Waddell - Wythe: photographs and portraits of individuals
The VMHC maintains an extensive series of photograph files that may contain a combination of original photographs, cartes de visite, prints, or other images, along with copies of portraits, photographs, and other images from the VMHC holdings, from other repositories, or in private hands.
Researchers who determine that the VMHC holds a photo file for a particular individual should then request an appointment to view that file to determine its exact content. To help with your research, VMHC has organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. This index is organized by the surname of the sitter.
Researchers should also be aware that the VMHC hold some photographs and other images in its manuscripts collections, usually a part of a collection of family or personal papers. Thus, a search of the online catalog is also advised.
To help with your research, we have organized folders containing photographs and portraits of individuals. These files are organized by the surname of the sitter.
Names that have a "see also" reference indicate images are available in two or more locations. Researchers may wish to consult multiple files in such cases. Additional materials may also be located though the online catalog.
Waddell, Charles L. See: Allen, George F., Jr. |
Waddell, Edmund |
Waddell, James Addison 1817-1905 |
Waddill, Alma C. i.e. Mrs. Edmund Waddill |
Waddill, Edmund 1855-1931 |
Waddill, Samuel Pearman 1852-1936 See: extra-Oversize: Album: Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02. |
Wade, Napoleon Madison |
Watkins, Lanny |
Wagenheim, Michael B. |
Wager, (Sir) Charles 1666-1743 Friend of William Byrd II; 3/23/61 Heath 2/0 3/23/61 Harding 2/0 |
Waggaman, Tomas Ennalls 1770-1832 |
Wagner, George D. |
Wagstaff, C. G. Jr. See: Virginia State Guard Co. 54 |
Wait, Frank Lee |
Wait, (Mrs.) Sadie E. d. 1964 |
Waite, M. R. |
Waitt, Robert |
Waitt, Robert W. 1920- |
Wake, William 1657-1737 |
Waldbauer children |
Waldbauer, Louise |
Waldbauer, William See: Groups: Chruch Groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class 1909 |
Waldbouer, Walter See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class 1931 |
Waldegrave, George 1751-1789 4th Earl of Chewtom, surrendered with Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown; 3/23/61 Earlom 1/10/0 See: Oversize |
Walden, K. C. |
Waldrop, Charles P. |
Waldrop Family, Unidentified |
Waldrop, John Douglas See: Groups: Norfolk, Va., Hunter School, 1895-96 |
Waldrop, Richard See: Groups: Norfolk Va., Hunter School |
Waldrop, Rosa |
Waldropp, Lettice (Lee) See: Sims, Lettice (Lee) Waldropp Thompson, d. 1776 |
Welford, J. Binford |
Walke, Anthony 1783-1865 |
Walke, Elizabeth (Nash) i.e. Mrs. William Walke |
Walke, Herbert Nash See: Groups: Norfolk, Va., Hunter's School, 1895-96 |
Walke, Jane (Randolph) |
Walker, (unidentified) |
Walker, Abby Willing (Harrison) i.e. Mrs. John Walker |
Walker, Bessie See: Groups: Lynn Family |
Walker, Charles C. 1888- |
Walker, C. Harding See: Groups: Virginia University Board, 1933 |
Walker, Clara 1780-1851 |
Walker, Cyrus Harding 1859-1934 See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02. |
Walker, Eliza See: Row, Eliza (Walker) |
Walker, Ezra |
Walker, Francis A. |
Walker, Gilbert Carlton 1846-1926 |
Walker, Harry |
Walker, Henry Harrison 1832-1912 |
Walker, J. E. |
Walker, James Alexander |
Walker, James Dent |
Walker, Jane Byrd (Nelson) 1775-1808 |
Walker, John George 1822-1883 |
Walker, John L. |
Walker, Lee See: Groups: Bainbridge Junior High School, Richmond, Va., Safety Patrol |
Walker, LeRoy P. |
Walker, Lucius M. |
Walker, Lucy (Shackelford) |
Walker, Maggie Lena (Mitchell) 1867-1934 |
Walker, Mary |
Walker, Mary Ann See: Bell, Mary Ann (Walker) |
Walker, Mary Charles |
Walker, Mary Meade |
Walker, Phoebe 1788-1839 |
Walker, Reuben Lindsay 1827-1890 See Also: Extra-Oversize |
Walker, Robert Coleman |
Walker, Robert J. |
Walker, S. Dugald |
Walker, S. W. |
Walker, Thomas |
Walker, Thomas Calhoun 1862-1953 |
Walker, Thomas F. 1888-1964 |
Walker, W. H. T. d. 1864 |
Walker, William S. |
Wall, Henry 1818-1889 |
Wall, James (Major) |
Wall, Lois See: Groups: Campbell's (Rev. & Mrs.) School, Richmond, Va. |
Wall, T. N. |
Wallace, Alexander Wellington 1843-1927 |
Wallace, Bigfoot |
Wallace, Elizabeth (Brown) i.e. Mrs. Michael Wallace |
Wallace, Elizabeth Brown See: Blanton, Elizabeth Brown (Wallace) |
Wallace, Elizabeth Brown |
Wallace, Elizabeth Shyring (Crouch) 1835-1913 |
Wallace, Howson Hooe |
Wallace, Lucius See: Groups: Va. State Guard Co. 54 |
Wallace, Maxwell Gordon 1888-1950 |
Wallace, Morgan Montrose 1900-1971 |
Wallace, Robert See: Groups: Va. State Guard Co. 54 |
Wallace, William |
Wallace, William Alexander 1817-1899 |
Waller, Alice Aylett (Hoge) 1898- |
Waller, Benjamin 1716-1786 |
Waller, Edmund? |
Waller, Edmund Putzel 1879-1965 |
Waller, Elizabeth Case (Stuart) See: Waller, Edmund Putzel, 1879-1965 |
Waller, Jesse Mundy |
Waller, Louise M. See: Garland, Mary Lightfoot, 1871-1972 |
Waller, Robert Hall |
Waller, Robert Page |
Waller, Sallie Armistead See: Waller, Samuel Meredith |
Waller, (Hon.) S. G. Member of Virginia House of Delegates |
Waller, Samuel Meredith |
Waller, William Nivison, Jr. See: Groups: Norfolk, Va., Hunter’s School, 1898-96 |
Wallerstein, Beatrice See: Wallerstein, Ike |
Wallerstein, Ike |
Wallinger, Ellen Barnard See: Groups: Hanover Bicentennial Parade |
Walpole, Horatio (Horace) See: Orford, Horatio (Horace) Walpole, 4th Earl, 1717-1797 |
Walpole, Robert See: Orford, Robert Walpole, 1st Earl, 1676-1745 |
Walsh, Homan Watson 1882-1964 |
Walsingham, (Sir) Francis 1530?-1590 See: Oversize; active in promoting English exploration; 3/23/61 Passe 0/7/6; 3/23/61 Houbraken 0/10/0 |
