Fairfax Harrison
A Guide to the Fairfax Harrison Papers, 1928-1945
Call Number Mss1 H2463 p
Main Entry: Harrison, Fairfax, 1869-1938. Title: Papers, 1928-1945. Size: 5,000 (ca.) items (4 boxes). Biographical Note: Lawyer, of "Belvoir," Fauquier County, Va., and CEO of the Southern Railway Company. Harrison was also a prolific writer whose interests included thoroughbred horses and horse racing, as well as Virginia genealogy and history. Summary: Chiefly notes concerning thoroughbred horses compiled for a planned publication, "Portraits of English Turf Horses before [George] Stubbs" (copy of manuscript included).
Also, include research files on artists, collectors and printers of horse images, correspondence, 1928-1944, and a collection of likenesses of various persons, including Anne (Byrd) Carter, Charles Carter, Beverley Tucker Crump, Benjamin Ogle Tayloe, John Tayloe (1721-1779), John Tayloe (1771-1828), George Washington, and Ralph Wormeley, and of Virginia places, including "Chelsea," King William County, "Mount Airy," Richmond County, and Leedstown.
Also, include catalog of Harrison's collection of books on the history of sport.
Provenance: Gift of Ursula Fairfax (Harrison) Baird (i.e., Mrs. Charles Baird), Dunnsville, Va., and Sally (Harrison) Dieke (i.e., Mrs. Gerhard Dieke), Baltimore, Md., 30 December 1959. Restrictions: None.
Part I. Notes, photographs, and engravings concerning horses
Box 1 | ||
Folder 1 | Aaron | |
2 | Adolphus | |
3 | Alcock’s Arabian | |
4 | American Eclipse | |
5 | Anti-Gallican | |
6 | Antinous | |
7 | Anvil | |
8 | Apparition | |
9 | Arabians | |
10 | Arthur O’Bradley | |
11 | Atlas | |
12 | Babraham | |
13 | Bahram | |
14 | Bajazet | |
15 | Bald Charlotte | |
16 | Bandy | |
17 | Banker | |
18 | Barefoot | |
19 | Baronet | |
20 | Bars | |
21 | Basto | |
22 | Bay Bolton | |
23 | Bay Malton | |
24 | Black Chance | |
25 | Black Spot | |
26 | Blacklegs | |
27 | Blank | |
28 | Blaze | |
29 | Bloody Shouldered Arabian | |
30 | Blue Bonnet | |
31 | Bobson | |
32 | Bonnets O’Blue | |
33 | Bonny Black | |
34 | Boston | |
35 | Bravura | |
36 | Brilliant | |
37 | Brimmer | |
38 | Brisk | |
39 | Brokelsby Betty | |
40 | Bryan O’Lynn | |
41 | Busiris | |
42 | Buzzard | |
43 | Byerley Turk | |
44 | Cade | |
45 | Camillus | |
46 | Canter | |
47 | Cardinal Puff | |
48 | Careless | |
49 | Carlisle | |
50 | Carriage race | |
51 | Cartouche (Old) | |
52 | Cartouche (Young) | |
53 | Cato | |
54 | Chanticleer | |
55 | Chatelaine | |
56 | Chatsworth | |
57 | Childers | |
58 | Citizen | |
59 | Cleveland | |
60 | Clifden | |
61 | Conieskins | |
62 | Conqueror | |
63 | Copenhagen | |
64 | Cormorant | |
65 | Crab | |
66 | Creeping Molly | |
67 | Cullen Arabian | |
68 | Curwen’s Bay Barb | |
69 | Cypron | |
70 | Dairy Maid | |
71 | Dapper | |
72 | Darley Arabian | |
73 | Delphine and Herald | |
74 | Delphini | |
75 | Diamond | |
76 | Diomed (see also Ulyses) | |
77 | Dormouse | |
78 | Dragon | |
79 | Dun Arabian | |
80 | Dungannon | |
