Bagby Family 1
Bagby Family Papers, 1824-1960
Mss1 B1463 b
Index to Correspondence
Part 2, Section 4. Correspondence of George William Bagby
Part 5, Section 46. Correspondence of Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne) Bagby
List of Correspondents with George William Bagby (1828-1883), Mss1 B1463 b, Section 4
Part 2, Section 4. Correspondence of George William Bagby
Adair, William R.
Adams, C. C.
Adams, W. W.
Alexander, Henry Carrington, 1835-1894
Alexander, James Hillhouse, 1840-1903
Alexander, Lucy Gilmer (Grattan), 1838-1899
Alfriend, Frank Heath, 1841-1887
Allen, James H.
Allen, Martha E.
Anderson, Fannie W.
Anderson, R. H.
Anderson, William F.
Andrews, E. L.
Andrews, W. S.
Atkinson, S.A.
Averill, H. D.
Aylett, William Roane, b. 1833
Bagby, James
Bagby, John Robert, 1826-1890
Baird, John F.
Ball, Charles Burgess, 1822-1883
Ball, Emma (Read), 1837-1918
Barbee, William J., 1816-1892
Barbour, M. E., Mrs.
Barksdale, Emma (Mason), 1839-1900
Barnes, F. J.
Barnum, William H.
Battersby, B. W.
Battle, Martha Burwell Dabney (Bagby), 1869-1954
Baughman, George, 1806?-1870
Baylor, Charles Gano, 1826-1906
Beale, Henry D.
Bell, John P.
Bell, M. C., Mrs.
Belt, Benjamin Lloyd, 1790?-1863
Benjamin, Marcus, 1857-1932
Bentley, Anne Chamberlayne, 1848-1930
Bentley, Efford Brooke, 1802-1882
Bidgood, George Langhorne, 1835-1905
Biggers, Abram F., d. 1879
Bingham, James B.
Blackford, Banjamin Davis, b. 1834
Blackford, Banjamin Lewis, 1835-1908
Bolling, Parke Chamberlayne (Bagby), 1874-1947
Borst, Addison
Botts, Henry Triplett, b. 1838
Bradlee, Caleb Davis, 1831-1897
Brady, John L.
Brent, E. C.
Brisco, A. S.
Brodie, Henry
Brooke, Otho W.
Brown, Ann Leah
Brown, Philip F.
Browne, William Hand, 1828-1912
Buford, Algernon Sidney, 1826-1911
Bulle, S. T.
Bullock, Hattie E., Mrs.
Burke, H. E.
Burton, Watkins Leigh
Burwell, F. C.
Burwell, William McCreery, 1809-1888
Bush, J. W.
Button, Charles William, 1822-1894
Button, Robert P., d. 1880
Campbell, John
Cameron, Rebecca
Cameron, William Evelyn, 1842-1927
Camp, George Washington, b. 1813
Campbell, Edward Livingston
Campbell, N. H.
Carrington, E. E.
Carrington, Eugene
Chalmer, James Penelon, 1833-1907
Chalmers, A. C.
Chalmers, David, 1805-1875
Chalmers, Henry Coleman, 1837-1865
Chamberlayne, Martha Burwell (Dabney), 1802-1883
Chaney, R. D.
Chapin, Charles
Charlton, C. W.
Charlton, Jenny
Chesterman, William Dallas, 1845-1904
Christian, Marcellus Palmer, 1832-1879
Clark, Charles Taylor
Clark, W. G.
Clarke, Mary Bayard (Devereux), 1827-1886
Clarkson, W. G.
Claytor, Graham, 1852-1903
Cluskey, Michael W.
Clyde, Robert
Clyde, Robert
Cochran, C. V.
Cochran, William Bailey, 1810-1898
Cole, A. C.
Cole, Lewis M.
Coleman, William D.
Compton, James
Cooke, Charles D. W.
Corcoran, William Wilson, 1798-1888
Corse, Marcus Dent, 1816-1895
Cowan, alexander M.
Cowardin, James Andrew, 1811-1882
Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 1829-1892
Crawford, William A.
Crow, J. T.
Crown, John O.
Crutchfield, A. f.
Cussons, John, 1838-1912
Cutton, G. P.
Da Ponte, Durant
Dabney, Augustine Lee, 1800-1879
Dabney, Virginius, 1835-1894
Daingerfield, Margaret Boyd (Vowell)
Daniel, John Warwick, 1842-1910
Daniel, Raleigh Travers, 1833-1919
Daniel, Walter Raleigh
Daniel, William
Davidson, James Dorman, 1808-1882
Davidson, Mary
Davidson, Preston A.
Davies, Samuel D., b. 1839
Davis, John Staige, 1824-1885
Davis, R. P.
Davis, Thomas Gwyn Cosby
Dawson, Francis Warrington, 1840-1889
de Belem, Josephine F.
de Fontaine, Felix Gregory, 1832-1896
Deas, George
DeBow, S. Herries
Derby, James Cephus, 1818-1892
DeWitt, Bennet M.
Dickey, H. D.
Dickinson, Samuel Henry, 1798-1872
Dimitry, Charles Patton, 1837-1910
Dimmock, Charles H., 1831-1873
Dinwiddie, John Calvin, b. 1834
Doniphan, alexander, d. 1879
Dorsey, Sarah Anne (Ellis), 1829-1879
Douglas, Henry Kyd, 1838-1903
Down, James S.
Duffield, E. P.
Duke, R. W.
Dunklee, J. W.
Dunn, J. Hamilton
Dunn, Samuel R.
Dupre, Lucius Jacques, 1822-1870
Duvall, C. S.
Duymous, Anne
Eccleston, J. H.
Edmundson, W. H.
Edwards, Lemuel, 1817-1907
Eggleston, John R.
Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, 1831-1898
Elam, W. R.
Elder, Charles D.
Eldridge, C. A.
Elliott, M. F.
Elliott, William M.
Ernest, J. H.
Estill, Harry, 1835?-1880
Estill, John Holbrook, 1840-1907
Evans, Bettie
Evans, J. M.
Evans, James H.
Evans, Mary A.
Evans, Mary E. M.
Evans, William McKendree, b. 1847
Ewell, Benjamin Stoddert, 1810-1894
Fairinholt, John K.
Falconer, William, b. 1819
Farish, Thomas Laughlin, b. 1823
Farrar, G. C.
Ferguson, William G., 1870-1929
Fink, Henry
Fishburn, Junius Matthew, 1830-1858
Fisher, Flavius Joseph, 1832-1905
Fiske, John, 1842-1901
Fitzhugh, Francis Conway, 1847-1918
Fitzhugh, George
Fitzhugh, M. Ella
Fitzhugh, Sallie Champe
Fitzhugh, St. George Rose, b. 1842
Fontaine, Edmund, 1801-1869
Fowle, William H.
Franklin, C.
Freeman, J. W.
French, George Russell, 1803-1881
French, Helen Bland (Lyle), 1827-1909
French, Lucy Virginia (Smith), 1825-1881
Fuller, H. W.
Fulton, E.
Gallaher, James N.
Gallaway, C. M., Mrs. SEE Reedy, Sallie
Gannaway, Richard Woodson, 1822-1885
Gannaway, William Evans, 1825-1910
Gardner, Anna H.
Garland, Hudson Martin
Garland, James Powell
Garnett, Henry
Gibson, Charles Bell, 1816-1865
Gibson, Churchill Jones, 1819-1892
Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau, 1831-1924
Ginter, Lewis, 1824-1897
Glenn, Maggie
Glenner, Ellen F.
Goldsmith, Washington Lafayette, 1837-1925 SEE Lester, R. P.
Goode, C. M.
Goolrick, Charles Tackett, b. 1824
Gordon, Constance, b. 1845
Grady, Henry Woodfin, 1851-1889
Gray, Lucy Yates (Wellford), 1781-1860
Grayson, William S., b. 1826
Greene, James Williams, 1824-1881
Gregory, Edward Sanford, 18443-1884
Gregory, Ellen (Davis)
Grigg, Elijah Hendrick, b. 1834
Grymes, Enoch
Guernsey, Alfred Hudson, 1825-1902
Guy, Samuel S.
Hackney, James F.
Halberstick, Minna F.
Hall, John Lesslie, 1856-1928
Hamilton, W.
Hammersley, John D.
Handy, Moses Purnell, 1847-1898
Hansford, Louise
Harding, R. B.
Harman, Robert P. SEE Lester, R. P.
Harris, Findlay
Harris, John Webster, b. 1840
Harrison, F. E.
Hart, John H.
Hart, John Seely, 1810-1877
Harvey, Lewis Edwin, 1809-1887
Haskell, Alexander Cheves, 1839-1910
Hawkins, William S.
Haxall, Philip, 1840-1897
Hayner, Paul H.
Hazleton, W. b.
Hazlewood, Henry
Headley, P. F.
Heath, Elizabeth Ann (Macon)
Heath, James Ewell, 1850-1912
Hemphill, Robert R.
Henderson, D. E.
Henderson, Thomas H.
Henkleman, f.
Herbert, Harrie, Mrs.
Hickox, O. H.
Hill, Chandler W., b. 1840
Hines, J. M.
Hipkins, Robert Spottswood
Hite, Hugh Holmes, b. 1816
Hodges, Albert Gallatin, b. 1802
Holcombe, John Royall, d. 1875
Holcombe, William Henry, 1825-1893
Holland, R. B.
Holt, John Saunders, 1826-1886
Hooper, Jeremiah
Hooper, William, 1792-1876
Hope, James Barron, 1829-1887
Hopley, Catherine Cooper
Hopper, Alfred
Hotze, Henry, 1824-1887
Houston, David Gardiner, 1838-1863
Houston, George Smith, 1808-1879
Houston, John
Howard, Philip Francis, 1820-1906
Howison, Robert Reid, 1820-1906
Hoxie, Vinnie (Ream), 1847-1914
Hubbard, William James, 1807-1862
Hudson, H. C.
Hughes, George Wurtz, 1806-1870
Hunter, Robert Waterman, 1837-1916
Inrey, Lucy
Jackson, Lavinia Randolph (Deas) Mason, 1836-1898
James, Fleming, 1835-1901
Jarvis, Thomas Jordan, 1836-1915
Jervey, James Postell, 1808-1875
Jeter, Samuel W.
Johnson, J. E.
Johnson, John G.
Johnston, Andrew
Johnston, James
Johnston, John R.
Jolcombe, William Reid, 1829-1873
Jones, Anna
Jones, Ella C.
Jones, J. P.
Jones, John William, 1836-1909
Jones, Philip Barbour, b. 1836
Jordan, Cornelia Jane (Matthews), b. 1830
Jordan, J. H.
Jordan, Thomas, 1819-1895
Jordan, William
Kean, Robert Garlick Hill, 1829-1898
Kean, Sally Gay (Grattan), 1838-1923
Keiley, Anthony Michael, 1832-1905
Kell, Robert
Kemper, James Lawson, 1823-1895
Kennedy, Andrew Eskridge, 1824-1900
Kilgour, John Mortimer, b. 1822
Kinsolving, Ovid Americus, 1822-1894
Kipp, J. A.
Kirk, J. P.
Kirk, James
Kirkpatrick, Lizzie Sydnor
Koons, C. H.
