Louthan Family, Section 43
A Guide to the Papers, 1722-1900, of the Louthan Family.
Section 43. Correspondence, 1885-1953,
of Henry Thompson Louthan
Call Number Mss1 L9361 a 5,304-6,125
Correspondence, 1885-1953 (arranged alphabetically), of minister and educator Henry Thompson Louthan (of "Retreat," King William County, Va.). 4,365 items.
Henry Thompson Louthan (1866-1953) was a Baptist minister and educator. He was born in Rappahannock County, Va., to Carter McKim Louthan (1838-1913) and Mary Ella (Brown) Louthan (1839-1885). He studied at Richmond College [now the University of Richmond], the University of Virginia, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the University of Chicago. On 1903 March 25 he married Elizabeth Rowland Hurt. He taught as a professor of Greek and Latin at the College of William and Mary from 1903-1910, was head of the department of history and economics at Mercer University in Macon, Ga., from 1912-1914, and head of the department of history at Staunton Military Academy from 1918-1932. He was editor of the collected work of essays, "The American Baptist Pulpit"(1903). He was also a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and Sigma Phi Epsilon. He died in Richmond, Va.
Researchers please note: This section is part of a larger collection of Louthan family papers in the holdings of the Virginia Historical Society. For additional information, please consult the online catalog.
List of Correspondents
Abell, J. D.
Abraham, A. L.
Acker, John
Agnew, Park
Alderman, Edwin A.
Allen, James E.
Allen, S. A.
Allen, S. Brown
Allen, Susan Garrott
Allen, William Kinckle
Anderson, C. J. F.
Andrews, Frank Henry
Andrews, Georgia H.
Andrews, Matthew Page
Arnold, May
Atkins, George E.
Athey, Thomas Henry
Bagby, Henry Ashby
Baines, C. W.
Banks, James
Barber, May Royall Briggs
Barber, Yates M.
Bardshar, Camilla
Bargamin, Helen Wayland
Bargamin, Nellie
Bargamin, Russell
Barker, J. A., Mrs.
Barlow, Marion D.
Barrett, Emily M.
Barron, A. C.
Barton, A. J.
Batman, B. F.
Batten, Harry C.
Battey, George M.
Baylor, Virginia B. B.
Baylor, W. H.
Beale, G. W.
Belvin, W. D.
Benson, C. C.
Berkeley, Francis L., Jr.
Berkley, Frank P.
Binford, P. N.
Binns, John Christian
Binns, J. T.
Bird, Ellen
Blackburn, Alexander
Blackburn, Joseph C. S.
Blackley, Charles P.
Blankenship, Kate M.
Boatwright, Fred W.
Bozarth, Willard R.
Bond, John R.
Bond, R. T.
Bond, Walker M.
Booton, W. H.
Bosher, J. S.
Botts, A. T.
Boyce, W. C.
Boyles, J. S.
Bradley, G. Y.
Braxton, Hugh C.
Bridges, H. L.
Briggs, Annie Lee Brown
Briggs, C. A.
Briggs, H. L.
Briggs, Henry Clay
Briggs, Louise
Brinkley, J. C.
Britt, Lee
Brittain, M. L.
Brittingham, Daisy
Broaddus, John A.
Broaddus, Julian
Broaddus, Molly Henry
Brock, Anne Beaufort
Brock, Elizabeth C.
Brooking, R. C., Mrs.
Brown, Bonnie M.
Brown, Charles Alexander
Brown, Charles Rufus
Brown, Charlotte
Brown, E. W., Dr.
Brown, Elizabeth E.
Brown, H. C.
Brown, Henry A.
Brown, Ida V.
Brown, J. R.
Brown, Kate D.
Brown, Lawrason, Dr.
Brown, Lesbia
Brown, Lester A.
Brown, Lucie J.
Brown, Martha Elizabeth Thurmond
Brown, Mary
Brown, Nannie
Brown, R. S.
Brown, Sophie
Brown, T. P.
