Rachel - Ryland: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Rachel, William Munford Ellis 1910-1980 See also groups: Virginia Historical Society |
Radclyffe, Thomas See: Sussex, Thomas Radclyffe, earl of, 1526(?)- 1583 |
Radford, Lawrence |
Radford, Mary |
Radford, Wilhelmina Jordon See: Gray, Wilhelmina Jordon (Radford), 1856-1922 |
Radford, William d. 1803 |
Radford, Winston 1820-1861 |
Raffaeli, Rabbi J. E. |
Ragland, ie., Mrs. Stuart Ragland See: Satterfield, Blanch |
Ragland, Herbert Shelton 1888-1946 |
Ragland, Norma |
Raham, Frank See groups: Mosby’s Men |
Raines, Billie See groups: WOBCA |
Raines, Elizabeth d. 1811 See: Wilkins, Elizabeth (Raines) |
Rains, Gabriel James 1803-1881 |
Rainsford, Eliza Hall (Hill) See album: Dunlop family |
Rainsford, William S. |
Raleigh, Sir Walter c. 1552-1618 See also oversize |
Ramsay, David 1749-1815 |
Ramstad, Lillian See also: Davis, Charles J. R. Scrapbook- extra oversize |
Ramus, Jose B. |
Randall, Charlotte Helen Overton |
Randall, Henry Stephens 1811-1876 |
Randall, Louis See locations: Christchurch School, Christ Church, Va. See groups: Christchurch School, Christ Church, VA. |
Randolph, Alfred Magill 1836-1918 |
Randolph, Anne (Harrison) Wife of William Randolph III |
Randolph, Beverley 1713-1750 |
Randolph, Beverley 1754-1797 |
Randolph, Brett b. 1760 |
Randolph, Buckner Magill 1842-1903 |
Randolph, Charles Carter 1846-1925 |
Randolph, Edmund 1753-1813 |
Randolph, Edmund 1821-1861 |
Randolph, Edward ca. 1690 |
Randolph, Elizabeth See: Chiswell, Elizabeth (Randolph), c. 1722-1776 |
Randolph, Elizabeth See: Grymes, Elizabeth (Randolph) |
Randolph, Elizabeth (Beverley) 1691-1723 |
Randolph, Elizabeth (Harrison) ca. 1724-1783 |
Randolph, George Wythe 1818-1867 |
Randolph, Innes 1837-1887 See groups: Literary Figures |
Randolph, Isham 1685-1742 |
Randolph, James |
Randolph, Jane See: Walke, Jane (Randolph) |
Randolph, Jane (Bolling) |
Randolph, Janet Henderson (Weaver) 1848-1927 |
Randolph, Sir John 1693-1737 |
Randolph, John 1773-1833 |
Randolph, John |
Randolph, John Hampden |
Randolph, Joseph Williamson |
Randolph, Lucy See: Burwell, Lucy (Randolph) |
Randolph, Lucy |
Randolph, Lucy (Bolling) |
Randolph, Lucy (Harrison) Wife of Peyton Randolph |
Randolph, Maggie See: Randolph, Lucy |
Randolph, Margaret See: Bird, Margaret (Randolph) |
Randolph, Martha (Jefferson) 1772-1836 |
Randolph, Mary See: Bolling, Mary (Randolph), 1774-1863 |
Randolph, Mary See: Grymes, Mary (Randolph), d. 1768 |
Randolph, Mary See: Harrison, Mary Randolph, 1773-1853 |
Randolph, Mary |
Randolph, Mary See: Randolph, Mary (Randolph), b. 1762 |
Randolph, Mary (Bolling) |
Randolph, Mary C. |
Randolph, Mary Hoxton |
Randolph, Mary (Isham) d. 1735 |
Randolph, Mary (Randolph) b. 1762 |
Randolph, Norman See groups: Richmond, "Westbrooke" |
Randolph, Norman |
Randolph, Norman V. See groups: Mosby’s Men |
Randolph, Norman Vincent 1847-1903 |
Randolph, Oscar DeWolfe See groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910 |
Randolph, Peter |
Randolph, Peter |
Randolph, Peyton 1721-1775 "The Speaker" |
Randolph, Peyton 1781-1828 |
Randolph, Peyton 1738-1784 |
Randolph, Richard "Sr" of Curles |
Randolph, Richard "Jr" of Curles |
Randolph, Richard Kidder |
Randolph, Robert 1835-1864 |
Randolph, Robert b. 1869 |
Randolph, Robert B. 1791-1866 |
Randolph, Robert (Captain) |
Randolph, Susan See: Douglas, Susan (Randolph) |
