A Guide to the Media General Inc. Records, 1812-2016 (bulk 1940-2016)
Call Number Mss3 M4638 a FA2
Contact Information:
Virginia Historical Society
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Processed by: Laura E. G. Stoner.
c 2020 By Virginia Historical Society. All rights reserved
Collection is open for research.
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Preferred Citation
Media General Inc. records, 1812-2016 (Mss3 M4638 a FA2), Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Media General Inc., Richmond, Va., in 2016 and 2017. Accessioned 2020 January 2.
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Virginia Historical Society.
Collection number: Mss3 M4638 a FA2
Title: Media General Inc. records, 1812-2016 (bulk 1940-2016).
Size: 52 linear feet.
Language: English
Abstract: Corporate records of Media General Inc. and its predecessors and subsidiaries, particularly the Richmond News Leader, Times Dispatch Publishing, Inc., and Richmond Newspapers, Inc., and personal papers of four generations of the Bryan family, owners and publishers, including Joseph Bryan (1845-1908), John Stewart Bryan (1871-1944), David Tennant Bryan (1906-1998) and John Stewart Bryan III (1938-2016).
The collection contains items of Media General, Inc., and its predecessor newspapers, and of the Bryan family, who operated the newspaper and media company for four generations. Corporate records include annual reports, board minutes, marketing and public relations materials, photographs, publications, and stock books. The papers of Joseph Bryan consist mainly sympathy notes after his death in 1908. The series also includes an incomplete set of architectural drawings of “Laburnum,” the classical revival style mansion which Joseph rebuilt in 1906 following a major fire that destroyed the earlier house by that name.
The papers of John Stewart Bryan, who took over the family newspaper business after the death of his father, include a great deal of personal and family correspondence. There is frequent mention of his work as president of the College of William and Mary, 1934-1942. Also included is documentation of the Richmond Typographical Union complaint with the National Labor Board of the National Recovery Administration.
The papers of David “Tennant” Bryan make up the largest portion of the collection and include extensive correspondence with fellow newspaper editors and friends, subject files dating to his service as Chairman of the Board of Media General, Inc., and materials related to his world travels. Correspondents of note include President George H.W. Bush, senators Harry F. Byrd Sr. and Jr., editor Virginius Dabney, editor James J. Kilpatrick, President Richard Nixon, Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell, and President Ronald Reagan. There are discussions of Bryan’s opposition to integration in his correspondence with Harry F. Byrd, Sr., Virginius Dabney, and James J. Kilpatrick.
The papers of John “Stewart” Bryan, III, is the smallest section of the collection and contains, in part, materials concerning the dissolution of Media General. The collection also contains audio visual materials, including LP records, audio cassettes, and a DVD. Most of the items are promotional materials received by the Media General.
This collection is organized into six series and further subdivided by subject or record type where appropriate. Series include: Series 1. Media General Inc. corporate records, 1855-2014, including materials relating to its predecessors and subsidiaries; Series 2. Joseph Bryan papers, 1879-1909; Series 3. John Stewart Bryan papers, 1812-1947; Series 4. D. Tennant Bryan papers, 1884-2002; Series 5. John Stewart Bryan III papers, 1960s-2016; and Series 6. Audio-visual materials, 1965-2009. The largest series is Series 4, D. Tennant Bryan papers, at 21 linear feet. Series 1, Media General Inc. records, equals 20 linear feet.
While Media General traced its beginnings to Joseph Bryan's purchase of the Richmond Daily Times newspaper in 1887, and the subsequent mergers of the Times, Dispatch, Evening Leader and Richmond News to form the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the company has also published the Tampa Tribune (since 1927) and the Winston-Salem Journal (since 1969), as well as numerous small-town newspapers throughout the Southeastern United States. Beginning with the creation of Richmond Newspapers, Inc., in 1940, the company was already expanding into radio and television broadcasting, leading to the formation of Media General Inc. in 1969. As technology changed the way information was transferred, the company moved into digital content. But as newspaper circulation sagged and production costs increased, John Stewart Bryan III was faced with a difficult decision. To preserve the organization overall would require the sale of the newspaper publishing division, which occurred in 2012 with the sale to Berkshire Hathaway. In 2013 and 2014 there were mergers with other media companies. Media General was acquired by Nexstar Broadcasting Group in 2017.
Joseph Bryan (1845-1908) was born into a wealthy Tidewater Virginia planter family. At his father's insistence, he did not join in the Confederate cause until he turned eighteen, instead attending the University of Virginia. In 1864 he was attached to Mosby's Rangers and served until the end of the war. Returning to the University, he studied law and began to practice in 1870. He moved to Richmond shortly thereafter, and married Isobel Lamont Stewart, whose father was one of the city's leading industrialists. His purchase of the Richmond Times in 1887 gave him a vehicle to espouse his conservative politics, support of industry, and desire to preserve the traditional patriarchal social order.
John Stewart Bryan (1871-1944) graduated from the University of Virginia and received his law degree from Harvard University. He practiced law in New York City and Richmond before joining his father's newspaper business in 1900. In 1927, with Samuel Emory Thomason of Chicago as his partner, he purchased the Tampa Tribune. In 1928 they purchased the Chicago Daily Journal. In 1940 he oversaw the merger of the Times-Dispatch and News Leader into Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Already a member of the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary, he was appointed president in 1934, serving until 1942.
David "Tennant" Bryan (1906-1998) was the elder of John Stewart Bryan's two sons. He attended the University of Virginia before joining the family business in 1928. He was serving in the U.S. Navy when his father died in 1944, promoting him to head of Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Under his leadership the organization expanded into broadcast media, resulting in the formation of Media General Inc. He was a director of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, the Associated Press, and the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association. He was a trustee and later president of the Virginia Historical Society.
John "Stewart" Bryan III attended the University of Virginia before joining the U.S. Marines. Going into the newspaper business, he became publisher of the Tampa Tribune in 1986 and of the Richmond Times-Dispatch and Richmond News Leader in 1989. In 1990 he was chairman, president and chief executive officer of Media General. In 2005 he resigned his roles as president and as chief executive officer, remaining chairman until his death in 2016. He was also actively involved with the George C. Marshall Foundation, the Virginia Historical Society, and the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, and numerous newspaper publishing organizations. Under his leadership Media General expanded into digital content, sold its newspaper interests, and was eventually acquired by Nexstar Broadcasting. John Stewart Bryan III's death in 2016 signaled the end of the Bryan publishing empire.
American newspapers -- Virginia -- Richmond
Bryan, D. Tennant (David Tennant), 1906-1998
Bryan, John Stewart, 1871-1944
Bryan, John Stewart, III, 1938-2016
Bryan, Joseph, 1845-1908
Bryan family
Bush, George, 1924-2018
Business enterprises -- Virginia -- Richmond -- History -- 20th century
Consolidation and merger of corporations -- Virginia -- History -- 20th century
Family-owned business enterprises -- Virginia -- Richmond -- History
Mass media -- Influence
Massive resistance movement (Va.)
Media General Inc. -- Records and correspondence
Newspaper publishing -- United States
Newspapers -- Ownership
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994
Powell, Lewis F., 1907-1998
Reagan, Ronald, 1911-2004
Richmond (Va.) -- History -- 20th century
Richmond (Va.) -- Newspapers
Richmond news leader
Richmond times-dispatch
Segregation in education
Virginia -- Economic conditions -- 20th century
Virginia -- Social conditions -- 20th century
Series 1. Media General Inc., Records, 1855-2014.
Media General Inc. evolved from several companies that included newspapers, radio stations, and television stations. The minutes start in 1914 with separate companies, then in 1940 the Richmond News Leader and the Richmond Times-Dispatch and other companies were merged into Richmond Newspapers, Inc. In 1969, D. Tennant Bryan changed the company name to Media General Inc., to reflect the addition of broadcast stations to the conglomeration.
Series 1.1. Minutes, 1914-1999.
Box 1
Folder |
1 |
1914-1940, Times Dispatch Publishing, Inc., Stockholder's and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1914 April 11 -1940 August 22, Vol. 1 (Merged into News Leader Co.) |
2 |
1918-1940, News Leader, Stockholder's and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1918 November 16 - 1940 September 17 |
3 |
1935-1950, WLBG, Inc., Richmond Radio Corporation (WRNL), Stockholder's and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1935 June 17 - 1950 July 12 (name change in 1937 December 4 to Richmond Radio Corporation and merged into Richmond Newspapers, Inc., in 1940 June 14) |
4 |
1937-1943, Times Dispatch Radio Corp., Stockholder's and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1937 August 10 -1943 June 22 (All assets transferred to Richmond Newspapers Inc.) |
5 |
1940-1957, Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Stockholder's and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1940 November 20- 1957 December 13 |
6 |
1958-1966, Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Stockholder's and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1958 March 12 - 1966 July 13 |
Box 2
Folder |
7 |
1966-1969, Richmond Newspapers, Inc., (1966 March 7 - 1969 July 8); Richmond Publishing Co., Inc., (1969 July 30); Media General, Inc., (1969 July 8 - 1974 December 23), Executive committee minutes, 1966-1974 |
8 |
[1969-1970], Richmond Newspapers Inc., [(1966 November 17-1969 June 18); Richmond Publishing Co., Inc., (1969 March 18); Richmond Newspaper Inc., (1969 August 21 - 1970 July 29); Advisory Board of Richmond Newspapers (1970 September 17); Media General, Inc., (1969 March 18- 1970 April 24)], Stockholders and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1966-1970 |
9 |
1970-1972, Media General, Inc., Stockholders and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1970 May 14 - 1972 November 30 (includes annual reports, 1969-1971) |
10 |
1973-1976, Media General, Inc., Stockholders and Board of Director's meeting minutes, 1973 January 25 - 1976 November 22 (includes annual reports, 1972-1975 |
Box 3
Folder |
11 |
1975-1979, Media General, Inc., Executive Committee minutes, 1975 February 27-1979 December 21 |
12 |
1977-1979, Media General Inc., Minutes, 1977 January 27-1979 November 29 (includes annual reports 1976-1978) |
13 |
1999, Agreement and plan of merger of Richmond Newspapers, Inc.; Piedmont Publishing, Inc., Virginia Newspapers, Inc.; and Media General Business Communications, Inc., and Media General Newspapers, Inc., 1999 |
14 |
Index: Minutes-News Leader; Richmond Newspapers Inc.; and Media General Inc., 1930-1998 |
Series 1.2. Financial Records, 1880-1997.
Materials include common stock prospectuses, Proxy Statements with Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and stock books. The stock books document the early precursor newspaper companies to Richmond Newspapers Inc. and Media General.
Box 3 (cont.)
Folder |
15 |
Common Stock Prospectus, 1966-1971 |
16 |
Proxy Statements and Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders, 1967-1997 |
Box 4
Folder |
17 |
Dispatch Co., Capitol stock, 1880-1903 |
18 |
The Leader Company, Capital stock, 1896-1897 |
19 |
News Leader Co., Capital stock, 1907 Apr 5-18 |
20 |
News Leader Co., Capital stock, 1916 Oct 7-1926 Mar 24 |
Box 5
Folder |
21 |
News Leader Co., Preferred stock, 1930 Jan 15-1940 May 14 |
22 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Central National Bank dividend account, 1946 Feb 1-1966 May 24 |
Box 6
Folder |
23 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Common stock, 1940 Oct 11-1944 Oct 21 |
24 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Common stock, 1945 Oct 10-1966 Jan 24 |
25 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Common stock, 1940 Oct 11-1943 Jun 22 |
Box 7
Folder |
26 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Common stock, 1945 Oct 10-1966 May 23 |
27 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Preferred stock, 1945 Oct 10-1955 Aug 9 |
Box 8
Folder |
28 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Preferred stock, 1940 Oct 11-1944 Dec 7 |
29 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Preferred stock, 1955 Aug 17-1960 Feb 29 |
Box 9
Folder |
30 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., State Planters Bank and Trust Sinking Fund account, 1941-1944 |
31 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Stockholders ledger, 1940-1966 |
32 |
Richmond Radio Corp., Capital stock, 1937-1944 Aug 18 |
33 |
Richmond Radio Corp., Non-voting common stock, 1942-1943 |
34 |
Times-Dispatch Publishing Co., Inc., Capital stock, 1914 Apr 14-1923 Nov 19 |
Box 10
Folder |
35 |
Times-Dispatch Publishing Co., Inc., Capital stock, 1924 Feb 7-1940 Jul 15 |
36 |
Times-Dispatch Radio Corp., Common stock, 1937 |
37 |
Times-Dispatch Radio Corp., Preferred stock, 1937-1938 |
38 |
WLGB Inc., Capital stock, 1931 Mar 9-1935 Oct 1 |
Series 1.3. Marketing and Public Relations, 1976-2014.