Lacy, Benjamin Watkins, b. 1839
Lafferty, John James, 1837-1909
Lagard, Ernest
Langhorne, Maurice Scarsbrook, 1823-1908
Langhorne, Sallie
Latham, Harry W.
Latham, Henry Grey, 1832-1903
Latham, Jane Owens
Latham, Louise C. (Calhoun)
Latham, Richard Philip, 1825-1862
Latham, Woodville, b. 1837
Leach, Irene
Leary, Henry J.
Lee, George Washington Custis, 1832-1913
Lee, James Kendall, 1829-1861
Leech, Samuel Vanderslip, 1837-1916
Leigh, H. P.
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903
Lester, R. P.
Letcher, Samuel Houston, 1848-1914
Levy, James C.
Lewellen, James W.
Lewellen, John Richard, 1822-1886
Lightfoot, William Bernard, 1811-1870
Liveley, Robert A.
Long, J. C.
Loop, D. J. M.
Loving, E. E.
Lowry, H.
Lynn, William H. H., b. 1836
Macfarlane, William
Magill, Mary Tucker, 1830-1899
Mahone, William, 1826-1895
Mallory, P. D.
Martin, James D.
Marye, Lawrence Slaughter, b. 1833
Mason, Alexander H.
Matthews, William Baynham, 1840-1914
Maupin, Socrates, 1808-1871
Maury, Richard Launcelot, 1840-1907
McCabe, James Dabney, 1842-1883
McCabe, John Collins, 1810-1875
McCabe, William Gordon, 1841-1920
McConnell, John H. SEE Lester, R. P.
McCoy, Mary T., Mrs.
McCue,John Marshall, 1816-1890
McCullough, Frisby H. SEE Franklin, C.
McDonald, Alexander, d. 1897
McDonald, Benedick
McDonald, James, d. 1893
McDonald, W. R.
McEvoy, Charles A.
McFarland, Mary
McGill, J. D.
McGowan, John J.
McIlhaney, Hugh Wilton, b. 1840
McIntwiff, A. P.
McKenzie, Lewis
McLaughlin, P. S.
McRae, Alexnader, d. 1862
Mead, Edward Campbell, 1837-1908
Meade, Nathaniel Burwell, 1828-1888
Meenley, George L.
Meriwether, Thomas W.
Miller, William D.
Minor, Charles Landon Carter, 1835-1903
Minor, Frances Ansley (Cazenov), 1839-1884
Monteiro, Andrew A.
Moore, Ed. Smith
Moore, John Wheeler, 1833-1906
Morgan, James William, b. 1834
Moroday, E.
Morton, John B., 1807-1881
Mosby, Charles Louis, 1810-1879
Mosby, Elizabeth Stockton (Terry)
Mosby, O. H.
Mosby, W. R.
Mosby, William Hamilton
Mullaly, John
Munde, Charles
Munford, George Wythe, 1803-1882
Munford, William, 1829-1904
Munson, William S.
Myers, George
Myers, Gustavus Adolphus, 1801-1869
Myers, John M.
Myers, William Barksdale, 1839-1873
Nash, Bessie
Neeley, John
Neeley, Lizzie
Nelson, William Norbourne, 1824-1894
Noland, Burr Powell, 1818-1889
Noyes, James Oscar, 1829-1872
Oliver, Charles B.
Osgood, J. R.
Ott, John, 1834-1895
Page, Edwin R.
Palmer, George W., 1828-1904
Palmer, William Price, 1821-1896
Parker, John Alexander, 1804-1894
Parkinson, Alexander
Parsons, Henry C., d. 1894
Pate, Robert Watkins, d. 1866
Patton, John Mercer, 1826-1899
Paul, Samuel Buckner, 1826-1908
Payne, Mary W.
Peake, George R.
Peirce, Thomas W.
Pendleston, Edmund
Penn, Richard Hayden
Perkins, E. F.
Peticolas, Arthur Edward, 1824-1868
Peyton, Henry E.
Phillips, Claude
Pike, George W.
Pleasants, Thomas S., 1796-1871
Pleasants, Virginia Cary (Mosby), 1824-1909
Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-1872
Pope, Maria
Preston, Samuel Davis, 1834-1888
Price, J. J.
Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 1828-1919
Purnell, W. w.
Pusneith, T. W.
Putnam, Sarah A. (Brock), 1828-1911
Randall, James Ryder, 1839-1908
Read, William A.
Redler, Jerome S.
Reedy, Sallie A.
Reese, William B.
Reeve, John Jmaes, 1841-1908
Reynolds, William
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 1828-1876
Rice, Anne Smith (Morton)
Rice, Isaac
Richardson, C. B.
Richardson, Jame A., 1836-1881
Ridgway, Robert
Riley, Elihu Samuel, b. 1845
Riordan, R. R.
Rives, William Cabell, 1793-1868
Robb, E. D.
Roberts, Albert
Robertson, Alice Matilda (Watts) Morris, 1832-1914
Robertson, Wyndham, 1803-1888
Robinson, Leigh, 1840-1922
Rogers, J. A.
Rohrabacker, L. E. C., Mrs.
Roper, John C.
Rowe, F.
Rowyce, Archibald H.
Roy, Thomas Benton, b. 1812
Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865
Ryan, William H.
Saxton, E. D.
Schaffter, C. A.
Schmidt, N. B.
Sconica, Giovanni A.
Scott, Emma
Scott, James B.
Scott, James P.
Scott, William Wallace, 1845-1929
Semple, Letitia (Tyler), 1821-1907
Shackleford, Lucy
Shears, Sam
Shepardson, William
Sherman, C. A.
Sherwell, M. K.
Shields, John Camden, 1820?-1904
Shoemaker, Samuel Moor
Siener, James Beverly, 1837-1903
Sill, Juston Davis
Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870
Simpson, C. L., Mrs.
Simpson, William Skinner, 1823-1895
Skeen, W.
Slaughter, S. S.
Sloat, Goerg B.
Smith, Joseph K.
Smith, Charles Maurice
Smith, Francis Lee, 1808-1877
Smith, James Henderson, 1856-1889
Smith, M. A.
Smith, Margaret Vowell, 1839-1926
Smith, Robert D.
Smith, Stephen R.
Smith, William Ira
Smith, William Prescott, 1822?-1872
Smithson, William T.
Snowden, Edgar, 1810-1875
Snowden, M.
Southall, James Cocke, 1828-1897
Spencer, Elias B.
Sprate, D. W.
St. Andrew, J. A. H., d. 1881
Stabler, Robinson
Stabler, Thomas
Stabler, Thomas S.
Stabpling, J. R.
Starke, Thomas J.
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883
Stephens, William G.
Stewart, John, 1806-1885
Stewart, Mary Amanda (Williamson), 1822-1910
Stickney, H. N.
Stickney, L. D.
Stockton, Frank Richard, 1834-1902
Stofer, Alonza F., d. 1910
Street, Charles
Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888
Sturdivant, N. A.
Sykes, Jonathan
Taliaferro, Addision
Taliaferro, Harden Edwards, 1818?-1875
Taliaferro, Van
Taliaferro, William R.
Taylor, Edmund Pendleton, 1839-1862
Taylor, John
Taylor, Walter Herron, 1838-1916
Thomas, Reuben Smith, b. 1843
Thomas, W. H.
Thompson, George Western, 1806-1888
Thomson, Mortimer Neal, 1831-1875
Tinsley, H. c.
Toland, Henry
Tompkins, D.
Trego, W. H.
Turner, J. A.
Turner, Thomas Jefferson
Tyler, R. D.
Vaughan, Clement Read, 1827-1911
Vaughan, William Ryland, b. 1827
Vawter, Charles Erastus, 1841-1905
Waggerman, Daniel B.
Waldo, Asenath P.
Walker, Richard F.
Wall, Alexander Alfred
Wallace, C. D.
Wallace, Mary E. (Thomas)
Wallace, Patrick H.
Waller, William Griffin, 1843?-1894
Wallis, C. P. A.
Ware, Mary Smith (Dabney), 1843-1931
Warriner, R. B.
Washington, Littleton Dennis Quinton, 1825-1902
Watkins, J. R.
Watkins, Richard Henry, 1825-1905
Watson, Thomas Shelton, 1819-1895
Watterson, Henry, 1840-1921
Watts, Alice M.
Watts, John Allen, 1855-1904
Wedderburn, Alexander John
Wedderburn, George Chase, b. 1842
Weiss, Susan Archer (Talley), b. 1845
Welling, James Clarke, 1825-1894
Wells, E.
Wheeler, F. J.
Whitaker, Daniel Kimball, 1801-1881
White, J. P.
White, W. Hargrave
White, William Daivs
Whitehead, Strickler
Whitely, B.
Whitney, J. E.
Whittlesey, Sarah Johnson Cogswell, 1825-1896
Wickham, Williams Carter, 1820-1888
Wilde, George C.
Wiley, E. E.
Wilkes, George
Williams, C. N.
Wilmer, Richard Hooper, 1816-1900
Wilson, Hot, b. 1818?
Wilson, W. A.
Winchester, Thomas D.
Wingfield, John W.
Winston, C. E.
Womack, James Watson, 1815-1867
Woods, J. Frazer
Wright, Thomas Roane Barnes, 1839-1914
Wyche, Benjamin
Yancey, Stephen Davenport, b. 1840
Young, Berry S.
Young, J. D.
Young, Louis G.
Young, William Proby, b. 1834
Zimmer, Louis
Zinn, Laura N. (Christian) Pate
Companies and Organizations:
Adams & Burk, Baltimore, Md.
Appleton (D.) & Co., New York, N.Y.
Atlantic Monthly, Boston, Mass.
Baiely, Wedderburn & Co., Richmond, Va.
Baltimore News Co., Baltimore, Md.
Bryant (C. H.), Lynchburg, Va.
Burroughs, Shaffer & Co., Lynchburg, Va.
Caldwell & Whitney, New York, N.Y.
Cook & Laughton, Richmond, Va.
Cowardin & Hammersley, Richmond, Va.
Coyle (John D.) & Co., Washington, D.C.
Crutchfield (A. F.) & Co., Petersburg, Va.
Dix & Edwards, New York, N.Y.
Dobbin & Fulton, Baltimore, Md.
Dobbin & Fulton, Baltimore, Md.
Evans and Cogswell, Columbia, S.C.
Foran & McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio
Fields, Osgood & Co., Boston, Mass.
Fraser (John) & Co., Charleston, S.C.
Gleen & Co., Baltimore, Md.
Goodwin & Lewis, Baltimore, Md.
Griffith (J. O.) & Co., Nashville, Tenn.
Harper & Brothers, New York, N.Y.
Henkleman & Schaur, Baltimore, Md.
Holcombe (J. R.) & Co., Lynchburg, Va.
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, Mass.
Kean, Baldwin & Williams, Richmond, Va.
Kennedy & Cockrell, Natchez, Miss.
Library Company of Alexandria, Va.
Lippincott (J. B.) & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass.
Macfarlane & Fergusson, Richmond, Va.
Murdock, Browne & Hill, Baltimore, Md.
New England Historical-Genealogical Society, Boston, Mass.
Nixon & Adams, New Orleans, La.
Payne & Blackford, Lynchburg, Va.
Peters, Spence & Co., Lynchburg, Va.
Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston, Mass.
Pelouze (H. L.) & Son, Richmond, Va.
Pratlow & Newman, Gordonsville, Va.
Putnam (G. P.) & Son, New York, N.Y.
Richardson & Co., New York, N.Y.
Riordan, Dawson & Co., Charleston, S.C.
Rowell (Geo. P.) & Co., New York, N.Y.
Rudd & Carleton, New York, N.Y.
Scribner & Son, New York, N.Y.
Smith (James B.) & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Smith, Camp & Co., Petersburg, Va.
Ticknor & Field, Boston, Mass.
Tilton (J. E.) & Co., Boston, Mass.
Treat (E. B.) & Co., New York, N.Y.
Waddill (E. R.) & Bro., Danville, Va.
West, Johnston & Co., Richmond, Va.
List of Correspondents with Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne) Bagby (1842-1927), Mss1 B1463 b, Section 46
Part 5, Section 46. Correspondence of Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne) Bagby
Abbitt, George C.
Abbot, Elizabeth Mutter (Duval), 1840-1909
Abbot, Lucy Ridgeway (Minor), 1838-1921
Abbot, William Richardson, 1839-1916
Adams, G. F.
Addison, Rebecca French (Ball)
Addison, Walter E.
Ainslie, George, 1868-1931
Ainslie, Inez Withers
Alcocke, A. Roane
Alcocke, Eleanor Roane
Alderson, Rufus D.
Aldrich, May Edwin
Alexander, Lucy Gilmer (Grattan), 1838-1899
Alexander, Philemon W., d. 1842
Allan, William, 1837-1889
Allemong, J. E.
Allen, Charles Julius, 1840-1915
Allen, Maria.
Allen, Mary (McDonald)
Allen, R.
Allen, Spotswood, J.
Allen, Susan B.
Allison, Minnie Clement (Jones)
Ambler, Eliza Randolph
Ambler, James Murray, b. 1854
Anderson , Edward Lowell, 1842-1916
Anderson, Archer, 1838-1918
Anderson, Belle Jeter
Anderson, Fannie W.
Anderson, Frank E.
Anderson, Henry Watkins, 1870-1954
Anderson, Joseph Reid, 1813-1892
Anderson, Joseph Reid, 1851-1930
Anderson, Maggie B.
Anderson, Mary Anne (Mason), 1834-1928
Anderson, Mary Evans (Pegram), 1830-1911
Anderson, Penelope Wright (Weddell), 1872-1925
Anderson, R. W.
Anderson, Sally Archer, 1863-1954
Anderson, William Alexander, 1842-1930
Ansely, Anne W.
Apperson, James Lawrence, 1816-1891
Archer, Edward.
Archer, Lizzie, 1843-1913
Archer, Mary C. D.
Archer, Roaslie Harrison (Pleasants), 1865-1945
Archer, Virginia Riddle, 1867-1945
Archer, William Wharton, 1854-1928
Arents, Grace Evelyn, 1848-1926
Armistead, A. P., Mrs.
Armstrong, Ida (Dabney), b. 1848
Arrington, V. F., Mrs.
Arsell, Fannie W.
Arthur, E. J.
Arthur, Florence (Wilson)
Arthur, Philip Augustus, 1864-1938
Ashford, Mahlon, b. 1881.
Asquith, A. H., Mrs.
Astor, Nancy Witcher (Langhorne) Shaw, viscountess, 1879-1964
August, Benjamin Tappan, 1846-1918
Austin, Ben W.
Avery, M. E.
Axtell, Decatur, 1848-1922
Axtell, May (Cantrell), 1854-1925
Aylett, Lewis Dandridge, 1856-1934
Aylett, Mary Ludwell (Archer), b. 1860
Bagby, Albert Morris, 1859-1941
Bagby, Benjamin T., b. 1829
Bagby, F. A.
Bagby, J. H.
Bagby, Madison Harmon
Bagby, Mary (Todd)
Bagby, Philip Haxall, 1918-1958
Bagby, Thomas Pollard
Bagnall, Sue Vaughan
Bain, Kenneth Allison, b. 1860
Baird, Spencer
Baker, James Biscoe, b. 1833
Baker, R. H.
Balckford, Mary Berkeley (Minor)
Balckford, Susan Lee (Colston)
Balde, Emily
Ball, Emma (Read)
Ball, James May, 1883-1973
Ball, Rosalie Haxall (Noland), 1887-1922
Barber, Melanie G.
Barbour, Benjamin Johnson, 1821-1894
Barbour, Philip Pendleton, 1839-1914
Bargamin, Russell
Barham, Richard Powell, 1846-1917
Barker, Helen M.
Barksdale, Emma (Mason), 1839-1900
Barlow, Marion D.
Barney, Edward Everett, 1852-1896
Barney, James Perrine, 1875-1966
Barney, Louise Johnson (Perrine), b. 1852
Barney, Nannie (Seddon), 1838-1913
Barry, Ethel D.
Barton, James H.
Barton, Robert T.
Bates, Samuel Elliott
Battle, Gaston, b. 1871
Battle, Lavinia Bassett (Daniel), 1831-1905
Battle, Mary (Parker)
Battle, Nell Gray Stuart (Gupton), b. 1875
Battle, Susan Sims, 1879-1908
Battle, Turner Westray, 1863-1907
Baylor, E.
Baylor, John Roy, 1821-1897
Bedell, George W.
Beer, William, 1849-1927
Beirne, Richard Foulke, 1856-1891
Bemiss, Eli Lockert, 1859-1924
Benjamin, Marcus, 1857-1932
Bentley, Lucy Williamson (Chamberlayne), 1821-1913
Bentley, Lyle Grey
Bentley, William Chamberlayne, 1847-1932.
Berkeley, Anne Poe (Harrison), 1856-1939.
Berkeley, Cynthia White.
Berkeley, Landon Carter, 1847-1904.
Berkeley, Robert Carter, 1837-1918.
Berry, E.
Berry, Taylor, 1837-1896?
Berryman, Charlotte Cazenove.
Bigger, Charles Purcell, 1840-1902.
Biggs, John.
Bird, Hugh Stockdell, 1869-1931.
Bird, Jessie A.
Bird, Walter.
Bishop, Alice M.
Bishop, Charles Edward, 1861-1932.
Blacker, Frances E.
Blackford, Benjamin Lewis, 1835-1908.
Blackford, Eliza Chew (Ambler).
Blackman, E. L.
Blair, Adolphus, 1842-1893.
Blair, Andrew Beirne.
Blair, Ellen Edmundson, d. 1901.
Blair, Gordon.
Blair, Henry Edmundson, B.1825.
Blair, Josephine Mayo, 1828-1891.
Blair, Lewis Harvie, 1834-1916.
Blair, Maria, 1841-1924.
Blair, Walter,1835-1909.
Blanc, Adèle
Blanton, C.W.
Bohannan, Rosser D.
Boissieux, Louis F.
Bolling, Mattie
Bolling, Sallie Bennett (Aylett), 1855-1921.
Bolling, Thomas, 1845-1912.
Bondurant, Blanche (Anderson).
Booth, Mary.
Bott, E. T., Mrs.
Bowyer, C. M.
Bowyer, Thomas Mickie, 1830-1900.
Boykins, Salie (Venable)
Bradford, Gamaliel, 1863-1932.
Bradford, Sarah (Polk).
Bradlee, Caleb Davis, 1831-1897.
Branch, Blythe Walker, 1864-1942.
Branch, Carter Wheelwright, 1858-1911.
Branch, M. Lilian.
Brandt, Jackson.
Braxton, Allen Caperton, 1862-1914.
Braxton, Mary (Caperton), 1838-1904.
Breathed, M. O.
Brent, Franklin Pierce, b.1852
Brewer, J. B.
Briggs, M. L.
Britton, Fanny B.
Brock, Elizabeth (Tyler).
Brock, Robert Alonzo, 1839-1914.
Brockenbrough, Elizabeth Powell, 1867?-1938.
Brooke, E. G.
Brooke, F. J.
Brooke, Harriet A. (Lightfoot), 1846-1918.
Brooke, Katherine Carter (Corbin) Pendleton, d. 1919.
Brooks, Julia.
Brown, E. Celestine.
Brown, John Thompson, 1840-1921.
Brown, John Thompson, 1844-1925.
Brown, Leroy E.
Brown, William Cabell, 1861-1927.
Brown, William Govan, 1875-1964.
Brownell, A. M.
Bruce, Betty T. (Taylor) Newton.
Bruce, E. T.
Bruce, Kathleen Eveleth, 1885-1950.
Bruce, N. C.
Bruce, Philip Alexander, 1856-1933.
Bruce, Thomas Seddon, 1849-1907.
Bryan, Anne Eliza (Tennant), 1875-1952.
Bryan, Helen McGill (Hamilton), 1884-1967.
Bryan, Inez.
Bryan, John Stewart, 1871-1944.
Bryan, Mary Sidney Caldwell (Scott).
Bryan, Thomas Pickney, 1882-1920.
Buckingham, Margaret E.
Buckner, Delia Hayes (Claiborne), 1857-1932.
Budd, Samuel Walthall, b. 1852.
Buford, Sarah Sargeant (Oppenhimer)
Bull, William L.
Bundy, Addie (Harden)
Bundy, Omar, 1861-1940.
Bunting, S.
Burgwyn, Collinson Pierrepont Edwards, 1852-1915.
Burke, Frank P.
Burkholder, Cornelia (Switzer).
Burnett, Charles Ryland, 1873-1949.
Burris, T. A.
Burwell, Edward Bouldin, 1857-1945.
Burwell, Letitia McCreery, 1830-1905.
Burwell, Lewis Whiting, 1838-1902.
Burwell, William McCreery, 1809-1888.
Buston, Marcelyn E.
Butler, William.
Button, Charles William, 1822-1894.
Button, James.
Byerly, Annie Carter (Wickham) Renshaw.
Byrd, Anne H.
Byrd, Elinor Bolling (Flood).
Byrd, Fracis Otway, 1878-1956.
Byrd, Lucy
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 1860-1925.
Byrd, William, 1828-1898.
Cabell, James Alston, 1852-1930.
Cabell, James Lawrence, 1813-1889.
Cabell, Maude Crenshaw (Morgan), 1883?-1961.
Cabell, Nannie (Enders), 1848-1931.
Cabell, Patrick Henry Carey, b. 1864.
Cameron, Elizabeth G.
Cameron, Mary Haxall, 1869-1965.
Cameron, Mary Parke (Haxall), b. 1846.
Cameron, Sallie (Mayo)
Camm, Annie Boyd (Colston), 1847-1924.
Campbell, Issac N.
Campbell, James Lawrence, 1851.
Campbell, Lilian (Bowyer), d. 1896.
Campbell, Martha Hildeburn.
Campbell, Richard Kenna, 1853-1931.
Campbell, William Spencer, 1859-1939.
Cantley, Lucy R.
Carlsbad spring company, Cascade Spring, S. D.
Carmichael, Fanny Tucker (Bryan), 1835-1896.
Carper, William J.
Carrington, Anne Seddon (Smith).
Carrington, Charles Venable, 1866-1927.
Carrington, Edgar Wirt.
Carson, Theodore Montague, 1834-1902.
Carter, Agnes Atkinson (Mayo), 1866-1956.
