Bryan Family 1
Bryan Family Papers, 1774-1942
Letterbook of Joseph Bryan, 1895 April 15-December 21
Call Number Mss1 B8408 a 24
Index to Correspondents
Abbot, William Richardson, 255, 324
Adams, P. N., 198, 240
Adams, Mrs. P. N., 26
Akers, Frank, 222, 634
Alexander, W. W., 492
Allen, Otway S., 675
Anderson, George Kimbrough, 621
Anderson, William Alexander, 235
Ansley, Harrie Craig, 9, 103, 237
Arnold, W. Eliot, 309
Ashlin, Mrs. Cary N., 647
Atkins, Thomas B., 118, 137
Atkinson, Louis W., 123, 146, 149-150, 175-176, 181-182, 188-189, 224, 246 (verso), 262
Atkinson, Roger B., 588
Axtell, Decatur, 672
Bachus & Taylor, Dixie, W. Va., 174
Bagby, Henry Ashby, 620
Baird, William, 158-227
Ball, J. L., 459
Barham, Richard Powell, 663
Barney, J. Stewart, 487, 534
Baskerville, Henry E., 671
Bass, J. J., 589
Bass, William L., 129
Bentley, William Chamberlayne, 410
Berry, Taylor, 14
Biggart, Mabelle, 140
Billisoly, Eugene Aubrey, 497
Birch, F. H., 356
Bird, Walter, 613
Blackford, Lancelot Minor, 294, 384, 474, 577-578, 595
Bliss, George, 82
Bond, Hugh Lennox, 536, 604
Bouve, Pauline Carrington (Rust), 171
Boynton, Charles Augustus, 151
Bradley, E. C., 601
Branch, James Ransom, 293
Branch, (Thomas) & Co., Richmond, Va., 380, 616
Brander, William Walke, 413
Brander, (Thomas A.) & Co., Richmond, Va., 366
Brandt, Jackson, 636
Brock, Robert Alonzo, 261, 286, 387
Bronaugh, Joseph William, 200
Brooke, David Tucker, 313
Brown, Frederick J., 156
Brown, H. M., 482, 570
Brown, William Govan, 155
Bruce, Philip Alexander, 84, 285, 388
Bryan, Corbin Braxton, 84
Bryan, John Randolph, 138, 154
Bryan, John Stewart, 148
Burgwyn, Collinson Pierrepont Edwards, 317
Burke, Julian T., 175
Burr, David Judson, 349
Calish, Edward Nathan, 276, 602
Callahan, Griffin Clay, 456, 565
Cameron, Bennehan, 405
Campbell, Frances Grace (Cabell), 547
Carlisle, John Griffin, 76
Carmichael, Fanny Tucker (Bryan), 10
Carney, N. L., 298, 334
Carpenter, W. C., 53
Carter, Thomas Henry, 504
Cary, Clarence, 59
Caskie, James, 674
Central Trust Co., New York, N.Y., 199, 203, 339, 346, 400, 442, 449
Chalmers, Joseph W., 31
Chesterman, Edwin Bruce, 113, 213, 306, 363, 373
Chesterman, William Dallas, 97, 306
Chism, E. J., 275
Christian & Christian, Richmond, Va., 335
Clarke, E. O., 673
Clay, R. W., 186
Clements, J. S., 436
Clinton, John, 367
Clyde, William Pancoast, 70
Cocke, Charles Hartwell, 128
Cocke, Clara Vernon (Pollard), 128
Cocke, Zitella, 497
Conrad, Holmes, 40
Conrad, Thomas Nelson, 454
Copeland, D. H., 27, 42, 79, 145, 638, 660, 678
Costen, C. R., 451
Cottrell, Samuel Henry, 673
Cowardin, Charles O’Brien, 28, 287, 427, 428 (verso)
Cowardin, Lewis M., 16
Cowen, John King, 124, 451
Cranmer, James, 506, 594
Crenshaw, Mary G., 72
Crouch, Richard Gallego, 567
Cunningham, John Atkinson, 44
Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, 607, 659
