Reed Family, Section 1
Reed Family Papers, 1921-1935. Section 1.
Correspondence, 1921-1934, of William Thomas Reed (1865-1935)
Call Number Mss1 R2518 a 1-12,855
Index to Correspondents, Businesses and Organizations
Adair, Cornelia Storrs
Adams, Berkley Dickenson
Adams, John S.
Adams, M. D.
Adams, Martha Rivers
Adams, Oscar J.
Adams, Richard Henry Toler
Adams, W. N.
Adams, Wade Hill
Adams, William Henry
Addison, William Meade
Alderman, Edwin Anderson
Aldrich, W. E.
Alexander, Mangus Washington
Allen, Albert C.
Allen, George C.
Allen, Ivan Earnest
Allen, Julian B.
Allen, Leonard B.
Allen, Noel J.
Allen, T.
Allen, B. C.
Allison, James W.
Anderson, Alton A.
Anderson, James Aylor
Anderson, John R.
Andrews, Thomas Coleman
Angell, Robert Henderson
Angle, R. T.
Archer, Rosalie Harrison Pleasants
Armistead, W. T.
Armitage, W. H.
Arnold, James A.
Arnold, Lester D.
Atkinson, Harvey E.
Atkinson, Paul Tulane
Atkinson, Samuel Tilden
Atkinson, Verna T.
Atterbury, William Wallace
Atwill, Frank H.
Augustine, Harry Hammil
Augustine, William F.
Austin, Clyde B.
Austin, Oscar Phelps
Axton, Wood F.
Baker, Henry S.
Baker, Newton Diehl
Bale, Frederick S.
Ball, James May
Ballard, D. C.
Bane, Frank
Barber, A. B.
Barber, Arthur William
Barbour, Robert Silas
Barger, Daniel Harvey
Barker, Ralph Malcolm
Barlow, N. H.
Barron, James Smith
Barton, Norman A.
Barton, Robert Thomas
Bates, Samuel Elliott
Batten, S. E.
Beale, C. H.
Beale, Frank Dunnington
Bear, Baring J.
Bear, Harry
Beasley, Isabella W.
Beasley, Thomas M.
Beatson, J. W.
Beattie, Virginia Archer Joynes
Beattie, Harry Canfield
Beattie, Robert M.
Beck, Edward A., Mrs.
Beck, Thomas Hambly
Bell, Douglas M.
Bell, Francis
Bell, Rufus P.
Bell, Thad C.
Bell, William Brown
Belt, B. L.
Bemiss, Samuel Merrifield
Bentley, Lyle Grey
Benz, O. F.
Best, Howard
Bethel, Joseph T.
Beust, Anton von, Mrs.
Bickford, James Van Allen
Billups, Morton G.
Bird, Andrew Reid
Bizzell, J. F.
Black, H. P.
Black, Hugh
Black, Samuel Bruce
Blair, David H.
Blair, John Durburrow
Blair, John Leo
Blakeley, La Motte M.
Bland, Ernest J.
Bland, Schuyler Otis
Bloch, Jesse A.
Blum, H. J.
Boatwright, Frederic William
Boeckmann, J. H.
Bogle, Muller E.
Bohannan, James Gordon
Bolling, Parke Chamberlayne (Bagby)
Bolling, T. A.
Bolton, James
Bond, F. M.
Boorman, Hammond, Mrs.
Boschen, Herman Carl
Bottom, David
Bours, Reginald Weller
Bowdon, Evans
Bowen, H.K.
Bowman, Barney
Bowman, Earl A.
Bowers, Gambie M.
Bowles, George Allen
Boyd, F. C. C.
Boxley, Roy C.
Boylan, Richard J.
Brabson, T. D.
Bradford, John Howard
Bradley, Luke C.
Brady, Joseph Plunkett
Bramble, William Lang
Branch, Blythe Walker
Branch, John Akin
Branch, John Kerr
Branch, John L.
Branch, Louise
Branch, Melville Campbell
Branch, William V.
Brandon, J. F., Mrs.
Breckinridge, Henry
Breckinridge, Henry, Mrs.
Brenn, E. C.
Brewer, Richard Lewis
Bridges, James Malcolm
Briesmaster, E. R.
Bright, John Fulmer
Bristow, Myron Edison
Brockenbrough, Austin
Brokmeyer, Eugene C.
Brooke, George D.
Brooke, H. Laurence
Brooke, W.
Brown, Bentley
Brown, Charles L.
Brown, F. M.
Brown, J. A.
Brown, John Sinclair
Brown, Leroy R.
Brown, Ralph Minthorne
Brown, Wilson M.
Browne, Beverly Fielding
Browning, George W.
Brownlow, Louis
Bruce, Philip Alexander
Bruette, William Arthur
Bryan, Alexander Hamilton
Bryan, John Stewart
Bryan, Jonathan
Bryan, Robert Coalter
Bryant, Charles K.
Bryant, Julian
Brydon, George MacLaren
Buchanan, Benjamin Franklin
Buchanan, H. G., Mrs.
Buchholz, Otto Emmett
Buck, Arthur Eugene
Buck, Walter S.
Buckner, Mortimer Norton
Buckner, Paula Kellerman
Bullard, Cecil E.
Bullington, Bessie (Browne)
Bullington, Robert McCarthy
Burch, Thomas Granville
Burket, Alvin W.
Burnett, Charles Ryland
Burr, Austin H.
Burr, George Howard
Busser, Starling H.
Butler, Arthur
Butterworth, William
Bynum, Whitmell F.
Byrd, Harry Flood
Byrd, Marie Donaldson
Byrd, Richard Evelyn
Byrd, Thomas Bolling
Cabaniss, Robert
Cabell, Henry Landon
Cabell, Robert Gamble
Cabell, William Wymond
Calisch, Edward Nathan
Call, Norman
Call, Joseph Bryant
Cameron, Alexander
Cameron, Viola Root
Campbell, Hugh
Campbell, Samuel Hugh
Campodonico, Frank A.
Cannon, Arthur Middleton
Cannon, Charles A.
Carden, Mary Alice
Carden, Robert Clinton
Cardozo, Mary L.
Cardwell, Charles P.
Cardwell, William Duval
Carlton, Pleasant J.
Carrick, William C.
Carrington, Alexander Berkeley
Carrington, Richard Watkins
Carrington, Tazewell Morton
Carruthers, Elmer Irving
Carson, William Edward
Carter, Agnes Atkinson Mayo
Carter, Charles Samuel
Carter, George Emonei
Carter, Mary
Carter, Robert Hill
Carter, Shirley
Carter, Spencer Leslie
Cary, Hunsdon
Cary, Katharine Roy Gordon
Cary, Maria Barry Abert
Caskie, James
Caskie, Jaquelin Ambler
Causey, James Campbell
Cease, George M
Chase, Robert
Cheatwood, Lee L.
Cheney, Charles
Cherry, Frank L.
Cherry, Nellie B.
