Carter Family
Carter family papers, 1651-1861
Call Number Mss1 C2468 a 145-981
Section 22. Correspondence of Robert Carter (1728-1804) of “Nomini Hall.”
Index to Correspondents and Subjects
Aldridge, James
Alexander (William) & Sons (Edinburg, Scotland)
Allen, Wilson, 1774-1844
Anderson, William
Apperson, Littleberry
Archer, William
Aries (Westmoreland County, Va.) SEE Sullivan, Hartly; Wilkerson, George
Aris, John, 1725?-1779
Armistead, Henry, b. 1753 SEE Shields, James
Armistead, Thomas, d. 1813
Arthur, John
Asbury, Thomas SEE McGuire, Richard Schooley
Ashmead, Joseph
Askew, William
Athawes, Samuel
Atwell, Youell, d. 1791?
Bacon (Anthony) & Co. (London, England)
Bailey, Jeremiah Garland, d. 1791
Baker, Francis
Baley, James
Balfour & Barraud (Norfolk, Va.)
Ball, Spencer, 1762-1832 SEE Dawson, Benjamin
Ball, William
Ball, Williamson, 1736-1793
Ballantine, John
Baltimore Iron Works (Baltimore, Md.) SEE Hammond, William; Lowndes, Benjamin; Lowndes, Christopher; Ogle, Anne (Tasker); Van Bibber, Abraham; Merryman & Slubey (Baltimore, Md.)
Baptists SEE Anderson, William
Bar iron SEE Moseley, Edward Hack; Gildarts & Busigny (Liverpool, England)
Barden, Miles SEE Lewis, Thoms
Barret (John) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Barret, John, 1748-1830
Bassett, John, 1765-1826
Beale, Thomas, 1736-1799
Beall, Andrew SEE Lowndes, Christopher
Beall, William
Beckwith, Jonathan, Sir, 1720-1796
Belair (Prince George’s County, Md.) SEE Lowndes, Christopher
Bell, Frances, Mrs.
Benn, James
Benson, Benjamin, b. 1753 SEE ALSO Brooks, James; Ogle, Ane (Tasker); Ridout, John; Thomas & Rowland Hunt (London, England)
Berkley, Benjamin
Berkley, George
Berry, William
Betsey (Schooner) SEE Lemmon, Robert; Stodder, David
Beverley, Robert, 1740-1800
Beverley, Robert, 1769-1843
Birnie, Hugh
Blackburn, Thomas, ca. 1740-1805
Bland, James
Bland, William, d. 1803
Blane, Thomas
Books and reading SEE Richards, Lewis
Boon, William
Bowness (George and John), Norfolk, Va.
Boyd, James
Bradford, John
Bramham, Benjamin, 1728-1814
Branson, Newyear SEE ALSO McKildoe, Robert
Branson, Vincent Taylor
Brickey, William
Brockenbrough, John, 1741?-1801
Bronaugh, William, 1730-1800
Brooks, Ebenezer
Brooks, James
Brown, Charles
Brown, John Bailey SEE ALSO Carter, Robert Bladen
Brown, Richard, d. 1795
Brown, William
Browne, Nathaniel
Bruce, Jacob, d. 1778
Bruer & Smith (Templeman Cross Roads, Westmoreland County, Va.)
Bruer, Richard
Bruer, William
Bryn, Joseph
Buchanan (James) & Co. (London, England) SEE ALSO Hyndman, John
Buchanan & McKeand (Richmond, Va.)
Buchanan, Andrew, d. 1804
Buchanan, James
Buckland, William, 1734-1774
Buckner, Richard, d. 1794
Buckner, William
Bulger, Edmund
Burns, Tarrance SEE Welch, James
Burwell, James, d. 1775
Burwell, Nathaniel, 1750-1814
Busey, Samuel
Butler, Beckwith
Byrd, John Carter, 1751-1796
Caddeen, John SEE Caddeen, Richard
Caddeen, Richard
Caddeen, Thomas SEE Carter, Robert Bladen
Callis, Francis, d. 1770?
