Lee Family (William Lee Letterbook, 1774 December 22-1775)
Letterbook, 1774 December 22-1775 August 24, of William Lee
In the Lee family Papers, 1638-1867
Call Number Mss1 L51 f 415
Adams, Richard, 107-108
Adams, Thomas, 39-40, 109
Allen, Andrew, 168-169
Aylett, William, 36, 97
Backhouse, John, 127, 180
Ball, William, 91-92
Ballantine (John) & Co., Glasgow, Scotland, 48, 78-79, 132, 170, 175
Beech, Ann, 172
Beech, Thomas, 172
Bell, Charles, 9
Bennett, [?], 85
Blair, John (1732-1800), 38
Booker, James, 5, 121
Booth, William, 122
Brailsford, Samuel, 176-177, 179
Bray, James, 10, 121, 156
Brown, John, 21-22, 41
Browne, Edward, 20-21, 26-28, 30-31, 33, 38, 40, 42, 46-48, 50-52, 54-55, 64-66, 87-89, 98, 109, 118-124, 131, 154, 156, 167
Burrows & Son, 138
Byrd, William (1728-1777), 53, 61
Carter, Landon, 2, 39, 57, 85-87, 150
Carter, Robert, 142
Carter, Robert Wormeley, 3
Champe, William, 98
Chilton, Thomas, 143
Colston, Rawleigh, 7, 149
Colston, Samuel, 3
Corbin, Francis, 72
Corbin, Gawin (1738-1779), 53-54, 95
Corbin, Gawin, 96
Corbin, Hannah (Lee), 135
Corbin, Richard (1714-1790), 95
Corbin, Richard (b. 1751), 72, 96, 158
Cox, Fleet, 139
DeBerdt, Burkitt & Sayre of London, England, 168, 171
Denny, Lady Arabella (Petty), 130
Dickenson, James, 121
Edmonson, James, 121
Edmonson, John, 10, 121
Edwards, George, 6, 139
Edwards, Thomas, 8
Eustace, John, 138
Fauntleroy, Griffin Murdock, 38, 54, 56, 151
Fauntleroy, Moore, 1, 33, 99
Fisher, Thomas, 45
Flood, William, 145
Fonseca, Moses Israel, 20
Foy, Edward, 76
Fresselicque, Ralph, 163
Gaskins, Thomas, 139
Gatewood, Joseph, 4, 121
Gatewood, William, 5, 121
Gibbs, James, 37, 40, 58, 126, 132
Gibbs, L. O., 128
Gibbs, William Prince, 37, 40, 58, 171
Giberne, Isaac William, 32
Glascock, Richard, 11
Gordon, James, 1
Gordon, John, 7
Graham, Charles, 60
Griffin, Cyrus, 161
Griffin, Leroy, 3
Griffin, Samuel, 48-49, 80, 130, 160, 167
Griffin, Thomas Bartrand, 7-8, 99
Griffin, William, 80, 97
Gurnell & Co., London, England, 44
Hachmeester & Eckhout, 69-70
Hack, James, 79
Hackett, Garrett, 5, 121
Harrison, Nathaniel, 146
Hicks, William, 22, 28, 34, 41-44, 49-50, 59, 67-68, 83-84, 126, 128-129, 162-166, 176
Hipkins, John, 156
Hipkins, Samuel, 20, 98
Hurt, John, 35-36, 100-102
Hutt, William, 33
Izard, Ralph, 177-178
Jacob, Robert Clarke, 133
Jenings, Edmund, 15, 28
Jones, Joseph, 5
Jordan, Reuben, 143
Kenner, Rodham, 39, 134-135
Lane, Joseph, 5, 147
Lee, Arthur, 14-15, 19, 25-26, 28, 50, 63-64, 73, 153, 157
Lee, Charles, 7, 139
Lee, Elizabeth, 129, 157
Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 14, 16-19, 21, 34-36, 38, 54-56, 61-62, 64, 68, 89-90, 93, 98, 102, 111-112, 123-124, 154, 156, 159-160
Lee, Hannah Philippa (Ludwell), 24, 33, 36-37, 40, 55-56, 66, 72, 82, 95, 129
Lee, Henry, 140
Lee, Kendall, 139
