Gordon Family
Gordon family. Papers, 1844-1951. Section 15.
Correspondence, 1890-1948, of Elizabeth Iris Southall (Clarke) Gordon Biddle Gordon (1871-1958)
Call Number Mss1 G6596c 1191-3240
Index to Correspondents and Selected Topics
Abell, George W.
Adams, Annie Shorter (Young), b. 1896
Adkins Maria Louise, 1863?-1940
Albert, Emily
Allen, Jane Durand, Mrs.
Allgood, A. P. deForest
Ames, Joseph Sweetman, 1864-1943
Ames, Mary B. (Williams) Harrison, d. 1931
Anderson, Elizabeth B., Mrs.
Andrews, Harold
Andrews, James Parkhill, 1854-1936
Andrews, Julia Lincoln (Ray)
Archambault, Claire
Archer, J. J.
Archer, Mary A.
Armistead, George
Atlantic City (N.J.) SEE Scott, Emma G.
Auer, August, Mrs.
Aylett, Sallie E. (Clarke), d. 1951?
Aylett, William Roane, 1871-1942
Baker, Elizabeth K.
Baker, Harriet S., Mrs.
Baldwin, Mary E. E., Mrs.
Baldwin, Sarah R.
Ball, Roberta L.
Barlow, Elizabeth S. (Glass)
Barnett, George, 1859-1930
Barnett, Lelia Sinclair (Montague) Gordon, 1871-1959
Barroll, Josephine Tunstall (Smith), b. 1894
Bassett, Mary (Cooley)
Bate, Florence M., Mrs.
Bate, Winifred
Battle, George Gordon, 1868-1949
Battle, Turner Westray, 1863-1907
Bauernschmidt, Marie Oehl (von Hattersheim)
Baugh, Grace H. M.
Bayard, Ellen Howard
Beckwith, Margaret Stanly, b. 1842
Bell, Blanche E.
Bell, Dorothy
Bell, Mary Campbell (Grasty)
Bellamy, Russell
Benninghaus, Clara B.
Benzinger, August, 1867-1955, portraits SEE Benzinger, Gertude (Lytton)
Benzinger, Gertrude (Lytton)
Bernard, Alice M., Mrs., 1850-1931
Biddle, Guy
Biddle, J. Wilmer, d. 1927
Bingley, Elizabeth Stith (Gordon), b. 1898
Birckhead, Hugh, 1876-1929
Bird, Lula V.
Blackford, Emily
Blackwell, Helen
Blakistone, Nannie Thomas, 1872-1929
Blanford Cemetery (Petersburg, Va.) SEE Beckwith Margaret Stanley
Blue, Eleanor S.
Boileau, Emily (Gilbert)
Boileau, Philip, 1863-1917
Bolet, Jorge
Bolling, Sallie Bennett (Aylett), 1855-1921
Bonsal, Dolly
Booker, William David, 1844-1921
Bossom, Georgie McCauley
Bowdoin, Kate G., Mrs.
Bowie, Marie Lee
Bowles, Louise C., Mrs.
Boyle, Margaret E. Cottman, Mrs.
Brady, Eleanor, Mrs.
Brander, Elizabeth Louisa (Walke), 1845-1915
Brander, Elizabeth Walke, b. 1879
Brander, William Walke, 1867-1941
Braxton, Janet Potter (Fuller)
Brent, Alice Harris
Brewer, Joy J.
Brewster, Elisabeth (Baugh)
Brockenbrough, Ellen Mercer (Cooke), 1868-1927
Brooke, Margaret Lyle, b. 1880
Brown, Cora
Brown, Elizabeth Leiper, Mrs.
Brown, Thomas Richardson, 1872-1950
Bruce, Louise Este (Fisher), 1866-1945
Brune, Herbert M.
Bryan, Annie Rohr, Mrs.
Buckler, Eloise
Buckler, Georgina Grenfell (Walrond)
Buckler, Marion S., Mrs.
Buckler, Mary Herbert, Mrs.
Buckler, Thomas Hepburn
Buckler, William Hepburn, 1867-1952
Buddecke, Frances
Burgess, John
Burleson, Lucy
Butler, Indry
Butler, Mary
Buzby, Walter J.
