Mason Family, Sections 2-7
A Guide to the Mason Family Papers, 1825-1902.
Sections 2-7. Correspondence, 1844-1859, of John Young Mason (1799-1859).
Call Number Mss1 M3816 d 5-2,800
Alphabetical list of Significant Correspondents
The materials in these sections are arranged chronologically according to the following divisions:
Section 2. Correspondence, 1844-1845 March 4, while Mason was serving as Secretary of the Navy under John Tyler Section 3. Correspondence, 1845 March 5-1846 October 16, while Mason was serving as Attorney General under James K. Polk Section 4. Correspondence, 1846 October 20-1847, while Mason was serving as Secretary of the Navy under James K. Polk Section 5. Correspondence, 1848-1849 March 4, while Mason was serving as Secretary of the Navy under James K. Polk, continued Section 6. Correspondence, 1849 March 6-1853, while Mason was practicing law and serving as President of the James River and Kanawha Canal Company Section 7. Correspondence, 1855-1859, while Mason was living in Paris and serving as U.S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to France
The list below is intended to provide alphabetical access to significant correspondents across these chronological divisions.
Author/Recipient | Date | Place | Summary |
“A Friend to the Navy” | 1847 Aug 12 |
| Concerns unequal treatment of Naval personnel |
“A Working Man” | 1847 Sep 11 | Lancaster, Pa. | Concerns the appointment of Capt. Slidell Mackenzie to the command of a sloop-of-war |
Adams, Richard | 1845 Sep 1 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Judge Thruston’s death and rumors that Mason would get the appointment; feels it would be detrimental for Mason to take the position; in favor of Judge Bibb for the appointment |
Adams, Richard | 1846 Dec 6 | Richmond, Va. | Recommends Dr. Spark of Southampton County, Va., for appointment as quartermaster for the Brigade of Southern Volunteers |
Adams, Richard | 1847 Aug 26 | New York, N.Y. | He and his brothers wish to purchase the Robert M. Boykin farm; said farm turned out not to be as represented to him; now in litigation |
Adams, Richard | 1847 Aug 29 |
| [from John Young Mason to Adams] Concerns Dr. Boykin’s plantation; tells Adams he can have nothing to do with arbitration in the matter |
Adams, Richard | 1847 Sep 22 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns John Young Mason’s letter of August 29 |
Addison, H., Mayor’s office | 1847 Jul 1 | Georgetown, Washington, D.C. | Mason’s slave has been apprehended and is being safely confined awaiting orders as to where he is to be delivered [see letter of 1847 June 27 of Edward H. Carmichael to the mayor of Georgetown] |
Aldrich, E. F. | 1848 Jun 26 | New York, N.Y. | [to Col. William Grandin, Washington, D.C.] Concerns a bill before the Senate; wants amendment to authorize the building of a war steamer by Aldrich |
Allen, Harvey H. | 1845 Jan 30 | Houston, Tex. | Enclosing paper drawn up by the Houston Bar recommending John Charles Watrons to be a federal judge in Texas; conflict in late laws of Congress and existing laws of Texas; also concerns Texas politics and Sam Houston, Anson Jones, and Thomas J. Rusk |
Allmand, John | 1845 Aug 27 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns application for purser by William Allmand, Commander Skinner’s private secretary; Mason’s appointment |
Allmand, John | 1847 Apr 14 | Norfolk, Va. | Wants letter of introduction and recommendation to Gen. Campbell, U.S. Consul at Havana |
Anderson, Joseph Reid | 1844 Dec 19 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the use of hired slaves as employees at Tredegar Iron Works |
Anderson, Joseph Reid | 1848 Dec 19 | Richmond, Va. | Questions concerning travel from Panama to San Francisco |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Mar 28 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns tariffs, the organization of the government of Florida, politics, and appointments to office |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Jun 1 | Pensacola, Fla. | Recommend of Dr. Samuel W. Spencer as collector of customs in Apalachicola (enclosed letter to President Polk is wanting) |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Jul 7 | Tallahassee, Fla. | Asks John Young Mason’s aid in getting an appointment as Navy Agent at Pensacola |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Jul 29 | Pensacola, Fla. | Newly-appointed Navy agent at Pensacola, Fla., concerning the Memphis naval yard |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Aug 8 | Pensacola, Fla. | Letter of introduction for Judge Dillon Jordan, U.S. District Judge |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Sep 20 | Pensacola, Fla. | Recommends incumbent Eben Dor for temporary appointment as U.S. marshal until the appointment of a district judge |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Nov 5 | Pensacola, Fla. | Enclosing letter to the President for Mason to deliver; Florida politics; appointment of Mr. Young would help solidify the party and soothe feelings |
Anderson, Walker | 1845 Nov 28 | Pensacola, Fla. | [to President James K. Polk] Recommends the appointment of J. H. Browne, of Key West, as marshal for that court |
Anderson, Walker | 1846 Nov 11 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns his son Cameron |
Anderson, Walker | 1846 Dec 11 | Pensacola, Fla. | Letter of introduction for Charles H. Austin of Florida |
Anderson, Walker | 1847 Aug 8 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns the need for a chaplain at the Navy Yard at Pensacola. |
Anderson, Walker | 1847 Sep 2 | Pensacola, Fla. | Thanks Mason for his prompt compliance with his request for a chaplain; also concerns dry docks; and Anderson’s son Cameron |
Anderson, Walker | 1847 Sep 23 | Pensacola, Fla. | Letter of introduction for Lieut. Shuttleworth |
Anderson, Walker | 1848 Mar 14 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns news of Cameron’s Anderson’s appointment as purser |
Anderson, Walker | 1848 Apr 7 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns son Cameron and a bond; Mr. Young, the U.S. Attorney; the slow mail service; and Judge Jordan |
Anderson, Walker | 1848 Dec 20 | Washington, D.C. | Requests that Mason present his name to President Polk for the mission to Rome |
Anderson, Walker | 1849 Feb 6 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns Purser Walker whose pay has been suspended |
Anderson, Walker | 1849 Jun 8 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns Capt. Peete and Mary Eliza Peete and loss of positions due to the change in administration |
Archer, Richard T. | 1847 Jun 5 | Claiborne County, Miss | Offering his plantation “Chicopah” adjoining that of his relative, William S. Archer, and proposes partnership whereby he will use Mason’s slaves to work the plantation as well as one of his own. |
Archer, William B. | 1844 Oct 4 |
| Seeks permission for his brother to occupy a building at Bellona Arsenal |
Archer, William B. | 1845 Mar 5 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns finances and politics |
Archer, William B. | 1847 Jan 22 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns problems trying to raise a company to join the Virginia Regiment for Mexican service; now wants a commission in the “regular” service |
Archer, William Segar | 1844 Mar 24 | Washington, D.C. | Advises Mason to take care in appointing [A. H.] Smith as his head clerk without sounding him out first |
Archer, William Segar | 1847 Jul 29 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns John Young Mason’s failure to reply to Richard T. Archer’s offer concerning his Mississippi plantation [1847 June 5] |
Armistead, Fabian | 1847 Sep 14 | Petersburg, Va. | Seeking office in Florida; Mason’s reply explains that due to the objections of citizens of the new state to appointments being made from outside, the President has ceased making such appointments |
Armstrong, William M. | 1847 Mar 9 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns rumors of Com. Strible’s return to active duty |
Armstrong, William M. | 1847 Jun 10 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns piracy in the Mediterranean; volunteers to take the USS St. Mary and help suppress it. |
Armstrong, William M. | 1848 Jun 8 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the USS Portsmouth as a flag ship and his assignment |
Armstrong, William M. | 1848 Aug 10 | US Sloop Portsmouth | Complains about his cabin aboard the Portsmouth being too small |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1848 Mar 1 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns intelligence about the Mexican Congress’s meeting to ratify the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1848 Sep 30 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns using Navy vessels for dual use as both war ships and mail service |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1848 Oct 3 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns steamers (ships) |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1848 Nov 25 | New York, N.Y. | Recommending son-in-law of Col. Byrne of Virginia as an expert on raising cattle and processing the meat; also encloses extracts of letters sent him by Mr. Bissell of Tepic concerning gold in “Upper” California. Navy crewmembers are deserting their ships at Mazatlan and heading for the gold fields |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1848 Dec 23 |
| [from Mason to Aspinwall] Concerns financial matters, crops, and cholera in New Orleans; bears note of R. W. Young concerning financial transactions for John Young Mason |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1849 Jan 11 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns business he has transacted for Mason; cholera in New Orleans and Mason’s plantation; the sale of the Iris (ship); the return of the Panama (ship) and her repairs; the Oregon (ship) on her way to Rio; and the California (ship) |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1849 Feb 5 |
| Concerns U.S. Sen. Jesse D. Bright and an investigation into unfair bidding for the steamship contracts |
Aspinwall, William H. | 1851 Mar 8 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the [Pacific Mail] Steamship Company and new legislation that puts all of the steamship lines on the same footing (enclosed bill is missing) |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1845 Feb 14 | Washington, D.C. | Wishes to know the precise popular vote in the last presidential election |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1845 Feb 20 | Washington, D.C. | Directions to [?]court house |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1845 Mar 17 | Smithfield, Va. | [copy made by Alexander P. Peete] Concerns recommendation for Alexander P. Peete for the position of inspector of revenue at Pensacola, Fla. Verso: copy [made by Peete] of letter, 1845 March 13, of David Levy Yulee making a like recommendation, and bearing note of A. P. Peete |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1845 Apr 18 | Smithfield, Va. | Politics; aided Maj. Cook in getting a position |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1845 Aug 20 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns John A. Hunnicutt being a member of the Whig Party |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1845 Oct 20 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns Sen. David Levy Yulee of Florida, Dr. Orris Browne, and C. C. Robinson |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1845 Dec 5 |
| Concerns the letters of Carpenter and Cunningham concerning the Navy; requests aid in finding a position for brother James Atkinson |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1846 Apr 14 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Wyndham Robertson and [?] Walker |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1846 Sep 18 | Smithfield, Va. | [from Mason to Atkinson] Concerns a leave of absence for [?] Johnson who is currently serving on board the USS St. Mary’s |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1846 Dec 15 | U.S. House of Representatives | Concerns the appointment of Dr. James Cornick to the Brooklyn or Norfolk naval hospital |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1847 Apr 14 | Smithfield, Va. | National politics |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1847 Jun 12 | Smithfield, Va. | Recommends Thomas [?] for a job at the Gosport Navy Yard |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1847 Jun 29 | Smithfield, Va. | Nominating Thomas T. Howard to fill the vacancy left by the death of [?] Webb, carpenter from N.Y. |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1847 Jul 30 | Smithfield, Va. | Has learned the virtue of patience; politics; Congress; James K. Polk |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1848 Jan 10 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns inequality in the apprenticeships at the Gosport Navy Yard |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1848 Feb 4 |
| Recommends P. H. Cooke of Portsmouth to fill the vacancy of Dr. Young |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1848 Sep 1 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns the unsatisfactory mail service in Tidewater Virginia |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1848 Dec 5 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the son of Dr. Robert Butler who is sending paperwork in support of his claims for extra pay |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1849 Feb 19 |
| Concerns an appointment for [?] Fitman in California and command of a sea going vessel for Capt. Levin Powell; verso has rough draft of Mason’s reply |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1849 Jun 13 | Smithfield, Va. | Tells Mason he should come down, stay with him, and check on his plantation (Day’s Neck) and overseer Robert Blackwell; describes the care of one of Mason’s female slaves after she was severely beaten by Blackwell |
Atkinson, Archibald | 1851 Jul 15 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns a case in which John Young Mason is involved; money; an agricultural meeting in Richmond; and taxation |
Aulick, John H. | 1847 Nov 8 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the letter to Mason from “Ned Buntline”; Aulick believes the author is really a former midshipman named Edward Zane Carroll Judson [See Judson letters, 1847 Nov 4 and 11] |
Babb, William T., Dr. | 1847 Nov 29 | USS Mississippi, off the coast of Mexico | Wants leave to go home to ill wife; Mason referred his letter to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery |
Babb, William T., Dr. | 1847 Dec 15 |
| [from Mason to Babb] Denying request for leave to go home to sick wife |
Bailey, Theodorus | 1849 Jan 10 | USN, New York | Concerns international law and blockades during time of war |
Bailey, William | 1846 Jun 3 | Lake Providence, La. | Primarily concerns the case of Bailey v. Dozier (for nonpayment of a promissory note) and others |
Barbour, John Strode | 1845 Jun 26 | Catalpa, Va. | Concerns [Thomas] Ritchie, John C. Calhoun, and politics |
Barbour, John Strode | 1845 Jul 18 |
| Concerns a clerk for the president when he comes down; also, the remembrances of A. P. Hill are extended |
Barbour, John Strode | 1845 Jul 24 | Catalpa, Va. | Democratic Party in peril; urges the election of Mr. Calhoun to the Senate |
Barbour, John Strode | 1846 Oct 1 | Catalpa, Va. | Concerns difficulty in obtaining a copy of the will of his wife’s grandfather, [?] Byrne; also concerns the will of his wife’s father |
Barbour, John Strode | 1847 Feb 15 | Washington, D.C. | Social invitation concerning his sons and daughter |
Barbour, John Strode | 1847 Mar 26 | Catalpa, Va. | Concerns Duff Green, James K. Polk, and “Mr.” [John C.] Calhoun, and politics |
Barbour, John Strode | 1847 Apr 6 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Revolutionary War pensions; encloses printed House of Representatives report, no. 88, March 3, 1847, of the committee on Revolutionary claims |
Barbour, John Strode | 1847 Apr 17 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns [?] Clifford, [?] McLane, and the payment of Revolutionary War claims |
Barbour, John Strode | 1847 May 6 | Warrenton, Va. | Concerns a Revolutionary War claim, national politics, and John Strode Barbour, Jr.’s election to the Virginia legislature |
Barbour, John Strode | 1848 Jan [?] |
| Encloses a January 1 news clipping concerning “half pay” Revolutionary War pensions; also concerns court day and encloses newspaper notice concerning resolutions of the Democrats, including the appointment of delegates to the state convention in Richmond; has been named a candidate for re-election to the House of Delegates |
Barbour, John Strode | 1848 Jan 17 |
| Concerns [Revolutionary] War claims, the inaction of the Secretary of War, William L. Marcy, and U.S. Attorney General Nathan Clifford |
Barbour, John Strode | 1848 Feb 3 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Sec. of War William L. Marcy, Judge [Thomas A.] Marshall of Kentucky, and Judge [Joseph Rogers] Underwood of Kentucky, now of the Senate, and interpretation of the law of 1832 [ possibly the tariff?] |
Barbour, John Strode | 1848 Feb 14 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns [?] Gibbs, Revolutionary War pension claims, and interpretations of pension legislation |
Barbour, John Strode | 1848 Mar 2 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Sec. of War William L. Marcy’s lack of action in a Revolutionary War claims case |
Barbour, John Strode | 1848 Aug 8 | Culpeper County, Va. | Concerns a letter from William T. Barbour [1848 Jul 30]; John explains William’s genealogy; asks Mason’s consideration to his request of a commission in the Marine Corps |
Barbour, John Strode | 1848 Sep 6 | Culpeper County, Va. | Concerns the improved health of an unspecified member of Mason’s family; William T. Barbour; John S. Barbour’s bad leg; [Francis E.] Rives, [?] Scott, [?] Gordon and [?] Tyler; and politics. |
Barbour, John Strode | 1852 Nov 6 | Culpeper, Va. | Apologizes for something and encourages Mason to set his aim toward the Supreme Court |
Barbour, William T. | 1848 Jul 30 | Clifton, near West Port, Ky. | [to John Strode Barbour, Culpeper, Va.] Asks Barbour to use his influence with Mason to obtain a commission in the Marine Corps |
Barham, Charles W. | 1849 May 1 | Fortsville, Southampton County, Va. | Acknowledges receipt of Mason’s note and mules; reports on activities at “Fortsville” |
Barker, Sophie | 1846 Oct 25 | Washington, D.C. | Writing for her son-in-law W. W. Irwin, charge d’affaires at Copenhagen, concerning an appointment to the Naval School for his son; also, the possible recall of Irwin because of his political ties |
[Barton, Edward H.]. Dr. | 1847 Jul 30 | Vera Cruz, Mexico | Enclosing copy (wanting) of report he made to Dr. [John B.] Porter, the present medical director; concerns Gen. [Gideon] Pillow[?], Col. [Henry] Wilson, a military hospital and Dr. [John T.] Macfarland [imperfect - fragment] |
Barton, Edward H., Dr. | 1847 Aug 6 | Vera Cruz, Mexico | Letter of introduction for G. C. Louis Degenhardt, superintendent of workers for a company to open a route through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec |
Barton, Edward H., Dr. | 1849 Feb [?] |
| Concerns the use of Navy records to augment his study on the effects of climate on health and the effects of pure air (i.e., sea duty) on health; also studying sailors’ illnesses |
Barton, Seth | 1847 Jun 22 | Washington, D.C. | Concerning a deed of trust for Barton and the marketing of his furniture |
Barton, Seth | 1847 Sep 28 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns previous correspondence with Mason and the problem with the transportation of his (Barton’s) baggage to Valparaiso |
Barton, Thomas B. | 1847 Jun 9 |
| Letter of introduction for Francis T. Wiatt who has 2 sons in the Navy |
Barton, Thomas B. | 1847 Oct 13 |
| Concerns his brother, military surgeon Dr. Edward H. Barton, currently stationed in Vera Cruz, Mexico with Dr. [John T.] Macfarland, and his frustration at work in Vera Cruz |
Barton, [Thomas B.] | 1848 Sep 26 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the case against son [Seth Maxwell Barton], a cadet at West Point (see S. Barton, 1848 Sep 23) |
Barton, W[illiam] S. | 1848 Sep 22 | Fredericksburg, Va. | Concerns the court martial of his brother [Seth Maxwell Barton], a West Point Cadet, for drinking and misconduct, and the effect his dismissal from the Academy would have on his family |
Barton, [?] | 1845 Jul 23 | New Orleans, La. | Concerns Col. Claiborne, timber agent and Richard M. Carter |
Baskervill, George D. | 1848 Sep 26 | Washington, D.C. | In town with wife for 24 hours; invites Mason to call |
Baskervill, George D. | 1849 Mar 22 | Ridgeway, N.C. | Wants Mason to write letters of introduction to Gen. Persifor F. Smith and others for John E. Jones who is going out to California as Baskervill’s partner in a gold digging enterprise |
Bates, George | 1845 Jul 7 | Michigan | [to President James K. Polk] Concerns a pardon for Robert Bailey; judgment attached |
Bates, Hyde & Co. | 1852 Jul 26 | Bridgewater, Mass. | Concerns Mason’s broken cotton gin at his plantation below Helena, Ark., and offering to sell him a new one |
Batte, William C. | 1847 Jan 20 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Thomas [Applewhite] going to Texas with him; intends to send him to school in Nashville, Tenn. (Mason is Thomas’s guardian; Batte appears to be Thomas’s teacher) |
Baxter, Eli H. | 1845 Feb 27 | Sparta, Ga. | Recommends John Green Mitchell of Ga. as collector of the port of Apalachicola |
Baxter, Eli H. | 1845 Apr 24 | Sparta, Ga. | Politics |
Bayly, Thomas Henry | 1847 Mar 3 | U.S. House of Representatives | Concerns new federal legislation concerning pilots of ships and other naval regulations; wants them repealed, as they conflict with state laws |
Bayly, Thomas Henry | 1848 Sep 8 | Mount Custis, Accomack County, Va. | Concerns the loss of his brother; also expresses his condolences to John Young Mason on his loss [of son Francis] |
Beale, Richard Lee Turberville | 1848 Mar 12 | Washington, D.C. | Seeking continuation of temporary employment of Julian Robins |
Beale, Richard Lee Turberville | 1849 Feb 23 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Purser Price; also concerns leave of absence for his nephew Pierce Crosby |
Beaman, Richard Henry, Dr. | 1847 Nov 24 | Suffolk, Va. | Concerns S. Drury, one of the commissioners appointed to divide land between Beaman’s wife and Thomas Applewhite, a minor; asks Mason to appoint someone to look after Applewhite’s interests; also, wants copy of survey |
Beamon, Richard Henry, Dr. | 1851 Jan 17 | Suffolk, Va. | Will be in Richmond the end of the month to see John Young Mason and desires to have the unsettled business between them closed |
Beck, Morris B., Dr. | 1847 Apr 10 | Fredericksburg, Va. | Requests that someone else take his place as doctor on board the USS Union as he wants to stay with his new wife; verso shows letter referred to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery; bears note of Thomas Harris advising no change in orders |
Belsches, James H. | 1845 Feb 22 | Prince George County, Va. | Reference for William G. Birchett to be appointed collector of customs at City Point, Va. |
Bernard, David Meade | 1845 Nov 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns accounts relative to Mason’s wards |
Bernhardt, E. | 1858 Feb 27 | Meiningen, Germany | Concerns Mason’s son St. George Tucker Mason and his sledding accident at school in which he broke his leg; includes his treatment by the Duke’s surgeon and updates on his condition |
Berret, James G. | 1850 Feb 3 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the Washington monument |
Biddle, James | 1847 Mar 12 | USS Columbus at Monterey, Mexico | [to Edward McCall, Lima, Peru] Concerns his voyage from New York; also concerns war with Mexico |
Biddle, Richard | 1846 Dec 22 | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Concerns orders for his brother, Com. [James] Biddle to proceed to the northwest coast |
Binford, James M. | 1845 Mar 20 | Portsmouth, Va. | [to Dr. William Collins] Concerns Tidewater, Va., politics and the slow down at the Navy Yard |
Bingham, William James | 1848 Jun 8 | “The Oaks,” Orange County, N.C. | Concerns his school and a place for Joe (probably Joseph Mason, John Y. Mason’s ward) to board; also concerns the local post office |
Bingham, William James | 1848 Jun 9 | “The Oaks,” Orange County, N.C. | Bingham has located a place for Joseph [Mason] to board |
Bingham, William James | 1848 Oct 9 | “The Oaks,” Orange County, N.C. | Concerns whether or not Joseph Mason will be attending the next session of Bingham’s school. |
Birchett, William G. | 1845 Feb 10 | Prince George County, Va. | Concerns efforts to remove [Joshua] Poythress from his office [custom’s inspector for City Point, Va.] because of his party affiliation; asks for letter of reference to replace Poythress |
Bird, Henry D. | 1845 Apr 14 | Petersburg, Va. | President of the Petersburg & Roanoke Railroad, concerns the postmaster general holding payment for the 1st quarter until the railroad signs a new contract for carrying the mail |
Bird, Henry D. | 1845 Dec 5 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns dividends on Joseph Mason’s Petersburg Railroad stock; also concerns carrying the mail and “night running”; thoughts on extending mail service by the railroad to South Carolina; possible financing plan |
Bird, Henry D. | 1846 Aug 15 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the establishment of the Smithsonian Institution, and asks for Mason’s help to secure the position of director for his brother, Robert Montgomery Bird; also concerns a legal case between the state of NC and the Petersburg Railroad Co. |
Bird, Henry D. | 1847 May 16 | Petersburg, Va. | Putting a train at John Young Mason’s disposal |
Blackwell, Robert | 1848 Jul 17 | Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns hams and bacon sent John Young Mason, and reports on the crops and slaves at Day’s Neck |
Blackwell, Robert | 1850 Sep 12 | Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | [to Lewis E. Mason] Concerns crops at Day’s Neck and the death of “Old Boston”; letter bears a post script of Lewis concerning the price of brandy and asking whether or not to hold it until prices rise at Christmas |
Blair, John Geddes | 1844 Sep 19 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerning a promissory note from Mason held by Maj. [?] Christian |
Blair, John Geddes | 1849 Jan 2 | Farmers’ Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns John Young Mason’s financial matters |
Bland, William R. | 1845 Aug 8 | Abbeville, Va. | Received Mason’s letter of January on July 31; account against Smith never reached him |
Bland, William R. | 1845 Nov 21 | Abbeville, Va. | Financial matters |
Bland, William R. | 1850 Nov 9 | Abbeville, Va. | Concerns a judgement obtained by John Young Mason against Samuel B. Jeter in 1841 |
Bleecker, John van B. | 1847 Jan 28 | New York, N.Y. | Acceptance of commission as purser |
Bleecker, John van B. | 1848 Apr 7 | US Store-ship Relief, Pensacola Navy Yard | Concerns reassignment from his current position of purser |
Bleecker, Rosalie | 1848 Jan 28 | New York, N.Y. | Wants her husband (John van B. Bleecker) home |
Bloodgood, DeWitt | 1848 May 11 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns an editorial complimentary of John Young Mason; encloses clipping and related note of Lieut. Lynch to Mason |
Blunt, Ellen Key | 1850 Jan 1 | Cincinnati, Ohio | Concerns naming a child after Mason; January 5th addendum announces the birth of a new nephew, Francis Key Pendleton , on January 3; also speculates on what Christmas must be like in the California gold fields |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1845 Apr 4 | Sierra Leone, Africa | Concerns suppressing slavery and capturing the schooner Spitfire with “no spilt blood or opposition”; also concerns Paul Faber who runs the slave factory on the Pongo River and another slave factory about 8 miles further inland owned by a Mrs. Lightburn |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1846 Oct 3 | Baltimore, Md. | Wants to be one of the group if the President decides to have the Navy attack Tampico or Vera Cruz |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1846 Nov 6 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns shore duty for Purser George F. Cutter |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1847 Feb 25 | Norfolk, Va. | Introducing Henry T. Rolando |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1847 May 8 | US Flagship at Anton Lizardo | Expresses gratitude for Mason’s many kindnesses to his dear Ellen |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1847 Nov 18 |
| Acknowledges receipt of $40 from Mason and announces the birth of his daughter on the preceding Sunday; also concerns “Clay’s folly” and encloses article from the Baltimore Sun |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1850 Aug 31 | San Francisco, Calif. | Has been in Oregon; concerns Sec. of the Navy William Ballard Preston and Zachary Taylor (whom he did not know had died July 9), and national politics |
Blunt, Simon Fraser | 1852 Dec 21 |
| Concerns the importance of the Virginia Legislature ceding the land to the U.S. government where proposed lighthouses are to be built - enclosed printed copy of [Va.] Bill No. 677 authorizing the Governor of Virginia to cede jurisdiction over listed areas to the U.S. for building of lighthouses (not to exceed 3 acres for any one site) primarily along the James and Potomac Rivers |
Bolton, William Compton | 1844 Apr 5 |
| As president of the board appointed to establish a uniform system of accountability in the receipt and expenditure of public property on shipboard, gives Mason the recommendations of the board regarding ships’s libraries |
Bolton, William Compton | 1845 Mar 13 | USS Pennsylvania, Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Navy business and regrets at Mason’s removal from the Navy Dept.; encloses copy of his letter to William Hilt of New York (port captain) with whom there had been conflict |
Bolton, William Compton | 1845 Aug 13 | Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, Va. | Concerns the death of his secretary, leaving a vacancy |
Bolton, William Compton | 1846 Oct 5 | New York, N.Y. | Congratulations on Mason’s re-appointment as Sec. of the Navy; also concerns the illness of his father-in-law and his own health; desires land duty |
Bolton, William Compton | 1847 Nov 29 | USS Jamestown, Monrovia | Suggests making a consular appointment for Monrovia to act as a liaison with the government as well as to authenticate vessel documents; appointed person could also serve as Navy agent or storekeeper at the Navy’s Depot in Monrovia (current storekeeper is Gen. Lewis, a man of colour, a citizen of Monrovia; believes position should be held by “one of our countrymen”) |
Bolton, William Compton | 1848 Feb 9 | USS Jamestown, off Lagos [Nigeria] | Wishes to be relieved of his present command early and sent to the Mediterranean; would like his relief ship to give Mrs.. Bolton and her “female attendant” passage to join him |
Bolton, William Compton | 1848 Feb 20 | USS Jamestown, West Bay, Prince’s Island | Encloses copy of a “semi-official” letter left here for Sir Charles Hotham (Captain of the British Steamer, Penelope, Royal Navy) |
Bolton, William Compton | 1848 Mar 20 | USS Jamestown, Monrovia Roads | Sending canes made of sassy wood for Mason and the President; relates how a brew made from sassy wood was used to determine guilt or innocense in portions of Africa; also sends samples of coffee and straw bags from Monrovia and Prince’s Island; encloses letter from Mrs. Bolton |
Bolton, William Compton | 1848 May 29 | Madeira, Portugal | Sending “best Madeira that could be obtained on this island” as a present (cask that will yield about 70 bottles) |
Booth, Edwin Gilliam | 1844 Jun 19 | Morgansville, Va. [now W. Va.] | Concerns his banking career and the problems that occurred under its new ownership after he sold the bank |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1844 Nov 10 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the Brooklyn Navy Yard and complaints about Navy agents |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1844 Nov 12 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns complaints about Navy agents; wants competitive bidding for contracts |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1844 Nov 13 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the payment of duties on imported items |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1845 Mar 10 | New York, N. Y. | Denies knowledge of letter of [?] Benson that appeared in the Courier & Enquirer |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1845 Jul 31 | New York, N.Y. | Asks Mason to advise Purser Charles O. Handy who has lost his commission (or honor); Mr. Bancroft has “treated him with most unnecessary harshness and severity” |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1845 Dec 10 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns orders for Purser [Joseph N.] Terry; also concerns the President’s message |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1846 Jun 12 | New York, N.Y. | Lost his business; needs something to support his large family |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1846 Dec 18 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the purchase of the steamer Bangor and Com. Morris |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1847 Mar 9 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns politics and floating vs. sectional docks |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1847 Mar 20 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a money-making scheme for the Navy Dept. and the U.S. government; engines; sectional v. balance docks; and a Navy contract for cheese and butter |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1847 May 7 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the purchase of engines |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1847 Jul 1 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns inventors, patents, and dock construction for the Navy; also has a post script addressed to John Young Mason as acting Secretary of State concerning the appointment of Vanbrugh Livingston as consul to Havre |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1847 Nov 9 | New York, N.Y. | Soliciting an appointment as a midshipman from New York for the son of Schuyler Livingston; New York politics; the Wilmot Proviso; and floating docks on the west coast |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1847 Dec 2 | New York, N.Y. | Relating his solution to the dock controversy |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1848 Jul 1 | [Washington, D.C.] | Detained by his ill wife; concerns Oregon; transportation of goods to the Pacific coast; allegations of concealment and fraud; asks Mason to submit the matter to the Attorney General |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1848 Aug 3 | New York, N.Y. | Encloses Mr. [A. G. ] Benson’s proposition concerning Oregon (wanting) for Mason’s consideration and will return for his decision on Monday next |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1848 Aug 15 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a pending opinion of the Attorney General concerning Oregon and A.G. Benson & Co. |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1848 Sep 8 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns [A. G.] Benson, [Sec. of State Daniel] Webster, Attorney General Isaac Toucey, and an un-named legal case [likely a conflict with F. Barreda & Brother of Baltimore, Md.] |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1848 Sep 25 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns mail service connecting the East Coast and Pacific coast services |
