Mason Family, Section 24
Mason Family Papers, 1805-1886. Section 24
Correspondence, 1817-1859, of John Young Mason (1799-1859)
Call Number Mss1 M3816 a 727-2468
Index to Correspondents and Selected Subjects
African Americans SEE Leigh, John Townes
Agriculture – Societies, etc. SEE Calvert, Charles Benedict; Green, Andrew H.
Agriculture SEE Blackwell, Robert; Ruffin, Edmund; Turner, Jordan W.
Ahl, John A. SEE Black, James
Ahl, Peter SEE Black, James
Alexander, Nathaniel, b. 1798?
Alexander, William J.
Allen, A. G.
Allison, S. SEE Smith, Andrew Thomas
Allyn, Lucius B.
Alston, Alfred
Ambler, William Marshall, 1813-1896 SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Ammen, Daniel, 1819-1898
Anderson, Mary Anne (Mason), 1834-1928
Anderson, Walker, 1801-1857 SEE ALSO Yulee, David Levy
Anthoine, A.
Anthony, O. P.
Archer, William B.
Archer, William Segar, 1789-1855
Armistead, Fabian, 1794-1865 SEE Armistead, Virginia (Harrison)
Armistead, Virginia (Harrison), 1805-1881
Armstrong, James F., 1817-1873
Armstrong, Robert, 1792-1854
Ashley, Chester, 1790-1848
Aspinwall, John L.
Aspinwall, William Henry, 1807-1875
Atkinson, Archibald, 1792-1872 SEE ALSO Capron, John
Bache, Alexander Dallas, 1806-1867
Badger, George Edmund, 1795-1866
Bagby, Arthur Pendleton, 1794-1858
Baker, Samuel SEE Timberlake, L.
Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 SEE ALSO Black, James; Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell
Bank of the United States SEE Clay, Clement Comer
Bankhead, James, 1783-1856
Baptist, Richard H., d. 1850 SEE ALSO Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Barbour family SEE Barbour, John Strode
Barbour, John Strode, 1790-1855
Barbour, William T. SEE Barbour, John Strode
Barham, Charles W., b. 1809?
Barker, James Nelson, d. 1858
Barker, Susan B., b. 1812?
Barksdale, William Jones, 1794-1859
Barney, John, 1785-1857
Barney, William Chase
Barton, Edward H., d. 1859
Baskervill, George Dortch, 1793-1862
Baskervill, John W., b. 1823?
Batte, Albert A.
Baughman, Jacob SEE Black, James
Baxter, Sidney Smith, 1802-1879
Bayly, Thomas Henry, 1810-1856
Bayman, Robert
Bedinger, Henry, 1812-1858
Beetem, William M. SEE Black, James
Behrar, J. SEE Black, James
Bell, John, 1797-1869
Bell, William N.
Belmont, August, 1816-1890 SEE ALSO Lightfoot, John Bernard
Bennett, James Gordon, 1795-1872 SEE Daniel, John Moncure
Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858
Berlin Seminary, Southampton County, Va. SEE Burges, Albridgeton Samuel Hardy
Bernard, David Meade, 1813-1884
Bernard, J. E.
Bernard, Jesse Talbot, 1829-1909
Berret, John J.
Bigler, William, 1814-1880 SEE Broadhead, Richard
Bingham, W. J.
Bird, Henry D.
Bissel, Edward
Bissell, William Henry, 1811-1860
Black, James, 1793-1872
Blackwell, Robert
Bland, John B.
Blunt, Ellen (Key)
Blunt, Simon Fraser, d. 1854
Bocock, Thomas Salem, 1815-1891
Bodisco, Henriette de
Bogardus, Cornelius S.
Boggs, William Brenton, 1809-1875
Bohlen, Henry, 1810-1862
Bohn, C. M. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Bolling, Robert Buckner, 1805-1881
Bolton, Mary H.
Bolton, William Compton, d. 1849
Bonham, J. Ellis SEE Black, James
Booth, Edwin Gilliam, 1810-1886
Booth, P.
Borland, Solon, 1808-1864
Botts, Alexander Lithgow, 1799-1860
Botts, Charles Tyler, 1809-1884
Bouldin, Owen
Bowie, Augustus Jesse, 1815-1887
Bowyer, John C., 1803-1880
Boyd, Ann L. Dixon
Boyer, Jerome H. SEE Black, James
Boyer, Stephen SEE Black, James
Boykin, Robert Marshall
Bradford, Goerge S., d. 1852
Bradford, John F.
Bradhurst, John M.
Brady, James Topham, 1815-1869
Brady, William F.
Bragg, John, 1806-1878
Bragg, Joseph, 1784-1859 SEE Osborne, Charles Francis
Branch, David Henry, b. 1795
Branda, M. Fanny
Bratton, J. B. SEE Black, James
Braxton, Carter Moore, 1785-1847
Brodhead, Richard, 1811-1863
Brodnax, Robert Walker, 1827-1886 SEE Gaines, Henry Beverley
Brodnax, William Henry, 1789-1834
Bronaugh, John William, 1821-1863
Brooke, E.
Brooke, George Mercer, 1785-1851
Brooke, Henry Laurens, 1808-1874
Brown, George F. SEE Campbell, Robert Blair
Brown, James
Brown, Uriah
Browne, Orris A., 1800-1855
Browne, Peter F.
Brownlow, Tippoo S.
Bruen, A. M.
Brunet, J. M. H.
Bryan, John Heritage, 1798-1870
Buchanan, J. E. SEE Black, James
Buchanan, James M.
Buchanan, James SEE Wightt, Ann G.
Bunch, J. L.
Burch, William S.
Burges, Albridgeton Samuel Hardy, d. 1864
Butler, Clement Moore, 1810-1890
Butterworth, S. F.
Butts, Augustine Claiborne, 1806-1870
Byrd, William, 1823-1898
Cabell, Edward A., 1797-1869 SEE Garland, Hugh Alfred
Cabell, Joseph Carrington, 1778-1856
Cabell, Mary Rice (Garland), 1804-1893
Cadwalader, John, 1805-1879
Cain, Harman A.
