FitzGerald Bemiss
FitzGerald Bemiss Papers, 1943-1997
Call Number Mss1 B4252 c 1-500 Series 1.
Correspondence, n.d., 1943-1997, with or about George H. W. Bush
Please note: All incoming letters are original, unless otherwise noted. All copies of Bush letters are from the Bush Presidential Library at Texas A & M University, unless otherwise noted. All FitzGerald Bemiss letters are outgoing copies, unless otherwise noted. [pm] = Postmark date
No Date
n.d. | Mary [?] to Doreen (FitzGerald) Bemiss, concerning George H. W. Bush (i.e., Poppy) being ill with strep infection at Boston Hospital. |
n.d. | Dorothy (Walker) Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning George and Barbara Bush’s move to Midland, Tex. |
n.d. | Barbara and George Bush to F. Bemiss, Christmas card. |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning plans for New Year’s celebration. |
n.d. | Dorothy (Walker) Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Prescott Sheldon Bush [Sr.] |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card from Kennebunkport, Me. |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning Kennebunkport; also China. |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card extending congratulations on a job; also mentions Maine. |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card [on Republican National Convention stationary] concerning a picture. |
n.d. | Barbara Bush to F. Bemiss, note card containing personal news and activities at Kennebunkport. |
n.d. | Barbara Bush to FitzGerald Bemiss, birthday card. |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, brief note concerning Kipling’s If; also mentioning James C. Wheat and George Bell [likely Philadelphia investment banker and fellow Yale alumni George deBenneville Bell, Sr., who died in June 1992] (copy). |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card with picture of Walker’s Point, Kennebunkport, Me., concerning family activities and a birthday (copy) |
n.d. | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, brief note concerning Bemiss’s sketch of St. Ann’s. (copy) |
1943 Sep 6 [pm] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss. note card. |
* Nothing for 1944
1945 Jan 2 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, telegram concerning Bush’s upcoming wedding. (copy) |
1945 Jan ? | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, telegram regretting inability to attend wedding. (copy) |
* Nothing for 1946
1947 Apr 13 | Prescott S. Bush, Sr. to F. Bemiss, letter concerning family; Colgate Darden. |
1948 Jun 8 [pm] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning his future plans; mentions possible job with Dresser Industries and moving to Texas; also discusses college baseball, family. |
1948 Aug 28 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing working in Texas at International Derrick & Equipment Company, a Dresser Industries subsidiary; also Georgie [i.e. son George W. Bush] |
1949 Jan 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing Bush’s work selling oil supplies and containing his thoughts on how to make it big in the oil industry; expresses desire to run for a political office, but unsure. |
1949 Apr 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning plans to move to California for work at Security Engineering Co., a Dresser Industries subsidiary; hopes to come back to Texas for more field experience; also baseball and family news. |
1949 Oct 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning his work at Pacific Pumps, a Dresser subsidiary; comments on Union meetings, business and labor. |
* Nothing for 1950
1951 Jan 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter from Bush, who is back in Midland, Tex., selling oil field equipment; possibility of going back to Navy; Prescott Bush, Sr., loses his election. |
1951 Jun 30 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning his new venture, the Bush-Overbey Oil Development Co.; information on partner John Overbey; royalty business. |
1951 Aug 2 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing personal news; mentioning Fishers Island (copy). |
1951 Sep 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing personal news; discussing plans for Bemiss to visit Bush. |
1951 Sep 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bush’s business ventures, including purchasing mineral rights; Bush is also on lookout for investment opportunity for Bemiss. |
1951 Oct 22 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter containing personal and family news. |
1951 Oct 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning prospects for Bemiss to invest in oil well to be drilled by Seaboard Oil (newspaper clipping attached); thoughts on paper Bemiss wrote regarding the oil industry. |
1951 Nov 6 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning possibility of investment in Seaboard Oil. |
1951 Nov 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing Bemiss’s investment opportunity, which is currently on hold; deal may go through but at higher price. |
1952 Jan 8 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning plans for business trip to North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming for exploring oil/mineral rights; Bush wants Bemiss to come on trip. |
1952 Jan 15 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter firming up plans for trip west. |
1952 Jan 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter announcing plans for trip west delayed. |
1952 Mar 7 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter mentioning Bush’s partner John Overbey, who is back from North Dakota; may form company for ventures there. |
1952 Mar 19 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning plans to set up in Williston Basin, N.D., to buy/sell mineral rights; solicits Bemiss and anyone he knows who may be interested in investing. |
1952 Apr 16 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing Williston Basin project in more detail. |
1952 Apr 21 | Jacqueline R. Bunting [for F. Bemiss] to G. Bush: since Bemiss out of town, she is sending report back to Bush. |
[1952] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter from Bush in Crosby, N.D., discussing the rising cost of land purchased for oil/mineral rights. |
1952 May 20 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, telegram announcing failure of Shannon County [S.D.] deal. |
1952 May 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing expanded information on the Shannon County deal that fell through. |
1952 Jul 30 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning possible oil/gas work in Nevada, wildcat plays, and Gulf investing in Nevada; death of Brian McMahon and possibility that Prescott Bush, Sr. could be appointed to replace him in the Senate. |
[1952 Aug] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note enclosing vacation itinerary and contact information on Fishers Island, N.Y. |
1952 Aug 28 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing lack of progress talking to Mr. [Walter Lyman] Rice at Reynolds [Metals Co.] in Richmond. |
1952 Aug 29 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter promising that Bemiss will talk to Richard Reynolds; heard that Reynolds is interested in oil investment. |
1952 Sep 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning letter Bush wrote to Walter Lyman Rice (attached [copy], G. Bush to Walter L. Rice concerning their recent meeting in New York regarding oil investment); personal news. |
1952 Sep 4 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bemiss’s conversation with Richard Reynolds [of Reynolds Metals Co.], who is interested in natural gas because his plants consume so much of it; Bemiss gave Reynolds Bush’s name; also, Prescott Bush, Sr.’s Senate prospects. |
1952 Sep 10 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning call from Walter L. Rice to see if Bemiss has any interest in a deal made between Reynolds and Bush-Overbey. |
1952 Oct 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter announcing the Shannon County deal is back on table. Outlines the deal and sends plats. |
1952 Oct 1 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, telegram offering a $5,000 investment to be made with help of friends. |
1952 Oct 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, telegram announcing Shannon County deal rejected |
1952 Oct 14 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing more information on the Shannon County deal collapse; requesting information on Virginia politics; expressing thoughts on Texas and “dyed in wool” Democrats |
1952 Nov 20 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Walter L. Rice and deal for Reynolds; not sure it will work out. |
1953 Jan 23 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter referring to attached letter to W[alter Lyman] Rice about possible deal; expecting next child in February [i.e. John Ellis Bush]; Bemiss saw Bush, Sr. at inauguration. |
[1953 Feb] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note announcing birth of John Ellis (“Jeb”) Bush. |
1953 Apr 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing personal news; is not sure he will make Bemiss’ wedding in June. |
1953 May 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, telegram concerning the purchase of 10 acre property for Bemiss in Andrews County, Tex. |
1953 May 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, telegram advising the amount to pay for property; no test well yet. |
1953 May 5 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, telegram concerning Andrews County, Tex., land purchase; check in mail. |
