Short Family, Section 25
Short family. Papers, 1783-1977. Section 25.
Mss1 Sh8185 a Sect. 25
Index to Correspondence, 1917-1974, of Shelton Hardaway Short (1898-1974)
Abbitt, Watkins Moorman, 1908-1998
Abele, Theo. C.
Abernathy, Lonnie H.
Abernathy, N. D.
Abernathy, R. E.
Adair, Douglass Greybill, 1912-1968
Adams, Howard Hanson, 1891-1971
Adams, Norman
Agee, Terry
Agee, Theron W.
Albright, Mildred (Potts)
Allalemdjian, Gertrude
Allaun, William Edwin, 1914-
Allen, Francis Maury, 1873-1966
Allen, Mrs. Hunter M.
Allen, Leo J.
Allen, Mrs. Willa.
Allgood, Henry T.
Allgood, Odell
Almond, Mrs. Hester B.
Alverson, H. L.
Ambler, Charles Henry, 1876-1957
Anderson, Beamon E.
Anderson, James Aylor, 1892-1964
Anderson, Stewart Wise, b. 1889
Anderson, Wythe D.
Angelis, George J.
Anthony, James Coleman
Andrews, Harris
Archer, Vincent W.
Armistead, Moss William, 1915-2003
Arnold, George Prince
Arnold, J. L.
Arnold, Remmie LeRoy, 1894-1971
Arnold, Robert Watson, 1886-1943
Arrington, Arthur
Arrington, Mattie
Askew, Howard Macklin, 1879-1963
Atkins, Landon G.
Atkinson, Paul Tulane, 1887-1963
Atlee, Frank
Augustine, Harry Hammil, 1892-1959
Austin, Oscar Phelps, d. 1933
Aylstock, Earl J.
Baber, Leonard K.
Bagley, William Archer
Bairne, A. Plunkett
Baker, Joseph
Baldwin, Joseph
Baldwin, Kenneth
Baldwin, Robert Frederick
Banks, Samuel D.
Banks, Sidney
Banks, Stanley, T.
Bannister, J. R.
Baptist, Edward Langston
Baptist, J. H.
Barham, Sidney B., b. 1872
Barker, Ed.
Barksdale, Mrs. Mary Jane
Barksdale, Mary Owen, b. 1889
Barnes, Herbert
Barnes, Julie H.
Barrett, W. W.
Barrow, Emory Powell, 1891-1962
Barrow, Hunter
Bartholomew, Paul W.
Barton, Robert Thomas, 1891-1980
Barwick, J. Ralph
Bass, E. L.
Bassett, Ransom H.
Batte, Bascom
Battle, Elizabeth Dancy, b.1892
Battle, John Stewart, 1890-1972
Battle, William C. (William Cullen), 1920-
Bauserman, J. R.
Baylor, B. H.
Beales, Mrs. Howard
Beales, Marvin Howard
Bean, Lorenzo Lee, 1916-
Beazley, Frank Bryant, b.1897
Beck, C. H.
Beck, James W.
Beck, Mrs. Kay
Beckett, William S.
Bedinger, Frank Cleveland, b.1886
Bedinger, Frank Cleveland, 1916-
Bedinger, Mrs. Martha
Beecroft, H. L.
Beeks, Henry S.
Belding, Miller G.
Bell, Walter S.
Bellows, H. A.
Belton, Mrs. Lucille
Bemiss, Samuel Merrifield, 1894-1966
Bennett, F. R.
Bennett, Harold R.
Bennett, James Gordon, b.1904
Bennett, John D.
Berger, Raoul, b. 1901
Berkeley, Robert M.
Bernard, David Meade
Berry, Robert Elton
Betancourt, Alberto
Bethel, Ralph C.
Bethray, Peter L.
Betts, G. M.
Bevell, Robert H.
Beville, Rosa C.
Bibb, [?]
Bibb, John S.
Biddle, Lucy L.
Bigger, Mrs. Elizabeth
Bigger, Isaac Alexander, 1893-1955
Biles, Loyce E.
Bing, J. E.
Bisset, George D.
Bitting, L. E.
Blackburn, Joseph Earl, 1920-
Blackwell, Cralle Fauntleroy, b. 1897
Blackwell, Irma B.
Blackwell, John D.
Blackwell, Robert Emory, 1854-1938.
Blaine, James G.
Blair, Percy
Blair, Mrs. Virginia
Blake, Alfred L.
Blakeney, John M.
Blalock, Horace Guy, 1901-1961
Blanchard, Erma
Bland, J. H.
Bland, Nancy Daniel Goode
Bland, W. Archie
Blanks, James William, 1898-1970
Blanks, L. B.
Blanton, R. E. B.
Blanton, S. L.
Blasingame, Sarah C.
Bledsoe, R. Garnett
Blick, Billy
Blick, Vernon
Boatwright, John Baker, 1881-1965
Bobbitt, Fletcher E.
Bobbitt, George J.
Bobbitt, Henry C.
Bobbitt, R. W.
Boddie, N. J.
Bolton, L. O.
Bond, S. A.
Bondurant, Alexander Lee, 1862-1937
Bonner, Mrs. Louise Montgomery
Booker, George Edward, 1898-1980
Booker, Matilda M.
Boothe, William M.
Bossieux, B. F.
Boswell, Alice (Jeffreys)
Boswell, Mrs. Etta Lee
Boswell, Robert Iverson
Bowden, Evelyn R.
Bowen, H. B.
Bowen, R. M.
