Nash Family, Section 11
Nash Family Papers, 1734-1889. Section 11
Bonds, 1813-1859, of John White Nash
Call Number Mss1 N1786 a 4470-5265
Index to Individuals and Companies
Abbott, J. B.
Adams, John
Adams, Nathan
Alderson, Richard
Alderson, Richard SEE Callaway, Abner E.
Allen, Isaac A.
Allen, Merit B.
Allen, William H.
Anderson, James B.
Anderson, John
Anderson, Tennason B.
Anderson, William
Archer, Alexander
Ayres, Samuel
Baker, Jerman
Ball, Isham
Ballou, Charles A.
Ballou, John S.
Ballou, Jordan
Ballow, William T.
Barker, W. H. SEE Nunnally, Archibald
Bass, Edward W.
Bass, Richard
Baugh, Edward F.
Baugham, Lorenzo D.
Baughan, Stephen D.
Baughan, Warner
Baughan, William
Bentley, E. D.
Best, Benjamin L. SEE Crenshaw, Asbury
Blankinship, Edwin C. SEE Drewry, Henry Tandy
Blanton, Edward A.
Blanton, James
Blanton, Willis
Block, Simon Z.
Boatright, Marlow P.
Booker, George
Booker, John
Booker, Meritt H.
Booker, Parham SEE ALSO Anderson, John
Booker, Richard
Booker, Thomas E.
Booker, William L.
Brackett, Ann E., Mrs.
Brackett, Frances P.
Brackett, Ludwell SEE Utley, Thomas
Brackett, Thomas Henry
Brackett, Wilson
Bradley, Elizabeth
Bragg, William W.
Bransford, Frederick
Brazeal, Richard H.
Brazeal, William C.
Bristow, O. K.
Brnasford, Frederick SEE Hatcher, Benjamin
Brown, Benajah
Bryant, James W.
Burnett, C. M.
Burns, Rice
Callaway, Abner E.
Canton, Willis B.
Cardozo, Aaron N. SEE Block, Simon Z.
Cardozo, Isaac N. SEE Woodson, Thomas Jefferson
Cardozo, Samuel F.
Carter, Robert
Carter, Thomas
Cassels, William
Charter, Nathaniel
Chesley, George C.
Chesley, Martha A. (Brackett) SEE ALSO Henderson, Robert
Childress, Nelson
Chrison, Thomas SEE Boatright, Marlow P.; Dowdy, Lucy, Mrs.
Clarke, G. V.
Clarke, James
Clarke, Joseph M.
Clopton, John Bacon
Clopton, Reuben Ford
Cocke, Philip St. George
Coleman, Creed D.
Colt, William SEE Harris, Charles
Cooke, James E.
Cooke, James E. SEE Hurt, John B.
Cousins, Willis
Cox, Sterling
Cralle, William B.
Crawford, Thomas SEE Fendley, James
Crenshaw, Asbury
Crenshaw, Nathaniel A. SEE Jones, Gabriel
Crenshaw, Thomas B.
Criddle, William
Crump, Abner SEE ALSO Lewis, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Crump, William
Crump, William G. SEE Scott, Thomas J.
Cunningham, Richard SEE Ayres, Samuel
Cunningham, Thomas
Dabney, Robert Kelso
Dance, John Willis
Dance, William Jefferson
Dance, William Spencer SEE ALSO Haskins, William A.; Jordan, Bolling; Jordan, Edward; Ligon, William
Dangy, William
Daniel, John G.
Davenport, Alexander M. SEE Cassels, William; French, Lucy L. (Hobson) Nash; Woodson (James B.) & Co.
Davenport, William SEE Hobson, Maurice L.
Davis, Ishmael
Davis, Jesse
Davis, Joseph B.
Day, John H. SEE Haskins, Ann (Brackett)
Deane, Francis Brown
Denoon, James J.
Dickenson, John J.
Digges, Ellen M.
Digges, John B. SEE Powders, Manuel
Digges, John Henry
Digges, William Henry SEE ALSO Digges, John Henry
Dowdy, Lucy, Mrs.
Dowdy, Richard SEE Guthrie, Livingston Stapp
Drake, F. O.