Walter, A. C. See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Walter, Jefferson Francis 1890-1966 |
Walter, Lydia (Lynde) 1741-1798 |
Walter, William 1737-1800 |
Walters, Holby |
Walters, James Booth 1846-1884 |
Walters, W. T. |
Walthall, Edward Cary 1831-1898 |
Walton, Bessy E. (Bloom) 1903- See: Mss1D2873a 144, 145, 251 |
Walton, (Dr.) P. B. |
Walton, Richard Peyton 1819-1892 |
Wampler, F. J. |
Wanamaker, John See: Oversize: Groups: W |
Ward, Estelle 1851-1866 See: Ward, Evelyn Douglas, 1853-1941 |
Ward, Evelyn Douglas 1853-1941 |
Ward, Evelyn Douglas 1936- See: Ward, Evelyn Douglas, 1853-1941 |
Ward, John Cabell 1832-1866 |
Ward, Louise Cutler See: Terry, Louisa Cutler (Ward) Crawford, 1823-1897 |
Ward, Lucy 1847-1932 See: Ward, Evelyn Douglas, 1853-1941 |
Ward, Robert |
Ward, Robert Marion d. 1929 |
Warden, See: Bagby, John Hampden Chamberlayne, 1867-1934, photograph #14 |
Wardrop, Lettice (Lee) See: Sim, Lettice (Lee) Wardrop Thompson, d. 1776 |
Ware, (Dr.) H. H. Jr. |
Ware, Henry |
Ware, Joe See: Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., Class of 1898 |
Ware, Joseph Todhunter See: Groups: Virginia theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., Class of 1910 |
Ware, Mary Dabney |
Ware, Pattie Waller (Aylett) Cabell Bliss |
Ware, S. S. d. 1934 See: Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., Class of 1898 |
Warfield, (Mrs.) See: Groups: Literary Figures: Poets |
Warham, William Archbishop of Canterbury; See Also: Oversize |
Waring, Peggy Blair (Harvie) 1854- |
Warner, Alexa Etheredge |
Warner, Anna Bartlett |
Warner, Augustine 1642-1681 |
Warner, Augustus Lochman 1807-1847 |
Warner, Charles Dudley 1829-1900 |
Warner, Charles Tinsley See: Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., Class of 1910 |
Warner, James M. |
Warner, John |
Warner, (Sen.) John |
Warren, Allen B. See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "VMI, Class of 1889-93." |
Warren, F. M. See: Groups: Johns Hopkins University |
Warren, Frederick Albert Ernest See: Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., Class of 1910 |
Warren, C. R. Member of the Virginia House of Delegates |
Warren, Fitz-Henry |
Warren, George See: Groups: Norwood University School, Room C |
Warren, George Marvin 1879-1986 |
Warren, John M. 1840- See: Pic 946.182, 8/86 Portrait Storage K-1 |
Warren, Joseph 1741-1775 |
Warren, (Hon.) Lloyd E. |
Warren, Maria Watkin (Fauntleroy) 1780-1841 |
Warren, William Monroe 1775-1824 |
Warrington, Lewis 1782-1851 |
Warsham, i.e. Warsham, (Mrs.) B. J. |
Warsham, Katherine |
Warthen, i.e. Warthen, (Mrs.) Harry J., Jr.; See: Groups: Virginia Historical Society. |
Warwick, Abram 1794-1874 |
Warwick, Corbin |
Warwick, (Earl of) i.e. Rich, Robert |
Warwick, Ellie |
Warwick, Elizabeth |
Warwick, Julia Ann (Trent) See: Groups: Warwick Family |
Warwick, Ida Byrd See: Warwick, Elizabeth |
Warwick, Peter Chevaillie 1873- See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "VMI, Class of 1889-93" |
Washburn, C. C. |
Washington, George |
Washington, Family |
Washington, Bailey |
Washington, Betty See: Lewis, Betty (Washington), 1733-1797 |
Washinton, Booker Taliaferro 1856-1915 |
Washington, Bushrod 1762-1829 See: Oversize |
Washington, Cynthia Beverley (Tucker) See: Coleman, Cynthia Beverley (Tucker) Washington, 1832-1908 |
Washington, Henry 1765-1812 |
Washington, Hannah (Bushrod) |
Washington, James Barroll (Lt. USA) See: Custer, George Armstrong |
Washington, James Barroll 1839-1900 |
Washington, John Augustine 1736-1787 |
Washington, John Augustine 1821-1861 |
Washington, Lund |
Washington, Martha (Dandridge) Custis 1731-1802 See: Lady Washington's Reception See Also: Oversize; See Also: Extra-Oversize; See Also: Mss1L5114d |
Washington, Mary (Ball) 1708-1789 See Also: Oversize |
Washington, Mildred See: Hammond, Mildred (Washington), 1772-1804 |
Washington, Reade Macon 1796-1856 |
Washington, Samuel 1734-1781 |
Washington, William |
Washington, William 1752-1798 Cousin of George Washington; 7/11/61 Forrest 0/2/6 (Suckling) |
Washington, William Augustine 1757-1810 |
Waterhouse, Richard |
Waters, Surgeon See: Groups: Union Officers. Morell’s headquarters |
Watie, Stand 1806-1871 |
Watkins, Alice Goode See: Vaughan, Alice Goode (Watkins) |
Watkins, Aurelius Salle 1841-1896 |
Watkins, Bessie See: Groups: Astor, Nancy |
Watkins, Frank B. See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention 1901-1902" |
Watkins, Frederick Virginius 1902-1963 |
Watkins, (Hon.) H. B. |
Watkins, Harry E. 1898-1963 |
Watkins, Henrietta (Rives) 1824- |
Watkins, Henry E. |
Watkins, Henry Edward |
Watkins, (Capt.) James Thomas 1808-1868 |
Watkins, Joab Lawson 1834-1928 See Also: Watkins, William D. |
Watkins, John 1789-1855 |
Watkins, Judith Eveline (Watkins) 1794-1872 |
Watkins, Margaret Todd i.e. Mrs. Nicholas John Watkins |
Watkins, Martha See: Spotswood, Martha (Watkins) |
Watkins, Nicholas John 1785-1858 |
Watkins, Robert W. d. 1912 |
Watkins, Susan Eliza (Makey) 1806-1888 See Also: Watkins, William D. |
Watkins, Thomas Edmunds 1844-1921 |
Watkins, Thomas J. 1885-1914 |
Wakins, William D. 1801- See Also: Watkins, Mrs. Susan E. (Maxey) Watkins See Also: Watkins, Joab Lawson |
Watruough, Ann (Carwick) See: Oversize |
Watruough, James Horatio See: Oversize |
Watson, Anne (Riddle) 1791-1882 |
Watson, David 1834-1864 |
Watson, David Shelton 1830-1895 |
Watson, George |
Watson, George 1784-1853 |
Watson, Henry Hunter, Jr. 1918-1944 |
Watson, James |
Watson, (Sgt.) John W. |
Watson, Robert Anderson 1877-1946 |
Watson, Thomas |
Watson, Walter Allen 1867-1919 |
Watterson, Henry |
Watts, (?) i.e. Mrs. Robert Watts |
Watts, Charles Wilder See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "VMI, Class of 1889-93" |
Watts, John Allen 1855-1904 |
Watts, Legh Richmond 1843-1919 |
