Preston Family
Preston Family Papers, 1773-1862. Section 14
Correspondence, 1840-1862, of William Ballard Preston (1805-1862)
Mss1 P9267 d 296-708
Index to Correspondents and Selected Topics
American Party SEE Campbell, Lewis
Ammen, Daniel, b. 1812?
Anderson, Charles F. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Anderson, Joseph Reid, 1813-1892
Anderson, William Gordon, 1841-1910
Appleton, Nathan, 1779-1861
Archer, William Segar, 1789-1855
Atkinson, Thomas Pleasants, 1795-1874
Auspaugh, Charles, b. 1800? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Badger, George Edmund, 1795-1866
Baldwin, John Brown, 1820-1874
Ballard, Henry E., 1785-1855
Bar Association of Fauquier County, Va. SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Bar Association of Fredericksburg, Va. SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Barbour, Philip Pendleton, 1783-1841 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Bargamin, Eugene Victor, 1835-1860
Barrett, William C. SEE Monroe, James
Bass, L. A. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Bayly, Thomas Henry, 1810-1856
Beale, Richard Lee Turberville, 1819-1893
Bekem, Charles Stuart, 1802-1875
Bell, John, 1797-1869
Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858
Berrien, John MacPherson, 1781-1856
Bigger, Thomas Bibb, 1795-1880 SEE Gratton, Peachy Ridgway
Blackford, William Matthews, 1801-1864
Blake, George Smith, 1803-1871
Bocock, Thomas Salem, 1815-1891
Bolton, Valentine F.
Bonaparte, J. W.
Booze, George SEE Ammen, Daniel
Bosserman, John, b. 1817? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Boteler, Alexander Robinson, 1815-1892
Botts, John Minor, 1802-1869
Bowers, S. Carson SEE Bolton, Valentine F.
Bowyer, Henry Morton, 1802-1893 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Bowyer, Henry Winston, 1798?-1876 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Boyd, Linn, 1800-1859
Boyd, Thomas Jefferson, 1804-1893
Boyd, William Watson, 1815?-1866
Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, 1800-1871
Breckinridge, William Campbell Preston, 1837-1904
Brockenbrough, William, 1778-1838 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Bronaugh, Jeremiah SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Brooklyn Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N.Y. SEE Smith, Joseph
Brooks, James, 1810-1873
Brown, Able J., 1817-1894
Brown, Orlando, 1801-1867
Bryan, Henry, 1835-1879
Buchanan, William R. SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Buena Vista, Mexico SEE Preston, James Francis
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861 SEE Steuart, George Hume
Bunger, Henry
Burns, T. H. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Burt, Armistead, 1802-1883
Burwell, William McCreery, 1809-1888
Butler, Andrew Pickens, 1796-1857
Cabell, Edward Carrington, 1816-1896
Cabell, Joseph Carrington, 1778-1856
Calhoun, John Caldwell, 1782-1850 SEE Rives, William Cabell
California SEE Ringgold, Cadwalader
Campbell, David, 1779-1859 SEE ALSO Bekem, Charles Stuart
Campbell, Lewis
Camper, John SEE Ammen, Daniel
Caperton, Allen Taylor, 1810-1876 SEE ALSO Campbell, Lewis
Carper, James M., b. 1817? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Carr, Peter, 1816-1858
Carrington, Isaac Howell, 1827-1887 SEE Atkinson, Thomas Pleasants
Carrington, William Campbell Preston, 1835-1863 SEE Preston, William Campbell
Carter, Hill, 1795-1875
Carter, William Fitzhugh SEE Carter, Hill
Carter, William Gibson SEE Ammen, Daniel
Cazneau, William Leslie, d. 1876
Chalmers, James, 1829-1861 SEE Blackford, William Matthews
Chambers, Adam Black, d. 1854
Chapman, Augustus Alexandria, 1803-1876
Cheely, L. J.
Chilton, Robert Hall, 1815-1879
Chilton, Samuel, 1804-1867
Chittenden, William B., 1798?-1849
Christian, Bolivar, 1825-1900 SEE ALSO Baldwin, John Brown
Clark, David Hamilton SEE Atkinson, Thomas Pleasants
Clark, Gerardus SEE Monroe, James
Clarke, Samuel E.
