Eggleston Family, Section 13
Eggleston Family Papers, 1788-1975. Section 13.
Call Number Mss1 Eg396 b 371-10,572
Correspondence, 1877-1953, of Joseph Dupuy Eggleston (1867-1953)
Abbett, Anna G.
Abbott, Kenneth
Ackley, S. A.
Adair, Douglass Graybill, 1912-1968
Adamic, Louis, 1899-1951
Adams, E. S.
Adams, Eugene, Mrs.
Adams, Horace, b. 1884
Adams, James Truslow, 1878-1949
Adams, Lucile (Nichols)
Adams, Marian F.
Adams, Philip Cary, 1893-1970
Adamson, A. M.
Adkins, Thomas Eggleston
Agee, Purl Myrtillo, b. 1876
Agee, Robert L.
Agnew, Ella Graham, 1871-1958
Agnew, J. P.
Agnew, Jean
Aiken, Will, 1866-1951 SEE ALSO Bryson, Sadie B.
Albertson, James Swazey, b. 1901
Albino, Diana Hurlbert, Mrs.
Alderman, Bessie Green (Hearn)
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 1861-1931
Ale, Clarence K.
Alexander, Chalmers W.
Alexander, Edna (Whitfield)
Alexander, W. C., d. 1939
Alexander, William
Allan, Denison Maurice, 1897-1974
Allen, Ellis Saunders, d.1944
Allen, Henry Ware
Allen, J. W.
Allen, James Edward, 1876-1950
Allen, Katharine
Allen, Mary B., Mrs.
Allen, Mary Louise
Allen, Noel J.
Allis, Oswald Thompson, 1779-1973
Allison, Andrew
Allmond, Harry F.
Alston, Wallace McPherson, 1906-
Alvey, Edward, b.1902
Ambler, Charles Henry, 1876-1957
Anderson, Allie, Mrs.
Anderson, Celestine A., Mrs.
Anderson, Charles Albert, 1889-1962
Anderson, Edwin Hatfield, 1861-1947
Anderson, Florence
Anderson, George Wayne, b. 1863
Anderson, Harriet
Anderson, James Aylor, 1892-1964
Anderson, John Gray, 1850-1944
Anderson, L., Mrs.
Anderson, R. C. SEE Brock, Robert Kincaid
Anderson, Robert Campbell, 1864-1955
Anderson, Sadie K. (Gaither)
Anding, S. W.
Andrews, J. P.
Andrews, Lula Ocilles
Andrews, M. Carl
Andrews, Matthew Page, 1879-1947
Anell, Benjamin Lucius, 1868-1933
Appleton, Elizabeth Giles (Langhorne), 1857-1943
Arbuckle, Howard Ball, 1870-1945
Arbuckle, W. C.
Armat, Mary B.
Armes, Roland K.
Arnold, Elizabeth
Arthur, Robert P.
Ashida, James H.
Atkinson, Esther (Thomas)
Atkinson, George H.
Atkinson, Paul Tulane, 1887-1963
Atkinson, Paul Tulane, b. 1921?
Auld, Frances
Auld, Lula Gray
Austin, Constance S., Mrs.
Austin, Margaret Baldwin
Austin, Robert P.
Avary, Myrta (Lockett), 1857-1946
Ayers, Austin, Mrs.
Bachinsky, Elizabeth Alexander (Burford)
Baden, Anne L.
Bader, John H.
Bagby, Ellen Matthews, 1879-1960
Bagley, William Chandler, 1874-1946
Bailey, Fannie (Eggleston)
Bailey, Joseph Cannon, b. 1899
Baine, Rodney Montgomery, b. 1913
Baker, James Addison, 1857-1941
Balch, Glenn, b. 1902
Ball, Agnes
Ball, Daisy Scott, Mrs.
Ball, Lucy Mary
Banks, Howard A.
Barbee, David Rankin, 1874-1958
Barck, Dorothy Churchill, d. 1965
Barksdale, Lena
Barksdale, Nellie McPhail (Carrington), b. 1893
Barksdale, Paul Carrington, b. 1920
Barnard, Harry, b. 1906
Barrell, Charles Martin, 1870-1940
Barreto, Emma Crosland, Mrs.
Barrett, J. Louise
Barringer, Lillian Marye
Bartlett, John Henry, 1869-1952
Barton, William
Bashinski, Izzie, Mrs.
Baskervill, Thornton S., b. 1879
Baskerville, Hamilton Meade, b. 1882
Bass, Estelle, d. 1956
Bates, William
Battle, John Stewart, 1890-1972
Battle, William James, 1870-1955
Baum, Herman N., Mrs.
Bauserman, Joseph Morgan, 1865-1934
Beal, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Beale, Robert Cecil, 1877-1952
Beam, Harold M.
Bean, Lorenzo Lee, b. 1916
Bear, James Adam, 1887-1956
Bear, James Edwin, 1893-1977
Bear, Margaret W.
Beaton, S. L., Mrs.
Beatty, Richmond Croom, 1905-1961
Beckham, Maud, Mrs.
Beckner, Lucien, 1873-1963
Bedinger, Alice (Graham)
Bedinger, Alma P.
Bedinger, Benjamin Franklin, 1854-1938
Bedinger, Frank Cleveland, b. 1886
Bedinger, John F.
Bedinger, Julia S., Mrs.
Bedinger, Neal
Bedinger, Robert Dabney, b. 1885
Behrands, Cora E., Mrs.
Bell, Alden, b. 1863
Bell, Annie Walker Burns
Bell, L. Nelson, 1894-1973
Bell, Landon Covington, 1880-1960
Bell, M. L.
Bell, Stewart
Bell, Walter Herman, b. 1900
Bell, Whitfield Jenks, b. 1914
Benjamin, Joseph Wilmer, 1902-1977
Bennett, Archibald F., b. 1896
Bennett, Henry Eastman, 1873-1941
Bentley, Henry K.
Benton, Mildred
Bergh, Henry T.
Berkeley, Francis Lewis, b. 1911
Bernbaum, Ernest, 1879-1958
Bernier, Charles Arthur, 1890-1963
Berry, Robert Elton
Beukema, Herman, 1891-1960
Beverley, Nelia Purnell (Dupuy), b. 1886
Beville, Grace, Mrs.
Bickers, Mattie M., Mrs.
Binford, Ella N.
Binford, Jesse Hill, 1875-1952
Bingham, Rowland V.
Birchof, Hermann
Bird, Hugh Stockdell, 1869-1931
Birkland, Laura Nell (Crawley)
Bishop, Carl Whiting, 1882-1942
Bishop, Carter Richard, 1864-1941
Bishop, Robert W., b. 1902
Bittinger, Morris Henry, 1905?-1984
Bittinger, Morris Henry, Mrs.
Black, Gurdon G.
Black, John Charles, 1839-1915
Black, Suzanne Watkins (Dupuy), b. 1939
Black, William H.
Blackiston, Helen
Blackwell, Hoyt
Blackwell, Robert Emory, 1854-1938
Blair, Hallie
Blair, Percy
Blakely, Hunter Bryson, b. 1894
Blanchard, Robert W.
Bland, J. W.
Blankenship, Helen (Robinson)
Blanton, Anna (Hawes) Boettner, Loraine
Blanton, Charles Armistead, 1859-1949
Blanton, Frank Stoddert, b. 1885
Blanton, Haynie
Blanton, Wyndham Bolling, 1890-1960
Blease, Lillian
Bleecker, Florence, Mrs.
Bliss, Leslie Edgar
Block, Winston
Bluford, Robert
Boaz, Ada C.
Bocock, Bessie F., Mrs.
Bocock, Willis Henry, 1865-1947
Boddie, John Bennett, 1880-1965
Boetner, Loraine
Bole, S. James
Bolling, Parke Chamberlayne (Bagby), 1874-1947
Bond, Ernest W.
Bondurant, Alexander Lee, 1865-1937
Bondurant, Gabriella McPheeters (Means)
Bondurant, Nancy Lee
Bonham, Milledge Louis, 1880-1941
Boocock, Murray, d. 1942
Booker, James Edward, 1870-1950
Booker, John
Bosley, Lucy Puryear, Mrs.
Bost, George Henry, b. 1892
Boswell, Cassie
Boswell, Margaret
Bottom, David, 1867-1935
Bourland, Albert Pike, 1861-1927
Bouton, Kenneth
Bowen, Nelle Griffin, Mrs.
Bowry, Ella (Shipman)
Boyce, Flora McNeill
Boyd, Daniel L.
Boyd, Julian Parks, 1903-1980
Boyd, Nannie S.
Boykin, Elliott, d. 1929
Boyle, William
Boyle, Woodson M.
Boysworth, Willa (Matheson)
Brackett, A. D.
Bradley, John M.
Bradshaw, Herbert Clarence, 1908-1976
Bram, Martin
Brannen, T. A., Mrs.
Branson, Eugene Cunningham, 1861-1933
Braucher, H. L.
Braxton, Allen Caperton, 1862-1914
Bray, James Brantley, 1883-1936
Breedlove, J. P.
Brickey, Mary B.
Bridgman, Arthur Coleman, 1868-1930
Brierley, W. W.
Brimm, Henry Muller, 1898-1984
Brinser, John R.
Britan, Joseph Taylor, b. 1873
Britt, Lee
Broadwell, W. A.
Brock, Henry Irving, b. 1876
Brock, Robert Kincaid, 1878-1962 SEE ALSO
Hart, John Marion
Bromfield, [?], Mrs.
Bronson, S. E. R., Mrs.
Brooks, Aubrey Lee, 1871
Brooks, Berry, Mrs.
Brooks, George E.
Brosseau, Grace L. H., Mrs.
Brotze, Selma
Broughton, Carrie L.
Broun, Anne Burnside
Brown, Arlo Ayres, 1883-1961
Brown, Charles K.
Brown, Edward Douglas, 1869-
Brown, Ethel A.
Brown, John Thompson, 1861-1921
Brown, Kathrine E.
Brown, Milton Wilbert, b. 1873
Brown, Ralph Minthorne, b. 1878
Brown, Walter R.
Brown, William Ambrose, 1878-1956
Browne, Fred Z.
Browne, Hetty S.
Broyles, Vernon S.
Bruce, David Kirkpatrick Este, 1898-1977
Bruce, Philip Alexander, 1856-1933
Bruce, William Cabell, 1860-1946
Bruere, Martha Bensley, Mrs.
Bruere, Robert Walter, b. 1876
Bruner, Benjamin R.
Bruner, John L.
Bryan, H. C.