Watts, Lucian Lewis 1888- |
Watts, W. J. |
Waul, Thomas Neville 1813-1903 |
Way, Luther Bynum 1879-1943 |
Wayne, Anthony 1745-1796 |
Wayne, Henry C. |
Weaver, Aubrey G. d. 1944 |
Weaver, James B. |
Weaver, Janet Cleiland (Horner) 1822-1895 |
Weaver, Janet Henderson 1848-1927 See: Randolph, Janet Henderson (Weaver) |
Weaver, Judith Bransford (Hill) |
Weaver, Walter Reed See Also: Groups: Oversize: Weaver, Walter Reed |
Webb, Conrad 1788-1842 |
Webb, Joseph Prentis 1843-1892 See: Webb, Margaret Susan (Prentis), 1810-1888 |
Webb, Lucy Osborne 1788-1816 |
Webb, Margaret Susan (Prentis) 1810-1882 |
Webb, Robert See: Groups: Hampden Sydney College, Chi Phi Fraternity, 1946-47 |
Webb, Robert Henning 1795-1866 |
Webb, William Augustine 1824-1881 |
Webber, William 1747-1808 |
Weber, Max |
Webster, A. L. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John's Evangelical Church |
Webster, Beverley Randolph |
Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 |
Webster, Frances Ellis (Harrison) |
Webster, Frederick Bye |
Webster, Frederick Charles |
Webster, Noah 1758-1843 |
Weddell, Alexander Watson 1841-1883 |
Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne 1876-1948 |
Weddell, Elizabeth Wright 1878-1955 |
Weddell, James 1807-1865 |
Weddell, James R. |
Weddell, John Archibald |
Weddell, Matthew |
Weddell, Virginia (Chase) Steedman 1874-1948 See Also: Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne, 1876-1948 |
Weddell, Virginius L. d. 1862 |
Weddell, William 1836-1878 |
Weed, Stephen H. |
Weedon, George Adj. General, 1777 |
Weeks, John W. See: Hughes, Charles E. |
Weems, Maria (Carrington) |
Weems, Mason Locke 1759-1825 |
Weile, Lollie |
Weinbrunn, Rosa See: Groups: German Day Festival Parade |
Weir, Lucy Caroline See: Hunton, Lucy Caroline (Weir), 1825-1899 |
Weisiger, Bessie 1871-1959 |
Weisiger, David Addison 1818-1899 See Also: Oversize |
Weisiger, Ernest See: Groups: Norwood’s University School Room "C" |
Weisiger, Irvin 1852-1925 |
Weisiger, Lucy (Price) 1774-1857 i.e. Mrs. Daniel Weisiger |
Weisiger, William R. |
Weisiger, William R. |
Weisiger, William Robert |
Weiss, Edward See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1931 |
Weiss, Margaret See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1931 |
Weitzel, Godfrey 1835-1884 |
Wellford, Armistead Landon 1857- |
Wellford, Armistead Nelson 1826-1884 |
Wellford, Armistead Nelson, Jr. See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, Beverley Randolph 1797-1870 M. D. |
Wellford, Beverley Randolph 1828-1911 |
Wellford, Beverley Randolph 1855-1936 |
Wellford, Beverley Randolph 1883-1963 See Also: Groups: Virginia Historical Society See Also: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, Catherine (Yates) Thornton 1760-1831 |
Wellford, Elizabeth Harrison |
Wellford, Emma L. See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, Hill B. See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, Imogen Scott 1862-1956 |
Wellford, James McDonald 1886-1945 See Also: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, Jeannie McDonald 1862-1945 |
Wellford, John H., Jr. See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, John Spotswood 1825-1911 |
Wellford, John Spotswood 1783-1846 |
Wellford, Landon Carter 1888-1916 See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, Landon G. See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, M. Virginia See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, Philip Alexander 1834-1909 |
Wellford, Robert 1753-1823 |
Wellford, Robert Carter 1853-1919 |
Wellford, Roberta d. 1956 |
Wellford, Sallie See: Groups: Meade Family & Friends |
Wellford, T. Dabney See: Groups: Wellford Family |
Wellford, William |
Wells, Edward Rolfe Ford 1876-1928 |
Wells, George D. |
Wells, Jane See: Purdy, Jane (Wells), 1828-1921 |
Wells-Barnett, Ida B. |
Wentworth, Charles Watson See: Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, 2nd Marquis, 1730-1782 |
Welsh, Ann See: Lapsley, Ann (Welsh), 1796-1879 |
Welsh, Elizabeth See: Horner, Elizabeth (Welsh), 1800-1879 |
Welsh, John |
Welsh, Margaret See: Dulles, Margaret (Welsh), 1797-1897 |
Welsh, Thomas |
Wendt, Frank G. |
Wenzel, Cora (Hassel) 1877-1963 i.e. Mrs. William Frederick Wenzel, Sr. See: Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding See Also: Groups: Richmonders: Coffee Party |
Wenzel, Ella i.e. Mrs. Wegen; See Also: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1913 |
Wenzel, Erita A. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1920 |
Wenzel, Frederick William 1877-1952 See: Groups: Hassel Golden Weddin See Also: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1921 |
Wenzel, Rudolph See: Groups: Chruch Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1931 |
Wenzel, Kate See: Bromm, Kate (Wenzel) |
Wenzel, Margaretha (Schott) 1840-1922 |
Werner, Burghard See: Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Werner, Clothar, Sr. 1892-1949 See: Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Werner, Doris i.e. Mrs. Ferdinand A. Rueger See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Church, Confirmation Class, 1913 |
Werner, Louis 1855-1918 See Also: Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Werner, Louis Jr. See: Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Werner, Mary (Hassel) 1858-1941 i.e. Mrs. Louis Werner, Sr. See: Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Wertenbaker, William See: Oversize |
Werth, James See: Groups: Richmond: "Westbrooke" |
Werth, Samuel 1927- |
Wescott, Nathaniel B. 1856-1930 See Also: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-02" |
Wesley, John 1703-1791 |
Wesley, Messick See: Curtis, Robert Keith |
Wesley, Norman 1892-1914 |
Wessel, Louise See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1913 |