This series contains market analysis, 1981-1986, of newspaper audiences and press releases, 1976-2014, of Media General Inc.
Box 11
Folder |
39 |
Market Analysis, Newspaper Audience, Richmond 1981 |
40 |
Market Analysis, Newspaper Audience, Richmond 1985 |
41 |
Market Analysis, Newspaper Audience, Winston-Salem, 1986 |
42 |
Press releases, 1976 January 22-1986 December 29 |
43 |
Press releases, 1987 January 27-1991 October 17 |
44 |
Press releases, 1992 January 30-2000 December 28 |
45-46 |
Press release3s, 2001 January 5- 2003 December 16 (2 folders) |
47-48 |
Press releases, 2004 January 28 -2007 December 18 (2 folders) |
Box 12
Folder |
49-51 |
Press releases, 2008 January 7-2010 December 8 (3 folders) |
52 |
Press releases, 2011 January 10 -2011 December 7 |
53 |
Press releases, 2012 January 9- 2012 December 5 |
54 |
Press releases, 2013 January31- 2013 December 4 |
55 |
Press releases, 2014 February 10- 2014 April 22 |
Series 1.4. Photographs and portraits, 1955-2000.
Images include photographs of key members of the Bryan family and leadership of Media General, along with facilities owned by Media General.
Box 12 (cont.)
Folder |
56 |
Bryan, David Tennant and John Stewart Bryan III, pencil portrait, undated |
57 |
Bryan, David Tennant, photographs, 1980s-2000s |
58 |
Bryan, John Stewart, III, photographs, 1970s- 2000s |
59 |
Council, Jim, retirement party, photographs, undated 1970s |
60 |
Media General, Board of Directors, photographs, 1955-1989 |
61-63 |
Media General Headquarters, construction of, and Times Dispatch building, 1960s-1999 [includes images of demolition of Richmond Times-Dispatch building, there is overlap with groundbreaking] (3 folders) (See Oversized materials) |
64 |
Media General Headquarters, Groundbreaking, 1997 |
65 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch building, implosion, 1998 September 13 |
66 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch, Hanover facility, 1980s |
67 |
Tampa, Florida, photographs, 1970s |
Series 1.5. Publications, 1965-2013.
Richmond Newspapers, Inc.'s initial public offering took place in 1966. Annual reports from Richmond Newspapers, Inc. (1966-1968) and Media General, Inc. (1969-2013) are represented. There are printed meeting summaries for annual meetings in May 22, 1975 and May 27, 1976. The annual report from Media General in 2013 mentions the company is merging with Young Broadcasting.
Also included in this series are employee newsletters, the * (1965 April), the 333 News (1965-1975), and M/G News (1976 March-2012 January); and guides, 1987-1992, to the company's headquarters building and printing and distribution centers.
Box 12 (cont.)
Folder |
68-69 |
Annual Reports, 1966-2013 (1-2 of 9 folders) |
Box 13
Folder |
70-76 |
Annual Reports, 1966-2013 (3-9 of 9 folders) |
Box 14
The *, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1965 Oct 22)
333 News, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1965 Dec 17)
333 News, Vol. 1, No. 3 (1966 Feb 15)
333 News, Vol. 1, No. 4 (1966 May 13)
333 News, Vol. 1, No. 5 [missing]
333 News, Vol. 1, No. 6 (1966 Oct 19)
333 News, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1966 Nov 23)
333 News, Vol. 2, No. 2 [missing]
333 News, Vol. 2, No. 3 (1967 Jan 30)
333 News, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1967 Apr 27)
333 News, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1967 Nov 28)
333 News, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1967 Dec 21)
333 News, Vol. 3, No. 3 (1968 Mar 22)
333 News, Vol. 3, No. 4 (1968 May 27)
333 News, Vol. 3, No. 5 (1968 Aug 9)
333 News, Vol. 3, No. 6 (1968 Sep 26)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1968 Nov 1)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 2 (1968 Dec)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 3 (1969 Feb)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 4 (1969 Apr)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 5 (1969 Jun)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 6 (1969 Sep)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 7 (1969 Nov) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 4, No. 8 (1969 Dec) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1970 March (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1970 May) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 5, No. 3 (1970 Jul)
333 News, Vol. 5, No. 4 (1970 Sep) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 5, No. 5 (1970 Nov) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 5, No. 6 (1970 Dec) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1971 Oct) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 6, No. 2 (1971 Dec) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 6, No. 3 (1972 Mar) (3 c.)
333 News, Vol. 6, No. 4 [missing]
333 News, Vol. 6, No. 5 (1972 July)
333 News, Vol. 6, No. 6 [missing]
333 News, Vol. 6, No. 7 (1972 Dec)
333 News, Vol. 7, No. 1 (1973 Mar)
333 News, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1973 May)
333 News, Vol. 7, No. 3 (1973 Aug)
333 News, Vol. 7, No. 4 (1973 Oct) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 7, No. 5 (1973 Dec) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1974 Mar) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1974 Jun) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 8, No. 3 (1974 Sep) (2 c.)
333 News, Vol. 8, No. 4 (1975 Nov)
333 News, Vol. 8, No. 5 (1974 Dec)
333 News, Vol. 9, No. 1 (1975 Feb)
333 News, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1975 Apr)
333 News, Vol. 9, No. 3 (1975 Jun)
333 News, Vol. 9, No. 4 (1975 Sep)
333 News, Vol. 9, No. 5 (1975 Dec)
M/G news, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1976 Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1976 May)
M/G News, Vol. 1, No. 3 (1976 Jul) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 1, No. 4 (1976 Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 1, No. 5 (1976 Dec) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1977 Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1977 May)
M/G News, Vol. 2, No. 3 (1977 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1977 Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 2, No. 5 (1977 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1978 Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1978 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 3, No. 3 (1978 Aug) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 3, No. 4 [missing]
M/G News, Vol. 3, No. 5 (1978 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1979 Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 4, No. 2 [missing]
M/G News, Vol. 4, No. 3 (1979 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 4, No. 4 (1979 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 4, No. 5 (1979 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1980 Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1980 May)
M/G News, Vol. 5, No. 3 (1980 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 5, No. 4 (1980 Oct) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 5, No. 5 (1980 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1981 Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 6, No. 2 (1981 May)
M/G News, Vol. 6, No. 3 (1981 Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 6, No. 4 (1981 Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 6, No. 5 (1981 Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 6, No. 6 (1981 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 7, No. 1 (1982 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1982 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 7, No. 3 (1982 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 7, No. 4 (1982 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 7, No. 5 (1982 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 7, No. 6 (1982 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1983 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1983 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 8, No. 3 (1983 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 8, No. 4 (1983 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 8, No. 5 (1983 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 8, No. 6 (1983 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 9, No. 1 (1984 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1984 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 9, No. 3 (1984 June)
M/G News, Vol. 9, No. 4 (1984 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 9, No. 5 (1984 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 9, No. 6 (1984 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 10, No. 1 (1985 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 10, No. 2 (1985 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 10, No. 3 (1985 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 10, No. 4 (1985 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 10, No. 5 (1985 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 10, No. 6 (1985 Dec)
Box 15
M/G news, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1986 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 11, No. 2 (1986 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 11, No. 3 (1986 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 11, No. 4 (1986 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 11, No. 5 (1986 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 11, No. 6 (1986 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 12, No. 1 (1987 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 12, No. 2 (1987 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 12, No. 3 (1987 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 12, No. 4 (1987 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 12, No. 5 (1987 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 12, No. 6 (1987 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 13, No. 1 (1988 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 13, No. 2 (1988 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 13, No. 3 (1988 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 13, No. 4 (1988 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 13, No. 5 (1988 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 13, No. 6 (1988 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 14, No. 1 (1989 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1989 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 14, No. 3 (1989 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 14, No. 4 (1989 Aug)
M/G News, Vol. 14, No. 5 (1989 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 14, No. 6 (1989 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 15, No. 1 (1990 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 15, No. 2 (1990 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 15, No. 3 (1990 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 15, No. 4 (1990 Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 15, No. 5 (1990 Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 15, No. 5 (1990 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 16, No. 1 (1991 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 16, No. 2 (1991 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 16, No. 3 (1991 Jun)
M/G News, Vol. 16, No. 4 [missing]
M/G News, Vol. 16, No. 5 (1991 Oct)
M/G News, Vol. 16, No. 6 (1991 Dec)
M/G News, Vol. 17, No. 1 (1992 Feb)
M/G News, Vol. 17, No. 2 (1992 Apr)
M/G News, Vol. 17, No. 3 (1992 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 17, No. 4 (1992 Aug/Sep) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 17, No. 5 (1992 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 17, No. 6 (1992 Dec/1993 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 18, No. 1 (1993 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 18, No. 2 (1993 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 18, No. 3 (1993 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 18, No. 4 (1993 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 18, No. 5 (1993 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 18, No. 6 (1993 Dec/1994 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1994 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 19, No. 2 (1994 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 19, No. 3 (1994 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 19, No. 4 (1994 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 19, No. 5 (1994 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 19, No. 6 (1994 Dec/1995 Jan) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 20, No. 1 (1995 Feb/Mar) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1995 Apr/May) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 20, No. 3 (1995 Jun/Jul) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 20, No. 4 (1995 Aug/Sep) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 20, No. 5 (1995 Oct/Nov) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 20, No. 6 (1995 Dec/1996 Jan) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 21, No. 1 (1996 Feb/Mar) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 21, No. 2 (1996 Apr/May) (2 c.)
Box 16
M/G News, Vol. 21, No. 3 (1996 Jun/Jul) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 21, No. 4 (1996 Aug/Sep) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 21, No. 5 (1996 Oct/Nov) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 21, No. 6 (1996 Dec/1997 Jan) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 22, No. 1 (1997 Feb/Mar) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 22, No. 2 [missing]
M/G News, Vol. 22, No. 3 (1997 Jun/Jul) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 22, No. 4 (1997 Aug/Sep) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 22, No. 5 (1997 Oct/Nov) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 22, No. 6 (1997 Dec/Jan 1998) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 23, No. 1 (1998 Feb/Mar) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 23, No. 2 (1998 Apr/May) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 23, No. 3 (1998 Jun/Jul) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 23, No. 4 (1998 Aug/Sep) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 23, No. 5 (1998 Oct/Nov) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 23, No. 6 (1998 Dec/1999 Jan) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 24, No. 1 (1999 Feb/Mar) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 24, No. 2 (1999 Apr/May) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 24, No. 3 [missing]
M/G News, Vol. 24, No. 4 (1989 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 24, No. 5 (1999 Oct/Nov) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 24, No. 6 [missing]
M/G News, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2000 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2000 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 25, No. 3 (2000 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 25, No. 4 (2000 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 25, No. 5 (2000 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 25, No. 5 (2000 Dec/2001 Jan) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 26, No. 1 (2001 Feb/Mar) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2001 Apr/May) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 26, No. 3 (2001 Jun/Jul) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 26, No. 4 (2001 Aug/Sep) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 26, No. 5 (2001 Oct/Nov) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 26, No. 6 (2001 Dec/2002 Jan) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2002 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2002 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2002 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2002 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2002 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 27, No. 6 (2002 Dec/2003 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2003 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2003 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 28, No. 3 (2003 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2003 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 28, No. 5 (2003 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 28, No. 6 (2003 Dec/2004 Jan)
Box 17
M/G News, Vol. 29, No. 1 (2004 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2004 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2004 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2004 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 29, No. 5 (2004 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 29, No. 6 (2004 Dec/2005 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 30, No. 1 (2005 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2005 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 30, No. 3 (2005 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 30, No. 4 (2005 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 30, No. 5 (2005 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 30, No. 6 (2005 Dec/2006 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 31, No. 3 (2006 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 31, No. 4 (2006 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 31, No. 5 (2006 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 31, No. 6 (2006 Dec/2007 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 32, No. 1 (2007 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2007 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2007 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 32, No. 4 (2007 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 32, No. 5 (2007 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 32, No. 6 (2007 Dec/Jan 2008)
M/G News, Vol. 33, No. 1 (2008 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2008 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 33, No. 3 (2008 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 33, No. 4 (2008 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 33, No. 5 (2008 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 33, No. 6 (2008 Dec/2009 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 34, No. 1 (2009 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 34, No. 2 (2009 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 34, No. 3 (2009 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 34, No. 4 (2009 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 34, No. 5 (2009 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 34, No. 6 (2009 Dec/2010 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 35, No. 1 (2010 Feb/Mar)
M/G News, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2010 Apr/May)
M/G News, Vol. 35, No. 3 (2010 Jun/Jul)
M/G News, Vol. 35, No. 4 (2010 Aug/Sep)
M/G News, Vol. 35, No. 5 (2010 Oct/Nov)
M/G News, Vol. 35, No. 5 (2010 Dec/2011 Jan)
M/G News, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2011 Feb/Mar) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2011 Apr/May) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2011 Jun/Jul) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 36, No. 4 (2011 Aug/Sep) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 36, No. 5 (2011 Oct/Nov) (2 c.)