Campbell, Alexander, d. 1796
Cancer (Prince William County, Va.) SEE Berkley, Benjamin; Brickhouse, William; Newman, George
Carneal, Thomas
Carr, William, d. 1790 SEE Chapman, Thomas; Johnston, James
Carter, Benjamin, 1756-1779, estate of SEE Lemmon, Robert
Carter, Charles, 1707-1764 SEE ALSO Carter, Charles, 1732-1806
Carter, Charles, 1732-1806
Carter, Charles, 1733-1796 SEE ALSO Buchanan, Andrew
Carter, George, 1777-1846 SEE ALSO Ellinwood, Benjamin; Jones, Samuel
Carter, John, 1696-1742 SEE Carter, Charles, 1732-1806
Carter, John Tasker, b. 1772 SEE Christian, Francis Humphrey; Dawson, Benjamin; Ellinwood, Benjamin; Jones, Samuel
Carter, Landon, 1738?-1801
Carter, Landon, 1751-1811
Carter, Robert, 1663-1732 SEE Carter, Charles, 1732-1806
Carter, Robert, 1705-1732 SEE Carter, Charles, 1732-1796
Carter, Robert, 1728-1804 SEE Carter, George; Morse, Henry; Peck, John; Sanford, Thomas; Wiatt, William; Buchanan & McKeand (Richmond, Va.)
Carter, Robert Bladen, 1759-1793 SEE ALSO Beale, Thomas; Dawson, Benjamin; How, John
Cary (Robert) & Co. (London, England
Catlett, James, d. 1797
Chandless, John
Chapin, Gurden, 1765?-1811
Chapman, Thomas
Chappawamsie (Prince William County, Va.) SEE Overall, John
Charlotte (Ship) SEE Milford, Samuel
Christian, Francis Humphrey, d. 1787
Claiborne, Thomas, d. 1777
Cleaveland, William SEE Major, Richard
Cleveland, Eli
College students SEE Carter, George
Collin, Peter
Collins, Christopher, 1755-1808
Colston, Lucy (Carter), b. 1748?
Committees of safety SEE Carr, William
Cooke, William, 1746-1817
Corrie, John, d. 1787
Cotton industry and trade SEE Lemmon, Robert
County courts SEE Campbell, Alexander
Cox, Fleet, d. 1799? SEE Downing, Thomas
Crask, William SEE McGinniss, Richard S.
Crump & Collins (Kinsale, Westmoreland County, Va.)
Dameron, Elizabeth, d. 1797?
Dameron, William, d. 1785
Dancing SEE Christian, Francis Humphrey
Davenport, James, d. 1776
Dawe, Philip, d. 1808
Dawson, Benjamin SEE ALSO Bell, Mrs. Frances; Carter, George; Carter, Robert Bladen; Downing, Thomas; Lindsay, Opie; McKildoe, Robert
Dawson, William, b. 1743?
Dean, Emanuel
Debtor and creditor SEE Beverley, Robert, 1740-1800
Dickerson’s Mill (Richmond County, Va.) SEE Franklin, Thomas
Distribution of decedents’ estates SEE Dawson, Benjamin
Dixon, John, 1740?-1791
Dorsey, Robert
Douglass, James, d. 1766
Downing, Thomas, 1744-1799
Dulany, Daniel, 1722-1797 SEE ALSO Hammond, William; Lemmon, Richard; Lemmon, Robert
Dunlap, James
Dunmore, John Murray, Earl of, 1732-1809 SEE Swann, Thomas
Eckard, Joachim Frederick
Edwards, George
Edwards, Thomas, d. 1774 SEE ALSO Baley, James; Fauntleroy, Moore
Edwards, William, d. 1807
Eilbeck, Ross & Co. (Norfolk, Va.)
Ellinwood, Benjamin, b. 1753
Elliott, Andrew, 1754-1820 SEE Lindsay, Opie
Elliott, James
Ellzey, William, 1728?-1796
Eskridge, William, d. 1782 SEE Ball, Williamson
Everett, Joseph
Ewell, Bertrand, ca. 1715-1794
Fairfax County (Va.), land in SEE Jackson, John; Keen, James; Kincheloe, Cornelius
Fairfax, Ferdinando, 1769-1820
Fauntleroy, Moore, 1716-1791
Fauntleroy, Robert, 1758-1832
Feagins, John
Fisher, Thomas
Fitz, William
Flax seed SEE Newman, George
Flood, Nicholas
Flood, William, d. 1775 SEE Francks, Henry
Flour SEE Schaw, John; Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co. (Madeira)
Fonerden, A.