Botts, Alexander L. | 1849 Jan 29 |
| Concerns the desire of Townsend Harris, of New York, to become collector of customs in California |
Botts, Charles T. | 1845 Sep 20 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns information on Indian corn for the emperor of Russia |
Botts, Charles T. | 1848 Oct 17 | Monterey, Mexico | Letter of introduction for Lieut. Joseph Sanman, collector of the port |
Boykin, Emily Ann (Mason) | 1844 Oct 29 | Ferry Point, Va. | Concerns family news and requests Mason to forward a letter to her husband, Dr. Robert Marshall Boykin |
Boykin, Emily Ann (Mason) | 1849 Sep 7 | Portsmouth, Va. (Not postmarked until Oct. 8) | Concerns Mason’s financial matters - also concerns Dr. Young and much family news. |
Boykin, Francis Marshall | 1846 Mar 5 | Isle of Wight County, Va. | Write in support of Dr. Robert Butler’s appointment as Collector in Norfolk |
Boykin, Francis Marshall | 1846 Jul 29 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns the possible appointment of Shimuel Godwin at Old Point |
Boykin, Francis Marshall | 1848 Dec 1 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns Mason’s return to Virginia and the election of a governor |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1844 Oct 21 | Ferry Point, Va. | Mason’s brother-in-law, asking Mason to endorse a note for Robert Young |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Jul 24 |
| Mostly illegible. Gen. Crump’s son embraced religion at a camp meeting last summer and has been very pious every since; drought |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Aug 21 | Ferry Point, Va. | Concerns clearing his debts, the purchase of a farm, and Robert’s illness |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Sep 6 | Ferry Point, Va. | Concerns his debts |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Sep 26 | Ferry Point, Va. | Concerns the payment of his debts |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Oct 9 | Portsmouth, Va. | Financial matters |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Oct 26 | Ferry Point, Va. | John Young Mason’s father is with them accompanied by Robert Mallory; expecting to take Emily home with him, but she will go for a visit after Christmas (partially illegible) |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Nov 21 | Wooster, N.Y. | Financial matters, including sale of some slaves; Robert is progressing nicely in his studies |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1845 Dec 29 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns letters to and from wife Emily (Mason’s sister); his letters not reaching her |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1846 Oct 13 | Chuckatuck, Va. | Not able to sell his brandy in time to make a payment on his note at the Virginia Bank; financial matters - Emily has become dissatisfied with the neighborhood |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1846 Dec 5 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns crops, oysters, hogs, and family |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1847 Mar 20 | Chuckatuck, Va. | Concerns financial matters including a debt and sale of land ; news of family members in Tidewate; and national politics |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1847 Aug 22 | Chuckatuck, Va. | Concerns local agricultural conditions, politics |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Feb 23 | Portsmouth, Va. | Has moved to Portsmouth to practice medicine; Emily (Mason’s sister) will join him as soon as he gets a house; also concerns a note that has been protested; and a mule to be sold in Suffolk |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Jun 19 | Portsmouth, Va. | Financial matters ; the Naval surgeons of the area ; clerk in the commodore’s office not well; Mr. Blow (a Democrat) will apply for his position when vacant wife Emily and son Rob are well |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Jul 11 | Portsmouth, Va. | Speaking out against the potential appointment of a Whig and asking Mason to exercise his influence to prevent it |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Aug 19 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns the “extreme illness” of Mason’s son, Frank; also concerns Mason taking umbrage at Boykin’s soliciting appointments for his Democratic friends |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Sep 4 | Portsmouth, Va. | Letter of reference for Mr. [?] Parish |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Sep 23 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters he is taking care of for Mason |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Sep 26 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters he is tending to for Mason |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Dec 14 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns the gubernatorial election; decided not to enter Mason’s name as there is “larger game for you”; also concerns the steamer Fulton |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1848 Dec 18 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns the Portsmouth Savings Fund Society and financial matters ; also concerns the steamer Fulton and her present condition |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1849 Apr 22 | Portsmouth, Va. | Has not been able to tend to Mason’s financial business these because of a “run on the bank”; also concerns local politics |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1850 Jun 22 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters and family news |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1850 Sep 7 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters and family news |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1850 Oct 10 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns a note |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1851 Jun 28 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1851 Jul 9 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters and the sale of “Ferry Point” |
Boykin, Robert Marshall | 1852 Nov 3 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters involving Boykin and Dr. Merritt; also concerns possible appointment [of Mason?] to Pierce’s cabinet |
Boyle, John M. C. | 1846 Nov 27 | Plymouth | [to Charles F. Osborne] Sent to Mason by Osborne who referred it to the Bureau of Construction (bears notes of John Young Mason on verso); concerns contracts for boat building supplies (primarily mentions cypress) |
Boyles, William D. | 1845 Jul 20 | New Orleans, La. | Remote possibility he will see Mason in the fall; is serving as a reluctant candidate for Congress; also concerns Louisiana politics |
Bradley, Joseph Habersham | 1845 Apr 24 |
| Enquires about a precedent set in a Naval case in which a sailor was detained past his enlistment time, received corporal punishment, and subsequently brought suit |
Bragg, John | 1845 Feb 15 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the estate of Joseph Mason |
Bragg, [John], Hon., 1806-1878 | 1845 Dec 12 | Mobile, Ala. | Checked out a most desirable plantation in Greene County while riding circuit; should go on market in February; also concerns national politics and Oregon |
Bragg, Joseph | 1845 Jul 5 | Bank of Virginia, Petersburg | Acknowledges the receipt of $1300; health of George W. Stainback, cashier at the bank |
Bragg, Joseph | 1845 Nov 8 | Bank of Virginia, Petersburg | Concerns one of Mason’s notes |
Bragg, Thomas, Jr. | 1846 Oct 20 | Jackson, [?] | Concerning his brother, Capt. B. Bragg, who was removed from the command of the “Army of Occupation” and sent back to Charleston, S.C., despite his honorable conduct in the Battle of Monterey |
Bramen, Richard A. | 1849 May 20 | Suffolk, Va. | Concerns financial matters; wants $400 now and the remainder at Mason’s convenience |
Bramen, Richard A. | 1849 Jun 24 | Suffolk, Va. | Concerns money owed to Bramen by Mason; cholera outbreak more severe with servants; 15 or 20 deaths in his neighborhood |
Bramill, D. H. | 1845 Feb 11 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the appointment of Mr. [?] White as consul to Liverpool and the propriety of John Young Mason presenting Bramill as a candidate of [?] should a vacancy occur |
Branch, David Henry | 1845 Apr 7 | New Orleans, La. | Concerns his application to the president for a cabinet post |
Branch, David Henry | 1845 Aug 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Inquires concerning Havana and Havre |
Branch, David Henry | 1848 Aug 26 | Washington, D.C. | Has been offered the position of Consul General to Alexandria, Egypt; feels that he might like the governorship of Oregon better; asks Mason’s guidance |
Branch, David Henry | 1848 Aug 29 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the consulate at Tripoli, the governorship at Oregon, and asking advice on a business proposition concerning the United States Hotel in Washington run by Maj. Scott |
Branch, David Henry | 1848 Sep 06 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the United States Hotel in Washington, D.C. |
Branch, Jordan | 1847 Apr 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a note dated 1826 of John Young Mason found among the effects of Dr. T. F. Gilliam; bears account with 21 years interest |
Breese, Samuel L. | 1847 Mar 29 | USS Albany, Vera Cruz | Concerns, in part, the surrender of Vera Cruz |
Breese, Sidney | 1848 Aug 10 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Breese’s son, Joseph, who is being deployed to the Pacific; wants him re-assigned |
Breese, Sidney | 1848 Aug 14 | Washington, D.C. | Asks Mason to read something and then pass it on to Com. Jones |
Bridges, S. A. | 1848 Sep 19 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns midshipman George D. Hand, of Allentown, Pa., who desires an extension of his leave |
Briscoe, John H. | 1849 Feb 15 | Baltimore, Md. | Letter of introduction for William P. Preston, distinguished member of the Baltimore Bar |
Brocket, William | 1848 Feb 4 | Portsmouth, Va. | Capt. Johnson refused to allow him to examine the records concerning the election of Mr. Atkinson; work at present was given “to catch votes” |
Broome, James | 1845-03-03 | Washington, D.C. | Expresses regret at Mason’s leaving the Navy Department and expresses his thanks for everything he has done for him and his family |
Brown, Elizabeth | 1845 Apr 12 | Greensville County, Va./Pleasant Hill, N.C. | Concerns her financial problems and losing her property - wants the president to bail her out |
Brown, J. Mills | 1845 Feb 5 | Bird’s Nest, Putnam County, N.Y. | Concerns his work, “Improved Navigation,” and a report on it sent Mason by Lieut. Maury |
Brown, James | 1846 Dec 15 | Helena, Ark. | Concerns a trip with Mason’s son in search of land to purchase for Mason; settled on 650.7 acres below Helena, Ark., on the Mississippi River, purchased from Col. Carroll; includes 70'x40' cotton gin cotton, house, new mill, slave quarters, overseer’s house, nearly all land tillable; also includes timber and a levee; first $4000 due in 15 days (verso shows Mason’s memo concerning payments) |
Brown, James | 1847 May 7 | Oxford, Miss. | Concerns locating a cotton plantation for John Young Mason |
Browne, Orris A. | 1845 Jul 19 | Key West, Fla. | Describes his tedious 10-day trip from Charleston; still feels the motion of the vessel; asks to have his mail forwarded |
Browne, Orris A. | 1845 Jul 25 | Key West, Fla. | Description of area; greatest annoyance is the mosquitoes; convinced that [David] Levy will use his influence against him; old friend, Dr. Peachy, is in charge of the Marine Hospital there; has not made formal application for the collectorship; wants to bring out as many slaves as possible next winter, as they can earn $2/day on the wharves; $30/mo. at the fort |
Browne, Orris A. | 1845 Jul 29 | Key West, Fla. | Concerns the collectorship, [?] Mallory, and [?] Gordon |
Browne, Orris A. | 1845 Sep 25 | Hicksford, Va. | Letters from Joe will remain confidential until told otherwise by John Young Mason ; conversations with the President concerning [David] Levy; thinks the President should read Joe’s letter ; also concerns the appointment of the agent at Live Oaks. Fla. |
Browne, Orris A. | 1845 Oct 21 | Hicksford, Va. | Expresses gratitude but declines Mason’s offer of use of Fortsville; visit to Key West; also concerns Rochelle, Birchett, Westcott, & presidential appointments in Florida |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1845 Oct 11 | Raleigh, N.C. | Concerns a position for Robert Gibbons as a coiner in the mint at Charlotte; encloses letters of reference from B. Silliman of Yale College and A. Alexander Doak, president of Washington College; also encloses letter, 1845 Sept. 25, of J. H. Gibbons of the Charlotte Mint, to Bryan asking Bryan to ask Mason for aid in getting the appointment |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1846 Oct 31 | New Bern, N.C. | Concerns his brother James W. Bryan |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1846 Nov 27 | Raleigh, N.C. | Concerns an appointment as West Point Chaplain for the Rev. F. Hubbard of New Bern |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1847 May 6 | New Bern, N.C. | Concerns travel plans for his daughter and Mason’s daughter, and the promotion of Frank [Bryan] |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1848 Jun 29 | Raleigh, N.C. | Turned the legal matter sent by Mason over to John W. Norwood who, unlike Bryan, practices in the circuit court |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1848 Jul 29 | Raleigh, N.C. | Letter of introduction for Lieut.[?] Roberts, USN, of New Berne, N.C. |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1849 Feb 9 | Raleigh, N.C. | Appreciated Mason’s “parental attention” to Frank; his work in Corpus Christi; inquires about Mason’s plans for the coming summer |
Bryan, John Heritage | 1849 Jun 15 | Raleigh, N.C. | Concerns John W. Norwood’s letter of June 14; also concerns Mason’s new position |
Bryan, William S. | 1847 Jan 5 | Elizabeth City, N.C. | Introduces himself as the son of John H. Bryan of Raleigh, N.C.; seeking a commission in one of the new regiments being formed; prefers the dragoons |
Buchanan, Edward B. | 1853 Sep 27 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Mason’s appointment to France and applying as his secretary |
Buchanan, Frank | 1850 Feb 4 | Easton, Md. | [to E. A. Williams, Richmond, Va.] oncerns the dismissal of William H. Kennon, purser on the Mississippi |
Buchanan, James M. | 1845 Jul 15 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns cigars sent to Mason |
Buchanan, James M. | 1845 Jul 16 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns the opinion of Chief Justice [?] in regards to the U.S. Post Office |
Buchanan, James M. | 1845 Jul 21 | Baltimore, Md. | Appointed Dr. Briscoe’s nephew to a clerkship in the post office |
Buchanan, James M. | 1845 Oct 22 | Baltimore | Concerns Joseph Pennington |
Burke, Edmund | 1845 Nov 7 | Commissioner, Patent Office | Concerns his views on a proposed plan to unite the patent office with that of the attorney general |
Burke, Edmund | 1845 Dec 1 | U.S. Patent Office | Asks for a legal opinion on who can sign patents in the absence of the commissioners - letter, 1845 Nov. 28, attached of B. R. Curtis of Boston stating the particulars of a case in the circuit court at Boston |
Burwell, William M. | 1848 Jan 6 | Virginia House of Delegates, Richmond | Concerns the Lynchburg & Tennessee Railroad, the importance of Norfolk as a port, transportation, and consumption of Virginia produce, the survey of the coast, and the need of a state map of Virginia |
Burwell, William M. | 1851 Mar 17 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns [?] Thompson’s application currently before the legislature |
Burwell, William M. | 1853 Apr 9 | Washington, D.C. | Urges Mason to go see William L. Marcy; Burwell is having difficulty in gaining access to him |
Butler, Andrew Pickens | 1848 Dec 11 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns an unnamed young man who “went too far in his frolic” and found himself in a difficult position |
Butler, B. F. | 1845 Dec 17 | New York, N.Y. | Enclosing a brief (wanting) for argument in the case of Hoyt v. Rankin & others; newspaper reports concerning J. Van Buren |
Butler, Robert | 1844 Sep 23 | Smithfield, Va. | Seeking a second government appointment in addition to the one he currently holds |
Butler, Robert | 1844 Nov 07 | Smithfield, Va. | Asks for a government appointment |
Butler, Robert | 1845 Nov 18 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the removal of Mr. Whittle, Collector of the District of Norfolk and Portsmouth; would like to be appointed himself |
Butler, Robert | 1847 Jan 27 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns his son Bracken’s application as regimental surgeon; also concerns politics and Mason’s hogs/hams |
Butler, William S. | 1845 Nov 13 | Millikin’s Bend, La. | Offers to sell Mason a tract of land in Louisiana complete with farm animals |
Buttemann, John H. | 1849 May 5 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns financial matters |
Buttemann, John H. | 1849 May 14 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a financial matter |
Butterworth, Samuel F. | 1848 Sep 26 | New York, N.Y. | Financial matters |
Butts, Augustine C. | 1845 Aug 22 | Hicksford, Va. | Encloses his note for $1,000 to be endorsed and returned by Mason; reports on the health of those on Mason’s farm and his good crops; reports on the health of his own family and comments on the lack of work for local lawyers |
Butts, Augustine C. | 1845 Dec 2 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns his financial problems; asks Mason for money; also concerns an outbreak of erysipelas and lists those mutual friends and acquaintances who are ill or have died, or who are so ill they are expected to die |
Byrd, Richard E. | 1845 May 5 | Winchester, Va. | Concerns a letter he received from Mason and tells Mason he will be coming to D.C. in a few days on business |
Cabaniss, Charles J. | 1845 Jan 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns sale of property belonging to the children of Joseph Mason, John Young Mason’s wards |
Cabaniss, Charles J. | 1845 Nov 6 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the legal requirements for the sale of real estate belonging to Mason’s wards, the orphans of Joseph Mason |
Cabaniss, Charles J. | 1845 Nov 22 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the sale of property in Petersburg for John Young Mason |
Cabaniss, Charles J. | 1846 Sep 30 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a power of attorney and bonds given in the purchase of property from Francis Everod Rives by Joseph Mason, deceased, and Joseph Mason’s estate |
Cabaniss, Charles J. | 1846 Sep 30 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the estate of Joseph Mason |
Cabaniss, Charles J. | 1846 Nov 13 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a power of attorney allowing Capt. Rives to receive from the court purchase bonds concerning a lot in Petersburg and land in Sussex County belonging to the estate of Joseph Mason |
Cabaniss, Charles J. | 1846 Dec 18 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a power of attorney |
Cabell, Joseph C. | 1849 Dec 16 |
| Concerns the proposed Covington & Ohio Railway |
Cabell, Joseph C. | 1850 Jan 21 | Warminster, Va. | Concerns the wording of a motion to be made in the legislature - also concerns [?] Segar and Maj. Gwynn |
Cabell, Joseph C. | 1852 Jul 21 | Warminster, Va. | Concerns the sale of University of Virginia bonds |
Cabell, Joseph C. | 1852 Aug 9 | Warminster, Va. | Concerns the resignation of Dr. Rogers and calling for a meeting of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors on September 20, 1852 |
Cabell, Joseph C. | 1852 Sep 1 | Warminster, Va. | Concerns the sale of university bonds; enclosed letter of Philip St. George Cocke (wanting - see post script) |
Cadwalader, John | 1845 Dec 25 (1) | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns briefs for a Supreme Court case |
Cadwalader, John | 1845 Dec 25 (2) | Philadelphia, Pa. | More concerning briefs and other information in earlier mail; will open the arguments in court for John Young Mason if he is in Washington by Wednesday |
Cadwallader, John | 1846 Oct 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns John Young Mason’s refusal to appoint [?] Ingrahm to the Naval Academy |
Cadwallader, John | 1846 Nov 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Desires his brother, Gen. George Cadwallader, be appointed Brigadier General for service during the present war |
Calhoun, J. E. | 1846 Oct 28 | Pendleton, S.C. | Served as a rifleman in the War of 1812, now wishes to serve in either the army or navy; also concerns his son Ranson, a cadet at West Point, and his daughter Martha |
Campbell, Robert Blair | 1845 May 3 | Havana, Cuba | Seeks appointment as a midshipman for his son Lucius, “great grandson of Richard H. Lee on his mother’s side” |
Caperton, Allen Taylor | 1852 Sep 17 |
| Concerns Beverley Tucker and money |
Caperton, Allen Taylor | 1852 Dec 22 |
| Concerns Beverley Tucker and money |
Carmichael, Edward H., Dr. | 1847 Feb 13 | Richmond, Va. | Examined Mason’s slave Henry, who is epileptic; if sent to Mason’s place in Southampton County, Va., Carmichael would give his manager directions on his management and care; or Mason could leave Henry with him |
Carmichael, Edward H., Dr. | 1847 Mar 30 | Richmond, Va. | Henry progressing toward a permanent cure - wants to see his family |
Carmichael, Edward H., Dr. | 1847 Jun 27 | Richmond, Va. | [to the Mayor of Georgetown, Washington, D.C.] Informs the authorities that one of John Young Mason’s slaves in Carmichael’s care was “lurking about your city”; wants him apprehended and returned |
Carpender, Edward William | 1845 Nov 15 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns a proposed increase in naval forces; also steam-powered naval vessels; and the Naval Academy |
Carpender, Edward William | 1846 Nov 3 | Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns [Foster] Rhodes of the Navy Yard who seeks a leave of absence to return home where he expects to have surgery; doubts are entertained of his recovery |
Carpender, Edward William | 1847 Jan 21 | Norfolk, Va. | W. Tazewell Taylor is coming; wants him to see the records of the court of enquiry; specifically regarding the testimony of Hunter and Bankhead |
Carpender, Edward William | 1847 Nov 12 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerning acquiring transport for himself, troops, and their provisions in Mexico; also expresses his views on US/Mexican relations |
Carpender, Edward William | 1848 Apr 5 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his new assignment and whether he has time to see his relatives in New York |
Carpender, Edward William | 1848 Apr 12 |
| Going to New York to see about his sister |
Carpender, Edward William | 1848 Jul 6 | USS Iris, Campeche, Mexico | Makes observations about the climate, the many people visiting aboard ship, and the distribution of small arms |
Carpender, Edward William | 1848 Jul 18 | USS Iris, Campeche, Mexico | Discusses the situation on the Yucatan Peninsula; Dr. W. Kinney thinks a massacre is “at hand” of the insurgent Mayan Indians; arms began to pour in yesterday from Vera Cruz |
Carpender, Edward William | 1848 Jul 25 | USS Iris, Campeche, Mexico | Four “whites” killed by “Indians”; many “whites” have fled to Cozumel for safety; two skirmishes between troops and “Indians” within 50 miles l much plunder and bloodshed; English vessels trading with the Indians |
Carpender, Edward William | 1848 Dec 1 | USS Iris, Norfolk | Sending a barrel of whiskey to him from Capt. [?] of the USS Saratoga; congratulates him on the birth of another son, St. George Tucker Mason |
Carpender, Edward William | 1848 Dec 30 | USS Iris, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns assistance of Mr.[?] Dunn in settling accounts and paying the crew |
Carpender, Edward William | 1849 Mar 1 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a statement from the auditor and reporting to the Secretary |
Carr, James L. | 1852 Nov 11 | Kanawha Court House, Va. [now W. Va.] | Asks Mason to use his influence with the incoming administration regarding his brother’s (George W. Carr’s) application for U.S. Marshal for the Western District of Virginia |
Carrington, W. A. | 1846 May 5 | Farmville, Va. | Concerns his place in the list of commissions ; wants to know the possibility/probability of getting a surgeon’s commission in the army if he doesn’t make the cut in the navy |
Carson, James H. | 1847 Mar 5 | Virginia House of Delegates, Richmond | Concerns William E. Byrd of Winchester; desires appointment to West Point |
Carson, James H. | 1848 May 18 | Winchester, Va. | [to D. H. Wood] Seeking Wood’s help in obtaining the appointment as District Attorney for the Western District of Virginia |
Carson, James H. | 1848 May 18 | Winchester, Va. | Seeking Masons’s help in obtaining the appointment as District Attorney for the Western District of Virginia |
Caskie, John S. | 1845 Sep 14 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Capt. Nicholson who was incarcerated in the Henrico jail for smuggling; asks for the President’s intervention |
Caskie, John S. | 1845 Sep 27 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Capt. [?] Nicholson’s case and the payment of associated fees |
Cass, Lewis | 1847 Jan 31 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns lack of a purser from Michigan |
Cass, Lewis | 1848 Oct 8 | Detroit, Mich. | Concerns the upcoming elections |
Catron, John | 1845 Dec 5 |
| Concerns legal precedents, including reversals of jury decisions |
Chambliss, John Randolph | 1844 Mar 29 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns the estate of Richard Mason, national politics, and local events. |
Chambliss, John Randolph | 1846 Jul 30 | Hicksford, Va. | Requests a copy of the Mississippi law of distribution of estates; also comments on his own ill health |
Chambliss, John Randolph | 1848 Oct 11 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns payments to the guardian of Mrs. Gray |
Chambliss, John Randolph | 1849 Aug 29 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns an un-named estate for which Mason is surity |
Chandler, William | 1848 Jul 14 | the Delaware Gazette Office | Soliciting John Young Mason’s business |
Chapman, Ed | 1847 Jun 29 | Navy Dept. | Expresses his desire to remain in his current position rather than receive the appointment to the position vacated by the promotion of [?] Moran |
Chase, Charles, Dr. | 1848 Jun 16 | Navy Dept. | [from Mason to Dr. Chase] Concerns Capt. Storer’s refusal to grant leave |
Chase, William H. | 1845 Jul 9 | Chasefield, near Pensacola, Fla. | Concerns his desire for the re-appointment of Col. Jackson Morton as Naval agent in Pensacola |
Chesapeake Bank | 1846 Jan 3 | Baltimore, Md | Financial matters; returns John Young Mason’s note for $2000 (revenue stamp wanting); replaces with note dated Washington, which does not require stamp, for Mason to sign |
Childress, Thomas B. | 1847 Nov 5 | US Steamer Alleghany, Norfolk, Va. | Desires to trade his midshipman’s warrant for a lieutenancy in the Marines ; wishes to go to the Mediterranean or be assigned to a navy yard |
Christian, Edmund | 1845 Mar 11 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns John Young Mason’s note which he deposited in the Farmers’ Bank |
Circuit Court, Washington, D.C. | 1844 Sep 12 |
| Concerns registration of Mason’s slaves currently living in Washington, and payment of registration tax |
Citizens of Fayetteville, N.C. | 1847 May 17 |
| (Imperfect) Enclosing a list of resolutions (wanting; concerning [?]) and requesting Mason’s compliance; bears 11 signatures |
Citizens of the Town of Fredericksburg, Va. | 1847 Mar 25 |
| Extending an invitation to stop in Fredericksburg on the way to North Carolina, or on Mason’s return trip to Washington, and partake of dinner to be given by the citizens ; bears names of 15 committee members |
Claggett, Thomas H. | 1845 Apr 9 | Leesburg, Va. | Wants help in locating some correspondence to the president; Stevens T. Mason; and a mission to Bogota |
Claggett, Thomas H. | 1845 Apr 18 | Washington, D.C. | Asks Mason to deliver a letter from George C. Dromgoole to the president; also enquires about the “charge” at Bogota |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1844 Jun 18 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns financial matters, his illness, and a report on crops at Fortsville |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1845 Apr 27 | Hicksford, Va. | Local news and an epidemic of “black tongue” |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1845 May 15 | Hicksford, Va. | Local news and an epidemic of “black tongue” |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1846 Feb 19 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns payment of money he owes Mason - also asks legal questions concerning the estate of George Collier, d. 1817, specifically the portion left to his daughter Betsy |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1846 Dec 24 | Hicksford, Va. | Wishes to raise a cavalry company from Southampton County, Va., to fight in the war with Mexico |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1848 Apr 3 | Hicksford, Va. | Reporting to Mason on the crops and slaves on Mason’s plantation there |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1848 Dec 06 | Hicksford, Va. | Encloses a land warrant for Mason to sell for William H. James; also relays his plans to meet his debt to Mason |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1849 Aug 13 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns depositions; also concerns B. D. Cogbill, Washington L. Riddick, Frances M. (Blunt) Riddick, and Mary Blunt |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1851 Oct 14 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns an account of Mason’s father with John D. Maclin; also seeking access to a copy of the Code of Louisiana laws |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1852 May 29 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns money left to his wife by Mrs. Charlotte Gholson; also concerns his and his mother’s slaves, including three “breeding” women, his father’s slaves (numbering over 100), and his several thousand acres in Texas; lists all his other assets |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1852 Jun 18 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters ; continuation of May 29th letter; power of attorney for John Young Mason; a box of music for “Bet” (Mason’s daughter Elizabeth Harris Mason) |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1852 Aug 1 |
| Concerns payments on a note |
Claiborne, David Augustine | 1852 Aug 15 | Hicksford, Va. | Financial note for $190 with John Young Mason |
[Claiborne], John | 1847 May 7 | New Orleans, La. | Understand that Capt. Samuel Breese, USS Albany, desires to return home; points out to Mason that this provides a good opportunity to “carry out your friendly intentions towards my brother” |
Claiborne, John | 1847 Jul 5 | New Orleans, La. | Concerns land claims and cutting timber |
Claude, E. B. | 1845 Apr 4 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns note of Thomas B. Williamson to John Young Mason; mentions yesterday’s rain, to little, too late? |
Clayton, Philip | 1849 May 10 | 2nd Auditor, Treasury Dept., Washington, D.C. | Concerns the estate of William Alexander Spark and reconciliation of his accounts |
Clayton, Philip | 1849 May 16 | 2nd Auditor, Treasury Dept. | Concerns his obtaining the necessary receipt in order to close the books on William Alexander Spark |
Clifford, Nathan | 1847 Jul 8 |
| [from Mason to Clifford] Asks for a legal opinion concerning his authority to enter into a contract for dock construction (1st draft attached) |
Clinton, Thomas G. | 1845 Mar 8 |
| Proposes building a canal through Central America to connect with the Pacific Ocean |
Clinton, Thomas G. | 1845 Apr 25 | Washington, D.C. | Encloses a letter he received from “Mr. Burk” concerning, in part, John Young Mason (wanting); also concerns his plans for a steam engine furnace, a prototype being made, and wants his aid in arranging testing |
Clinton, Thomas G. | 1846 May 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Walker DeLacy and President Polk |
Clinton, Thomas G. | 1848 Mar 13 | Washington, D.C. | Seeks position as Principal Examiner in the Scientific Corps of the Patent Office |
Cobb, W. W. | 1846 May 4 | Roanoke, N.C. | Relocated to practice law; has applied for license but needs certificate of good moral character from a lawyer in good standing; asks John Young Mason for this to be sent to the judges of the Supreme Court [of N.C.], who meet next June 1 |
Cobb, W. W. | 1846 May 22 | Roanoke, N.C. | Concerns debt due Mason from the estate of Burwell Williams |
Cocke, Stephen | 1845 Nov 29 | Jackson, Miss. | Concerns a current legal case, U.S. v. surities of G.D. Boyd |
Coddington, David S. | 1846 Nov 30 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns William Henry Vesey’s appointment as U.S. Consul to Antwerp, Belgium |
Coke, Richard | 1845 Sep 3 | Belle Farm, Gloucester County, Va. | Seeking a loan of $10,000 not to be recalled within 5 years - also concerns the removal of Collier Harrison Minge as customs agent. |
Coke, Richard | 1845 Sep 6 | Belle Farm, Gloucester County, Va. | More about Mason’s assistance in obtaining a loan (See 9/3/45) |
Cole, S. L. | 1848 Jan 13 | Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. | Complaints concerning a clerk named Patrick |
Coleman, Frederick William | 1845 Feb 12 | Concord Academy, [Caroline County, Va.] | Concerns [?] Norment and his family |