M/G News, Vol. 36, No. 6 (2011 Dec/2012 Jan) (2 c.)
Box 18
Folder |
77 |
Media General Stockholders Tour New Richmond Facility, 1992 May 15 |
78 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch, The Richmond News Leader, Tour Guide, undated |
79 |
Welcome to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond Newspapers' Production and Distribution Facility, U. S. Route 301, Chamberlayne Road, Hanover, Va., 1992? |
80 |
We've Opened a New Gem: Richmond Newspapers, Inc., 1987? |
Series 1.6. Subject Files, 1855-2006.
Subject files are organized alphabetically. The series includes employee directories and handbooks. There is a folder of letters of support for Richmond Newspapers Inc. staff who remained on the job during the strike of the Typographical Union in 1971. [Additional materials on Typographical Union Strikes appears in Series 3, folder 232 (1934) and Series 4.2, folder 640-641 (1971).]
Box 18 (cont.)
Folder |
81 |
Bryan, David Tennant, biography, 1990-1998 |
82 |
Employee directory, Media General Principal Executives, 1982 |
83 |
Employee directory, Media General Principal Executives, 1987 January |
84 |
Employee directory, Media General Principal Executives, 1987 May |
85 |
Employee directory, Media General Principal Executives, 1990 |
86 |
Employee directory, Richmond Newspapers, Inc., telephone directory, 1978 August 1 |
87 |
Employee handbook, Introducing you To The News Leader, Charles Henry Hamilton, 1940s? |
88 |
Employee handbook, An Introduction to Richmond Times-Dispatch Richmond News Leader, 1965? |
89 |
Employee handbook, You and Your Company An Employees Manual, Richmond Subsidiaries of Media General, 1984-1990 |
90 |
The Media General Art Collection, 2006 |
91 |
Media General's 14th Annual D. Tennant Bryan Awards, Honoring Outstanding Journalism in 2014 |
92 |
Media General history, executives/Bryan family, 1990-2005 |
93 |
Media General, company histories, 1990-2000 |
94 |
News Leader, correspondence, 1923-1925 [documentation of C.P. Hasbrook, of Chicago Tribune, conversations about "Gasoline Alley" and "Gumps" syndicated columns] |
95 |
Richmond News Leader and Evening Journal, acquisition, 1908 |
96-97 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., consolidation and new facility, 1989-1993 (2 folders) |
98 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., locations, 1855-199 |
Box 19
Folder |
99 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch: The Story of a Newspaper, 1998 |
100 |
The Southern Planter magazine, potential acquisition information, 1968 |
101 |
Sugarman, Burt, attempted takeover of Media General, 1987-1988 (Pendergrast File) |
102 |
Sugarman, Burt, merger proposal, press releases, 1987-1989 |
103 |
Tampa Tribune, reevaluation of payroll memo, n.d. [1970s?] |
104 |
Type books, Richmond Times-Dispatch/Richmond News Leader, 1951-1968 |
105 |
Typographical Union Strike, Letters of support to staff members, 1971 (Joe Porter) |
106 |
Visitors log, The Richmond News Leader, Golden Book of Friends, June 22, 1928 June 23-1932 May 19 |
107 |
Visitors log, Richmond News Leader and the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1959 February -1975 August |
108 |
WRNL, Silver Jubilee, 1962 |
Series 1.7. Miscellaneous Commemorative Newspaper publications, 1896-2000.
Box 19 (cont.)
Folder |
109 |
A Century of History from The Front Pages the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The Richmond News Leader, 1978? |
110 |
A Century of History from The Front Pages the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The Richmond News Leader, 1986 |
111 |
Famous Front Pages:150 Years of Front-Page News, 2000 |
112 |
The News Leader, 1923 July 10 (Southern Publishers Elect Officers, SNPA Convention Airplane Edition) (See Box 54) |
113a |
The News Leader, 1923 July 11 (SNPA Convention Airplane Edition) (See Box 54) |
113b |
Richmond Dispatch, Confederate Reunion Souvenir Edition of, Virginia Welcomes the Veterans, 1896 June 30 (See Oversized Drawers) |
114 |
Richmond News Leader, 1992 May 30 (last issue) (See Box 54) |
115 |
Richmond News Leader: It Seems Like Only Yesterday, Commemorative Magazine, 1992 May 30 |
116 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1992 June 1 (2 editions, first after end of RNL) (See Box 54) |
117 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch: 150 Years Anniversary Series, 2000 October 15 [multiple sections 2 copies each] (See Box 54) |
118 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch Magazine, September 18, 1949 |
119 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch and Richmond News Leader, 1990 January 14 (Inauguration of D. Wilder commemorative issue) (See Box 54) |
120 |
Virginia on the move: A Review of Business and Industry, Supplement to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1977 May 17 |
Series 2. Joseph Bryan Papers, 1879-1909.
Joseph Bryan started the Bryan family into the newspaper business by purchasing the struggling Daily Times from his law client Lewis Ginter in 1887. He later acquired the rival paper the Dispatch and merged the two into the Richmond Times-Dispatch. At the time of his death he owned both the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Richmond News Leader. He built the family home, Laburnum, twice, including rebuilding after a disastrous fire in 1906. The series includes an incomplete set of architectural drawings of the second Laburnum which was built in a classical revival style. [More information about the house can be found in John Stewart Bryan and David Tennant Bryan's files.] The files below mainly regard Joseph Bryan's death in 1908.
Box 20
Folder |
121a |
Bryan, Joseph, correspondence from Ella Howard Bryan, 1895-1902 |
121b |
Bryan, Joseph, certificate of membership, Society of Cincinnati, 1907 August 31 (See Oversized) |
122 |
Bryan, Joseph, Funeral, 1908 |
123 |
Bryan, Joseph, Hollywood cemetery plot certificate, 1879 |
124 |
Bryan, Joseph, Joseph Bryan: A Brief Memoir, W. Gordon McCabe, 1909 April |
125 |
Bryan, Joseph, Memoriam, American Locomotive Company, 1908 December 17 |
126 |
Bryan, Joseph, Memoriam, Board of Directors of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, 1908 |
127 |
Bryan, Joseph, Memoriam, Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Company, 1908 |
128 |
Bryan, Joseph, Memoriam, Southern Railway, 1908 December 11 |
129 |
Bryan, Joseph and Belle Stewart Bryan, portraits, undated |
130 |
Bryan, Joseph, Telegrams of Sympathy, 1908 November 20-24 (bound volume) |
131a |
Bryan, Joseph, Telegrams of Sympathy, 1908 (bound volume) |
131b |
James T. Redd & Son. Plat of Brook Hill, farm and residence of Mrs. M.A. Stewart. 1891 July. [Mary Amanda Williamson Stewart, mother-in-law to Joseph Bryan] (See Oversized Roll 1) |
131c |
Parish & Schroeder, Architects, New York, N.Y. Residence of Joseph Bryan, Esq., Richmond, Va. [Brookfield?], 1906 March 15. Blueprint drawings of sheets 1-12, 18, 20, 23-25, 27-29. Very brittle. (See Oversized Roll 2) |
131d |
Parish & Schroeder, Architects, New York, NY. Residence of Joseph Bryan, Esq., Richmond, Va. [Brookfield?], [1906]. Blueprint drawings of sheets 22 (1 & 2), 24, and 28. Badly stained and brittle. (See Oversized Roll 3) |
Series 3. John Stewart Bryan Papers, 1828-1947.
John Stewart Bryan started working for his father's newspaper in 1900 after working as a lawyer. In 1914 he sold the Richmond Times-Dispatch and retained the Richmond News Leader. John Stewart Bryan was elected as president of the American Newspaper Publisher Association in 1927. He partnered with Samuel Emory Thomason to buy the Tampa Tribune and Chicago Daily Journal, both of which were later sold. He served as President of the College of William and Mary from 1934-1942. John Stewart Bryan was married to Anne Tennant Bryan, who lived at Westover Sanitorium for most of her adult life. The couple had three children: David Tennant, John Stewart, Jr., and Amanda Stewart, all of whom corresponded with their father regularly during their boarding school and adult years. John Stewart Bryan also maintained correspondence with many family members.
Correspondence can be to, from, or about the subject of the file maintained by John Stewart Bryan. There appears to be a numerical filing system where a correspondent was assigned a number and correspondence was filed by that number, but when the files arrived at the VMHC they were housed alphabetically. Where the number was written on the folder it has been noted in the inventory. Researchers should note the official papers of John Stewart Bryan's time as President and Chancellor at the College of William and Mary are maintained within the college archives. The series includes information about the Typographical Union and their dispute with Richmond Newspapers Inc. filed with the National Labor Board of the National Recovery Administration. More information about the 1971 Typographical Union Strikes can be found in Series 1.6, folder 105 and Series 4.2, folders 640-641.
