Bacon, John Lyddall - Byrd, Samuel Master Hankins
Bacon, John Lyddall, Letter, 1865. 1 item. Photocopy. Mss2B1346a1.
A letter, 4 April 1865, from John Lyddall Bacon (1812–1887) of Richmond, describing the evacuation fire and the occupation of the city by Union troops.
Badeau, Adam, Letter, 1885. 1 item. Photocopy. Mss2B1412a1.
A letter, 5 September 1885, from Adam Badeau (1831–1895) concerning the surrender proceedings at the McLean house in Appomattox Court House. Included with the letter is a copy of a photograph of Badeau and a copy of a drawing of the surrender in the McLean parlor.
Bagby Family Papers, 1808–1942. 181 items. Mss1B1463c.
This collection contains the papers of the Bagby family of Stevensville, King and Queen County. Civil War materials include letters from John Robert Bagby (1826–1890), while serving as a major in the 4th Virginia Heavy Artillery Regiment, to his wife, Betty Pollard (Fleet) Bagby (1833–1895), concerning Union raids in King and Queen County, military life, religious life in camp (including revivals), a skirmish at Williamsburg on 11 April 1863, a fight with Union gunboats on the James River in August 1863, the devastation of Wilmington, N.C., in September 1863, and the Union siege of Charleston, S.C., from September to October 1863; an incomplete letter, 1864, from John R. Bagby to his brother, Richard Hugh Bagby (1820–1870), regarding the death of Edward Bagby (1842–1864) at the battle of the Crater and John Bagby's unit's role in the battle (section 4); a prisoner of war parole, 1865, issued to John R. Bagby as major of the 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment (section 5); Confederate treasury bonds, 1863–1864, issued to Benoni Carlton (1804?–1873); and a table, ca. 1866, copied by Henry Robinson Pollard (1845–1923), of the value of Confederate currency in Richmond, calculated by Lancaster & Co. and Wm. B. Isaacs & Co., 1861–1865 (section 9).
Bagby Family Papers, 1824–1960. 53,178 items. Mss1B1463b.
This collection contains the papers of five generations of the Bagby family. The correspondence, 1835–1874, of George Bagby (1798–1874) includes letters to his son, George William Bagby (1828–1883), expressing his hope for a peaceful settlement during the secession crisis, describing the arrival of President Davis and Confederate troops in Richmond in the spring of 1861, and concerning the Seven Days' battles (section 2). Also in section 2 is a letter, 25 July 1861, from George William Bagby concerning the first battle of Bull Run. The bulk of the collection consists of the papers of Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne) Bagby (1842–1927). Included among her papers is the correspondence of several Confederate soldiers. Letters between Lucy Bagby and her brother, John Hampden Chamberlayne (1838–1882), include family news, descriptions of his service in the 21st Virginia Infantry Regiment in western Virginia in the fall of 1861, and her observations regarding the growing number of private hospitals in Richmond (section 63). Letters to Lucy Bagby from Virginius Dabney (1835–1894) concern his service in the 21st Virginia and on the staffs of John Robert Jones, John Marshall Jones, Edward Johnson, and John Brown Gordon and include descriptions of camp life in western Virginia in 1861, the Romney campaign, the condition of the Army of Northern Virginia in the spring of 1863, and the battle of Cedar Creek (section 72). Letters from Philip Haxall (1840–1897) to Lucy Bagby concern his service in the 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment and on the staff of Beverly Holcombe Robertson and offer detailed descriptions of his participation in the first battle of Bull Run, in action near New Bern, N.C., in March 1863, and in a fight against the Union gunboat Pawnee near Charleston, S.C., in December 1863 (section 84). Letters to Lucy Bagby from John James Reeve (1841–1908) of the 21st Virginia and on the staff of Carter Littlepage Stevenson offer his observations on the Romney campaign, Thomas J. Jackson, the Richmond newspapers, a fight at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., the Vicksburg campaign, and the various commanders of the Confederate Army of Tennessee (Bragg, Johnston, and Hood) (section 109). Also in the collection is a volume containing the handwritten memoir, 1907–1923, of Lucy Bagby. In it she describes, in part, her social life in Richmond during the war, her work at the Confederate Treasury Department and at the Adjutant General's Office, the evacuation fire, and the subsequent Union occupation of the city (section 132).
Bagby, George William, Papers, 1828–1917. 1,648 items. Mss1B1463a.
This collection contains the papers of George William Bagby (1828–1883) of Cumberland County and Orange Court House. Civil War items in the collection include letters to Bagby from his father, George Bagby (1798–1874), concerning Richmond in the early summer of 1861, military rumors, and the battle of Rich Mountain (now W.Va.), from his sister, Ellen Hobson (Bagby) Matthews (1831–1894), regarding life at Tappahannock in 1862 and Union troop movements at Fort Monroe and from William M. Semple (d. 1868) of New Orleans, La., concerning letters sent by Bagby to the New Orleans Crescent containing anti-Jefferson Davis sentiments (section 3); a letter, 7 October 1863, from Pierre G. T. Beauregard to Braxton Bragg discussing Beauregard's plan for Confederate military strategy in 1864 (section 8); miscellaneous orders and court martial specifications, 1861, received by George Woodville Latham (1833?–1870) of the 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment regarding two members of the 5th North Carolina Infantry Regiment accused of desertion, and a letter, 12 January 1862, from John Moore of Aldie, describing damages to his farm by soldiers from the Army of Northern Virginia (section 22); George W. Bagby's account book, 1860–1867, containing lists of daily expenses throughout the war (a1633); and a diary, 1860–1862, kept by Bagby while editor of the Southern Literary Messenger with brief entries recording military events and summaries of letters sent to the New Orleans Crescent on military and political subjects (a1636).
Bagby, George William, Scrapbooks, 1862–1865. 5 volumes. Mss5:7B1463:1–5.
This collection consists of five bound volumes, compiled by George William Bagby (1828–1883), containing wartime newspaper clippings on numerous Confederate military, political, and social topics.
Bailey Family Papers, 1802–1980. 323 items. Photocopies. Mss1B1565b.
This collection contains the papers of the Bailey family of Halifax County. Civil War-related materials include accounts, 1861–1862, for wheat, bacon, and whiskey purchased by William Bailey (1781–1862) (section 2); accounts, 1861–1862, for household goods purchased by William Bailey (section 3); letters, 1861–1865, to Phebe Howson (Clark) Bailey (1795–1886) from friends and family members concerning relatives in the Confederate army, Union troops in Halifax County, news of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, and life in the county during the war (section 8); letters, 1863–1865, to William H. Sims (1820–1894), while serving as a commissary agent in Halifax County, from various Confederate officials regarding issues of supply (section 10); a receipt, 1864, for beef purchased by Sims for Confederate troops at the Staunton River Bridge, a receipt, 1862, for money spent on a uniform for a substitute hired by Sims, and a request for rations, 1864, for 1,500 Union prisoners of war held in Halifax County (section 11); and materials, 1862–1865, relating to Sims's service as a commissary agent including an affidavit, 1862, concerning his exemption from military service after providing a substitute, a pardon, 1865, signed by President Andrew Johnson, and orders, 1864, issued by the Confederate Commissary Department to Sims regarding his service in Halifax County (section 12).
Bailey Family Papers, 1824–1886. 285 items. Mss1B1565a. Microfilm reel C380.
This collection consists primarily of the papers of Phebe Howson (Clark) Bailey (1795–1886) of Halifax County. Her correspondence includes letters from friends and family members touching on economic and military aspects of the Civil War. Correspondents include William W. Breedlove (county commissary agent desiring to purchase surplus bacon from Bailey), Leila Bankhead (Madison) Dabney ([b. 1837] concerning life in Orange County and Confederate troops encamped near Montpelier), William Pope Dabney ([1829–1894] detailed letter, 25 April 1862, describing the presence of Confederate troops in Orange County), J. B. Faulkner (Richmond merchant discussing the sale of Phebe Bailey's tobacco and the purchase of sugar and coffee on her behalf), J. J. Hill (letter, 1864, from a member of the 53d Virginia Infantry Regiment describing life in the trenches on the Bermuda Hundred line), Mrs. William M. Howerton (letter, 1864, concerning, in part, the feeding of refugees in Halifax County), George Lee (Richmond merchant's letters, 1864–1865, concerning the prices and purchase of sugar and coffee for Mrs. Bailey), John Izard Middleton ([b. 1834] Confederate quartermaster's letter, 1865, regarding the use of Phebe Bailey's servant "Monroe" as a teamster), Martha R. (Lacks) Newbill ([b. 1827?] letter, 1864, describing the wounding and subsequent death of her husband, James H. Newbill of the 6th Virginia Cavalry Regiment), and William H. Sims ([1820–1894?] letters, 1864–1865, concerning his duties as Halifax County commissary agent). Other items in the collection include Phebe Bailey's wartime accounts for the sale of tobacco by Richmond merchants (section 7) and a letter, 1865, from James Lawson Kemper to William H. Sims concerning the detailing of a Confederate soldier declared unfit for active duty (section 9).
Bailey Family Papers, 1827–1871. 17 items. Mss2B1565b.