Calhoun, John Caldwell, 1782-1850
Calhoun, William Ransom, 1827?-1862
California – Description and travel SEE Stockton, Robert Field
Callaghan, James
Calvert, Charles Benedict, 1808-1864
Cameron, John
Cameron, Simon, 1799-1889
Campbell, John
Campbell, Robert Blair, 1809-1862
Canals SEE Chevalier, Michel; Graham, Archibald; Walton, D. S.
Capron, John, b. 1790?
Carpender, Edward William, 1797-1877
Carpender, Susan (Wilkinson)
Carriages and carts SEE Timberlake, L.
Carrington, Paul Sydenham, 1798-1866
Carroll, Anna Ella, 1815-1894
Carson, James Henry, 1808-1884
Carter, Landon N., d. 1847
Caskie, John Samuels, 1821-1869
Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866
Catlin, George, 1796-1872
Causten, Anna C. (Payne), 1819-1852
Causten, James H., d. 1856
Chandler, John A., 1795-1848
Chandler, Joseph Ripley, 1792-1880
Chapman, Augustus Alexandria, 1803-1876
Chapman, Ed
Chapman, James
Chapman, Reuben, 1799-1882
Chapman, Sidney F. SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Chevalier, Michel, 1806-1879
China – Commerce – United States SEE Ammen, Daniel
Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859
Chodzko, Leonard Jakób Borejko, 1800-1871
Chouteau, Julie (Gratiot)
Christian, William A., d. 1852
Christy, Robert F.
Cisco, John J.
Claiborne, Augustine
Claiborne, David Augustine, 1823-1892
Claiborne, John Francis Hamtramck, 1809-1884
Claiborne, Thomas, 1823-1911
Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, Earl of, 1800-1870
Clark, John D.
Clark, Marsh B.
Clarke, William
Claxton, F. S.
Clay, Clement Comer, 1789-1866
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Clayton, John Middleton, 1796-1856
Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897
Clinton, Marty
Clinton, Thomas G., b. 1816?
Clymer, Mary (Shubrick)
Cobb, Howell, 1815-1868 SEE Harden, Edward
Cobb, Jeremiah
Cobb, Sally N., Mrs.
Cochran, [?], Mrs.
Cocke, Harrison Henry, 1794-1873
Cocke, Philip T. George, 1809-1861 SEE Cabell, Joseph Carrington
Cocke, William Irby
Coleman, Frederick William, 1811-1860
Coleman, James Daniel, 1814-1878
Coleman, Richard H., 1822-1870
Collier, Robert Ruffin, 1805-1870
Collins, Edward Knight, 1802-188
Colquhoun, William S.
Comstock, Joseph J.
Conner, David, 1792-1856
Conway, Eustace, 1820-1857
Conway, Valentine Yelverton, 1803-1882
Cook, Frances Ann (Mason), 1831-1908
Cooper, Rebecca
Cooper, Rosa
Cowan, John F.
Cox, Clement
Cox, James Henry, 1810-1877 SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Cox, Joseph Edwin, d. 1857
Coxe, Richard Smith, 1792-1865
Craig, James A.
Cralle, Richard Kenner, 1800-1864
Craven, Tunis, b. 1781?
Creighton, Johnston Blakeley, 1822-1883 SEE Calhoun, John Caldwell
Creutzfeldt, F. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Creutzfeldt, W. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Critcher, John, 1820-1901
Crump, Maria, Mrs.
Cunningham, Robert B., d. 1861
Custis, Theodore W.
Cutting, Francis Brockholst, 1804-1870
Cutts, James Madison, 1805-1863
Dakin, Samuel D.
Dallas, Alexander James, 1791-1844
Dallas, George Mifflin, 1792-1864 SEE ALSO Hallett, Samuel
Dallas, Jane S. (Wilkins)
Daniel, John Moncure, 1825-1865
Daniel, Peter Vivian, 1784-1860
Daniel, Thomas H., b. 1810?
Dansey, Anna H. (McKenney)
Davenport, Braxton
Davidge, Francis Hathorn
Davidge, William H.
Davis, Charles Augustus, 1795-1867
Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889
Davis, John Wesley, 1799-1859 SEE Ruschenberger, William Samuel Waithman
Davis, Samuel C.
Davis, William H.
Dawley, D.
Day, William H.
Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. SEE Blackwell, Robert; Sternbergh, William; Mason, Lewis Edmunds; Turnbull, Robert D.; Turner, Jordan W.
De la Roche, George F.
Deane, Francis Brown, 1796-1868
Dearing, W. L.
DeBow, James Dunwoody Brownson, 1820-1867
Decatur, Stephen, 1779-1820 SEE Decatur, Susan (Wheeler)
Decatur, Susan (Wheeler)
Delafield, Richard, 1798-1873
Denby, Nathaniel
Denegre, John
Dennis, William Henry, 1801?-1883 SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Dent, H. H.
Devens, Richard
Dew, Thomas Roderick, 1802-1846
Dickinson, Daniel Stevens, 1800-1866 SEE Bogardus, Cornelius S.
Dillon, J. H.
Dillon, Robert J.
Dix, John Adams, 1798-1879
Dobbin, James Cochran, 1814-1857
Dodge, Robert P.
Dodson, Daniel, 1820-1879
Dodson, Elizabeth Romaine (Mason), 1825-1897
Donohoe, John A.
Doughty, William SEE Grice, Francis
Douglas, George
Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861
Downman, Robert L. SEE Lewis, Dixon Hall
Drayton, H. J.
Dromgoole, George Coke, 1797-1847
DuBarry, Edmund L., d. 1853
Dueling SEE Calhoun, John Caldwell
Duffee, W. J. SEE Smith, Andrew Thomas
Duncan, William Garnett, 1800-1875
Dunglison, Robley, 1798-1869
Dupuy, William Jones, 1792-1853
Durant, Thomas Jefferson, 1817-1882
Duval, Marcellus
Dyer, George A.
Earnest, John H., b. 1825?
Edmonds, Francis William, 1806-1863
Edwards, John Hill
Edwards, Sampson
Eggleston, Alfred Oliver, b. 1794
Elliot, S. Alfred
Elliott, Jesse Duncan, 1782-1845
Elliott, Juliana M. R., Mrs.
Ellis, Thomas Harding, 1814-1898
Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt, 1791-1858
Elmore, Franklin Harper, 1799-1850
English, J. A.
Epes, John Spooner, 1796-1868
Epes, Robert F.
