Beverley Family
Beverley Family Papers, 1654-1929. Part 7
Correspondence of Robert Beverley (1858-1928)
Call Number Mss1 B4678 b 929-11,089 (10,161 items)
- Index to Selected Topics
- List of Correspondents
- Individuals
- Companies and Organizations
Index to Selected Topics
Audley (Westmoreland County, Va.) | |
Williams, Charles Williams | |
Bank of Essex (Tappahannock, Va.) | |
Brooks, W. C. | |
Jones, Thomas G. | |
Miller, John Maffit | |
Williams, George B. | |
Beverley, Robert (1822-1901), Estate of | |
Beverley, James Bradshaw (1901 June 9, 16, 20, July 1, 14, 26, August 29, 31, October 26, November 20, December 29; 1902 January 5, 19, March 10, April 28, May 26, June 3, July 14, 28, September 8, October 2, 22, November 21, 29, December 7; 1903 February 12, June 7, October 11; 1904 January 20, February 11; 1905 February 5, 28) | |
Bradfield, Andrew J. | |
Keith, John Augustine Chilton | |
Blandfield (Essex County, Va.) | |
Allen, Luther | |
Baldwin, Frank Conger | |
Ball, William P. | |
Beverley, Richard Carter (1912 March 7, June 18; 1928 January 12) | |
Beverley, Richardetta Earle (Carter) (1912 May 23) | |
Beverley, Robert Bland (1906 May 16, September 12, October 10, 11, 12; 1907 July 26, 31 August 1, 5, 15, 19; 1908 August 3, 5, 7, September 24) | |
Brooks, W. A. | |
Brooks, W. C. | |
Brooks, William H. | |
Keister, James L. | |
Munson, O. J; | |
Parish, Grant | |
Sale, Edith Dabney (Tunis) | |
Williams Slate Roofing Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.) | |
Broadsides | |
Dunlop, Richard Alexander | |
Swanson, Claud Augustus | |
Wilson, Francis D. | |
Confederate Memorial Institute | |
Beverley, Richard Carter (1911 December 24) | |
Episcopal Church | |
Atkinson, H. W. | |
Baker, Thomas Perry | |
Barber, Courtney | |
Barnes, Eugene F. | |
Barnwell, Middleton Stuart | |
Berkeley, Alfred Rives | |
Beveridge, Frank D. | |
Beverley, James Bradshaw (1925 May 5, June 15, 24, July 25) | |
Beverley, Richard Carter (1908 January 19; 1909 October 26, November 4, 16; 1911 March 2, April 27, May 6, 9, June 21, December 24; 1912 May 19, June 18, December 24; 1913 April 17, may 7, June 15, November 13; 1914 January 24, April 22; 1915 April 19, October 2; 1916 April 27, May 9; 1917 December 23; 1918 January 2, March 16, August 10, October 21, November 27, December 25; 1919 May 12, June 30, September 16, October 12, 20, November 18, 27, December 6; 1921 February 17, April 28, June 4, July 26, August 24, September 22, 27; 1922 January 26, September 1, 14, October 14, 30, November 26; 1923 January 24; 1924 May 13, June 5, July 8, November 3, December 1, 29; 1925 October 15, November 4; 1926 January 3, 15, 30, February 15; 1927 January 22, March 29, June 24, September 10; 1928 March 9, April 26, June 9, July 17, October 12, 19, November 15) | |
Beverley, Richard Henry Carter | |
Beverley, Richardetta Earle (Carter) (1906 March 15; 1914 January 16; 1919 October 9; 1921 August 14, 17, September 2, 4, 6, 19, October 20; 1925 October 11; 1928 October 22) | |
Beverley, Robert, 1877-1931 (1925 August 28 | |
Beverley, Robert Bland (1925 May 25, June 7, 21, July 30, August 9, September 20; 1926 April 25; 1927 March 6, 27, August 7) | |
Bigger, Madelaine Russell | |
Bigham, Thomas James | |
Bishop, Samuel Henry | |
Bomberger, John Henry | |
Boogher, Dudley | |
Boothe, Gardner Lloyd | |
Bowie, Walter Russell | |
Braxton, Wistar Wallace | |
Brent, Laurence | |
Broaddus, Bessie Callendar (Ruffin) | |
Brockenbrough, Austin | |
Brown, William Cabell | |
Browning, George Landon | |
Bryan, John Stewart | |
Bryarly, H. R. | |
Brydon, George MacLaren (n.d., 1915 June 29, December 4; 1916 February 29, May 2; 1918 January 26, March 21, June 4, September 30, December 10; 1919 February 10, 20, April 29, May 26, July 23, September 22, October 29, November 5, 30, December 13; 1920 January 29, February 19, March 2, 22, April 1, 6, 8, 9, June 1, October 4, 18, 30, December 2, 29; 1921 January 18, 21, February 25, March 26, May 10, June 6, 13, 15, July 2, September 6, October 4; 1922 January 2, 3, March 25, 31, April 15, May 9, 22, 26, June 3, 10, July 5, 8, 24, August 24, September 12, October 3, 14, 28, December 27, 30; 1923 January 23, April 1, June 2, 4, September 11, October 5, 6, 8, 19, 24; 1924 January 4, 11, February 6, March 23, 29 April 24, June 2, 20, July 16, September 13, 15, 29, October 7, 13; 1925 January 7, 31, April 7, 25, May 1, June 1, 3, July 2, 29, August 29, September 3, 8, 17, 21, October 20, November 12, 134, 28, December 8; 1926 January 4, February 16, 22, April 3, 7, 9, June 5, 22, July 31, September 16, October 1, 5, 15, 16, 23; 1927 January 4, February 4, 10, 18, April 8, May 24, June 6, July 13, 20, August 2, 4, September 22, October 17, June 4, 27, July 30, September 18, October 17) | |
Burkhardt, William Hullihen | |
Burks, John Franklin | |
Burleson, Hugh Latimer | |
Byrd, Harry Flood | |
Capers, Walter Branham | |
Carter, J. Alexander (1920 October 11) | |
Cartwright, Floyd Stephens | |
Castleman, Robert Allen | |
Catlett, John Walker Carter | |
Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson | |
Chambers, Benjamin Duvall | |
Chamblin, W. W. | |
Chichester, Arthur Mason | |
Chichester, Ethan (Wister) | |
Cox, George Edward | |
Craighill, George Peyton | |
Cralle, Alphonso A. | |
Dillard, J. H. | |
Dunn, Joseph Bragg | |
Ellis, Josiah Richard | |
Feild, John F. W. | |
Fisher, Clara B. | |
Foster, Edward Carter | |
Foster, James Robert | |
Freeman, James Edward | |
Gateson, Daniel Wilmot | |
Gibson, Alexander Stuart | |
Gibson, James Davis | |
Gibson, Lucy Fitzhugh | |
Gibson, Robert Atkinson | |
Glazebrook, Larkin W. | |
Goodwin, Edward Lewis | |
Goodwin, Frederick Dean | |
Goodridge, John | |
Green, Berryman | |
Green, John W. | |
Hall, Percy Foster | |
Harrison, Carter Henry | |
Harrison, Lewis Carter | |
Helfenstein, Grace Fenton (Nelson) | |
Hilleary, R. W. | |
Hundley, Peyton | |
Hullihen, Walter Q. | |
Kearny, Warren | |
King, Lorenzo Augustus | |
Latané, Allen Douglas | |
Lewis, James Meriwether | |
Lewis, T. M. | |
Lines, Edward Stevens | |
Lloyd, Arthur Selden | |
Lock, Bradford B. | |
McCandlish, F. Sheild | |
McGuire, Murray mason | |
Marsilliot, c. L. | |
Marston, C. T. | |
Marston, W. W. | |
Mason, T. F. | |
Mayers, W. Herbert | |
Miller, Hugh | |
Mitchell, Richard Bland | |
Moncure, Frank Peyton | |
Morehouse, Frederic Cook | |
Neff, Douglas William | |
Osburn, Fannie Scott (Beverley) | |
Osburn, Herbert Stabler | |
Page, Carter | |
Palmer, Barton | |
Palmer, Giles Buckner | |
Palmer, Leon Carlos | |
Palmer, Vera | |
Peirce, Elizabeth Edrington (Combs) | |
Phillips, J. C. | |
Phillips, Peter Parker | |
Powell, Arthur Chilton | |
Powers, Pike | |
Rotter, Sanford Louis | |
Ryan, Arthur C. | |
Sale, Ritchie | |
Sands, Oliver Jackson | |
Sayre, Monell | |
Scott, Thomas A. | |
Shackelford, Virginius Randolph | |
Sheerin, Charles Wilford | |
Smith, C. Archer | |
Spencer, Franklin H. | |
Stephenson, Helen (Marbury) | |
Stephenson, J. T. | |
Taylor, John M. | |
Tomlinson, Cora | |
Tucker, Henry St. George | |
Turner, Augustine Fitzhugh | |
Walton, William Muse | |
Ward, James G. | |
Ware, S. S. | |
Waring, Robert Latané | |
Warren, F. Ernest | |
Wellford, Jane (McDonald) | |
Whildin, Oliver J. | |
Williams, Charles Insco | |
Williams, Langbourne Meade | |
Williams, Lewis Catlett | |
Williams, Walter | |
Wilson, Walter | |
Wilson, William | |
Wood, John Wilson | |
Woodward, Edmund Lee | |
Yerby, Emma S. | |
Young, Edgar M. | |
Farmers Educational and Co-Operative Union | |
Bowles, George H. | |
Brown, C. W. | |
Crosby, D. H. | |
Ellis, George | |
Harrison, Dabney Carr | |
Newton, Edward Marshall | |
Parkins, Christopher V. | |
Phillips, J. C. | |
Flu Epidemic of 1918 | |
Beverley, Robert Bland (1918 October 13, November 3; 1919 January 26, February 9, 17) | |
Carter, J. Alexander (1918 October 24; 1919 February 12) | |
