Tabb - Tysinger: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Tabb, (?) Daughter of W. K. Tabb, C. S. A. |
Tabb, E. P. See: Groups: Wise, John Cropper, 1848-1922 |
Tabb, Frances Peyton |
Tabb, John Banister 1845-1909 See Also: Events, 1909, Funeral of |
Tabb, Marianna Elizabeth See: Barksdale, Marianna Elizabeth (Tabb), 1796-1856 |
Tabb, Mary Marshall See: Bolling, Mary Marshall (Tabb) |
Tabb, Mary Mason (Todd) Booth 1751-1814 i.e. Mrs. Philip Tabb |
Tabb, Philip 1750-1822 |
Tabb, Thomas 1835- |
Tabb, W. K. |
Tabb, Warner Throckmorton 1888-1979 |
Taft, William Howard 1857-1930 President of the U. S., 1909-1913 See Also: Groups: Taft Parade |
Talbot, Charles See: Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke, 1660-1718 |
Talbot (of Hensol), Charles 1685-1737 Baron; Lord Chancellor in 1733; 8/16/60 Houbraken 10/0 See: Oversize |
Talbot, (Dr.) E. B. |
Talbot, Elizabeth Wright See: Weddell, Elizabeth Wright, 1878-1955 |
Talbot, Fannie |
Talbot, John |
Talbot, Minton Wright See: Groups: Virginia University, Students, 1890. |
Talbot, T. H. |
Talbott, Charles |
Talcott, Andrew 1797-1883 |
Talcott, Harriet Randolph (Hackley) 1810-1880 |
Talcott, (Miss) |
Talcott, Thomas Mann Randolph 1838-1921 |
Taliaferro, Alfred W. d. 1885 |
Taliaferro, Charles |
Taliaferro, Hay |
Taliaferro, M. |
Taliaferro, Marca Isabel 1910-1973 See: Groups: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Girl Scout Troop #31. |
Taliaferro, Susannah Conway See: Taliaferro, Hay |
Taliaferro, (Gen.) William Booth 1822-1898 |
Taliaferro, William George 1862-1944 |
Talley, Daniel Dee, Jr. |
Talley, Eliza Archer |
Talley, Ruby See: Waldrop, Rosa |
Tallmadge, Benjamin 1754-1835 |
Tallman, Frances See: Foster, Frances (Tallman) |
Talman, Carter E. |
Taney, Roger Brooke 1777-1864 |
Tankerville, Forde Grey d. 1701 Earl; Lord Treasurer in 1699; 8/16/60 Scott 2/6 3/23/61 Browne 1/15/0 |
Tanner, Evelyn See: Goodwin, Evelyn (Tanner), d. 1915 |
Tapley, R. T. |
Tapscott, Aulbin Delaney 1840-1911 |
Tapscott, Sally Lyell See: Zachary, Sally Lyell (Tapscott), 1880-1946 |
Tarleton, John Banastre 1754-1833 British General in American Revolution 3/23/61 Reynolds 7/6; 3/23/61 Small Anonymous 2/6 6/26/61 Full Size Mezzotint L 25 (Frederick Danniell & Son, London) Oversize See Also: Oversize |
Tarrant, Helen |
Tarrant, Dick See: Bobb, Robert |
Tarrant, George E. |
Tarry, George Patrick 1841 See: Extra Oversize: Album: Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902." |
Tasker, Ann (Bladen) i.e. Mrs. Benjamin Tasker |
Tasker, Frances Ann See: Carter, Frances Ann (Tasker) 1738-1787 |
Tatnell, Josiah See: Buchanan, Franklin |
Tatham, William |
Tatum, Dorothea (Claiborne) 1766-1844 i.e. Mrs. Henry Tatum |
Tatum, Edith Sherwin See: Hundley, Edith Sherwin (Tatum), 1863-1918 |
Tatum, Dr. R. H. |
Tatum, William Henry 1838-1903 |
Tavenner, Frank Stacy, Jr. 1895-1964 |
Tayloe, Anne (Ogle) 1772?-1855 Wife of John Tayloe III, 1771-1828 |
Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle 1796-1868 |
Tayloe, Elizabeth See: Corbin, Elizabeth (Tayloe), 1721-1784 |
Tayloe, Elizabeth (Gwyn) Lyde 1692-1745 Wife of John Tayloe I 1687-1747 |
Tayloe, Henrietta (Ogle) 1800-1844 Wife of William Henry Taylor, 1799-1871 |
Tayloe, John 1688-1747 |