Erben, Henry, 1801-1883
Ersslcrugge, H. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Erwin, John
Eustis, George, 1796-1858
Eustis, George, 1828-1872
Evans, Alexander, 1818-1888
Evans, George, 1797-1867
Ewing, Thomas, 1789-1871
Faulcon, John Nicholas
Fernie, E. W. SEE Hallett, Samuel
Field, David Dudley, 1805-1894
Field, Maunsell Bradhurst, 1822-1875
Fillebrown, Thomas
Finkmann, C. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Fisher, J.
Fisher, Robert J. SEE Black, James
Fitch, A.
Fitzhugh, George, 1806-1881
Floyd, John, 1783-1837
Floyd, John Buchanan, 1806-1863 SEE ALSO Cralle, Richard Kenner
Foote, [?]
Ford, Gordon Lester, 1823-1891
Forrest, H.
Forsyth, John, 1780-1841
Forsyth, John, 1812-1877
Fortsville, Southampton County, Va. SEE Barham, Charles W.; Mason, Lewis Edmunds; Mason, Mary Ann (Fort)
French, James Strange, 1807-1886
French, Rufus A., 1808-1856
Friend, John E., b. 1826?
Fry, James H. SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Gaines, Henry Beverley, 1789?-1852
Gale, Anthony, d. 1843 SEE Gale, Catharine
Gale, Catharine, b. 1773
Galt, Alexander, 1793-1855
Galt, Alexander, 1827-1863 SEE ALSO Galt, Alexander, 1793-1855
Gardette, Charles Desmarais SEE Badger, George Edmund
Garland, Hugh Alfred, 1805-1854
Garland, James, 1791-1885
Garnett, William, 1786-1866
Garrett, John
Garrett, L. G.
Garrett, Richard R. SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Gaudin, William
Gaugh, S.
Gayle, Amelia R. (Mason)
Gayle, Edward S.
Gedney, Thomas R., d. 1857 SEE ALSO Ruschenberger, William Samuel Waithman
Gendre, L.
Gerdes, T. H.
Gibbons, J. SEE Green, Thomas
Gilchrist, John James, 1809-1858
Giles, Thomas Tabb, 1803-1883
Giles, William Mason
Gilmer, George Rockingham, 1790-1859
Gilmer, Thomas Walker, 1802-1844
Gilpin, Henry Dilworth, 1801-1860
Girault, [?]
Gittings, John Sterrett, b. 1798
Glenn, Robert Henry, 1818?-1866
Glover, Rudulphus
Goddin, Wellington, 1815-1886
Godon, Victor L.
Godwin, Shimuel
Gold mines and mining SEE Anthoine, A.
Goldsborough, H. A.
Golin & Nowlan, Richmond, Va. SEE Simmons, J. Fred
Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, 1793-1860
Goodrum, Dionysin
Goodwyn, William Samuel, b. 1818
Goodyear, Charles, 1800-1860
Goodyear, J. SEE Black, James
Gordon, Alexander George, 1798-1849 SEE Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie)
Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie)
Gorman, M.
Gould, Charles
Gould, Robert Howe
Gould, William Tracy
Graeme, John, 1792-1872
Graeme, Robert, 1824-1907
Graham, Archibald, 1804-1880
Graham, Daniel
Graham, John Lorimer, 1797-1876
Graham, M. SEE Black, James
Graham, [?], Mrs.
Granger, Francis, 1792-1868
Gray, J. R.
Green, Andrew H.
Green, Benjamin Edwards, 1822-1907
Green, Duff, 1791-1875
Green, N. F.
Green, Stephen James
Green, Thomas, 1798-1883
Green, William Mercer, 1798-1887
Greenhow, Rose (O’Neal), d. 1864
Greenhow, Washington, b. 1817?
Greenleaf, Abner
Gregg, W. P.
Gregory, John Munford, 1804-1887
Grice, Francis, d. 1865
Grigg, John
Grinalds, Southy
Grizzard, David
Grymes, Ann Eilbeck (Mason), 1791-1864
Guillon, Charles F.
Gurley, John M.
Guthrie, J. B.
Haines, H.
Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell), 1788-1879
Hall, Henry SEE Hallett, Samuel
Hall, Joseph, 1793-1859
Hall, William H.
Hallett, Samuel
Ham – Virginia SEE Todd, John Robinson
Hambly, Thomas C. SEE Black, James
Hamilton, J.
Hamilton, Philip
Hamilton, [L.]
Hammond, James Henry, 1807-1864
Hammond, John Fox, 1821-1886
Hampton, Thomas R.
Hamtramck, John Francis, 1798-1858
Hannot, Victor
Hanson, J. R.
Hanssmann, [?]
Haralson, Hugh Anderson, 1805-1854 SEE Harden, Edward
Harden, Edward
Harden, Edward Randolph SEE Harden, Edward
Hardin, Lauriston B.
Hargrave, Jesse SEE May, David
Harper, Thomas J.
Harper, Washington T.
Harris, A.
Harris, Arnold
Harris, Samuel G.
Harris, William M.
Harrison, B. P.
Harrison, Gessner, 1807-1862
Harrison, Gustavus, 1791?-1848
Harrison, James Junkin, d. 1851
Hart, Emanuel Bernard, 1809-1897
Harvie, Lewis Edwin, 1809-1887
Haswell, Charles Haynes, 1809-1907
Haswell, John C.
Havana, Cuba SEE Campbell, Robert Blair
Haws, John Henry Hobart, 1809-1858
Hayne, Arthur Peronneau, 1790-1867
Haywood, William Henry, 1801-1852
Heath, Roscoe Briggs, 1827-1863
Henderson, Archibald, 1783-1859
Henderson, David, 1754-1839? SEE Willis, Byrd Charles
Hepburn, Samuel SEE Black, James
Herbert, Edward H., 1806?-1862
Herrisse, Henry, b. 1829?
Hicks, Edward Brodnax, 1789-1858
Hill, Henry
Hilliard, Henry Washington, 1808-1892
Hogan, John
Holmes, Isaac Edward, 1796-1867
Homans, Benjamin
Hooe, Bernard, 1791-1869
Hopkins, Arthur Francis, 1794-1865
Horn, Henry, 1786-1862
Horn, John
Horner, Inman, 1791-1860
Horner, John Scott, 1802-1883
Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter, 1810-1886
Horses SEE Poulson, Erastus
Howard, Benjamin Chew, 1791-1872
Howard, Volney Erskine, 1809-1889
Howe, J. F.