Wessel, Mathilde See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1920 |
Wesson, Charles M. |
Wesson, Daniel B. |
Wesson, Holmes Conrad 1883-1945 |
West, Albert Lawrence 1825-1892 |
West, Dandridge P. See: Hampden-Sydney College, Chi Phi Fraternity, 1946-47 |
West, Edward Jr., |
West, Eugene Francis 1865-1891 |
West, George M. See: West, Susan Grymes (Braxton) West See Also: Groups: Braxton |
West, George William 1845- |
West, Georgeanna (Callis) |
West, Henry 1603- |
West, Jacob Agee 1847-1910 |
West, Jesse Felix 1862-1929 |
West, Junius Edgar 1866-1947 See: Mss1D2873a191 |
West, Junius Mosby 1911- |
West, Martha Jane 1851-1901 |
West, Mary See: Groups: Wakefield, VA, High School Students |
West, Oscar Lawrence 1857- |
West, R. M. |
West, Susan Grymes (Braxton) 1863-1931 See Also: Groups: Braxton |
West, T. Eugene |
West, Thomas See: Delaware, Thomas West, 3rd Baron, 1577-1618 |
Westenbaker, William |
Weston, A. E. See: Groups: VA State Guard Co. 54 |
Weston, Cary See: Groups: Charge of the VMI Cadets |
Weston, Richard See: Portland, Richard Watson. 1st Earl, 1577-1635 |
Westwood, Indie d. 1928 |
Wetmore, Robert G. 1774- |
Wetzel, Alfred H. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1920 |
Wetzel, Ann Mary See: Booker, Ann Mary (Wetzel) Aulick, 1759-1834 |
Weymouth, John 1894-1944 |
Weymouth, William Walker |
Whalen, John McGill 1896-1945 |
Whaley, Matthew d. 1705 |
Wharton, Gabriel C. |
Wharton, Henry 1664-1695 Author of Biography of Capt. John Smith; 5/20/60 White 3/0 |
Wharton, James |
Wharton, John A. |
Wharton, Lyman Brown 1831-1907 See: Groups: William & Mary College, The Seven Wise Men |
Wheat, Curtis See: Groups: School and College Groups (Not Athletic) |
Wheat, James C. |
Wheat, James Clifton 1889- See: Groups: Jones, Catesby |
Wheat, James III |
Wheaton, Frank |
Wheeler, Ardell See: Wheeler, Winifred |
Wheeler, Charles A. |
Wheeler, Hallie Ermine (Rives) 1876- |
Wheeler, Joseph 1836-1906 |
Wheeler, Joseph M. |
Wheeler, Murray |
Wheeler, Virginia See: Wheeler, Winifred |
Wheeler, Winifred |
Wheelright, Anne Adams See: Branch, Anne Adams (Wheelright), 1827- |
Whipple, Amiel |
Whitaker, Forrest Wills 1865-1929 |
Whitaker, Pernell |
Whitaker, William 1548-1595 |
Whitcomb, Henry See: Groups: Norwood’s University, School Room "C" |
White, (Mrs.) A. R. (?) |
White, Anderson 1794-1880 |
White, Anita Grace (Clark) 1884- |
White, Annie |
White, Arthur |
White, Benjamin d. 1862 |
White, (Mr. & Mrs.) Benjamin i.e. Benjamin and Rachel (Chiswell) White |
White, Benjamin Dey 1868-1946 |
White, Benjamin Smith 1842-1863 C.S.A. |
White, Charles Mason 1856-1911 |
White, Daniel |
White, David Meade 1877-1939 |
White, Elijah V. 1832-1907 |
White, Eliza Evelyn 1802-1891 |
White, Frank Robertson 1876- See: White, Anita Grace (Clark) |
White, Fredericka (Mackey) 1816-1891 i.e. Mrs. Nathan Smith White, Jr. See Also: White, (Mr. & Mrs.) Nathan Smith Jr. |
White, Hugh Lawson 1773-1840 |
White, Joe See: Preston, John Thomas Lewis, 1811-1890 |
White, John |
White, John Daniel 1887-1947 |
White, John M. 1846-1913 |
White, Joseph Augustus 1848-1941 |
White, Leon A. |
White, Lillia (Early) See: White, William Anderson |
White, Lucy Landon Carter Minor |
White, M. d. 1906 |
White, Martha (Lefebvre) 1891-1977 |
White, Nathan Smith Jr. 1817-1888 |
White, (Mr. & Mrs.) Nathan Smith Jr. |
White, Peter Johnson 1848- |
White, Rachel (Chiswell) See: White, (Mr. & Mrs.) Benjamin |
White, (Col.) Robert |
White, Robert 1833-1915 |
White, Thomas Willis 1788-1843 |
White, Wallace See: Groups: Wakefield, VA High School Students |
White, William |
White, William 1748-1836 See Also: Groups: Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishops |
White, Wiliam Anderson |
White, William Henry 1847-1920 |
White, Wiliam Henry Jr. 1881-1963 |
White, Wiliam Y. C. 1876-1950 |
Whitefield, George 1714-1770 |
Whitehead, Floyd Kincaid 1870- |
Whitehead, Irving Powell 1868-1938 |
Whitehead, Martha Henry (Garland) 1832-1903 |
Whitehead, Robert 1897-1960 |
Whitehead, Thomas 1825-1901 |
Whitehurst, Herbert See: Groups: Nolley’s School, 1901 |
Whitelaw, Ralph T. 1880-1950 |
Whitfield, John W. |
Whitfield, Philip 1906-1962 |
Whitgift, John 1530-1604 Archbishop of Canterbury; 5/20/60 Vertue 2/6; 5/20/60 Passe 6/0 |
Whithers, Laura Dishman |
Whiting, (unknown) |
Whiting, Francis Beverley 1856-1927 |
Whiting, George William Carlyle |
Whiting, Maud Edith (Neville) 1861- |
Whiting, William Henry Chase 1824-1865 |
Whiting, W. H. Jr. See: Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy |
Whitley, George Franklin 1879-1942 |
Whitlock, Charles See: Groups: American National Bank Directors |
Whitlock, Philip 1838-1919 |
Whitmer, David W. See: Groups: Magland, VA Cornet Band |
Whitney, Eli 1765-1825 |
Whitt, Frank Elmore |
Whitt, Louise Grey (Wynne) See: Whitt, Frank Elmore |
Whittaker, (Dr.) Of Kentucky |
Whittaker, Walter C. |
Whittlemore, Anne Marie |
Whittet, Robert |
Whittet, Robert See: Whittet Family Album |
Whittet, Daisey See: Whittet Family Album |
Whittle, Francis McNeece 1823-1902 |
Whittle, Kennon Caithness 1891-1967 See Also: Groups: Virginia Supreme Court |
Whittle, Randolph Gordon 1900-1965 |
Whittle, Stafford Gorman 1849-1931 |
Wickham, Charles L. |
Wickham, Charlotte (Carter) |
Wickham. Elizabeth Selden (McClurg) 1781-1853 |
Wickham, George Barksdale |
Wickham, Henry P. See: Groups: Virginia State Bar Committee Commemorating Advent of Common Law, JamesTown, 1607 |
Wickham, Henry Taylor 1849-1943 |
Wickham, John 1763-1839 See Also: Oversize |
Wickham, Littleton Tazewell 1858-1890 |
Wickham, (Judge) Thomas Ashby |
Wickham, William Fanning |
Wickham, Williams Carter 1820-1888 |
Width, Tom |
Wiecking, (Dr.) David K. |
Wigfall, Louis T. |
Wigg, Dudley See: Groups: Norfolk-Hunter School, 1895-96 |