This small collection includes the correspondence, 1861–1871, of Jamison Bailey (1821–1910) of Mercer County, W.Va. Letters written to family members during the war concern Bailey's service in the 60th Virginia Infantry Regiment and offer brief descriptions of camp life, an expedition into Maryland in August 1864, and the battles of Chickamauga and Cedar Creek.
Baker, Dabney G., Papers, 1859–1914. 7 items. Mss2B1721b.
This collection contains the papers of Robert G. Dabney (b. 1839) of Richmond. Civil War items include an affidavit, 1863, on behalf of Dabney Baker praising his service in the Confederate War Department, and a letter, 17 April 1862, from John N. Swann (1842?–1862) of Company A of the 17th Virginia Infantry Regiment to Baker describing life in the Confederate lines near Yorktown.
Bakewell, Theron Hervey, Papers, 1819–1893. 550 items. Mss1B1792a. Microfilm reels 582–583.
This collection contains the correspondence of the Bakewell family of Wellsburg, Brooke County (now W.Va.), concerning family and economic life as well as their involvement with the Disciples of Christ. Of particular note are three memoranda and account books, 1862, kept by Theron Hervey Bakewell (1800–1890) while incarcerated at Camp Chase, Ohio (section 5). The books contain the names, addresses, and arrest details of fellow prisoners.
Baldwin, Abel Seymour, Papers, 1863–1865. 5 items. Mss1 B19358 a (CMLS).
The papers, 1863–1865, of Abel Seymour Baldwin of Duval County, Fla., consists of letter books, a casebook, a furlough book, and an account book kept by Abel while serving as the Surgeon in Charge of the military hospital in Lake City, Fla., during the Civil War. Volumes include “Letter Book of A. S. Baldwin, Chief Surgeon, District of East Florida,” 1863 July 20–1864 February 8, kept by Abel containing copies of letters concerning requisitions of medical supplies and medicine, furloughs, position assignments, management of hospitals and personnel in and around Lake City, Fla., transportation of soldiers and supplies, and some Special Orders. Individuals represented in the correspondence include Robert Little Brodie, Samuel Preston Moore, John Crews Pelot, Nathaniel Savage Crowell, Aaron P. Smith, John Edward A. Davidson, and other medical and military personnel of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. “Letter Book of A. S. Baldwin, Medical Director for Florida,“ 1865 January 31–May 12, kept by Abel, containing letters concerning furloughs, appointment and transfer of medical personnel, requisitions [p. 9], locations of hospitals, movement of patients and hospital property, and hospital policies and procedures. Individuals represented in the correspondence include J. Cohen, Nathaniel Savage Crowell, John Edward. A. Davidson, A. F. Verdenez, W. R. Beard, and other medical and military personnel of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Baldwin's Case book, 1864 March 9–1865 January 14, kept at General Hospital, Lake City, Fla., records surgical cases, prescriptions and treatment provided, and plans of care. Generally, the book provides the ward number, the surname (sometimes first initials) of the soldier, regimental information, occasional description of wound or sickness, and daily documentation of treatment. Soldiers listed are largely from Florida or Georgia. Furlough book, 1864 July 2–October 25, kept at General Hospital, Lake City, Fla., containing 141 pages of typescript forms with handwritten completions (three per page) documenting the furloughs granted from the General Hospital at Lake City, Fla. Forms include soldiers name, company, medical reason for furlough, and length of furlough. Lastly, the papers include an account book, 1864 March 25–1865 May 7, kept at General Hospital, Lake City, Fla., containing weekly and monthly statements of the hospital’s expenses (largely for food items like meats, vegetables, flour, rice, salt, coffee, and sugar, but also for other items like stationery, kettles, and barrels).
Baldwin, William Gaines, Papers, 1861. 12 items. Mss2B1939b.
The papers of William Gaines Baldwin (1838–1861) of Charlotte County consist of letters, 1861, to his parents offering descriptions of his service in Company K of the 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment at the battles of Rich Mountain, Laurel Hill, and First Bull Run.
Ball, William Selwyn, Reminiscence, 1929. 98 pp. Typescript copy. Mss5:1B2106:1.
A typescript copy of the reminiscences of William Selwyn Ball (b. 1846) of Company I of the 11th Virginia Cavalry Regiment. Included are descriptions of Ball's experiences with his family in Fairfax County in the summer of 1861, as a member of the 3d Virginia Infantry Regiment, local defense troops at Richmond, and as a member of the 11th Virginia Cavalry at the battles of the Wilderness, Trevilian Station, Toms Brook, and Cedar Creek. Also included in the reminiscence is a typed transcript of a letter, 25 May 1863, to Rebecca French (Ball) Addison from Mottrom Dulany Ball (1835–1887) of the 11th Virginia Cavalry offering a detailed account of a cavalry raid into western Virginia in April 1863.
Barbour Family Papers, 1741–1876. 1,353 items. Mss1B2346a. Microfilm reels C321–324.
This collection primarily consists of the legal and business papers of Philip Pendleton Barbour (1783–1841) of Frascati in Orange County and later an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. Included within this collection is a daily report, 8 December 1861, of surgical cases at General Hospital No. 2, Lynchburg, signed by Confederate surgeons Andrew Jackson Beale (1831–1909) and John Randolph Page (1830–1901) (section 68).
Barbour Family Papers, 1810–1890. 1,368 items. Mss1B2346b. Microfilm reels C324–326.
The bulk of this collection consists of the papers of Frances Todd (Johnson) Barbour (1787–1872) of Frascati in Orange County. Wartime items include a letter, 9 July 1863, to Louis Trezevant Wigfall (1816–1874) from Edward C. Elmore of the Confederate Treasury regarding the method by which Frances Barbour would be able to draw interest on Confederate bonds, and a letter, 29 July 1861, from William G. H. Jones (b. 1803?), a chaplain in the 24th Virginia Infantry Regiment, concerning his experiences at the first battle of Bull Run (section 30).
Barksdale, George Ainsley, compiler, Scrapbook, 1858–1865. 1 volume. Mss5:7B2473:3.
This scrapbook, compiled by George Ainsley Barksdale (1835–1910), contains numerous newspaper clippings concerning military events and biographical sketches of Union and Confederate leaders. Also included is a letter, 30 July 1862, from Jefferson Davis to Abraham Warwick (1794–1874) concerning the possibility of appointing Warwick's son, Abraham Warwick (1838–1888), to a post in the Commissary General's Department, and a letter, 19 June 1862, from J. E. B. Stuart to Stephen Russell Mallory (1813–1873) requesting the services of Theodore Stanford Garnett (1844–1915), a clerk in the Confederate Navy Department, for a few days (p. 121).
Barron Family Papers, 1830–1873. 11 items. Mss2B2787a.
Items in this collection include a letter, 29 April 1861, from James Barron Hope (1829–1887) to his uncle, Samuel Barron (1809–1888), expressing his desire to serve with Barron in the Confederate navy (section 2), and a letter, 4 November 1864, from George Edward Pickett to Imogen Wright Barron (1833–1909) regarding the gift of a pair of field glasses and the CSS Florida (section 3).
Barton, Robert Thomas, Diary, ca. 1850–1916. 3 volumes. Typescript. Mss5:1B2855:1.
This collection consists of a typed transcript (in three volumes) of a diary-journal kept by Robert Thomas Barton (1842–1917) of Winchester. Volume 1 of the diary contains Barton's reminiscences of his service in Company F of the 2d Virginia Infantry Regiment, the 1st Rockbridge Artillery, and in the Confederate Nitre and Mining Bureau. Included are detailed descriptions of his service in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, the effect of war on his family, and his experiences in the battles of First, Second, and Third Winchester and Port Republic. Large portions of the Civil War material in the diary are printed in Margaretta Barton Colt, Defend the Valley: A Shenandoah Family in the Civil War (New York, 1994).
Barton, Robert Thomas, Memoir, n.d. 1 item. Mss7:3E473.7B28:1.
A typed transcript of an undated memoir, entitled "Sketch of a Battle at Winchester," written by Robert Thomas Barton (1842–1917), offering a detailed account of the author's experiences as a member of the 1st Rockbridge Artillery Battery leading up to and in the first battle of Winchester. The memoir is printed in Margaretta Barton Colt, Defend the Valley: A Shenandoah Family in the Civil War (New York, 1994), pp. 140-51.
Baskervill Family Papers, 1787–1891. 622 items. Mss1B2924d. Microfilm reels C385–387.
This collection contains the papers of the Baskervill and Alexander families of Mecklenburg County. Wartime items include a receipt, 2 January 1863, issued to Dr. Robert Dortch Baskervill (1826–1891) for the loan of two of his slaves to work on fortifications at and near Richmond; receipts, 1863–1864, issued by the Mecklenburg County sheriff for the collection of war taxes on land and property (including slaves) (section 7); a diary, 5 January–10 August 1863, kept by James T. Alexander (b. 1833) at North Bend, Mecklenburg County, concerning agricultural operations during the war (section 27); and an account book, 1862–1876, kept by James T. Alexander, containing three undated rosters of members of the 2d Virginia Artillery Regiment (section 29).
Bates, Charles Edward, Papers, 1858–1865. 44 items. Mss1B3183a.