Bryan, John Stewart, 1871-1944
Bryan, Thomas C.
Bryant, Ryland Crews, 1880-1948
Brydon, George MacLaren, 1875-1963
Bryson, Sadie B.
Buchanan, Archibald Chapman, b. 1890
Buchanan, W. J.
Buck, Fred L.
Buck, James Lawrence Blair, 1886-1964
Buckalaw, E. B.
Buckner, Elizabeth J. (Harrison)
Buffington, Joseph, 1855-1947
Buford, Frances Otey, Mrs.
Buford, W. Bruce
Bugg, Clair (Woodruff)
Bugg, James Luckin, b. 1920
Bull, Lucy Morton (Eggleston), d. 1945
Bullard, James B.
Burchett, Olive (Jones)
Burke, John E.
Burrn, Alfred H.
Burrn, Charles G.
Burruss, Helen Currell
Burruss, Julian Ashby, 1876-1947
Burruss, Nathaniel Charter
Burton, Clarence G., 1862-1954
Burton, Joseph Shuey, d. 1938
Burton, Lummie Lee (Cunningham), d. 1955
Burton, Marianne
Buswell, James Oliver, b. 1895
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947
Buttrick, Wallace, 1853-1926
Buttrill, Ruby Durden
Buyers, William B.
Byers, J. W.
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1887-1966
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 1860-1925
Byrum, Russell H.
Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Caldwell, Isabell
Caldwell, Joseph S.
Calkins, Robert D.
Call, Norman, 1880-1959
Cammerer, Arno B.
Camp, Norman Harvey, b. 1867
Campbell, Doak Sheridan, 1888-1973
Campbell, Graham C.
Campbell, James Duncan
Campbell, Jeannette O.
Campbell, Louise Howard
Campbell, Preston White, 1874-1954
Campbell, Robert Fishburne, 1858-1947
Campbell, Theodorick Pryor, 1861-1928
Campbell, William Spencer, 1859-1939
Cannon, James, bp., 1864-1944
Cappon, Lester Jesse, 1900-1981
Carden, Robert Clinton
Cardwell, Charles P., b. 1903
Carr, I. N.
Carrington, Mary
Carroll, W. Irving
Carroll, W. Irving, Mrs.
Carson, Herbert Venable, b. 1892
Carter, Charles
Carter, E. J.
Carter, Elmer Anderson
Carter, Hannah
Carter, Mary D.
Carter, Robert Hill, 1892-1962
Carter, Thomas Withers, 1904-1956
Cary, Bessie (Ferguson)
Cary, John Barry, b. 1886
Cathcart, Wallace Hugh, b. 1865
Caton, Louise G.
Cecil, Russell, 1853-1925
Chafer, Lewis Sperry, 1871-1952
Chamberlain, Ann
Chamberlayne, Anne (Atkinson) Burmeister, 1876-1968
Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson, 1876-1939
Chamberlayne, Elizabeth Breckinridge (Bolling), 1887?-1978
Chambers, J. F.
Chambers, Paul
Chambers, Sallie (Irby)
Chambliss, Roger Lee, b. 1913
Chancy, Ethel M.
Chandler, Algernon Bertrand, 1870-1928
Chandler, Alvin Duke, b. 1902
Chandler, Julian Carroll, 1872-1934
Chapman, Blanche Howard (Adams), 1895-1958
Chapman, H. Powell
Chase, Francis Seabury
Chastain, James Garvin, b. 1853
Chatelain, Verne Elmo, b. 1895
Cheatham, W. H.
Chelio, R. M.
Cheney, Lloyd SEE ALSO Campbell, James Duncan
Chermside, Herbert Brooke, b. 1879
Cherry, Kathryn B., Mrs.
Chester, Samuel Hall, 1851-1940
Chesterman, Evan Ragland, 1871-1931
Chichester, Cassius Moncure, 1882-1950
Chisholm, Juanita
Chivers, Kenneth C., Mrs.
Christian, Andrew Dunscomb, 1892-1947
Christian, Nellie Addison (Rennolds)
Christian, Thomas Deppe
Christopher, Sue H., Mrs.
Church, Randolph Warner, 1907-1984
Clapp, Charles Horace, 1883-1935
Clark, Ann L., Mrs.
Clark, Gertrude D.
Clark, Hubert Galbraith, 1890-1946
Clarke, Morell Sydnor, b. 1894
Claxton, Philander Priestley, 1862-1957
Clay, Katherine Curry, Mrs.
Cleaton, Lucie
Cleaton, Sue C.
Clegett, W. H.
Cleghorn, Marjorie E., Mrs.
Clement, Maud Carter, Mrs.
Clemons, Harry, 1879-1968
Clews, C. Gordon
Clift, James Monroe, b. 1867
Coale, Elizabeth A. van A. (Manning)
Coale, Griffith Baily, 1890-1950
Cobbs, Howard Clinton
Cocke, Marion Estes, 1876-1954
Coder, Samuel Maxwell, b. 1902
Coffin, Robert Peter Tristram, 1892-1955
Coggin, Georgia M. Dunn, Mrs.
Coggin, William Benjamin, b. 1877
Cohn, Charlotte
Cole, Alyce Jones, Mrs.
Cole, Glenn Gates
Cole, Redmond Selecman, 1881-1959
Coleman, E. C.
Coleman, Helen F., Mrs.
Collins, Lewis Presto, 1896-1952
Collins, Robert Lee
Combs, Everett Randolph, 1876-1957
Combs, Josiah Henry, 1886-1960
Combs, Morgan Lafayette, 1892-1955
Compher, Marvin K.
Conrad, Ryan, 1870-1953
Cooch, Eleanor B., Mrs.
Cook, Cecil V.
Cook, Minnie (Gathright), d. 1957
Cook, Roland Eugene, b. 1874
Cooper, David L.
Cooper, William Arthur, b. 1895
Copenhaver, B. E.
Corbin, John, 1870-1959
Corson, Fred Pierce, b. 1896
Cosby, Peter Guerrant, b. 1889?
Costenbader, Frank Duncan, b. 1905
Coulter, Ellis Merton, b. 1890
Couper, William, 1884-1964
Courtney, S. B. Fleet, Mrs., 1860
Cousar, James English, b. 1893
Covington, Thresa (Armistead)
Cox, Annie Page
Cox, Edwin Piper, 1870-1938
Cox, Joseph E.
Cox, Lucile
Craddock, Nan (Atkinson)
Craft, Willard A.
Cragon, Gladys (White)
Cragon, Harlen White, b. 1935
Cralle, L. B.
Cram, Elizabeth (Carrington)
Cram, Ralph Adams, 1863-1942
Crawford, David C.
Crawler, Kenner Tinsley, d. 1948
Crawley, Hanna F.
Crawley, James Wilbur
Crawley, Lewis
Crawley, Lindsay, 1881-1950
Creecy, John Harvie, b. 1908
Crenshaw, Ollinger, 1904-1970
Crinkley, James Epes
Crismon, Leo Taylor, b. 1906
Crockett, William Goggin, 1888-1940
Cromwell, Elizabeth
Cross, Hardy, 1885-1959
Cross, Tom Peete, 1879-1950
Crouch, Kenneth E.
Crowell, Ethel R., Mrs.
Crowell, Thomas Irving, 1894-1960
Cudlipp, Joseph Henry, 1875-1954
Cumming, William Cooper, b. 1897
Cummings, A. G.
Cunningham, Richard E., 1885-1932
Cunningham, Robert Beach
Curlett, John
Currell, Sarah Scott (Carrington), b. 1861
Currell, William Spencer, 1858-1943
Currie, Thomas White, 1879-1943
Cushman, Louisa, Mrs.
Dabney, Charles William, 1855-1945 SEE ALSO Baker, James Addison; Claxton, Philander Priestley
Dabney, Fred A., Mrs.
Dabney, Vaughan
Dabney, Virginius, b. 1901 SEE ALSO Griffin, Malcolm
Daidson, David Nathaniel, 1886-1961
Dalby, R. G., Mrs.
Dalton, Jack, b. 1908
Dance, Martha Freeman
Dance, Martha T., Mrs.
Daniel, Hallie Wise (Williams), 1857-1937
Daniel, James Randolph Vivian, 1900-1952
Daniel, John Hannah, b. 1896
Daniel, John T.
Daniel, John Warwick, 1842-1910
Daniel, Mary Derby (Ayres), b. 1902
Daniel, S. P.
Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948
Darden, Colgate Whitehead, 1897-1981
Darst, Edward Lewis, 1867-1935
Davenport, Francis Garvin, 1905-1975
Davidson, Anna McBryde, Mrs.
Davies, India Tuggle, Mrs.
Davis, Camilla (Webb)
Davis, Charles Hall, b. 1872
Davis, Eliza Goodwin (Timberlake), b. 1877
Davis, George Thompson Brown, b. 1873
Davis, Irene M.
Davis, J. E.
Davis, Jackson, 1882-1947
Davis, Kenneth Sydney, b. 1912
Davis, Martha A. W., Mrs.
Davis, Mary Lamar
Davis, Westmoreland, 1859-1942
Dawe, George Grosvenor, 1863-1948
Dawson, W. J., Mrs.
Day, Richard Ellsworth, 1882-1965
Day, Sherwood
de Cologny, Guerrie Gaspard, Mrs.
Dean, H. F.
Dean, John Marvin, 1875-1935
Deane, Hattie Willis (Plunkett)
Deane, Minna D.
Dejarnette, Joseph Spencer, b. 1866
Dempsey, Charles A.
Dendy, Henry B.
Denney, Jane Junkin (Strickler), d. 1957
Denny, George Hutcheson, 1870-1955
deVed, Jean W.
Dickerson, Florence
Dickinson, Alexander Branch, 1869-1934
Dickinson, Charles William
Dickinson, Charles William, b. 1846
Dickinson, Clement Cabell, 1849-1938
Dickinson, Elizabeth Guerrant, 1852-1948
Dickinson, John
Dickinson, Mary (Johns)
Dickinson, Meriwether Blair
Dickkoff, Virginia, Mrs.
Dickson, Janice G.
Dickson, Julia E.
Dietrick, L. B.
Dietz, August, 1869-1963
Dietz, August, 1902-1954
Diggs, C. D.
Diggs, Isaac
Dillard, A. Fleet
Dillard, Edgar Archer
Dillard, James Hardy, 1856-1940
Dillard, Margaret (Epes), 1872-1938
Dillard, Richmond Francis
Dillard, Robert Grey
Diller, Isaac A.
Dillon, Jesse William, 1904-1972
Dillon, Mary Evelyn (Morton)
Dixon, J. Curtis
Dobie, Richard A., b. 1846
Dobyns, J. R.