Howell, John Cumming, 1819-1892
Howell, T. M. SEE Granger, Francis
Howison, James R.
Howland, Meredith
Hubard, Robert Thurston, 1808-1874 SEE Robins, Julian Pryor
Hughes, Christopher, 1786-1849
Hulbert, Frederic Randolph, 1805-1857
Hume, Joseph, 1777-1855 SEE George, Bancroft
Humphreys, Samuel
Hunt, Montgomery, d. 1854
Hunt, William
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-1887 SEE ALSO Chapman, James
Hunter, Thomas Triplett
Hunton, Logan
Huntt, Charles
Hurst, William Decatur, d. 1855 SEE Calhoun, John Caldwell
Hutton, William R.
Hyde, Henry M.
Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 1782-1862
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 SEE Bell, John; Brady, William F.
Jackson, Henry Rootes, 1820-1898
Jackson, John
James River and Kanawha Canal SEE Graham, Archibald; Walton, D. S.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 – Monuments SEE Galt, Alexander, 1793-1855
Johns, William
Johnson, Cave, 1793-1866
Johnson, Chapman, 1779-1849
Johnson, James
Johnson, Reverdy, 1796-1876
Johnson, Richard Mentor, 1780-1850
Johnston, Charles, d. 1874
Johnston, John Warfield, 1818-1889 SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Johnston, W. P.
Jones, Alexander, 1802-1863
Jones, Benjamin SEE Osborne, Charles Francis
Jones, Charles Hamilton, 1807-1857
Jones, George Wallace, 1804-1896
Jones, H. C.
Jones, James Alfred, 1820-1894
Jones, James H., d. 1880
Jones, John E.
Jones, Rober, 1788-1852
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby, 1790-1858
Jones, Walter, 1776-1861 SEE Causten, Anna C. (Payne)
Jordan, Joseph W.
Jordan, Madison, b. 1811?
Jordan, Thomas W.
Jordan, William H.
Joyce, P. F.
Joynes, Thomas Robinson, 1789-1858
Kane, Elisha Kent, 1820-1857
Kane, George P.
Kaufman, David Spangler, 1813-1851
Kearny, Lawrence, 1789-1868
Keesey, V. K. SEE Black, James
Kello, Samuel
Kennedy, Cahrles H. A. H.
Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870
Kennon, William H.
Kent, Horace Leavitt, 1801-1872
Kerk, Charles H.
Kerr, John, d. 1865 SEE Gaines, Henry Beverley
Kershaw, Thomas
Key, Francis Scott
Kidwell, Zedekiah, 1814-1864
King, Charles, 1789-1867 SEE Walsh, Elizabeth H. Stocker
Kinney, Robert H., d. 1882
Klenok, J. G.
Knapp, [?]
Kneass, Strickland, 1821-1884
Korff, John SEE Klenok, J. G.
Kreider, M. SEE Klenok, J. G.
La Branche, Alcee Louis, 1806-1861
La Reintrie, Henry, b. 1817?
Land titles – Mississippi SEE Wall, Michael
Landis, John
Langsdorf, A. SEE Black, James
Laurans, Edwin de Bourquet du
Laurence, A. N.
Lawrence, Robert
Lawyers – United States SEE Livingston, John
Leak, Wlater F.
Lee, Robert M.
Lee, Samuel Phillips, 1812-1897
Lee, Theodorick, 1826-1867
Leigh, Benjamin Watkins, 1781-1849
Leigh, John Townes
Leigh, Junius E., 1811-1868
Lenow, Joseph
Lenthall, John, d. 1882
Leonard, Moses Gage, 1809-1899
Letcher, Robert Perkins, 1788-1861
Lewis, Dixon Hall, 1802-1848
Lewis, H. SEE Blunt, Simon Fraser
Lewis, James J. SEE Smith, Andrew Thomas
Lewis, L. L.
Lightfoot, John Bernard, 1814-1888
Lightfoot, Philip, 1784-1865
Lilly, Archibald
Lindsay, D. R.
Linn, Elizabeth A. (Relfe)
Literary societies SEE Alston, Alfred
Littell, Eliakim, 1797-1870
Livingston, John
Livingston, Schuyler
Livingstone, Caroline, Mrs.
Lockhart, J. B.
London, Daniel Higginbotham, 1818-1875
Los Angeles, Calif. SEE Stockton, Robert Field
Loyall, George, 1789-1868
Lucas, Edward
Lucas, Ignatius
Luce, William
Ludlam, Henry
Ludlow, Aug. C.
Lumpkin, John Henry, 1812-1860 SEE Harden, Edward
Lynch, Charles Henry, 1800-1875
Lynch, William Francis, 1801-1865
Lyon, Francis Strother, 1800-1882
Lyons, James, 1801-1882
Macfarland, William Hamilton, 1799-1872.
Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell, 1803-1848
Mackenzie, Donald, 1764-1844
Maclin, William T., b. 1806
Madison, Dolley (Payne) Todd, 1768-1849 SEE ALSO Causten, Anna C. (Payne); Cutts, James Madison
Magill, Henry Daingerfield, 1806-1847
Magruder, S. A.
Mahone, William, 1826-1895 SEE Goodwyn, William Samuel
Mallett, E. J.
Mallory, Eliza (Mason), 1803-1864
Malone, G. W.
Mann, Ambrose Dudley, 1801-1889
Mann, R. H., 1826-1876 SEE Gaines, Henry Beverley
Manure SEE Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865
Marcy, William Learned, 1786-1857 SEE ALSO Black, James; Broadhead, Richard
Martin, John K., 1817?-1883
Martin, Joshua Lanier, 1799-1856
Martin, Nathaniel Macon, 1808?-1860
Martin, Samuel SEE Black, James
Mason, B. W.
Mason, Charles, 1810-188
Mason, David, d. 1820 SEE Green, Thomas
Mason, Edmunds, 1806-1824
Mason, Eilbeck
Mason, Emily Virginia, 1815-1909
Mason family – Heraldry SEE Mason, Emily Virginia
Mason, Francis Key SEE Gayle, Amelia R. (Mason)
Mason, George, 1809-1895
Mason, Harriet Bathurst (Barksdale), 1829-1900
Mason, James Edward, 1796-1862
Mason, James Murray, 1798-1871
Mason, John T. J., d. 1855; SEE ALSO May, David
Mason, John Young, 1823-1862
Mason, Joseph SEE Byrd, William
Mason, Joseph T., 1836-1869
Mason, Joseph W., b. 1816?
