James River Corporation
A Guide to the James River Corporation, Richmond, Va., Records, 1969-1996
Call Number Mss3 J2373 b FA2
Series 1. Annual Reports
Series 2. Newsletters
Series 3. Public Relations (includes company history materials)
Series 4. Facilities
Series 5. Aquisitions
Series 6. Officers and Employees
Series 7. Oversize Photographs
Main Entry: James River Corporation (Va.) Title: Records, 1969-1996. Size: ca. 9,340 items (29 boxes) Historical Note: James River Paper Company, later James River Corporation, was formed by Brenton S. Halsey and Robert Williams in 1969. With its headquarters based in Richmond, Virginia, and its owners having extensive backgrounds in the paper business, James River Corporation established itself as a leader throughout the world. Specializing in a variety of consumer, specialty, and industrial paper products, James River Corporation was a pioneer in many ways in American industry and the business world. Furthermore, the corporation’s first president, Brenton S. Halsey, was an active community leader, whose influence can be found throughout Richmond, especially in the revitalization and protection of the James River as the city’s most valuable resource. Brenton Halsey and Robert Williams created a business that far surpassed their wildest expectations, an empire that grew and maintained its position as a world leader in the paper business until its merger with Fort Howard and the eventual move of its headquarters to Chicago, Illinois, in 1997 under the name of Fort James. Summary: Annual reports, newsletters, scrapbooks, acquisitions records, press releases, facilities records, information files on selected officers and employees, audio visual materials related to James River Corporation, and miscellaneous documentation. Most materials included in this collection were produced or compiled by the public relations department. Provenance: Gift of Fort James Corporation, Richmond, Va., through the courtesy of Brenton S. Halsey, chairman emeritus of James River Corporation, in 1998. Accessioned 30 August 2000. Restrictions: None.
Introduction and Chronology
James River Paper Company was formed in 1969 when Brenton S. Halsey and Robert Williams purchased the assets of Ethyl Corporation’s (a subsidiary of Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company) Specialty Papers Division. Included in this initial purchase were the Hollywood Mill, the Riverside Converting Plant, and the cast-coating operations plant based at Tredegar. Former employees of the Albemarle’s Paper Manufacturing Company, Brenton Halsey and Robert Williams brought with them the experience and knowledge to make their new acquisition a success. With a vast background in the paper business, Halsey and Williams devised a simple plan that carried this corporation throughout its history. They shared a belief that after operations were improved, assets could be leveraged and used to buy out larger companies and other specialty papers divisions. This plan not only revolutionized the business world, but also with time made James River Corporation the leading paper manufacturer in the world.
From the outset, Halsey and Williams outlined founding values and beliefs (corporation ethics) that would guide James River Corporation in all transactions. Beginning with Pepperell, James River Corporation began a series of acquisitions, that included such corporations as American Can and Crown Zellerbach, the former making James River the largest paper manufacturing corporation in the world. These acquisitions continued through the years and would continue to play a vital role in constructing James River Corporation’s history.
Halsey and Williams also believed that good employee relations were a must for any business to succeed. In this aspect, They began by striving to include employees in the business itself and to let them take an active role in not only the company’s success, but their own. New management techniques such as employee incentive programs, recognition programs, emphasizing employee ownership, participation, and creativity were all factors in James River Corporation’s success.
Specializing in a variety of consumer, specialty, and industrial paper products, James River Corporation was a pioneer in many ways to American industry and the business world, a corporation that far surpassed Brenton Halsey’s or Robert Williams’s wildest dreams. Under their leadership James River Corporation quickly grew and established itself as a world leader in the paper business, and proudly maintained this position until its merger with Fort Howard in 1997.
For an insider’s look at the history of James River Corporation, see Brenton S. Halsey’s James River Corporation: A Personal Memoir (1998), a copy of which is filed in folder # 134.