81 | Dutchess | |
82 | Eager | |
83 | Eagle | |
84 | Eastern Princess (See Tomyris) | |
85 | Eclipse | |
86 | Fair Play | |
87 | Fashion | |
88 | Fearnought | |
89 | Figure | |
90 | Firenzi | |
91 | Flying Dutchman | |
92 | Forester | |
93 | Fox | |
94 | Garland | |
95 | General | |
96 | Gimcrack | |
97 | Gipsey | |
98 | Glencoe | |
99 | Godolphin Arabian | |
100 | Goldfinder | |
101 | Goliah | |
102 | Grey Cardigan | |
103 | Grey Carey | |
104 | Grey Eagle | |
105 | Grosvenor Arabian | |
106 | Hambletonian | |
107 | Hampton Court Chestnut Arabian | |
108 | Haphazard | |
109 | Henry | |
110 | Herald (See Delphine) | |
111 | Hero | |
112 | Highflyer | |
113 | Hobgoblin | |
114 | Hylas | |
115 | Imoinda | |
116 | Ireland | |
117 | Jason | |
118 | Judgment | |
119 | Juniper | |
120 | Jupiter | |
121 | Justice | |
122 | Juno | |
123 | Keppel’s Arabian | |
124 | King Herod | |
125 | Lady Lightfoot | |
126 | Lamprie | |
127 | Lath | |
128 | Laura | |
129 | Leeds | |
130 | Leviathan | |
131 | Levity | |
132 | Lexington | |
133 | Lightfoot | |
134 | Little David | |
136 | Looby | |
137 | Mambrino | |
138 | Mares | |
139 | Maria | |
140 | Marquis | |
141 | Marske | |
142 | Martin | |
143 | Mary Grey | |
144 | Mary Randolph | |
145 | Master Robert | |
146 | Matchem | |
147 | Mathilda | |
148 | Mercury | |
149 | Merry Batchelor | |
150 | Merry Pintle | |
151 | Messenger | |
152 | Miss Craven | |
153 | Miss Doe | |
154 | Miss Slamerkin | |
155 | Molly | |
156 | Molly (Yorkshire Coaching Mare) | |
157 | Molly Longlegs | |
158 | Monkey | |
159 | Monon | |
160 | Moorcock | |
161 | Mountaineer | |
162 | Mouse | |
163 | Mufti | |
164 | Mundig | |
165 | Nancy | |
166 | Narcissus | |
167 | Newcomb’s Bay Arabian | |
168 | Nina | |
169 | Northumberland Arabian | |
170 | O’Kelly | |
171 | Ophelia | |
172 | Oroonoko | |
173 | Oscar | |
174 | Othello | |
175 | Partner (Croft’s) | |
176 | Partner (Grisewood’s) | |
177 | Pegasus/Plutus | |
178 | Penelope | |
179 | Pericles | |
180 | Petre’s Arabian Mare | |
181 | Phosphorus | |
182 | Pilgrim | |
183 | Play or Pay | |
184 | Plenipotentiary | |
185 | Polly Peachum | |
186 | Pompey | |
187 | Precipitate | |
188 | Priam | |
189 | Prince Charlie | |
190 | Pumpkin | |
Box 2 | ||
Folder 191 | Queen of Trumps | |
192 | Rachel | |
193 | Red Robin | |
194 | Reel | |
195 | Regulus | |
196 | Revenue | |
197 | Ringtail | |
198 | Robinson Crusoe | |
199 | Roxana | |
200 | Rubens | |
201 | Sacripant (See Sir John) | |
202 | St. Simon | |
203 | Saltram | |
204 | Salvator | |
205 | Sampson | |
206 | Scamp | |
207 | Scar (Old) | |
208 | Scar (Young) | |
209 | Second | |
210 | Sedbury | |
211 | Serab | |
212 | Shakespeare | |
213 | Shapeless | |
214 | Shark | |
215 | Sheldon | |
216 | Silver Leg | |
217 | Silverlocks | |
218 | Sir Archy | |
219 | Sir Hal | |
220 | Sir Harry | |
221 | Sir Henry Tonson | |
222 | Sir John | |
223 | Sir Peter Teazle | |
224 | Skiff | |
225 | Skim | |
226 | Skyscraper | |
227 | Sloven | |
228 | Smiling Ball | |