1953 May 5 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning payment for Andrews County property; property to be split between F. Bemiss, DeSoto FitzGerald and William Hill; if property is productive [of oil] wants advice from Bush on selling or keeping. |
1953 May 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning negative well test on Andrews County property; Bush in New York, N.Y., with daughter Robin, who is ill with leukemia |
1953 May 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning evidence of title on mineral rights. |
1953 May 13 | J. Overbey to F. Bemiss, letter informing him that Andrews County property test well is not producing. |
1953 May 13 | J. Overbey to F. Bemiss, Desoto FitzGerald, and William M. Hill, letter re: joint ownership in Andrews County property, mineral deed attached. |
1953 May 18 | Bush-Overbey Oil to F. Bemiss, letter re: deed and plat for Andrews County property. |
1953 May 22 | F. Bemiss to William M. Hill, letter containing an update on the Andrews County property, of which Hill is part owner. |
1953 May 22 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter assuring Bush there are no bad feelings on the failure of the Andrews County property to pay off. |
1953 May 26 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the Andrews County property; Bush’s meeting Margaret Page [Bemiss’ future wife]; daughter Robin Bush is recovering. |
1953 May 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning a possible swap of the Andrews County property for property in Howard County, Tex. |
1953 May 29 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter thanking Bush for royalty swap on Andrews/Howard County properties. |
1953 May 29 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, telegram acknowledging the trade of royalties for the Andrews and Howard counties properties. |
1953 Aug 14 | F. Bemiss to J. Overbey, letter asking for an update on the Andrews/Howard counties property exchange, now that Bemiss is back from his honeymoon; Bush did make it to Bemiss’s wedding; however, Robin Bush is still ill. |
1953 Aug 19 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the Andrews/Howard County property deal; Robin’s health and the hope that she and Barbara can come back to Texas [from New York, N.Y.] soon. |
1953 Aug 21 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the Andrews/Howard property deal; asking for assistance with other royalties. |
1953 Sep 30 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter forwarding a copy of a letter to Bush wrote to Joe Grennan regarding Bemiss’ royalties from the Andrews County property swap. |
1954 Feb 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning negotiations for the trade of Andrews County mineral rights. |
1954 Feb 23 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the Andrews County deal. |
1954 Feb 26 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the Andrews County deal; is sending copy of agreement with General American. |
1954 Apr 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning General American’s concerns with the test well on the Andrews County property; the deal is back to square one. |
1954 Oct 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the agreement with General American concerning the Andrews County property. |
1955 Jan 12 | G. Bush to DeSoto FitzGerald (one of the co-owners of the Andrews County, Tex., property), letter concerning charge-off form 927 for Andrews County property for tax purposes. |
1955 Feb 23 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss (unsigned copy), letter concerning General American’s decision not to buy Andrews County property. |
1955 Apr 26 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter wishing Bemiss luck in his upcoming campaign for Virginia House of Delegates; still hopes Bemiss will come to Kennebunkport. |
1955 Apr 28 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning his bid for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates, and mentioning that his wife is due to deliver near election day (July 12) |
1956 Mar 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Zapata Petroleum stock; launching of drilling barge the Scorpion. |
1956 Jun 22 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning talk in Richmond about Zapata stock; there is to be a special summer session of the Virginia General Assembly regarding segregation; Bemiss on the Commission on Public Education to recommend solution to the Legislature. |
1956 Jun 29 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter announcing that Barbara Bush is expecting [son Neil]; Bush has seen investment in Zapata by some Richmonders; wants to know more on Bemiss’ thoughts on segregation and briefly mentions the issue in Texas. |
1956 Sep 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter making small mention of segregation issues, more on expected baby [son Neil]; hopes all can go to Kennebunkport next summer. |
1956 Nov 23 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter mentioning he is happy with results of recent election; giving updates on his children. |
1957 Mar 25 | Press release for Zapata Off-Shore Company, including information on the forthcoming Vinegarroon drilling barge as well as the Scorpion and the Nola. |
1957 Apr 8 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter inquiring about new drilling barge the Vinegarroon, invites the Bushes to the 350th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, Va. |
1957 Apr 15 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter regretting he cannot make the Jamestown festivities; invites Bemiss to Maine; the Vinegarroon launch went well. |
[1958] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss (copy), letter concerning personal news, including time spent in Maine with family |
1958 Jun 19 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter describing business as “lousy”; has been in Japan for business; mentions Bemiss’s plan to run for Virginia State Senate and the challenge of integration; also the drilling barge Vinegarroon. |
1958 Sep 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing family news; supposes the “integration problems in Virginia are giving you a fit.” |
* Nothing for 1959
* Nothing for 1960
1961 Jun 30 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning sale of stock in Zapata; also Bush’s son Marvin. |
1961 Jul 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the sale of stock in Zapata; also kids. |
1961 Sep 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing personal news, mentioning son George W. Bush is attending Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. |
1961 Oct 5 | G. Bush to Jonathan J. Bush, letter concerning Zapata stock, information on oil-drilling rigs Vinegarroon, Scorpion, and Nola. [note: unsigned copy]. |
1962 Jun 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing Zapata Petroleum’s possible acquisition of Southern Natural Gas’s subsidiary, the Offshore Co.; also Maine |
1962 Jun 20 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning meeting in New York regarding Southern Natural Gas [SNG] acquisition; thanks Bemiss for his help. |
1962 Jun 30 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning meeting in New York with Mr. [Christopher T.] Chenery [chief executive officer, SNG]; also includes a copy of his letter to Edmund T. DeJarnette thanking him for setting up the meeting. |
1963 Aug 28 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning personal news of family; also mentioning editorial by Walter Lippman, Bemiss’s thought that Kennedy will “dump” Johnson and then Bush will be able to take him on. |
1963 Sep 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Kennebunkport; also Senator John G. Tower to make speech in favor of G. Bush for Senate. |
1963 Sep 25 | J. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s contribution to G. Bush’s Senate campaign. |
[1963] | J. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter extending congratulations to Bemiss on victory and sends a donation. |
1963 Nov 13 | F. Bemiss to J. Bush, letter thanking Jonathan for donation and enclosed own for G. Bush campaign. |
1963 Nov 14 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning their mutual political campaigns. |
1963 Nov 26 | F. Bemiss to J. Bush, letter mentioning “recent extraordinary event” (reference to Kennedy assassination) and the impact on local/national politics next year; suggests Bush write to John W. Smith, president of Seaboard Air Line Railroad. |
1963 Dec 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter enclosing copy of his letter to John W. Smith that asks for assistance with his Senatorial campaign; references to Lyndon B. Johnson’s ascension to the presidency and the effect it could have on the next election; Civil Rights bill; Senate campaign opponent, Democrat Ralph Yarborough. |
1964 Aug 13 | J. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing G. Bush’s receiving the Republican nomination for Texas senate race and asking for a donation to the campaign |
1964 Nov 2 | F. Bemiss to “Bush for Senator” (i.e., J. Bush), letter concerning donation |
1964 Nov 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter thanking him and Sam Bemiss for donations; handwritten postscript notes that Bush was defeated |
1964 Nov 5 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s defeat, National Democratic Party and thoughts on outcome of recent election and its impact as it relates to issues of race. |