Carter, Agnes Moncure (Haxall), 1838-1890.
Carter, L. P.
Carter, R. C., Mrs.
Carter, Shirley, 1857-1937.
Carter, Sue.
Carter, Thomas Hill, 1825-1907.
Carter, Thomas Nelson, 1858-1917.
Carter, William Page, 1836-1913.
Carver, Caroline Constance (Christian).
Catlett, R. H., Mrs.
Causey, Evelyn Spotswood (Douglas), b. 1854.
Causey, Mary Katherine.
Chalmers, Mary S.
Chamberlaine, Josephine.
Chamberlayne, Belle T.
Chamberlayne, Bessie M.
Chamberlayne, Edward Pye, 1821-1877.
Chamberlayne, Edward Pye, b. 1872.
Chamberlayne, Elizabeth Gibson, 1880-1959.
Chamberlayne, Elmina Anthony Elizabeth (McDearmon), 1842-1894.
Chamberlayne, Emma.
Chamberlayne, Frances West, 1832-1904.
Chamberlayne, Jennie.
Chamberlayne, John Hampden, 1878-1925.
Chamberlayne, Lewis H.
Chamberlayne, S. M.
Chamberlayne, Tankersville, b. 1843.
Chamberlayne, William Nelson, 1870-1892.
Chambers, Anne M.
Chapin, Cornelius Colton, b. 1863.
Chapman, K. K.
Chase, Helen Mason.
Chesterman, Evan Ragland, 1871-1931.
Chesterman, William Dallas, 1845-1904.
Chrisman, Henrietta.
Christian, Andrew Henry, 1859-1913.
Christian, Camillus.
Christian, George Lewellyn, 1841-1924.
Christian, Issac H. III., d. 1904.
Christian, Jennie S.
Christian, Virginia W.
Chute, Charles L.
Claiborne, Ellen.
Claiborne, Heningham Elizabeth (Blair), 1834-1905.
Claiborne, John Herbert, 1828-1905.
Claiborne, L. U.
Clark, Alice P.
Clark, Bertha A.
Clark, Ellen Bruce (Clark), 1841-1883.
Clark, Lewis R.
Clarke, Herbert M.
Clarke, John H.
Clay, Odin Green, b. 1855
Clayton, Nannie T. L.
Clopton, Mary B.
Cochran, C. V.
Cocke, M. B.
Cocke, Preston, 1845-1917.
Cofer, Nathan P., 1842-1914.
Cohen, Sam.
Coleman, C. H.
Coleman, G. B.
Coleman, J. I.
Coleman, Mary Vivion.
Coleman, O. Henry.
Coleman, Peter T.
Coleman, Robert Thomas, b. 1830.
Colston, Raleigh Edward, 1829-1896.
Conquest, Pleasonton Laws.
Constable, Howard.
Conway, Charles Catlett, 1843-1903.
Conway, Ellen V.
Conway, James H., 1820?-1865.
Conway, Peter Vivian Daniel, 1842-1924.
Cook, Francis Augustus, 1843-1916.
Cook, James Ellsworth, 1868-1941.
Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886.
Cooke, Mary Lewis (Sams).
Cooper, Kate.
Cooper, Philip Henry, 1844-1912.
Cootes, Harry Newton, 1874-1938.
Corbin, Diana Fontaine (Maury), 1837-1900.
Corcoran, William Wilson, 1798-1888.
Cornahan, H.M.
Cornick, S. H.
Cortas, Jules.
Cortelyou, George Bruce, 1862-1940.
Cotten, H. A.
Courtney, Robert W.
Cowan, [?], Mrs.
Cowardin, Anna (Moale).
Cowardin, Charles O’Brien, 1851-1900.
Cowen, John King, 1844-1904.
Cox, Catherine Hamilton (Cabell) Claiborne, 1854-1925.
Cox, Mary L.
Cox, Millard Fillmore.
Craig, James D.
Craig, Mary Daisey (Duval)
Craighill, William Price, 1833-1909.
Crenshaw, A. W.
Crenshaw, E. McD.
Crenshaw, James H., Mrs.
Crenshaw, Mary G.
Crenshaw, Mary Lewis.
Cringan, H. C.
Cringan, Mary Ogilive, 1866-1936.
Cronly, Martha Chamberlayne (Valentine), b. 1896.
Crosley, Ethel M.
Crosman, J. Heron
Cross, Elizabeth Weathers.
Crump, M.T.
Crump, Nannie Armistead.
Crump, William Wood, 1819-1897.
Crumplier, [?], Mrs.
Cumming, Samuel Gordon, 1872-1920.
Cunningham, Flordie.
Cunningham, Mary Atkinson.
Curry, James Lamar Monroe, 1825-1903.
Curry, Mary Wortham (Thomas), d. 1903.
Cussons, John, 1838-1912.
Cutchins, John Abram, 1881-1976.
Dabney, Ada.
Dabney, Anne Robinson.
Dabney, Augustine Lee, 1800-1879.
Dabney, Elizabeth Osborne (Smith).
Dabney, Ellen Maria (Heath), d. 1860.
Dabney, Frederick Yeamans, 1842-1899.
Dabney, J. D.
Dabney, James Lee.
Dabney, Jane Bell (Minor).
Dabney, Lelia, 1852-1927.
Dabney, Lily Heth (Davis), 1875?-1973.
Dabney, Martha Chamberlayne, d. 1888.
Dabney, Thomas Smith, b. 1852.
Dabney, Virginius, b. 1878.
Dabney, Virgy, Mrs.
Dabney, Walter Davis.
Dabney, William Cecil, 1849-1894.
Dabney, William Henry, 1817-1888.
Dabney, William Pope, 1829-1894.
Daingerfield, Francis Lee, 1886-1927.
Daingerfield, Henry Willis, 1824-1907.
Daingerfield, Sarah Gosnell Willis, 1853-1906.
Daly, Augustin, 1838-1899.
Dame, George Washington, 1812-1895.
Dame, William Meade, B.1844.
Daniel, Charlotte.
Daniel, Elizabeth Earle (Cary), 1848-1915.
Daniel, James Robertson Vivian, 1850-1904.
Daniel, John Warwick, 1842-1910.
Daniel, Raleigh Travers, 1833-1919.
Darst, Thomas Campbell, 1875-1948.
Dashiell, Landonia Randolph (Minor), 1855-1925.
Davenport, Louise Marguerite (Warwick).
Davidson, Mary.
Davis, Annie L.
Davis, Carrie T.
Davis, George B.
Davis, John Staige, 1824-1885.
Davis, Varina (Howell), 1826-1906.
Davis, W. B.
Davis, W. H.
Davison, Edward Jaquelin, b.1867
Davison, Sarah Jaquelin.
Dawson, Ethel.
Dawson, Francis Warrington, b. 1878.
Dawson, Sarah (Morgan)
Day, Amanda M. Fitzgerald (Chambliss)
Day, Charles Fenton
Day, Robert F.
Day, Virginia (Jordan)
Day, W.
Deas, William Allen, 1836?-1920.
Delafield, Lettice Lee (Sands)
DeLeon, D. T.
Delk, Emily W.
Dennis, Charlotte Joynes
Dennis, George E., b. 1832.
Denny, Sally Rodgers.
des Voeur, Hylda.
Despard, Duncan L.
deZarauy, Lelia.
Diggs, Carrie C.
Dillon, M. G., Mrs.
Dinbow, R. R.
Dobyns, E. L., Mrs.
Donaghe, Susan Boylston.
Donnelly, Richard A.
Dooley, S. M.
Douglas, Eliza Dandridge (Pollard), b. 1822.
Douglas, Harriet Richardson
Douglas, M. Ellen.
Down, W. M. C.
Downer, Gladys Trevor.
Downing, Henry Hawkins, 1853-1898.
Doyle, Thomas S.
DuBose, William Porcher, 1863-1918.
Dudley, Alice Haxall.
Dudley, Thomas Underwood, bp., 1837-1904.
Duke, Elizabeth Scott (Eskridge), 1820-1896.
Duke, Richard Thomas Walker, 1822-1898.
Duke, Richard Thomas Walker, 1853-1926.
Dunlop, Bessie L. Carrington.
Dunlop, James Nathaniel, 1844-1888.
Dunlop, John, Mrs.
Dunlop, Richard Alexander, 1850-1915.
Dunn, Annie Lewis.
Dunn, B. J.
Dunn, Ellen Porterfield.
Dunn, Joseph Bragg, 1868-1949
Dunnington, Francis Perry, 1851-1944.
DuPré, Louis Jacques, 1822-1869.
Durham, A. M., Mrs.
Durham, Rhea.
Eaches, Anne Somerville (Hayes).
Eakes, B. F.
Early, Clifford Cabell, b.1883.
Echols, E. C.
Echols, Margaret Joynes (Young), b. 1872.
Edmundson, Henry Alonzo, 1814-1890.
Egan, M.
Eggleston, Sallie S.
Eggleston, Sarah (Dabney).
Eidson, L. H.
Elam, William Cecil, 1836-1900.
Ellett, Tazwell, 1856-1914.
Ellett, Thomas, 1832-1906.
Ellett, Virginia Randolph, 1857-1939.
Elliott, Lily.
Ellis, Josiah Richard, 1856-1931.
Ellis, Nannie Kent, 1871-1945.
Ellyson, Elizabeth M. (Walker).
Ellyson, James Taylor, 1847-1919.
Ellyson, Lora Effie Hotchkiss, 1848-1935.
Elmore, M. Ethel.
Ely, Anna Morris Anderson, d. 1923.
Embree, F. Lawrence.
Emmerson, John.
English, H. E.
English, J. J.
English, Jessie C. (Gordon), 1830?-1919.
Erickson, C. Telford.
Erradi, F. P.
Evans, Nettie.
Ewing, Maria Dunlop.
Fairfax, Eugenia Baskerville (Tennant) b. 1873.
Fauntleroy, M.E.
Fauntleroy, S. B., Mrs.
Faupett-Osborne, H. G.
Ferguson, W. Gay.
Ferrell, Katherine Douglas (White).
Field, Elizabeth Breckenridge.
Finney, Lewis Harvie, 1867-1960.
Fischer, Joseph A.
Fishburne, John Wood, 1868-1937.
Fisher, Charles W.
Fisher, Ellie H.
Fisher, L. D.
Fisher, William H.
Fitzhugh, St. George Rose, 1842-1925.
Flagg, Elisha.
Flemmer, Martchen L.
Flood, Henry DeLaWarr, 1865-1921.
Fontaine Kate M.
Ford, Arthur Younger, 1861-1926.
Forrest, Douglas French, 1838-1900.
Foster, E. D.
Fox, William Fayette, 1836-1909.
Franklin, Lewis Battelle, 1878-1959.
Freeman, Alden, B.1862.
Freeman, Douglas Southall, 1886-1953.
French, Charles L.
French, E. Adelaide.
Friedenwald, Julius, 1866-1941.
Gaddis, L. C., Mrs.
Gagge, Adolf Pharo.
Gagge, Edith M. (Weston).
Gaines, Richard Heyward.
Gale, Katherine (Polk) SEE Bradford, Sarah (Polk)
Galleton, J. N.
Galt, Anne Alexina, 1858-1941.
Galt, Rogers Harrison, 1850-1910.