Browning, Berta C.
Browning, Fordie
Brush, H. R.
Bryan, R. T.
Buel, C. C.
Burford, P. N.
Burnes, Herton
Burton, Ada
Burton, Charles M.
Burton, P. D.
Burton, Lula
Butler, Nellie E.
Byrd, Sen. Harry F.
Byrd, Harry F., Jr.
Cabaniss, E. Judson
Cabell, James A.
Caldwell, Lucille
Caldwell, W. R.
Cammack, J. W.
Campbell, William S.
Cappon, Lester J.
Carlton, P. E.
Carter, Anne K.
Carter, Berryhill M.
Carter, F. Pendleton
Carter, Faye
Carter, H. H.
Carter, Suzanne
Carter, William E.
Carver, W. O.
Castleberry, Ida V.
Chambers, Christine C.
Chambers, G. W.
Chambers, R. E.
Chandler, J. A. C.
Chandler, O. M.
Chapman, J. J.
Chesterman, Evan R.
Chopman, J. J.
Churchman, Mary Griffin
Clark, M. A.
Clark, W. P.
Clarke, Arthur B.
Cleland, Jonathan R. D.
Clemons, Harry
Clopton, Annie J.
Clopton, Samuel C.
Cocke, C. H.
Cocke, Charles Lewis
Cole, H. D.
Cole, O. L.
Coleman, Elizabeth Lee
Coleman, Sadie L.
Coloin, A. E.
Cone, John J.
Conway, Delma
Conway, W. H.
Cook, G. M.
Cook, James E.
Coons, Ella
Cooper, George
Corr, Thomas Read
Cosby, P. G.
Couch, Marianne
Couper, J. D., Jr.
Cousins, William
Cowherd, P. H.
Cowles, P.
Cox, C. C.
Cramer, Frederick
Crampton, Benjamin
Cranfill, J. B.
Crocker, James F.
Cruikshanks, C. R., Rev.
Cumming, E. J.
Cunningham, Mary Page Louthan
Cunningham, S. A.
Curtis, Walter Wells
Cuthbert, R., Mrs.
Dabney, R. H.
Daniel, R. N.
Dargan, E. C.
Davis, John E.
Davis, Margaret Miller
Davis, Noah K.
Davis, Gen. Robert C.
Day, Frances Louthan
Dearing, Charles T.
Dearing, W. G.
Devault, F. W.
Dickerson, Camilla
Dickerson, J. S.
Dickinson, A. E.
Dickinson, James T.
Digges, Frances Cook
Dill, J. S.
Dixon, A. C.
Dodd, Walter H.
Driscoll, H.
Dudley, Eugenia E.
Dudley, H. M.
Duke, Basil W.
Duke, C. W.
Dunlop, R. A.
Dunn, Henry C.
Dunn, Lucy E.
Edwards, D. G.
Ellison, Ellen B.
Ellison, J. M.
Ellison, John Grayson
Ellison, Nero
Ellison, Walter Grove
Ellison, Willie W.
Ellyson, J. Taylor
Ellyson, William
Erb, Frank O.
Essex, J. S.
Ewan, B. H.
Ewell, Jesse, Jr., Dr.
Fagg, Edward S.
Falkes, R. A.
Farrow, W. R.
Felvey, C. A., Mrs.
Ferguson, Eleanor M.
Ferguson, Jessica C.
Ferguson, Sallie C.
Ficklin, Louise B.
Fickling, S. F.
Fielding, Dora
Fife, Robert H.
Finnall, Webb S., Mrs.
Flanagan, Ron
Fleck, G. Dare
Fletcher, R. H.
Foster, Nellie Virginia
Foston, B. S.
Fowler, J. M.
Frampton, Ben
Franck, Bismarck
Franck, Edith
Franck, L. B.
Franklin, J. H.
Freemond, Larkin
Friend, John Wesley
Frost, J. M.
Fulton, Elizabeth M.
Gaines, Francis P.