1969 James River Paper Company co-founded by Brenton Halsey and Robert Williams, with purchase of Ethyl’s Specialty Papers Division. 1971 Pepperell acquisition. 1972 Fitchburg acquisition. 1973 Name changed to James River Corporation. 1976 Riegal Division acquisition. 1980 Brown acquisition. 1982 American Can acquisition. 1985 H. P. Smith acquisition. 1986 Crown Zellerbach acquisition. 1986 James River Corporation named largest paper manufacturer in the world. 1986 Specialty Papers Business acquisition. 1997 Acquisition by Fort Howard, then merger with Fort Howard. Name changed to Fort James and corporation headquarters moved to Chicago, Illinois.
Series Descriptions
Series 1: Annual Reports
Annual reports dating from 1969 to 1996, including the 1992 Employees Annual Report, and a gold pen issued with one of the reports. Also, included are the annual report photography files from 1980 to 1996.
Gold Pen issued with Annual Reports.
Folder 1 James River Paper Company First Annual Report 1970 for fiscal year ending April 26, 1970. 2 James River Paper Company Second Annual Report 1971 for fiscal year ending April 25, 1971. 3 James River Paper Company Third Annual Report 1971 for fiscal year ending April 30, 1972. 4 James River Corporation Fourth Annual Report for fiscal year ending April, 29, 1973. 5 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1974. 6 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1975. 7 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1976. 8 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1976/77. 9 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1977/78. 10 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1978/79 (1969/1979). 11 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1979/80. 12 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1980/81. 13 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1981/82. 14 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1982/83. 15 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1983/84. 16 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1984/85. 17 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1985/86. 18 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1986/87. 19 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1987/88. 20 James River Corporation “Two Decades of Growth” Annual Report 1988/89. 21 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1989/90. 22 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1990/91. 23 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1991/92. 24 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1992/93. 25 James River Corporation Employees 1992 Annual Report. 26 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1993/94. 27 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1994. 28 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1995. 29 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1996. 30 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1980/81 Photography. 31 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1982/83 Photography. 32 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1984/85 Photography. 33 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1985/86 Photography. 34 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1986/87 Photography. 35 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1987/88 Photography. 36 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1988/89 Photography. 37 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1988/89 Photography. 38 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1989/90 Photography. 39 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1989/90 Photography. 40 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1990/91 Photography. 41 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1991/92 Photography. 42 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1992/93 Photography. 43 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1992/93 Photography. 44 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1993/94 Photography. 45 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1994/95 Photography. 46 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1994/95 Photography. 47 James River Corporation Annual Report for 1995/96 Photography. 48 James River Corporation Miscellaneous Out takes. 49 James River Corporation Miscellaneous Out takes.
Series 2: Newsletters
Corporation’s monthly “On Stream” newsletters to employees dating from 1982 to 1997.
Folder 50 “On Stream,” 1993. 51 “On Stream,” 1994 52 “On Stream,” 1995 53 “On Stream,” 1996 54 “On Stream,” 1997 55 “On Stream,” 1982 56 “On Stream,” 1983 57 “On Stream,” 1984 58 “On Stream,” 1985 59 “On Stream,” 1986 60 “On Stream,” 1987 61 “On Stream,” 1987 62 “On Stream,” 1988 63 “On Stream,” 1988 64 “On Stream,” 1989 65 “On Stream,” 1989 66 “On Stream,” 1990 67 “On Stream,” 1990 68 “On Stream,” 1991 69 “On Stream,” 1991 70 “On Stream,” 1991 71 “On Stream,” 1992 72 “On Stream,” 1992 73 “On Stream,” 1992
Series 3: Public Relations
The following subseries are record groups generated by the public relations division of James River Corporation primarily covering the history of the firm and information released to the press and public about corporate operations.
