Bryan Family 2
Bryan Family Papers, 1774-1942
Letterbook of Joseph Bryan, 1903 March 5-December 31
Call Number Mss1 B8408 a 25
Index to Correspondents
Abbott, William Richardson, 836
Abehart (Newton C.) County, Neosho, Mo., 692
Ackert, Charles H., 229
Alabama National Bank, Birmingham, Ala., 183, 769
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 259
Alexander, William, 243
Allyn, Joseph Tyler, 465, 500, 547
Anderson, John William, 311
Anderson, Joseph Reid, 812, 881
Anderson (John T.) & Son, Richmond, Va., 580
Andrews, Alexander Boyd, 279, 302
Appleyard, A. E., 452
Armstrong, Julian L., 887
Arnold, Helen, 774
Arnold, W. Eliot, 27
Atkins, Joseph L., 289
Atkinson, John W., 326
Babcock, James Oliver, 888
Bagby, Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne), 914
Bailey, Mrs. Fleming G., 191
Bailliére, F. H., 744
Baird, Edward Rouzee, 50, 64, 145, 174
Baird, William, 94, 137, 204, 452, 650, 748, 942
Baker, William Washington, 231
Barraud, Daniel Cary, 811
Beal, James Hartley, 457, 510
Beckwith, Thomas Stanly, 56
Belches, F. C., 546
Bell, Lee D., 829, 883
Bently, William Chamberlayne, 145
Berkeley, William Nathaniel, 42
Berry, Pauline M., 76
Best, Leigh, 159, 200, 507, 563, 756, 800, 830, 831, 843, 950
Beveridge, Frank D., 802
Bibb, Albert Pendleton, 892
Bird, Robert Montgomery, 774
Bird, Walter, 824
Bissell, E. H., 1, 299, 314, 325, 932, 967
Blackford, Benjamin, 30, 365
Blackford, Charles Minor, 621
Blackford, Launcelot Minor, 393, 851
Bliss (R.) Manufacturing Co., Pawtucket, R.I., 297
Bolling, Charles Edward, 281
Bolling, Thomas, 803
Bond, Hugh Lennox, 219, 237, 697
Boswell, Garland, 666
Bowe, Nathaniel Woodson, 896
Bowen, Frederick Fillison, 92
Bowman, Alpheus Michael, 231
Boykin, Henry Marshall, 996
Bradley, Lee Carrington, 928, 935, 984
Bragg, George Freeman, 907
Bragg, Shirley, 295
Braker, H. J., 783
Branch, Carter Wheelwright, 128
Branch (Thos.) & Co., Richmond, Va., 274, 303, 305, 373, 382, 763, 790, 792, 813, 885, 927
Brauer, William H., 821, 884, 963
Braxton, F. C., 256, 268, 721, 804, 890
Brentano’s, New York, N.Y., 518
Brockenbrough, Anne (Mason), 86
Bronaugh, Joseph William, 548
Broun, Thomas Lee, 967
Brown, John Thompson, 782
Brown, James W., 609
Brown, Lorenzo Starr, 933
Brown, W. C., 90, 327
Brown (J. Thompson) & Co., New Brunswick, N.J., 835
Bryan, Corbin Braxton, 111, 828, 868, 920
Bryan, Ella Howard, 437
Bryan, Jesse, 835
Bryan, John Randolph, 43, 112, 185-186, 553-554, 585, 587, 589-590, 593-594, 611, 613, 625-626, 757, 786, 924, 956
Bryan, John Stewart, 120, 384, 624, 636 (verso)-637
Bryan, Jonathan, 3, 132
Bryan, Margaret Randolph (Minor), 128
Bryan, St. George Tucker Coalter, 110, 111, 162-163, 754
Buckner, Walter, 573, 583
Buford, Rowland Dabney, 139
Burke & Herbert, Alexandria, Va., 183
Burrowes ( E. T.) Co., Portland, Me., 789
Burrows Bros. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 994
Cake, Charles E., 410
Caldwell & Ward, Birmingham, Ala., 96
Calisch, Edward Nathan, 426
Callaway, S. R., 621, 654, 683-684, 717, 785, 954-955, 964, 985
Campbell, John Mosby, 823
Campbell, William Spencer, 202
Carden, Robert Clinton, 207, 238, 402, 514
Carmichael, Elizabeth, 127
Carmichael, Randolph Bryan, 342
Carmichael, Spotswood Wellford, 19, 114, 343, 741
Carolina Savings Bank, Charleston, S.C., 762
