Holladay Family, Section 30
Holladay family papers, 1753-1961. Section 30.
Correspondence, 1801-1860, of Waller Holladay (1776-1860)
Call Number Mss1 H7185 b 358-687
List of Correspondents and Selected Subjects
Anderson, Rufus, 1796-1880.
Anonyms and pseudonyms SEE Ritchie, Thomas
Arator (Pseud.) SEE Ritchie, Thomas
Atkinson, George W., 1806?-1859
Bagby, George, 1798-1874
Baggott, George
Bank of Virginia SEE Brockenbrough, John; Gordon, Samuel; Rawlings, James; Ritchie, Thomas; Robinson, Anthony; Watson, George; Yancey, Charles
Bassett, John, 1765-1826
Basye, Thomas Pope
Beadles, William W.
Beazley, William
Bell, James M.
Bernard, Arthur Howson Hooe, 1808-1891
Bibb, R. T.
Bibb, Thomas
Blair, James, 1754?-1806
Boadler, John
Boggs, Hugh Corran, 1763-1828 SEE ALSO Coleman, Lewis L.
Botts, Benjamin
Boxley, George SEE Bell, James M.; Chevis, John
Boxley, Luther R.
Briggs, David, 1780?-1837
Brockenbrough, John, 1774-1852
Bullock, David, d. 1833
Call, Daniel, 1765?-1840
Calvert, E.
Carter, Garland, b. 1785
Chevis, John
Chew, John, 1753-1806
Coleman, Benjamin
Coleman, Lewis L.
Coleman, Mary Littlepage, 1766-1815
Coleman, Robert Spilsbe
College of William and Mary SEE Holladay, Lewis Littlepage; Watson, James
Conner, F. W.
Cook, James H., d. 1852
Cosby, Charles
Crenshaw, Spotswood Dabney, 1786?-1859
Crozet, Claudius, 1789-1864
Crutchfield, Oscar Minor, 1800-1861
Crutchfield, Robert
Crutchfield, Stapleton, 1776-1818
Cummings, Thomas
Daniel, James B.
Daniel, Peter Vivian, 1784-1860 SEE Lewis, John
Darby, Adam, b. 1767?
Davis, R.
Dejarnatte, Elliott
Dickinson, James Cole, 1781-1844
Dillard, George B.
Dillard, James D.
Dueling SEE Lewis, John
Farguson, William
Farmers Bank of Virginia SEE Cook, John H.; Rawlings, James; Ritchie, Thomas
Frazer, Herndon, 1792-187
Frederick, Philip
Gardner, James
Gibson, Henry, 1801?-1843
Goodwin, Thomas
Gordon, John Newton, 1793-1870
Gordon, Samuel, 1759-1843
Goss, Ebenezer, 1820?-1885
Graves, Coalby, d. 1854?
Graves, Isaac L.
Gray, William Fairfax, 1787-1841
Grinnan, Robert Alexander, 1817-1884
Hamilton, George, 1773-1858
Harris, Frederick, 1780-1842
Harris, Henry, 1797-1872
Harris, John Overton, b. 1794
Harris, Richard
Hart, Archibald, 1792-1875
Hart, Archibald D.
Hart, James, b. 1802
Hawkins, Joseph L., d. 1823
Hawkins, William Waller
Hay, George, 1765-1830
Hening, William Waller, 1768-1828
Herndon, Alexander, 1801-1875
Herndon, George T.
Herndon, William
Hicks, Thomas S.
Hill, Edward G.
Hilman, Nimrod
Holladay, Albert Lewis, 1805-1856 SEE ALSO Rawlings, James
Holladay, Alfred L., b. 1828
Holladay, Huldah Fontaine (Lewis), 1781-1863
Holladay, James Minor, 1823-1891
Holladay, James R., 1793-1867 SEE Holladay, Joseph (1797-1824)
Holladay, John Zachary, 1806-1842
Holladay, Joseph, 1756-1814
Holladay, Joseph, 1797-1824
Holladay, Julia Ann (Minor), 1815?-1892
Holladay, Lewis Littlepage, 1803-1869 SEE ALSO Rawlings, James; Watson, James
Holladay, Waller Lewis, 1809-1873 SEE Hart, James
Holladay, Waller Lewis, b. 1830
Hord, Louisa
Howard, C. P.
Hunter, David M.
Internal improvements SEE Crozet, Claudius
Jackson, James
Jacob, A. E.
James River and Kanawha Company SEE Gordon, Samuel; Ritchie, Thomas
Jerdone, Francis, 1756-1841
Johnson, William
Johnston, Sarah Watson (Holladay), b. 1842
Keesaer, Simeon
Landram, Reuben
Landram, Reuben B.
Law, J. W.
Lawrence, John G.