Mason, Laura
Mason, Lewis Edmunds, 1822-1897
Mason, Littleberry W., b. 1821?
Mason, Mary Ann (Fort), 1803-1870
Mason, Murray
Mason, Nathaniel
Mason, Nicholas Carroll, d. 1873
Mason, Richard Chichester, 1793-1869
Mason, Richard Patton, d. 1847
Mason, Robert W., 1801-1827
Mason, Samuel Coleman SEE Gayle, Amelia R. (Mason)
Mason, Sarah Olivia, 1837-1926
Mason, Stevens Thomson, d. 1847
Mason, Thomas W.
Mason, Victoria
Mason, W. B.
Mason, W. R.
Massie, James Woods, 1826-1872
Mathews, Edwin
Maury, Butler
Maury, John Walker
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873
May, Benjamin Harrison, 1788-1857
May, David
May, John Fitzhugh, 1784-1856 SEE ALSO Bird, Henry D.
Maynadier, William, 1806?-1871
Mayo, A. A.
Mayo, Isaac
McAlpine, Charles Robert, 1827-1876
McCall, Edward Rutledge, 1790-1853
McCalla, John M. SEE ALSO Grice, Francis
McCauley, John, 1795-1864 SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
McCorkle, David Porter
McCorkle, Joseph P.
McCorkle, Samuel, 1800-1866
McCorkle, William Philander, d. 1862
McCormick, Samuel, 1789-1860
McCulloch, Hugh, 1808-1895
McCulloh, James William
McDowell, James, 1795-1851
McDowell, James, b. 1801?
McHenry, Hamilton
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, 1799-1873
McIntosh, George, b. 1767
McIntosh, James McKay, 1792-1860
McKee, Thomas SEE Osborne, Charles Francis
McKeever, Mary Flower (Gamble)
McKenna, H. F.
McKenney, William, d. 1857
McKnight, M. (Hurst), Mrs. SEE Calhoun, John Caldwell
McLaughlin, Randal
McLean, Daniel Veech, 1801-1869
McLean, Nathaniel Collins, 1815-1905
McLemore, James
McMosine, Martha, Mrs.
McMullen, Fayette, 1805-1880 SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
McMurray, William
McNeill, William Gibbs, 1801-1853
McPherson, John
Meade, Clara F., Mrs.
Meade, David E.
Meade, Richard Kidder, 1803-1862
Mechlin, Alexander H.
Medical care, Cost of SEE Johnston, W. P.
Medill, William, 1802-1865
Mercer, Charles Fenton, 1778-1858
Meredith, S.
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield, b. 1803? SEE ALSO Gaines, Henry Beverley
Mexican War, 1846-1848 SEE Stockton, Robert Field
Meyer, G. A. SEE Daniel, John Moncure
Mickum, Samuel
Miller, Fleming Bowyer, 1793-1874
Miller, H. G.
Miller, N. V.
Milligan, Robert
Minge, John, 1796-1871
Minor, William
Mississippi SEE Wall, Michael
Mitchell, John C. SEE Black, James
Mitchell, John Kearsley, 1798-1858
Mitchell, William H., b. 1828?
Moncure, John, 1793-1876
Moncure, Richard Cassius Lee, 1805-1882
Monstgomery, R. W.
Montague, Erastus Tunstall, 1805-1883
Monterey, Calif. SEE Hill, Henry
Montgomery, George
Moody, D. J., b. 1824?
Moon, William C.
Moran, Benjamin, 1820-1886
Moran, William Plume
Mordecai, Samuel, 1786-1865 SEE Osborne, Charles Francis
Morgan, Charles W., 1790-1853
Morgan, William Stephen, 1801-1878
Morris, Charles, 1784-1856
Morris, Moses, 1799-1855
Morris, Robert H.
Morris, W. R. SEE Black, James
Morse, Isaac Edward, 1809-1866
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 1791-1872
Moseley, William Dunn, 1795-1863
Mundim, Joseph M. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Munford, George Wythe, 1803-1882
Murdaugh, James, b. 1800?
Murphy, Henry Cruse, 1810-1882
Muse, Lindsay
Myerle, David
Myers, Myer, 1793-1877
Myrick, John D.
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873
Neblett, Sterling, 1792-1871
Nelson, John, 1794-1860
Newman, Jacob SEE Black, James
Newsom, Thomas M., b. 1814?
Newton, George, 1786-1835 – Portraits SEE Galt, Alexander, 1793-1855
Newton, Jesse B.
Newton, John Thomas, 1795-1869
Nicholson, John E.
Nicholson, Laura C., Mrs.
Nicolson, John B., d. 1846
Noble, L. P.
Norman, F. G.
Norment, S.
O’Conor, Charles, 1804-1884
O’Driscoll, George
O’Kill, M.
O’Sullivan, John Louis, 1813-1895 SEE Craven, Tunis
Offutt, L. K.
Oldner, John G.
Osbon, Sturges P. SEE Davis, Samuel C.
Osborne, Charles Francis, 1800-1879
Otey, John Matthews, 1792-1859
Owen, E.
Owens, George Welshman, 1786-1856
Pace, James
Page, Benjamina (Price), 1813?-1904
Page, Thomas Jefferson, 1808-1899
Pageot, [?]
Palmer, Daniel
Palmer, Richard, d. 1846 SEE Smith, Andrew Thomas
Parker, Benjamin Clark Cutler, 1796-1859 ALSO Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie)
Parker, Eustace St. Pierre
Parker, Foxhall Alexander, 1821-1879
Parker, Foxhall Alexander, d. 1857
Parker, John Alexander, 1804-1894
Parker, Montgomery D. SEE Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie)
Parker, R. LeRoy
Parker, Richard, 1810-1893
Parker, Richard Elliot, 1783-1840
Parker, S. J.
Parker, William Harwar, 1826-1896 SEE Parker, Foxhall Alexander, d. 1857
Parris, Albion Keith, 1788-1857
Parrott, John
Parrott, W. S.