Drake, Samuel B. SEE ALSO Cox, Sterling; Hobson, John C.; Lightner, William
Drake, Thomas
Drewry, Henry Tandy
Duvall, Obadiah
Dyball, George
Dyer, William SEE Cousins, Willis
Eddins, Fountain
Edmonds, Tapley
Eggleston, Alfred O. SEE Jeter, John T.
Eggleston, Richard Beverley
Eggleston, Richard S. SEE ALSO Ballou, Charles A.
Eggleston, William SEE Cousins, Willis
Eggleston, William Trent
Elam, Beverley
Ellis, Charles
Ellis, Thomas
Epes, Thomas W.
Farmer, Byrd
Farmer, John
Farris, James J.
Farris, Joseph
Fendley, James
Fendley, Rachel
Finch, Pleasant
Forbes, Thaddeus W.
Ford, Hezekiah SEE ALSO Childress, Nelson; Harris, Allen H.
Ford, John SEE Phillips, Peter T.
Ford, Newton
Ford, Sterling
Ford, Stirling SEE Nash, Abner
Forlines, Thaddeus W.
Forsee, Charles R.
Frayser, Roderick
Freeman, Welchor
French, Hugh
French, John W.
French, Lucy L. (Hobson) Nash
Fry, Hugh W.
Fuqua, Joseph
Fusamore, Isaiah
Gholson, Thomas Saunders
Giles, Thomas Peyton
Giles, Thomas Tabb
Giles, William Branch, 1762-1830
Giles, William Branch, b. 1810
Goode, Mack
Goode, Silas Sylvanus
Goode, Thomas
Goodman, Louisa Anne (Davenport) Colquitt
Goodman, M. C. R. SEE Goodman, Noton
Goodman, Noton
Goodman, Zachariah
Gordon, Henry
Gordon, William H.
Graves, Richard F.
Green, Edward
Griggs, James
Guthrie, Livingston Stapp
Harris, Allen H.
Harris, Charles
Harris, Eliza P., Mrs.
Harris, Hiram
Harris, John S.
Harris, Peter F.
Harrison, Nathaniel
Haskins, Ann (Brackett) SEE ALSO Eggleston, Richard S.; Haskins, Theodorick C.
Haskins, Theodorick C. SEE ALSO Hobson, John
Haskins, William A.
Haskins, William G.
Hatcher, Benjamin SEE ALSO Hatcher, Drury
Hatcher, Drury
Hatcher, Samuel
Hawes, Samuel Pierce
Hawkins, Samuel
Henderson, Louisa (Brackett)
Henderson, Robert SEE ALSO Chesley, George C.; Chesley, Martha H. (Brackett); Hobson & Crump (Cumberland County, Va.)
Henning, William H.
Hillsman, John Albert
Hobson, BenjaminSEE ALSO Brackett, Ann E., Mrs.
Hobson, Epaphroditus SEE Childress, Nelson; Hobson, Rowland L.; Wilkerson, William
Hobson, James
Hobson, John SEE ALSO Robinson, Elizabeth
Hobson, John C.
Hobson, Joseph SEE French, Lucy L. (Hobson) Nash
Hobson, Maurice L. SEE ALSO Frayser, Roderick; Harris, Charles
Hobson, Rowland L. SEE ALSO Robinson, Elizabeth
Hobson, Thomas
Holman, William
Hopkins, Henry Laurens SEE ALSO Huddleston, John; Isbell, James
Howard, Benjamin Peterson SEE ALSO Mosby, Benjamin
Howard, Judith, Mrs.
Howard, William SEE ALSO Cralle, William B.
Huddleston, John
Hughes, Benjamin F.
Hurt, John B.
Irving, Charles R. SEE Hopkins, Henry Laurens
Isbell, James
Ivey, Hawes J.
Ivey, Thaddeus Henry
Jackson, Andrew
Jefferson, George SEE Jones, Gabriel
Jefferson, John Garland
Jenkins, Joseph
Jennings, James
Jeter, John Archer
Jeter, John T.
Jeter, Thomas E.
Jeter, Tilman Ellett
Johnson, Anderson
Johnson, Hudson
Johnson, Lewis
Jones, Gabriel
Jones, John A. SEE Muir, Maria (Howard)
Jones, Lewellin
Jones, Robert C.