Ginter Park (Richmond, Va.) | |
Beverley, Richard Carter (1910 March 4) | |
Meadow Grove (Fauquier County, Va.) | |
Beverley, John Hill Carter | |
Beverley, Robert Bland | |
Carter, J. Alexander | |
Carter, Robinette Welby | |
Norfolk, Washington & New York Railway Company | |
Lewis, James Meriwether | |
Railroads | |
Lewis, James Meriwether | |
Rappahannock Valley, Inc. | |
Embrey, Alvin Thomas | |
Evans, William Dunbar | |
Ford, W. J. | |
James, W. T. | |
St. Anne’s Parish | |
Baird, Edward Rouzie, Jr. | |
Baker, Joseph | |
Baylor, Henry Latané | |
Baylor, Richard, Jr. | |
Bell, George Victor | |
Beverley, Richard Carter (1916 April 27, May 9; 1924 March 28; 1925 May 11, August 28, September 16; 1926 January 3, April 6, 16; 1927 March 11, October 1; 1928 March 10) | |
Boughan, George T. | |
Broaddus, M. Brooke | |
Brooke, Alexander Tunstall | |
Brooking, Esther Foote (Chapman) | |
Brooking, Robert Upshur | |
Brown, Cecil W. | |
Brown, W. A. | |
Brydon, George MacLaren (1919 June 14, 16, 26, November 22; 1920 November 16; 1921 July 1, 13, August 2, 9, September 24, November 2, 30, December 5, 6; 1922 January 6, 23, June 27, September 15, October 18, 25, 31, November 13; 1923 February 5, 7, June 23, August 30, September 19, November 21, 29, December 8; 1924 January 21, August 28, September 12, November 7, December 11; 1925 January 20, March 11, October 15, December 10; 1927 July 11, September 19, December 1; 1928 January 30, October 20, November 1, December 14) | |
Burks, John Franklin | |
Fisher, Clara B. | |
Gibson, Alexander Stuart | |
Goodwin, Edward Lewis | |
Goodwin, Frederick Dean | |
Green, Berryman | |
Hunter, Philip Stephen | |
Joyner, Carroll S. | |
Lewis, James Meriwether | |
Lewis, Thomas Deane | |
Mayers, W. Herbert | |
Meade, William Nelson | |
Mitchell, Mary Barton Picton (Garnett) | |
Moncure, James Ashby | |
Morrison, Robert T. | |
Pardee, Charles Laban | |
Phillips, Peter Parker | |
Rennolds, Ben Cason | |
Sale, Dandridge | |
Sale, Latané | |
Sale, L. May | |
Sale, Mary Susan (Latané) | |
Saunders, E. K. | |
Saunders, Katherine P. | |
Shaw, William Alger | |
Showell, John Letcher | |
Waring, Patrick C. | |
Selby (Fauquier County, Va.) | |
Beverley, Rebecca Anne (Dulany) | |
Mackall, Rebecca Dulany (Beverley) | |
Telegraph | |
Carter, Taylor Scott | |
Maxwell, Louis J. | |
Sale, Charles | |
Sale, Ritchie | |
Soulsby, R. H. | |
U.S. Post Office Dept. | |
Bland, Schuyler Otis (1910 December 16) | |
Davison, C. L. | |
Martin, Thomas Staples | |
Shallenberger, William Shadrach | |
Upper Rappahannock Telephone and Telegraph Company | |
Adkins, W. H. | |
Alexander, F. W. | |
Ashburn, Charles H. | |
Baylor, Henry Latané | |
Beckwith, Hayes | |
Beverley, James Bradshaw (1902 January 5) | |
Beverley, Richardetta Earle (Carter) (1902 May 17) | |
Bond, Nicholas P. | |
Boulware, George Thompson | |
Broaddus, J. G. | |
Broaddus, J. R. | |
Brooke, Alexander Tunstall | |
Browne, E. W. | |
Carlin, M. F. | |
Carter, William Douglass | |
Catlett, Landon Carter | |
Coleman, E. M. | |
Conway, C. B. | |
Conway, Peter Vivian Daniel | |
Crews, J. William | |
Culp, Charles W. | |
Dickinson, W. C. | |
Diggs, A. M. | |
Dillard, W. G. | |
Dimock, W. DeW. | |
Doggins, Thomas C. | |
Duke, William Dabney | |
Ewing, P. C., Mrs. | |
Field, William Stephen | |
Fogg, Charles R. | |
Garrett, A. L. | |
Gravatt, Charles Urquhart | |
Hayes, Charles | |
Head, Luther Jerrell | |
Henley, J. S. | |
Hicks, C. F. | |
Holloway, Robert Green | |
Hooper, Charles Stringfellow | |
Howard, A. Randolph | |
Hutcheson, H. E. | |
Ingram, T. L. | |
James, E. C. | |
James, John H. | |
Jones, E. Linwood | |
Jones, W. Thomas | |
Jordan, Clement Robertson | |
Lanier, A. Sidney | |
McWhirt, J. D. | |
Maupin, Addison | |
Miller, W. A. | |
Mitchell, Mary Barton Picton (Garnett) | |
Montague, Fairfax E. | |
Moore, Charles Lee | |
Parish, R. Jefferys | |
Pepencier, Gus | |
Pepencier, John L. | |
Powers, David Breonard | |
Pratt, William Turner | |
Prentis, Robert Riddick | |
Rhoads, C. L. | |
Rhodes, Robert L. | |
Rowe, Absalom P. | |
Ryden, E. E. | |
Ryerson, Herbert P. | |
Sale, Silas J. | |
Sale, W. E. | |
Sale, William Dandridge | |
Saunders, John Richard | |
Scott, George R. | |
Smith, C. T. | |
Smith, Chauncey | |
Taliaferro, J. P. | |
Tanner, Albert Snead | |
Taylor, C. H. | |
Taylor, E. A. | |
Taylor, Pansy Wellford | |
Thomson, Willard | |
Thornton, John T. | |
Tree, Joseph B. | |
Turner, Augustine Fitzhugh | |
Upshur, John Arthur | |
Vance, R. Conroy | |
Warden, Henry | |
Warren, James C. | |
Williams, H. B. | |
Williams, Henry | |
Wilson, Richard Thweat | |
Wither, Alfred Willis | |
Chicago Telephone Supply Co. (Elkhart, Ind.) | |
Electrical Material Company (Baltimore, Md.) | |
Fredericksburg Electrical Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.) | |
General Contracting and Construction Co. (Atlanta, Ga.) | |
Lord & Murray (Baltimore, Md.) | |
Lord Electrical Supply (Washington, D.C.) | |
Roebling’s (John A.) Sons Co. (Trenton, N.J.) | |
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company (Atlanta, Ga.) | |
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company of Virginia (Fredericksburg, Va.) | |
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company of Virginia (Richmond, Va.) | |
Sumter Telephone Mfg. Co. (Sumter, S.C.) | |
Varney Electrical Supply Co. (Indianapolis, Ind.) | |
Viaduct Manufacturing Co. (Baltimore, Md.) | |
Virginia Corporation Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.) | |
Western Electric Company (Portsmouth, Va.) | |
Virginia. General Assembly | |
Beverly, William Welby (1920 February 23, 25, 28; 1923 March 7; 1926 January 29) | |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute | |
Beverley, John Hill Carter (1915) | |
Beverley, Richard Carter (1921 March 15, 22, June 4, September 27; 1923 March 15; 1924 June 5, December 1) | |
Beverley, Robert Bland | |
Beverley, William Welby | |
Burruss, Julian Ashby | |
Campbell, Theodorick Pryor | |
Case, L. I. | |
Crawford, C. J. | |
Davis, Westmoreland | |
Hutcheson, John Redd | |
Owns, R. W. | |
Soule, Andrew MacNairn | |
Spencer, A. P. | |
Virginia State Corporation Commission | |
Wilson, Richard Thweat | |
Virginia State Fair Association | |
Fairbank, Luke H. | |
Fairfax, Henry | |
Saunders, W. Conway | |
Wood, T. Gilbert | |
Wachusett (Fauquier County, Va.) | |
Akers, George F. | |
Armistead, Bowles Edward | |
Beverley, Richard Carter (1904 June 20, July 2, 14; 1905 October 31, November 26, December 3; 1906 February 11, March 25, April 1) | |
Brawner, John T. | |
McSweeney, L. J. | |
Scott, J. M. | |
Brown & Hoof (Manassas, Va.) |
Alphabetical list of Correspondents
Abbott, I. C.
Adams, Frank W.
Adams, J. Willard, 1865-1935
Adams, Nicholas Floyd, 1873-1947
Adkins, W. H.
Akers, George F.
Alexander, F. W.
Alexander, Geneva
Alexander, Peter
Allen, James H.
Allen, Luther
Allen, M. S.
Allen, R. E., Mrs.
Allen, R. J.
Allen, Waller
Allison, John W.
Alwood, William Bradford, b. 1859
Ames, G. M.
Anderson, Charles Jefferies, 1848-1925
Anderson, Dorsey C.
Anderson, G. N.
Anderson, Henry Watkins, 1870-1954
Anderson, T. C.
Andrews, Lawrence B., d. 1906
Armistead, Bowles Edward, 1838-1916
Armstrong, O. M.
Arnest, Thomas Maund, d. 1933
Ashburn, Charles H.
Ashby, James, b. 1894
Atkinson, H. W.
Ayres, George H.
Bache, William K., 1862-1933
Bachrach, E. A.
Bagby, Alexander Fleet, d. 1915
Bagby, William F, 1861-1956
Bailey, J. W.
Baird, B. H.
Baird, Edward Rouzie SEE ALSO Wright, Thomas Roane Barnes
Baird, Edward Rouzie, b. 1840
Baird, Imogene Wright
Baird, Lelia S.
Baird, Lizzie W.
Baird, S. Barron
Baird, S. Fauntie
Baker, Joseph, 1846-1925
Baker, Thomas Perry, 1864-1954
Balderson, James M.
Baldwin, Frank Conger
Baldwin, Rufus Guy, b. 1883
Ball, C. F.
Ball, William P., d. 1915? SEE ALSO Doggins, Thomas C.
Banks, Louis Albert, 1855-1933
Barber, Courtnay
Bareford, H. D.