Coleman, Frederick William | 1849 Jul 11 | Concord Academy, [Caroline County, Va.] | Questions concerning duel positions, i.e., mail contractor and Commonwealth’s Attorney |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1845 Feb 14 | Petersburg, Va. | Recommends William G. Birchett as inspector at City Point |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1845 Feb 18 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns his previous letter of recommendation for William G. Birchett |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1845 May 26 | Petersburg, Va. | Office seeker ; tells Mason he has written the president and used him as a reference |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1845 Jun 13 | Petersburg, Va. | Tells Mason he misinterpreted Collier’s previous letter; also, concerns Thomas E. Blunt, a post office applicant, and financial matters |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1845 Aug 30 | Petersburg, Va. | Encloses newspaper showing article by Collier and letters written by John Young Mason and William C. Rives, forwarded with note by Mary Ann Mason concerning Jordan Turner and fowls |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1846 Jan 9 | Petersburg, Va. | Concurs with William Shands on the military appointment of Algernon Batte |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1846 Feb 7 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the administration of Thomas Mason’s estate |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1846 Nov 11 | Petersburg, Va. | Financial matters |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1851 Mar 18 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the dissolution of the firm of A. W. Camp & Co. |
Collier, Robert Ruffin | 1852 Nov 23 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the deed for a Nashville lot |
Collins, Edward | 1848 Nov 13 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns docks to accommodate British steamships; encloses newspaper clippings, one concerning English customs house inspectors planting items on board ships, and the other concerning the Collins line building ships to run between New York and Liverpool |
Collins, William | 1848 Dec 9 | Norfolk County, Va. | Copy of legal document concerning William and Fanny Collins and the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road |
Colquitt, Walter T. | 1846 Dec 23 | Senator | Concerns his fee for “professional services” |
Colton, Walter | 1848 Oct 17 | Chaplain, USN, Monterey | Concerns gold mines; has finished project and is anxious to get home |
Conner, David | 1848 May 17 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns an appointment recommended by Conner that Mason made - also concerns Conner’s health |
Conner, David | 1846 Nov 29 |
| [from Mason to Conner] Concerns Commander Conner, Commander Perry, General Scott, the President, and plans for an all out attack on Veracruz |
Connolly, Owen | 1845 Jun 16 |
| Asks Mason to give eulogy for Andrew Jackson at a memorial |
Conway, Eustace | 1845 Apr 26 | Fredericksburg, Va. | Enclosing letter of Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter |
Conway, Eustace | 1845 Jul 23 | White Sulphur Springs, [Va.] | Concerns Dr. Conway of Florida |
Conway, V. Y. | 1846 Dec 7 | Louisville, Ky. | Concerns a pension for daughter-in-law (son Edwin H. Conway was lost on the USS Grampus in 1843) |
Cooke, Thomas J. | 1846 Feb 7 | Charlottesville, Va. | Legal questions concerning the death of a “joint contractor” including distribution of profits |
Cooke, Thomas J. | 1846 Feb 19 | Charlottesville, Va. | Concerns a letter written to John Young Mason on Feb. 6 asking for his legal opinion on post office department matters; includes additional question concerning death of a partner under contract to the U.S.P.O. |
Cooke, William Mordecai | 1847 Oct 19 | St. Louis, Mo. | Desires Mason write a letter to the U.S. Consul at Amsterdam concerning a legal case involving Cooke’s Dutch client |
Cooper, J. H. | 1845 Jul 18 | Hicksford, Va. | Questions concerning pay; reports all of Mason’s people are well |
Craven, Tunis | 1845 Jun 2 |
| Expresses regret concerning the injustice that has been done to Mason’s son by Commodore Biddle and Captain Paulding |
Craven, Tunis | 1845 Jun 10 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | [?] and his friends, having “failed to make a favorable impression on Mr. Bancroft,” plan to “operate directly on the President”; asks John Young Mason to intercede |
Craven, Tunis | 1845 Sep 20 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Offers to send packages or letters to Mason’s son, Purser Mason, to Canton on board the ship Great Britain |
Craven, Tunis | 1845 Nov 6 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Concerns rumors that the President has promised his job to someone else |
Craven, Tunis | 1845 Nov 25 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | List of items, including butter, being sent by ship to John Young Mason |
Craven, Tunis | 1846 Jan 2 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Concerns the barque USS Candace sailing to Canton by way of Rio de Janeiro and offers to have the captain take any letters from Mason to his son |
Craven, Tunis | 1846 Mar 10 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Concerns two ships sailing to Canton; wrote to Mason’s son concerning the early sailing without a letter from John Young Mason |
Craven, Tunis | 1846 Apr 27 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Concerns the location of the USS Vincennes and forwarding mail to John Young Mason, Jr. |
Craven, Tunis | 1846 Jul 11 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Concerns Mason’s malady (gout); also concerns a letter published in the Tribune (“a paper destitute of all moral principles”) |
Crittenden, George W. | 1845 Jul 26 | Kilmarnock, Va. | Asks Mason’s opinion on a legal case involving inheritance |
Crittenden, John Jordan | 1845 Aug 23 | Frankfort, Ky. | Concerns Maj. A. Throckmorton’s son, Collin, who resigned his appointment as a midshipman and now both he and his father regret the resignation and want Collin reinstated |
Crittenden, John Jordan | 1848 Aug 27 | Frankfort, Ky. | Concerns his son, Capt. George B. Crittenden, his service in Mexico, and his court martial; asks Mason to intercede in his behalf |
Croswell, E. | 1848 Oct 28 | Albany, N.Y. | Concerns steamship mail service |
Crump, John J. | 1849 Sep 22 | Southampton County, Va. | Concerns a case Mason is handling for him involving land and slaves; wishes Mason and Mr. [John Randolph] Chambliss would get together and settle the matter out of court if possible; reports everyone in the neighborhood is tolerably healthy; Dr. Simmons is very low and it’s thought he will not recover |
Crump, John J. | 1850 Oct 19 | Southampton County, Va. | Concerns a law case Mason is handling for him, land titles, sale and hiring out of slaves (gives genealogy of some slaves; the splitting up of some families, and where they moved) – see also 1849 Sept 22 |
Crump, John J. | 1851 Oct 30 | Southampton County, Va. | Has a young son whom he has named Walter Mason |
Crump, William | 1844 Oct 15 | Powhatan County, Va. | Concerns the sailing of the USS Portsmouth and his passage with son Richard |
Crump, William | 1852 Apr 17 | Powhatan County, Va. | Letter of introduction for C. R. Pryor, son of Philip Pryor of Brunswick County, Va., seeking employment with the James River and Kanawha Company |
Cunningham, Augustus F. | 1844 Dec 26 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns the illness of George R. Gray |
Cunningham, Augustus F. | 1845 Sep 4 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns his paper, the Chronicle & Old Dominion, and the government’s advertising |
Cunningham, Augustus F. | 1846 Nov 16 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns the death of Foster Rhodes at the Pensacola Navy Yard; recommends [?] Hartt as replacement |
Cunningham, William E. | 1845 Dec 2 | Norfolk, Va. | [to Archibald Anderson] Concerns suggestions for improvement to the Gosport Navy Yard proposed by his son-in-law, commander Carpenter. |
Custis, Theodore W. | 1848 Feb 09 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns the feeling he is “damned” concerning his application for an appointment because of his support of Tyler |
Custis, Theodore W. | 1848 Apr 10 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns a vacancy for an inspector |
Dabney, Charles William | 1847 Mar 15 | Aldingham, Hanover County, Va. | Seeking the Navy’s business for his charcoal iron/casting concern |
Dabney, Samuel H. | 1848 Nov 5 | Clarksville, Tenn. | His uncle got him into the Navy without his knowledge and he wants no part of it! |
Dade, John B. | 1847 Jun 8 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns difficulty between Warden and convicts ; if vacancy occurs, he wants his old position back |
Dade, John B. | 1848 Sep 2 | Washington, D.C. | Daughter and 5 grandchildren totally dependant upon him for support; seeking vacancy caused by the death of his son |
Daingerfield, John E. P. | 1847 Apr 8 | Harpers Ferry, Va. [now W. Va.] | [to his uncle, Foxhall A. Parker, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass.] Concerns his potential loss of job due to politics; is seeking a situation; wants letter of introduction to the President or members of his cabinet (i.e., Mason), or [Thomas?] Ritchie |
Daingerfield, William P. | 1850 Jan 22 | Bath Court House, Va. | Going to California and wants letter of introduction/recommendation |
Dakin, Samuel D. | 1847 May 23 | Brown’s Hotel | Letter of introduction for Maj. [?] Allen, accountant investigating Messrs. Fitch & Co. and government funds |
Dakin, Samuel D. | 1850 Dec 5 | Brown’s Hotel | Concerns bids for building a naval station in California |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1844 Sep05 |
| Concerns leave for Purser H. M. Hieskell |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1845 Feb 27 |
| Concerns leave for Thomas Goin |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1845 Mar 1 |
| Recommending Seward |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1845 Mar 9 |
| Concerns Capt. [?] Hollin’s request |
Dallas, George Mifflin, Friends of | 1845 Dec 22 |
| Invitation to a celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 Jan 6 |
| Concerning the appointment of Lieut. John W. West as acting Master, Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 Jan 21 |
| Inquiring who has been elected to replace Senator Isaac S. Pennybacker |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 May 2 |
| Concerning his nephews, William W. Dallas (of Pittsburgh, Pa.) and William’s brother, Midshipman Alex Dallas |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 Jul 27 |
| Concerns W. H. Burns |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 Oct 24 |
| Concerns a letter written to Mason by Judge Woodward concerning a chaplain position for Mr. Snowden whose wife was terminally ill (see letter of George Woodward, 1847 Sept 21) |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 Nov 3 |
| Concerns the appointment of Lieut. [?] W. Shaw, who “did himself some credit in the Gulf on the USS Spitfire,” to the receiving ship at his station |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 Nov 4 |
| Letter of introduction for Dr. [?] Kane who will visit Washington on his way to duty in Mexico |
Dallas, George Mifflin | 1847 Dec 19 |
| Concerns an opinion issued by Mason as attorney general |
Dallas, Jane S. | 1847 Dec 17 | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Requests that her son, Alexander J. Dallas, Jr., be allowed to resign and it be published that way in the Naval Register for 1848 and spare the family the disgrace of having it published as “dismissed” |
Dallas, W. W. | 1847 May 5 |
| Concerns his brother’s association with improper companions |
Dallas, W. W. | 1847 Aug 9 | Baltimore, Md. | On his way to N.Y. to sail to Liverpool; brother Alexander James Dallas, Jr. wishes to accompany him as far as England; asks Mason to order Alexander to a vessel on the Mediterranean station |
Danforth, Charles | 1849 Feb 12 | Paterson, N.J. | [from Mason to Danforth] States that no commissions to settle Mexican claims can be appointed until authorized by Congress |
Daniel, Peter Vivian, Hon. | [date unknown] |
| Concerns political appointments |
Daniel, R. W. T. | 1845 Mar 14 | Brownsville, Miss. | Concerns Mrs. Adams’s deed, the annexation of Texas, and wants a contract with the government as a surveyor |
Davidge, William H. | 1851 Jan 4 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the accounting officers of the Treasury and Judge Parris, [?] Dayton, Hyland Hall, and an account |
Davidge, William H. | 1851 Feb 12 | New York, N.Y. (written on Pacific Mail Steamship Company letterhead) | Concerns William H. Aspinwall and a letter of introduction to [?] Stanton to use when he goes to see Aspinwall regarding a resolution |
Davidge, William H. | 1852 Dec 11 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns financial matters |
Davis, Charles Augustus | 1847 Jun 18 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the Macedonia conveying charitable donation to Ireland and Scotland; was delayed and will now sail with as full a cargo as could be carried with safety |
Davis, Charles Augustus | 1847 Aug 25 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the relief mission to Ireland; attached newspaper clipping concerns the arrival of the American frigate Macedonia |
Davis, Charles Augustus | 1848 Apr 19 |
| Concerns [?] Bingey, a watchman in the Navy Dept. who is very ill and Mr. Bingey’s son-in-law, John Simmons, who wants his position when Bingey dies |
Davis, Charles Augustus | 1848 May 3 |
| Invitation to church dedication (May 7?) - Methodist Episcopal Church, First Ward, [New York, N.Y.] |
Davis, Gilbert | 1846 Nov 12 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns candles and butter for John Young Mason, the election, the Barnburners and the Whigs, and his intention of starting a new party, the Republican party; also concerns honey for Mrs. Mason and Davis’s Dutch cheese for Mason |
Davis, Gilbert | 1847 Nov 16 |
| Concerns butter he is shipping to Mason; bears note of J. D. Cathill concerning the shipment of 2 butters and 1 cheese to Mason (in D.C.) on board the schooner Statesman going to Washington city |
Davis, Henry | 1847 Sep 22 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns outfitting Mason’s slaves, male and female, for their transfer to the Mississippi plantation |
Davis, John | 1847 Jan 18 | Senate Chamber | Concerns Lieut. Blake, the USS Perry, and a court of inquiry |
Day, William H. | 1846 Aug 20 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns Judge May’s receipts; the wheat crop; corn crop; sweet potatoes; Shimuel Godwin; Mason’s family at “the springs”; Day’s son in London; Chapman Edward; and reclaiming the marsh |
Day, William H. | 1848 Mar [?] | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns Madison Jordan as a good replacement for the keeper of the powder magazine in Portsmouth; also concerns Robert Blackwell, Dr. Atkinson, and Day’s niece Emily |
Day, William H. | 1848 Sep 27 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns a wheat machine sold to Mr. Blackwell |
DeKay, George C. | 1847 Mar 26 | New York, N.Y. | [to William Harris, Brooklyn Insurance Co.] Concerns insurance offered on the Macedonia providing relief to Scotland and Ireland |
Democratic members of the Virginia General Assembly | 1845 Feb 10 |
| [to President James K. Polk] Recommends William G. Birchett of Prince George Co., Va., for a federal appointment |
Denby, Nathaniel | 1844 May 2 |
| Concerns Virginia, national politics and the upcoming Presidential election |
Denby, Nathaniel | 1848 Feb 27 | Marseilles, France | Concerns the revolution in France and unrest in some European areas |
Denby, Nathaniel | 1848 Jul 1 | Chantilly, [France?] | Concerns the French Revolution and an expected supply ship |
Denby, Nathaniel | 1848 Aug 7 |
| Concerns Charles Francis Osborne and alleged misappropriation of some Navy funds |
Denby, Nathaniel | 1848 Dec 11 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns financial matters |
Denby, Nathaniel | 1848 Dec 25 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Asks for verification that Mason received his letter |
Dodge, [?] | 1845 Dec 5 | U.S. House of Representatives | Asks for a decision on the power of the President to lease lead mines in Iowa |
Dodson, Daniel | 1846 Jun 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Mason’s finances |
Dodson, Daniel | 1849 Dec 24 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Charles Cabaniss, David May, Thomas Branch, the upcoming census, and the sale of slaves |
Dodson, Daniel | 1849 Dec 29 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a settlement and the sale of slaves |
Dodson, Daniel | 1850 Sep 4 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the sale of a female slave named Maria and other financial matters |
Donelson, Andrew Jackson | 1845 Sep 9 | Nashville, Tenn. | Concerns military strategies in Texas prior to annexation and his own poor health |
Donelson, Andrew Jackson | 1849 Jan 12 | Berlin, Germany | Com. Parker has arrived in good health; will dine with dignitaries and then go on to Frankfort; son would like to be a midshipman; U. S. politics |
Donnan, Alex | 1845 Apr 23 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters and the congressional race between John Botts and James Seddon |
Douglas, Samuel James | 1844 Dec 10 | Tallahassee, Fla. | Letter of support for the appointment of Nathaniel P. Bemiss as collector for the port of Tallahassee |
Douglas, Samuel James | 1845 Jun 29 | Jerusalem, Va. | Concerns his salary - intends to make Florida his permanent home - thinks his prospects there are better than in Virginia |
Douglas, Samuel James | 1846 Feb 14 | Tallahassee, Fla. | Has not received his pay for the 4th quarter of 1845; also, no judge has been appointed for Florida |
Douglas, Samuel James | 1846 Sep 7 | Jerusalem, Va. | Back from the springs; concerns money matters and matters of the heart; boarding [with?] Mrs. Kello and children in Norfolk[?]; also concerns Wyndham Robertson |
Douglas, Samuel James | 1850 Jun 19 | Key West, Fla. | Seeking a legal opinion |
Downman, Robert L. | 1845 Oct 24 | Selma, Ala. | Seeking government employment, possibly as a judge - Texas is desirable, or any new state |
Downman, Robert L. | 1845 Dec 29 | Cahaba, Ala. | Concerns petitions from the state bar and encloses letter to President Polk signed by the governor of Alabama and other state dignitaries endorsing Downman for a Federal judgeship |
Drewry, Samuel | 1845 Dec 16 | Drewryville, Va. | Concerns [?] Pond’s crops and John Young Mason’s portion; Thomas Applewhite leaving the state; Mr. Polk’s message; reclaiming Oregon |
Drewry, Samuel | 1848 Feb 25 | Drewrysville, Va. | Asks John Young Mason about Mrs. Wilmer’s School in Alexandria; inquiring for his daughter as well as the daughters of a neighbor; also concerns a meeting of the Democrats to appoint candidates to represent the county |
Drinkard, William R. | 1845 Mar 1 |
| Wishes to meet with John Young Mason |
Drinkard, William R., et al | 1849 Mar 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns resolutions adopted by the Democracy of Petersburg |
Drinkard, William R., et al | 1849 Mar 2 | Petersburg, Va. | Encloses resolutions adopted by “a portion of your old constituents” and includes an invitation |
Dromgoole, George C. | 1845 Apr 5 | Brunswick, Va. | Recommendation of Dr. Benjamin Harrison for a government position; G. W. Bolling was nominated at Dinwiddie as Dromgoole’s competition for a seat in congress from the second congressional district; Bolling declined the nomination |
Durkin, Patrick | 1844 Mar 11 | Cashier, Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va. | Concerns protesting Hardaway’s note |
Durkin, Patrick | 1844 Jun 17 | Cashier, Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Durkin, Patrick | 1845 Mar 19 | Cashier, Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va. | Concerns John Young Mason’s notes |
Durkin, Patrick | 1845 Dec 16 | Branch Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va. | Concerns one of Mason’s notes |
Durkin, Patrick | 1846 Mar 19 | Cashier, Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va. | $125 added to Mason’s account; reminder of note due in June |
Durkin, Patrick | 1847 Mar 4 | Cashier, Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Mason’s financial matters |
Durkin, Patrick | 1847 Sep 17 | Cashier, Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters (notes) |
Dwight, George A. | 1847 Jun 12 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns John Louis O’Sullivan, the appointment of a commission, and dry docks |
Dwight, George A. | 1847 Jun 23 | Washington, D.C. | [from Mason to Dwight] Concerns the appointment of a commission; also docks (see also 1847 June 12) |
Earle, James | 1847 Nov 8 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns frames for portraits of the President and Mason by Thomas Sully |
Edwards, James L. | 1848 Oct 12 | U. S. Pension Office | Concerns evidence to support the claim of Mrs. Sally Graham, deceased, formerly the widow of Robert Starke |
Edwards, James L. | 1848 Nov 14 | U.S. Pension Office | [to William S. Jones, c/o Mason as Secretary of the Navy] Concerns bounty claim |
Erben, Henry | 1851 Nov 12 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a new regulation that is keeping his son out of the Navy School - also concerns ousting the Whigs - “abolitionism and barnburnerism” |
Eustis, George | 1846 Dec 25 | New Orleans, La. | Concerns the employment of Mason’s slaves in Louisiana, includes copy of a 10-year partnership agreement whereby Mason would supply 90 slaves (families to come with them - young and old) to work the Ranson plantation in St. Charles Parish |
Faulkner, Charles James | 1849 Feb 10 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the Battle of Craney Island, June 22, 1813, and requests the “3 pounder” from the battle be given to the state of Virginia to display in the capitol (Mason referred the request to the Bureau of Ordnance) |
Ferguson, James | 1845 Apr 22 | Rio de Janeiro | Concerns the inadequacy of his income and the marriage of his eldest daughter |
Ferguson, James | 1845 Oct 15 | Rio de Janeiro | Concerns the decline in gold and silver but the increase in paper currency - need more help (man power) and more pay; met John Young Mason, Jr. while the USS Vincennes was docked there |
Ferguson, J[ames] | 1847 Mar 22 | Washington, D.C. | Trying to explain, apologize, or make amends for something |
Foster, P. H. | 1847 Jan 20 | Red Level | Congratulates Mason on his return to the Navy Dept. - Seeking military position for John C. Coleman of Halifax City, Va. |
Fowlkes, Jeptha | 1846 Oct 2 | Memphis, Tenn. | Concerns John Young Mason’s return to the Navy Dept. - post script concerns mutual friend Col. Joseph S. Watkins |
French, James S. | 1845 Apr 6 | Old Point Comfort, Va. | Concerns a private house and horse for President Polk to use there in the summer |
French, James S. | 1846 Aug 5 | Old Point Comfort, Va. | Invitation for Mason and his family to come down to Old Point |
French, James S. | 1846 Sep 21 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his property and hotel investments at Old Point Comfort, Va., and [?] Garland’s application to erect another hotel |
French, James S. | 1848 May 31 | Old Point Comfort, Va. | Concerns location of a military court; urges its location at Fortress Monroe rather than Frederick |
French, James S. | 1848 Jun 18 | Old Point Comfort, Va. | Concerns Maj. Gardner wanting a midshipman’s appointment for his son, John Henry ; also comments on politics (Whigs and Democrats) |
French, Rufus A. | 1851 Dec 21 | Giles Courthouse, Va. | Concerns the election of Joseph Johnson as governor of Virginia and state politics - seeking a position that would pay him $2000 to $3000 annually |
Gadsden, James | 1847 Apr 3 | Charleston, S.C. | Concerns demonstrations of new type of docks for ships; recommends David Douglas E[?] to evaluate them |
Gaines, H. B. | 1845 Feb 15 | Petersburg, Va. | Recommendation for William G. Birchett |
Gallaher, John S. | 1847 Jan 2 | Senate Chamber, Richmond, Va. | Suggest Major Walter Gwynn (as a Brigadier General) to command the volunteer forces now being raised |
Gallaher, John S. | 1849 Dec 19 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns uniting the Democrats in the Senate on an appointment |
Galt, Alex | 1849 Feb 3 | Norfolk, Va. | Forwarding a letter, 1848 December 26, from Alexander Galt in Gibralter to Mason concerning a financial matter, the Dead Sea Exposition, and Commander Reid |
Galt, James | 1852 Nov 23 | Point of Fork | Concerns the sale of slaves in his brother’s estate - particularly one, a carpenter, that Mason is interested in |
Gamble, John Grattan | 1845 Jun 12 | Tallahassee, Fla. | Concerns death of mutual friend Abel P. Upshur; also, concerns growing indigo instead of cotton |
Gamble, John Grattan | 1845 Nov 3 | Tallahassee, Fla. | Concerns an appointment for his son as surgeon in the Marine hospital at Key West, Fla. |
Gardiner, Alexander | 1848 Jan 11 | New York, N.Y. | Brother David L. Gardiner planning an overland journey to California by way of Vera Cruz; asks Mason for letters of introduction for him to the U.S. Minister in Mexico and the Governor of California |
Garland, Hudson Martin | 1845 Apr 28 | Lynchburg, Va. | Concerns politics and presidential appointments |
Garland, Hugh Alfred | 1846 Feb 24 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the new mounted rifle regiment soon to be organized for the protection of Oregon immigrants and Dr. Emmett Robinson desire to obtain a command |
Garland, James | 1846 Nov 2 | Lafayette County, Ark. | Concerns the Preemption Act of 1841 and his claims |
Garnett, William | 1852 Dec 23 | Collector’s Office, [Norfolk, Va.?] | Concerns beacons (lighthouses) at Days’ Point, Isle of Wight County, Va., and Jordan Point, Prince George County, Va. |
Garnett, William | 1853 Feb 28 | Collector’s Office [Norfolk, Va.?] | Concerns proposed lighthouses and financial matters, including Mason’s $50 fee (See also 1852 Dec. 23) |
Gatzmer, William H. | 1846 Apr 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns Mason’s note for $6,360 to Robert Field Stockton which is due on May 1 |
Gatzmer, William H. | 1849 Jun 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns financial matters |
Gatzmer, William H. | 1849 Jul 7 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns financial matter |
Gauntt, Charles | 1845 Jan 18 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Renews his application of July 1843 to command the USS Rendezvous or 2nd choice application of 1844 for duty at the Philadelphia Navy Yard |
Gedney, Thomas R. | 1848 Mar 8 | US Sloop of War Plymouth, Hampton Roads, Va. | (Copy) Concerns explanation to missionaries why they could not have passage on the Navy ship; encloses to Mason a copy of his (Gedney’s) letter to the Rev. Mr. Cowles of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Norfolk, sailing tomorrow for China |
Gedney, Thomas R. | 1851 Mar 22 | U.S. Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns Dr. William S.W. Ruschenberger, who as Fleet Surgeon of the East Indian Squadron, had reported to Mason his concerns about Commander Gedney’s physical condition and excessive drinking (see also letters of 1851 March 31and April 15, Ruschenberger to Mason) |
Gettings, John S. | 1845 Jun 19 | Baltimore, Md. | Gettings was president of the Chesapeake Bank. Concerns loan approval for Mason |
[Gettings], John S. | 1846 Jun 25 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns the renewal of Mason’s note |
Gholson, Thomas S. | 1844 Oct 14 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a deposition |
Gholson, Thomas S. | 1845 Feb 22 | Petersburg, Va. | Letter of introduction for William R. Drinkard, an office seeker; bears affidavit of George W. Bolling |
Gholson, Thomas S. | 1845 May 28 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a financial note |
Gholson, Thomas S. | 1851 Aug 11 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns letters of introduction for John Gholson (son?) |
Gholson, Thomas S. | 1852 Mar 24 | Petersburg, Va. | Returning note not discounted; also concerns other financial matters, including the offer of $1000 loan |
Gibbon, John Heysham | 1853 Sep 26 | U. S. Mint at Charlotte, N.C. | Concerns the mint and supply of precious metals and possible modifications |
Gibson, Alexander | 1848 Oct 15 | Portsmouth, Va. | [to Charles F. Osborne, Richmond, Va.] Defends himself on accusations that he called Mason a liar |
Gibson, James King | 1848 Nov 1 | Abingdon, Va. | Concerns Col. James Hays Piper; encloses copy of letter from Piper dated Oct. 26, 1848, concerning money he owes John Young Mason |
Gibson, James King | 1848 Dec 20 | Abingdon, Va. | Concerns Col Piper and a debt |
Gibson, James King | 1849 Feb 9 | Abingdon, Va. | Concerns Col. Piper’s debts, in particular money he owed John Young Mason |
Gibson, James King | 1850 May 6 | Abingdon, Va. | Fears he will have to sue Col. Piper and his security (who lives in Grayson County) |
Gibson, William K. | 1848 Oct 18 | Abingdon, Va. | Concerns Col. Piper’s debt to Mason |
Godwin, Shimuel | 1845 Jul 19 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns a letter from Judge Bayley concerning assistance if sent abroad |
Godwin, Shimuel | 1845 Oct 7 | Washington, D.C. | Patched up his differences with Dr. Boykin who wishes to get his son into West Point |
Godwin, Shimuel | 1846 Apr 11 | Smithfield, Va. | Fears loss of son who sailed from Liverpool Dec. 30 and missing; desperately needs job |
Godwin, Shimuel | 1847 Nov 20 | Pension Office, Washington, D.C. | Asks for aid with the president in obtaining a position; warden of the penitentiary |
Godwin, Shimuel | 1850 Nov 4 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns pension certificate of Thomas Price |
Godwin, Shimuel | 1852 Aug 26 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns renewing Mason’s note with Dr. Merritt |
Goldsborough, Louis M. | 1848 Oct 24 | Baltimore, Md. | Cites recent “difficulties” between Commander Stockton and Gen. Kearney as partial reason for his “paper,” presumably defining levels of authority |
Goode, Samuel | 1850 Aug 30 | Hot Springs, Va. | Concerns the time-line for the canal reaching Buchanan and inquires about extending it to Covington, Va.; also concerns fees for the canal’s use |
Goodwyn, William Samuel | 1845 Nov 5 | Jerusalem, Va. | Concerns the estate of Mrs. [?] Stone and rumors of marriage for Eliza Mason |
Goodwyn, William Samuel | 1846 Jul 24 | Jerusalem, Va. | Financial matters concerning several estates |
Goodwyn, William Samuel | 1852 Aug 6 | Hicksford, Va. | Informs Mason of the death of Robert Ridley and asks Mason to write an obituary; also concerns Ridley’s estate |
Gordon, Alexander George | 1847 Oct 23 | US Brig Porpoise | Repairs and refitting of the Porpoise should be completed in about 2 weeks; would like some of his previous men to be included in the new crew |
Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie) | 1845 Mar 12 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns her husband’s application for command of the Dolphin and asks John Young Mason to use his influence with the new Secretary of the Navy |
Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie) | 1846 Jun 1 | Fort Hamilton, N.Y. | Concerns her husband whom she feels is being treated unfairly by some of his superiors in the Navy; wants sea duty |
Gordon, Juliet A. (Opie) | 1848 Feb 5 | Fort Hamilton, N.Y. | Concerns her husband Lieut. Alexander G. Gordon and the US Brig Porpoise and the fact that he had not been heard from concerning his ship’s accounts and payroll since June 2, 1847 |
Gould, William T. | 1847 Oct 18 | Augusta, Ga. | Concerns Mason’s political views; shows Georgia election results (pretty much split 50/50 between Democrats and Whigs) |
Graham, John Lorimer | 1847 Jun 11 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns his son serving with Gen. Scott in Mexico, wishes to be transferred from infantry to cavalry - quotes from his son’s letter of May 14 - also concerns John Young Mason’s literary efforts |
Grandin, William | 1848 Jun 28 | Washington, D.C. | Forwarding communications from Aldrich (see also June 26, 1848) |
Grandin, William | 1848 Sep 9 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns his invitation to be a part of an experimental trip in the steamer California - also concerns national politics |
Green, Benjamin E. | 1846 Dec 21 | Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. | Concerns the Columbia (ship) |
Green, Benjamin E. | 1847 Mar 20 | Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. | Reminded Mason to forward papers (unidentified papers) to [?] Maynard at New Orleans |
Green, Duff | 1848 Jan 28 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns officers’ pay and cost of provisions/equipment for the detachment under the command of Lieut. Lafayette Maynard |
Gregory, [Francis. H.] | 1848 Sep 15 | Norwalk, Conn. | Declines command of the East India Squadron because of his wife’s extreme ill health |
Gregory, Francis H. | 1848 Nov 29 | New Haven, Conn. | Concerns rumors that a command Mason had promised him is being given to another; also concerns his wife’s improvement in health |
Gregory, Francis H. | 1848 Dec 27 | New Haven, Conn. | Offers apology for the tone of the previous letter (Nov. 29) and reminded Mason of his promise of a command |
Grier, John W., Rev. | 1848 Jan 13 |
| [from Mason to Rev. Grier] Responding to a letter concerning the propeller ship Massachusetts which had sailed for California and Oregon with troops and munitions under the War Dept.; ship will be transferred to the Navy Dept. at San Francisco; discussion of forms of discipline and punishment; Mason disagreed with the correspondent |
Grier, John W. | 1849 Jan [?] | Navy Chaplain | Concerns a proposal to make San Francisco a naval station; expresses concerns that the sailors would desert and head for the gold fields; offers his solution to this and volunteers his assistance |
Grigsby, Hugh Blair | 1851 Jul 22 | Charlotte County, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Grigsby, Hugh Blair | 1851 Dec 25 | Charlotte County, Va. | Concerns payment of interest |
Grigsby, Hugh Blair | 1852 Jun 24 | Charlotte County, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Grymes, Ann Eilbeck Mason | 1845 May 1 | King George County, Va. | Concerns a pension for daughter whose husband [George Mason Hooe] died aboard ship while in the service |
Grymes, Ann Eilbeck Mason | 1845 May 30 | Hampton, Va. | Concerns some papers John Young Mason sent to her; letters from Lieut. [George Mason Hooe] to his wife describing the misconduct of his command; and her kinsman, John Thompson Mason, a lawyer |
Gwynn, Walter | 1847 Mar 23 | Washington, D.C. | Thanks Mason for his “kind attention”; had interview with the President; wishes the president would send him immediately to the Rio Grand to command the troops; has fought 10,000 battles in his imagination |
Gwynn, Walter | 1847 Mar 25 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the James River and Kanawha Canal Company (of which he is president) and his desire to be leading a regiment in Mexico |