Dodd, William Edward, 1869-1940
Dodge, Emelia Ruth
Dodson, Austin Ingram, 1891-1959
Dodson, Edward Griffith, 1884-1969
Donaldson, J. M.
Donnally, Bessie A. S., Mrs.
Dovell, Grover Ashton, 1885-1949
Downes, Carroll
Downing, W. L.
Downs, Winfield Sott, 1895-
Drake, Alice Walton (Hocker), b. 1883
Drake, W. M.
Dresser, William A., d. 1954
Drew, Alessandro Damer
Drewry, Patrick Henry, 1875-1947
Drown, Carroll H.
Drumm, Stella Madeline
Dudley, Harold James, b. 1919
Dugdale, Elizabeth Catherine (Cabell), b. 1902
Duke, Samuel Page, 1885-1955
Dukes, Susan C.
Duncan, Warren L.
Dunkelberger, S. C.
Dunn, Thomas Branch
Dunnington, India (Knight), b. 1857
Dunnington, James William, b. 1890
Dunsway, Wayland Fuller, 1875-1956
Dupuy, Mary Purnell, 1889-1982
Dupuy, Nan Lefevre, 1882-1976
Dupuy, Nelia (Booker), 1847-1939
Dupuy, Richard Watkins, 1891-1965
Dyer, Gustavus Walker, b. 1867
Earnest, Edna W., Mrs.
Easley, Anne Powers
Easley, Harold T.
Easley, Susie (Morton)
Eastman, J. S.
Echols, Edward, 1849-1914
Eckenrode, Hamilton James, 1881-1952
Eddy, Charles Vernon, b. 1877
Edminds, Louise Gilmer (Riely), b. 1870
Edmondson, Lucy B.
Edmondson, W. G.
Edmondson, William James, b. 1867
Edwards, Frances Hall (Yarbrough), 1883-1957
Edwards, Mabel G., Mrs.
Edwards, Preston H.
Edwards, V. R.
Edwards, William Warren, 1871-1925
Edwards, Wilson E., Mrs.
Eggleston, Beverley Purnell, 1851-1942
Eggleston, Blanche Virginia (Stokes), b. 1873
Eggleston, Carrie Lyle, 1898-
Eggleston, Cary, 1884-1966
Eggleston, David Quin, b. 1893
Eggleston, E.
Eggleston, Elizabeth Carrington, b. 1899
Eggleston, Ella Watkins (Carrington)
Eggleston, George Cary, 1839-1911
Eggleston, John Morton, b. 1896
Eggleston, John William, 1886-1976
Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, 1903-1949
Eggleston, Julia Jane (Johnson), 1866-1960
Eggleston, Mary Louisa, b. 1866
Eggleston, Ruth Monroe
Eggleston, Samuel Daniel
Eggleston, Susie Willson (Easley), Mrs., b. 1878
Eggleston, William
Eggleston, William Green, 1859-1937
Elcon, Gordon A.
Elder, Fred Kingsley
Eldridge, William Moseley, b. 1863
Eleazer, Robert Burns, b. 1877
Elliott, Charles Winslow, b. 1887
Ellyson, James Taylor, 1847-1919
Ellyson, Lora Effie (Hotchkiss), 1848-1935
Elmore, G. Leonard
Emley, Martha
Engle, Shadia Moore, 1865-1937
English, Sara (John), b. 1872
Erwin, Ann Talbot
Erwin, Lucy Ware (Lane) Weeks
Eson, Thomas Dotterer, 1887-1939
Estes, Annie Poindexter (Dunn)
Estes, William Lee, 1870-1930
Eure, John W.
Evans, Carol Elizabeth
Evans, J. A.
Evans, Saluda (Bug), b. 1890
Evans, Sarah C.
Everest, F. Alton
Everett, Joseph Walker
Fahrner, Alvin Arthur
Farley, Elizabeth W., Mrs.
Farrar, Kathrine V., Mrs.
Farrar, Stephen Lee, b. 1909
Faulkner, Frank F.
Fawcett, J. E., Mrs.
Fearing, Emily W., Mrs.
Ferguson, James B. SEE ALSO Henry, William Wirt
Ferguson, Mary H.
Ferguson, Samuel Lewis, 1869-1934
Fey, Ralph N.
Field, Carter, 1885-1957
Field, Jessie
Finch, Adam Tyree, b. 1906
Finch, Lucy Marshall (Goode)
Finley, Augustus Clement, 1863-1949
Finley, John B.
Finnell, William P., b. 1861
Fischer, Karl W.
Fisher, Isaac
Fishwick, Marshall William, b. 1923
Fitzgerald, Elie Maury (Werth), 1878-1955
Flannagan, Lucy Catesby (Jones)
Flannagan, Roy Knight, 1870-1942
Fleet, Beverley, 1883-1950
Fleet, Robert Hill, 1890-1960
Flickinger, Benjamin Floyd, b. 1905
Flippen, Florence Brown, Mrs.
Flood, Henry DeLaWarr, 1865-1921
Flournoy, Fitzgerald, 1899-1964
Flournoy, Henri
Forbes, Allyn Bailey, 1897-1947
Forbes, Thomas Semmes, 1858-1939
Ford, Agile D.
Ford, Nick Aaron
Ford, Samuel Clarence, 1882-1961 SEE ALSO Aiken, Will
Formwalt, William S.
Foster, Francis Apthorp, b. 1872
Foster, Luther H., d. 1949
Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland (Middleton), 1876-1965
Fox, Early Lee, 1890-1946
Franklin, Lois Watkins, Mrs.
Fraser, Abel McIver, 1856-1933
Frazer, Martha McIlwaine
Frazer, Richard McIlwaine
Frazer, Robert
Frazier, Tyler McCall, b. 1900
Frederickson, A. M.
Freeman, Allen Weir, 1881-1954
Freeman, Douglas Southall, 1886-1953
Freeman, Landis B., Mrs.
French, Ballard Dunbar, b. 1888
French, Minnie (Reid)
Friend, William Sharpe, 1864-1956
Frierson, Ione L., Mrs.
Frierson, William J.
Fringer, D. L. B.
Frink, Russell L., b. 1889
Fry, Anna Carrington (Morton)
Fry, Minnie (Morton)
Fulton, J. Wayne
Funk, Vergilia W., Mrs.
Fussell, Lillian
Gaebelein, Frank Ely, b. 1899
Gage, Daniel S.
Gaines, Elizabeth (Castle)
Gaines, Elizabeth Venable
Gaines, Martha Watkins
Gall, John H.
Galphin, Margaret H.
Galt, Hugh Blair Grigsby, 1883-1952
Gammon, Bessie (Cochran)
Gammon, Edgar Graham, 1884-1962
Gammon, Susie (Langhorne), d. 1930
Gandy, John Manuel, b. 1870
Garbee, Walter L.
Garden, Charles A.
Gardner, Robert E.
Gardner, Thomas Yates
Gardner, William R.
Garland, Joseph Eggleston, b. 1875
Garlick, Richard Cecil, 1901-1979
Garnett, W. E.
Garrard, William
Garrett, Fred
Garrett, Grady
Garrett, J. Edward
Gary, Julian Vaughan, 1892-1973
Gates, William Benjamin, 1877-1959
Gathright, Thomas Morton
Gaylon, Norman O.
Gaylord, A. F.
Geddy, Vernon Meredith, 1897-1952
Gibboney, James H.
Gibson, Carleton Bartlett, 1863-1927
Gilbert, Felix, b. 1905
Gilkeson, Catherine
Gilkeson, Martha Vance
Gill, Everett, 1869-1958
Gill, Walter L.
Gillam, Mabel
Gilliam, Anne
Gilliam, James Richard, 1891-1979
Gilliam, Richard Addison, b. 1886
Gilmer, George Hudson, 1866-1947
Gilmer, Graham, b. 1888
Gilmer, Lena R, Mrs.
Gladstone, Eliza (Boone)
Glasgow, Francis Thomas, b. 1854
Glasgow, Thomas
Glass, Carter, 1858-1946
Glazebrook, Eugenia (Goss), 1890?-1968
Glenn, Maude
Goins, Craddock
Goldstein, Davi
Goode, Sarah Massie
Goodhue, Elva
Goodwin, Harry Jeter
Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord, 1869-1939
Gordon, Armistead Churchill, 1855-1931
Gordon, Ashley, Mrs.
Gordon, James Waddell, 1869-1952
Gordon, Marcy C.
Gordon, Mary Isham (Boswell)
Graendorf, Werner C.
Graham, Anne
Graham, Henry Tucker, 1865-1951
Graham, James Robert, 1864-1943
Graham, James Robert, b. 1898
Graham, Lilian Gordon (Baskervill), 1862-1943
Graham, Louise G., Mrs.
Graham, Mary Abbott
Graham, Sophie P., Mrs.
Grainger, James M., b. 1879
Gravatt, Charles Urquhart, 1851-1922
Gravatt, William Moncure, 1883-1961
Gray, A. A.
Gray, Andrew Jackson, 1871-1930
Gray, Arthur Powell, 1883-1938
Gray, Francis A.
Gray, James M., 1851-1935
Gray, Jane Bentham
Gray, Margaret Morton (Platt)
Gray, Robert S.
Green, Caroline Page
Green, James Albert, 1862-1955
Green, M. S., Mrs.
Green, Ottis
Green, Waverly S.
Greene, John Arthur
Greene, Josephine (Nicholas)
Greenslet, Ferris, 1875-1959
Gregg, Harris H.
Gregg, J. W.
Gregory, George Craighead, 1878-1956
Gregory, Kent
Gregory, Mary Howe
Grey, John Hunter, b. 1872
Grey, Nan Wharey
Grier, Paul Livingston, b. 1914
Griffin, Malcolm
Griffith, E. Claybrook
Griffiths, H. McAllister
Grigg, Lillie Wood (Goodwyn), 1865-1949
Grimke, Francis James, b. 1850
Grimm, J. Katherine
Grinnan, Daniel, 1861-1940
Grubbs, Lillie (Martin)
Gudger, Eugene Willis, 1866-1956
Guerrant, Grace (Owings)
Gunn, Charles Groshon, b. 1925?
Gunn, Charles Groshon, Mrs.
Gunn, George, b. 1927?
Gunn, James Woodside
Guthrie, Forrest, Mrs.
Guy, Myrtle (Johnson)
Hadley, Lucia Hanna, Mrs.
Hagan, Jane Moore (Gray), d. 1956
Haggard, Roy S.