Barnwell, Middleton Stuart, 1882-1957
Barringer, Paul Brandon, 1857-1941
Barron, A. W.
Barron, James
Barron, James Smith, 1875-1941
Batte, Eleanor C., Mrs.
Batte, George McPhail
Beverley, Richard Henry Carter, b. 1879
Baxley, Henry Little, b. 1898
Bayliss, E. J.
Baylor, Henry Latané, 1853-1930
Baylor, Nelson
Baylor, Richard, 1883-1953
Baylor, Richard, b. 1849
Baylor, Virginia Barron (Baird), 1868-1959
Baynham, J. H.
Bear, Harry B.
Beazley, J. W.
Beckwith, Hayes
Beeton, Marion L.
Bell, A. H.
Bell, C. F.
Bell, George Victor
Belt, Harry Shroeder, 1863-1920
Berkeley, Alfred Rives
Berry, C. A.
Beveridge, Frank D., 1858-1923
Beverley, Amanda Madison (Clark), 1869-1929
Beverley, Anne French (Hoge), 1889-1977
Beverley, Annie Lee
Beverley, Benjamin Sloan, 1891-1918 SEE Keith, John Augustine Chilton
Beverley, Edward Percy, 1875-1948
Beverley, Elizabeth Winter (Jones), 1886-1949
Beverley, Ellen Cary (Nash), 1882-1966
Beverley, Frances Westwood, b. 1894
Beverley, Frank M.
Beverley, James Bradshaw, 1861-1926
Beverley, John Hill Carter, 1894-1915
Beverley, Julia (Duval), 1860-1941
Beverley, Mary Hyde (Booth), 1870-1959
Beverley, Mary Welby (Carter), 1885-1960
Beverley, Rebecca Anne (Dulany), 1859-1948
Beverley, Richard Carter, 1880-1931
Beverley, Richardetta Earle (Carter), 1856-1945
Beverley, Robert, 1822-1901
Beverley, Robert, 1877-1931
Beverley, Robert Avenel, 1861-1904
Beverley, Robert Bland, 1882-1957
Beverley, Robert Carter, 1905-1933
Beverley, Vester (Crowe), b. 1877
Beverley, William, 1895-1943
Beverley, William Nash, 1907-1968
Beverley, William Welby, 1889-1969
Bevill, Walter B., b. 1856
Bigger, Madelaine Russell
Bigham, Thomas James, 1875?-1949
Billany, Harry Hilton, b. 1860
Biscoe, Robert L.
Bishop, Samuel Henry, 1864-1914
Bishop, V. L.
Bissex, Earle Riddle
Blackshere, E. A.
Blackwell, Karl Sigismund, 1879-1940
Blackwell, Leroy Nutt, 1864-1948
Blackwell, W. R.
Blake, Frank W.
Blakey, Thomas Evans, 1852-1915
Bland, Schuyler Otis, 1872-1950
Bleecker, W. H.
Bleight, Frances (Carter)
Bleight, J. D., Mrs.
Bleight, Louise
Bleight, Mary
Bleight, Winston Carter, b. 1894
Bloxton, E.
Boggs, Mason
Bomberger, John Henry Augustus
Bond, Nicholas P.
Bonsall, Edward Horne, 1858-1933
Boogher, Dudley, d. 1941
Boothe, Gardner Lloyd, b. 1872
Boughan, George T.
Boulware, George Thompson
Bowen, James B.
Bowers, Eugene
Bowie, Walter Russell, 1882-1969
Bowles, Edgar Wood, 1877-1935
Bowles, George H.
Bowman, D. C., d. 1861
Boyd, William A.
Bradfield, Andrew J., b. 1836
Bradford, Samuel Slaughter, b. 1821
Bramble, William Lang
Brannan, William Leon, 1867-1921
Brauer, J. J.
Brawner, John T.
Brawner, P. D.
Braxton, Wistar Wallace, b. 1874
Bray, R. W.
Breck, Duer duP.
Brent, Laurance, 1901-1933
Brent, Thomas N.
Brickert, J. E.
Broaddus, Bessie Callendar (Ruffin), 1859-1941
Broaddus, J. G.
Broaddus, J. R.
Broaddus, M. Brooke
Broaddus, S. W.
Brockenbrough, Austin, 1863-1937
Brockenbrough, William Gray
Brooke, Alexander Tunstall
Brooke, John Lawrence
Brooking, Esther Foote (Chapman)
Brooking, Robert Upshur, d. 1943
Brooks, W. A.
Brooks, W. C.
Brooks, W. G.
Brooks, William H.
Brown, C. W.
Brown, Cecil W.
Brown, E. W.
Brown, John Thompson, 1861?-1921
Brown, W. A.
Brown, William A.
Brown, William Cabell, 1861-1927
Browning, George Landon, 1867-1947
Bryan, John Stewart, 1871-1944
Bryan, Joseph, 1845-1908
Bryan, Mary Katherine, b. 1877
Bryan, W. L.
Bryant, William
Bryarly, H. R.
Brydon, George MacLaren, 1875-1963
Bullis, George W.
Bundy, Alexander
Burkhardt, William Hullihen, 1866-1931
Burks, John Franklin, 1866-1954
Burleson, Hugh Latimer, 1865-1933
Burruss, Julian Ashby, 1876-1947
Burruss, W. L.
Burton, G. M.
Burwell, Edward Bouldin, 1857-1945
Burwell, Robert Lemmon, d. 1925
Butler, Alaric L.
Buxton, Samuel Roland, 1874-1951
Byer, Hessie M.
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1887-1966
Callander, William Forrest, 1880-1968
Callis, D. E.
Campbell, Theodorick Pryor, 1861-1928
Campbell, William, b. 1837
Campbell, William Spencer, 1859-1939
Cannon, I. E.
Capers, Walter Branham, b. 1870
Carlin, M. F.
Carlton, Ellis M.
Carlton, Walter C.
Carneal, J. S.
Carneal, William Leigh, 1882?-1958
Carneal, Willie
Carneale, Edward B.
Carpenter, E. Carlton
Carper, R. W.
Carrington, Tazewell Morton, 1857-1935
Carroll, H. H.
Carter, Christian A.
Carter, Edward, 1843-1929
Carter, J. Alexander, 1842-1925
Carter, J. E.
Carter, J. E. Henderson
Carter, John DeButts, 1851-1920
Carter, Mary Welby (DeButts), 1819-1885
Carter, Nina D.
Carter, Richard, 1880-1931
Carter, Richard Henry, 1817-1880
Carter, Robinette Welby, 1872-1945
Carter, Samuel Henley, 1873-1931
Carter, Sophia DeButts (Carter), 1841-1928
Carter, Taylor Scott, b. 1881
Carter, W. H.
Carter, William Douglas, b. 1861
Cartwright, Floyd Stephens, 1873-1968
Cary, Harry Francis, b. 1874
Case, L. I.
Castleman, Robert Allen, 1857-1936
Catlett, Edward Henry
Catlett, John Walker Carter, b. 1888
Catlett, Landon Carter, b. 1857
Caton, James Randall, 1851-1935
Cauthorn, Robert Thomas
Cease, William M.
Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson, 1876-1939
Chambers, Benjamin Duvall, b. 1874
Chamblin, W. W..
Chancellor, Melzi Sanford, 1859-1925
Cheatwood, W. D.
Chichester, Arthur Mason, 1831-1916
Chichester, Arthur Mason, 1866-1927
Chichester, Ethel (Wister), b. 1881
Chichester, George Mason, 1861-1923
Chichester, Richard Henry Lee, 1870-1930
Chilton, Charles Blackwell
Chilton, Samuel Blackwell, 1900-1984
Chinn, Joseph William, 1866-1936
Chowning, Carroll Clifford, 1884-1964
Chue, McGarvey
Clark, G. D.
Clarke, Clarence W.
Clarke, John Lyle, 1833-1898
Clay, George Strong, 1860-1941
Clay, Mary Welby (Washington), b. 1877
Clover, George Frederick, 1866-1937
Coates, Thomas L.
Cocke, Edmund Randolph, 1841-1922
Cocke, William F.
Cofer, James H.
Coggin, Rodney Myer, b. 1895
Coghill, Thomas A.
Coghill, Woodie Bayton
Cole, Charles F.
Cole, Edward Dorsey, b. 1843
Coleman, E. M.
Coleman, George
Coleman, George Preston, 1870-1948
Coleman, Henry
Coleman, T. F.
Collette, C. C.
Collier, A. J. S.
Collier, P. E.
Collier, W. Oscar
Converse, Jesse N., d. 1902
Conway, C. B., 1864-1936
Conway, Peter Vivian Daniel, 1842-1924
Cook, M. S.
Cook, Philip, 1875-1939
Cooke, Rachel
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 SEE Beverley, James Bradshaw (1861-1926)
Coons, Charles H.
Copeland, Detta (Beverley) Copeland, 1914-
Corbin, James
Corse, Montgomery Beverley, 1854-1931
Corse, Virginia Beverley, d. 1919
Corwin, G. E.
Costello, R. C.
Cowan, John Thomas, b. 1840
Cowling, E. W.
Cox, S. Downing, Mrs.
Cox, William Edward, b. 1870
Craighill, George Peyton, d. 1950
Cralle, Alphonso A., b. 1878
Crawford, C. J.
Craxton, Thomas, 1822-1903
Creamer, J. M.
Crews, J. William
Crismond, Horace F., 1849-1902
Crittenden, J. Tyler
Crosby, D. H.
Crouch, Thomas Cullen
Crutchfield, J. H.
Crutchfield, Margaret
Crutchfield, W. L.
Culp, Charles W., b. 1856
Cumming, Julia Stevens (Lewis)
Curtis, John F.
Daingerfield, Edward Lonsdale
Daingerfield, George Wythe, 1870-1961
Dalton, Cyrill W.
Dame, Nelson Page, 1852-1945
Daniel, John M.
Daniell, Ray W., 1848-1927
Dannehl, Val
Darr, J. William, 1864-1949
Davidson, J. Brownlee, 1880-1957
Davis, Edward F.
Davis, Louisa Taliaferro (Frost), b. 1837
Davis, Peyton
Davis, R. L.