Carrington, Anne Seddon (Smith), 113, 746
Carroll, James, 911, 925
Carson, Joseph Preston, 400
Carter, Thomas Henry, 217, 310, 401, 560, 679, 706, 720
Cary, Thomas Archibald, 269
Catlett, W. S. C., 203
Chandler, Algernon Bertrand, 420
Chesterman, William Dallas, 416
Chewning (A. J.) Co., Richmond, Va., 561
Christian, George Llewellyn, 781
Claiborne, R. R., 834
Clark, Mary Lyle, 68, 778
Clarke, Powhatan, 177
Clary, F. E., 515
Cocke, John Hartwell, 135, 289 652
Colby, Gardner, 107, 142, 235
Coleman, Cynthia Beverley (Tucker) Washington, 571, 582
Colston, Frederick Mason, 34, 69, 94, 218
Commerical Acetylene, New York, N.Y., 448, 511
Confederate Home for Ladies, Richmond, Va., 516
Conrad, C. F., 99, 326, 374
Conrad, Holmes, 178
Conway, Charles Catlett, 30
Conway, Edwin, 247
Cook, James Ellsworth, 453, 923
Cooke,Charles B., 121, 122
Core, John H., 364
Cox, Millard Fillmore, 252
Craigie, Frank J., 349
Crawford, Angus, 875
Cross (E.) & Son, Portsmouth, Va., 246
Crowell, M. B., 435, 470, 499, 790, 827, 859, 951
Crump, Beverley Tucker, 114, 744
Culp, John M., 674
Cunningham, Frank W., 482, 974
Cutchins, Solomon, 310
Daniel, John Warwick, 439, 471, 534
Danner, Frank W., 969
Darracott, Thomas R., 31
Davidson, George S., 714
Davidson (H. C.) & Co., New York, N.Y, 809
Davis, Richard Beale, 225
Dear, Charles H., 361, 369, 417, 509, 522, 751, 817, 836, 943
Denny, C. B., 105, 858, 863-864, 871, 891, 930, 940, 952
Denny, George Hutcheson, 852
Derr, A. N., 517
DeVoe (F. W.) & Reynolds (C. T.), Co., New York, N.Y., 192, 217, 242, 257, 287
Dickson, Charles H., 970
Dickson, John T., 530
Diggs, Thomas C., 54
Dodd, William Edward, 214, 249
Doggett, H. H., 428-429
Dominick, & Hoff, New York, N.Y., 85
Dooley, James Henry, 114, 743
Dornias, Benjamin, 33
Douglas, Hugh Thomas, 574
Drake, James Hodges, 401
Drewry, John Colin, 419
Dudley, Thomas Underwood, 739
Dunan, C. D., 271
Dutton, Thomas H., 810, 821, 849, 889, 936
“Eagle Point,” Gloucester County, Va., 26, 37, 38, 46, 48, 53, 57, 63, 65, 67, 72, 87, 88, 101, 125, 141, 156, 157, 189, 190A, 192, 198, 205, 213, 216A, 217, 228, 238, 242, 257, 287, 327, 367, 381, 397, 402, 414, 431, 461, 543, 787, 802, 860, 875, 886
Edwards, William C., 422
Eggleston, David Quin, 411
Elliott, A. G., 123
Elliott, J. W., 8, 47, 65, 88, 95, 157, 330, 334, 381, 398, 787, 802, 817, 860, 875, 886
Elliott, Warner G., 651, 993
Ellwood, Michael, 878, 907
Ellyson, James Taylor, 721
Etchison, John E., 716
Evans, A. M., 72
Evans, C. L., 692
Evans, Otto Lewis, 123, 376, 399
Fauntleroy, Thomas Turner, 712
Ferguson, Sydnor Gilbert, 705, 729
Financial Directory Association, New York, N.Y., 811
First National Bank, Birmingham, Ala., 652, 876
First National Bank, Richmond, Va., 539, 634, 646, 650
Fitzgerald, R. Y., 942
Fontaine, Peter, 11, 58, 70, 97, 443, 480, 531, 772
Foster, J. William, 337
Foster, Reuben, 959
Fowler, George Little, 773, 808
Fox, Julian Powers, 134
Francis, William J., 779
Frayser, Minnie, 73, 846
Fuller, Henry W., 523, 540
Gaines, Richard Venable, 89
Galt, Mary, 175
Garcin, Ramon D., 80
Garden, Hugh Richardson, 765, 782
Garnett, Theodore Stanford, 10, 25, 387, 719, 846, 867, 897, 908
Gee, Martha J., 268
Gessford, New York, N.Y., 107, 143, 227
Gillaudeu, W. L. see Guillaude, W. L.