Tayloe, John II 1721-1779 |
Tayloe, John III 1771-1828 |
Tayloe, Mary See: Page, Mary (Tayloe), 1758-1835 |
Tayloe, Mary See: Tayloe, Rebecca (Plater), 1731?-1787 |
Tayloe, Rebecca (Plater) 1731?-1787 i.e., "Mrs. John Tayloe II" |
Tayloe, William Henry 1799-1871 |
Taylor? |
Taylor, i.e., "Mrs. Albion Taylor" See: Groups: Williamsburg, VA ca. 1935 |
Taylor, i.e., "Mrs. Henry Magruder Taylor See: Groups: Gregory Family |
Taylor, Alice See: Taylor, Henry IV |
Taylor, Anne Elizabeth Sandridge |
Taylor, Anne Gilbert |
Taylor, Archibald Henderson 1851- |
Taylor, Belle |
Taylor, Betty (Bryerly) See: Van Doren family album. |
Taylor, Bushrod |
Taylor, Charles See: Groups: Gayle Family |
Taylor, "Cousin" |
Taylor, Davis Watson 1864-1940 |
Taylor, E. D. |
Taylor, Elizabeth (Actress) See: Warner, John |
Taylor, Elizabeth Ann See: Johnston, Elizabeth Ann (Taylor) |
Taylor, Elizabeth (Fitzhugh) Conway 1754-1823 |
Taylor, Euphania Claiborne 1819-1897 See: Elllis, Euphania Claiborne (Taylor) Harrison |
Taylor, Fielding Lewis See: Groups: Virginia University, students 1890 |
Taylor, Forest Todd 1901-1959 |
Taylor, Frances Fielding Lewis Mrs. Archibald Taylor |
Taylor, Fred S. See: Groups: Wise, John Cropper, 1848-1922 |
Taylor, George See: Taylor, Henry IV |
Taylor, George Alexander Watkins |
Taylor, George Alex Watkins Jr. With: Harvey, Ellen Virginia (Taylor) and Chase, Isabella Watkins (Taylor) |
Taylor, George Braxton 1860-1942 |
Taylor, Gertrude (McGuire) 1828-1894 i.e. "Mrs. William Taylor" |
Taylor, Henry See: Groups: Taylor Family |
Taylor, Henry Jr. 1854-1945 |
Taylor, Henry III 1887- |
Taylor, Henry IV |
Taylor, Henry VI |
Taylor, Mrs. Henry |
Taylor, Henry M. |
Taylor, Herbert Jackson 1869-1945 |
Taylor, Isabel (Williams) See: Taylor, Henry IV |
Taylor, J. B. Jr. |
Taylor, ? i.e. Mrs. J. E. Taylor |
Taylor, J. E. |
Taylor, J. E. |
Taylor, J. Mitchell 1862-1951 |
Taylor, Jaquelin Plummer 1797-1872 |
Taylor, Jaquelin Plummer 1860-1950 |
Taylor, Mrs. Jaquelin Plummer Wife of Jaquelin Plummer Taylor, 1797-1872 |
Taylor, Jane See: Thorp, Jane (Taylor), 1779-1859 |
Taylor, Jane |
Taylor, Jane (Kent) See: Kent? |
Taylor, Jane Pratt |
Taylor, John 1754-1824 (Of Caroline) See: oversize |
Taylor, John Claiborne b. 1830 |
Taylor, John Hume 1899-1961 |
Taylor, John Wesley 1896-1946 |
Taylor, Joseph C. |
Taylor, Judith Willantina Frances (Robinson) 1808-1830 |
Taylor, Kate See: Groups: Rose Lawn, Orange Co., VA, 1896 |
Taylor, Katherine Wall |
Taylor, Kidder d. 1913 See: Persons (Group): Taylor, Kidder, -1913 |
Taylor, Lewis Littlepage |
Taylor, Lloyd See: Groups: Nolley’s School, 1901 |
Taylor, Lucy Lewis (Thom) d. 1863 i.e. "Mrs. William Taylor" |
Taylor, Lucy Parke Chamberlayne 1888-1938 See: Groups: Bagby Family, Taylor Family |
Taylor, M.. |
Taylor, Madeline D. See: Groups: Gayle Family |
Taylor, Margaret |
Taylor, Maria See: Byrd, Maria (Taylor), 1698-1771 |
Taylor, Martha Jefferson Randolph |
Taylor, Martha Letitia Womack (Dickson) i.e. "Mrs. Lewis Littlepage Taylor" |
Taylor, Martha (Thompson) 1679-1762 |
Taylor, Mary ca.1903- |
Taylor, Mary Dade See: Robertson, Mary Dade (Taylor), 1899 |
Taylor, Mary Miriam Watson See: Groups: Bagby Family |
Taylor, Mrs. See: Taylor, "Cousin" |
Taylor, Mildred Lee |