Clarke, Samuel E. SEE Christian, Bolivar
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 SEE ALSO Botts, John Minor; Pendleton, John Strother; Rives, William Cabell
Clayton, John Middleton, 1796-1856
Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897
Cobb, Howell, 1815-1868
Cochran, James, 1828-1883 SEE Baldwin, John Brown
Cochran, John, 1793-1884
Cochran, John Lewis, 1827-1900
Cocke, John Bowdoin, 1836-1889 SEE Bargamin, Eugene Victor
Cocke, John Hartwell, 1780-1866
Cocke, Philip St. George, 1809-1861
Corcoran, William Wilson, 1798-1888
Coke, Richard, 1790-1851
Confederate States of America – Defenses SEE Bryan, Henry
Confederate States of America. Army – Appointments and retirements SEE Anderson, William Gordon
Confederate States of America. Cavalry SEE Stuart, James Ewell Brown
Confederate States of America. Supreme Court SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Cooper, James, 1810-1863
Copland, Peter, 1821?-1890 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Corbin, Francis Porteous, 1801-1876
Corrick’s Ford, Battle of, W. Va. SEE Caperton, Allen Taylor
Corwin, Thomas, 1794-1865
Courts-martial and courts of inquiry SEE Upshur, George Parker
Cox, Henry Winston, d. 1889 SEE Bargamin, Eugene Victor
Crallé, Richard Kenner, 1800-1864
Crawford, George Washington, 1798-1872
Creigh, Thomas, 1812-1877 SEE Bunger, Henry
Crittenden, John Jordan, 1787-1863
Crockett, Charles Lewis
Cuba SEE Duncan, William Garnett; Parker, Foxhall Alexander; Randolph, Victor Moreau
Cummings, David Campbell, 1812-1900 SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Daniel, Peter Vivian, 1784-1860 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Darby, John Fletcher, 1803-1882 SEE Chambers, Adam Black
Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889
Davis, John, 1787-1854
Dawson, William Crosby, 1798-1856
Dayton, William Lewis, 1807-1864
Deane, Francis Brown, 1770-1860 SEE Blackford, William Matthews; Floyd, John Buchanan
Deane, Francis Brown, 1796-1868 SEE Crallé, Richard K.
DeVeaux, J.
Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861
Doyle, Robert L., d. 1864 SEE Baldwin, John Brown
Duer, William, 1805-1879
Duncan, J. P. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Duncan, William Garnett, 1800-1875
DuVal, John Pope, 1791-1855
Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894
Earnest, John H., b. 1825? SEE Brown, Able J.
Edmundson, Henry Alonzo, 1814-1890
Edmundson, James Preston
Elliott, Wyatt Moseley, 1823-1897
Emory and Henry College, Emory, Va. SEE Brown, Able J.
Evans, Alexander, 1818-1888
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865
Ewing, Thomas, 1789-1871
Fenton, Charles W.
Field, Richard H., 1772-1865 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Figgat, James M. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Floyd, John Buchanan, 1806-1863
Floyd, John G. SEE ALSO Floyd, John Buchanan
Friend, John SEE Monroe, James
Frost, Samuel M. SEE Brown, Able J.
Fullen, Edward SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Fulton, Andrew Steele, 1800-1884 SEE Crittenden, John JOrdan
Fulton, E. SEE Brown, Able J.
Gamble, Robert, 1781-1867
Garnett, Robert Selden, 1819-1861 SEE Caperton, Allen Taylor
Gentry, Meredith Poindexter, 1809-1866
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa. SEE Long, George A.
Gilmer, John, 1824?-1894 SEE Atkinson, Thomas Pleasants
Gilmer, John Harmer, 1811-1879
Gilmer, Thomas Walker, 1802-1876 SEE Boyd, Thomas Jefferson
Godwin, Thomas G., b. 1809? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Goggin, William Leftwich, 1807-1870 SEE Crittenden, John Jordon
Grant, Hugh M., b. 1805? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Grattan, Peachy Ridgway, 1801-1881
Green, John Williams, 1781-1834 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Greene, Albert Collins, 1791-1863
Grinnell, Joseph, 1788-1885
Guggenheimer, Isaac, b. 1816? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 SEE Hamilton, James Alexander
Hamilton, James Alexander, 1788-1878
Hamilton, James – Correspondence SEE Hamilton, James Alexander
Hamilton, John Church, 1792-1882 SEE Hamilton, James Alexander
Hampton, Moses, 1803-1878
Harris, C. T. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Harris, Silas Hopkins, b. 1803?
Henderson, James L. SEE Smith, Francis Henney
Henkle, Isaac SEE Ammen, Daniel
Hepburn, Susan Marshall (Preston) Christy, 1819-1897
Hermesion Literary Society, Emory & Henry College SEE Cheely, L. J.