Gantz, R. A.
Garland, R. D.
Garnett, Christopher B.
Garnett, B. C.
Garnett, R. W.
Garrett, Helen Carter
Garrett, Ellen Douglas
Garrett, J. Alfred
Garrett, J. E.
Garrett, M. B.
Garrett, R. B.
Garrett, Van F.
Garrott, Henrianna Louthan
Garrott, Nellie Carter
Garth, B. G.
Gary, Robert A.
Geddy, M.
Gentry, Susie Abell
Gesingham, Goldie
Gibbens, C. M.
Gildersleeve, Basil
Gilkison, William David
Girdler, J. B.
Glover, Lillie M.
Gold, Henry S.
Gold, Lucy Miller
Gold, Mary W.
Gold, Nettie
Gold, S. H.
Gold, Thomas D.
Goodall, Julia Ellison
Goode, John
Goodloe, T. W.
Goodwin, Charlotte
Goodwin, H. J.
Goodwin, William A. R.
Gordon, Armistead C.
Goslin, Bernard S.
Gossman, James William
Gray, M. L.
Green, James W.
Grimsley, M. R.
Grimsley, Thomas
Gross, J. L.
Gunter, Ben
Gwarthin, J. E.
Gwathmey, R. R.
Gwatkin, J. E.
Haggard, Anna S.
Hale, F. W.
Halford, E. W.
Hall, J. L.
Hall, W. B.
Hall, Wilmer L.
Halsey, Lewis
Hambleton, G. F.
Hamner, Salley B.
Hanaford, Margaret Custis
Hancock, Sue G.
Hardesty, Dora F.
Hardesty, J. Robert
Hardesty, R. D.
Harris, Malcolm H.
Harris, Thomas Clarke
Harrison, Randolph, Mrs.
Harte, J. D.
Hardwicke, W. W.
Harris, J. N.
Harwood, James C.
Hatcher, R. W.
Hatcher, William E.
Hawkins, Berta
Hawkins, W. E.
Hawthorne, Hartwell K.
Hawthorne, J. B.
Hayward, W. H.
Hazleton, Mae
Hearn, T. O.
Heckman, Wallace
Hedges, H. S.
Helvestine, Lucy
Helvestine, V.
Hendrickson, B. F.
Henkel, Elon
Henley, Billie Ruffin
Henley, Norvelle L.
Henry, M. Wirt
Hensley, E. M.
Herndon, Ellen
Herring, B. C.
Hester, H. I.
Hiden, J. C.
Hill, Archibald A.
Hill, Corrie B. M.
Hill, Julien H.
Hill, T. Benton
Hillman, James N.
Hillmon, Harriet
Hinton, Doyle E.
Hite, Mary Elizabeth
Hodges, Elizabeth
Hodges, L. B.
Holt, Henry W.
Hooker, H. Lester
Hoover, M. J.
Hopkins, R. F.
Howard, Ryland
Hoyt, J. M.
Hubbard, R. C.
Huffman, Elizabeth
Hufford, M. E.
Hughes, Robert M.
Hume, Janet
Hunter, Elizabeth
Hunter, Josephine
Hurlin, William
Hurt, H. P.
Hurt, J. D.
Hurt, W. E.
Hutcher, [?], Rev.
Hutson, Daisy H.
Hutson, J. B.
Jackson, Eugene B.
Jackson, Mary Anna
James, C. F.
James, E. C.
James, Harold R.
James, W. B.
James, W. C.
Jameson, S. Y.
Jarman, Joseph L.
Jeffries, M. D.
Jenkins, J. W. R.
Jenkins, W. F.
Jobson, G. M., Mrs.
Johnson, B. F.
Johnson, D. B.
Johnson, F. D.
Johnson, H. C.
Johnson, Lucile
Johnson, Robert
Johnston, George B.
Jones, Annie W.
Jones, Carter Helm
Jones, Edward T.
Jones, Gates M.
Jones, M.