Davis, Showord
Davis, Westmoreland, 1859-1942 SEE ALSO Coleman, George Preston
Davis, Westmoreland, 1859-1942 – Portraits
Davis, William L.
Davison, C. L.
De Shields, Henry Carrington, b. 1870
Denny, George Hutcheson, 1870-1955
Derieux, George H.
Derieux, P. J.
Dew, Robert Gresham
Dickinson, J. S.
Digges, J. C.
Diggs, A. M.
Dillard, J. Harvey
Dillard, J. Robert
Dillard, James Hardy, 1856-1940
Dillard, R. G.
Dillard, Thomas
Dillard, Thomas L.
Dillard, W. G.
Dimock, W. DeW.
Doak, W. B.
Doggins, Earle H.
Doggins, Thomas C., d. 1918
Doggins, William M.
Doggins. V. F. (Beazley)
Donahoe, A. B.
Dorr, Robert c.
Downey, D. W.
Downey, D. W.
Downing, Thomas Joseph, 1868-1927
Downman, John Yates, 1858-1949
Driver, Cornelius, b. 1850
Driver, Frank Hoover, b. 1881
Duke, R.
Duke, William Dabney, 1873-1951
Dulaney, Evelyn Byrd (Lee)
Dulany, Henry Rozier, 1857-1940
Dulany, Henry Rozier, 1889-1948
Dunlop, Richard Alexander, 1850-1915
Dunn, Joseph Bragg, 1868-1949
Dunning, Nelson A.
Durham, M. W.
Durrett, D. Wirt
Duvall, F. W.
Eames, Hayden, 1863-1938
Edgar, Charles
Edmonds, W.
Eller, Junius Arthur, 1866-1951
Elliott, W. P.
Ellis, George Dandridge, 1888?-1953 SEE ALSO Glass, Carter
Ellis, George W.
Ellis, Josiah Richard, 1856-1931
Ellis, R. L.
Ellis, William F.
Ellison, R. P.
Ellyson, James Taylor, 1847-1919
Embrey, Alvin Thomas, 1874-1957
Emmert, T. J. C.
Estabrook, Leon Moyer, 1869-1937
Eubank, R. Booth
Evans, Andrew Browne, 1830-1912
Evans, Edward A.
Evans, William Dunbar
Ewing, P. C., Mrs.
Exall, Alexander Duval, 1853-1928
Fairbank, Luke H.
Fairfax, Henry, 1850-1916
Farish, G. E.
Farish, W. B.
Farmer, J. C.
Faulconer, John Waller, b. 1856
Faulkner, Warner Wood
Fauntleroy, Frances Elizabeth (Claybrook), 1830-1912
Faust, W. C.
Feild, John F. W.
Ferguson, Meade
Ferneyhough, J. G., 1874?-1930
Ferry, Edward Lawrence Wright
Field, G. Harris
Field, William Stephen
Fisher, Clara B.
Fitzhugh, Samuel
Fleming, Alfred Walton, 1861-1957
Fleming, Clarissa Walton, b. 1894
Fleming, Roberta Downman, b. 1889
Fogg, Charles R.
Fones, Warner
Ford, W. J.
Forrer, J. J.
Forsyth, Douglas
Forward, Alexander, b. 1877?
Foster, Edward Carter, b. 1895
Foster, James Robert, 1849-1919
Foster, Mary DeButts (Carter), 1871-1938
Foster, O. D.
Fountain, J. A.
Francis, J. T.
Frank, Thomas Edgar, b. 1875
Franklin, Lewis Battelle, 1878-1959
Fred, S. R.
Freeman, Douglas Southall, 1886-1953
Freeman, James Edward, 1866-1943
Frick, Helen Clay, d. 1984
Fuller, H. Douglas
Funk, Wilfred John, b. 1883
Funsten, Elizabeth Carter (Minor), 1870-1946
Furcron, Aurelius Wycliffe Chesterfield, 1871-1945
Furr, Charles Cecil, d. 1962
Gailor, Thomas Frank, 1856-1935
Gaines, A. S.
Gaines, William Harris, 1887-1963
Gamage, John O.
Gardner, Mary P.
Garnett, Henry Thomas
Garnett, John M.
Garnett, Robert Speir
Garnett, William Care, b. 1854
Garrett, A. L.
Garrett, J. W.
Garrett, Laura Virginia (Sclater)
Garrison, H. M.
Gateson, Daniel Wilmot, 1884-1954
Genther, H. D.
Gentry, W. T.
Gibbs, Marianne Everard (Skelton), b. 1861
Gibson, Alexander Stuart, 1874-1942
Gibson, J. G.
Gibson, James Davis
Gibson, Lucy Fitzhugh, 1875-1957
Gibson, Robert Atkinson, 1846-1919
Giere, Henry F.
Gilbert, Alexander Pierce, 1870-1946
Gill, J. L.
Glascock, E. Cook
Glascock, Ludwell, 1858-1942
Glascock, Thomas Bedford, 1888-1945
Glasgow, Robert, b. 1857
Glass, Carter, 1858-1946
Glazebrook, Larkin White, 1854-1930
Goldsborough, A. S.
Goodman, Edward Samuel, 1851-1931
Goodridge, John, b. 1896
Goodwin, Edward Lewis, 1855-1924
Goodwin, Frederick Deane, 1888-1868
Goodwin, Mary Frances, 1883-1976
Goodwin, O. B.
Goolrick, Charles O’Conor, 1876-1960
Goolrick, Keating Nelson, b.1874
Gordon, Conway Harrison, 1864-1925
Gordon, J. Palmer
Gossom, R. B.
Gouldin, John Milton, b. 1870
Graham, Harry R.
Graham, William H.
Gravatt, Charles Urquhart, 1851-1922
Graves, James Walker
Gray, Robert H.
Green, Berryman, 1864-1933
Green, John W.
Green, Richard M.
Greene, Eliza Beverley (Mason), b. 1885
Gregory, J. C.
Gresham, Albert G.
Gresham, Benjamin F.
Gresham, Stanley O.
Gresham, William Ashby
Griffin, C. A., Mrs.
Griffin, G. P.
Griffin, H. S.
Griffith, David H.
Griffith, J. H.
Grizzard, R. W., d. 1936
Gulick, William Walter, 1876-1958
Gunn, Julien, 1877-1948
Guthrie, Clara
Hakes, George H.
Haley, J. S.
Hall, B. T.
Hall, E. Madison
Hall, Percy Foster, 1863-1950
Hall, Robert
Hall, W. W.
Hamaker, C.
Hamilton, Hugh, 1859-1926
Hamilton, P. F.
Hamlin, K. E.
Hammond, Harry
Hanes, Garland
Hardin, Bernard Lauriston
Harlow, Joshua Wilbur, 1867-1940
Harper, G. A.
Harris, R. W.
Harris, William Lett, b. 1871
Harrison, Carter Henry, b. 1902
Harrison, Dabney Carr, b. 1858
Harrison, Lewis Carter, 1879-1974
Hart, Harris, b. 1878
Harton, John H.
Haven, William Ingraham, 1856-1928
Hawkins, R. Y.
Hayden, Mary Owens (Parkhurst)
Hayes, Charles
Hayes, James Monroe
Hayes, John
Hayes, Wortley
Hays, T. M.
Hays, Willet Martin, b. 1859
Head, Luther Jerrell
Healy, Joseph Edward, b. 1888
Hearn, C. K.
Heflin, Edgar W., 1865-1945
Heflin, George W.
Heiges, S. B.
Heinekin, C. A.
Helfenstein, Grace Fenton (Nelson)
Hellstein, Abraham
Helms, Thomas A.
Henkels, Stanislaus Vincent, 1854-1926
Henley, John Leonard, b. 1864
Henry, Isaiah
Hensen, Joseph W.
Herbert, Robert Beverley, 1879-1974
Herbert, William Pinkney, b. 1885
Hicks, C. F.
Hicks, E. A., 1862-1961
Hilleary, Richard W.
Hobson, J. Haskins, 1877-1954
Hodges, LeRoy, 1888-1944
Hoge, Howard D., 1858-1940
Hohmann, George
Holladay, Minnie R.
Holloway, Robert Green, 1832-1919
Hook, C. S.
Hooper, Charles Stringfellow
Hore, Kathleen
Horner, E. V., Mrs.
Horstmann, A. C.
Houser, E. C.
Houser, E. K.
Houston, David Franklin, 1866-1940
Howard, A. Randolph
Howard, Thomas
Hudson, W. C.
Huffman, R. W.
Hulfish, H. H.
Hundley, Deane, 1878-1966
Hundley, Frances Williams (Baxley), b. 1876
Hundley, John Trible Thomas, 1868-1945
Hundley, Maury, 1874-1965
Hundley, Peyton, 1865-1942
Hunter, Anne Buchanan, b. 1852
Hunter, Philip Stephen, 1848-1919
Hurley, Samuel R., b. 1878
Hutcheson, F. M.
Hutcheson, John Redd, 1886-1962
Hutchings, George B., 1872?-1949
Hutchinson, Charles
Hutchinson, Edward L.
Hutchinson, John Delaware
Hutchinson, Robert
Hutchison, E. T.
Hutchison, H. E.
Hyde, John, 1848-1929
Ingersoll, O. W.
Ingrahm, John Littlepage, 1889-1955
Ingram, T. L.
Jackson, B. L.
Jackson, George A.
Jackson, Hyacinth
Jackson, Walter
James, E. C.
James, H. L.
James, John H.
James, W. T.
Jarratt, R. Braxton SEE Gibson, J. G.
Jenkins, J. C.
Jenkins, W. B.
Jerman, Wilber L.
Johnson, F. F.
Johnson, Lina
Johnson, Payton
Johnson, Richard Otto, d. 1928
Johnston, George Benjamin, 1853-1916
Johnston, J. G.
Jones, A. T.
Jones, C. W.
Jones, Claggett Bennett, 1857-1931
Jones, E. Linwood
Jones, Edmund Ruffin
Jones, Francis Ilah, b. 1864
Jones, J. S.
Jones, J. W.
