Archibald Gerard Robertson
Archibald Gerard Robertson. Papers, 1787-1986
Section 5. Correspondence, 1914-1985
Call Number Mss1 R5453 a 21-2198 (2,178 items)
Index to Correspondents and Selected Topics
Abajian, James de Ta
Ackerly, Benjamin C.
Adams, John J.
Aldhizer, George Statton, 1907-
Alexander, Mary Watson Robertson, b. 1878
Alley, C. Willard
Almond, Hilton R.
Almond, James Lindsay, 1898-1986
April, Margaret H.
Ashcraft, Allan C., 1928-
Ashworth, Mary Wells Knight, b 1903
Austell, Suzanne C.
Aylor, Edward
Aylor, Minnie Keyser
Banwell, Roy W.
Barksdale, Gaynelle W.
Barney, William Pope, b. 1890
Barrett, Richard E.
Barringer, Paul Brandon, 1887-1973
Barringer, Victor Clay, b. 1891
Bartee, Ted
Bartlow, Elizabeth
Bartlow, William P.
Barton, Robert Thomas, 1891-1980
Bass, Henry B.
Battle, Margaret Lowman, b. 1901
Battle, William Cullen, 1920-
Bauernschmidt, Grace
Bear, James Adam, 1919-
Beard, Alexander Robertson, 1927-
Beard, William Kelly
Bell, Wilson B., 1913-
Belton, Ronald
Bemiss, FitzGerald, 1922-
Bennett, Thomas W.
Berkeley, Edmund, 1937-
Berkeley, Francis Lewis, 1912-
Berkeley, Norborne, 1891-1964
Biddle, Craig
Blanchard, Lawrence E.
Boatwright, Swift
Bocock, W. H.
Booker, Lewis Thomas, 1929-
Boone, James L.
Boushall, Thomas Callendine, b. 1894
Bowen, J. Gerald
Boyd, Thomas Munford, 1899-1985
Bramble, W. L.
Brice, Marshall Moore, 1898-1978
Brooke, Ralston Lewis, 1930-
Brooks, Robert F.
Brown, Evelyn J.
Brown, James Monroe, 1917-
Brown, Stuart Ellett, 1916-
Bryan, David Tennant, 1906-
Budd, Helen Cameron
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1887-1966
Byrd, Helen Bradshaw
Campbell, Edward Dunscomb Christian, 1946-
Carlton, Emory Linwood, 1906-
Carner, R. V.
Carter, Hill
Carter, William Oscar, Sir, b. 1905
Catlett, Martha
Catlett, Richard H.
Catterall, Ralph Tunnicliff, 1897-1978
Cauble, C. F.
Chamberlain, Beranrd Peyton, 1896-1983
Chambers, Lenoir, 1891-1970
Chappat, René
Chappell, Robert Harvey, 1926-
Cheek, Mary Tyler Freeman, 1917-
Chitwood, Walter Randolph, 1920-
Christian, Andrew Henry
Christian, Margaret Stuart Briscoe Robertson, 1925-
Christian, Stuart Grattan, 1922-
Clay, Stuart McGuire, 1948-
Clore, J. Carlton
Cochran, George Moffett, 1912-
Cochran, George Moffett, 1950-
Cochran, Marion Lee Stuart, 1924-
Cochran, Peyton, 1880-1969
Cochran, Susan Baldwin Robertson, 1887-1975
Coffin, Jane Taliaferro
Colvin, Juanita
Cooke, John Warren, 1915-
Cosby, Lewis J.
Coulter, Tony
Couper, William, 1884-1964
Cox, Edwin, 1902-1977
Cox, Elbert, 1906-
Cox, Virginia Bagby DeMott
Crenshaw, Gordon Lee, 1923-
Cullen, Joseph P.
Curtis, Ethel M.
Cuthbert, Charles Henry, 1917-
Dabney, Virginius, b. 1901
Davenport, Arthur Winthrop, b. 1901
Davenport, Claude Reynolds, 1891-1970
Davis, John Brooks
Davis, John Kennerly, 1906-1975
Davis, Virginia Waller Stuart, b. 1898
Dodson, Edward Griffith, 1884-1969
Donovan, Thomas M.
Dorman, John Frederick, 1928-
Eastwick, Marjorie S.
Elder, Fitzhugh, 1916-
Emerson, Frances Durbin Gill, 1951-
Engerud, Harold, b. 1895
Exum, Kitchen
Farish, Charles A.