Jones, Hugh Williamson
Jones, J. William
Jones, M. Ashby
Jones, M. W.
Jones, Margaret A.
Jones, Margaret L.
Jones, Parke
Jones, Ruby
Jones, W. H.
Jones, W. J.
Jones, William MacFarlane
Jones, W. P.
Jordan, Thomas R.
Joynes, Edward S.
Julian, J. H.
Keeble, W. H.
Keeler, B. G.
Keeton, Paul F.
Kelly, Harry Payne
Kelly, James Y.
Kelly, John Alexander
Kelly, Martha Carter
Kelsey, Percival G.
Kemper, Charles E.
Kennard, George S.
Kercehval, Marcellus
Kerfoot, Ella May
Kerfoot, F. H.
Kerfoot, F. W.
Kerfoot, Mattie P.
Kerfoot, W. T.
Kerr, Robert P.
Kerrick, John R.
Keyser, Annie C.
Keyser, Annie Roads
King, D. J., Dr.
King, Henry M.
King, S. Grant
Kite, J. B., Jr.
Knabe, Lucy Lee
Knabe, Oscar F.
Knapp, Charles A.
Knight, Ryland
Knox, D. W.
Koontz, C. E.
Koontz, Ernest W.
Lachaberry, Bertha
Lamb, John
Lamb, N. B.
Landman, W. W.
Lankford, Hill, Mrs.
Lawrence, David Franklin
Laws, Joel Newton
Laws, Lila M.
Lawson, Beth Hunter
Lawson, D. M.
Leavell, R. M.
Leedy, Robert F.
Leonard, Priscilla H.
Levering, Joshua
Lewellen, John
Lewis, Florrie Parr
Lewis, William H. B.
Libby, Stanhope
Lide, Evan P.
Lide, Mary F.
Liggett, Thomas
Ligon, Elvin S.
Lively, Edward H.
Llewellyn, Irving L.
Logan, Jessie
Lombard, Emanuel E.
Long, C. C.
Long, Mr.
Louthan, Alexander Doniphan
Louthan, Anne E.
Louthan, Arthur Vane
Louthan, Carter Thomas
Louthan, Charles Green
Louthan, Charlotte
Louthan, Claude S.
Louthan, Doniphan Lide
Louthan, Eleanor
Louthan, Elijah M.
Louthan, Elizabeth Rowland Hurt
Louthan, Ellen
Louthan, Frank G.
Louthan, Gertude
Lowther, Granville
Louthan, Henry T.
Louthan, Henry William
Louthan, John C.
Louthan, Lorena
Louthan, Margaret
Louthan, Margaret
Louthan, Mary Carter
Louthan, Mary Lide
Louthan, Mary M.
Louthan, Pauline Lide
Louthan, Powell
Louthan, Ruth
Louthan, Sterling
Louthan, W. H., Mrs.
Louthan, W. R.
Love, J. F.
Luck, J. Malcolm
Lynch, C. E.
Mabie, Henry C.
Mahone, James H.
Major, Jainie
Mallary, E. Y.
Mallatt, A. L.
Mallory, Hervey F.
Mann, William Hodges
Manton, Katherine
Manton, Lucy Jane
Maphis, Charles G.
Marble, F. E.
Marshall, Edward
Marvin, F. B.
Matthews, Cathryn
May, May Warren
May, Susie J.
McCall, Duke K.
McCarthy, Carlton
McCarthy, Irene Brown
McCollum, J. W.
McElroy, Robert
McEntire, Helen
McGuire, Edward
McIntyre, W. E.
McKee, S. K.
McLaury, Donald B.
McLesky, W. B.
McLothlin, Bessie Williams
Melton, S. W.
Menefee, Charles Benton
Mercer, Jonathan
Merriam, Charles E.
Millard, Junius W.
Miller, Albert E.
Miller, Joseph L.
Miller, Newman
Miller, Robert E.
Miller, Wilhelm
Minter, J. A.
Mitchell, Clara E.