Hill, Ambrose Powell, 1825-1865
Hilliard, Henry Washington, 1808-1892
Holcombe, James Philemon, 1820-1873
Holloway, Edward A., b. 1801? SEE Harris, Silas H.
Holmes, Isaac Edward, 1796-1867
Hunt, Washington, 1811-1867
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-1887 SEE Chilton, Robert Hall
Hunton, Eppa, 1822-1908
Hunton, Silas Brown, 1819-1900 SEE Hunton, Eppa
Hutchinson, John SEE Campbell, Lewis
Hutchison, W. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Imboden, John Daniel, 1823-1895 SEE Baldwin, John Brown; Christian, Bolivar
Internal improvements SEE Chambers, Adam Black; Orleans Company of Paris
Iron furnaces SEE Anderson, Joseph Reid; Burwell, William McCreery
Iverson, Alfred, 1798-1873
James River and Kanawha Company SEE Cabell, Joseph Carrington
Jeter, H. M. SEE Iverson, Alfred
Johnson, Henry M., b. 1795? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Johnson, Reverdy, 1796-1876
Johnston, Beverly Randolph, 1803-1873
Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, 1807-1891
Kayser, William Bell, 1808-1889 SEE Christian, Bolivar
Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870
Kesler, John H., b. 1822? SEE Ammen, Daniel
King, Thomas Butler, 1800-1864
Kinney, William, 1795-1863 SEE Sheffey, Hugh White
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870
Letcher, John, 1813-1884
Linkenauger, John, b. 1801? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Linkous, William H.
Little, William Alexander, b. 1858
Logan, James T. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Lomax, John Tayloe, 1781-1862 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Long, George Andrew, 1831-1908
Lopez, Narciso, 1797-1851 SEE Duncan, William Garnett; Parker, Foxhall Alexander; Randolph, Victor Moreau
Loring, William Wing, 1818-1886
Loyall, George, 1789-1868 SEE Gilmer, John Harmer; Marshall, John
Lynch, Charles Henry, 1800-1875 SEE Crallé, Richard K.
Mallory, Francis, 1807-1860
Mangum, Willie Person, 1792-1861
Mann, Ambrose Dudley, 1801-1889
Marks, H. B. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Marshall, Humphrey, 1812-1872
Marshall, John, 1811-1854
Martin, William E. SEE Watts, B. F.
Mason, James Murray, 1798-1871
Mason, John Young, 1799-1859
Mathews, Edwin SEE Crallé, Richard K.
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873
McDonald, Alexander, d. 1897 SEE ALSO Blackford, William Matthews
McDowell, James, 1795-1851
McGinnis, Noble F., 1813-1883 SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
McMurran, Joseph, d. 1902
Meredith, Samuel SEE Ammen, Daniel
Meredith, William Morris, 1799-1873
Middleton, John Izard, 1800-1887 SEE Watts, B. F.
Miles, William Porcher, 1822-1899
Miller, Jacob Welsh, 1800-1862
Miller, James SEE Ammen, Daniel
Mitchell, Harvey SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Mitchell, John B. SEE Brown, Able J.
Moffett, James McD., b. 1820? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Moler, James H. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Monroe, Andrew F. SEE Monroe, James
Monroe, James, 1799-1870
Monroe, Thomas M. SEE Chilton, Samuel
Moorman, A. H. SEE Atkinson, Thomas Pleasants
Moran, Benjamin, 1820-1886
Morehead, Charles Slaughter, 1802-1868
Morgan, Charles W., 1790-1853
Morton, Anderson Cocke, b. 1797 SEE Harris, Silas H.
Mosby, Charles Louis, 1810-1879
Munford, George Wythe, 1803-1882 SEE Floyd, John Buchanan
National Observatory, Washington, D.C. SEE Maury, Matthew Fontaine
National Whig (Washington, D.C. : newspaper) SEE Fenton, Charles W.
Nelson, Thomas SEE Gratton, Peachy Ridgway
Nofsinger, Lewis, b. 1832? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Norfolk Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. SEE Gilmer, John Harmer
O’Fallan, John, 1791-1865 Chambers, Adam Black
Offlay, Holmes Edward, 1839-1919
Ogden, Elias SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Orleans Company of Paris
Orr, James SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Otey, John Matthews, 1792-1859 SEE Crallé, Richard K.
Outlaw, David, 1806-1868
Paris, France SEE Bonaparte, J. W.
Parker, Foxhall Alexander, d. 1857
Parker, Richard Elliott, 1783-1840 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Patronage, Political SEE Pendleton, John Strother
Patteson, Reuben B., d. 1862 SEE Cabell, Joseph Carrington
Payne, Robert Spotswood, 1809-1884
Pearce, James Alfred, 1804-1862
Pendleton, John Strother, 1802-1868 SEE ALSO Crittenden, John Jordan
Perrin, Edwin O.
Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794-1858
Peyton, John Lewis, 1824-1896
Phillippi, Alexander, 1833-1915 SEE Bolton, Valentine F.
Phillips, R. SEE Chambers, Adam Black
Phillips, William Fowke, 1795-1869
Pinceton College SEE Raffensperger, Edwin Bowman
Pitts, Edward P.
Pitzer, Albert Baker, 1821-1891 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Pitzer, Andrew Lewis, b. 1827 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Pitzer, Rufus, 1816-1875 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Pleasants, John Hampden, 1797-1846
Pleasants, Thomas S., 1796-1871
Polk, James Knox, 1795-1849 SEE Rives, William Cabell
Pollock, John B.
Pope, Maria (Preston), 1804-1895
Porter, Peter Buell SEE DeVeaux, J.
Poussin, Guillaume Tel Lavellée, 1794-1876
Pratt, Thomas George, 1804-1869
Prentice, Andrew SEE Campbell, Lewis
Preston, Alexander R., 1805-1874 SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Preston, James Francis, 1813-1862
Preston, John Smith, 1809-1881
Preston, Sarah Buchanan (Campbell), 1776-1846 – Estate SEE Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson
Preston, Thomas Lewis, 1812-1903 SEE Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson
Preston, Waller Redd, 1841-1872 SEE ALSO Steuart, George Hume
Preston, William, 1816-1887
Preston, William Campbell, 1794-1860
Price, John H. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Price, Samuel, 1805-1884 SEE Bunger, Henry
Radford, William, 1787-1861 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Raffensperger, Edwin Bowman, d. 1885
Railey, Lilburn Rogers, 1804-1890 SEE Cochran, John
Railroads SEE Chambers, Adam Black
Randolph, Victor Moreau, 1797-1876
Reed, Robert Rentoul, 1807-1864
Reid, Legh Wilber, d. 1908 SEE Bargamin, Eugene Victor
Ribble, John SEE Bolton, Valentine F.
Ridley, John SEE Monroe, James
Ringgold, Cadwalader, 1802-1867
Rives, Alexander, 1806-1885 SEE ALSO Cochran, John
Rives, Richard H. SEE Brown, Able J.
Rives, William Cabell, 1793-1868 SEE ALSO Robertson, Wyndham
Roanoke College, Salem, Va. SEE Bolton, Valentine F.
Robertson, Wyndham, 1803-1888
Rogers, Asa, 1802-1888
Roman, James Dixon, 1809-1867
Ronald, John C.
Salt industry and trade SEE Loring, William Wing
Salt Sulphur Springs, W. Va. SEE Loring, William Wing
Saltillo, Mexico SEE Preston, James Francis
San Francisco, Calif. SEE Ringgold, Cadwalader
Saunders, Fleming, 1778-1858
Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890
Schoolcraft, John Lawrence, 1804-1860
Schouler, William, 1814-1872
Scott, Robert Eden, 1808-1862
Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866
Searcy, Granville D. SEE Gentry, Meredith Poindexter
Selden, William, 1791-1874
Semple, Robert Baylor, 1803-1853 SEE Little, William A.
Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872
Shackelford, Benjamin Howard, 1819-1870 SEE Chilton, Samuel
Sheffey, Hugh White, 1815-1889
Skinker, John Howard, 1814-1867 SEE Chilton, Samuel
Slaughter, William SEE Little, William A.
Slavery SEE Boyd, William Watson; Floyd, John Buchanan
Sloat, John Drake, 1780-1867
Sloop, William C. SEE Bolton, Valentine F.
Smith, Francis Henney, 1812-1890
Smith, Henry SEE Little, William A.
Smith, Joseph, 1790-1877
Smith, Schuiler W., b. 1815 SEE Ammen, Daniel
Smith, T. L.
Smith, William, 1797-1887
Snyder, Joseph Alexander SEE Bolton, Valentine F.
South Carolina – Politics and government – 1775-1865 SEE Watts, B. F.
Southall, Valentine Wood, 1793-1861 SEE Cochran, John
Spaulding, Elbridge Gerry, 1809-1897 SEE DeVeaux, J.