Chevrier, E.
Childress, John W.
Childs, Geoffrey Stafford
Chitwood, Joseph Howard
Christian, Andrew Dunscomb
Christian, Frances Williamson Archer
Christian, John B.
Christian, Langdon Taylor
Christian, Robert S.
Christian, Stuart Grattan
Chute, William P.
Claiborne, Jonathan H.
Clapp, John Mantle
Clark, Adele
Clark, James Frank Emmett
Clark, W. A.
Clark, W. T.
Chandler, Julian Alvin Carroll
Clarkson, W. B.
Clay, J. D.
Clay, Wharton
Clement, Nathaniel Elliott
Cline, Hugh C.
Clintsman, Frederick W.
Coale, Basil W.
Cobb, William T., Mrs.
Cocke, Charles Curtis
Cocke, William Horner
Coffee, Sid J.
Coffee, William O., Mrs.
Coffin, Philip O.
Cogbill, Sarah
Coggins, F. Heath
Coke, John Archer
Coleman, George Preston
Coleman, L. G.
Coleman, W. A.
Colgan, Virginia E.
Collins, F. M.
Cohen, P. F.
Combs, Everett Randolph
Commins, Harry T.
Compton, R. Keith
Conaty, Walter J.
Cone, Ernest E.
Connor, Eli Taylor
Conquest, Eugenia Fairfax
Conrad, Bryan
Conrad, W. Davis
Cook, James Ellsworth
Cooke, Charles Berkley
Cooke, Lawson Hill
Cooke, Philip St. George
Cooney, G. E.
Cooper, George
Copeland, Grace B.
Copenhaver, M.C.
Coppridge, William David
Corbell, Robert T.
Corey, Rosa
Cornwell, John J.
Corson, John Jay
Cosby, Clarence
Council, Arthur Russell
Council, K. B.
County, Albert John
Coverdale, William Hugh
Couper, J. Hamilton
Cowles, Allen
Cox, William Albert
Craig, Robert A.
Crane, Ellen Douglas Bruce
Crance, Richard
Crawford, Chauncey E.
Crighton, Mamie J.
Cross, Charles F.
Crouch, Thomas Cullen
Croxton, Fred C.
Crown, John Randolph
Crumpton, J. C.
Crutchfield, E. Mulford
Cullen, Harry B.
Cullman, Howard S.
Cunningham, J. R.
Cunningham, Scott
Curran, Henry H.
Curry, William H.
Curtis, Lowndes W.
Cutchins, John Abram
Cutting, Robert Fulton
Dabney, Mary R. French
Dabney, William Taylor
Dalton, Julia C.
Daniel, Robert Williams
Darden, Colgate Whitehead
D’Assern, Joseph M.
Daniel, Hallie Wise (Williams)
Davenport, Walter
Davidson, Harry L.
Davis, Carlisle Ragland
Davis, E. Asbury
Davis, Francis A.
Davis, Harold J.
Davis, James John
Davis, John William
Davis, Lawrence S.
Davis, Oscar King
Davis, Richard H.
Davison, Thomas H.
Deans, Parke Poindexter
Denny, George Hutcheson
Dern, George Henry
Derris, N. G.
De Vany, Charlotte Clopton
DeVoe, Samuel J.
Dezendorf, Franklyn B.
Dickason, James M.
Dickie, Wortley
Dickinson, J. H.
Dietrich, Eugene A.
Dillard, Mary (Evans)
Dillard, Richard M.
Dillon, J. L.
Dobie, Louis T.
Dodd, James W.
Doing, William Perry
Dombrower, Ralph L.
Donnan, A. Edloe
Dorrance, Sturges
Doty, O. W.
Doughty, George L.
Dovell, Grover Ashton
Dozier, Curtis Merry
Drewry, Patrick Henry
Dudley, Alfred Kelly
Dudley, Beverley Roy
Dudley, Harold James
Dudley, Irwin
Dudley, John Beverley
Dudley, Marion M., Mrs.
Dudley, W. Samuel
Duff, H. Lawrence
Duke, Eva A.
Duke, Lucy N.
Dula, C. C.
Dunbar, Charles W.
Duncan, P. L.
Dunlop, James K.
Dunlap, Walter M.
Dunn, Thomas C.
Dunn, William M.
Dunnington, James William
Dunnington, Walter Grey
duPont, Lammont
duPont, Pierre Samuel
Durham, Walter E.
Durrett, Thomas D.
Dushkind, Charles
Dutton, John E.
Early, Nathaniel Bazelen
Easley, John Chaffin
Eastman, Lucius Root
Eaton, Ralph C.
Edmondson, Edwin R.
Edmunds, R. C.
Edwards, E. G.
Edwards, E. S.
Edwards, Glenn
Eggleston, Althea G.
Eggleston, Georgina B.
Eggleston, Joseph
Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy
Eggleston, W. H., Mrs.
Eldridge, Benjamin R.
Eliason, J. B.
Ellerson, Henry Watkins
Ellerson, Sidney H.
Elliott, George Blow
Ellis, Josiah Richard
Embree, Edwin Rogers
Embrey, Alvin Thomas
Emmett, Annie (Cone)
England, Charles
England, Isaac W.
English, Edgar Bernard
Epes, Louis Spencer
Epes, Travis F.
Epps, Charles H.
Evans, C. L.
Evans, E. Lewis
Evans, Walter M.
Ewing, F. R.
Faber, Frederick W.
Fahey, John H.
Fain, Sarah Lee
Fairfax, Eugenia Baskerville Tennant
Farley, James Aloysius
Farmer, Estelle B.
Farrell, Maud Pittman
Faulkner, Graene
Faw, James Clarence
Feagin, William F.
Fellows, H. F.
Ferguson, Adelia Celestia Mann
Ferguson, Alfred L.
Ferguson, Harry L.
Ferguson, Homer Lenoir
Ferguson, Marian B.
Ferguson, Samuel Lewis
Fergusson, Frank Kirby
Fergusson, Ocie (Hardesty) Sheppard
Ferneyhough, J. G.
Fippin, Elmer Otterbein
Fishburne, John Wood
Fishburn, Junius Parker
Fishburn, Junius Blair
Fisher, John Bowler
Fitch, Stanley H.
FitzGerald, DeSoto
Fitzgerald, Harrison R.
Flannagan, John William
Flannagan, Roy Catesby
Flannagan, Roy Knight
Fleet, Charles B.
Fleet, Rutherfoord
Fleischer, Max
Fleming, Carl
Fleshman, Jesse F.
Fletcher, William Meade
Flood, Joel West
Flow, Anne L.
Flowers, G. Horace
Flynn, J. P.
Flynn, William Maurice
Fogg, Edward C.
Folkes, Elben Clive
Foote, George A.
Forbes, Russell
Ford, Robert D.
Fox, Early Lee
Fraker, George M.
Frayser, James M.
Frazier, A. J.
Frazier, Tyler McCall
Frazier, William
Freeman, Douglas Southall
Freeman, E. M.