Taylor, Narcissa (Bacon) i.e. Mrs. William Henry Taylor |
Taylor, O. H. |
Taylor, Pattie Hardaway (Harvie) 1838-1901 |
Taylor, Preston Phillips 1891-1964 |
Taylor, Reuben d. 1864 |
Taylor, Richard 1826-1879 |
Taylor, Robert |
Taylor, Robert Alexander (?) |
Taylor, Robert Barraud 1774-1834 |
Taylor, Robert P. |
Taylor, Robertson |
Taylor, Sally Carter See: Groups: Hanover Bicentennial Parade |
Taylor, Sarah Winston i.e. Mrs. J. T. Morris, See: Groups: Hanover Bicentennial Parade |
Taylor, T. See: Groups: Blue Ridge Springs, Virginia |
Taylor, T. W. |
Taylor, Tazewell 1874-1951 |
Taylor, Tazewell Jr. 1898-1961 |
Taylor, Thomas 1767-1832 |
Taylor, Thomas Hart 1825-1901 |
Taylor, Val |
Taylor, Virginia See: Sydnor, Virginia (Taylor), 1900- / Groups: Taylor Family |
Taylor, Virginia (Bagby) 1864-1955 See: Groups: Bagby Family, Taylor Family |
Taylor, Waller 1775-1826 |
Taylor, Walter Herron 1838-1916 See: Lee, Robert Edward |
Taylor, Walter H. |
Taylor, Walter Herron IV See: Groups: Norfolk - Hunter School 1895-96 |
Taylor, Wickham C. See: Groups: Norfolk, Virginia. Norfolk Academy Football Team 1900 |
Taylor, William 1827-1891 |
Taylor, William d. 1850 |
Taylor, William Henry 1835-1917 |
Taylor, William Henry Jr. See: Groups: Bagby Family |
Taylor, William Henry 1784-1846 |
Taylor, Willie See: Hill/Booton Family Album, page 8 |
Taylor, Zachary 1784-1850 President of the U.S., See: Localities: Richmond, Capitol Building & oversize |
Tazewell, Anne Stratton (Nivison) i.e. "Mrs. Littleton Waller Tazewell" |
Tazewell, Dorothy (Waller) d. 1777 |
Tazewell, Henry 1753-1799 |
Tazewell, Littleton Waller |
Teach, Edward d. 1718 |
Teamon, George |
Tebbs, Foushee G. |
Teck, Duke of |
Temple, Anthony 1723/24-1795 |
Temple, Benjamin |
Temple, Charles Wellford 1834-1889 |
Temple, Henry John |
Temple, John Twohig 1869- |
Temple, Josiah Jordan 1892-1962 |
Temple, Judith Willantina See: Harrison, Judith Willantina (Temple), 1837-1905 |
Temple, Lucy A. |
Temple, Lucy Lilly (Robinson) 1848-1935 |
Temple, Ludwell Robinson 1846-1876 |
Temple, Robert |
Temple, Robert Henry 1831-1901 |
Temple, Shirley See: Black, Shirley (Temple) Agar, 1928- |
Temple, Theodore Edward See: Hibbs, Henry Horace, 1888-1977 |
Temple, Sir William 1628-1699 |
Tenison, Thomas b. 1636 Archbishop of Canterbury |
Tennant, Agnes |
Tennant, Alexander 1772-1814 |
Tennant, Charles |
Tennant, Charles 1768-1838 |
Tennant, David 1762-1839 |
Tennant, David Buffington 1876- |
Tennant, Eugenia Baskerville See: Fairfax, Eugenia Baskerville (Tennant), 1873- |
Tennant, James |
Tennant, John |
Tennant, John 1760-1853 |
Tennant, John 1868- |
Tennant, John Bayne |
Tennant, Virginia S. |
Tennant, William 1758-1813 |
Tennant, William 1802-1878 |
Tennant, William Brydon 1870-1940 |
Tennant, Willie Ann (Buffington) 1843-1921 i.e. "Mrs. David Brydon Tennant" |
Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron Tennyson 1809-1892 |
Tenser, Anna Martha 1898-1978 |
Tenser, Maria (Haxall) 1859-1937? |
Tenser, William Haxall 1888- |
Terhune, Elizabeth See: Groups: Terhune Family |
Terhune, Harry See: Groups: Terhune Family |
Terhune, Mary Virginia |
Terhune, Nancy See: Groups: Terhune Family |
Terhune, Webster Gregory See: Terhune, Elizabeth |
Terrell, Charles James 1834-1925 |