Wigg, S. L. Rudgard See: Groups: Norfolk-Hunter School, 1895-96 |
Wiggins, Ella Drake (Liggett) Scott 1863-1942 See: Groups: Oversize: Scott Family |
Wigglesworth, Abraham W. |
Wight, Harriot Wilson (Dickens) 1844- |
Wight, Hezekiah Lord |
Wight, Jabez II |
Wight, Nancy Leeds |
Wight, Richard Cunningham 1873- |
Wightman, Harris (Staples) See: Brown, Harris (Staples) Wightman |
Wightman, John |
Wightman, William May 1808-1882 See: Groups: Methodist Episcopal Church, Bishops |
Wilbon, Sidney |
Wilbur, Harry Curran |
Wilburn, Julia C. |
Wilburn, Travis Palmore |
Wilcox, Cadmus Marcellus 1824-1890 |
Wild, E. A. |
Wildener, Christine |
Wilder, (Col.) |
Wilder, L. Douglas Governor of Virginia 1990-1994 See Also: Broadsides: 1969, Dec. 2, Oversize |
Wildt, Julius |
Wilford, Cecily See: Sandys, Cecily (Wilford), -1610 Wife of Edwin Sandys, Bishop of London, 1516?-1588 |
Wilford, Constance Meeks |
Wilhelmy, Augustus |
Wilkerson, Lize Bell See: Perrine Collection filed by Gallery |
Wilkes, Charles 1798-1877 |
Wilkes, Dunston See: Rouse, Parke, 1915- |
Wilkins, Elizabeth (Raines) d. 1811 i.e. Mes. William Wyche Wilkins |
Wilkins, Harriet (Wise) See: Derby, Harriet Wise (Wilkins), 1883-1961 |
Wilkins, Henry |
Wilkins, J. E. |
Wilkins, John Franklin (Jack) See: Groups: Beach Scene, 1896 |
Wilkins, John Limbrey d. 1850 |
Wilkins, Jula (Harris) See: Groups: Beach Scene, 1896 |
Wilkins, Rebecca See: Broadnax, Rebecca (Wilkins) |
Wilkins, William Webb d. 1858 |
Wilkins, William Wyche d. 1840 |
Wilkins, Willy |
Wilkinson, Benjamin H. |
Wilkinson, J. S. |
Wilks, Margaret |
Will, Helen Olga (Sauer) 1901- See: Sauer, Conrad Frederick, 1866-1927 |
Will, Hilda i.e. Mrs. Charles C. (?) Pearman, Sr. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1909 |
Will, J. Everett 1894-1968 |
Will, Matthew P. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1913 |
Will, Olga (Sauer) i.e. Mrs. Matthew Philip Will See: Groups: Hassel Golden Wedding |
Will, Ruth V. I.e. Mes. F. Carl Beckh See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1921 |
Willard, Antonia (Ford) 1838-1871 |
Willard, (Mrs.) Joe |
Willcox, Edward Roane 1893-1947 |
Willcox, Thomas H. 1859-1926 |
Willcox, Thomas Hamlin 1887-1959 |
Willes, (Sir) John 1685-1761 Lord Chancellor in 1756 9/30/60 Almnet 2/0 |
Willey, Edward E. |
William and Mary King and Queen of England; 5/20/60 White 10/0 10/16/60 Medallion 2/6; 10/16/60 In two medallions Vandergucht 2/6; 10/16/60 Mynde (2 medallions) 3/6; 10/16/60 Lucas 5/0 |
William III King of England, 1650-1702 |
William Duke of Gloucester, 1689-1700 |
Williams (?) |
Williams, (Mrs.) i.e. Mrs. E. Victor Williams; See: Groups: Williams Family |
Williams, (Mrs.) i.e. Mrs. John G. Williams; See: Groups: Rose Lawn, Orange County, Virginia, 1896 |
Williams, (Miss) Annie See: Groups: White Sulphur Springs, W. VA |
Williams, Armistead Morrison |
Williams, Benjamin Franklin 1845-1910 See: Groups: Big 4 and Massey |
Williams, Berkely 187?-1951 |
Williams, Berkeley, Jr. 1904-1976 See Also: Groups: Williams Family |
Williams, Byrd (Hammond) See: Mowery, Byrd (Hammond) Williams, 1874-1932 |
Williams, C. L. |
Williams, (Dr.) Carrington |
Williams, (Mrs.) C. N. |
Williams, Camilla |
Williams, Catherine See: Groups: Williams Family |
Williams, Charley Watkins See Also: Williams, Francis |
Williams, Clayton Epes 1890-1968 |
Williams, David |
Williams, David |
Williams, David H. |
Williams, Dorothy |
Williams, E. Calvin |
Williams, Cyane |
Williams, (Dr.) E. G. |
Williams, (Mrs.) E. Randolph |
Williams, E. Victor See: Groups: Williams Family |
Williams, Edmund Randolph 1871-1952 |
Williams, Elizabeth See: Irby, Elizabeth (Williams), 1771- |
Williams, Ellie See: Groups: Meade Family and Friends |
Williams, Ennion Gifford 1874-1932 |
Williams, Ernest Watkins 1899-1968 |
Williams, Evelyn See: Groups: Meade Family and Friends |
Williams, Evelyn See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Class, 1932 |
Williams, Fielding Lewis 1906- |
Williams, Frances Coleman |
Williams, Frances Craik (Pinckney) Breckinridge 1910- |
Williams, Francis |
Williams, Geline See: Groups: West of the Boulevard Civic Association (WOBCA) |
Williams, Helen Page |
Williams, Herbert Lefebvre 1900- See: Groups: Williams, John Skelton Family |
Williams, Hugh Thomas 1887-1951 |
Williams, James Green 1859- |
Williams, James N. See: Groups: Church Groups: St. john’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation Class, 1919 |
Williams, Janet Bruce |
Williams, John Archbishop of York, 1582-1650; 8/16/60 Houbraken 10/6 See: Oversize |
Williams, John See: Van Doren Family Album |
Williams, John Bell 1890-1970 SeeAlso: Williams, rebecca (Yancey), 1899- |
Williams, John G. See: Groups: Rose Lawn, Orange County, Virginia, 1896 |
Williams, John Green 1843-1911 |
Williams, John Langbourne 1831-1915 |
Williams, John J. 1842-1899 |
Williams, (Mrs.) John Shelton |
Williams, Joseph See: Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, 1910 |
Williams, John 1793-1860 |
Williams, John Page 1910- |
Williams, John Page See: Groups: Williams Family |
Williams, John S. See: Williams, Fielding lewis |
Williams, John Sharp 1854-1932 |
Williams, John Skelton 1865-1926 |
Williams, (Mrs.) John Skelton See: Williams, John Skelton, 1865-1926 |
Williams, John Skelton, Jr. See Also: Williams, John Skelton See Also: Willingham, Lila Lefebure (Isaacs) Williams See Also: Groups: Williams, John Skelton Family |
Williams, John Stuart 1818-1896 |
Williams, John W. See: Groups: Norfolk, Virginia Hunter School |
Williams, John W. 1869-1934 |
Williams, John Whitridge 1866-1931 See: Van Doren Family Album |
Williams, Jonathan 1750-1815 |
Williams, Joseph Judson, Jr. |
Williams, Julia |
Williams, Kate Brander (Harris) Mayo Skipwith d. 1945 |