Farish family
Featherstone, James W.
Finnegan, James F.
Flinn, Lewis B.
Fouassier, L.
Franklin, Walter M.
Frantz, Ray William, 1923-
Frazier, Harry
Fredudenburg, Anne Elizabeth H.
Fulton, Jack M.
Garbee, William Cabell
Garrett, Henry Edward, b. 1894
Glasch, Manning
Gay, Miriam
Gay, Thomas Benjamin, b. 1885
Gibson, Churchill Jones, 1931?-
Gilford, Duff
Gill, John Alexander, 1922-
Gillespie, Margaret E.
Gillette, Charles F., 1886-1969
Gilliam, Bates McCleur
Gilliam, Mary Stuart McGuire, 1925-
Goddin, Cannon Hobson, 1924-
Goodwin, Edmund Pendleton, b. 1905
Gordon, Thomas Christian, 1915-
Graham, J. Stuart
Graham, Thomas P.
Graham, William A.
Greene, Kenneth M.
Gravier, Gaston
Gregory, Edward Meeks, 1922-
Groner, Powell Campbell, 1893
Gunn, Curry Thomas, b. 1873
Gunn, George F.
Gwaltney, Octavia Boatright
Hall, Spotswood B.
Harmon, John
Harris, John W.
Hartshog, George Benjamin, 1920-
Haw, George Edwin, 1881-1971
Heiskell, Augustus Longstreet, b. 1890
Heistand, Joseph T.
Hening, Edmund Waller, 1916-
Henley, Barbara M.
Henry, Q. Robert
Hereford, Frank Loucks, 1924-
Hickel, Walter Joseph, 1919-
Higginbotham, Caryl
Highlander, H. M.
Hinch, Margaret Stuart Briscoe Cochran, 1915-
Holland, Walter James
Holt, A. D.
Horsley, Waller Holladay, 1931-
Hortenstein, Floyd J.
Hott, George E.
Houston, Charles Walker, 1901-1975
Howell, Billy Shaw
Howell, Vard, b. 1901
Hughes, James B.
Humerickhouse, George Randolph, 1909-
Hunter, Carol
Hunter, Lula
Hunton, Eppa, 1904-1976
Hunton, Eppa, 1955?-
Hutcheson, James Morrison, 1883-1972
Irby, Richard Logan, 1918-
Jackson, Thomas Broun, 1892-1966
Jennings, John Melville, 1916-
Johns, Jay Winston, 1888-1974
Johnson, Joseph E.
Johnson, Walter J., 1912-
Johnston, James Ambler, 1885-1974
Jones, Allan R.
Jones, Carrol N.
Jones, Catesby L.
Jones, Edward C.
Jones, Gainer Brown, b. 1900
Jones, George E.
Jones, James H.
Jones, Kenneth
Jones, Malcolm Gwynne, b. 1902
Jones, Martha Dabney, 1910-
Jones, Mildred Conway, b. 1905
Jones, O. K.
Joseph, Stanley F.
Julian, Allen P.
Kane, Mary Givens
Karling, Page Burwell Johnston, 1916-
Kellam, Sidney Severn, b. 1903
Kellogg, Marion Knight, b. 1904
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 1917-1963
Kennedy, Robert Francis, 1925-1968
Kester, Walter H.
Ketchum, Dorsey
Kidd, Linda
Kilpatrick, James Jackson, 1920-
Kim, Kyung-Hwe
King, Edward P., b. 1884
Kinnard, Robert B.
Kline, Lillie Robertson
Knowles, Grace Fuller, 1905-1985
Laimbeer, Martha Hope Robertson, 1915-
Lally, Cindy
Lamb, Brockenbrough, 1918-
Lancaster, Dabney Stuart, 1889-1975
Landrum, Sarah W.
Lane, Anna
Lane, Edward Emerson, 1924-
Lapinski, Dan J.
Latané, John Holladay, 1869-1932
Laurie, John E.
Lawrence, John M.
Lee, Richard J.
Lesser, William H.
Lewis, Ella Turner Nicholson Robertson
Lindsey, Joyce Haw, 1906-
Lockhart, Douglas D. A.
Lolley, W. Randall
Longest, George C.
Lugue, Cheryl
Lynch, John Philip, 1909-
McCarthy, William H.
McCue, Elizabeth B.
