Peyton Family
Peyton family. Papers, 1760-1919. Section 35.
Call Number Mss1 P4686 c 312-847
Index to Correspondence, 1824-1872,
of Dr. Robert Eden Peyton (1804-1872)
Allen, Lewis
Ambler, Marshall Thomas, 1829-1907
American Colonization Society SEE Marshall, Edward Carrington
Anderson, Alexander, b. 1811?
Andrews, T. P. SEE Miller, Virginia Collins (Jones)
Baker, Robert M., 1834-1883
Banks and banking SEE Burke, Herbert & Co., Alexandria, Va.
Barnitz, Charles Augustus, 1780-1850 SEE Smith, Gideon B.
Barnwell, Robert Woodward, 1831-1863
Belknap, William Goldsmith, 1794-1851
Beverley, Robert, 1822-1901
Blackburn, John Sinclair, 1811-1838
Blackburn, Richard Scott, 1809-1867
Branch, J.
Brockenbrough, John, 1774-1852
Brooke, James Vass, 1824-1898
Brown, John, 1800-1859 SEE McNary, John C.
Buckner, Louisa Berryman, b. 1839
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va. SEE Stribling, Francis Taliaferro
Burch, John Christopher, 1827-1881
Carter, Mary J,. Mrs.
Carter, Richard Henry, 1817-1880
Cattle SEE Cox, James
Chapman, Pearson, 1803-1877
Charities SEE Guest, George
Chattanooga (Tenn.) SEE Burch, John Christopher
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 SEE Peyton, Edward Wilkinson
Clift, William, 1795-1886?
Clifton Preparatory School (Fauquier County, Va.) SEE Peyton, Robert Eden, 1843-1934
Cole, John
Columbian College (Washington, D.C.) SEE Miller, Thomas
Confederate States of America. Army of Northern Virginia – Recruiting, enlistment, etc. SEE Scott, Robert Taylor
Conway, Henry Rowzee, 1835-1863
Cox, James
Cross, Cyrus
Education SEE Jones, Violette Lansdale
Fauntleroy, Archibald Magill, 1837-1886
Fauquier County (Va.) – History – Civil War, 1861-1865 SEE Meade, George Gordon
Fauquier County (Va.) – Politics and government SEE Marshall, Edward Carrington
Field, James Gaven, 1826-1902
Filler, Armistead T. M.
Forbes, John Murray, 1816-1891
Forrest, Henry
Foster, Thomas Flournoy, 1790-1848
Foster, Thomas Redman, 1817-1896
Frederick County (Va.) – Politics and government SEE Marshall, Thomas
Fulton, Thomas Mayo, d. 1853
Gaston, James McFadden, 1824-1903
Gaut, John Conway, 1813-1895
George Washington University (Washington, D.C.) SEE Miller, Thomas
Georgia Medical Companion SEE Goldsmith, W. T.; Toon, J. J.
Gill, Joseph
Glassell, Harriet Whiting (Scott), 1801-1878
Glassell, Margaret Christian (Scott) Peyton Lee, 1783-1843
Goldsmith, W. T.
Gordonsdale (Fauquier County, Va.) SEE Guest, George
Grafton (Fauquier County, Va.) SEE Beverley, Robert
Graham, Mary Bernard, 1811-1888
Gray, Joseph Glass, b. 1807
Guest, George, 1806-1879
Hagner, Peter, 1772-1850
Hampton, Susan Fowke (Johnston), b. 1799?