Bowen, Willie
Bowis, Art
Boyd, Alex
Boyd, Robert R.
Boyd, Shelton G.
Boyle, James P.
Bracey, Mrs. A. O.
Bracey, L. H.
Bracey, Thomas
Bradshaw, H.
Bragg, Robert Waller, 1872-1956
Bragg, W. L.
Brake, Robert F.
Brame, C. P.
Brame, J. E.
Brame, W. C.
Branch, Sarah Massie (Goode), 1884-
Brankley, H. L.
Brant, Victor
Bratton, John E.
Bratton, Wilson W.
Bridgeforth, G. B.
Bridgforth, Austin Seay
Bridgforth, Joseph S.
Bridgforth, Richard B.
Brierley, R. P.
Brine, Lewis R.
Brittle, Watson
Britton, Eleanor
Broughton, Mrs. W. R.
Brown, Helen Rosetta (Lee)
Brown, Holmes
Brown, Howard
Brown, Mrs. J. Frank
Brown, M. E.
Broyles, H. H.
Brunton, Sir John
Bryant, David H.
Bryson, George T.
Bryson, Walton B.
Buchanan, Isaac W.
Buergin, Paul R.
Buford, R. P.
Bugg, Carrie Sturdivant (Goode), 1882-
Bugg, Charles O’Kelly, 1902-1980
Bugg, John R.
Buller, G. W.
Bullington, Robert McCarthy, 1874-1959
Bullock, Noel
Bumgarner, E. S.
Bunn, Mrs. Charlie
Burch, Thomas Granville, 1869-1951
Burke, Mrs. Alice A.
Burke, W. E.
Burnett, Mark I.
Burns, Andrew
Burrell, Mrs. Hattie O.
Burrell, W. E.
Burrows, Harriett E.
Burton, F. A.
Burton, Turner N.
Bushell, Bernie
Butcher, H. P.
Butterworth, Linwood
Button, Robert Y. (Robert Young), 1899-1977 -- Portraits SEE Blackburn, Joseph Earl; SEE ALSO Harrison, Albertis Sydney
Byers, F. E.
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1887-1966
Byrd, Harry Flood, 1914-
Cabell, William Wymond, 1898-1956
Cahill, Mrs. Margaret
Callahan, James G.
Callam, James G.
Camp, James Leonidas, 1895-1983
Camp, Paul Douglas, b. 1903
Camp, Mrs. Susan K.
Capps, Hoyt W.
Caravati, Charles Martin, 1899-1991
Carlton, J. C.
Carmack, James
Carnes, Frederick E.
Carroll, James J.
Carroll, Mary W.
Caruthers, T. M.
Carson, J. A.
Carstarphen, Marian J.
Carter, Charles Samuel, b. 1878
Carter, Harvie A.
Carter, Henry M.
Carter, Margaret
Carter, Marshall Sylvester, 1909-
Carter, Mrs. Norfleet
Carter, T. E.
Cary, James H.
Cary, John Barry, 1886-1948
Cash, John
Caswell, G. T.
Cauthorne, Mrs. Minnie A.
Cavell, G. C.
Chamberlain, Ray SEE Robertson, Charles B.
Chandler, Oliver P.
Chandler, Mrs. Oliver P.
Chandler, R. E.
Chandler, S. G.
Chandler, Thomas
Chapman, J. R.
Chapman, N. Paul
Chapman, Mrs. Ruth D.
Chappell, Livie
Cheney, James M.
Chichester, Cassius Moncure, 1882-1950
Christian, Andrew Dunscomb, 1892-1947
Christian, Raleigh Colston
Christian, Thomas
Churchill, Sir Winston, 1874-1965
Churchville, F. L.
Clark, Atkins
Clark, Charles
Clark, Garnett E.
Clark, T. E.
Clark, Thomas Campbell, 1899-1977
Clark, W. A.
Clarke, Lambuth M., 1923-
Clarke, M. L.
Clary, Eldridge
Clary, Emmette
Clary, James
Clary, Robert
Clay, Lucius DuBignon, 1897-1978
Cleaton, B. A.
Cleaton, Charles William, b.1899
Clement, Mrs. Harriette M.
Cliborne, Ryland B.
Cliborne, W. Leonard
Cobb, Clarence H.
Cockrell, Hunter G.
Cogbill, Marcus Aurelius, 1896-1964
Cogshall, W. A.
Cohoon, Willis Everett, 1902-1960
Cole, Frederick Hancock, 1909-1957
Cole, J. M.
Coleman, Inabelle Graves
Coleman, T. Rupert
Coleman, Willie L.
Collie, Howard L.
Collins, Carrie (Cooper)
Collins, Charles R.
Collins, Mrs. Hilda M.
Collins, J. William
Collins, Lewis Preston, 1896-1952
Colpitts, Mrs. Marion
Combs, Everett R. (Everett Randolph), 1876-1957 SEE ALSO Elmore, William Emory
Cominas, James G.
Cone, Burtis O.
Connelly, Henry
Cook, Mrs. Alice F.
Cook, Jamie B.
Cook, R. D.
Cook, William Henry, b. 1898
Coon, Mrs. Alberta W. Melton
Cooper, James E.
Cooper, William E.
Coover, R. H.
Copley, J. Walker
Corrington, William F.
Cothran, J. E.
Cottingham, Claybrook
Counihan, John L.
Courtney, Robert H.
Covington, Mrs. Josée Gallé
Cox, Charles H.
Cox, Wallace G.
