Reed Family, Section 2
A Guide to the Reed Family Papers, 1921-1935.
Section 2. Correspondence, 1927-1933, of Pleasant Larus Reed of Richmond and “Chelsea,” King William County, Va.
5,366 items
Call Number Mss1 R2518 a 12,856-18,221
Correspondence, 1927-1933, of Pleasant Larus Reed (of Richmond and "Chelsea," King William County, Va.) chiefly concerning "Chelsea," Larus & Brother Co., of Richmond, Va., York River Shipbuilding Corporation of West Point, Va., and the Knights of the Golden Trail.
Researchers please note: This section is part of a larger collection of Reed family papers in the holdings of the Virginia Historical Society. To see the full description of the Reed family papers and its related records, consult our online catalog.
Individual Correspondents
Adams, Wade Hill, 1876-
Addison, William Meade
Adler, J.
Affleck, George E.
Alden, John G.
Allen, Albert C.
Allen, Walter Cleveland, 1877-1945
Allison, James W.
Alston, D. L.
Ambrose, L. B.
Amory, C. P.
Andersen, W. F.
Anderson, Fred W.
Anderson, Henry Watkins, 1870-1954
Anderson, Richard N.
Anderson, Robert Campbell, 1864-1955
Andrews, Thomas Coleman, 1899-
Argard, George E.
Armstrong, Richard, 1873-
Arnold, E. E.
Arnold, Fred L.
Arnold, Remmie LeRoy, 1894-1971
Arthur, J. D.
Ashby, James, 1894-
Ashe, William T., 1879-
Asher, May D. M., Mrs.
Atkinson, Henry Morrell, 1862-1939
Atkinson, Norvell W.
Atkinson, Samuel Tilden, 1876-1936
Atlee, Lillie
Ayers, Floyd R.
Bagby, Bathurst Browne, 1879-
Bagby, L. R.
Bailey, Josiah William, 1873-1946
Ball, James May, 1883-1973
Baras, Louis Robert
Barker, Ralph Malcolm, 1875-1952
Barksdale, Charles Craddock, 1878-
Barnett, Charles M.
Barney, Stewart
Barret, William E.
Barton, Bruce, 1886-1967
Barton, Mary P., Mrs.
Baruch, H. M.
Bass, E. L.
Bayliss, Robert C.
Beale, Walter L.
Bear, J. Irving
Beasley, Thomas M.
Beatle, H.
Belford, H. M.
Belvin, J. Allen
Belvin, W. Wayne
Bemis, Samuel Merrifield, 1894-1966
Bemiss, Eli Lockert, 1898-1961
Bennett, C. G.
Bickerstaff, Joseph L.
Bishop, Louis W.
Blackmon, Carl
Blackwell, Karl Sigismund, 1879-1940
Blake, Charles H.
Bland, J. Edward
Bland, Joseph L.
Blankenship, John Millington
Blunt, Reginald, 1857-
Boatwright, Frederic William, 1868-1951
Bohannan, James Gordon, 1880-1947
Bolling, T. A.
Bolton, James
Booker, Elliott R.
Bosher, Lewis Hinton, 1885?-1980
Boss, R. S.
Bourne, Robert H.
Bowles, J. H.
Bowles, J. H.
Bowsh, H.
Bowsher, H. D.
Bradley, William B.
Branch, Blythe Walker, 1864-
Branch, John Atkin, 1887-1935
Branch, William F.
Brantley, Marjorie
Bray, J. Brantley
Brereton, Joseph M.
Bright, John Fulmer, 1877-1953
Brinkley, J. B.
Broaddus, W. R.
Broaddus, Willey Richard, 1851-
Broadnax, Jesse
Brock, Robert Alonzo, 1890-1980
Broockshire, William Walker, 1882-1870
Brown, C. M., Mrs.
Brown, E. D.
Brown, F. J.
Brown, Frank E.
Brown, George Edwin
Bruce, Robert H.
Bryan, John Stewart, 1871-1944
Bryant, Julian
Buckley, Robert J.
Budwell, Leigh
Bullington, Bessie (Browne)
Bullington, Robert McCarthy, 1874-1959
Bunting, Theodore
Burger, John D., 1877-1943
Burgess, C. W., Mrs.
Burgess, Ruby, Mrs.
Burke, R. L.
Burnett, Charles Ryland, 1873-1949
Burrton, Joseph, 1865-1943
Busser, Starling H.
Byars, J. Cloyd, 1868-
Byrd, Annie (Gentry)
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1887-1966
Calder, Harry M.
Calkins, Ernest Elmo
Call, Norman, 1880-1959
Cameron, Viola Root
Candler, Charles Howard, 1878-1957
Cannon, James Edmundson, 1873-1942
Caperton, Helena Trench (Lefroy), 1878-1962
Carden, Effie
Carden, Hattie H., Mrs.
Carden, Robert Clinton
Carhart, J. D.
Carr, Marie, Mrs.
Carrington, Frederick William
Carrington, Omar H.
Carrington, Richard Watkins, 1888-1933
Carrington, Tazewell Morton, 1857-1935
Carroll, J. Clifford
Carter, Edward
Carter, Fannie
Carter, J. Morris
Carter, Walter Harrison, 1890-1965
Cary, Maria Barry (Abert)
Cary, Reginald L.
Cary, Stuart (Bradley)
Cecil, John E.
Cecil, John H.
Chamberlain, W. R.
Chandler, J. E.
Chapin, C. L.
Chapman, C. F.
Cheatwood, Luther L.
Chenery, William L.