Series 3:1: James River Corporation History Articles, essays, events files, photographs, and slides covering a variety of aspects of James River Corporation’s history and corporate structure. Included in this series are: photographs of James River Corporation’s 10th Anniversary, a 1985 company picnic, the Richmond River Front kick off event, visual records of the James River floods of 1985 and 1992, James River Corporation identification standards, articles concerning Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company’s history, story scripts and slide lists pertaining to James River Stories, and Jamont, Crown Zellerbach, and James River Corporation. Also, these files include Towel and Tissue stories, collected articles that pertain to James River Corporation, and Brenton S. Halsey’s personal memoir. Folder 74 James River 10th Anniversary, 1979. 75 James River 10th Anniversary, 1979. 76 James River Picnic, 1985. 77 James River Picnic, 1985. 78 James River Picnic, 1985. 79 James River Picnic, 1985. 80 James River Picnic, 1985. 81 James River Picnic, 1985. 82 James River Picnic, 1985. 83 James River Picnic, 1985. 84 James River Picnic, 1985. 85 Flood, 1985. 86 James River Corporation 20th Anniversary Presentation. 87 James River Corporation 20th Anniversary Presentation. 88 River Front Kickoff, 1985. 89 JR/CZ Story for James River Employees. 90 Crown Road Show, 1986 (left slide tray). 91 Crown Road Show, 1986 (right slide tray). 92 The Cascade Story, 1985. 93 JR/CZ Story for James River Employees, 1986. 94 Finding A Better Way, 1993. 95 PIMA Awards Dinner, 1985. 96 Halsey/Williams Awards Banquet. 97 Spring Flood, 1992. 98 Identification Standards. 99 History Fact Duplicate Slides. 100 Miscellaneous James River Slides. 101 Articles, 1983-1995. 102 Miscellaneous Slides. 103 James River Corporation Miscellaneous Papers. 104 Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company history, 1887-1962. 105 Ethyl, 1986. 106 “JR This Week,” 1994/95. 107 James River Corporation. 108 James River Corporate Goals, 1984. 109 Hollywood Mill, and its 100th Anniversary. 110 Towel And Tissue; Crown and Dixie. 111 James River/New York Stock Exchange, 1980. 112 James River Common Stock Certificate. 113 James River/NYSE, 1980. 114 James River Story, 1980. 115 James River Story, 1983. 116 James River Story, 1983. 117 James River Story, 1984. 118 James River Story, 1984. 119 James River Story, 1986. 120 James River Story, 1986. 121 James River Story, 1987. 122 James River Story, 1988. 123 James River Story, 1988 September 22. 124 James River Story, 1989. 125 James River Story, 1989. 126 James River Story, 1989 December 27. 127 James River Story, 1991. 128 James River Story, 1992. 129 James River Story, 1993 130 James River Story, 1993. 131 James River Story, 1993. 132 Miscellaneous James River Story material. 133 Jamont Bank Presentation, 1991. 134 Brenton S. Halsey Memoir, 1998. 135 Brenton S. Halsey Memoir, 1998. Series 3:2: Press Releases Press releases concerning James River Corporation paper and product lines. Folder 136 James River Product Lines. 137 James River Product Lines Photographs. 138 Early James River Images. 139 James River Premium Printing Papers. 140 James River Factory History. 141 Product performance Book, 1988. 142 James River 25th Anniversary 25 Big Ideas, 1994. 143 James River 25 Year Calender. Series 3.3: Scrapbooks Scrapbooks, 1969-1988, containing news clippings, articles, invitations, and related materials concerning the corporation’s history. Folder 144 James River Scrapbook, 1969-1977. 145 James River Scrapbook, 1969-1979. 146 James River Scrapbook, 1976. 147 James River Scrapbook, 1980/81. 148 James River Scrapbook, September 1981/July 1982. 149 James River Scrapbook, July 1982/June 1983. 150 James River Scrapbook, June 1983/May 1984. 151 James River Scrapbook, June 1984/September 1985. 152 James River Scrapbook, October 1985/October 1986. 153 James River Scrapbook, October 1986/September 1988. 154 James River Scrapbook, March 1987/September 1988. Series 3.4: Audio/Visual Materials Audio, Beta, VHS and cassette tapes of corporate public relations presentations, advertisements, orientation programs, and oral histories all pertaining to James River Corporation. Folder 155 Halsey-Williams 25 Years (beta tape). 156 Halsey-Williams 25 Years (beta tape). 157 Halsey-Williams 25 Years (beta tape). 