Cuthbert, Eccles, 139
Dabney, Richard Heath, 89
Dahlgren, Madeleine (Vinton) Goddard, 110, 130-132
Daniel, John Warwick, 509, 545, 605
Darlington, Benjamin, 593, 652
Davis, Charles Hall, 250
Davis, Dabney Carr Terrell, 663
Davis, E. F. C., 5, 271
Davis, George C., 113
Davis, Joanna H., 460, 461 (verso)
Davis, W. G., 81, 433
Dear, Charles H., 229
DeGraw, Peter Voorhees, 270, 273, 278, 286, 645
Delaney, Chester A., 182, 275, 491
Dennon, Charles Lucien, 344
Dooley, James Henry, 540, 571
Downer, John L., 43
Downman, John Yates, 623
Dreher, Julius Daniel, 32
Drewry, Annie, 134
Drexel (Morgan) & Co., New York, N.Y., 66
Dudley, Thomas Underwood, 640
Eckert, C. C., 180, 185, 215
Edmonds, Richard Hathaway, 94, 489
Edwards, William Seymour, 644
Eichelberger (H. D.) & Co., Richmond, Va., 436
Ellett, Virginia Randolph, 79
Ellis, G. S., 86
Ellis, Thomas Harding, 487, 645
Ellyson, H. Theodore, 297
Ellyson, J. Taylor, 161
Eubank, M. Tallulah (Whitner), 395
Ewen, W. A. C., 35, 290
Fairchild, C. S., 52, 272, 316
Faulkner, Charles James, 23, 356
Faulkner, John A., 503
Ferguson, William G., 67, 142
Findley, Donald, 37
Finney, William Wood, 475
Fitzgerald, William H., 552
Flournoy, Henry Wood, 152
Fontaine, Peter, 374, 586, 592-593
Foster, John H., 368
Fourqurean & Ruffin, Richmond, Va., 455
Fowlkes, Junius, 389
Franklin, Walter Courtney, 44
Fry, Mary A. A., 169
Garnett, James Mercer, 361, 424
Garnett, Theodore Stanford, 87, 295, 681
Garney, Joseph, 317
Gauss, Charles, 423
Geyer & Murray, Neosho, Mo., 590
Gill, John, 236
Gilmer, J. B., 57
Goadby (W. H.) & Co., New York, N.Y., 73, 99, 126, 135, 550, 558, 567, 568, 575, 584, 614, 628, 653, 665, 676
Gooch, Arthur Fleming, 605
Goodwin, Robert Archer, 597
Goolrick, John Tackett, 450
Gordon, Basil Brown, 122, 289
Gorman, F., 1
Grasty, Thomas P., 325
Graves, W. G., 586, 635
Gray, Annie D., 485
Gray, James T., 671
Green, William Henry, 238, 249, 305, 310, 314, 343, 369
Gregory, Edward D., 16
Gregory, James Fingal, 570
Grigsby, Hugh Blair, 607, 659
Grinnan, Daniel, 34, 344
Grinnan, Georgia Screven (Bryan), 11
Grinnan, St. George T., 217
Grundy, Barton Haxall, 418
Hass, Solomon, 381, 587, 606, 621
Haislip, R. D., 221
Hamilton, J. A., 244, 311
Hardwicke, Charles Wood, 674
Harrison, James Albert, 58
Harrison, James Pinckney, 354, 505
Harrison, Robert L., 71
Haskell, William Edwin, 486
Hasker & Marcuse Manufacturing Co., Richmond, Va., 178, 361
Heath, James Ewell, 235, 253
Hemphill, James Calvin, 619, 626
Henry, Lucy Gray (Marshall), 195-196
Herbert, Arthur, 164
Herbert, Hilary Abner, 2
Hiden, James Conway, 659
Hill, Josiah F., 665
Hinton, E. H., 12, 117
Hobbs, George Sayward, 99, 127, 443, 467, 648
Hodges, James Allison, 423
Holbrook, F. G., 680
Holland House, New York, N.Y., 473
Holman, William H., 385, 435, 463
Hood (W. T.) & Co., 600
Horsley, Frederick Melville, 22, 350
Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 284
Hubbert, George, 642
Hudgin, J. M., 73
Huger, Frank, 303-304, 310, 314, 326
Hulche, Charles, 114
Hullihen, Walter, 355
Hunt, C. W., 375, 390, 404
Imboden, Florence E. Crockett, 617, 669
Imboden, John Daniel, 120, 173, 245
Ingalls, Melville Ezra, 125, 137
Ingle, Edward, 70, 86, 230, 266, 362, 472, 508
Irby, John S., 114, 336-338
Ivey, Richard W., 43
Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, Va., 681
Jervey, Henry, 491
Johnson, Bradley Tyler, 279
Johnson, Isaac Vandeventer, 1, 323, 364, 631
Johnston, J. W., 657
Joyce, Thomas W., 55
Joyce (Maurice) Engraving Co., 666
Kane (Thomas) & Co., Chicago, Ill., 153
Kean, E. S., 177, 649
Keith, James, 65
Kent, Henry Thompson, 541
Kenyon, Ralph B., 489
Kerr, Robert Pollok, 49, 50, 599
Kinney, Thomas Colston, 374, 435
Knight, John Thornton, 405
Kort, William P., 104
Lacey, H. D., 90
Lacy, William J., 526
Lake, R. Howard, 526
Landerkin, Ansel D., 675
Landrum, William Warren, 623
Lankford, R. D., 38
Lanston, Talbert, 606, 622
Latham, Charles P., 138
Lawrence, Arthur, 625
Lee, Fitzhugh, 13, 100, 228, 498
Lee, George Washington Custis, 68, 78
Lee, Robert Edward, 68, 78
Lewis, John Henry, 681
Lile, William Minor, 546, 579
Lindsay, Ella G., 417
Livezey, J. G., 24
Lloyd, Arthur Selden, 472
Maben, J. C., 66, 74, 157, 194, 226, 231, 265, 345, 434, 500
McBride, Robert J., 425
McCabe, William Gordon, 490
McClintock, Emory, 480
Macconnell, Allen R., 58
McCue, John Marshall, 383, 617, 643, 669
McGraw, W. G., 174
McGuire, John Peyton, 78, 91
McIntosh, Miss J. E., 117, 407, 646
McLeod, Cazneau, 291
McMurran, J. Royall, 214
McMurran, W. T., 219, 254, 296, 341-342, 402, 452, 535
McSween, Angus, 378 (verso), 393, 426, 429, 438, 551
Mann, William J., 572
Marshall, Charles, 100
Marshall, William Churchill, 633
Martin, F. J., 193, 213
Martin, R. H., 564
Marye, Morton, 93
Mason, John Kercheval, 106
Mason, Landon Randolph, 620
Massie, Eugene Carter, 102
Maury, William Arden, 321, 340, 359, 365, 377
Mayo, Peter R., 488
Meade, Everard, 92
Mercantile National Bank, New York, N.Y., 201, 217, 231, 291, 345, 446-447, 465, 479, 566, 575
Meredith, Wyndham Robertson, 83, 243, 396
Mergenthaler, Linotype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., 534
Michael, Charles Edwin, 475
Miles, George W., 544
Minor, Louisa H. A., 170
Montague, Robert Lynch, 406
Montague & Dawson, Richmond, Va., 411
Moore, Josiah Staunton, 57
Moore, Lewis P., 632
Morgan (J. P.) & Co., Richmond, Va., 85
Morris, F. A., 192
Morris, J. B., 496, 639
Morton, John, 680
Mosby, Francis Wade, 320
Mosby, John Singleton, 397
Munford, Beverley Bland, 327
Murphy, Thomas B., 674
Myers, Edmund Trewbridge Dana, 260, 281
New York Guaranty & Indemnity Co., New York, N.Y., 448, 500
New York Security & Trust Col, 90, 187, 199, 200, 239, 267, 339, 360, 442, 447, 462, 549, 615, 701