Cherry, C. Dunning, Mrs.
Cherry, Kenneth
Cherry, Virginia
Chinn, Joseph William, 1866-1936
Chipman, Curtis
Christian, Robert S.
Christian, W. L.
Chute, William P.
Clergue, Francis H.
Clift, James Monroe, 1867-
Cobb, William T.
Coffee, Annie S.
Coggins, B. F.
Cohen, Zipporah (Michelbather)
Cole, O. L.
Collier, Robert
Combs, Everett Randolph, 186-1957
Commins, Harry T.
Comparet, H. M.
Connelly, L. S.
Contrad, Bryan, 1870-1953
Cook, Anastasia (Long)
Cook, Ethel
Cooke, Lawson Hill, 1885-
Cool, H. M.
Cooney, R. L.
Corbell, Robert T.
Cornelius, W. H.
Cornell, Annie C., Mrs.
Cottrell, Walker Crump, 1877-
Council, Arthur Russell
Couper, J. Hamilton
Crane, Richard, 1882-1938
Crane, Winthrop Murray
Crenshaw, Spotswood Dabney, 1854-1940
Crissman, Kearney W.
Cross, Charles F.
Crosswell, Roy
Crosswell, Vernice, Mrs.
Crowder, Samuel R.
Crowe, E. R.
Crump, Robert Shields, 1862-1949
Crump, Warren A.
Crutchfield, Elizabeth G. (Patteson)
Curran, Henry H.
Curry, Lucien Ralston, 1875-1944
Curtis, Lowndes W.
Dabney, William Taylor, 1868-
Dameron, H. E.
Daniel, James Randolph Vivian, 1900-1952
Daniel, Robert Williams, 1884-1940
Darden, David W.
Darling, Kent
Darrand, E. E.
Daugh, R. E.
Davis, James John, 1873-1947
Davis, Louise
Davis, M. Roderick
Dearing, M. C.
DeArmond, F. L.
Delaney, T. A.
Denoon, Harry L.
DeShazo, W. P.
DeVoe, Samuel J.
Dickie, Wortley
Dietrich, Eugene A.
Donnan, A. Edloe
Dowell, A. Yates
Downing, Percy A.
Driker, George R.
Driver, L. Robert
Duckwall, Joseph S.
Dudley, Beverley Roy, d. 1941
Dulin, Albert
Dunn, Louise E.
Dunn, Thomas C.
DuPont, Pierre Samuel, 1870-1954
Eagleton, Henry
Eanes, R. Willard
Eaton, Ralph C.
Ebel, Harry U., 1866-1939
Eckenrode, Hamilton James, 1881-1952
Edson, John Joy, 1846-1935
Edwards, E. G.
Edwards, Ella
Eggleston, E. B.
Eggleston, Martha Lyle (Wills), 1869-
Elder, George W.
Ellerson, Henry Watkins, 1876-1941
Elliott, Nicholas
English, Edgar Bernard, 1876-1936
Evans, DuPont A.
Evans, G. L.
Evans, Silliman, 1894-1955
Evans, Thomas W.
Evans, William McKendree, 1847-
Evelyn, Walter
Everett, J. B.
Ewell, J. Davis
Farley, James Aloysius, 1888-1976
Farrell, Maud, Mrs.
Ferguson, W. A.
Ferneyhough, Grigsby C.
Fetteroff, S. H.
Field, Mrs. Evelyn G.
Figg, Robert Leslie, d. 1980
Fippen, Elmer Otterbein, 1879-
Fisher, C. Linwood
FitzGerald, DeSote, 1875?-1961
Fleet, Rutherfoord, 1881?-1972
Flein, Julius W.
Fleshman, Jesse F.
Fletcher, Samuel T.
Fokker, Anthony Herman Gerard, d. 1838
Forbes, William Cameron, 1870-1959
Ford, Edwin
Ford, Robert D.
Forest, Robert
Francis, D. Jefferson
Fraser, Harry B.
Frazier, Tyler McCall, 1900-
Fry, Wilfred Washington, 1875-1936
Fuller, Edward H.-1868-1954
Fulton, S. King
Funster, Oliver Herbert, 1869-1939
Gallswall, David M.
Garber, Walter Edward
Garrett, John McE.
Gawthorp, Allen
Gay, Archer B.
George, Edwin Stanton
Geyer, E. W.
Gibbs, W. Keesee
Gibson, George A., 1865-1939
Gilliam, Richard Addison, 1886-
Glass, Carter, 1858-1946
Gobel, J. A.
Golden, Tom T.
Goode, John Cleveland, 1884-
Gordon, Walter L.
Gouldman, W. Clyde
Grasty, Charles Henry, 1863-1924
Graves, Charles Marshall, 1873-1952
Gray, James Alexander, 1889-1952
Green, Otis M.
Green, William
Gregory, Deucalion, 1892-1977
Gregory, Louise (Varn)
Gregory, Roger Tunstall
Gregory, Roger Tunstall, Mrs.
Gresham, Thomas
Grienniger, H. M.
Grigg, William E.
Grinnan, Daniel, 1861-1940
Guild, Arthur Alden, 1884-1956
Guz, Samuel H.
Gwyn, Pat
Hagan, John Campbell, 1901?-
Hall, H. A.
Hall, Sidney Bartlett, 1895-1946
Hamburg, W. T.
Handley, Charles O.
Handy, Bolling Hall, 1891-
Hanna, S. D.
Harding, G. Stanley
Harmon, Francis S.
Harrington, M. Winifred, Mrs.