229 | Smiling Billy | |
230 | Smiling Tom | |
231 | Smolensko | |
232 | Snap (Portmore’s) | |
233 | Snap (Shafto’s & Latham’s) | |
234 | Solon | |
235 | Spanish Horse | |
236 | Spanking Roger | |
237 | Spark | |
238 | Spectator | |
239 | Speedwell | |
240 | Spider | |
241 | Spiletta | |
242 | Sportley | |
243 | Sportsman | |
244 | Spot | |
245 | Squirrel | |
246 | Squirt (Young) | |
247 | Squirt-Mare | |
248 | Standard | |
249 | Star | |
250 | Starling (Ancaster’s) | |
251 | Starling (Bolton’s) | |
252 | Stiff Dick | |
253 | Sultan | |
254 | Tandem | |
255 | Tantrum | |
256 | Tartar | |
257 | Terror | |
258 | Tetrarch | |
259 | Theophania | |
260 | Thessalian Horse | |
261 | Tomyris | |
262 | Tormentor | |
263 | Torrismond | |
264 | Tortoise | |
265 | Trajain | |
266 | Traveller (Lee’s) | |
267 | Traveller (Old) | |
268 | Trentham | |
269 | True Blue | |
270 | Trustee | |
271 | Tuckahoe | |
272 | Turk | |
273 | Ulysses | |
274 | Utilitarian | |
275 | Valentine | |
276 | Vandal | |
277 | Victorious (Onslow’s) | |
278 | Victorious (Portmore - Hamilton) | |
279 | Virginian | |
280 | Volunteer | |
281 | Wagner | |
282 | Waxy | |
283 | Wenn | |
284 | Whistlejacket | |
285 | Whitefoot | |
286 | Whitenose | |
287 | Whynot | |
288 | Wilson’s Bay Arabian | |
289 | Wilson’s Chestnut Arabian | |
290 | Windham (Young) | |
291 | Winter Arabian | |
292 | Young Lightfoot | |
293 | Young Pretender | |
294 | Zilcaadi |
Part II. Artists, Collectors, Printers
Box 2 | ||
Folder 295 | Alken, Henry | |
296 | Antrim, Lord | |
297 | Arthurton, harry | |
298 | Baillie-Grohman, William A. | |
299 | Barlow, Francis | |
300 | Beaufort, Duke of (Henry Somerset, 1707-1745/6) | |
301 | Bedford, Duke of | |
302 | Best, T. | |
303 | Bolton, Duke of | |
304 | Boultbee, John | |
305 | Bowles family (printers) | |
306 | Brigham, [?] | |
307 | Burford, Thomas | |
308 | Bute, Marquis of | |
309 | Butler, Thomas | |
310 | Castle Rea Screen | |
311 | Castlecoole Screen | |
312 | Chalon, H. B. | |
313 | Cheny’s pedigrees | |
314 | Chinese Horses | |
315 | Clarke. Ropbert A. | |
316 | Cocks (cock fighting) | |
317 | Collins, Charles | |
318 | Colors | |
319 | Cotton, John | |
320 | Country life exhibition | |
321 | Cuyp, Aalbert | |
322 | D’Arcy family | |
323 | Davies, A. Rees | |
324 | Davis, R. B. | |
325 | Delattre, Henri | |
326 | Devis, Arthur | |
327 | Drake, Nathan | |
328 | Dromoland Castle | |
329 | Dubost, A. | |
330 | “Duggie” | |
331 | Dunn-Gardner collection | |
332 | Durdans | |
333 | E. P. Dutton and Company – catalogue of old and rare books on horses | |
334 | Francis Edwards, Ltd. – list of books on horses | |
335 | Epsom races (1756) | |
336 | Ferneley, John E. | |
337 | Fisher, Alvan | |
338 | Flemish primitive | |
339 | Fores (London, Eng.) | |
340 | The Gardener’s Mare | |
341 | Ernest R. Gee (N.Y., N.Y.) – catalogue of horse books | |
342 | George V | |
343 | Gift Horse | |
344 | Gilpin, Sawrey | |
345 | Gooch, Thomas | |
346 | Duke of Grafton | |
347 | Lord Granby | |