Layton, John
Lewis, Addison Murdock, 1789-1857
Lewis, Charles, d. 1822 SEE ALSO Rawlings, James; Urquhart, J. D.; Wiglesworth, John
Lewis, Jean Wood (Daniel), 1787-1855 SEE Lewis, John
Lewis, John, 1784-1858
Lewis, Richmond, 1774-1831
Lewis, Susan R. (Waller)
Lewis, Waller, 1739-1818 SEE Lewis, Waller (d. 1818)
Lewis, Waller, d. 1818
Littlepage, John Carter, 1752-1834 SEE ALSO Hening, William Waller
Littlepage, Lewis, 1762-1802 SEE Basye, Thomas Pope; Littlepage, John Carter
Littlepage, Lewis, 1762-1802 – Estate SEE Hening, William Waller
London, Daniel Higginbotham, 1818-1875 SEE Yancey, Charles
Lotteries SEE Crenshaw, Spotswood Dabney
Lumsden, Henry SEE Hart, James
Madison, Austin
Mansfield, William Day, b. 1796?
Mansfield, William H.
Marshall, Horace
Massey, Edmund W.
Maury, Richard Brooke, 1794?-1836
McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884
Medical care, Cost of SEE Dillard, George B.
Medicine – Furmulae, receipts, prescriptions SEE Lewis, Richmond
Mills, Robert P.
Minor, Dabney, 1744-1824
Minor, James
Minor, Peter, 1783-1827
Missionaries SEE Holladay, Albert Lewis
Mitchell, William, 1808-1866 SEE Mills, Robert P.
Mundell, John
Myers, Samuel, 1755-1836
North Anna River (Va.) SEE Crozet, Claudius
Nowlin, Samuel, 1784-1863
Oliver, William SEE Holladay, Joseph (1756-1814)
Oxley, George, d. 1865
Parker, Stafford Henry, 1787?-1871
Patton, Hugh Mercer, d. 1846 SEE Crutchfield, Oscar Minor
Peake, George R.
Peake, James B.
Pen Park (Albemarle County, Va.) SEE Scott, James
Pendleton, Joseph Kimbrough, b. 1810 SEE McCormick, Cyrus Hall
Penney, John SEE Baggott, George
Pierce, Robert R.
Poindexter, Ann Elizabeth (Holladay), 1808-1851
Poindexter, John
Poindexter, Waller Holladay
Poindexter, William Green, b. 1835
Poindexter, William Quarles
Powell, John Norment, 1804-1873 SEE ALSO Bernard, Arthur Howson Hooe
Powell, William R.
Quarles, John
Quarles, John Todd, b. 1805?
Quisenberry, Elijah, 1781-1845
Randolph, Brett, 1766-1828
Randolph, Edmund, 1753-1813 SEE Robinson, John W.
Rawlings, James, 1788?-1838
Reintz, C.
Richardson, William
Ritchie, Thomas, 1778-1854
Rives, William Mason, d. 1848
Robards, William
Roberts, William J.
Robertson, Wyndham, 1803-1888
Robinson, Anthony, 1771-1851
Robinson, B.
Robinson, Francis SEE Cummings, Thomas
Robinson, John W.
Ruffin, Francis Gildart, 1816-1892 SEE Waller, John Mercer
Scott, Hugh
Scott, James
Scott, John
Scott, John, 1796-1871
Scott, William Samuel, 1805-1875
Seddon, John, 1781-1808 SEE Lewis, John
Shelton, John J., b. 1814 SEE Madison, Austin
Slaves – Medical care SEE Dillard, George B.
Stevenson, James, d. 1809
Talman, Albert G. SEE Atkinson, George W.
Thom, Reuben Triplett, 1782-1868
Thompson, James
Tiller, Benjamin
Twyman, Thornel
University of Virginia SEE Holladay, James Minor
Urquhart, J. D.
Valentine, Joseph C.
Vass, James, 1770-1837
Virginia. General Assembly – Elections SEE Crutchfield, Oscar Minor
Walker, Frances A. (Holladay) Bayly
Waller, John Mercer, 1814-1876
Waller, William S.
Watson, George, 1784-1853
Watson, James
Webb, Wiatt, 1781-1813
Wharton, William
Wiatt, Francis Julian, 1783-1854
Wiatt, Francis Latimer, b. 1815
Wickham, John, 1763-1839
Wiglesworth, John
Willis, John M.
Wright, William
XYZ (Pseud.) SEE Ritchie, Thomas
Yancey, Charles, 1770-1857
Crenshaw & Fisher (Richmond, Va.)
Crenshaw (Lewis D.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Haxall (R. B.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
McEuen, Hale & Davidson (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Peake, Bradley & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Rawlings & Holladay (Richmond, Va.)
Scott (John) & Son (Fredericksburg, Va.)
Warwick & Barksdale (Richmond, Va.)
Last updated: September 13, 2005