Mitchell, J. W.
Mitchell, S. C.
Moffett, W. W.
Montague, Hill
Montgomery, W. A.
Moody, A. G.
Moody, R. E.
Moore, David R.
Moore, E. R.
Moore, J. F.
Moore, Nora B.
Moore, Samuel J. C.
Moran, Sarepta A.
Moran, Virginia
Montcastle, George W.
Mullen, Thomas Wilcon
Murphree, A. A.
Newcomb, J. L.
Nichols, E. H.
Norbury, Elizabeth S.
Norris, Ethel
Owen, A. E.
Pace, Muscoe Russell
Parker, Charles J.
Parker, Charlotte K.
Parker, J. C., Mrs.
Parker, Joseph Daniel
Parker, J. W.
Parker, John E.
Parker, William H.
Parr, J. H.
Parr, Florrie
Parrott, William H.
Patterson, A. W.
Patterson, Caroline
Patterson, Elizabeth
Pauley, George
Payne, Bruce R.
Payne, John Barton
Pearce, Anne Morgan
Peachy, B. D.
Peck, Mary J.
Perring, Carter
Peters, W. E.
Pettus, W. H.
Phillips, H. W.
Pickard, W. L.
Pilcher, Catherine S.
Pilcher, George
Pilcher, J. M.
Pitman, H. W.
Pitt, Robert H.
Plumley, Rep. Fletcher
Poague, R. Barclay
Poindexter, Charles
Pollard, E. B.
Pollard, Gov. John Garland
Porter, J. W.
Powell, Cecelia B.
Powell, P. T.
Powers, J. N.
Pratt, Blanche Louthan
Preston, Sally Buchanan
Price, J. Woods, Dr.
Prichard, A. M.
Proffitt, Mary B.
Prout, William H.
Provence, S. M.
Pugh, C. C.
Purdie, J. A.
Puryear, B.
Quarles, Mann
Randall, James G.
Randall, Mary Lide Louthan
Randall, William E.
Ratmond, J. E.
Reckis, Thomson
Rea, James H.
Reece, T. F.
Reed, H. B.
Reed, Lelia
Rehder, Carl B.
Reid, E. Emmet
Reynolds, C. Amerel, Mrs.
Richards, Nathaniel, Rev.
Richardson, Edward J.
Riley, Frank C.
Ritter, L. M.
Rives, G. L.
Rives, William C.
Robertson, A. J.
Robertson, E. May
Robertson, F. P.
Robertson, W. E.
Robins, Charles R.
Robinson, B. B.
Rodes, Thomas L.
Rolison, A. D.
Rollins, Warren A.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rouss, Charles Broadway
Rouzie, W. D.
Rowland, A. J.
Rucker, J. M.
Russell, Miriam Palmer
Rust, C. W.
Rutherford, Mildred L.
Ryland, Anne S.
Ryland, Charles H.
Ryland, Josiah, Jr.
Ryland, R. S.
Sadler, W. H.
Sale, Amanda Louthan
Sale, Kate B.
Sale, Overton
Sampey, John R.
Sanders, C. E.
Sandridge, H. A.
Sanger, W. T.
Savage, Louise
Schley, W. S.
Seibel, Fred
Seymour, J. H.
Shaffer, Berta E.
Shaffer, Delight M.
Shelburne, L. F.
Sheriff, C. W.
Shipman, C. H.
Shopland, Lucy
Shuck, L. H.
Simpson, E. L.
Sims, B. C.
Sizer, Robert R.
Slaughter, Roger C.
Slaughter, Stephen O.
Smith, C. T.
Smith, F. Lagrange
Smith, Frances Carter
Smith, Frances H.
Smith, May E.
Smith, Warren B.
Smithdeal, G. M.
Snead, George
Snow, C. Chapman
Snyder, Berry
Snyder, Berta A.
Snyder, D. C.
Snyder, Daisy Lee
Southall, E. R.
Sowers, N. O.
