Minor Family, Section 11
Subject Index
Minor Family Papers, 1810-1932. Section 11.
Call Number Mss1 M6663 c112-2,973
Accounts - Minor, Robert Dabney: Vernon H. Brown.
Alexandria, Va. - Banks and banking: Burke & Herbert, Alexandria.
Alexandria, Va. - Merchants: Green & Brother, Alexandria; Knox & Brother, Alexandria; Knox & Wattles, Alexandria.
Amherst County, Va. - Iron mines and mining: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1868).
Anchorage, Botetourt County, Va.: William Conway Whittle (1805-1878); William Conway Whittle (1840-1920).
Annapolis, Md.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (May 1858).
Appomattox County, Va. - Iron mines and mining: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1868).
Architecture: George Washington Ball.
Baltimore, Md. - Merchants: Hamilton, Easter & Co., Baltimore.
Bankruptcy: John A. Lynham.
Berry Hill, Halifax County, Va.: Alexander Bruce.
Black Horse Troop: See Virginia Cavalry Regiment, 4th.
Blenhiem, Hanover County, Va.: Rosalie Stuart (Bankhead) Winston Selden.
Broadsides: Frederick Foote.
Bureau of Orders and Detail (C.S.N.): Sidney Smith Lee.
Bureua of Ordnance and Hydrography (C.S.N.): Nicholas H. Van Zandt.
Chaffin’s Bluff, Henrico County, Va.: John Minor Maury.
Charleston, S.C.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (November 1861); Nicholas H. Van Zandt.
Chattahoochee (Ship): William Young.
Cherbourg, France: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1859).
Chester, Pa. - Iron industry and trade: Reaney, Son & Co., Chester.
Chesterfield County, Va. - Coal mines and mining: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (September 1869; May 1870).
Chicora (Ironclad): Alexander F. Warley.
China: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1854).
Clover Hill Coal Mines, Chesterfield County, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (May 1870).
Coal mines and mining: John Minor; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (September 1869; May 1870).
Confederate States of America - Imprints: George Washington Ball (28 March 1863).
Confederate States of America - Postage stamps: Mary W. L. (Bankhead) Bankhead; John Mercer Brooke; Nathaniel Alford Clopton; Wilburn B. Hall; James Barron Hope; William Thomas Iglehart; Julia Blanche (Munroe) Kell; Charles E. Lining; David Porter McCorkle; Landonia (Randolph) Minor; Robert Baker Pegram; Thomas Kennedy Porter; James Henry Rochelle; Sarah Lois (Munroe) Sims; William Conway Whittle (1840-1920).
Confederate States of America. Navy: John Mercer Brooke; Jonathan H. Carter; Robert Randolph Carter; William Fitzhugh Carter; Spotswood Wellford Corbin; Wilburn B. Hall; James G. Hill; Catesby ap Roger Jones; Benjamin Pollard Loyall; John Stevens Mason; Matthew Fontaine Maury; Wyndham Robertson Mayo; Hubbard Taylor Minor; Robert Baker Pegram; Thomas Kennedy Porter; William Llewellyn Powell; James Henry Rochelle; Lawrence Minor Rootes; Thomas Reade Rootes; James A. Semple; George S. Shyrock; Charles Carroll Sims; Nicholas H. Van Zandt; William H. Ward; Alexander F. Warley; William Conway Whittle (1840-1920); John Wilkinson; Richard Baker Wright; William Young.
Confederates in Mexico: Richard Lancelot Maury.
Constitution (Frigate): Bushrod Bust Taylor.
Coquette (Ship): Robert Randolph Carter.
Cyane (Ship): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (November-December 1857).
Department of the Peninsula (C.S.A.): George Washington Ball (28 March 1863).
Dernier, Appomattox County, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (May-October 1863).
Dover Mines, Goochland County, Va.: Charles Pomeroy Stone.
Drewry (Ship): John Kirkwood Mitchell.
Eastern View, Fauquier County, Va.: Mary Washington Ball (Minor) Lightfoot (7 April 1867); Landonia (Randolph) Minor (18 May 1866); Buckner Magill Randolph; Mary Magill (Randolph) Turner.
