Cabell Family
A Guide to the Cabell Family Papers, 1808-1935
Call Number Mss1 C1118 c FA2
Main Entry: Cabell family. Title: Papers, 1808-1935. Size: 1,500 (ca.) items (3.0 linear feet) Biographical Note: Concerns the Cabell family of “Inglewood,” Nelson County, Va., including George Washington Cabell (1802-1869) and his wife Mary Anne (Anthony) Cabell (1808-1868); their children Sarah “Sallie” Syme (Cabell) Laidley, Anne Woolston (Cabell) Cabell, Margaret Clifford Cabell, Lucy Brown Cabell, and Patrick Henry “Pat” Cabell (and wife Elizabeth “Bettie” Willis (Eubank) Cabell); and Patrick Henry and Elizabeth W. (Eubank) Cabell’s children Patrick Henry “Carey” Cabell, Mary Caroline “Callie” Cabell, Anne Woolston (Cabell) Flowers, Lucy Brown “Lily” (Cabell) Roller, George Washington Cabell, Margaret “Etta” (Cabell) Matthews, Royal Eubank Cabell (and wife Lillian Hoge (Lorraine) Cabell), John Willis Cabell, and Somers Eubank Cabell. Scope Note: Correspondence, financial, legal, and miscellaneous papers of the Cabell family of “Inglewood,” Nelson County, Va., concerning agricultural operations; the education of children at Emory and Henry College, Farmville Normal School, Roanoke College, the University of Virginia, and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Patrick Henry Cabell’s work as a teacher, school board official for Nelson County, and for the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company and Southern Railway Company; the running of a school and summer boarding house at “Inglewood”; and marriages, births, illnesses, and deaths among family members. Also included are papers of the related Robinson family, chiefly concerning the administration of a trust established by the will of Rebecca Price (Keim) Robertson. Provenance: Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Royal E. Cabell, Jr., 1999. Accessioned 7 April 2004. Restrictions: None. Related Collections: Cabell family papers, 1739-1996 (Mss1 C1118 b), Cabell family papers, 1774-1941 (Mss1 C1118 a), and Roller family papers, 1828-1974 (Mss1 R6498 b FA2)
Collection Description
The collection is arranged into seven series by document type and further ordered chronologically.
Series 1 includes correspondence of George “Washington” Cabell with his siblings and with his children, in particular Patrick “Pat” Henry Cabell (while attending Emory and Henry College, 1854-1858, and while teaching,). Also included is the correspondence of Pat Cabell (while away from “Inglewood” teaching and working for the railroad in Lynchburg, Va.) and his wife Elizabeth “Bettie” Willis (Eubank) Cabell with each other and with their children (concerning news of illnesses, births, deaths, marriages, and local events, home life, and discussing attendance of the children at various Virginia colleges, including Roanoke College, the University of Virginia, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and teaching in various locations in Virginia and North Carolina). Additional topics include the running of the school at “Inglewood” by Mary Caroline “Callie” Cabell and the taking in of summer boarders, and Patrick Henry “Carey” Cabell’s stay, May 1896, at the Keeley Institute, Greensboro, N.C., for the treatment of “nervous exhaustion”. Also included is the correspondence of Patrick Henry “Carey” Cabell and Royal Eubank Cabell while living in Richmond, Va., with their siblings following the deaths, in 1907, of both of their parents. Of particular interest is a letter, 1876 January 18-February 14, from missionary Lottie Moon in Sun Chow, China, describing her life, mission work, and local customs.
Series 2 includes loose accounts for purchases of agricultural supplies, dry goods, groceries, and services. Also included are account books, specifically of George Washington Cabell containing plantation accounts for 1826 and 1827 (folder 48); and of the law firm of Cabell, Talley and Cabell of Richmond, Va. (folder 52). Of particular interest are fines for missing militia musters in 1830 and 1831.