Galt, Sallie W.
Gannaway, Belle (Anderson).
Gannaway, William Evans, 1825-1905.
Garden, Hugh Richardson.
Gardner, William Fowler, b. 1840.
Garner, Samuel.
Garnett, Ella M.
Garnett, Griffin Taylor, d. 1910.
Garnett, James Mercer, 1840-1916.
Garnett, Mary W.
Garnett, Theodore Stanford, 1844-1915.
Garr, M., Mrs.
Garrett, Lottie Comfort, 1848-1930.
Garrett, Van Franklin, 1846-1932.
Garrock, Roy.
Gassaway, [?], Mrs.
Gates, James E.
Geane, W. L.
Geddy, Thomas Henley, 1857-1928.
Getty, Edmonia B.
Gibbs, Peggy Foushee (Blair).
Gibbs, Virginia B.
Gibson, Alexander Stuart, 1874-1942.
Gibson, Anne May (Higginbotham).
Gibson, Charles Dana, 1867-1944.
Gibson, Churchill Jones, 1819-1892.
Gibson, Irene (Langhorne), 1873-1956.
Gibson, Lucy Fitzhugh, 1875-1957.
Gibson, Mary W.
Gibson, Robertson Atkinson, bp., 1846-1919.
Gibson, Susan Baldwin (Stuart).
Gifford, M. V.
Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau, 1831-1924.
Gildersleeve, John Robinson, b. 1843.
Gilham, Isabella Adair (Pleasants), 1853-1924.
Gillaudeu, W. L.
Gilliam, James Richard, 1854-1917.
Gilliam, Polly Overton.
Gilliam, Robert Hobson, 1838-1923.
Ginter, Lewis, 1824-1897.
Gladstone, William Ewart, 1809-1898.
Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson, 1873-1945.
Glasgow, William Anderson, 1825-1908.
Glasgow, William Anderson, 1865-1930.
Glass, Carter, 1858-1946.
Glennan, Michael, 1843-1899.
Gooch, Hannah (Este), 1823-1905.
Goode, John, 1829-1909.
Goodman, P. McIndoe, Mrs.
Goodwin, Edward Lewis, 1855-1924.
Gordon, Anne Eliza (Pleasants), 1836-1901.
Gordon, Armistead C. (Armistead Churchill), 1855-1931.
Gordon, Basil Brown, 1860-1901
Gordon, Conway Harrison, 1864-1925
Gordon, E.
Gordon, Ilicia D.
Gordon, James Lindsay, 1860-1904.
Gordon, James Roy, b. 1845.
Gordon, Robert Latimer, b. 1882.
Goss, John Preston.
Graham, Hartley J., 1810-1896.
Grant, Nancy G.
Grattan, Charles, 1833-1902.
Grattan, Elizabeth Gilmer, 1837-1921.
Grattan, Jane Elvira (Ferguson), 1806-1888.
Gravatt, John James, b. 1881.
Gravatt, M. E.
Graves, Amanda C.
Graves, Julia F.
Gray, Susan Elizabeth, b. 1826.
Gray, William Frederick, 1822-1914.
Greaves, Ellen Deans (Taylor), d. 1927.
Green, A. H.
Green, Everard, b. 1844.
Greene, Emmeline (Dabney), b. 1848.
Gregory, Ellen (Davis).
Gregory, James B.
Gregory, Walter J.
Grice, Edward W., b. 1862.
Grigg, Elijah Hendrick, b. 1834.
Grigg, Lavina.
Grigg, M. E.
Grigg, S. H.
Grinnan, Anne Cazenove (Minor), d. 1923.
Grinnan, Frances.
Grinnan, Georgia Screven (Bryan), 1874-1912.
Grundy, Barton Haxall, 1858-1928.
Guigon, Alexander Carclay, 1858-1923.
Guy, James Rob.
Guy, Maria.
Guy, Nannie F.
Gwathmey, Anna.
Hadow, Grace E.
Hagan, Jennie.
Hagner, Fanny R.
Haine, Theodosia.
Halcomb, H. M.
Hall, David Moore, b. 1849.
Hall, Genevieve.
Hall, John Lesslie, 1856-1928.
Hall, M. Belle.
Halyburton, Fannie L.
Hamilton, H. L.
Hammond, Kensey Johns, 1858-1937.
Harrison, James Albert, 1848-1911.
Harrison, Julia Hasley (Meem).
Harrison, Lizzie Stuart (Letcher).
Harrison, Louisa Triplett (Haxall), b. 1847.
Harrison, Matella Cary (Page), 1835-1898.
Harrison, Randolph, 1829-1900.
Harrison, Sue R.
Harrison, Susan Bockius, 1877-1939.
Hartsouk, Nannie.
Harvard, Mary.
Harvie, Emily, d. 1920.
Haskins, Meade, b. 1852.
Hatchter, Mary Lou.
Hatfield, F. W.
Hawes, Martha Crane (Heath), 1845-1897.
Hawes, Mary Mayo (Blair) Fitz.
Hawes, Samuel Horace, 1838-1922.
Haxall, Anne (Triplett), 1820?-1889.
Haxall, Barton, 1855-1907.
Haxall, Mary Jenifer (Triplett), 1849-1892.
Haxall, Octavia (Robinson), 1814-1892.
Hay, James, 1856-1931.
Hayne, W. W.
Hazard, Jessie Evans.
Heath, Elizabeth Ann (Macon).
Heath, Richard M.
Heckler, R. M.
Heller, H. W.
Hemphill, James Calvin, 1850-1927.
Hemphill, Rebecca M. (True).
Henderson, Thomas.
Hendricks, Elizabeth Winston (Campbell).
Henry, Annie L.
Henry, Sarah B. (Rogers)
Henry, William Wirt, 1831-1900.
Hensley, Florence G.
Herbert, Alice G.
Herndon, Zachary Billingsley, 1836-1897.
Herrle, Colin.
Heth, Harriet C. (Selden), 1834-1907.
Hibbette, Loula A.
Hill, Charles Phillips.
Hill, J. C.
Hill, Julian Harrison, 1877-1943.
Hill, Reuben T.
Hobart, J. E.
Hobbes, Lucy Gilmer.
Hobson, Anne Jennings (Wise), 1837-1914.
Hobson, Annie Leigh Cannon.
Hodge, John H.
Hodgkin, J. B.
Hodgson, A. R.
Hoge, Moses Drury, 1818-1899.
Holcombe, James Philemon, 1820-1873.
Holcombe, John Royall, D.1875.
Holcombe, William Henry, 1825-1893.
Holderby, Andrew Robert.
Holladay, Alexander Quarles, 1839-1909.
Holladay, Henry Thompson, B.1828.
Holladay, Lucy Starling.
Hollins, L. E., Mrs.
Holly, Elizabeth S.
Holman, George Payne, 1848-1913.
Holmes, Sara Egle.
Holt, Mary Mason (Williams), d. 1981.
Holt, W. C. B.
Hooper, Claude W.
Hooper, Thomas Williamson, b. 1832.
Hope, James Barron, 1829-1887.
Hornug, William A.
Horton, A. H.
Houston, Alice Lodge.
Houston, Ann R.
Howard, Eleanor Selden (Washington), 1856-1937.
Howard, Fannie C.
Howard, Maud E.
Hoxton, Helen Grayson (Jones), b. 1880
Hubard, J. L., Mrs.
Hudson, Robert A.
Huff, L. Kemper
Huger, Frank, 1837-1897.
Huger, K. M., Mrs.
Hughes, M. T.
Hughes, Sarah E.
Hume, Bryce Stewart, 1868?-1953.
Hume, Frank, 1843-1906.
Humes, Rosalie S.
Hunter, Eliza Selden (Washington), 1848-1909.
Hunter, John, b. 1838.
Hunter, William Wallace, b. 1840.
Hutter, Mary Catherine Power (Lyons), 1839-1900.
Hutzler, Charles, b. 1849.
Hutzler, Henry Sigmund.
Hyde, A.
Ingalls, Meville Ezra, 1842-1914.
Ingle, Mary Friend (Mayo), 1870-1962.
Ingle, Osborne, B.1837.
Irby, John S.
Irvine, Richard Tate, 1862-1929.
Irving, Lewis Harvie.
Isaacs, Euphania J.
Jackson, Herbert Worth, 1865-1936.
James, Benjamin Oliver, 1852-1927.
James, George Watson, 1846-1918.
James, Henry L.
James, John Garland, D.1930.
James, M. B., Mrs.
Jeffery, Annie W.
Jeffress, Thomas Fox, 1859-1938.
Jeffries, James M., b. 1829.
Jeffries, Mary.
Jenkins, Harry Lenox.
Jenkinson, Charles.
Jett, Robert Carter, bp., 1865-1950.
Johnson, Bradley Tyler, 1829-1903.
Johnson, James C., b. 1823.
Johnson, Jane Claudia (Saunders).
Johnson, Jane H.
Johnson, John, 1829-1907.
Johnson, John Edward.
Johnson, Thomas A.
Johnson, W. T.
Johnston, Albert Sidney.
Johnston, George Benjamin, 1853-1916.
Johnston, Helen Coles (Rutherfoord), 1863-1944.
Johnston, W. F.
Jones, A. Barbara.
Jones, George Jeter, 1876-1961.
Jones, H. T.
Jones, Horace Walker, 1835-1904.
Jones, Isaac N.
Jones, James Alfred, 1820-1894.
Jones, John William, 1836-1909.
Jones, Lizzie S.
Jones, Louis Dibrill.
Jones, Maria G.
Jones, Martha T.
Jones, Mary F.
Jones, Philip Bickerton, 1857-1903.
Jones, Sue W.
Jones, Susie Morris.
Jones, Thomas Norman, 1882-1978.
Jones, Warner Throckmorton, 1820-1891.
Jones, William Ellis.
Jordan, Cornelia Jane (Matthews), 1830-1898.
Jordan, Ewing, B, 1847.
Joynes, Edward Southey, 1834-1917.
Joynes, Levin, 1862-1942.
Kane, Amanda Stewart (Bryan), b. 1904.
Kean, Elvira.
Kean, Otho Garland, 1845-1890.
Kean, Robert Garlick Hill, 1828-1898.
Kean, William G., B.1877.
Keiley, Anthony Michael, 1832-1905.
Kellogg, Paul Underwood, b. 1879
Kelly, Lucy K.
Kemp, Emily Page
Kemper, Delaware, 1833-1899.
Kemper, James Brown, B.1876.
Kemper, James Lawson, 1823-1895.
Kendricks, Mary Douglas (Causey), b. 1881.
Kent, E. Taylor, Mrs.
Kett, Robert Pollok, 1850-1923.
Kilby, Livingston Clay, 1852-1917.
King, C. J.
King, Charles.
King, Sally Haywood (Battle), b. 1889.
Kinney, Mary E.
Kinsolving, Ovid Americus, 1822-1894.
Knight, John Thorton, 1861-1930.
Knote, Lucy N.
Knowlson, A., Mrs.
Knox, John Sommerville, 1827-1906.
Kuyk, Christian Robert, 1855-1905.
Lacy, Benjamin Watkins, B.1839.
Lacy, Elizabeth (Wharey), 1852-1935.
Laidley, William Sydney, 1839-1917.