1964 Nov 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning thoughts on the election, the future of the Republican Party. |
1964 Nov 12 | J. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter thanking him for supporting G. Bush’s campaign, enclosing article on Bush’s record setting vote total for Republicans in Texas. |
1965 Mar 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, brief note accepting an invitation to a golf tournament in Richmond. |
1965 Mar 15 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the golf tournament in Richmond, family, and Prescott Bush, Sr’s visit to Virginia in May to make speech at Jamestown. |
1965 Mar 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning golf and family. |
1965 Apr 9 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning golf and family. |
1965 Apr 15 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning golf. |
1965 May 3 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning golf. |
1966 Nov 9 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter congratulating Bush on winning election for U.S. Congress; discussing the significance of the recent election in Virginia especially, in 8th and 9th districts; also his family. |
1966 Nov 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing election results, Johnson backlash. |
1967 Jan 4 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter saying he will be in Washington, D.C., for Bush’s swearing in; is happy to keep the Bush children anytime; mentions his home in Orange County, Va. |
1967 Jan 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing a trip to Washington, D.C. |
1967 Feb 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning a visit with Margaret Bemiss and the news that Bemiss stepping out of public life. |
1967 Feb 9 | G. Bush to George Caulkins, letter concerning Bemiss’s trip to Vale, Colo. |
1967 Feb 10 | G. Bush to Mary Greenwood (unsigned copy sent to Bemiss), letter concerning Bemiss’s trip to Vale, Colo. |
1967 Feb 13 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning recent visit to D. C., and thanking George for letters of introduction to Mary Greenwood and George Caulkins used during a recent trip to Colorado. |
1967 Feb 21 | F. Bemiss to Mary Greenwood, letter expressing his apologies for missing her during his recent visit to Vale, Colo. |
1967 Feb 21 | F. Bemiss to George Caulkins, letter expressing his apologies for missing him during his recent visit to Vale, Colo. |
1967 Sep 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning personal news, family, and Maine. |
1967 Sep 26 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning personal news, family, and a recent house party. |
[1967] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Jane Morgan. |
[1967] Oct 5 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning personal news; also a meeting with U.S. Congressman William B. Spong and wife. |
1967 Nov 2 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning personal news; possible Bush family visit to the Bemisses in Orange County, Va., for Thanksgiving; Woodberry Forest School and Jeb Bush. |
1968 Feb 8 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning an editorial entitled “An Expensive Telegram” that mentions Bush. |
1968 Jan 9 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s trip to Viet Nam; also, his consideration of a possible run for governor of Texas or for the U.S. Senate. |
1968 Feb 13 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter discussing the lack of opposition to Bush for reelection to Congress; discusses Austen, Tex., attorney Fagan Dickson’s plan to run for Congress on a “Johnson come home” platform; encloses article on Bush and an editorial on Dickson. |
1968 Feb 15 | Aleene Smith to F. Bemiss, note acknowledging receipt of a letter from Bemiss; however, Bush is in Texas at this time. |
1968 Feb 20 | F. Bemiss to landscape and nursery A. Gude Sons Company, letter concerning the purchase of azalea bushes for the Bush residence in Washington, D.C. |
1968 Feb 21 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning family and personal news, including Florida, meeting at the Alibi Club, Washington, D.C.; children, and azaleas. |
1968 Mar 14 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning azaleas. |
1968 Mar 14 | F. Bemiss to F. L. Wilkerson, letter concerning azaleas. |
1968 Mar 25 | F. Bemiss to Barbara Bush, letter concerning Neil Bush. |
1968 Jun 6 | A. Smith to F. Bemiss, note forwarding Washington Post article citing Bush as possible Nixon running mate. |
1968 Sep 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning a conversation with Linwood Holton about Bemiss getting involved with Nixon campaign in Virginia. |
1968 Sep 10 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Linwood Holton, Virginians for Nixon, and the National Democratic Party. |
1968 Sep 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Bemiss’s resume to give to George Champion. |
1968 Sep 19 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, note concerning his resume. |
[1968] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Texas Senator John Godwin Tower’s trip to Alaska, his assistant Tom Cole says Tower will continue to support Nixon. |
1968 Oct 11 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, note concerning Virginians for Nixon. |
1968 Oct 14 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Virginians for Nixon folder, trip to Elethuera, Fla. |
[1968] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note accompanying book on U.S. Navy sent to Bemiss. |
1968 Nov 13 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter thanking Bush for the book; also reference to a letter sent to Nixon by Bemiss’s cousin Otto Williams. |
1969 Mar 11 | G. Bush to G. Caulkins (copied to F. Bemiss), letter informing Caulkins that Bemiss is in Vale, Colo. |
1969 Apr 3 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal letter concerning vacation in Vale, Colo., boating. |
1969 May 7 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal letter concerning boating, meeting Sen. William B. Spong, Jr. |
1969 Jun 11 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the Alfalfa Club, autographs of the crew of the Apollo 8 spaceship, 18th century autographs, and Nixon. |
1969 Jun 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter acknowledging autographs and Nixon suggestion. |
1969 Jul 18 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Henry Kissinger speech, Viet Nam statement by Bemiss (attached), and the Alibi Club. |
1969 Jul 16 | F. Bemiss, handwritten notes on the dinner at the Alibi club. |
1969 Jul 21 | G. Bush, statement on U.S. policy regarding Hanoi. (2 copies) |
1969 Jul 23 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Southeast Asia. |
1969 Jul 25 | D. Tennant Bryan to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Hanoi statement language. |
1969 Jul 25 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning discussion with Tennant Bryan about Hanoi statement. |
1969 Jul 30 | D. Tennant Bryan to F. Bemiss, note concerning Bryan’s statement on Hanoi along with Bush’s statement being sent to AP Board and Executive VP of Wall Street Journal. |
1969 Jul 31 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bryan’s note to Bemiss dated 1969 Jul 30, |
1969 Aug 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Tennant Bryan letter; Nixon statement on Hanoi; and Maine. |
1969 Aug 7 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the repeal of the 7% investment tax credit. |
1969 Aug 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss. note informing Bemiss that Bush has forwarded Bemiss’ letter on the repeal of the 7% investment tax credit to Secretary of the Treasury David M. Kennedy. |
1969 Sep 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning vacation and attached response from Murray L. Weidenbaum (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy) regarding the 7% investment tax credit. |
1969 Sep 8 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s recent trip to Kennebunkport, and his upcoming “big decision.” |
1969 Sep 8 | Fagan Dickson to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bush’s chance in the upcoming Congressional election; success hinges on Nixon; attached article from Dallas Morning News. |
1969 Sep 11 | F. Bemiss to Fagan Dickson (copied to G. Bush), letter concerning Nixon, Bush, and Vietnam |
1969 Sep 11 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Fagan Dickson’s letter and article from Dallas Morning News. |
1969 Sep 17 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Fagan Dickson and conversations about Viet Nam. |
1969 Oct 17 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Bush playing tennis with Postmaster General Winton Blout; attached is an article from Sports Illustrated about the match. |
1969 Oct 24 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bemiss’ thoughts on changing his political party affiliation; Nixon; Virginia state elections; and Mills Godwin. |
1969 Oct 29 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’ party struggle; Bush thinks he will run for Senate. |
1969 Dec 5 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter asking for information on independent oil man Roy M. Huffington of Virginia International, producer of liquid natural gas. |
1969 Dec 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Roy M. Huffington. |
1970 Jan 8 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning Bush’s 25th wedding anniversary. |
1970 Jan 14 | F. Bemiss to C. Fred Chambers, manager of G. Bush’s U.S. Senate campaign, letter expressing words of support and making a contribution to Bush’s campaign. |