Speed, John M., 1815-1866 SEE Blackford, William Matthews
Spilman, Edward Martin, 1822-1910 SEE Chilton, Samuel
Stanard, Robert, 1781-1841 SEE Phillips, William Fowke
Stanly, Edward, 1810-1872
Stanton, Frederick Perry, 1814-1894
Stanton, Richard Henry, 1812-1891 SEE Reed, Robert Rentoul
Starke, Peter Burwell, 1815-1888
Steamship lines SEE Orleans Company of Paris; Poussin, Guillame Tell Lavellée
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883
Stephenson, James McNeil, 1796-1877
Steuart, George Hume, 1828-1903
Stribling, Cornelius Kinchiloe, 1796-1880 SEE Upshur, George Parker
Strother, James French, 1811-1860
Stuart, Alexander Hugh Holmes, 1807-1891 SEE ALSO Christian, Bolivar
Stuart, Charles Beebe, 1814-1881 SEE Weed, Thurlow
Stuart, James Ewell Brown, 1833-1864
Sutherlin, William Thomas, 1822-1893
Swan, J. W. SEE DeVeaux, J.
Tate, William M., 1814-1889 SEE Baldwin, John Brown
Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle, 1796-1868
Taylor, Fielding Lewis, 1825-1862
Taylor, John Lampkin, 1805-1870
Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850 SEE ALSO Crittenden, John Jordan; Pendleton, John Strother; Rives, William Cabell; Sheffey, Hugh White; Stephens, Alexander Hamilton
Tazewell, Littleton, 1818?-1865 SEE Harris, Silas H.
Telegraph SEE Chambers, Adam Black
Thompson, Anderson, b. 1802? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Thompson, James R. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Thompson, Richard Wigginton, 1809-1900
Thompson, Robert K. SEE Ammen, Daniel
Thompson, Woody
Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885
Towle, George M.
Townes, William, b. 1791? SEE Harris, Silas H.
Tredeger Company, Richmond, Va. SEE Anderson, Joseph Reid
Tucker, George, 1775-1861
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley, 1784-1851
Tyler, John, 1790-1862 SEE ALSO Preston, William Campbell
Underwood, Joseph Rogers, 1791-1876 SEE ALSO Reed, Robert Rentoul
United States Military Academy SEE Carter, Hill
United States Naval Academy SEE Upshur, George Parker
United States. Army SEE Preston, James Francis
United States. Navy – Appointments and retirements SEE Gentry, Meredith Poindexter
University of Virginia SEE Anderson, William Gordon
University of Virginia. Chaplin SEE Cocke, John Hartwell
Upshur, George Parker, 1799-1852
Utz, Morgan SEE Ammen, Daniel
Van Winkle, Edgar S. SEE Monroe, James
Venable, Charles Scott, 1827-1900
Vinton, Samuel Finley, 1792-1862
Virginia Military Institute – Pictorial works SEE Bargamin, Eugene Victor
Virginia Military Institute SEE Smith, Francis Henney
Virginia State Agricultural Society SEE Cocke, Philip St. George
Waddell, Lyttleton, d. 1886 SEE Baldwin, John Brown
Wallis, T. J. SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Walrond, James S., b. 1796? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Walsh, Edward SEE Chambers, Adam Black
Warrington, Lewis, 1782-1851
Warwick, John Marshall, 1799-1878 SEE Crallé, Richard K.
Watson, Egbert Read, 1810-1887 SEE Cochran, John
Watson, John W. C. SEE Bekem, Charles Stuart
Watts, B. F.
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852
Weed, Thurlow, 1797-1882
Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878 SEE Hampton, Moses
Wellford, Beverley Randolph, 1828-1911 SEE Little, William A.
Whig Party (U.S.) SEE Botts, John Minor SEE Monroe, James; Pendleton, John Strother; Rives, William Cabell; Scott, Robert Eden
White, Hollis SEE DeVeaux, J.
White, Hugh, 1798-1870
Whitesel, Charles SEE Ammen, Daniel
Williams, Charles, b. 1808? SEE Ammen, Daniel
Wilson, Daniel Allen, 1790-1873 SEE Crallé, Richard K.
Wilson, Goodridge Alexander, 1816-1886 SEE Harris, Silas H.
Wimbish, John SEE Harris, Silas H.
Winthrop, Robert Charles, 1809-1894
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1806-1876
Wise, Richard Alsop, 1843-1900 SEE Wise, Henry Alexander
Wood, John SEE Cochran, John
Wood, Thomas SEE Cochran, John
Wysor, Benjamin Franklin, 1813-1864 SEE Elliott, Wyatt Moseley
Yerger, Edward M., d. 1875
Yorktown (Va.) – History – Civil War, 1861-1865 SEE Bryan, Henry
Yulee, David Levy, 1810-1886
Last updated: August 23, 2006