Chamberlayne Family
Chamberlayne Family Papers, 1821-1938
Section 1. Correspondence, 1860-1882, of John Hampden Chamberlayne
Call Number Mss1 C3552 c1-433
List of Correspondents
Alexander, Henry Carrington, 1835-1894
Alfriend, Frank Heath, 1841-1887
Anderson, Archer, 1838-1918
Anderson, Francis Thomas, 1808-1887
Anderson, Mary Anne (Mason), 1834-1928
Armstrong, Samuel Chapman, 1839-1893
Ashton, John C., b. 1844
Atkinson, John Mayo Pleasants, 1817-1883
Barbour, Benjamin Johnson, 1821-1894
Barbour, Philip Pendleton, 1839-1914
Barham, T. G.
Bayard, Thomas Francis, 1828-1898
Bell, E. C.
Bentley, William Chamberlayne, 1847-1932
Berkeley, William Randolph, 1838-1877
Bernard, George Strother, 1837-1912
Bernard, William M.
Berry, Taylor, d. 1896?
Blackford, Benjamin Lewis, 1835-1908
Blackford, Launcelot Minor, 1837-1914
Bocock, Walter Kemper, 1858-1904
Bolling, Robert Buckner, 1805-1881
Boyd, John
Braxton, Carter Moore, 1836-1898
Brent, Franklin Pierce, b. 1852
Briggs, William H., 1832-1926
Butler, Mary L. (Harrison)
Button, Charles F.
Byrd, William, 1828-1896
Cabell, Nannie (Enders), 1848-1931
Cameron, William Evelyn, 1842-1927
Campbell, John
Campbell, John J.
Cappelle, B. C.
Carrington, William Cabell, 1858-1905
Chamberlayne, Francis West, 1832-1904
Chamberlayne, Hartwell Macon, 1836-1905
Chesterman, William Dallas, 1845-1904
Chichester, Arthur Mason Beverley, b. 1837
Clemmitt, Thomas, 1825-1873
Cole, William Hynson, b. 1837
Coleman, Mary Ambler (Marshall), b. 1830
Core, John H., 1838-1910
Crannell, W. W.
Crawford, Robert, b. 1835
Crouch, Walter Virginius, b. 1826
Crutchfield, George
Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, 1825-1903
Dabney, Anna Wilson (Noland), b. 1849
Dabney, Augustine Lee, 1800-1879
Dabney, J. D.
Davis, John W. C.
Digges, David D. M.
Dixon, B.
Dodson, R. J.
Dudley, Thomas Underwood, 1837-1904
Duffield, Charles B.
Early, Mary W.
Echols, Edward, 1849-1914
Echols, John, 1823-1896
Ellis, Thomas Harding, 1814-1898
Evans, C. E.
Evans, D. S.
Ewell, Benjamin Stoddert, 1810-1894
Faulconer, C. B.
Ficklin, James B.
Fink, Henry
Fishburne, Clement Daniels, 1832-1907
Fisher, Edward H.
Fitzhugh, St. George Rose, 1842-1925
Fontaine, William Morris, 1835-1913
Ford, John Thompson, 1829-1894
Galt, William Richard, 1818-1892
Garrison, George Tankard, 1835-1889
Gibson, Churchill Jones, 1819-1892
Gibson, George, 1821-1896
Gibson, Randall Lee, 1832-1892
Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau, 1831-1924
Glennan, Michael, 1843-1899
Godwin, David Jeremiah, b. 1829
Goode, John, 1829-1909
Goodwyn, John W.
Gordon, M.
Grattan, Charles, 1833-1902
Grattan, Elizabeth Gilmer, 1837-1921
Gregory, Edward Sanford, 1843-1884
Greusel, Joseph, d. 1913
Gromer, Virginius Despeaux, 1836-1903
Haile, John
Hall, John Lesslie, 1856-1929
Hall, W. Carvel
Hammond, Henrietta (Hardy)
Handy, Moses Purnell, 1847-1898
Hardaway, J. W.
Harper, Joseph Wesley, b. 1830
Harris, S. O.
Harrison, Caskie
Harrison, George A.
Harrison, Isabella Harmanson (Richie), 1808-1898
Haxall, Mary Jenifer (Triplett), 1849-1892
Haxall, Octavia (Robinson), 1814-1892
Hayes, James
Hazleton, W. B.
Heth, Harriet C. (Selden), 1834-1907
Heth, Henry, 1825-1899
Higbie, J.
Hinton, Peter W.
Hinton, William E., 1815-1894
Hope, James Barron, 1829-1887
Howard, John Clarke, 1846-1925
Hubard, Robert Thruston, 1839-1921
Hunter, Robert Waterman, 1837-1916
Jackson, Thomas G.
Jeffries, James M., b. 1829
Jenkins, William A., 1821-1885
Johnson, Bradley Tyler, 1829-1903
Jones, A. Seddon
Jones, Philip Barbour, b. 1836
Jones, W. M.