348 | Graves. Algernon | |
349 | Greek horse | |
350 | Greffier, Robert | |
351 | Grimbaldson, Walter | |
352 | Haddon Hall | |
353 | Hancock, Arthur B. | |
354 | Healy, Robert | |
355 | Heber, Reginald | |
356 | Herring, John Frederick | |
357 | Hindley, John | |
358 | Holoway, [?] | |
359 | Hookham, Thomas | |
360 | Horse clothing | |
361 | Houston, Richard | |
362 | Hungerford, Walter, Sir | |
363 | Hutton, Ernest E. | |
364 | Lord Hylton | |
365 | Iremonger, H. F. W. | |
366 | Irish coins | |
367 | The Jockies Intelligencer | |
368 | June J. | |
369 | Kane, Paul | |
370 | Killingbeck, Benjamin | |
371 | King, Edward | |
372 | Kirkall, Elisha | |
373 | Kneller, G. | |
374 | Langdale collection | |
375 | Leggatt Bros. | |
376 | Lewis, John Frederick | |
377 | Libian Horse | |
378 | Luttrell Psalter | |
379 | Maas, Dirk | |
380 | Marlow Races | |
381 | Marshall, Ben | |
382 | Martin, Willard | |
383 | Meleora | |
384 | The Meltonians (See Aiken, Hery) | |
385 | Mercier, Philip | |
386 | Millais, Raoul | |
387 | Miller, Andrew and John | |
388 | Morier, David | |
389 | Morland, George | |
390 | Necklace | |
391 | Nevill, R. | |
392 | Newhouse Gallery | |
393 | Newmarket | |
394 | Oglebay, Crispin | |
395 | Lord Onslow | |
396 | Osbaldeston, George | |
397 | Palace House Collection | |
398 | Parr | |
399 | Parsons, G. H. | |
400 | Penny, Edward | |
401 | Persian miniatures | |
402 | Pickering & Chatto Ltd. (London, Eng.) | |
403 | Place, Francis | |
404 | Plaistow, Eng. | |
405 | Lord Portmore | |
Box 3 | ||
Folder 406 | Quigley | |
407 | Racing at home and abroad | |
408 | Reinagle, Philip | |
409 | James Rimell & Son (London, Eng.) | |
410 | Roberts | |
411 | Lord Rockingham | |
412 | Roman Horses | |
413 | Romano, Giulio | |
414 | Roper, Richard | |
415 | Ross | |
416 | Thomas Ross & Son (London, Eng.) | |
417 | Sandby, Paul | |
418 | Sartorius, Francis | |
419 | Sartorius, John N. | |
420 | Sartorius, W. | |
421 | Sartorius family | |
422 | Schwerdt, Charles Francis George Richard | |
423 | Scott, J. | |
424 | Seymour, James | |
425 | Seymour, James | |
426 | Seymour, James | |
427 | Seymour, James | |
428 | Seymour, James | |
429 | Shaw, William | |
430 | Siberechts, Jan | |
431 | Simpson, Joseph | |
432 | Sowers, Roy Vernon | |
433 | Spencer, Thomas | |
434 | Spencer, W. T. | |
435 | The Sporting Magazine | |
436 | Stonehenge | |
437 | Stradanus, John | |
438 | Stubbs, George | |
439 | Stubbs, George | |
440 | Tattersall | |
441 | Tillemans, Peter | |
442 | Towne, Charles | |
443 | Troye, Edward | |
444 | Turner, F. C. | |
445 | Van Haecken, Alex and Joseph | |
446 | Vertue, George | |
447 | Walpole, Horace | |
448 | Ward, James | |
449 | Watt, Richard | |
450 | Weaver, Thomas | |
451 | Welbeck Abbey | |
452 | Whitely, W. T. | |
453 | Wiese, Kurt | |
454 | Windsor Castle | |
455 | Wolstenholme, Deane | |
456 | Wood, Carter | |
457 | Wood, John | |
458 | Wyck, Jan | |
459 | The Yorkshireman | |
460 | Wootton, John |
Part III. Correspondence.