Freeman, John B.
Freeman, John C.
Freeman, M. L.
French, George Mark
Fry, Anna Carrington Morton
Fuller, Alfred C.
Fuller, Edward R.
Fuller, Frank Lanneau
Funsten, Oliver Herbert
Gaines, Francis Pendelton
Gaines, LeGrand A.
Galbraith, William W.
Galbraith, William W., Mrs.
Galleher, John
Garrett, Benjamin Camm
Garnett, Judith Livingston Cox
Garrett, Paul W.
Garvan, Francis Patrick
Gary, John H.
Gathright, Thomas Morton
Gawthrop, J. A.
Gay, Archer B.
Geddy, Vernon Meredith
Gibbs, John D.
Gibson, Charles Huntley
Gibson, Eleanor McK.
Gifford, Walter Sherman
Gillespie, Harry P.
Gilley, Willard
Gilliam, Reginald
Gillikin, Caroline B.
Gilman, H. A.
Glascock, Neal
Glaser, Arnold
Glasgow, Arthur Graham
Glass, Carter
Glasscock, J. A.
Glazier, Franklin D. W.
Glover, Rolfe E.
Goehring, Carl, Mrs.
Gold, Martha
Goodman, Edward Samuel
Goodwin, Philip E. W.
Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord
Goodwyn, Edward Everard
Goolrick, Charles O’Conor
Gordon, Powhatan C.
Gordon, Seth
Gordon, Thomas Croxton
Gordon, W. B.
Gorman, P. H.
Gould, J. B.
Grabowskii, Bessie Duval (Berry)
Grandy, Cyrus Wiley
Gravely, J. G.
Gray, Albert Z.
Gray, Bowman
Gray, Granville
Gray, Randall Lockhart
Gray, Robert S.
Gray, William Palmer
Green, John D.
Greenhalgh, Warren L.
Gregory, Deucalion
Gregory, Roger Tunstall
Grieve, Harry L.
Griffenhagen, E. O.
Grimm, John
Grover, Duncan Lawrence
Grubbs, Joseph H.
Guggenheim, Harry Frank
Guild, Arthur Alden
Gulick, Luther Halsey
Gullett, James W.
Gunn, E. H. M., Mrs.
Gunn, Julien
Gunst, Henry
Gunst, Marks
Gunter, Benjamin Thomas
Gunter, Carrie B.
Gurley, William F. E.
Guza, Samuel H.
Haddon, Thomas Gray
Hafleigh, N. B.
Hagan, John Campbell
Hagbert, A. A.
Hahn, Paul M.
Hall, G. Leslie
Hall, H. A.
Hall, Harry T.
Hall, Holmes
Hall, John Hopkins
Hall, Wiley A.
Hamilton, Emma
Hamilton, Norman Rond
Hammond, Ogden Haggerty
Handy, Bolling Hall
Hanes, P. Frank
Hanes, John W.
Harahan, William Johnson
Hardy, Wallington
Hargrove, Wesley S.
Harkrader, C. J.
Harmon, Francis S.
Harold, B.
Harriman, Henry Ingraham
Harris, Henry Hiter
Harris, Minor S.
Harrison, Charles L.
Harrison, Fairfax
Harrison, Frederick Nash
Harrison, Henry H.
Harrison, Joseph H.
Harrison, Marie (Keesee)
Harrison, Milton Wately
Harrison, Randolph C.
Hart, Malcolm Duncan
Harvie, Armistead Taylor
Harwood, Harvey L.
Hasbrook, Charles Phillips
Haskins, Sallie P.
Hastings, Edgar M.
Haugen, Gilbert Nelson
Haw, George Edwin
Haw, John S.
Hawes, Mary R. (McCaw)
Hawkins, J. E.
Hawkins, J. H.
Hawkins, Olive A.
Hawkins, W. Kenneth
Hawkins, Walter
Hayes, E. P.
Hayes, J. B.
Hayes, James Monroe
Hayes, Ralph
Hays, A. I.
Hazlewood, Craig Beebe
Healey, Edward F.
Heber, J. T.
Heinsohn, Robert A.
Hempstead, W. J. A.
Henderson, Virginia (Ferguson)
Henderson W. A.
Hening, Edmund
Hening, James Garland
Henley, George W.
Hennings, Lawrence R.
Henry, H. M.
Herbert, Preston
Herbert, Thomas S.
Herring, Alvah L.
Hewitt, Frank W.
Heyde, Gertrude N.
Hiett, William H.
Higgins, Elsie (Herrick)
Hilderbrand, H. F.
Hill, George Washington
Hill, J. H.
Hill, Julien Harrison
Hill, William Edwin
Hill, William Reynolds
Hinckley, Frank C.
Hirshburg, John
Hoar, C. C.
Hobson, Richmond Pearson
Hobson, Saunders
Hodges, James Allison
Hodges, LeRoy
Hodges, Mary Gray
Hoffman, Lawrence W.
Hofheimer, Jeff
Holderness, George A.
Holladay, Waller
Holland, Edward Everett
Hollman, W. W.
Holloway, James H.
Holloway, Robert M.
Holman, Alfred
Holmes, D. B.
Holton, O. H.
Holtzclaw, Jack Gilbert
Honeycutt, R. L.
Hooe, Mattie
Hooker, James Murray
Hooker, Oscar
Hoover, Herbert Clark
Hope, Edson
Hopper, Claude
Hornady, Fred A.
Horne, Frederick S.
Horsley, A. C.
Horsley, John Shelton
Hotchkiss, Patrick Henry Starke
Houston, Harry Rutherford
Houston, Nora
Howard, A. F.
Howard, J. E.
Howell, A. E.
Hoxton, William Winslow
Hubbard, Elijah Kent
Hubbard, L. E.
Hudgins, Robert S.
Huger, Alfred
Hughes, John M.
Hulce, Herbert L.
Hults, E. A.
Hume, Bryce Stewart
Hunt, Gilbert John
Hunt, Harry
Hunt, Margaret Rumsey (Wright)
Hunter, Charles Morris
Hunton, Eppa (1855-1932
Hunton, Eppa (1904-1976)
Hurley, Edward Nash
Hurt, Joseph Mettauer
Hutcheson, Herbert Farrar
Hutcheson, John Redd
Hutchinson, George R.
Hutchinson, Martin Ashton
Hutson, John B.
Hutton, E. F.
Hutzler, Henry Sigmund
Ilg, Ray Arthur
Ingersoll, Charles Henry
Ingold, William F.
Ingram, John Littlepage
Irving, Lucy Taylor
Irwin, Leonidas Willson
Iseman, Elmer Corrine
Izard, Ralph
Jackson, Herbert Worth
Jackson, Samuel Spencer
Jacobs, Mary Elizabeth
James, Harlean
Jarrett, Lewis E.
Jeffress, Thomas Fox
Jenks, T. Edgar
Jewett, H. C.