Randolph, Susan Frances See: Botts, Susan Frances (Randolph) |
Randolph, Susanna See: Harrison, Susanna (Randolph), b. 1757 |
Randolph, Susanna (Beverley) ca. 1692-1768 |
Randolph, Tarmesia (Meux) Wife of Edmund Randolph, 1821-1861 |
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson |
Randolph, Thomas Mann, Sr. 1741-1793 |
Randolph, Thomas Mann, Jr. 1768-1828 |
Randolph, Mrs. Thomas N. |
Randolph, Virgil Patrick, Jr. 1905-1970 |
Randolph, Virginia See: Cary, Virginia (Randolph), 1786-1852 |
Randolph, Virginia |
Randolph, William 1651-1711 |
Randolph, William 1681-1741 |
Randolph, William 1713-1746 of Tuckahoe |
Randolph, William E. |
Randolph, Wilson Cary 1834-1907 See group (persons): Taylor, Kidder, d. 1913 |
Ranger, Frank |
Rankin, J. J. |
Ransom, Helen Frances (Carlton) |
Ransom, James M. See: FU 934.15 for additional information JM 8-23-84 |
Ransom, Matt Whitaker 1826-1904 |
Ransom, Robert, Jr. 1828-1892 |
Ranson, Frank |
Ranson, John Baldwin 1874-1905 |
Ransone, C. B. See groups: Medical College of Virginia |
Ransone, Dr. L. C. |
Rapalje Children |
Rasche, H. |
Ratcliffe, Clyde H. |
Ratcliffe, Clyde H. ca. 1875-1956 See: Gregory, Ollyn Wickliffe, 1871-1934 |
Ratcliffe, Frances Jefferson (Gregory) ca. 1836 |
Ratcliffe, Harold Macon 1896-1953 |
Ratcliffe, John L. |
Ratcliffe, Mrs. John L. |
Rawley, J. Kent |
Rawlings, Mrs. B. L. |
Rawlings, James Scott See groups: Gregory family |
Rawlings, Marjorie (Kinnan) 1896-1953 |
Rawlins, Brig. Gen. J. |
Raysley, Mr. (?) |
Raysley, Mrs. (?) |
Read ie., Mrs. Barclay Read |
Read, Albert Gallatin b. 1800 |
Read, Anne Mayo (Venable) 1784-1869 ie., Mrs. Isaac Raed, Jr. |
Raed, Charles Henry 1811-1900 See also: Richmond, VA- Linden Row, Franklin Street |
Read, "Mrs. Charles H." |
Read, Elizabeth Fisher (Wash) |
Reed, Georgis Tompkins |
Read, Helen (Calvert) Maxwell 1750-1833 |
Read, Mayo |
Read, Thomas 1742-1817 |
Reade, Frank Marshall |
Reagan, John Henninger 1818-1905 |
Reardon, Neil William 1889-1960 |
Reasor, John J . 1880-1945 |
Reavis, James W. See groups: Forrest-Ehrhart family |
Redd |
Redd, John W. |
Redd, Marrian Dandridge (Fontaine) 1837-1913 |
Reddick, Jonathon |
Redfern, William A. 1877-1950 |
Redford, Horace See groups: Norwood’s University School Room "C" |
Redford, Martha |
Redmayne, Dorothy (Mason) Rolfe |
Redwood, J. H., Sr. |
Reed, Alice Lewis (Burwell) See: Reed, William Thomas, 1864-1935 |
Reed, George M. |
Reed, Jefferson Davis, Jr. 1908-1966 |
Reed, Joseph 1741-1785 |
Reed, Judye |
Reed, Pleasants Larus |
Reed, P. W. |
Reed, Stanley H. See groups: University of VA 1/31/16 |
Reed, Stuart |
Reed, Walter 1851-1902 |
Reed, William T., Sr. |
Reed, William Thomas 1864-1935 See also groups: Hunting trip, 1933 |
Reed, William T., Jr. |
Rees, Carlyle Treveric 1893-1943 |
Reeves, Dock |
Reeves, Ellen See: Reeves, Dock |
Reeves, Joan Usshor (Mallory) 1921-(?) i.e. "Mrs. C. E. Graham Reeves" |
Reger, Rebecca Ann See: Seay, Rebecca Ann (Reger), 1831-(?) |
Regester, Samuel 1857-1940 |
Regirer, Walter W. See groups: Va. State Bar. Committee commemorating advent of Common Law - Jamestown 1607. |
Rehan, Ada 1860-1916 |
Reid, Anne Randolph 1931-(?) See: Davison, Byrd Taliaferro (Conway) Reid, 1903-(?) |
Reid, Taliaferro (Conway) See: Davison, Byrd Taliaferro (Conway) Reid, 1903-(?) |
Reid, Catherine Brown |
Reid, Cornelia |
Reid, George 1762-1838 |
Reid, Hugh 1885-(?) |
Reid, Mark Robin 1954-(?) See: Reid, Robin LeRoy, 1928 |