Harrison, Anne Harriotte (Jones), d. 1894 SEE ALSO Harrison, Matthew
Harrison, Henry Tazewell, 1796-1881
Harrison, John Thomson Mason, 1799-1870 SEE Harrison, Henry Tazewell
Harrison, Mary Elizabeth (Jones), 1815-1874 SEE ALSO Harrison, Henry Tazewell
Harrison, Matthew, 1822-1875
Haxall, William Henry, 1809-1888
Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878
Hetzel, Abner Riviere, 1805?-1847
Hooe, Ann B. (Scott)
Horner, Elizabeth Moore, 1842-1927
Horner, Frederick, 1828-1902
Horner, John Scott, 1802-1883
Horstmann, William H., d. 1852
Hubbard, Gertrude Mercer (McCurdy)
Hubbard, William James, 1807-1862 SEE Marshall, Edward Carrington
Hudnall, Solomon (Slave)
Huger, Benjamin, 1805-1877
Insanity SEE Stribling, Francis Taliaferro
Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 1788-1860
Johnston, Jane D., Mrs.
Jones, Catharine Ella, d. 1863
Jones, Charles Lee, 1816-1889
Jones, Emma G.
Jones, Frances Lee
Jones, Horace Walker, 1835-1904
Jones, John T.
Jones, Roger, 1788-1852
Jones, Sarah Cornelia, d. 1903
Jones, Violetta Lansdale, d. 1875
Justices of the Peace – Virginia – Fauquier County SEE Peyton, Robert Eden
Keith, Cleveland
Klipstein, Mary Frances (Hampton), 1822-1900
Lea, R. A.
Lee, Alfred, 1799-1865
Lee, Charles, 1758-1815 – Estate SEE Anderson, Alexander
Lee, Margaret Gordon Scott, 1817-1866
Lee, Robert Eden, 1810-1843
Lemon, George
Lewis, Henry Howell, 1817-1893
Lewis, Samuel
Lewis, William Berkeley, 1784-1866
Lockwood, E.
Long, John P., d. 1889
Luckett, Leven
Manhattan Co-operative Relief Association SEE Guest, George
Marbury, Leonard
Marr, John Quincy, 1825-1861
Marshall, Edward Carrington, 1805-1882
Marshall, Thomas, 1784-1835
Martin, Joel, d. 1854
McClintock, William L., d. 1848
McKean, Thomas
McKennan, Thompson, 1794-1852
McLaren, Adam Neill, d. 1874
McMillin, J. P.
McNary, John C.
Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872
Meade, William, 1789-1862
Medical College of Virginia SEE Peticolas, Arthur Edward
Medicine, Practice of SEE Goldsmith, W. T.; Meade, George Gordon; Peticolas, Arthur Edward; Toon, J. J.
Mercer, Charles Fenton, 1778-1858
Milhollen, Matilda (Golden), b. 1825?
Miller, Thomas, 1806-1873 SEE ALSO Miller, Virginia Collins (Jones)
Miller, Virginia Collins (Jones), 1809-1892 SEE ALSO Miller, Thomas
Moncure, Richard Cassius Lee, 1805-1882
Morris, Edmund, 1804-1874
Morrow, William Isaac Irvine, b. 1802
Morson, Maria Martin (Scott), 1814-1894
Mosby, John Singleton, 1833-1916
Murdock, R. B.
Packard, Anne Lucinda Lee, 1838-1873
Packard, Joseph, 1812-1902
Packard, Joseph, 1842-1923
Packard, Rosina (Jones), 1814-1891 SEE ALSO Packard, Joseph, 1812-1902
Peticolas, Arthur Edward
Peyton, Anne Lee, 1836-1919
Peyton, Edward Wilkinson
Peyton, Eliza Gordon Scott, 1841-1926
Peyton, Elizabeth Brown (Scott), 1773-1842 SEE ALSO Peyton, Richard Henry; Smith, Gideon B.
Peyton family SEE Conway, Henry Rowzee
Peyton, John Scott, b. 1801 SEE Stribling, Francis Taliaferro
Peyton, Margaret Christian, 1809-1881
Peyton, Nannette Lee (Jones), 1812-1905 SEE ALSO Harrison, Henry Tazewell; Harrison, Matthew; Miller, Thomas; Packard, Joseph, 1812-1902
Peyton, Richard Henry, 1811-1839 SEE ALSO McLaren, Adam Neill
Peyton, Richard Henry, 1811-1839 – Estate SEE Burch, John Christopher
Peyton, Robert Eden, 1843-1934 SEE ALSO Stoneman, George
Phillips, Richard H., b. 1812?
Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851
Pollock, Abraham David, 1807-1890
Pollock, Thomas Gordon, 1838-1863
Postage stamps – Confederate States of America SEE Meade, William
Powell, Thomas Spencer, 1824-1896
Powell, William Alexander, 1798-1870
Pride, James E.
Randall, Henry Stephens, 1811-1876
Randolph, Arthur Moray, 1815-1867
Randolph, Beverley, 1823-1903
Randolph, John, 1773-1833 SEE Peyton, Edward Wilkinson
Reconstruction – Virginia SEE Stoneman, George
Reed, Alexander
Rice, Isaac M.
Scott, Fanny Scott (Carter), 1838-1923
Scott, Heningham Watkins (Lyons), 1827-1886
Scott, John, 1781-1850 SEE ALSO Horner, Frederick
Scott, John Caile, 1809-1875
Scott, Martin Pickett, 1823-1904
Scott, Patrick Henry, 1815-1865
Scott, Robert Eden, 1808-1862
Scott, Robert Taylor, 1834-1897
Scott, Turner Dixon, b. 1824?
Secession SEE Scott, Robert Eden
Sheffey, Hugh White, 1815-1889
Sheild, Charles Henry, 1824-1894
Slavery SEE Hudnall, Solomon; McNary, John C.
Smallpox SEE Peticolas, Arthur Edward
Smith, Ella Alice (Buckner), b. 1830
Smith, Gideon B., 1793-1867
Smith, Nathan Ryno, 1797-1871
Smith, William, 1797-1887
Standefer, William Isaac, b. 1801
Steele, Augustus, d. 1864
Stevens, Mary Stuart, Mrs.
Stoneman, George, 1822-1894
Stribling, Francis Taliaferro, 1810-1874
Stuart, Alexander Hugh Holmes, 1807-1891
Tabb, George Edward, 1810-1867
Taxation – Virginia – Fauquier County SEE Harrison, Henry Tazewell
Tayloe, Edward Thornton, 1803-1876 SEE Jones, Violetta Lansdale
Taylor, Elizabeth Sinclair Blackburn, 1776-1840
Taylor, Lauretta, Mrs.
Thompson, James
Toon, J. J.
Tutors and tutoring SEE Jones, Violetta Lansdale
Tyler, Douglass, d. 1900
Tyler, John Webb, 1795-1862 – Estate SEE Tyler, Douglass
United States Military Academy – Students SEE Peyton, Richard Henry
United States. Army of the Potomac SEE Meade, George Gordon
Virginia. Constitution SEE Moncure, Richard Cassius Lee
Virginia. General Assembly – Chaplains SEE Marshall, Thomas
Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates SEE Carter, Richard Henry; Marshall, Edward Carrington; Marshall, Thomas; Scott, Robert Eden
Virginia. Military Governor (1868-1869 : Stoneman) SEE Peyton, Robert Eden
Virginia. State Convention of 1861 (Richmond, Va.) SEE Scott, Robert Eden
Virginia. Supreme Court of Appeals SEE Moncure, Richard Cassius Lee
Ware, Charles Alexander, b. 1841
Ware, Josiah William, 1802-1883
Washington, Peter Grayson, 1798-1892
Western Lunatic Asylum (Staunton, Va.) SEE Stribling, Francis Taliaferro
Whiteside, James Anderson, 1803-1861
Whittlesey, Elisha, 1783-1863 SEE ALSO Steel, Augustus
Wickliffe, Charles Anderson, 1788-1869
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1806-1876 SEE McNary, John C.
Wyeth, Henrietta (Horner)
Last updated: April 21, 2005