Newman, J. J., 281
Newton, John Brockenbrough, 366
Newton County, Mo., 222, 634
Nicholas County, W. Va., 586, 635
Nicholson, George L., 635
Noyes, Crosby Stuart, 29
Nugent, Percy R., 412
Oakman, Walter G., 532-533, 547
Oehlschlaeger, Christian J., 601
Old, William Whitehurst, 105, 421
Otto, Mergenthaler, & Co., Baltimore, Md., 502
Owens, James Marshall, 556
Owens, William G., 184
Page, Delia (Bryan), 10, 300, 301
Page, W. A., 64, 221
Page, William Nelson, 479
Palfrey, Edward A., 108
Palmer, William Ben, 473
Parker, Frank M., 98, 165
Patrick, Claude Forrest, 689
Patteson, Camm, 21
Payne, Raphael Semmes, 440
Payne, William Henry, 119, 484
Peck, Joseph A., 384
Pellew, Henry Edward, 118, 418
Peterkin, George William, 20, 352, 353
Peterkin, Marion Mackintosh (Stewart), 233, 288, 431
Peyton, Moses Green, 560-561, 612, 667, 668
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 362, 495
Pinckney, Thomas, 4
Plant, Henry T., 355, 357-358, 371-372, 393-394, 398
Plunkett, Charles W., 202
Porter, Duval, 80, 173
Postal Tel-Cable Co., New York, N.Y., 553, 580
Potts, John David, 427, 428
Powell, Mrs. J. M., 258
Powell, W. S., 160
Powers, James F., 426
Priddy, Albert Sidney, 307
Primrose, J. S., 601
Puck, New York, N.Y., 507
Pugh, James A., 571
Quarles, Mann Satterwhite, 467
Randolph, Alfred Magill, 59, 143
Randolph, Buckner Magill, 308
Randolph, Lewis Carter, 416
Randolph, Wilson Cary Nicholas, 527
Randolph-Macon Academy, Front Royal, Va., 569
Ranson, Thomas Davis, 166, 548
Redford, Channing E., 464, 465
Redd, T. Crawford, 144
Richardson, David Crockett, 133
Richmond Agricultural Works, Richmond, Va., 41
Robertson & Newland, Buena Vista, Va., 172
Robinson, Evelyn Carter Byrd (Cabell), 557
Robson, Houghton H., 247
Roller, Robert Douglas, 401
Rose, Robert, 261, 285, 286, 387, 388
Ross, George, 457
Rowe, A. P., 441
Rumple, Jethro, 51
Rust, Anne Bouldin (Cabell) Rust, 320
St. John, W. P., 156, 162, 163, 379, 398, 466
Sanderlin, Dorsey A., 445
Saunders, Howard, 183
Saunders, Robert Chancellor, 285
Schumacher, C., 33
Schwartz, A., 61
Scott, Levi M., 31
Scott, Waller, 223, 225
Scott & Stringfellow, Richmond, Va., 346
Scribner’s (Charles) Sons, New York, N.Y., 292
Seddon, Thomas, 142, 167, 218, 264, 641
Sencindiver, Isaac N., 115
Serpell, Goldsborough McDowell, 178, 312, 392, 433
Sherman, George, 72
Smallwood, John J., 524, 580, 629, 687
Smith, Bland (Spotswood), 19
Smith, Francis Henry, 581
Smith, Thomas, 133
Smith, Thomas Armistead, 18, 88, 332, 455, 468, 618
Smith, William Waugh, 391, 569
Spencer, Samuel, 3, 36, 48, 56, 75, 95, 96, 136, 184, 394, 543
Spratt, C. A., 172
Stanfield, J. B., 351
Stevens, George Walter, 257
Stewart, Annie Carter, 232, 408, 430, 432, 470, 471
Stewart, Elizabeth Hope, 469
Stewart, Lucy Williamson, 232
Stewart, Norman, 6, 107, 431, 596, 614