Reid, Robin LeRoy 1928-(?) See also: Davison, Byrd Taliferro (Conway), 1903-(?) |
Reid, Timothy Roy 1957-(?) See: Reid, Robin LeRoy, 1928-(?) |
Reinhart, i.e. Mrs. Joseph W. Reinhart See groups: White Sulphur Springs, WVa. |
Reinhart, Charles Stanley See groups: White Sulphur Springs, WVa. |
Reinhart, Joseph W. See groups: White Sulphur Springs, Wva. |
Reinhart, Miss Kitty See groups: White Sulphur Springs, Wva. |
Reins, Richard 1797-1871 |
Rembrandt, van Rym |
Remenji, Edward |
Remington, Eliphalet |
Renforth, Pauline (Miley) See group photographs: Miley (Samuel) Family |
Rennolds, Zayde Bancroft (Branch), 1891-(?) |
Renshaw, Wickham |
Revercomb, George Anderson Jr. 1896-1969 |
Reynolds, ie., Mrs. Stewart Reynolds See groups: Equal Suffrage League of Richmond |
Reynolds, Ab |
Reynolds, Allae See: Carson, Allae (Reynolds) |
Reynolds, John "Sewing Machine" See groups: Roanoke group |
Reynolds, John |
Reynolds, John O. |
Reynolds, Sir Josha 1723-1792 |
Reynolds, Julian Sargeant 1936-1971 |
Reynolds, William Davis See group photograph: Hampden- Sydney College. Hampden- Sydney, VA, student group |
Reynolds, Mjr. Gen. |
Reynoldson, John Smith b. 1812 |
Rhinehart, Sue See: Van Doren family album |
Rhoads, Webster Sterling 1858?-1941 |
Rhodes, Emanuel See groups: Forrest-Erhart family |
Rhodes, James T., Ph. D. |
Ribble, Frederick Deane Goodwin 1898-1970 |
Rice, David Clark 1913-1971 |
Rice, George B. |
Rice, John Holt 1777-1831 |
Rice, Nellie McRae See: Stagg, Nellie McRae Rice |
Rice, Perley A. 1892-1968 |
Rice, Sarah Jane See: Fishback, Sarah Jane (Rice), 1802-1875 |
Rich, Henry See: Holland, Henry Rich, 1st earl, 1590-1649 |
Rich, Robert See: Warwick, Robert Rich, 2nd earl, 1587-1658 |
Richard, C. A. G. |
Richard, Scot John 1762-1824 |
Richards, A. E. |
Richards, Buchan 1822-1900 |
Richards, Elizabeth Mary d. 1880 See: Stafford, Elizabeth Mary (Richards), d. 1880 |
Richards, Harrison Henry and Richards, James Neville |
Richards, James Donald 1880-1961 |
Richards, James Neville Cocke d. 1918 |
Richards, John |
Richards, Katherine Coolidge See: James, Katherine Coolidge (Richards) |
Richards, Lloyd Montague 1890-1966 |
Richards, Maggie D. |
Richards, Mary Francis (Doyle) b. 1810 |
Richards, Mary Munro (Cocke) |
Richards, Mary Monro (Cocke) See: Mason, Ann Harrison (Cocke), b. 1860 |
Richards, Walter Buck 1863-1905 |
Richardson, Charles Coker |
Richardson, David Crockett 1845-1928 |
Richardson, D.C.Judge |
Richardson, Fitzhugh Briggs 1884-1964 |
Richardson, Frederick Dawson 1884-1954 |
Richardson, H. Fields 1916-1969 |
Richardson, Judith Edwards Vaiden (Jennings) 1854-1917 |
Richardson, Olin See: extra-oversize |
Richardson, Richard Cunningham 1902-1961 See: Protestant Episcopal Church, St. Peter’s, New Kent County, Virginia |
Richardson, Robert Benskin 1831-1890 |
Richardson, W. Fred |
Richardson, William H. 1795-1876 |
Richardson, William Hull See: Dudley, Benjamin Winslow |
Richardson, W. P. |
Richardson, William Winfree, Jr. 1918-1968 |
Richberg, Donald R. |
Richie, Governor |
Richmond, Edward Hagan 1907-1960 |
Richmond, Frances, Duchess Of, |
Richmond, Frances Theresa, Duchess Of, 1647-1702 |
Richmond, James Buchanan 1842-1910 See: extra-oversize, Group Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Richmond, Ludowik Stuart, Duke Of, 1574-1624 |
Rick, Annie (Miller) See: Supplee, Annie (Miller), Rick, Flynn |
Richetts, Benjamin d. 1815 |
Ricketts, Ralph A. 1895-1968 |