Laighton, Allie W.
Lamb, H. A.
Lamb, Jennie M.
Lambeth, Hannon E.
Lancaster, Robert Alexander, 1863-1940.
Lancaster, Williamine Cabell (Carrington), 1852-1934.
Landerkin, Ansel D., 1854?-1910.
Langhorne, Daniel Allen, 1825-1908.
Langhorne, Effie (Brabbon).
Lassiter, Francis Rives, 1866-1909.
Latané, Henry Waring, 1859-1890.
Latham, George Woodville, 1833-1870.
Latham, Henry Grey, 1832-1903.
Latham, Louise C. (Calhoun).
Lawless, Joseph Thomas, b. 1866.
Lawrence, William.
Lawton, Eliza Macintosh Clinch (Anderson), 1848-1919.
Lawton, William P.
Lea, Edward.
Leake, Elizabeth Fowlke (Beirne), 1879-1975.
Leake, William Joshua, 1843-1908.
Leal, William.
Leary, Clara Grundy (Beirne), 1879-1970.
Leath, Thomas G.
Leavy, R. C.
Lee, Ann Mason.
Lee, Charlotte Taylor (Haxall), 1848-1872.
Lee, Ellen Bernard (Fowle), 1853?-1933.
Lee, F. A.
Lee, F. B.
Lee, Fitzhugh, 1835-1905.
Lee, George Washington Custis, 1832-1913.
Lee, Henry Bedinger, 1849-1921.
Lee, J. Watkins.
Lee, Juliet, 1853-1937.
Lee, Margaret Henderson, 1838-1915.
Lee, Martha B.
Lee, Mary Custis, 1835-1918.
Lee, Mary Greenhow.
Lee, Mary Tabb (Bolling), 1848-1924.
Lee, Robert Edward, 1843-1914.
Lee, Sarah Jane Blackburn (Kownslar), b. 1853.
Lee, Susan Randolph (Cooke), B.1868.
Lee, William Byrd, 1851-1931.
Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 1837-1891.
Leftwich, Rosalie Vivian (Lightfoot), 1847-1912.
Leigh, Alice (Creekmore).
Leigh, Egbert Giles, 1851-1926.
Leigh, Lou T.
Leigh, Norvell Caskie (Jones).
Lewis, E. D. L.
Lewis, Edward Parkes Custis, Mrs.
Lewis, Margaret.
Lewis, Mary Long (Gordon), 1861-1895.
Lightfoot, Emmeline Allmand (Crump), b. 1847.
Lightfoot, John Bernard, 1851-1923.
Lile, Maud Lee (Carson).
Lile, William Minor, 1859-1935.
Lindsay, Caroline (Smith).
Lindsay, John Summerfield, 1842-1903.
Lines, Edwin Stevens, 1845-1927.
Lining, Ida M.
Lloyd, Arthur Selden, 1857-1936.
Lodor, Susan (Dabney).
Logan, Kate Virginia (Cox), 1840-1915.
Logan, Lulu.
Lomax, Lunsford Lindsay, 1835-1913.
Long, Mary Heron (Sumner).
Louther, Mary.
Lowell, Guy, 1870-1927.
Lower, Margery H.
Lowne, R. W.
Lucas, Daniel Bedinger, 1836-1909.
Lyman, Margaret C. R.
Lyons, Elizabeth Bowie (Addison).
Lyons, Elizabeth Watkins (Henry), 1855-1920.
Macdonnell, A. J.
Macgill, W. D., Mrs.
Mackall, E. E.
Mackenzie, Alexander, 1844-1921.
Mahood, Fontaine Watts, 1841-1875.
Manley, Louise.
Marlow, Harrison.
Marr, Fanny Hope.
Marr, Robert Athelston, d. 1930.
Marriott, H. B.
Marsden, Ellen P.
Marshall, Helen McIntire.
Marshall, William Clarkson, b. 1863.
Martin, Bertha P.
Martin, Lucy Chambliss (Day), d. 1915.
Martin, Thomas Staples, 1847-1919.
Marye, Caroline Homassel (Voss).
Marye, John Lawrence, 1823-1902.
Marye, Lawrence Slaughter, b. 1833.
Marye, Maria W.
Marye, Morton, 1831-1910.
Mason, B. R.
Mason, Claudia Hamilton (Norton).
Mason, E. G.
Mason, Randolph Fitzhugh, 1878-1918.
Mason, Virginia, 1833-1920.
Massie, Charlotte C. L.
Mather, Margaret Morgan (Herbert), D.1900.
Matthews, George Bagby, 1857-1944.
Matthews, James Muscoe, 1822-1905.
Matthews, Maria Virginia.
Matthews, William Baynham, 1850-1914.
Mauck, A. O.
Maupin, Chapman, b. 1846.
Maupin, Margaret Lewis.
Maupin, Sally Hays Traverse (Washington).
Maupin, Susan Monroe Grayson.
Maury, Isabel.
Maury, Madeline C.
Maury, N. B.
Maxwell, Kate L.
Maxwell, Mary.
May, W. J.
Maynard, Harry Lee, 1861-1922.
Maynard, M. A., Mrs.
Mayo, A. W.
Mayo, George Pickett, 1876-1954.
Mayo, Isabelle Dixon (Burwell), 1841-1912.
Mayo, Martha T.
Mayo, Peter Helms, 1836-1920.
Mayo, Wyndham Robertson, 1859-1940.
McBryde, Ellen Douglas.
McCain, Henry Pickney, 1861-1941.
McCarmack, Cary.
McCarthy, Carlton, 1847-1936.
McClelland, Mary Greenway, 1853-1895.
McCleug, Virginia.
McCormick, Marshall, 1849-1918.
McCullagh, J. H.
McDonald, Alexander, D.1897.
McDonald, C. E.
McDonald, Carrie.
McDonald, James, D.1893.
McFarland, Mary (Mosby).
McGhee, C. H.
McGuire, Francis Howe, 1850-1894.
McGuire, Helen P. (Notling), 1861-1932.
McGuire, Hunter Holmes, 1835-1900.
McGuire, John Peyton, 1836-1906.
McGuire, Nannie T.
McGuire, Susan Rose (Morris), 1844?-1936.
McIlwaine, Richard, 1834-1913.
McIlwaine, William Baird, 1854-1930.
McKennon, V.
McKinney, Annie (Lyle).
McKinney, Philip Watkins, 1832-1899.
McLeod, Cazneau, 1847-1901.
McPhail, Jane Millicent Powell, 1842-1907.
Meade, Francis Alexander, 1844-1912.
Meade, Marianne Everard.
Meade, Marianne M.
Meech, Nell D.
Meech, Richard.
Memminger, Christopher Gustavus, 1803-1888.
Meredith, Anne (Morson), 1849-1899.
Meredith, Elizabeth A. (Penick).
Meredith, Wyndham Robertson, 1859-1940.
Middleton, [?].
Miller, Harriett (Echols).
Miller, Letitia D.
Miller, Lillian (Byrd).
Miller, Richard L.
Miller, S. Millington.
Miller, Sally H. (Randolph).
Miller, Susan W.
Miller, T. M.
Mills, George A.
Minnigerode, Belle.
Minnigerode, Charles Frederick Ernest, 1814-1894.
Minor, Anne Mortimer, 1859-1948.
Minor, John Barbee, 1813-1895.
Minor, Kate Noble (Pleasants), 1857-1925.
Minor, Landonia (Randolph), 1830-1912.
Minor, Mary Launcelot, 1840-1905.
Minor, Mary Willis.
Minor, Natalie Embra (Venable).
Minor, Robert Berkeley, b. 1851.
Mitchell, N.T.
Mitchell, R. Bland.
Mittledorfer, Memon M.
Mogler, Mary F.
Moncure, George Vowles, 1826-1901
Moncure, Georgianna Cary (Bankhead), 1830-1890.
Moncure, James Ashby, 1861-1938.
Moncure, James Dunlop, 1842-1898.
Monery, Ira.
Montague, Andrew Jackson, 1862-1937.
Montague, Helen, 1858-1938.
Montague, Russell Cary, 1877-1960.
Moore, Edward Alexander, 1842-1916.
Moore, J. A., Mrs.
Moore, J. Hall, d. 1906.
Moore, Julia (Grant), 1850-1927.
Moore, M. P., Mrs.
Moore, Robert Walton, 1859-1941.
Moran, Mary G.
Mordecai, Augusta, 1841-1939.
Mordecai, Rosina Ursula (Young), 1818-1906.
Morecock, William Henry Edloe, d. 1896.
Morgan, Caroline L.
Morgan, J.
Morgan, Samuel Tate, 1857-1920.
Morris, Frank Carr, b. 1857.
Morris, George Watts, 1857-1908.
Morris, James W.
Morris, Laura Barstow.
Morris, Robert Page Walker, 1853-1924.
Morson, Margaret Lee, 1846-1924.
Mosby, Charles Louis, 1810-1879.
Mosby, Elizabeth Stockton (Terry).
Moseley, Helen.
Mott, John R., 1865-1955.
Murills, George M.
Mushback, George A.
Myers, Edmund Trewbridge Dana, 1830-1905.
Myers, Grace.
Myers, Lilburn Trigg.
Naylor, Henrietta Wood.
Nelson, Kate.
Neve, Frederick William, 1855-1948.
New, Robert.
Newton, John Brockenbrough, 1839-1897.
Newton, Mary (Barksdale).
Newton, Mary H.
Newton, Roberta Page (Williamson).
Newton, Virginius, 1844-1904.
Nichols, Elizabeth Byrd.
Nichols, Julia M.
Nicholson, Alice W.
Noland, Charlotte Haxall, 1883-1969.
Noland, Cuthbert Powell, B.1844.
Noland, Cuthbert Powell, B.1884.
Noland, Kate H.
Noland, Preston Wellford, 1864-1919.
Nolley, George Merritt, b. 1860.
Norvell, Watkins.
Norwood, Mary L.
Norwood, Rebecca Hill, 1833-1919.
Norwood, Thomas Hill, 1841-1917.
O’Connor, Elizabeth (Paschal).
O’Donnell, [?], Mrs.
O’Ferrall, Charles Triplett, 1840-1905.
Oppenhimer, Sarah Sergeant (Mayo), 1870-1947.
Oppenhimer, William Tell, 1861-1941.
Osborne, Nathaniel Montgomery, b. 1842.
Osgood, Ernest, 1871-1923.
Osgood, Maude E.
Ott, John, 1834-1895.
Overton, Polly.
Owen, Benjamin P.
Page, Carter, 1843-1910.
Page, Charles Henry.
Page, Delia (Bryan), 1833-1902.
Page, Henry Howard.
Page, John Randolph, 1830-1901.
Page, John Randolph, b.1876.
Page, Kate C.
Page, Richard Channing Moore, 1841-1898.
Page, Robert Powel, 1846-1930.
Page, Roswell, 1858-1939.
Page, Thomas Jefferson, 1839-1864.
Palmer, William Henry, 1835-1926.
Palmer, William Price, 1821-1896.
Park, Robert E.
Parke, Ernest E.
Parker, F. M.
Parker, Roberta L.
Parker, Sally.
Parrish, Robert Lewis, 1840-1904.
Parrott, Richard.
Patteson, Seargeant Smith Prentiss, 1856-1930.