Stewart, Sally W., 8, 47, 283, 284, 465
Stickney, Fenner Satterthwaite, 603
Stone, Roy, 251, 252, 624, 631
Strong, J. Roxburgh, 162, 348, 537
Sully, Robert Matthew, 274
Summerville, W. B., 554, 580
(The) Sun, New York, N.Y., 331
Sunderland, Byron, 111-112 (verso)
Suter, Henderson, 83
Sutton, Mary A. (Jones), 177
Tanner, William E., 673
Taylor, Frederick William, 682
Taylor, George Keith, 212 (verso), 242, 248, 256, 259
Taylor, J. A., 141,683
Taylor, J. B., 646
Taylor, R. Ashby, 414, 627
Tebbs, M. C., 639
Terrill, O., 376, 386
Thom, DeCourcy Wright, 88, 91
Thornton, William Mynn, 318, 510, 511
Tiffany & Co., New York, N.Y., 299, 370
Tilley, 450
Tomkins, D. A., 168, 183
Tree, Joseph B., 41
Trigg, William Robertson, 637
Trowbridge, Harry H., 588
Trowbridge, Harry L., 637
Tucker, Beverley Dandridge, 319
Tucker, Henry, 429
Tucker, Henry St. George, 15
Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va., 49, 50
University of Virginia, 318, 487, 488, 509-511, 527, 544, 546-547, 560-561, 567, 579, 581, 605, 667
Valentine’s Meat Juice Co., Richmond, Va., 85
Vanderslice, George Curtis, 598
Van Lew, Elizabeth Louisa, 282
Vawter, Charles Erastue, 562
Veazey, O. A., 333, 458, 481, 538, 572, 591, 622, 636
Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va., 57, 195-196, 245, 261, 285, 286, 387, 388, 557, 607, 659, 671
Walker, A. N., 328, 415, 453
Walker, Joseph Henry, 650-651, 662
Walker, Norman Stewart, 17, 158, 191, 216, 224, 243
Walker, Robert Stringfellow, 499, 544
Wallerstein, Joseph, 675
Walsh, Patrick, 269, 670
Wells, Cordia A., 329, 330, 331
Welsh, Andrew, 222
Wendenburg, Robert, 126
Werth, Mary Herndon (Maury), 376
Wesson, Charles Macon, 46
West, Herman, 308
Western Union Telegraph Co., Richmond, Va., 179, 444
Wheelwright, Thomas Stewart, 555, 583, 632
White, John M., 563
White, William L., 19, 627, 664
Whitlock (H.) & Sons, Richmond, Va., 14, 25
Whybrew, Samuel, 69
Wickham, Henry Taylor, 573, 574, 592, 654
Will, Stith & Co., Abilene, Texas, 302, 419, 470, 630
Williams, Charles Urquhart, 101
Williams, John Langbourne, 82
Williams (B. S.) & Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., 468
Williamson, James Joseph, 490
Wilmer, William Nivison, 159
Wilson, Henry Litchfield, 439
Wilson (R. T.) & Co., New York, N.Y., 81
Wilson, Colston & Co., Baltimore, Md., 11, 25, 45, 54, 62, 67, 77, 89, 97, 103, 134, 141, 143, 163, 197, 224, 267, 288, 292, 299, 330, 347, 348, 359, 360, 364, 370, 386, 392, 395, 399, 404, 415, 422, 446, 463, 501, 537, 584, 587, 647, 649, 653, 676
Winston, James Blair, 315
Winthrop, Robert Charles, 607, 659
Wise, George Douglas, 437
Wise, John Sergeant, 424
Withers, W. B., 661
Wood, Micajah, 488
Worthen (W. B.) & Co., Little Rock, Ark., 12
Wright, William L., 602
Wyant, William, 568
Yancey, Robert Davis, 328
Young, James H., 121
Yost, Jacob, 263
Last updated: February 11, 2004