Box 21
Folder |
132 |
American Newspaper Publishers Association, Freedom of the Press committee, 1935-1938 (File No. 1153) [posters promoting freedom of the press, and discussion of the Los Angeles Bar Association vs. The Times Mirror Company case] |
133 |
Banner notebook, 1901-1938 |
134 |
Brown, Lewis B., 1930 (File No. 1113) [life insurance policy for JSB's black chauffeur; correspondence states that the Manhattan Life Insurance Co. wrote policies for both white and black customers, but Sun Life did not] |
135-137 |
Bryan, Anne Tennant, 1905-1940 (File No. 658) [wife of JSB, she lived in the Westover Sanitorium from the mid-1920s on; it is not clear where she lived after JSB's death, but it seems she stayed in the same place. Files include financial papers, reports from doctors and nurses, and correspondence from Anne and family about Anne] (3 folders) |
138 |
Bryan, Anne Tennant, emblem for the Jamestown Exhibition, 1907 |
139 |
Bryan, Anne Tennant, Goodle, Charles, "Neque", Hanover County, Va., purchase, 1923 |
140 |
Bryan, Anne Tennant, photograph, undated |
141 |
Bryan, C. Braxton, Rev., and family (Delia Harrison), 1844-1944 (File No. 380) [includes handwritten copy of "Song on the Battle between the Frigates [sic] [frigate] Constitution and Guerriere fought 19th day of August, 1812. Ballad." Sung to the tune of "Tally-ho," the lyrics commemorate an important War of 1812 naval battle. Many versions of the lyrics exist.] |
142-146 |
Bryan, David Tennant and Mary Davidson Bryan, 1913-1944 (File No. 1020 [include report card and correspondence while Tennant was educated at the Chamberlyane School/St. Christopher's School, Episcopal High School, and the University of Virginia. Includes a letter from Mary B. Proffitt from 1927 regarding Tennant's performance at the University. She was a member of the Seven Society at UVA and worked as secretary to James M. Page. Correspondence also includes work at the newspapers, his honeymoon, gasoline ration card, and military service in WWII.] (5 folders) |
147 |
Bryan, David Tennant, John Stewart Bryan estate and newspapers, 1944-1945 (duplicates some correspondence in JSB estate files) |
148 |
Bryan, David Tennant, USS Alaska, 1944-1945 |
149 |
Bryan, David Tennant, USS Alaska, North Star, 1944-1945 [ship's newsletter] |
150-151 |
Bryan family genealogy, 1872-1943 (File No. 400) [publications/manuscripts: Sketch of Judge John Coalter; Memoirs of a Long Life, Bettie Churchill Lacy; Joseph Bryan; Notes on Peru by John Randolph Bryan, 1825; Robert Carter Williamson, 1796-1873, A Sketch; The Naval Career of John Randolph Bryan, 1824] (2 folders) |
152 |
Bryan family genealogy, Charles Page and Carysbrook, 1899-1929 |
153 |
Bryan family, photographs, miscellaneous, 1863-1905 |
Box 22
Folder |
154 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Convocation Address, College of William and Mary, 1936 September 22 |
155 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Convocation Address, College of William and Mary, 1941 September 26 |
156 |
Bryan, John Stewart, death, newspaper clippings and articles, 1944-1945 |
157 |
Bryan, John Stewart, estate, 1944-1945 (File No. 332) [letters of family and Cora Tomlinson, personal secretary of JSB concerning settling his estate. Includes a stipple engraving by J. Heath (1798) of a portrait of English architect and writer Richard Bentley by John Giles Eccardt (1753); and lists of books in JSB's collection] |
158-159 |
Bryan, John Stewart, estate, correspondence and reports, 1944-1952 (2 folders) |
160 |
Bryan, John Stewart, estate, probate of will, 1944-1947 |
161 |
Bryan, John Stewart, estate, Tampa Tribune, 1939-1945 |
162 |
Bryan, John Stewart, estate, Tampa Tribune Valuation of Stock, 1945-1946 |
163 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Harvard Law School catalog, 1897-1898 [JSB is listed among the third-year students] |
164 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Honorary degree, Ohio University, 1928 |
165 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Letterhead, undated, blank |
166-172 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Personal, 1894-1944 (File No. 372) [includes a News Leader telephone/address directory, 1928, and photograph of JSB with Franklin D. Roosevelt in Williamsburg, VA in 1934. Items document daily life with correspondence, financial papers, telegrams, photographs, and newspaper clippings. Please note file contains items from correspondents listed individually in the series that was not filled under their names] (7 folders) |
173 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Personal, Jokes and stories, 1926-1942 (File No. 123) |
174 |
Bryan, John Stewart, photographs, 1930-1943 |
Box 23
Folder |
175 |
Bryan, John Stewart, remembrances and resolutions, 1944-1946 |
176 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Scrapbook, newspaper clippings with notes, ca. 1901 |
177 |
Bryan, John Stewart, speech, 1938 [concerns annexation in Richmond] |
178 |
Bryan, John Stewart, University College of Medicine, Board of Trustees, 1910-1911 (File No. 372) |
179-181 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Jr., 1913-1944 (file No. 1200?) [Bryan's wife Elizabeth "Betty" Middleton Gibson Bryan Henry (1916-1992), letter, 1938 March 9, while on their honeymoon in Italy, to Joseph Bryan refers to Mussolini and how the people of Italy like him; correspondence primarily while they are stationed in Pueblo, Colorado and Ardmore, Oklahoma; notes death of Robert "Bobby" Carter Bryan in Italy, 1944 May 18; letter, 1944 February 26, from Betty to her in-laws states she is planting a victory garden while stationed in Oklahoma with her husband, comments on the richness of the soil; mention of Archbishop of York's visit, 1944 March 27, to Laburnum] (3 folders) |
182 |
Bryan, John Stewart, Jr., American Delegation to the Pan American Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1933-1934, (File No. 1200) [JSB,Jr. served as assistant secretary to the American Delegation to the Pan American Conference with Ambassador Alexander Weddell] |
183 |
Bryan, Jonathan "Jackie," and Robert "Bobby," 1932-1944 (File No. 751) [children of Robert C. Bryan; Includes WWII correspondence of both Bryans. Includes reaction and sympathy letters regarding the death of Robert C. Bryan in Italy May 18, 1944 while serving in the American Field Service] |
184 |
Bryan, Jonathan, and Winifred Hayden Bryan, 1912-1943 (File No. 382) [Brother of JSB, includes correspondence about Joseph Bryan's finances at the time of his death; JSB's discussions with War Dept.; JSB's desire to have his wife travel with him while working for YMCA during WWI; documents world travel and financial investments] |
185-186 |
Bryan, Joseph III, and Katherine Lansing Barnes Bryan, 1925-1943 (File 1318/ 1318A) [Joseph was a writer and editor for magazines like Town and Country and The Saturday Evening Post. In a letter dated 1941 August 12 he mentions writing an article on Katherine Hepburn for the Post. Katherine Bryan suffered from tuberculosis. Further files can be found in David Tennant Bryan's series] (2 folders) |
187 |
Bryan, Joseph St. George and Emily Page Kemp Bryan, 1890-1937 (File No. 383) [captain in WWI, correspondence about JSGB not signing up for War Risk Insurance in the appropriate amount of time] |
188 |
Bryan, Lamont "Bomy" Stewart and Betsey Page Gaynor Bryan, 1922-1944 (File No. 339) [Lt. in U.S. Navy during WWII] |
189 |
Bryan, Mary Harkness Davidson, 1932-1944 (File No. 322) [wife of DTB, includes letter, 1939 May 24, from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Tennant Bryan accepting an invitation to stay at Laburnum] |
190-193 |
Bryan, Robert Coalter, MD, And Grace Hamilton Bryan, 1916-1944 (File No. 384) [Brother of JSB; correspondence concerns an on-going long-distance chess game, Robert's arthritis and treatment in Arizona, sympathy notes to JSB upon Robert's death; post card from Rome while Robert was traveling with Boy Scouts says "Few Americans here. Pathetic to meet Jews leaving Germany as I sailed from Geno to Naples" (1933?); also includes discussions of the well-being of various Bryan family members in the military; two introductory letters from Robert for his bother in Paris] (4 folders) |
Box 24
Folder |
194 |
Bryan, St. George Tucker Coalter, photograph, 1889 |
195-196 |
Bryan, Thomas Pinckney, Sr., estate of, and Helen "Nellie" Hamilton Bryan and children, 1917-1944 (File No. 387) [Thomas P. Bryan was a founding member of the law firm of McGuire, Riley, and Eggleston. TPB served in WWI as a Lieutenant and file includes some correspondence from that time; his death left his family in financial difficulties. Also includes letter from Thomas P. Bryan, Jr., while serving in WWII] (2 folders) |
197 |
Bryan-Thomason Tampa Tribune Debentures, 1930-1931 [JSB and S. E. Thomason bought Tampa Tribune together] |
198 |
Carmichael, Fanny Tucker Bryan, 1858-1971 [daughter of John Randolph Bryan] |
199 |
Chapter XIV: The Record of 1946, 1947 Charles Scribner's Sons, pgs. 457-504 |
200 |
Cocke family and Bremo, 1930 (File No. 605) [C. C. Page remembrances] |
201 |
Daily Dispatch, Richmond, Va., 1883 January 31 (File No. 1147) |
202 |
Dure, Leon S. [letter, 1941 January 8, to JSB regarding consolidation of operations of RNL and TD papers] |
203 |
Eagle Point, Gloucester, Va. [home of John Randolph Bryan; remembrances, 1812-1903] |
204 |
Episcopal High School, Board of Trustees, 1939-1944 (File No. 718) |
205-207 |
Freeman, Douglas Southall, and Inez Virginia Goddin Freeman and family, 1924-1947 (File No. 117) [correspondence between JSB and Freeman concerns European travel and annual Christmas greeting. File also includes copies of a complaint and decree which were filed about a fake marriage, 1905, between D. S. Freeman and M. K. Garth. The records were reproduced in 1947. (3 folders) |
208 |
Glass, Carter, U.S. Senator, 1908, 1944 |
209 |
Harrison, Fairfax and Francis Harrison, 1923-1944 (File No. 49) [brothers; Fairfax Harrison was a prolific writer; a selection of his letters was published in 1944] |
210 |
Helen Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, 1936 (File No. 603) |
211 |
Hirst, Francis W., "Mss. on North America," a small volume containing excerpts from Charles William Janson's The Stranger in America (1807) and George Heriot's Travels through the Canadas (1807), compiler unknown. Volume is endorsed by Hirst to John Stewart Bryan, 1940 |
212-214 |
Kane, Amanda Bryan, 1915-1944 (File No. 300) [daughter of JSB; attended Foxcroft School and Smith College; married Richmond Keith Kane in 1930 and lived in New York City; contains extensive correspondence with her father while attending school] (1-3 of 8 folders) |
Box 25
Folder |
215-219 |
Kane, Amanda Bryan, 1915-1944 (file No. 300) (4-8 of 8 folders) |
220-221 |
Kane, R. Keith, 1930-1940 (Folder No. 1226) [son-in-law of JSB; married Amanda Bryan in 1930] (2 folders) |
222 |
Kane, Shelah and Anne, 1932-1944 (File No. 427) [granddaughters of JSB] |
223 |
Kemp, George S., 1939-1942 (File No. 645) (Kemp served as an Executor of Jonathan Bryan's estate and sued for compensation] |
224 |
Laburnum, 1937-1939 (File No. 336) [Mostly poetry that was written by the Bryan family at Christmas time, and instructions on how to remove mold from marble] |
225 |
Laburnum before fire, photograph, 1907 |
226 |
Laburnum, after fire, newspaper articles, 1908 |
227 |
Lang, Margaret MacLellan Hamilton (Lady Hamilton Lang), 1927-1936 (File No. 618) [also includes correspondence of her daughters Victoria Margaret "Queenie" or "Maggie" Hamilton Lang and Mary "Alice" Hamilton Lang Brydon] |
228 |
Lindbergh, Col. Charles, 1927-1941 [includes images of his visit to Richmond in Oct. 1927] |
229 |
Miller & Rhoads, 1928-1930 (File No. 630) [includes correspondence refuting gossip that the News Leader discontinued advertising with Miller and Rhoads due to a political disagreement] |
230-231 |
Montebello, 1922-1944 (File No. 406) [Zachary Taylor's birthplace, correspondence concerning the sale of boxwoods, reference to family graveyard by Winifred Russell] (2 folders) |
232 |
National Labor Board of The National Recovery Administration…Hearing in the matter of: Richmond Typographical Union No. 90 v. Publishers of Richmond News Leader and Richmond Times Dispatch, 1934 March 21 |
233 |
Newspaper Guild, 1934-1938 (File No. 256) [employee relations] |
234 |
Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch, Samuel L. Slover, 1926-1928 (File no. 184) |
235 |
Norman, R. Mark and Helen "Toby" Bryan Norman, 1941-1943 (File No. 655) [Helen Bryan Norman was the daughter of Thomas Pinckney Bryan, Sr.; includes a detailed account of how Capt. Mark R. Norman became wounded during World War II while serving England, 1941. See also folders 195-196 for additional correspondence of Helen] |
236 |
Pocahontas descendants, Heacham Church (Norfolk, England) repair fund, 1928-1929 (File No. 941) |
Box 26
Folder |
237 |
Rhoads, Webster S., Jr. and Irving Greentree, 1940 [discussing advertising rates] |
238 |
Richmond Enquirer, Newspaper, Tuesday, December 30, 1828 (File No. 502) |
239 |
"Richmond's Financial Problem, A Study," by Robert Murray Haig, 1945 August |
240 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Board of Director's files 1939-1944 (File No. 256) |
241 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., merger of News Leader and Times Dispatch, 1940 (File No. 256) |
242 |
Richmond Newspapers Inc., Selective Service Act Trainees, policy, 1942 |
243 |
Richmond Publishers Association, 1930-1932 (File No. 1110) [agreement between Richmond Times-Dispatch and News Leader regarding non-competing operating procedures] |
244 |
Richmond Radio Corporation, Sale of stock to the News Leader Company, by John Stewart Bryan, David Tennant Bryan, and Douglas Southall Freeman, 1938 |
245 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1908, 1932-1937 (File no. 760) [the Bryan family does not own paper during this time. Includes correspondence and negotiations between RTD and News Leader about advertising pricing. Includes correspondence from S. E. Thomason, Samuel L. Slover, John Dana Wise, regarding state of the News Leader] |
246 |
Sesquicentennial of Yorktown, 1931-1932 [includes correspondence from aides of French Marshal Philippe Pétain and signed printing of speech he made at Sesquicentennial of Yorktown] |
247 |
Smith, John, Captain, portrait purchase, 1923-1931 (File No. 632) |
248 |
South America Trip, 1936 (File 401) [JSB Sr. probably traveled to SA to visit JSB, Jr. while he served as assistant secretary to the American Delegation to the Pan American Conference with Ambassador Alexander Weddell. See John Stewart Bryan, Jr. correspondence for more information about the Delegation.) |
249 |
Southern Oratory, 1932 (File No. 390) [Correspondence, chiefly with G.B. Parker, Editor-in-Chief of Scripps-Howard Newspapers, New York, N.Y., sharing speeches and other items that reflected the South's love of oratory] |
250 |
Supreme Court, College of William and Mary racial integration, 1937 (File No. 257) [Letter may be written by Thomas Branch McAdams] |
251 |
Tampa Tribune, 1937-1940 (File No. 896) |
252 |
Tampa Tribune, purchase, 1926-1927 (File No. 896) |
Box 27
Folder |
253-254 |
Tampa Tribune, S.E. "Emory" Thomason, 1927-1944 (2 folders) [Folder is marked last folder worked on by JSB at Laburnum, perhaps before his death] |
255-260 |
Taylor, Charles H., 1925-1941 (File No. 224) [manager and treasurer of the Boston Globe, 1893-1937, close friend of JSB. Shared mutual involvement in the College of William and Mary and the Phi Beta Kappa Society, along with other newspapers and historical institutions] (6 folders) |
261a |
Tennant, Coleman Bruce, in Memorium, 1920 February. See OVERSIZE |
261b |
Thompson, John R., Journal (1864) and letters, 1925-1933 (File No. 874) [correspondence with Rufus Rockwell Wilson about publishing letters and journal of Richmond editor and poet John R. Thompson] |
262 |
Times-Dispatch, Employee relations, disability, undated (features case of employee Mr. Chapman) |
263 |
[Image of an] Unidentified equestrian sculpture by artist and sculptor Edwin Megargee, 1927 |
264 |
USS Maine, Sinking of, 1898, 1934 (File No. 79) [USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor late evening on February 15, 1898, so most daily papers were unable to include the story in the next day's paper; the Richmond Times was one of the only papers able to report the news the next day.] |
265 |
Virginia Episcopal School, Lynchburg, Va., 1916-1919 |
266 |
Washington National Cathedral, fundraising, 1932 (from John J. Pershing) |
267 |
Weddell, Alexander, Hon., and Virginia Weddell, 1941-1944 (File No. 194) |
Series 4. David Tennant Bryan Papers, 1884-2002.