Jordan, Bolling
Jordan, Edward
Kent, James
Layne, Romulus M.
Layton, Charles SEE Baugh, Edward F.
Lee, Richard H.
Leigh, John Townes SEE ALSO Perkinson, George W.; Perkinson, Thomas J.
Lesueur, D.
Lesueur, Peter
Lewis, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Lewis, Vincent M.
Lightner, William
Ligon, Jannett (Mayo)
Ligon, Nelson
Ligon, Richard
Ligon, William
Lipscomb, Henry
Lipscomb, Uriah
Locket, Henry W.
Loomer, Hiram
Loring, O. B.
Macon, Robert C.
Mann, William H. SEE ALSO Traylor Bailey & Goode (Powhatan County, Va.)
Martin, John
Mathews, William H.
Matthes, Griggory
May, David
May, John Fitzhugh
Mayo, Samuel P.
McCormick, Daniel S. SEE Daniel, John G.
McLaurine, James
McLaurine, John J.
McLaurine, Robert
McRae, Algernon Sidney
McRae, Ivey
Meade, Richard E.
Mendum, Robert
Meredith, P. W. SEE Bradley, Elizabeth
Merryman, Pleasant
Michaux, Joseph
Mileston, William A.
Miller, John
Miller, John M.
Miller, Thomas
Miller, William
Molloy, David
Montague, Thomas
Monyman, Thomas
Moody, William H.
Moore, Drury
Moore, Edward
Morrison, B. S.
Mosby, Benjamin SEE ALSO Booker, Meritt H.
Mosby, Benjamin C.
Mosby, Edward C.
Mosby, Joseph
Mottley, John F. SEE ALSO Dickenson, John J.; Owen, Alexander S.; White, John
Muir, Caroline
Muir, Douglas
Muir, Maria (Howard)
Muir, William D. SEE Muir, Caroline
Mumford, George Wythe SEE May, John Fitzhugh
Mumford, Richard B.
Murray, William
Nash, Abner
Nash, Benjamin Hatcher
Nash, Epaphroditus SEE ALSO Digges, William Henry
Nash, Harriet P. (Giles)
Nash, John White
Nash, Thomas P. SEE ALSO French, John W.; Miller, John M.
Nash, Travers C.
Nash, William Crump SEE ALSO Allen, William H.
Newton, Bennet
Newton, Randolph
Nicholas, Philip Norborne
Nunnally, Archibald
Old, William
Overstreet, Benjamin SEE Hobson, James
Owen, Alexander S.
Owen, Henry
Owen, Hughes
Owen, Hughes W.
Owen, Woodson
Palmer, Horace SEE Anderson, James B.
Palmer, Nathaniel J.
Palmore, Benjamin H.
Payne, Roderick
Perkins, William K.
Perkinson, Daniel
Perkinson, George W.
Perkinson, Thomas J.
Phaup, William
Phillips, Peter T.
Phillips, Randolph
Piller, Willis SEE Baker, Jerman
Poindexter, Ann
Pollard, [?]
Pollard, Thomas SEE Davis, Jesse
Pope, William SEE Newton, Bennet
Povall, John P.
Powders, Manuel
Powell, Benjamin H.
Powell, E. SEE Wortham & McGruder (Richmond, Va.)
Prince, Kimball F.
Purdie, Thomas
Raine, Hugh
Randall, George
Randolph, Joseph Williamson
Randolph, Mary
Randolph, Robert K.
Robertson, John
Robertson, Theoderick
Robinson, Elizabeth
Robinson, Thomas
Russel, Nancy
Sampson, Francis J.
Sampson, George S.
Saunders, Edmond
Saunders, John H.
Schroffe, Samuel M.
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Thomas J.
Scruggs, Edward L.
Scruggs, G. P. SEE Holman, William
Scruggs, Goodridge P.
Seay, Austin
Seay, Nathan SEE Haskins, William G.
Shore, John
Simpson, Edward F.
Skipwith, Henry
Skipwith, William
Smith, Josiah
Smith, William H.
Spence, Elias B.
Spencer, [?]