Williams, Kate B. See: Groups: Rose Lawn, Orange County, Virginia, 1896 |
Williams, Kate Murat (Willis) 1845-1917 |
Williams, (Lt.) See: groups: Union Officers. Morell’s headquarters |
Williams, Leigh D. 1893-1967 |
Williams, Lewis Burwell 1833-1863 |
Williams, Lewis Catlett 1875-1959 See Also: Williams, Fielding Lewis, 1906- |
Williams, Lewis Catlett 1904-1907 See Also: Minor, Maria Ward Skelton (Williams) Sheerin, 1902- |
Williams, Lila Leferbvre (Isaacs) Williams 1874(?)-1963 |
Williams, Lucy Dunbar See: Van Doren Family Album |
Williams, Maria W. B. See: Groups: Rose Lawn, Orange County, Virginia, 1896 |
Williams, Maria Ward (Skelton) 1843-1929 i.e. Mrs. John L. Williams |
Williams, Maria Ward Skelton See: Minor, Maria Ward Skelton (Williams) Sheerin, 1902- |
Williams, Maria Ward Skelton (Williams) 1880-1960 |
Williams, Martin Tudor Hansford 1924- See: Persons (Group): Williams, Martin Tudor Hansford, 1924- |
Williams, Mary See: Avirette, Mary (Williams) |
Williams, Mary Page See: Groups: Rose lawn, Orange County, Virginia, 1896 |
Williams, Matthew B. |
Williams, Maude See: Groups: Williams, Maude Stokes and Others |
Williams, Maude Lathrop (Stokes) d. 1959 See: Groups: Williams, Maude Lathrop (Stokes) |
Williams, Philip 1888-1942 |
Williams, Philip Croudson 1828-1897 See: Van Doren Family Album |
Williams, Philip Croudson, Jr. See: Van Doren Family Album |
Williams, Rebecca (Yancey) 1899- i.e. Mrs. John Bell Williams |
Williams, Robert Gray 1878-1946 See: groups: Virginia University Board, 1933 |
Williams, Robbie See: Groups: Norwood’s University School, Room "C" |
Williams, Robert Edwin 1878-1948 |
Williams, Robert Gray 1878-1946 |
Williams, Robert Lancaster 1869-1935 |
Williams, Robert Lancaster, Jr. |
Williams, Rose Adele (Cutts) Douglas 1835-1899 |
Williams, Sallie I. See: Groups: Rose lawn, Orange County, Virginia, 1896 |
Williams, Samuel Haines 1890-1910 |
Williams, Samuel Walker 1848-1920 |
Williams, Sarah Ellen (Robertson) 1837-1907 |
Williams, Serena Chesnut d. 1876 |
Williams, Sianna (?) |
Williams, (Mrs.) Shelton |
Williams, Susie Elvira |
Williams, T. B. |
Williams, T. C. |
Williams, (Mrs.) T. C. |
Williams, Thomas |
Williams, Thomas Clayton See: Van Doren Family Album |
Williams, Thomas H. |
Williams, Walker Champ 1902-1968 |
Williams, Walter See: Groups: Norwood’s University School, Room "C" See: Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA, 1910 |
Williams, William Berkeley 1878-1954 See Also: Williams, Robert Lancaster, 1869-1935 |
Williams, Wirt Henry |
Williamson, Anne McCauley McClenahan Walker |
Williamson, Benjamin Henry 1843-1916 See Also: Groups: United Confederate Veterans: Isle of Wight |
Williamson, Elizabeth Gatewood See: harrison, Elizabeth (Gatewood) |
Williamson, Gabriella (Woolfolk) |
Williamson, James A. |
Williamson, Mary Amanda See: Stewart, Mary Amanda (Williamson), 1822-1910 |
Williamson, Mary Gabriella 1856-1886 See: Braxton, Mary Gabriella (Williamson) |
Williamson, Thomas |
Willich, G. A. |
Willing, Mary See: Byrd, Mary (Willing), 1740-1814 |
Willingham, (Dr.) See Also: Groups: Baptist Foreign Mission Board in Virginia |
Willingham, Lila Lefebvre (Isaacs) Williams See Also: Oversize See Also: Groups: Williams, John Skelton Family |
Willis, Achille Murat 1827- See: Willis, Byrd Charles, -1847 |
Willis, Achilles Murat |
Willis, Ann Savage 1795- See: McComas, Ann Savage |
Willis, Benjamin Powell 1866-1946 |
Willis, Byrd Charles d. 1847 |
Willis, Catherine Daingerfield See: Murat, Catherine Daingerfield (Willis) Gray, 1803-1867 |
Willis, Edward j. |
Willis, Elizabeth (Landon) See: Carter, Elizabeth (Landon) Willis, 1684-1719 |
Willis, George See: Groups: Rose Lawn, Orange County, Virginia, 1896 |
Willis, George 1809-1861 |
Willis, Holman, Sr. 1880-1954 |
Willis, Hunter See: Groups: Virginia State Guard, Co. #54 |
Willis, J. M. See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902" |
Willis, Kate Murat See: Williams, Kate Murat (Willis), 1845-1917 |
Willis, Katherine See: Hurt, John Sinn |
Willis, Lelia Lewis (Spotswood) d. 1967 |
Willis, Mary See: Jones, Mary (Willis), 1838-1883 |
Willouhby, Frances See: Camp, Frances (Willoughby) |
Wills, Julia (Pollard) |
Wilson, Allen See: Valentine, Mann Satterwhite IV, c. 1917 |
Wilson, N. S. See: Groups: McGuire’s University School, Football Squad, 1927 |
Willson, Sally |
Willson, Susan Adeline See: Chaffin, Susan Adeline (Willson), 1815-ca.1883 |
Wilmer, Richard Homer 1816-1900 |
Wilmer, Joseph Pere Bell 1811-1878 See: Van Doren Family Album |
Wilmington, Spencer Compton Earl, 1673(?)-1743; Prime Minister in 1742 8/16/60 Faber 1/15/0; See: Oversize |
Wilmouth, Marshall See: Groups: Virginia State Guard, Company #54 |
Wilson, Allen |
Wilson, Ann See: Jennings, Ann (Wilson), 1787-1841 |
Wilson, Cary Robinson See: Groups: Norfolk-Hunter’s School, 1895-1895 |
Wilson, Charles Harrison 1905-1966 |
Wilson, Claudius C. |
Wilson, D. C. See: Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, 1867-1953 |
Wilson, D. G. See: Groups: McGuire’s University School, Football Squad, 1927 |
Wilson, Dave See: Richmond Newspaper Circle |
Wilson, E. D. |
Wilson, Edith (Bolling) Galt 1872-1961 See Also: Groups: Yorktown, VA, Yorktown Sequicentennial |
Wilson, Ellen Axson 1860-1914 |
Wilson, Elizabeth Walker Page (Angel) |
Wilson, F. C. |
Wilson, G. A. |
Wilson, Harvey L. |
Wilson, (Sir) Henry Maitland 1881-1964 See: Groups: Williamsburg, VA, 1946 |
Wilson, L. See: PIC 925.5 Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Co. A, 46th VA Regt. |
Wilson, Lucy Alexander (Embry) 1895- See: J977.19 |
Wilson, Margaret See: Russell, Margaret (Wilson), 1769-1862 |
Wilson, Margaret Woodrow 1886-1944 See: Groups: Wilson Family |
Wilson, Mary E. |
Wilson, Pauline See: Conway, Pauline (Wilson), 1906-1950 |
Wilson, richard Taylor 1881-1951 |