158 Halsey-Williams 25 Years (beta tape). 159 Halsey-Williams, 1994 (beta tape). 160 Halsey-Williams, 1994 (beta tape). 161 Crown Zellerbach Advertising, 1986 (audio tape). 162 James River-Battling Distributers, 1983 (audio tape). 163 James River Story (audio tape). 164 James River Story, 1983 (audio tape). 165 James River “On a Roll,” 1992 (audio tape). 166 James River Corporation “Piano Gymnast,”1989 (vhs tape). 167 James River Corporation 25th Anniversary Show, 1994 (vhs tape). 168 James River Corporation “On A Roll,” (vhs tape). 169 James River Corporation Advertising (vhs tape). 170 James River Corporation and Northern Bathroom Tissue “Little Girl” (vhs tape) 171 Bob Williams, 1990, Reel 1 (beta tape). 172 Bob Williams, 1990, Reel 2 (beta tape). 173 (01) James River Corporation, 1992 (beta tape). 174 (02) James River Corporation, 1992 (beta tape). 175 James River Corporation 25th Anniversary, 1994 (beta tape). 176 James River Corporation 25 Year scenic views of River and Buildings (vhs tape). 177 Brenton S. Halsey interview (vhs tape). 178 Brenton S. Halsey CEO (vhs tape). 179 James River Corporation Orientation Program “Get On Stream,” part one, (vhs.tape). 180 James River Corporation Orientation Program “Chart Your Course,” part two (vhs tape). 181 James River Corporation Orientation Program “ Know the Ropes,” part three (vhs tape). 182 James River Corporation Orientation Program “Sail with the Wind,” part four (vhs tape). 183 James River Corporation “I’ll Be There” (vhs tape). 184 James River Corporation Advertising (vhs tape). 185 James River Corporation Advertising (vhs tape). 186 “Northern, Aurora, and Brawny” (vhs tape). 187 The James River Story (vhs tape). 188 James River Corporation “People, Products, Processes,” (vhs tape). 189 “Other Side of the Mountains, Berlin, N.H. (vhs tape). 190 “Excellence in Papermaking, Green Bay Mill” (vhs tape). 191 “A Bend in the River” (vhs tape). 192 “This is Naheola” (vhs tape) 193 “Naheola Pride ”(vhs tape). 194 “Jamont” (vhs tape). 195 The 1988/89 James River Story (vhs tape). 196 James River Historical, 1988 (vhs tape). 197 James River Corporation 1969-1979 (vhs tape). 198 James River Corporation 1969-1989 (vhs tape). 199 James River 20 Year History, 1989 (vhs tape). 200 “Towel and Tissue Story,” 1990 (vhs tape). 201 The James River Story, 1990 (vhs tape). 202 The James River Story, 1990 (vhs tape). 203 James River Corporation “History Module,” 1991 (vhs tape). 204 James River/Dixie Historical Reel, 1992 (vhs tape). 205 “The St. Francisville Mill,” 1992 (vhs tape). 206 “The Camas Story,” 1992 (vhs tape). 207 “Northern Bath Tissue,” 1993 (vhs tape). 208 Pacesetter, 1993 (vhs tape). 209 The James River Story, 1993 (vhs tape). 210 Halsey-Williams “25 Years,” 1994 (vhs tape). 211 Halsey-Williams “25 Years,” 1994 (vhs tape). 212 James River Corporation 25th Anniversary. 213 “Tribute,” 1995 (vhs tape). 214 James River Corporation “On A Roll,” (1995). 215 James River Corporation 25 Years Various Scenic Views of River and Buildings. 216 James River Corporation “On A Roll,”1995 (audio tape). 217 Brenton S. Halsey CNN Net “Inside Business,” 1982 (audio tape). 218 Crown Zellerbach “Specialty Girl.” 219 James River Presentation (cassette tape). 220 The James River Story (cassette tape). 221 The James River Story (cassette tape). 222 Filtration products (cassette tape). 223 The James River Story, 1984 (cassette tape). 224 The James River Story, 1984 (cassette tape). 225 WXEX 60 Second Spot (audio tape). 226 James River/Crown Zellerbach Story for James River Employees (cassette tape). 227 The James River Story, 1988 (cassette tape). 228 The James River Story, 1990 (cassette tape). 229 The James River Story, 1990 (cassette tape). 230 Unlabeled (audio tape). 231 Halsey-Williams “25 Years,” 1994 (audio tape). 232 Brenton S. Halsey, Jr. “On A Roll,” (audio tape). 233 Crown Zellerbach “Communication Paper,” (audio tape). 234 James River Orientation Program “Know the River” (audio tape). 235 James River Orientation Program “Chart your Course” (audio tape). 236 James River Orientation Program “Know the Ropes”(audio tape). 237 James River Orientation Program “Sail With the Wind” (audio tape). 238 The James River Story, 1988/89 (audio tape). 239 The James River Story, 1989 (audio tape). 240 Chairman Halsey Looks Ahead, 1990 (audio tape). 241 “Richmond, We’re Still Making History,” 1986 (audio tape).