Coxe, Kathleen Hull (Kelly)
Coxe, Whitwell Wentworth, 1884-1969
Craig, J. N.
Craigie, Walter Williams, 1904-1989
Crawford, Elmer E.
Crawford, Robert B.
Creath, Margaret Ophelia (Short), 1877-1956
Creath, Percy Irving
Creedle, J. A.
Crenshaw, Gordon Lee, 1922-
Crockett, Paul, b. 1899-
Cross, C. N.
Crosser, O. B.
Croswhite, A. W.
Crowder, Atlee B.
Crowder, C. H.
Crowder, Mrs. Ethel N.
Crowder H. Lewis
Crowder, John H.
Crowder, Otis B.
Crowder, Thomas V.
Crowder, W. S.
Crowe, N. E.
Crudup, Mrs. Nat B.
Crump, Sheppard
Crutchfield, E. H.
Crutchfield, W. W.
Crute, Willie S.
Crymes, Cleon Orestease, 1917-
Culbreth, H. S.
Culver, Mrs. A. Buford
Cumbia, O. Douglas
Cunningham, Harold B.
Cunningham, John
Curring, E. G.
Dabney, Virginius, 1901-1996
Dalton, Edythe V.
Dalton, John Nichols, 1931-1986
Dalton, Mary
Dalton, Ted, 1901-1989
Damerel John Edward, 1905-1995
Dance, Charles O.
Daniel, Mrs. Jeanette
Daniel, John Hannah, b. 1896
Daniel, John Moncure, b. 1885?
Daniel, John Shelton
Daniel, R. E.
Daniel, Robert
Daniel, Roy
Daniel, Wilbur Clarence, 1914-
Daniel, William Samuel
Daniel, Mrs. William Samuel
Daniels, V. C.
D’Antoni, Donald J.
Darden, Colgate W. (Colgate Whitehead), 1897-1981
Darden, Joshua Pretlow, b. 1903
Dare, Edith
Darst, Susan Mary (McGinnis)
Davis, Carlisle Ragland, b. 1903
Davis, Charles E.
Davis, Edwin
Davis, Garland H.
Davis, Henry
Davis, Howard Eckert, 1933-
Davis, Irene M.
Davis, James Treadwell, 1909-
Davis, Jessie N.
Davis, John C.
Davis, Levin Nock, 1887-1971
Davis, Nathaniel L.
Davis, Neil K.
Davis, Roy B., 1888-1960
Davis, Samuel
Davis, Mrs. Samuel
Davis, Virginia Stuart (Waller), 1898-1995
Davison, C. M.
Dawson, William
Day, Albert M., 1897-1972
Day, Frank H.
Dean, George W.
Dean, Tullie M.
de Castro, Morris Fidangue, 1902-1966
Dees, John E.
DeJarnette, Edmund Tompkins, b. 1897
Delbridge, J. W.
Delvalle, Mrs. Kenneth
Denby, E. D.
DeSalvo, Marye A.
Dennison, George
Devine, Russell Benson
Dickson, Wayne
Dietrich, A. F.
Dillon, Jesse William, 1904-1972
Dimmitt, Larry
Diriverville, [?]
Dodd, Ralph A.
Dodd, Mrs. Sadie
Dodson, E. Griffith (Edward Griffith), 1884-1969
Dortch, J. Christopher
Dortch, Meredith C.
Doty, William Kavanaugh
Douglass, A. G.
Dowdy, Mrs. Lena S.
Downey, Thomas J.
Downs, Lewis McCarthy, b. 1901
Drewry, Patrick Henry, 1875-1947
Dugger, Mrs. Hattie Simmons
Dugger, John A., d. 1947
Dugger, T. H.
Dunn, C. Richard
Dunn, Mrs. Courtney
Dunn, J. Willcox
Dunning, A. W.
Dutton, R. A.
Duval, Edward W.
Dyer, John W.
Early, Nathaniel Bezelen, 1866-1947
Easley, James Stone, 1855-1965
Eastlack, W. Lloyd
Echols, Mrs. Bessie J.
Eckenrode, J. P.
Edinger, Ernest H.
Edmonson, Haynie S.
Edmunds, Charlotte
Edmunds, James Telford, 1931-
Edmunds, Janette
Edwards, Agnes V.
Edwards, Cory
Edwards, Mrs. Florence
Edwards, Horace H. (Horace Hall), 1902-1987
Edwards, J. W.
Edwards, James R.
Egerter, Elizabeth (Goldsborough)
Eggleston, D. Q. (David Quinn), b. 1893
Elam, Graham
Elam, Mason
Elam. Ruth
Elder, John M.
Eliason, Talcott
Ellerson, Sidney H.
Elliott, Florence (Cutts)
Elliott, Walter Glenn, b. 1897
Ellis, George
Elmore, Frank
Elmore, Lee
Elmore, S. E.
Elmore, William Emory, b. 1884
Elsworth, S. G.
Emory, R. L.
Emory, T. Cary
Enderle, H. W. L.
Epes, Mrs. Emma
Epes, Mrs. Virgie
Estes, Charles E.
Estes, Mrs. Gladys
Estes, Hollis M.
Eubank, Gordon B.
Eubank, Mrs. Herbert E.
Evans, Clarence M.
Evans, Deryk I.
Evans, Ray
Evans, Saluda (Bugg), b. 1890
Evans, William
Ewell, Curl
Faggart, B. Y.
Faggart, Cecil H.
Falls, Vernon T.
Famular, A. William
Farley, A. A.