Haislip, Fred
Hale, W. S.
Hall, Alice Bedinger
Hall, John Lesslie, 1856-1928
Hall, R. C.
Hall, Wilbur Curtis, 1892-1972
Hall, Wilmer Lee, 1885-1957
Halsey, Don Peters, 1870-1938
Halsey, Mary Michaux (Dickinson), d. 1939
Hamblin, A. C., Mrs.
Hamer, Philip May, 1891-1971
Hamilton, Alexander, 1851-1916
Hamilton, Alexander Donnan, 1878-1942
Hamilton, Joseph Gregorie de Roulhac, 1878-1961
Hamilton, Ruth
Hamilton, Thomas T.
Hammontree, Homer
Hampton, Peggy
Hancock, D. W.
Hancock, John Harrison, b. 1916
Hanes, Leigh Buckner, 1894-1967
Hanna, Alfred Jackson, 1893-1978
Hanna, Elizabeth Henning
Hannah, J. L.
Hargrett, Felix
Harney, Jane, Mrs.
Harney, William Randolph
Harper, Lillian DuPuy (Van Cullen)
Harper, Robert Goodloe, b. 1916
Harris, Ada van Stone
Harris, Collas G.
Harris, Henry H.
Harris, James D., b. 1874?
Harris, Malcolm Hart, 1896-1984
Harrison, Burr Powell, 1904-1973
Harrison, Fairfax, 1869-1938
Harrison, Kernan Ware (Bedford)
Harrison, L. H.
Harrison, Lucy Gray (Henry), 1857-1944
Harrison, Lula (Bondurant)
Hart, Alice Stuart
Hart, C. Willard
Hart, Freeman Hansford, 1889-1965
Hart, Harris, b. 1878
Hart, Helen (McCoy)
Hart, James L.
Hart, John Marion, b. 1867
Harwood, J. E.
Hasegawa, Roy Shintaro
Hasegawa, Seiko, Mrs.
Haskins, W. W.
Hatch, Susan E., 1845-1939
Hatcher, Samuel Claiborne, 1869-1952
Hatfield, Edna
Haw, George Edwin, 1881-1971
Hawes, Herbert Bouldin
Hawes, Samuel Percy, b. 1869
Hawkins, Horace A., b. 1861
Hay, James, 1856-1931
Haynes, Lucile L., Mrs.
Haynes, Parke G.
Hazelgrove, William Perkins, 1892-1979
Heath, Virginia E.
Heatwole, Cornelius Jacob, 1868-1939
Heatwole, Sue (Porter), d. 1937
Hellman, Florence S.
Hemphill, James Edwin, 1886-1942
Hemphill, James Eugene
Hemphill, Nell
Hemphill, William Edwin, 1912-1983
Henderson, Archibald, 1877-1963
Henneman, John Bell, b. 1901
Henneman, Marion (Hubard), 1871-1956
Henneman, Richard Hubard, 1908-
Henry, Howell Meadoes, 1879-1956
Henry, Reginald Buchanan, 1881-1969
Henry, William Wirt, b. 1860
Hensman, Charles J. G.
Herick, James Frederick, Mrs.
Hermansen, Howard A.
Herndon, John Goodwin, 1888-1957
Heyl, Lawrence, b. 1893
Hickson, W. H.
Hiden, Martha Frances (Woodroof), 1883-1959
Higgins, Mrs. Maude Harvey
Higgins, W. G.
Higgs, Mattie A.
Hill, Ellen
Hill, Grace (Livingston), 1865-1947
Hill, Henry Harris, b. 1880
Hill, John Leonard, b. 1878
Hill, Pierre Bernard, 1877-1958
Hill, William Baptist, 1909-1974
Hill, William Edwin, b. 1880
Hinman, Emma
Hinman, Richard C.
Hitchcock, James Ripley Wellman, 1857-1918
Hobeika, John Elias, b. 1902
Hodges, Theresa D., b. 1893
Hodges, W. T.
Hodgson, Berry
Hogan, Mena
Hoge, H. M.
Hoge, Peyton Harrison, 1858-1940
Hogshead, Richard, Mrs.
Hogue, Addison, 1849-1942
Hoke, Kremer Jacob, 1878-1944
Holdcroft, J. Gordon
Holiday, Albert L.
Holladay, Dupuy, b. 1880
Holladay, Genevieve B. V., Mrs., d. 1945
Holmes, Mary Bynum
Holt, Saxon Winston, 1871-1940
Hood, Grazer, 1875-1944
Hooper, Thomas William, b. 1880
Hooper, William Davis, b. 1868
Hoover, John Edgar, 1895-1972
Hopkins, Abner Crump, 1867-1954
Hopkins, Agnes Cary (Marks)
Hopkins, Henry Laurens, 1863-1951
Hopkins, Marshall Booker
Hopkins, Rose, Mrs.
Hopkins, Salina L., Mrs.
Horner, Edna
Horner, J. M.
Horsley, John Rolfe, 1864-1944
Hotchkiss, Elmore Delos, 1850-1938
Hough, Anne (Coleman), d. 1958
Hough, Frank F.
Houghton, Will Henry, d. 1947
Houser, Martin Luther
Houston, David Franklin, 1866-1940
Houston, Harry Rutherford, 1878-1960
Howard, Philip Eugene, 1870-1946
Howe, Arthur, 1890-1955
Hoyle, Nancy Elizabeth, b. 1913
Hubard, Robert Thurston, 1876-1963
Hudgins, Alexander
Hudgins, Lucy Henry (Morton), b. 1880
Hudson, George A.
Huffard, G. R.
Hufman, S. L.
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948
Hughes, Hallie L.
Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin SEE Chisholm, Juanita; Christopher, Sue H.
Hume, Edgar Erskine, 1889-1952
Hummel, Ray Orvin, b. 1909
Humphreys, H. A.
Hundley, Elizabeth (Moore)
Hundley, George Jefferson, 1838-1924
Hunt, Harry Ashley, b. 1879
Hunter, James H.
Hunter, Thomas Lomax, 1875-1948
Hurt, Joseph Mettauer, 1861-1925
Hutcheson, John Redd, 1886-1962
Hutcheson, Lucy (Eggleston)
Hutcheson, Richard Gordon, b. 1894
Hutcheson, Robert Francis, 1878-1940
Hutcheson, W. B. L.
Hutchinson, J. E.
Hutheson, Nathaniel Goode, b. 1901
Hutton, Francis Beattie, 1858-1928
Hutton, James
Hutton, James Buchanan, b. 1866-
Hutton, Samuel
Hutton, William
Hutzler, Charles, b. 1849
Ingle, Katherine (Dabney)
Ingram, Louise Venable, Mrs.
Innes, Thomas Christie, 1909-1967
Ironside, Henry Allen, 1876-1951
Irvine, G. W.
Irvine, May H. (Sterrett)
Irving, Bessie B., Mrs., 1901-1980
Irving, Betty Lloyd
Irving, Charlotte Page, b. 1923?
Irving, Lillie R., Mrs.
Irwin, Leonidas Willson, 1862-1937
Jack, Theodore Henley, 1881-1964
Jackson, Annie Hyman (Philips)
Jackson, Charles Samuel, 1867-1935
Jackson, Herbert Worth, 1865-1936
Jackson, James A.
Jackson, Luther Porter, 1892-1950
Jackson, Mary
Jackson, Samuel Spencer, 1902-1973
Jackson, W. C.
Jacobs, William Plummer, 1893-1948
Jaeger, Harry J.
James, Benjamin Oliver, 1852-1927
James, Elizabeth Leigh, Mrs.
James, Marquis, 1891-1955
James, Rorer Abraham, 1859-1921
Jamieson, Grace (Eggleston)
Jarman, Joseph Leonard, 1867-1947
Jarman, W. Dabney
Jefferson, John Garland, 1885-1977
Jeffress, E. E., Mrs.
Jencks, Harlan
Jenkins, Rucker
Jenkins, Willis A., b. 1860
Jenks, William Jackson, 1870-1960
Jennings, John Melville, 1916-
Jennings, Nannie Armistead (Langhorne)
Jennings, Tipton Davis, 1841-1915
Jerabec, Esther, b. 1897
Jerome, Margaret Esther (Atkinson)
Johns, Frank Stoddert, 1884-1971
Johns, Mary
Johns, Thomas Nelson Page, 1923-1986
Johns, William Allen
Johnson, A. Theodore
Johnson, Albert Sidney, 1874-1961
Johnson, Alberta, Mrs.
Johnson, Allan Perkins, b. 1915
Johnson, Allen, 1870-1931
Johnson, David Bancroft, 1856-1928
Johnson, Edith (Dutro), b. 1880
Johnson, Etta, Mrs.
Johnson, J. C.
Johnson, J. M.
Johnson, James Gibson, b. 1871
Johnson, James Grant SEE ALSO Christopher, Sue H.
Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938
Johnson, Lorand Victor, b. 1905
Johnson, Thomas Cary, 1859-1936
Johnston, Charles A., b. 1858
Johnston, George Benjamin, 1853-1916
Johnston, Howard Agnew, 1860-1936
Johnston, James Ambler, 1885-1974
Johnston, James Hugo, 1891-1910
Johnston, Nancy M. (Spencer)
Johnston, Rebecca (Johnston), 1865-1956
Jones, Anna L.
Jones, Arthur Letcher
Jones, Bessie H. B.
Jones, Betty Churchill
Jones, C. M.
Jones, Catesby ap Catesby, 1892-1980
Jones, Edith M., Mrs.
Jones, Francis Fitzgerald, 1875-1939
Jones, Francis Leonard, 1872-1953
Jones, Jesse M.
Jones, Judson Waldo
Jones, Juliette Burwell (Henry)
Jones, Maben
Jones, Plummer Flippen, b. 1875
Jones, T. B.
Jones, Thomas Catesby, 1880-1946
Jones, Thomas Jesse, b. 1873
Jones, Walter B.
Jones, William Macfarlane, 1868-1951
Jones, William P.
Jordan, E. W.
Judd, Zebulon, d. 1960
July, Robert W.
Kalbach, L. A.
Kann, Herbert
Keeble, William Houston, 1873-1963
Keenan, Kay, Mrs.
Keesee, Olivia H. S., Mrs.
Kellersberg, Eugene R.
Kelley, Effie Branch (Bowlers)
Kelsh, Jane
Kemp, William E.
Kemper, William Mauzy, 1881-1954
Kennard, John Hanson, b. 1862
Kepner, Elizabeth Hooper
Keyes, Frances Parkinson (Wheeler), 1885-1970
Keyes, Kenneth S.