This collection consists primarily of the wartime letters of Charles Edward Bates (b. 1840) of Company E of the 4th United States Cavalry Regiment to his father, Isaac Bates of Oakville, Conn. Bates's letters discuss his service in the headquarters guard for George B. McClellan during the Peninsula campaign, the fighting around Yorktown in April and May of 1862, the battles of Hanover Court House, Savage's Station, and Gaines' Mill (section 3), Bates's opinion of the Emancipation Proclamation (section 4), his experiences on patrol against Confederate smugglers on the Potomac River (section 5), camp life and cavalry operations in Tennessee and Georgia in 1863–1864, and cavalry operations during the Atlanta campaign (section 7).
Bates, Edward, Papers, 1861–1865. 6 items. Mss2B3183b.
This collection contains letters from Edward Bates (1793–1869), United States attorney general, to his son, John Coalter Bates (1842–1919), a member of the staff of George Gordon Meade, offering fatherly advice, discussing rumors of an intended advance of the Army of the Potomac against the Army of Northern Virginia in November 1863, and describing his relationship with Edwin McMasters Stanton (1814–1869).
Battle, Cullen Andrews, Newspaper Clipping, 1883. 1 item. Mss9:1C7846:1.
A clipping, 1 November 1883, from the Farmville Journal bearing an article entitled "A Confederate Story," by Cullen Andrews Battle, concerning the court-martial of Edward Cooper for desertion (1863).
Baylor Family Papers, 1737–1865. 21 items. Mss1B3445a. Microfilm reel C583.
This collection contains the papers of members of the Baylor family of Caroline County. Civil War-related items in the collection consist of records, 1861–1865, kept by Warner Lewis Baylor (1825–1894) while serving as surgeon at the Confederate hospital in Petersburg (section 5). These medical records include an 1864 patient vaccination record (a8); a register of patients, 1862–1865 (including slaves and free African Americans) (a9–18); a bound volume, 1862–1865, of individual case records, surgical reports, and patient registers (a19); and two volumes, 1861–1865, of case records and accounts (a20–21). Also in the collection is a letterbook, 1749–1753, of John Baylor (1705–1772) that includes a page with an entry dated "May 1864" that makes brief mention of the Spotsylvania Court House and Bermuda Hundred campaigns (a1).
Baylor Family Papers, 1779–1963. 50 items. Mss1B3445c.
This collection contains the papers of members of the Baylor family of Virginia. Wartime items include letters, 1864–1865, written to Warner Lewis Baylor (1825–1894) while serving as a surgeon at the Confederate hospital, Petersburg, from William H. Manning concerning a charged deserter who claimed to be a patient at Baylor's hospital; from his sister, Frances Courtenay (Baylor) Pollard (1822–1868), discussing her health, family news, and the death and funeral of Robert Emmet Rodes; from W. W. Teasley mentioning his service in a battery on the Howlett line north of Petersburg in August 1864; and from the Confederate Surgeon General's Department assigning Baylor to temporary duty on a medical examiner's board (section 2). Also in this collection is a letter, 17 July 1864, from William Jeremiah Upshaw (b. 1823) to Alexander Galt Baylor (1835–1915) describing conditions at Camp Nicholls Hospital in Virginia (section 10).
Baylor Family Papers, 1800–1925. 319 items. Mss1B3445b.
Contains the papers of members of the Baylor family of Virginia. Section 1 consists of the correspondence of Warner Lewis Baylor (1825–1894), while serving as assistant surgeon at the Confederate hospital in Petersburg, with the following individuals: Alexander Galt Baylor ([1835–1915] concerning the wounding of Warner Baylor's brother, Thomas Wiltshire Baylor [1833–1864] of Company F of the 30th Virginia Infantry Regiment), John Norton Baylor ([b. 1816] concerning the Union army's kind treatment of Warner Baylor and his patients following the capture of Petersburg), Mary Anne E. (Chappell) Baylor ([1828–1868] concerning, in part, news of Union troops near Richmond in May 1862, and camp life), Albert Taylor Bledsoe ([1809–1877] concerning a request for Warner Baylor to appear before the Army Medical Board at Richmond for examination for the position of assistant surgeon in the Confederate army), William Allen Carrington ([1830–1866] concerning Carrington's request for the May 1863 statistics on surgical cases at the Confederate hospital in Petersburg, and permission granted by Carrington for Baylor to visit his brother at Chimborazo Hospital at Richmond), John Herbert Claiborne ([1828–1905] concerning Claiborne's opinion that foreign intervention in behalf of the Confederate States is imminent in July 1863 and his recovery from illness while serving as a surgeon in the 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment), Benjamin Stoddert Ewell ([1810–1894] concerning Baylor's request for a leave of absence to travel to Richmond to procure surgical instruments and to visit old patients), and Samuel Preston Moore ([1813–1889] concerning news of Baylor's successful interview with the Army Medical Board and discussing a sick soldier who wishes to be moved to a friend's house).
Section 4 contains letters from Thomas Wiltshire Baylor to Louisa Henrietta Baylor (b. 1830) offering his observations on the effect of the war on Kinston, N.C., in April 1864, and to Julia Ann (Baylor) Kay (b. 1828) discussing the Gettysburg campaign. Section 9 consists of letters from Andrew H. Kay (d. 1865) of Company F of the 9th Virginia Cavalry Regiment to Joseph Wiley Kay (d. 1884) concerning fighting during the Petersburg campaign and commenting on the low state of morale in his unit in January 1865.
Other wartime items in the collection include receipts, 1863–1865, issued to Warner Baylor for a knife he purchased that belonged to a deceased soldier and for payment he received for the period of 30 September–31 December 1864 (section 14); oaths of allegiance to the United States government, 1865, sworn by George Robert Baylor and Warner Lewis Baylor; passes, 1862–1864, issued to Warner Baylor permitting him to travel to Richmond; a parole of honor, 1865, issued to Warner Baylor; a military exemption, 2 February 1864, issued to George Robert Baylor (section 15); orders, 1862–1864, issued to Warner Lewis Baylor; reports, March 1862, concerning the number of sick in the 61st Virginia Militia Regiment; an undated roster of "ward hands" at the Confederate hospital in Petersburg (section 16); a commission, 5 February 1862, issued to Warner Lewis Baylor as assistant surgeon in the Confederate army (section 19); Confederate currency and postage stamps (section 20); an undated poem concerning the CSS Princeton (section 22); an account book, 1862–1865, kept by Warner Baylor at the Confederate hospital in Petersburg, recording services provided for Confederate officers; and a case book, 1863, kept at the above hospital listing the names of individual soldiers and the battle in which they received their wounds (section 24).
Baylor, Robert Payne, Letter, 1862. 1 item. Mss2B3446a1.
A letter, 15 June 1862, from a member of the 9th Virginia Cavalry Regiment describing his unit's participation in J. E. B. Stuart's ride around McClellan and the death of William Latané (1833–1862).
Bayol Family Papers, 1830–1873. 53 items. Mss1B3455a.
This collection contains the papers of members of the Bayol family of Alabama. Wartime materials include a photocopy of a telegram, 2 July 1862, announcing the death of Julian Honore Bayol (d. 1862), at the battle of Malvern Hill (section 2); letters, 1861–1863, from Francis Edward Bayol (1834–1899) of the 5th Alabama Infantry Regiment to his family concerning family news, camp life and picket duty in northern Virginia in the fall of 1861, and his impressions of Frederick, Md., during the 1862 Maryland campaign (section 7); and the letters, 1861–1862, of Julian Bayol to family members regarding his service in the 5th Alabama Infantry and including descriptions of camp life, Manassas, and the battle of Mechanicsville (section 8).
Bayol Family Papers, 1861–1862. 6 items. Mss2B3455b.
This small collection consists of letters home from Francis Edward Bayol (1834–1899) and Julian Honore Bayol (d. 1862) of the 5th Alabama Infantry Regiment. Letters, 1862, from Francis concern the second battle of Bull Run and the movement of the Confederate army into Maryland in September 1862 (b1–5). A letter, 3 December 1861, from Julian Bayol to his parents offers descriptions of camp life in northern Virginia and a review of the army by Pierre G. T. Beauregard (b6).
Beale Family Papers, 1857–1864. 4 items. Photocopies. Mss2B3658b.
This collection contains the papers of Edith D. Beale (b. 1847) of Southampton County. Civil War items include a letter, 2 August 1863, from B. L. Barnes concerning the death from disease of Beale's brother, Norman Worrell Beale (1836–1863), while serving in the 13th Virginia Cavalry Regiment; a letter, 17 April 1864, from John Fletcher Beale (d. 1864) of the 13th Virginia Cavalry to his sister Edith in which he describes the current state of rations in the Army of Northern Virginia; and a letter, 6 December 1861, to Edith Beale from her brother, William E. Beale (b. 1833) of Company H of the 5th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, describing, in part, a skirmish between the CSS Patrick Henry and Union gunboats near Newport News.
Beall, John Yates, Papers, 1865. 4 items. Mss2B3663b.
This collection contains letters, 1865, from John Yates Beall (1835–1865) of Charles Town (now W.Va.), concerning his imprisonment at Fort Columbus, N.Y., and his impending execution for piracy and spying for the Confederacy.
Beckwith, Margaret Stanly, Reminiscences, 1844–1865. 3 volumes. Mss5:1B3896:1–3. Microfilm reel C271.