David "Tennant" Bryan began working for his father's company as a reporter, one of many jobs he held. He was serving in the U.S. Navy at the time of his father's death in 1944, but quickly took over operations of Richmond Newspapers Inc. He oversaw the company's transition to Media General Inc., in 1969, and continued running Media General until his retirement in 1997. These files have been maintained as received, so there is overlap between Series 4.1, "Editors and Friends," and Series 4.2, "Subject Files." Researchers should check both when looking for information about an individual.
Series 4.1. Editors and Friends, 1936-2002.
While the Bohemian Grove Club has its own folder in this series, the private men's club is also mentioned in the correspondence of Archie K. Davis, Gordon Gray and others. This series also contains significant correspondence with Senators Harry Flood Byrd, Sr., and Harry Flood Byrd, Jr., continuing a friendship that began during Tenant Bryan's grandfather's lifetime. Also represented is Richmond "Keith" Kane, DTB's brother-in-law, husband of Amanda Bryan. Kane was a lawyer who served on the Board of Directors for Richmond Newspapers, Inc., and the Tampa Tribune. He also helped to manage the estate of John Stewart Bryan. Additional material related to the Kane family can be found in Series 3, folders 215-222.
Box 28
Folder |
268 |
Ball, Hugh T., 1938 [letter of recommendation for a former employee] |
269 |
Bohemian Grove Club, 1975-1993 [DTB was a member of this exclusive men's club and its affiliated camp] |
270 |
Bryan, Joseph, III, 1981-1993 [cousin of DTB; journalist and writer, inherited right to live at "Brook Hill" in 1959; second wife Jacqueline Vandesmet, Viscountess Guy de La Grandière, died in 1988 and JB III married for the third time to Elizabeth Mayo Atkinson McIntosh in 1991; JB III died in 1993. See also Series 3, Folders 185-186] |
271 |
Burke, Arleigh A., Admiral. 1959 |
272 |
Bush, George H.W. and Barbara, 1973-1997 [correspondence documents the friendship of DTB and wife with the Bushes and the Bryans' financial support of Bush family political campaigns] |
273-274 |
Byrd, Harry Flood, Sr., Senator, 1947-1965 [correspondence discusses newspaper coverage and editorials, social events, the Alfalfa club, resistance to school integration, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, civil rights protests and response in Danville, Va., in 1957-1958 and 1963; folders contain many of Byrd's speeches and public statements.] (2 folders) |
275-279 |
Byrd, Harry Flood, Jr., Senator, 1954-1998 [correspondence starts while Byrd was editor and president of the Winchester Evening Star and Daily News-Record, and continues through Byrd's election to the Virginia and later U.S. Senate; mentions Virginia Governor Gerald Baliles' endorsement of L. Douglas Wilder to be his successor; statehood for the District of Columbia; pro-Byrd editorials in Bryan-run newspapers, etc.] (5 folders) |
280 |
Byrd, Henry Flood, 1975-1976 [concerns the Memorial Commission Finance Committee] |
281 |
Carter, Jimmy, President, 1976-1987 |
282 |
Champion, George, 1983-1994 [of the conservative Ernest Martin Hopkins Institute; concerning the annual Alfalfa Club dinner] |
283 |
Clinton, William, President, 1993-1994 [this folder contains information about Clinton but no correspondence to or from him] |
284 |
Colburn, John H., 1949-1960 [managing editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch] |
285 |
Copley, James S., 1972-1973 [publisher of The San Diego Union] |
286 |
Couey, James, Jr., 1967-1971 [of the Tampa Tribune Company; concerns employment and compensation issues] |
287 |
Council, John C., 1970-1977 [publisher of the Tampa Tribune and Tampa Times] |
288-289 |
Dabney, Virginius, 1947-1997 [long-time editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, correspondence includes information about editorial decisions, but also mundane notes recording if Dabney would be out of the office or on vacation. Subjects covered include the Displaced Persons Act of 1948, race relations, Senator Joseph McCarthy, integration and re-segregation, and the Ku Klux Klan] (2 folders) |
290 |
Dalton, John N., Governor, 1978-1981 |
291 |
Davenport, John S., 1949 |
Box 29
Folder |
292 |
Davis, Archie K., 1972-1998 [former chairman of Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, two-term North Carolina state Senator, Media General Board of Directors member, 1972-1998; in part discussing rising presence of Black Panther movement in North Carolina, 1972 July 5]. |
293 |
Donnahoe, Alan S., 1962-1998 [Chief Executive Officer, Media General] |
294-295 |
Dure, Leon S., Jr., 1945-1958 [journalist and managing editor of Richmond Times Dispatch. Folder 294 contains correspondence discussing segregation and Massive Resistance; Folder 295 contains Richmond Times-Dispatch interoffice memorandums, 1936-1940, providing a look at the newspaper's daily operations] |
296 |
Edwards, Richard S., Admiral, 1949 |
297 |
Ford, Gerald R., 1974-1978 [mostly presidential campaign fundraising correspondence] |
298 |
Freeman, Douglas S., 1935, 1942-1949, 1986 [Richmond Times-Dispatch editor and Media General radio talent; one WWII letter from France, another letter dated 1949 January 21 discusses the future of newspapers in era of radio and television] |
299 |
Freeman, Douglas S. [advance copy of David E. Johnson's Douglas Southall Freeman: A Biography, Pelican Publishing Company, June 2002] |
300 |
Freeman, Douglas S., [Douglas Southall Freeman, May 1886 - June 1953] |
301 |
Glasgow, Arthur Graham, 1955 [concerns Glasgow's will, which mentions a bequest to the Virginia Historical Society] |
302 |
Goodykoontz, Charles A., 1969-1993 [editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch] |
303 |
Gray, Gordon, 1971-1983 [member of the Media General Board of Directors; includes letter to Gray from to William K. Hoyt about segregation in Winston-Salem, N.C.] |
304-305 |
Gibson, George D., 1966-1981 [lawyer with the firm of Hunton and Williams, served as General Counsel for the Virginia Electric Power Company. Correspondence concerns the Virginia Historical Society as well as personal affairs] (2 folders) |
306 |
Goodwin, Mills E., 1977 [two-time Governor of Virginia, concerns the Jefferson Awards for Public Service] |
307 |
Hall, G.C., Jr., 1966-1968 [editor Richmond News Leader, includes draft of questions for presidential candidate Gov. Wallace interview] |
308 |
Hamilton, Charles H., 1966-1994 [Assistant to President, Richmond Newspapers Inc./managing editor. Concerns in part public reactions to Masters' and Johnson's Human Sexual Response] |
309 |
Holton, A. Linwood, Governor of Virginia, 1972-1975 |
Box 30
Folder |
310-312 |
Kane, Richmond Keith, 1945-1963 [brother-in-law, member of the Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Board of Directors. Correspondence is personal and discusses in part the estate of John Stewart Bryan] (3 folders) |
313-318 |
Kane, Richmond Keith, 1941-1964 [while working for Richmond Newspapers, Inc., and the Tampa Tribune] (6 folders) |
319-320 |
Kilpatrick, James Jackson, 1951-1998 [editor of the Richmond News Leader; starting in 1958 there are discussions of integration and drafts of editorials on the subject] (2 folders) |
321 |
Knight, James L., 1973-1991 [of Knight-Ridder, Inc.; undated document, ca. 1973, details the benefits of merger between Knight Newspapers, Inc. and Medial General] |
322 |
Leard, John Earnshaw, 1976-1989 [executive editor and vice president of both the Richmond News Leader and Times-Dispatch] |
Box 31
Folder |
323 |
Linen, James A., IV, 1985-1989 [executive vice president of Media General, Inc.; includes an account of a trip to Hong Kong and Thailand, ca. 1980s, with visits to newspaper and television execs and expats] |
324 |
Ludeman, Douglas H., 1984-1985 [Media General, Inc., Board of Directors member] |
325 |
MacNelly, Jeff, 1971-1989 [syndicated political cartoonist] (See Oversize Drawers) |
326 |
Manheim, Paul E.,1967-1990 [Media General, Inc., Board of Directors member] |
327 |
Miller, J. Clifford, Jr., 1989-1998 [Richmond businessman, long active in Virginia politics] |
328a |
Miller, Paul, 1970s?-1993 [head of the Gannett Company, Inc., 1957-1973 and the Associated Press, 1963-1977] |
328b |
Mims, Joseph S., "The Story of a Man and a Newspaper: Joseph S. Mims and the Tampa Tribune, 1906-1949" (See Oversized) |
329-331 |
Nixon, Richard M., President, 1962-1986 [includes correspondence with Nixon, mostly thank you notes for supportive editorials in the paper; also coverage of Nixon's presidency] (3 folders) |
332 |
Nixon, Richard M., Nixon for President Campaign, 1967-1968 |
333 |
Pegler, Westbrook, 1942-1943 [columnist whose column was discontinued after he published disparaging remarks about Vice-President Henry A. Wallace] |
334-337 |
Powell, Lewis F., Jr., Supreme Court Justice, 1959-1998 [long-time friend of DTB, includes correspondence during Powell's nomination and confirmation to Supreme Court, Blue Ribbon Defense Council report, concerns about Russia's threat to U.S., etc. Includes a memo written in 1959 March 20, when Powell was on the Richmond City school board, supporting segregation of the schools but stating "…we also believe deeply in the necessity of continuing public school education and we think the time has come when the public generally as well as the personnel in our school system should understand that there can be no abandonment of public education here."] (4 Folders) |
338 |
Quayle, James Danforth "Dan", Vice President, 1989-1996 [includes information and photos of a visit to Media General in 1989] |
Box 32
Folder |
339-341 |
Reagan, Ronald Wilson, President, 1976-1994 [mainly concerns campaign fundraising; includes photocopies of note cards of speech given by Reagan that he in turn gave to DTB. The originals were donated to the National Archives and DTB was provided with copies] (3 folders) |
342 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., 1948 March-April [concerns the State Corporation Commission's investigation of Richmond Newspapers, Inc., as a monopoly under the Swanson resolution] |
343-349 |
Wise, John Dana, 1942-1963 [vice president and general manager of Richmond Newspapers, Inc., and a personal friend of DTB; correspondence covers DTB's military service in WWII, the death of JSB in 1944; and other personal and work-related topics. Wise was in failing health when he retired as vice president in 1957 but remained on the Board of Directors until his suicide in 1963] (7 folders) |
Series 4.2. Subject Files, 1884-2000.