Jones, Sue Archer
Jones, Thomas Gabriel, b. 1886
Jones, W. Thomas
Jones, William Atkinson, 1848-1918
Jordan, B. A.
Jordan, Clement Robertson
Jordan, L. H.
Joyce, E. C.
Joyner, Carrol S., Mrs.
Joynes, T. A.
Kaighn, Richard Cooper
Kalmbach, Edwin Richard, b. 1884
Kane, R. L.
Kay, L. A.
Kearny, Warren, 1870-1947
Keister, James L., d. 1920
Keith, John Augustine Chilton, 1870-1915
Keithly, K. A.
Kellogg, David Kemper, b. 1869
Kenner, Joseph W.
Kent, Sadie W., Mrs.
Kiger, John J.
Killey, James Clark, b. 1884
Killey, Richardetta (Beverley), 1885-1965 SEE ALSO Carter, Nina D.
Kindig, Joe
King, Charles A.
King, J. Garnett
King, Lorenzo Augustus, 1872-1937
Kirby, William L.
Kirtley, Nellie
Kishpaugh, Robert A.
Kline, Leslie Duncan
Klotz, Alex R.
Knox, Robert Taylor, b. 1837
Koontz, J. W.
Korner, George Wellington, 1852-1939
Kriete, Charles F.
Kriete, G. A.
Kriz, Ellen
Lambert, George Adam, b. 1867
Lambert, Urban S.
Lambert, William H.
Lamond, Clyde Campbell, b. 1873
Landram, L. W.
Lane, G. E. T.
Lane, Robert
Lanford, W.
Lang, William E.
Latané, Allen Douglas
Latané, James Henry, 1820-1897
Latané, Martha
Lawler, William
Lawrence, William
Lawson, Mennis, 1895-1948
Lawson, Robert Mennis, 1842-1931
Lawson, Scribner F.
Lawson, William H., b. 1862
Layfield, G. W.
Leckie A.
Lee, Lawrence Rust, b. 1876
Lee, Mary Custis, 1835-1918
Lee, Raymond H.
Lee, Susan (Pendleton), 1832?-1911
Lee, Thomas
Legard, R. H.
Levering, F. D.
Lewis, A. J.
Lewis, Edwin Augustus Stevens, b. 1870
Lewis, Frank Waring, 1857-1928
Lewis, Hunter
Lewis, James Meriwether, 1869-1939
Lewis, Jennie M., Mrs.
Lewis, M. M.
Lewis, Mary Picton (Stevens) Garnett, 1840-1903
Lewis, Mary Stokes
Lewis, Richard, 1878-1929
Lewis, T. M.
Lewis, Thomas Deane, 1867-1937
Lewis, William Aquilla, 1875-1960
Lightfoot, Nan Maury Lemon
Lines, Edward Stevens, 1845-1927
Lloyd, Arthur Selden, 1857-1936
Locke, Bradford B.
Loewner, Charles E.
Longan, J. E.
Loves, Samuel B.
Loving, J. A.
Loving, W. H.
Low, Joseph H.
Luck, M. L.
Luckett, Samuel Chapman, 1807-1893?
Lumpkin, J. T. B.
Lunsford, Edward M.
Lyman, Charles A.
Lyman, Henry L.
Lyons, C. Homer
Lyons, Willie
Machen, Lewis Henry, 1871-1927
Mackall, Rebecca Dulany (Beverley), b. 1891
MacNair, Colin
Magill, Orrin R.
Malcolm, J. C.
Mallory, A. B.
Mallory, Mary Brooke
Malmo, May (Beverley), b. 1889
Malmo, Robert Hermann, 1889-1927
Mann, J. R.
Mann, William Hodges, 1843-1927
Manson, Marsden, 1850-1931
Marchant, Avalon B.
Marshall, B. J.
Marshall, John William, b. 1869
Marshall, U. D.
Marshall, William Clarkson, b. 1863
Marsilliot, C. L.
Marston, C. T.
Marston, W. W.
Martin, A. L.
Martin, Thomas Staples, 1847-1919 SEE ALSO Bland, Schuyler Otis
Martin, William Watkins, 1890-1955
Marye, Morton, 1831-1910
Masengill, Harold Edwin, b. 1887
Mason, Alexander
Mason, Eliza Randolph (Beverley), 1844-1925
Mason, John Stevens, 1839-1918
Mason, Richard, b. 1869
Mason, Robert Beverley, 1867-1901
Mason, T. F.
Mason, T. N. SEE Bache, William K.
Massey, A. W.
Massie, Eugene Carter, 1861-1924
Masters, John William
Matthews, D. O.
Maupin, Addison
Maury, Richard Fontaine, d. 1950
May, William H.
Mayers, W. Herbert
Mayo, George Pickett, 1876-1954
Mayo, Paul
Mayo, Peter Helms, 1836-1920
McBryde, John McLaren, 1841-1923
McCandlish, F. Sheild
McCartney, L. J.
McCarty, Robert M.
McClintic, Moses H., 1848
McConnell, John Preston, 1866-1941
McCrea, James, 1848-1913
McCullough, David
McDaniel, John W.
McDonald, Edward Hitchock, 1832-1912
McGavack, A. L.
McGavack, J. T.
Mcgill, John, 1840-1925
Mcgill, Virginia (Beverley), 1848-1919
McGill, John, 1880-1951
McGinnis, Fred
McGuire, Murray Mason, 1872-1945
McGuire, William Province, 1845-1926
McMurran, William Royall, b. 1883
McRae, Cameron F.
McSweeney, L. J.
McWhirt, A. M.
McWhirt, J. D.
Meade, D. H.
Meade, William Nelson, d. 1921
Meetze, Robert Manton, 1880-1946
Mellon, Andrew William, 1855-1937
Merkling, Frank J.
Merrick, W. Gordon
Middleton, H. A.
Miller, H. H.
Miller, Hugh, 1866-1941
Miller, John Maffit, 1868-1948
Miller, Minor Cline, b. 1889
Miller, Shepard G.
Miller, W. A.
Mills, E. W.
Minor, Berkeley, 1842-1930
Minor, John Barbee, 1866-1952
Minor, W. C.
Mitchell, C. B.
Mitchell, James Farnandis, 1871-1961
Mitchell, John Douglas, 1876-1951
Mitchell, Mary Barton Picton (Garnett), b. 1863
Mitchell, R. H.
Mitchell, Richard Bland, 1887-1961
Moncure, Frank Peyton, 1889-1966
Moncure, James Ashby, 1861-1938
Monroe, J. A., Mrs.
Montague, Andrew Jackson, 1862-1937
Montague, Elizabeth Lyne (Hoskins), 1868-1951
Montague, Fairfax E., d. 1924
Montague, Russell Cary, 1877-1960
Moody, W. H.
Mooney, Luton Adolphus, 1844-1933
Moore, Charles, 1855-1942
Moore, Charles Lee, 1862-1931 SEE ALSO Crismond, H. F.
Moore, J. W.
Moore, K. C.
Moore, Robert Walton, 1859-1941
Moore, Thomas E., b. 1859
Moore, William S.
Morehouse, Frederick Cooke, 1868-1932
Morgan, Branch Beale, 1872-1938
Morgan, J. E.
Moriarty, R. Joseph
Morison, G. H.
Morris, Richard F.
Morris, William G.
Morrison, G. H.
Morrison, Robert T.
Morton, Joseph W.
Mothershead, C. I.
Motley, D. P.
Motley, Wallace W.
Mullen, Claree Sutton
Muller, W. Adolph, b. 1845
Mundie, A. R.
Mundie, Clarence C.
Mundie, L. S.
Mundie, Lemuel G.
Mundie, P. A.
Munson, D. O.
Munson, O. J.
Murdoch, T.
Murray, John Gardner, 1857-1929
Nash, C. W.
Nash, Clara (Hobson), 1847-1931
Nash, H. H.
Neale, R. G.
Neff, Douglas William, 1891-1932
Nelson, Charles
Nelson, Pickett
Nelson, Robert Burwell, 1871-1947
Nelson, Thomas
Neve, Frederick William, 1855-1948
Newbery, Alfred
Newbill, Charles B.
Newbold, B. M.
Newton, Blake Tyler, 1889-1977
Newton, Edward Marshall, b. 1870
Nicol, H. R.
Ninde, E. C.
Noland, Rosalie Thompson (Haxall), 1852-1935
North, Simon Newton Dexter, 1849-1924
Northrup, Amy M. B.
Oakley, R. L.
Orock, Eliza
Orrock, E. M., d. 1919?
Osburn, Fannie Scott (Beverley), b. 1886 SEE ALSO Carter, Nina D.
Osburn, Herbert Stabler, 1881-1949
Ottinger, W. S.
Owen, M. R.
Owen, R. V.
Owens, Clarence J.
Owens, John S.
Owens, R. W.
Owens, William G.
Page, Carter, 1843-1910
Page, John M.
Page, Legh Richmond, 1867-1944
Page, Mann, 1835-1904
Page, Rosewell, 1858-1939
Palmer, Barton
Palmer, Giles Buckner, 1879-1946
Palmer, Leon Carlos, b. 1883
Palmer, Vera, d. 1969
Palmer, William Henry, 1835-1926
Pardee, Charles Laban, b. 1864
Parish, Grant
Parish, R. Jefferys
Park, C. S.
Parker, Arthur
Parker, Harry A.
Parker, John L.
Parker, Waller J.
Parkins, Christopher V.
Partridge, R. H.
Passagaluppi, D.
Passano, L.
Pates, Doria E.
Payne, John Armistead, 1852-1927
Peed, L. J.
Peirce, Elizabeth Edrington (Combs), 1885-1971
Pendleton, William Gibson, 1880-1964
Pepencier, Gus
Pepencier, John L.
Perry, Ursula Byrd (Beverley), b. 1907
Peter, George Freeland, b. 1875
Peyton, George Vivian, b. 1872
Peyton, Robert Eden, 1873-1949
Phillips, J. Carson
Phillips, Peter Parker, 1852-1931
Phillips, R. C.
Pickens, Minnie B.
