Church Lutheran Confirmation class of 1919 |
Moss, Albert See groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
Moss, Charles Wesley b. 1895 |
Moss, family See groups: Moss family |
Moss, J. P. |
Moss, J. W. (Mrs.) |
Moss, Walter G. |
Mossgrove, Mrs. William |
Moton, Robert Russa 1867-1940 |
Mott, Armistead Randolph See also: Gordon, James Lindsay, 1860-1904 |
Mott, Valentine |
Moultrie, William 1730-1805 |
Mountaine, George 1569-1628 bishop of London 5/20/60 Grave 3/6 |
Mountcastle, G. B. |
Mountcastle, G. Burton |
Mowery, Byrd (Hammond) Williams 1874-1932 See: High, Belle (Boyd) Hardinge Hammond, 1844-1900 |
Moxley, Aminta Elizabeth (Douglass) 1775-1857 Wife of Gilbert Ireland Moxley |
Moxley, Sophia M. P. See: Fisher, Sophia M. P. (Moxley), 1808-1898 |
Moynihan, Frederick See: Richmond, VA Monuments: Stuart |
Mudd, Roger |
Muhlenburg, John Peter Gabriel 1746-1807 |
Muire, Theodore N. |
Mulgrave, Edward Sheffield 1564-1646 1st earl, member of the virginia Council, 4-7-60 Elstracke 0/2/6; 5-5- 61 Elstracke (sold by Sudbury) 2/2/0 |
Mull, Maggie |
Mullen, James 1876-1967 |
Munce, David See groups: Nolley's School, 1901 |
Munce, John See groups: Nolley's School, 1901 |
Muncy, Andrew Jackson See: Perrine Collection filed by City, by gallery |
Mundy, James See extra oversized group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Mundy, William Starke, Jr. 1914-1961 |
Munford, Berverly Bland 1856-1910 |
Munford, Elizabeth Beverley See: Kennon, Elizabeth Beverley (Munford) |
Munford, Fannie |
Munford, Fannie Ball |
Munford, George Wythe 1803-1882 |
Munford, Janie Preston (Lamb) ie., Mrs. William Tayloe Munford; See groups: Lamb, Brockenbrough family |
Munford, John D. [urborrow] 1810-1876 |
Munford, Lucy Taliaferro (Smyth) |
Munford, Marie |
Munford, Mary Cooke (Branch) 1865-1938 See also group: Virginia University Board 1933 |
Munford, Robert d. ca. 1845 |
Munford, Robert B. |
Munford, Thomas Taylor 1831-1919 |
Munford, William |
Munford, William |
Munford, William Ellis 1846-1921 |
Munford, William Preston |
Munford, William |
Munson, John W. See groups: Mosby's Men |
Morat, Catherine Daingerfield (Willis) Gray 1803-1867 |
Murkland, Paul Lee See group photograph: Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydney, VA, student groups |
Murphey, Jack See groups: Wakefield, VA. High school students |
Murphy, Howard Meredith 1906-1967 |
Murphy, John b. 1842 See: oversized |
Murphy, M. H. |
Murphy, Paul See: Jennings, John Melville, 1916- |
Murphy, Sarah (Norris) |
Murray, J. Ogden See groups: Immortal six hundred |
Murray, John See: Dunmore, John Murray, earl, 1737-1808 |
Murray, John |
Murrey, Lindley 1745-1826 |
Murrell, John D. See groups: Richmond Newspaper Circle |
Murrell, Dr. Thomas W. |
Musclen, Joseph B. |
Mushback, George Augustus 1850-1901 |
Muskie, Ed |
Muse, William Taylor 1906-1971 |
Mutter, Frances See: Macon, Frances (Mutter) |
Mutter, Lucinda (Gillies) 17??-1814 |
Mutter, John 17??-ca 1820 |
Mutter, Mary Smith (Macon) Nelson 1815-1907 |
Myers, Catherine DeCasto See: Ezckiel, Catherine DeCasto (Myers), 1818-1891 |
Myers, E. E. See groups: Civil War Centennial Commission- West Virginia |
Myers, Gustavus Adolphus 1801-1869 |
Myers, Lelia Augusta See: Morgan, Lelia Augusta (Myers), 1868- |
Myers, Sam Other unidentified Myers family |
Myers children with nurse |
Myers, William Barksdale |
Myers, Baldwin See groups: Norfolk Virginia, Hunter School |