Parsons, John D.
Paterson, Salvadora (Meade) McLaughlin, b. 1812
Patterson, Robert, 1792-1881
Patton, John Mercer, 1796-1858
Paul, Moses, 1816?-1849
Paulding, Hiram, 1797-1878
Paulding, James Kirke, 1778-1860 SEE Myerle, David
Paxton, James Gardner, 1821-1870
Paxton, James H., 1812-1902
Payne, Annie
Peabody, George, 1795-1869
Peachy, Beverley St. George Tucker, 1828-1864
Peachy, John Blair, 1823-1868
Pearson, George T.
Peete, A. P.
Pegram, John, 1832-1865 SEE Pegram, Virginia (Johnson)
Pegram, Virginia (Johnson), 1808?-1888
Pell, Joseph S., d. 1804 SEE Sibley, John G.
Pendleton, William F.
Penon, Henry
Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794-1858
Peters, Richard, 1780-1848
Pettigrew, James Johnston, 1828-1863
Pettit, W. V.
Peyton, Balie, 1803-1878
Peyton, Balie, 1832-1862
Peyton, John Lewis, 1824-1896
Peyton, Lucien
Peyton, Samuel Oldham, 1804-1870
Peyton, William Madison, 1804-1868
Phillips, [J.] A.
Piatt, Donn, 1819-1891
Pickens, Francis Wilkinson, 1805-1869
Pinckney, Richard S., d. 1854
Plant, James K. SEE Grice, Francis
Plater, William
Polk, James Knox, 1795-1849 SEE Graham, Daniel; Green, William Mercer; Harden, Edward; Haywood, William Henry
Polk, Josiah F.
Poole, Harriet E., Mrs.
Poor, Moses
Porter, Burr, d. 1870
Porter, David Dixon, 1813-1891 SEE Porter, Evelina (Anderson)
Porter, Evelina (Anderson)
Porter, William David, 1809-1864
Potts, Thomas P. SEE Black, James
Poulson, Erastus
Poythress, Joshua
Preston, William Ballard, 1805-1862
Preston, William Campbell, 1794-1860
Price, Rodman McCamley, 1816-1894
Price, Thomas Randolph, 1806-1868
Pride, H. J.
Prince, David
Prince, Joseph H.
Pringle, William Bull, 1800-1881
Prioleau, C. K.
Pryor, John, 1848?-1823 SEE Green, Thomas
Ragsdale, Thomas L.
Railroads SEE Bird, Henry D.; Cabell, Joseph Carrington; Cralle, Richard Kenner; Giles, Thomas Tabb; Osborne, Charles Francis
Ralston, James Harvey
Ramsay, William, d. 1866; SEE ALSO Grice, Francis
Ramsey, Albert C. SEE Black, James
Randall, Josiah, 1789-1866
Randolph, Virginius C.
Ransom, Matt Whitaker, 1826-1904
Ranson, R. L.
Read, George Campbell, 1787-1862
Read, John Meredith, 1797-1874
Reid, John T.
Reily, John H.
Reims, A. SEE Taylor, Thomas
Reinhardt, Michael SEE Klenok, J. G.
Richard, John, d. 1823 SEE Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, Earl of
Richardson, William Harvie, 1795-1876
Riddick, Benjamin, 1809-1892
Ridgely, Charles Goodwin, 1784-1848
Ridgely, William G.
Ridley, Robert, 1811-1852
Ringgold, Fayette M., b. 1825
Ringgold, Samuel, 1800?-1846 SEE Bouldin, Owen
Ritchie, George Harrison, d. 1870?
Ritchie, Thomas, 1778-1854
Rives, Francis Everod, 1792-1861
Rives, Landon Cabell, 1825-1862
Robertson, William, 1785-1855
Robins, Joseph Hoomes, d. 1849
Robins, Julian Pryor
Robinson, Conway, 1805-1884
Robinson, Edmund C., b. 1815?
Robinson, Edward Branch
Robinson, Edwin, d. 1863
Robinson, Moncure, 1802-1891
Robinson, N.
Robinson, Porter
Rochelle, John William, b. 1819?
Rochelle, M. B., Mrs.
Rogers, William H.
Rose, Martha M.
Ross, Andrew, d. 1836 SEE Ross, Ann L. (Whitehead)
Ross, Ann L. (Whitehead)
Rudd, John, d. 1867
Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865
Ruschenberger, William Samuel Waithman, 1807-1895
Rush, Benjamin, 1811-1877
Rush, Richard, 1780-1859
Rusk, Thomas Jefferson, 1803-1857 SEE ALSO Harden, Edward
Russell, Coriolanus, 1812-1900
Russell, F.
Rust, George, 1788-1857
Rutherfoord, John, 1792-1866
Sanderson, George SEE Black, James
Sands, Benjamin Franklin, 1812-1883 SEE Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie)
Sanford, Lydia, Mrs.
Sanger, George Partridge, 1819-1890
Sanger, W. P. S., d. 180
Saunders, J. W. A.
Saunders, John Loyall, d. 1860
Saunders, Romulus Mitchell, 1791-1867
Savage, George
Sawyer, F. A.
Sawyer, Martha F.
Sawyer, Mary T.
Scarburgh, George Parker, 1807-1879 SEE Gaines, Henry Beverley
Schaumburg, James W., d. 1886
Schell, Augustus, 1812-1884
Schools – Virginia – Fairfax County SEE Smith, George Archibald
Schools – Virginia – Greensville County SEE Cook, Frances Ann (Mason)
Schools – Virginia – Southampton County SEE Burges, Albridgeton Samuel Hardy
Schools – Virginia – Warrenton SEE Parker, Eustace St. Pierre
Schwarz, Conrad
Scott, Edward Pegram, d. 1876
Scott, Francis Woolfolk
Scott, John, 1781-1850
Scott, John L., b. 1828?
Scott, Robert Gourmain, 1820-1894
Scott, Samuel C.
Scott, Stephenson
Scott, Thomas Llewellyn
Scott, William B.
Secretary (Horse) SEE Poulson, Erastus
Seddon, James Alexander, 1815-1880 SEE ALSO Meade, Richard Kidder
Seeley, R. H.