Pierce, Carroll
Pierce, Graham
Pierson, Charles Herbert, 1847-1923
Pierson, Leonard Forster
Pieters, Adrian John, 1866-1940
Piper, Fanny Scott (Washington), b. 1885
Pitts, L. S.
Pleasants, Cameron E.
Poe, Clarence Hamilton, 1881-1964
Pollard, George
Pollard, John Garland, 1871-1937
Pollard, Robert Nelson, 1847-1926
Porter, Edward F., 1839-1907
Potts, Allen, 1867-1930
Powell, Arthur Chilton
Powers, David Breonard, 1874-1936
Powers, E.
Powers, Pike, 1813-1897
Powers, Susie E.
Powers, W. L.
Praeger, Otto SEE Bland, Schuyler Otis
Pratt, Jeanie Carter (Beverley), b. 1881
Pratt, Matt
Pratt, Milo Cooper, b. 1878
Pratt, Richard Turner, b. 1886
Pratt, William Turner, 1868-1948
Prentis, Robert Riddick, 1855-1931
Preston, Lucy Gordon (Waddell), 1836-1915
Preston, Sarah Lyle
Price, William Little, b. 1886
Priddy, Lawrence, 1874-1944
Prince, George
Prout, William C.
Pruitt, Edward M.
Pullen, J. A.
Purvis, Robert H.
Quick, Walter Jacob
Quisenberry, James Hart, 1866-1960
Raab, Rosa B., Mrs.
Rader, C. G.
Railey, L. B.
Ramage, Carroll Johnson, 1874-1937
Ramey, Jane Carter (Mason), 1881-1945
Ramey, John Thomas, 1880-1948
Randolph, Lingan Strother, 1859-1922
Rankins, Charles
Ratcliffe, George Raymond, b. 1870
Raynor, H. C.
Reamy, Morris R.
Recher, J. C.
Redding, C. C.
Reeves, A. J.
Reinburg, George E. A.
Rennolds, Albert, 1841-1903
Rennolds, Ben Cason
Rennolds, Venelia Helen (Pitts)
Rennolds, William Gregory
Rever, Fred L.
Reville, Charles O.
Rhea, William Francis, 1858-1931
Rhoads, C. L.
Rhodes, Robert L.
Ribble, George W.
Rice, Royden V.
Richardson, Fitzhugh Briggs, 1884-1964
Richardson, Malbon Gore
Richardson, Sophia (Carter)
Ricketts, E. M.
Roane, George H.
Robbins, Howard Chandler
Robertson, Floyd B.
Robertson, Henry F.
Robinson family – Genealogy SEE Robinson, Charles Walker
Robinson, Charles Walker, 1836-1924
Robinson, Elizabeth Marshall, 1842-1909
Robinson, Henry A.
Robinson, James S.
Robinson, V. D. L.
Robinson, Willard Bellamy, b. 1859
Roden, Lena Williams (Hundley), b. 1901
Romilly, Whitfield Samuel Llewellyn, 1859?-1945
Rothstein, William L., b. 1856
Rotter, Sanford Louis, 1873-1941
Rouzie, B. C.
Rouzie, James A.
Rouzie, John R.
Rouzie, Lizzie J.
Rouzie, R. B.
Rouzie, S. M.
Rouzie, W. D.
Rowe, Absalom P., d. 1925
Rowe, Josiah Pollard
Rowe, Maurice B.
Rude, L.
Ruehrmund, Paul L., 1890?-1927
Ruff, William A.
Ruffin, Julian Meade, 1853-1938
Russell, Thomas N., b. 1851
Ryan, Arthur C.
Rydere, E. E.
Ryerson, Herbert P., b. 1874
Ryland, Alexander Fleet, 1877-1941
Sala, William Dandridge, b. 1839
Sale, Charles, b. 1874
Sale, Dandridge, 1878?-1925
Sale, Edith Dabney (Tunis), 1876-1932
Sale, L. May
Sale, Latané
Sale, Mary Susan (Latané), 1853-1921
Sale, Richie
Sale, S. Fauntie (Baird)
Sale, Silas J.
Sale, W. E.
Sands, Oliver Jackson, 1870-1964
Saul, John
Saunders, Andrew
Saunders, B. J.
Saunders, Charles Roy, 1868?-1939
Saunders, E. K.
Saunders, Esther W.
Saunders, George L.
Saunders, John Richard, 1869-1934
Saunders, Joseph S.
Saunders, Katherine P.
Saunders, W. Conway, 1867-1961
Saunders, W. D.
Saybolt, J. W.
Sayre, Monell, 1875-1926
Schoene, William Jay, b. 1879
Schools, Charles H.
Scott, David William
Scott, Fanny Scott (Carter), 1838-1923
Scott, George H.
Scott, George R.
Scott, J. M.
Scott, John F.
Scott, L. H.
Scott, Lucy Mayo (Blair), 1869?-1953
Scott, Richard Carter, 1859-1928
Scott, S. Taylor
Scott, William D.
Seal, Henry S.
Sears, John Boyd, 1869-1937
Seller, Helen M.
Senft, D. L.
Sensenbaugh, J. L.
Seward, R. H.
Shackelford, Virginius Randolph, 1885-1949
Shallenberger, William Shadrach, 1839-1914
Shaw, J. J. F.
Shaw, Judith Sale, Mrs.
Shaw, William Alger
Sheerin, Charles Wilford, 1897-1948
Shepherd, B. Morgan, 1874?-1949
Shipless, Gay Emery
Shipley, E. J.
Shirley, Henry Garnett, 1874-1941
Showell, John Letcher
Showell, Virginia (Craft), d. 1924
Silling, A. J.
Silver, L. M.
Silvester, Richard William, 1857-1916
Silvey, J. J.
Simon, James
Sith, A. H.
Skelton, R. S.
Skene, Robert
Skinker, Benjamin Montague, b. 1864
Skinker, William Ernest, b. 1878
Slaughter, James William, 1879-1951
Sloan, John Trimmier
Smith, Allen
Smith, Arthur H.
Smith, C. Archer
Smith, C. S.
Smith, C. T.
Smith, Charles Mason
Smith, Charles Mason, b. 1882
Smith, Chauncey
Smith, Edward Jaquelin, 1866-1936
Smith, Francis W.
Smith, Henry Laurie
Smith, Horace
Smith, Lalla Robins Wright
Smith, Sally Brooke
Smith, Thomas Octavius, d. 1925
Smith, Towson E.
Smith, William Dickinson, 1863-1945
Smith, William Worth, 1851-1924
Scott, Thomas A.
Somerville, Sue M. (Hubard)
Somma, Charles A.
Soule, Andrew MacNairn, 1872-1934
Soulsby, R. H.
Southworth, H. C. SEE ALSO Garrett, Laura Virginia (Sclater)
Southworth, Harrison, 1840?-1920
Spann, W. R.
Spencer, A. P.
Spencer, Franklin H.
Spindle, F. W.
Spindle, Josie C. (Anderson)
Sprinkle, Walter N.
Stafford, Clayton
Stanford, Thomas A.
Staples, F. V., Mrs.
Starke, Ashton, 1849-1934
Stengle, Charles I.
Stephenson, Helen (Marbury)
Stephenson, J. T.
Stern, Philip N.
Stewart, Sarah Beverley (Carter), b. 1870
Stiff, F. W.
Stiff, John P.
Stirling, Charles G.
Stokes, Delaware
Stransky, J. A.
Strasburger, Joseph
Street, William H.
Strickler, Gratz Brown
String, Alfred J.
Strobhar, Edward S.
Strother, John Pryor
Stuart, Henry Carter, 1855-1933
Stuart, William Clarence, b. 1845
Stubbs, R. H., 1874-1959
Sutor, Alexander
Sutton, William Burton, b. 1889
Swan, James S.
Swann, T. M.
Swanson, Claude Augustus, 1862-1939
Sweetser, Houston K.
Syde, Burrow V., Mrs.
Sydnor, Thomas Garland, 1864?-1947
Tabb, Henry Adams, 1887-1955
Tabb, Nina (Carter)
Taliaferro, J. P.
Taliaferro, T. Boyd
Taliaferro, William
Talty, E. L. Beverley
Tankard, Rowland Ford, 1893-1939
Tanner, Albert Snead, 1874?-1941 SEE ALSO Dimock, W. DeW.
Tate, Thomas Green, d. 1936
Tayloe, George Ogle
Tayloe, Henry Gwynne, 1874-1961
Tayloe, Mary Ogle, 1838-1914
Taylor, C. H.
Taylor, E. A.
Taylor, E. L.
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Emerson
Taylor, George Conway, 1769-1805
Taylor, H. R.
Taylor, Harold Q.
Taylor, Henry
Taylor, Henry Magruder, 1892-1969
Taylor, Herbert G.
Taylor, J. Z.
Taylor, Jacob
Taylor, Jacob H.
Taylor, John Marion, 1866-1941
Taylor, Pansy Welforde
Taylor, S. E.
Taylor, W. H.
Taylor, Warren Poindexter, 1868-1918
Taylor, William Alton, 1863-1949
Terrell, John M.
Thacker, S. D.
Thomas, B. G.
Thomas, B. W.
Thomas, E. G.
Thomas, J. Gordon
Thomas, O. A.
Thomas, O. I.
Thomasson, C. W.
Thompson, Corbin
Thomson, Willard
Thornhill, Albert Beauregard, 1861-1928
Thornton, E. G.
Thornton, John Tayloe
Thurber, Christopher C.
Tiffany, Carroll Elgin, 1876-1934
Tignor, F.
Tilghman, Elizabeth D.
Tomlinson, Cora, 1886-1957
Tompkins, Charles A.
Tree, Joseph B.
Trible, George Meredith
Trinkle, Elbert Lee, 1876-1939
Truxton, Isaac Walke, b. 1881
Tuck, Overton
Tucker, A. Campbell
Tucker, Beverley Dandridge, 1846-1930
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1853-1932
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1874-1959
Tulloss, W. R.