Spencer, Nora C.
Stahl, William F.
Stanton, E. J.
Starke, Catherine
Starke, Lottie V.
Steacy, Virginia E.
Stealey, C. P.
Steidtmann, Robert
Sterling, Louis Victor
Stewart, C. B.
Stewart, J. Adger
Stimmett, George U.
Stirling, M. W.
Stone, Mary C.
Stone, R. H.
Stratford, A. L.
Stratford, Tillie H.
Stratford, Isla Jane
Stratford, J. H.
Street, H. H.
Stringfellow, Lucy
Stringfellow, Susie
Strode, Anna H.
Strong, Augustus
Stuart, Gov. H. C.
Stubblefield, Edward
Stubbs, Lucy T. C.
Sutherland, J. C.
Swanson, Sen. Claude A.
Swem, Earl G.
Tabb, Anna Lee
Taft, William Howard
Taliaferro, William C. L.
Tatum, A. C.
Taylor, A. S.
Taylor, C. T.
Taylor, George B.
Taylor, H. K.
Taylor, J. B.
Taylor, Letty H.
Taylor, Mary
Taylor, Virginia
Terrell, A. L.
Terrell, Edgar M.
Terrell, Jonathan B.
Thomas, J. M.
Thompson, Malvina Dickson
Thompson, Mary B.
Thornton, Fanny Lee
Thonrton, J. B. T.
Toscano, M.
Toy, Crawford H.
Tribble, H. W.
Tuck, Gov. William M.
Tucker, R. A.
Tupper, Kerr Boyce
Turner, George T.
Turner, Helen M.
Turner, Joseph A.
Turnipseed, Clarence Lee
Turnstall, Clarence
Turpin, John B.
Tyler, Lyon G.
Tyler, R. E.
Tyler, Sue Ruffin
Varden, L. H.
Van Name, H. H.
Volmer, Blanche V.
Waite, C. M.
Wakeman, Wilbur F.
Walker, Lucy
Walker, Luis B.
Walker, Page
Walters, Charlotte
Warburton, E. W.
Ware, Ralph M.
Warren, Nannie
Warren, P. J.
Wayland, John W.
Webb, Cora
Webb, W. R.
Weddell, J. W.
Weeks, Howard L.
Wegner, Arthur H.
Wegner, N. M.
Welch, M. M.
West, George B.
Wetmore, A.
Weymouth, John
Wharton, L. B.
Wharton, M. B.
Wheeler, A. S.
White, C. L.
White, George P.
White, Susan P.
White, T. L.
White, William A.
Whitehead, Mary W.
Whitman, J. H.
Whitsett, Florence W.
Whitsitt, William Heth
Wilkinson, Isham I.
Williams, Clarence
Williams, Bessie J.
Williams, Lucy A.
Williams, Fannie E.
Williams, Laura
Williams, Rhea
Williams, Samuel W.
Williamson, J. M.
Willingham, R. J.
Willis, H. H.
Willoughby, C. A.
Wills, Anne Carter
Wilson, Edna B.
Winn, John F., Dr.
Winslow, F.
Wise, Henry A.
Wise, J. S.
Wood, Virginia Browning
Woodburn, James A.
Wooddy, C. A.
Woodfin, S. B.
Woods, E. A.
Woods, S. Ellen
Woodson, Frances E.
Woodson, Frank S.
Woodward, Clifford
Woolford, William W.
Woody, Samuel E.
Work, Marion Massie
Wortham, Maude E.
Wortham, W. G.
Wylie, David G.
Wylie, Thana L.
Yancey, J. W.
Yazell, Daisy
Yerkes, George B.
Corporate and Institutional Correspondents
Adams Express Company
Aetna Life Insurance Co.
Allyn & Bacon
American Baptist Pulpit
American Book Company
American Historical Association
American National Bank
Anderson Bros.
