Mercer Family
A Guide to the Mercer family papers, 1656-1869 (bulk 1740-1845). Section 33.
Call Number Mss1 M5345 a 213-419
Correspondence, 1782-1820, of John Francis Mercer (1759-1821)
Index to Correspondents and Selected Subjects
Researchers: Please note that this is an index to one section of a larger collection of materials. To see the full description of the Mercer family papers and its related records, consult our online catalog.
Adams, John SEE Steuart, James
Armstrong, John, 1758-1843 SEE Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Baily, [J.] N. SEE House, Samuel
Ball, Burges, 1749-1800 SEE Lee, Thomas Ludwell
Ball, George Washington, 1789-1815
Barrell, Colburn SEE Simms, Charles
Beckley, John James, 1757-1807 SEE Hamilton, Alexander
Betton, Solomon SEE ALSO Mercer, Charles Fenton; Swann, Thomas
Bronaugh, John William, 1773?-1834
Brooke, Francis Taliaferro, 1763-1851
Brooke, John Taliaferro, 1763-1821
Brooke, Maria (Mercer), d. 1815 SEE Garnett, James Mercer
Brooke, William, 1786-1842
Burd, Edward Shippen
Byrd, Mary (Willing), 1740-1814
Carter, Landon, 1751-1811
Chapman, Nathaniel, 1780-1853 SEE Mercer, Cary Selden
Chase, Samuel, 1741-1811
Chesapeake (Ship) SEE Mercer, James, b. 1792
Chester, James
Clark, Joseph SEE Carter, Landon
Colston, Rawleigh, 1749-1823
Cooke, William
Corbin, Francis, 1759-1821
Corn SEE Unidentified authors
Cotton SEE Mercer, Thomas Sprigg
Darcy, [?], Dr.
Darnall, Bennett SEE Unidentified authors
Davey (Slave) SEE Betton, Solomon
Dick, Charles, 1715-1783 SEE Nourse, Joseph
Duer, [?] SEE Hamilton, Alexander
DuVall, Gabriel, 1852-1844
Eppes, John Wayles, 1773-1823 SEE Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Farmer’s Bank of Alexandria SEE Law, George
Farmers Bank of Maryland SEE Corbin, Francis; Pinkney, Jonathan; Selden, Cary; Steuart, James; Swann, Thomas
Fauquier County (Va.) – Land records SEE Swann, Thomas
Field, [?] SEE Mercer, Robert
Fitzhugh, Francis SEE Brooke, William
Fitzhugh, George SEE Brooke, William
Fitzhugh, William, 1741-1809 SEE Sprigg, Richard, 1739-1798
Galloway, Robert SEE Sprigg, Richard, 1739-1798
Garnett, Grace Fenton (Mercer), 1752-1814
Garnett, James Mercer, 1770-1843
Garnett, Mary Eleanor Dick (Mercer), 1774-1837
Garnett, William, 1786-1866
Gold mines and mining SEE Burd, Edward Shippen; Thornton, [?], Dr.
Good Intent (Ship) SEE Simms, Charles
Grymes, Benjamin, 1756-1804 SEE Sprigg, Richard, 1739-1798
Hall, Edward SEE Mason, John Thomson
Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804
Hansborough, Peter SEE Brooke, William; Mercer, James, b. 1792
Harrison, Benjamin, 1752?-1799
Harwood, William
Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816 SEE Hamilton, Alexander
Hooe, [?] SEE Sprigg, Richard, 1739-1798
House, Samuel
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 SEE ALSO Short, William
Jones, William, 1760-1831 SEE Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806 SEE Hamilton, Alexander
Law, George
Lee, Charles, 1731-1782 SEE Mercer, Robert
Lee, Thomas Ludwell, d. 1807
Lewis, Mildred Ann Byrd (Carter) Mercer, b. 1774
Lewis, Warner, b. 1720 SEE Harrison, Benjamin
Maryland. Governor SEE Unidentified authors
Mason, John, 1766-1849 SEE ALSO Mercer, Robert
Mason, John Thomson, 1764-1824
Mason, Thomson, 1730-1785 SEE ALSO Tazewell, Henry
McCulloch, James H.