Series 3 includes legal documents concerning land ownership and other matters. Of particular interest are the agreements, deeds and receipts, ca. 1825-1845, concerning the purchase and hire of slaves; plats, 1808, 1847, and 1857, and 1877, of Nelson County land owned by Samuel Jordan Cabell, Mayo Cabell, and Royal Eubank; plat and rental agreements for a lot in New Market, Va., 1841; wills, 1850 and 1854, of Anne Woolston (Couch) Anthony; materials relating to Elizabeth Willis (Eubank) Cabell’s share of the estate of Caroline E. Eubank; and agreement, 1907, of the heirs of Patrick Henry Cabell and Elizabeth Willis (Eubank) Cabell concerning the house and property at “Inglewood..” (folder 53). Other material of interest in this series are summonses issued by Patrick Henry Cabell as a Justice of the Peace for Nelson County (folder 54).
Series 4 contains school materials of Patrick Henry Cabell while attending Emory and Henry College, and of Patrick Henry Carey Cabell while attending Norwood High School, Nelson County, Va. Also of interest are certificates received by Elizabeth Willis (Eubank) Cabell while attending the Albemarle Female Institute (folder 63).
Series 5 contains miscellaneous materials, including memorandum books of George Washington Cabell (1802-1869) containing notations concerning agricultural operations (folders 65-67); embroidery, lace and quilting patterns, including a sample of handmade lace (folder 71); printed materials, including a broadside, n.d., of the James River Valley Immigration Society, regulations, 1882, of the Board of Education of Virginia concerning textbooks, Horsford Almanac and Cook Book for 1885, Nelson County electoral ticket, 1891 May 28, and a Colgate & Co. calendar for 1904 (folder 73); and scrapbooks documenting the years Royal Eubank Cabell (1878-1950) and his wife Lillian H. (Lorraine) Cabell spent living Washington, D.C., while R. E. Cabell was Commissioner of Internal Revenue (folders 74-76).
Series 6 contains correspondence and other papers, 1846-1861, of Joseph Laidley (1829-1861), husband of Sarah “Sallie” Syme (Cabell) Laidley. Correspondence, 1846-1861, consists chiefly of letters his Joseph’s brother Thomas Laidley (of New York, N.Y., while working as a shopkeeper’s apprentice, and in other positions in New York, Hartford, Conn., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and while traveling from Liverpool, England) and from friends and relatives in Philadelphia, Pa. (discussing family news and social activities of friends). Correspondents of particular interest include P. W. Butler (of Burlington, N. J., discussing the use of hydrangea for the treatment of kidney stones [1857 October 16]), (Bulloch & Crenshaw of Philadelphia, Pa., concerning pharmaceutical supplies), William R. Galt (discussing the education of Laidley’s nephew R. Morton Drinker [1858 February 23]), and William Proctor, Jr. (of Philadelphia, Pa., giving him names of subscribers to the American Journal of Pharmacy in Maryland [1853 January 9] and Richmond [1853 January 14]). Financial and legal papers include accounts concerning Laidley’s estate and agreements for the dissolution of Laidley’s partnership with Edward T. Robinson. Miscellaneous materials include Laidley’s diploma from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, draft of a pamphlet concerning the drug trade, and undated diary [?] entitled “Alexipharmics” (i.e., anecdote for poison or other toxin) that appears to contain a rational for choosing one spouse over another based on family response to the offer.
Series 7 includes papers of the related Robinson family, in particular concerning a trust fund set up to manage the estate of Rebecca Price (Keim) Robinson (1821-1888). Mrs. Robinson’s son William Russell Robinson (1842-1907) married Evelyn Carter Byrd Cabell (1844-1910), daughter of Clifford Cabell (1810-1871) and Margaret Couch (Anthony) Cabell (1814-1882). Margaret Couch (Anthony) Cabell was the sister of Mary Anne (Anthony) Cabell, mentioned above. William Russell Robinson and Evelyn Carter Byrd (Cabell) Robinson had two sons, Wirt Robinson and Clifford “Cabell” Robinson. After the death of C. Cabell Robinson, his wife Emma B. (Simpson) Glover Robinson contacted her cousin-in-law, lawyer Royal Eubank Cabell, for legal advice concerning her husband’s portion of Mrs. Robinson’s estate. Of particular interest is the correspondence, 1903, documenting the removal of trustee Charles U. Williams (of the law firm of Williams and Boulware) and his replacement by C. Cabell Robinson. Other materials include scattered financial and legal papers of William Russell Robinson, son of Wirt and Rebecca Price (Keim) Robinson, and his wife Evelyn Byrd Carter (Cabell) Robinson; and of their sons Wirt Robinson (1864-1929) and C. Cabell Robinson (1866-1934), and Cabell’s wife Emma Bogardus (Simpson) Glover Robinson. In the Miscellaneous folder (Folder 100) are tax receipts relating to Nelson County, Va., land owned by Mrs. W. P. Echolls, Henry Scott (African American?), and William Woody, as well as materials relating to land in Richmond, Va., owned by the heirs of Adolphus Beirne.