1970 Jan 28 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note thanking him for his contribution and support. |
1970 Feb 2 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Virginia Governor A. Linwood Holton, Virginia politics, Bush’s Senate race, and personal news. |
1970 Feb 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter inviting Bemiss on a visit to NASA. |
1970 Feb 17 | Fagan Dickson to F. Bemiss, letter accompanying an article he wants Bemiss to pass on to Bush concerning Israel and comparing the conflict in the Middle East to that in Vietnam; also tells Bemiss he is taking no part in the campaign of Bush’s Senate race opponent, Ralph Webster Yarborough. |
1970 Feb 20 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning one Bemiss received from Fagan Dickson and encouraging Bush to meet with Dickson; sends copy of article Dickson sent to Bush. |
1970 Feb 20 | F. Bemiss to Fagan Dickson, letter concerning the newspaper article Dickson sent on Israel. |
1970 Mar 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bush’s Senate campaign; and a possible visit. |
[1970] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Fagan Dickson, Israel, and the upcoming primary election; is exhausted by campaign. |
1970 Jun 1 | J. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter of solicitation for support of G. Bush’s Senate campaign, with personal note. |
1970 Aug 4 | F. Bemiss to J. Bush, letter concerning his support of G. Bush’s Senate campaign, with personal note. |
1970 Aug 19 | J. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning his contribution to G. Bush’s Senate campaign, with personal note. |
1970 Oct 2 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s Senate campaign, and family and personal news. |
1970 Oct 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning a tennis match (with picture of Bush), and his Senate race. |
1970 Dec 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning a recent visit. |
1970 Dec 8 | F. Bemiss to Republican National Committee chair Rogers Clark Ballard Morton, letter concerning a job offer with Dept of Interior; may be a conflict of interest. |
1971 Feb 9 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bemiss being offered the position as Assistant Secretary in the Department of the Interior; also personal and family news. |
1971 Feb 12 | Hargrove Smith to F. Bemiss, note informing Bemiss that G. Bush in Europe; will give him Bemiss’s letter upon his return |
1971 Mar 5 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing his recent European trip. |
1971 Mar 10 | D. Tenant Bryan to G. Bush (cc: F. Bemiss), letter concerning and editorial, “Stevenson’s Bush-Beating” (referring to Illinois Senator Adlai Stevenson’s belief that Bush was unqualified for the post as Ambassador to the U.N.) |
1971 Jun 4 | Cartoon drawn by G. Bush during a meeting with Soviet Ambassador Yakov Malik. |
1971 Jun 11 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Kennebunkport; Bemiss’s business merger. |
1971 Jun 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Kennebunkport. |
1971 Jul 8 | Richmond Moore, Jr. to G. Bush (bcc: F. Bemiss), invitation to speak at Bar Association of Richmond meeting |
1971 Jul 9 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the invitation from the Richmond Bar Association; also Kennebunkport. |
1971 Jul 13 | Rosewell Page, III to F. Bemiss, note concerning the invitation to Bush to address the Richmond Bar Association meeting. |
1971 Jul 14 | G. Bush to Richmond Moore, Jr, letter accepting invitation to speak to Richmond Bar Association but has a scheduling conflict. |
1971 Jul 23 | Rosewell Page, III to G. Bush (bcc: F. Bemiss), letter concerning speaking engagement with Richmond Bar Association. |
1971 Aug 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter containing personal news concerning Kennebunkport, his boat The Rebel, and his parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. |
1971 Aug 25 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter asking Bemiss to participate in Community Leaders Program for 1971; brochure attached. |
1971 Sep 10 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter regretting having missed an opportunity to visit Kennebunkport; trip to Greece; Community Leaders Program briefing. |
1971 Sep 16 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Neil Bush; the boat The Rebel; and the Community Leaders Program briefing. |
1971 Sep 21 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter requesting Bush write on behalf of Margaret Bemiss to U.S. Ambassador Arthur K. Watson in France, to requesting him to meet with her. |
1971 Sep 30 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Margaret “Madge” Bemiss. |
1971 Oct 5 | Arthur K. Watson to G. Bush, letter concerning a visit by Margaret Bemiss. |
1971 Oct 7 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Margaret “Madge” Bemiss; discussing Fred Chambers at Woodberry Forrest School. |
1971 Dec 21 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning a recent visit; the upcoming“Alfalfa Dinner”at the exclusive Washington, D.C., Alfalfa Club; his involvement in Bush’s future presidential campaign; and the Commission to celebrate the 100th anniversary of National Park Service. |
1971 Dec 23 | Hargrove Smith to F. Bemiss, note concerning Bush’s absence; will hold letter. |
1972 Jan 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the Alibi Club and Alfalfa Club. |
1972 Jan 10 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, note confirming attendance at Alibi Club dinner. |
1972 Jan 24 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning recent visit to the Alibi Club and meeting with Prescott Bush, Sr. |
1972 Jan 28 | Hargrove Smith to F. Bemiss, informing Bemiss the Bush will be in Africa during the time that Bemiss is visiting France. |
1972 Apr 25 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, note concerning a clipping and position for Bemiss (clipping not attached). |
1972 May 4 | Douglas Rucker to F. Bemiss, letter asking Bemiss to ask G. Bush for recommendation for his daughter Courtney. |
1972 May 8 | G. Bush to U.S. Ambassador Idar Rimestad (copy to Bemiss with attached note), letter concerning a recommendation for Courtney Rucker. |
1972 May 15 | F. Bemiss to Douglas Rucker, note concerning recommendations for daughter Courtney Rucker by Bush and Bemiss, sent copy of Bush’s letter. |
1972 Jul 11 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal note regretting he cannot come to Kennebunkport. |
1972 Sep 7 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning a recent visit and time in Maine. |
1973 Feb 18 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, memorandum concerning Party “Realignment” in Virginia. |
1973 Feb 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a recent meeting on Virginia politics. |
1973 Mar 73 | Robert G. Smethurst to G. Bush (cc: F. Bemiss), letter concerning the possible admission of Marvin Bush to Woodberry Forrest School. |
1973 Apr 2 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning possible openings in International Security Affairs, approached about possible position in Department of Commerce. |
1973 May 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Bemiss’ statement on [?]. |
1973 Jun 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning vacation plans. |
1973 Jul 24 | G. Bush, memorandum concerning important material in relation to the Watergate hearings regarding spying and surveillance ordered by someone in the Kennedy camp during the 1960 election campaign; also contains Bush’s thoughts on Watergate. |
1973 Jul 25 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a picture, a recent visit, and Kennedy and the Democrats |
1973 Aug 7 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter commenting on the energy crisis |
1973 Aug 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning Robert C. “Bob” Hill, Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs, U.S. Dept. of Defense. |
1973 Oct 2 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter giving directions to Woodberry Forrest, Va., from Washington D.C. |
1973 Jul 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note giving change of address. |
1973 Nov 16 | G. Bush statement declaring intentions to remain Chair of Republican National Committee and not run for Governor of Texas; also Watergate. |
1973 Nov 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, Statement on Members of the Commission on Critical Choices for America. |
1974 Jan 4 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s composure during the Watergate fiasco, Mills Godwin and the Virginia Republican Party, the affect of Watergate on political appointments, and Bemiss’ talks with Assist. Secretary for International Security Affairs Robert C. “Bob” Hill of the U.S. Dept. of Defense. |
1974 Mar 21 | Jane A. Kenny to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Sam Bemiss’s visit to Chairman Bush’s office. |
1974 Jul 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning Kennebunkport. |
[1974] Aug 26 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning a meeting with President Gerald R. Ford; also Kennebunkport. |
1974 Nov 11 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning life in Peking, China, where Bush is now Chief Liaison Officer; Marvin Bush; a meeting with Amos A. Jordan at the U.S. Dept of Defense; the mood of county since Gerald Ford took office as President. |
