Dabney Family
Dabney Family Papers, 1742-1928. Section 21
Correspondence, 1830-1891, of Charles William Dabney (1809-1895)
Call Number Mss1 D1124 b 369-870
Name and subject index
Allen, William, 1801-1881
Anderson, David
Anderson, Elizabeth T.
Anderson, Meriwether Lewis, 1812-1872
Anderson, William
Anderson, William Waddy, d. 1873
Andrews, John D.
Austin, Robert S.
Ayres, Samuel
Bailey, Aminadab Monroe, 1814-1879
Barbour, John Strode, 1790-1855
Baughar, James W.
Beach, William H.
Bosher, James, 1794?-1854
Bowles, A. Perkins
Bowles, Jesse T.
Bowles, Lucy T.
Brandy SEE Rogers & Langley (Norfolk, Va.)
Braxton, Carter, 1789-1855
Brown, J. D. G.
Bryce, Ann, b. 1780?
Burdon, William
Butler, David, d. 1846 – Will SEE Butler, John
Butler, John
Callis, Caius Marcellus, b. 1804
Callis, Martha A. (Garland), d. 1863
Campbell, James
Campbell, Joseph W.
Carriages and carts SEE Bosher, James
Cole, Andrew N.
Coles, Mary Randolph (Price), 1776-1847
Collection agencies SEE Woodward & Dusenbery (New York, N.Y.)
Comet (Horse) See Cottrell, John W.
Cornelius, Charles
Cottrell, John W
Cowherd, E. F.
Crutchfield, Stapleton, 1776-1818
Dabney, Charles, b. 1848
Dabney, Cordelia Ellen (Watkins), 1818-1895
Dabney, Elizabeth, 1856-1906
Dabney, George R., 1859-1925
Dabney, Robert Lewis, 1820-1898 SEE Winston, Frank V.
Dandridge, Boling S.
Davis, Micajah, b. 1779
Dickinson, James T., b. 1817
Doswell, George W., 1820?-1889
Drewry, Augustus Henry, 1817-1899
Duke, Edwin P., 1811-1895 SEE Dickinson, James T.
Dunlop, John, 1833-1901
Eagle Hotel (Richmond, Va.) SEE King, William L.; Ludlam, William; Richardson, Harriet (Hallam)
Ellis, Luther P.
Fertilizers SEE Bee (Wm. C.) & Co. (Charleston, S.C.); Rhodes (B. M.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.); Tompkins (Calvin) & Co. (Tomkins Cove, N.Y.)
Fleming, John S. SEE Braxton, Carter
Fowler, E. P.
Gardner, Asa B.
Gardner, Meredith
Gardner, Thomas, d. 1811 SEE Gardner, Asa B.
Garland, Thomas, d. 1874
Glenn, James R.
Goodall, Charles Parke, b. 1783?
Goodwin, James Robert SEE Smith, William
Goodwin, M. T.
Grady, Sidnum
Grain industry – Equipment SEE Bickford & Huffman (Macedon, N.Y.)
Grattan, Peachy Ridgway, 1801-1881
Graves, Coalby, d. 1854?
Guerrant, Peter, 1797-1867 SEE Winston, Frank V.
Harris, Lucy
Harris, Sally Ann, d. 1918
Hayden, Nancy (Chisholme) SEE McKee, John; Walter, George H.
Holland, H. M.
Hord, Thomas, d. 1855
Hosiery SEE Tivey & Co. (Newton Highlands, Mass.)
Hughes, Joseph T.
Hunter, John
Irby, Richard, 1825-1902
Irby, William R. SEE William W. Anderson
Jackson, John W.
Jackson, Nelson
Jennings, James W.
Johnson, Thomas T.
Johnson, William J.
Johnston, Richard
Jones, Philip H., d. 1860
Jones, S. D.
Kean, Otto Williams
King, Mary D. (Hallam)
King, Thomas
King, William L.
Kinne, Asa
Kuper, William A.
Lanier, T. L. SEE Vance, C. F.
Leake, William Josiah, 1843-1908
Livingston, John
Ludlam, Henry
Ludlow, G. C.
Lumsden, William M.
Manson, Otis
Mapes, James Jay, 1806-1866
Marshall, Hunter Holmes, 1820-1896
Marx, Samuel, 1796-1860
Mason, George
McKee, John SEE Walter, George H.
McKisick, L. D.
McMahon, John J.
McRae, Duncan
Melton, Elisha
Michie, Thomas Johnson, 1795-1873
Michie, William Watson, d. 1842 SEE Jones, Philip H.
Mitchell, O. T. SEE Woodson, Archibald Pleasants
Montgomery, H. P.
Moon, Samuel Overton, 1801-1870
Moore, William T.
Morris, Charles
Morris, Edward Watts, 1821-1890
Morris, Starke W.
Mosby, Overton A., d. 1852?
Mosby, P. S.
Moses, Alfred
Moss, William K.
Napier, Elizabeth
National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (Elizabeth City County, Va.) SEE Woodfin, P. T.
Nelson, Robert H.