Ricks, Judge J.H. |
Ricks, Mrs. James Hoge |
Riddell, Mrs. Joseph |
Riddick, Emma |
Riddle, Dr. |
Riddle, Anne See: Watson, Anne (Riddle), 1791-1882 |
Ridley, Elizabeth Norfleet See: Ridley, Francis Thomas, 1817-1898 |
Ridley, Ann E. (Blunt) |
Ridley, Elizabeth Norfleet (Goodwyn) See: Ridley, Francis, 1817-1898 |
Ridley, Francis 1817-1898 |
Ridley, Robert 1850's |
Ridley, William Godwyn 1842-1862 |
Ridpath See: Maupin-Ridpath family album, extra-oversize |
Rife |
Rigby, Richard 1722-1788 Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in 1756 |
Riggs, Alice Lawrason (Mrs. Elisha Riggs) |
Riley, Edward M. See Groups: Virginia Colonial Records Project |
Riley, Jon Whitcomb |
Rinehart, Hollis See Groups: Virginia University Board, 1933 |
Ring, Robert See Groups: Washington and Lee University Lexington, Virginia Students |
Ritchie, Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt 1819-1870 7/11/61 Bullre, 0/2/6 (Suckling) |
Ritchie, Georganna |
Ritchie, Mary Roane (Ritchie) |
Ritchie, Thomas 1778-1854 See: Events 1846 |
Rives, Abraham Timothy Orville Chastaine 1802-1878 |
Rives, Alden Benjamin Christopher |
Rives, Amelie Louise See: Sigourney, Amelie Louise (Rives), 1832-1873 |
Rives, Amelie Louise See: Troubetskoy, Amelie Louise (Rives) Chanler, 1863-1945 |
Rives, Brune 1596-1677 |
Rives, Charles Jefferson 1829-1895 |
Rives, Claudius Green 1816-1857 |
Rives, Eleanor Rosalie 1847-1904 See: Van Doran Family Album |
Rives, Ella 1834-1892 |
Rives, Frank |
Rives, George (Mrs.) See: Van Doran Family Album |
Rives, George E. 1829-1884 |
Rives, George Lochhait 1849-1917 |
Rives, John Hicks, Jr. 1893-1966 |
Rives, George Washington 1815-1892 |
Rives, Green 1776-1859 |
Rives, Green 1791-1853 |
Rives, Hallie Ermine See: Wheeler, Hallie Ermine (Rives), 1876- |
Rives, Henrietta (Rives) 1824- |
Rives, Henry Edgar 1841-1922 |
Rives, Henry Hardaway 1817-1866 |
Rives, James 1807-1866 |
Rives, James Monroe 1832-1876 |
Rives, Jerusha May See: Caffey, Jerusha May (Rives), 1837-1861 |
Rives, John Edwards 1802-1895 |
Rives, John William 1818-1904 |
Rives, Joseph 1781-ca.1865 |
Rives, Mary Browne (Greene) 1779-1860 |
Rives, Mary Williamson (Rives) |
Rives, Nan |
Rives, Mary Browne (Green) 1779-1860 |
Rives, Nathan Granville 1834-1903 |
Rives, Nathaniel Frederick 1825-1884 |
Rives, Peter Franklin 1812-1876 |
Rives, Robert 1801-1877 |
Rives, Robert 1803-1885 |
Rives, Robert Edward 1812-1861 |
Rives, Robert Franklin 1837-1922 |
Rives, Rosalie |
Rives, Sarah Catherine (MacMurdo) 1833-1909 |
Rives, Stephen Turner 1838-1918 See: Rives, Robert Franklin, 1837-1922 |
Rives, Timothy 1807-1865 |
Rives, Timothy 1854- See: extra-oversize, See Group Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Rives, Vienna (Jackson) |
Rives, William Cabell 1793-1868 See: oversize, 930.7 |
Rives, William Francis 1827-1856 |
Rives, William Marshall 1841-1863 See: Rives, Robert Franklin, 1837-1922 |
Rives, Willis Green 1821-1860 |
Rivinus, Francis Markoe |
Rixey, Charles Jones, Jr. 1875-1928 |
Rixey, John F.. 1854-1907 |
Roach, Henry See Groups: 16th Virginia Cavalry |
Roach, Henry See: Row, John Sanders |
Roane, Curtis 1814-1893 |
Roane, Ella Bascom (Anderson) 1855-1921 |
Roane, Elmira Franes See: Anderson, Elmira Frances (Roane), 1825-1918 |
Roane, Lemuel Thomas 1839-1915 |
Roane, Spencer 1762-1822 |
Roane, William Harrison 1788-1845 |
Robb, Bernard See: Gaymont |
