Burwell Family, Section 6
Burwell Family Papers, 1770-1965. Section 6.
Correspondence, 1820-1871, of George Harrison Burwell (1799-1873)
Mss1 B9585 a 40-384
Allen, Thomas
American Colonization Society SEE Wilkeson, Samuel
Anderson, A. A.
Anderson, Thomas F.
Armistead, Robert H., b. 1804
Armistead, Robert L.
Ashby, Turner, 1828-1862
Atkinson, Roger Benson, 1802-1862
Atkinson, William Mayo, 1796-1849
B. M. Rhodes & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Bailey, Henry
Baird, Thomas Eagles, d. 1852
Baker & Bros. (Winchester, Va.)
Baker, Joseph Milton
Bank of Winchester, Va.
Barclay & Livingston (New York, N.Y.)
Barney, Charles Gorham, 1814-1894
Barnhart, George
Barton & Williams (Winchester, Va.)
Baughman, George, 1806?-1870
Berry, William
Bible Society of Virginia SEE Wolcott, Calvin
Birkett & Son (London, England) SEE Jones, Richard P.
Bonner, Matthew
Booth, Edwin Gilliam, 1810-1886
Boswell, Thomas H.
Braxton, Charles Hill, 1787-1843
Braxton, William Presley, 1816-1881
Brent, Henry Moore, d. 1907
Brooking, James R.
Burwell, Elizabeth (Nelson), 1779-1850
Burwell, John Langbourne, 1828-1856 SEE Pendleton, William Nelson
Burwell, Lucy (Page) Baylor SEE Page, John Evelyn
Burwell, Nathaniel, 1750-1814 SEE Grigsby, Hugh Blair
Burwell, Nathaniel, 1779-1849
Burwell, Nathaniel, 1817-1886
Burwell, William Taylor, 1824-1869 SEE Pendleton, William Nelson
C. & J. P. Thompson (Alexandria, Va.)
Campbell, William
Carson, Joseph S., 1806?-1871
Carter, Robert
Castleman, James
Chanceller, John J.
Clagett, H. B.
Clark, James H., 1819?-1876
Conrad, Holmes, 1840-1915
Conrad, Robert Young, 1805-1875
Cook & Parkin (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Cooke, Anne Corbin Tayloe (Burwell), 1818-1899
Curtis, Charles C., 1802?-1865
Davis, Baalis
Dempsey, James
Denny, William R.
Dixon, John L.
Eddy, Thomas
Eno, Edward
Episcopal High School (Alexandria, Va.) SEE Pendleton, William Nelson
Ferguson, Abner
Fowle, Abba B.
Funsten, Oliver Ridgway, 1817-1871
Garrison, James S.
Gassaway, H. P.
Gibson, Edmund
Gibson, Wood
Ginn, George W., 1806-1887
Gray, Samuel
Grigsby, Hugh Blair, 1806-1881
Hamer, Thomas Lyon, 1800-1846
Harrison, Benjamin, 1824-1898
Harrison, Edward C.
Harrison, William H.
Hartley, Samuel, 1784-1871
Hartman, Lewis P.
Hay, Elizabeth Gwyn Burwell, 1795-1855 SEE Conrad, Robert Young
Hay, Emily (Lewis)
Hay, James, 1792-1847
Hay, William, 1833-1864
Hess, A.
Hewitt, A. K.
Hite, Isaac Irvine
Hooff, Philip H.
Horner, Joseph, 1807-1886
Hughes, H. L.
Isaac Harrison & Co. ( Clarke County, Va.)
Jackson & Wood (Winchester, Va.)
James Green & Sons (Alexandria, Va.)
James H. Clark & Co. (Millwood, Va.)
John Kelly & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
John W. Ross & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Jolliffe, Lucy Marshall (Burwell), 1812-1888
Jones, Richard P.
Jones, Warner Throckmorton, 1820-1891
Jos. Kelly & Brother (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Kelly & Brother (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Kelly, Philip J.