This collection consists of a three-volume reminiscence compiled by Margaret Stanly Beckwith (b. 1842) of Petersburg and Prince George County. Volume 1 contains copies of Margaret Beckwith's wartime correspondence and includes a letter, 19 December 1861, from Virginius Lorraine Weddell of the 41st Virginia Infantry Regiment concerning camp life in northern Virginia (p. 55); a letter, 22 February 1862, from Julian Ruffin Beckwith (1839–1862) of Company E of the 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment regarding life while training near Norfolk (pp. 57–58); and a letter, 24 June 1864, from Cornelia Beckwith (1824–1907) describing the shelling of her home in Petersburg (p. 64). Volume 2 contains Margaret Beckwith's recollections of her life in Petersburg during the war. Included are descriptions of social life, news concerning the fate of family members in the army, and accounts of fighting around the city during the siege. Also included is a drawing of a Confederate camp in Chesterfield County in July 1864 (opposite page 28). Volume 3 contains genealogical notes.
Belcher Family Papers, 1848–1867. 6 items. Mss2B4105b.
This small collection contains the papers of the Belcher family of Chesterfield County. Civil War material consists of a twenty-four hour pass, 2 April 1865, issued to Henry J. Belcher (b. 1829?) of Company A of the 22d Virginia Infantry Battalion, and an oath of allegiance, 29 July 1865, to the United States sworn by Henry Belcher (b1–2).
Bemiss Family Papers, 1779–1921. 189 items. Mss1B4255d. Microfilm reels C498–499.
This collection focuses on Samuel Merrifield Bemiss (1821–1884), a surgeon on the staff of Robert E. Lee, medical director in the Confederate Army of Tennessee, and a member of the medical staff at Tulane University, New Orleans, La. Samuel Bemiss's correspondence includes letters to Eli Lockert Bemiss ([1859–1924] concerning his medical treatment of Robert E. Lee in April 1863), to John Harrison Bemiss ([1856–1897] concerning the "nobleness" of Confederate soldiers and news of relatives in the service), to Mary Frances (Lockert) Bemiss ([1827–1901] regarding the health of her brother, James L. Lockert of Company B of the 9th Kentucky Mounted Infantry Regiment, and his wife's decision to teach French in her husband's absence), from James L. Lockert (concerning skirmishes at Jackson, Miss., in July 1863), and from Samuel Hollingsworth Stout ([1822–1903] concerning Bemiss's possible appointment as assistant medical director of Confederate Army of Tennessee hospitals under Stout) (section 4).
Other items relating to Bemiss's service include an inventory, 1865, of hospital property in Montgomery, Ala., and accounts, orders, passes, and printed forms recommending furloughs and retirements (section 5); a scrapbook, 1843–1897, kept by Eli Lockert Bemiss, containing a letter, 12 July 1864, from Samuel Stout offering instructions to Samuel Bemiss concerning the possible evacuation of Atlanta, Ga., and an undated letter from Joseph E. Johnston concerning Johnston's medical condition (section 7).
The correspondence of Mary Frances Bemiss includes letters to Amy Jones Cocke (Lacy) Lockert ([b. 1800] concerning Frances's belief in God's support of the Confederate cause in June 1861, and the affect of martial law on her hometown of Clarksville, Tenn., in April 1862), from James L. Lockert (concerning his experiences at the battle of Missionary Ridge and in the Chattanooga campaign), and from Benjamin Miller Wible ([1814–1877] concerning news of her brother James and her husband Samuel Bemiss) (section 8).
The correspondence of Amy Lockert includes a letter, 1861, to Elizabeth Lacy Bemiss and Frances Bemiss (concerning her hope that God was on the side of the Confederates and her sewing for the cause) and from James L. Lockert (concerning camp life and gifts of clothing and blankets from his family) (section 16).
Bennett, John, Papers, 1827–1880. 47 items. Mss1B4395a. Microfilm reel C387.
This collection contains the papers of John Bennett (b. 1805) of Petersburg, Ill. Included is a letter, 8 August 1861, to Bennett from Harry A. Bennett of Boydton concerning the battles of Rich Mountain, Big Bethel, and First Bull Run and the capture of United States Congressman Alfred Ely (1815–1892) of New York during the first battle of Bull Run and his subsequent imprisonment in Richmond (section 1).
Berkeley, Edmund, Letter, 1907. 1 item. Mss2B45525a1.
A letter, 9 February 1907, from Edmund Berkeley (1823–1915) to Eppa Hunton (1855–1932) concerning, in part, Berkeley's experiences during Pickett's Charge at the battle of Gettysburg.
Berkeley, Henry Robinson, Papers, 1854–1916. 31 items. Mss1B4555b. Microfilm reel C584.
This collection contains the papers of Henry Robinson Berkeley (1840–1918) of Hanover County. Civil War-related items include a letter, 1863, from Berkeley, while serving in the Amherst Artillery Battery, to his sister, Louisa Carter Berkeley, concerning the battle of Chancellorsville and the death of Thomas J. Jackson; and a pass, 1864, issued to Louisa and Elizabeth Lewis Berkeley by the Confederate War Department (section 1).
Berkeley, Henry Robinson, Papers, 1859–1865. 7 items. Mss1B4555a. Microfilm reel C583.
The Henry Robinson Berkeley (1840–1918) papers consist of materials relating to his service in Company A of the Amherst Artillery Battery. The collection includes a diary, 1861–1865, of Berkeley's war service. Written in three composition books, each entitled "Diary of H. R. Berkeley, Private, Company A, (Kirkpatrick's Battery) Nelson's Battalion, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, 1861–1865," the diary describes, in great detail, incidents of camp life and the unit's role in the following engagements: the battles of Fredericksburg, the Seven Days, Gettysburg, Mine Run, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and Cold Harbor and the 1864 Shenandoah Valley campaign. Also may be found a student notebook, 1859–1864, kept by Berkeley while a student at Hanover Academy, Hanover County, and while serving in the Army of Northern Virginia, containing Latin exercises and the notes concerning his war service from which the diary was composed. Other items in the collection include a letter, 1864, from Berkeley to his sister concerning the battle of Spotsylvania Court House; photographs of Berkeley as a Confederate soldier and in later life; and a drawing, 1865, of the Confederate officers' barracks at Fort Delaware, Del. The diary is printed in William H. Runge, ed., Four Years in the Confederate Artillery: The Diary of Private Henry Robinson Berkeley (Chapel Hill, 1961).
Bernard Family Papers, 1742–1867. 74 items. Mss1B4568a.
This collection contains materials of members of the Bernard family of Buckingham County. Included is a letter, 10 July 1863, from Page Mercer concerning his experiences at the battle of Gettysburg and in a skirmish near Williamsport, Md. (section 20).
Bidgood Family Papers, 1816–1937. 819 items. Mss1B4745a.
This collection contains the papers of members of the Bidgood family of Virginia. Civil War-related materials include letters, 1861–1863, from Robert W. Bidgood of the 15th Virginia Infantry Regiment to family members concerning camp life, the battles of Big Bethel and First Bull Run, and action near Williamsport, Md., in July 1863 (section 2); commission, 1862, of Richard West Bidgood (1815–1871) as a chaplain in the 32d Virginia Infantry Regiment (section 2); correspondence, 1861–1862, of Richard Maurice Bidgood (1837–1923) of the 32d Virginia Infantry with his father, Richard West Bidgood, regarding news of the battle of Shiloh, and with James Monroe Goggin (1820–1889) concerning clothing accounts for Goggin's Infantry Battalion (section 3); an account book, 1860–1862, kept by Richard Maurice Bidgood and bearing a diary, 8 November–4 December 1861 and 5–20 April 1862, recording incidents of camp life and observations of the battle of Lee's Mill (section 4); miscellaneous materials, 1865, including the undated war record of Richard Maurice Bidgood, the 1865 parole of Richard West Bidgood, and a handwritten copy of General Order No. 9 (section 7); regimental supply reports, provision reports, and special requisitions, 1861–1862, for the 32d Virginia Infantry (section 8); miscellaneous wartime letters from Virginia (Goolrick) Edwards (1840–1904) describing life in Fredericksburg during the 1862 battle; from Davis Lindsay to his wife regarding camp life, duty protecting the railroad at Hanover Junction, Confederate cavalry movements into Maryland before the battle of Gettysburg, and operations against Union cavalry east of Richmond in March 1865; and from Peter H. Scott concerning the condition of wagons under the command of James Monroe Goggin (section 21).
Binford, George C., Letters, 1863–1864. 4 items. Mss2B5127b.
Contains the letters, 1863–1864, of George C. Binford of the 18th Tennessee Infantry Regiment of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. The letters include detailed descriptions of the battles of Chickamauga, Resaca, New Hope Church, and Pickett's Mill, Ga. Other topics include camp life, a "sham battle" conducted by the Confederate army, a description of the Union lines at Chattanooga, Tenn., as seen from the heights of Missionary Ridge, Binford's views regarding the strategic situation on the eve of the Atlanta campaign, and his speculations regarding the approaching 1864 United States presidential election.
Bird Family Papers, 1825–1980. 3,072 items. Mss1B5325a.