Haines, Augustine | 1846 Jun 1 | U.S. District Attorney for Maine | Concerning the government’s case against Cyrus Libby, charged with abetting the slave trade by transporting two 14 year old boys from the coast of Africa to Rio de Janeiro |
Hallett, Benjamin Franklin | 1845 Sep 19 | Boston, Mass. | Concerns a vacancy on the Supreme Court due to the death of Judge Joseph Story; discussion of possible replacements, including Marcus Morton and George Woodward; and the importance of their views on abolition |
Hanly, Tom B. | 1849 Jul 20 | Helena, Ark. | Concerns crops; no sickness (cholera) on Mason’s plantation; and other business concerning Mason’s plantation in Coahoma, Miss. |
Harris, Howell | 1846 Sep 22 | Southampton County, Va. | Concerns the condemnation and execution of Jack (slave) for being “concerned” in the Southampton Insurrection; (Jack’s owner, Joseph Ruse, was killed); and the testimony of Harris; also concerns the suicide by hanging of a “very valuable servant” of J. H. Prince |
Heath, John Francis | 1844 Apr 19 | London, Eng. | [to Francis E. Rives] Concerns, in part, John Young Mason and U.S. politics |
Henderson, Archibald | 1847 Oct 28 | Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C. | Concerns the availability of rooms at Center House for the War Dept. and a court martial |
Henderson, Archibald | 1848 Jun 15 | Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C. | Concerns Col. Thomas Hart Benton’s resolution; need of large, strong corps; Mr. Yulee’s prejudices |
Henshaw, J. Sidney | 1846 Sep 20 | Washington, D.C. | Having lost his faculty position when the Navy school was moved from Philadelphia to Annapolis, Henshaw wishes to be reinstated; also concerns military law and international law texts |
Henshaw, J. Sidney | 1846 Sep 20 |
| Concerns his mathematical expertise and possible service to the “coast survey” |
Hicks, Henry | 1848 Apr 22 | Wilmington, Del. | [to Robert M. McLane] Asks McLane to use his influence with John Young Mason to get the Navy Dept.’s advertisement published in the Delaware Gazette (the only Democratic paper in the state) |
Higgins, John A. | 1848 Jun 7 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns a discounted renewed note of Mason’s |
Higgins, John A. | 1849 Feb 28 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his bid for the tobacco contract with the Navy |
Higgins, John A. | 1849 Mar 1 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns difficulties in getting to Washington; asks that the tobacco decision be delayed until his arrival |
Holmes, Isaac Edward | 1848 Sep 20 | Charleston, S.C. | Inquires as to when the USS Cyane will return to this country; also concerns national politics and his own bid for Congress |
Hotham, Charles | 1847 Dec 27 |
| [to Comm. W. C. Bolton, USS Jamestown] Concerns Bolton’s illness, would like to have a conversation with Bolton on “public affairs” before the Jamestown sails - note of WCB written and received at Porto Praya |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1845 Apr 25 | Lloyds, Essex County, Va. | Letter of introduction for Eustace Conway |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1845 Jun 19 |
| Concerns B. Baker, a job seeker, from King George Co., Va. |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1846 Jul 2 |
| [Imperfect] Concerns the construction of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and its financing |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1846 Jul 2 |
| Concerns the financing and construction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal |
Hunter, Robert M. T., and Thomas H. Bayly | 1846 Aug 7 |
| Seeking promotion for Dr. Joseph H. Robins |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1846 Sep 10 |
| Letter of recommendation for Ellwood Fisher of Ohio as the commissioner of the general land office - also concerns other presidential appointments |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1846 Oct 16 | Lloyd’s, Essex County, Va. | Concerns [Erastus?] Montague and the war with Mexico |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1847 Jun 5 | Lloyds, Essex County, Va. | Concerns Col. Piper (of the land office) and [?]’s return from Sardinia |
Hunter, Robert M. T. | 1852 Jun 29 |
| Just received Mason’s letter and will “take an early opportunity to attend to the matter to which it refers” |
Hunter, William W., Lieut. | 1848 Feb 7 | Norfolk, Va. | Alleghany is now ready for sea and test cruise to Brazil (the Alleghany was an iron hulled steam vessel with propellers and a “shield deck”) |
Hurst, William Decatur | 1845 Apr 19 | Philadelphia, Pa. | [to Comm. William B. Stockton] Report of the incidents which led to a duel between Hurst and Creighton on board the USS Truxton off the coast of Africa |
Ingersoll, Charles Jared | 1848 Mar 6 | U.S. House of Representatives | [from Mason to Ingersoll] Concerns midshipmen appointments |
Ingersoll, Charles Jared | 1845 Mar 9 | Washington, D.C. | Cannot meet with Mason due to a previous commitment out of town |
Ingersoll, Charles Jared | 1846 Dec 21 |
| Concerns ordering a Boston store-ship to New York |
Ingersoll, Charles Jared. | 1847 May 25 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns nomination for appointment as Register of the Treasury |
J., T. A. | 1852 Aug 31 |
| Notes on the building of lighthouses in Virginia |
Johns, Henry V. D. | 1848 Apr 4 | Baltimore, Md. | [from Margaret Ritchie, Washington, D.C.] Requests her aid in getting John Young Mason’s “eye” concerning the widow and 10 children (8 daughters) of Col. Hebb (father of Col. C. D. Hebb), keeper of the Marine arsenal at Washington; asks her to read the enclosed letter from William Meade Addison and then give it to Mason; letter, 1848 Apr. 4, of William Meade Addison, Baltimore, Md., to Rev. Henry V. D. Johns concerns the death of Col. Arent Hebb and asks that his widow, Sarah, be allowed to take his place as keeper and remain in the small cottage by the magazine; also mentions one of his sons who is attached to the Tennessee Volunteers in Mexico |
Johnson, James, Dr. | 1848 Jun 14 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns mule sales, “ California Fever,” and relates that Mason’s father’s family are all well |
Johnson, Reverdy | 1847 Jan 4 | U.S. Senate Chamber, Washington, D.C. | Concerns giving Lieut. [Edward G.] Tilton command of a vessel; he is now “amongst the oldest” lieutenants in the service |
Johnson, [Reverdy] | 1847 Dec 23 |
| Asks for a statement by John Young Mason to publish concerning a statement by E. Robinson published in the Union concerning Congress, the laws and the Postmaster General |
Johnson, Reverdy | 1848 Jun 21 | U.S. Senate Chamber, Washington, D.C. | Concerns a meeting with Mason |
Johnson, Richard Mentor | 1845 Oct 5 | White Sulphur, Ky. | Wants Edward Crawford of Louisville appointed purser in the Navy |
Johnson, Richard Mentor | 1847 Mar 10 | White Sulphur, Ky. | Concerns Col Alfred J. Vaughan, who wished to remain the Indian Agent when the Pottawattamies were relocated further west; also concerns an appointment to midshipman for Johnson’s nephew; and if war with Mexico continues, Johnson would like to come out of retirement and lead a regiment of volunteers |
Johnson, Richard Mentor | 1848 Dec 27 | White Sulphur, Ky. | Concerns [?] Hunter’s application for purser |
Jones & Hudson | 1849 Jun 8 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the overloaded barque Caroline and damaged cargo; encloses letter, June 7, of Edward William Devoss |
Jones & Hudson | 1849 Jun 30 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the barque Caroline, Judge Halyburton, and a case Mason is involved with (see 1849 June 8) |
Jones, Benjamin | 1845 Apr 23 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the introduction of Virginia tobacco into China, particularly snuff; wants letter of introduction to the Chinese consul |
Jones, George H. | 1844 Apr 21 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns his need of an appointment; a speech by “Mr. Clay,” most of which was “an abuse of Mr. Tho. Ritchie;” politics; and the Texas issue |
Jones, George H. | 1845 Mar 5 | Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. | Expresses sorrow at Mason leaving the Navy Dept. and expresses gratitude for all of his kindnesses |
Jones, George H. | 1849 Apr 24 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns John Young Mason’s note that is due at the end of the month and Mason’s relocation |
Jones, George H. | 1849 Aug 4 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns changes in administration putting his job in jeopardy; also concerns a note of Mason’s due at the Bank of Metropolis in September |
Jones, George H. | 1849 Sep 28 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his loss of office; was replaced by one from the current party in power |
Jones, George H. | 1849 Dec 27 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns financial matters |
Jones, James H. | 1849 Feb 24 | US Frigate Raritan (I) | Concerns a Senate nomination |
Jones, M. A. | 1846 Aug 15 | “West View,” Brunswick County, Va. | Confidential letter concerning his nephew, Thomas F. Goode, and his previous mental instability; also relates news of Mason’s parents, as well as daughters Mary Ann and Sarah ; there has been much sickness in Brunswick County |
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby | 1844 Dec 23 | Prospect Hill, Va. | Seeks employment; refers to his experience as an inspector of Naval ordnance in the 1820s |
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby | 1846 Sep 28 |
| Desires his son, M. Patterson Jones, to join the naval school at Annapolis - congratulations to him on his restoration to the post of Secretary of the Navy |
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby | 1847 Sep 28 | Prospect Hill, Va. | [to Seth Barton, Washington, D.C.] Tells Barton he must take the enclosed letter (1847 Sept. 24, Pintz to Jones, concerning the need for an order from Mason to take items belonging to Jones and Barton on the charter ship Matilda, as said ship does not take private freight) and go see John Young Mason immediately to get an order concerning shipment of baggage |
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby | 1851 Mar 3 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his court martial in 1850 for "oppression" of junior officers |
Jones, William Carey | 1847 Nov 8 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Commodore Stockton, Gen. Kearney, John C. Fremont, Commander Biddle, and Navy/War instructions |
Jordan, Madison | 1844 Mar 19 | Norfolk, Va. | Congratulations on Mason’s appointment as Secretary of Navy |
Jordan, Madison | 1844 Oct 26 |
| Accompanies a gift of oysters; mentions a large meeting of the Democratic Party in Norfolk |
Jordan, Madison | 1844 Nov 13 |
| Concerns politics and the results of the recent presidential election |
Jordan, Madison | 1845 Apr 24 |
| Concerns rumors of war with England over the boundary between Oregon and Canada; encloses letter from Mason’s son John, purser aboard the sloop Vincennes |
Jordan, Madison | 1845 Jun 12 |
| Concerns rumors that all of the Tyler men are to be removed; denies being a Tyler man; needs time to look for a new way to put bread on the table for his family |
Jordan, Madison | 1846 Feb 24 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns his disappointment about an appointment for his son; also concerns rumors circulating as to why Jordan had gone to Washington |
Jordan, Madison | 1846 Oct 5 |
| Nominates his son, Thomas, to fill a recent vacancy on his staff |
Jordan, Madison | 1846 Oct 23 | Portsmouth, Va. | Appreciates Mason’s advice |
Jordan, Madison | 1847 Feb 17 |
| Concerns the increase in size of the Marine Corps and his son, Powhatan, who would like to have a career in the military |
Jordan, Madison | 1847 Sep 17 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his search for a bookkeeper to replace the one that resigned to accept a position in Richmond |
Jordan, Madison | 1848 Jul 15 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns a midshipman’s warrant for Benjamin [?], the son of a friend of Mr. Loyall’s |
Jordan, Madison | 1852 Dec 4 |
| Losing his home on the 20th; also concerns Boykin’s application to run the Navy store at Portsmouth; is thinking about applying as an auditor when there is an opening; also concerns interpersonal relationships |
Jordan, Madison | 1853 Apr 19 | Washington, D.C. | Primarily concerns his difficulty in communicating with Mason in person and by letter |
Judson, Edward Zane Carroll | 1847 Nov 4 | New York, N.Y. | Enclosing a copy of the letter he wrote to Capt. John H. Aulick, USN, defending his remarks concerning Aulick and asking for a court of enquiry; tells Aulick if the court clears him of charges, he will print a retraction |
Judson, Edward Zane Carroll | 1847 Nov 11 | New York, N.Y. | Enclosing a copy of a letter received from Capt. Aulick in answer to one he wrote on the 4th, and a copy of his reply to the current letter; also request copies of everything, good or bad, pertaining to himself in the Navy Dept.’s files |
Kearn, John M. | 1848 Sep 20 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns reduction in wages and man power at the Brooklyn Navy Yard |
Kearney, Lawrence | 1845 May 14 | Perth Amboy, N.J. | Speaks in favor of William T. Rogers, incumbent, as opposed to Walker |
Kearney, Lawrence | 1847 Aug 24 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns a change in position and leave to go home and see his wife |
Kearney, Lawrence | 1849 Feb 26 | Perth Amboy, N.J. | Expresses thanks for kindnesses shown personally and professionally; loss of his wife has left him with 2 sons under 3 yrs. of age; asks for extension of his leave to make provisions for his family |
Kemper, James L. | 1850 Sep 16 | Madison Court House, Va. | Concerns his candidacy for the office of clerk to the Constitutional Convention |
Kemper, William Stephen | 1852 Aug 4 | University of Virginia, Charlottesville | Concerns University bonds |
Kennedy, C. W. | 1848 Nov 23 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Commodore [David] Conner and his criticism of Conner |
Kennedy, Charles H. | 1845 Feb 5 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns “stationing” a ship’s company |
Kennedy, Charles H. | 1849 Jan [?] | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Capt. John Aulick |
Key, Francis Scott | 1847 Nov 4 | The Elms, Carroll County, Md. | Concerns difficulties in obtaining a commission for himself |
Key, Henry Greenfield Sothoron | 1845 May 8 | Leonard Town, Md. | Writing on behalf of his son-in-law, Dudley Walker, concerning money Walker feels entitled to as a former purser and the possibilities of bringing suit; also, rumors concerning the removal of the warden at the penitentiary in Washington and recommending a replacement |
Kinman, W. H. | 1852 Jun 13 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his report to be made to the Naval Committee |
La Sere, Emile | 1848 Aug 17 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns John Young Mason’s call to Virginia because of the illness of one of his children, and the selection of a site for a naval depot |
La Sere, Emile | 1848 Sep 18 | New Orleans, La. (?) | Concerns the purchase of land for a naval depot in the area |
Lathrop, John | 1850 Jun 11 | (telegram to Mason) | “I will send your canal through Alleghany Mountains if you wish. Please answer.” |
Lathrop, John | 1850 Jun 13 | Buffalo | Concerns surveys in the Alleghany Mountains for the Kanawha Canal |
Laughlin, S. H. | 1847 Apr 2 | Washington, D.C. | Concerning an appointment for his son, John James to Annapolis, as promised to him by the President |
Laughlin, S. H. | 1847 Jul 14 | Washington, D.C. | Thanks Mason for his “kind interference for my poor deluded boy....” Also concerns Democrats, Whigs, and elections |
Laurence, A. N. | 1850 Apr 29 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns land speculation |
Laurence, A. N. | 1850 Jun 28 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a survey |
Laurence, A. N. | 1850 Jul 19 | Liverpool, Eng. | Concerns financial matters |
Laurence, A. N. | 1850 Nov 4 | Liverpool, Eng. | [to Mason and Henry L. Burke] Very unhappy with the survey which was not done to his specifications, contract has expired, and it appears to Laurence that events were deliberate to undermine his land speculation (See letter of 1850 April 29); also concerns Gen. Chapman |
Laurence, A. N. | 1851 Jun 23 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the differing views of Gen. Cabell, Col. Mackay, and John Young Mason; asks Mason to explain his own views; also concerns financial matters |
Laurence, A. N. | 1851 Jul 7 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns business dealings with Mason and Gen. Chapman |
Laurence, A. N. | 1851 Nov 18 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Urges Mason to push the General (perhaps Chapman - see July 7); also relays sketchy information about a business proposition with a man in New York |
Laurence, A. N. | 1851 Nov 25 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Chapman and a survey |
Laurence, A. N. | 1851 Dec 30 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns purchases and a gift of wine; more about Chapman and the survey |
Laurence, A. N. | 1852 Apr 2 | Liverpool, Eng. | Concerns Gen. Chapman, Col. Mackay, the long promised surveys, the sale of 10,000 acres, “madman” Louis Napoleon, London’s fear of invasion, and the bad state of affairs in France (likened to the reign of terror) |
Law, John, Hon. | 1848 Sep 12 | Terra Haute, Ind. | Concerns his son Richard L. Law, who passed midshipman in 1847 - also concerns politics of Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois |
Layne, Douglas B. | 1847 Mar 12 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns a commission for his son |
Layne, Douglas B. | 1851 Nov 13 | Callaghan, [Alleghany County, Va.?] | Concerns a letter with advice he was expecting from John Young Mason; McDowell was complaining at the Fincastle court that Mason had not sent some papers in his possession; also concerns damages at Jackson and politics |
Leake, Walter F. | 1848 Mar 1 | Rockingham, N.C. | Concerns the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo |
Leake, Walter F. | 1851 May 22 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Joseph C. Cabell, first president of the James River and Kanawha Company |
Lepper, Edwin | 1845 Feb 6 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns experiments with his salt water powered generator for steam engines |
Leslie, Robert | 1845 Dec 4 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Mason’s personal finances and surity bonds’ bears account |
Lewis, Charles S. | 1852 Dec 15 | Virginia House of Delegates , Richmond | Concerns a bill to authorize a loan to the James River and Kanawha Canal Company |
Lewis, Dixon H. | 1846 Dec 13 | Washington, D.C. | Asks Mason to come see him |
Lewis, Dixon H. | 1847 May 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a position for lawyer Perry E. Brockers |
Lewis, Dixon H. | 1847 Aug 18 | Lowndes County, Ala. | Concerns Benjamin F. Isherwood (Naval engineer) and John B. Rittenhouse |
Lewis, L. L. | 1847 Mar 04 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a vacancy at Harper’s Ferry; possible job at the pension office |
Lewis, L. L. | 1847 Sep 8 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Col. McPherson of Page and several letters he wishes to have forwarded to him at the Adjutant General’s Office |
Lewis, L. L. | 1848 Dec 11 | Washington, D.C. | ‘Sour grapes’ about not getting an appointment |
Lewis, L. L. | 1848 Dec 13 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his inability to get appointments and the President’s prejudice against him |
Lewis, L. L. | 1849 Jan 26 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns salary for surveyors marking the boundary with Mexico |
Lewis, L. L. | 1849 Jul 22 | Washington, D.C. | Asks return of something he had prepared for publication |
Lewis, Mary A. | 1845 Feb 7 | Drewryville, Va. | Asks Mason to write to Thomas [Applewhite, Mason’s ward] and tell him where to go to school |
Lewis, Mary A. | 1845 Nov 6 | Drewryville, Va. | Mason’s ward Thomas was taken away by Mr. and Mrs. William C. Batte; accusations of taking the child’s money |
Lofland, Charles | 1846 Oct 24 | Cashier, Farmers & Merchants Bank, Memphis, Tenn. | [to Joseph S. Watkins, Navy Agent] Concerns the Navy account and method of payment (balance - $95,422.94) |
Loyall, George | 1844 Oct 16 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns unspecified difficulties of Midshipman E. Higgins |
Loyall, George | 1845 Jan 18 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the new sloop St. Mary’s - destined for the Mediterranean; also speculation regarding the new Presidential Cabinet |
Loyall, George | 1845 Mar 6 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns an applicant for the Marine Corps and rumors of Mason leaving the Navy Dept. |
Loyall, George | 1845 Apr 14 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Reference for John Cooke, of Portsmouth, Va., seeking position as agent in Live Oak, Fla.. |
Loyall, George | 1845 Apr 26 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Capt. Gardner |
Loyall, George | 1845 May 19 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns [?] Walthall who sailed with the squadron to China, and Mason’s son John |
Loyall, George | 1845 Oct 2 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his son George, a student at Georgetown College |
Loyall, George | 1847 Mar 30 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Dr. Peete’s letter overlooked concerning exciting mail from Gen. Taylor’s army; also concerns Commodore Carpender and his seeming egotism |
Loyall, George | 1847 Sep 24 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns a transfer for past Midshipman Selden |
Lynch, William Francis | 1848 Dec 28 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns publication of his narrative of his voyage aboard the USS Supply to the Dead Sea, 1847-48. |
Lynch, William Francis | 1849 Jan 15 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns the publishing of a narrative and official report of the expedition to the Dead Sea, 1847-48. |
Lynch, William Francis | 1849 Feb 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Wants Mason’s bottle of water from the Dead Sea; Lynch does not have an adequate amount for analysis |
Lynch, William Francis | 1849 May 8 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Asks permission to dedicate his writing to Mason [Lynch published Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the Dead Sea in 1849] |
Lynch, William Francis | 1849 Jun 18 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns a copy of his narrative for President Polk enclosed receipt for a package for Mason (presumably a copy for Mason) |
Lynch, William Francis | 1852 Jul 24 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns the publication of his scientific research in the Official Report of the United States' Expedition to Explore the Dead Sea and the River Jordan (1852). |
Lyon, Francis Strother | 1852 Dec 18 | Mobile, Ala. | Offering to invest $500,000 to $1,000,000 in Virginia state bonds for internal improvements (i.e., the James River and Kanawha Canal) at 5 or 6% interest |
Macfarland, William H. | 1844 Jun 1 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns a bond that was lost; also concerns Chesterfield County, Va., coal, and politics |
Macfarland, William H. | 1845 Jan 18 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns John Young Mason’s personal finances |
Macfarland, William H. | 1845 Aug 25 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns security for the bank as required by U.S. Sec. of the Treasury Robert J. Walker |
Macfarland, William H. | 1847 May 3 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns financial matters |
Macfarland, William H. | 1847 Aug 7 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns Mason’s personal finances and a note due at the Farmers Bank |
Macfarland, William H. | 1847 Nov 26 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns note (attached) of John Young Mason which was not discounted |
Macfarland, William H. | 1848 Jul 7 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Financial matters |
MacFarland, William H. | 1847 May 7 | Farmer’s Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Forgot to hand in Mason’s note to the Farmer’s Bank for renewal |
Maclin, William T. | 1848 Sep 25 | Drewrysville, Va. | Concerns leasing the Applewhite plantation [Mason was administrator of the estate of Jane (Batte) Applewhite and guardian of Thomas H. Applewhite and Rebecca Jane (Applewhite) Beamon] |
Manly, Charles | 1845 Jul 8 | Secretary/treasurer of the Board of Trustees, University of North Carolina, Raleigh | Advising John Young Mason that the Board had conferred on him the Honorary Doctor of Laws degree |
Marcy, William Learned | 1844 Apr 1 | Albany, N.Y. | Letter of introduction for R. C. Wetmore |
Marcy, William Learned | 1844 Apr 2 | Albany, N.Y. | Letter of introduction for Col. J. D. Stevenson |
Marcy, William Learned | 1846 Jun 19 | US War Dept., Washington, D.C. | Seeks legal clarification of acts passed concerning compensation (including clothing) for the military |
Marcy, William Learned | 1848 Sep 21 | Albany, N.Y. | Concerns politics, the free soil movement, the “amalgamation [of] abolitionists, ” the “Clay movement, ” the upcoming presidential election, and the campaigns of Zachary Taylor and Lewis Cass |
Marcy, William Learned | 1852 May 25 | Albany, N.Y. | Letter of introduction for Judge Stryker |
Marshall, Charles H. | 1847 Dec 20 | New York, N.Y. | Attempting to obtain mail contract for the steamer United States |
Martin, Joshua Lanier | 1846 Sep 21 | Tuskaloosa, Ala. | Concerns corruption in government; politics; family news; gamblers; and cotton on land in Mississippi |
Martin, Joshua Lanier | 1847 Apr 10 | Tuskaloosa, Ala. | Concerns getting rid of “Mr. Thomas” at the university and national politics |
Mason, Charles | 1844 Dec 10 | Steamer Augusta | On his way to New Orleans to settle as a planter |
Mason, Charles | 1850 Apr 5 | King George County, Va. | Concerns the proposed Nashville Convention |
Mason, Edmunds | 1835 Dec 4 |
| Finances, family news, politics, hiring of slaves |
Mason, Edmunds | 1846 Jun 13 | Stony Mount, Va. | Family news |
Mason, Eilbeck | 1846 Feb 5 | Vicksburg, Miss. | Letter of introduction for an office seeker |
Mason, Eilbeck | 1848 May 3 | Vicksburg, Miss. | Concerning Samuel L. Clarke (of Vicksburg) who is seeking a midshipman’s appointment |
Mason, Eilbeck | 1852 Jan 24 | Vicksburg, Miss. | Concerns various business matters |
Mason, Eilbeck | 1852 Dec 20 | Vicksburg, Miss. | Concerns financial matters; letter bears account |
Mason, Eilbeck | 1853 Jun 24 | Vicksburg, Miss. | Concerns an account concerning [?] Thomas |
Mason, George | 1846 Dec 11 | Tuscaloosa, Ala. | Wishes to use his name as reference - establishing his law career |
Mason, George, Dr. (brother) | 1845 Oct 30 | “West View,” Greensville County, Va. | Concerns bonds, C. Batts, Orris Browne, [?] Shepherd, and W. Cook |
Mason, Henry | 1845 May 16 | Laurel Spring, Surry County, Va. | Concerns the estates of Thomas Mason and Peyton Mason and the inheritance of slaves and money |
Mason, James E., Jr. (cousin) | 1844 Nov 30 | Fayette County, Tenn. | Recommends James D. Jackson, of Dinwiddie County, Va., for postmaster in Fayette County, Tenn.; seeks appointment for himself as Naval storekeeper at Memphis, Tenn., or purser; also contains family news |
Mason, James E., Jr. (cousin) | 1847 Mar 22 | Fayette County, Tenn. | Lost most of his property because of his stepmother; has a wife and 5 children; needs position; would like to work at the Memphis Navy Yard if possible |
Mason, James Murray | 1847 Feb 22 | Washington, D.C. | Letter of introduction for J. W. Smith, son of Rev. George W. Smith, who conducts the Fairfax Institute in Virginia, and a nephew of John M. Patton; desires commission in the army |
Mason, James Murray | 1848 Feb 1 | Washington, D.C. | Granville reported that John Young Mason desired to see him concerning Granville’s appointment as midshipman - James M. Mason has been twice to his office and three times to Mason’s house |
Mason, James Murray | 1851 Jan 14 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns accommodations for his trip to Richmond |
Mason, James Murray | 1852 Nov 22 | Selma | Concerns appointments and politics |
Mason, James Murray | 1852 Dec 23 | Washington, D.C. | Will see John Young Mason when he is in Richmond after January 1 and “can then say in person what need not be said here” |
Mason, John | 1844 Nov 30 | Fayette County, Tenn. | Asks to be appointed storekeeper or purser at the port of Memphis, Tenn. |
Mason, John R. | 1845 Dec 22 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns a financial matter he was attempting to handle for John Young Mason |
Mason, John Y., Jr. | 1845 May 28 | USS Vincennes | Brother is with him; getting ready to sail; asks his father if he thinks “Miss A” (otherwise unidentified) will wait for him |
Mason, Joseph | 1847 Aug 15 | (Mason’s ward) Clover Garden | Written as he is entering Mr. Bingham’s junior class; very homesick; boarding with James Morrow; letter from is mother said sister Laura was going to the Springs; also asks permission to get some clothes |
Mason, Joseph W. | 1849 Apr 16 | Sussex County, Va. | Concerns a court settlement and costs |
Mason, Lewis Edmunds | 1846 May 4 | Drewrysville, Va. | Concerns the debts of [?] Sledge |
Mason, Lewis Edmunds | 1850 May 18 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns financial matters and family news |
Mason, Littleberry W. | 1849 Feb 15 | Sussex, Va. | Concerns claims against Augustus Westbrook; has questions concerning a bond secured by deed of trust written for him by Mason; also concerns note for $50 and money Westbrook owes James Mason |
Mason, Littleberry W. | 1849 May 4 | Sussex, Va. | Concerns Robert H. Eldgridge who wishes to be appointed Deputy Marshal of Sussex County, Va. |
Mason, M. B. | 1846 Jan 26 | Washington, D.C. | Trying to enlist the legal aid of John Young Mason in recovering some family property in Maryland; estate estimated @ $150,000 |
Mason, Nathaniel | 1844 Mar 26 | Summit, N.C. | Concerns establishing his right to a land warrant through his father |
Mason, Nathaniel | 1848 Jan 4 | Brunswick County, Va. | Concerns his family’s Revolutionary claim; asks John Young Mason to lend his aid in securing the claim |
Mason, Nathaniel | 1851 Sep 12 | Brunswick County, Va. | Concerns his qualifications as guardian of his son who was left an estate in Louisiana and a proposed trip to the southwest |
Mason, Theodora | 1845 Oct 8 | New York, N.Y. | Mason’s ward; concerns her vacation and asks for money; encloses a letter to her little brother Joseph telling news from home, including the death of Mr. Nichol’s son Sammy |
Mason, Wiley Roy | 1851 Jan 6 | Cleinland, King George County, Va. | Concerns the will of Alexander Seymour Hooe and “Pipington” and “Friedland,” King George County, Va.; enclosure copy of portion of A. S. Hooe’s will pertaining to his land in King George County, Va. |
Maury, Henry | 1846 Jan 19 | USRS McLane, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | [to Samuel Barron] Ship is being winterized, modification of design - Mr. Frye of New York sent for compass regulation as the McLane is an iron vessel |
Maury, Matthew Fontaine | 1845 May 19 |
| Concerns “young Patton,” “Robert,” and the sailing of the “Dale” from New York City [note: may be dated 1846] |
Maxwell, Augustus Emmett | 1848 Dec 30 |
| Copy of resolutions concerning the removal of military munition from St. Augustine; the protections of eastern Florida by a force of at least 1000 men; governing and directing transit through the keys; and list of those individual to receive a copy of the resolutions |
May, David | 1845 Sep 4 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a suit by A.T.B. Merritt for a portion of a bond signed by Mason and others |
May, David | 1846 Jan 10 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns assignment of fees to the estate of Joseph Mason; Mason owes fees connected with the estate of [Jane Batte] Applewhite and fees in other cases: R. M. Gilliam and B. W. Leigh. Wants to know how to handle the problem. Also, deposited money to the credit of John Young Mason |
May, David | 1846 Jan 10 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the estate of Joseph Mason |
May, David | 1846 Jan 16 | Petersburg, Va. | Sending statement and check as directed regarding Joseph Mason’s estate |
May, David | 1846 Jul 22 | Petersburg, Va. | Financial matters |
May, David | 1852 Jun 22 | Petersburg, Va. | Financial matters concerning a note |
McCalla, John M. | 1848 Nov 11 | 2nd Auditor’s Office, U.S. Treasury Dept. | Final settlement of accounts of late Paymaster Spark showing amount due him/his estate |
McCalla, John M. | 1849 Jan 27 | 2nd Auditor’s Office, U.S. Treasury Dept. | Requests letters of introduction for Col. Labriskie (or possibly Zabriskie) of New Jersey to the Naval commandant in California |
McCalla, William Latta, et al | 1847 Aug 9 |
| [to President James K. Polk and Gen. Zachary Taylor] Concerns the protection of Mexican churches during wartime |
McClung, J. W. | 1845 Jan 14 | Tuskaloosa, Ala. | Recommends Hillian M. Judge for nomination by the President as Consul at Havana |
McClung, J. W. | 1845 Feb 1 | Tuskaloosa, Ala. | Concerns Gen. George W. Crabb’s law practice in Mobile, AL - recommending appointment of District Attorney, Southern District of Alabama when a vacancy occurs |
McDowell, James | 1845 Apr 13 |
| Enclosing letter of Jane Ross concerning her son-in-law, Gen. Arthur Bridgman, registrar of the land office in Fairfield, Iowa Territory, who took over after the death of Jane’s husband and Arthur’s attempts to support both families; McDowell turned the matter over to John Young Mason |
McDowell, James | 1845 Oct 12 | Fincastle, Va. | Declines position at the Londonderry Consulate; salary inadequate to support his family; would accept at Glasgow or Belfast if offered; must have annual income of at least $2000; would not object to an appointment to any healthy part of the U.S. |
McDowell, James | 1847 May 7 | Fincastle, Va. | Concerns Gen. Augustus Alexander Chapman, President Polk, and McDowell’s pending appointment (rough draft of Mason’s reply on verso) |
McDowell, James | 1848 Mar 13 | Fincastle, Va. | Concerns his nomination for the consulate at Belfast and the Democratic National Convention |
McDowell, James | 1851 Jan 5 | Richmond, Va. | Serving as representative of the Botetourt County stockholders of the James River and Kanawha Canal Company; wishes to discuss proceedings in his county to remove Mason and the majority of the board from the company’s management |
McDowell, James | 1851 Apr 21 | Fincastle, Va. | Concerns the lack of representation of stockholders from area in the western part of Virginia on the committees, as well as other positions, within the James River & Kanawha Canal Company |