Callaway, Edmund McClelland
Callaway, Pattie Waller (Aylett), 1862-1899
Camp Ken-Jockette (Vt.) SEE Keppel-Palmer, Virginia Southall (Gordon); Tyson, Esther B.
Cardon, Louis
Carey, Anne
Carmichael, Randolph Bryan, 1869-1924
Carr, Fanny H.
Carr, Page
Carroll, John N.
Carroll, Mary Randolph (Thomas)
Carter, Elizabeth
Carter, Sally
Carter, Susie Emmett (Mudd) Clarke
Cary, Elisabeth Miller (Potter)
Cary, Elizabeth Ferguson, Mrs.
Catlett, Charles
Ceytte, Antasia
Chatard, Josephine (Lee)
Chesnut, William Calvin, 1873-1962
Cheyney, Antoinette S.
Chislom, William Garnett, 1890-1955
Chisolm, Helen (Garnett), b. 1860
Clark, Elizabeth F.
Clarke, Anastasia (Southall), 1837-1929
Clarke, Annie A., Mrs.
Clarke, Basil Mudd, d. 1949
Clarke, E. H.
Clarke, Elizabeth
Clarke, George Adair
Clarke, Mary
Clarke, Peter Basil, d. 1913 SEE Aylett, Sallie E. (Clarke); Clarke, Annie A.; Van den Broeck, Jules
Clarke, Rene Stanley
Clarke, William Bowie
Clogett, Charles
Clothier, Frances H.
Cochrane, Josephine F.
Cocke, Elizabeth Page, 1873-1973
Colles, Emilie E.
Colt, Mary E. S.
Constable, Henry Lyttleton
Cooper, Rosalie Forster (Smith)
Cotten, Bruce
Cotten, Edyth (Johns) Tyson
Cotten, Sallie Swepson Sims (Southall), b. 1846
Cottman, Mary Clare, Mrs.
Courtship SEE Biddle, J. Wilmer; Dabney, Richard Heath; Gordon, Alexander; Hobson, Richmond Pearson; Means, Victor Clay Barrington; Piggot, H.H.
Crenshaw, Frances G.
Cromwell, W. Kennedy
Culver, Francis Barnum, b. 1868
Cumming, Lucy Almira (Booth), 1871-1960
Cummings, M. Frances
Cunningham, Maria
Curley, Haydn
da Costa, John
Dabney, Elizabeth L. (Martin) Brown
Dabney, Richard Heath, 1860-1947
Dahlgren, Anne Huntly (Gordon), 1899-1936
Daniel, Charlotte Randolph Williams (Bemiss) Christian, 1890-1968
Dantricourt, Celeste, Mrs.
Darling, Wallace, Mrs.
Davidge, A.
Davidge, John Washington
Davidge, Katharine (Weeks)
Davidge, Maud Lee
Davis, Jennie (Conradt)
Day, Virginia (Jordon)
de Arcos, Virginia Woodbury T.
DeFord, Lydia (Howard)
DeGroot, Esther
Dennis, Ida Lee (Wade)
DeRosset, Lina
Dessauer, Elise
Detrick, Katharine Louise
Devon, William J.
Dey, Pearce B.
Dickey, Lelia Sinclair (Gordon)
Diederich, Henry William, 1845-1926
Dixon, Elizabeth W., Mrs.
Dixon, Mary Quincy (Allen)
Doughty, Kate, Mrs.
Dube, Mattie
Duer, Josephine (Poe)
Duval, Ann Gordon
Duval, Anne Campbell (Thomas)
Duval, Henry Rieman, 1843-1924
Duval, J. Mortimer
Eager, Clara H. (Murray)
Eager, Emma Vaughn (Thompson) Paine
Earle, Dinette (Tyler)
Eastham, Julia (Settle)
Edwards, Sarah Stanley (Gordon), b. 1906
Ellicott, Madeline, Mrs.
Ellicott, William Miller, b. 1863
Ellsler, Mary S.
Engelmann, Wilhelm
Evans, Francis
Evens, Eleanor G.
Fairfax, Albert Lord, 1870-1939
Fairfax, Peregrine John Wishart, b. 1925
Ferguson, Homer Lenoir, 1873-1953
Ferguson, J. Henry
Ferris, Katharine L.