Edgehill, Albemarle County, Va.: Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks.
Edgemont, Orange County, Va.: Dorothea Brayne Buckner Benger (Minor) Bankhead; Mary Warner Lewis (Bankhead) Bankhead; Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks; Mary Washington Ball (Minor) Lightfoot (24 September 1867); Landonia (Randolph) Minor (June 1858; August 1867).
Edgewood, Hanover County, Va.: William Thomas Iglehart.
Elioche, Powhatan County, Va.: Mary Overton (Minor) Rootes.
Elk Hill, Goochland County, Va.: Anna Maria Dabdridge (Deans) Smith.
Emigration and immigration: Richard Lancelot Maury.
Federal Hill, Fredericksburg, Va.: Mary E. Thomas.
Fleetwood, Amelia County, Va.: Mary Sidney (Smith) Massey.
Fredericksburg (Ironclad): Thomas Reade Rootes.
Fulton, Mo.: Mary Overton (Minor) Rootes.
General Miramon (Ship): Isaac Toucey.
Germantown (Ship): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1849-1850).
Gloucester Point, Gloucester County, Va.: Thomas Jefferson Page.
Graphite: Joshua Humphreys.
The Grove, Fauquier County, Va.: Dorothea Brayne Buckner Benger (Minor) Bankhead; Landonia (Randolph) Minor; Norwood Beverley Randolph; Roberta Mortimer Randolph.
Haiti: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (November-December 1857).
Harriet Lane (Ship): Wilburn B. Hall.
Haxall-Crenshaw Company, Richmond, Va.: Lewis Dabney Crenshaw.
Hetzel (Ship): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1857); William Templeman Muse.
Hickory Hill, Hanover County, Va.: Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks.
Howard’s Neck, Goochland County, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (31 January 1865).
Huntingdon, Hanover County, Va.: Dorothea Brayne Buckner Benger (Minor) Bankhead.
Huntress (Ship): Wilburn B. Hall.
Insurance, Life: T. T. Merwin; William Marion Withers.
Iron industry and trade: Thomas Catesby Jones; J. R. Anderson & Co., Richmond, Va.; Reaney, Son & Co., Chester, Pa.
Iron mines and mining: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1868).
James River and Kanawha Company: Charles Scott Carrington.
James River Squadron (C.S.N.): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (May-August 1864); Thomas Reade Rootes.
Jamestown (Ship): William Llewellyn Powell.
Jamestown, James City County, Va.: Catesby ap Roger Jones.
Johnson’s Island, Lake Erie, Ohio: John Wilkinson.
Kingston, N.C.: Benjamin Pollard Loyall.
Lexington (Ship): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1854).
Linden, Fauquier County, Va.: Alfred Ball Carter; Elizabeth H. C. (Randolph) Carter; Landonia Randolph (Minor) Dashiell; Mary Washington Ball (Minor) Lightfoot; Frances Harrison Marr; Anne Mortimer Minor; Landonia (Randolph) Minor; John Fauntleroy Mortimer; John Mortimer Randolph; Roberta Mortimer Randolph; Lavinia (Carter) Thornton.
Loudoun County, Va. - Schools: George Washington Ball.
Louisa Ann Fanny (Ship): Catesby ap Roger Jones (1868).
Lynchburg, Va.: William Marion Withers.
Merchants: Dowman & Green, Washington, D.C.; Green & Brother, Alexandria, Va.; Hamilton, Easter & Co., Baltimore, Md.; Knox & Brother, Alexandria, Va.; Knox & Wattles, Alexandria, Va.
Merrimack (Frigate): See Virginia (Ironclad).
Mexico: Matthew Fontaine Maury; Richard Lancelot Maury; Isaac Toucey.
Millers: Lewis Dabney Crenshaw.
Missouri (Ironclad): Jonathan H. Carter.
Mount Sharon, Orange County, Va.: Alfred Ball Carter; Elizabeth Hill Carter (Randolph) Carter; Louisa Taliaferro (Frost) Davis; Mary Washington Ball (Minor) Lightfoot (20 September 1867); Mary Buckner Thruston (Magill) Randolph; Lavinia (Carter) Thornton.