Kean, Sally Gay (Grattan), 1838-1923
Keiley, Anthony Michael, 1832-1905
Kemper, Delaware, 1833-1899
Kemper, James Lawson, 1823-1895
Kirkpatrick, Thomas Jellis, 1829-1897
Lacy, Benjamin Watkins, b. 1839
Lacy, Thomas Hugo, 1848-1928
Lamb, William, 1835-1909
Lee, Lewis Herman, 1849-1878
Lemmon, G. W.
Lewellen, John Richard, 1822-1886
Lyons, James, 1801-1882
Mahone, William, 1826-1895
Mann, William Hodges, 1843-1927
Mariana (Sister)
Marye, Lawrence Slaughter, b. 1833
Mason, S. B.
Mathews, Alexander F., 1838-1906
Mathews, Henry Mason, 1834-1884
Maupin, Susan Monroe Grayson
Maury, William Arden, 1832-1918
McCabe, William Gordon, 1841-1920
McCandlish, Thomas P., b. 1837
McClure, Alexander Kelly, 1828-1909
McCready, W. L.
Mcguire, John Peyton, 1836-1906
Metcalf, C. J.
Minor, Charles Landon Carter, 1835-1903
Minor, John Barbee, 1813-1895
Minor, Robert Berkeley, b. 1851
Moore, Henry V.
Mullen, Isaac S.
Murfee, James L.
Mutter, Mary Smith (Macon) Nelson, 1815-1907
Neale, Juan Stanley, b. 1844
Noland, Richard William Noble, 1822-1886
Old, William Whitehurst, 1840-1911
Osborne, Nathaniel Montgomery, b. 1842
Osgood, James S.
Ott, John, 1834-1895
Overton, Polly
Packard, Thomas James, 1854-1912
Palmer, Charles F., 1854-1914
Patterson, N. T.
Patteson, Camm, 1840-1909
Payne, William Henry, 1830-1904
Perrigo, Oscar E.
Perry, Walter Scott, b. 1854
Peyton, Bernard
Peyton, Yelverton Howe
Pleasants, John M.
Poague, William Thomas, 1835-1914
Powell, Alfred Harrison, 1831-1904
Powell, John Henry, 1834-1889
Preston, Samuel Davis, 1834-1888
Price, Thomas Randolph, 1839-1903
Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 1828-1919
Randall, Samuel Jackson, 1828-1890
Randolph, Innes, 1837-1887
Randolph, Sarah Nicholas, 1839-1892
Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912
Riddleberger, Harrison Holt, 1844-1890
Robinson, Leigh, 1840-1922
Rogers, Asa, b. 1836
Roy, DeWitt, G.
Sargent, H. B.
Schele De Vere, Maximilan, 1820-1898
Schisano, Stephanie
Schutte, J. William
Scott, Frederic Robert, 1830-1898
Scott, William C.
Shand, John A.
Sheppard, William Ludwell, 1833-1912
Shields, John Camden, 1820?-1904
Skinner, James H., b. 1826
Smith, Archibald Magill, b. 1835
Smith, Augustine
Smith, John Ambler, 1847-1892
Smith, Margaret Vowell, 1839-1926
Smith, Peter
Smith, R. H.
Smith, William Russell, 1815-1896
Smith, William Waugh, 1845-1912
Sneed, L. W.
Sotrke, William Day
St. Andrew, J. A. H., d. 1881
Stanford, W. H.
Starke, Lucien Douglas, b. 1826
Stateraker, Ran.
Stokes, Sylvanus, b. 1858
Stone, Jordan
Sweeney, Talbot
Sykes, George Augustus
Tanner, Nathaniel M., 1827-1881
Taylor, George Keith, 1831-1903
Taylor, Walter Herron, 1838-1916
Thomas, Richard Samuel, 1837-1914
Thompson, John Reuben, 1823-1873
Thurmond, Sophy (Dabney), b. 1842
Treadway, O. C.
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1853-1932
Tucker, John Randolph, 1823-1897
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley, 1820-1890
Venable, Charles Scott, 1827-1900
Walke, Richard, 1840-1901
Walker, Amasa
Wallace, Thomas P., b. 1836
Washington, Littleton Dennis Quinton, 1825-1902
Watson, Thomas Shelton, 1819-1895
West, John Montgomery, 1827-1892
Wiltz, Ernest
Wise, Richard Alsop, 1843-1900
Withers, Robert Enoch, 1821-1907 SEE Johnson, Bradley Tyler
Woods, John Rodes
Wynne, Thomas Hickes, 1820-1875
Young, T. L. H.
Companies and Organizations
Harper & Brothers, New York, N.Y.
Patterson, Madison & Co., Petersburg, Va.
Robinson (George H.) & Son, alexandria, Va.
Vaughan & Hinton, Petersburg, Va.
Last updated: May 3, 2004