Terrell, Lewis Frank d. 1864 |
Terrell, Phillip Augustus |
Terrell, Brigadier General, J. B. |
Terrill, J. B. |
Terrill, William R. d. 1862 |
Terry, Andrew Jackson 1843-1912 |
Terry, Edgar |
Terry, Louisa Cutler (Ward) Crawford 1823-1897 |
Terry, Mary Sue See: Wilder, Gov. D. |
Terry, William Richard 1827-1897 |
Teute, Fredrika J. |
Tevis, Hugh See: Bruce, Charles Morelle, 1853-1938 |
Tevis, Lloyd 1853-1938 |
Thackeray, William Makepeace 1811-1863 |
Thackston, W. W. H. 1820-1899 |
Thatcher, Margaret |
Thaxton, Robert 1844?-1936 |
Thayer, Abigail Faxon See: Davis, Abigail Faxon (Thayer), -1874 |
Thayer, J. M. |
Thayer, Sylvanus 1785-1872 |
Thom, Alfred Pembroke 1854-1935 See: extra-oversize: Album: "Virginia Convention, 1901-1902" |
Thom, Alfred Pembroke Jr. 1883-1944 |
Thom, George |
Thom, Joseph Pembroke |
Thom , Lucy Lewis See: Taylor, Lucy Lewis (Thom), -1863 |
Thom, William Taylor 1849-1930 |
Thoma, John Edward 1906-1959 |
Thomas, Adam |
Thomas, Allen |
Thomas, Anne See: Anderson, Anne (Thomas) |
Thomas, Anne Campbell (Gordon) 1819-1886 |
Thomas, Annie E. |
Thomas, Bathia |
Thomas, Bryan M. |
Thomas, Claude Osborn 1889-1951 |
Thomas, Francis 1799-1876 |
Thomas, Frank |
Thomas, General George Henry 1816-1870 |
Thomas, Henry d. 1921 See: Group: Virginia Theological Seminary. Alexandria, VA, Class of 1878 |
Thomas, Harry Randolph 1878-1965 |
Thomas, Henry P 1894-1969 |
Thomas, Isaiah 1749-1831 |
Thomas, John |
Thomas, John 1767-1849 |
Thomas, John |
Thomas, Julia Ellen See: Conway, Julia Ellen (Thomas), 1844-1916 |
Thomas, Lamar Curry |
Thomas, Martha Jane See: Bernard, Martha jane (Thomas), 1810-1843 |
Thomas, Nannie Gordon See: Duval, Nannie Gordon (Thomas) |
Thomas, Stephen |
Thomas, W. J. |
Thomas, W. J. |
Thomas, W. T. See: Groups: McGuire’s University School, Football Squad, 1926 |
Thomas, William Crockett 1881-1963 |
Thomas, William Jenkins 1796-1863 |
Thomas, Wray |
Thomas, (Bishop) |
Thompson, |
Thompson, Alice See: Meynell, Alice (Thompson), 1850-1922 |
Thompson, Anne Butler (Brayne) Spotswood |
Thompson, Dr. Arad |
Thompson, Mrs. Arad |
Thompson, Arnita See: Groups: WOBCA |
Thompson, Beulah Herndon See: Derby, Beulah Herndon (Thompson), 1882-1961 |
Thompson, Caroline M (Garland) 1853-1881 |
Thompson, Cephas |
Thompson, Deborah Sturterant 1748-1842 |
Thompson, E. |
Thompson, Fannie Brooks See: Perrine Collection, filed by city, by gallery. |
Thompson, G. W. |
Thompson, Gordon d. 1864 |
Thompson, Isaac |
Thompson, James F. |
Thomson [sic], James Walton |
Thompson, Jeff |
Thompson, Jerome 1814-1886 |
Thompson, John L. |
Thompson, John Reuben 1823-1873 |
Thompson, John |
Thompson, Rev. John (Artist) |
Thompson, Julius 1824-1900 |
Thompson, Lettice (Lee) Wardrop See: Sim, Lettice (Lee) Wardrop Thompson, d.1776 |
Thompson, Lewis W. |
Thompson, Lucy i.e. "Mrs. Cephas Thompson" |
Thompson, M. Jeff |
Thompson, Marie (Gibboney) See: Gibboney, Louise |
Thompson, Martha See; Taylor, Martha (Thompson), -1762 |
Thompson, Roby Calvin 1898-1960 |
Thompson, Samuel James 1899-1955 |
Thompson, W. A. |
Thompson, W. H. |
Thompson, Wilfred/Jimmy 1922 Golfers |
Thompson, William B. |
Thompson, Mrs. Adam (?) |
Thomson, Adam |
Thomson, Charles |
Thomson, Eliza (Shields) |