Mulberry Point, Newport News, Va.: Callender St. George Noland.
Nansemond (Ship): James Henry Rochelle.
Naval Ordnance Works (C.S.N.), Richmond, Va.: Richard Baker Wright.
Naval Rope Works (C.S.N.), Petersburg, Va.: Spotswood Wellford Corbin.
Neuse (Ironclad): Benjamin Pollard Loyall.
New Orleans, La.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (November-December 1861).
Newspapers - New York - New York - World: Hunter Davidson.
Newspapers - Virginia - Fredericksburg - News: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (12 April 1866).
Nicaragua: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1859).
Nomini, Washington County, Miss.: Robert Mottrom Carter.
Norfolk, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (September-October 1858); Mary Overton (Minor) Rootes.
North America Life Insurance Company of New York, N.Y.: T. T. Merwin; William Marion Withers.
North Carolina (Ironclad): Thomas Kennedy Porter.
Norwood, Nelson County, Va.: Edmund Withers.
Norwood, Powhatan County, Va.: Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks.
Oak Ridge, Nottoway Couny, Va.: Mary Sidney (Smith) Massey.
Okeley, Fairfax County, Va.: Randolph Fitzhugh Mason.
Palmetto State (Ironclad): James Henry Rochelle; George S. Shyrock; William H. Ward.
Pamphlets: Catesby ap Roger Jones.
Paraguay Expeditions, 1858-1859: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1858-1859).
Patrick Henry (Ship): John Stevens Mason; Hubbard Taylor Minor; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (May 1864).
Pennsylvania Iron Works, Chester, Pa.: Reaney, Son & Co., Chester.
Pleasant Grove, Amelia County, Va.: Mary Sidney (Smith) Massey.
Poetry: Joseph Pannill.
Power of attorney: Alfred Ball Carter (1823-1901); John Warren Slaughter; Charles Edmondson Thorburn.
Preble (Ship): Thornton Alexander Jenkins; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1858-1860).
Prisoners of war: John Wilkinson.
Prisons, Military: John Wilkinson.
Rappahannock River, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (12 April 1866).
Ravenswood, Granville County, N.C.: Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks; Robert Iverson Hicks.
Richmond (Ironclad): Benjamin Pollard Loyall; Stephen Russell Mallory; Robert Baker Pegram; Charles Carroll Sims.
Richmond, Va.: William Marion Withers.
Richmond, Va. - Imprints: John A. Lynham.
Richmond, Va. - Banks and banking: Wm. B. Isaacs & Co., Richmond; Lancaster & Co., Richmond; R. H. Maury & Co., Richmond.
Richmond, Va. - Iron industry and trade: J. R. Anderson & Co., Richmond.
Richmond, Va. James River improvement: Matthew Fontaine Maury; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (September-November 1870).
Roanoke (Ship): James G. Hill.
Rock Hill, Fauquier County, Va.: Van Renssalaer Morgan; G. Murray.
Rose Hill, Culpeper County, Va.: Lewis Dabney Crenshaw.
Saffold, Ga.: Catesby ap Roger Jones; William Conway Whittle (1840-1920).
St. Lawrence (Frigate): William Perry Buckner.
San Jacinto (Ship): Kidder Randolph Breese.
Saratoga (Ship): Thomas Turner.
Savannah (Ironclad): Hubbard Taylor Minor.
Selma, Ala.: Catesby ap Roger Jones.
Selma, Fluvanna County, Va.: Mary Overton (Minor) Rootes.
Shadwell, Albemarle County, Va.: Mary Beverley (Randolph) Ball; Landonia Randolph (Minor) Dashiell; Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks; Mary Washington Ball (Minor) Lightfoot; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (August 1862-April 1863).
Shirley, Charles City County, Va.: Mary Braxton (Randolph) Carter; William Fitzhugh Carter.
Signal Hill, Hanover County, Va.: Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks; Nora (Bankhead) Lee; Elizabeth Thomas (Rootes) Minor; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (6 June 1867); Eliza Garrett (Bankhead) Winston.