Sperry, Isaac
St. Clair, John
Steger, Charles
Steger, Nancy Ashley
Steger, Wade M. SEE Perkins, William K.; Steger, William C.
Steger, William C.
Stokes, Colin
Stratton, John C.
Stratton, John M.
Stratton, Thomas
Sutphin, Henry
Swann, George T. SEE Woodson, Thomas Jefferson
Swann, Richard A.
Swann, Sally W. (Macon)
Tabb, Thomas Yelverton
Talbott, Peter SEE ALSO White, John; Woodson, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Talbott, Thomas E.
Tatum, William P.
Taylor, Blagrove
Taylor, George
Taylor, George W.
Taylor, Mark SEE Harris, Peter F.
Taylor, Robert S.
Taylor, Zachariah
Tichenor, J.
Tichenor, N.
Trent, Jesse
Trent, John SEE ALSO Harris, Charles
Tucker, Martin
Tunstall, Stokes
Turpin, Thomas J. SEE ALSO Walker, William
Utley, Thomas
Wait, Thomas B.
Walker, William
Walthall, Henry
Walton, Thomas Hobson SEE ALSO Chesley, George C.
Warner, Joseph
Warriner, Thomas W.
Wash, William H.
Watkins, Benjamin
Watkins, Joseph
Watkins, Joseph S.
Watkins, Josiah
Watkins, Richard
Weisiger, Samuel S.
Weisiger, Thomas K.
Wharton, Auston
White, Edwon
White, John
Whitlock, Henry SEE Steger, Charles
Wilburn, William
Wiley, Thomas
Wilkerson, William
Williams, John D.
Williams, T. SEE Langhorne & Scruggs (Cumberland County, Va.)
Wilson, Allen SEE Woodson, Thomas Jefferson
Wilson, Daniel A. SEE ALSO Baughan, Warner
Wilson, Samuel
Wilson, Willis
Wiltse, Edmund
Winfree, James W.
Winfree, Wilson
Winston, James
Woodson, Booker SEE Freeman, Welchor
Woodson, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Woodson, Hughes
Woodson, Jesse
Woodson, Miller SEE ALSO Hobson, Benjamin; Loomer, Hiram; Nancy, Russel
Woodson, Thomas Jefferson
Woodson, William
Wooldridge, Wade W.
Worsham, Charles
Wren, Joseph.
Companies and Organizations
Anderson (D.) , Jr. & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Baldwin & Ives
Bellevue Hospital (Richmond, Va.)
Binford & Utz
Binford, Brook, Gay & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Bondurant (George W.) & Co. (Cumberland County, Va.)
Cardozo & Fariss
Warton (Deane) & Belt
Deane & Brown (Richmond, Va.)
Deane & Jellis (Cumberland County, Va.)
Dickerson & Pollard
Digges (J. B.) & Co.
Drewry & Blankinship (Chesterfield County, Va.)
Drake & Spears (Powhatan County, Va.)
Fariss & Adcock (Buckingham County, Va.)
Fry (Hugh W.) & sons (Richmond, Va.)
Hatcher, Smith & Company (Cartersville, Va.)
Hawes & Ivey (Powhatan County, Va.)
Haxall (R. B.) & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Hayes & Loomer (Richmond, Va.)
Hobson & Crump (Cumberland County, Va.)
Jennings & Hatcher (Cartersville, Va.)
Jennings & Jones (Cartersville, Va.)
Langhorne & Scruggs (Cumberland County, Va.)
Michaux & Walthall
Mitchell, Ames & White
Palmore, Fuqua & Palmore
Payne & Williams
Pleasants & Abbott (Richmond, Va.)
Seay (Samuel R.) & Co. (Amelia County, Va.)
Seay (William E.) & Company
Sheppard & Collins
Smith & Sampson (Powhatan County, Va.)
Talbott & Sonn (Powhatan County, a.)
Traylor, Bailey & Goode (Powhatan County, Va.)
Verser & Boisseux (Richmond, Va.)
Walthall, Jeter & Co.
Walthall & Michaux
Wheeler & [?]
Woodard & Carll
Woodson (James B.) & Co.
Wortham & McCruder (Richmond, Va.)
Last updated: November 4, 2005