This collections contains the papers of members of the Bird family of Petersburg. Wartime items include the correspondence of Henry Dearborn Bird (1808–1881) with Margaret (Randolph) Bird (1842–1933), Elizabeth Moylan Fox (1806–1890), Samuel Gibbs French, and Stephen G. White primarily concerning the fighting around Petersburg in 1864 (including the battles of the Crater, Fussell's Mill, and Burgess's Mill) (section 1); the correspondence of Mary Moylan (Fox) Bird (1834–1910) with Edward Fox (1821–1864) concerning the battle of Shiloh and with Katharine Thompson (Bird) Sparrow (1838–1871) discussing rumors about Robert Selden Garnett's death and Robert E. Lee's service in western Virginia in 1861 (section 2); the correspondence of Henry Van Leuvenigh Bird (1843–1903) of the 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment with Margaret (Randolph) Bird (1842–1933) describing his role in the battles of Seven Pines, the Seven Days, Cold Harbor, the Crater, Weldon Railroad, and Reams Station, as well as his life in general in the trenches around Petersburg during the siege (section 3); and a regimental clothing account, 1862, for Henry V. L. Bird (section 4). Also in the collection are postwar recollections of life in Petersburg during the war by an unidentified author, Elizabeth Randolph (Meade) Callander (1831–1912), and Miss Vic Dodson (section 41).
Blackford, Benjamin Lewis, Drawings, 1862. 2 items. Mss5:10B5644:1–2.
This collection contains wartime drawings by Benjamin Lewis Blackford (1835–1908) of the Confederate Corps of Engineers. Included is a drawing book with sketches of a camp scene near Richmond, of two officers (Johnston de Lagnel [d. 1864] and a Major Johnston) eating dinner in camp, of an unidentified quartermaster sergeant, of the camp of the "Howitzers," and of R. C. Sibley in his tent (B5644:1); and a drawing, [?] January 1862, of proposed Confederate fortifications at Pig Point (B5644:2).
Blackford, William Willis, Letters, 1844–1861. 2 items. Mss2B5647a.
This collection includes a letter, 30 May 1861, from William Willis Blackford (1831–1905) to his brother, Launcelot Minor Blackford (1837–1914), advising him to join a Confederate Home Guard unit and on the proper moral and physical conduct of a soldier (a2).
Blair, William Barrett, Papers, 1859–1881. 11 items. Mss2B5757b.
Contains the papers of William Barrett Blair (1817?–1883) relating to his service in the United States and Confederate armies and includes materials concerning his resignation from the former and subsequent acceptance of service in the latter.
Bland Family Papers, 1855–1982. 56 items. Mss1B6108b.
Contains the papers of the Bland family of Gloucester County. Civil War items include letters to Deliliah Ann E. (Didlake) Bland (1821?–1877) from Joshua S. Didlake (1841?–1864) of the 26th Virginia Infantry Regiment concerning the battle of Malvern Hill (21 July 1862), his advice to his nephew in September 1862 not to join the army until he is eighteen, and a detailed account in November and December 1863 of the death from "brain fever" of his nephew, James Royster Bland (1845?–1863), also of the 26th Virginia Infantry, while serving near Charleston, S.C. (section 4). Also in section 4 is a letter, 30 January 1865, to Deliliah Bland from her brother, Henry Pierce Didlake (1830?–1904) of the 26th Virginia Infantry, concerning his physical condition while serving in the trenches around Petersburg and his hopes for successful peace negotiations between the United States and the Confederacy.
Blanks, T. F., Letter, 1861. 1 item. Mss2B61114a1.
A letter, 4 December 1861, from T. F. Blanks of the 38th Virginia Infantry Regiment to his father concerning family news, life in camp near Manassas, and the possibility of a Union attack.
Blanton Family Papers, 1818–1961. 352 items. Mss1B6117a.
This collection contains the papers of the Blanton, Friend, and Minge families of Virginia. Civil War items include the letters, 1862, of Charles Friend (1818–1871) of Prince George County to his wife, Mary Atkinson (Minge) Friend (1827–1898), concerning his experiences while serving as a courier for John Thompson Brown (1835–1864) of the 1st Virginia Artillery Battery and including descriptions of camp life on the Peninsula, the Confederate retreat toward Richmond in April 1862, J. E. B. Stuart's ride around McClellan, the battles of Gaines' Mill, Golding's Farm, and Malvern Hill, conscription, and the treatment of Union prisoners during the Seven Days' battles (section 2); an essay, 1897, entitled "My Father and His Household Before, During, and After the War," by Jane Minge (Friend) Stephenson (1851–1916) offering descriptions of the effect of the war on the social and economic life of the Friend family of Petersburg (section 3); notes, 1896, on the service of Benjamin Carter Minge Friend (1846–1926) in the Rockbridge Artillery Battery (section 8); a letter, 1911, from Philip Daingerfield Stephenson (1845–1916) to "May and Lula" concerning the battles of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge (section 11); and materials relating to Philip Stephenson's service in the 13th Arkansas Infantry Regiment and the 5th Company of the Washington Artillery Battalion of New Orleans, La., including his war record, an order, 1865, instructing him to attend to the baggage of the 1st Missouri Brigade at Demopolis, Ala., paroles, 1865, issued to Stephenson, and speeches, 1909–1913, by Stephenson on Robert E. Lee and the battle of Missionary Ridge (section 12).
Boatwright Family Papers, 1815–1953. 448 items. Mss1B6304a. Microfilm reel C387.
Contains the papers of the Boatwright family of Cumberland County. Includes accounts, 1864–1865, for wheat, molasses, wool, and salt pork requisitioned by the Confederate Quartermaster's Department as tax in kind from Susannah S. (Rodgers) Boatwright (b. 1784) (section 8).
Bolling Family Papers, 1748–1905. 58 items. Mss1B6386b. Microfilm reel C389.
This collection contains the papers of members of the Bolling family of Virginia. Civil War items include letters, 1861, from John Bolling (1832–1905) while serving in the 3d Virginia Cavalry Regiment to Gill Armistead Cary (1831–1880) concerning his request for an immediate leave of absence to visit his sick son, and to his son, Archibald Bolling (b. 1857?), asking him to behave while Bolling is away at war (section 5); and materials relating to Bolling's service in the 3d Virginia Cavalry including a muster roll, 1861, of Company G, a pass, 1861, permitting Bolling to visit his home in Cumberland Court House, his commission, 1862, as sergeant major, memoirs, 1864 and 1890, of his service in the 3d Virginia, Bolling's oath of allegiance, 1865, to the United States, and his 1865 parole of honor (section 6). Also in the collection are several items pertaining to the battle of Five Forks, including an undated postwar letter from Fitzhugh Lee to Marcus Joseph Wright (1831–1922) discussing promotion of Thomas Taylor Munford (1831–1919) to brigadier general; a handwritten copy of an article from the 5 April 1884 issue of the Philadelphia Weekly Times by Thomas Lafayette Rosser on his role in the battle; and an affidavit, 1904, of John E. Hall regarding his role as courier in delivering Munford's commission as brigadier general during the retreat to Appomattox Court House (section 8).
Bolling Family Papers, 1749–1956. 663 items. Mss1B6386a. Microfilm reels C388–389.
Contains the papers of the Bolling family of Centre Hill plantation in Powhatan County. Wartime items in this collection include a one-page diary, 3 April–22 May 1865, kept by Archibald Bolling (1827–1897) of Company A of the 13th Virginia Artillery Battalion briefly recording his movements from Richmond to Appomattox Court House to North Carolina in the last week of the war (section 15); letters, 1862, from Bolling to his wife, Elizabeth Trueheart (Armistead) Bolling (1828–1862), describing religious life in Camp Lee, Richmond, and to John Stuart Williams (1818–1898) concerning a request by Bolling for a leave of absence to attend to his ill wife (section 16); and materials regarding Bolling's leave of absence from the army to be with his wife, which include a letter, 1862, from John Stewart (1806–1885) to George Wythe Randolph (1818–1867) concerning Bolling's application for discharge, and special orders, 1862, granting his leave (section 18).
Bolling, John, Letter, 1863. 1 item. Mss2B6384a1.
An incomplete letter, 8 April 1863, from John Bolling (1832–1905) of the 3d Virginia Cavalry Regiment concerning speculation over his unit's impending movements and his need for a new horse. A typed copy of the letter is included in the collection.
Bolton Family Papers, 1808–1926. 262 items. Mss1B6396a.
This collection contains the papers of members of the Bolton family of Nelson County. Wartime materials include letters to Ann M. Bolton of Roseland, Nelson County, from her brother, Alexander H. Bolton (b. 1840?) of Company D of the 7th Virginia Infantry Regiment, concerning picket duty near Chester Station in October 1864, Confederate naval activity on the James River near Drewry's Bluff, and peace negotiations in January 1865; from Henry D. Brown of Company F of the 27th Virginia Infantry Regiment discussing Ann Bolton's brother's health, and Brown's wounding at the battle of Gettysburg and subsequent capture and imprisonment at an unidentified prison in New York; and from her cousin, James A. Fortune of the Virginia Nelson Light Artillery Battery, concerning, in part, a female spy for the Confederate army in Tennessee whose photograph (not present) Fortune was sending to Ann (section 9). Also included is an account book, 1831–1864, containing wartime poetry dedicated to Ann M. Bolton (section 7), and a letter, 16 September 1862, from William H. Bolton (b. 1844?) concerning the second Bull Run campaign and captured Union supplies (section 10).