Gilliam, Robert H., 249
Gillis, Harry A., 147
Glaser, J. T., 119
Glass, Carter, 929
Glenn, John F., 527, 528
Goadby, W. H., 3, 388, 399, 456, 519, 520, 532, 539, 544, 545, 670-671, 722, 726, 750, 780, 847, 866, 904, 913, 995
Goadby, (W. H.) & Co., New York, N.Y., 22, 60, 90, 152, 215 (verso), 218, 224, 232, 246, 311, 321, 323, 339, 342, 349, 350, 360, 368, 377, 380, 383, 386, 405, 572, 603, 648, 674, 676, 687, 688, 696, 700, 707, 850, 869, 903, 958, 970, 998
Goldsborough, Mary C. (Gault), 352
Goolrick, John Tackett, 870
Gordon, William F., 384-385
Gould, Frank Jay, 300
Gray, Granville, 925
Green, James, 250
Grinnan, Georgia Screven (Bryan), 803
Guaranty Trust Co., New York, N.Y., 108, 234, 306, 488, 556, 638, 648, 789
Guillaude, W. L., 133, 153, 253, 898, 944
Gunst, Marks, 215
Haas, Solomon, 117 (verso)-118, 181, 331, 663, 983
Haislip, R. D., 15, 54, 400
Hampton, John W., 675
Hancock, J. B., 41, 324
Hansford, Morris, 244
Harding, William P. Gould, 411, 675
Hardwicke, S. H., 447, 466, 492
Hargrove, M. M., 201
Harris, Frederick Brown, 78
Harris, Walter Edward, 84
Harris, William Asbury, 419
Harrison, Fairfax, 28, 106, 686, 698, 982
Harrison, Robert Lewis, 280
Hart, Albert Bushnell, 844
Haskell, John Cheves, 143
Haughton, Frank A., 548, 910
Hay, John Milton, 556
Heath, James Ewell, 182, 714, 759, 861, 961-962
Heckler, C. W., 631
Higgins & Sighter, New York, N.Y., 144
Hill, C. V., 101
Hill, (C. V.) & Co., Trenton, N.J., 48, 140, 372
Hill, George William, 394
Hilleary, H. W., 125, 151, 176
Hobson, Anne, Jennings (Wise), 167, 263, 266, 403, 413
Holman, Anna, H., 370, 881
Hotchkiss, Emore Delos, 32, 484, 565, 568, 602
Howison, Robert Reid, 258
Hudson, robert F., 660
Huff, Slaughter William, 149
Hume, Bryce Stewart, 423
Hunton, Eppa, 245, 290
Jackman, John, 851
Jackson, Giles B., 358, 463
James, J. Curtis, 20, 322, 338, 350
Jeffress, Thomas Fox, 728
Johnson, Joseph E., 491, 532, 718
Johnston, George Ben, 525
Johnston, Howard C., 328
Johnston, J., 203, 550, 701
Johnston, J. Houston, 40, 394, 434, 472, 580, 845
Johnston, John William, 685, 695
Jones, C. E., 432, 453
Jones, Mrs. H. B., 173
Jones, John T., 20
Jones, William Atkinson, 458, 497
Jordan, Mary O., 79
Kauffman, Julia A. Wood, 148
Kellogg, W. S., 84
Kemper, Edward Hudson, 12, 768, 797
Kenly, John R., 986
Kibler, A. L., 313
King, J. Floyd, 73
King, James Wiley, 493
Koiner, George Wellington, 231
Laburnum, Richmond, Va., 1, 213, 330, 340, 398, 444
Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., New York, N.Y., 519, 526
Laferty, John James, 19, 318, 632
Lamb, John, 125
Lankford, R. D., 184, 459
Latady, A., 5, 16, 44, 71, 100, 122, 150, 187, 372, 421, 466, 495, 531, 541, 606, 607, 618 (verso)-619, 620, 622 (verso), 624 ½, 639, 644, 645, 655, 711, 734, 735, 818, 882, 957
Laughton, John E., 526
Lea, Edwin, H., 77, 165, 207
Leadbetter, Walter C., 586
Lee, Robert Edward (1807-1870), 852
Lee, Robert Edward (1843-1914), 870
Lewis, Francis Albert, 934
Lewis, John Henry, 210, 872
Lewis, Lunsford Lomax, 436