McDonald, Thomas Joseph.
McGuire, Catherine Skelton Bemiss, b. 1901
McGuire, Hunter Holmes, 1929-
McGuire, Mary Stuart McGuire, b. 1901
McGuire, Stuart, 1867-1948
McHugh, Anne Robertson
McRee, Elizabeth Temple Johnston
Malone, Dumas, 1892-1986
Manarin, Louis Henry, 1932-
Manson, Peter C.
Marshall, Charles Spencer, 1912-
Martin, David B. H.
Mason, Hatley Norton, 1925-
Mason, Lawrence W.
Matthew, R. John
Maupin, Michael W.
Ment, Patricia Holbert, 1921-
Miller, Ben Robertson, b. 1905
Milmoe, Patrick J.
Mitchell, Juliet Albright Robertson
Monroe, Robert Grier
Mitchell, Margaretta Holmes McGuire
Moody, Sarah
Moomaw, Wilmer E.
Moore, Lucy Grattan Robertson, b. 1883
Moore, Thomas Justin, 1925-
Myers, Lula Taliaferro
Nalle, Catherine Brent Robertson, 1851-1946
Nase, Thomas P.
Neal, Alexander W.
Neal, Julia
Newell, Pauline Spencer Robertson, 1930-
Neis-Berger, Albert-Charles, 1957-
Neis-Berger, Edouard, 1903-2002
Norman, Meade B.
Oneill, Kathleen E.
Overman, William Charles
Owen, Ruth L.
Palmer, Ernest Holcombe, 1916-
Pannell, Anne Gary, 1910-
Parker, Elmer Oris
Parker, Peyton, Mrs.
Parker, Gerald James, 1924-
Pasco, Hanson Merrill, 1915-
Paulsen, Monrad Gotke, 1918-1980
Peple, Edward Cronin, 1911-
Peterson, Merrill Daniel, 1921-
Pettit, Walton S.
Pillers, M. E.
Piper, George Albert
Pitts, Hugh Douglas, 1926-
Plunkett, Michael
Porter, Geral Dean, Mrs.
Powell, Lewis Franklin, 1907-
Ragan, Cooper Kirby
Railey, William R.
Randolph, Beverley Heth, 1908-
Randolph, Jane.
Rankin, Frank G., 1906-
Ratcliffe, Harold Macon, 1895-1953
Reidenbaugh, Lowell
Riely, John William
Rives, Jane S.
Robb, Thomas B.
Roberts, Lula W.
Robertson, Abasalom Willis, 1887-1971
Robertson, Ada Ann Ritchie
Robertson, Alexander Farish, 1853-1938
Robertson, Alexander Farish, b. 1892
Robertson, Alexander Farish, 1932-
Robertson, Alexander Stuart, b. 1884
Robertson, Alexander Stuart, 1918-
Robertson, Ann Russell Gwyn, 1919-
Robertson, Frances Sexton, b. 1946
Robertson, Helen Fiske
Robertson, James Farish, 1886-1975
Robertson, James Irwin, 1930-
Robertson, James Wesley Ritchie
Robertson, Jane C.
Robertson, Katherine
Robertson, Margaret Briscoe Stuart, 1855-1932
Robertson, Robert Emmett
Robertson, Thomas Hugh, 1856-1952
Robertson, Walter Spencer, 1893-1970
Robertson, William Rogers, 1846-1944
Robertson family
Robinson, Margaret Stuart Robertson, 1913-
Rockwell, Paul Ayres, b. 1889
Rogers, Anne Newton Jett
Rogers, Frank Waters, b. 1892
Rosenberger, William
Rowley, Frank S.
Runaldue, Frances E. Robertson
Runge, William Harry, 1927-
Rush, Ruth.
Rutledge, Ritchie R.
Sammons, Wheeler, 1899-1956
Satterfield, David Edward, 1920-1988
Schell, Willis A., d. 1989
Schumacher, Carl A.
Scott, Sidney Buford, 1895-1973
Seifert, E.
Shackelford, George Green, 1920-
Shackelford, Virginius Randolph, 1916-
Shaver, Rudolph P.
Sheils, Catherine Elizabeth Robertson
Shenenefield, John Hale, 1939-
Shepard, Edwin Lee, 1951-
Simmons, Linda Crocker
Simpson, Harold Brown, 1917-
Sims, A. Ward
Sipe, J. V.