Mercer, Ann (Roy), d. 1770 SEE Mercer, James, 1736-1793
Mercer, Cary Selden, b. 1800? SEE ALSO Mercer, James, b. 1792; Selden, Cary
Mercer, Charles Fenton, 1778-1858 SEE ALSO Betton, Solomon; Brooke, John Taliaferro; Swann, Thomas
Mercer, George, 1733-1784 SEE Brooke, John Taliaferro; Simms, Charles
Mercer, James, 1736-1793 SEE ALSO: Brooke, Francis Taliaferro; Brooke, John Taliaferro; Garnett, James Mercer; Nourse, Joseph; Unidentified authors
Mercer, James, b. 1792 SEE ALSO Sprigg, Margaret
Mercer, John, 1705-1768 SEE ALSO Garnett, Grace Fenton (Mercer)
Mercer, John, 1788-1848 SEE ALSO Mercer, Cary Selden
Mercer, John Fenton, 1773-1812 SEE Betton, Solomon; Stoddert, Benjamin
Mercer, John Francis SEE Mercer, James, b. 1792
Mercer, Landon
Mercer, Margaret, 1792-1846 SEE Garnett, Mary Eleanor (Dick) Mercer; Thompson, Elizabeth (Sprigg)
Mercer, Patsey, d. 1805 SEE Brooke, John Taliaferro
Mercer, Robert, 1764-1800 SEE ALSO Carter, Landon
Mercer, Sophia (Sprigg), 1766-1812 SEE Cooke, William
Mercer, Thomas Sprigg, 1792-ca. 1812 SEE ALSO Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Mifflin, Thomas, 1745-1800 SEE House, Samuel
Miller, James, 1776-1851 SEE Mercer, James, b. 1792
Minor, John, 1761-1816 SEE Bronaugh, John William; Brooke, William; Mercer, Charles Fenton; Mercer, James, b. 1792; SEE Unidentified authors
Molasses SEE Mercer, Robert
Monroe, James, 1758-1831 SEE ALSO Colston, Rawleigh; Mercer, James, b. 1792; Mercer, John, 1788-1848; Mercer, Thomas Sprigg; Spaight, Richard Dobbs
Montgomery, John, 1764-1828
Morris, Robert, 1734-1806 SEE Harrison, Benjamin
Mountjoy, John, b. 1741
Mulberry (Ship) SEE Sprigg, Richard, 1739-1798
Munroe, Thomas
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 SEE Spaight, Richard Dobbs
Nourse, Joseph, 1754-1841
Oats SEE Betton, Solomon
Opium SEE Brooke, John Taliaferro
Paper currency SEE Tyler, John
Parker, Thomas, 1753-1820 SEE Mercer, James, b. 1792
Pinkney, Jonathan
Pinkney, Ninian, 1776-1825
Pinkney, William, 1764-1822 SEE Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Princeton University SEE Steuart, James
Randolph, John, 1773-1823 SEE Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Reed, Philip, 1760-1829
Refrigerators SEE Steuart, James
Rootes, Thomas Reade, 1764-1824
Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866 SEE Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Selden, Cary, 1783-1843 SEE ALSO Mercer, Cary Selden
Selden, Sarah Ann Mason (Mercer), 1738-1806 SEE Brooke, Francis Taliaferro; Brooke, John Taliaferro
Sheep SEE Steuart, James
Short, William, 1759-1849
Simms, Charles, 1751?-1819
Skipwith, Fulward, 1765-1839 SEE Mercer, James, b. 1792
Slavery SEE Harrison, Benjamin; Mercer, John, 1788-1848; Selden, Cary; Sprigg, Richard, 1739-1798; Steuart, James
Smallwood, William, 1732-1792 SEE Betton, Solomon; Mercer, James, b. 1792
Smith, John, 1750-1836 SEE Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 1750-1819 SEE Steuart, James
Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 1758-1802
Sprigg, Margaret, 1790-1864
Sprigg, Richard, 1739-1798 SEE ALSO Cooke, William; Spaight, Richard Dobbs; Steuart, Rebecca (Sprigg)
Sprigg, Richard, 1769?-1806 SEE ALSO Mason, John Thomson; Steuart, James
St. Claire, Arthur, 1736-1818 SEE Hamilton, Alexander
St. John’s College (Md.) SEE Corbin, Francis
St. Mary’s College (Md.) SEE Corbin, Francis
States rights SEE Tyler, John
Steuart, George Hume, 1790-1867 SEE Steuart, James
Steuart, James, 1755-1846
Steuart, Rebecca (Sprigg), 1767-1806
Stoddert, Benjamin, 1751-1813
Stone, John Hoskins, 1745-1804
Suicide SEE Brooke, John Taliaferro
Swann, Thomas, 1765?-1840 SEE ALSO Mercer, John, 1788-1848
Taliaferro, John, 1768-1852
Tariff SEE Mason, Thomson; Tyler, John
Tazewell, Henry, 1753-1799
Thompson, Elizabeth (Sprigg), 1770-1814
Thompson, Hugh, 1760-1826
Thornton, [?], Dr.
Threlkeld, Elijah SEE Betton, Solomon
Tobacco SEE Betton, Solomon; Mercer, John, 1788-1848; Mercer, Thomas Sprigg; Steuart, James
Treaty of Paris SEE Tazewell, Henry
Tyler, John, 1747-1813
U.S. Continental Congress SEE Spaight, Richard Dobbs; tyler, John
U.S. Navy SEE Stoddert, Benjamin
Union County (Ky.) – Land records SEE Taliaferro, John
United States (Ship) SEE Mercer, James, b. 1792
War of 1812 SEE Unidentified authors
Washington, Bushrod, 1762-1829
Washington, Lund, 1737-1796 SEE Mercer, James, 1736-1793
Weedon, George, 1734?-1793 SEE Harrison, Benjamin
Weems, John
Wheat SEE Betton, Solomon; Mercer, Cary Selden; Mercer, John, 1788-1848; Mercer, Robert; Mercer, Thomas Sprigg; Selden, Cary; Steuart, James; Unidentified authors
White, Alexander, 1738-1804 SEE ALSO Nourse, Joseph
Williams, William Clayton, 1768-1817 SEE Brooke, William
Wilmer, Simon, b. 1779
Winder, William Henry, 1775-1824 SEE Mercer, James, b. 1792
Wright, Robert
Last updated: June 23, 2009