Lewis, Thomas H., 36, 59, 79, 91, 208, 343, 512, 877, 905, 912
Lissauer Brothers, New York, N.Y., 345, 569
Logan, Thomas Muldrup, 567, 608
Lorch, R. C., 255
Lott, J. V., 680
Lowe, C. Adolphe, 529
Lowenberg, David, 130
Lyons, T. B., 129, 153
Maben, J. C., 18, 138, 485-486, 489, 536-537, 689, 766, 921, 931, 958, 990-992
McCabe, William Gordon, 347
McCauller, Edward, 161
McClurg, Gilbert, 97
McCullough, Mrs. S. T., 906
McDonald (N. D.) & Co., Ltd., Washington, D.C., 74, 160
McGuire, John Peyton, 15
McGuire, Murray Mason, 98
McIntosh, J. E., 373, 845
Mackall, Robert McGill, 363, 496, 535
McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham, 887
McLaughlin, J. Fairfax, 126, 176
McMurran, W. T., 693, 761
McQueen, J. W., 17, 61, 164, 200 ½, 248, 301, 302, 309, 354, 396, 406, 408, 443, 468, 644, 645
McVey, John J., 835
Maddox, Mrs. H. C., 893
Malone Real Estate & Insurance, Birmingham, Ala., 59, 93, 291, 595
Mann, Bernard, 781
Mann, Sally B., 114, 745
Manning, H. S., 775
Manston, R. E., 174
Manufacturers Record, Baltimore, Md., 132
Marcuse, Milton E., 516
Marine, Engine and Machine Co., New York, N.Y., 32
Marshall, J. Markham, 201
Maughan, John, 37, 160, 179, 206, 474
Maupin, Agnes Marshall (Taliaferro), 226
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 60
Meader, J. R., 77
Medlin, C. J., 136
Mehegan, W. A., 814
Menefee, J. W., 319
Menefy, Barton, 483
Mercantile National Bank, New York, N.Y., 575, 680
Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Va., 649
Middendorf, (J. W.) & Co., Baltimore, Md., 475
Miles, George W., 144, 236, 275, 371, 422, 698, 722
Milne, George G., 239
Minor, Landonia (Randolph), 440, 473
Mitchell, R. S., 13
Moffett, William Walter, 282, 344
Montague, J. Judson, 403
Moore, John Bassett, 243
Moore, Warner, 641, 642
Moore (J. B.) & Co., Richmond, Va., 142
Morris, W. G., 53, 63, 533, 566, 766
Morton, T. C., 549
Mosby, John Singleton, 83, 91, 353, 389, 395, 409, 436, 438, 439, 454, 457, 458, 464, 471, 477, 497, 498, 510, 511, 664-665, 678, 709, 822, 856
Mountcastle, William A., 131
Murrell, George E., 231, 375
Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond, Va., 528
Mutual Life Insurance Co., New York, N.Y., 585
Myers, Edmund Trewbridge Dana, 158, 807
National Bank, Fredericksburg, Va., 764, 772, 791, 812
Nelson, Cleland Kinloch, 656
Nelson, F. K., 198, 213, 327, 330, 340, 407, 444, 661, 757, 935
Nichols, J. T., 129
Nicoll, Charles H., 320
Nicolson, George L., 968 (verso)
Nicolson, J. Roy, 55
Oakman, Walter G., 332, 623A
O’Ferrall, Charles Triplett, 124, 902
O’Flaherty, Daniel C., 146
Old Dominion Steam Ship Co., Norfolk, Va., 919
Orcutt, Calvin B., 211, 263, 270
Owens, William H., 212, 241, 355, 398
Pacific Express Co., Detroit, Mich., 597
Packard, Joseph, 450
Page, Charles Curtis, 114, 336, 342, 427, 557-558, 742
Page, Hattie W. (Parks), 737
Page, James Morris, 840
Page, Thomas Nelson, 916
Page, Walter Hines, 155
Palmer, Edwin Amiss, 723, 748
Palmer, William Ben, 96, 269, 296, 501
Palmer, William Henry, 248, 917