Robb, Charles Spittal See Groups: VHS Grand Opening; Wilder, Governor, and Clinton Campaign |
Robb, Fannie B. See: Gaymont #15 |
Robb, Gay S. See: Upton, Gay S. (Robb) |
Robb, Helen Straun Bernard See: Gaymont #10 |
Robb, J. Bernard See: Gaymont #15 |
Robb, Linda (Johnson) See: Robb, Charles and Wilder, Governor D. |
Robb, Philip L., Sr. See: Gaymont #33 |
Robb, Philip L., Jr. 1878-1965 See: Gaymont #15 |
Robb, Robert G. 1878-1951 See: Gaymont #15 |
Robb, Robin See: Gaymont #32 |
Robb, Sally See: Tyler, Sally (Robb), 1832-1907 |
Robbins, Augustine Warner |
Robbins, Sally Nelson See Group: Virginia Historical Society |
Roberdeau, Isaac 1763-1829 |
Roberson, Ann See Groups: Barrow Research Laboratory |
Roberson, David See Groups: Barrow Research Laboratory |
Roberts, Alice Virginia (Barksdale) 1903- See: Mss1 b8346a75 |
Roberts, Benjamin C. 1839-1926 See Groups: Roberts Family |
Roberts, Francis Columbus 1840-1903 See Groups: Roberts Family |
Roberts, J. Manning |
Roberts, John 1835-1901 See Groups: Roberts Family |
Roberts, Joseph Jenkins |
Roberts, Lloyd See Groups: Virginia State Guard Co. 54 |
Roberts, Miss Margaret In front of Maury Statue |
Roberts, Margaret Ann See: Picot, Margaret Ann (Roberts), 1823- |
Roberts, Mary Ann 1806-1881 |
Roberts, Mills W. 1832-1893 See Groups: Roberts Family |
Roberts, Rosa (Hughes) i.e., "Mrs. Theodorick Erasmus Roberts" |
Roberts, Steven W. 1833-1897 See Groups: Roberts Family |
Roberts, Sylvester James 1837-1915 See Groups: Roberts Family |
Roberts, Theodorick Erasmus |
Roberts, Mrs. Virginia Lewis |
Roberts, William Thomas 1854- 1938 |
Robertson, Andrew |
Robertson, Anne Frances 1831-1857 |
Robertson, Archibald |
Robertson, Archibald G. See Groups: Virginia Historical Society, Board of Contract Adjustment |
Robertso, Absalom Willis 1887-1971 |
Robertson, Ben Temple |
Robertson, Beverly Holcombe 1827-1910 |
Robertson, Edward Watts 1868-1921 |
Robertson, Elizabeth See: Barksdale, Elizabeth (Robertson), 1824-1858 |
Robertson, Elizabeth Braxton (Slaughter) |
Robertson, Ellen See: Harrison, Ellen (Robertson) |
Robertson, Gay See: Fleming, Gay (Robertson) |
Robertson, J. M.. See Group: Union officers at Brandy Station, 1864 |
Robertson, Dr. James Edward |
Robertson, Jaquelin Taylor |
Robertson, John d.1873 |
Robertson, John W. |
Robertson, Kate Tabb (Mrs. Powhatan Robertson) See: Gaymont |
Robertson, Mrs. Laura Jane (Green) |
Robertson, Margaret (Robinson) |
Robertson, Lelia Bolling (Bernard) 1827-1873 |
Robertson, Marion Gordon "Pat" |
Robertson, Mary Dade (Taylor) 1899- See: Robertson, Walter Spenser, 1893-1870; Robertson, Jaquelin Taylor; Jeffress, Elizabeth (Gwathmay) |
Robertson, Nancy Bessie (Alley) 1873- |
Robertson, Nellie See: Capers, Nellie (Robertson) |
Robertson, Nelly |
Robertson, Powhatan 1820-1882 |
Robinson, Powhatan 1862-1945 See: Gaymont #51 |
Robertson, Ruth I. See: McGuire, Ruth I. (Robertson) |
Robertson, Samuel Churchill, c. 1857-1873 |
Robertson, Susan Baldwin See: Cochran, Susan Baldwin (Robertson), 1887- |
Robertson, Walter Henderson 1879-1950 |
Robertson, Walter Spencer 1893-1970 See Group: Robertson, Walter Spencer, 1893-1970 |
Robertson, Walter Spencer, Jr. |
Robertson, William Gordon 1856- See Group: Extra-Oversize, "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Robertson, William E. |
Robertson, William Gordon 1856-1910 |
Robertson, William J. 1817-1898 |
Robertson, Wyndham 1803-1888 |
Robinette, Lloyd M. 1881-1951 |