Fink, A. J., 1890-1963
Fisher, David Kirkpatrick Este, b. 1860
Fisher, Parks
Fisher, Sally McLane
Fletcher, Marie Adelaide
Flood, Anna V. (Portner)
Flood, Henry DeLaWarr, 1865-1921
Fowler, Louisa McE.
French, Louise
Frick, Frances S. (Dixon)
Fumade, Harrie
Futcher, Thomas Barnes, 1871-1938
Garrett, Alice (Warder)
Gerber, Marie M.
Germany – Social conditions SEE Engelmann, Wilhelm; Roth, Paulavon Versen, Fritz; von Verson, Hedwig
Gibson, Irene (Langhorne), 1873-1956
Gill, John, Mrs.
Gilpin, Dorothy
Glass, Elizabeth S. (Pollard), b. 1871
Goode, John, 1829-1909
Gordon, Agnes A.
Gordon, Alexander
Gordon, Basil Brown, 1860-1901
Gordon, Basil Brown, b. 1896
Gordon, Douglas Huntly, 1902-1986
Gordon, Elizabeth Fischer, Mrs.
Gordon, Henry Skipwith, Jr.
Gordon, Henry Skipwith, b. 1844
Gordon, Hugh H.
Gordon, James P.
Gordon, Malcolm Kenneth
Gordon, Margaret, Mrs.
Gordon, Mary Lamar
Gorter, Nannie (Poultney)
Governesses SEE Lackland, Nannie J.; Roth, Paula; Westebbe, Marion (Hofrogge)
Gowen, Alice (Robinson)
Grasty, Charles Henry, 1863-1924
Grasty, John Sharshall, 1880-1930
Grasty, Mattie Virginia (White)
Grasty, Thomas P.
Green, Mary H.
Greene, Luther
Gregory, Margaret Freeman
Gummere, Samuel Rene, 1853-1920 SEE Hamill, Page Aylett (Royall)
Hairston Robert Henry, 1824-1903
Hamersley Page Aylett (Royall), b. 1888?
Hamill, Catherine
Hamill, R. J. W.
Hamill, R. J. W., Mrs.
Hamilton, Edith, 1867-1963
Hardyman family SEE Hairston, Robert Henry
Harper, E. L.
Harris, Carrie Warfield
Harrison, Audrey
Harrison, Georgia L.
Harrison, Henry H.
Harrison, Marguerite Elton (Baker)
Hart, Ella K, Mrs.
Hasel, Catherine, Mrs.
Hasel, Myrtle, b. 1903
Haxall, Anne Pleasants, b. 1896?
Haxall, John Triplett, b. 1860
Haxall, Rose Stanley (Gordon), 1865-1952
Heath, [?]
Henry, Anne Kilby
Henry, James Hugh
Henry, Milande (Spriggs)
Hensel, Margaret B.
Hentschel, E.
Hering, James W. C.
Hill, Nevett Steele
Hinckley, Eleanora (O’Donnell)
Hind, Henriette R., Mrs.
Hoar, Dorothy Brown, Mrs.
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, 1870-1937
Hobson, S. A.
Hodgdon, Anderson Dana
Hodgdon, Lillian C., Mrs.
Hoffman, Elizabeth L., Mrs.
Holly, Elizabeth S.
Hook, Agnes, Mrs.
Hopkins, Albert Lloyd, d. 1915
Hopper, Sallie Cator, Mrs.
Hoppy, [?]
Horwitz, S. Gross
House Louise H.
Howard, Emma
Hughes, Cassie
Hull, Amy Eleanor E., Mrs.
Hull, Louise, Mrs.
Huntly (Va.) SEE Russell, Anie (Clark)
Huntly, Charles Gordon, Marquis of, 1847-1937
Ingle, William, b. 1858
Jackson, Elsie
Jacobs, Mary (Frick) Garrett
Janvier, Meredith, 1872-1936
Johnson, Nannie Wentworth, Mrs.
Johnston, Anne Gordon (Thom) Boyce
Johnston, Christopher, 1856-1914
Johnston, Richard H.
Johnstone, Emma E.
Jones, R. E.
Jones, Susie Morris
Jones, Z. Ethel Pope, Mrs.
Keech, E. P.
Kennedy, Mary C.
Keppel-Palmer, Virginia Southall (Gordon), b. 1903
Keyes, Frances Parkinson (Wheeler), 1885-1970
Keys, Alice M. C.