Parker, Alice N., 420
Parr, Henry A., 110, 742
Parsons, Henry, 355
Patrick, J. M., 166, 182
Patterson, Archibald Williams, 855
Patterson, C. E., 102-103, 838, 895, 909, 971
Patteson, Seargeant Smith Prentiss, 167, 170, 490
Patton, J. L., 231
Patton, Robert Williams, 767
Payne & Wilson, Baltimore, Md., 451
Peale, Charles Wilson, 544
Pepper, Ella M., 604
Perrin, William K., 960
Peterkin, George William, 24, 294, 462, 795, 796, 816, 819
Peterkin, Marion Macintosh (Stewart), 668
Peters, Gabriella Brooke (Forman), 292, 293 (verso)
Peters, John Punnett, 308
Peters, William Elisha, 725, 732-733, 768
Pettit, Paul, 699
Pettit, Pembroke, 270, 298
Phillips, Charles H., 819
Pickett, A. B., 415
Pilcher, Edwin Mason, 53, 250
Pinckney, Thomas, 81, 478-479, 505, 581
Pitkin, A. J., 953, 965-966, 989
Plant, Alfred H., 13, 172, 177, 312
Pointer, W. D., 57
Pollard, Fannie B., 264
Polley, J. Dickson, 727, 775
Pool, William W., 412, 815
Powers, E. L., 888
Pulliam, Samuel Harper, 277, 322
Putzell, Charles Lewis, 74
Pyle, Alice Adrienne, 516
Quarles, Mann Satterwhite, 9
Randolph, Alfred Magill, 441, 474, 941
Randolph, Buckner Magill, 507, 508
Randolph, Norman Vincent, 526
Randolph, Winslow Hoxton, 634-635, 862, 892
Rennie, Ellen Douglas, 49
Richards, Adolphus E., 362, 545
Richardson, Lavinia W. D., 365
Richardson, Samuel B., 356
Ricardson, W. R., 121
Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, Va., 251
Rixey, John Franklin, 366
Robey, T. W., 841-842
Robins, Sally Berkeley (Nelson), 521
Robins, William Todd, 80, 546, 837
Robinson, Frederick O., 581
Robinson, H. S., 943
Robson, H. A., 333
Roe, Jessie A., 335, 366, 483, 575, 757, 896
Rogers, Andrew J., 39
Rohrer, Albert Lawrence, 779, 945
Roller, John Edwin, 449
Royall, William Lawrence, 779, 945
Russell, James Solomon, 194, 490
Ryland, F. C., 404
Sague, James E., 7, 104
Sands, William Hamilton, 596
Sargeant, Harry R., 286
Sclater, William, 697, 708, 945
Scott & Stringfellow, Richmond, Va., 304, 614-616
Screven, Thomas Forman, 713, 749, 806
Seddon, William Cabell, 278 (verso), 283-284
Shackelford, Virginius Randolph, 560
Sharp, T. R., 266A
Sharpe, C. C., 408, 424, 467, 559
Sheldon, George Rumsey, 438, 464, 510
Shepherd, J. Albert, 209
Shifflett, Railley P., 239
Sills, Neil D., 482
Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co., Birgmingham, Ala., 170, 460, 547
Smith, Francis Henry, 839, 900
Smith, Marion S., 114, 747
Smith, R. B., 346
Smith, Thomas Armistead, 113, 747
Soper, Warren Y., 378-379, 418
Spencer, Samuel, 653, 658, 752-753, 784, 975-978
Sprigg, Daniel Francis, 759
Spurlock, J. Thomas, 604
Staples, M. S., 14
Starritt, Joseph W., 312, 459, 710
Steiner, Roland, 196
Sterry, Frederic, 659
Stettinius, Edward Reilly, 873
Stewart, A. A., 715
Stewart, Annie Carter, 502, 681 (verso)
Stewart, Norman, 307, 348, 570, 710
Stiles, Robert Augustus, 230, 254
Stone, Ormond, 14
Strong, William E., 445
Stuart, James Ewell Brown, 528
Sully, Thomas, 209
Sutton, Indiana (Freeman), 209
Sutton, Strother & Co., Baltimore, Md., 451