Wilson, Richard Thweat, Jr. 1908-1958 |
Wilson, Sallie Browne (Cocke) 1840-1909 |
Wilson, Samuel 1763-1827 |
Wilson, William Lyne 1843-1900 |
Wilson, Woodrow 1856-1924 See Also: Oversize |
Wilton, Mary See: Groups: West of the Boulevard Civic Association (WOBCA) |
Winder, Charles S. |
Wimbledon, Edward Cecil 1571-1638 1st Viscount; Member of the Virginia Council 4-7-60 Brown 0/4/0; 5/5/61 Passe 2/5/0 |
Winborne, Robert Warren 1861-1907 |
Windebanke, (Sir) Francis 1582-1646 Commissioner for Foreign Plantations in 1634 9/30/60 Paul 7/6 |
Winchester, O. F. |
Windsor, Duke & Duchess |
Wine, Christina See: Mallory, Chirstina (Wine), 1835-1901 |
Wine, Joseph Solomon 1868-1948 See: Groups: Sherando School, Augusta, Co. |
Wine, Solomon |
Winfree, Judith Ferguson (Gates) 1856-1939 |
Winfrey, Henrietta Bronston (Runton) 1890-1974 |
Wing, John Durham, Jr. See: Groups: Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA |
Wingfield, Gustavus A. 1878- |
Wingfield, John Henry Ducachet 1833-1898 |
Wingfield, Mary See: Scott, Mary (Wingfield), i.e. Mrs. J. H. Scott |
Wingo, Charles Evans 1843-1911 See Also: Groups: American National Bank Directors |
Wingo, Charles E., Jr. |
Wingo, Elizabeth Dallas (Brown) 1889-1969 |
Wingo, Sally (Knight) |
Wingo, Sarah Jane (Johnson) |
Winn, Mr. See: Hill/Booton Family Album, p. 16 |
Winn, Charles D. See: Extra-Oversize: Photograph Album, "VMI, Class 1889-93." |
Winn, Harry See: Norwood’s University School, Room "C" |
Winn, Madge |
Winn, Mary |
Winn, Nell See: McCray, Nell (Winn) |
Winn, Virginia |
Winston, Claiborne See: Photograph Album: Lynch Family |
Winston, Dorthea Spotswood Dandridge (Henry) |
Winston, (Judge) Edmund |
Winston, Elizabeth See: Photograph Album: Lynch Family |
Winston, Harriet |
Winston, Howell 1852- |
Winston, Jenny See: Photograph Album, Lynch Family |
Winston, Louis See: Photograph Album: Lynch Family |
Winston, Lydia See Also: Photograph Album: Lynch Family |
Winston, Marie Sulton (Lipscomb) See: Youngs, Marie Sulton (Lipscomb) Winston |
Winston, Mary Johnson See: Quarles, Mary Johnson Winston |
Winston, Nannie Burke |
Winston, Rebecca Pollard See: Aylett, Rebecca Pollard (Winston), 1834-1896 |
Winston, Margaret See: Adams, Margaret (Winston) |
Winston, Sally Barton |
Winston, Samuel E. |
Winston, Thomas Scott See: McGuire’s University School Football Squad, 1927-1929 |
Winston, Virginia (Ryland) |
Winston, William O. |
Winters, (Mrs.) J. F. |
Winthrop, John 187/88-1649 |
Winthrop, John |
Winthrop, Robert C. 1809-1894 |
Winwood, (Sir) Ralph 1565-1617 Member of Virginia Company; 5/20/60 Vertue 6/0 |
Wirt, Elizabeth Washington (Gamble) 1784-1857 i.e. Mrs. William Wirt |
Wirt, William 1772-1834 See Also: Oversize |
Wise, Agnes |
Wise, Ann Elizabeth (Jennings) 1808-1837 |
Wise, Barton |
Wise, Boyd Douglas 1886- See: Groups: Peachy-Wise Family |
Wise, Byrd D. |
Wise, Caroline Hazelnut (Cohen) 1872- |
Wise, Clara (?) Booth |
Wise, Elizabeth Lydecker (Anderson) 1883-1963 |
Wise, Evelyn Byrd Beverley (Douglas) i.e. Mrs. John Sergeant Wise |
Wise, Evelyn Byrd Douglas 1879-1962 See: Barney, Evelyn Bird Douglas (Wise) |
Wise, Frank M. |
Wise, George Douglas 1835- See: Extra-Oversize: Album: Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902. |
Wise, H. A. 1873-1904 See: Groups: Peachy-Wise Family |
Wise, Hamilton |
Wise, Harriet Elizabeth (Haxall) 1841-1893 See Also: Bagby, Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne), 1842-1927 |
Wise, Henrietta Edwina (Booth) |
Wise, Henry Alexander 1806-1876 See Also: Horse folder for photograph of horse, “Maggie.” |
Wise, Henry A. See: Locations: "Carter’s Grove," James City, Co., VA |
Wise, Henry A. See: Groups: Charge of the VMI Cadets |
Wise, Henry A. 1874-1978 See Also: Wise, Henrietta Edwina (Booth) See Also: Groups: Wise Family & Friends See Also: Oversize Groups: W |
Wise, Henry A. |
Wise, Henry A. |
Wise, Henry A., Jr. |
Wise, Hugh D. |
Wise, Jack |
Wise, James M, |
Wise, Jennings Cropper 1881-1968 See Also: Extra-Oversize: Photograph Album See Also: Groups: VMI Students |
Wise, Jimsie (?) |
Wise, John 1767-1812 |
Wise, John C. |
Wise, John Cropper See: Groups: Wise, John Cropper, 1848-1922 |
Wise, John Sergeant 1846-1913 See Also: Groups: Peachy-Wise Family See Also: Wise Family & Friends See Also: Groups: W See Also: Extra-Oversize: Posters: Pr 31 |
Wise, Lewis Warrington 1844-1917 |
Wise, Margaretta Watmough 1884- See: Moore, Margaretta Watmough (Wise) |
Wise, Nathaniel Seaton 1788-1830 |
Wise, Nell |
Wise, O. Jennings, Jr. |
Wise, Peyton 1838-1897 |
Wise, Richard Hungerford 1907- |
Wise, Sarah (Sergeant) 1818-1850 |
Wise, Tully R. |
Wise, Virginia Peachy 1871- See: Groups: Peachy-Wise Family |
Wister, Elizabeth See: Groups: Wister, Sarah Tyler |
Wister, Margaret ca. 1882 See Also: Groups: Wister, Sarah Tyler |
Wister, Sarah Logan See: groups: Wister, Sarah Tyler |
Wister, Sarah Tyler See: Groups: Wister, Sarah Tyler |
Wiswale, Samuel |
Witcher, A. Lovell 1876-1931 |
Withers, Daniel Price |
Withers, Eugene See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902. |
Withers, Robert Enoch 1821-1907 |
Withers, Robert W. d. 1912 |
Witherspoon, Sally 1859?-1934 |
Witt, Annie Clarksaw (Langley) See: Witt, John Shipman See Also: Witt, John A., d. 1945 |
Witt, John A. d. 1945 |
Witt, John Shipman |
Witt, Samuel B. 1850-1912 |
Witt, Samuel B., Jr. 1898-1970 |
Wittel, Emma Elizabeth See: Groups: Church Groups: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation, Class of 1901. |
Witten, Jack W. 1880-1959 |
Wodson, Annie |
Wolcott, Harry Kear 1868-1925 |
Wolf, Virgie See: Row, Maud E. |
Wolfe, J. R. V. See: Groups: Military Doctors, 1917 |
Wolfe, Thomas |
Wolff, Bernard Likens 1837-1869 |
Wolff, Charles Bernard 1868-1916 See Also: Groups: Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydney, VA. Student Group. |