Harris, Henry Hiter, 1893-1952
Harris, Minor S.
Harris, Thomas Newton
Harris, W. E.
Harrison, Alpheus Evans Willson
Harrison, E. E.
Harrison, Fairfax, 1869-1938
Harrison, George W.
Harriss, W. S.
Hart, Harris, 1878-
Hart, Malcolm Duncan
Hartness, J. A.
Hartogs, A. C.
Harwood, Richard Henry
Harwood, Walter R.
Hasbrook, Charles Phillips, 1884-1975
Hastings, Edgar M.
Hatke, Louis B.
Haughey, Theodore P.
Haw, George Edwin, 1881-1971
Haw, John S.
Hawes, Herbert Bouldin
Hawkins, S. Kenneth
Hawkins, Walter
Hayes,, James Monroe
Hayes, John G.
Healy, Frances
Heller, Victoria B., Mrs.
Henley, Frank D.
Hennings, Lawrence D.
Hill, George Washington, 1884-1946
Hill, J. A.
Hill, Julian H.
Hill, Julien Harrison, 1877-1943
Hill, William Edwin, 1880-
Hill, William Reynolds, 1872-
Hinnant, Odis B.
Hobson, Saunders, 1868-1941
Hockett, William E.
Hodges, James Allison, 1860-
Hodges, LeRoy, 1888-1944
Hoelzel, Elmer G.
Hogesoom, Franklyn
Holladay, Waller, 1874-1937
Holloway, James H.
Holloway, Robert M.
Holtzclaw, Jack Gilbert, 1886-1955
Hood, J. Garland
Hooker, Henry Lester, 1885-
Hoover, Herbert Clark, pres. U. S., 1874-1964
Hoover, N. D.
Hopkins, Julia W.
Hotchkiss, Elmore Delos, 1850-1938
Hotchkiss, Patrick Henry Starke, 1881-1971
Houston, Harry Rutherford, 1878-1960
Howell, Clara A.
Howell, Clara A.
Howerton, James H.
Hoyt, Richard Farnsworth, 1888-1935
Hudgins, George R.
Hudgins, Grace Cosby, Mrs.
Humphreys, Thomas C.
Hunt, Harry
Hunt, Roy A.
Hunton, Eppa, 1855-1932
Hurley, Edward Nash, 1864-1933
Hurt, Joseph Mettaver, 1891-1943
Hutcheson, John Redd, 1886-1962
Hutchinson, George R.
Hutchinson, J. D.
Irvine, James E.
Irwin, Leonidas Wilson, 1862-1939
Jackson, Herbert Worth, 1865-1936
Jacobs, Bernard Marshall
Jacobs, Eastman N.
Jahnke, Albert F.
Jeffress, Thomas Fox, 1859-1938
Jenks, William H.
Jeter, John Richard, 1877-1948
Johns, William Hingston, 1868-1944
Johnson, J. C.
Johnson, Richard B.
Johnson, T. L.
Johnson, Wayne
Johnston, James Ambler, 1885-1974
Jones, A. Seddon
Jones, Edgar T.
Jones, George Jeter, 1879-1961
Jones, George W.
Jones, Millard Franklin, 1891-1951
Jones, Roy M.
Jopst, Alexander von
Jordan, Robert B.
Jowett, Charles
Jungbluth, Mae (Stewart)
Kahn, Otto Herman, 1867-1934
Kane, D. E.
Karsten, Paul
Kean, Marshall F.
Keane, James
Keesee, George Hugh, 1878-1969
Keith, B. F., Mrs.
Kellam, Louis R.
Kelley, Samuel L.
Kelsey, Earl H.
King, Blanche (Taylor), 1865-1938
Kirby, William L.
Knoblauch, John
Kohler, Franklin W.
Kohler, G. A. E., Mrs.
Koiner, George Wellington, 1852-1939
Krouse, Lelia M.
Lacy, Benjamin Rice, 1886-1981
Laird, Edwin C.
Laird, Mary Meade (Burwell)
Laird, Robert G.
Langley, T. F.
Larus, Henry Clinton
Lathrop, Whitmel Forbes
Law, Thomas C.
Leach, James Archibald, 1860-1930
Leach, Mary Thomas (Cleaton), 1870-1949
Lecky, Robert, 1870-1939
Lee, Mimms William, 1889-
Lee, U. G.
Leland, Ernest S.
Lemkau, J. H. Walter
Lenert, W.
Leslie, Cornelia Hoyt, Mrs.
Levy, Charles C.
Levy, Jacob
Lewis, Aloysius Anthony
Lewis, E. R.
Lewis, Harry C.
Lewis, Owen
Liggan, Roland B.
Lindsey, H. V.
Liphart, C. M.
Liphart, Reuben P.
Lipscombe, Reuben T.
Liston, Robert Todd Lapsley, 1898-
Littlepage, H. C.
London, David
Look, M. J.
Loyd, R. T.
Lynn, R. T.
MacDonald, Joseph H.
Macdougall, L. R.
MacLean, John Allan, 1891-
MacLean, W. B.
MacRae, Hector C.
Madison, Roger
Madison, Vera, Mrs.
Magill, Robert E.
Magruder, H. T.
Malone, Thomas Henry, 1872-1941
Manghum, Mason
Manning, Joseph Patrick, d. 1944
Marcuse, Alexander J.
Marcuse, Isaac J., 1867-
Marcuse, Milton E., d. 1946
Marsh, William H.
Marshall, John William, 1869-
Marshall, Samuel W., 1861–
Martin, F.