Farley, James Aloysius, 1888-1976
Farrar, Alice Love (Young), b. 1884
Farrar, Courtney
Farrar, J. B.
Farrell, John J.
Faulk, Clarence
Faulkner, Charles James, b. 1881
Faulkner, Lucile (Virden)
Feald, Mrs. Elizabeth E.
Fears, Macon F.
Feild, B. Percy
Felix, George D.
Fenwick, Charles R. (Charles Rogers), 1901-1969
Ferguson, George O.
Ferguson, Wade H.
Ferguson, William McLeod, 1906-
Ferrell, H. H.
Field, Mrs. Elizabeth
Fields, J. A.
Fields, Sara J.
Finch, Adam Tyree, 1873-1933
Finch, Adam Tyree, 1906-
Finch, Bessie Dinwiddie (Morton)
Finch, Mrs. Leah
Finch, Mary D.
Finney, John W.
Fish, W. E.
Fisher, Earl J.
Fisken, C. P.
Fitchett, Jesse F.
Fitz, Robert D.
Fitzgerald, S. C.
Flanders, R. C.
Flannagan, Henry A.
Flannagan, Mrs. H. A.
Flannagan, John William, 1885-1955
Flannagan, Roy C. (Roy Catesby), 1897-1952
Florance, Richard
Flow, Charles B. SEE ALSO Jeffreys, Herndon Philpott, Jr.
Flynn, Meade
Ford, Henry, 1863-1947
Ford, R. E.
Forester, William E.
Foristall, T. M.
Forlani, Sal
Forrestal, James, 1892-1949
Foster, Francis Apthorp, b. 1872
Foster, T. D.
Foulkes, Mrs. Eileen W. SEE ALSO Covington, Josée Gallé
Fowles, J. Richard
Fowlkes, E. B.
Frady, J. F.
Franklin, M. B.
Frasier, Tyler McCall, b. 1900
Frazier, Hubert Augustus
Frazier, Otis
Freeman, G. Mallory
Freeman, Sam B.
French C. J.
Friend, John Wesley, 1881-1943
Fromhold, W. H.
Frosali, A.
Frost, John D.
Furler, Fritz
Furler, Mrs. Mady
Gallagher, Mervin
Galloway, J. B.
Gammon, Edgar Graham, 1884-1962
Garden, Mildred (Bagley)
Gardner, Ken
Gardner, William R.
Garland, Floyd H.
Garner, Mary
Garner, Stanley S., b. 1892
Gassaway, Minnie
Gasper, Anthony N.
Gayle, Robert Finley, 1892-1957
Gee, Edward Fowlkes, 1910-
Gee, John R.
Geoghegan, Brooks
Geoghegan, Charles Edward
Geoghegan, Charles Edward, 1923-
Geoghegan, Christopher W.
Geoghegan, Mrs. Hazel Neff
Geoghegan, Preston L.
Geoghegan, Wayde Marshall, 1898-1952
George, Henry H.
Gerold, E. F.
Getz, James R.
Geyer, Joseph B.
Gifford, Walter S. SEE Robertson, Absalom Willis
Gilbert, [?]
Gilbert, T. H.
Gilchrist, Leonard G.
Giles, H. Leslie
Giles, Thomas Conroy
Gillett, Charles A.
Gilliam, Richard Addison, b. 1886
Gillis, Richard Samuel, 1915-
Gillispie, M. L.
Given, Frederick True
Gladfelter, Carl J.
Glass, Carter, 1858-1946
Glasscock, Arthur M.
Gleason, L.
Godwin, Mills E. (Mills Edwin), 1914-1999 -- Portraits SEE Blackburn, Joseph Earl; SEE ALSO Harrison, Albertis Sydney
Gold, Charlie
Goldstein, Leonard
Gomez-Lopez, Enrique, b. 1895?
Gooch, Watson Payne, d. 1951
Goode, John Chambers, b. 1879
Goode, John Thomas, 1879-1960
Goode, John Thomas, 1918-
Goode, Juliet Virginia (Jeffreys)
Goode, Lewis Bouldin, 1929-
Goode, Mabel (Sloan)
Goode, Mary Virginia
Goode, Morton Graham, 1886-1959
Goode, Richard Hugh, 1893-1967
Goodwyn, Allan A.
Godwyn, Edward Everard, 1874-1961
Gordon, James T.
Gordon, Norma
Gordon, Robert Latimer, 1908-
Gordon, Roy P.
Gordon, W. Samuel
Grant, Mrs. L., b. 1875
Gray, Benjamin H.
Gray, Garland, 1901-1977
Gray, Marvin Lee, b. 1899
Green, Beulah B.
Green, C. B. SEE ALSO Bobbitt, R. W.; Elliott, Florence (Cutts); and Long, Raymond V.
Green, G. T.
Green, H. H.
Green, W. H.
Green, W. O.
Greene, Arthur T.
Greer, T. Whitt
Gregory, Agnes
Gregory, Carson W.
Gregory, Earl Douglas
Gregory, Edward Wadsworth, 1908-
Gregory, George R.
Gregory, Hunter L., d. 1945
Gregory, Lucius, b. 1862
Gregory, Mrs. Mildred S.
Gregory, R. Flavius
Gregory, Sue
Grey, Donald C.
Grieve, William G.
Griffin, Harry Egbert, b. 1885
Griggs, Mrs. Bernie Hampton
Grimwood, Liz
Griswold, George
Gum, Walter Clarke, 1897-1969
Gunn, L. B.