1974 Nov 17 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter describing life in China, meeting with Chinese officials, Henry Kissinger’s planned visit, and referring to David K. E. Bruce, who preceded Bush as Chief Liaison Officer. |
1974 Dec 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter mentioning the success of Henry Kissinger’s visit, attending a Christian Church service in Peking, and life in China. |
1975 Feb 17 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter discussing Marvin Bush’s attendance at Woodberry Forrest School, the death of California Congressman Jerry L. Pettis, and Bemiss’s plan to visit China. |
1975 May 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s visit to China, including newspaper comments, and discussing the closed nature of the People’s Republic of China. |
1975 May 12 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning a meeting with Pete Lias and Thomas J. Devine in D.C. “for discussion” (reference to their plan to map out Bush’s future in politics), personal. |
1975 May 16 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning thanking the PRC office for allowing visit to China; met with Thomas J. Devine who will send report to Bush; Philip Morris regarding shipment of beer to Peking for July 4th. |
1975 May 18 | Thomas J. Devine to G. Bush, letter concerning his meeting with Bemiss, options for Bush’s future: presidency, more presidential appointments, or return to private life with continued public involvement. |
1975 May 20 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bemiss’ notes from meeting with Thomas J. Devine regarding Bush options. |
1975 May 20 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Philip Morris’s shipment of cigarettes and beer to China for July 4th celebration. |
1975 May 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning PRC and journalist relations, suggestions to Bemiss on his writings about China. |
1975 May 27 | Peter Lias to F. Bemiss, letter concerning a missed meeting, Barbara Bush to visit. |
1975 May 29 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’ writings on China; shipment of beer and cigarettes being sent to China. |
1975 May 30 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the shipment by Philip Morris of beer and cigarettes to China in time for the 4th of July. |
1975 May 30 | F. Bemiss to Hugh Cullman, President, Philip Morris International, letter passing on the information that the U.S. State Department has asked that Philip Morris not publicize the gift of beer and cigarettes to G. Bush in China. |
1975 June 3 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Marvin Bush’s graduation from Woodberry Forrest; also, Bemiss has decided not to publish his writings on China, since it is such a delicate issue; will produce private monograph for friends only (NOTE: copy available as Rare DS 711.B3) |
1975 Jun 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter thanking him for arranging the beer and cigarette shipment; Bush does not see a role for himself in the 1976 presidential campaign. |
1975 Jun 11 | G. Bush to Hugh Cullman, President, Philip Morris, International (cc: to F. Bemiss), letter thanking Philip Morris for the shipment of beer and cigarettes sent to Bush in China. |
[1975] Jun 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning rumors that Bush has been asked to run Ford’s election campaign; Bush is not interested. |
1975 Jun 20 | Hugh Cullman to G. Bush (bcc: F. Bemiss), letter concerning shipment of beer and cigarettes from Philip Morris to Bush in China. |
1975 Jun 23 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal letter concerning Marvin Bush’s from Woodberry Forrest; also Margaret “Madge” Bemiss’s plans to travel to London and then Teheran, Iran. |
1975 Jun 26 | Hugh Cullman to F. Bemiss, note informing Bemiss that Cullman has received a thank-you note from Bush. |
1975 Jul 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter thanking Bemiss for not publishing his article on China, as it could cause some unpleasantness; mentioning the upcoming July 4th party; and discussing personal news. |
1975 Jul 15 | Hugh Cullman to F. Bemiss, note concerning the shipment of beer and cigarettes to Bush in China for a 4th of July party, with attached newspaper clipping about the party. |
1975 Jul 11 | G. Bush to Hugh Cullman (cc: F. Bemiss), note concerning the newspaper clipping about the recent 4th of July he celebrated, for which Philip Morris Note, re: newspaper clipping on party. |
1975 Jul 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning informing Bemiss that Bush wrote to Richard Helms, U.S. Ambassador to Iran, on behalf of Margaret Bemiss; planned trip to North China; Maine. |
1975 Jul 28 | G. Bush to Richard Helms, U.S. Ambassador, Iran, letter concerning Margaret Bemiss’s desire to visit Iran; also concerning Princess Ashraf Pahlevi (twin sister of the Shah of Iran). |
1975 Sep 4 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Thomas S. Kleppe’s appointment as U.S. Secretary of the Interior; environmental conservation. |
[1975] Oct 17 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning thoughts on upcoming election; Ronald Reagan; Gerald R. Ford; upcoming visit by Henry Kissinger visit; tennis; is enjoying his assignment in China. |
1975 Nov 5 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter congratulating Bush on his appointment as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); also Gerald Ford’s efforts to prevent a Congressional investigation of the Agency. |
[1975] Nov 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning position as CIA Director, confirmation process, thoughts on leaving China. |
1975 Nov 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning leaving Peking, the CIA, and personal news. |
1975 Nov 6 | G. Bush to Tom Lias (Bush sent copy to Bemiss), note concerning the CIA post’s effect on Bush’s political ambitions, describes post as “political graveyard.” |
1975 Nov 18 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning a statement requested of Bush that he will not seek nomination as Vice President, as a prerequisite to his confirmation as CIA director; Bemiss lists Bush’s options. |
[1975] Nov 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning his indecision about seeking further political office. |
1975 Dec 15 | G. Bush, Statement of George Bush [given during the] Confirmation Hearings on His Nomination to be Director of the CIA. |
1976 Jan 26 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal letter. |
1976 Feb 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss. Personal note. |
1976 Feb 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss. note concerning his swearing-in as director of the CIA, and his thoughts on his new position. |
1976 Feb 23 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the Forum Club, Bush’s appearance on “Meet The Press,” and personal news |
1976 Apr 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning son Marvin Bush. |
1976 Jun 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning China program; also Maine. |
1977 Mar 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bush’s departure from the CIA and mentioning that his life will not be quiet, as he has speaking engagements, offers to join various boards, political meetings, etc.; comments on President Jimmy Carter at the swearing-in of the new CIA director, Stansfield Turner; prospect of running for President in 1980s; news of family and his new grandchild. |
1977 Mar 30 | G. Bush to Gerald C. Smith (copy to F. Bemiss), letter suggesting Smith consider F. Bemiss for a position on the Trilateral Commission, outlining Bemiss’ experience. [Note: the Trilateral Commission was a private organization, founded in 1973, established to foster closer cooperation between America, Europe and Japan.] |
1977 Apr 4 | Gerald Smith to G. Bush (Bush sent to Bemiss), letter concerning F. Bemiss to be considered as a member of the Trilateral Commission |
1977 Apr 27 | G. Bush to Kuwaiti Ambassador Abdalla Y. Bishara (bcc. F. Bemiss), letter concerning speech Bishara gave in Richmond. |
1977 Jun 7 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter contemplating presidential run, mentions hiring a “young though experienced guy to plot (with help) schedule.” |
1977 Sep 9 | G. Bush to Allen Lindley, Jr. (sent copy to F. Bemiss), letter concerning F. Bemiss offer. |
1977 Sep 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Japanese diplomat Hisashi Owada, and an upcoming trip to Japan. |
1977 Nov 23 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning scheduling a meeting. |
1977 Nov 23 | Karl Rove, assistant to G. Bush, to F. Bemiss, note concerning G. Bush’s schedule. |
1977 Dec 8 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning upcoming dinner with Virginia Governor John N. Dalton, which Bush is to attend; also, his meeting with James Baker. |
1978 Jan 17 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning a recent “Doonesbury” cartoon; also the Alfalfa Club dinner. |
1978 Jan 19 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning Bush’s schedule (copy of schedule attached). |
1978 Jan 21 | G. Bush to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bemiss, note card concerning a recent monetary donation. |
1978 Feb 1 | G. Bush to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bemiss, note card concerning a recent visit. |
1978 Feb 6 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter [marked confidential] concerning “The Fund.” |
1978 Mar 2 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning “The Fund;” does not want it “perceived as a vehicle for the Presidency.” |