Johns, B. Louis, Mrs.
Johns, Jay Winston
Johnson, Alba Boardman
Johnson, Albert Sidney
Johnson, Hugh Samuel
Johnson, John Henry
Johnson, Thomas Cary
Johnson, W. Thomas
Johnson, William P.
Johnston, F. E.
Johnstone, Albert Sidney
Jones, Callom B.
Jones, Claggett Bennett
Jones, George Jeter
Jones, George E.
Jones, Homer Edward
Jones, Lucile de Nevers
Jones, Roy Meriwether
Jordan, Booker L.
Jordan, Robert B.
Jordan, Thomas R.
Joyce, John
Joynes, Ella Virginia (Cogbill)
Jungbluth, Karl
Jungbluth, Mae (Stewart)
Kaufman, Lewis
Keays, Harold E.
Keene, Francis Bowler
Keeton, Edgar T.
Keezell, George Bernard
Keith, Margaret Neilson (Barry)
Kellam, Sadie (Scott)
Kellam, Vernon Hope
Kelly, George H.
Kelly, Samuel L.
Kemp, Verbon Eric
Kendall, Clyde
Kendig, Edwin Lawrence
Kent, Frank
King, Blanche (Taylor)
King, Charles Leonidas
King, Charles S.
King, W. A.
Kinsolving, Arthur Barksdale
Kirby, John Henry
Kirby, Carrie Russell
Kirby, William L
Kisepayl, R. S.
Klein, Julius W.
Koblenzer, Maurice
Kohler, Franklin W.
Kohler, Mary E.
Kram, Louis
Krote, Theodore W.
Lacy, Benjamin Rice
LaGuardia, Fiorello Henry
Laird, Edwin C.
Laird, Mary Meade (Burwell)
Laird, Robert G.
Lambert, George Adam
Lampe, Theodore H.
Lampkin, Amy W.
Lander, Harry M.
Landis, Benson Y.
Lane, Henry Gardiner
Lankford, Menalcus
Lape, Esther Everett
Larus, Charles Dunning
Larus, Elizabeth
Larus, Henry Clinton
Larus, Lewis Griffin
La Verne, Lucille
Lawrence, David
Lawrence, J. Thomas
Lawton, William
Leake, David Harris
Leake, Louis Knight
Leake, Susie (Preston)
Leary, F. J.
Lee, Mimms William
Lee, William McDonald
Leeds, Lucien L.
Leland, J. L.
Litchford, Henry E.
Lengerke, Justus von
Lesner, John Adams
Levy, J. A.
Levy, Jacob
Lewis, A. A.
Lewis, Aloysius Anthony
Lichty, Albert H.
Lindley, Lawrence E.
Lineweaver, G. W.
Lingle, Walter Lee
Lippencott, Harold E.
Lipps, M. E.
Lipscombe, Reuben T.
Liston, Robert Todd Lapsley
Littlepage, Harmon
Livingston, John H.
Logan, T. S.
Long, Huey Pierce
Long, Lee
Lough, W. H.
Loughan, Frank Garrett
Love, Samuel B.
Loving, William Boyce
Lower, Margaret H.
Lowman, Seymour
Lowry, Emma B.
Loyd, Curtis
Lucas, Andrew J.
Lucas, W. W.
Lucke, Hilary W.
Lund, Robert Leatham
McAdams, Thomas Branch
McArthur, A. L.
McCann, C. R.
McCarthy, Claire
McCauley, James R.
McClellan, Abram Looney
McClelland, N. E.
McCloud, Bentley Grimes
McCombs, Carl Esselstyn
McConnell, John Preston
McGinnis, Leslie
McGuire, Murray Mason
McGuire, Stuart
McKee, Mark T.
Mackensen, William J.
Mackintosh, H. R.
Maclachlan, Hugh David Cathcart
McMurray, Joseph Alexander
MacVicar, A. C.
McWherter, L.
Maher, Nicholas Dominic
Maher, W. A.
Madison, W. C.
Mahoney, Daniel V.
Mallonee, Guy T.
Maloney, Thomas J.
Maney, A. G.
Manghum, Mason
Mann, Albert Russell
Mann, Charles Riborg
Mann, N. V.
Manning, Joseph Patrick
Maphis, Charles Gilmore
Marcuse, Isaac J.
Marcuse, Milton E.
Marshall, John William
Marshall, Walton H.
Martin, F. C.
Martin, James Oliver
Marvin, Rolland B.
Mason, Lucy Randolph
Mason, Silas Boxley
Massey, Ivor
Massie, Bessie Love
Massie, George Edmond
Massie, John Robert
Mathews, Joseph F.
Matthews, E. M.
Maypher, Joseph
Mayur, Paul M.
Meade, Richard Hardaway
Meggison, William
Meister, E. G. K.
Melano, Luigi
Mennen, William G.
Meredith, C. C.
Merkling, Frank J.
Metz, Frederick C.
Meyers, Maurie
Michael, Charles Edwin
Michelson, Charles
Mickie, George Rust Bedinger
Middleton, Philip Harvey
Miller, Charles A.
Miller, Edgar Calvin LeRoy
Miller, Janus I.
Miller, John Maffit
Miller, M. M.
Miller, Peter Guerrant
Miller, Robert F.
Miller, Roshier W.
Miller, T. G.
Miller, W. Withers
Miller, William Read
Mills, Maudie
Mills, Morgan Reagan
Mitchell, F. J.
Mitchell, George L.
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, R. S.
Mitchell, William
Moats, J. R.
Moffett, F. J.
Moller, Mathias Peter
Moncure, Richard Cassius Lee
Montague, Andrew Jackson
Montague, Hill
Montague, Russell Cary
Moody, T. Michaux
Mooers, C. A.
Moomaw, Benjamin Crumpaker
Moore, A. A.
Moore, Frederick
Moore, J. B.
Moore, Thomas L.
Moore, Warner
Moorman, D. L.
Mordecai, John Brooke
Morgan, Harvey H.
Morgan, Ralph
Morlok, Frederic Bernhard
Morris, Lewis Z.
Morris, William G.
Morriss, C. W.
Morrissett, Carlisle Havelock
Morrissette, Betty L.
Moss, Charles Wesley
Mower, Arthur C.
Mulligan, J. J.
Munce, John S.
Murphy, Thomas A.
Murray, William F.
Muse, Vance
Myers, Edmund Trewbridge Dana
Myers, Lilburn Trigg
Myers, William M.
Namen, Albert A.
Nash, Joseph Pope
Nathans, Philip
Navone, Francesco
Neale, Mark Smith
Neale, Ralph Parker
Nelligan, J. J.
Nelson, Garnett
Nelson, Robert Francis
Nelson, Will B.
Newman, C. H., Mrs.
Newman, Clarence William
Niedermayer, Adolph
Nielsen, N. C.
Nisbet, R. B.
Noell, Robert Jackson
Nolde, H. William
Nolting, Frederick Ernest
Norman, Charles T.
