Nachman - Nutting: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Nachman, Harry Leibe |
Nagel, Paul See also: silhouettes of Edward Meeks Gregory; Nagel, Paul; groups: Va. Historical Society |
Nah(?), Charlie See groups: |
Naret, Henrianne Cabell (Quarrier), i.e. Mrs. Charles 1859-(?) See groups: Early family |
Nash, Bernard Meredith |
Nash, Elizabeth See: Walke, Elizabeth (Nash) |
Nash, Elizabeth Fisher See: Read, Elizabeth Fisher (Nash) |
Nash, G.W. family See groups: Nash Family |
Nash, Joseph Page Jr. 1916-1978 |
Nash, Meredith |
Nash, Preston 1912-(?) |
Nash, Sarah Bernard (Cocke) 1885-1974 |
Nash Family, unidentified ladies See: Nash, William |
Nash, William |
Nasheakush |
Nast, Thomas 1840-1902 |
Naumann, Otto B. Jr. See groups: church groups: St. John's Evangelical Luthern Church- Confirmation Class 1921. |
Nauman, Otto R. See groups: church groups: St. John's Evangelical Luthern Church- Confirmation Class 1919. |
Neal, Charles See groups: Iones, Catesby |
Neal, Lewis Wicliffe |
Neal, T. D. See also groups: Neal T. D. and sons |
Neale, Anna (Terrell) |
Neale, Hamilton Smith |
Neale, William R. See extra oversize: Photograph album: "VMI class 1889--93" |
Needhawk |
Neely, Elizabeth Norfleet (Ridley) See: Ridley, Francis, 1817-1898 |
Neeson, William Gay See: Gordon, James Lindsay, 1860-1904 |
Neff, Hon. W. N. Abingdon, VA |
Neilson, Margaret (Keith) 1861-1935 |
Neiswanger, Mrs. J. E. |
Nelson, A. C. |
Nelson, Charles A. 1904-1959 |
Nelson, Eliza K. |
Nelson, Horatio 1758-1805 |
Nelson, Hugh 1768-1836 |
Nelson, Hugh T. and Nelson, Hugh T., Jr. See groups: Nelson family |
Nelson, J. C. |
Nelson, James ca. 1841-1915 |
Nelson, Jane Byrd See: Walker, Jane Byrd (Nelson) 1775-1808 |
Nelson, Judith |
Nelson, Leon Maurice 1876-1941 |
Nelson, Lezzie See: Van Doren family album |
Nelson, Lucy See: Page, Lucy (Nelson), 1777-1863 |
Nelson, Mann Page (family) See: Van Doren family album |
Nelson, Mary Carter |
Nelson, Mary See: Carter, Mary (Nelson), 1774-1803 |
Nelson, R. W. (MD) See also groups: Nelson family |
Nelson, Robert |
Nelson, Robert See: Van Doren family album |
Nelson, Sally |
Nelson, Sarah Ann (Alexander) 1812-1850 |
Nelson, Thomas 1738-1789 Born York County, VA; 8/21/61 Rosenthal $1.00 (Goodspeeds) |
Nelson, Thomas Hugh 1807-1861 |
Nelson, Thomas Kinloch See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria 1910 |
Nelson, Virginia Lafayette |
Nelson, William |
Nelson, William |
Nelson, William 1711-1772 |
Nelson, William Edward 1879-1961 |
Nelson Family unidentified |
Nesbitt, Marion Belt b. 1900 |
Netherland, J. |
Neville, Sir Henry 1564-1615 Member of the Virginia Council; 4-7-60 Gardiner 4/0 |
Newberry, Samuel Henderson 1830-1916 See groups: Big 4 and Massey |
Newbill, Col. Willard D. |
Newby, Dangerfield |
Newcastle-Under-Lime, Thomas Pelhom |
Newcomb, Mr. See groups: Virginia University, Board, 1933 |
Newell, Dr. Arthur W. Pastor; See groups, church groups: St. John's United Church of Christ Confirmation class, 1962 |
Newell, C. J. |
Newell, Mrs. C. J. |
Newell, R. B. See groups: Mcguire's University School, football squad 1926 |