1978 Mar 6 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Law of the Sea Treaty meeting, Christian A. Herter, Jr., and lawyer C. King Mallory. |
1978 Mar 8 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter [marked confidential] concerns Bemiss’ analysis and strategy of what is needed for the 1980 election. |
1978 Mar 15 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the book, Post-Mao China and U.S.-China Trade, which contains papers delivered during a 1976 symposium held at the University of Virginia on that subject. |
1978 Mar 30 | G. Bush to G. Bemiss, letter concerning Scott Sterling. |
1978 Apr 10 | G. Bemiss to Scott Sterling, letter concerning engaging Sterling to possibly help plan for Bush’s campaign in Virginia. |
1978 May 5 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning attached article, “Where is the GOP’s Offensive?” Bemiss recommends steps Bush should take to respond Pres. Jimmy Carter’s policies. |
1978 Jun 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card with attached article concerning what voters wish for in a President. |
1978 Jun 25 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning Bemiss’s wedding anniversary, their long friendship. |
1978 Jun 30 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning political strategy, consultants Robert Weed and Judy Peachee [now Ford], Virginia Governor Mills Godwin. |
1978 Jul 7 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning a report by former U.S. Attorney General Richard Gordon Kleindienst, politics, pollster Robert Teeter, and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger |
1978 Jul 8 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning meeting in Kennebunkport with trusted friends regarding the Fund for Limited Government [established to finance Bush’s presidential campaign] |
1978 Jul 8 | Barbara Bush to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bemiss, letter soliciting financial donation to son George W. Bush’s campaign for U.S. Senate. |
1978 Jul 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning Joseph A. Pechman’s Setting National Priorities: the 1978 Budget. |
1978 Jul 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note in answer to Bemiss’s letter of June 30 discussing campaign strategy, Bush feels the need to stay away from issues at this point in order to avoid factionalising supporters; most of Reagan’s supporters are not ready to switch to a new candidate. |
1978 Jul 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter discussing Kennebunkport meeting concerning the “Fund for Limited Government.” |
1978 Jul 31 | George W. Bush to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bemiss, letter thanking them for contributing to his U.S. Senate campaign. |
1978 Aug 4 | Margaret Tutwiler to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bemiss, letter on behalf of G. Bush containing information on the upcoming Kennebunkport meeting. |
1978 Aug 7 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card thanking him for his contribution to son George W. Bush’s U.S. Senate campaign. |
1978 Aug 9 | Margaret Tutwiler to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the agenda for the upcoming Kennebunkport meeting, planning to cover domestic and international economic issues. |
1978 Aug 31 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning the recent meeting at Kennebunkport, which was very productive; offers to help Bush develop political plan and to research issues for Bush. |
1978 Oct 13 | Jennifer FitzGerald to F. Bemiss, memorandum concerning Bush’s schedule during a visit to Virginia. |
1978 Nov 15 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning George W. Bush’s loss in Senate race; John Warner’s win in Virginia; former Virginia Governor Mills Godwin’s influence in the election; the 1980 Presidential election. |
1978 Nov 27 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning confirmation of a meeting. |
1978 Dec 12 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning a memorandum [not included]. |
[1978] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, thank you note. |
[1978] | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s political future; has met with economist Paul W. MacAvoy and asked him to head up a team of researchers on various issues. |
1979 Jan 2 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, thank you not for Bemiss’s help in the Virginia Registration Drive. |
1979 Mar 25 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a 1937 photograph of Bemiss and Bush [attached]. |
1979 May 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1979 Nov 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning 1980 Presidential campaign. |
1980 Jan 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card, re: Harry [?] and Palmer [?]. |
1980 May 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning primary season, ask him to help raise a $1,000 donation as part of $1.5 million fund raising effort. |
1980 May 26 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a tough day on the campaign trail. |
1980 Aug 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a trip to Asia; house in D.C. |
1980 Dec 12 | Patricia Pewett to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Reagan/Bush Inauguration. |
1980 Dec 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note describing limousine escort; thanks his friend for his support. |
1981 Jan 3 | Loret Miller Ruppe to F. Bemiss, letter asking Bemiss to serve as Honorary Vice-Chairman of Bush’s Vice Presidential Inaugural Reception. |
1981 Feb 6 | F. Bemiss to Richard A. Moore, letter concerning proposal for Bush regarding an informal group to expose the Vice President to a variety of ideas and perspectives. |
1981 Jun 14 | G. Bush to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bemiss, letter thanking them for their help with son Marvin Bush’s wedding in Richmond, Va. [he married Richmonder Margaret Conway Molster on June 13, 1981]; Bush’s Secret Service detail proclaimed Mrs. Bemiss “the nicest to work with for 1981.” |
1981 Jun 26 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter relaying critical remarks about the behavior of Bush’s “advance man” John Kindt during a recent visit to Charlottesville; reported this to Richard N. Bond, who suggested Bemiss write directly to Bush. |
1981 Jul 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning John Kindt’s performance. |
1981 Jul 10 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning informal planning group previously proposed by Bemiss in February. |
1981 Jul 10 | F. Bemiss to Richard Miles, State Department, letter concerning a recent meeting where Miles shared information about Yugoslavia in preparation for Bemiss’s upcoming meeting with Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar. |
1981 Jul 21 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning weekend meeting with Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar, who is using Bemiss as a conduit for information to the Reagan information. Issues discussed included Namibia, the upcoming summit in Cancun, Mexico, and the opportunity for the U.S. to make a long-term commitment to the Third World (also references the Brandt Commission’s report, North–South: A Programme for Survival); Palestine and the U.S.’s support of Israel; the influence of the Socialist International party in Europe; NATO; upheaval in Poland and the need to allow the Warsaw Pact members to handle it; and the USSR. |
1981 Jul 28 | Richard Miles to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the Brandt Commission’s report, Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar. |
1981 Oct 28 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar; the Cancun Summit on International Cooperation & Development; and personal news. |
1981 Nov 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning dinner with Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar. |
1981 Nov 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note [with attachment] concerning the a Golf Digest article that makes fun of Bush’s golf game. |
1981 Dec 2 | Virginia Senator John H. Chichester to F. Bemiss, letter asking Bemiss to help secure G. Bush as speaker for the Fifth Annual Dominion Dinner in April 1982. |
1981 Dec 21 | College president Josiah Bunting, III to G. Bush (bcc: F. Bemiss), letter inviting Bush to be commencement speaker at Hampden-Sydney College. |
[1981] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card referring to Bemiss’s meeting with Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar [in July] and commenting on the various issues raised. |
1982 Feb 3 | Jennifer FitzGerald to college president David T. Shannon (cc: F. Bemiss), letter sending regrets that Bush is unable to be commencement speaker at Virginia Union University. |
1982 Feb 9 | George L. Yowell to G. Bush (bcc: F. Bemiss), letter concerning invitation to be keynote speaker at Young Presidents’ Organization meeting. |
1982 Mar 3 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter (handwritten draft), concerning Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar, also Eastern Europe. |
1982 Mar 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note thanking Bemiss for the notes on meeting with Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar. |
1982 Mar 16 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, note with attached memorandum concerning Frederick Deane, Jr., Chairman, Bank of Virginia, and his article entitled “The President Must Give a Little,” concerning Ronald Reagan and the increasing national budget deficit. |