Files are arranged alphabetically. Topics are both personal and work-related. MGI folders are Media General Inc. items that were maintained in DTB's. Includes information about the strike of the Typographical Union in 1971, contained in folders 640-641. For more information about this union see Series 1.6., folder 105 (1971) and Series 3., folder 232 (1934).
Box 33
Folder |
350 |
A, 1979-1996 |
351 |
Alaska, U.S.S., 1944-1995 |
352-354 |
Alfalfa Club, 1956-1998 [include a folder of dinner programs and a folder of seating charts] (3 folders) |
355 |
Allen, George F., Governor of Virginia, 1991-1996 |
356 |
American Antiquarian Society, 1972-1986 [concerns the Newspaper Preservation Fund] |
357 |
American Frontier Culture Foundation, 1984-1998 |
358-366 |
American Newspaper Publishers Association, 1958-1960, 1983-1997 (9 folders) |
367 |
Associated Press, Former Directors, 1988-1998 |
368 |
Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 1964-1996 |
369 |
Awards, Memorials, and Resolutions, 1960-1999 |
Box 34
Folder |
370 |
B, 1959-1990 |
371 |
Bingham family, 1986-1988 [Louisville newspaper publishers] |
372 |
Birthday gift lists, 1996-1998 |
373 |
Bowles and Whitehead, 1991 [Richmond law firm] |
374 |
BR, 1980-1997 |
375 |
Brady, Nicholas F., 1973-1989 [Media General Board of Directors member] |
376 |
Brent, Andrew J., 1972-1993 [lawyer, served as director, general counsel and secretary of Media General, Inc.] |
377 |
Brockenbrough family, 1966-1998 |
378 |
Brook Hill Calendar, 1984-1994 [genealogical chart of Bryan family members] |
379 |
Brook Hill Property, 1980-1995 |
380 |
Bryan Brothers, 1986-1998 [a family-based financial services company in which DTB owned shares) |
381 |
Bryan, David Tennant, Biography, 1977-1999 |
382 |
Bryan, David Tennant, death, 1998 |
383-385 |
Bryan, David Tennant and Mary D. Bryan, Photographs, 1910s-1998 [Includes image of DTB with President Eisenhower, 1959] (3 folders) |
386 |
Bryan, David Tennant, Photograph album, birthday, 1986 August 3 |
387 |
Bryan, Reverend Jonathan R. and family, 1981-1998 |
388 |
Bryan, Joseph, statue in Monroe Park, restoration, 1992 |
389 |
Bryan, Mary Harkness Davidson, death, 1982-1987 |
390 |
Bryan Park, 1964-1996 |
Box 35
Folder |
391 |
C, 1980-1996 |
392-393 |
Calendars, 1987-1998 [calendars may have been mostly kept by DTB's personal secretary post-retirement] (2 folders) |
394 |
CH, 1981-1998 |
395 |
Chapman, Alvah H., Jr., 1987-1988 [chairman of the Knight Ridder newspaper division] |
396 |
Childs, Timothy W., family, 1989-1997 |
397 |
Christmas cards, 1946-1998 |
398 |
Christmas file, 1990-2000 [Christmas cards and responses 1999-2000, and gift list 1990, 1996-1997] |
399-400 |
Christmas Mother, 1952-1998 (2 folders) |
401 |
CO, 1979-1998 |
402 |
Collegiate Schools, Rosemary Award, 1969-1998 |
403 |
Community Foundation, The, 1995-1998 |
404 |
Community Foundation-Ampthill Foundation, 1993-1995 |
405 |
Community Foundation-Kane-Bryan Fund and JSB Memorial Fund, 1987-1989 |
406 |
Community Foundation-Mary Davidson Bryan Fund, 1986-1997 |
407-408 |
Confederate Memorial Literary Society, Museum of the Confederacy, 1979-1996 (2 folders) |
409 |
Conquest, Edwin P., and Dr. Henry "Fairfax" Conquest family, 1983-1997 |
410 |
Cook, Rosa L. and Rodney Cook, 1997 |
411-412 |
Correspondence, 1932-1998 [mostly personal correspondence to DTB, letters between John Stewart Bryan and DTB while on his on honeymoon, and an account of the reaction to the finding of the body of the Lindenberg baby, 1932 May 13] (2 folders) |
413 |
Country Club of Virginia, 1943, 1997-1998 |
414 |
Cox, Edwin P., family, 1988-1994 |
415 |
CR, 1980 |
416 |
Crestar Bank, Stock certificates, 1994 |
Box 36
Folder |
417 |
D, 1980-1997 |
418 |
Daly, Mary Elizabeth, 1992-1997 |
419 |
Davidson Estate, 1949-1986 [concerns the estate of Florence Talbott Davidson, mother of Mary H. Davidson Bryan] |
420 |
Davidson family genealogical file, 1929-1993 |
421 |
Davies, Paul L., family, 1982-1997 |
422 |
Davis, Charles A., 1989 [member of the Media General Board of Directors] |
423 |
Deep Run Hunt Club, 1940-1998 |
424 |
Diocese of Virginia, 1993-1998 |
425 |
DKL, Inc., 1984-1989 [formerly Weaver & Energy Resources] |
426 |
DO, 1980 |
427-428 |
Dominion Energy Corporation/Dominion Energy Partners, Ltd., 1985-1996 [concerns exploring mineral leases in Colorado and Louisiana] (2 folders) |
429 |
Dusa Drilling Company, 1981-1985 [investment in drilling for oil and natural gas] |
430 |
E, 1954-1998 |
431 |
Emmanuel Episcopal Church at Brook Hill, 1984-1999 |
432 |
Episcopal High School, 1890?-1998 [many generations of Bryan men were Episcopal High School graduates; includes images of players from the football team 1920s] |
433-434 |
Estates, 1935 Trust U/A John Stewart Bryan, 1944 Trust U/A John Stewart Bryan, 1966 |
435 |
Estates, legal agreements, 1968-1972 |
436 |
Estates, Lewis Contract and estate tax issue, 1966-1968 |
Box 37
Folder |
437 |
F, 1980 |
438 |
Farmington Country Club, Charlottesville, 1973-1998 |
439 |
Fayette Park, 1988-1993 [concerns traffic issues at the state fairgrounds] |
440 |
Financial records, 1956-1998 |
441 |
G, 1980-1998 |
442 |
Gabelli, Mario, 1997-1998 [financial analyst and investment advisor] |
443 |
GR, 1980 |
444 |
Guardian Exploration/Bayou Resources, Inc., 1982 |
445 |
H, 1924-1987 [this file Includes a tribute to Henrietta Crump Harrison, a longtime employee of the Richmond News Leader], upon her death] |
446 |
Hampton Resources Corp., 1994-1995 [formerly Weaver] |
447 |
Harken Oil & Gas, 1983-1989 |
448 |
Harrison, Joseph Huger, 1981-1992 |
449 |
Hatcher, Robert V., Jr., 1987-1995 [member of Media General Board of Directors] |
450 |
HE, 1980-1994 |
451 |
Henry, Elizabeth "Betty" Bryan, 1970-1987 |
452 |
Herman, George "Babe" Ruth, print of, 1948 [produced for Hillerich and Bradsby Co.] |
453 |
Historic Blandford Cemetery, 1988-1991 |
454 |
Historic Lexington Foundation, Stonewall Jackson House, 1975-1997 |
455 |
Historic Petersburg Foundation, 1990-1997 |
456 |
Historic Richmond Foundation, 1960-1998 |
457 |
HO, 1953-1996 |
458 |
Hollywood Cemetery, 1968-1995 |
459-460 |
Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1969-1998 [DTB on advisory board] (2 folders) |
461-462 |
Hospital records and correspondence, 1965-1977 [document DTB medical procedures and stay at hospital in NYC for back surgery, including correspondence and get-well cards, and a visit to Johns Hopkins Hospital for pancreatic insufficiency] (2 folders) |
463 |
Howle, Alice Hathaway Tennant (Mrs. Paul W., Jr.), 1978-1989 [concerns estate of Mary Newton Tennant, second wife of William Brydon Tennant] |
Box 38
Folder |
464 |
I, 1980-1997 |
465 |
Indigo, Inc., 1985-1992 {real estate company developing Libbie Law Center; dissolved 1989] |
466 |
Institute of World Politics, 1999 [letters from John Lenczowski concerning DTB's death. Lenczowski was a member of Bohemian Grove Lost Angels Camp] |
467 |
Integrity Communications, 1997-1998 |
468 |
J, 1980-1990 |
469 |
John Stewart Bryan Memorial Foundation, 1997-1999 |
470 |
John Stewart Bryan Memorial Foundation, David Tennant Bryan, Ampthill, 1993-1995 |
471 |
John Stewart Bryan Memorial Foundation, David Tennant Bryan, contributions, 1982-1999 |
472 |
John Stewart Bryan Memorial Foundation, Tent, 1962-1978 [tent was rented for events to make money for the foundation] |
473 |
Jefferson's Poplar Forest, the Corporation for, 1989-1995 |
474 |
K, 1979-1988 |
475-477 |
Kane, Amanda Bryan and R. Keith, 1945-1992 [DTB's sister and brother-in-law; includes correspondence, travel itineraries, and a memoir of Amanda Bryan Kane (1904-1992) written by Elizabeth Copeland Norfleet. R. Keith Kane (1900-1974) served on the board of MGI; Friends and Editors series] (3 folders) |
478 |
Kennedy family, controversies, 1970-1976, publications about |
479 |
KI, 1980-1995 |
480 |
Kimball, Mildred Montague Genevieve "Tweet", 1952-1998 [well-known Colorado hostess, traveler, cattle farmer; includes letter, 1952, from her first husband, Merritt Kirk Ruddock, to DTB with a reference to mining in Utah.] |
481 |
Kimbrough, Dr. Janet, Tucker descendants Reunion, 1980-1994 [information regarding the St. George Tucker House, Williamsburg] |
482 |
L, [1865}-1994 |
483 |
Laburnum, Bryan family home, 1988-1994 |
484 |
Laburnum, donation to Richmond Memorial Hospital, thank you correspondence, 1949 |
485 |
Laburnum, library book plate and stationery, undated |
486 |
Lancaster, Mrs. Nancy, correspondence, 1973-1994 [influential British decorator] |
487 |
Lee, Robert E. Statue, Committee to Restore the Virginia Monument at Gettysburg, 1986-1987 |
488 |
Lewis, Lawrence, 1992-1995 |
489 |
LI, 1979-1980 |
490-491 |
Linden Row Partners, 1988-1997 (2 folders) |
Box 39
Folder |
492 |
MA, 1979-1996 |
493 |
Mackenzie, Ross Dundas, 1965-1995 [editor, Richmond News Leader and Richmond Times-Dispatch] |
494 |
Mahoney, George L., 1993-1995 |
495 |
Marsh, John O., Jr., 1982-1998 |
496 |
Marshall, George C., Foundation, 1995-1998 |
497 |
Marshall, George C., International Center, Dodona Manor, 1986-1997 includes information about preservation of Marshall home |
498 |
Mary Baldwin College, 1987-1994 |
599 |
Maymont Foundation, 1984-1991 |
500 |
MC, 1957-1996 |
501 |
McClenahan, Dr. John L. and Mary Tyler (Freeman) Cheek McClenahan, 1989-1998 [concerns the Cheek and McClenanhan families; contains an interesting letter, 1989 August 20, concerning views on race and interracial relationships] |
502 |
McGuire, Lockhart and Anne (Kane) Lockhart family, 1983-1996 [DTB's niece and her family] |
503 |
ME-MI, 1980-1999 |
504 |
Meadowbrook museum research file, 1954-1955 [appears to be information collected by Elizabeth Jeffries about science museums] |
505-506 |
Media General, 1980-1999 (2 folders) |
507 |
Media General, Identification card and insurance cards, 1971-1990 |
508 |
Media General Stock Redemption Agreement, 1994 |
509 |
Medlin, John G., Jr., 1986-1995 [member, Media General Board of Directors] |
510 |
MGI, Aircraft, 1987-1996 |
511 |
MGI, American Continental Corp., Hart-Scott-Rodino filing, 1987-1988 |
512 |
MGI, Antitrust Compliance Policy and Document Retention, 1983-1988 |
Box 40
Folder |
513 |
MGI, Baldwin Technology, proposed acquisition, 1980 |
514 |
MGI, Benchmark Communications proposed purchase of Media General Cable of Fairfax County, Inc., 1988 |
515 |
MGI, Bluefield Daily Telegraph, W. Va., offer for sale,1984 |
516 |
MGI, Brown Newspaper Publishing Co., proposed joint venture, 1980-1981 |
517 |
MGI, Bruno & D'Elia, 1977 [auditing issue during acquisition of Garden State Paper] |
518 |
MGI, By-laws and Articles of Incorporation, [1970]-1990 |
519 |
MGI, Cliggott Publishing Co., acquisition, 1976-1979 |
520 |
MGI, Directors, 1976-1996 |
521 |
MGI, Ethics, 1983-1993 |
522 |
MGI, Executive Responsibilities, 1966 |
523 |
MGI, Garden State Newspapers, Inc., 1986-1994 |
524 |
MGI, Garden State Paper Company, 1980-1990 [mentions hazardous effluents] |
525 |
MGI, Garden State Paper Company, Scudder v. Media General, Inc., 1995 |
526 |
MGI, Media General, Succession Plans, 1980 |