Keyser, Leander Sylvester, 1856-1937
Khyle, Louisa Carrington (Venable), b. 1903
Kibbe, Frederic A.
Kibler, James Luther, 1867-1953
Kimberly, Mary
Kincaid, John Franklin, 1917-1945
Kincaid, Robert Lee, 1893-1960
King, Floyd Wilson
King, George Harrison Sanford, 1914-1985
King, William John, 1864-1936
Kinkead, Ludie J.
Kinsolving, Arthur Barksdale, 1861-1951
Kirby, T. E., Mrs.
Kirk, Thomas Allen
Kissinger, George
Klett, Guy Soulliard
Kligerman, Aaron Judah
Kline, Leslie Duncan
Klipstein, Naomi Simmons, Mrs.
Knapp, Bradford, 1870-1938
Knight, Edgar Wallace, 1886-1953
Knight, Elizabeth B.
Knight, Martha Morton (Hogeman)
Koiner, George Wellington, 1852-1939
Koontz, R. L., Mrs.
Kruesi, Paul John, 1878-1965
Kruger, Louis
Krupka, George
Kyle, Julia S., Mrs.
LaBaume, Fay H.
Lacher, W. S.
Lacy, Benjamin Rice, 1886-1981
Lacy, Graham, Gordon
Lacy, William Sterling, 1908-1960
LaFavre, Lina (Willoughby)
Laird, William Ramsey, b. 1890
Lamar, Walter D., Mrs.
Lamb, Janie Preston (Boulware), 1891-1964
Lamb, John, 1840-1924
Lancaster, Dabney Stuart, 1889-1975
Lancaster, J. Guy
Lancaster, Mary Rives
Lancaster, Richard Venable, 1863-1938
Lancaster, Robert Alexander, 1863-1940
Land, Robert Hunt, 1912-1985
Landon, Alfred Mossman, b. 1887
Lane, Edna, Mrs.
Langhorne, Armistead A.
Langhorne, Kate Ophelia (Curtis)
Lanier, Hallie E., Mrs.
Laperrkuque, Charles L.
Lapsley, Robert Alberti, b. 1884
Larus, Anne Gavin (Taylor), 1891-1949
Lascelle, L. E.
Lashley, William A.
Latham, A. L.
Latham, Maude W., Mrs.
Laughlin, Margaret H., Mrs.
Lawler, Lillian B.
Lawrence, Edwin Gordon, 1859-1950
Lawson, Grace Hayne (Waters)
Lawson, Robert William, b. 1908
Lea, Ruby
Leach, Thornton V.
Leake, Josiah Jordan, 1870-1945
Lear, Katherine (Gunn)
Leasor, Rana B., Mrs.
Lecky, Robert, 1870-1939
Lee, Ada
Lee, Claudius, b. 1872
Lee, Ida Johnson, d. 1968
Lee, Robert Edward, 1807-1870 SEE Henry, William Wirt
Leech, Charles B.
LeFevre, Laura Z.
Leigh, Edward Monroe, b. 1919
Leigh, Elizabeth Edmunds (Monroe), b. 1893
Leigh, Thomas W.
Leitch, Alexander
Lever, Asbury Francis, 1875-1940
Levy, Edwin L.
Lewis, Burnett, 1862-1939
Lewis, Charles Lee, b. 1886
Lewis, Frank Bell, b. 1911
Lewis, McDaniel
Likes, Carl J.
Lilly, David Clay, 1870-1939
Linaweaver, Paul G.
Lincoln, Alanson Tilman, b. 1858
Lincoln, Jetson Jakson, b. 1863
Lindsay, James Hubert, 1862-1933
Lindsley, L. C.
Lingle, Walter Lee, 1868-1956
Link, Adam Gibson, 1863-1931
Lintner, Robert Caspar
Linton, Irwin H.
Livengood, W. W.
Lloyd, Charles Allen, d. 1940
Lloyd, Ralph Waldo
Locke, Bessie, d. 1952
Lockett, Edmund
Lockwood, Hanford N.
Lohmann, Carl A.
Lokhe, Carl Ludwick, 1897-1960
Long, Edgar A.
Lorimer, William M.
Lott, Thweatt M., Mrs.
Lowman, G. S.
Lucas, J. B.
Luck, G. Coleman
Luck, J. Malcolm
Lucke, Bessie L.
Lucke, Robert Ormond
Lugar, E. C.
Luke, John Whelan, b. 1898
Lydenberg, Harry Miller, 1874-1960
Lyle, George
Lyle, Royster, 1894-1977
Lynch, Maurice Matthew, 1854-1944
Lynn, Ruth
Lyons, Frank
MacBrien, Jasper Leonidas, 1867-1935
MacDonald, Nancy Lauck, Mrs.
MacElroy, Andrew Jackson, 1875-1963
MacGruer, Alice (Burks)
Machen, John Gresham, 1881-1937
Mack, Edward, 1868-1951
Mack, Leonore (Tinsley)
Maclin, Henry
MacManus, Seumas, 1869-1960
MacMillan, Jason Leon, 1882-1959
MacMillan, Robert
MacPherson, Hugh C.
MacPherson, Kate (Hill)
MacRae, Cameron F.
Madison, John Patterson, b. 1874
Magoffin, Ralph Van Deman, 1874-1942
Major, Agnes, Mrs.
Malcolm, Gilbert, 1892-1965
Mann, James, 1872-1945
Mann, Robert Melancthon, 1869-1938
Mann, William Hodges, 1843-1937
Manson, Richard S.
Maphis, Bessie (Dold)
Maphis, Charles Gilmore, 1865-1938
Marks, W. L., Mrs.
Marlow, Will A.
Marshall, Katherine Boyce (Tupper) Brown
Marshall, Peter, 1902-1949
Marston, Sir Charles, b. 1867
Martin, Abram Venable
Martin, Abram Venable, d. 1935
Martin, Annie Bell, 1864-1942
Martin, Betty Macon
Martin, Edwin Scott, 1881-1934
Martin, Frank May
Martin, Harriet
Martin, Helen
Martin, James C.
Martin, John, 1885-1936
Martin, Mary Booth (Walker)
Mary Suzanne, Sister
Mashler, H. R.
Massey, Benjamin Henry
Massey, Grace Davies (McLaughlin)
Massey, James Buckner, 1879-1952
Massey, Margaret Poague
Massie, Sarah
Mattox, Daisy (Belk)
Mauro, Philip, 1859-1952
Mauze, Joseph Layton, 1873-1937
Maxey, Samuel Duiguid, 1882-1965
Maynard, Douglas W., Mrs.
Mayo, Claire (Clayton)
Mayo, George Pickett, 1876-1954
McAllister, James Gray, 1872-1970
McBath, H. A.
McBride, Vearl G.
McBryde, John Bolton, 1866-1925
McBryde, Mary Read (Comfort)
McCain, William D.
McCarthy, Edward T.
McClellan, Margaret E.
McCluer, Anna Lee (Blanton), 1863-1939
McClure, Samuel
McConkey, James H.
McConnell, John Preston, 1866-1941
McCool, M., Mrs.
McCorkle, Emmett W.
McCraw, Evelyn G., Mrs.
McCraw, J. Polk
McCraw, Louise Harrison
McCue, Frank Love, 1863-1945
McCurdy, Carl, Mrs.
McDevitt, Emily, Mrs.
McDonough, Lucy Ellen
McDougall, Irene G., Mrs.
McDougall, Reed G.
McFaden, Frank Talbot, 1864-1933
McGeachy, D. P.
McGehee, Edward Glenn
McGehee, J. C.
McGehee, M. F.
McGehee, Robina
McGlenen, D. W.
McGuire, Edward, 1860-1921
McGuire, John Peyton, 1866-1948
McGuire, Murray Mason, 1872-1945
McGuire, Stuart, 1867-1948
McIlhany, Bernard Ashby, d. 1959
McIlhenny, John A. SEE ALSO Claxton, Philander Priestley
McIlwaine, Henry Read, 1864-1934
McIlwaine, Thomas Jones, b. 1891
McIlwaine, William Baird, 1885-1972
McInnis, Sam R., Mrs.
McIntire, Carl
McKell, William
McKelway, Ruth (Smith)
McKimmon, Jane Simpson
McKinley, James Fuller, 1880-1941
McKinney, Charles D., d. 1958
McKinney, M. S., Mrs.
McLaughlin, Henry Woods, 1869-1950
McNeal, Kate H., Mrs.
McNeil, Robert Hooper, b. 1902
McPheeterrs, William Marcellus, 1854-1935
McPherson, Chase
McQuilkin, Robert Crawford, 1886-1952
McReynolds, William Henry, 1880-1951
McSwain, Mary, Mrs.
McWane, Frederick William, 1889-1959
McWhorter, Ashton Waugh, 1877-1938
Mead, Elsie M.
Meade, Everard Kidder, 1884-1958
Meade, Robert Douthat, 1903-1974
Mearns, David Chambers, b. 1899
Mears, Oswald B.
Mease, Sarah Deanna (Smith)
Megginson, William, 1869-1954
Menefee, Marvin James, b. 1894
Meriwether, Lee, 1862-1966
Merritt, Blanche (Fore)
Merritt, LeRoy Charles
Metcalf, Bryce, b. 1874
Metcalf, John Calvin, 1865-1949
Meyer, Wallace
Michael, R. D.
Michaux, Stuart Neville, 1879-1950
Miles, Clarence Paul, 1879-1966
Miles, F. J.
Miller, Alice (Davis)
Miller, C. William
Miller, Dorothy Ruth
Miller, E. D.
Miller, Edgar Peyton, b. 1861
Miller, George Tyler, b. 1902
Miller, James Shannon, 1865-1944
Miller, Marion
Miller, Mary E.
Miller, Polk, 1844-1913
Miller, Robert V.
Miller, Samuel H.
Miller, William Read, 1866-1936
Miner, Edwin D.
Minor, Charles Venable, b. 1900
Minor, James Fontaine, b. 1876
Mitchell, John Douglas, 1876-1951
Mitchell, Mabell White
Mitchell, Mrs. Harold N.
Mitchell, Samuel Chiles, 1864-1948
Moncure, Richard Cassius Lee, 1872-1937
Monk, Samuel H.
Monro, Hugh Reginald, 1871-1954
Montague, Andrew Jackson, 1862-1937
Montague, Elizabeth Lyne (Hoskins), 1868-1951
Montgomery, J. H.
Montgomery, Walter Alexander, b. 1845
Moore, L. Franklin
Moore, Paula (Smith)
Moore, Ray Atkinson, 1880-1971
Moore, Ray Atkinson, b. 1920
Moore, Robert Walton, 1859-1941
Moore, Samuel W.