1982 Mar 19 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note thanking Bemiss for forwarding the memorandum by Frederick Deane. |
1982 Aug 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1982 Nov 16 | Frederick M. Bush to F. Bemiss, informing him Vice President George Bush will be in Richmond to attend a testimonial dinner for Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr. |
1982 Dec 20 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning the testimonial dinner honoring Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr. |
1983 Feb 15 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning membership on a Task Force to study the Federal regulation of financial institutions and services. |
1983 Feb 23 | Investment banker John L. McElroy, Jr., Wheat First Securities, to F. Bemiss, informing him that Mr. Wheat also received a letter concerning the Task Force, and plans to reply directly. |
1983 Feb 28 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Federal regulation of financial institutions; Bemiss feels he is not qualified to respond; however, has heard that Jack Jennings [i.e., Joseph A. Jennings] of United Virginia Bank is preparing a response. |
1983 Apr 22 | G. Bush to George B. E. Hambleton Executive Director, Project ORBIS, Inc., New York, N.Y. (cc: F. Bemiss), note concerning Richmond, Va., investment banker James C. Wheat. |
1983 Apr 19 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning dinner with Yugoslavian Ambassador Budimir Loncar; the National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (in which Bemiss feels the government must take a greater role); Maine; and Marvin Bush. |
1983 Apr 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Ambassador Budimir Loncar and Yugoslavia; cannot take on the special task of oceans right now; Maine. |
1983 Jul 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Maine. |
1983 Jul 13 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning his return from a trip to Europe; also Bemiss’s views on his participation in government. |
1983 Oct 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a missed visit. |
1984 Apr 16 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s future and issues that could impact the 1984 and 1988 elections, including the campaign of Jesse Jackson, and the popularity of Gary Hart; also hopes that appointed personnel in the next Administration will men of principals and not ideologues. |
1984 Jul 30 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Anne Gorsuch Burford (Bemiss is upset by her remarks that the National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere is “a joke”); Richmond Times Dispatch article attached. |
1984 Sep 7 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1984 Nov 15 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bemiss’s belief that Bush can have an effective second term as Vice President and position himself well for the 1988 Presidential election. [Note: the letter was never sent as the two met on November 16.] |
1985 Feb 25 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, memorandum concerning the Republican candidates for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia; advises Bush’s unnamed friend to stay clear of the race until a candidate is chosen; also discusses the gubernatorial race and Democratic candidate Gerald L. Baliles. |
1985 Mar 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card thanking Bemiss for the update on the political situation in Virginia. |
1985 May 28 | Nathaniel P. Reed, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to G. Bush (cc: F. Bemiss), letter concerning informal task force of close friends to put together a conservation agenda for future use. |
1985 Jul 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1985 Jul 22 | F. Bemiss to John C. Fitch and Robert L. Ireland, III, letter concerning meeting with Bush in August; logistics of the meeting. |
1985 Aug 9 | J. Smith Ferebee to G. Bush, letter concerning success of Republican fundraiser in Virginia, wants to help in next election (copy in Bemiss’ file because of Ferebee’s desire for Bemiss to contact him to help in next election). |
1985 Aug 22 | G. Bush to J. Smith Ferebee, card thanking him for his support. |
1985 Sep 1 | G. Bush to F. and M. Bemiss, personal note. |
1985 Oct 8 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Japanese diplomat Hisashi Owada (Counsel to the Foreign Ministry), Nagao Hyodo (Minster of the Embassy of Japan), and relations between Japan and the United States. |
[1985] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning recent visit to China, Hisashi Owada and Nagao Hyodo. |
1986 Jan 7 | G. Bush to F. and M. Bemiss, note concerning dinner. |
1986 Jan 27 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Andrew F. Wahlquist (assistant to Sen. John Warner), who would like the assignment of lining up delegate support in Virginia; Alfalfa dinner. |
1986 Feb 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Andrew F. Wahlquist’s offer. |
1986 Mar 11 | Bill R. Phillips to F. Bemiss, letter concerning meeting with Andrew F. Wahlquist |
1986 Jul 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning anecdotal material for Bush’s book. |
1986 Aug 5 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning anecdotal material for book; also Bush’s Exploratory Account. |
1986 Aug 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning Kennebunkport; also Dorothy Walker Bush. |
[1986] Sep 28 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a Washington Post Magazine article by Walt Harrington, “Born to Run : On the Privilege of Being George Bush.” |
1986 Sep 28 | F. Bemiss to Editor, Washington Post Magazine, letter concerning Walt Harrington article on G. Bush (article attached). |
1986 Sep 29 | Samuel M. Bemiss to Jay Lovinger, Editor, Washington Post Magazine, letter concerning Walt Harrington article on G. Bush. |
1986 Sep 29 | Samuel M. Bemiss to Walt Harrington, Washington Post Magazine, letter concerning Harrington’s article on G. Bush. |
1986 Sep 30 | Walt Harrington to Samuel M. Bemiss, letter concerning Harrington’s article. |
1986 Oct 1 | Jay Lovinger, Editor, Washington Post Magazine, to Samuel M. Bemiss, letter concerning Walt Harrington article. |
1986 Oct 2 | Barbara Bush to F. Bemiss, thank you note. |
1986 Oct 14 | Walter J. P. Curley to Samuel M. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’ letter to the editor of Washington Post Magazine in regards to Walt Harrington’s article on G. Bush. |
1986 Oct 29 | Samuel M. Bemiss to Jay Lovinger, Editor, Washington Post Magazine, thank you letter for Lovinger’s prompt response to Bemiss’s letter. |
1986 Oct 29 | Samuel M. Bemiss to Walt Harrington, author of article on G. Bush that appeared in the Washington Post Magazine, thank you letter for Harrington’s prompt response to Bemiss’s letter. |
1986 Nov 10 | Samuel M. Bemiss to Walter J. P. Curley, thank you for letter. |
1986 Nov 10 | Samuel M. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning correspondence with Jay Lovinger and Walt Harrington of the Washington Post Magazine. |
1986 Dec. 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note card concerning Bush’ speech to the American Enterprise Institute. |
[1986] | Samuel M. Bemiss to F. Bemiss, letter concerning copies of all Samuel’s correspondence with Jay Lovinger and Walt Harrington of the Washington Post Magazine. |
1987 Apr 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning environmental issues luncheon. |
1987 Apr 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning recent meeting with Bemiss. |
1987 Apr 15 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Virginia politics, meetings with GOP fundraiser Margaret Alexander [now Parker] and political consultant Harvey Leroy “Lee” Atwater; and discussion of environmental matters with Charles W. Greenleaf, Jr., and John D. Macomber. |
1987 Apr 20 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s views on Virginia politics. |
1987 Sep 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Virginia politics, Bush’s “identity” in the upcoming Presidential election, and the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) and President Ronald Reagan. |
1987 May 24 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Kennebunkport; also the media. |
1987 Oct 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s acceptance of a position on the National Steering Committee of the “George Bush for President” campaign. |
1987 Oct 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning a trip to Poland; also Marvin Bush. |
1988 Jan 5 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1988 Jan 22 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning meeting with Russell E. Train, Co-Chairman of “Conservationists for Bush,” to discuss preparation of a background paper on environmental issues for Bush, will also pass on paper to be written by John H. Steele (Director of Woods Hole) on ocean and atmosphere problems. |
1988 Mar 18 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Robert Joseph “Bob” Dole, preparing for the Republican National Convention. |
1988 Apr 26 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning election, Maine (letter not sent). |
1988 May 2 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning a letter from Bemiss dated March 18, 1988, which has been misplaced; David Q. Bates, Jr., to contact Bemiss. |
1988 May 13 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning campaign strategy, Jesse Jackson, the Iran-Contra Affair, and the economy. |