527 |
MGI, Media General Broadcast Services, Inc. 1984-1988 [formerly William B. Tanner Co., mainly regards litigation against William B. Tanner for fraud] |
528 |
MGI, Park Acquisitions, Inc., acquisition, 1996 |
529 |
MGI, Piedmont Publishing Company, 1976-1997 |
530 |
MGI, Preferred Stock, correspondence, 1972-1979 |
531 |
MGI, Productora E Importadora De Papel (PIPSA) SA, Mexican mill, 1989-1994 |
532 |
MGI, Proxy Material, correspondence, 1989-1991 |
533 |
MGI, Richmond Newspaper, Inc., production plant, Hanover location, maps, undated |
534-535 |
MGI, Secondary Offering, 1971-1972 (2 folders) |
536 |
MGI, Stockholders "B" Shares, 1966-1988 |
537 |
MGI, Tender Offer, 1979 |
Box 41
Folder |
538 |
MGI, Transfer of Stock Options, 1984-1985 |
539 |
MGI,"Two Classes" Stock, information about, 1987-1988 |
540 |
MGI, Voting Rights, changes for common stock, 1978 |
541 |
MGI, Wisconsin Investment Board, Stock purchase, 1979 |
542 |
MGI, Miscellaneous Stock information, Stock-Common, 1975-1984 |
543 |
Military service, Correspondence, 1940-1953 [includes correspondence of DTB with family at home and at war, DTB's military commission, resignations of jobs to enter military, and materials concerning the death of JSB in 1944) |
544 |
Military service, Datebook, 1942-1943 [daily diary documenting work and social activities while in the United States Navy; includes some financial records, invitations and announcements; of particular interest is entry for 1943 July 26: "Landed at Nassau saw Duke of W. at his residence] |
545 |
Military service, Miscellaneous materials, 1942-1943 |
546 |
Millsaps, William H., 1991-1992 [managing editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch in 1992; later Executive editor and Senior Vice President] |
547 |
Molecular Energy Corporation, Webster-Heise Valve, 1991-1995 |
548 |
Monticello Cabinet (The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Fund), 1998 |
549 |
Morton, Marshall N., 1989-1990 [Media General Senior Vice President] |
550 |
Mount Vernon Ladies Association, 1985-1989 |
551 |
Museum of the American Frontier, 1991-1998 |
553 |
N, 1980-1998 |
554 |
News clippings, jokes and satire, 1966-1997 |
555 |
News clippings, weddings announcements, 1970-1997 [some weddings clippings were sent or collected as social commentary] |
556 |
News Leader, Editorial Department, 1977-1992 |
557 |
News Leader/Times-Dispatch merger, 1939-1940 |
558 |
Newspapers, Annual Reports, (Washington Post news releases), 1992 |
559 |
Norfolk Southern Corporation, Best Friend of Charleston, Brosnan Forest, Photo Album, 1970 |
560 |
Norfolk Southern Corporation/Southern Railway Company, Directors, 1953 |
561 |
Norfolk Southern Corporation, Matching Fund Program, 1982-1999 |
562 |
Norman, Mark and family, 1962-1995 [English cousins] |
563 |
O, 1981-1996 |
564 |
Odom, John Gregory and Lee (Scott) Odom, 1983-1992 grand-niece of DTB, granddaughter of Amanda (Bryan) Kane and R. Keith Kane] |
565 |
Omicron Delta Kappa, 1987 |
566 |
Parke, Daniel II, 1985-1989 [information about an early ancestor] |
567 |
Pi, 1981-1998 [includes correspondence from the Pinckney family; see also Pickney, Thomas and family file] |
568 |
Perkins, Chiswell Dabney Langhorne, and Mary Tennant Bryan "Polly" and family, 1992-1997 [DTB's niece and husband] |
Box 42
Folder |
569 |
Pinckney, Thomas and family, 1948-1993 [includes transcription of narrative by Mrs. McLeod of the wreck of the steamboat Pulaski, 1838] |
570 |
Poch, Ken, photographs, undated [retired audio-visual technician for U.S. Army; later worked as a photographer for the Newspaper Association of America] |
571 |
Poetry and literature, 1935-1982 [includes poems written to commemorate family Occasions; also includes book plates for John Stewart Bryan and DTB books] |
572 |
Priam (horse), 1995 [British racehorse and stud, born 1827, died 1847, sold in 1835 and exported to America] |
573 |
Public Relations Society, Old Dominion Chapter, Thomas Jefferson Public Service Citation, congratulations, 1965 |
574 |
Pulitzer Prize, Summary of Nominations for 1959 |
575 |
R, 1991-1998 |
576 |
Rahn, Brenda C., n.d. [correspondence] |
577 |
Randolph, Virginia, Foundation, 1954-1998 |
578 |
Rankin, Thompson Lykes, 1985-1991 [member of the Media General Board of Directors] |
579 |
Raven Society, University of Virginia, 1976-1997 |
580 |
Reader's Digest, 1974-1995 [subscriptions and Dewitt Wallace Fund applications] |
581 |
Real estate, 3002 Moss Side Avenue, Richmond, Va., 1988-1996 |
582 |
Real estate taxes, 1990-1993 [includes real estate tax protests on Ampthill, DTB's home] |
583 |
Retirement, supplemental benefit, 1984-1998 |
584 |
Retirement as chairman of Media General, 1990, Letters of congratulations |
585 |
Retirement as newspaper publisher, 1977-1978, Letters of congratulations |
586 |
Retirement from the Board of Directors of Media General, 1997 |
587 |
Richmond Business Hall of Fame, 1990 |
588 |
Richmond Junior Board of Trade Service Award, 1939-1940 |
589 |
Richmond Memorial Hospital, Laburnum Gift, 1945-1999 |
590 |
Richmond Metropolitan Expressway, 1972-1974 |
591 |
Richmond Newspapers, Inc., Election to Chairmanship, Correspondence, 1966 |
592 |
Richmond Symphony, 1992-1998 |
593 |
Robertson, Wyndham, 1996 [member of Media General Board of Directors] |
594 |
Rozario family, 1985-1995 [The relationship between DTB and the family of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Gomes) Rozario is not clear, although he paid several bills for them and contributed in their name to a Baptist orphanage in Bangladesh] |
595 |
S, 1991-1997 |
596 |
Saint Catherine's School, 1990-1994 |
597 |
Saint Christopher's School, Joseph Bryan Prize, 1947-1998 |
598 |
Saint Paul's College (Lawrenceville, VA), 1988-1989 |
599 |
Scott, Sheilah Kane, and James H. Scott, Jr., family, 1987-1997 [DTB's niece] |
Box 43
Folder |
600 |
SE, 1984-1997 |
601 |
SI, 1981-1997 |
602 |
Sigma Delta Chi, 1987-1988 [DTB was elected a fellow of this society of professional journalists in 1987] |
603 |
Sinding/Taylor family, 1961-1998 |
604 |
Smith, Hilary B., 1996-1998 |
605-607 |
Society of Cincinnati, 1976-1995 (3 folders) |
608 |
The Society of Colonial Wars, War Cross, 1946 |
609-612 |
Speeches, 1938-1994 [made by DTB to Media General and community groups] (4 folders) |
613 |
Spilhaus, Athelstan, Dr., 1987-1991 [head of the scientific advisory committee of the American Newspaper Publishers Association; author of "Our New Age" feature for Sunday newspaper comics sections] |
614 |
ST, 1988-1997 |
615-618 |
Starsight Telecast, Inc., 1989-1997 [was also known as Insight Telecast, concerns the development of on-screen programming features for television] (4 folders) |
619 |
Stationery and business cards, undated |
Box 44
Folder |
620 |
Stock transactions, 1965-1989 |
621 |
Stock transactions, Form 4, 1967-1998 |
622-623 |
Stone Petroleum Corporation /Stone Energy Corp., 1957-1999 (2 folders) |
624 |
Stone Petroleum Corporation, David Tennant Bryan Investment, ca. 1957-1997 |
625 |
Stone Petroleum Corporation, Oil and Gas, Bills, 1990-1997 |
626 |
Stone Petroleum Corporation, Oil and Gas, Sales & Gifts of Property, 1962-1990 |
627 |
Strawberry Hill Races and gala, photographs, 1985 April 15 |
628 |
T, 1920-1995 |
629 |
Tennant, Charles Colville (d. 1958), estate of, 1960 [DTB's uncle] |
630 |
Tennant Company, 1986-1992 |
631 |
Tennant family wills, 1884-1960 |
632 |
Tennant/Buffington family genealogy, 1964 [DTB's mother Anne Eliza Tennant Bryan was the daughter of David Brydon Tennant and Willie Anne Buffington] |
633 |
Thalhimers, William B. and Charles, 1979-1990 |
634 |
Thames Wharf, Virginia Company of London, news clipping, 1947 |
635 |
Times-DispatchE ditorials + Cartoons, 1981-1995 [chiefly concerns Edward Grimsley, Editor-in-Chief] |
636 |
Trilateral Commission, 1984-1988 |
637 |
Tucker, Beverly, family, 1990-1996 [relatives] |
638 |
Tucker, Henry St. George, Society, Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary, 1980-1984 [now Virginia Theological Seminary; H. StG Tucker was both alumni and faculty member] |
639 |
Turrell, Jim, 1993-1997 |
640 |
Typographical Union Strike (ITU), Richmond Newspapers, 1971 [strike started March 31st ; folder documents different aspects and sides of the strike; also includes list with status of employees involved in strike; Union resolution declaring strike; text on how Media General dealt with strike; Union claimed it was first strike Richmond newspapers had experienced in 100 years] |
641 |
Typographical Union Strike (ITU), Letters to Staff Members, April 1971 [letters of support from the public for "overcoming" the strike of the typographical employees to produce the paper] |
642 |
U, 1985-1995 |
643 |
United States Advisory Commission on Information, Presidential appointment, 1976 |
644 |
University of Richmond, Douglas Southall Freeman Chair, 1983-1990 |
645 |
University of Richmond, Honorary Degree, 1973 |
646 |
University of Richmond magazine, 1992 |
647 |
United Way, Alexis De Tocqueville Society of Greater Richmond, 1986-1992 |
648 |
United Way, Richmond Newspapers campaign, 1996-1998 |
Box 45
Folder |
649 |
University of Virginia, General, 1981-1998 |
650-651 |
University of Virginia, Bryan Hall, 1994-1988 (2 folders) |
652 |
University of Virginia, David Tennant Bryan and John Stewart Bryan, III gifts, 1995-1997 |
653 |
University of Virginia, Lawrence Louis, Jr. Chair, School of Architecture, 1993-1995 |
654 |
University of Virginia, St. Anthony Renovation Association, 1992-1998 |
655 |
Valentine, Henry L. II, n.d. [member of brokerage firm Davenport & Company] |
656 |
Virginia Commonwealth University, General, 1997 |
657 |
Virginia Commonwealth University, Communications Hall of Fame, 1994 |
658 |
Virginia Commonwealth University, Dabney Professorship, 1988-1992 |
659 |
Virginia: The Gracious Commonwealth, booklet, 1987 |
660 |
Virginia Historical Society, General, 1979-1999 |
661 |
Virginia Historical Society, Battle Abbey Council, 1983-1986 |
662 |
Virginia Historical Society, Bryan Reading Room, 1990-1992 |
663 |
Virginia Historical Society, Lee papers, 1980-1989 |
664 |
Virginia Historical Society, Lord Halifax + Daniel Parke Portraits, 1982-1985 |
665 |
Virginia Historical Society, Nanzatico Plantation sale, 1965-1979 |
666 |
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1989-1998 |
667 |
The Virginia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, application, 1946 |
668 |
W, 1987-1997 |
669 |
Watkins, Hays T., 1983-1984 [member of Media General Board of Directors] |
670 |
West Petroleum, Inc., 1992-1995 |
671 |
Westminster Canterbury, Mary Davidson Bryan Endowment, 1988-1989 |
672 |
Wilkinson, John J., HVAC, 1993-1998 |
673 |
William & Mary College, General, 1993-1998 |
674 |
William & Mary College, Honorary Degree, 1989-1990 |
675 |
William & Mary College, John Stewart Bryan Professorship of Jurisprudence, 1979-1982 |
676 |
William & Mary College, John Stewart Bryan Scholarship, 1987-1998 |
677 |
XYZ, 1991-1998 |
678 |
Miscellaneous, 1949-1995 |
Series 4.3. Travel, 1945-1998.