Box 3 | ||
Folder 461A | Correspondence, 1928-1930 August | |
461B | Correspondence, 1930 September-1931 | |
462 | Correspondence, 1932-1934 | |
463 | Correspondence, 1935 January-May 31 | |
464 | Correspondence, 1935 June-December | |
465 | Correspondence, 1936 January 2-April 24 | |
466 | Correspondence, 1936 April 25-May 31 | |
467 | Correspondence, 1936 June-July | |
468 | Correspondence, 1936 August | |
469 | Correspondence, 1936 September | |
470 | Correspondence, 1936 October | |
471 | Correspondence, 1936 November-December | |
Box 4 | ||
Folder 472 | Correspondence, 1937 January | |
473 | Correspondence, 1937 February | |
474 | Correspondence, 1937 March | |
475 | Correspondence, 1937 April | |
476 | Correspondence, 1937 May-June | |
477 | Correspondence, 1937 July-August | |
478 | Correspondence, 1937 September | |
479 | Correspondence, 1937 October | |
480 | Correspondence, 1937 November-December | |
481 | Correspondence, 1938– |
Part IV. Miscellaneous
Box 4 | ||
Folder 482 | Miscellaneous | |
483 | Unpublished manuscript | |
484 | Unpublished manuscript | |
485 | Unpublished manuscript | |
486 | Unpublished manuscript | |
487 | Unpublished manuscript | |
488 | Unpublished manuscript | |
489 | Bibliography | |
490 | Mason’s Farrier, 1811 ed. | |
491 | Colden’s Sporting Magazines | |
492 | Additional miscellaneous notes | |
493 | Proposal, 1934, to legalize horse racing in Virginia |
Part V. Portraits and Photographs
Box 4 | ||
Folder 494 | Carter, Anne (Byrd) | |
495 | Carter, Charles | |
496 | Cromwell, Oliver | |
497 | Crump, Beverley Tucker | |
498 | Davie, Allen Jones | |
499 | Dobson, William | |
500 | Duvall, Gabriel | |
501 | Fenton, Lavinia | |
502 | Filmer, Edmund, Sir | |
503 | Fisher, Kitty | |
504 | Forman, Thomas Mrsh | |
505 | Harrison, Fairfax | |
506 | Irving, John B. | |
507 | Porter, William Trotter | |
508 | Shafto, Jennison | |
509 | Skinner, John S. | |
510 | Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle | |
511 | Tayloe, John (1721-1779) | |
512 | Tayloe, John (1771-1828) | |
513 | Walker, Robert | |
514 | Washington, George | |
515 | Williams, William | |
516 | Wormeley, Ralph | |
517 | Chelsea (King William County, Va.) | |
518 | Mount Airy (Richmond County, Va.) | |
519 | Leedstown (Va.) |
Part VI. Fairfax Harrison’s Book Collection
Box 4 Catalogue cards for Harrison’s collection of sporting books (end of Box 4) | |
Last updated: December 10, 2003