Tumulty, Joseph Patrick, 1879-1954
Turner, Augustine Fitzhugh, 1874-1967
Turner, Bradshaw Beverley, 1841-1910
Turner, Edward Carter, 1886-1969
Turner, Lucie (Green), 1860-1930
Turner, Marianna Hamilton (Carter), 1859-1936 SEE ALSO Beverley, John Hill Carter (1894-1915)
Turner, Mary Beverley (Turner), 1856-1918
Turner, Nathan Loughborough, 1859-1920
Turner, R. V.
Turner, Richard Carter, b. 1883
Turner, Robert Randolph, 1872-1926
Turner, Thomas B. H.
Turner, Willie White (Nash), 1884-1915
Tuttle, Daniel Sylvester, 1837-1923
Tyler, Frank K.
Tyler, James Hoge
Tyler, S. Roger
Underwood, John Cox, 1840-1913
Upshur, John Arthur, 1861-1936
Vance, R. Conroy
Venable, Andrew Reid, 1832-1909
Vickrey, Charles Vernon, 1876-1966
Vincent, N. D.
Virkus, Frederick Adams, 1880?-1955
Wachsmuth, H. C.
Wachsmuth, Marian
Wade, Charles I.
Wafle, J. F.
Wagenen, George V.
Wagenen, L. B.
Wakeman, Elbert
Walker, John M.
Wallace, Alexander Wellington, 1843-1927
Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 1866-1924
Waller, David Mercer, 1876-1938
Waller, John W.
Waller, Minnie Lee, Mrs.
Waller, Pickett
Walters, Henry
Walton, William Muse, d. 1927
Ward, James G.
Ward, W. F.
Warde, F. G.
Warden, Henry
Wardwell, S. W.
Ware, Edward Macon, 1851-1923
Ware, Edward Macon, 1866-1933
Ware, Harry Hudnall, 1872-1939
Ware, Mary Eloise (Wright)
Ware, Robert Lowry, 1867-1928
Ware, S. S.
Waring, Arthur
Waring, Henry
Waring, Patrick C.
Waring, Robert Latané
Warner, Charles Andrew, b. 1888
Warner, Charles Crocker, 1850-1935
Warner, Thomas Hoskins, 1890-1968
Warren, F. Ernest
Warren, James C.
Washington, Hannah Fairfax, 1879-1963
Washington, John
Washington, John Henry, 1837-1918
Washington, M. M.
Washington, Nina Dulany (Carter), 1846-1921
Washington, Richard
Washington, Sophia Carter, b. 1872
Watkins, Lewis Cass, d. 1908
Weaver, H. H.
Webster, F. G.
Wellford, Ida Dulany (Beverley), b. 1883
Wellford, Jane (McDonald), 1863?-1945
Wellford, Robert Carter, 1853-1919
Wellford, William Harrison, 1883-1944
Weston, William T.
Whildin, Oliver J.
White, Alice (Davis)
White, Churchill
White, James
White, P.
White, Susan
White, William G.
White, William Henry, 1847-1920
Whiting, George Armistead, 1879-1947
Whitmore, J. L.
Whitmore, M. H.
Whitridge, John, b. 1879
Whittle, Francis McNeece, 1823-1902
Whittock, R. B.
Wickersham, George Woodward, 1858-1936
Wildman, Christine
Wilkins, William
Willard, Joseph Edward, 1865-1924
Williams, C. A.
Williams, Charles Insco
Williams, Charles Insco, Mrs.
Williams, George B.
Williams, H. B.
Williams, Henry
Williams, L. L. SEE ALSO Craxton, Thomas
Williams, Langbourne Meade, 1872-1931
Williams, Lewis Catlett, 1875-1959
Williams, Robert Withers, 1874?-1956
Williams, Samuel Walker, 1848-1920
Williams, Walter, 1872-1946
Wilson, Ben
Wilson, Felix B.
Wilson, Francis D.
Wilson, Richard Thweat, 1869-1930
Wilson, Walter
Wilson, William
Wingfield, John Richard, 1845-1931
Wissner, Charles H.
Withers, Alfred Willis, 1865-1928
Wood, John Wilson, 1866-1947
Wood, T. Gilbert
Wooddy, J. E.
Woodfork, Warner
Woodson, Julian Belmont, b. 1872
Woodward, Edmund Lee, 1873-1948
Woodward, Frances Peyton (Gibson)
Wright, Benjamin Pitts
Wright, Mary Edmondson, b. 1883
Wright, Nannie C.
Wright, Thomas Roane Barnes, 1839-1914
Wright, William Alfred, 1891-1959
Wulfsohn, Max
Wysor, William Geoffrey
Yerby, Emma S.
Young, Edgar M., d. 1944
Young, G. W.
Zachary, J. D.
Companies and Organizations
Abell (A. S.) Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Adams Express Company (Layton, Va.)
Adkins (E. S.) & Company (Salisbury, Md.)
Ahern (John) & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Ajax Rubber Co., Inc. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Allen (W. F.) Company (Salisbury, Md.)
Alrich & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Amer (Alfred S.) & Company, Ltd. (New Orleans, La.)
American Saw Mill Machinery Co. (Hackettstown, N.J.)
American Seeding Machine Company (Richmond, Ind.)
American Seeding Machine Company, Inc. (Baltimore, Md.)
American Steel & Wire Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Anderson & Coghill (Tappahannock, Va.)
Anderson & Ireland Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Andrews (R. P.) Paper Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Andrews (T. C.) & Co., Inc. (Norfolk, Va.)
Armour & Company (Alexandria, Va.)
Armour & Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Armour & Company (Washington, D.C.)
Armour Fertilizer Works (Baltimore, Md.)
Army & Navy Supply Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Atlantic Monthly Company (Boston, Mass.)
Baer (Lewis) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Baird-North Co.
Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Balderson & Thrift (Sharps, Va.)
Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway Company
Bank of Essex (Tappahannock, Va.) SEE ALSO Jones, Thomas G.
Bareford & Browne (Center Cross, Va.)
Barnard (W. H.) & Co. (Norfolk, Va.)
Baugh & Sons Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Baylor & Cake (Norfolk, Va.)
Bell (W. A.) & Bro. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Bentley, Shriver & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Berry (O. H.) & Company (Richmond, Va.)
Berry & Whitmore Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Beveridge (S. T.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Beverley (R. C.) Heating Company (Richmond, Va.)
Beverley Roller Mills (Broad Run, Va.)
Bickford & Huffman Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Bickford & Huffman Co. (Macedon, N.Y.)
Birch’s (Thomas) Sons (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Bluefield Produce & Provision Co. (Bluefield, W. Va.)
Bolgiano (J.) Seed Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Bolton Brothers (Baltimore, Md.)
Boulware (J. McCalla) & Son (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Boulware & Son (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Brannan Baking Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Brent (T. N.) & Son (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Brent Stores, Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Bresee (O. F.) & Sons (Baltimore, md.)
Bresee (O. F.) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.) SEE Gresham, Benjamin F.
Bridgewater Milling Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Bridgewater Mills (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Brown & Hoof (Manassas, Va.)
Brulle (W. H.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Buck (Levin T.) & Co. (Weems, Va.)
Buckland Hall Farm, Inc. (Nokesville, Va.)
Buhrman & Foster (Richmond, Va.)
Burrows & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Campbell (Manson) Company (Detroit, Mich.)
Carran (L. C.) Co. (Cleveland, Ohio)
Carroll (Thos. G.) & Son Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Casper Co., Inc. (Roanoke, Va.)
Cauthorn’s Drug Store (Tappahannock, Va.)
Chancellor & Rawlings (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Chamber of Commerce of Fredericksburg, Va.
Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce (Charlottesville, Va.)
Chase Turbine Manufacturing Co. (Orange, Mass.)
Chicago Institute for Stutterers (Chicago, Ill.)
Chicago Telephone Supply Co. (Elkhart, Ind.)
Children’s Home Society of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
Chipman (Geo.) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Christian (R. L.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Christian Herald (New York, N.Y.)
Chronicle (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.)
Church Literature Pres (New York, N.Y.)
Citizens’ National Bank (Alexandria, Va.)
Clark, Davenport & Company (Washington, D.C.)
Cofer (J. H.) & Co., Inc. (Norfolk, Va.)
Colonial Mattress Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Columbia Guano Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Confederate Memorial Institute SEE Beverley, Richard Carter
Connelly (J. A.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Conway (C. B.) & Co. (Rappahannock Academy, Va.)
Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Cool Spring Ice Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Crutchfield & Doggins (Caret, Va.)
Dameron (W. A.) & Bro. (Weems, Va.)
Decker & Alrick (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Deer (John) Plow Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Deere & Mansur Co. (Moline, Ill.)
DeWitt (E. C.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Dillard (W. G.) & Son (Partlow, Va.)
Disston (Henry) & Sons, Inc. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Ditch, Bowers & Taylor, Inc. (Baltimore, Md.)
Dodge Brothers, Inc. (Detroit, Mich.)
Doggett & Scott (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Duplex Envelope Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Dyrenforth Outfitting Company (Washington, D.C.)
Edgerton Touring Company (Greensboro, N.C.)
Egerton (Sam’l E.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Electric Construction Company of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
Electrical Materials Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Ellerson (A. R.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Ellis (Geo. W.) & Bro. (Lloyds, Va.)
Emerson-Brantingham Implement Company (Waynesboro, Pa.)
Empire Drill Co.
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Virginia SEE ALSO Brydon, George MacLaren
Essex County (Va.). Electoral Board
Essex County Fair Inc. (Essex County, Va.)
Etheridge (James E.) & Co. (Norfolk, Va.)
Fairbanks Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Farmers Educational and Co-Operative Union of America. Virginia Division
Farmers Supply Company, Inc. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Faulconer & Sale (Tappahannock, Va.)
Fauquier Farmers Co., Inc. (Marshall, Va.)
Federal Mutual Liability Insurance Company (Boston, Mass.)
Federal Reserve Bank (Richmond, Va.)
Feverherd’s (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Foster (James P. & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Frank (E.) & Son, Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Frazer & Tompkins (Richmond, Va.)
Fredericksburg & Rappahannock Valley Historical Society (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Fredericksburg Buggy Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Fredericksburg, Electrical Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Fredericksburg Hardware Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Frick Company, Inc. (Waynesboro, Pa.)