Thomson, James Mayo 1897-1983 See: Groups: Thornton family and friends |
Thon, John A. Jr. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1931 |
Thorn, Mary Elizabeth See: Van Doren family album |
Thorn, S. S. See: Brock, Charles William Penn, 1836-1916 |
Thornton, Ann Ellen (Flournoy) 1857-1945 See: Groups: Thornton family and friends. |
Thornton, Daniel McCarty Fitzhugh 1885-1978 See: Groups: Thornton family and friends. |
Thornton, Elise (Harrison, Elise Thornton) 1888?-1972 See: Groups: Thornton family and friends. |
Thornton, Elizabeth Ann See: Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Ann (Thornton) |
Thornton, Elizabeth Gregory See: Dunbar, Elizabeth Gregory (Thornton) |
Thornton, Gustavus B. d. 1910 See: extra-oversize: photograph album, "V.M.I. class 1889-93. |
Thornton, James Bankhead Taylor 1856- See: extra-oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902." |
Thornton, Mary Dade (Arrington, Mary Dade Thornton), 1886-1979 See: Groups: Thornton family and friends. |
Thornton, Richard Ewell 1865-1928 |
Thornton, Sally (Innes) 1776-1807 |
Thornton, William Mynn 1851-1935 |
Thorp, Benjamin Person |
Thorp, Jane (Taylor) 1779-1859 |
Thorpe, Margaret Newbold |
Thrift, George N. |
Thrift, Mary Ann Elizabeth |
Throckmorton, Edmund |
Throckmorton, John Arris 1815-1891 |
Thumb, Tom |
Thumb, Mrs. Tom |
Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st Baron 1731-1806 Lord Chancellor in 1778, See: oversize |
Thurman, Allen Granbery 1813-1895 Born at Lynchburg, Virginia. 7/11/61 Engraving, 0/2/6 (Suckling) |
Thurston, Leon |
Tiberatore, Claudia See: Tiberatore, Richard |
Tiberatore, Richard |
Tichbourne, R. D. |
Tidball, Thomas, A. |
Tiffany, Harry Irving 1888-1960 |
Tiffany, Walter MacLaren 1908-1960 |
Tiller, |
Tiller, Genie See; Perrine Collection, filed by city, by gallery. |
Tiller, Gertie See: Groups: W.O.B.C.A. |
Tilley, William B. 1895-1951 |
Tillotson, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 1630-1694 5/20/60: White 10/0, Blooteling 8/0, Vertue 7/6. |
Tilton, James |
Timberlake, D. A. |
Timrod, Henry 1828-1867 See: Groups: Literary Figures: Poets. |
Tindall, William |
Tingay, Thomas Ewin 1750-1829 |
Tinsley, See: Rose, (Tinsley) |
Tinsley, Thomas Garland |
Tinsley, Clair See: Jones, Clair (Tinsley) |
Tinsley, Garland See: Williams, Robert Lancester Jr. |
Tinsley, Garland See: Williams, Francis |
Tinsley, Garland See: Groups: Norwood’s University School Room "C". |
Tinsley, James Garland 1843-1920 See: oversize |
Tinsley, Maggie See: Moncure, Maggie (Tinsley) |
Titsworth, Henry Hopkins 1875-1943 |
Titus, Calvin P. See: Groups: Inauguration, Theodore Roosevelt, 1905 |
Todd, Dolley (Payne) See: Madison, Dolley (Payne) Todd, 1768-1849 |
Todd, Charles Leforester |
Todd, Elizabeth See: Moore, Elizabeth (Todd) Seaton |
Todd, George M. |
Todd, Lilian Ruth |
Todd, Marie Gill |
Todd, Marius Pendleton |
Todd, Mary Frances Boyd |
Todd, Mary Mason See: Tabb, Mary Mason (Todd) Booth, 1751-1814 |
Todd, Mary Virginia |
Todd, Ruth Corbin |
Todd, Sarah Virginia See: Field, Sarah Virginia (Todd), fl.1812-1830 |
Todd, Thomas 1765-1826 |
Todd, (Elder) William |
Todd, William B. |
Tomlin, Judith Harrison See: Coalter, Judith Harrison (Tomlin) |
Tomlinson, J. W. |