Series 4: Facilities
Materials concerning James River vehicles, corporate headquarters, Hollywood Mill, machines and facilities, and James River Corporation’s specialty division, all locally operated in Richmond, Virginia.
Folder 242 James River Corporation Trucks. 243 Corporate Office Construction Plan, 1984. 244 Corporate Office Construction Plan, 1984. 245 Corporate Headquarters Construction, 1985. 246 Corporate Headquarters River Shots. 247 Corporate Headquarters slides. 248 Corporate Headquarters prior to 1990 249 James River Pump House Construction 250 Hollywood Mill Photos. 251 Hollywood Mill Hydroelectric Plant. 252 Hollywood Mill Corporate Headquarters. 253 Specialty Division. 254 Hollywood Mill. 255 Hollywood Hydro-Plant Pre-1980. 256 Richmond, Virginia. 257 Machines and Facilities. 258 Machines/Facilities. 259 Machines/Facilities. 260 Machines/Facilities. 261 Machines/Facilities. 262 Miscellaneous Photos. 263 Miscellaneous Photos. 264 Miscellaneous Negatives.
Series 5: Acquisitions
Records relating to selected corporate acquisitions made by the James River Corporation throughout its history. Acquisitions are arranged by date of purchase.
Folder 265 Ethyl (Specialty Papers), 1969. 266 James River-Pepperell, 1971/72. 267 James River-Fitchburg, 1975/76. 268 James River-Fitchburg, 1975/76. 269 Camas. 270 Riegal, 1976/77. 271 American Can Purchase, 1982. 272 American Can Purchase, 1982. 273 American Can Purchase, 1982. 274 H. P. Smith, 1985/86. 275 James River Non-Woven Division. 276 James River Non-Woven Division. 277 Crown Zellerbach Purchase, 1986/87. 278 Presentation after acquiring Crown Zellerbach, 1986/87. 279 Crown Zellerbach, 1986/87. 280 Specialty Papers Business, 1986/87. 281 James River Pulp Division. 282 James River Graphics. 283 Acquisitions Safety. 284 Acquisitions (slides). 285 Acquisitions (slides). 286 Acquisitions (slides).
Series 6: Officers and Employees.
Photographic images of selected executives, members of the board of directors, and employees of James River Corporation. Employee/directors files are arranged alphabetically.