Keys, Jane Griffith
Keyser, Ann Franklin, b. 1893
Keyser, Caroline (Fischer), b. 1902
Keyser, Mary Ann (Washington), 1841-1931
Kingsolving, Sarah Archer (Bruce), 1876-1962
Kinney, Thomas Colston, b. 1866
Kitchen, V. B.
Klots, Agnes (Boone)
Knapp, Mary, Mrs.
Knox, Hugh
Lackland, Nannie J.
Lamb, Alice DeLancey (Archer), b. 1874
Lamb, Imogen L., Mrs.
Lamb, Lilly, Mrs.
Lane, Emma Louise (Gildersleeve)
Latrobe, Charles O.
Leach, Lucy D., Mrs.
Lee, Alice
Lee, Columbus O’Donnell, b. 1853
Lee, Mary Tabb (Bolling), 1848-1924
Leigh, Egbert Giles, 1851-1926
Lemmon, Frances C.
Lewertoff, Harriet
Lewis, A. Nelson
Lewis, Carrie (Smoot)
Ley, Alice
Llewellyn, Bernard Josephine (Peyton)
Llewellyn, N.
Locke, Anna (Richards)
Lovell, Douglas Gordon
Lovell, Nannie Campbell (Gordon), 1864-1933
Lowndes, Mary Campbell Quinn, Mrs.
Machen, Minnie (Gresham)
MacKay, Clarence Hungerford, 1874-1938
MacRae, S. H.
Malone, Thomas Hill, 1834-1906
Manly, Mathilde (Keyser)
Mara, Nicholas V.
Marburg, Fannie (Grainger)
Marburg, Guida
Marburg, Theodore, 1862-1946
Marbury, William Luke, 1858-1935
Marston, Marguerite W., Mrs.
Marston, W. Woodruff
Martin, Keats
Martin, L. H.
Martin, Thomas Staples, 1847-1919
Marvel, Philip
Masaryk, Jan, 1886-1948 SEE Mara, Nicholas V.
Massie, Eugene Carter, 1861-1924
Massie, Laura Roy (Ellerson), b. 1873
Masters, L. B.
Masters, Sarah Wilbur
Mayo, Elizabeth Anne (Brander), 1842-1922
Mayre, [?]
McAdoo, Eva Lee (Tardy)
McAdoo, Eva T.
McCormick-Goodhart, Leander, 1884-1965
McKeon, Edward Henry
McKeon, Elsie M., Mrs.
McKim, Mary Camilla
McLean, Anne W.
McLean, Jean Goode
McMahon, Maria, Mrs.
Means, Victor Clay Barrington, b. 1860
Melvin, Nanni
Meredith, Vance
Mill, Milton Horace
Millar, C. C., Mrs.
Miller, Ethel M.
Miller, James Alexander, 1874-1948
Miller, Sydney Robotham, 1883-1949
Mills, Hilda K.
Miss Wickham’s Home School for Girls (New York, N. Y.) SEE Wickham, Louise F.
Mitchell, C. W.
Mitchell, Nannie Braxton (Dallam)
Monaghan, Hugh J.
Montague, Virginia Cabell (Tyson)
Moon, Pattie
Morris, Lawrence Johnson, b. 1870
Morrison, Nellie H.
Mortimer, Newlin
Mueller, G. Roy
Munnikhuysen, Elizabeth A.
Murray, Mary G.
Murray, Ruth
Nash, Edmund
Nash, Edmund Harding
Nason, Charlotte Moseley
Neale, L. E.
Nelligan, Mary C., Mrs.
Nelms, Charles B.
Niblack, Mary H., Mrs.
Norris, Maria D.
O’Ferrall, Charles Triplett, 1840-1905
O’Neill, Thomas
Ober, Elizabeth
Ober, John Hambleton
Old, William Whitehurst, 1840-1911
Orton, Aimee, Mrs.
Parker, C. Fenton
Parr, Laura (Jenkins)
Parr, Ral
Parrish, Gray (Morehead)
Parrish, James Scott, 1869-1945
Patterson, Ella Vaughn
Patterson, Margaret S., Mrs.
Pearre, Sifford
Pell, Orlie
Penniman, Harriet W. D., Mrs.
Penniman, Lucy T. J.