Gurney, T. H.
Gwaltney, Colgate
Gwaltney, W. C.
Haga, Alonzo B.
Hagood, James Davis, 1889-1972
Hagood, Mrs. Lucy O.
Hall, William
Hall, G. Leslie
Hallett, R. C.
Hallett, R. H. SEE Meredith, Bernard
Halligan, Mrs. Lula
Hamilton, W. H.
Hamilton-Hunter, S.
Hamlin, J. W.
Hammack, Lorenza John, b. 1895
Hankins, H. J.
Hankins, May O.
Hanna, Carrie May
Hanna, Gordon W.
Hardy, Gertrude
Hardy, John W.
Hardy, Linus N.
Hardy, Richard
Hardy, Thomas J.
Hare, Ross
Harkins, William Gregory, 1911-
Harmon, Mrs. W. C.
Harper, Henry G.
Harper, Mrs. Robbie F.
Harper, Robert C.
Harriman, W. Averell (William Averell), 1891-1986
Harris, Mrs. Dorothy Jones
Harris, E. H.
Harris, Fell SEE Hallett, R. C.
Harris, Frank D.
Harris, Helen LaB.
Harris, N. M.
Harris, R. A.
Harris, Thomas G.
Harris, W. E.
Harrison, Albertis S. (Albertis Sydney), 1907-1995 – Portraits SEE Blackburn, Joseph Earl
Harrison, Mrs. Frances H.
Harrison, H. P.
Harrison, J. H.
Hart, Mrs. A. D.
Hart, Franklin Augustus, b. 1894
Hart, J. Ogburn
Hart, Malcolm Duncan
Hartzell, Florence E.
Harvey, W. E.
Haslam, Robert Thomas, 1888-1961
Hatcher, Mary Thomas (Cox)
Hatcher, Robert Vance, 1898-1975
Hatcher, Samuel Claiborne, 1869-1952
Hathaway, Harry A.
Haverty, Clarence, 1881-1960
Hawks, Mrs. Prince Lashley
Hayes, Mrs. Lucy A.
Hayes, William Arthur
Hayman, John B.
Heathcote, William
Hechler, Alvin H., 1903-1970
Hedley, H. H.
Hedrick, Paul G.
Helms, Jesse, 1921-
Hemphill, Bruce Tillman, 1912-
Henderson, George L.
Hendrick, C. B.
Hendrick, Carol D.
Hendrick, J. R.
Henry, E. F.
Hertner, George D.
Hester, Bessie
Hester, Mrs. Violet
Hewins, Kenneth F., b. 1902 SEE ALSO Steele, Lou
Hewitt, Batson L.
Hickman, Edward L.
Hicks, Robert F.
Hickson, Mrs. J. C.
Higginbotham, G. B.
Higgins, Albert A.
Higgins, Richard Crittenden
Hightower, Cleveland
Hill, Francis W.
Hill, Joseph Lister, b. 1894
Hill, Luke W.
Hill, William Baptist, 1909-1974
Hill, William Earl
Hines, Mrs. Anna Ruth
Hines, Mike
Hite, Early
Hite, M. S.
Hobbs, Frank M.
Hodge, O. E. SEE Goode, Richard Hugh
Hodges, Yewell Melvin, b. 1895
Hoffman, Verne
Holbrook, J. C.
Holcomb, Thomas, 1879-1965
Holden, Mrs. Helen D.
Holderness, H. Dail
Holler, William E.
Holloway, Dwight F.
Holman, C. Devens
Holmes, C. P.
Holmes, Hiram A.
Holroyd, Mrs. Gladys M.
Homes, Laura
Homes, Mildred
Homeyer, Arthur H.
Hooker, James Murray, 1873-1940
Hopfner, M.
Hopkins, Walter Lee, 1889-1949
Horton, R. W.
Hoskins, W. B.
Houck, Calvin Bryan, b. 1896
Houghton, George W.
Houston, Charles Walker, 1901-1975
Houston, Robert
Howell, Hewell
Hoxton, Archibald Robinson, 1875-1951
Hoyer, P. L.
Hoyt, Harry R.
Hubbard, E. L.
Hubbard, Mrs. Gilberta S.
Hudgins, Edward Morton, 1910-2005
Hudgins, Edward Wren, 1882-1958
Hudgins, William Henry, 1915-1986
Hudson, P. R.
Hudspeth, W. A.
Huff, C. W.
Huff, James
Huff, Ralph
Hughes, Joan
Humrickhouse, George Randolph, 1909-
Hundley, E. W.
Hundley, William S.
Hundley, Zadie (Stuart)
Hunt, A. Lee
Hunt, Gilbert John, 1898-1967
Hunt, Mrs. Mary A.
Hunt, Ralph S.
Hunter, Mrs. Nelda
Huntley, W. S.
Hupp, Henry T.
Hutchens, Charles Kunkle, b. 1896
Hutcheson, Alan Gray, 1909-
Hutcheson, Mrs. Garland
Hutcheson, John Redd, 1886-1962
Hutcheson, John Young, b. 1896
Hutcheson, Joseph Collier, 1906-1972
Hutcheson, Lucy Burge (Read)
Hutcheson, Nathaniel Goode, 1901-1988
Hutcheson, R. B.
Hutcheson, Sterling, 1894-1969 SEE ALSO Christian, Andrew Dunscomb
Hyslup, Clarence James
Icenhour, Sam
Ihle, Joseph
Ingalls, Fay, 1882-1957
Ingram, Henry
Ingram, S. H.