Moore, Walter William, 1857-1926
Moreland, J. T.
Morgan, Walter Piety, 1871-1958
Morris, Henry M.
Morris, Louie
Morrison, Alfred James, 1876-1923
Morrison, Portia Lee (Atkinson)
Morrissett, Carlisle Havelock, 1892-1976
Morrow, Shirley Montague
Morse, F. Whitton
Morton, Carrie V.
Morton, Frederick May
Morton, John R., Mrs.
Morton, John Stewart, 1869-1957
Morton, Lee Watkins, 1864-1941
Morton, Lucy Morton (Watkins), 1869-1955
Morton, Margaret (Haw), 1879-1971 SEE ALSO Clemons, Harry
Morton, Page (Pettus)
Morton, R. (Leigh)
Morton, Richard Lee, 1889-1974
Morton, Samuel Packwood, 1870-1946
Morton, William Scott, 1859-1948
Mortonm, Alla H.
Moses, Edward P., b. 1858
Moton, Robert Russa, 1867-1940
Mudd, Richard Dyer, b. 1901
Muir, James Cecil
Munford, Mary Cooke (Branch), 1865-1938
Munt, Irvin Christian, 1905-1978
Murphy, George W.
Murphy, Joseph A.
Murphy, William Tayloe, b. 1933
Murray, Elsie O.
Muse, Leonard Gaston, b. 1897
Myers, William Starr, 1877-1956
Nason, Isabell C., Mrs.
Necollins, John Elmer, d. 1942
Neff, William Newton, b. 1888
Nelson, Charles
Nelson, Frank
Newcomb, John Lloyd, 1881-1954
Newman, Carol Montgomery, 1879-1941
Newman, Walter Stephenson, 1895-1978
Newman, William Boroughs, b. 1866
Newton, Blake Tyler, 1889-1977
Newton, Clarence Lucian, 1877-1958
Newton, M. D.
Nicholls, J. B.
Nichols, E. W.
Nichols, Edward West, 1858-1927
Nichols, Joseph Van Devanter, 1871-1970
Niles, Blair (Rice) Beebee, 1888-1959
Nisbet, W. O., Mrs.
Nixon, Raymond B.
Nock, Albert Jay, d. 1945
Noel, J. C.
Norfleet, Marmaduke W., d. 1968
Norton, John A.
Norton, Margaret C.
Norton, William
Norvell, Caskie, b. 1912
Nottingham, Jaquelin (Ware)
Nugent, Nell (Marion), 1893-1959
O'Byrne, Estella A., Mrs.
O'Connell, Ambrose, 1881-1962
O'Falherty, Daniel Cullers, 1908-1957
O'Flaherty, Daniel Cullers, 1862-1929
O'Hair, Ralph M.
O'Neal, Maston E.
Ogden, Robert Curtis, 1836-1913
Oglesby, Stuart Roscoe, 1888-
Old Brick Presbyterian Church, Nottoway Court House, Va. SEE Dillard, Margaret (Epes)
Oliver, B. S.
Oliver, George Jeffries, 1888-1973
Orndoff, Walter Ellswoth, 1910-1964
Osbourn, Samuel Edmond, 1876-1968
Oster, Katharine E.
Ould, Eugene
Overbey, Edith Chambliss
Overcash, Betty
Overcash, Emma R., Mrs.
Overcash, Hinton Baxter, 1884-1966
Overton, Edward Franklin, 1911-1986
Owen, Adeline N.
Owen, Bettie C. (Atkinson)
Owen, Flavia (Reed), b. 1919
Owen, Harry B.
Owen, John Atkinson, 1881-1957
Owen, Marie B., Mrs.
Owen, Mary Helen (Carrington)
Owenbey, W. L.
Packer, Sophie (Booker), 1891-1982
Padover, Saul Kussiel, b. 1905
Page, Isaac
Page, James Morris, 1864-1936
Page, Rosewell, 1858-1939
Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918
Paige, R. H., Mrs.
Paine, John
Palmore, Anne H.
Parker, Albert George, 1892-1958
Parker, Joseph Kenton, b. 1883
Parker, Lula Eastman (Jeter), b. 1873
Parrish, James Scott, 1869-1945
Patterson, Brown Craig, 1865-1953
Patterson, C. B., Mrs.
Patterson, Leslie H.
Patterson, Vernon W.
Patteson, Ruth D.
Patton, James Welch, 1900-1973
Paxon, Lyle L.
Paxson, Ruth
Paxton, Anna
Payne, Abney, b. 1883
Payne, Bruce Ryburn, 1874-1937
Payne, J. H., Mrs.
Payne, John L.
Payne, Robert R.
Payne, Thomas SEE ALSO Atkinson, Paul Tulane, 1887-1963
Payne, Thomas Jones, d. 1942
Peak, Willard A.
Pears, Thomas Clinton, b. 1884
Peay, Austin, 1876-1927
Pederson, F. C.
Peery, George Campbell, 1873-1952
Peirce, Elizabeth Edrington (Combs), 1885-1971
Pelham, Samuel D.
Penick, Elizabeth Green, Mrs.
Penick, Flora A., Mrs.
Pepper, William, 1874-1947
Perkins, Harold W.
Perkinson, John Edward, d. 1937
Perkinson, R. N.
Perkinson, R. N., Mrs.
Perky, Cheves West, Mrs.
Perrow, Ferdinand M.
Perrow, Grace Monro (Perroe)
Peters, James Sidney, 1866-1933
Pettinger, Bernice, Mrs.
Pettingill, William LeRoy, 1866-1950
Pettus, Bessy (Averett)
Phelps, C. W., Mrs.
Phenix, George Perley, 1864-1930
Philips, James Davidson
Phillips, Marion L.
Phlegar, D. S.
Pierce, J. B.
Piggin, Julia
Pilkinton, Janice (Cox)
Pinchbeck, Raymond Bennet, 1900-1957
Platt, Mary Morton, Mrs.
Playfair, G. W.
Plllard, Mary (Hall), 1890-1953
Plunkett, Horace Curzon, Sir, 1854-1932
Poe, Alice (Aycock)
Poe, Clarence Hamilton, 1881-1964
Poindexter, Pauline (Scott)
Pollard, Annie V.
Pollard, John Garland, 1871-1937
Ponton, Andrew Jackson, 1868-1953
Poole, C. Knox
Porter, Bama Delight (Jennings), b. 1877
Porter, Martha Byrd (Spruill)
Porter, Matthew Branch, 1861-1952
Porter, Nannie Robert (Francisco), 1868-1955
Porter, William Branch
Potts, Edgar Allan
Powell, Arthur Gray, 1873-1951
Powell, William Stevens, b. 1919
Pratt, Anne Stokley
Prentis, Henning Webb, 1884-1959
Prentis, Robert Riddick, 1855-1931
Preston, Leonora (Johnston)
Price, Catherine Lytle
Price, George McCready, 1870-1963
Price, Georgie S.
Price, H. L.
Price, Lawrence T.
Price, Lelia D., Mrs.
Price, Marcus Wesley, b. 1894
Price, Mary E., Mrs.
Price, Meredith, b. 1933
Price, Philip Frank, 1864-1954
Price, William P.
Priddy, Albert Sidney, b. 1865
Priddy, Elizabeth Lee
Priddy, Lawrence, 1874-1944
Priestley, John Boynton, b. 1894
Prince, Emmett Russell, 1874-1944
Pritchard, Claudius Hornsby, b. 1896
Pritchard, Mary (Aiken)
Pritchard, Samuel Reynolds, 1863-1935
Proffitt, Julian Preston, 1885-1954
Pulley, Mamie (Taylor)
Purcell, John Edwin, b. 1884
Quarles, Marguerite Stuart, 1893-1960
Quenzel, Carroll Hunter, 1906-1968
Quick, John Herbert, 1861-1925
Quinn, Susan
Rackett, Roland Nathaniel
Raine, Michaux, 1880-1945
Ramsdell, Charles William, 1877-1942
Ramsey, George
Randolph, Bessie Carter, 1885-1966
Randolph, Virginia Estelle, 1874-1958
Rankin, Charles W.
Rapp, Phyllis E.
Rasche, Mary W., Mrs.
Rasche, William H.
Read, Clement Carrington, b. 1885
Read, Laura Merrman, Mrs.
Read, M. S.
Read, Stephen Pettis, b. 1841
Reck, Franklin Mering, 1896-1965
Rector, Ella (Moore)
Redd, Hill Carter, b. 1871
Redd, Ruby (Ranson), d. 1972
Reddy, Ann Waller, 1876-1971
Reed, Samuel Macon, 1879-1965
Reeder, Warren A., b. 1913
Reid, Richard Jones, d. 1952
Reveley, David Robert SEE ALSO Clemons, Harry
Rhoad, George W.
Ribble, Francis Dean Goodwin, 1898-1971
Rice, Ethel E., Mrs.
Rice, Minnie V.
Rice, Paul North, 1888-1965
Richardson, Alice Edmonia (Holman), 1859-1954
Richardson, Anna Steese (Sauser), b. 1865
Richardson, Bess (Williams)
Richardson, Donald William, 1879-
Richardson, Eudora (Ramsey), 1892-1973
Richardson, John Kirk, 1895-1978
Richardson, T. J., Mrs.
Ridgway, William Hance, 1856-1945
Riely, Henry Carrington, 1874-1947
Riley, Franklin Lafayette, 1868-1929
Rimmer, Harry, 1890-1952
Rimmer, Mignon (Brandon)
Riplinger, Frank
Ritchie, John Woodside, 1871-1943
Robb, Seymour, 1901-1961
Roberts, Robert Lloyd
Roberts, Walter Adolphe, 1886-1962
Robertson, Abner, b. 1900
Robertson, Absalom Willis, 1887-1971
Robertson, Clarence Baird, b. 1891
Robertson, Frances
Robertson, Ivanhoe, 1864-1951
Robertson, Lelia Graeme (Eggleston), b. 1862
Robeson, Frank Leigh, 1884-1974
Robinson, Alice Vance, Mrs.
Robinson, Morgan Poitiaux, 1876-1943
Robinson, Ralph
Rodgers, Samuel Dagnell, b. 1874
Roers, William B.
Rollins, Mark A.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1882-1945
Roper Edith Rachel (Johnson), b. 1918
Ropp, Philip
Rose, Wickliffe, 1862-1931
Rosebro, John Riddle
Rosebro, John Riddle, 1874-1957
Roth, H. W.