Perceval, Therese (Strother) de
Perine, E. Glenn
Perine, Mildred Washington, b. 1875
Perkins, William H.
Pettigrew, William S.
Pettit, Margaret
Phelps, Alma, Mrs.
Pigott, H. H.
Pine, Frank Woodworth, 1869-1919
Pleasants, Caroline Thomson (Massie), 1845-1921
Pleasants, James, 1831-1898
Pleasants, Richard H.
Poe, Edwin W.
Polk, Letitia J.
Potter, H. Anne, Mrs.
Poultney, Emily Chapman (Blackford)
Poultney, Walter de Curzon, b. 1845
Powell, Dorothy E., Mrs.
Power, Mercer French, Mrs.
Powers, Daisy Hopkins Sykes, Mrs.
Preston, James Harry, 1860-1938
Price, Ethel Clay, Mrs.
Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 1828-1919
Pryor, Sara Agnes (Rice), 1830-1912
Quinn, Hugh
Ralston, Grace Radcliffe (Day)
Randle, Margaret B.
Read, Mary R., Mrs.
Reams, Frances M.
Redwood, John
Redwood, Mary Buchanan
Reed, Emilie McKim, Mrs.
Reynolds, E. M.
Rich, Susie M.
Ridgely, Helen West
Ring, Howard J.
Ritchie, Elizabeth Caskie (Cabell), b. 1851
Rittenberry, Alma
Robinson, Perle (Stearnes)
Rogers, Gussie Lee
Rohr, Ella T., Mrs.
Roso, Julia E., Mrs.
Roth, Paula, b. 1884?
Rowell, Ruth F. (Thompson)
Rowland, Cornelia T., Mrs.
Rowland, Dorothy
Rowland, Samuel C.
Roy, J. Frederick
Royall, Judith Page (Aylett), 1860-1942
Russell, Annie (Clark)
Rutherfoord, Rosalie (Seddon), 1858-1918
Rutledge, J. W.
Safford, Maud
Sailer, Harriet B., Mrs.
Salinas, Manuel
Sartiges, Bertrand de
Sartiges, Louis de
Satterfield, Phoebe
Satterfield, Susan Walker
Scales, Sue Henderson, Mrs.
Schoultz, Henrik Ingeborg
Scott, Ann Norvell (Otey), d. 1948
Scott, E. S.
Scott, Elisabeth (Strother), b. 1868
Scott, Emma G.
Scott, Forester H.
Scott, Helen E., Mrs.
Seddon, Agnes J., Mrs.
Semple, Letitia (Tyler), 1821-1907
Sheets, Anne Pleasants (Haxall)
Sheild, William Walke
Shelton, F. Rickett
Shotwell, J. G.
Shreve, C. A. Buchanan
Shriver, Alfred Jenkins, 1867-1939
Sinclair, Lelia J.
Sistare, E.
Skutch, Rachel Frank
Smith, Alice M., Mrs.
Smith, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Smith, Elizabeth Whiting (Conrad), d. 1915
Smith, Jessica Randolph, d. 1936
Smith, Josephine (Fairfax), b. 1865
Smith, Louise Tunstall, b. 1895
Smith, Marion Tunstall
Smith, Summers N. SEE Old, William Whitehurst
Smith, Tunstall, d. 1926
Snowden, Allan
Southall, Evelyn Henry, 1873-1943
Southall family SEE Hairston, Robert Henry
Southall family SEE Johnston, Christopher
Southall, Stephen Osborne, 1857-1943
Southall, T. M.
St. Timothy’s School (Catonsville, Md.) SEE Bingley, Elizabeth Stith (Gordon); Fowler, Louisa McE.; Keppel-Palmer, Virginia Southall (Gordon)
Stabler, H. S.
Stabler, Sarah Farquhar, Mrs.
Stafford, Russell H.
Stanard, William Glover, 1858-1933
Steck, Kate
Steele, McKim
Steele, Rosa
Steuart, Susan E., Mrs.
Stevenson, Alice Lee (Thomas)
Stevenson, Charlotte Latrobe, Mrs.
Stirling, Helen Salisbury
Stirling, J. Edward
Stokes, George Clement
Stokes, Mary C. SEE Poe, Edwin W.
Stone, John Theodore, 1859-1920
Strother, Emily (Viele)
Stryker, Mabel F.