Irby, Llewellyn
Irvine, William Henry, b. 1899
Irwin, Robert
Jackson, Charles E.
Jackson, J. A.
Jackson, Lucy
Jackson, Milton C.
James, George F.
James, Vincent T.
Jarman, Joseph Leonard, 1867-1947
Jefferson, James
Jeffress, E. V.
Jeffress, Robert S.
Jeffress, William Jethro
Jeffreys, Albert Leonidas
Jeffreys, Alvis Waldo, 1923-
Jeffreys, Aussie P.
Jeffreys, Bessie Morton (Goode), 1878-1930
Jeffreys, Edward Goode, 1900-1944
Jeffreys, Herndon Philpott
Jeffreys, Mrs. Laura
Jeffreys, Miriam (Bickett)
Jeffreys, Robert M.
Jeffreys, Sidney B.
Jeffreys, Virginia (Gibbs)
Jeffreys, William P.
Jenkins, William
Jessup, James
Jeter, William
Jett, Joseph C.
John, Hoyt C.
Johns, Jay Winston, 1888-1974
Johnson, Edgar
Johnson, Mrs. Etta
Johnson, J. C.
Johnson, Luetta
Johnson, Norwood P.
Johnson, Oscar T.
Johnson, Mrs. Oscar T.
Johnson, R. Franklin
Johnson, R. H.
Johnson, Russell T.
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, W. P.
Johnston, H. C.
Johnstone, Albert S.
Jolly, Mrs. Mildred
Jones, Anne Louis
Jones, B. F.
Jones, C. Baxter
Jones, C. F.
Jones, C. P.
Jones, Charles W.
Jones, David
Jones, Gilbert
Jones H. Frederick
Jones, Herman H.
Jones, J. Wesley
Jones, James A.
Jones, James D.
Jones, James H.
Jones, James L.
Jones, James Monroe, b. 1887
Jones, R. T.
Jones, Roddey
Jones, Virgil Carrington, 1906-1999
Jones, William S.
Joyner, Crawley Finney, 1896-
Juel, E.
Justis, William
Kay, C. E.
Kauffmann, Charles H.
Kearney, B.
Keaton, T. H.
Keedwell, S. G.
Kellam, Frederic
Kellam, Sidney Severn, 1903-
Kelly, Edward Joseph, 1876-1950
Kelly, William Patrick, b. 1888
Kemp, W. P.
Kennedy, Eldon F.
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
Kibler, Eula (Nash)
Kibler, James McKinley, 1800-1972
Kibler, John L.
Kilbourne, Charles Evans, 1872-1963
King, Mrs. C. B.
King, Marvin
King, Ralph A.
King, William Marshall, 1901-1957
Kinsey, Benjamin T.
Kintas, John
Kirkland, W. Bernard
Knapp, M. E.
Knight, F. R.
Knott, E. J.
Knowles, William Herbert, 1903-1956
Knox, Charles
Kopp, Frederick P.
Krank, Edward B.
Kreiter, Victor W., 1913-
Krug, Lois
Kume, Paul P.
LaHood, T. J.
Lai, Coopee
Lamb, Charles H.
Lancaster, Clara A.
Lancaster, Dabney S. (Dabney Stewart), 1889-1975
Lancaster, George B.
Lancaster, Juliette
Lancaster, Mrs. Maria B.
Lancaster, Nathaniel Derieux
Land, Samuel Buchanan, 1916-
Langford, Charles M.
Langner, Paul H.
Lapsley, G. M.
Lashley, Mrs. Helen Steed
Lasseter, Dillard Brown, b. 1894
Law, Mrs. D. E.
Lawler, John Edward, 1908-1982
Lawson, Douglas M.
Lawson, Elmer
Lawson, Richard B.
Leach, Daniel C.
Leggett, Lucille
LeMasurier, Joseph
Lenhart, J. W.
Leonard, Franklin C.
Leonard, Hobart
Letcher, Greenlee D. (Greenlee Davidson), 1867-1954
Leterman, J. J.
Lewis, Al T.
Lewis, B. O.
Lewis, Charles D.
Lewis, Christopher H.
Lewis, Mrs. E. B.
Lewis, F. P.
Lewis, John T.
Lewis, Joseph
Lewis, Meriwether Fielding, 1915-
Lewis, Surles
Lichford, Lewis E., b. 1882
Lidyard, B.
Lipscomb, H. Bernard
Lipscomb, R. E.
Lipscomb, Mrs. Lelia Powell
Lipscomb, Willis G., b. 1901
Lipsetz, Dorothy
Little, Daniel Conrad
Little, Mary Thomas (Burkhalter), 1869-1967
Lloyd, Alphonso
Locher, Baldwin Gerard, b. 1899
Loehr, Paul C.
Loftin, Cecil F.
Logan, M. J.
Long, Raymond V.
Louderback, Charles C., b. 1878
Love, Edward Jeffress, 1884-1950
Lowe, William DeLoss
Lovelady, C. H.
Luck, Charles Merle
Luck, Charles Samuel
Lucy, Calvin Tompkins, 1891-1980
Lucy, John Cleveland, 1905-
Lucy, Leland Henry, b. 1894
Lucy, William Kennedy
Lyle, Mrs. Matthew
Lynch, John Kenneth, d. 1956
Lynch, Mamie (Jeffreys)
Lynn, Daniel
Lynn, Mrs. Mary D.
McAllister, J. Rowan
McBride, M. D.