Tompkins, C. See: Groups: McGuire’s University School Football Squad 1927 |
Tompkins, Christopher 1778-1838 |
Tompkins, Christopher Quarles 1813-1877 |
Tompkins, Clara Allen |
Tompkins, Elizabeth Nelson 1898-1981 |
Tompkins, Ellen (Wilkins) 1818-1901 |
Tompkins, Elvira Poe (Mrs. John) |
Tompkins, George H. |
Tompkins, Margaret Randolph (Bird) 1899- See: Trask, Rebecca M. (Bird) |
Tompkins, Sally Louisa 1833-1916 |
Tompkins, W. See: Groups: McGuire’s University School, Football Squad 1927 |
Tompkins, William Fraser 1892-1969 See: oversize, Groups: Virginia Historical Society |
Toms, Virginia |
Toombs, Robert Augustus 1801-1885 |
Toon, Thomas F. |
Toone, Ted See: Groups: Virginia State Guard Co. 54 |
Toppin, Edgar A. |
Topping, Hon. J. W. |
Torbert, Alfred Thomas Archimedes 1833-1880 See: Groups: Union officers at Brandy Station, 1864 |
Torrence, Arthur W. (?) |
Torrence, William Clayton 1884-1953 |
Totness, George Carew, 1st earl 1555-1629 Named in 2nd Virginia Charter; member of Virginia Council, 4-7-60 Meyer 4/0 |
Totten, Jane Catherine See: Barbee, Jane Catherine (Totten), 1829-1908 |
Totten, Lucy |
Totty, William Arthur III 1829-1964 |
Towles, Agatha (Lewis) |
Towles, Oliver 1736-1825 |
Towles, Oliver 1771-1823 |
Towles, William Beverly 1804-1870 |
Townsend, James Morton Orr 1876-1955 |
Townsend, Charles 1725-1767 Commisioner of Trade and Plantations in 1749; Chancellor of Exchequer in 1766, 9/30/60: Miller 2/0, Gomek 2/0, Cook 2/0, Reynolds (S.W.) 7/6 |
Toy, Walter D. |
Tracy, E. D. d. 1863 |
Trader, Ella (King) Newsom 1838-1919 |
Tradescant, Hester d.1678 Wife of John Tradescant. 5/20/60: Rodd 3/6, Caulfield 2/0 |
Tradescant, John 1608-1662 Came to Virginia in the 1630s; collector of Virginiana. 5/20/60: proof 2/6, Smith 2/6 |
Tragle, Henry |
Tragle, Henry Irving |
Trainum, Clarence Algie 1894-1974 |
Trapler, James H. |
Trapnell, Annie Mercy (Allen) (Mrs. William), 1832-1908 |
Trapnell, Emily |
Trapnell, Emily Green (Watkins) 1817-1862 |
Trapnell, Fannie 1846-1900 |
Trapnell, Fredricka Holmes |
Trapnell, Harriet (Wylds) 1790-1853 Mrs. Joseph Trapnell |
Trapnell, Joseph I. 1775-1870 |
Trapnell, Joseph II 1814-1887 |
Trapnell, Joseph III 1842-1912 |
Trapnell, Rebecca Holmes (White) 1845-1931 Mrs. Joseph Trapnell III |
Trapnell, Richard Watkins Jr. 1881-1950 |
Trapnell, Richard Watkins Sr. 1844- |
Trapnell, William Henry 1811-1872 |
Trapnell family See: Groups. |
Trask, Rebecca M. (Bird) 1898- |
Travers, Samuel Wingfield 1848-1923 |
Travis, Rebecca (Champion) See: Brodnax, Rebecca (Champion) Travis, d.1723 |
Trawick, Thomas Lawrence See: Groups: Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydney, Virginia. Student Group. |
Traylor, Anne 1887- See: Larus, Anne, 1887- |
Traylor, J. W. |
Treece, W. F. |
Trenholm See: Beckwith |
Trevilian, Dr. John Guerrant With Mrs. Trevilian (Virginia C. Parrish) |
Trevilian, Virginia Creed (Parrish) See: Trevilian, Dr. John G. |
Trevilleau, Sam See: Perrine Collection, filed by City, by gallery |
Trevor (of Bromhm), Thomas Trevor, Baron, 1658-1730 Lord Chancellor in 1690 and 1710. 9/30/60: Sympson 6/0 |
Trexler, Carlton |
Trice, Mary Palmer 1951 See: Trice, Wilson |
Trice, Virginia Dorsey (Brown) 1923- |
Trice, Wilson Randolph 1950 See: Groups: Trice family. |
Trigg, Mrs. |
