Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

About Donor Advised Funds

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are like a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting qualified nonprofit organizations.  They provide several benefits to a donor, including flexibility in grant recommendations to support the causes they care about.  The VMHC gratefully accepts contributions from donor-advised funds.

Did you know the VMHC has a special 1831 Society membership level for DAF donors?

Under federal law, grants from donor-advised funds or family foundations cannot be used for membership dues where tangible benefits are provided to the member. We value your support as a 1831 Society member and have devised a way, approved by our auditor, for you to pay your membership dues through your donor-advised fund or family foundation. Here’s how:

1. Recommend a grant from your donor-advised fund or family foundation to the Virginia Museum of History & Culture’s Annual Fund. The grant amount should be the same as your level of 1831 Society membership: $1,000 for Fellow; $2,500 for Benefactor; $5,000 for Commonwealth Council; $10,000 for President's Council; and $15,000 for Chair's Council.

2. The Annual Fund contribution will then make you eligible for a discounted membership in the 1831 Society.

3. The dues for your discounted membership are equal to the non-tax-deductible amount of your 1831 Society membership: $150 for Fellow; $175 for Benefactor; $200 for Commonwealth Council; $220 for President's Council; and $220 for Chair's Council. Please pay this amount from your personal funds.

Please note that you can also decline all benefits of membership and only give via your donor-advised fund.

Did you know you can designate the VMHC as a beneficiary of your DAF?

DAFs also can be used to facilitate your legacy, dovetailing conveniently with your estate planning.  Please contact your DAF administrator to designate the Virgnia Museum of History & Culture, owned and operated by the Virginia Historical Society, as a beneficiary to receive a specified dollar amount or percentage of the remaining funds in your DAF account.  Grants of $25,000 or more can be used to establish an endowment fund that will honor your personal interests in the museum.  

Please note that this webpage is intended as a summary of current guidelines for accepting gifts from donor-advised funds and family foundations. This webpage is not intended as legal advice. Donor-advisors should consult their donor-advised fund (“DAF”) manager, tax advisors, and/or legal counsel to determine the tax treatment of their proposed contributions and any other restrictions that apply to DAF grants.

Photo of Cathy Boe
Cathy Boe, Manager of Advancement Initiatives

If you would like to learn how you can invest in the future of the museum by designating the VMHC as beneficiary of your DAF account or discuss other types of gift planning, contact Cathy Boe, Manager of Advancement Initiatives, at 804.342.9657 or  Through your generous foresight and philanthropy, present and future generations will continue to connect with the power of Virginia’s story and its leading role in the American experience.