Martin, T. Conway
Masterson, Walter J.
Mauck, Henry Page, 1891-
May, J. Joseph
McAdams, Thomas Branch, 1879-1957
McCauley, James R.
McClellan, Abram Looney, 1856-
McConnell, Herbert L.
McDowell, C. R.
McElroy, John Lee, 1891-1949
McFaden, Frank Talbot, 186-1933
McGinnis, Leslie
McGuire, Stuart, 1867-1948
McHugh, Frank A.
McIntyre, Harry T.
McMurray, J.
McPheeters, Samuel Brown, 1876-
McRoberts, William J.
Meacham, Benjamin Thomas
Meehan, S. Mendelson
Meeker, Charlotte
Meeks, Frank H.
Menke, B. H.
Merdens, Johs S.
Meredith, Elizabeth A. (Penick)
Merryman, Louis McL.
Middleton, H. H.
Middleton, Philip Harvey, 1882-
Miller, CraigMiller, Harold W.
Miller, Edgar Calvin LeRoy, 1867-
Miller, John Maffit, 1868-1948
Miller, Richard Henry, 1884-1953
Miller, W. Earl
Mitchell, Howard H.
Moeller, Otto
Moltz, Henry L.
Moncure, Powhatan
Montague, Andrew Jackson, 1862-1937
Montague, Elizabeth Lyne (Hoskins), 1868-1951
Moody, T. Michaux, 1892-1970
Moore, Warner, 1846?-1936
Morey, O. L.
Morgan, Frank N.
Morrison, R. A.
Morrissette, Betty L., Mrs.
Mountcastle, George Burton
Moyer, Chealey Maurice
Mullen, Claree Sutton
Mulvey, E. T.
Munday, Harry B.
Munford, Beverley Bland, 1898-
Murphy, L. E.
Nash, Joseph Pope, 1880-
Neal, Carroll T.
Neal, E. Felgner
Neale, John Carlisle
Neale, Mills, F.
Neale, Ralph Parker, 1884-1939
Nichols, F. B.
Nicholson, Clarence M.
Nickols, W. R.
Noaker, Walter
Noel, John C.
Nolting, Carl Henry, 1874-
Norman, H. G.
Norris, Ravee
North, Howard T.
Northam, M. K.
Nuckols, Randolph W.
Nugent, Nell (Marlon), 1893-1959
Nussbaum, Charles W.
O’Brien, Arthur
Oberling, C. M.
Ogburn, Len O.Evelyn, Walter
Oliver, Walter Tansill, 1873-1932
Olsen, Oscar
Oppenhimer, St. Julian, 1909-
Orpin, Arthur
Osborne, Francis M.
Page, Legh Richmond, 1867-1944
Pallinder, G. E.
Palmer, Bruce
Palmer, G. H.
Palmer, N. R.
Palmer, N. R., Mrs.
Parish, H. L.
Parker, Robert Shumate, 1884-1941
Parrish, Henry Tucker
Parrish, James Scott, 1869-1945
Parrish, Oscar E., 1870-
Parrish, Preston L.
Parrot, William J.
Parrott, S. J.
Parsons, Walter Wood
Paschall, Lee
Patterson, Ray
Patteson, Henry C. S.
Paull, George Bertrand
Payne, L. W.
Peed, Garland Powell, d. 1963
Perkins, Edward L.
Perkins, William Robertson, 1875-1945
Perry, Frank A., Mrs.
Pettit, William S.
Phillips, Charles Homer, 1890-1977
Pickett, J. E.
Picot, L. Frank
Pierce, Andrew G.
Pilcher, Julia Ellen (Croxton)
Pilcher, Samuel D.
Pincus, Ester (Davis)
Pinter, Alex
Po;kin, Martin E.
Pollard, James Joseph, 1907-
Pollard, John Garland, 1871-1937
Pope, John W.
Porter, Frank R.
Posey, William T.
Powell, Lewis Franklin, 1880-1974
Powers, Roland C.
Pratt, T. J.
Presson, Marvin L.
Preston, H. H.
Preston, Robert Sheffey, 1884-1953
Price, James Hubert, 1878-1943
Puette, Ross, 1887-
Puette, Ross, 1887-
Puller, Ordway, 1874-
Puller, Ordway, 1874-
Purcell, Thomas Williamson
Pynn, George W.
Rady, George W.
Ragland, Stuart
Reed, Charles Clinton, 1873-1950
Reed, Charles Hancock, d. 1980
Reed, Hattie (McGee)
Reed, John Hobart
Reed, Leslie Hartwell, 1878-1950
Reed, Mary Ross (Scott), 1906-
Reed, Virginia (Larus)
Reed, William Thomas, 1903-1966
Reichner, Hugo
Reid, G. L.
Reid, Robert E.
Rennolds, F. B.
Reynolds, Howard A.
Reynolds, William Neal, 1863-1951
Rhamstine, J. Thomas
Rhoads, Webster Sterling, 1858?-1941
Richards, James Donald, 1880[-1961
Richardson, Edward J.
Richardson, Wilton D.
Roane, Basil Bernard, 1889-1976
Robertson, Absalom Willis, 1887-1971
Robertson, Giles M.
Robertson, Russell M.
Robertson, Walter Spencer, 1893-1970
Robinson, B. D.
Robinson, Lucien Dabney
Robinson, S. S.
Rohde, John D.
Rollins, Roland
Ross, John E.
Rothenburg, David S.
Rowe, Stonewall J., Mrs.