Rothert, Otto Arthur, 1871-1956
Rouse, Alice Riddle (Read)
Rouse, Parke, b. 1915
Rowbotham, Sally S., Mrs.
Rowe, Absalom P., d. 1925
Rowe, Maurice B.
Rowland, C. A.
Rowland, Dunbar, 1864-1937
Royster, William S.
Rubel, Abe, b. 1869
Rucker, E. S.
Ruff, John A. Lewis
Ruffin, Joseph R.
Ruffin, Mary Beverley, 1893-1973
Rumely, Edward A.
Russ, Fanny Henderson, Mrs.
Russell, Bessie (Proctor)
Russell, Charlotte Elizabeth (Graves), b. 1913
Russell, Donald
Russell, Edward Hutson, b. 1869
Russell, James Solomon, 1857-1935
Russell, Milton Chamberlain, 1912-1984
Rust, Edwin C.
Ryland, Garnett, 1870-1962
Salley, Alexander Samuel, 1871-1961
Sanders, H. W.
Sanders, Robert Stuart
Sanders, W. F.
Sands, Oliver Jackson, 1870-1964
Sandy, Sallie Thweatt (Miller), 1862-1951
Sandy, Thomas Oldham, 1857-1939 SEE ALSO Finley, John B.
Sanger, William Thomas, 1885-1975
Sartain, James Edward, 1941
Sartelle, Preston Orr
Saunders, Bettie M.
Saunders, David M., Mrs.
Saunders, Joseph Henry, b. 1914
Saunders, Peter, 1890-1945
Saunders, William Dabney, b. 1863
Savage, Henry L.
Savage, Louise, 1896-1964
Scanlon, Davie Howard, b. 1875
Schaeffer, Francis A.
Scheer, George Fabaian, b. 1917
Scherer, Luther L.
Sclater, Hoskins Mallory, b. 1918
Scott, Charles Carrington, 1866-1934
Scott, Emmett jay, 1873-1957
Scott, W. Embry
Scott, Walker, b. 1873
Scott, William A., b. 1862
See, Robert Gamble, 1878-1852
Seibel, Frederick Otto, 1886-1969
Selvage, James Preston, 1902-1975
Semones, Evelyn T., Mrs.
Settle, Thomas Slater, b. 1880?
Seward, Margaret Barker, Mrs.
Shackelford, George Scott, 1856-1918
Shackelford, Virginius Randolph, 1885-1949
Sharp, Robert M., d. 1979
Sharpe, Norvelle W.
Shaw, A. M.
Shaw, Albert, 1857-1947
Shaw, C. H.
Shaw, Cornelia
Shaw, George Clayton, 1863-1936
Shaw, Mary E., Mrs.
Shawkey, Morris Purdy, 1869-1941
Shelor, Archie W.
Shelor, H. L.
Sheltman, C.
Shepardson, Francis Wayland, 1862-1937
Shepherd, David Alexander, 1879-1959
Shepherd, Thomas H.
Sheppard, L. Benjamin
Shepperson, Flournoy, b. 1883
Sherman, John W.
Shewmaker, W. O.
Shields, Edward Southard, 1883-1950
Shine, Pierce W.
Shipton, Clifford Kenyon, 1902-1973
Shirley, Henry Garnett, 1874-1941
Shive, James Cowan, 1869-1957
Shoemake, Mary L.
Shoemaker, Henry Wharton, 1882-1958
Silvette, Marcia, b. 1910
Simkins, Francis Butler, 1898-1966
Simpson, A. W.
Simpson, Caroline Ellis, Mrs.
Sims, Frederick Wilmer, 1862-1925
Skelly, Eileen
Skinner, Edna Campbell, 1873-1956
Skoggs, Rose Mortimer Ellzey (MacDonald), 1871-1953
Slawson, E. M.
Slemp, Campbell Bascomb, 1870-1943
Sloan, William
Sloss, Virginia Tucker (Brooke)
Smith, Alfred Emanuel, 1873-1944
Smith, Delilah
Smith, Edwin William, b. 1876
Smith, Elizabeth H.
Smith, G. Herbert
Smith, Henry Louis, 1859-1951
Smith, James Edgar, 1864-1948
Smith, James Power, b. 1878
Smith, Julia Lorraine (Dupuy), b. 1873
Smith, L. Earl
Smith, M. D.
Smith, Mary Olive
Smith, Meriwether
Smith, Mrs. Katherine Spottswood, 1881?-1969
Smith, Norman Clarence, 1889-1955
Smith, Opie Norris
Smith, W. T. SEE ALSO Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, 1903-1949
Smith, Wade C.
Smith, Wilbur Moorehead, b. 1894
Smithey, Eselle
Smithey, William Royall, 1881-1967
Smyth, Ellison Adger, 1863-1941
Snead, Julia A.
Somerville, Robert, Mrs.
Southall, James Powell Cocke, 1871-1962
Southall, Valentine Wood, b. 1903?
Spalding, Branch
Spatig, I. E.
Spence, Thomas Hugh, b. 1899
Spencer, Annie E.
Spencer, Cornelia
Spencer, H. J.
Spencer, Lue Reynolds, Mrs.
Spencer, S. Bruce
Spillman, J. B.
Sprunt, Alexander, 1852-1937
Sprunt, James, b. 1901
Sprunt, Kate (Cumming), d. 1952
Squires, William Henry Tappey, 1875-1948
St. Clair, Sadie Daniel, b. 1892
Stacy, P. H.
Stafford, Frank B.
Stahl, Horatio S.
Stall, John Walter, b. 1870
Stanard, William Glover, 1858-1933
Starke, Aubrey Harrison, 1904-1972
Starkey, Marion Lena
Starr, Harris E.
Stearnes, Margaret (Buchanan)
Stearnes, Orren Lewis, b. 1863
Stearnes, Reamur Coleman SEE Chase, Francis Seabury
Stebbins, Joseph
Steck, John
Steed, Henry Wickham, 1871-1956
Stephenson, Hack V.
Stephenson, Jean, 1892-1978
Stephenson, Mary A., d. 1976
Stephenson, Philip Daingerfield, 1845-1916
Stevenson, Adlai Ewing, 1900-1965
Stevenson, Wellington, Mrs.
Stewart, Ashton T.
Stewart, H.
Stickley, Peter Benjamin, b. 1863
Stimson, Rufus Whittaker, b. 1868
Stock, H. W.
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1874-1958
Stokes, Clem M.
Stokes, E. Garland
Stokes, Lucy Frances (Seay), b. 1920?
Stokes, Sallie J., Mrs.
Stone, Edward Lee, 1864-1938
Stone, Harry B.
Stone, N. J.
Stone, Ormond, 1847-1933
Stone, William Porter, 1860-1927
Storer, Mary
Stoutemyer, Mabel Woodson
Strauss, Lehman
Straw, Alice M., Mrs.
Stribbing, Charles Riddle, 1864-1939
Strode, Aubrey Ellis, 1873-1946
Strudwick, Shepperd
Strudwick, Susan Nash (Read), b. 1875
Stuart, Nettie
Sublett, Hugh Wirshing, 1880-1941
Sullivan, Geroge Hammond, 1859-1956
Summers, Frank L.
Sumpter, Ward C., Mrs.
Sutherland, Joshua Hoge Tyler, 1877-1970
Swanson, Calude Augustus, 1862-1939
Sweeney, Lenora Elizabeth (Higginbotham) MacFarlane, 1884-1962
Sweeney, W. H.
Sweet, Edith M., Mrs.
Sweets, Henry Hayes, 1872-1952
Swem, Earl Gregg, 1870-1965
Swineford, Howard, 1843-1923
Swisher, Carl B.
Sydenstricker, Florence K., Mrs.
Sydenstricker, John A., 1878-1955
Sydnor, A. Kendall
Sydnor, Charles Sackett, 1898-1954
Sydnor, Giles Granville, b. 1864
Symonds, Francis Campbell, b. 1894
Talbot, George Bird, 1907-1962
Taliaferro, William Churchill Lyon, 1871-1946
Tankard, Edward Garrison, 1862-1946
Tate, Lucy Frances
Tate, Thomas Leonidas, d. 1925
Tayloe, Betty Sue, b. 1926?
Taylor, C. W.
Taylor, F. Howard
Taylor, Genevieve
Taylor, Harold G.
Taylor, James H.
Taylor, Mamie
Taylor, Muriel
Taylor, Richard Field, 1814-1899
Temple, Josiah Jordan, 1892-1962
Tenney, S. M.
Tenney, S. M., Mrs.
Terrell, A. L.
Terrell, Bolling Hubard, Mrs.
Terrell, John B.
Thackston, Annie, Mrs.
Thackston, Nancy
Thatcher, B. G., Mrs.
Thomas, James Shelby, b. 1879
Thomasson, Elizabeth L.
Thompson, E. A.
Thompson, Ernest Trice, b. 1894
Thompson, Graves Haydon, b. 1907
Thompson, Lelia B., Mrs.
Thompson, O=Ferrall
Thompson, W. Archie
Thomson, Chilton
Thomson, Mary Moore (Dabney), b. 1888
Thornhill, Emeline
Thornto, Julia Forbes, Mrs.
Thornton, William Mynn, 1851-1935
Thorpe, William A., Mrs.
Throckmorton, Charles Wickliffe, 1868-1941
Thurman, Carter (Thornton)
Thurston, Lillian, Mrs.
Tilden, Arnold
Tilghman, Tench Francis, b. 1868
Tilley, John S.
Timberlake, Evelyn Douglas, b. 1920?
Todd, Albert Holladay, 1838-1930
Tolson, Clyde A.
Tomm, May A., Mrs.
Topping, Leonard Wesley
Torrence, William Clayton, 1884-1953
Towner, Faye Overton
Trinkle, Elbert Lee, 1876-1939
Troubetzkoy, Amelie Louise (Rives) Chanler, 1863-1945
Trubert, Albert
Trumbull, Charles Gaulladet, 1872-1941
Tuck, William Munford, 1896-1983
Tucker, Edgar B., 1853-1932
Tucker, Harry Z.
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1874-1959
Tucker, Mrs. Mary Barnett
Turner, Joseph Augustine, 1875-1937
Turner, Joseph Augustine, b. 1908
Turner, Lorenzo D.
Turner, M. H.
Turner, Walter LeSueur
Turner, William Read, 1882?-1958
Tyler, James Hoge, 1846-1925
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, 1853-1935
Tyler, Sue (Ruffin), 1889-1953
Tynes, Achilles Lyons, 1873-1952
Tynes, Harriet L.