Forrest & Seton (Alexandria, Va.) SEE ALSO Lindsay, Opie
France SEE Murphy, John; Forrest & Seton (Alexandria, Va.); Taney, Forrest & Seton (Le Havre, France)
Francks, Henry SEE ALSO Garland, Griffin
Franklin, Thomas, d. 1794?
Frederick County (Va.), land in SEE Byrn, Joseph; Carter, Charles, 1732-1806; Lane, James
Free Blacks SEE Mahoney, Thomas
Freeman, Hezekiah
Garland, Griffin
Gemini (Westmoreland County, Va.) SEE Hazard, William; Spearman, William
Gilbert, William
Gildarts & Busigny (Liverpool, Entland)
Gill, Spencer, d. 1815?
Godman, Samuel, d. 1799
Goldsby, John SEE Shields, James
Goore, Charles, 1701?-1783
Gordon, George, d. 1786?
Greenlaw, William, d. 1811
Gregory, Catherine (Carr)
Griffin, Thomas, 1706?-1771
Grymes, Benjamin, 1725-1776? SEE Mercer, James
Gwatkin, Thomas, b. 1742 SEE Hunt, Edward
Hague, Joseph SEE Randell, George
Hall, Robert
Hamilton, Hugh SEE Francks, Henry
Hammond, William
Hargrove, John
Harrington, Timothy
Harrison, Joshua SEE Welch, James
Harrison, Nathaniel, 1703-1791 SEE Mercer, James
Harrison, William
Harrow, Richard SEE Atwell, Youell
Hartshorne, William, 1742-1816
Harvey, Mungo, d. 1794
Harvey, William, d. 1748?-1798
Haslett, Moses
Hazard, William
Headon, George
Henderson, Archibald
Henderson, Archibald, 1730?-1803
Hingson, Thomas
Hinton, Henry
Hipkins, Samuel
Hooe, Henry Dade, 1747-1806 SEE Blackburn, Thomas
Hooe, John, b. 1737
Hooper, Thomas SEE Jones, Thomas
Horses SEE Russell, Armistead
Hough, John
How, John
Hunt (Edward) & Sons (London, England)
Hunt (Rowland and Thomas), London, England
Hunt, Edward
Hunt, Rowland SEE Hunt, Edward
Hunter, James, 1746-1788
Hunter, William, d. 1792
Hunton, Robert, b. 1759
Hutt, John
Hutt, Thomas, 1768-1805 SEE ALSO Carter, Robert Bladen
Hyndman (John) & Co. (London, England)
Hyndman & Lancaster (London, England)
Hyndman, John
Hyndman, Lancaster & Co. (London, England) SEE ALSO Hyndman, John
Igglesden, John
Ingram, George, d. 1796
Jack (Slave) SEE Jack, John
Jack, John
Jackson, John
Jacques, Denton
James, Dick & Stewart (Annapolis, Md.)
Jamieson, Neil SEE ALSO MacGregor, Coll
Jenckes, Winsor & Co. (Alexandria, Va.)
Johnson, Thomas, 1732-1819
Johnston, Christopher
Johnston, James
Johnston, Samuel, 1727-1810
Jones, Charles
Jones, Emmanuel
Jones, Frances (Carter), 1764-1795
Jones, Gatesby, 1755?-1800
Jones, Meriwether, 1766-1806
Jones, Samuel, 1735-1814 SEE ALSO Toler, Henry; Wineymyer, Caspar
Jones, Thomas, d. 1800
Jones, Travis
Jones, William
Jordan & barnes (London, England)
Jordan, John Morton, d. 1771
Justis, Joseph SEE Wilmer, James Jones
Keen, James
Kell, Thomas
Kelly, James
Kenner, William
Kenner, William Lewis
Kincheloe, Cornelius
Kincheloe, John
Lancaster County (Va.). Militia SEE Butler, Beckwith
Lancaster, Richard
Land titles, Registration and transfer SEE Robinson, John
Landlord and tenant SEE Hough, John; Johnston, James; Overall, John; Sutton, John; Swann, Thomas
Lane, James
Lane, William
Lawrence, William
Lawson, Thomas
Lawyers SEE Dawe, Philip
Lay, Abraham SEE Welch, James
Lee, Richard SEE Lawrence, William
Lemmon (Richard and Joseph), Baltimore, Md.