Anti-Saloon League of Virginia
Atlantic Hotel
Augusta National Bank
Baptist Argus
Baptist Book Concern
Baptist General Association of Virginia
Baptist Weekly
Baptist World Congress
Baptist Young People’s Union of Virginia
Broadway Methodist Church
Bureau of University Travel
C. C. Purinton
C. D. Kenny
Central Hyde Park Bank
Charles Scribner’s Sons
Charlottesville Baptist Church
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company
Chicago & Alton Railroad Company
Circuit Court Caroline County
Co-Operative Education Commission of Virginia
College of William and Mary
Commonwealth Club
Current Anecdotes
D. Buchanan & Son
D. L. Auld Co.
Daily Progress
Daughters of the American Revolution
Dawson Baptist Church
Dietz Press
Duval, Paul
E. T. Krider & Co.
Elijah Ford
Equal Suffrage League of Virginia
Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S.
F. D. Johnson & Son
Fair View Dairy
First Baptist Church (Lynchburg, Va.)
First Baptist Church (Macon, Ga.)
First Baptist Church (Staunton, Va.)
Fisk Teachers Agency
Furman University
German American Insurance Company
Hampton Training School for Nurses
Harper & Bros.
Harris & Ewing
Hatch & Dean
Henry Romeike, Ltd.
Hermitage Press
Hollins Institute
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Howard’s Grove Baptist Church
Huguenot Assoc. of Virginia
Inside Inn
J. L. Hill Printing Co.
Kansas City Baptist Theological Seminary
L. H. Jenkins
Ladies and Society of the Baptist Church
Lafayette Ave. Baptist Church (Newport News, Va.)
Link-Belt Company
Louisville, Evansville, & St. Louis Consolidated Railroad
Manual Training High School
Maple Hill Farm
McClure’s Magazine
McFerran Memorial Baptist Sunday School
McGraw-Marden Co.
Men of Mark Publishing Co.
Mercer University
Michigan Central Railroad Company
Michigan Club
Ministerial Union of Richmond, Manchester and Vicinity
National State and City Bank
National War Savings Committee
New England Conservatory of Music
New York World
Newport News Academy
Orrine Company
Ostermoor & Co.
Page courier (Luray, Va.)
Peninsula Bank (Williamsburg, Va.)
Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co.
Phi Beta Kappa
Phoenix Insurance Company
Pocahontas Memorial Association
Pollard & Bagby
Psi Xi Fraternity
R. H. Macy & Co.
R. T. Casey & Son
Randolph-Macon College
Rawlings Institute
Religious Herald Company
Review of Reviews Co.
Rice University
Richmond Female Institute
Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Company
Robert E. Lee High School
Ryland & Rankin
Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection
Second Baptist Church
Seminary magazine
Shenandoah Game and Fish Protective Association
Sheridan’s Teachers Agency
Smith & Carter
Sons of the American Revolution
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co.
Southern Department Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company
Southern Express Company
Southern farm advertiser
Southern Railway Company
Standard (Chicago, Ill.)
Staunton High School
Staunton Military Academy
Success Co., The
Sunday School and Bible Board
Tennessee Centennial Exposition
Textile Industrial Institute
Thomas Jefferson High School
Thurston Teacher’s Agency
Trinity Church (of Portsmouth, Va.)
United Sons of Confederate Veteran
United States. Dept. of Justice
United States. Dept. of the Treasury
United States. Post Office
University of Chicago
University of Michigan
University of Richmond
University of Virginia
Virginia gazette (Williamsburg, Va.)
Virginia Geological Commission
Virginia Historical Society
Virginia Mutual Insurance Society
Virginia State Sunday School Association
Virginia War Work Council
Virginia. General Assembly.
Virginia. Office of the State Inspector
Virginia. State Board of Education
Virginia. State Normal School
W. B. Conkey Company
Wabash College
Waite & Perry
War Camp Community Fund Committee
William Jewell College
Woman’s College (Richmond, Va.)
World Peace Foundation
Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School
Young Men’s Progressive Republican Club
Last updated: December 2, 2009