Slate, Robert Edward Lee
Slaughter, Daniel French, 1925-
Slayton, A. E.
Smartt, Lucy Alston, 1917-
Smith, Beverly Chew
Smith, Elvira
Smith, Grievous S.
Snead, Harold Fleming, b. 1903
Somerville, Mary Lee, b. 1896
Souder, W. Holt
Southwell, Ann L. S.
Spies, Emerson G.
Spivey, Joseph Marvin
Spong, John Shelby
Spong, William Besler, 1920-
Stanley, Ramona Cheek
Stoudt, Peter A.
Strother, Warren H.
Strudwick, Caroline Pickrell, d. 1976
Stuart, William Alexander, 1889-1976
Stubbs, Kendon Lee, 1938-
Sullivan, Gilbert J.
Swem, Earl Gregg, 1870-1965
Swem, Lilia Slaughter Hansbrough
Swetnam, John M.
Sydnor, Garland S.
Tabb, Thomas Garnett, b. 1875
Taliaferro Madge Brand
Talley, Mabel Apple
Taussig, Ellen Meredith
Taylor, Henry, 1887-1982
Taylor, Isobel DeLeon Williams, b. 1897
Taylor, John M.
Taylor, Roy Arthur, 1910-
Teague, Olin Earl, 1910-
Temple, K. Richmond
Thomas, Ann Whitehead
Thomsen, Richard
Thornton, Katherine
Thornton, Virginia
Tice, Douglas O.
Torrence, William Clayton, 1884-1953
Trimble, Isaac Ridgway
Tucker, Beverley Dandridge, 1882-1969
Tucker, Glenn Ervin, 1893?-1976
Turnbull, Knox, 1916-1971
Van Scoyor, Gardner W.
Van Winkle, Julian P.
Volz, J. Leonard
Wall, Charles Cecil, b. 1903
Wardlaw, Georgia Dickinson, d. 1986
Warnke, Jean L.
Warren, Grace J
Warthen, Benjamin Pollard Alsop, 1943-
Warthen, Harry Justis, 1901-1984
Warthen, Harry Justis, 1940?
Watt, Grace J.
Weaver, Russell Mauzy, b. 1901
Weight, Verl F.
Wellford, McDonald, 1913-
Westmoreland, L. H.
Wheeler, Leeds A.
White, Hugh Vernon, b. 1894
Whitfield, June Robertson
Whitney, James
Whittet, Robert McLean, 1890-1980
Wickham, Littleton Maclurg, 1898-1973
Willard, Richard W.
Willey, Edward Eugene, 1910-1986
Williams, Birkett L., b. 1890
Williams, Carrington, 1889-1978
Williams, Charles F.
Williams, Langbourne Meade, b. 1903
Williams, Rebecca Yancey, 1899-1976
Williamson, John
Wilshin, Francis Folliard, b. 1901
Wilson, David G.
Wilson, Howard McKnight, b. 1900-
Wilson, Robert Archer
Winburne, Mary Robertson
Wingo, John Trevillian, 1887-1986
Winston, Andrew J.
Wood, Joseph
Wright, Jane L.
Wright, John M.
Young, Gregory R.
Younger, Robert J
Zakaib, Madelon Patton
Companies and Organizations
American Judicature Society (Chicago, Ill.)
Carle-Boehling Company (Richmond, Va.)
Civil War Round Table (Richmond, Va.)
Claiborne & Taylor, inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Damir Hire, ltd. (London, England)
Herman Publishing, Inc. (Boston, Mass.)
Kingsport Press (Kingsport, Tenn.)
Library of Congress
Lukhard's Market (Richmond, Va.)
Michie Company (Charlottesville, Va.)
Phi Beta Kappa
Purity Cheese Co. (Mayville, Wis.)
Sheridan-Biltmore (Atlanta, Ga.)
Sheridan-Fredericksburg Motor Inn (Fredericksburg, Va.)
St. Luke's Hospital (Richmond, Va.)
St. Paul's Church (Richmond, Va.)
Supper Group (Richmond, Va.)
University Microfilms International, Inc. (Ann Arbor, Mich.)
Velvet Creme Popcorn Company, Inc. (Shawnee Mission, Kan.)
Virginia. Bureau of Vital Statistics
Virginia Home for Boys (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia Place Name Society (Charlottesville, Va.)
Wagner International Photos, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Last updated: August 23, 2006