Patton, John Mercer, 1826-1899.
Patton, Sadie L.
Payne, Bruce Ryburn, 1874-1937.
Payne, David Bryce, 1812-1888.
Peachy, Sally Cary, b. 1837.
Pecquet du Bellet, Kate Louise Noémie, b. 1853.
Peebles, V. A.
Pegram, James West, 1839-1881.
Pegram, W. J.
Peid, Garland Powell, D.1963.
Pendergast, L. A.
Pendleton, Elizabeth Barret (Pendleton).
Perkins, Alice Lee (Moncure), 1834-1915.
Peterkin, Elizabeth (Hanson).
Peyton, John William, B.1828.
Peyton, Thomas Green, 1832-1900.
Pharr, D. C.
Phythian, Robert Lees, 1835-1917.
Pike, F. N.
Pinckney, Camilla (Scott).
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 1875-1934.
Pinckney, Elise Morton (Morris), 1878-1960.
Pinckney, Mary Amanda (Stewart), 1844-1889.
Pinckney, Thomas, 1829-1915.
Platt, India Meade (Pannell).
Pleasants, Cameron E.
Pleasants, James, 1831-1898.
Pleasants, Julia (Page).
Pleasants, Virginia Cary (Mosby).
Pleasants, Virginia Mosby.
Plummer, Frances Ansley (Minor), b. 1864.
Pogue, Mary K. (Boone), b. 1849.
Poindexter, Charles, 1844-1920.
Pollard, Eliza Roberta (Saunders) Dudley, 1829-1908.
Pollard, Emilie G.
Pollard, Evelyn Byrd (Chamberlayne), 1790-1863.
Pollard, Louise.
Pollard, M. D.
Pollard, S. A.
Pope, Augustus, b. 1837.
Pope, Edith D.
Potts, Allen, 1867-1930.
Potts, Belle Sheppard.
Potts, C. C.
Potts, Gertrude (Rives), 1867-1951.
Potts, John David, 1855-1928.
Potts, Thomas, 1841-1898.
Powell, Daniel Lee, 1826-1871.
Powell, Ella (Stribling).
Powell, Hugh Lee, b. 1839.
Powell, John Henry, 1834-1889.
Powell, R. L.
Powell, Rebecca C.
Powell, W. T., Mrs.
Powers, Pike, 1813-1897.
Prestman, Emily Renshaw.
Preston, Lizzie K. (Myers).
Preston, N.
Preston, Samuel Davis, 1834-1888.
Preston, William Ballard, 1858-1901.
Price, Gertrude.
Price, J. J.
Price, Julia.
Price, Theodore Hazelton, 1861-1935.
Price, Thomas Randolph, 1839-1903.
Pringle, Nell McCore.
Probasco, A.
Pryor, Sara Agnes (Rice), 1830-1912.
Purcell, John Barry, 1849-1916.
Quarles, Mann Satterwhite, 1845-1909.
Ragland, Elizabeth.
Ramsay, Clarise (Sears).
Ramsay, Darden Hiden.
Ramsay, Francis Munroe, 1835-1914.
Randolph, Buckner Magill, 1842-1903.
Randolph, Caroline Ramsay, 1828-1902.
Randolph, Janet Cleveland.
Randolph, Janet Henderson (Weaver), 1848-1927.
Randolph, John C.
Randolph, Mary E.
Randolph, Mary.
Randolph, Phoebe Waite (Elliott), B.1868.
Randolph, Robert Lee, 1860-1919.
Randolph, Sarah Griffith (Hoxton).
Randolph, Wilson Cary Nicholas, 1834-1907.
Rawls, Gavin.
Read, J. J.
Read, Jane C., 1828?-1911.
Reeve, Margaret C.
Regester, Samuel.
Reh, Henry F.
Reid, John Robert.
Reiley, J. T.
Reinhart, Joseph W., 1851-1911.
Reinhart, Katherine.
Remington, Hattie.
Rennolds, Ellen (Addison), 1860-1950.
Reverly, Annie Bull.
Reynolds, C. H.
Reynolds, Thomas P.
Richardson, Ida A.
Richardson, West.
Richardson, William T., 1820-1895.
Ricks, Anne Ryland.
Ricks, Katherine C.
Rieley, John William, 1839-1900.
Ritchie, David A.
Ritchie, Virginia, 1829-1903.
Ritter, William C.
Robertson, Alice Matilda (Watts) Morris, 1832-1914.
Robertson, Margaret Briscoe (Stuart), 1855-1932.
Robertston, Nannie Anderson (Breckenridge).
Robins, Dorothy G. (Hyde).
Robins, Marion Seddon.
Robins, Sarah Berkeley Nicolson (Nelson), 1855-1925.
Robinson, Archibald Graham, b. 1850.
Robinson, Cary, 1843-1864.
Robinson, Elizabeth Marshall, b. 1842.
Robinson, Evelyn Carter Byrd (Cabell), 1844-1910.
Robinson, John Moncure, 1835-1893.
Robinson, Leigh, 1840-1922.
Robinson, Mary Susan Seddon (Leigh), 1816-1900.
Robinson, Russell, Mrs.
Robinson, S. A.
Robinson, Virginia (Morgan), 1852-1920.
Rohrabacher, L. E. C., Mrs.
Rose, Charles.
Rose, M.
Ross, Annie E.
Ross, F. L.
Rountree, Rosa.
Rowland, Kate Mason, 1839?-1916.
Rowth, Bettie, S.
Royall, Judith Page (Aylett), 1860-1942.
Royall, William Lawrence, 1845-1912.
Ruffin, Eliza.
Ruffin, Ellen Strother (Harvie), 1818-1900.
Ruffin, Francis Gildart, 1816-1892.
Ruffin, Thomas Champion, 1871-1928.
Ruffin, William Roane, d. 1889.
Ruley, J.T.
Russell, Oscar L.
Rutherford, Ann Seddon (Roy).
Ryland, Charles Hill, 1836-1914.
Sale, Edith Dabney (Tunis), 1876-1932.
Sale, Fanny C.
Sale, J. Irving.
Sampson, Annie Eliza (Woods), b. 1854.
Sanders, Nina Taliaferro.
Sands, Letitia Smith (Campbell).
Sands, Oliver Jackson, 1870-1964.
Sanford, V. C.
Sanger, Virginia.
Sargeant, S. D.
Satterfield, Susan Walker.
Saunders, Susie Vanderpool (Tabb).
Savage, Jennie E.
Schisano, Stéphanie.
Sclater, Charlotte S.
Scott, Delia.
Scott, Dora Stuart (McGill), 1870-1960.
Scott, Elisabeth (Strother), B.1868.
Scott, Frances Branch, 1861-1937.
Scott, Richard Carter, 1859-1928.
Scott, Thomas Branch, 1865-1945.
Scott, William Wallace, 1845-1929.
Scribner, Arthur Hawley, 1859-1932.
Scribner, Charles, 1854-1930.
Scribner, J. W.
Searby, Ellen W.
Seddon, Josephine (Venable), 1862?-1944.
Seddon, Kate.
Semmes, Thomas, 1860-1951.
Semple, Letitia (Tyler).
Shackelford, Jones Green, B.1853.
Sharp, Dora Adams (Hopkins).
Sharp, Henry T., b. 1843.
Sharp, William Willoughby, b. 1863.
Sheffey, Hugh White, 1815-1889.
Shepherd, B. B.
Shepherd, M. E.
Sheppard, S. M.
Sheppard, William Ludwell, 1833-1912.
Shepperd, Gwynn Turner.
Sheriff, Frederic.
Sherwell, Thomas Moreland.
Shields, Charles Matthew, b. 1856.
Shoemaker, A. C.
Shoosmith, Thomas.
Silbey, Isabella H.
Simons, Caroline Miller (Taliaferro).
Sinton, Annie M.
Sipp, George S., b. 1863.
Slocum, J. Howard.
Small, Julia.
Smedes, Susan (Dabney), 1840-1913.
Smith, Benjamin G.
Smith, Ethel.
Smith, Francis Henry, 1829-1928.
Smith, Francis Lee, 1845-1916.
Smith, H. Blair.
Smith, James Power, 1837-1923.
Smith, Katherine Cheshire (Battle), b. 1887.
Smith, L. Russell.
Smith, L. W.
Smith, M. C.
Smith, M. L.
Smith, M. S.
Smith, Mary Stuart (Harrison), 1834-1917.
Smith, Mary.
Smith, Richard Hewlett, 1859-1945.
Smith, Sarah Gosnell (Vowell), 1813-1902.
Smith, Thomas.
Smith, Virginia Hope.
Smith, William Alexander.
Smith, William Russell, 1815-1896.
Smythie, Gerald.
Snead, Edwin B.
Snead, M. A.
Snow, C. F.
Solberg, Thorvald, 1852-1949.
Southall, Elizabeth F.
Southall, Jeannie Oliver (Abbott), 1868-1951.
Southall, Stephen Valentine, 1830-1913.
Souther, Mary Tayloe.
Sparhawk, Charles Wurtz.
Sparrow, Robert E.
Spicer, Frances Claiborne.
Spotswood, Martha F.
Spotswood, Muscoe Livingston, 1850-1928.
Stabler, Jane Owen (Latham).
Stanard, William Glover, 1858-1933.
Staples, M. L.
Starke, Sallie S.
Starke, William Norborne, B.1835.
Starr, E. S.
Steele, John H.
Stevens, George Walter, 1851-1920.
Stewart, H. L.
Stewart, John, 1806-1885.
Stewart, Laura.
Stiles, Katherine Clay, 1832-1916.
Stiles, Robert Augustus, 1836-1905.
Stirling, Jean R.
Stirling, Sarah Vowell (Daingerfield), 1876-1922.
Stofer, Alonza F., d. 1910.
Stokes, M. M.
Stokes, Sylvanus, b. 1858.
Stone, Ada Menzies (Dailey).
Stoner, R. B.
Stratton, R. H.
Straus, Charles.
Strauss, Juliet Virginia, 1863-1919.
Stringfellow, J.
Strode, Henry A., 1844-1877.
Strother, William A., 1865-1919.
Stuart, Flora (Cooke), 1863-1923.
Stuart, Henry Carter, 1855-1933.
Stuart, J. Percy.
Stuck, Hudson, 1863-1920.
Sully, Julia, 1870-1948.
Sully, Robert Matthew, 1837-1912.
Sutherlin, Jane E. (Patrick), B.1829.
Sutton, C. H.
Suttor, Howard.
Swanson, Claude Augustus, 1862-1939.
Swanson, Elizabeth Deane (Lyons).
Sydnor, Virginia (Taylor), b. 1900.
Tabb, Belle.
Tabb, C. C.
Tabb, Ellen Nobel (McKenzie).
Tabb, George R.
Tabb, Jennie Masters, b. 1873.
Tabb, L. Campbell.
Tabb, M.S.
Tabb, Margaret.
Tabb, Sarah Van Bibber.
Tabb, Sherrard Rutherfoord, 1869-1900.
Taber, George A.
Talbott, Sallie Radford (Munford), 1841-1930.
Taliaferro, Agnes Marshall (Harwood).
Taliaferro, Elizabeth (Cocke).
Taliaferro, Harriotte Hopkins (Lee), 1840-1917.