Box 1
Series 1. Correspondence, 1854-1915.
Folder 1. Correspondence, 1854 2. Correspondence, 1855 January-June 3. Correspondence, 1855 July-December 4. Correspondence, 1856 January-June 5. Correspondence, 1856 July-December 6. Correspondence, 1857 January-June 7. Correspondence, 1857 July-December 8. Correspondence, 1858 January-June 9. Correspondence, 1858 July-December 10. Correspondence, 1859 11. Correspondence, 1860-1880 12. Correspondence, 1881-1885 13. Correspondence, 1886-1890 14. Correspondence, 1891-1895 15. Correspondence, 1896-1897 16. Correspondence, 1898-1900 17. Correspondence, 1901 18. Correspondence, 1902 19. Correspondence, 1903 20. Correspondence, 1904 21. Correspondence, 1905 22. Correspondence, 1906 23. Correspondence, 1907 24. Correspondence, 1909-1915
Box 2
25. Correspondence, n.d. – Elizabeth Willis (Eubank) Cabell 26. Correspondence, n.d. – George Washington Cabell (1802-1869) 27. Correspondence, n.d. – George Washington Cabell (1873-1943) 28. Correspondence, n.d. – Margaret Clifford Cabell 29. Correspondence, n.d. – Mary Caroline Cabell 30. Correspondence, n.d. – Patrick Henry Carey Cabell 31. Correspondence, n.d. – Patrick Henry Cabell 32. Correspondence, n.d. – Margaret Etta (Cabell) Matthews 33. Correspondence, n.d., unidentified author/recipient
Series 2. Financial materials, 1823-1916.
Folder 34. Accounts, 1823-1830 35. Accounts, 1831-1835 36. Accounts, 1836-1837 37. Accounts, 1838-1840 38. Accounts, 1841-1845 39. Accounts, 1846-1850 40. Accounts, 1851-1855 41. Accounts, 1856-1860 42. Accounts, 1861-1865 43. Accounts, 1866-1869 44. Accounts, 1870-1894 45. Accounts, 1895-1897 46. Accounts, 1898-1907 47. Accounts, n.d. 48. Account book, 1824-1833, of George Washington Cabell 49. Account book, 1891-1892, of Elizabeth Willis (Eubank) Cabell 50. Account book, 1896-1899, of Elizabeth Willis (Eubank) Cabell 51. Account book, 1906-1907, of Cabell, Talley and Cabell (Richmond, Va.) 52. Account book, 1913-1916, of Patrick Henry Carey Cabell
Series 3. Legal materials, 1808-1907.
Folder 53. Cabell family legal documents, 1808-1907 SEE ALSO Oversize 54. Patrick Henry Cabell legal materials and J.P., 1876-1878 and 1883
Series 4. School materials.
Folder 55. Patrick Henry Cabell Greek notebook I 56. Patrick Henry Cabell Greek notebook II 57. Patrick Henry Cabell Latin notebook 58-60. Patrick Henry Cabell school papers (3 folders) SEE ALSO Oversize 61. Patrick Henry Carey Cabell grade reports, 1878-1882 62. Patrick Henry Carey Cabell property law notebook, n.d. 63. Cabell family school materials, miscellaneous SEE ALSO Oversize
Box 3
Series 5. Miscellaneous materials, 1831-1913.