Segui, Francis
Selden, James
Selden, James Miles
Selden, Mary Elizabeth (Ireland), b. 1809
Selden, William, 1791-1874
Semple, James Allen, 1819-1886
Semple, Letitia (Tyler), 1821-1907
Sengstack, C. P. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Shaffner, Taliaferro Preston, 1818-1881
Shannon, John
Sharp, William Willoughby, 1801-1871
Shaw, M. P. SEE Black, James
Shaw, Oliver Abbott
Sherwood, Robert R. SEE Taylor, Thomas House
Shield, Charles Hansford
Shubrick, E. M., Mrs.
Shubrick, William Branford, 1790-1874
Shuy, Dronyn de
Sibley, John G., 1803?-1877?
Sickell, John
Sickles, Daniel E.
Simmons, J. Fred
Simpson, William Skinner, 1823-1895
Sims, Pinkney C.
Sinclair, Arthur, 1810-1865
Sinclair, George Tarry, 1816-1885
Sinclair, William, d. 1858
Skinner, Charles William, d. 1860
Skinner, Clary A., Mrs.
Skinner, S. B.
Slatter, Hope H. SEE Smith, Andrew Thomas
Slaves SEE Leigh, John Townes
Slicer, Henry, 1801-1874
Sloan, Thomas SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Sloat, John Drake, 1780-1867
Smith, Albert, 1805-1870
Smith, Andrew Thomas
Smith, Elisha B.
Smith, George Archibald, 1802-1889
Smith, J. Bayard H., 1810-1889 SEE Causten, Anna C. (Payne)
Smith, James M. SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Smith, Joseph, 1790-1877
Smith, Rebecca J., Mrs.
Smith, Richard
Smith, Thomas, 1799-1847
Smith, William, 1797-1887
Smith, William H.
Smith, William Russell, 1815-1896
Soule, Pierre, 1801-1870
Southall, A. G.
Southgate, Wright
Soutter, James Tylor, 1811-1873
Spalding, Thomas, 1774-1851 SEE Harden, Edward
Spark, William Alexander, d. 1848 SEE ALSO Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866
Spencer, Henry W.
Stanard, Robert Craig, 1814-1857
Stanbery, Henry, 1803-1881
Stanton, Frederick Perry, 1814-1894
Steed, William
Sterling, William H., b. 1829
Sternbergh, William
Stevens, Benjamin F.
Stewart, Charles Samuel, 1795-1870
Stewart, Charles T.
Stewart, Delia (Tudor)
Stewart, John, 1795-1860
Stockton, Francis B., d. 1858
Stockton, R. C.
Stockton, Robert Field, 1795-1866 SEE ALSO Cadwalader, John
Stowell, Levi
Stribling, Cornelius Kinchiloe, 1796-1880
Stringer, John G. SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Stringham, Silas Horton, 1797-1876
Stuart, John SEE Black, James
Swartwout, Samuel, 1804-1867
Talbot, William Henry, b. 1824
Taney, Roger Brooke, 1777-1864
Taylor, Tazewell, 1810-1875
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, Thomas House, 1799-1867
Taylor, W. R.
Taylor, William D.
Taylor, William Penn, 1790?-1863
Taylor, Zachary SEE Hamtramck, John Francis
Terry, Joseph W., d. 1853
Thom, Joseph, 1770?-1853
Thomas, Francis, 1799-1876
Thomas, John Addison, 1811-1858
Thomas, Seth Y.
Thompson, Ambrose W.
Thompson, Henry T. SEE Grice, Francis
Thompson, Jacob, 1810-1885
Thompson, John SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Thompson, Waddy, 1798-1868
Thoone, George A.
Thornton, James Bankhead, 1770-1843
Thornton, James Bankhead, 1806-1867
Thorp, John L.
Timberlake, L.
Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel de, 1805-1859
Tod, John G.
Todd, John Robinson
Todd, L. SEE Black, James
Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864
Toucey, Isaac, 1796-1869
Towles, James SEE Klenok, J. G.
Towner, H. C.
Towson, Nathan, 1784-1854 SEE Hill, Henry
Traela, C. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Trevor, Thomas
Trezevant, Lewis Crouch, 1798-1873
Trezvant, James, 1813?-1841
Troup, George Michael, 1780-1856 SEE Harden, Edward
Troutman, M. L.
Tucker, David Hunter, 1815-1871
Tucker, Gideon J.
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1780-1848
Tucker, John Randolph, 1823-1897
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley, 1820-1890
Tuckerman, William S.
Turnbull, Robert D., 1804-1864
Turner, Jordan W., b. 1797?
Turner, Joseph, d. 1856
Turner, Watson J., b. 1822?
Tyler, John, 1790-1862
Tyler, John, 1819-1896
Tyler, John Webb, 1795-1862
Tyler, Robert, 1816-1877
Tyler, William Wyatt
United States – Commerce – China SEE Ammen, Daniel
United States. Army – Military life SEE Barton, Edward H.; Hill, Henry
Upshur, Abel Brown, 1821-1895
Upshur, George Parker, 1799-1852
Urquhart, Anselm B., b. 1808
Urquhart, Charles F., 1806-1869
Urquhart, Richard D., d. 1857
Utevmohle, G. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Vache, Alexander F.
Vail, Mary Lewis (Lightfoot)
Van Ness, Cornelius Peter, 1782-1852
Vaughan, Alfred J.
Vaughan, M. B., Mrs.
Veracruz, Mexico SEE Barton, Edward H.
Vesey, W. N.
Vincent, Frederick
Vinton, Samuel Finely, 1792-1862
Virginia – Politics and government SEE Colquhoun, William S.; Leigh, Benjamin Watkins
Virginia. Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery (Petersburg) SEE Gaines, Henry Beverley
Virginia. Constitutional Convention of 1829-1830 SEE Leigh, Benjamin Watkins
Virginia. Constitutional Convention of 1850-1851 SEE Colquhoun, William S.
Voss, H. H. C. W. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Waintwright, Jonathan Mayhew, 1821-1863
Waitmann, Henry T.
Waldron, R. R., d. 1846
Walewski, Alexandre Florian Joseph Colonna, comte de
Walker, Alexander, 1818-1893
Walker, Robert James, 1801-1869
Walker, Robert John, 1801-1869 SEE Harden, Edward
Wall, James M.