Lee, Ludwell, 14, 22, 28, 56, 129, 153, 157-158, 162-164, 176
Lee, Philip Ludwell, 140, 151, 157
Lee, Richard, 31-32, 34, 52-53, 151-152, 157
Lee, Richard Henry, 21-15, 38, 63-64, 93-94, 129, 153, 155, 162-164
Lee, Thomas, 14, 22, 28, 56, 129, 153, 157-158, 163-164, 176
Lee, Thomas Ludwell, 140-141
Lee, William (election as alderman of London, England), 155-156
Lee, William Ludwell, 55-56, 66, 72, 82, 95, 129
Leeson, Matthew, 172
Letchford, John, 72, 79
Lidderdale, John, 23-24, 45
Linde, Edward, 149
Livingston, Walter, 178
Lodwick, Griffin, 172, 174, 177
Lodwick, Mary, 172
Lomax, Thomas, 100
Lowther, Sir James, 50
McClanahan, Peter, 7
McCroskey, Samuel Smith, 138
McGrath, James Roche, 172
Martin, Frances (Fairfax), 29
Martin, Thomas Bryan, 29, 60
Mason, George, 166, 172-173
Meyer, John Andrew, 69, 137, 149, 161, 170
Middleton family, 66-67
Mills, John, 103-104, 167, 173-174
Mitchell, Adam, 8, 139
Mortimer, Charles, 103
Murray, John, 4th Earl of Dunmore, 35, 76, 87
Muse, Hudson, 102-103
Nelson, Thomas (1738-1789), 95
Nicholas, Robert Carter, 38, 73-76, 125, 132
Norwood, Thomas, 116-117
Nugent, Oliver, 172
Ogilvie, James, 38
Outram, William, 84-85, 91-92, 125
Page, John, 29, 53
Page, Mann, 104
Peachy, Leroy, 148
Pickett, Martin, 105
Pilmore, Joseph, 171
Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham, 73
Ponsonby, John, 41-42, 44, 59-60, 128, 159, 174, 180
Power, Edward, 122
Reynolds, [?], 163
Reynolds, John, 5, 122
Roane, Thomas, 5
Roane, William, 122
Robinson, Maximilian, 122, 139
Ross, Hector, 66, 105
Roy, Mungo, 10, 122
Roy, Richard, 11, 122
Sankey, Thomas, 58
Selden, James, 4
Shippen, William, 25-26, 82-84
Skyrin, Coupland & Bailiff, 127
Smith, Meriwether, 6, 106
Smith, Peter, 139
Smith, Philip, 7
Smith, Thomas, 4, 145
Sparke, Alexander, 4
Spotswood, Alexander, 107
Steptoe, George, 148
Steptoe, James, 108, 143
Steptoe, Thomas, 71-72
Stewart, Anthony, 24-25
Stewart, John, 70-71
Strashley, Thomas, 5, 122
Sturman, Hannah, 146
Tarpley, John, 122
Tayloe, John, 39, 53-54, 61, 114-115, 152
Tebbs, Daniel, 9, 139
Thompson, Thomas, 146
Thornton, Francis, 135
Thornton, Peter Presley, 136-137
Tomlin, Robert, 11
Tomlin, Walker, 6, 147
Trent, Peterfield, 75-76, 110-111
Triplett, William, 144
Triplett & Thornton, Fredericksburg, Va., 112-113
Turberville, George Lee, 15, 21, 26-29, 40, 133
Turberville, John, 15, 21, 28-29, 133
Turner, Thomas, 111
Washington, John Augustine, 141-142
Washington, Samuel, 117-118
Washington, Warner (1722-1790), 115
Washington, Warner (b. 1751), 118
Weeks, Benjamin, 139
Wegener, John Christian, 149
Whaley, James, 144
White, Alexander, 35, 96, 158
Willing, Morris & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 81, 83
Winston, Charles, 172
Wormeley, John, 5
Young, William, 122
Last updated: July 3, 2003