Folder 64. Calling cards 65. Memorandum book of George Washington Cabell, 1831-1833 66. Memorandum book of George Washington Cabell, 1842-1847 67. Memorandum book of George Washington Cabell, n.d. 68. Memorandum book of Patrick Henry Cabell, 1883-1884 69. Miscellaneous 70. National Association of U.S. Internal Revenue Oficers Convention, Detroit, Michigan, 1911 71. Patterns, Embroidery, lace and quilting SEE ALSO Oversize 72. Photographs 73. Printed materials SEE ALSO Oversize 74. Scrapbook of Lillian H. (Lorraine) Cabell, 1911 75. Scrapbook/testimonial album of Royal E. Cabell, 1913 SEE Oversize 76. Scrapbook/specimen book of U.S. Internal Revenue Stamps, 1913 SEE Oversize
Series 6. Joseph Laidley materials, 1846-1861
Folder 77. Correspondence, 1846-1861 78. Legal and financial materials, 1859-1862 79. Miscellaneous materials, n.d., 1850 SEE ALSO Oversize
Series 7. Robinson family materials, 1871-1935.
Folder 80. Robinson, Wirt (1806-1863) estate papers (includes will) 81. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, accounts, 1900-1918. 82. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, accounts, loan to J. P. Johnson 83. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, accounts, 210 E. Franklin Street 84. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, bank book, 1909-1912 85. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, canceled checks, 1906 86. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, canceled checks, 1907 87. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, canceled checks, 1933-1934 88. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, correspondence, 1896-1934 89. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, legal documents, 1871-1900 (includes will) 90. Robinson, Rebecca P. (Keim) estate, legal documents, 1901-1915 91. Robinson, William Russell, financial materials, 1887-1911 92. Robinson, William Russell, legal materials, 1873 and 1890 93. Robinson, Evelyn Carter Byrd (Cabell), financial materials, 1887-1915 94. Robinson, Evelyn Carter Byrd (Cabell), legal materials, 1889-1910, chiefly concerning “Colleton,” Nelson County, Va. 95. Robinson, Wirt (1864-1929), financial materials, 1911-1918 96. Robinson, C. Cabell, financial materials, 1897-1921 97. Robinson, C. Cabell, legal materials, 1918-1935 98. Robinson, Emma (Simpson) Glover, financial materials, 1916-1932 99. Robinson family correspondence, 1871-1935 100. Robinson family miscellaneous.
Box 4 (Oversize)
The following items have been removed from the folders indicated to an Oversize box at the end of the collection: Folder 53 Plat, 1808, of 1579 acres in Amherst County, Va., belonging to Samuel Jordan Cabell
Plat, 1848, of 452 acres in Nelson County, Va., belonging to Royal E. Eubank
Plat, 1857, of 521 acres in Nelson County, Va., surveyed for Mayo Cabell (3 copies)
Plat, 1877, of 60 acres in Nelson County, Va., part of “Union Hill” estate, sold to Alexander Brown and Donald DixonFolder 60 Diploma, 1858, granted to Patrick Henry Cabell by Emory and Henry College Folder 62 Certificate, 1879, granted to Patrick Henry Carey Cabell for excellence in Latin and English
Certificate, 1881, granted to Patrick Henry Carey Cabell by Norwood High School
Certificate, 1882, granted to Patrick Henry Carey Cabell by Norwood High School
Certificate, 1885, granted to Patrick Henry Carey Cabell by the University of Virginia for excellence in Greek
Certificate, 1885, granted to Patrick Henry Carey Cabell by the University of Virginia for excellence in LatinFolder 63 Certificate of distinction, 1895, granted to Royal Eubank Cabell by Roanoke College
Certificate of distinction, 1896, granted to Royal Eubank Cabell by Roanoke College
Diploma, 1902, granted to Royal E. Cabell by the Richmond College School of Law (2 copies)Folder 71 Quilting pattern Folder 73 Richmond Times Dispatch Confederate Souvenir Edition, 1896 (title page only) Folder 75 Scrapbook/testimonial album, 1913, granted to Royal E. Cabell upon his retirement as Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Certificate appointing Royal E. Cabell Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1909
Certificate appointing Royal E. Cabell Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1910Folder 76 Scrapbook of revenue stamps, 1913, given to Royal E. Cabell upon his retirement as Commissioner of Internal Revenue Folder 79 Diploma, 1850, granted to Joseph Laidley by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Last updated: April 9, 2004