Trigg, Emma Gray See: Adams, Helen Dewitt |
Trimble, Isaac Ridgeway 1802-1888 |
Trinkle, Elbert Lee 1876-1939 See: Groups: Trinkle family and Trinkle signing war bill. |
Trinkle, Mrs. E. Lee |
Trinkle, Elbert Lee Jr. See: Groups: Trinkle family and; Trinkle, Elbert lee |
Trinkle, Helen Ball (Sexton) See: Groups: Trinkle family |
Trinkle, Helen Sue |
Trinkle, Helen Sue See: Groups: Trinkle family. |
Triplett, Emily L. Sister to Mary J. (Triplett) Haxall |
Triplett, Granville / G. Buford |
Triplett, John |
Triplett, Lizzie |
Triplett, Mery Jenifer See: Haxall, Mary Jenifer (Triplett), 1849-1892 |
Trivillion, Virginia Creed Parrish |
Troubetzkoy, Amelie Louise (Rives) Chanler, 1863-1945 See: oversize |
Troubetzkoy, Pierre 1864-1936 |
Trowbridge, Mrs. H. L. |
Truman, Harry S. President of the United States. See: Events: World War II, U.N. Conference |
Trumbull, John 1756-1843 |
Trumbull, Jonathan 1710-1785 |
Truban, William A. |
Truxtun, William Talbot See: Groups: Norfolk, Hunter School, 1895-96 |
Tuberville, John 1737-1799 |
Tuck, William Munford 1896- See: Groups: Virginia Governors and Godwin, Miles Edwin. Inauguration 1966. |
Tuck, Whirley See: Groups: Virginia State Guard Company 54. |
Tucker, (Rev.) A. C. Of Farmville, VA |
Tucker, A. R. |
Tucker, Annie (Butterfield) |
Tucker, Anne Evelina (Hunter) i.e. Mrs. Henry St. George Tucker |
Tucker, Ann Frances Bland |
Tucker, Augustine See: Groups: Norfolk, Va. Hunter School |
Tucker, Augustine W. See: Groups: Norfolk, Va. Norfolk Academy Football Team, 1900. |
Tucker, Augustine Washington, Jr. 1915-1989 |
Tucker, Beverly 1820-1890 Son of Henry St. George Tucker and Anne Eveline (Hunter) Tucker |
Tucker, Beverley Dandridge, Jr. 1882-1969 See: Groups: Tucker Family See Also: Groups: Protestant Episcopal Church, St. Peter’s, New Kent County, Virginia. |
Tucker, Beverley Randolph 1874-1945 |
Tucker, (Mrs.) Beverly See: Groups |
Tucker, (Dr.) Beverly D., Jr. |
Tucker, Beverly R., Jr. |
Tucker, Clarence See: Groups: Virginia State Guard, Co. 54 |
Tucker, Cynthia Beverley See: Coleman, Cynthia Beverley (Tucker) Washington, 1832-1908 |
Tucker, David Hunter 1815-1871 |
Tucker, Frances Bland 1752-1788 |
Tucker, Frances Bland See: Coalter, Frances Bland (Tucker), 1779-1813 |
Tucker, Frances Bland See: Groups: Tucker Family |
Tucker, Frank E. d. 1864 |
Tucker, Harry |
Tucker, (Col.) Henry |
Tucker, Henry St. George 1780-1848 |
Tucker (Bishop) H. St. G. |
Tucker, Henry St. George 1853-1932 |
Tucker, Henry St. George 1891-1932 |
Tucker, Herbert Nash See: Groups: Tucker Family |
Tucker, Herbert Nash See: Groups: Norfolk, Va. Hunter School, 1895-96 |
Tucker, Jane Shelton (Ellis) 1820- i.e. Mes. Nathaniel Beverley Tucker |
Tucker, John Randolph See: Groups: Tucker Family See Also: Lorton Family |
Tucker, John Randolph |
Tucker, John Randolph 1823-1897 |
Tucker, John Randolph 1879-1954 |
Tucker, Josiah 1712-1799 Writer on American Revolution 3/23/61 Clamp 4/0 |
Tucker, Lawrence Fontaine See: Groups: Tucker Family |
Tucker, Lucy Goode See: Chambers, Lucy Goode (Tucker), 1805-1854 |
Tucker, Maria Carter 1784-1823 |
Tucker, Martha See: Newton, Martha (Tucker) |
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley 1820-1890 |