1988 Oct 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1988 Oct 28 | F. Bemiss article from Richmond Times-Dispatch on G. Bush, also attached is Bemiss’ hand written draft. |
1988 Oct 28 | Robert C. Williams, James River Corporation, to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Oct 28 | J. Bryan, III to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Oct 28 | Elizabeth T. J. “Liz” McRee, James River Corporation, to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Oct 28 | Louise H. Lucas to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Oct 28 | A. E. Dick Howard, University of Virginia School of Law, to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush; also the University of Virginia’s Center for Public Service. |
1988 Oct 31 | George M. Modlin, University of Richmond, to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Oct 31 | Alburtis S. Harrison, Jr. to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 1 | Forrest S. Towe, North American Assurance Society of Virginia, to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 3 | F. Bemiss to Elizabeth T. J. McRee, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 3 | F. Bemiss to J. Bryan, III, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 3 | F. Bemiss to George M. Modlin, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 3 | F. Bemiss to Mrs. Joseph H. Lucas [i.e. Louise H. Lucas], letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
[1988] | Wyndham B. Blanton, Jr, M.D., letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 3 | F. Bemiss to Wyndham B. Blanton, Jr, M.D., letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 3 | F. Bemiss to A. E. Dick Howard, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush, and the Virginia Center for Public Service. |
1988 Nov 3 | F. Bemiss to Alburtis S. Harrison, Jr, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 4 | F. Bemiss to Forrest S. Towe, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush. |
1988 Nov 8 | Barbara Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bemiss’s article on G. Bush; also, election day nerves. |
1989 Jan 23 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning inauguration. |
1989 Jan 30 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning inauguration. |
1989 Feb 16 | F. Bemiss to Robert B. Holt, letter congratulating him on organizing the President Bush’s inauguration. |
1989 Feb 16 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal letter, relating anecdote concerning a golf game with [John C.] Fitch during which the golf cart rolled into a waste water treatment pond. |
1989 Feb. 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note, referring to Bemiss’s story about [John C.] Fitch and the golf cart. |
1989 Apr 27 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bemiss’s diagnosis of Parkinson disease; also Barbara Bush’s health. |
1989 May 1 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Bemiss’s and Barbara Bush’s health. |
1989 Jun 1 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Bush’s speech of May 31, 1989, in Mainz, Germany; the global environment; and Bemiss’s trip to Scotland. |
1989 Oct 4 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, letter concerning Virginia politics, his conversation with former Ambassador Budimir Loncar (now Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia) |
1990 Jan 2 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter discussing, among other things, the effect of Bemiss’s Parkinson’s on his handwriting. |
1990 Jan 16 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Prof. David Herbert Donald, who gave a lecture, “Lincoln in the White House.” |
1990 Feb 13 | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal letter concerning a video tape copy of home movies of members of the Bemiss, Bush, and Walker families, ca. 1930s, in Kennebunkport. |
1990 Feb 16 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning film. |
1990 Apr 5 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning Bush’s appointment of Bemiss and Texas businessman John C. Fitch to Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy. |
1990 May 14 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1990 May 15 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1990 Aug 29 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning Kennebunkport. |
1991 Jan 22 | Personal Mail Unit, White House, to F. Bemiss, memorandum giving code word to be used to expedite receipt of personal mail by President Bush. |
1991 Feb 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note. |
1991 Mar 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning the end of the active fighting of the Gulf War, and Bush’s relief that it is over. |
1991 Mar 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning Camp David and grandchildren. |
1991 May 11 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning his recent medical problems, in particular the diagnoses and treatment of Graves disease |
1991 Jun 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning Bob Woodward’s book, The Commanders, and its unfair treatment of Gen. Colin L. Powell. |
1991 Jun 18 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning Bush’s birthday. |
1991 Jul 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning recent trip to London (to attend an economic summit), Greece, and Turkey; dealing with a “hostile” Senate; and preparations for a trip to Moscow. (copy) |
1991 Nov 9 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning damage to the Walker’s Point house, Kennebunkport, following a major northeaster. |
1992 Feb 6 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning his recent State of the Union Address; Bemiss’s continued support. |
1992 Mar 3 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning his recent “very negative press” and attacks on his reelection campaign; however, Bush is “quietly confident” that the economy will recover and that he will win reelection. |
1992 Jun 21 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning troubles of brother Prescott Sheldon Bush, Jr. [relating to his dealings with Asset Management International Financing & Settlement Ltd.?] and his own difficult relationship with the press; Budimir Loncar and Boris Yeltsin; and Ross Perot, whom Bush calls “a sick little man.” |
1992 Jun 26 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning his reelection campaign, and personal news. |
1992 Oct 22 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning his reelection campaign. |
1992 Nov 16 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning his loss in the Presidential election, and thoughts concerning his future. |
1992 Dec 30 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, letter concerning the formation of Bush’s Presidential Library. |
1993 Feb 15 | Barbara Bush to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bemiss, postcard concerning a surprise cruise vacation planned by G. Bush. |
1993 Feb 16 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, postcard written while on a cruise vacation, and referring to Bemiss’s return from a trip to Argentina. |
1993 Feb 25 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss (copy), personal note mentioning Bush’s upcoming trip to Argentina. |
1993 Apr 20 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning the Richmond Forum (copy). |
1993 May 14 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning Maine (copy). |
1993 Oct 18 | B. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note (copy). |
1994 Oct 4 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter discussing a visit to the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews in Fife, Scotland; Barbara Bush now playing golf; reminiscences about Grandfather [George Herbert] Walker and his father [Prescott Sheldon Bush]; mentions sons George W. and Jeb’s political races (copy). |
1995 Jan 5 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning the Bush presidential library (copy). |
1995 Apr 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, note concerning an upcoming event for Virginia Senator John Warner (copy). |
1995 Apr 17 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning the wedding of Samuel Merrifield Bemiss III (copy). |
1995 May | F. Bemiss to G. Bush, personal letter concerning son Sam’s wedding, the ongoing friendship between Bemiss and Bush (copy). |
1995 May 24 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning the marriage of Samuel Merrifield Bemiss III; reminiscing about childhood summers in Kennebunkport (copy). |
1995 Oct 31 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning travels, children, especially son George W., now governor of Texas (copy). |
[1995] | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter to accompany gift of a plate specially designed to commemorate the Bushes’ 50th wedding anniversary (copy). |
1996 Jan 19 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note concerning meeting with Hisashi Owada (copy). |
1996 Apr 17 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning Bush’s travels, grandchildren (copy). |
1997 Feb 20 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter concerning a visit to Ronald Reagan, now suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease; Bush’s speaking tour; the George Bush Presidential Library; the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A & M University; progress on “our book”; and Maine. |
1997 Apr 10 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal letter (copy). |
1997 Jun 28 | G. Bush to F. Bemiss, personal note (copy |
Last updated: April 18, 2008