McDowell, James | 1851 Jun 21 | Fincastle, Va. | Concerns building a bridge at Jackson to satisfy the James River and Kanawha Canal Company stockholders in Botetourt County, Va. |
McDowell, James | 1851 Aug 23 | Fincastle, Va. | Concerns the reasons the citizens of Botetourt County and its environs are against the James River and Kanawha Canal Company; includes leaf labeled “Private and Confidential concerning the “conversion” of Major Gwynn” |
McIntosh, James M. | 1847 Jan 12 | Naval Rendezvous, New York | Wishes to return to duty as commander of the Plymouth during the War with Mexico - also recommends [?] Pringle be assigned to the steamer Scourge under the command of Lieut. Charles G. Hunter |
McLane, [Robert Milligan] | 1847 May 25 | Baltimore, Md. | Letter of introduction for David Cohen |
McLane, Robert Milligan | 1848 Oct 2 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns poor mail service; also concerns the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (his father was its president) |
McLane, Robert Milligan | 1848 Oct 24 | Baltimore, Md. | Letter of introduction for Alexander Russell, Jr. - seeking contract for bricks |
McLaughlin, John T. | 1846 Dec 24 |
| Concerns the steamer Hunter at New Orleans - defends himself regarding a conversation concerning his ship and John Young Mason |
McNeill, William Gibbs | 1847 Mar 6 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns an enclosure (wanting) and a Mr. [John] O’Sullivan |
McNeill, William Gibbs | 1847 Mar 19 |
| [from Mason to McNeill] Concerns congressional authorization of floating docks |
McNeill, William Gibbs | 1847 Mar 22 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns John O’Sullivan and Gilbert’s dock (balanced floating dry dock) |
McNeill, William Gibbs | 1847 Jul 3 |
| Concerns the July 4th holiday and his young sons; Encloses his memo on docks |
McNeill, William Gibbs | 1848 May 10 | New York, N.Y. | Civil engineer in need of employment |
Mead, A. M. | 1845 Mar 21 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Mason’s daughter Betty’s studies at Mrs. Mead’s School, Richmond, Va., and Easter vacation |
Mead, [A. M.] | 1845 Jul 24 | Richmond, Va. | Reports on Mason’s daughter Betty’s educational progress at Mrs. Mead’s School, Richmond, Va.; she leaves to return to Mason on Saturday |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1844 May 12 | Petersburg, Va. | Note of congratulations; also concerns national politics and his daughter at the Catholic Seminary in Georgetown |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1845 Jan 17 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns John Young Mason’s personal finances |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1845 Feb 13 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerning William G. Birchett’s application for port inspector at City Point |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1845 Apr 25 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns, in part, John Young Mason’s failure to pay Jefferson, a free man, for repairs he made to Mrs. Mason’s house in 1838; also gives Mason the results from local elections in Dinwiddie, Petersburg, and Chesterfield |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1846 Jan 23 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns payment of a note to John Young Mason |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1846 Jul 18 | Petersburg, Va. | Requesting a letter for Robert Leslie, tobacco merchant, to take with him to England |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1846 Dec 27 | Columbia | Gives Mason his business travel itinerary in case he receives an appointment and needs to contact him |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1847 Oct 17 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns an appointment as surgeon or assistant surgeon for Dr. Benjamin S. Harrison of Alabama who is “much experienced” in treating “Southern” diseases |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1848 Jan 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a replacement for John Appleton |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1848 Aug 23 | Petersburg, Va. | [to President James K. Polk] Recommends the appointment of David Henry Branch of Virginia for governor of Oregon as Gen. Shields declined |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1848 Oct 17 | New York, N.Y. | Desires the command of the steamer Massachusetts or the steamer Edith |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1848 Nov 7 | Petersburg, Va. | Forwarding note and protest to [?] Blair; has been “politicing” in N.C.; Quakers will not vote the Whig ticket |
Meade, [Richard Kidder] | 1849 Mar 10 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns obtaining an appointment |
Meade, Richard Kidder | 1853 Apr 21 | Petersburg, Va. | Asks Mason to proof-read the enclosed (wanting) letter and seal and mail if he approves |
Mechlin, Alexander H. | 1846 Apr 28 |
| Concerns publication of the opinions of the Attorney General; bears reply of John Young Mason declining to annotate and will not release material from his termas attorney general without a joint resolution of Congress authorizing him to furnish copies for publication |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1845 Sep 28 | Hicksford, Va. | Encloses a signed note for John Young Mason to fill in; his health has improved since trip to the springs, but Mrs. Merritt’s less so than he anticipated; deaths of Mrs. Wilson and Ann Hinton ; now less severe illness in the neighborhood; many from Richmond and Southampton are at the springs |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1846 Jan 2 | Hicksford, Va. | Previous letter has not reached him; requests Mason’s signature on papers (wanting) |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1846 Mar 19 | Hicksford, Va. | End of the epidemic of the rash erysipelas and the burning of the house of Joseph Mason; financial matters |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1846 Jun 12 | Hicksford, Va. | Sick in bed; sending Mason his endorsed note; also mentions Mason’s illness |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1846 Dec 10 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns Mason’s financial matters; no local news except the death of Capt. H. Wyche last week |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1847 Mar 4 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns Mason’s financial matters |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1847 Jun 19 | Hicksford, Va. | Enclosing note for Mason to endorse |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1847 Nov 12 | Hicksford, Va. | Will attend Court Day of the Hustings Court of Petersburg, Va., either personally or by power of attorney and will become one of Mason’s securities on his guardian bond; will pass Mason’s letter on to his brother [William H.E. Merritt?]; presumes he will also be a security |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1849 Nov 28 | Petersburg, Va.. | Needs to examine papers and file his notes and argument as the judge will hear no argument but decide from the papers; depends on Mason to protect his rights |
Merritt, Alexander Thomas Belfield | 1849 Dec 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Please come Monday |
Merritt, William Henry Embry | 1846 Sep 4 | Lawrenceville, Va. | Concerns a note endorsed by John Young Mason and the purchase of a carriage and horses |
Merritt, William Henry Embry | 1847 Aug 27 | Lawrenceville, Va. | Asks Mason to endorse his note |
Merritt, William Henry Embry | 1847 Dec 3 | Brunswick County, Va. | Heard that Mason had sent some of his slaves to Mississippi to grow cotton; Merritt offers to sell Mason land in Warren, Sunflower, and Tallahatchie counties, Miss. |
Merritt, William Henry Embry | 1847 Dec 17 | Hicksford, Va. | Enclosing (missing) a note for his debt’s renewal for Mason to sign and send to Dr. Merritt; also concerns Merritt’s debt to Mason’s father |
Merritt, William Henry Embry | 1849 Mar 23 | Lawrenceville, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Miller, Narcissus W. | 1851 Jan 28 | Goochland Courthouse, Va. | Concerns a complaint made to the James River and Kanawha Canal company concerning Thomas J. Hopkins, dock-keeper at Maiden’s Adventure Dam |
Milligan, Robert | 1847 Feb 11 | Wilmington, Del. | [to John W. Houston, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.] Concerns his efforts to be reimbursed for his travel expenses home from China |
Milligan, [Robert] | 1849 Feb 11 | Wilmington, Del. | [Robert M. McLane] Concerns a payment made by the Navy Dept. and John Young Mason having the “boldness to do what he believes is right” |
Minge, Collier Harrison | 1845 Jun 16 | Mobile, Ala. | Concerns Thadeus Sanford, who did not get the consul position in Havana, seeming to have eyes on Minge’s job; also concerns politics |
Minge, Collier Harrison | 1851 Dec 08 | Mobile, Ala. | Concerns dividends for James River and Kanawha Canal stockholders; also mentions the death of Dr. Minge’s daughter |
Minor, William G. | 1845 Jul 24 | Jefferson City, Mo. | Enclosing a letter from Mr. Phelps to the President |
Mitchell, John Kirkwood | 1845 May 13 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns S. C. Walker and encloses a copy of his letter to George Bancroft concerning Walker’s application for a Naval professorship |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1846 Dec 12 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns interpersonal relationships |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1848 Sep 12 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a vacancy (by death) in the Register’s Office (clerk); recommends J. J. Roane |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1849 Jun 28 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Dr. David Minge and [?] Jones |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1849 Aug 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns charges against John Young Mason; encloses a letter to the editor he wishes Mason to read and send to the Norfolk Argus (letter wanting) |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1849 Aug 23 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns published (in the Republic) accusations; abolitionists and free soilers; Van Buren; “Whiggery”; also as Mason’s opinion of Montague’s taking charge of a Democratic paper in Portsmouth; will dissolve his official connections with the government |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1851 Feb 12 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a proposition before the Virginia legislature to establish a steam ship line between Norfolk and Liverpool; also concerns the power struggle between states to control shipping |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1851 Sep 1 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Requests Mason’s attendance at a meeting concerning the establishment of direct trade with Europe |
Montague, Erastus Tunstall | 1852 Jul 24 | Washington, D.C. | Encloses money to pay off his note ($100); gave Mason’s letter to Thompson concerning passage of a bill; asks Mason to write another letter a little more “confidently”; his letter to [?] Rush had the desired effect |
Montgomery, George | 1847 Oct 22 | New York, N.Y. | Encloses copy of letter to be presented to Mason by the major merchants of New York when Mason visits their city |
Montgomery, George | 1847 Nov 23 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a trip north cancelled by Mason; the supply ship on which Mason’s son is attached is still in the harbor; coming to Washington on Monday |
Montgomery, George | 1847 Dec 16 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a letter published in the newspapers of New York and the fact that Bennett (of the New York Herald) wanted $10 to publish it while other papers would do it for free |
Montgomery, George | 1848 Jan 6 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns “ward” meetings to elect representatives to an organization preparatory to selecting a candidate for president ; also concerns Methodist minister, the Rev. John Poisal |
Montgomery, George | 1848 Dec 9 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the mail between New York and Havre |
Montgomery, George | 1849 Jan 26 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns Midshipman [?] Baldwin |
Montgomery, George | 1849 Mar 2 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns Mason’s departure from office, Capt. Marshall’s steamship, and Midshipman Baldwin |
Montgomery, J. B. | 1848 Jun 16 | Navy Dept. | [from Mason to Montgomery] Concerns fitting of the USS Portsmouth and conversations with G. W. Storer |
Moody, Theodore L. | 1848 Dec 5 |
| “Statement of differences existing on settlement of the accounts of W. W. Spark, dec. ...” |
Morgan, Van Rensselaer | 1845 Sep 28 | Acting master of the US Frigate Congress, Norfolk, Va. | He will stay put rather than run the risk of being assigned to a smaller ship, though he would like to sail on the Columbia to Brazil |
Moss, Charles R. | 1844 Oct 7 | Washington, D.C. | [to President John Tyler] Concerns Moss’s appointment as chief engineer for the U.S. Steam Navy and his plans for its reorganization |
Moss, Charles R. | 1846 Oct 8 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns U.S. Senate resolutions concerning Navy engineers |
Munford, George W. | 1847 Dec 13 | Clerk, Virginia House of Delegates, Richmond | Concerns copies of recently passed acts, including one concerning improvements to the navigation of the James River, and another concerning the St. Helena annex to the Norfolk Naval Ship Yard on the Elizabeth River |
Murphy, Henry Cruse | 1844 Oct 6 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Presents the concerns of plumbers employed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard concerning hospital plumbing |
Murphy, Henry Cruse | 1846 Sep 3 | Albany, N.Y. | Concerns rumors that Mason will replace Bancroft in the Navy Dept.; relates other appointments |
Murphy, Henry Cruse | 1847 Mar 29 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Enclosing copy of letter from Capt. DeKay (wanting) to the Irish Relief Committee; debate of ethics of British government paying freight to U.S. Navy ships |
Murphy, Henry Cruse | 1848 Oct 27 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Concerns personnel problems at the yard |
Myers, Samuel H. | 1847 Dec 10 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the affirmation by the appellate court of Judge Mason’s decision in Mertens v. Nettebohm; printed copies of arguments attached |
Neblett, Sterling, Dr. | 1848 Mar 2 | Brickland, Lunenburg County, Va. | Concerns a purchase of land in Louisiana; asks Mason if he would be interested (1/3 and some of his slave labor) - cane production |
Neblett, Sterling, Dr. | 1848 May 6 | Mississippi River | Concerns cotton and sugar crops |
Neblett, Sterling, Dr. | 1850 Jul 1 |
| Concerns financial matters including a deed of trust involving 80 to 100 slaves |
Neblett, Sterling, Dr. | 1850 Oct 2 | Brickland, Lunenburg County, Va. | Concerns, in part, the estate of [?] Williams |
Nelson, John | 1844 Dec 23 | Mecklenburg County, Va. | Wants Mason’s help to find employment for Henry Perry, the son of a mutual friend |
Nelson, John | 1845 Nov 8 | Baltimore, Md. | Will join Mason in a case concerning the Bank of the U.S.; shopping for furnishings for new “habitation; ” a social invitation |
Nelson, John | 1846 Sep 24 | Baltimore, Md. | Asks for the re-opening of the naval station at Baltimore, Md. |
Nelson, John | 1847 May 24 | Baltimore, Md. | Letter of introduction for David Cohen who wishes to confer with Mason |
Nelson, John | 1847 Jun 19 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns visit of the President, Mr. Buchanan, and John Young Mason |
Nelson, John | 1847 Sep 25 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns Dr. James Palmer who wishes to establish himself at the Navy yard |
Nelson, John | 1848 Jan 10 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns a visit from [?] Norwood, Nelson’s friend and brother-in-law |
Nelson, John | 1848 Apr 10 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns midshipman Thomas G. Corbin who is “attentive” to the daughter of a friend |
Nelson, John | 1848 Jun 27 | Baltimore, Md. | Letter of introduction for William Miles of Baltimore |
Nelson, John | 1852 May 11 | Baltimore, Md. | Invitation to John Young Mason and his wife to come to Baltimore “to make a president” |
Neville, Frederick A., Lieut. Comm. | 1848 Nov 24 | USS Fredonia, Brooklyn Navy Yard | Concerns his inability to accommodate “Mr. B” and his family; also wants to have original order, not just orders relayed through someone else |
Newsom, David R. | 1845 Sep 19 | Petersburg, Va., merchant | Returning $20 Washington note as it would “not pass” in Virginia; requested a Va. note; also states he has a large stock of “Negro brogans” and would be pleased to receive an order |
Nicholas, [Philip Norborne] | 1845 Mar 22 | Richmond, Va. | Recommends an office seeker, James G. Bosher, who studied law in the office of Conway Robinson |
Nicholas, Philip Norborne | 1845 Nov 12 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Dabney S. Carr |
Nicholas, Philip Norborne | 1846 Feb 26 | Richmond, Va. | Letter of introduction for George W. Carr, son of Col. Samuel Carr, of Albemarle, who desires a military appointment |
Nicholas, Richard Carter | 1845 Aug 14 | Richmond, Va. | Recommends Vincent Bargamin for an appointment as clerk in one of the departments in Washington |
Nicholas, Richard Carter | 1845 Nov 24 | Richmond, Va. | Sends notes and precedents regarding several legal cases as requested by John Young Mason |
Nichols, Charles | 1845 Jul 5 | Baltimore, Md | Concerns the “insufficiency” of consular compensation; should have a stated salary of at least $3000 with an extra $1000 for office expenses |
Nichols, Charles | 1845 Jul 7 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns consular salaries and re-organization of that department; enforcement of tariff laws; asks Mason to speak to the president in regard to his son Elijah’s appointment to the Marine Corps |
Nichols, Charles | 1845 Jul 20 | Richmond, Va. | Visited Mason’s daughter Betty at school, where she is doing well and wishes her father would send for her as most of her classsmates have already left for vacation. Nichols’s son Elijah is very restless; would Mason ask the president to speak with Bancroft about his appointment |
Nichols, Charles | 1845 Jul 21 | Steamboat Augusta | Concerns the heat; also concerns C. F. Osborne and his sick family |
Nichols, Charles | 1845 Oct 9 | New York, N.Y. | Presenting Mason with an imported palmetto wood cane |
Nichols, Charles | 1845 Dec 4 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the election of Judge Isaac S. Pennybacker to the U.S. Senate; the Oregon question; Mason’s daughter Betty and her studies |
Nichols, Charles | 1845 Dec 19 | Richmond, Va. | Offers his services to negotiate government loans with European countries and cities; has close ties with English, Dutch, and German bankers |
Nichols, Charles | 1847 Jun 14 | U.S. Consul, Amsterdam | Seeking a lieutenancy in the Marine Corps for his son, Elijah; includes a 2nd letter that is totally social in nature |
Norris, William Henry | 1847 Sep 16 | Baltimore, Md. | Acknowledges receipt of Mason’s official letter concerning the report of Col. Gates relative to his younger brother Henry P. Norris |
Norwood, J. W. | 1849 Jun 14 | Hillsboro, N.C. | [to John Heritage Bryan, Raleign, N.C.] Concerns money that Judge Mangum owes Judge Mason |
Norwood, J. W. | 1849 Jun 29 | Hillsboro, N.C. | Concerns Mangum’s debt to Mason and the difficulties so far as in collecting |
Nugent, John | 1847 Nov 18 | Washington, D.C. | Instructed by Mr. [James Gordon] Bennett to request Mason to allow him to copy his next annual report for publishing in the New York Herald; Bennett promises not to publish it until he knows the original has been sent to Congress |
Nugent, John | 1847 Dec 6 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns publication of Mason’s annual report for the Navy Dept. (See 1847 Nov. 8) |
Nunnally, Lawson | 1845 Jul 12 | Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns Mason’s insufficient funds which the bank covered |
Nunnally, Lawson | 1845 Oct 2 | Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns Mason’s note for $1000 due at the Bank of Virginia on October 13 |
Nunnally, Lawson | 1846 Jan 8 | Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns Mason’s note which will come due in October |
Nunnally, Lawson | 1846 Jun 13 | Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns Mason’s illness and financial matters |
Nunnally, Lawson | 1847 Jan 22 | Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Advises John Young Mason that the board has renewed his note; also concerns Dr. [William A.] Spark |
Nunnally, Lawson | 1847 Apr 12 | Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns Mason’s overdrawn account and a note that is due on the 20th |
Nunnally, Lawson | 1847 Apr 19 | Bank of Virginia, Richmond | Concerns Mason’s financial matters; sending him a check |
O’Brien, William | 1846 Nov 24 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his plan to capture a castle at Veracruz |
O’Brien, William | 1847 Oct 23 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his failure to receive an appointment as a gunner in the Navy, having passed all examinations, but due to an old assault case in which he was guilty and paid the legal penalty |
O’Kill, M. | 1845 Apr 24 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns account of Miss Mary “Theodora” Tucker Mason and a report on her education [Theodora was Mason’s ward] |
O’Kill, M. | 1846 Feb 20 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns bill for Mason’s ward, Mary “Theodora” Tucker Mason |
O’Sullivan, John Louis | 1845 Jun 5 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a paragraph in the “Morning News” concerning Mason’s son [John Y., Jr.?], contradiction to appear in the “Union” |
O’Sullivan, John Louis | 1847 May 21 | New York, N.Y. | Requests a copy of Gen. McNeill’s letter to Mason which provided the basis of a letter to O’Sullivan from Mason; also concerns [?] Dwight and the dock question |
O’Sullivan, John Louis | 1847 Jun 5 | New York, N.Y. | [to Sen. John A. Dix] Concerns the floating dry dock controversy |
O’Sullivan, John Louis | 1847 Jun 19 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns alleged slander against himself and his brother; encloses 3 letters for Mason to read; note by Mason on verso concerns his return of the three enclosures |
O’Sullivan, John Louis | 1847 Nov 5 |
| [from mason to O’Sullivan] Concerns the conflict between Commodore Barron and Mr. [?] Gilbert concerning dock design |
Olmsted, Denison | 1847 Aug 26 | Yale College, New Haven, Conn. | Concerns John Young Mason’s address at the University of North Carolina; is sending him a copy of his memoir of Eli Whitney, another alumnus of UNC |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1845 Feb 20 |
| Concerns his claims against the Post Office Department |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1845 Mar 13 |
| Concerns an office seeker |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Apr 23 | Richmond, Va. | Something about a resolution in the Senate [?] [letter is Illegible] |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Jul 2 | Richmond, Va. | Financial matters; bears list of notes concerning James Berry |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Jul 7 | Richmond, Va. | Politics, the Mexican War, and peace |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Nov 8 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns financial matter and [Alexander] Gibson |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Nov 25 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns [Alexander] Gibson, Judge [now Senator] Isaac S. Pennybacker, Mexico, and politics |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Dec 15 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns, in part, a letter by [?] Iverson and the U.S. Postal Service |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Dec 19 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns, in part, elections to the Senate, and Dr. Spark |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1846 Dec 29 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns politics, [Alexander] Gibson, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and the Whigs |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1847 Jan 5 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns stocks, bonds, and coupons |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1847 Mar 22 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1847 May 20 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns appointments |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1848 May 1 | Richmond, Va. | Financial matters |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1848 May 18 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns [Nathaniel?] Denby; cotton; financial matters |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1848 Sep 1 | Richmond, Va. | Round “2" of the Osborne/Darby accusations concerning Osborne’s misappropriation of funds. |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1848 Oct 18 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns a letter from [Alexander] Gibson (see 1848 Oct. 15) and the accusations he made about Mason; “a mole hill has been magnified into a mountain” |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1849 Jan 25 | Richmond, Va. | Imperfect. Concerns a possible suit, and Mason coming to Richmond |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1849 Mar 17 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Osborne, Charles F. | 1849 May 29 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the death of John Young Mason’s father, Edmunds |
Page, James | 1846 Nov 14 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns his appointments to government positions and [?] Custis |
Page, James | 1847 Jun 20 | Philadelphia, Pa. | In favor of a “balanced” dock for Philadelphia |
Page, James | 1847 Jun 30 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns the selection of a new dock for Philadelphia |
Parker, Eustace | 1849 Apr 18 | New York, N.Y. | Going to the “gold diggins” - Le Roy is sending Cyrus by John Womble |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1844 Jul 3 | Commander-in-Chief, USS Brandywine, East Coast Squadron | Requests additional funds to exchange “civilities” in foreign ports |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1844 Aug 1 | Commander-in-Chief, USS Brandywine, East Coast Squadron | [to Robert Milligan] Orders him to return to the U.S. and report immediately to the Secretary of the Navy |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1845 Aug 23 | Acting Master, US Steamer Michigan | Concerns Mexico’s declaration of war against the U.S. and his desire to be master of a naval vessel headed that way |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1845 Sep 30 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns confirming [?] Tilton’s acting appointment as purser |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1845 Nov 7 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Arrived and found no orders; wants Mason to ask the “Secretary” what he wants him to do; went to see Commodore Jesse Duncan Elliott, but he was too ill to see him; doctors say he will not live much longer |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1845 Nov 16 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Ordered to take command at Boston Station [i.e. Charlestown Navy Yard]; will send box of tea to Mrs. Mason |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1845 Nov 21 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Concerns the transportation of Commissioner Caleb Cushing to his post in China, and expenses for his mission there |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1845 Dec 9 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Comments on the President’s message; Parker’s satisfaction with his current location, his new home; and the upcoming marriage of his son, also named Foxhall |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1846 Jul 16 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | [to Robert Milligan, U.S. Navy, Wilmington, Del.] Concerns passage money; bears copy of letter, 1844 May 1, of John Young Mason, concerning Robert Milligan’s passage to the U.S. |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1846 Oct 23 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Applying for orders as a [ship’s] master in warm climate; would be pleased to join the gulf squadron |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1847 Apr 13 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Encloses letter from nephew, John P. Daingerfield (see 1847 Apr. 8), concerning the attack on Vera Cruz |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1847 Nov 13 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Sending vase for Mrs. Mason and cane for John Young Mason made from wood scraps used to build the USS Constitution in 1797 |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1847 Dec 20 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Delivered Mason’s letter with enclosures to Capt. Pinkney who said the charges preferred by Lieut. Collins were not true; also son-in-law Dr. John “Vaughn” Smith would like to be on the medical board to meet in Philadelphia |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Apr 8 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Son William expects to do well on the examinations; Parker asks to be excused from his duty on the board [of examiners] |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Jul 6 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Wishes his son, William, assigned to the Boston Navy Yard; also concerns the illness of Dr. [John Vaughn] Smith; Dr. Jackson of Boston now consulting on the case |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Aug 30 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Sympathy letter for Mason’s loss of son, Francis Key Mason; Parker’s son-in-law, John Vaughn Smith, has just died; would like to remain at the Boston yard until spring; invites Mason and family to come and stay with him for the launching of the Vermont (ship) on September 14 |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Oct 31 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Wishes to be absent from his post for about a week to take the remains of John Vaughn Smith to Philadelphia, Pa. |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Nov 4 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Concerns possible back pay for “Williams” and his desire to “make all square” before leaving the country ; “Old Scott” sends his thanks for the passes and is delighted that no white man can again trouble him while traveling |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Nov 13 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Giving Mason his travel itinerary |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Nov 17 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Concerns a visit from [Commodore] Barron; pleased with what he saw at the Navy yard; wants Parker to go to Frankfort; gives Mason all the particulars he knows and asks his guidance |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Nov 18 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Concerns the insolvency of Dr. [M.S.] Spark’s estate; the destitution of his brother’s widow and children; the death of Commodore Cooper’s father-in-law, and Cooper’s health; William’s back pay; and a large potato given him by Mason |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Dec 9 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Concerning young midshipman [?] Batter, and the USS Constitution |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1848 Dec 9 | Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Can be ready to go to Germany by Wednesday in the steamer from N.Y.; hopes to get back before Mason leaves office; wishes traveling expenses; would also like a letter of credit in case of sickness or accident ; passport from secretary of state?; telegraph if need to come to Washington before sailing; would be nice to have a traveling companion who speaks the language |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1849 Jan 14 | Berlin, Germany | Left N.Y. on 20th and arrived in Berlin Jan. 9; reported to Donelson who introduced him to government officials and foreign ministers; will remain in Berlin until after tomorrow as the King wants to see him before he leaves for Frankfort; appears the gov’t of Germany is not interested in “forming a Navy”; hopes to finish business in Germany in time to go to England take the steamer for America on Feb. 10; recommends appointment of Donelson’s son John as a midshipman |
Parker, Foxhall A. | 1849 Jun 22 | Havana, Cuba | Concerns U.S. Consul Robert Blair Campbell; sail tomorrow for Vera Cruz; two deaths since they set sail from N.Y. |
Parker, John Alexander | 1845 Mar 25 | Tappahannock, Va. | [to William P. Taylor, Fredericksburg, Va.] Desirous of appointment as collector of revenue at Galveston should Texas be annexed; asks that Parker write Mason and any other he feels “proper” |
Parker, John Alexander | 1845 Jun 10 | Tappahannock, Va. | Concerning the Office of Collector at Galveston |
Parker, John Alexander | 1845 Jun 30 | Tappahannock, Va. | Concerns Secretary of the Treasury Robert John Walker |
Parker, John Alexander | 1847 Mar 20 | Tappahannock, Va. | Concerns his appointment in the Office of Collection at Galveston which fell through in 1845; seeking new appointment |
Parker, John Alexander | 1852 Jul 23 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns politics, Parker’s business, and money ($1200) for Montague |
Parker, John Alexander | 1852 Oct 6 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns business matters, primarily financial |
Parrott, John | 1847 Feb 6 | Havana, Cuba | U.S. Consul at Mazatlan, Mexicon, having refugeed to Cuba. Concerns the war with Mexico and national opinion and politics concerning the war; transport ship Mary Rower arrived from Norfolk with 334 Virginia troops; also talks about Mexico appropriating 15 million dollars of church property to aid in expenses of war and the 50% mortality rate of soldiers from Spain due to yellow fever and dysentery |
Parton, James | 1850 Feb 7 | Lexington, Va. | Concerns bill for the improvement of the North River; also concerns defeat of the appropriations for extension of the Kanawha Canal west of Buchanan; railroads and other internal improvements; wishes to borrow an engineer from the James River and Kanawha Canal |
Patterson, John H. | 1845 Aug 12 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a deposit made in the Branch Bank of Virginia in Petersburg; also contains some agricultural prices |