Newton, William Brockenbrough, 1831-1863
Noland, Callender St. George, 1816-1878
Normant, Philip R. SEE Bradley & Brothers (Richmond, Va.)
Nowlin, Abner Wentwroth Clopton, 1833-1906
Nuckols, Mary K., Mrs.
Parrish, Henry
Pearson, Edmund B.
Perkins, Thomas Joseph
Philips, John Penn, 1802-1860
Phillips, E. D.
Pig husbandry SEE Boyer (N. P.) & Co. (Parkersburg, Pa.)
Pitts, Hiram Avery, 1800?-1860
Plank roads SEE Kuper, William A.; Robinson, Edwin
Poe. Neilson
Pollard, Benjamin, 1813-1880
Pollard, K. S.
Porter, Thomas
Pottie, Charles
Pown, R. E.
Price, John H.
Price, Samuel Mosby, 1816-1889
Price, Thomas, 1781-1838
Pulliam, Thompson W.
Randolph, C. J.
Red Sweet Spring (Alleghany County, Va.) SEE Sampson, Richard
Reese, J. S.
Richardson, Harriet (Hallam) SEE ALSO King, William L.
Richardson, William Harvie, 1795-1876
Richardson, William S.
Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company SEE Ellis, Luther P.
Roberts, Robert R., 1816?-1889
Robinson, Edwin, 1807-1863
Rocky Mills (Hanover County, Va.) SEE Moses, Alfred; Nolting, Adolphus W.
Rutherford, Thomas
Sampson, John Russell
Sampson, John Russell SEE Sampson, Richard
Sampson, Richard, b. 1774
Sanders, William
Seddon, James Alexander, 1815-1880
Shields, Thomas Pride, 1826-1912
Sinton, Charles J.
Smith, Francis J.
Smith, John P., d. 1838 SEE Philips, John P.
Smith, Nathaniel A., d. 1826? SEE Callis, Caius Marcellus
Smith, William, 1797-1887
Spencer, Thomas
Steam engines SEE Burdon, William
Stuart, Thomas Jefferson
Stuart, William Alexander, 1825-1892
Taylor, Garland B. SEE Hunter, John
Tobacco SEE Walke, Gaulding & Gray (Richmond, Va.)
Toler, William SEE Mason, George B.
Toler, William T.
Trueheart, George Washington, b. 1810
Tucker, John Randolph, 1823-1897
Vance, C. F.
Vaughan, Boling
Virginia Bureau of Immigration SEE Irby, Richard; Richardson, William Harvie
Virginia Central Railroad Company SEE Kuper, William A; Robinson, Edwin
Waddy, William
Walter, George H.
Walton, Thomas R.
Wash, Nathaniel H.
Watkins, Joseph D.
Watkins, Thomas P., 1803-1852
Watson, Garret F.
Watson, James G.
Wharton, Charles Dabney, 1818-1845 SEE Callis, Caius Marcellus
Wharton, Charlotte, d. 1840 SEE Callis, Caius Marcellus
Whisky SEE Bumgardner & McQuaide (Staunton, Va.)
White, John P.
Wickham, Edmund Fanning, 1796-1843
Wight, William Leeds, 1802-1873
Wiley, Malvina (Price) SEE Wiley, Oscar
Wiley, Oscar, 1830-1904
Williams, Jacob T., d. 1813 SEE Philips, John P.
Winston, Frank V., 1830-1913
Winston, James Balri, b. 1830
Winston, Philip Bickerton, 1786-1853
Womack, Charles
Woodfin, P. T.
Woodson, Archibald Pleasants, 1798-1883
Woodville (Cumberland County, Va.) SEE Womack, Charles
Allison & Watt (Richmond, Va.)
Anderson (Wm.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Bee (Wm. C.) & Co. (Charleston, S.C.)
Bickford & Huffman (Macedon, N.Y.)
Boyer (N.P.) & Co. (Parkesburg, Pa.)
Bradley & Brothers (Richmond, Va.)
Bumgardner & McQuaide (Staunton, Va.)
Bumgardner (J.) & Sons (Staunton, Va.)
Burr, Pae & Samson (Richmond, Va.)
DeFord (Charles D.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Disbrow (A.) & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Dusenbery & Ogden (New York, N.Y.)
Ellis, Ellett & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Gale (Wm.) & Son (New York, N.Y.)
Hampden-Sydney College
Hibbs, Haslup & Co. (Louisa, Va.)
Hubbard, Gardner & Carleton (Richmond, Va.)
Nicklin (P.N.) & Johnson (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Price (Thomas R.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Rhodes (B.M.) & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Richards (C.J.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Robbins & Bibb (Baltimore, Md.)
Rogers & Langley (Norfolk, Va.)
Selden & Miller (Richmond, Va.)
Sloan & Calwell (Baltimore, Md.)
Tivey & Co. (Newton Highlands, Mass.)
Tomkins (Calvin) & Co. (Tomkins Cove, N.Y.)
Walke, Gaulding & Gray (Richmond, Va.)
Woodward & Dusenbery (New York, N.Y.)
Last updated: June 3, 2005