Lemmon, Richard
Lemmon, Robert
Leo (Loudoun County, Va.) SEE Dawson, Benjamin; Newman, George; Sutton, John
Lewis, Thomas, 1718-1790
Lewis, Warner, b. 1720
Leycock, Thomas
Libra (Frederick County, Va.) SEE Seaborn, George
Lindsay, Opie, 1745?-1814
Little England (Elizabeth City County, Va.) SEE Balfour & Barraud (Norfolk, Va.)
Lodge (Matthew) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.) SEE Jones, Thomas
Loudoun County (Va.), land in SEE Blackburn, Thomas; Bronaugh, William; Carter, Charles, 1732-1806; Ellzey, William; Johnston, James; Kincheloe, Cornelius; Newman, George; Peers, Valentine; Power, Jack
Love, Samuel, d. 1800
Lowndes, Benjamin, 1749-1802
Lowndes, Christopher, 1713-1785
Lowndes, Elizabeth (Tasker), 1726-1789, estate of SEE Lowndes, Benjamin
Lowndes, Francis, 1751-1815
Lunsford, Lewis, 1753?-1793
Lunsford Meeting House (Westmoreland County, Va.) SEE Anderson, William
Lyons, John
Macaulay, Alexander, 1754-1798
MacGregor, Coll
Mackay, John, 1745-1785?
Macrae, Allan
Mahoney, Thomas SEE Warfield, Nicholas Ridgely
Main, Thomas
Major, Richard, 1722-1797?
Mallory, Thomas
Marlen, Rose
Marmaduke, Vincent, d. 1792
Marsh, James, d. 1793
Martin, Luther, 1748-1826 SEE Hammond, William; Lemmon, Robert
Massey, John, d. 1794
Mather, Ralph
Maund, John James, d. 1802
Mayflower (Sloop) SEE Atwell, Youell; Branson, Vincent Taylor; Rumbley, John; Williams, James
McCall, Archibald, d. 1814 SEE Christian, Francis Humphrey
McClanahan, William
McCloud, [?] SEE Hargrove, John
McCreery, William
McDaniel, Reuben
McDonogh, John
McElderry, Thomas, d. 1810
McGinniss, Richard S.
McGuire, Richard Schooley
McKenney, Gerard, d. 1784 SEE Garland, Griffin; McKildoe, Robert
McKildoe, Robert, b. 1752?
McKim, John SEE ALSO Lemmon, Robert
McKinney, Jacob SEE ALSO Buckner, Richard
McLean, Duncan
McMechen, William
McNeill, Hugh SEE ALSO Carter, Robert Bladen
Meeter (Thomas) & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Mercer, George, 1733-1784 SEE Mercer, James
Mercer, James, 1736-1793
Merchants, Scottish SEE Murphy, John
Merryman & Slubey (Baltimore, Md.)
Middleton, John, d. 1789
Middleton, Robert, 1702?-1773
Middleton, William, d. 1790
Milford, Samuel
Miller, Mordecai, 1763?-1832
Miller, Robert
Mills and mill-work SEE Baley, James; Lemmon, Richard
Mitchell, Priscilla (Carter), 1760-1823?
Mitchell, Robert, 1753?-1808 SEE Morse, Henry
Mitchell, William
Moale, Richard Henry, 1765-1802
Molohon, William
Monroe, John, 1753?-1814
Morgan, Thomas
Morray, George, d. 1794
Morris, ?
Morse, Henry SEE ALSO Prentis, Joseph
Morse, Thomas SEE Prentis, Joseph
Morton, William, d. 1793
Moseley, Edward Hack, 1716?-1782
Moyes, John
Muir, John
Murdock, William
Murphey, William
Murphy, John, 1756?-1835 SEE ALSO Taney, Forrest & Seton (Le Havre, France)
Muschett, James, 1747?-1807
Muse, Charles, b. 1763?