Patterson, John H. | 1847 Jan 13 | Petersburg, Va. | Writing in favor of Walter Gwynn’s appointment as Brigadier General for the Brigade of Virginia |
Patterson, Robert | 1848 Nov 1 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Would like to help Mason (favor unspecified), but his bags are packed and he leaves tomorrow on the steam ship Columbus for Charleston, S.C., on his way to Louisiana where he will spend the winter |
Patton, John M. | 1845 Apr 1 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns retaining Robert Chew as a clerk in the State Dept. |
Patton, John M. | 1845 Jul 13 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns an offer of an appointment as professor of law, which he declined, and the possibilities of a government job for his son |
Patton, John M. | 1848 May 26 | Richmond, Va. | Letter of introduction for the Rev. Philip Slaughter who will soon be going to Europe in the company of millionaire [?] Allen; asks Mason to aid him in obtaining letters of introduction |
Patton, John M. | 1849 Feb 25 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the President; offers his house to the President and First Lady if they stop in Richmond, Va.; mentions a meeting of the Democrats |
Peete, George W. | 1846 Dec 20 | Hertford County, N.C. | Concerns the President’s message and “chit-chat’ |
Peete, George W. | 1847 Mar 15 | Hertford County, N.C. | Concerns, in part, talk he heard in Norfolk regarding John Young Mason and the case of Capt. [Edward William] Carpender |
Peete, George W. | 1847 Jul 12 |
| Concerns one of his neighbors who has several thousand dollars he wants to loan someone |
Peete, George W. | 1848 Jan 14 | Hertford County, N.C. | Concerns a crop of Florida cotton; also asks for a copy of the president’s message |
Peete, George W. | 1850 Jan 18 |
| Concerns a petition for exclusive steam navigation of the Nottoway River for a company based in Norfolk (Peete is one of 4 members) |
Peete, Mary Eliza | 1846 Nov 28 | Pensacola, Fla. | Thanks John Young Mason for his assistance; Capt. [Alexander P.] Peete improved; expensive supplies; scarcity of educational materials; pleasant climate - enclosing letter from her son John who wants to go to West Point or Annapolis (mother prefers West Point) |
Peete, Mary Eliza | 1849 Feb 20 | Pensacola, Fla. | Wants Mason to find a position for her husband, Capt. A. P. Peete [former Navy agent at Pensacola?], in a more Northern location where they can afford to educate their sons, James and John; Pensacola full of corruption and vice - thanks Mason for trying to get a midshipman’s warrant for her son John but rejoices in that he was unsuccessful |
Peete, Mary Eliza | 1849 May 22 | Pensacola, Fla. | Wants to send son James back to Virginia and wants Mason to find him a situation; also asks Mason to give him a place to stay with Mason’s family |
Peete, Mary Eliza | 1849 May 25 | Pensacola, Fla. | Mary’s husband has sent James on to Norfolk (with only a few hours notice); wants Mason to find him a situation that does not involve manual labor |
Peete, Mary Eliza | 1849 May 31 | Florida | Concerns Mr. [Alexander P.] Peete’s removal from office [as Navy agent at Pensacola?] and financial situation |
Peete, Mary Eliza | 1849 Dec 22 | Southampton County, Va. | Concerns school for her son John now that they have returned to Virginia; has not heard from Mr. [Alexander P.] Peete since Oct. 8, at which time he was out of business; she is hiring out slaves (2 women and a 17 yr. old boy) |
Peete, Mary Eliza | 1851 Mar 12 | Hertford, N.C. | Concerns her son John, now 16, and his education/situation |
Pendleton, John | 1845 Apr 6 | Fairfax, Va. | Recommendation of Capt. Samuel L. Lewis for a government job |
Pendleton, John | 1845 Aug 21 | “Redwood” (postmarked Portsmouth) | Recommends the appointment of Lieut. Daniel French Dulany to the USS Congress - served with Dulany in the Pacific |
Pendleton, John | 1845 Oct 31 | Culpeper County, Va. | Requests assistance for his friend, Daniel French Dulany; wishes to be reassigned from the Dolphin (ship) to the Columbia |
Pendleton, William F. | 1846 May 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Andrew J. Lindsey’s desire for a subaltern appointment in the new regiment; concerns Andrew Porter and recommends Will Graham ( 3-bullet Bill) and Lieut. Kearney for consideration |
Pendleton, William F. | 1846 May 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the formation of a new mounted regiment to protect settlers in Oregon |
Pennybacker, Joel | 1845 Mar 29 | New Market, Va. | Seeking a federal appointment; comments on the number of Virginians in the federal government |
Pennybacker, Joel | 1847 Mar 9 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a note of Mason’s he sent to the Secretary of the Treasury |
Percival, John | 1846 Oct 30 | Boston, Mass. | Imperfect. Concerns his service and the USS Constitution |
Percival, John | 1846 Nov 28 | Dorchester near Boston, Mass. | Enclosing copies of letters of Alexander Todd to Russell Sturgis and J. S. Lewis in early 1845 concerning possible fraudulent transactions involving the Navy Dept. |
Percival, John | 1846 Dec 7 | Captain, “Mad Jack” | Sending Mason a gift of wine |
Percival, John | 1847 Mar 6 | Boston, Mass. | Offers barrels of guano to Mason for his farm |
Percival, John | 1848 Jul 15 | Boston, Mass. | Concerns the launching of the 74-gun Vermont and a proposed wharf |
Perry, Frances B. | 1845 Jun 20 | Franklin County, N.C. | Concerns her son Butler’s trip to Port Mahon; also concerns son Henry |
Perry, Frances B. | 1847 Aug 27 | Greensboro, N.C. | Concerns note she received from Matthew F. Maury concerning her son Jefferson’s intemperance and loss of position in the Navy; also concerns her son Henry and her destitute state with a young daughter in “delicate” health; pleads for Jefferson’s reinstatement |
Perry, Frances B. | 1847 Nov 4 | Greensboro, N.C. | Concerns a previous letter of hers to Mason (1847 Aug. 27) trying to get her son Jefferson reinstated in the Navy; has not received a reply from Mason |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1844 May 31 | Commodore, U.S. Naval forces off the coast of Africa | Memorandum concerning British Navy’s right to board American merchant ships off the coast of Africa; African slave trade. Enc: letter, 1844 May 15, John Foote |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1846 Nov 30 |
| [from Mason to Perry] Embarrassed by the position he, Perry, and Conner have been placed in; also concerns Commander MacKenzie and the importance of the capture of Tampico (partially illegible - see letter of 1846 Nov. 29 from Mason to David Conner for background information) |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1847 Feb 17 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, N.Y. | Concerns the steamers Fulton, Scorpion, and Scourge being fitted for service in the Mexican War |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1847 Feb 19 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the steamers Scourge and Scorpion making a stop in Norfolk on the way to the Gulf |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1847 Oct 29 | Veracruz, Mexico | Calls Mason’s attention to an article, “The Great Commercial Necessity of the Age;” also concerns an almost continuous gale for the past 40 days in Vera Cruz; opinion of establishing an export duty |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1847 Oct 31 | Veracruz, Mexico | Concerns Mr. and Mrs. [?] Bankhead; there is little hope of peace with Mexico; Gen. [Robert] Patterson leaving Vera Cruz for Mexico City; the advance guard having already started |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1848 Apr 1 | US Frigate Cumberland, Veracruz, Mexico | Forwarding a copy of his letter of Mar. 26th; would like to continue his command of the squadron if he could go north to a more healthy port; Mexican civil authorities have taken charge of this city in accordance with the stipulation of the armistice; Gen. Santa Anna embarks tomorrow; Gen. [Winfield] Scott is expected in the city tonight on his way to the States; copy of letter of March 26: received Mason’s reply to his letter asking to be relieved on his return from the Yucatan; will conform to the wishes of the President and Mason, if there is the possibility of a short leave of absence |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1848 Sep 5 | US Frigate Cumberland off the Brooklyn Navy Yard | Will answer your letter tomorrow; indisposed today |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1848 Oct 20 | Tarrytown, N.Y. | Imperfect; concerns letter of Gen. Winfield Scott to Henry L. Brewerton (Supt., West Point) offering him a choice of 7 flag staffs captured by the army during fighting in the Mexican-American War with no mention of the Navy’s contribution |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1848 Oct 24 | Tarrytown, N.Y. | Regrets the New York Courier and Inquirer published his comments |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1848 Nov 18 | Tarrytown, N.Y. | Received Mason’s official communication and the private letter enclosed with it; appreciates kind sentiments; different courses their lives will take; conflicting authorities and duties when civilians employed with Navy officers in steamers. John Slidell lost a brother as well as his two oldest boys within a few months |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1849 Jan 30 | Tarrytown, N.Y. | Concerns the building of mail steamers, mail contracts, and the Navy’s role in this project |
Perry, Mathew Calbraith | 1850 Jan 26 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns his attacks of “rheumatism/neuralgy”; also concerns commanders, pursers, and supplied list of commanders (with addresses) who did not act as pursers; accounting practices on board ships |
Peterson, John A. | 1845 Feb 13 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerning William G. Birchett’s application for a federal position |
Pettit, T. M. | 1846 Jan 14 | U.S. District Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania, Philadelphia | Concerns distribution of money held by the court in Clifton v. U.S., in error, and Buckley v. U.S., in error (nos. 47 & 48 on the Supreme Court docket) |
Pettit, T. M. | 1846 Sep 17 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns the employment of attorney J. Sidney Henshaw at the Naval School at Annapolis |
Peyton, Balie | 1845 Oct 21 | Office of Attorney General | Asks Mason’s opinion about claims and accounts presented by district attorneys for extra official services rendered in conjunction with prosecutions in state courts of persons charged with violations of the Post Office laws; which department is responsible for paying said claims? |
Peyton, Balie | 1845 Oct 29 | Colemans | Concerns meeting with Mason to go over the Butterfield precedents |
Peyton, Balie | 1845 Nov 6 |
| Concerns J. S. Skinner’s distress at being removed from the New Orleans Customs House; asks for Mason’s assistance in getting the restoration of his job |
Peyton, Balie | 1846 May 23 | New Orleans, La. | Letter of introduction and reference for William F. Wynn seeking military appointment to serve in the Mexican campaign |
Peyton, Balie | 1847 Mar 8 | New Orleans, La. | Letter of introduction for Col. John C. Hays who is organizing a regiment of mounted riflemen to protect the Texas frontier from the Indians |
Phelps, John S. | 1845 Jul 17 | Springfield, Mo. | [to President James K. Polk] Recommends Col. William G. Minor “as a suitable person for Charge d’Affaires to any European or South American government” |
Polk, James Knox | 1845 Feb 15 |
| [from Mason to Polk] Concerns Mason remaining Secretary of the Navy under the new administration |
Polk, James Knox | 1845 Apr 17 |
| Concerns a manuscript Polk had given to Mason |
Polk, James Knox | 1848 Nov 12 | Washington, D.C. | [from Mason to Polk] Partial rough draft of letter replying to Polk’s letter concerning the annexation of Texas |
Pope, P.C. | 1849 Feb 12 | Warrenton, Va. | Concerns travel difficulties at the Isthmus of Panama for those going to the gold fields of California and land grants (mineral land) for Americans in California; verso contains rough draft of Mason’s reply |
Poythress, Jane M. | 1845 May 16 | Prince George, Va. | Expresses her distress as well as that of her husband, Joshua, who faces the possible loss of his income |
Poythress, Joshua | 1845 Feb 20 | City Point, Va. | Wishes to stay in his position as customs inspector at City Point and asks Mason to use his influence |
Poythress, Joshua | 1845 Apr 14 | City Point, Va. | Death of his daughter’s child, her husband is dying, his house burned down, and he is fearful of losing his job as customs inspector at City Point |
Poythress, Joshua | 1845 Apr 29 | City Point, Va. | Concerns those men who want to take his job [as Customs Inspector at City Point] |
Poythress, Joshua | 1845 May 26 | City Point, Va. | Concerns movement by William Birchett to take his job - asks Mason to help him keep his position |
Pratt, Charles B., and Mrs. G. W. Taylor [ i.e., Rebecca Taylor] | 1851 Jan 23 | Worchester, Mass. | Concerns Maj. William B. Scott, the estate of G. W. Taylor, and Mrs. Rebecca Taylor; verso shows Mason referring the letter to J. Brown for information he needs to reply as well as J. Brown’s reply to Mason (see also 1850 July 12, 15, and 25) |
Pratt, Z. | 1850 Jan 18 | New York, N.Y. | Recommends Fisher and Nevens to build the Washington monument in Richmond |
Preston, William Ballard | 1849 Jul 5 | Washington, D.C. | Mason’s replacement as Sec. of the Navy. Concerns surveys, plans and estimates made in 1848 for the Naval School at Annapolis by Richard A. Gilpin, architect - Encloses letter, 1849 July 2, from G. P. Upshur concerning the fact that Gilpin was hired by Mason and the drafts and plans should be in the possession of the Chief Clerk |
Price, Rodman M. | 1845 Jun 16 | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Thanks Mason for his decision in the case involving Price’s pay; also concerns Navy pursers and their importance and the iron steamer with Lieut. Hunter’s wheel (propeller) |
Price, Rodman M. | 1848 Apr 27 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns financial matters and national politics; split in the Whig Party in New York; California |
Price, Rodman M. | 1848 May 30 | Burlington, N.J. | Describes military activities in lower California and comments on the “mine-mad” people of upper California |
Price, Rodman M. | 1848 Jul 4 | Burlington, N.J. | Sending Mason Mr. Bryant’s book on California and a specimen of quicksilver ore from Forbes’ mine that he brought back from the mine last year; directions on verso for obtaining quicksilver from the ore |
Price, Rodman M. | 1848 Sep 19 | Burlington, N.J. | Concerns clarification of his orders and the logistics of the move west |
Price, Rodman M. | 1851 Apr 15 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns money he owes John Young Mason |
Prince, Joseph H. | 1845 Mar 4 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Prince, Joseph H. | 1847 Nov 29 | Hicksford, Va. | At Mason’s request has gotten Col. [John Randolph] Chambliss to make a statement concerning Mason’s bond due J. T. Claud (bond and statement Prince enclosed is wanting); [John] R. Gilliam has not taken the administration of [Joseph S.] Gilliam’s estate; has advertized the Gilliam as well as the Applewhite slaves to be hired out at Drewry’s. |
Prince, Joseph H. | 1848 Oct 17 | Southampton County, Va. | Concerns financial matters pertaining to Capt. Benjamin Williamson and Dr. A.T.B. Merritt |
Proctor, William E. | 1845 Feb 14 | Templeton, Prince George County, Va. | Concerns the election of Polk and a recommendation of William G. Birchett as inspector at City Point |
Proctor, William E. | 1845 Jun 28 | Templeton, Va. | Concerns attempts to have William P. Porter removed from the office of surveyor at City Point; asks Mason to use his influence to see he is retained |
Pulliam, Samuel T., Mutual Assurance Society | 1847 Jun 21 | Richmond, Va. | Taxes for buildings in Petersburg in the name of Joseph Mason, dec., have not been paid since 1843; account with interest enclosed |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1845 Mar 28 | Washington, D.C. | Seeking reinstatement to position in the Naval Pension Bureau, now occupied by Dr. Crump; attached letter (copy) to commissioner of pensions with particulars |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1845 Mar 29 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Dr. Crump and Ragsdale’s reinstatement; denies attempts at coercion/manipulation (See 1845 March 28) |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1845 Apr 12 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns his reinstatement after being dismissed because he was a Jacksonian Democrat |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1845 May 20 | Washington, D.C. | [to William L. Marcy, Sec. of War] Concerns Dr. Crump’s salary as a Navy pension clerk; states he does not perform the duties outlined and to pay him is a violation of law; attempts to exert pressure on John Young Mason to give him an appointment (see 1845 May 20, Ragsdale to Mason) |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1845 May 20 | Washington, D.C. | Asks John Young Mason to give the letter of 1845 May 20 to William L. Marcy; requests Mason to use his influence to get his job restored |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1845 Aug 11 | Washington, D.C. | Does not yet have all the information needed by William Spark, who has supposedly left for Memphis |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1848 Feb 17 | Washington, D.C. | Desires to be sent to the Mediterranean as a store-keeper |
Ragsdale, Thomas L. | 1848 Dec 20 | 1st Auditor’s Office, Treasury Dept. | Concerns an appointment to a position less vulnerable to political change |
Ragsdale, Thomas S. | 1847 Apr 22 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns W. F. Dancy (“enclosed” letter is missing) who turned down an appointment in the Navy but desires one in the Army |
Randall, Josiah | 1845 Feb 28 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns Capt. Drinker’s voyage to China; recommends Seward and his merchant vessels to carry stores |
Randolph, T. M. | 1852 Aug 10 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns bonds at the University of Virginia and the University’s financial distress |
Read, George C. | 1848 Jun 28 | Commodore, US Frigate United States, at sea | Concerns Mason’s son John Jr., Purser [?] Doran, and [Nathaniel] Denby; also concerns European politics, the disturbance and slaughter in Naples, and his opinion that the king will be assassinated if he remains |
Read, George C. | 1849 Mar 4 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns the propriety of an investigation of Lieut. George A. Prentiss without dragging up old charges against himself [Prentiss had charged Read and Capt. Smoot with failure to suppress a mutiny aboard the United States; Read and Smoot countercharged Prentiss with lying. Prentiss was court-martialled and given a minor set-down] |
Read, George C. | 1849 Mar 6 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns Lieut. George A. Prentiss and Mason leaving the Navy Dept. |
Read, George C. | 1849 Mar 17 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Desires to talk with Mason when in Washington concerning Lieut. George A. Prentiss |
Read, George C. | 1849 Apr 20 | Philadelphia, PA. | Asks if Mason would be his defense attorney in charges being brought against him by Lieut. George A. Prentiss |
Reid, John T. | 1847 Sep 1 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns William Hawkins Polk (brother of James K. Polk) resigning his position as minister to Naples; suggests Thomas L. Ragsdale to fill the vacant position |
Reynolds, Joseph J. | 1847 Jul 20 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns an anonymous letter mailed from Portsmouth; “the effusion of an unbalanced mind...” |
Rhett, Robert Barnwell | 1847 Oct 22 | Charleston, S.C. | Concerns the organization of a new regiment and who Rhett thinks should lead it |
Rhodes, Foster | 1844 Jul 6 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | [to Capt. C.W. Skinner, Norfolk, Va.] Concerns opinions of floating dry docks |
Richardson, William Harvie | 1847 Oct 23 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns, in par, William L. Marcy |
Richardson, William Harvie | 1847 Dec 13 | Richmond, Va. | Seeking an appointment to West Point for Charles Henry Dimmock, son of Capt. Charles Dimmock |
Richardson, William Harvie | 1848 Jan 13 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns calves |
Richardson, William Harvie | 1848 Jan 21 |
| Letter of introduction for Charles Henry Dimmock whom Richardson wants Mason to introduce to the Secretary of War |
Richardson, William Harvie | 1848 Dec 15 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns conversations among members of the legislature |
Ringgold, Cadwallader | 1845 Feb 17 |
| [to Lieut. George T. Sinclair, Norfolk, Va.] Lieut. Ringgold, late commander of the brig Porpoise, writes concerning the collision between the Porpoise and the Vincennes; letter also bears extract of letter of Lieut. Walker of the Peacock dated 1845 Feb. 22, concerning the incident, as well as a “close call” the Peacock had with the Vincennes |
Ritchie, Thomas | 1845 May 12 |
| Enclosing newspaper article concerning John Young Mason, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Clayton, and the steamship United States |
Rives, Francis E. | 1845 Feb 28 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Mr.Ritchie and John Heath |
Rives, Francis E. | 1845 Jul 26 | Petersburg, Va. | Sending an account of the stockholders meeting of the Petersburg Railroad; wants it published in the Washington paper |
Rives, Francis E. | 1845 Sep 24 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the boarding and education of [his nephew] Roscoe [Briggs Heath] |
Rives, Francis E. | 1845 Sep 28 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerning Roscoe [Briggs Heath] coming to Washington |
Rives, Francis E. | 1845 Nov 17 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the estate of James Williamson |
Rives, Francis E. | 1845 Dec 17 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Mason’s personal finances including notes to [?] Rawlings, [?] Selden, Mrs. [?] Brydon, and [?] Orgain (See also 1845 Dec. 4); also concerns the president’s recommendation in relation to the office of attorney general |
Rives, Francis E. | 1846 Jan 7 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the removal of a postal agent and recommending Daniel W. Lassiter as a replacement; verso has note of Mason stating he referred the matter to the Postmaster General |
Rives, Francis E. | 1846 Dec 15 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns sale of the tavern in Jackson, which is now in his possession, on Court Day in Northampton; traveling to Raleigh to obtain from the North Carolina legislature the right to sell his Carolina road; Whig victories in 16 states; and Mason’s note for $400 |
Rives, Francis E. | 1846 Dec 26 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns interest due to Mrs. Brydon; also concerns sale of tavern in Jackson |
Rives, Francis E. | 1848 Mar 22 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the death of James Pace and recommendation of William Shands of Prince George County, Va., as port inspector |
Rives, Francis E. | 1848 Apr 6 | Petersburg, Va. | Reminding Mason of Dr. N. E. Cargill’s application for a commission |
Rives, Francis E. | 1849 Apr 13 | Petersburg, Va. | Financial matters |
Rives, Francis E. | 1849 Oct 3 | Petersburg, Va. | Mason’s note was discounted at the Mechanics Association Society; encloses the proceeds; Roscoe [Briggs Heath] and John in the Henry Hudson sailing from Portsmouth, Eng.; friends are pleased to see Mason so successfully defended in the Denby case |
Rives, Francis E. | 1853 Nov 17 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Mason’s relocation to Europe in “his country’s service”; wishes him smooth sailing, etc. |
Rives, John C. | 1845 Aug 11 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the political leanings of George Gilliss |
Rives, Timothy | 1846 Jan 19 | Clover Hill, Prince George County, Va.. | Seeking a position in the Army or Navy for Algernon, son of Capt. Richard B. Batte |
Rives, Timothy | 1848 Aug 25 | Clover Hill, Prince George County, Va. | Concerns a financial settlement with James S. French and politics |
Rives, William Cabell | 1844 Apr 25 | Washington, D.C. | [to Francis E. Rives, Petersburg, Va.] Concerns [John F.] Heath (see letter of Heath to F. E. Rives, 1844 Apr. 19) |
Rives, William Cabell | 1846 Feb 24 | Castle Hill, Albemarle County, Va. | Concerns the formation of a new mounted regiment to protect settlers in Oregon |
Rives, William Cabell | 1846 Feb 24 | Castle Hill, Albemarle County, Va. | Concerns G. W. Carr, son of Col Samuel Carr and representative in the state legislature, who desires appointment as lieutenant in the Dragoon corps soon to be raised; asks Mason’s assistance |
Roane, William Henry | 1845 Mar 11 | Tree Hill, Chesterfield County, Va. | Concerns his appointment by President Polk as Deputy Postmaster, Richmond, Va.; national politics; ill health; recommendations for Thomas B. Bigger and Daniel Trueheart |
Robards, William H. | 1845 Nov 7 | Jackson, Miss. | Offers to sell some of his Mississippi land to Mason; bears letter of Eilbeck Mason concerning the fertile bottom land and invites him to Mississippi for a month to check it out, offering him lodging |
Robertson, James | 1845 Jun 11 | New York, N.Y. | Concern rumors that John Young Mason would be sent as a special ambassador to England - thinks Mason should stay where he is and let the President send Bancroft |
Robins, Thomas | 1847 Feb 27 | Philadelphia, Pa. | [to Rev. Alonzo Potter] Concerns the use of Navy ships to transport provisions to the Irish; forwarded to Mason |
Robinson, Edmund C. | 1848 Nov 9 | Norfolk, Va. | Reminding John Young Mason of his promise regarding the appointment of [William Henry] Ward as a midshipman; also Whig politics in Virginia, and the election of Capt. [?] Butler |
Robinson, Edmund C. | 1848 Nov 20 |
| Concerns the midshipmen’s appointment of William Henry Ward of Ohio and politics |
Robinson, Edmund C. | 1848 Dec 22 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns money; the appointment of William Henry Ward as a midshipman; slavery; the Wilmot Proviso; and right of recovery |
Robinson, Edward Branch | 1845 Aug 6 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns appointment of a warden for the penitentiary; also, he wrote a series of articles for the Richmond Enquirer under the pen name of Algernon Sydney; his remarks concerning Mason were either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented. |
Robinson, Edward Branch | 1845 Aug 15 | Washington, D.C. | Seeks Mason’s assistance to be appointed warden of the penitentiary; attached letter from D. Saunders bears note of E. B. Robinson |
Robinson, Edward, Rev. | 1848 Aug 3 | New York, N.Y. | [from Mason to Rev. Robinson] Concerns Lieut. [?] Lynch’s orders and the partisan papers’ attack on the President for Mason’s orders |
Robinson, Moncure | 1847 Aug 2 |
| Suggesting appointment of Capt. [Andrew] Talcott to oversee the construction of the dry dock at [Brooklyn], New York |
Rochelle, John William | 1845 May 12 | Tallahassee, Fla. | Requests John Young Mason to find out why he has not been reimbursed for expenses; requests permission to leave Florida July to October, the “sickly” months |
Rochelle, John William | 1845 Aug 7 | Jerusalem, Va. | Concerns his competition with [?] Levy for an appointment |
Rochelle, John William | 1849 Apr 23 | Pensacola, Fla. | Now a member of the Sons of Temperance and will soon marry; asks assistance in getting a clerkship at Gosport Navy Yard in Norfolk, where he will be near his mother and sister |
Rochelle, John William | 1849 May 26 | Pensacola, Fla. | Coming to Virginia with wife; did not mean he wanted a government appointment, but rather was inquiring if Mason knew of any available jobs in the Gosport/Norfolk area; also concerns Mason’s father’s illness |
Rochelle, M. B., Mrs. | 1844 Nov 6 | Jerusalem, Va. | Concerns her son, James, currently serving in the U.S. Navy |
Rochelle, M. B., Mrs. | 1846 Oct 28 |
| Inquires when she can expect son James’s ship, the Falmouth, back home |
Rochelle, M. B., Mrs. | 1849 May 3 | Hermitage | Concerns her son, John William, and his desire to leave Florida (see letter from John to Mason, 1849 April 23) |
Rochelle, M. B., Mrs. | 1851 Oct 20 |
| Asks for assistance in getting her son John a position of any kind; he has a college education and is an engineer; also mentions death of Com. Lewis Warrington |
Rogers, William B. | 1845 Apr 29 | University of Virginia, Charlottesville | Circular letter concerning recent disturbances, vandalism, and riots at the University |
Ruschenberger, William Samuel Waitman, Dr. | 1851 Mar 31 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Copy of letter Ruschenberger sent to Commander Thomas R. Gedney; contains a “re-hash” of events beginning in 1849 leading up to the harsh feelings between Ruschenberger and Gedney [while serving as Fleet Surgeon of the East India Squadron, Ruschenberger had reported to Mason on Comm. Gedney’s excessive drinking and gambling] (See also 1851 March 22, Gedney to Mason) |
Ruschenberger, William Samuel Waitman, Dr. | 1851 Apr 15 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Feels disagreement with Thomas R. Gedney has been resolved (See 1851 March 22 , Gedney to Mason, and March 31, Reschenberger to Mason) |
Ruschenberger, William Samuel Waithman, Dr. | 1851 Oct 13 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns a letter he wrote to Mason several years previous which Lieut. Page’s wife wants to get her hands on |
Salomon, H. M. | 1847 Mar 20 |
| Concerns politics, Secretary of the Treasury Robert J. Walker and [?] Upshur |
Salomon, [H. M.] | 1848 Mar 8 | Washington, D.C. | Politics |
Samuels, Green Berry | 1848 Jul 14 | Woodstock, Va. | Concerns an expedition to the Dead Sea and politics |
Schaumburg, James W. | 1847 Jun 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns allegations that John Young Mason’s decisions concerning Navy docks was influenced by a relative (Beverley Tucker) in the business who was to receive $18,000 |
Schaumburg, James W. | 1847 Jul 22 |
| Chastises Mason for not replying to his previous letter (see 1847 June 21) |
Schaumburg, James W. | 1847 Jul 25 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns the dock controversy and public opinion |
Scott, Edward Pegram | 1847 Jan 6 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Major Walter R. Gwynn, new president of the James River and Kanawha Canal Company, who wishes to command the new regiment (in the impending war with Mexico) |
Scott, Edward Pegram | 1848 Apr 3 | Richmond, Va. | Recommends George D. Baskervill as commissioner for Mexican claims |
Scott, Robert Gourmain, and Stafford Henry Parker | 1845 Mar 13 | Richmond, Va. | Seeking a clerkship for James Bosher, son of James Bosher |
Scott, Robert Gourmain | 1845 Apr 1 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the possible recall of Nathaniel Denby as U.S. government agent at Marseilles |
Scott, Robert Gourmain | 1847 Feb 4 | Richmond, Va. | Son William has not received his commission in the revenue service as promised; asks Mason to look into the matter |
Scott, Robert Gourmain | 1849 Nov 2 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns his son, Capt. Robert G. Scott, Jr. |
Scott, Robert Gourmain | 1850 Apr 2 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns appointment of John A. Lancaster as toll collector at the docks of the Kanawha Canal |
Scott, William B. | 1845 Apr 17 |
| Concerns their mutual friend “Jones” who desires the position of purser vacated by the death of Mr. Moore |
Scott, William B. | 1848 Apr 20 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns John Simmons who wants his father-in-law’s job |
Scott, William B. | 1849 Feb 28 | Washington, D.C. | Relaying requests of things he wants done before Mason leaves office |
Scott, William B. | 1849 Nov 23 | Washington, D.C. | Financial matters |
Scott, William B. | 1850 Jul 12 | Washington, D.C. | As administrator of the estate of Capt. G. W. Taylor, is having great difficulty with Taylor’s widow; letter ends with a few comments about national politics [see letters of Charles B. Pratt, 1851 Jan 23 and of Rebecca Taylor, 1850 July 15 and 25) |
Seay, William H. | 1847 Mar 17 | Smithfield, Va. | Concerns the depreciation of Mason’s farm by “over-cropping” and “over-grazing”; also concerns financial matters, Shimuel Godwin, and crops damaged by wet weather |
Segar, Joseph | 1850 Oct 29 | Hampton, Va. | Wants to know plans of the James River and Kanawha Canal Company before the meeting of the legislature - wants the success of the water line |
Selden, John A. | 1846 Oct 25 | Westover, Charles City County, Va. | Concerns an account, Dr. Ritchie’s bill, the estate of C. H. Edloe, and his desire to get a purser situation for his son Miles |
Selden, John A. | 1847 Feb 8 | “Weyanoke,” Charles City County, Va. | Concerns Fielding Douthat taking the place of Selden’s son, Miles, as Capt. Saunders’ clerk on the USS St. Mary |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1845 Mar 31 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns financial matters and Mason’s new position |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1845 Apr 24 | Norfolk, Va. | Asks Mason to explain more fully to the Secretary of the Navy a bank matter he has written about |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1845 Jun 14 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the maturing of [?] Williams’ note; invites John Young Mason and his wife to join him for a holiday at the falls |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1845 Aug 4 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the Secretary of the Navy and deposits in the Exchange Bank; met with Purser Handy who was on his way to Washington to seek relief |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1845 Oct 1 | Norfolk, Va. | Heard from his own son that Mason’s son was doing well |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1846 Jan 10 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the illness and death of two of Sharp’s children; received Mason’s letter and attended to its enclosures; sees Mason frequently in newspaper reports; also concerns bank problem with a Navy agent |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1846 Oct 31 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the interest on Mason’s note and the damage to the USS Perry by a hurricane off the shore of Florida |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1847 Feb 2 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns banking in general and Mason’s finances in particular |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1847 Mar 2 | Norfolk, Va. | Letter of introduction for John Triplett Smith of Norfolk, Va., who is in Washington to seek employment in the Marine Corps |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1847 Apr 23 | Norfolk, Va. | Acknowledges receipt of a check to be applied to John Young Mason’s note, and much “flattery” |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1847 Sep 14 | Norfolk, Va. | Financial matters |