Robinette, Senator Lloyd M.. |
Robins, Augustine Warner |
Robins, Bunyan See Group: Norwood’s University School Room "C" |
Robins, Charles R. |
Robins, E. Claiborne, Jr. |
Robins, Sally Nelson |
Robins, Spotswood |
Robinson, Mrs. |
Robinson, i.e. Mrs. James Robinson See Group: Gregory Family |
Robinson, Agnes Moncure |
Robinson, Anne Hoomes (Maury) 1852-1920 See: Maury, Allen, 1854-1907 |
Robinson, Anthony 1771-1851 See: Oversize |
Robinson, Beverly |
Robinson, Bill Bojangles See: 1990.75. 2-10 |
Robinson, Cary 1843-1864 |
Robinson, Clarence Welmore 1870-1922 |
Robinson, Clifford Cabell 1866-1934 |
Robinson, Conway 1805-1884 |
Robinson, Elizabeth Marshall 1842-1909 |
Robinson, Evelyn Byrd |
Robinson, Francis Margaret (Spencer) |
Robinson, Jennie A. |
Robinson, John 1650-1693 |
Robinson, John |
Robinson, John (The Speaker) 1704-1766 See: Pleasant Hill, King and Queen Co., Va. (His name) |
Robinson, Judith See: Braxton, Judith (Robinson), 1736-1757 |
Robinson, Judith Willantina Frances See: Taylor, Judith Willantina Frances (Robinson), 1808-1830 |
Robinson, Leigh See Groups: McGuire, William |
Robinson, Lizzie (Giles) |
Robinson, Lucy Lilly See: Temple, Lucy Lilly (Robinson), 1848-935 |
Robinson, Martha (Gilmore) |
Robinson, Moncure |
Robinson, Morgan Poitiaux 1876-1943 |
Robinson, Poitiaux 1800- |
Robinson, Samuel |
Robinson, Dr. Thomas of Petersburg |
Robinson, Thomas See: Grantham, Thomas Robinson, First Baron, 1695-1770 |
Robinson, William Russell 1814-1867 See: Oversize |
Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien De Vimeur, Comte de 1725-1807 |
Rochester, Laurence Hyede 1641-1711 |
Rockefeller, John David, III 1906-1978 See Group: Williamsburg, Va., 1946 |
Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, Second Marquis, 1730-1782 |
Roden, E. L. |
Rodes, Robert Emmett 1829-1864 See: Extra-Oversize |
Roe, Sir Thomas 1581-1644 Member of the Virginia Council |
Rodgers, Samuel Dagnell 1874- |
Rogers, A. |
Rogers, Edmund 1762-1843 |
Rogers, Frank W |
Rogers, George Edward See: Rogers, Joe |
Rogers, James Pendleton See Group: Lee, Fitzhugh, and staff |
Rogers, Joe |
Rogers, Joe Harvey See: Bobbitt, Linwood, Jr.; Rogers, Joe; Bobbitt, Mamie (Graves) |
Rogers, John 1757-1794 |
Rogers, Margaret (Bryan) "Mrs. Archibald Coleman Rogers" |
Rogers, Midred See: Rogers, Joe |
Rogers, Robert Empie 1813-1884 |
Rogers, William Barton 1804-1882 |
Rolfe, Dorothy (Mason) See: Redmayne, Dorothy (Mason) Rolfe |
Roller, Caro |
Roller, Elizabeth (Bottimore) |
Roller, Elizabeth Whitmore |
Roller, Frances Lewis |
Roller, Frances Sidney Allebaugh |
Roller, John |
Roller, John Edwin |
Roller, Lucy Cabell |
Roller, Margaret Stuart "Marco" |
Roller, Peter Samuel |
Roller, Robert Douglas |
Roller Family Groups |
Ronald, Charles A. |
Rooke, James Rowland 1903-1967 |
Roome, Cabell (Brown) Cheek |
Roop, Redmond Ira 1869-1947 |
Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (Roosevelt) 1884-1962 See: Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord, 1869-1939 |
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1882-1945 President of the United States, 1933-1945, See: Oversize. See: Perry, George Campbell; Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord, 1869-1939; Stettinius, E. R., Jr.; See Events: World War II, Yalta Conference |
Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-1919 See: Group Photographs, Oversize, and Coles, Russell J. |