Bond Family Papers, 1859–1910. 57 items. Mss2B6408b.
This collection primarily consists of letters, 1861–1863, written by Henry Clay Bond ([1834–1865] of Bedford County) to his wife, Elizabeth Ann (Board) Bond [later Meador] (1838–1906), while serving in Company F of the 2nd Virginia Cavalry Regiment. Much of the correspondence concerns camp life and the health and activity of others from Bedford with whom he served, such as Granderson Granville Leftwich (1839–1905) and John M. Garrett (b. 1838?), as well as members of Lizzie's family: James G. Board (b. 1834?), and Lizzie's brothers Alexander McC. Board (1835–1864) and Jesse Littleton Board (1836–1908). Henry's letters include mention of his regiment's treatment by the local population as they move from place to place, and of deteriorating provisions as the war goes on and their horses are killed in action or die of starvation. He also writes of engagements with the enemy in northern Virginia and news of other units' victories and defeats throughout the South, and by 1863, his attempts to secure a substitute so he can go home (folders 1–3). Also in the collection are several letters, 1862–1863, written by Lizzie's brother Alexander McC. Board while he was serving in the 58th Virginia Infantry Regiment at Hamilton's Crossing and Port Royal (folder 5).
Bowen, Frederick Fillison, Papers, 1863–1898. 15 items. Mss2B6754b.
This collection contains the papers of Frederick Fillison Bowen primarily concerning his service in the 43d Virginia Cavalry Battalion. Items in the collection include a letter, 15 October 1864, from Bowen to "Charlie" in which he describes his reasons for joining the 43d Virginia Cavalry and his participation in operations against Philip Sheridan's wagon train in October 1864; letters, 1895, from John S. Mosby (1833–1916) to Bowen concerning operations of the battalion in the fall of 1864 (section 1); a copy of Mosby's farewell address to his command in April 1865; rations reports, 8–13 March 1864, for the divisions of Richard Heron Anderson, Henry Heth, and Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox of the 3d Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia; and a pass, 1864, issued to Bowen permitting him to visit Charlottesville (section 2).
Bowler Family Papers, 1856–1876. 44 items. Mss1B6815a.
This collection contains the papers of the Bowler family of Ohio. Section 1 consists primarily of letters from Charles Pendleton Bowler (1834–1862) of Company C of the 7th Ohio Infantry Regiment to his brother, Noadiah Potter Bowler (b. 1820), discussing reasons for enlist-ing in April 1861, the costs of obtaining life insurance as a soldier, plans for his company to print a newspaper called the Ohio Seventh, and the construction of Union forts along the Potomac River. Also in section 1 is a letter to Charles Bowler from James Abram Garfield concerning disharmony in Bowler's regiment and his desire to join Garfield's unit.
Boyd, Robert Alexander, Reminiscence, ca. 1899. 1 item. Typescript copy. Mss5:1B6926:1.
Consists of a typed transcript of the Civil War reminiscences, ca. 1899, of Robert Alexander Boyd (d. 1909), formerly of the Confederate 2d Engineers Regiment, recounting the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House on 9 April 1865.
Bradbury, John William, Papers, 1862–1869. 148 items. Mss1B7267a.
Contains the papers of John William Bradbury (1827–1904), a Petersburg hardware and cotton merchant. Civil War items include certificates of military service exemption, 1862–1864, issued to John Bradbury for physical disability (section 4), and passes, 1862–1865, issued to Bradbury by Confederate and United States authorities granting him permission to visit Petersburg and Blackstone, Va., and Fort Sumter and Sullivan's Island, S.C. (section 5).
Brady, James Topham, Papers, 1865. 24 items. Mss2B3663c.
This collection consists of the correspondence, 1865, of James Topham Brady (1815–1869) concerning the trial and imprisonment as a spy of John Yates Beall (1835–1865). The items are tipped into in the Trial of John Y. Beall, as a Spy and Guerrillero, by Military Commission (New York, 1865).
Brannock, James Madison, Papers, 1862–1865. 82 items. Mss1B7357a.
This collection consists primarily of the wartime letters of James Madison Brannock (1830–1907), a surgeon in the 5th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, to his wife, Sarah Caroline (Gwin) Brannock (1832–1913). Topics in the letters include camp life, his experiences as a surgeon after several battles, news of friends in the service and their wounds, the battle of Stones River, and the Atlanta campaign. Also included is a list of killed and wounded in the 12th and 47th Tennessee Infantry regiments at the battles of Decatur and Peachtree Creek (a82).
Brannock, James Madison, Papers, 1850–1967. 13 items. Mss2B7352b.
This collection contains the letters of James Madison Brannock (1830–1907) of Jackson, Tenn. Included is a letter, 7 May 1865, from Brannock to his wife, Sarah Caroline (Gwin) Brannock (1832–1913), in which he describes his journey to Richmond as a paroled member of the 5th Tennessee Infantry Regiment of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. Topics in the letter include the paroled soldiers' desire to travel by railroad via Baltimore, Md., and Louisville, Ky., to reach their homes, the order forbidding paroled Confederates from traveling in northern states, and a description of postwar Richmond.
Braxton Family Papers, 1829–1895. 27 items. Mss2B73994b.
This collection contains the papers of the Braxton family of King William County. Wartime items include an affidavit, 1862, of John Herbert Claiborne (1828–1905) concerning the unfitness for duty of Lorimer B. Robinson of the 53d Virginia Infantry Regiment, and passes, 1864, issued to William Presley Braxton (1816–1881) and his family by the Confederate War Department granting permission to visit Hanover and Henrico counties (section 4).
Braxton, Fannie Page (Hume), Diary, 1862. 116 pp. Typescript. Mss5:1B7398:1.
A typed transcript of a diary, 1 January–31 December 1862, kept by Fannie Page (Hume) Braxton (1838–1865) of Selma, Orange County. The diary contains daily entries concerning primarily family news and social life in Orange County. Also included are descriptions of Union and Confederate troop movements in the region and news of the following military events: the fall of Roanoke Island, N.C., the capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., and New Orleans, La., the Shenandoah Valley, Peninsula, and Maryland campaigns, and the battles of Cedar Mountain and Fredericksburg. The diary was printed in multiple issues of The Orange Review, 14 August 1947–18 March 1948.
Brent, Martha Burton (Porter), Memoirs, 1934. 56 pp. Typescript. Mss5:1B7526:1.
This memoir, written in 1934 by Martha Burton (Porter) Brent (b. 1849), primarily concerns the history of the Luke, Porter, Pilchard, and Burton families. Of note is Martha Brent’s description of her life in Virginia during the Civil War. Also included is a description of her father’s, John Luke Porter’s (1813–1893), career in shipbuilding and, in particular, his involvement in refurbishing the U.S.S. “Merrimack” into the ironclad “Virginia” for the Confederate States Navy. The volume includes illustrations of the ship.
Broaddus, James Jackson, Recollections, 1948. 1 item. Typescript. Mss5:1B7803:1.
A typed transcript of the recollections of James Jackson Broaddus (1865–1950) of Louisa County. Included are brief descriptions of the wartime experiences of Broaddus's father, George Washington Broaddus of Company F of the 30th Virginia Infantry Regiment, at the battle of Seven Pines and while serving as a sharpshooter during the Bermuda Hundred campaign.
Brooke, St. George Tucker, Autobiography, 1907–1913. 1 item. Typescript copy. Mss2B7906a1.
The autobiography of St. George Tucker Brooke (1844–1914) offers recollections of his early life and his service in the Confederate navy and in the 2d Virginia Cavalry Regiment and includes descriptions of the USS Pawnee alarm in Richmond in the spring of 1861, the battles of Drewry's Bluff, Aldie, and Haw's Shop, and the Gettysburg and Spotsylvania campaigns.
Brooks, William Benthall, Papers, 1862–1867. 8 items. Mss1B7917a.
This collection contains the papers of William Benthall Brooks (1831–1910) of Portsmouth, a Union navy officer and chief engineer of the Union steam sloop Brooklyn. Items include a diary, 1 January–1 December 1862, concerning Union naval activities at Baton Rouge, La., Key West and Pensacola Navy Yard, Warrington, Fla., and Natchez, Miss., naval operations on the Mississippi River in the spring of 1862, the blockade of Mobile Bay, Ala., from October to December, the capture of New Orleans, La., and attacks on Forts Jackson and St. Philip, La., and on Vicksburg, Miss. In the March entries Brooks makes frequent mention of activities on or operations in conjunction with the USS Hartford, flagship of David Glasgow Farragut (1801–1870) (section 1); and a letter from Brooks to his wife, Amelia (Wright) Brooks, regarding the blockade of Galveston, Tex., by the USS Brooklyn and other Union vessels in June 1863 (section 3).
Brown, Alexander Gustavus, Papers, 1864–1865. 6 items. Mss2B8121b.
This small collection contains the letters, 1864, of Alexander Gustavus Brown (1833–1900) of Petersburg to his wife, Fannie A. (Cooksey) Brown (1832?–1904) concerning, in part, Union artillery attacks on the city and the resulting evacuation of the city by some of its citizens (b1–5). Also in the collection is a letter, 27 March 1865, from Brown's brother, William Murphy Brown (b. 1831) of Richmond to their mother, Ann (Murphy) Brown (1807–1893), in which he mentions the impending evacuation of Richmond and provides a list of prices for various food items.