Kennerly, Joseph McKay, b. 1826
Kennerly, Thomas
Kern, Joseph
Kirk, Samuel
Layton, Henry
Lee, H. H.
Levi, Rice W., 1817-1872
Little, Archibald Alexander, 1824?-1877
Logan, Lloyd
Louthan, John, b. 1803
Lukens, Kelly & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Luzborough (Horse) SEE Merrit, Thomas Belfield
Machir, Joseph S.
Marshall, John
Mason, james Murray, 1798-1871
McCalla, J. H.
McCormick, A. W., Mrs.
McCormick, George W.
McCormick, Stephen
McDonald, Angus William, 1799-1864
McGuire, David Holmes, 1813-1882
Meade, William, 1789-1862
Merillat, John Charles Martin, 1811-1875
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield, b. 1803?
Metcalf, Christopher
Metcalf, Lewis
Miller, John
Minge, John, 1796-1871
Mitchell, Henry
Moore, Samuel Johnston Gramer, 1826-1908
Morgan, J. S.
Morris, Lewis
Neist, John S.
Nelson, Anna Maria Adelaide (Holder), 1816-1875
Nessmith, John
Newton, George William SEE Jones, Richard P.
Nicholas, Peter Carr
Oldfield, G. S.
Orear, [?]
Owens, John S.
Page, John Evelyn, 1796-1881
Page, John White, 1786-1861
Page, Matthew, 1800-1837
Page, Norborne Thomas, b. 1812
Page, William Byrd, b. 1790
Paul, William
Pendleton, T. P.
Pendleton, William Nelson, 1809-1883
Plummer, G.
Porter, William Trotter, 1809-1858
Randolph, Edward SEE Atkinson, William Mayo
Randolph, Robert Carter, 1808-1887
Rhodes, B. C.
Richardson, John
Richardson, N. W.
Richeson, James
Robb & Winebrenner (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Rosenberger, F. H.
Ross & Garrott (Baltimore, Md.)
Ross, Samuel
Royster, Elizabeth, 1785?-1865
Ruffin, Francis Gildart, 1816-1892
S. Fenby & Bro. (Baltimore, Md.)
S. Hartley & Son (Alexandria, Va.)
Sagle, William
Sheldon, Jacob C., b. 1800?
Slanes, E.
Slaughter, Franklin
Small, R. H.
Smith, John G.
Sowers, Daniel W.
Starling, Lyne SEE Dixon, John L.
Stephenson, William A.
Stewart, John
Surghnor, James
Swartzwelder, L. E.
Taliaferro, Warner Throckmorton, 1797-1877
Taliaferro, William SEE Jones, Richard P.
Taylor, John Lampkin, 1805-1870
Thomas H. & Wm. B. Willis (Charles Town, W. V.a)
Thos. & John Hughes (White Post, Va.)
Thos. H. Fisher & Co. (Linden, Va.)
Tilthammer Mills (Clarke County, Va.)
Tipping, J.
Trenary, Samuel
Tuley, Joseph, 1796-1860
Tuley, Mary W. (Edelen) Jackson, 1810-1891
Tyler, Wise & Allegre (Richmond, Va.)
Vass, Joseph A. SEE Wood, Charles L.
Vowell, John Crips, b. 1797
W. B. & B. Miller (Winchester, Va.)
Walter & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Ware, Josiah William, 1802-1883
Welch, Legg & Co. (Harpers Ferry, W. Va.)
White, Harriet, Mrs.
Whiting, Francis Beverley, 1785-1867
Whiting, Francis Henry, 1808-1879
Whiting, George C.
Whiting, George William Carlyle, 1809-1864
Wileson, Samuel, 1781-1848
William Morgan & Sons (Alexandria, Va.)
Williams, John Green, 1823-1870
Williams, Philip, 1803-1865
Williamson, Mary N., Mrs.
Willis, William B.
Wilson, Jacob H.
Wolcott, Calvin
Wood, Charles L.
Wright, George
Yowell, Simeon, 1804-1878