Travel files documenting mainly personal trips made by David Tennant Bryan and or he and his family in the late 1940s to the 1970s, organized chronological. Files document the transition of travel via train and boat to airplanes. Files mainly document logistical arrangements for travel but also include correspondence with Associated Press contacts in the area where Bryan was travelling. Letters with AP agents may convey information about the political or cultural climate of the country prior to travel. There are three files concerning World Fairs, Expos, and exhibitions in Brussels, Moscow, and Montreal. Bryan, as president of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, was appointed a member of the Advisory Committee for the U. S. Exhibition, Moscow by President Eisenhower in 1959. The Files include drawings of the exhibit, and there is an interesting exchange of correspondence about if Russia will allow the U. S. to display American Newspapers in their exhibit area and David Tennant Bryan expressing concerns regarding the U.S. exhibit about American workers.
Box 46
Folder |
679 |
1945-1998, Trip Journal [contains summaries of trips and events] |
680 |
1947, Colorado, Utah, California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Canada |
681 |
1952, England, Scotland, and France |
682 |
1953, Norway, Sweden, Denmark |
683 |
1956, Italy, Austria, Switzerland [includes discussion with vendor about goods lost in sinking of Doria Andrea and another correspondent who may be John Dana Wise, on efforts to desegregate schools in Virginia] |
684 |
1957, Ireland, Scotland, England |
685 |
1958, Austria, West Germany, Belgium, Holland |
686 |
1958 Belgium, Brussels World's Fair, aka Expo 58 |
687-688 |
1959, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, England (2 folders) |
689 |
1959, Moscow, The American National Exhibition, aka Expo 59 |
Box 47
Folder |
690 |
1960, Canada |
691 |
1961, Jamaica, Cristobal, Curacao, Martinique, St. Thomas, San Juan (Caribbean Cruise) |
692 |
1961, England, Greece, France, and Germany (National Press Club Charter) |
693 |
1962, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia, South America |
694 |
1964, Mexico |
695 |
1966, Spain, Portugal [includes letters from Senator Byrd and Ambassador Angier B. Duke] |
696 |
1966-1967, Africa |
697 |
1967, Canada, Montreal, Expo 67 |
698 |
1967, Hawaii |
699 |
1968, St. Thomas, Caneel Bay, Virgin Islands [canceled] |
700 |
1970, Barbados |
701-703 |
1970, India (3 folders) |
704 |
1971, Jamaica, Reynolds Mines [near Port Maria] |
705 |
1972, England |
Box 48
Folder |
706-707 |
1972, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, The Orient (2 folders) |
708 |
1973, Spain, Canary Islands, Portugal, Madeira |
709-710 |
1975, Peoples Republic of China, Japan, Switzerland [includes correspondence between George W. Bush, Ambassador to PRC, regarding a visit to China with FitzGerald and Margaret Bemiss; includes photos from trip and several sent by the Bushes to the Bemisses in 1987] (2 folders) |
711 |
1976, Australia, South Pacific Tour |
712 |
1977, Pakistan, Afghanistan |
713 |
1979, England, Egypt, Switzerland, Valley of the Nile Tour |
714 |
1980, Austria, Spain, Portugal |
715 |
1981, England, Tour of (ESU tour) |
716 |
1982, Holland Canal Cruise |
717 |
1982, Louisiana, New Orleans Tour, Delta Queen Cruise |
718 |
1983, England, Wales, West Country tour No. 5 (canceled) |
719 |
1984, Italy and England trip |
720 |
1984, Georgia, Savannah/South Carolina, Charleston Tour |
721 |
1985, Denmark, North Cape Copenhagen to Southampton, Royal Viking Cruise (canceled) |
Series 5. John Stewart Bryan, III, Papers,1960s-2016.
John "Stewart" Bryan, III represents the fourth and final generation of the Bryan family to lead the newspaper business. JSB(III) joined the company as a reporter in 1967 and was elected to the board of Media General in 1974. He served as CEO from 1990-2005. During his early years with the company he worked in various capacities for the Tampa Tribune. In his later career he oversaw the sale of Media General's newspapers to Berkshire Hathaway Inc., in 2012. It is interesting to look at Bryan's calendars, as he has a very artistic style of recording scheduled engagements.
Box 49
Folder |
722-731 |
Calendars, 1986-2014 [mainly month-at-a-glance calendars documenting personal and business events in his life] (10 folders) |
732 |
Correspondence, 1989-2016 [chiefly letters to JSB(III) concerning sale of Media General newspapers to Berkshire Hathaway in 2012] |
733 |
David Tennant Bryan, Media General Board Resolutions in memoriam, 1998-1999 |
734 |
Greater Richmond Business Hall of Fame, 2003 |
735 |
Inside Business, profile, 1998 June 10 |
736 |
Photographs, 1960s-2000s [includes advertisement featuring JSB(III) for American Stock Exchange] |
737 |
USPS "Right to Petition for Redress Coil U.S. Postage Stamp, November 4, 1977," [concerns the USPS decision to limit sale of firstday-of-issue stamps to two large stamp shows, leaving other collections unable to obtain the issues at local post offices.] |
738 |
Virginia Wesleyan College, 1997 |
739 |
Miscellaneous, 1982-2000 |
Series 6. Audio Visual, 1965-2009.
Audio-visual materials include LPs, audiocassettes, and a DVD. Most concern either newspaper reporting, news broadcasting, or the history of Media General.
Box 50
Phonograph album |
1 |
Eisenhower : the man and his times, his own words and in the words of Churchill, Roosevelt, de Gualle, Truman, Nixon, Krushchev, and others / [written and edited by Jim Wessel]. Caedmon, [1969]. |
2 |
I believe in America / music composed by Marten Godwin. Metrotone Records, 1974. Robert Merrill, soloist ; Frederick March, narrator ; orchestra and chorus conducted by Paul Lavalie. |
3 |
Nixon, Richard M. Inaugural address. Commemorative edition. World Wide Records, 1969. |
4 |
People who reach people / produced by CBS Radio, 1971 January. |
5 |
A record of the year : 1970 / produced by CBS News, 1971. Charles Kuralt, narrator. |
6 |
She's called Virginia / starring Joseph Cotton; written and directed by Brick Rider. Life of Virginia, [1971]. |
7 |
This is Edward R. Murrow, Apr. 30, 1965 : an anthology of the work of broadcasting's most distinguished reporter ; produced by CBS Radio, [1965]. |
8 |
The world of sound : 1973 / produced by the Associated Press, 1973. Morgan Beatty, narrator |
Box 51
Cassette |
1 |
The history of Media General, 1987 April 15 (9:15) |
2 |
Media General history, 1989 November PGM-MGALTI, c.6.2 |
3 |
Media General song, n.d. |
4 |
Media General story, 1989 September 12 |
1 |
The fourth estate : the story of the Richmond Times Dispatch, 2009 (2 c.) |
Oversized Materials
Oversize Box 52
Folder |
112 |
The News Leader, 1923 July 10 (Southern Publishers Elect Officers, SNPA Convention Airplane Edition) |
113a |
The News Leader, 1923 July 11 (SNPA Convention Airplane Edition) |
113b |
Richmond News Leader, 1992 May 30 (last issue) |
114 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1992 June 1 (1st edition) |
116 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1992 June 1 (2nd edition) |
117 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch: 150 Years Anniversary Series, 2000 October 15 [multiple sections 2 copies each] |
119 |
Richmond Times-Dispatch and Richmond News Leader, 1990 January 14 (Inauguration of D. Wilder commemorative issue) |
Oversize Drawer
Folder |
61 |
Media General Headquarters, construction of, photograph with crane (2 images) |
113b |
Richmond Dispatch, Confederate Reunion Souvenir Edition of, 1896 June 30, Virginia Welcomes the Veterans |
116a |
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1850 Centennial Edition 1950 (Sunday October 22, 1950) (Photocopy) |
121b |
Bryan, Joseph, Certificate of Membership, Society of the Cincinnati, 1907 August 31 |
174 |
Bryan, John Stewart, photograph, Norwood's University School Room "C," Richmond, Va., November 1885; Bryan, John Stewart, Dementi Studio. Enlarged, colorized photograph. 19 ½ x 16 in., undated. |
261a |
Tennant, Coleville Bruce, In Memoriam, 1920 February |
325 |
MacNelly, Jeffrey. "Good to Have you Back in the Saddle." Undated. 16 ¾ x 11 ¼ in. Handwritten. |
328b |
Mims, Joseph S., "The Story of a Man and a Newspaper: Joseph S. Mims and the Tampa Tribune, 1906-1949 |
382 |
Bryan, David Tennant, Obituaries/Tributes, Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1998 December; Honorary appointment as Aide-de Camp on her personal military staff by Alabama Governor Lurleen Wallace, 1967 June 14 |
734a |
Gorrell, Bob. "To Stewart Bryan with thanks and best wishes from Bob Gorrell 5-29-92. The Richmond News Leader Final Edition." 12 ½ x 15 ½ inches. 1992 |
Oversize Roll 1
Folder |
131b |
James T. Redd and Son. Plat Brook Hill, farm and residence of Mrs. M.A. Stewart, 1891 July |
Oversize Roll 2
Folder |
131c |
Parish & Schroeder, Architects, New York, NY. Residence of Joseph Bryan, Esq., Richmond, Va. [Brookfield?], 1906 March 15. Blueprint drawings of sheets 1-12, 18, 20, 23-25, 27-29. Very brittle. |
Oversize Roll 3
Folder |
131d |
Parish & Schroeder, Architects, New York, NY. Residence of Joseph Bryan, Esq., Richmond, Va. [Brookfield?], [1906]. Blueprint drawings of sheets 22 (1 & 2), 24, and 28. Badly stained and brittle. |