McCall, David
McCall, Paul A.
McCall, R. S.
McCormick, W. G.
McCoy, Horace Lyman, 1888-1946
McCrea, Archibald Montgomery, 1876-1937
McCullough, O. M.
McCullough, Robert W.
McCurley, John F.
McDaniel, Mrs. Florence S.
McDonough, James A.
MacDonald, R. W.
McDowell, Clifton
McElrath, John M.
McElvain, Carl
McElvain, Mrs. Ruth
McGehee, Carden Coleman, 1924-1995
McGhinnis, R. L.
McGill, William Mahone, b. 1897
McGinnes, Thomas Dix, b. 1893
McGrann, John T.
McGuinn, Jack F.
McGuire, Walter F.
Mackenzie, L. L.
Mackey, J. W.
McKinley, A. H.
McKinney, Gladys
McKinney, Mary
McKinney, Robert A.
McLaughlin, Tudor W.
McLemore, Harvey Burton, 1903-
McMahon, G. F.
McManus, J. F.
McMurran, Lewis Archer, 1914-1989
McNally, Edward T.
McNeal, M. J.
McNees, Floyd Raymond, 1897-1937
McQuade, M. G.
McRobbie, W.
Mahoney, W. F.
Mallonee, Guy T.
Mallory, Rose
Malmar, Howard B.
Manry, Lucius
Marable, William Irvine
Margulies, M. L.
Marks, Joseph
Marks, R. E.
Marks, R. H.
Marrow, J. A.
Marsh, Robert T.
Martin, Carl E.
Martin, Frank May
Martin, G. G.
Martin, Walker F.
Massenburg, George Alvin, b. 1894
Massie, G. Edmond (George Edmond), b. 1883
Massie, Mrs. Melba
Masters, Howard Russell, b. 1894
Matthews, Allen, R., d.1957
Matthews, James G.
Matthews, John W.
Maume, James J.
Maupin, Armistead J.
Max, Jack
Max Ralph
Maxey, George
Maxey, J. W.
Maxey, William D.
May, Albert P.
May, Virgil Robert, 1919-2000
Mayes, Joseph Greenway, 1918-
Mays, Frank SEE Geoghegan, Charles Edward
Mead, Forest H.
Meade, Claude
Meagher, Mrs. Laura Coleman
Melchor, Burton DeBerry, b. 1903
Meredith, Bernard
Meredith, Raymond G., b.1892
Metz, John G.
Metzger, Nathan
Meyer, L. C.
Michael, J. Harry (James Harry), 1918- SEE Edmunds, James Telford
Michael, W. B.
Midkiff, Robert
Midyette, William B.
Milch, Al W.
Miller, George Tyler, b. 1902
Miller, Henry Roberts, 1890-1984
Miller, J. Clifford (John Clifford), 1908-1998
Mills, C. W.
Mitchell, D.
Mitchell, L. W.
Mitchell, V. N.
Mitchell, W. L.
Mitchell, Warren William
Mitterer, O. F.
Mitterer, S. V.
Mobley, H. Sig
Moe, John R.
Montgomery, B. J.
Montgomery, Darcy A.
Montgomery, L. F.
Montgomery, William, 1869-1955
Moody, James T.
Moomaw, Benjamin Franklin
Moore, E. R.
Moore, Edgar Blackburn, 1897-1980
Moore, G. C.
Moore, Gardner
Moore, Margaret Watkins (Goode), b. 1884
Moore, Nelson
Moore, S. J.
Moore, William Cabler
Moreland, Jesse Earl, 1897-1987
Morgan, Charles H.
Morgan, Charlotte
Morgan, John W.
Morgan, Mrs. Tracey
Morrissett, Carlisle Havelock, 1892-1976
Morse, Ned D.
Morse, R. W.
Morton, A. P.
Morton, Richard Page, b. 1901
Moseley, Mrs. Anne SEE Rees, Byron T.
Moseley, Bernice
Moseley, Charles H.
Moseley, Elbert
Moseley, Harvey Bartimeus, 1879-1949
Moseley, Jewel
Moseley, L. C.
Moseley, M. M.
Moseley, Mrs. Mildred
Moses, Charles Thomas, 1897-1964
Moses, Norris P.
Moss, R. Hunter
Moss, Robert B.
Moss, Victor
Moyers, George W.
Muldowney, J. M.
Mull, J. E. SEE Bibb, John S.
Mull, Otis H.
Mullins, Garnett A.
Munford, Clarence J.
Munford, George
Munger, Ernest
Munsey, S. V.
Murphy, W. Tayloe (William Tayloe), 1901-1962
Muse, Leonard Gaston, b. 1897
Myers, A. H.
Myers, J. H. L.
Myers, John A.
Nanney, Frank L.
Nash, B. B.
Navarro, Mrs. Robina
Neal, Mills Ferrell, b. 1893
Neblett, Nathaniel F.
Neblett, William Edwin, b. 1896
Nelson, Donald Marr, 1888-1959
Nelson, R. A.
Nelson, S. M.
Nettles, E. C.
Neville, Harvey Alexander, 1898-1983
Newbill, Willard D.
Newcomb, F. G.
Newcomb, Garland
Newcomb, John Lloyd, 1881-1954
Newell, Carl
Newell, Mrs. Carl
Newman, H. H.
Newman, Richard, 1906-
Newsom, Frank H.
Newton, C. E.