Smithfield, Spotsylvania County, Va.: Anne Mercer (Chew) Forbes.
Somerset, Stafford County, Va.: Dorothea Brayne Buckner Benger (Minor) Bankhead; Nannie (Rootes) Kouns; Nora (Bankhead) Lee; Georgianna Cary (Bankhead) Moncure.
Springfield, Halifax County, Va.: Mary Buckner Thruston (Magill) Randolph.
Springwood, Loudoun County, Va.: George Washington Ball; Mary Beverley (Randolph) Ball; Mary Randolph Ball; Mary Washington Ball (Minor) Lightfoot; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1858-1859; June-September 1860; November 1867); Charles Carter Randolph.
Springwood Select Home School, Loudoun County, Va.: George Washington Ball.
Sunny Side, Fauquier County, Va.: Van Renssalaer Morgan.
Telegraph: Robert T. Chapman; R. S. Cubitt; Robert Frederick Hoke; John Chew Minor; John Kirkwood Mitchell; A. P. Ross; Charles Pomeroy Stone; Bushrod Bust Johnson; Isaac Toucey; [?] Wells; William Whann; Richard Baker Wright.
Tivoli, Fauquier County, Va.: Van Renssalaer Morgan.
Torpedo (Ship): William Fitzhugh Carter.
Tuscaloosa (Ironclad): Lawrence Minor Rootes.
United States (Frigate): Mary Overton (Minor) Rootes.
United States District Court. Virginia. Eastern District: John A. Lynham.
United States Geological Survey: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1857); William Templeman Muse.
United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.: Bushrod Bust Taylor.
United States Navy: Kidder Randolph Breese; William Perry Buckner; Thornton Alexander Jenkins; Bushrod Bust Johnson; Thomas Turner.
United States Navy Yard, Warrington, Fla.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (April-August 1860).
United States Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.: Kidder Randolph Breese.
University of Virginia: James Francis Harrison.
University of Virginia. Carr’s Hill: Mary Overton (Minor) Rootes.
University of Virginia. Harris House: Alfred Ball Carter (1823-1901); Elizabeth Hill Carter (Randolph) Carter.
Veracruz, Mexico: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (May 1860).
Virginia (Ironclad): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (February-March 1862); John Kirkwood Mitchell; James A. Semple.
Virginia (Steamship): Horace Boardman; John Warren Slaughter.
Virginia II (Ironclad): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (May-August 1864).
Virginia Cavalry Regiment, 4th: Robert Martin; Robert Randolph.
Virginia Cavalry Regiment, 6th: Alfred Ball Carter (1823-1901).
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington: John Mercer Brooke; Matthew Fontaine Maury; Charles Carter Randolph.
Virginians in England: Matthew Fontaine Maury.
Virginians in Mexico: Matthew Fontaine Maury.
Vixen (Ship): Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1851).
Walnut Grove, Montgomery County, Va.: Catesby ap Roger Jones (1868).
Warrenton, Va. - Carpenters: Spilman & Smith, Warrenton.
Washington, D.C.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (April 1861).
Washington, D.C. - Merchants: Downman & Green, Washington, D.C.
Water Witch (Ship): Hubbard Taylor Minor; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1851).
Waverly, Prince William County, Va.: Frederick Foote.
Waynesboro, Augusta County, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (November-December 1867).
West Point, Va.: William Conway Whittle (1840-1920).
Weston, Fauquier County, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (3-4 April 1867).
Winterpock Coal Mines, Chesterfield County, Va.: Landonia (Randolph) Minor (September 1869).
Women - Education: George Washington Ball; Francis Harrison Marr.
Woodburn: Robert Grayson Carter.
Woodlawn, Cumberland County, Va.: George Washington Ball; Alfred Ball Carter (1823-1901); Landonia Randolph (Minor) Dashiell; Nancy Fitzhugh (Randolph) Hicks; Mary Washington Ball (Minor) Lightfoot; Landonia (Randolph) Minor (1864); Norwood Beverley Randolph; Augustine Jaquelin Smith.
Yadkin (Ship): Wyndham Robertson Mayo.
Last updated: November 1, 2002