Sands, Alexander Hamilton, 1875-1965
Sands, Oliver Jackson, 1870-1964
Sanger, William Thomas, 1885-1975
Saville, Allen Jeter, 1888-1947
Scheminger, Charles F.
Schmidt, Edward F.
Schmidt, William C.
Schwartzchild, William Harry, 1879-1952
Schwechert, O. L.
Scott, Archer D.
Scott, Frances Branch, 1861-1937
Scott, Frederic William, 1862-1939
Scott, George Cole, 1875-1932
Scott, L. S.
Scott, Robert Eden, 1858-1954
Scott, Sidney Buford, 1895-1973
Scott, Thomas Branch, 1865-1945
Seelinger, John G.
Segal, A.
Segal, Herbert T.
Semmes, Thomas, 1860-1951
Shannonhouse, M. G.
Shelt, Millard H.
Shelton, H. H.
Shirley, Henry Garnett, 1874-1941
Siemon, William
Sillery, V. C., Mrs.
Sinclair, R. J.
Sinton, James W.
Sissons, Raymond, 1896-1937
Sitterding, William H., 1889?-1972
Smith, F. A.
Smith, Harry Marston, 1859-1936
Smith, J. V.
Smith, William F.
Somerville, Brehon Burke, 1892-1955
South, Lonie A., Mrs.
Sparks, E. E.
Spencer, E. S.
Spotswood, Dandridge, 1872-1939
Stanhope, R. C.
Staples, Henry Lee
Stark, Charles B.
Stayton, William H., 1861-1942
Steere, Henry
Stewart, Harvey M.
Stewart, Isabelle M.
Stewart, Joseph W.
Stewart, M. F.
Stone, Dorothy
Stone, W. C.
Stowell, F. D.
Strause, Gordon E.
Street, Mary Dallas, 1886-1951
Strother, Albert Pendleton
Stuart, Albert, 1889-
Sturgis, Don D.
Sublett, Hugh Wirshing, 1880-1941
Sutton, David Nelson, 1895-1974
Sutton, Howard, 1880-1944
Swanson, Claude Augustus, 1862-1939
Swink, Angus O.
Sydnor, E. S.
Tabb, Benjamin West, 1877-1941
Tabb, John, Mrs.
Talbot, Sarah Blow
Taylor, A. N.
Taylor, Henry Porterfield, 1891-
Taylor, Howard
Taylor, Lula (Scott)
Taylor, R. W.
Taylor, Thomas R.
Temple, John C.
Thatcher, Thomas W.
Thomas, James Augustus, 1862-1940
Thompson, Crosby
Thompson, Crosby, Mrs.
Thompson, Frederick William, 1884?-1969
Thorndike, Albert
Thrift, F. M.
Tiller, Harry E.
Tilly, R. B.
Timberlake, W. S.
Tokarz, J. T.
Tompkin, Thomas
Toms, Clinton White
Toms, Zachariah, 1901-1964
Traylor, C. G.
Trevett, J. Ernest
Trigg, William Robertson, 1886-1940
Trimble, Roswell D.
Tunnell, Spencer
Tyler, D. Augustus
Van Pragg, D.
Van Wormer, H. M.
VanderHoof, Douglas, 1879-1957
VanderHoof, Nancy H. (Selden), d.1970
VanDusen, Charles Belden, 1871-1958
Vaughan, J. A., Mrs.
Vaughan, John F.
Vaughn, Cecil
Vause, Joel E.
Venable, Andrew Reid
Waldrop, E. A.
Walker, Bradford Hastings
Walker, Joseph Rogers, 1900-
Walker, Robert Stringfellow, 1910?-
Wall, J. C.
Wall, Mabelle S.
Wallace, Joseph H.
Walsh, Richard P.
Walsh, T. W.
Waring, W. G.
Warr, John R.
Warwick, Linwood Hughes
Watkins, John Benjamin, d. 1856
Watlington, Oscar Brummall, 1895-1977
Watson, A. D.
Watt, George W.
Waugh, G.
Weber, Charles Hilton, 1879-1965
Webster, Arthur T.
Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne, 1876-1948
Weisiger, Howell R., 1876-1951
Welch, Edward Schier, 1888-1948
Weldon, Gilbert
Welton, Courtenay Sommerville, 1892-1952
Wendt, Theophil
Weppler, John
West, Paul R.
Westbrook, John D.
Wetherbee, Winthrop
Whalen, W. T.
Whelan, Charles A., 1863-1941
White, Fred W.
White, John Cary
White, Mary C.
Whitney, R. T.
Whittet, Thomas, 1867-1957
Wicker, John Jordan, 1893-
Wickham, Henry Taylor, 1849-1943
Wilkinson Archie E.
Willeroy, William A.
Williams, A. Simpson, 1882-1945
Williams, Carter Nelson, 1881-1956
Williams, Clinton Larus, 1884?-1964
Williams, Edmund Randolph, 1871-1952
Williams, J. C.
Williams, Lewis Catlett, 1875-1959
Williams, Susanne Catherine (Nolting), 1878-
Williams, Thomas H.
Williams, William Berkeley, 1878-1954
Wilson, Benjamin Watkins, 1877-
Wilson, Richard Thweatt, 1869-1930
Wilson, Robert C.
Winfree, Robert E.
Winston, Charles E.
Winston, J. O.
Winston, Thomas Scott
Witt, Eli
Wood, Archie
Wood, Charles S.
Wood, James
Wood, Oliver G.
Woods, A. P.
Worcester, Francis L.
Wortham, Coleman
Wortham, Edwin
Wright, Edward T.