Muse, Richard, 1753?-1797
Muse, Thomas
Muse, Walker, 1756?-1813
Musgrove, William
Nash, Solomon
Necks, Robert, d. 1774 SEE Jones, Emmanuel
Nelson, Hugh, 1768-1836 SEE Burwell, Nathaniel
New Jerusalem Church SEE Hargrove, John; Mather, Ralph
Newman, George
Newman, Thomas, d. 1798
Nicholson, Susanna (Peachey), b. 1764
Nicols, Henry
Nomini Hall (Westmoreland County, Va.) SEE Dawson, Benjamin; Hall, Robert; McNeill, Hugh; Muse, Richard; Wilkerson, George
Norris, Robert
Nutt, William, d. 1792
O’Hagan, Henry
Ogle, Ann (Tasker), 1723-1817 SEE ALSO Lowndes, Benjamin
Ohio Company SEE Mercer, James
Organs SEE Griffin, Thomas; Victor, John; T. & J. Simpson (London, England)
Orr, John, b. 1726
Overall, John
Page, Mann, 1749-1803 SEE ALSO Carter, Charles, 1732-1806
Page, William, d. 1790
Paper currency SEE Lemmon, Richard
Parsons, James, d. 1785
Payne, Daniel, 1728-1796
Peachey, William, 1729-1802
Peck, John, 1755?-1793 SEE ALSO Jones, Charles; Thomson, Thomas
Peers, Valentine, d. 1830
Peirci, Joseph, 1728?-1798
Petty, Rodham, 1752-1843
Pickett & Hopkins (Richmond, Va.)
Pickett, George, 1752?-1821
Pickett, Mary (Newton) Lane
Pig iron SEE Hammond, William; Lemmon, Richard; Gildarts & Busigny (Liverpool, England)
Porter, Demcey, d. 1796?
Porter, John
Porter, William
Power, Jack
Prentis, Joseph, 1754-1809
Prentis, Robert
Presstman (George) & Son (Baltimore, Md.)
Presstman, George, d. 1819
Prince William County (Va.), land in SEE Blackburn, Thomas
Purviance, John
Quakers SEE Lemmon, Robert
Quarrier, Alexander, 1746-1827
Quinlan, Anne Tasker (Carter) Peck, 1762-1798 SEE Christian, Francis Humphrey
Quinlan, Hugh SEE Carter, George; Dawson, Benjamin
Raley, Hannah
Randell, George, d. 1789 SEE ALSO Collins, Christopher
Ransdell, Edward, d. 1773
Redman, Vincent SEE ALSO Carter, Robert Bladen
Religion SEE Collin, Peter; Eckard, Joachim Frederick; Jones, Samuel; Toler, Henry; Wilmer, James Jones
Richards, Lewis
Richardson (Horse) SEE Russell, Armistead
Richardson, William, d. 1794 SEE Collins, Christopher
Ridgely, Richard, 1755-1824
Ridout, John, 1732-1797
Rigby, Alexander
Robinson, John, 1773-1850
Robinson, Solomon, d. 1799
Rogers, Nicholas, 1753-1822
Rogers, Philip SEE Rogers, Nicholas
Rouand, Thomas
Rumbley, John
Russell, Armistead
Rust, Youel
Sanford, Charles
Sanford, Richard
Sanford, Thomas
Schaw, John SEE ALSO Dunlap, James; Jamieson, Neil; MacGregor, Coll
Scorpio (Frederick County, Va.) SEE Newman, George
Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co. (Madeira)
Seaborn, George
Sebree, Richard
Settle, Bailey, 1733-1813
Seward, Bernard SEE Burwell, James
Sewell, Clement
Sheilds, David
Sheilds, James, 1739-1795?
Shortridge, John
Simpson (T. & J.), London, England
Simpson, James
Simpson, Richard
Simpson, Thomas
Sisson, Henry, d. 1775
Skinker, John, 1765?-1809
Slavery SEE Jones, Samuel
Slaves, Emancipation of SEE Apperson, Littleberry; Carneal, Thomas; Dawson, Benjamin
Slaves SEE Collins, Christopher; Jack, John
Smallpox SEE Ransdell, Edward; Steptoe, George
Smith, Francis
Smith, G. R.