Sharp, William Willoughby | 1849 Feb 6 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns midshipman examinations in which the best students failed and the poorest student passed |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1845 Oct 13 | Norfolk, Va. | Obtained 50 bags of wheat from G. W. Richardson of Baltimore and sent it to Smithfield by Capt. Adams under the supposition that Mason intended it for immediate seeding |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1846 Dec 26 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns John Young Mason’s note due and his neglect to renew it |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1846 Dec 29 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns financial matters; inside bears statements of accounts with Charles H. Sheild and the Exchange Bank |
[Sheild, Charles H.] | 1847 Jan 28 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the steamer Hibernia and corn |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1847 Jan 29 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the steamer Hibernia and the price of corn; directed John Young Mason’s manager, Turner, to ship the corn immediately |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1847 Mar 3 | Norfolk, Va. | Financial matters, including the sale of Mason’s corn; also discusses a bill passed in the Senate to provide relief to famine sufferers in Ireland |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1847 Jul 6 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the shipment of articles from Mason’s farm |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1847 Dec 10 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the payment of $500 to unidentified individuals |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1848 Jun 7 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Mason’s debt to John A. Higgins (see letter from Higgins dated 1848 June 7) |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1848 Dec 14 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1849 Mar 7 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1853 Apr 14 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Sheild, Charles H. | 1853 May 7 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns banking matters; also concerns Mason’s corn crop and the depressed market for corn |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 Apr 13 | USS Independence, Monterey | Asks for relief from his present unpleasant situation; wishes to come home and retire |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 Apr 17 | USS Independence, Monterey | Repeat of requests of April 13 |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 May 1 | USS Independence, Mazatlan, Mexico | Willing to stay there if the war with Mexico continues; talks of the blockade the U.S. is imposing; store ships have arrived with their provisions |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 May 18 | USS Independence | Concerns Mexico, the war, and his desire to return to the U.S. |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 Jun 28 | USS Independence, Monterey | Letter of introduction for Edward Fenwick |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 Oct 1 | USS Independence, Monterey | Shubrick is now willing to play “second fiddle” to Com. Biddle |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 Nov 04 | USS Independence, Bay of St. Francis | Shubrick feels he “suffer[s] too much to be silent” |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1847 Dec 4 | USS Independence, Mazatlan, Mexico | Shubrick reports interest in “Lower California”; has dispatched the Southampton with reinforcements and ammunition to Lieut. Heywood at San Jose and the Portsmouth to Lieut. Col. Burton at La Paz; insurgents have been joined by a larger number of Mexicans; terms of sailors on board the Portsmouth are due to expire in January |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1848 May 7 | USS Independence, Mazatlan, Mexico | Just recently received Mason’s letter of March 11 concerning his return to the U.S.; acknowledges he [Shubrick] has a “tendency to melancholy”; mentions the arrival of Commodore [Thomas ap Catesby] Jones and the USS Ohio |
Shubrick, William Bradford | 1848 Dec 29 | Santiago, Chile | Concerns Col. Barton and the Independence (ship) |
Sinclair, Arthur | 1844 May 10 | US Schooner Phoenix | Concerns the need for a larger vessel to carry the mail or the addition of another ship in order to have room for provisions |
Sinclair, Arthur | 1845 Aug 9 | US Schooner [?], Norfolk, Va. | Wishes someone else to take his ship on the next voyage as his wife, Lelia, is due to deliver in October |
Sinclair, Arthur | 1846 Feb 12 | Norfolk, Va. | Requesting Mason send Mrs. [?] Talbot’s receipt (she’s had a perfect fit, as it has not arrived) |
Sinclair, Arthur | 1846 Nov 12 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his wife Lelia’s anxiety over his sailing on small crafts; would like Upshur’s position when his term expires |
Sinclair, Arthur | 1847 Mar 10 | Norfolk, Va. | Delighted with his present situation; thanks Mason for his many acts of kindness |
Sinclair, Arthur | 1848 Dec 8 | Norfolk, Va. | Mailing official application for command of the supply [bureau] |
Sinclair, Arthur | 1849 Oct 30 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his cruise in the Mediterranean and his application for shore duty |
Sinclair, George T. | 1844 Nov 13 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Commander [John D.] Sloat and Selia’s concern over his safety following a hurricane; the birth of Sinclair’s daughter; and the marriage of Dr.[?] Sinclair |
Sinclair, George T. | 1845 Jan 23 | US Brig Oregon , Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his fitness for sea duty |
Sinclair, George T. | 1846 Sep 1 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his application for a vacancy; and rumors of Mason’s return to the Navy Dept. |
Sinclair, George T. | 1848 Jul 4 | US Brig Perry, at sea off Cape Santa Martha | Anxious to return home as soon as his sea duty is up; ‘sings the praises’ of his little boat |
Skinner, Charles William | 1844 Jul 26 | Norfolk, Va. | Sympathy note concerning the loss of John Young Mason’s aunt; also concerns his family, the extreme heat and possibility of time to take them north to a cooler area |
Skinner, Charles William | 1844 Dec 9 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the number of officers and men to be assigned to the USS Jamestown |
Skinner, Charles William | 1845 Jun 25 | Commodore, USS Jamestown, near Madeira | Expresses his regret that Mason has left the Navy Dept.; is patrolling the African Coast in search for slave traders |
Skinner, Charles William | 1845 Oct 20 | USS Jamestown | Recommending his secretary, W. H. Allmand, for appointment as purser |
Skinner, Charles William | 1846 Oct 5 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | New commander of the yard (wife is still in Staunton, Va., awaiting the preparation of their new house); concerns Mason’s new position with the Navy Dept. |
Skinner, Charles William | 1847 Mar 11 | Gosport Naval Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns rumors about building a new steamer by contract instead of by the Navy Yard |
Skinner, Charles William | 1847 May 13 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns a new appointment offered to him by Mason [as chief of the Bureau of Construction and Repair] |
Skinner, Charles William | 1847 May 17 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns [?] Wilkinson, who does not know what he wants; an appointment or a farm; Skinner accepts the new position offered to him |
Slamm, Levi D. | 1847 Apr 19 | Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York | Purser; concerns Mason’s son John, Capt. DeKay, national politics, Capt. Munday, and Maj. Sanders of the U.S. Engineers |
Slamm, Levi D. | 1847 Jun 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns Lieut. Hunter; encloses newspaper clipping |
Slamm, Levi D. | 1847 Sep 2 | Memphis, Tenn. | Purser, Memphis Navy Yard. Concerns Mason’s address at the Univ. Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. which he has made arrangements to have published in the Daily Appeal (Memphis newspaper); Capt. Pendergrast. who has been seriously ill. is improved |
Slamm, Levi D. | 1847 Nov 15 | US Sloop Alleghany, Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Seeking appointment as master’s mate for his brother-in-law, R. Albert Morselle |
Sloat, John D. | 1847 Nov 22 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a letter written to him by John Young Mason. Sloat has been assigned to the command of the Gosport Navy Yard and wishes to know when the current commander, Lawrence Kearny, is to be relieved so that he can make plans accordingly. |
Sloat, John D. | 1849 Feb 16 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Wants appointment as midshipman for John D. Sloat, Jr. |
Sloat, John D. | 1849 Mar 22 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the appointment for his son, John Jr., that Mason did not take care of while in office |
Smith, J. Vaughan, Dr. | 1847 May 13 | USS Franklin, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. | Concerns his nephew, Dr. Howard Smith, serving on the Princeton, and the death of his parent; verso bears note of Foxhall A. Parker (J. V. Smith’s brother-in-law) |
Smith, William | 1847 Jan 27 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Henry A. Wise’s recall from Brazil |
Smith, William | 1847 Feb 4 | Richmond, Va. | Virginia politics |
Smyth, Harold | 1851 Jun 25 | Wytheville, Va. | Concerns Emory and Henry College and the Yankee abolitionist president “appointed there by the trustees at a moment of folly and ignorance”; also concerns the University of Virginia and William and Mary |
Southall, Albert G. | 1845 Mar 14 | New Orleans, La. | Wants to remain in his position with the federal timber preservation agency in Louisiana |
Southall, Albert G. | 1846 Dec 27 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the sale of one of Mason’s slaves, Henry, who is not in good health (see also letters of William A. Spark, 1847 Feb 5 and 21, and Mar 5) |
Southgate, Wright | 1845 Jul 14 | Exchange Bank of Virginia, Norfolk | Concerns Mason’s finances |
Southgate, Wright | 1845 Dec 27 | Exchange Bank of Virginia, Norfolk | Received and discounted Mason’s note |
Southgate, Wright | 1846 Jan 5 | Exchange Bank of Virginia, Norfolk | Concerns Mason’s personal finances; post script concerns the death of Mr. Sharp’s son Richard |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1845 Nov 12 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the sale of Mason’s crops and relations with Great Britain |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1846 Jan 10 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns an agreement to sell 3000 bushels of corn; deliver corn only when weather is suitable |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1846 Jan 11 |
| More concerning the sale of Mason’s corn; can sell in New York, Boston, or wherever; questions about rumors concerning the Oregon question and their effect on stocks; also, tariffs and the national economy |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1846 Jul 22 | Richmond, Va. | Financial matters |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1846 Dec 19 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a house and financial matters |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1847 Jan 12 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns Dr. James M. Minor’s order to go to sea and his aged, blind mother whose other son is already serving in the Gulf |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1847 Mar 18 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns financial matters |
Soutter, James Taylor | 1847 Apr 17 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns his company (Soutter Bros. & Co.) and a proposal for the Navy butter and cheese contract |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1844 Dec 12 | Richmond, Va. | Letter of support for Mason to be appointed to President Polk’s cabinet |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1845 Feb 2 | Richmond, Va. | Letter signed by 10+ urging Polk to retain Mason in his present position; wants to know who to safely send it to; also politics |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1845 Feb 7 |
| [to Charles F. Osborne c/o John Young Mason] Sending letter prepared on behalf of Mason; the intent embraces nearly every member of the Democratic Party in Virginia |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1845 Feb 9 | Richmond, Va. | Letter of recommendation for appointment of William G. Birchett of Prince George as customs inspector at City Point |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1845 Feb 12 |
| Concerns Shimuel Godwin of Isle of Wight Co., Va., [Charles F.] Osborne, and [?] Jones’s sudden resignation |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1845 Feb 13 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns [Charles F.] Osborne and President-Elect Polk |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1845 Feb 16 | Richmond, Va. | [to Francis E. Rives, Washington, D.C.] Concerns Hopkin’s manuvers to get John Winston Jones out of the way so he can be Speaker of the House, and Mason’s position in the Cabinet or Congress |
Spark, M. S., Dr. | 1845 Feb 16 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns [?] Patton being detained by “family considerations” and a letter from Patton (not present) |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1845 Jul 29 | Franklin Depot, Va. | Concerns the building of the Memphis naval yard |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1845 Dec 8 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns money from N. T. Williams; the president’s message regarding the Oregon question; and reports that he recently saw “Miss Betty” Mason, Mason’s daughter. |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1845 Dec 14 | Portsmouth, Va. | Enclosing a certificate of deposit; comments on the “mortifying” election of Smith; he is backing the appointment of Thompson from Wheeling to the position vacated by Judge Isaac S. Pennybacker, not because he supports Thompson, but to keep Hopkins or Stringer from getting the appointment |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1846 Aug 6 | Franklin Depot, Va. | Sending hams he has cured |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1846 Dec 7 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns his desire for appointment in the regiment being organized for Mexico; expresses doubts about his ability to be quartermaster |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Feb 5 | U.S. Senate Chamber, Washington, D.C. | Concerns health problems of one of Mason’s servants [i.e. Henry]; also concerns an appointment Spark has received |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Feb 21 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns clothes for Henry, one of Mason’s slaves; Dr. Spark’s desire to get appointment as Army paymaster; also concerns Col. Taliaferro of Gloucester County, Va. |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Mar 5 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Mason’s slave Henry; thinks he has recovered enough so that Mason can now hire him out |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Mar 6 |
| Wants appointment as paymaster in the army for himself and a clerkship for Mr. [?] Godwin |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Apr 29 | New Orleans, La. | Concerns several financial matters including travel reimbursement to New Orleans |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Jun 22 | Buena Vista, Mexico | Concerns problems encountered as new paymaster; states his disagreement with Gen. Taylor’s policy towards the presidency and other politics; is sending $100.50 to renew a note by Lieut. Kinney; notations of Mason on verso indicate he was not given the money by Lieut. Kinney; notes also indicate Mason’s attempts to locate Kinney and the money |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Aug 15 | Buena Vista, Mexico | Still in camp, waiting for reenforcements; the volunteers are eager for a fight; Capt. Fairfax died last night after a lingering attack of fever; quarterly reports soon; also concerns Capt. Erskin’s health; asks Mason to forward him a newspaper occasionally |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Sep 28 | Monterey, Mexico | Concerns the war with Mexico; military strategies; why he thinks the Mexicans are not ready for peace; and Capt. Erskin’s death. Asks Mason to send a Democrat to replace him. |
Spark, William Alexander, Dr. | 1847 Nov 5 | Monterey, Mexico | Concerns his travel expenses; pay; the death of his brother-in-law, Col. Parker, and the necessity of remaining in the service so he can provide for his sister and her children; also concerns the feeling of despair beginning to pervade the Mexican people and Gen. Taylor’s eye on the presidency |
Stainback, George Woodliff | 1844 Oct 25 | Bank of Virginia, Petersburg | Concerns Mason’s note, held by J. H. Williamson, now deceased |
Stainback, George Woodliff | 1846 May 4 | Branch Bank of Virginia, Petersburg | Concerns John Young Mason’s personal finances |
Stainback, George Woodliff | 1847 Oct 4 | Branch Bank of Virginia, Petersburg | Concerns several of Mason’s notes |
Stainback, George Woodliff | 1849 Apr 12 | Bank of Virginia, Petersburg | Concerns financial matter; encloses statement for 1st quarter, 1849 |
Stanton, Frederick P. | 1845 Aug 22 | Memphis, Tenn. | Concerns the replacement of Col. Morrison as assistant engineer in Memphis; also concerns mines (lead, silver, or gold) on lands now occupied by the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians; requests Mason’s assistance for [?] Fowlkes who will be in Washington to bid on some work |
Stark, Powhatan Bernard, Dr. | 1845 Nov 17 | Charlottesville, Va. | Stranded penniless in Charlottesville |
Stark, Powhatan Bernard, Dr. | 1845 Dec 14 | Washington, D.C. | [from Mason to Stark] Concerns finances; tries to help Stark; admonition to devote himself industriously to his profession |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1844 Aug 23 | Captain, USS Princeton | Concerns a report concerning the “Princeton disaster of February last” [a cannon blew up while various dignitaries were aboard] |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1844 Oct 12 | Captain, USS Princeton | Politics |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1844 Oct 18 | Captain, USS Princeton | Concerns politics |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1844 Oct 22 | Captain, USS Princeton | Concerns a gun being manufactured in England and maintenance on the USS Princeton |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1844 Dec 10 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Urging the experimental use of a new steam-driven propeller developed by John Steven |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1845 Jan 14 | New York, N.Y. | Concern sea duty, the “Porpoise,” the “Princeton,” and a propeller |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1845 Feb 23 |
| Concerns the upcoming cruise of the USS Princeton |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1845 Sep 26 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Wishes Mason to use his influence with the President to facilitate the appointment of Capt. McKeever to the Washington Naval Yard |
Stockton, Robert Field | 1847 May 29 | USS Congress | Although he had permission to go to Panama, Comm. Biddle would not allow the ship to go; relates his plans for return |
[Stockton, Robert Field] | 1848 May 11 | Princeton, [N.J.] | Concerns difficulty between Kearny and Fremont (portion of letter missing, including the last page with signature) |
Sturdevant, Hurt & Co. | 1844 Oct 26 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters and current prices |
Sturdevant, Hurt & Co. | 1844 Nov 8 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the settlement of a note, and the purchase of wheat, brandy, and lard |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1845 Feb 19 | Petersburg, Va. | Recommendation for William G. Birchett |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1846 Jan 10 | Petersburg, Va. | [to James B. Newton, Hicksford, Va.] Received authorization from Lewis E. Mason to sell 150 barrels of corn; have found buyer at 3.50/barrel |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1847 Feb 23 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the price of corn |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1847 Apr 10 | Petersburg, Va. | [to Lewis E. Mason, Hicksford, Va.] John Young Mason’s corn and cotton have been sold; bags have been sent to Jarratt’s |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1847 Jun 18 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1847 Jun 19 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1849 Jan 13 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns John Young Mason’s financial affairs |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1849 Apr 24 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the rental of a house in Petersburg |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1849 Dec 15 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters, the bean crop at Fortsville, taxes, and prices for beans, peas, and cotton |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1851 Feb 1 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Mason’s cotton crop, prices, and whether or not to sell; also sending Mason 2 barrels of cider |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1852 Apr 23 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters involving Mason’s note and an enclosed payment which wasn’t enclosed |
Sturdivant, Hurt & Co. | 1853 Jan 27 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Sutherland, Joel Barlow | 1844 Mar [?] |
| Letter of reference for Navy Dept. clerk A.H. Smith |
Sutherland, Joel Barlow | 1844 Mar 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Letter of congratulations on Mason’s appointment; enclosed newspaper clipping; mentions his letter from Robert Tyler concerning Mason’s appointment |
Sutherland, Joel Barlow | 1846 Apr 4 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the case of U.S. v. Tingy (concerning executive authority) and mineral leases in the area around Lake Superior |
Sutherland, Joel Barlow | 1847 Jul 7 |
| Concerns a vacancy in the land office at Green Bay; wants son Thomas W. Sutherland appointed |
Sutherland, Joel Barlow | 1847 Jul 10 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Dry dock controversy |
Sutherland, Joel Barlow | 1847 Jul 17 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns an appointment for his son as receiver of the land office at Green Bay |
Taylor, G. W. | 1849 Mar 18 |
| Concerns a rocket stand and Mason’s input on the subject with the new Secretary of the Navy |
Taylor, Rebecca (Mrs. G. W. Taylor) | 1850 Jul 15 | Washington, D.C. | Concerning the settling of her husband’s estate and Maj. William B. Scott (see also 1850 July 12 and 25; 1851 Jan. 23) |
Taylor, Rebecca (Mrs. G. W. Taylor) | 1850 Jul 25 | Washington, D.C. | Urging Mason to come and help her settle her husband’s estate (see also 1850 July 12 and 15; 1851 Jan. 23) |
Thompson, Ambrose W. | 1850 Nov 23 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns a pamphlet and mail steamer |
Thompson, Ambrose W. | 1850 Nov 28 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Set meeting for Wednesday of next week; line from Macao to California; mail steamers; also concerns their “enterprise” |
Thompson, Ambrose W. | 1850 Dec 27 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns an agreement (does not say between whom) |
Thompson, Ambrose W. | 1850 Dec 29 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Same subject as Dec. 27 |
Thompson, Ambrose W. | 1851 Apr 26 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Invitation to John Young Mason to accompany him on the steam ship Albatross to Charleston, S.C., where there is to be a big medical convention so there will be many well known physicians on board as well as a number of their mutual friends |
Thompson, Ambrose W. | 1852 Feb 15 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns steam ship line matters before Congress; also concerns the British government’s intention to establish a steam ship line from Panama to China |
Thompson, Ambrose W. | 1853 Feb 21 | Washington, D.C. | Urges John Young Mason to write to his friends in the Senate similar to letter he wrote to Gen. Rush last spring concerning a bill they want passed; also enlists his help with newspapers and an amendment to the Navy bill |
Thompson, Waddy Jr. | 1845 Mar 11 | Greenville, S.C. | Concerns the removal of his brother-in-law, former Governor Pierce Mason Butler, from the position of Cherokee and Comanche Indian Agent |
Thompson, [Waddy, Jr.] | 1845 Apr 20 | Greenville, S.C. | Concerns politics, especially Mexico; the U.S. Navy; blockades; England; California |
Thompson, Waddy Jr. | 1845 Jul 10 | Greenville, S.C. | Concerns the status of things in Mexico; asks Mason to help him obtain copies of some papers from the Secretary of the Treasury concerning Mexico’s indemnity. Verso bears note of Mason dated July 19 requesting the papers be sent to him along with this letter |
Thompson, Waddy Jr. | 1845 Aug 26 | Greenville, S.C. | Concerns a West Point appointment for Col. Colburn’s son |
Thompson, Waddy Jr. | 1845 Sep 10 | Greenville, S.C. | Concerns conditions in Mexico |
Thompson, Waddy Jr. | 1846 Dec 10 | Columbia, S.C. | Appears to have changed his mind about having his name presented to the President for a command |
Thompson, Waddy Jr. | 1847 May 24 | Greenville, S.C. | Concerns report (in error) that he was seeking an appointment as Brigadier General |
Thomson, John R. | 1847 Apr 27 | Princeton, N.J. | Concerns a letter from [Robert Field] Stockton, the USS Congress, and the San Diego harbor |
Thomson, John R. | 1847 Jul 18 | Princeton, N.J. | Concerns guns for the Gulf and requests that Rev. John S. Lenhart be appointed a chaplain |
Thomson, John R. | 1847 Aug 23 | Princeton, N.J. | Wishes his brother Lieut. Edward R. Thomson to be appointed commander of the receiving vessel at Philadelphia when the term of the current commander expires |
Thornton, James B. | 1846 Nov 22 | Caroline County, Va. | Concerns his family’s move to Memphis by way of Kentucky and his book, which is being printed (Manual and Guide for Lawyers, Public Officers, and Men of Business); left direction at the publishers to send Mason a copy at no charge |
Thornton, James B. | 1853 Sep 26 | Staunton, Va. | Concerns Mason’s house in Richmond burning; Thornton’s son, Gustavus Brown Thornton, who will attend Richmond College until he can get an appointment to West Point; and congratulates Mason on his appointment to France |
Thorp, John L. | 1845 Dec 20 | Galveston, Texas | Letter of introduction for Guy Bryan of Texas who is seeking appointment as a marshal for the state; bears letter, 1845 Dec. 26, of Guy M. Bryan, Peach Point, Brazoria County, Texas, who cannot come to Washington at this time; however, he wishes his name forwarded to Mr. Polk for consideration |
Thorp, John L. | 1847 Jan 2 | Caney City, Texas | Wants appointment for R. E. Stewart, who was security for R. L. Downman and lost nearly everything; would prefer to be an Indian agent |
Thorp, John L. | 1847 Oct 27 | Marengo County, Ala. | Offers his assistance to Mason in establishing a plantation in the south. Thorp is starting a plantation in Texas to grow sugar |
Timberlake, Lewis | 1845 Feb 1 | New York, N.Y. | Has been out of town until this morning and will tend to matters with [?]; also concerns a financial matter he tended to for Mason |
Timberlake, Lewis | 1845 Feb 13 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns damages to a carriage shipped by boat ; includes statement showing charges |
Timberlake, Lewis | 1845 Mar 10 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a shipment of canvas for sails |
Timberlake, Lewis | 1845 Dec 17 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns merchant Francis Burrell of Burrell & Johnson and the Boorman Johnson Co.; sudden illness of someone in Timberlake’s family |
Timberlake, Lewis | 1846 Sep 14 | New York, N.Y. | Enclosing letter for James A. Semple and asks Mason to forward it to him if he is no longer in Washington; also states his pleasure at Mason’s return to the Navy Dept. |
Timberlake, Lewis | 1850 Oct 17 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns engraved business cards for John Young Mason |
Todd, Samuel P. | 1844 Dec 31 | Philadelphia, Pa. | [to “Aunt” Dolley Madison] Requests Aunt Dolley use her influence with the Sec. of the Navy to obtain orders for him (Samuel) to be sent to the Mediterranean and arrangements made for his wife and daughter to follow him in a merchant vessel or store ship |
Toler, Ann Nicholas (Grymes) | 1847 Jul 26 | Gunston Hall, Va. | Asks John Young Mason to forward a packet of letters from Col. R. B. Mason to Governor Mason in California; also concerns her sister, Elizabeth, widow of George Mason Hooe; requests a clerkship for Albert S. Willis of Virginia, now residing in Washington and operating a boarding house with his wife |
Toler, Hopeful | 1847 Jul 10 | Lima, Peru | Reports lack of U.S. warships in Callao and Panama; also concerns the squadron and a blockade of the coast of Mexico and its shortcomings; concerns dispatches he is carrying: copies of “proclamations” of Gen. [Steven W.] Kearny (March 1) and Commander [James] Biddle (March 7) |
Toler, Hopeful | 1848 Aug 23 | San Francisco, Calif. | Concerns his displeasure with his daughter Charlotte’s marriage to Lansford Warren Hastings of California and asks Mason’s assistance in gathering ammunition for a divorce, believing her “abusive” husband had at least one other wife (Charlotte was, in fact, his second of three wives). |
Tucker, Beverley | 1846 Apr 30 |
| Wants the contract to make canon balls (with James Hunter and “a gentleman from Louisa”) |
Tucker, Beverley | 1846 Nov 4 | Williamsburg, Va. | Concerns a post office vacancy; important to the college (William and Mary); mentions 2 possibilities for the appointment: 1) the widow of the previous port master, or 2) Parke Slater |
Tucker, Beverley | 1846 Dec 21 | Richmond, Va. | Enclosing clipping from the “Southern Standard” concerning John Young Mason |
Tucker, Beverley | 1846 Dec 28 | Columbia, Va. | Interested in the foundry contract given Mr. Wellford by the Navy Dept. Before his death |
Tucker, Beverly | 1847 Jun 23 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the dry dock controversy |
Tucker, Beverley | 1847 Aug 8 | Winchester, Va. | Concerns rumors about John Young Mason and the floating dry dock controversy; defends himself as part of the rumor mill |
Tucker, Beverley | 1848 May 17 |
| Concerns Mason’s being unavailable; encloses money he owed Mason |
Tucker, Beverley | 1848 Jul 11 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a meeting with Mr. R. (otherwise unidentified) concerning a proposed business venture; also concerns soldiers’ bounty land warrants |
Tucker, Beverley | 1848 Jul 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a matter before the Senate |
Tucker, Beverley | 1852 Feb 14 | Washington, D.C. | Enclosing maps; also concerns [?] Caperton and a trip to Philadelphia |
Tucker, Beverley | 1852 Oct 13 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns “the Almighty Dollar” and Tucker’s attempts to mend a broken friendship with Mason |
Tucker, Henry St. George | 1844 Jul 4 | University of Virginia Charlottesville | Concerns the progress of Mason’s son, John, at the University |
Tucker, Henry St. George | 1845 Jun 11 | University of Virginia, Charlottesville | Concern rumors that Mason will be sent to England; wonders if Mason would be interested in filling Tucker’s position at the university when he retires |
Tucker, Henry St. George | 1845 Jul 7 |
| Seeking an appointment |
Tucker, Henry St. George | 1845 Jul 23 | Cape May, N.J. | Will not be seeing Mason on his way home; has scarlet fever in his family |
Tucker, John Randolph | 1848 May 16 | Winchester, Va. | Recommends [Thomas Turner?] Fauntleroy for the office of District Attorney for the Western District of Virginia; encloses petition for Mason to give the President bearing signatures of Tucker, members of the Bar, and other citizens of Winchester |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1845 Jul 22 | Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns Mason’s crops |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1845 Aug 5 | Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | Will have “fowl coop” made and sent with ducks; reports on crops, dry weather, and that the slaves are all well |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1845 Aug 26 | Days’ Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | Reports on Mason’s crops, the making of damson preserves, and that family is totally healthy |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1845 Nov 21 | Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns marketing John Young Mason’s corn and wheat crops; has sown wheat; financial matters; requests further instructions |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1845 Dec 15 | Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns corn crops of 1843-44 and report on current crops; hogs; work of slaves |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1847 Jun 30 | Day’s Neck, Isle of Wight County, Va. | Reports the best crop of wheat Mason ever had, though some of it is “rusted”; report on other crops ; sending 2 hogsheads of bacon and hams (1371 lbs.) and a box of 15 hams (173 lbs.) for Mason’s personal use, along with 10 midlings (178 lbs.); people of Smithfield trying to get subscriptions to build a wharf |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1848 May 9 | Burwell’s Bay, Va. | Wants loan of $50 (notation of Mason that he sent the money) |
Turner, Jordan W. | 1848 Sep 11 | Burwell’s Bay | Concerns financial matters |
Turner, Joseph | 1847 Feb 3 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns collecting a debt from [?] Wyche; letter forwarded to Col. Kaufman for his opinion, per note on verso |
Turner, Joseph | 1849 Jun 7 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns a legal matter involving an estate |
Turner, Joseph | 1852 Dec 30 | Hicksford, Va. | Concerns money Mason owed David Augustine Claiborne |