Norment, Robert H.
Norris, E. B.
Norriss, C. W.
Norxon, Frank Wright
Nunnaly, Joe
Nyssens, Edouard
Oakes, J. C.
O’Brien, Arthur
O’Brien, Edward J.
O’Brien, James G.
Oliver, M. E.
Oden, A.
Oden, B. F.
O’Grady, John F.
Olsson, Elis
O’Neil, Ralph Thomas
Organ, Edmond H.
Osborne, Amy W.
Osborne, Charles A.
Osgoodby, William G.
Osterud, O. L.
Overton, Charles A.
Overton, Roy G.
Ozlin, Thomas William
Padgett, E. G.
Page, Archer A.
Page, Arthur W.
Page, Charles W.
Page, Gabriella
Page, Holt
Page, Legh Richmond
Page, Vivian Llewellyn
Pannell, William
Parker, Aubin K.
Parker, Charles Addison
Parker, Erlon H.
Parker, Junius
Parker, Margaret W.
Parker, S. Alexander
Parker, Thomas Cleveland
Parker, W. T.
Parrish, James Scott
Parrish, Oscar E.
Parrish, William Joseph
Parsons, Charles Lathrop
Paschall, Lee
Pascoe, S. W.
Patterson, John L.
Payne, John B.
Payne, L. W.
Peace, S. T.
Pearson, Benjamin
Pearson, Margaret
Peay, J. H. Binford
Peek, George Nelson
Peery, George Campbell
Penn, C. A.
Penn, Charles A.
Penn, Charles S., Mrs.
Penn, Robert Read
Penney, James Cash
Penny, Henry
Pennybacker, Bess
Perkins, Mary Bell
Perkins, Malcolm White
Perkins, William Robertson
Pettibone, William H.
Pettigrew, Charles C.
Pettit, W. S.
Phillips, James E.
Phillips, James W.
Philp, John W.
Pickering, N. W.
Picot, L. Frank
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Pincus, Ester (Davis)
Pincus, Harry
Pinney, Henry J.
Pleasants, A. Janney
Pleasants, Louis W.
Plummer, D. C.
Poe, Clarence Hamilton
Poling, Daniel A.
Pollard, James Joseph
Pollard, John Garland
Pollard, Julia Cuthbert
Pollard, Violet Elizabeth (McDougall)
Pollock, George E.
Pool, Owen
Pope, Niran Bates
Porter, William Branch
Posey, William T.
Poston, Frank H.
Potts, Albert B.
Potts, John David
Powell, John
Powell, Leslie
Powell, Lewis Franklin
Pratt, George Dupont
Pratt, Thomas B.
Preston, Alice K. (Reed)
Preston, Robert Sheffey (1884-1953)
Preston, Robert Sheffey (1917- )
Preston, T. M.
Preston, William Reed
Price, James Hubert
Price, Louis Gordon
Puller, Ordway
Pulver, Fred S.
Purcell, John M.
Purcell, Thomas Williamson
Ragland, Grace
Ragland, Stuart
Rambler, Sam G.
Raskob, John J.
Rasquin, Almon G.
Ratcliffe, Clyde H.
Rea, Samuel
Redding, Henry G.
Reed, Alice Lewis (Burwell)
Reed, Charles Clinton
Reed, Elizabeth H.
Reed, Hattie (McGee)
Reed, John Hobart
Reed, Leslie Hartwell
Reed, Pleasant Larus
Reed, Sallie
Reed, Thomas Harrison
Reed, Virginia (Larus)
Reed, William Thomas
Reeves, A. R.
Reid, George M.
Remon, John A.
Rex, William F.
Reynolds, J. Stuart
Reynolds, Thomas P.
Reynolds, William Neal
Rhoads, Webster Sterling
Richards, Boyd R.
Richardson, Charles B.
Richardson, Edward J.
Richardson, W. W.
Rickey, Lawrence
Ridgway, Guy B.
Rickman, Joseph
Richmond, Frederick D.
Rixey, William Walton
Roberts, Clifton, Mrs.
Roberts, George E.
Roberts, J. J.
Roberts, Margaret A.
Roberts, Sallie B.
Robertson, Absalom Willis
Robertson, Harrison Marshall
Robertson, Walter Spencer
Robinson, A. S.
Robinson, H. B.
Robinson, J. H.
Robinson, Lucien Dabney
Robison, Henry Lee
Rockefeller, John Davison
Rogers, George Wesley
Rohde, Ruth (Bryan) Owen
Roney, N. B. T.
Rossevelt, A. B.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roper, Wilfred Allen
Rose, D. Kenneth
Rose, John E.
Rosenberg, Irwin L.
Rossiter, William Sidney
Royall, Augustine
Rudd, Wortley Fuller
Ruffin, Mary Denmead
Ruskell, Vergie
Russell, Edgar V.
Ruth, Frederick S.
Ruth, Thomas, DeC.
Ruth, Walter N.
Rutherfoord, Anne C.
Ryland, Alexander Fleet
Ryland, James F.
Ryland, William S.
Sabin, Charles Hamilton
Salvage, Samuel Agar
Sampson, John G.
Sands, Alexander Hamilton
Sands, Oliver Jackson
Sanger, William Thomas
Shelton, H. H.
Satterfield, Dave Edward
Saunders, Clyde Watson
Saunders, John Richard
Saunders, Randolph P.
Saunders, T. A.
Saunders, T. Brady
Saunders, William Oscar
Saville, Allen Jeter
Saville, Robert Lamb
Scheer, R. A.
Schell, Erwin Haskell
Scherer, John Jacob
Schewel, A. M.
Schmidt, William C.
Schmitz, M. E.
Schwartzchild, Sol M.
Schwartzchild, William Harry
Scott, E. G.
Scott, Elisabeth Mayo (Strother)
Scott, Frances Branch
Scott, Frederic William
Scott, George Cole
Scott, George Eaton
Scott, James Hamilton
Scott, John B.
Scott, Lula Martin (McIver)
Scott, Sidney Buford
Scott, Thomas Branch
Scott, Walker
Seagrave, William D.
Sears, John Boyd
Seay, George James
Selden, D. Howard
Semmes, Thomas
Shea, Anthony V.
Sheain, L. Gordon
Sheldon, Thomas Baldwin
Shepherd, Guy B.
Shepherd, Hugh D.
Shipley, Walter V.
Shirley, Henry Garnett
Shouse, Jouett
Showalter, William Joseph
Shriver, George McLean
Shumate, Anderson E.
Simmons, Grant G.
Simpson, E. P. A.
Sinclair, William
Sinton, James W.
Skinner, D. A.
Slate, W. C.
Slaven, John F.
Sloan, I. B.
Sloan, James T.
Slover, Samuel LeRoy
Smart, Edmund D.
Smith, Alan B.
Smith, Alfred Emanuel
Smith, Carrie M.
Smith, D. H.
Smith, Dabney Lee
Smith, George C.