Roper, Mary See: Wingfield, John Henry Ducachet, 1833-1898 |
Rorie, John Mc |
Roscoe, Burton See Groups: Cabell, Thomas Branch |
Rose, (Tinsley) See Group (Persons): Campbell’s (Rev. and Mrs.) School, Richmond, Va. |
Rose, Henry |
Rose, John Carter 1861-1927 |
Rose, Josephine (Maginnis) |
Rose, Nelly Conway See: Newman, Nelly Conway (Rose) |
Rose, William |
Rosecrans, William Starke 1819-1898 See Groups: Oversize, Union Generals "Our Generals in the Field" |
Rosecrans, Maj. Gen. |
Rosenberg, Mourice D. 1909-1950 |
Rosenberg, Robert William 1920-1963 |
Rosenberger, Stewart See Groups: U.S. Army |
Rosenegk, Albrecht See: Rosenegk, Alfred Friedrich Wilhelm Von Nickisch, 1852-1917 |
Rosenegk, Alfred Wilhelm Von Nickisch 1852-1917 |
Rosler, John C. See Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1931 |
Ross, Callie See: Ross, Nancy |
Ross, Clyde F. |
Ross, Erskine M. |
Ross, Miss Fannie See Groups: Wilton, Henrico Co., Va. |
Ross, George 1838-1926 See: Brock, Charles William Penn, 1836-1916 |
Ross, George |
Ross, Miss Hattie See Groups: Wilton, Henrico Co., Va. |
Ross, John D. 1886-1950 |
Ross, Nancy |
Rosser, Thomas LaFayette 1836-1910 |
Rostrect(?), Maguerite |
Rotter, E. G. See Groups: Blue Ridge Springs, Virginia |
Rotter, Sanford S. See Groups: Blue Ridge Springs, Virginia |
Roumania, Royal Family See: Marie, Queen of Rumania |
Roundtree, H.W. See Groups: American National Bank Directors |
Rouse, Fannie |
Rouse, Parke 1915- |
Rouss, Charles Broadway 1836-1902 |
Routh, David Dunlop See Extra-Oversize: Photograph album, "VMI, class 1889-18893" |
Routh, Sallie Dunlop See Album: Dunlop Family |
Row, Abb |
Row, Elhenon |
Row, Dr. Elhanon See Groups: 16th Va. Cavalry |
Row, Eliza (Walker) |
Row, John Sanders See Groups: 16th Va. Cavalry |
Row, Mary Elizabeth |
Row, Maude E. |
Rowe, Dr. Taylor |
Rowland, Dr. J.M. |
Rowley, William S. |
Roy, Ann See: Mercer, Ann (Roy) |
Roy, Anne Seddon See: Rutherford, Anne Seddon (Roy) |
Roy, Catherine See: Bullock, Catherine (Roy) |
Roy, Philip |
Royall, Judith Page (Aylett) d.1942 |
Royer, Henry Howard 1881- See: Perrine Collection filed by city, by gallery |
Royall, William Lawrence 1844-1913(?) |
Royster, Elizabeth R. (Burton) |
Roystar, John |
Royster, Ocie Hanison 1854-1943 |
Ruark, Louise (Werner) See Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Rubin, Louis D. See Groups: Virginians 1972 |
Rucker, Dr. M.. P. |
Rucker, William James |
Rudasill, C. L. See Groups: military- doctors, 1917 |
Rudd, F. W. MCV |
Rudd, Robert Hugh 1897-1949 |
Rudd, Robert Hugh, Jr. 1928-1967 |
Rudd, |
Rueger, Charles A. |
Rueger, Charles A. See Groups: McGuire’s University School Football Squad, 1926 |
Rueger, Doris (Werner) 1898- i.e. "Mrs. Ferdinand Albert Rueger, Sr. See Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Rueger, Dorothea b.1900 i.e. Honnnie Neil Mills See Groups: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts (groups)- Girl Scout Troop #31 |
Rueger, Ferdinand A.. See Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class of 1913 |
Rueger, Mrs. Ferdinand A. See: Werner, Doris |
Rueger, Henry See Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Church |
Rueger, Mrs. Henry See Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Church |
Ruehrmund, Louise See Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class of 1901 |
Ruffin, Edmund 1794-1865 See Groups: Ruffin, Edmund |
Ruffin, Edmund 1794-1865 Group Photograph |