Stuart, Anne Morson (Rives), b. 1871
Sullivan, Felix R.
Sullivan, Nancy Willing, Mrs.
Sutton, Anna (MacAtee)
Suydam, Anne Hamilton (Gordon), b. 1901
Swan, Ella D., Mrs.
Swann, Page
Swanson, Elizabeth Deane (Lyons)
Taliaferro, Louisiana (Brander), b. 1871
Tappan, Benjamin, 1856-1919
Taylor, Anita M. S.
Taylor, Archibald Henderson, b. 1851
Taylor, Frederick
Taylor, Mary Martha (Parker)
Taylor, Robert Tunstall, 1867-1929
Thom, DeCourcy Wright, 1858-1932
Thom, Helen R. H.
Thom, Isabel Reiman
Thom, Margaret Stirling
Thom, Mary Gordon
Thom, Mary Washington (Keyser) Stewart
Thomas, Alice Lee (Whitridge)
Thomas, Frances B., Mrs.
Thomas, Marshall
Thompson, Alice L.
Thompson, Alice Louise
Thompson, H. Oliver
Thompson, John L.
Thornton, William Mynn, 1851-1935 SEE ALSO Old, William Whitehurst
Tiffany, Evelyn May (Bayly)
Tilghman, R. L.
Timberlake, Julian Burton
Tompkins, Anna S.
Traver, Elizabeth F., Mrs.
Traynham, Louise Southall
Tuberculosis SEE Glass, Elizabeth S. (Pollard)
Tucker, Robert, Mrs.
Turnbull, Edwin Litchfield, 1872-1927
Turnbull, Francese Hubbard (Litchfield), d. 1927
Tyler, David Gardiner, 1846-1927
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, 1853-1935
Typhoid SEE Gibson, Irene (Langhorne)
Tyson, Esther B., Mrs.
Ulman, Gertrude V. B., Mrs.
Van den Broeck, Jules
Vaughan, Myra E.
von Ramin, A.
von Versen, Fritz
von Versen, Hedwig, Mrs.
Wagner, John W., Mrs.
Walbach, Richard
Walker, Columbia Stanard (Hayes)
Walker, Dolly, Mrs.
Wallnoefer, Anna B.
Warfield, Emma (Nicodemus)
Washington (D.C.) – Social conditions SEE Davidge, Maud Lee
Watkins, Katherine Tazewell
Watson, Walter Allen, 1867-1919
Webster, E. Ruth
Weeks, Stephen Beauregard, 1865-1918
Wescott, B. Gould
Westebbe, Marion (Hofrogge)
Wetmore, Amy D’Arcy, Mrs.
Whelan, Edith
White, Jane Ellis (Tucker), b. 1877
White, Julian LeRoy, b. 1853
White, Pattie
White, S. C.
Whiting, Nathalie Contee (Thomas)
Whitridge, Susan Wilson (Mackenzie)
Whittle, Gilberta Sinclair, 1853-1939
Wickham, Louise F.
Widowhood SEE Sheets, Anne Pleasants (Haxall)
Wight, Etta Brockenbrough (Hayes), 1863?-1947
Wightman, John Pinckney
Willes, Susie
Willett, Elbert Decatur
Williams, Anne Tyler (Foster)
Williams, B. B.
Williams, Charles Turner, 1874-1933
Williams, James E.
Williams, John Whitridge, 1866-1931
Williams, Mary
Williams, Nathan Winslow, 1860-1925
Williams, Rebekah Gustavia (Watkins)
Wilson, Elizabeth P. (Elliott)
Wilson, Elizabeth W., Mrs.
Wilson, J. S.
Wilson, Stella M., Mrs.
Winder, Corinne (Pope)
Windsor, Wallis (Warfield) Spencer Simpson, Duchess of, b. 1896
Wingo, Allie
Worthington, Katharine G. (Frick)
Wyche, Clarence A. SEE Semple, Letitia (Tyler)
Yates, Addye C., Mrs.
Yates, Ida Perry, Mrs.
Yates, Taylor F.
Young, E. K.
Young, Elizabeth (Southall)
Young, Marietta Shorter (Leftwich), b. 1872
Zell, Lucille M., Mrs.
Zell, Sally Leeds
Last updated: June 16, 2006