Sutton (F. T.) & Co., Richmond, Va., 265
Sydnor, Julian T., 6, 524, 853
Sydnor, Thomas Garland, 359, 392, 414
Sydnor & Hundley, Richmond, Va., 481
Tabb, John Newstead, 164
Tabb, Mary James, 997
Talcott, Thomas Mann Randolph, 545
Taliaferro, James Lyons, 709
Tanner, Charles W., 423, 446
Taylor, F. L., 313, 392
Taylor, J. A., 538, 552, 564, 791, 804
Taylor, J. L., 450
Taylor, Samuel C., 979-981
Taylor, Virginia Kenney (Whitcomb), 126
Taylor, Walter Herron, 202, 260-261, 280
Taylor, William G., 767, 776
Tazewell, Betty, 832
Thom, Alfred Pembroke, 357, 708
Thomas, J. H., 833
Tileston, [?], 265
Townes, William, 146
Trevvett, Arthur J. T., 605
Trice, D. M., 124
Tucker, Beverly Dandridge, 193, 348, 738
Tucker, Edgar B., 876
Tucker, Harry, 416
Tucker, Henry St. George, 109
Tucker, William Crump, 130
University of Virginia, 243, 245, 254, 259, 289, 290, 310, 401, 449
Valentine, Henry Lee, 133, 154
Venable, Andrew Reid, 273, 514, 528, 551, 773, 798
Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va., 347
Virginia Trust Co., Richmond, Va., 561
Volkert, J. F. F., 106
Waddill, Samuel Pearman, 33, 195, 214, 963
Walford, Estelle B., 85, 425, 555
Walker, Benjamin J., 108, 212
Walker, Cornelius, 899
Walker, Georgianna Freeman, 29
Walker, John Stewart, 973
Walker, W. L., 809
Ward, Robert Marion, 304
Ware, J. W., 325
“Warner Hall,” Gloucester County, Va., 151
Washington, George - Engravings, 544
Watkins, Benjamin T., 579
Watkins, c. T., 764
Watkins, Haddon S., 267, 579
Watts, Legh Richmond, 659, 660
Wellford, Beverley Randolph, 808
Wellford, John Spotswood, 114, 745
West, Sadie, 315
Wheelwright, Thomas Stewart, 78
White, Joseph Augustus, 562
White, Robert, 409
Whitehurst, William J., 461
Wilkinson, W. L., 913
Will, Stith & Co., Abilene, Texas, 62, 166, 171, 584, 937
Williams, Adele, 562
Williams, Alfred Brockenbrough, 251, 513
Williams, Ennion Gifford, 82, 197
Williams, Henry Davidson, 467, 481
Williams, John Langbourne, 175
Williams, William R., 801
Willis, Byrd Charles, 276
Willis, Edward Jones, 682
Wills, F. C., 669, 723, 765
Wilmer, Joseph, 173, 390-391, 410
Wilmer, William Nivison, 45, 75, 259, 672, 724, 736, 740, 938-939
Wilson, John T., 351, 799
Wilson, Richard Henry, 148
Wilson, Coalter, & Co., Baltimore, Md., 22, 33, 233, 240, 247, 262, 316, 413, 504, 597, 610, 623A, 635, 643, 661, 667, 677, 690, 703, 720, 731A, 926, 936, 944
Wiltshire, James Gerard, 279
Winder, Frederick Ainsworth, 777, 918
Winn, Kate Seymour (Exall), 331, 455
Winn, Samuel K., 199
Winston, James Blair, 165
Withers, Alfred W., 26, 38, 46, 51, 66, 67, 72, 87, 141, 156, 189, 190A, 205, 216, 228, 238, 367, 397, 430, 431, 543, 826, 848, 854, 894, 915
Withers, W. B., 816, 825, 868
Wood, T. J. see Wool, Theodore Jackson
Woodfin, Solon Boston, 987
Wool, J. T. see Wool, Theodore Jackson
Wool, Theodore Jackson, 134, 657
Wortham, James A., 290
Wortham, Thomas M., 222
Worthington, J. W., 288, 324, 332, 433, 542
Wright, Thomas Roane Barnes, 52, 988
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