Smith, James SEE Maund, James
Smith, Robert, 1757-1842 SEE ALSO Hammond, William
Sorrell, Thomas
Southcomb, Thomas
Spearman, William
Spinning SEE Wilkerson, George
Stanard, William SEE Wiatt, William
Steptoe, Elizabeth (Randsell) Davenport, d. 1802
Steptoe, Elizabeth (Robinson)
Steptoe, George, d. 1784
Steuart & Muschett (Dumfries, Va.)
Stodder, David SEE ALSO Lemmon, Robert
Stowers, Thomas
Straughan, Samuel Lamkin, b. 1759
Sturman, Elliott, 1749-1791, estate of SEE Hutt, Thomas
Sullivan, Daniel
Sullivan, Hartly
Sutton, John
Swann, Thomas, 1765?-1840
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772 SEE Collin, Peter
Taney, Forrest & Seton (Le Havre, France) SEE ALSO Murphy, John
Tapscott, Martin
Tasker, Anne (Bladen), 1696-1775 SEE Brooks, James
Tasker, Benjamin, 1690-1768, estate of SEE Lowndes, Christopher; Mercer, James; Ogle, Anne (Tasker); Ridout, John
Tasker, Benjamin, 1720-1760, estate of SEE Lowndes, Christopher; Mercer, James; Ridgely, Richard
Taurus (Westmoreland County, Va.) SEE Dawson, William
Taxation SEE Beverley, Robert, 1740-1800; Bland, James
Taylor, Edmund
Taylor, Robert, 1749-1826 SEE Buchanan & McKeand (Richmond, Va.)
Taylor, William
Teachers SEE Benn, James
Tebbs, William P.
Templeman, John
Templeman, Samuel
Templeman, William, d. 1772 SEE Parsons, James
Thompson, Hugh, 1760-1826
Thompson, Joseph
Thompson, William SEE Carter, Robert Bladen
Thomson, Thomas
Tillinghast, Samuel
Tobacco SEE Beverley, Robert, 1740-1800; Carr, William; Opie, Lindsay; Newman, George; Simpson, James; Forrest & Seton (Alexandria, Va.); Pickett & Hopkins (Richmond, Va.); Taney, Forrest & Seton (Le Havre, France)
Toler, Henry, d. 1824 SEE ALSO Jones, Samuel
Tomlin, Robert, d. 1794 SEE Carter, Robert Bladen
Triplett, James Lane
Turberville, John, 1737-1799
University of Pennsylvania SEE Carter, George
Van Bibber, Abraham SEE ALSO Lemmon, Robert
Vaughan, Jane
Victor, John, 1758?-1817
Virginia Association of 1774 SEE Gildarts & Busigny (Liverpool, England)
Virgo (Frederick County, Va.) SEE Newman, George; Petty, Rodham
Walker, James
Walker, James L. SEE Chandless, John
Walker, Randolph, b. 1741
Walker, William
Wardrobe, David
Warfield, Nicholas Ridgely
Washington, Samuel, 1734-1781
Washington, William Augustine, 1757-1810 SEE Victor, John
Washington-Henry Academy (Hanover County, Va.) SEE Toler, Henry
Weaver, Zachariah
Weaving SEE Wilkerson, George
Welch, James
Westmoreland County (Va.), land in SEE Hutt, Thomas; Washington, Samuel
Whaley, James, d. 1785 SEE Ellzey, William
Whaley, William, b. 1762? SEE Ellzey, William
Wheat SEE Newman, George; Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co. (Madeira)
Wiatt, William, d. 1800
Wilkerson, George
Williams (Ennion) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Williams, James SEE ALSO Carter, Robert Bladen
Williams, Thomas
Williamsburg (Va.), Carter’s land and house in SEE Bland, William; Prentis, Joseph; Prentis, Robert
Willis, Francis, 1717?-1780
Willis, Francis, 1744-1797
Willis, Henry, b. 1760 SEE Willis, Francis, 1717?-1780
Willson, Jeremiah
Willson, John, d. 1788
Wilmer, James Jones, 1749-1814
Wineymyer, Caspar
Wolf Run (Fairfax County, Va.) SEE Simpson, Richard
Wood, William
Wool industry and trade SEE Lemmon, Robert
Woosoncroft, James, b. 1751?
Wormeley, John, 1724-1785
Wormeley Ralph, 1715-1790
Wright, Francis
Wright, John, 1717?-1797
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