Taliaferro, Leah Seddon (Alexander).
Taliaferro, Sally Nivison (Lyons), 1829-1899.
Taliaferro, Thomas Seddon, 1833-1918.
Taliaferro, William Booth, 1822-1898.
Talley, Daniel Dee, b. 1841.
Tanner, Albert Snead, b. 1874?
Tarbox, Increase Niles, 1815-1888.
Tatum, A. Randolph.
Tatum, Edith G.
Tatum, Edwin.
Tayloe, Mary.
Taylor, Carroll.
Taylor, Charles A., B.1847.
Taylor, David Waston, 1864-1940.
Taylor, Elizabeth Seddon (Saunders).
Taylor, Frederick Southgate, 1847-1896.
Taylor, Henry, 1854-1945.
Taylor, Jaquelin Plummer.
Taylor, John.
Taylor, Lucy Penn.
Taylor, M. L., Mrs.
Taylor, Mary Minor (Watson), 1833-1905.
Taylor, W. H. B.
Taylor, W. J.
Taylor, Walter F.
Taylor, Walter Herron, 1838-1916.
Taylor, Warren Poindexter, 1868-1918.
Taylor, Willie.
Tazewell, Mary Louisa (Walke), 1853-1927.
Temple, Lizzie C.
Tennant, Mae Ashby (Bayne).
Tensler, Mary Stuart.
Terhune, Mary Virginia (Hawes), 1830-1922.
Thom, William Taylor, 1849-1930.
Thomas, Mary E.
Thomas, Mary Wortham, 1865?-1950.
Thomas, Richard Samuel, 1837-1914.
Thompson, Mary (Marye), 1861?-1945.
Thompson, Tazewell.
Thornton, James Riddle, 1853-1911.
Thornton, William Mynn, 1851-1935.
Throckmorton, Charles Wickliffe, 1868-1941.
Thurber, Henry T.
Tillson, Adelaide M.
Timberlake, J. H., Mrs.
Tinsley, Henry C.
Todd, Rosa Burwell.
Tompkins, Sally Louisa, 1833-1916.
Townsend, Edith Bryan.
Travers, Samuel Wingfield, 1848-1923.
Treadway, Mattie.
Trent, Lucy Carter (Burwell).
Trevilian, M. S.
Trigg, William Robertson, 1849-1903.
Trotter, Carter Page Johnson, d. 1900.
Trotter, Eustace.
Troubetzkoy, Amélie Louise (Rives) Chanler, 1863-1945.
Truman, W. Cabell.
Tucker, Beverley Dandridge, 1882-1969.
Tucker, Fannie Booth (Crump), 1849-1937.
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1853-1932.
Tucker, St. George.
Turnbull, A. B., Mrs.
Turner, C. L.
Turner, Charles W. S.
Turner, Job.
Turner, Martha Gordon.
Turner, Smith Spangler, 1842-1898.
Tuttle, David Kitchell, 1835-1915.
Tyler, David Gardiner, 1846-1927.
Tyler, John.
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, 1853-1935.
Tyler, Sue (Ruffin), 1889-1953.
Valentine, Anne.
Valentine, Edward Pleasants, 1864-1908.
Valentine, Edward Virginius, 1858-1930.
Valentine, Henry Lee, 1867?-1931.
Valentine, Katherine Cole (Friend) Mayo, 1848-1915.
Van Cleve, Edward M.
Van Court, R. H.
Vandergrift, Martha Throckmorton (Page), 1832-1934.
Vaughn, Clement Read, 1827-1911.
Vawter, Charles Erastus, 1841-1905.
Venable, Charles Scott, 1827-1900.
Venable, Edward Carrington, 1853-1908.
Venable, Francis Preston, 1856-1934.
Venable, Helen Skipwith (Wilmer).
Venable, Mary Embra (Scott).
Vest, Patty G.
Vest, Walker Waller, 1836-1863.
Vieth, Edgar.
Vinson, Mary Blair (Chaffin), 1872-1952.
Von Grabill, Stanton Becker.
Waddy, Carrie L. (Saunders), 1861-1935.
Wade, Ellen Harvie.
Wade, Thomas Morrell, d. 1928.
Wakefield, H.
Walke, Richard, 1840-1901.
Walke, Willoughby, 1860-1928.
Walker, Annie R.
Walker, Asa, 1845-1916.
Walker, Francis Thomas.
Walker, Georgianna Freeman.
Wall, M. S.
Wallace, Clarence Blain, b. 1860.
Waller, B. H., Mrs.
Wallford, C. P., Mrs.
Ware, Alice.
Ware, Mary Smith (Dabney), d. 1842.
Ware, Sedley Lynch, b. 1868.
Waring, Mary A.
Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900.
Warren, Mary E.
Warthen, W. O.
Warwig, C.
Washer, Louis, Mrs.
Washington, Anne.
Washington, Cosby.
Washington, Jane.
Watkins, Elsie.
Watson, Julia L.
Watteau, Louis.
Watts, L. L.
Watts, Robert.
Weathers, Ellen D.
Webb, Belle A.
Webb, Blanche F.
Webb, Lucy R.
Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne, 1876-1948.
Weddell, Penelope Margaret (Wright), 1840-1901.
Weeks, Mary G.
Welch, J. F.
Wellford, Armistead Landon, b. 1857.
Wellford, Belle (Street).
Wellford, Beverley Randolph, 1855-1936.
Wellford, Elizabeth Landon (Carter), 1830-1858.
Wellford, Emeline Madison (Tabb), 1829-1911.
Wellford, Jane (McDonald), 1863?-1945.
Wellford, John Spotswood, 1825-1911.
Wellford, Phillip Alexander, 1823-1909.
Wellford, Susan Seddon (Taliaferro), 1829-1912.
Wendling, George Reuben, 1845-1915.
Werntz, Robert Lincoln.
Werth, James Robert, 1884-1959.
Werth, Mary Herndon (Maury), 1844-1928.
West, H. A.
Westbury, C. W.
Wharton, Henry Marvin, 1848-1928.
Wheat, James Clifton, 1813-1902.
Whildin, Oliver J.
Whitcomb, Henry Donald, 1826-1910.
White, Fanny Beverley (Wellford), d. 1932.
Whittet, Robert, 1829-1908.
Whittle, Emily C. (Fairfax).
Whittle, Mary Anne, 1835-1901.
Wickham, Thomas Ashby, 1857-1939.
Wickham, William Fanning, 1793-1880.
Wiley, W. H.
Wilkinson, T. D.
Willard, Mary (Hatch).
Willcox, Robert Bolling.
Williams, Alfred Brockenbrough, 1856-1930.
Williams, Carrie Powell.
Williams, John Langhorne, 1831-1915.
Williams, Maria Ward Skelton (Williams), 1880-1960.
Williams, Martha Tabb.
Willie, Asa Hoxie, 1829-1899.
Wills, J. R.
Wills, Mattie Lyle.
Wills, Mollie.
Wilmer, Joseph.
Wilmer, Margaret (Brown), b. 1821.
Wilmer, Richard Hooker, 1816-1900.
Wilmer, Skipwith.
Wilson, J. H.
Wilson, Walter A.
Winchester, James Ridout, 1852-1941.
Wine, Miletus J.
Wingfield, C. D.
Winston, Lilian (Jones).
Winston, Nannie Burke, 1864-1924.
Winston, William Aylett, B.1827.
Wise, Barton Haxall, 1865-1899.
Wise, Ellen Wright, B.1896.
Wise, John Sergeant, 1846-1913.
Wise, Laura Mason (Chilton), 1849?-1914.
Witt, Samuel Brown, 1852-1912.
Wood, J. B.
Wood, John Wilson.
Wood, Robert B., Mrs.
Wood, Thomas Longstreet, 1867-1892.
Wood, W.
Woodbridge, George.
Woodbridge, M. A. E.
Woodfin, Solon Boston, 1864-1945.
Woodhouse, John J.
Woodhouse, M. L.
Woodward, Mary S.
Woodward, R. H.
Woodward, W. M.
Woodward, Zoé
Wortham, Thomas.
Wotherspoon, Mary C. (Adams).
Wotherspoon, William Wallace, 1850-1921.
Wren, Kate B.
Wrench, John Evelyn.
Wright, James Madison, 1809-1888.
Wright, M. A.
Wright, M. Lillian.
Wright, R. G.
Wright, Thomas Roane Barnes, 1839-1914.
Wynne, Thomas Hicks, 1820-1875.
Yarbrough, C. P., Mrs.
Yonge, Samuel Humphreys, 1850-1935.
Young, Anne Pleasants (Gray) b. 1873.
Young, Nannie W.
Zimmermann, William H., 1845-1926.
Companies and Organizations
Ashby, Crawford Co., Marlborough, Mass.
Associated Charities of Richmond, Va.
Bowe (N. W.) & Son, Richmond, Va.
Bozarth Bros., Williamsburg, Va.
Brentano’s, New York, N.Y.
Brown (J. Thompson) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Chapin & Johnson, Richmond, Va.
Charleston Typographical Society, Charleston, S.C.
Christian (R. L.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Crystal Ice Co., Richmond, Va.
Dalton, (F. S.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Dillard (R. M.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Doubleday, Page & Company, New York, N.Y.
Elam (J. B.) & co., Richmond, Va.
Gimble brothers, New York, N.Y.
Green & bro., Alexandria, Va.
Hawes (S. H.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Heliotype Printing Company, Boston, Mass.
Hume & Parker, Norfolk, Va.
Hunter & Co., Richmond, Va.
International News Company, The, New York, N.Y.
Johnson (F. D.) & Son, Lynchburg, Va.
Jones (I. N.) & Son, Richmond, Va.
Ladies Territorial Committee, London, England
Lane Bros. & Co., Esmont, Va.
Lippincott (J. B.) & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Lumsden (C.) & Son, Richmond, Va.
McDonald, (N. D.) Co., Ltd., Washington, D.C.
Miller (J. L.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Mongle (J. B.) & Son, Holston, Va.
Moore (Warner) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Mundie’s Select Library, London, Eng.
Mutual Ice Delivery Company, The, Richmond, Va.
News and Courier, Charleston S.C.
Noonan and Pearse, Newport News, Va.
North American Review, The, New York, N.Y.
Page and Carter, Richmond, Va.
Pearson Bros., Baltimore, Md.
Peyton, Cary & Co., Baltimore, Md.
Quarles & McCurdy, Richmond, Va.
Randolph (J. W.) & English, Richmond, Va.
Richmond Cold Storage and Ice Manufacturing Co., Richmond, Va.
Richmond Community Fund, Richmond, Va.
Rickett’s Drug Store, Orange, Va.
Sargent Manufacturing Co., Muskegan, Mich.
Scott Bros., Jamestown, Va.
Scribner’s (Charles) Sons, New York, N.Y.
Smith (Jas. C.) Ice Co., Richmond, Va.
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, S.C.
Stokes (Frederick A.) & Brother, New York, N.Y.
Sutton & Co., Richmond, Va.
Taylor Bros. Co., Winston, N.C.
Wallis & Staples, Christiansburg, Va.
Wanamaker (John), New York, N.Y.
Webster (Charles L.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
West, Johnston, & Co., Richmond, Va.
Whittet & Shepperson, Richmond, Va.
Last updated: June 16, 2003