Smith, H. Blair
Smith, Harry Marston
Smith, Harry Mason
Smith, Howard Worth
Smith, J. V. A.
Smith, James Henderson
Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, Joseph D.
Smith, Joseph H.
Smith, M. Guthrie
Smith, P. Carrington
Smith, Richard Hewlett
Smoot, W. O.
Snell, Chester D.
Snider, Philip J.
Snow, Carter B.
Solomon, William P.
Somerville, Clara
Soper, Edward L.
Southgate, Thomas Somerville
Southward, Edward P.
Speers, James M.
Spotswood, Catherine Francisco
Spotswood, Dandridge
Sproul, Anges Erskine (Miller)
Sproul, Hugh Bell (1873-1929)
Sproul, Hugh Bell (1906- )
Squires, David Denton
Stanfield, F. M.
Stansbury, William R.
Stanley, Thomas Bahnson
Stansell, W. Horace
Staples, Abram Penn
Staples, Jean (Watts)
Starbuck, Theo W.
Starkweather, Louis P.
Staub, Albert William
Stayton, William H.
Sternbuerg, David
Sterns, Florence (Dickinson)
Stewart, Elizabeth Hope
Stewart, Joseph W.
Stokes, Allene Young
Stone, H. W.
Stone, James C.
Stone, W. C.
Stoney, Thomas Porcher
Straus, Aubrey H.
Straus, Jesse Isador
Strause, Henry Phillips
Strauss, Joseph
Strauss, Lewis Z. Morris
Strogher, A. Pendleton
Strother, Morgan W.
Stroud, Augustus Titus
Stuart, Henry Carter
Stuart, John White
Sturdivant, W. O.
Sturgeon, H. B.
Sturgill, Charles R.
Sully, Julia Summer, George O.
Sutherland, Horace
Sutton, Florence
Sutton, Francis Valville
Sutton, Frank Taylor
Swank, Ward Clinton
Swann, R. T.
Swanson, Claude Augustus
Sweets, Henry Hayes
Swink, Angus O.
Sydnor, Eugene Beauharnais
Sykes, Carrie E.
Tabb, Benjamin West
Tabb, Thomas Garnett
Taggart, R. E.
Talbot, Harold R.
Talbot, Paul
Tanner, Albert Snead
Taylor, Charles Henry
Taylor, Gervas Storrs
Taylor, Henry Porterfield
Taylor, Howard W.
Taylor, Jaquelin Plummer
Taylor, John A.
Taylor, O.B.
Taylor, Thomas R.
Taylor, Tyre
Tennant, William Brydon
Terry, William Parke
Thom, Alfred Pembroke
Thomas, Edward Moseley
Thomas, James Augustus
Thomas, Lucien B.
Thompson, Frederick William
Thompson, R. D.
Thompson, William Edgar
Thomson, James McCauley
Thomson, William A.
Tiller, Warren L.
Tischler, Simon E.
Titus, Julia H.
Titze, Theodore
Todd, C. Boyd
Tompkins, James McCaw
Toms, Clinton White
Toms, Zachariah
Townes, Rosa (Stephenson)
Townsend, Isaac T.
Trabue, Edmund Francis
Tragle, T. Elwood
Traynor, M. P.
Trigg, William Robertson
Trinkle, Elbert Lee
Trinkel, Helen Ball (Sexton)
Troy, M. P.
Tuck, William Munford
Tucker, Beverley Dandridge
Tucker, Beverley Randolph
Tucker, Henry St. George
Tucker, Robert Henry
Tunstall, Robert Baylor
Turnbull, Henry P
Turner, B.
Tuthill, Daniel S.
Tyler, William Dowlin
Tynes, Achilles Lyons
Umlauf, Jacob
Umpleby, William M.
Utard, Henry
Valentine, Corbin Braxton
Valentine, Elsie Calvin (Bragg)
Vancorbac, G.
Van Denbergh, H. R.
VanderHoof, Douglas
Van Deusen, Martha
Van Dusen, F.
Van Oot, Benjamin H.
Van Orsdel, R. A.
Van Pelt, R.
Vaughan, John F.
Vaughan, L. Marshall
Vennart, George P.
Vincent, Jennie (McElroy)
Vires, V.
Vogel, Hans
Waddey, Albert Y.
Walden, Richard Cecil
Waddill, Edmund
Walker, Bradford Hastings
Walker, Frank Comerford
Walker, James J.
Walker, John Garland
Walker, Joseph Rogers
Wall, Garrett Buckner
Waller, Samuel Gardner
Walsh, Mary G.
Walley, D. L.
Walter, C. A.
Walter, C. W.
Walz, Edgar A.
Warfield, Henry M.
Warfield, Solomon Davies
Warner, Charles
Warner, Ethel
Warner, W. A.
Warren, George Marvin
Warwick, H. Paul
Warwick, Peter Chavallie
Weaver, Aubrey Gardner
Watkins, Eleanor (Preston)
Watkins, Henry L.
Watson, Edward A.
Watt, George W.
Wattley, George
Watts, Lucian Louis
Watts, R. C.
Way, William L.
Weatherford, W. D.
Weber, Charles Hilton
Webster, Arthur T.
Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne
Weddell, Virginia (Chase) Steedman
Weeks, Raymond
Weil, Clifford
Welch, Francis W.
Welch, W. J.
Wells, Irvin B.
West, Junius Edgar
West, R. B.
Wharton, Joseph M.
Whelan, Charles A.
Wheeler, Harry A.
Wheelwright, Thomas Stewart
Wheery, Douglas
White, Fred W.
White, J. H.
White, John Cary
White, Joseph Augustus
White, R. C.
White, S. F.
White, William Stewart
Whitehead, G. B.
Whitehurst, Annie (Wood)
Whitlock, Ed
Whitlock, Victor
Whitman, Norwood K.
Wicker, John Jordan
Wickersham, George Woodward
Wickham, Henry Taylor
Wickham, Thomas Ashby
Wight, Richard Cunningham
Wilkinson, Frank B.
Willard, Daniel
Willett, Herbert L.
Williams, Adolph Dill
Williams, Carrington
Williams, Charles Watkins
Williams, Clinton Larus
Williams, Edmund Randolph
Williams, Ennion Gifford
Williams, Herbert D.
Williams, Irvin H.
Williams, John Mason
Williams, John William
Williams, Langbourne Meade (1872-1931)
Williams, Langbourne Meade (b. 1903)
Williams, Lewis Catlett
Williams, Mary Mason (Anderson)
Williams, Robert Gray
Williams, Robert M.
Williams, Samuel Clay
Williams, Walter Armistead
Williamson, Elizabeth Cary
Williamson, Thomas Spencer
Willingham, William A.
Willis, Edward F.
Willis, Edward Jones
Wilmer, Frederick Ponsonby
Wilson, Benjamin Watkins
Wilson, Eugene Smith
Wilson, Lloyd B.