Yarnell, Ray
Young, J. M.
Zarth, C.
Ziegler, Edward, 1870-1947
Corporate and Organizational Correspondents
Abrams (Kreizel) Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Acca Temple, Richmond, Va.
Actol Products, Incorporated, New York, N. Y.
Adams & Peck, New York, N. Y.
Air Craft Finance Corporation, Log Angeles, Calif.
Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company, Richmond, Va.
Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, Ill.
Altman (B.) & Co., New York, N. Y.
Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Amazon Rubber Corporation, Akron, Ohio
American Bank & Trust Company, Richmond, Va.
American Car and Foundry Company, New York, N. Y.
American Enca Corporation, New York, N. Y.
American Guernsey Cattle Club, Petersboro, N. H.
American Mutual Liability Insurance Co., Richmond, Va.
American Telephone and Telegraph Company, New York, N. Y.
American Tin Corporation, New York, N. Y.
Amtorg Trading Company, New York, N. Y.
Amusement Publishing Company, Atlantic City, N. J.
Anaconda Copper Mining Company, New York, N Y.
Appel (S.) & Co., New York, N. Y.
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, New York, N. Y.
Atlantic Woodworking Mills, Inc., West Point, Va.
Atwater Ken Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa.
Automobile Club of Virginia, Richmond
Aviation Corporation, New York, N. Y.
Banfield Sea Skiff Works, Inc., Atlantic Highlands, N. J.
Bank of Commerce and Trust, Richmond, Va.
Barrett Company, New York, N. Y.
Battlog Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Beck (F. W.) & Company, Inc., Dinwiddie, Va.
Bello Corporation, Gardner, Mass.
Berg Boat Company, Georgetown, Md.
Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Baltimore, Md.
Beverley, (R. C.) Heating Co., Richmond, Va.
Beveridge ( S. T.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., Birmingham, Ala.
Boston Iron & Metal Co., Baltimore, Md.
Bottomley & Company, Wilmington, Del.
Bowman Biltmore Hotels, New York, N. Y.
Branch, Cabell & Co., Richmond, Va.
Bristow Brothers, West Point, Va.
Brooks Boat Company, Inc., Detroit, Mich.
Bullington Pain To., Inc., Richmond, Va.
Burchill (Thos. S.), New York, N. Y.
Burgess & Morgan, New York, N. Y.
Burns, Kimball & Co., New York, N. Y.
Byrd (William) Trio, Richmond, Va.
Byers Machine Company, Ravenna, Ohio
Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Incorporated, New York, N. Y.
Carey (Thomas F.) Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Castle (James M.), Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.
Catlett (W. B.) Electric Co., Richmond, Va.
Cavalier Athletic Club, Richmond, Va.
Champagne paper Corporation, New York, N. Y.
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia
Chesapeake Corporation, West Point, Va.
Chesapeake Dairy Products Co., Inc., Matthews, Va.
Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Mich.
Chitterling Club, Richmond, Va.
Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Mich.
Citizens Exchange Bank Trust Co., West Point, Va.
Colonna’s Shipyard, Inc., Norfolk, Va.
Commonwealth Club, Richmond, Va.
Consolidated Shipbuilding Corporation, New York, N. Y.
Cooper (Clark), Philadelphia, Pa.
Cord Corporation, Chicago, Ill.
Country Club of Virginia, Inc., Richmond
Cox & Stevens, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Craig Brothers Marine Railway, Norfolk, Va.
Craigie (Walter W.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Crippled Children’s Hospital, Richmond, Va.
Crosley Radio Corporation, Cincinnati, Ohio
Curtis Marine Company, New York, N. Y.
Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
Davenport & Co., Richmond, Va.
Davenport Insurance Corporation, Richmond, Va.
Davy Tree Expert Company, Kent, Ohio
Dawn Boat Corporation, New York, N. Y.
Denmead ( C. H.) & Son, West Point, Va.
Dictagraph Products Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Dodge (Horace E.) Boat Works, Detroit, Mich.
Dominion Oil Company, Richmond, Va.
Dominion Securities Corporation, Richmond, Va.
Domino Citrus Stores, Inc., Bradenton, Fla.
Down East Boat Corporation, Camden, Me.
Dunlop Mills, Richmond, Va.
Duplan Silk Corporation, New York, N. Y.
DuPont de Nemours (E. I.) & Co., Wilmington, Del.
DuPont Rayon Company, New York, N. Y.
Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Ebel (H. H. U F. D.), Richmond, Va.
Economy Silo & Mfg. Co., Frederick, Md.
Elam & Funsten, Richmond, Va.
Electrical Equipment Company, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Elko Works, New York, N. Y.
Enterprise Oil Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Equitable Appraisal Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Equitable Equipment Company, New Orleans, La.
Equity Investors Corporation, Jersey City, N. J.
First and Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Va.
Fir-tex Insulating Board Co., St. Helens, Ore.
Fleetwing Yacht and Shipbuilding Corp., New York, N. Y.
Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Mich.
Ford, Payne & Sweisguth, New York, N. Y.
Fowler’s, Norfolk, Va.
French Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio
Galeski (E.) Optical Company, Richmond, Va.
Gana-Rady Company, Richmond, Va.
Gathright (A. M.) Company, Richmond, Va.
General Mortgage Corporation, Richmond, Va.
General Tire and Ruber Co., Akron, Ohio
Gibson, Moore & Sutton, Richmond, Va.
Gielow (Henry J.), Inc., New York, N. Y.
Gilbert (Craig P.) Co., Inc., Washington, D. C.