Folder 287 Board of Directors. 288 Executives. 289 Executives. 290 Officers, 1983. 291 Policy committee June 1985. 292 Brenton Halsey/Robert Williams (Old). 293 Brenton Halsey/Robert Williams (Old). 294 Brenton Halsey/Robert Williams (Current). 295 Brenton Halsey/Robert Williams (Current). 296 Corporate Meetings. 297 Judd Alexander. 298 Allen Baker. 299 FitzGerald Bemiss. 300 John Birtwell, 1979. 301 W. J. Bowan. 302 William Burgin. 303 R. H. Catlett. 304 J. B. Charron. 305 William Comfort. 306 Tom Costello. 307 Milford Dalrymple. 308 Sam Doak. 309 Stanley C. Ellspermann. 310 Dick Erikson. 311 Ed Greenbaum. 312 Bruce Gottwald. 313 John Griffith (1979, 1981). 314 Jim Harper. 315 Ron Hoge. 316 John Joyce. 317 Joseph Judge. 318 W. M. Kirkland. 319 Karl Kraske (1981). 320 Frank Krasofski. 321 (? ) Lanford. 322 Richard Longnecker. 323 Don Marth. 324 Robert (Bob) Martin. 325 Neil Martin. 326 Steve Metheny. 327 Larry Morrow (1981). 328 Andrew Muha. 329 Dilwyn Paiste. 330 Joseph Piemont. 331 Tom D. Plant. 332 Charles Robbins. 333 James (Jim) E. Rogers. 334 Robert J. Sherry. 335 Lee Showalter (1993). 336 Robert Smith. 337 Warren L. Spiller. 338 K. Viljanen. 339 Bruce D. Wagner. 340 Patrick Welsh. 341 Karen M L. Whelan. 342 Charles M. Williams. 343 William Woodside. 344 Andrew F. Zephir. 345 Frank Zichelle. 346 Unidentified. 347 Unidentified. 348 Miscellaneous Employees. Group Photographs: Folder 349 Baker, Hines, and Zimmerman. 350 Bill Daniel and Sam Doak. 351 Doak and Zichelle. 352 Erikson and Rogers. 353 Haper and Allen. 354 Holloman and Joyce. 355 Johnson and Vanstavern 356 Paiste and Krasofski. 357 Roussel, Ulincy, Robbins. 358 Zephir and Lanford. 359 Group photo. 360 Miscellaneous employees. 361 Paul/Garnett Corporation Contributions, 1989. 362 Paul/Garnett Corporation Contributions, 1989. 363 Paul/Garnett Corporation Contributions, 1989.
Series 7: Oversize Miscellaneous Photographs and Objects.
Photographs of persons, facilities, machinery, and general operations. Also, included in this series are miscellaneous objects such as the Brown Paper Company Seal, James River Corporation stock pattern, James River Corporation Audit Committee Meeting minutes reproduced on birch bark paper, additional materials related to James River Corporation’s 25th Anniversary, and the Ethyl Intercom.
Folder 364 Halsey/Williams. 365 Board of Directors. 366 Board of Directors. 367 James River Corporate Headquarters. 368 James River Corporate Headquarters. 369 River Shots. 370 River Shots. 371 Dave McKittrick 372 Air filters. 373 Air filters 374 Air filters. 375 Dixie. 376 Armour. 377 Job Safety. 378 Film Transparency. 379 Machinery. 380 Machinery. 381 Machinery. 382 Machinery. 383 Machinery. 384 Machinery. 385 Machinery. 386 Machinery. 387 Machinery. 388 Machinery. 389 Machinery. 390 Machinery. 391 Machinery. 392 Machinery. 393 Machinery. 394 Machinery. 395 Machinery. 396 Machinery. 397 Machinery. 398 Machinery. 399 Machinery. 400 Machinery. 401 Machinery. 402 Machinery. 403 Machinery. 404 Machinery. 405 Machinery. 406 Machinery. 407 Machinery. 408 Machinery. 409 Machinery. 410 Machinery. 411 Machinery. 412 Machinery. 413 Machinery. 414 Machinery. 415 Machinery. 416 Machinery. 417 Machinery. 418 Machinery. 419 Machinery. 420 Machinery. 421 Machinery. 422 Machinery. 423 Machinery. 424 Machinery. 425 Machinery. 426 Machinery. 427 Machinery. 428 Machinery. 429 Machinery. 430 Machinery. 431 Machinery. 432 Machinery. 433 Machinery. 434 Machinery. 435 Machinery. 436 Machinery. 437 Machinery. 438 Machinery. 439 Machinery. 440 Machinery. 441 Machinery. 442 Machinery. 443 Machinery. 444 Machinery. 