Wilson, William A. Carrigan
Wilson, William H.
Winston, Geddes H.
Winston, Peter
Winston, Thomas Scott
Wiren, A. R.
Wise, Alice S.
Witt, Eli
Wolf, Barney
Wolff, Henry L.
Wolfsohn, Leo
Wood, H. S.
Wood, William Elliott
Woodall, John S.
Woolls, William P.
Woodrum, Clifton Alexander
Woolfolk, Ayliffe Wherry, Mrs.
Wormeley, Carter Warner
Wortham, Coleman
Wortham, Edwin
Wortham, Richard C.
Wright, Grace
Wyatt, Marshall B.
Young, Anne Pleasants (Gray)
Young, Armistead Churchill
Young, Clement Calhoun
Yuille, Thomas B.
Zimmer, William Louis
Business Correspondents
Acca Temple (Richmond, Va.)
Acca Temple Building Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Aircraft Finance Corporation of North America (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company (Richmond, Va.)
Charles G. Allen Co. (Barre, Mass.)
Allen, Russell & Allen (Hartford, Conn.)
B. Altman & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
American Bank and Trust Co. (St. Petersburg, Fla.)
Ambassador Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
American Chemical Society
American Foundation, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
American Foundation for Economic Advancement, Inc. (Washington, D.C.)
American Historical Genealogical Society (Philadelphia, Pa.)
American Historical Society, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
American Institute of Christianity (New York, N.Y.)
American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corporation (New York, N.Y.)
American Taxpayers League (Washington, D.C.)
American Tin Corporation (New York, N.Y.)
Amsterdam Printing and Lithographing, Co. (Amsterdam, N.Y.)
Anklarch Company, Inc. (Lexington, Ky.)
Arnold Fruit Company (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Austin Company, Inc. (Greeneville, Tenn.)
Automobile Club of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
Axton-Fisher Tobacco Co. (Louisville, Ky.)
Bailey, Banks & Biddle Company (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Banfi Products Corporation (New York, N.Y.)
F. W. Beck & Company, Inc. (Dinwiddie, Va.)
Belvidere Hotel (Baltimore, Md.)
O. H. Berry & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Bethlehem, Pa.)
Better Sox Knitting Mills (Fort Atkinson, Wis)
R. C. Beverley Heating Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Boca Raton Club (Boca Raton, Fla.)
Bon Air-Vanderbilt (Augusta, Ga.)
Branch, Cabell & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Thomas Branch & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Bristol & Willett (New York, N.Y.)
Brooks Transfer (Richmond, Va.)
J. Thompson Brown & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Jim Brown Fence & Wire Co. (Cleveland, Ohio)
Bryan, Kemp & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Bullington Paint Company (Richmond, Va.)
Bureau of Advertising (New York, N.Y.)
Carrington & Company (Richmond, Va.)
Carter-Venable Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Cavalier (Virginia Beach, Va.)
Cecil, Barreto & Cecil (Richmond, Va.)
Central National Bank (Richmond, Va.)
R. B. Chaffin & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Chamberlain Hotel (Old Point Comfort, Va.)
Chamberlain-Vanderbilt Hotel (Old Point Comfort, Va.)
Champlain Studios, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Chatham Phoenix Corporation (New York, N.Y.)
Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia
Children’s Home Society of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
City Bank Farmers Trust Company (New York, N.Y.)
Commonwealth Club (Richmond, Va.)
Continental Plant Co. (Kittrell, N.C.)
Continental Steel Corporation (Kokomo, Ind.)
Cottrell & Leonard (Albany, N.Y.)
Councilor, Phagan & Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Country Club of Virginia, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Creery Shirt Shop, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Crippled Children’s Hospital (Richmond, Va.)
Crowell Publishing Company (New York, N.Y.)
Cyclone Fence Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Cynthia Live Stock and Tobacco Sales Co. (Cynthia, Ky.)
Dart Tobacco Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Dartnell Corporation (Chicago, Ill.)
Davenport & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Davenport Insurance Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Decker-Portrait Illustrations (New York, N.Y.)
C. L. & H. L. Denoon Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Albert C. Diggs Seed Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Diggs & Beadles, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
R. M. Dillard & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Dominion Citrus Stores, Inc. (Bradenton, Fla.)
Dominion Securities Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Dover Telephone Co. (Cardwell, Va.)
Dow, Jones & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Henry A. Dreer Inc. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Dunlop Mills (Richmond, Va.)
Duplex Envelope Company Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Eastern Cotton Oil Company (Norfolk, Va.)
H. Y. & F. D. Ebel (Richmond, Va.)
John L. Edwards & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Elam & Funsten (Richmond, Va.)
Elliott House (Fisher’s Island, N.Y.)
Farson, Son & co. (New York, N.Y.)
John H. Faunce Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Federal Reserve Bank (Richmond, Va.)
Fidelity Casualty Company of New York (New York, N.Y.)
Marshall Field & Company (Chicago, Ill.)
First and Merchants National Bank (Richmond, Va.)
Fishers Island Club (Fishers Island, N.Y.)
Fishers Island Corporation (Fishers Island, N.Y.)
Fishers Island Farms, Inc. (Fishers Island, N.Y.)
Fishers Island Fire Department (Fishers Island, N.Y.)
Fishers Island Navigation Co. (Fishers Island, N.Y.)
Summer Theatre of Fishers Island, N.Y.
Fishers Island Yacht Club (Fishers Island, N.Y.)
Harris Forbes & Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Forbes Motor Sales Corp. (Richmond, Va.)
Ford, Bacon & Davis, Incorporated (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Frazer & Tompkins (Richmond, Va.)
Froeling & Robertson (Richmond, Va.)
Robert Garrett & Sons (Baltimore, Md.)
Fred P. Gaskell Company, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Gibson, Moore & Sutton, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Gordon Metal Company (Richmond, Va.)
Gorham Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Grace Securities Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
W. F. Hall Printing Company (Chicago, Ill.)
Halsey, Stuart & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Harman & Company, Ltd. (London, England)
M. Harrison & Co., Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Haw & Haw (Richmond, Va.)
Hay Harbor Club (Fishers Island, N.Y.)
Hellstern & Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Peter Henderson & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Hening & Nuckols, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Frederic Henjes, Jr., Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Hevenor & Co., Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Hibernia Bank and Trust Company (New Orleans, La.)
Higgin Manufacturing Co. (Newport, Ky.)
James Hislop & Co. (New London, Conn.)
Chatham Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
Lafayette Hotel (Washington, D.C.)
Meurice Hotel (Paris, France)
Patrick Henry Hotel (Roanoke, Va.)
Pennsylvania Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
Peter Stuyvesant Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
Schuyler Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
Inglewood Farm (Waverly, Va.)
Institute for Government Research (Washington, D.C.)
International Mercantile Marine Company (Norfolk, Va.)
International Tobacco Company of Canada (Toronto, Ont.)
The Jefferson Hotel (Richmond, Va.)
Keelox Manufacturing Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Kerner Incinerator Company (Milwaukee, Wis.)