Brown Family Papers, 1801–1889. 335 items. Mss1B8157a.
Consists primarily of the papers of Robert Lawrence Brown (1820–1880) of Nelson County. In Brown's correspondence are letters, 1862, from his son, Alexander Brown (1843–1906), while serving in the Virginia Staunton Hill Artillery. Topics include a Union naval bombardment near Wilmington, N.C., and the poor conditions (particularly of clothing) of the troops in North Carolina as compared to those in Virginia (section 7). The correspondence of Robert L. Brown's wife, Margaret Baldwin (Cabell) Brown (1826–1877), includes letters, 1863, from her son Alexander concerning his life in camp near Wilmington, and a letter, 22 December 1862, from her brother, Joseph Carrington Cabell (1836–1863) of the 49th Virginia Infantry Regiment, describing camp life near Fredericksburg after the battle and his unit's duty constructing breastworks south of that city (section 16).
Brown, George Gilford, Letter, 1911. 1 item. Mss2Sy255a2.
A letter, 30 January 1911, from George Gilford Brown (1836–1915) to Walter Sydnor (1846–1927) offering a description of Brown's experiences as a member of Company G of the 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment at the battle of Kelly's Ford.
Brown, John Thompson, Papers, 1833–1870. 20 items. Mss2B81375b.
This collection contains materials relating to service of John Thompson Brown (1835–1864) in the 2d Company of Richmond Howitzers. Items include a letter, 9 June 1861, from Brown to his wife, Mary M. (Southall) Brown, concerning the artillery unit's action against Union troops on the eve of the battle of Big Bethel; a letter, 20 January 1863, from Stapleton Crutchfield (1835–1865) regarding the supplying of rations for Brown's battery; a telegram, 16 August 1862, from Robert E. Lee to Daniel Harvey Hill asking Hill to disrupt Union transports on the James River below Richmond; a letter, 2 November 1862, to Brown, signed by Alexander Swift Pendleton (1840–1864), from Thomas J. Jackson ordering Brown to send a battery to Berry's Ferry on the Shenandoah; and letters, 17 September 1862, from William Nelson Pendleton concerning Brown's role in providing artillery support for the Army of Northern Virginia at the battle of Antietam (section 2). Also in the collection are copies of letters, 1870, from J. C. Angell and Wilfred Emory Cutshaw (1838–1907) discussing John Thompson Brown's death at the battle of the Wilderness (section 3).
Bruce Family Papers, 1665–1926. 1,398 items. Mss1B8306b. Microfilm reels C390–391.
Contains the papers of the Bruce family of Charlotte County. The correspondence of Charles Bruce (1826–1896) of the Virginia Staunton Hill Artillery includes letters, 1861–1862, to his wife, Sarah Alexander (Seddon) Bruce (1829–1907), offering descriptions of camp life near Richmond, Va., and Savannah, Ga., military events in the western theater and on the coast of North Carolina, Confederate defenses near Savannah, and the capture of Fort Pulaski by Union forces (section 8). Other items in the collection include accounts, 1864–1865, kept by Charles Bruce of corn, fodder, and oats sold to the Confederacy (section 9); receipts, 1864, for Confederate bonds purchased by Bruce (section 10); a letter, 6 May 1862, to the people of Gloucester County from James Clay Rice (1829–1864) of the Union army concerning the conduct of Union soldiers occupying the county and the policy regarding slaves found within Union lines; and a letter, 24 July 1862, to Martha Tabb (Smith) Robins (b. 1840?) from a friend in Williamsburg describing life there under Union occupation (section 30).
Bruce, Louise Este (Fisher), Papers, 1786–1974. 1,111 items. Mss1B8305a.
This collection contains papers of the Bruce family compiled by Louise Este (Fisher) Bruce (1866–1945) of Baltimore and Ruxton, Md. Wartime items include the correspondence of William Miller Este (1831–1900) concerning his duties as aide-de-camp to Robert Cumming Schenck in the 8th Corps, Middle Department of the Union army (section 16); commissions, 1862, of William Este as first lieutenant and major in the Union army (section 17); printed and handwritten general and special orders, 1861–1864, relating to Este and the Middle Department; a commendation, 1864, issued to Este for his service as judge advocate of a court martial; a list, 1862, of military engagements Este participated in (section 18); and letters, 1864–1865, concerning Este and his abilities as aide-de-camp (section 20).
Bruce, Robert, Affidavit, 1863. 1 item. Mss2B8305a1.
An affidavit, 1863, concerning the enlistment of an African American, Robert Bruce (b. 1836?) of Prince Edward County, in the 1st Colored Kansas Infantry Regiment.
Bryan Family Papers, 1757–1922. 8 items. Mss2B84d.
This small collection contains materials relating to several members of the Bryan family of Virginia. Civil War items consist of correspondence, 4–8 February 1863, of John Singleton Mosby (1833–1916) with Jeb Stuart discussing raids and skirmishes by Mosby’s troops in Fauquier County against Federal troops commanded by Sir Percy Wyndham (1833–1879), and the number of Union troops in Fairfax County, with Mosby’s observations on their possible capture (d3–4). Also in the collection is a letter, 2 April 1867, written by Robert E. Lee to Jeremiah Colburn (1815–1891) concerning, in part, Lee’s lack of resources caused by the loss of his library at Arlington (d5).
Bryan Family Papers, 1774–1942. 88 items. Mss1B8408a. Microfilm reels C270–272.
This collection contains the papers of several generations of the Bryan family of Chatham County, Ga., and Richmond, Va. Civil War items consist of a typescript copy of a letter, 6 April 1865, from Joseph Bryan (1845–1908) to John Randolph Bryan (1806–1887) discussing the public's reaction to the evacuation of Richmond and a cavalry raid in Fairfax County (section 5); a letter, 18 February 1865, from Robert E. Lee to a little girl, Norma Stewart (1858–1938) of Brook Hill, Henrico County, thanking her for the socks she sent him (section 17); and the memoirs, 1912, of Frederick Mason Colston (1836?–1922), formerly a member of Edward Porter Alexander's staff, concerning his experiences at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (section 22).
Bryan Family Papers, 1838–1939. 68 items. Mss1B8408b. Microfilm reel C272.
This collection consists of the correspondence of Bryan family members in Fluvanna, Gloucester, and Henrico counties. Included is a photocopy of a newspaper clipping from the Birmingham News, 23 November 1910, concerning experiences of John Randolph Bryan (1841–1917) while using a hot-air balloon for Confederate reconnaissance during the Peninsula campaign. Bryan was an aide-de-camp for John B. Magruder when he went up in the balloon several times for Joseph E. Johnston (section 8).
Bryan Family Papers, 1880–1966. 113 items. Mss1B8408e.
Collection includes (in section 5) an incomplete, typescript copy of an undated memoir of Sarah Jane Brown (Scott) Worthington concerning her early life in Perquimans County, N.C., the move of her family by her father, William Copeland Scott, to the plantation Ingleside in Princess Anne County in the early 1850s, the yellow fever epidemic in Norfolk in 1855, social life in Princess Anne before the Civil War, especially regarding Fourth of July celebrations (1860 noted in particular), and war time in Princess Anne and Norfolk (including her interactions with the enslaved population on the family plantation).
Bryan, John Stewart, Papers, 1862–1944. 981 items. Mss1B8405b.
This collection contains the papers of John Stewart Bryan (1871–1944) of Richmond. Included is a photocopy of a letter, 16 April 1862, from John Randolph Bryan (1806–1887) of Eagle Point, Gloucester County, to David Coupland Randolph (1804–1888) concerning skirmishing near Yorktown and the explosion during action of Confederate cannon manufactured at Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond (section 7; item b976).
Bryan, Joseph, Papers, 1866–1905. 157 items. Mss1B8407a.
This collection mainly concerns John S. Mosby (1833–1916). Items concerning the Civil War include a letter, 7 October 1903, from Mosby to Joseph Bryan (1845–1908) about J. E. B. Stuart and Robert E. Lee's treatment of him following the battle of Brandy Station and the Gettysburg campaign; a letter, 30 January 1904, from Mosby concerning his opinion of Fitzhugh Lee and Stuart (section 1); a memoir, ca. 1900, by Mosby, analyzing the execution of members of his command in August and September 1864 by Union troops under Philip Henry Sheridan and George Armstrong Custer (section 3); and an essay, 1904, by Henry Melvil Doak (b. 1841) on Mosby's contributions during the war (section 5).
Bryan, Joseph, Scrapbook, 1859–1865. 1 volume. Mss5:7B8406:1.
A scrapbook, compiled by Joseph Bryan (1845–1908), containing newspaper clippings concerning conscription and financial practices of the Confederate States of America.
Bryan, St. George Tucker Coalter, Recollections, 1906. 1 volume. Mss5:1B8407:1.
Contains the Civil War recollections of St. George Tucker Coalter Bryan (1843–1916), formerly of the 2d Company of Richmond Howitzers. Included in the volume are alphabetically arranged references to people and places associated with the war and detailed descriptions of camp life and the battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court House.
Bryce Family Papers, 1864–1910. 80 items. Mss2B8434b.