Wall, Michael
Wallace, Robert, 1807-1865 SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Wallace, Thomas, 1812-1868 SEE ALSO Klenok, J. G.
Walsh, Elizabeth H. Stocker, Mrs.
Walsh, Robert, 1784-1859 SEE Walsh, Elizabeth H. Stocker
Walton, D. S.
Ware, Josiah William, 1802-1883
Waresquiel, Henri Albert Paul, viscomte de
Warrington, Lewis, 1782-1851
Warwick, John Marshall, 1799-1878
Washington, George, 1732-1799 SEE Bissell, William Henry
Washington, George Corbin, 1789-1854
Washington, John Augustine, 1821-1861
Washington, Peter Grayson, 1798-1872
Watkins, George S.
Watkins, Joseph S., 1793-1891
Watkins, Thomas
Watmough, John Goddard, 1793-1861
Watson, James E.
Weightman, H. T.
Welsh, Charles W.
West View, Greensville County, Va. SEE Cook, Frances Ann (Mason)
Westcott, James Diament, 1802-1880
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery, 1798-1876
Wheeler, James Haggerty
Wheeler, John Hill, 1806-1882
Whitaker, S.
Whitehead, Algernon Arthur
Whitehead, Joseph Boswell, b. 1794?
Whitney, W.
Whittle, Conway, 1800-1881
Whittle, John S., d. 1850 SEE Sinclair, Arthur
Whittle, William Conway, 1805-1878
Wightt, Ann G.
Wiles, Alfred, b. 1819
Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877
Wilkes, Mary H. (Lynch) Bolton
Wilkins, William, 1779-1865
Wilkinson, Frances (Coleman), b. 1796
Wilkinson, Henry, b. 1826
Wilkinson, Jesse, 1790?-1861
Wilkinson, John, 1821-1891
Wilkinson, William W.
Willey, William J. SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Williams, Edwin Anderson, 1806-1879
Williams, Hampton C.
Williams, Henry F.
Williams, Jared J. SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Williams, John H.
Williams, Nathaniel T., b. 1806
Williamson, D.
Williamson, George
Williamson, James E.
Williamson, R. H.
Williamson, [?]
Willis, Byrd Charles, 1781-1846
Willner, George SEE Klenok, J. G.
Wilson, Charles H.
Wilson, J. K. SEE Smith, Andrew Thomas
Wilson, Thomas C. SEE Smith, Andrew Thomas
Wilson, [?] SEE Barton, Edward H.
Wingfield, Emily Ann (Mason) Boykin, 1814-1887
Winthrop, Robert Charles, 1809-1894
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1806-1876
Wise, John Cropper, 1808-1866
Wise, Obadiah Jennings, 1831-1862
Wise, Sarah Elizabeth, 1825-1864
Womble, John, 1793-1858
Women – Education SEE Burges, Albridgeton Samuel Hardy; Cook, Frances Ann (Mason)
Wood, David Henry
Woodrum, Jordan, 1822-1901
Woolfolk, John SEE Horner, Louisa (Chapman) Hunter
Worth, William Jenkins, 1794-1849
Worthington, J. SEE Black, James
Wright, Weldon E.
Wyckoff, P. R.
Young, J. M.
Young, Robert W., 1805-1880 SEE ALSO Garnett, William
Yulee, David Levy, 1810-1886
Companies and Organizations:
American Agricultural Association SEE Green, Andrew H.
Baring Brothers & Co. (London, England)
Berlin Seminary, Southampton County, Va. SEE Burges, Albridgeton Samuel Hardy
Blair & Rives, Washington, D.C. SEE Cobb, Jeremiah
Caroline [County, Va.] Democratic Association SEE Chapman, James
Carroll’s (Miss) Seminary for Young Ladies of Washington, D.C.
Council, Rothschild Brothers (Paris, France)
Democratic Party (Ill.) SEE Miller, H. G.
Democratic Party (Va.) SEE Chapman, James
Emory University SEE Anthony, O. P.
Fairfax Institute, Fairfax County, Va. SEE Smith, George Archibald
Floating Church of Our Savior For Seamen, New York, N.Y. SEE Parker, Benjamin Clark Cutler
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. SEE Byrd, William
German national gazette, Washington, D.C. SEE Klenok, J. G.
Greemer & Haight (New York, N.Y.)
Greene & Co. (Paris, France)
James River and Kanawha Company SEE Chevalier, Michel; Giles, Thomas Tabb; McDowell, James, b. 1801?
John Munroe & Co. (Paris, France)
Kanawha Estate Company SEE Green, Stephen James
March (J. Howard) & Co. (Madeira)
March & Benson (New York, N.Y.)
Maryland State Agricultural Society SEE Calvert, Charles Benedict
Mason & Burwell, Vicksburg, Miss. SEE Neblett, Sterling
Moncrieff, Patterson & Barr (Glasgow, Scotland)
Nunns & Clark (New York, N.Y.)
Petersburg and Roanoke Railroad Company SEE Bird, Henry D.
Petersburg Railroad Company SEE Osborne, Charles Francis
Pickett, Perkins & Co. (New Orleans, La.)
Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company (Richmond, Va.) Richmond and Danville Railroad Company SEE Giles, Thomas Tabb Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company SEE Bird, Henry D. Rothschild Brothers, Paris, France SEE Lightfoot, John Bernard
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. (Petersburg, Va.)
Thurmond Gold Mine, Nelson County, Va. SEE Anthoine, A.
United States Naval Academy SEE Upshur, Abel Brown
University of North Carolina SEE Green, William Mercer; Haywood, William Henry; Mason, Edmunds, 1806-1824; Mason, Robert W.
University of North Carolina. Philanthropic Society SEE Alston, Alfred
University of Virginia SEE Cabell, Joseph Carrington; Harrison, Gessner; Mason, John Young, 1823-1862
Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company SEE Cralle, Richard Kenner
Walker (T. A. & A. J.), Jacksonville, Ala. SEE Chapman, Reuben
Warren Green Academy, Warrenton, Va. SEE Parker, Eustace St. Pierre
Warwick & Barksdale (Richmond, Va.)
William and Mary, College of SEE Bernard, Jesse Talbot; Carrington, Paul Sydenham; Dew, Thomas Roderick
Young Men’s Democratic Union Club, Chicago, Ill SEE Miller, H. G.
Last updated: March 3, 2005