Kerns Commission Company (Jersey City, N.J.)
Kiplinger Washington Agency (Washington, D.C.)
Kirk-Parrish Company (Richmond, Va.)
J. F. Koler & Sons, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
J. C. Knight, Jr. Advertising Company (St. Louis, Mo.)
Langham Hotel (London, England)
R. E. Lee Hotel (Lexington, Va.)
Liberal Clothing Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (Boston, Mass.)
L. Lichtenstein’s Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Arthur D. Little Inc., (Cambridge, Mass.)
Lorraine Land and Improvement Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
McIntyre Implement Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Mann & Brown (Richmond, Va.)
Marine Midland Corporation (Jersey City, N.J.)
Howard W. Marshall Co., Inc. (Boston, Mass.)
Martin & Allardyce (Rockport, Tex.)
Mason-Hagan, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Matthew Fontaine Maury Association (Richmond, Va.)
Mayflower Hotel (Washington, D.C.)
Medical College of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
Methodist Publishing House (Richmond, Va.)
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Richmond, Va.)
Metropolitian Refining Co., Inc. (Long Island City, N.Y.)
Hamilton Michelsen Groves (Miami, Fla.)
D. R. Midyette Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Craig Miller & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
C. H. Montgomery & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
R. R. Moore & Co. (Bowling Green, Ky.)
Moorefield, Blake & Dudley, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Morgan Bros. (Richmond, Va.)
Morris & Shrader (New York, N.Y.)
Motor Wheel Corporation (Lansing, Mich.)
Mountain Industrial Institute (Grundy, Va.)
G. M. P. Murphy & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
National Economy League (Boston, Mass.)
National Industrial Conference Board (New York, N.Y.)
National Jewish Hospital (Denver, Colo.)
National Rivers and Harbors Congress (Washington, D.C.)
Natural Bridge Hotel (Natural Bridge, Va.)
E. Naumburg & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company (New Haven, Conn.)
News Research Council (Washington, D.C.)
Oakridge Paradise (Belona, Va.)
Oil Burner Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
John J. Jr. O’Kane & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Pan-American Bird Co. (Laredo, Tex.)
John Patterson & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Patterson Mills (Roanoke Rapids, N.C.)
Pearson & Crain (Washington, D.C.)
B. H. & F. W. Pelzer (New York, N.Y.)
Philadelphia Lawn Mower Company (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Edgar Allan Poe Shrine (Richmond, Va.)
William H. Post Carpet Co. (Hartford, Conn.)
Pullman Co. (Chicago, Ill.)
John L. Ratcliffe, Incorporated (Richmond, Va.)
Ratcliffe & Tanner (Richmond, Va.)
Jacob Reed’s Sons (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Retail Merchants Association (Covington, Va.)
Retail Merchants Association (Richmond, Va.)
Rice Leaders of the World Association (New York, N.Y.)
H. T. Richeson & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Academy of Arts (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Abattoir (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Battlefield Parks Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Beverage Machine Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Chamber of Commerce (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond German (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Hardware Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Railway Supply Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Structural Steel Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Riverside and Dan River Cotton Mills, Incorporated (Danville, Va.)
Ross Cutter and Silo Co. (Springfield, Ohio)
Rubberset Company (Newark, N.J.)
Ruffin & Sloan (Richmond, Va.)
Ruckert Brothers (Baltimore, Md.)
Rumbletop Corporation (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
F.S. Ruth & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Sabbath Glee Club (Richmond, Va.)
Safe Deposit & Trust Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Samis Grotto (Richmond, Va.)
Schwartz Furniture Co. (New London, Conn.)
Schwartzchild Bros., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Scott & Stringfellow (Richmond, Va.)
Seawright Springs Company (Staunton, Va.)
Seiberling Rubber Company (Akron, Ohio)
Servel, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
F. H. Shallus Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Shrine Indoor Circus Headquarters (Richmond, Va.)
Simmons Company (New York, N.Y.)
Simmons-Bynum Motor Corp. (Richmond, Va.)
Franklin Simon & Company (New York, N.Y.)
J. H. Small & Sons (New York, N.Y.)
Snow Fisheries Company (Boston, Mass.)
Sotrapo (Strasbourg, France)
Southern Bond and Mortgage Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Stamp & Stationary Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Stove Works (Richmond, Va.)
Spear, Viney and Skelton (St. Petersburg, Fla.)
Spick Food Company (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Richmond, Va.)
Stock Brothers (Louisiana, Mo.)
State Planters Bank and Trust Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Stein Bros. & Boyce (Baltimore, Md.)
Stringer Electric Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Strotmeyer & Epps (Richmond, Va.)
J. L. Sutherland & Son (Richmond, Va.)
A. Sutka & Company (New York, N.Y.)
H. Seldon Taylor & Son (Richmond, Va.)
Texas Quail Ranch (San Antonio, Tex.)
Thalhimers (Richmond, Va.)
Tiffany & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
T. W. Tignor’s Son (Richmond, Va.)
Tignor’s Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Tin Decorating Company (Baltimore, Md.)
Tobacco Association of the United States (Richmond, Va.)
W. J. Todd’s Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Twin Brook Game Farm (Middletown, N.J.)
U-Drive-It Co., Inc. (Norfolk, Va.)
Underwood & Underwood, Inc. (Washington, D.C.)
Underwood-Van Wormer, Inc., (Richmond, Va.)
Samuel Ungerleider & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
United Business Service (Boston, Mass.)
United States Chamber of Commerce (Washington, D.C.)
Universal Tractor & Equipment Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
H. C. Valentine & Company (Richmond, Va.)
Valentine Meat Juice Company (Richmond, Va.)
Vanderbilt Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
W. K. Vietor & Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Vinoy Park Hotel (St. Petersburg, Fla.)
Virginia Citizens’ Carillon Committee (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia Department of Agriculture
Virginia Electric & Power Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia Machinery & Well Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Blacksburg, Va.)
Virginia State Fair Association (Richmond, Va.)
Everett Waddey Company (Richmond, Va.)
Walnut Grove Mills (Shawsville, Va.)
Isaac Walton League (Virginia Branch)
John Wanamaker (New York, N.Y.)
Waverly Ham Company (Waverly, Va.)
West Baden Springs Hotel (West Baden, Ind.)
Westmoreland Club (Richmond, Va.)
Whaley-Eaton Publishing Corporation (Washington, D.C.)
White Start Line (New York, N.Y.)
Cliff Weil Cigar Co. (Richmond, Va.)
John C. Williams & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Wilson Tobacco Company (Wilson, N.C.)
Wingfield & Hundley (Richmond, Va.)
Wise Granite and Construction Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Womble Motor Company (Richmond, Va.)
T. W. Wood & Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Woodstock Home and Land Company (Richmond, Va.)
Worthington Mower Company (Stroudsburg, Pa.)
Wright’s Island Game Association, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Young Women’s Christian Association (Richmond, Va.)
Last updated: November 10, 2008