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley 1784-1851 |
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley d. 1921 See: Extra-Oversize: Photograph Album: "VMI, Class of 1889-93." |
Tucker, Ran See: Groups: Norfolk, Va. Hunter School |
Tucker, Richard See: Groups: Norfolk, Va. Hunter School |
Tucker, Richard Blackburn See: Groups: Tucker Family See Also: Groups: Norfolk, Va. Hunter School, 1895-96 |
Tucker, St. George 1752-1827 See Also: Por 968.29 (Vertical File - Storage Area) |
Tucker, Sterling H. 1809-1852 See: Tucker, Thomas Goode, 1807-1897 |
Tucker, Thomas Goode 1807-1897 See Also: Poe, Edgar Allen |
Tucker, Thomas Tudor 1745-1828 |
Tucker, William F. |
Tucker, (Rev.) W. L. |
Tuckman, Howard P. (Ph.D) |
Tuenley, Irene Jewell |
Tunstall, Aqusta (Hobson) |
Tunstall, Alfred M. |
Tunstall, Nannie |
Tunstall, Richard See: Groups: Norfolk, Va. Hunter School, 1895-96 |
Tunstall, R. B. |
Tunstall, Robert Baylor 1880-1956 |
Tupper, C. B. |
Tupper, H. A. |
Turchin, John B. |
Turnbull, Edward Randolph 1875-1922 |
Turnbull, Irby 1887-1967 |
Turnbull, Knox 1916-1971 |
Turnbull, Needham Stuart, Jr. 1886-1944 |
Turnbull, Robert See: Extra-Oversize: Album: Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902 |
Turner, Edward Spilman 1870-1922 |
Turner, Ernest D. |
Turner, Ethelred Peyton 1877-1945 |
Turner, Fielding Lewis |
Turner, Frederick Jackson |
Turner, George Gideon 1856- |
Turner, Howard G. See: Groups: Virginia Supreme Court |
Turner, John W. |
Turner, Judith A. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s United Church of Christ Confirmation Class, 1962 |
Turner, Marjorie (Behle) See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1931 |
Turner, Mary (Mason) |
Turner, Nancy Byrd 1881-1971 See Also: Groups: Gregory Family |
Turner, Nat See: Events: Nat Turner’s Rebellion, 8/1831 |
Turner, Nellie |
Turner, Owtice See: Groups: Mayland, Va. Cornet Band |
Turner, Samuel See: Perrine Collection, Richmond, Lee Gallery |
Turner, Thomas 1772-1839 |
Turner, William Joel 1882- See: Groups: Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Students |
Turpin, Meta Lee (Randolph) |
Turpin, Sally Wardlaw (Eustace) 1827-1855 |
Turpin, William Archer |
Tweedy, Eliza O. |
Twyford, B. H. |
Twyman, Francis & wife |
Tyler, Alfred See: Groups: Tyler, Alfred |
Tyler, Beulah |
Tyler, Daniel |
Tyler, Daniel Gardiner 1846-1927 |
Tyler, Henry C. 1878-1941 |
Tyler, Hiram W. |
Tyler, James P. |
Tyler, John 1747-1813 |
Tyler, John 1790-1862 President of the U. S. |
Tyler, John |
Tyler, Julia (Gardiner) 1820-1887 |
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner 1853-1935 See Also: Groups: William & Mary College: "The Seven Wise Men." See Also: Lancaster, Robert A. |
Tyler, Letitia See: Semple, Letitia (Tyler), 1821-1907 |
Tyler, Lydia |
Tyler, Mary Morris (Jones) 1865-1931 |
Tyler, Pearl See: Ellis, Pearl (Tyler), 1860-1947 |
Tyler, Robert 1816-1877 |
Tyler, Robert C. |
Tyler, Sally (Robb) 1832-1907 Wife of Nathaniel Tyler |
Tyler, Susan See: Pollard, Susan (Tyler) |
Tyler, William H. |
Tyndall, John |
Tynes, Molly |
Tyree, John Logan See: Hill/Booton Family Album, page 10 and page 28 |
Tyree, Phoebe Ann See: Hill/Booton Family Album, page 11 |
Tysinger, William E. d. 1862 See: Broadsides: 1862, August 30 |