Gloucester Co., Va. Clerk
Gloucester Co., Virginia, Treasurer
Newspapers - Virginia - Gloucester Court House - Gazette
Golsan & Nash, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Goodwill Industries, Richmond, Va.
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation, Akron, Ohio
Goulds Pumps, Inc., Seneca Falls, N. Y.
Grace Securities Corporation, Richmond, Va. Greentree (Meyer), Richmond, Va.
Guaranty Trust Company, New York, N. Y.
Hacker Boat Company, Mt. Clemens, Mich.
Hackett (J. Lee) Co., Detroit, Mich.
Halifax Paper Corporation, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.
Hampton Road Shipbuilding Corporation, Portsmouth, Va.
Hampton Yacht Club, Hampton, Va.
Handy (N. B.) Co., Lynchburg, Va.
Hanover National Bank, Ashland, Va.
Harris, Flippen & Co., Richmond, Va.
Harris Granite Quarries Co., Salisbury, N.C.
Harris (E. G.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Harrison & Bates, Richmond, Va.
Hauck Manufacturing Company, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Hayes, Loeb & Company, Chicago, Ill.
Helburn (William), Inc., New York, N.Y.
Hening & Nuckols, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Heywood-Wakefield Company, Boston, Mass.
Higgin Manufacturing Co., Newport, Ky.
Hoard’s Dairyman, Port Atkinson, Wis.
Hollywood Cemetery Company, Richmond, Va.
Hopewell China Corporation, Hopewell, Va.
Hoskins (J.S.) Lumber Company, Baltimore, Md.
Marshall (John) Hotel, Richmond, Va.
Lafayette Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Hunting & Fishing Magazine, Boston, Mass.
Hydraulic Tool Works, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ideal Bedding Company, Richmond, Va.
Ideal Lawn Mower Co., Lansing, Mich.
Imperial Floor Company, Inc., Rochester, N.Y.
Indian Lake Boat Co., Inc., Lima, Ohio
Industrial Plants Corporation, New York, N.Y.
International Flare-signal Company, Tippecanoe City, Ohio
International Shipbuilding & Marine Corp., Nyack, N.Y.
Investors Mortgage Corporation, Richmond, Va.
Invisible Mending Co., New York, N.Y.
Jacobson (S.) & Son, Richmond, Va.
Jefferson & Harvie, Richmond, Va.
Jennings (C.E.) & Company, New Haven, Conn.
Joel (J.A.) & Co., New York, N.Y.
Jones & Robins, Richmond, Va.
Kermath Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich.
Kidde (Walter) & Company, New York, N.Y.
Kissel Motor Car Co., Hartford. Wis.
Knights of the Golden Trail of Chelsea, King William County, Va.
Lake Shore Athletic Club, Chicago, Ill.
Lakeside Machinery Company, Chicago, Ill.
Lansdale Silk Hosiery Company, Lansdale, Pa.
Lanyard Sales Co. of America, New York, N.Y.
Luders Marine Construction Company, Stamford, Conn.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.
Liberty National Bank & Trust Co., New York, N.Y.
Lindermann (A.J.) & Hoverson, Milwaukee, Wis.
Little Theatre League, Richmond, Va.
Lloyd’s Register of American Yachts, New York, N.Y.
Lunde Boat Company, Niantic, Conn.
MacDougald Construction Company, Atlanta, Ga.
MacElwee & Crandall, Inc., Cambridge, Mass.
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New York, N.Y.
MacGregor-Dennerly Co., Aitkin, Minn.
Machinery Record, Richmond, Va.
McNeel Marble Company, Marietta, Ga.
Macy & Company, New York, N.Y.
Manchester Board and Paper Co., Inc., Richmond, Va.
Manning ( C.) Publishing Company, Richmond, Va.
Manufacturing Record, Baltimore, Md.
Marine Progress, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Maryland Yacht Club, Baltimore, Md.
Mason-Hagan, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Matthews Company, Port Clinton, Ohio
Mauro & Lewis, Washington, D.C.
Meyrowitz (E.B.) Inc., New York, N.Y.
Milbrant Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Miller Publishing Co., El Paso, Tex.
Milton Electric Machinery Co., New York, N.Y.
Montgomery & Montgomery, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Moon Shipyard & Repair Corporation, Hampton, Va.
More Game Birds in America, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Morey and Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Morgan (J.P.) & Co., New York, N.Y.
Moses (Walter D.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Motor Boating Magazine, Richmond, Va.
Mullins Manufacturing Corporation, Salem, Ohio
National City Bank, New York, N.Y.
National Jewish Hospital, Denver, Colo.
National Jobbing & Export Co., Chicago, Ill.
National Sportsman, New York, N.Y.
New York Athletic club, New York, N.Y.
New York Marine News Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
New York Trust Co., New York, N.Y.
New York Yacht, Launch & Engine Company, New York, N.Y.
Nixon-Hassell Co., Inc., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Norfolk, Va. Police Dept.
Norris (Ravee) & Company, Inc., Richmond, Va.
North American Yacht Racing Union, New York, N.Y.
North Clarksville Antique Shop, Clarksville, Va.
Nussbaum (V.M.) & Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.
Oil Burner Company, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Oliphant (Jas. H.) & Co., New York, N.Y.
Oliver Oil Burner Company, St. Louis, Mo.
Otis Elevator Company, Richmond, Va.
Overhead Door Company, Richmond, Va.
Page and Leary, Richmond, Va.
Paper Machine Corporation, Shortsville, N.Y.
Patteson (S.S.P.) And Cunningham, Richmond, Va.