Newman, Nelly Conway (Rose) |
Newman, Mrs. W. C. |
Newman, Wilbur Lauck See groups: Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, students |
Newton, Amy (Hutchings) |
Newton, Courtney Tucker Norton |
Newton, George |
Newton, John 1823-1895 |
Newton, Martha (Tucker) |
Newton, Mary (Barksdale) 1861-1916 See: Barksdale, Conway |
Newton, Mary Mann Page See: Stanard, Mary Mann Page (Newton), 1865-1929 |
Newton, Thomas 1712-1784 |
Newton, Thomas 1742-1807 |
Newton, Thomas 1768-1847 |
Newton, Virginius 1844-1904 See extra-oversize group album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Nezey, Little See group photographs: Union officers, Bermuda hundred |
Nguyen, Hanh See groups: WOBCA |
Nichol, "Dolly" See: Brauer, Amelia "Dolly" (Nichol) |
Nicholas, Dolly Pleasants Gray Briggs Carter See: Harrison, Dolly Pleasants Gray Briggs Carter (Nicholas) |
Nicholas, Eliza Janes (Stanard) See: Buffington, Eliza Jane (Stanard) Nicholas, 1811-1862 |
Nicholas, George 1754?- 1799 |
Nicholas, John V. d. 1916 See extra oversize photograph album: "VMI class 1889--93" |
Nicholas, Mary (Smith) |
Nicholas, Robert Carter 1728-1780 |
Nicholls, Francis Redding Tillou 1834-1912 |
Nichols, Edward West 1857-1927 See extra oversize photograph album: "VMI" class 1889--93 oversize |
Nicholson, Frances discredited |
Nicholson, Francis 1655-1728 |
Nicholas, Wilson Cary 1761-1820 |
Nickels, William Henderson b. 1890 |
Nicklin, Benjamin Strother 1831-1873 |
Nicklin, Jacob Richards II 1811-1887 |
Nicklin, John 1829-1913 |
Nicklin, John Bailey 1803-1891 |
Nicklin, Joseph 1776-1853 |
Nicklin, Joseph Marshall 1805-1846 |
Nicklin, Juliana (Chew) |
Nicklin, Levi Orme Connor 1807-1876 |
Nicklin, Philip |
Nicklin, William Henry Harrison 1813-1881 |
Nicol, Charles Edgar 1854-1924 |
Nicol, Cora (Conway) See groups: Conway family reunion |
Nicolson, Andrew 1763-1810 |
Nicolson, Margaret See: Gwathmey, Margaret |
Nicolson, Joseph J. (?)-1981 |
Nieswanger, Mrs. J.E. |
Nikel, Julius See groups: church groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Niles, Russel O. |
Nilsson, Christine |
Ninimo, Alicia See also: Rena Swain |
Nimitz, Chester W. (Admiral) |
Nimmo, James 1755-1833 |
Nimmo, Prudence See: Granberry, Prudence (Nimmo), 1807-1904 |
Nimmo, R.M. |
Nivison, Anne Stratton See: Tazewell, Anne Stratton (Nivison) |
Nivison, John 1760-1820 |
Nivison, Mrs. John |
Nivison, Louisa Gertrude See: Coles, Louisa Gertrude (Nivison) |
Nivison, Sarah Stratton |
Nivison, William Tazewell 1789-1821 |
Nixon, Mrs. Richard election campaign |
Nixon, Richard Milhouse 1913-(?) See groups: Wolf Trap Farm, Va. 1971 |
Nixon, Thelma Patricia (Ryan) See groups: Wolf Trap Farm, Va., 1971 |
Noe, Walter Raleigh See groups: Va. Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910 |
Nolan, Bettie 1917 American Red Cross, Richmond Chapter |
Nolan, Dennis Edward 1872-1953 See group photograph: Jamerson, George Hariston 1869-1960. |
Noland, Anne Wilson See Dabney, Anna Wilson (Noland), 1847-(?) |
Noland, Barr See: Dabney, Thomas Lloyd, 1867-1924 |
Noland, Charlotte Haxxall 1883-1969 |