Frischkorn (Hunter B.), Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Fulton (Chas. C.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Fulton Paint Company (Cleveland, Ohio)
Funk & Wagnalls Company (New York, N.Y.)
Galesburg Buggy Company (Galesberg, Ill.)
Garrett (C. P.) & Son (Bowler’s Wharf, Va.)
Garrett & Hunt (Bowler’s Wharf, Va.)
Garrett Motor Company (Warrenton, Va.)
Gayle Brothers (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Gayle Motor Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Geiser Manufacturing Co. (Waynesboro, Pa.)
General Contracting and Construction Company (Atlanta, Ga.)
General Refining Co. (Cleveland, Ohio)
Gerhard & Reed Company, Inc. (Baltimore, Md.)
Gerhard, Reed & Co., Limited (Baltimore, Md.)
Germania Mills, Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Goodrich (B. F.) Rubber Company (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Goodwin (R. S.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Gravatt (George) (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Gressitt (John M.) Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Griffith and Turner Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Grigsby (H. E.) & Bro. (Noccam, Va.)
Hall (G. L.) Optical Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Harding (Robert) Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Harman & Barker (Richmond, Va.)
Harman Supply Co. (Chicago, Ill.)
Harness & Saddlery Co. (Harrisonburg, Va.)
Harrington & King Perforating Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Harris & Shafer Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Harrison & Montague (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Harrison’s Nurseries (Berlin, Md.)
Hayes & Hall (Battery, Va.)
Hening & Nuckols, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Hennessy (F. J.) Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Herbert & Dial (Columbia, S.C.)
Hooe & Bro. & Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Hooper (Wm. J.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Horstmann & Co. (Mount Jackson, Va.)
Hubbard Fertilizer Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Hutton & Payne (Warrenton, Va.)
Implement Company of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
International Harvester Company of America, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Jenkins (T. Robt.) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Jenkins (W. B.) Motor Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Jennings (C. E.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Johnson & Wimsatt (Washington, D.C.)
Jordan Stabler Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Kann (S.) Sons Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Kenny (C. D.) Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Kholer (F. E.) & Co. (Canton, Ohio)
Kidd & Bro. (Rexburg, Va.)
Lansburgh & Bro. (Washington, D.C.)
Lapsley (F. H.) & Bro. (Baltimore, Md.)
Lawson (R. M.) & Sons (Burke’s Garden, Va.)
Layers Titles Insurance Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Leadbeater (E. S.) & sons (Alexandria, Va.)
Lean (Roderick) Manufacturing Company (Mansfield, Ohio)
Lefever Arms Company (Syracuse, N.Y.)
Levering Motor Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Lewis (Cephas M.) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Lippincott (J. B.) & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Literary Digest (New York, N.Y.)
Lord & Murray (Baltimore, Md.)
Lord Electric Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Low (Daniel) & Co. (Salem, Mass.)
Lowery (Jas. T.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Lyell (Samuel M.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Lyons Tailoring Co. (Lexington, Va.)
Mallalieu and Conrey (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Martin (C. H.) & Company (Tappahannock, Va.)
Maryland Commission Agency (Baltimore, Md.)
Maryland, Delaware & Virginia Railway Company
Maryland Lime & Cement Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Masters (J. W.) Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
May (W. H.) & Son (Alexandria, Va.)
McComas (Alexander) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
McCullough & Auburn (Baltimore, Md.)
Miller & Rhodes, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Mims, Speake & Company (Luray, Va.)
Minnis & Bundy (Occupacia, Va.)
Montague & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Montgomery (C. H.) & Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Montgomery Ward & Co. (Chicago, Ill.)
Monticello Wine Co. (Charlottesville, Va.)
Morehouse Publishing Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.)
Moses (W. B.) & Sons (Washington, D.C.)
Mountain Industrial Institute (Grundy, Va.) SEE Hurley, Samuel R.
Mundie (L. S.) & Co. (Chance, Va.)
Mutual Ice Company (Alexandria, Va.)
Myers & Houseman (Baltimore, Md.)
Nash (R. L.) & Bro. (Newland, Va.)
National Board of Farm Organizations (Washington, D.C.)
National Carbon Company (Cleveland, Ohio)
National Economist Publishing Co. (Washington, D.C.)
National Electrical Supply Company (Washington, D.C.)
National Ice and Fuel Co., Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
National Stationery Co. (Batavia, Ill.)
National Watchman Co. (Washington, D.C.)
New Idea Spreader Co. (Goldwater, Ohio)
New York Clothing House (Washington, D.C.)
Newark Machine Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
Noel (C. P.) Bro. (Occupacia, Va.)
Noel Bros. (Occupacia, Va.)
Nolting (Frederick E.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Norfolk (J. J.) & Bro. (Baltimore, Md.)
Norfolk & Caroline Chemical Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Norfolk, Washington & New York Railway Company SEE ALSO Lewis, James Meriwether
Oakley (J. L.) Envelope & Printing Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Owens (Chas. W.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Page Steel and Wire Company (Adrian, Mich.)
Page Woven Wire Fence Co. (Adrian, Mich.)
Parker & Truck (Tappahannock, Va.)
Phelps-Vaughan-Proffit Motor Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Phillips (J. C.) Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Phillips (James E.) & Son (Richmond, Va.)
Phillips (R. C.) & Co. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Portsmouth Lumber Corporation (Portsmouth, Va.)
Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Powell (James) & Sons, Limited (London, England)
Producers Co-Operative Exchange, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Publishers’ Adjusting Association (Kansas City, Mo.)
Quisenberry & Co. (Lexington, Va.)
Rand, McNally & Company (Chicago, Ill.)
Rankin (David) Manufacturing Company (Tarkio, Mo.)
Rappahannock Exchange, Inc. (Baltimore, Md.)
Rappahannock Valley, Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Richmond Chamber of Commerce (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Farm Supply Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Highway Improvement Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Stove Company (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Structural Steel Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond, Tappahannock Telephone Co. (Warsaw, Va.)
Rife’s Hydraulic Engine Manufacturing Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Roberts (J. W.) & Co. (Tampa, Fla.)
Robinson & Jackson (Baltimore, Md.)
Roebling’s Sons Co. (Trenton, N.J.)
Root (A. I.) Company (Norfolk, Va.)
Ryland & Brooks Lumber Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Saks & Company (Washington, D.C.)
San Luis Cigar Company (Tampa, Fla.)
Sanders & Ferguson
Sandwich Manufacturing Co. (Sandwich, Ill.)
Sargent & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Scarlett (Wm. G.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Scribner’s (Charles) Sons (New York, N.Y.)
Sears, Roebuck & Co. (Chicago, Ill.)
Sears, Roebuck & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Sexton (S. B.) Stove and Manufacturing Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Silcott (T. Braden) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Simon (Chas.) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Simon’s (Chas.) Son’s Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Simpson (W. A.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Sinclair-Scott Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Skinker (B. M.) & Co. (Moss Neck, Va.)
Skinker & Conway (Moss Neck, Va.)
Skinker, Conway & Jordan (Moss Neck, Va.)
Slack Bros. (Marshall, Va.)
Smith & Coghill (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Smith-Coghill Shoe Store (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Smott (W. A.) & Company, Inc. (Alexandria, Va.)
Southeastern Express Company, Inc. (Plains, Va.)
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company of Virginia (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company (Atlanta, Ga.)
Southern Churchman (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Foundry and Machine Works (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Southern Planter (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Southside Bank, Inc. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Southwestern Co. (Nashville, Tenn.)
Spotless Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
St. Stephen’s Episcopal School (Elkton, Va.) SEE Ellis, Josiah Richard
Standard Guano Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Standard Harrow Co. (Utica, N.Y.)
Standard Oil Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Standard Oil Company (Richmond, Va.)
Stanley & Patterson, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Strain (W. J.) & Son (Richmond, Va.)
Sumter Telephone Manufacturing Co. (Sumter, S.C.)
Sumter Telephone Supply Co., Inc. (Sumter, S.C.)
Sutton (A. B.) & Son (Lloyds, Va.)
Sydnor Pump & Well Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Tappahannock Supply Company, Inc. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Thomas & Sudduth (Warrenton, Va.)
Tidewater Telephone Co., Inc. (Gloucester Court House, Va.)
Tisinger (J. H.) & Son (Mount Jackson, Va.)
Todd’s (W. J.) Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Town & Brother (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Tyler (Frank K.) Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
U.S. Post Office Dept. SEE Bland, Schuyler Otis
Union Oil Company (Baltimore, Md.)
United States Guano Company, Inc.(Baltimore, Md.)
United States. Treasury Dept.
Upper Rappahannock Telephone and Telegraph Company (Caret, Va.) SEE ALSO Powers, David Breonard
Upper Rappahannock Telephone and Telegraph Company (Port Royal, Va.)
Valley Oil Company (Cleveland, Ohio)
Varney Electrical Supply Co. (Indianapolis, Ind.)
Viaduct Manufacturing Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Virginia Co-Operative Sheep and Wool Growers’ Association, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia Corporation Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia Good Roads Association (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia Hart-Parr Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Virginia Nursery Company (Purcellville, Va.)
Virginia Sales & Service Corp. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Virginia Seed Service, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia State Fair Association
Virginia. State Corporation Commission SEE ALSO Wilson, Richard Thweat
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company (Norfolk, Va.)
Virginia-Carolina Hardware Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia-Carolina Tie and Wood Co., Inc. (Norfolk, Va.)
Wallace (Chas.) & Bro. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Wallace & Company (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Wallerstein (David) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Walworth & Neville Manufacturing Co. (Chicago, Ill.)
Ware (E. M.) Jr. & Co. (Dunnsville, Va.)
Warren-Ehret Company (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Warrenton Supply Co. (Warrenton, Va.)
Waterman (L. E.) Company (New York, N.Y.)
Watt Plow Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Western Electric Company (Portsmouth, Va.)
Western Union Telegraph Company, Inc. (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Whittington (J. E.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Williams Slate Roofing Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Willis (John C.) & Son (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Winston Electric Construction Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Wise & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Wood (T. W.) & Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Woodward & Lothrop (Washington, D.C.)
Wright (M. B.) & Co. (Tappahannock, Va.)
Young Churchman Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.)
Young Men’s Christian Associations of the State of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
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Last updated: September 17, 2003