Penn Yan Boat Co., Inc, Penn Yan, N.Y.
Perrin Gas Engine Works, Perrin, Va.
Perser Corporation, New York, N.Y.
Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corporation, New York, N.Y.
Planters National Bank, Fredericksburg, Va.
Pollard & Bagby, Richmond, Va.
Protane Corporation, Erie, Pa.
Radio Corporation of America Victor Company, Inc., Camden, N.J.
Raab Co., Inc., Richmond, Va.
Randle Machinery Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
Redd (T. Crawford) & Bro., Inc., Richmond, Va.
Retail Tobacconist, New York, N.Y.
Retso Shoe Mfg. Corp.
Richardson Boat Co., Inc. North Tonawanda, N.Y.
Richeson (H.T.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Richeson (H.T.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Richmond, Va. Finance Dept.
Richmond Academy of Arts, Richmond, Va.
Richmond Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, Va.
Richmond Civic Music Association, Richmond, Va.
Richmond Hardware Company, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Richmond Structural Steel Co., Richmond, Va.
Richmond Symphony Orchestra Movement, Richmond, Va.
Richmond’s third Annual Regatta, Richmond, Va.
Robinson (W.S.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Rock of Ages Corporation, Barre, Vt.
Ross Power Equipment Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
Rudder Publishing Co., New York, N.Y.
Rumsey Pump Co., Ltd., Seneca Falls, N.Y.
St. Philips Hospital, Richmond, Va.
Samler Machinery & Equipment Co., Baltimore, Md.
Sands (A.B.) & Son Co., New York, N.Y.
Schmidt & Wilson, Richmond, Va.
Scott & Stringfellow, Richmond, Va.
Sea Sled Corporation, New York, N.Y.
Sears, Roebuck & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Segal (Herbert Action) & Co., Newark, N.J.
Servel, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Sevilla Hotel Apartments, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Sharpless Separator Co., Westchester, Pa.
Sheltering Arms Hospital, Richmond, Va.
Shipmolders, Baltimore, Md.
Simmons Machine Tool Corp., New York, N.Y.
Sinnot, May & Leamon, Richmond, Va.
Smith (Chris) & Son Boat Co., Algonack, Mich.
Smith (Edward) & Co., Long Island City, N.Y.
South Atlantic Marine Basin, Norfolk, Va.
Southland Royalty Company, Ponca City, Okla.
Southside Rescue Mission, Richmond, Va.
Spartan Aircraft Company, Tulsa, Okla.
Speed Craft, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Stamford Foundry Company, Stamford, Conn.
Standard Brands, Incorporated, New York, N.Y.
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Richmond, Va.
Standard Securities Corporation, Richmond, Va.
Stark & Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Sterling Engine Company, Buffalo, N.Y.
Sterling’s Marine Catalogue, New York, N.Y.
Studebaker Corporation of America, Washington, D.C.
Tams, Incorporated, New York, N.Y.
Tappan Boat & Marine Company, Medford, Mass.
Taylor & Caldwell, Walkerton, Va.
Taylor (H. Selden) & Son, Richmond, Va.
Taylor Brothers Company, Rochester, N.Y.
Taylor Instrument Co., Rochester, N.Y.
Terrell’s Nurseries, Oshkosh, Wis.
Texas Company, West Point, Va.
Thrift (W.E.) & Co., West Point, Va.
Tiebout (W. & J.), New York, N.Y.
Timken Steel and Tube Company, Canton, Ohio
Toledo Pipe Threading Machine Co., Toldeo, Ohio
Toms River Boat Works, Inc., Toms River, N.J.
Union Metal Co., Inc., Linden, N.J.
Union Shipbuilding Company, Baltimore, Md.
U.S. Agriculture Dept.
U.S. Treasury Dept.
U.S. Treasury Dept. Customs Bureau. Virginia. Newport News
U.S. Veterans Administration
United States Trade Mark Administration, New York, N.Y.
Universal Motor Company, Richmond, Va.
Utilities Electrical Machinery Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio
Valentine (H.C.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Vanderbilt Hotel, New York, N.Y.
Virginia. War Memorial Commission
Virginia Artificial Limb Co., Richmond, Va.
Virginia Association Against the Eighteenth Amendment, Richmond, Va.
Virginia Bond and Mortgage Corporation, Richmond, Va.
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Richmond, Va.
Virginia Culvert Corporation, Roanoke, Va.
Virginia Guernsey Breeders’ Association, McLean, Va.
Virginia Mechanics’ Institute, Richmond, Va.
Virginia State Fair Association, Inc., Richmond, Va.
Walko Remedy Company, Waterloo, Iowa
Ward (Montgomery) & Co., Baltimore, Md.
Ward (Thomas) Ltd., Sheffield, England
Wesson Oil & Snowdrift Co., Inc., New Orleans, La.
West End Presbyterian Church, Hopewell, Va.
Westmoreland Club, Richmond, Va.
Willard Storage Battery Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Williams & Reed, Richmond, Va.
Williams (John C.) & Co., Richmond, Va.
Williamsburg Holding Corporation, Williamsburg, Va.
Wilson (John T.) Company, Richmond, Va.
Wisconsin Aquatic Nurseries, Oshkosh, Wis.
Wood (T.W.) & Son, Richmond, Va.
Yacht Owners’ Association, Incorporated, New York, N.Y.
Yachting Magazine, New York, N.Y.
York River Shipbuilding Corp., West Point, Va.
Zelnicker (Walter A.) Company, St. Louis, Mo.
Last updated: February 3, 2010