This collection contains the papers of the Bryce family of Hanover County and Richmond. Civil War items include a letter, 2 March 1865, from Benjamin F. Bryce (1820?–1898) of James Woolfolk's Battery of Huger's Battalion of Artillery requesting a 24-hour leave of absence (b1), and passes, 1864–1865, granting Bryce leaves of absence (b2–3).
Buchanan, Franklin, Letters, 1863–1864. 13 items. Mss4M6943b.
This collection consists of letters from Franklin Buchanan (1800–1874), while commanding the Confederate naval base at Mobile, Ala., to John Kirkwood Mitchell (1811–1889) of the Confederate Bureau of Orders and Detail. The letters concern personnel issues (including the coordination of army and navy forces under Buchanan's command) and the construction of the CSS Tennessee and CSS Nashville.
Buckley, Jeremiah, Affidavit, 1863. 1 item. Mss2B8566a1.
An affidavit, 1863, of Jeremiah Buckley of Richmond, claiming a military exemption based on his occupation as a courier.
Burchett, J. R., Letter, 1864. 1 item. Mss2B8934a1.
A letter, 8 July 1864, from J. R. Burchett while serving in the James River Squadron aboard the CSS Drewry regarding the sale of flour and the current military situation in Petersburg.
Burke Family Papers, 1810–1888. 50 items. Mss1B9177a. Microfilm reel B8.
This collection contains the papers of the Burke family of Prince Edward and Nottoway counties. Wartime items include a letter, 12 May 1861, from Samuel Burke of the 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment to his father, Samuel Dabney Burke (1794–1880), describing life in camp at the Hermitage Fairgrounds in Richmond (section 1); a letter, 12 July 1861, from Samuel Burke to his sister, Pattie Sherwin (Burke) Tatum, speculating on the future direction of the war (section 3); letters, 1864, from H. F. Bardwell to his wife, Lou Henrie (Burke) Bardwell (1833–1894), concerning his involvement as a civilian in defending Petersburg from attack on 5 May and 9 June 1864 (section 5); a daguerreotype of Samuel Burke in Confederate uniform (section 8); an issue, 24 September 1863, of the Richmond Christian Advocate containing articles on religious revivals in the Army of Northern Virginia; an issue, 8 October 1863, of theDaily Richmond Examiner containing an article by a magazine writer on the battle of Gettysburg; and undated wartime newspaper clippings concerning Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, and the death of Thomas J. Jackson (section 9).
Burke, Thomas H., Papers, 1862–1863. 4 items. Photocopies. Mss2B9181b.
Consist of letters, 1863, written by Thomas H. Burke (while serving as a courier for Confederate General Fitzhugh Lee) to his father concerning Thomas's impending departure for Culpeper Court House in February 1863, the price of horses, his speculation over expected movements by the Union Army in mid-April 1863, and a visit to Richmond. Also, include a note, 1862, written by Doctor H. W. Davis stating that Thomas H. Burke (of the 9th Virginia Cavalry Regiment) had just recovered from typhoid fever but was not yet fit for duty; and a notice, n.d., of exemption from military service for one year for George W. Burke (signed by H. H. George).
Burns Family Papers, 1864. 3 items. Photocopy of typescripts. Mss2B9375b.
The collection includes a letter, 31 December 1864, from Franklin Crawford Burns (1842–1917) of the 18th Virginia Cavalry Regiment to his wife concerning the death of his brother, Warwick Washington Burns (1829–1864) of the 18th Virginia Cavalry, after a cavalry engagement at Gordonsville (b1) and a letter, 12 March 1864, from John William Carpenter (1843–1923) of the 18th Virginia Cavalry to his wife discussing life in camp (b2). Also in this collection is a photocopy of a photograph of Joseph Washington Burns (1832–1901) of the 18th Virginia Cavalry. A 3 x 5 color print of the original image is in the collections of the Society’s museum department.
Burwell Family Papers, 1770–1965. 2,141 items. Mss1B9585a. Microfilm reel B9.
Papers of the Burwell family of Frederick (now Clarke County). The correspondence of George Harrison Burwell (1799–1873) includes a letter, 10 January 1862, from Joseph S. Carson (1806?–1871) explaining that Burwell's fire insurance will cover any fire damage not caused by military personnel of either army or by mob insurrection and letters, 1864, from Holmes Conrad (1840–1915) concerning the purchase of wheat from Burwell (section 6). On the back of the 26 July 1864 letter from Conrad is a printed muster roll of Company E of the 87th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment.
Burwell Family Papers, 1825–1976. 33 items. Mss1B9585c.
Contains the papers of the Burwell family of Powhatan County. Wartime items include a printed address, 1864, of George Edward Pickett to the Virginia soldiers in his division at Goldsboro, N.C., concerning re-enlistments (c2); a letter, 8 April 1865, from Dr. Blair Burwell (1830–1915), while surgeon of the 8th Virginia Infantry Regiment, to Virginia Beverley (Pickett) Burwell (1833–1884) discussing the retreat to Appomattox Court House, his absence from his family, and slaves at Indian Camp, Powhatan County (c3); and a commonplace book, kept in part by Blair Burwell, including an affidavit of Joseph C. Frank of Maysville, Ky., concerning the requisition of horses in Powhatan County from Blair Burwell (1783–1871) on 4 April 1865 (p. 98) (c8).
Burwell Family Papers, 1846–1863. 12 items. Mss2B9588b.
Contains the papers of the Burwell family of Mecklenburg County. Wartime items include letters from Armistead Burwell of the 14th Virginia Infantry Regiment to his sister, Elizabeth Anna Burwell, about camp life, the military situation on the Peninsula in November 1861, and the 1863 Suffolk campaign; a letter, 4 April 1862, to his brother, William Burwell, concerning Armistead Burwell's decision to reenlist in a new artillery battery (section 1); and letters, 1862–1863, from John E. Burwell to Elizabeth Anna Burwell and William Burwell offering descriptions of camp life near Fredericksburg (section 2).
Butler, James Thomas, Diary, 1862–1864. 1 volume. Mss5:1B9773:1.
Kept by James Thomas Butler (1822–1895) while a merchant in Richmond and as a planter in Caroline County, this diary, 26 October 1862–26 May 1864, contains entries concerning Butler's successful attempts to hide from Union troops during the battle of North Anna with the aid of family members and local slaves (21–26 May 1864), government contracts for tents, milled wheat, and with the Shockoe Foundry, and his militia service in defense of Richmond in 1862. The collection includes a typed transcript of the diary.
Butt, Shannon, Papers, 1859–1901. 22 items. Mss2B9808b.
This collection consists primarily of letters, 1860–1863, written by Shannon Butt ([1806–1863] a Methodist minister in Monroe County [now W. Va.]) to his son, Leonidas Butt (also a Methodist minister). In wartime letters Shannon Butt expresses concern for his son's safety while riding a Methodist circuit in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862/63 and discusses news relating to the war (in particular, the activities of Confederate troops in and around Monroe County, the battle of Lewisburg [including a hand drawn map of the battle], news of military engagements in other states, and the impact of the war on Monroe County) (b1–15).
Byrd Family Papers, 1791–1867. 156 items. Mss1B9963c. Microfilm reel C238.
This collection contains papers of the Byrd, Harrison, and McGuire families of Virginia. Section 12 includes letters from Benjamin Harrison McGuire (1843–1863), while a student at Episcopal High School, Alexandria, and while serving in Company D of the 2d Virginia Artillery Regiment (later the 22d Virginia Infantry Battalion), to Francis Howe McGuire ([1850–1894] reporting on the feelings toward the war of students at Episcopal High School in April 1861 and how northern students are abused), and William Henry McGuire ([1840–1921] concerning, in part, local companies involved in the burning of Hampton in August 1861). Section 13 contains letters from Benjamin McGuire to Francis H. McGuire (discussing his rank and why he has not yet been appointed captain and recounting a story concerning the confiscation of his cousin's servants by the Union army and their removal to Winchester), to Lucy Carter McGuire ([1841–1917] discussing the capture of horses in Roanoke County and their delivery to John B. Magruder at Yorktown in March 1862, the battle of Gaines' Mill, life in winter quarters in February 1863, and the drumming out of the Confederate army of a deserter), and to Mary Willing (Harrison) McGuire (concerning the Seven Days' battles, his regiment's part in the disposition of materials captured at Harpers Ferry [now W.Va.] in October 1862, and A. P. Hill's address of appreciation to his troops for their participation in numerous battles).
Byrd Family Papers, 1805–1871. 285 items. Mss1B9968b. Microfilm reel C273.
The papers of members of the Byrd family of Frederick County and Winchester include an affidavit, 2 October 1863, of Richard Evelyn Byrd (1801–1872) regarding the requisition of horses and tobacco from a free African American, William Evans, by members of the battalion of Maryland cavalry of Harry Gilmor (1838–1883) (section 14).
Byrd, Samuel Masters Hankins, Newspaper Clipping, 1914. 1 item. Mss9:1B9967:1.
This small collection contains a newspaper article entitled "Sketch of the History of Phillips Legion, Georgia Volunteers, During the Confederate War," written by Samuel Masters Hankins Byrd (1830–1895), a former member of the unit. The article summarizes the Phillips Legion's service in western Virginia (now W.Va.), Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania from 1861 to 1865. Printed in the Cedartown Standard (Ga.), 5–16 May 1914.
Updated July 20, 2022