445 Machinery. 446 Machinery. 447 Machinery. 448 Machinery. 449 Machinery. 450 Machinery. 451 Machinery. 452 Machinery. 453 Machinery. 454 Machinery. 455 Machinery. 457 Machinery. 458 Machinery. 459 Machinery. 460 Machinery. 461 Machinery. 462 Machinery. 463 Machinery. 465 Machinery. 466 Machinery. 468 Machinery. 469 Machinery. 470 Machinery. 471 Machinery. 472 Machinery. 473 Machinery. 474 Machinery. 475 Machinery. 476 Machinery. 477 Machinery. 478 Halsey-Williams. 479 Halsey-Williams. 480 Halsey-Williams. 481 Robert Williams. 482 Board of Directors. 483 Board of Directors. 484 Board of Directors. 485 Board of Directors. 486 Board of Directors. 487 Board of Directors. 488 Board of Directors. 489 Board of Directors. 490 Board of Directors. 491 Board of Directors. 492 Corporate Headquarters. 493 Corporate Headquarters. 494 Corporate Headquarters. 495 Corporate Headquarters. 496 Facilities. 497 Facilities. 498 Facilities. 499 Facilities. 500 Facilities. 501 Facilities. 502 Facilities. 503 Facilities. 504 Facilities. 505 Facilities. 506 Facilities. 507 Facilities. 508 Facilities. 509 Facilities. 510 Film, Transparency. 511 Film, Transparency. 512 Film, Transparency. 513 Air Filter. 514 Air Filter. 515 Air Filter. 516 Air Filter. 517 Air Filter. 518 Air Filter. 519 Air Filter. 520 Cottonwood. 521 Cottonwood. 522 Cottonwood. 523 Cottonwood. 524 Cottonwood. 525 Cottonwood. 526 Miscellaneous Employees. 527 Miscellaneous Employees. 528 Miscellaneous Employees. 529 Miscellaneous Employees. 530 Miscellaneous Employees. 531 Miscellaneous Employees. 532 Miscellaneous Employees. 533 Miscellaneous Employees. 534 Miscellaneous Employees. 535 Miscellaneous Employees. 536 Miscellaneous Employees. 537 Miscellaneous Employees. 538 Miscellaneous Employees. 539 Miscellaneous Employees. 540 Miscellaneous Employees. 541 Miscellaneous Employees. 542 Miscellaneous Employees. 543 Miscellaneous Employees. 544 Miscellaneous Employees. 545 Miscellaneous Employees. 546 Miscellaneous Employees. 547 Miscellaneous Employees. 548 Miscellaneous Employees. 549 Miscellaneous Employees. 550 Brown Paper Company Seal. 551 James River Corporation Stock Pattern. 552 Audit Committee Minutes of Meeting on Birch Paper. 553 James River Corporation 25th Anniversary. 554 James River Corporation 25th Anniversary. 555 James River Corporation Communication, 25th Anniversary Calender. 556 Ethyl Intercom.
Container List
Box 1 Series 1 (Folders 1-30) Box 2 Series 1 (cont.) Series 2 (Folders 33-54) Box 3 Series 2 (cont.) (Folders 55-64) Box 4 Series 2 (cont.) (Folders 65-73) Box 5 Series 3.1 (Folders 74-104) Box 6 Series 3.1 (cont.) (Folders 105-135) Box 7 Series 3.2 (Folders 136-143) Box 8 Series 3.3 (Folders 144-146) Box 9 Series 3.3 (cont.) (Folders 147-148) Box 10 Series 3.3 (cont.) (Folders 149-150) Box 11 Series 3.3 (cont.) (Folders 151-152) Box 12 Series 3.3 (cont.) (Folders 153-154) Box 13 Series 3.4 (Folders 155-165) Box 14 Series 3.4 (cont.) (Folders 166-176) Box 15 Series 3.4 (Folders 177-188) Box 16 Series 3.4 (cont.) (Folders 189-201) Box 17 Series 3.4 (cont.) (Folders 202-213) Box 18 Series 3.4 (cont.) (Folders 214-229) Box 19 Series 3.4 (cont.) (Folders 230-239) Box 20 Series 3.4 (cont.) Series 4 (Folders 240-257) Box 21 Series 4 (cont.) (Folders 258-264) Box 22 Series 5 (Folders 265-286) Box 23 Series 6 (Folders 287-329) Box 24 Series 6 (cont.) (Folders 330-351) Box 25 Series 6 (cont.) (Folders 352-363) Box 26 Series 7 (Folders 364-399) Box 27 Series 7 (cont.) (Folders 400-475) Box 28 Series 7 (cont.) (Folders 476-549) Box 29 Series 7 (cont.) (Folders 550-556)
Last updated: January 15, 2004