Wolff, Eliza Preston (McDowell) 1840-1923 |
Wolff, George Francis C. |
Wolters, Dick |
Womack, Brad See: Perrine Collection, Richmond, Rees Photo |
Wood, (Col.) See: Groups: Lee (Fitzhugh) and Staff, 1898 |
Wood, Catherine Carey (Gregory) i.e. Mrs. Charles W. Wood |
Wood, Catherine Gordon |
Wood, Charles Williamson (Willson?) See Also: Wood, Catherine Carey (Gregory) |
Wood, Claude Reams 1893-1940 |
Wood, David Joseph 1897-1966 |
Wood, James Virginia Governor |
Wood, Frank Travers d. 1945 See: Groups: Virginia Military Institute, Students |
Wood, (Capt.) John D. |
Wood, Leonard 1860-1927 |
Wood, Lyttelton Waddell 1889-1962 |
Wood, Mary i.e. Mrs. John D. Wood |
Wood, Millord |
Wood, Percy Scott See: Groups: Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydeny, VA., Student Group |
Wood, Robert Cornelius, Jr. 1900-1968 |
Wood, Ryrie See: Groups: Nolley’s School, 1901 |
Wood, Sam |
Wood, Susan Morton See: Hoge, Susan Morton (Wood), 1825-1868 |
Wood, Thomas Longstreet 1867-1892 See: Groups: Virginia University Students, 1888 |
Wood, W. H. |
Woodall, D. |
Woodberry, George Edward 1855-1930 |
Woodbridge, Dudley Warner 1896-1969 |
Woodbridge, Edmund See: Hobson, Ellen Graham Anderson |
Woodbridge, George 1804-1878 |
Woodbury, D. P. |
Woodhouse, Jonathan 1850- See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902." |
Woodhull, (Mrs.) (Broker) |
Wooding, Thomas Hill 1769-1842 |
Woodnoth, Mary See: Ferrar, Mary (Woodnoth), 1550-1634 |
Woodruff, John |
Woodruff, L. T. |
Woodrum, Clifton Alexander 1887-1950 |
Woodrum, Clifton Alexander, Jr. 1910-1959 |
Woods, Archibald 1764-1846 |
Woods, Charles A. 1852-1925 |
Woods, George M. See Also: Early, John Richard See Also: Woods, Helen Amanda (Durrett) |
Woods, George W. |
Woods, Helen Amanda (Durrett) 1875-1957 See Also: Woods, George M. See Also: Early, John Richard |
Woods, James Baker See: Groups: Virginia University, Students, 1890 |
Woods, James Plesants 1868-1948 |
Woods, John Payne |
Woods, John W. 1888-1912 |
Woods, Martha (Poage) |
Woods, Micajh 1844-1911 |
Woods, Sampson Lockhart |
Woods, William Sharpless Derrick 1901-1971 |
Woodson, Aylett Reins 1833-1888 See Also: Groups: Richmond Grays |
Woodson, Carter G. |
Woodson, Frances Ann (Holdsworth) i.e. Mrs. Aylett Reins Woodson |
Woodson, Iverson Lewis |
Woodson, Tarleton 1754-1818 |
Woodward, Edmund Lee 1873-1948 |
Woodward, Herbert Morrison 1888-1960 |
Woodward, James E. |
Woodworth, Albert |
Woody, D. Greer See: Groups: Hampden-Sydney College, Chi Phi Fraternity, 1946-47 |
Wool, (Gen.) John Ellis 1784-1869 See Also: Groups: Oversize: Union Generals |
Wool, Theodore Jackson 1866-1943 |
Wooldridge, Archibald Longwood ca.1792-1854 |
Wooldridge, Ellen Beverley |
Wooldridge, Helen (Sampson) See: Groups: Fredericksburg Collegiate Institute |
Woolfolk, E. W. |
Woolls, William P. 1893-1965 |
Woolwine, R. E. 1878-1960 |
Woolwine, Rufus James 1840-1908 |
Worden, John Lorimer 1818-1897 |
Wormeley, (?) i.e. Mrs. Carter Wormeley; See: Groups: Equal Suffrage League of Richmond |
Wormeley, Carter Warner 1815-1892 |
Wormeley, Carter Warner 1874-1938 |
Wormeley, Ellen Bankhead (Lightfoot) 1818-1887 |
Wormeley, Jane Lowe (Bowles) b.ca.1726 Wife of Ralph Wormeley IV |
Wormeley, Lightfoot See: Battle, Martha Burwell Dabney (Bagby), 1869-1954 |
Wormeley, Lucy |
Wormeley, Maria Carter (Hall) |
Wormeley, Maria Carter See: Perkins, Maria Carter (Wormeley) |
Wormeley, Philip Lightfoot 1851- |
Wormeley, Ralph, IV 1715-1790 |
Wormeley, Ralph, V 1742-1804 See Also: Izard, Ralph, 1742-1804 |
Wormeley, Ralph Harrie 1904-1958 See Also: Wormeley, Carter Warner, 1874-1938 |
Wormeley, Ralph See: Groups: Equal Suffrage League of Richmond See Also: Groups: McGuire’s University School |
Wormeley, Warner Lewis 1785-1814 |
Wormeley, Willie |
Worth, Hal See: Groups: Worth, Hal |
Wortham, Marshall Gilliam |
Wortham, Mary Marshall (Gilliam) 1874- |
Worthington, Thomas |
Worherspoon, William Wallace 1850-1921 |
Wotton, (Sir) Henry 1568-1639 Member of Virginia Company 5/20/60 "Aetatis suae 72" 7/6 |
Wren, (Sir) Christopher 1632-1723 |
Wrenn, Ann Virginia See: Ellett, Ann Virginia (Wrenn), 1805- |
Wrenn, F. See: Groups: Military Groups |
Wright, (Maj. Gen.) |
Wright, A. R. |
Wright, (Judge) Benjamin |
Wright, David M. 1809-1863 |
Wright, Earl H. 1880-1928 |
Wright, Eliza (Quisenberry) See: Wright, (Judge) Benjamin |
Wright, Fannie McRae (Tenser) 1883-1971 |
Wright, George |
Wright, George W. |
Wright, Jordon Armistead 1808-1834 |
Wright, Marcellus See Also: Groups: Architects |
Wright, Marcus Joseph 1831-1922 |
Wright, Mary E. (Haly) See: Bruce, Mary E. (Haly) Wright |
Wright, Penelope |
Wright, Penelope Margaret (Creecy) |
Wright, Perry See: Perrine Collection, Richmond, Vernon Gallery |
Wright, Stephen 1763-1851 |
Wright, Thomas Elbert 1892-1924 |
Wright, Thomas Roane Barnes 1839-1914 |
Wright, William A. See: Groups: Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Development |
Wright, William Robert 1882-1940 |
Wriothesley, Henry See: Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl, 1573-1624 |
Wriothesley, Thomas 1607-1677 See: Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl, 1607-1677 |
Wyatt, Elizabeth Henley |
Wyatt, (Sir) Francis 1583-1646 |
Wyatt, (Sir) Thomas, Sr. 1503-1542 |
Wyatt, (Sir) Thomas, Jr. 1520-1554 |
Wycherley, William 1640?-1716 Friend of William Byrd II 3/23/61 Mezzotint (small) 3/0; 3/23/61 Wedgewood 2/6 |
Wycliffe, Robert 1775-1859 |
Wynne, Elizabeth Maxwell (Alsop) 1846-1933 |
Wynne, Katie See: Joynes, Katie (Wynne) |
Wynne, Louise Grey See: Whitt, Louise G. (Wynne) |
Wynne, Thomas Hicks 1820-1875 |
Wysor, Joseph Cloyd 1855?- See: Extra-Oversize: Album: "Virginia Constituitonal Convention, 1901-1902." |
Wythe, George 1726-1806 |
Wythe, Mary Mason See: Tabb, Mary Mason (Wythe) |