Tynes, Lacy Alexander, d.1938
Underhill, Marjorie Fay
Vaiden, Vuldsko, b. 1873
Vaiden, W. R.
Van Hoff, Samuel
Van Schreeven, William James, 1909-1971
Vanderbilt, Arthur T., 1888-1957
Vassar, O. L.
Vaughan, Mrs. Eva W.
Vaughan, Robert C.
Venable, Adeline Carrington, 1861-1940
Venable, Benjamin Wilson, b. 1904
Venable, Edgar Wirt, 1872-1933
Venable, Elizabeth Marshall, b. 1881
Venable, Emma Cabell, 1867-1952
Venable, Jane Reid
Venable, Sidney Johnson, b. 1894
Venable, William Henry, 1870-1946
Via, George W.
Viser, James Harvey, b. 1888
Waddell, Harrington, 1872-1961
Waddell, Maude
Wade, Charles I.
Wade, Edwin C.
Wagener, Anthony Pelzer, 1887-1972
Walden, Anne (Easley)
Waldron, C. N.
Walker, Charles Martin, 1891-1944
Walker, Clifford L.
Walker, David Mason, b. 1853
Walker, Dugal Ormonde Beaconsfield, 1890-1955
Walker, Flora A., Mrs.
Walker, George Luther, 1887-1950
Walker, George Luther, b. 1920?
Walker, Grace Vernon (Martin), 1881-1948
Walker, Helen S., Mrs.
Walker, Jean Bryon, b. 1941
Walker, John Moseley
Walker, Lil W. SEE ALSO Dendy, Henry B.
Walker, Mattie Leigh, Mrs.
Walker, Nell (Walker)
Walker, Robert
Walker, Thomas Calhoun, 1866-1952
Wall, Joseph Barrye, b. 1898 SEE ALSO Clemons, Harry
Wallace, Charles Blain, 1869-1950
Wallace, Ellen B.
Wallace, Maude E.
Waller, Miriam Prindle, Mrs.
Wallis, Frederick Alfred, 1869-1951
Wallis, Mary
Walsh, John B.
Waltman, Franklyn, b. 1903
Walton, Sarah (Spencer)
Walvoord, John F.
Wands, Beatrice
Wardlaw, Georgia (Dickinson)
Warner, C. S.
Warren, Dale, b. 1897
Warriner, B. A.
Washington, John
Washington, Mary (Cavitt)
Wasington, Kittie D.
Watanabe, Jun, Mrs.
Watkins, Asa Dickinson, 1856-1938
Watkins, Asa Dupuy, b. 1917
Watkins, Charles
Watkins, Dorothea (Day), 1880-1960
Watkins, Frank H.
Watkins, Henry Joel, 1849-1939
Watkins, Joel H.
Watkins, John Benjamin, 1885-1931
Watkins, Julia Day, b. 1918
Watkins, Samuel Woodson, 1891-1944
Watkins, Tucker Carrington, b. 1885
Watkins, Virginia (Whiteley)
Watkins, Walter Barker Critz, 1907-1957
Watkins, Wilber L.
Watson, John Wilbur, b.1888
Watson, Oswald Beechmond, 1876-1946
Watson, Walter Allen, 1867-1919
Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Watt, Preston B.
Watts, Newman, b. 1895
Waugh, Karl Tinsley, 1879-1971
Waverly Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va. SEE Eggleston, Elizabeth Carrington
Wayland, John Walter, 1872-1962
Wayne, Marion
Weaver, W. S.
Webb, Belle A.
Webb, Charles Aurelius, b. 1866
Webster, P. L.
Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne, 1876-1948
Weddell, Virginia (Chase) Steedman, 1874-1948
Weed, Elizabeth G., Mrs.
Weinert, Max
Welch, E. A.
Wellman, Manly Wade Hampton, b. 1905
Welton, Courtenay Sommerville, 1892-1952
West, Frank T.
West, Jesse Felix, 1862-1929
West, Mrs. Hamilton A.
Westervelt, Henrie Whiting (McIlwaine)
Wheatley, F. H.
Wheeler, William Reginald, 1889-1963
While, William Chester, b. 1853
White, Carleton Emory, d. 1947
White, Elisabeth F.
White, Elizabeth Tunstall
White, Ernest M.
White, J. Harvey
White, Joshua Warren
White, Martha (LeFebore)
White, Mattie B.
White, Robert Ashlin, b. 1867
White, William Henry, 1847-1920
White, William Walter
Whitehead, Lissie Squire
Whitehead, Robert, 1897-1960
Whiting, Margaretta
Whiting, William Henry, 1862-1949
Whitlock, Victor
Whitmore, Jacob Harry, b. 1881
Whittet, Robert McLean, 1890-1980
Wicker, John Jordan, b. 1893
Wickey, Gould
Wight, Richard Cunningham, b. 1873
Wildman, J. W.
Williams, C. F.
Williams, Edgar Wiggins, d. 1951
Williams, Edmund Randolph, 1890-1960
Williams, Ennon Gifford, 1874-1931
Williams, John Edward, 1867-1943
Williams, John L. B.
Williams, John Langbourne, 1831-1915
Williams, John Skelton, 1865-1926
Williams, Jonathan
Williams, Langbourne Meade, b. 1903
Williams, Laura M., Mrs.
Williams, Lewis Catlett, 1875-1959
Williams, Martin
Williams, Mary Page, 1878-1937
Williams, R. N.
Williams, Robert F.
Williams, Sallie Taylor (Patton)
Williams, Susan M.
Williams, William Twyman , 1884-1971
Williamson, Elbert Madison, 1835-1935
Williamson, Thomas Spencer, 1865-1945
Willingham, Henry Jones, 1868-1948
Willingham, Robert Josiah, 1854-1914
Willis, Leo Stanley
Willkie, Wendell Lewis, 1892-1944
Wills, Agnes McC.
Wilson, D. R.
Wilson, Dalia, Mrs.
Wilson, David Cooper, 1882-1958
Wilson, David Spencer, 1917?-1944
Wilson, Hampden
Wilson, Howard McKnight, b. 1900
Wilson, James Southall, 1880-1963
Wilson, John E., Mrs.
Wilson, Mary Ann, Mrs.
Wilson, Mary Scott (Spencer), 1889-1968
Wilson, Maude G., Mrs.
Wilson, Parks W.
Wilson, R. M.
Wilson, Thornton Samuel, 1855-1935
Wilson, V. P., Mrs.
Wilson, W. Clyde
Wingo, Alfred L.
Winston, Frances (Watson), 1878-1958
Winston, Frank C.
Winston, James Henry Curry, 1876-1961
Wish, Harvey, 1909-1969
Witt, Bobby
Womack, Elto S., Mrs.
Wood, Ann Bidgood, Mrs.
Wood, Charles P.
Wood, John Bringier Trist, d. 1953
Wood, Louise (Neilson)
Wood, Sudie (Rucker), 1871-1956
Wood, T. Gilbert
Woodbridge, Charles J.
Woodcock, M. A.
Woodfin, Solon Boston, 1864-1945
Wooding, Nathaniel Henry, 1909?-1985
Woodruff, S. A.
Woods, David Junkin, 1868-1965
Woods, Grace W., Mrs.
Woods, Henry McKee, b. 1857
Woods, Samuel Baker
Woodward, Mary V.
Woodworth, Robert Bell, 1868-1954
Wool, Todd, d. 1975
Woolfolk, Algar
Wooton, Enock Beverly, 108-1953
Wormeley, Carter Warner, 1874-1938
Worthington, Charles L., 1891-1940
Wray, Margaret, Mrs.
Wright, Arthur D., b. 1871
Wright, Helen S., Mrs.
Wright, Howard E.
Wright, J. Douglas
Wright, Louise B.
Wright, William Alfred, 1891-1959
Wrighton, William Hazer
Wyatt, Edward Avery, b. 1910
Wyatt, Frederick A.
Wyatt, Wilson W.
Wyche, Richard T.
Wyllie, John Cook, 1908-1968
Yake, Clayton F.
Yancey, Jessie O.
Yeatman, Susie
Young, Edward Rush, b. 1919
Young, Harold Newell, b. 1895
Young, Robert Ralph, 1897-1958
Young, Thomas Kay, 1885-1954
Young, Wilbur
Zehmer, George Baskerville
Zwemer, Samuel W.
Companies and Organizations
American Book Company (Cincinnati, Ohio)
American Book Company (New York, N.Y.)
Appleton-Century Company, New York, N.Y.)
Back Creek Orchard Company (Salem, Va.) SEE Stearnes, Orren Lewis
Bell (J.P.) Company (Lynchburg, Va.
Berne Witness Company (Berne, Ind.)
Bobbs-Merrill Company (Indianapolis, Ind.)
Centre College Library (Danville, Ky.)
Citizens and Southern National Bank (Atlanta, Ga.) SEE Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne
Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas, Tex.)
Dietz Press, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Eerdmans (Wm. B.) Publishing Co. (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
Free Methodist (Winona Lake, Ind.)
Ginn & Company (New York, N.Y.)
Harper & Brothers (New York, N.Y.)
Harrisonburg Daily News (Harrisonburg, Va.)
Heath (D.C.) & Company (New York, N.Y.)
Institute of American Genealogy (Chicago, Ill.)
Johnson (B.F.) Publishing Company (Richmond, Va.)
Massanetta Springs Company, Inc. (Harrisonburg, Va.)
National Conference of Christians and Jews (Washington, D.C.)
Newman Sales Corporation (Farmville, Va.)
News (Greensboro, N.C.)
News Leader (Richmond, Va.)
Old Dominion Press (Richmond, Va.) SEE Turner, William Read
Perry Studio (Washington, D.C.)
Presbyterian Historical Society (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Reader’s Digest (Pleasantville, N.Y.)
Republican (Tazewell, Va.)
Revell (Fleming H.) Company (New York, N.Y.)
Saturday Evening Post (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Scott (W.A.) & Company (North Tazewell, Va.) SEE Scott, William A.
Scribner’s (Charles) Sons (New York, N.Y.)
Spindle (C.S.) & Company (Roanoke, Va.)
St. Luke’s Hospital (Richmond, Va.)
Sunday School Times (Philadelphia, Pa.)
U.S. Steel Quarterly (New York, N.Y.)
Virginia Historical Society SEE Johnston, Rebecca (Johnston)
Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, Va.)
Watkins Nurseries (Midlothian, Va.)
Who’s Who in American (Chicago, Ill.)
Wood (T.W.) & Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Yellowstone Mining Corporation (Roanoke, Va.)
Last updated: June 18, 2007