Tyler, John W. | 1847 Jun 29 | Woodlawn, [Prince George County, Va.] | Concerns Maj. Charles Hunton of Fauquier who desires a position in Mason’s Dept. |
Tyler, John W. | 1848 Dec 7 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns a clerkship for Charles Hume of Culpeper - verso bears note, December 8, 1848, of John Strode Barbour concurring with Tyler on Hume’s appointment |
Tyler, Robert | 1845 Feb 8 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns Tyler’s finances? |
Tyler, Robert | 1845 Sep 15 |
| Concerns a legal case against the United States |
Tyler, Robert | 1847 May 24 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Letter of introduction for Gen. Joseph Hall who has business with the Navy Department |
Tyler, Robert | 1847 Jun 20 |
| Missed Mason in the morning; will be in town until the 4:30 train if Mason wishes to see him |
Tyler, Robert | 1847 Jun 29 |
| Concerns building a propeller ship |
Tyler, Robert | 1847 Dec 10 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns a political meeting he attended that was very turbulent; Tyler is seeking a diplomatic post, preferably in Europe; will not go to South America |
Tyler, Robert | 1848 Jul 31 | Philadelphia | Concerns politics and Armstrong’s orders (see July 29. 1848) |
Tyler, Robert | 1848 Oct 26 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns a proposed appointment for Tyler |
Tyler, Robert | 1848 Nov 6 |
| Wants to know why he cannot get an answer to his application |
Tyler, Robert | 1848 Nov 22 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns [Richard?] Brodhead, former member of Congress from Pa. |
Tyler, Robert | 1848 Dec 26 |
| Concerns the nomination for the mission to Rome |
Upshur, George Parker | 1847 Mar 10 | Norfolk, Va. | Acknowledges his appointment as Supt. of the Naval School at Annapolis |
Upshur, George Parker | 1847 Jul 21 | Naval School, Annapolis, Md. | Concerns midshipman’s exams and encouraging a visit from Mason |
Upshur, George Parker | 1847 Jul 28 | Naval School, Annapolis, Md. | Will meet Mason at the Depot with a carriage tomorrow evening |
Upshur, George Parker | 1847 Oct 13 | Naval School, Annapolis, Md. | Concerns [John A.] Dahlgren dividing his time between the school and the laboratory; also concerns housing for professors and their families, support staff, and Upshur’s position |
Upshur, George Parker | 1848 Mar 10 | Naval School, Annapolis, Md. | Asks Mason to allow a promising, but academically deficient, student to remain at school on a trial basis a little while longer |
Upshur, George Parker | 1848 Jun 3 | Naval School, Annapolis, Md. | Seamanship exams in progress; invites Mason for a visit, as his daughters Betty and Fanny Mason are there |
Upshur, George Parker | 1848 Jul 15 | Naval School, Annapolis, Md. | Sending list of volunteer midshipmen for the St. Lawrence and Portsmouth (ships); regrets that he has no candidates for the St. Louis; asks his nephew be assigned to the observatory with a leave of 6 to 8 weeks to visit family and take care of business in Virginia (been constantly at sea since 1841); also concerns individuals at the school he wishes to “get rid of as soon as you may deem it expedient to dispose of them”; would like Midshipman M. J. Smith ordered to Lieut. Com. Patterson’s survey team |
Upshur, George Parker | 1848 Aug 3 | Naval School, Annapolis, Md. | [?] Van Wyck failed his seamanship exam - wants to go to sea to gain experience before the next “Board”; forwarding application of Professor [Arsene N.] Girault for a residential allowance |
Vaudricourt, Augustus G., de | 1847 Aug 8 | Washington, D.C. | Applies for position of a draftsman (turned down by Com.Warrington) |
Vaudricourt, Augustus G., de | 1847 Aug 23 | Washington, D.C. | Offers to paint Mason’s portrait and ultimately have it lithographed |
Vaudricourt, Augustus G., de | 1849 Jul 19 | Washington, D.C. | Settling in Richmond and wants a letter of recommendation from John Young Mason as he seeks to find employment |
Vaughan, Alfred J. | 1844 Apr 25 | Wellington, Mo. | Concerns Mason’s appointment as Secretary of the Navy; asks for Mason’s help obtaining a government position |
Vaughan, Alfred J. | 1845 Feb 18 | Pottawatamie Creek, Indian Territory | Wants Mason to use his influence with President Polk to help Vaughan retain his position [as Indian agent] |
Vaughan, Alfred J. | 1845 Feb 20 | Pottawatamie Creek, Indian Territory | Wants Mason to use his influence with the Postmaster General to establish a regular mail route for his section; encloses petition |
Vaughan, Alfred J. | 1847 Oct 23 | Kansas, Indian territory | Sends John Young Mason a “Commanche-dressed” buffalo robe; also concerns the relocation of the Potawatomies under his charge to their new home on the Kansas River |
Vaughan, Augustus M. | 1846 May 23 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns whether postal clerks are exempt from military duty during time of war |
Vaughan, David W. | 1846 Jul 27 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns the estate of Joseph Mason |
Vincent, Frederick | 1846 Jan 26 | Washington, D.C. | Recommending appointment of A. G. Peachy as secretary or clerk to the commission soon to be instituted by congress to adjudicate the claims of U.S. citizens against the government of Peru (funds already paid to the U.S. treasury) |
Vincent, Frederick | 1846 Dec 16 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Offers to loan money to John Young Mason |
Vincent, Frederick | 1846 Dec 21 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Sending drafts for $1000 to John Young Mason |
Vincent, Frederick | 1847 Apr 6 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Asks for a reply to his letter of March 29th. |
Vincent, Frederick | 1847 May 25 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns financial matters and Mason’s trip to North Carolina |
Vincent, Frederick | 1847 Aug 15 | Saratoga, N.Y. | Financial matters concerning Mason |
Vincent, Frederick | 1847 Nov 3 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns Commodore James Barron, [John S.] Gilbert, and the floating dry dock controversy, including charges of patent infringement |
Vincent, Frederick | 1847 Nov 8 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Concerns the dry dock issue and expresses regret that he “transcended the limits of propriety” in his previous letter |
Vincent, Frederick | 1852 Apr 20 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Asks for money that Mason owes him |
Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates | 1847 Mar [?] |
| Petition to John Young Mason as Secretary of the Navy asking at least one of the government authorized contracts for new Navy steam ships be granted to Richmond ship builder Joseph R. Anderson |
Walker, J. Knox | 1846 Nov 18 | Washington, D.C. | Introduces James Polk who is recommended for a midshipman’s warrant; the President...”will be pleased to converse with you in relation to him...” |
Walker, J. Knox | 1849 Dec 23 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns financial matters and Christmas holidays |
Wallace, Robert | 1845 Jul 3 | Petersburg,, Va. | Extended Mason’s note and other financial matters |
Wallace, R[obert] | 1847 Apr 20 | Washington, D.C. | Letter of introduction for [?] Glenn |
Wallace, R[obert] | 1847 May 10 | Warrenton, Va. | Concerns supply contracts, politics, and the war |
Wallace, Robert | 1847 Aug 10 | Warrenton, Va. | Concerns the war in Mexico and the erroneous way the U.S. and its leaders are fighting it; also concerns British/Cuban relations |
Wallace, Robert | 1847 Aug 26 | Warrenton, Va. | Accepting appointment with “strings”; lost over $90,000 in Mississippi |
Wallace, Robert | 1849 Dec 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns legal representation for Mrs. McLaughlin; Wallace confined to bed |
Wallace, Thomas | 1845 Mar 10 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a letter for George H. Jones and Mason’s appointment as Attorney General |
Wallace, Thomas | 1845 Jun 26 | Petersburg, Va. | Bank agreed to discount Mason’s note; Mason’s finances; Washington politics |
Wallace, Thomas | 1845 Jul 16 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns a trip to Old Point |
Wallace, Thomas | 1845 Jul 26 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns Joseph V. Scott’s application for mail agent from Richmond, Va., to Weldon, N.C. |
Wallace, Thomas | 1845 Sep 20 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Mason’s personal finances, politics, and the principle of general suffrage |
Wallace, Thomas | 1846 Feb 25 | Petersburg, Va. | Asks assistance, at the request of Mrs. [?] Matthews, in obtaining the release of her minor son, Thomas Gray Matthews, from the army; she, as a widow, needs his assistance at home; news of friends and acquaintances in Petersburg, including the death of Dr. Harrison of Puddledock;, and the serious illness of Capt. Rives |
Wallace, William W. | 1848 Sep 21 | Warrenton, Va. | Attaches handwritten copy of an editorial from the June 3, 1848 issue of the newspaper “Flag” concerning a nomination of John Young Mason for Vice President |
Wallach, Charles H. | 1845 Aug 30 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a vacancy on the bench for the circuit court; would like Mason to appoint criminal court judge Dunlop to the circuit court which would leave a vacancy in the criminal court which Charles Wallach would like for himself, all this if Mason does not want the circuit court bench for himself |
Wallach, Charles S. | 1845 Mar 11 | Washington, D.C. | Reference for Daniel Smith, an applicant for a messenger’s position in Mason’s department (Attorney General) |
Wallerston, George | 1848 Jun 14 | Washington, D.C. | Reminds Mason of his subscription to the Washington National Monument ($20) |
Walsh, Elizabeth H. | 1845 Oct 16 | Paris, France | Concerns Mason’s appointment and Mr. Ritchie |
Walsh, Elizabeth H. | 1847 Oct 23 | Paris, France | Concerns Mason’s pamphlet (speech at UNC) - also concerns Mr. Walsh and consular charges connected with the death of Mrs. Julia Vail |
Walsh, Robert, U.S. Consul to France | 1847 Jul 4 | Paris, France | Seeking the admission of 2 sons of Viscountess D’Abzac, heirs of Baron DeKalb, to West Point and Annapolis |
Warrington, Lewis | 1846 Jan 26 | U.S. Navy Bureau of Yard and Docks, Washington, D.C. | Concerns a hearing before the judge of the orphans court proving the will of Commodore Crane; and surity |
Warrington, Lewis | 1850 Sep 18 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a note; an inventory of a store that is part of an estate; the USS Falmouth; and charges of insubordination against John De Camp |
Warwick, Abraham | 1846 Feb 6 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns financial matters, including clearing debts; also concerns Gallego Mills |
Warwick, Abraham | 1851 Mar 15 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Gallego Mills, flour, and the new market in California |
Watkins, Joseph S. | 1845 Nov 28 | Memphis, Tenn. | Thinks it would be wiser to appoint someone from the local Memphis area than [?] Peachy |
Watkins, Joseph S. | 1846 Sep 28 | Memphis, Tenn. | Concerns Bancroft’s leave and John Young Mason’s appointment as Secretary of the Navy; construction of the naval depot at Memphis ; long discourse on the strategic placement of the Memphis facility |
Watkins, Joseph S. | 1846 Oct 27 | Memphis, Tenn. | Charges of mismanagement of funds at the Naval facility and questions concerning his involvement with the Mutual Assurance and Trust Company of Memphis |
Watkins, Joseph S. | 1847 May 22 | Memphis, Tenn. | Concerns the management of Naval offices in Memphis while he is visiting in Virginia; nearly completed the steamer Alleghany |
Watkins, Joseph S. | 1847 Aug 16 | Memphis, Tenn. | “Commandant” has been quite sick; includes words of praise for his leadership; local politics; the election; and an upcoming visit to Virginia |
Watterston, George | 1848 Mar 15 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a donation toward the building of Washington Monument |
Weightman, H. | 1846 Jan 14 |
| Asks Mason to present his application for the Marine Corps |
Weightman, H. | 1846 Apr 14 | Washington, D.C. | [to President James K. Polk] Seeking rank of 2nd lieutenant in the Marine Corps (uses John Young Mason and others as references) |
Weldon, E. Waight | 1849 Mar 1 | Arkansas | [from Mason to Weldon] Concerns the procedure for appointment of cadets |
Wells, Gideon | 1847 May 19 | U.S. Navy Bureau of Provision and Clothing | Concerns the Bureau whose affairs are “an embarrassment” to him; Mr. [?] Pugh, the chief accountant and bookkeeper is not an accountant, consequently cannot perform his duties adequately; very behind; no entries for current fiscal year which is almost over; always on time, respectful, etc.; should be transferred to a position for which he is more suited without embarrassing him further |
Welsh, Henry | 1847 Aug 31 | Naval Office, Philadelphia, Pa. | His son and friend Wells are assigned to the “Petrel” in the Gulf; health not good; wishes them relieved from duty on the small boat to which they have been attached for almost a year; notes concerning Mason’s reply on verso |
Wescott, J. D., Jr. | 1846 Nov 13 |
| [from Mason to Wescott] Concerns purser and midshipmen appointments for Florida |
Weston, Nathan | 1847 Sep 25 | Augusta, Me. | [to Nathan Clifford, U.S. Attorney General] Concerns trying to have his son Charles reinstated in the service |
Wethered, Sally I. | 1845 Sep 3 | Baltimore, Md. | Asks John Young Mason to re-appoint Augustus C. Ludlow; her nephew, who had been dismissed by Bancroft |
Wethered, Sally I. | 1845 Sep 19 | Baltimore, Md. | Concerns her nephew, Augustus C. Ludlow (see also letter of 1845 Sept. 3) |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1846 Nov 7 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns a particular vessel and Col. Mason; also concerns other ships and depth of water |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1847 Apr 2 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the arrival of the Vincennes with 20 men on the sick list; 28 lost during the cruise (25 by dysentery); Purser [John, Jr.] Mason has been sick by is now quite recovered |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1847 Apr 10 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns national politics and the “ladies” traveling by train from New York |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1847 Apr 15 | New York, N.Y. | Primarily concerns the performance of the Scourge (III, ship) in heavy seas |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1847 May 7 | New York, N.Y. | Letter of introduction for Marshall O. Roberts, merchant of New York |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1847 Aug 12 | New York, N.Y. | Sick for almost a month; sending Mason a box of fish he is too sick to eat ; bill of lading of Adams & Co. Express, N.Y. attached |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Aug 28 | New York, N.Y. | Refers to Mason’s “severe affliction,” i.e. the death of Mason’s child, Francis Key Mason; Mr. [George H.] Jones’s note; and a land purchase |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Aug 30 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns the press, in particular the Globe |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Oct 26 |
| Concerns cards left with him |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Nov 2 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns passengers on board the steam ship Falcon going to Panama; also concerns a horse, politics, and the upcoming election |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Nov 24 | New York, N.Y. | No news yet of the supply sloop; the Falcon awaits her passengers; enclosing a line for Mr. [George H.] Jones (wanting) |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Nov 26 | New York, N.Y. | [to George H. Jones, Washington, D.C.] Concerns financial matters; cancelled note enclosed |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Dec 12 | Navy Agent’s Office, New York | Concerns supplies, M. Lynch, and Purser [John, Jr.] Mason; vessels in great demand bound for the Pacific |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Dec 18 | New York Navy Agent’s Office | Concerns Com. Parker, a steamer, and a note frm Mr. B[?] to Mason |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1848 Dec 27 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns financial matters, various “steamers,” [William H.] Aspinwall, and the Panama Railroad |
Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery | 1849 Feb 1 | New York, N.Y. | Recommends appointment of Townsend Harris as collector at San Francisco in the event the Revenue Service is extended to that territory |
Wheeler, John H. | 1845 Jul 5 | Beattysford, N.C. | Office seeker |
Wheeler, John H. | 1845 Nov 9 | Beattysford, N.C. | Convention has been called on January 8 to nominate a governor; Wheeler will decline if nominated; also discusses national politics; southern men and southern influences are “sadly wanting at Washington” |
Wheeler, John H. | 1847 Sep 3 |
| Thanks Mason for pamphlet copy of his address at the University of North Caroline; also concerns Wheeler’s brother, Junius Brutus Wheeler serving in Mexico in Company I, 12th regiment; endorses Capt. Clarke as 3rd lieutenant in the 12th regiment; also bears post script concerning mutual friend Judge Saunders |
Wheeler, S. | 1845 Dec 24 | Attorney, Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns lands patented by Land Office Treasury Warrant to Col John Harper of Norfolk County, Va.; Gosport Navy Yard has taken over land without title; seeking Mason’s guidance as to best way to pursue the matter; post script mentions Dr. Young and cousin Eliza Ann Young |
Wheeler, S. | 1849 May 10 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters involving Mason, Robert W. Young, and Robert Marshall Boykin |
Wheeler, S. | 1849 Jul 28 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns a financial matter relating to Mason |
Whitney, A. | 1848 Nov 2 | New York, N.Y. | Concerns an article from the Journal of Commerce based on Lieut. Emory’s report on Kearney’s expedition to New Mexico and California and Whitney’s proposed project |
Whittle, William Conway | 1845 Jun 1 | Woodstock, [Va.] | Thanks Mason for his interest in his application |
Whittle, William Conway | 1846 Oct 22 | Woodstock, Va. | Just received Mason’s order, which will be obeyed without delay |
Whittle, William Conway | 1847 Jun 10 | Mecklenburg County, Va. | Has been a Navy Lieutenant for 19 years; left the Gulf of Mexico (nothing to do); desires a promotion and a position in which he can support his family |
Wightt, Ann G. | 1852 May 28 | Washington, D.C. | Just signed a check to be forwarded to Mason; also concerns Mason as a delegate to the national convention and her plans to join Mr. and Mrs. Mason |
Wightt, Ann G. | 1855 Mar 22 |
| Concerns his increase in salary as minister to France; the death of Czar Nicholas I; the “Know-Nothings;” Lewis (Mason’s son); and Ellen Blunt |
Wightt, Ann G. | 1855 May 21 |
| Concerns Mason’s recovery; his impending trip to Nice; European politics and the Crimean War; friend, Mrs. [?]’s arrival from Mexico; going to visit Gov. and Mrs. Letcher and then to Monmouth Cave; Mr. Mann’s resignation and his duties being carried out by William Hunter; [?] Wise; James Mason; and the “Know-Nothings” |
Wilkes, Charles | 1848 Mar 20 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns the regulations governing exams of the midshipmen, both academic and seamanship; Wilke’s surprise at the Board of Examiners excluding Supt. Upshur from witnessing the examinations; also includes his proposal for calculating scores on the aggregate averages of seamanship and navigation combined |
Wilkins, Edmund | 1846 Nov 30 |
| Concerns the estates of James Halliday and Joseph Mason |
Wilkins, William | 1846 Nov 15 | Homewood, Pa. | Concerns Alexander J. Dallas resigning his commission |
Wilkins, William | 1847 Jul 7 | Homewood, Pa. | Returning money borrowed from Mason by Wilkins’s son; wishes a visit at “Homewood” from the Masons; also concerns the death of Richard Biddle |
Wilkins, William | 1848 Aug 7 | Warrenton Springs, [Va.] | Concerns a change in assignment |
Wilkinson, Frances Coleman | 1846 Feb 9 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns her husband’s ill health, Mason’s efforts on Henry’s behalf, and invites Mason’s wife, Mary Ann, for a visit with plenty of rest and quiet, sending “segars,” jelly, and candy |
Wilkinson, Frances Coleman | 1847 Oct 5 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns an appointment as midshipman for her friend’s son, Frank West |
Wilkinson, Henry | 1846 Dec 29 | Norfolk, Va. | Applying for duty on board any revenue vessel serving in the Gulf; all his family are sick with influenza |
Wilkinson, Henry | 1849 Jul 15 | New York, N.Y. | Wants letter of introduction to Messrs. Howland and Aspinwall in order to apply for a position with their Pacific Steamer line |
Wilkinson, [Jesse] | 1847 Apr 20 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns a midshipman’s appointment for Charles E. Walters of Nansemond County, Va. |
Wilkinson, [Jesse] | 1847 Apr 30 | Norfolk, Va. | Enquiring about employment |
Wilkinson, Jesse | 1848 Nov 15 | Norfolk, Va. | [to Foxhall A. Parker] Assures Parker that he will get along with Capt. Page in “harmony and friendship”; excitement of presidential election subsiding; predicts effort will be made by the Whigs to make a clean sweep of the customs houses, post offices, naval agents, and navy yard men; storekeeper quaking with fear |
Wilkinson, Jesse | 1848 Dec 4 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his son Henry, who is attached to the Revenue Service; needs some sailing experience (all his experience has been steamer) |
Wilkinson, Jesse | 1849 Jan 25 | Norfolk, Va. | Concerns his physical problems (paralysis on one side) and bears note of “Lucy [Wilkinson]” (she addressed Mason as “Cousin John”) |
Wilkinson, Jesse | 1849 Feb 6 | Norfolk, Va. | Asks to be relieved of his command because of health issues |
Wilkinson, John | 1844 May 6 | US Schooner Phoenix | Congratulations on appointment; asks for leave |
Wilkinson, John | 1845 Feb 13 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns the USS Columbia being refitted for sale and questions who will be in command |
Wilkinson, John | 1847 Jan 12 | USS Germantown | Seeking a promotion |
Wilkinson, Lucy | 1846 Jan 9 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Mason’s efforts to obtain an appointment to West Point for Henry and news of family and friends |
Wilkinson, William W. | 1845 May 25 | U.S. Naval Hospital | Thanks John Young Mason for helping him get leave from the Navy |
Wilkinson, William W. | 1845 Aug 13 | Orangeburg, S.C. | Weather too warm in Charleston; desires more information on the matter for which he went to see Mason |
Williams, Hampton C. | 1845 Aug 30 | Washington, D.C. | Wants Judge Bibb appointed to succeed Judge Thruston; other judges are a little annoyed with abolition notions; wants Mason to present Bibb’s name for the position |
Williams, Hampton C. | 1846 Feb 28 | U.S. Pension Office, Washington, D.C. | Concerns the President and Dr. Crump; Col. Edwards will speak with Crump; wishes Mason to reinforce what he is told about keeping his mouth shut |
Williams, John James | 1852 Feb 20 | Kanawha Court House, Va. [now W. Va.] | Concerns Samuel H. Early v. James River and Kanawha Company |
Williams, Nathaniel T. | 1845 Nov 3 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns money he owes |
Williams, Nathaniel T. | 1847 Feb 24 | New Orleans, La. | Concerns his cotton crop and debts |
Williams, Nathaniel T. | 1847 Oct 11 |
| [from Mason to Williams] Rough draft of letter to N[athaniel] T. Williams, Vicksburg, Miss., concerning financial matters - marked through and not sent (?) |
Wilson, Daniel A. | 1845 Aug 19 | Lynchburg, Va. | Recommendation for Robert Cauthorne of Lynchburg |
Wilson, Daniel A. | 1849 May 20 | Lynchburg, Va. | Expressing congratulations on Mason’s election; also of his appointment to represent Virginia at the Memphis Convention (railroad) |
Wise, Henry A. | 1844 Jul 13 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Describes his voyage to Rio, the death of Capt. Dallas leaving the command of the Pacific Squadron vacant, and recommending Capt. Percival to fill the vacancy as he is currently in India and much closer than anyone else |
Wise, Henry A. | 1846 Dec 19 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Concerns the fraudulent activities of Naval store-keeper “Mr. Jones” in Rio |
Wise, Henry A. | 1847 Apr 12 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Concerns Brazil, his anticipated return home, and the selection of his successors |
Wise, Henry A. | 1847 Oct 23 | Philadelphia, Pa. | [to James Buchana] Requests Buchanan get Mason to issue an order for Lieut. Davis (who is on duty at the Naval Asylum) to accompany Wise to Washington |
Wise, Henry A. | 1848 Jan 29 | Accomack County, Va. | Concerns Dr. Harris, head of the Naval Surgical Bureau and Dr. Garnett, assistant surgeon |
Wise, John Cropper | 1844 Jan 9 | Accomack County, Va. | Requests assistance obtaining government position. |
Wise, John Cropper | 1845 Feb 9 | Accomack County, Va. | Seeking job in government |
Wise, John Cropper | 1845 Nov 11 | Accomack County, Va. | Presidential politics |
Withers, Robert W., Dr. | 1848 Dec 10 | Greensboro, Ala. | Concerns his case which is to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court |
Withers, Robert W., Dr. | 1849 Dec 29 | Greensboro, Ala. | Concerns his case in the U.S. Supreme Court and a little book, “Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse” written by a lawyer |
Withers, Thomas, Dr. | 1849 Nov 21 | Petersburg, Va. | Concerns his brother Robert’s case in the U.S. Supreme Court and the loss of a child; also concerns a new set of “Rules of Practice” for the Supreme Court |
Womble, John | 1845 Feb 11 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns Mason’s financial matters |
Womble, John | 1845 Jun 24 | Richmond, Va. | Deposited Mason note for $1000 and other financial matters |
Womble, John | 1845 Jul 5 | Richmond, Va. | Financial matters |
Womble, John | 1845 Oct 30 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the marketing of John Young Mason’s white wheat and all the bad things that happened to it |
Womble, John | 1846 Jul 14 | Richmond, Va. | Concerns the sale of John Young Mason’s corn; bears account |
Womble, John | 1846 Aug 28 | Richmond, Va. | [written for Womble by W. Willis] Concerns certificate of deposit ($500) advance on John Young Mason’s crop of wheat |
Wood, David Henry | 1848 May 20 | Washington, D.C. | Concerning letter of James H. Carson to Wood and asking Mason’s assistance in getting the district attorney appointment for Carson (See Carson to Wood, 1848 May 18) |
Wood, David Henry | 1848 Sep 15 |
| Seeking appointment to the vacancy in the Register’s Office |
Woodley, [W?] H. | 1846 Feb 24 | Washington, D.C. | Desires a position but is at a loss as to what; would like to be sent to Oregon where prospects would be more abundant |
Woodley, [W?] H. | 1848 Dec 15 |
| Seeking a position that would give him at least $1,000 |
Woodley, W. H. | 1849 Feb [?] |
| Requesting an enclosed letter be forwarded to the President; concerns passage of a bill and his claims/qualifications for a position; letter, 1849 Feb 20, Woodley to the President applies for the position of Secretary to the Board of Commissioners to liquidate the Mexican claims |
Woodward, George W. | 1847 Sep 21 | Wilkes-Barre, Pa. | Concerns a possible chaplaincy for the husband of a neighbor, Mrs. Snowden, who is dying and concerned about her 6 children’s welfare |
Woodward, George W. | 1847 Nov 1 | Wilkes Barre, Pa. | Concerns the Rev. Mr. Snowden (see also letter of G. M. Dallas, 1847 Oct. 24) |
Wortham, George | 1847 Jul 26 | Oxford, N.C. | Wishes to fill the vacancy in the North Carolina 2nd Infantry Regiment - verso contain Mason’s reply of August 25 |
Wynn, William T. | 1845 Dec 15 | New Orleans, La. | Heard that President Polk recommended the establishment of Indian agencies west of the Rockies; if established he would like an appointment to the Snake (i.e. Shoshone) or Utah (i.e. Ute) Indians; passed last winter west of the mountains, very beneficial to his health; will provide “testimonials” to his character, should he not be remembered; he is the brother of Mrs. Crump of Dinwiddie County, Va., and grandson of William Wynn of Sussex County, Va. |
Young, Nathaniel Peyton | 1825 Apr 16 | Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns rumors circulating to discredit Mason during his campaign for election to the Va. Legislature |
Young, Nathaniel Peyton | 1844 May 22 | Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerning a Va. Supreme Court case assigning value to specific slaves belonging to Dr. Pender |
Young, Nathaniel Peyton | 1846 Jan 8 | Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns the relocation of a post office and bears post script with news of Mason’s family |
Young, Nathaniel Peyton | 1849 Aug 6 | Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns a land title search he is doing for Mason; forwards resolutions to Mason adopted at court the preceding day; election of Archibald Atkinson, A. Smith, Nathaniel Peyton Young to local political group; nominated Mason as candidate for state convention; bears notes and signatures of N. P. Young, A. Smith, and M. H. Jordan |
Young, Nathaniel Peyton | 1851 Oct 26 | Isle of Wight County, Va. | Concerns a deed Mason sent to be recorded and financial matters |
Young, Nathaniel Peyton | 1852 Aug 23 | Isle of Wight County, Va. | Acknowledges receipt of Mason’s letter and draft; paid Mrs. Harris the interest due on the bond; also concerning putting up two houses at a cost of $45 each; Mason’s crop of wheat is looking good; family visits |
Young, Robert W. | 1844 Sep 5 | Portsmouth, Va. | Commenting on a letter Mason had received from Col. Jordan, his own application to the President for office of Naval storekeeper at Memphis, and family news |
Young, Robert W. | 1845 Feb 13 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns Mason’s financial affairs |
Young, Robert W. | 1845 Jun 4 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns the death of Mr. King and applicants for his vacant office |
Young, Robert W. | 1845 Aug 7 | Portsmouth, Va. | Thanks Mason for his job, though monotonous |
Young, Robert W. | 1845 Sep 24 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns an office in the Norfolk Customs House for C. C. Robinson |
Young, Robert W. | 1845 Oct 18 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns Robert Boykin’s note which the Exchange Bank refuses to discount; also has question regarding exemption from military duty |
Young, Robert W. | 1845 Nov 9 | Portsmouth, Va. | Rev. McKinney desires sea duty; ask Mason to intercede with the Secretary of the Navy; discussion of the “place” of the Navy chaplain |
Young, Robert W. | 1845 Dec 2 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns one of John Young Mason’s notes that is coming due and has not been discounted |
Young, Robert W. | 1846 Jul 16 | Portsmouth, Va. | [to Archibald Atkinson] Applying for a clerk’s position in Dr. Collin’s office, using John Young Mason as a reference |
Young, Robert W. | 1846 Aug 3 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Young, Robert W. | 1846 Aug 25 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Young, Robert W. | 1846 Oct 29 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns covering a note of Robert M. Boykin that was overdue (covered with a blank check bearing the endorsement of John Young Mason); also concerns workers at the Norfolk Navy Yard , where slaves are doing most of actual work with a few white men employed as managers ; also concerns proposed attempts to standardize pay, and Phillip Ranspach, keeper of the magazine |
Young, Robert W. | 1846 Nov 19 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns an appointment at the yard (could not appoint the person Mason wanted because Com. Skinner had someone he wanted) |
Young, Robert W. | 1846 Dec 17 | Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | Concerns Commodore Farragut, Com. Wilkinson, Com. Stewart, Com. Warrington, and a breech of confidence |
Young, Robert W. | 1847 Feb 11 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns financial matters |
Young, Robert W. | 1847 May 5 | Portsmouth, Va. | Note of Mason’s is due at the bank on the 12th. Also concerns [Archibald] Atkinson and a government job |
Young, Robert W. | 1847 Jun 30 | Portsmouth, Va. | Financial matters |
Young, Robert W. | 1847 Sep 5 | Portsmouth, Va. | Concerns bank business that he and Dr. Boykin are taking care of for Mason; also concerns the Whigs and Cousin Mary |
Young, Robert W. | 1849 Mar 21 | Navy Dept. | Wants Mason to use his influence with the new Secretary of the Navy concerning a position for Young |
Young, Robert W. | 1849 Apr 10 | Washington, D.C. | Reports on his interview with Mason’s successor as Sec. of the Navy, William B. Preston , and family plans |
Young, Robert W. | 1849 May 7 | Navy Dept. | Concerns Com. Cocke; thanks Mason for all his kindness |
Young, Robert W. | 1849 May 14 | Navy Dept. | Concerns Mason’s election as President of the James River and Kanawha Canal Company |
Young, Robert W. | 1851 Jun 22 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns financial matters and family news |
Young, Robert W. | 1852 Apr 10 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns law regarding distribution of pension funds to children and grandchildren of the deceased |
Young, Robert W. | 1853 Jan 5 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns financial matters |
Yulee, David Levy | 1845 Aug 1 | Washington, D.C. | Concerns a proposal to increase the Marine Corps |
Yulee, David Levy | 1848 Mar 28 | Senate | Sending a couple letters concerning the Coast Defense Movement |
Yulee, David Levy | 1848 May 5 | Naval Office | Concerns the role of the Navy in the Mexican War |
Yulee, David Levy | 1848 Jul 5 |
| Concerns obtaining a large telescope; also suggests a pay scale for midshipmen based on years of service rather than a flat rate |
[unidentified] | 1847 Feb 06 |
| [from Mason to an unidentified recipient] Concerns financial matters, both personal and Navy pay - the men of the Cumberland - attached sheet of financial notes |
[unidentified] | 1847 Mar 27 |
| [from Mason to an unidentified recipient] Takes someone to task for their talk concerning him |
[unidentified] | 1845 Mar 10 | Richmond, Va. | [Incomplete] Concerns Charles Botts’s desire to be appointed Commissioner of Patents; the Richmond (Va.) post office; the dismissal of Gooch, supposedly because of his political views; the Federalists in state offices |
[unidentified] | 1846 Dec 19 | Washington, D.C. | [to Benjamin E. Green] Concerns the steamboat Columbia’s suitability for transporting troops [See 1846 Dec 21, Green to Mason] |
Last updated: May 22, 2009