Ruffin, Edmund, Jr. |
Ruffin, Ree See Groups: Meade Family and Frieds |
Ruffin, Elizabeth See: Cocke, Elizabeth (Ruffin) |
Ruffin, Ellen |
Ruffin, Jennie |
Ruffin, Mary Smith |
Ruffin, Rebecca See: Christian, Rebecca (Ruffin) |
Ruffin, Mrs. Thomas C. |
Ruffin, William |
Ruffner, Henry 1790-1861 |
Ruffner, Richard Laidley 1893-1965 |
Ruffner, William Henry 1824-1908 |
Rugg, John (and Mrs.) See Groups: Oversize A |
Ruggles, Daniel 1810-1897 |
Rumble, Harry Hampton 1865-1940 |
Rumsey, James From MSS3 R8695a Rumseyan Society |
Runton, Henrietta Bronston 1890-1974 See: Winfrey, Henrietta Bronston (Runton) |
Rupert, Prince 1619-1682 |
Ruppert, Anna Margaretha (Henneberger) 1820-1900 See Groups: Haase Family |
Ruppert, Margaretha Josephine See: Hennighansen, Margaretha Josephine (Ruppert), 1845-1922 |
Ruppert, Margaretha Lissette See: Haase, Margaretha Lissette (Ruppert), 1844-1932 |
Rush, Benjamin 1746-1813 |
Rush, William |
Rush, W. See: Pic925.5 Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Co. A 46th Va Regt. |
Ruskin, John 1819-1900 |
Russel, Lucynder (Battle) |
Russell, Anne Maria (Julian) |
Russell, Anna Page See: Maus, Anna Page Russell |
Russell, Averley C. Holmes |
Russell, Coralelia See: Gaines, Coralelia (Russell) |
Russell, Elizabeth (Henry) Campbell 1749-1825 See: William Russell |
Russell, Ernest 1899-1968 |
Russell, John, Fourth Duke Of Bedford See: Bedford, John Russell, 4th Duke, 1710-1771 |
Russell, John Crittenden See Groups: Russell, John Wilson, children of |
Russell, John Edward 1909-197 |
Russell, John See Groups: Virginians, 1972 |
Russell, John Wilson |
Russell, Margaret See: Cumberland, Margaret Russell, Countess, 1560-1616 |
Russell, Margaret Julian See Groups: Russell, John Wilson, children of |
Russell, Margaret (Wilson) 1769-1862 |
Russell, Martha T. See: Allen, Martha T. (Russell), 1806-1845 |
Russell, Mary Brown See Groups: Russell, John Wilson, children of |
Russell, Robert Achilles 1886-1949 |
Russell, William |
Russell, William Russell, Baron 1639-1683 Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in 1679 See: Oversize |
Rust, Senator John W. |
Rust, John Warwick 1881-1958 |
Rust, Laura |
Rust, Mollie Locke See: Van Doren family album |
Rutherford, Alexander Hawksley 1807-1886 |
Rutherfoord, Anne Seddon (Roy) |
Rutherfoord, Betty |
Rutherfoord, Martha |
Rutherfoord, John 1861-1942 |
Rutherfoord, Samuel James 1806-1880 |
Rutherfoord, Thomas 1776-1852 |
Rutherfoord, Thomas Meldrum |
Rutledge, John 1739-1800 |
Rutledge, Julie |
Rutledge, Robert See: Rutledge, Julia |
Ryan, Abram Joseph 1839-1886 See Groups: Literary Figures- Poets |
Ryan, Edward L. |
Ryan, Thomas Fortune 1852-1928 |
Ryland, Anna Maria (Garnett) (Mrs. John N. Ryland) |
Ryland, Annie See Groups: Gwathmey Family |
Ryland, Bettie (Mrs. Robert Ryland) |
Ryland, Callie T. |
Ryland, Charles H. See Groups:Gwathmey Family |
Ryland, Constance |
Ryland, D. B. |
Ryland, David |
Ryland, Frank |
Ryland, Garnett See Groups: Gwathmey Family |
Ryland, Howsie See Groups: Gwathmey Family |
Ryland, James F. |
Ryland, John (Rev.) |
Ryland, John N. See: 1987.73 (tintype) |
Ryland, Joseph |
Ryland, Joseph |
Ryland, Josephine See: Lyne, Josephine (Ryland) |
Ryland, Katie See Groups: Gwathmey Family |
Ryland, L. W. See Groups: Ryland Family |
Ryland, Marion See Groups: Gwathmey Family |
Ryland, Norvel |
Ryland, Robert |
Ryland, Samuel P. Jr. |
Ryland, Thomas M. |