Noland, Charlotte |
Noland, Katherine Huntington See: Garnett, Katherine Huntington (Noland) |
Noland, Rosalie See: Ball, Rosalie Noland |
Noland, Rosalie (Haxall) 1852-1935 |
Noland, William |
Nolde, August H. |
Nolde, F. R. |
Nolde, George F. |
Nolde, H. William |
Nilde, J. H. |
Noltenius, Heinrich See also groups: Noltenius family |
Noltenius, Mary (Banister) See also groups: Noltenius family |
Nolting, Adolphus Wilhelm 1799?-1869 |
Nolting, Johanna Paulina 1808?-1874 |
Noltenius, Mary Caroline See: Banister, Mary Caroline (Noltenius), d. 1950 |
Nolting, Bertie See: Irvine, Bertie (Nolting) |
Nolting Children |
Norfleet, William J. See extra oversize |
Norfolk, Thomas Howard d. 1554 3rd duke of |
Norfolk, Thomas Howard 1536-1572 4th duke of |
Norman, Sir Arthur |
Norman, Helen McGill (Bryan) b. 1912 See groups: Bryan Family. Ie., "Mrs. Mark Richard Norman" |
Norment, Anna Gatewood (Moncure) |
Norona, Delf See groups: Civil War Centennial Commission - West Virginia |
Norris? |
Norris, Cornelia H. G. |
Norris, Hannon Edward |
Norris, Hannon E. 1898-1962 |
Norris, John |
Norris, Robert Opie 1880-1960 |
Norris, Sir Henry 1525?-1601 |
Norris, Mjr. William |
Norris, William See groups: Wakefield, VA high school students |
North, Ellin See: Moale, Ellin (North), 1741-1826 |
North, Emily J. (Klein) See: North, James H. |
North, Francis See: Guilford, Francis North, 1st baron, 1637-1685 |
North, Francis See: Guilford, Francis North, 1st earl, 1704-1790 |
North, Frederick Earl of Guilford |
Northampton, Spencer Compton 1601-1643 4th earl; 5/20/60 Cooper 5/0; See oversize |
Northcott, Elliott 1869-1946 |
Northington, Robert Henley 1708?-1772 1st earl, Lord Chancellor in 1757; 9/30/60 Miller 2/0 |
Northrop, Lila Blair Mrs. William Northrop |
Northrop, William See: Northrop, Elia Blair |
Northumberland, Algernon Percy 1602-1668 10th earl, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in 1638; 8/16/60 Lodge 5/0; 8/16/60 Houbraken 10/0- oversize |
Nothumberland, Henry Percy 1564-1632 9th earl; 5/31/61 Delaram 2/2/0 |
Norton, Hope |
Norton, Mrs. Hope |
North, James Heyward and wife |
Norton, James Keith Marshall 1860-1929 |
Norvell |
Norwell, Leigh (Jones) |
Norwood, John J. |
Norwood, Thomas |
Norwood, Thomas H. See groups: Norwood's University School Room "C" |
Norwood, William 1806-1887 |
Norwood, John |
Nott, Joe C. See also groups: Wise, John S. |
Notting, Bertie See groups: Rose Lawn, Orange Co., VA, 1896 |
Nottingham, Heneage Finch 1621-1682 1st earl; Lord Chancellor in 1673; Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in 1679; 8/16/60 White 6/0; 8/16/60 Lodge 5/0 oversize |
Nottingham, John Edward 1877-1947 |
Nottingham, Severn Marcellus 1879-1954 |
Nourse, Annie C. |
Nourse, Charles Joseph 1825-1906 See: Nourse, Charles Joseph 1850- |
Nourse, Charles Joseph b. 1850 See also: Nourse, Margaret Tilloston (Kemble) |
Nourse, Constance |
Nourse, Margaret Tilloston (Kemble) ca. 1830-1883 |
Nowlin, Charles Shepherd |
Nowlin, Florence Pendleton |
Nunn, Philip |
Nusbaum, Bertram Spagat 1895-1963 |
Nutting, B. J. "Sam" |
Nutting, Dan |