Nichols, Edward West, 1858-1927
Nolting, Carl Henry, b. 1874
Northam, Frances
Northington, Mrs. Etta Belle Walker, b. 1903
Northington, Mrs. Ruth K.
Northington, S. S.
Norwood, Mrs. J. E. SEE Rees, Byron T.
Nunn, Harper
Nunn, Walter
Oast, Edward Linscott, 1902–1960
O’Connor, John Joseph, 1885-1960
O’Dell, Randolph
Ogburn, Charles W.
Oliver, Lucy
Opie, Evarts Walton, b. 1893
Orchard, Charles
Orgain, J. R. (James Robert), 1917-1992
Organ, Edmond H.
Ormsbee, Lyle
O’Rourke, James
O’Rourke, Mrs. Mary Ann
Osborne, Mrs. Grace
Osborne, James Monroe
Owen, Elizabeth Winston
Owen, Flavia (Reed), 1919-1993
Owen, Garland M.
Owen, Phillip M.
Owen, R. H.
Owen, Mrs. Rose
Owen, W. T.
Ozlin, Mrs. Mary
Ozlin, Perry Andrews, b.1894
Ozlin, Thomas William, 1884-1944
Paisley, R. J.
Park, Renfrew Humrickhouse, b. 1898
Parker, Howard Hamilton, 1913-
Parker, Lewis Wardlaw
Parker, Winfrey Royal, b. 1896
Parks, C. T.
Parrish, Fred M
Parrish, V. Arlyne
Paschall, Davis Young, 1911-2001
Patterson, E. D.
Patterson, E. R.
Patterson, Giles J.
Patterson, Mrs. Margaret S.
Patterson, Robert Donnell, b. 1875
Patterson, Von H.
Patty, Kenneth Cartright, 1891-1967
Payton, Boyd E.
Pearson, J. H.
Peck, Dewitt, b. 1894
Pederson, Charles
Peebles, Charles Wesley, 1896-1977
Peebles, Dorothy (Gotling)
Peebles, Lemuel
Peebles, Troy H. b. 1895
Peebles, William Smith, b. 1899
Peery, George C. (George Campbell), 1873-1952
Peister, A. D.
Pellerin, Paul
Penn, Mrs. Nancy M.
Perez, Antonio
Perkinson, Allan Carlyle, 1891-1990
Perkinson, C. Alwyn
Perkinson, C. H.
Perkinson, Luther Richard
Perrin, Louis J.
Petterson, E. H.
Pettigrew, A. H.
Petts, W. C. Garnett
Pettus, H. M.
Pfluegher, Al
Phillips, Charles Homer, 1890-1977
Phillips, Harry
Phillips, Harry Newton, 1896-1963
Phillips, J. Fletcher
Phillips, Robert M.
Phillips, S. J.
Piatt, E. Donn
Picott, John Rupert, 1916-
Pierce, Mrs. Ruby
Pines, Gerald Leroy, 1915-
Pinkston, John
Pitt, Malcolm Upshur, 1896-1985
Pittard, C. E.
Plumle, C. A.
Pollard, Fred G., 1918-2003
Pollio, R. L.
Pond, Grace Stanfield (Short), 1885-1963
Pool, Elgin F., d.1961
Pool, Mrs. Katherine S.
Poole, Darrell, G.
Porch, Roy
Pope, Samuel Eliba, 1905-
Porter, H. H.
Porterfield, Robert Huffard, 1905-1971
Poteat, V. G.
Potts, Mrs. Sallie B.
Powell, George B.
Powell, Lundy
Powell, R. I.
Powers, H. B.
Powers, J. B.
Poythress, R. G.
Price, James H. (James Hubert), 1878-1943
Price, Margaret
Price, William Little, b. 1886
Pritchett, Norton
Procise, E. E.
Propst, J. W.
Pruden, George Blackburn
Pruden, Mrs. Virginia
Pugh, George
Pullar, James C.
Purcell, George F.
Purdy, Thomas H.
Puryear, Anderson
Puryear, Bernard A.
Puryear, George W.
Puryear, Mrs. Mary M.
Puryear, Zelma V.
Pyne, Edward W.
Pyne, Mrs. Frances
Quinn, I. T.
Racey, J. R.
Radcliffe, George
Rahiser, Martin Stuart, b. 1901
Raine, David L.
Raine, John E.
Raney, Edward
Raney, Emmett A.
Raney, George A.
Raney, L. Mack
Raney, L. Monroe
Raney, Robert
Raney, W. F.
Rawls, George D.
Ray, James W.
Read, H. P.
Ready, Lett
Reardon, O. A.
Reebals, Fred W.
Reed, W. H.
Reed, William T.
Reekes, Mrs. J. L.
Rees, Byron T.
Reese, J. D.
Reese, Richard
Reese, William
Reid, Ray E.
Reid, William T.
Reigel, Glenn
Revere, J. H.
Reynolds, Elizabeth
Ribble, F. D. G. (Frederick Deane Goodwin), 1898-1970
Richards, Fleet W.
Richards, Nelson
Richardson, Arthur Harris, b. 1899
Richardson, Howard R.
Richardson, Mrs. Nora
Richardson, Virginia Elizabeth (Snow)
Riddick, John D.
Ridout, John Henry
Riely, Walter J.
Riggin, Irl Cephas, b. 1893
River, W. Cabell
Robert, Lawrence Wood
Roberts, Alex P.
Roberts, Benjamin Rowzie, 1880-1942
Roberts, Bessie Anderson, 1885-1967
Roberts, John Hughes
Roberts, Lloyd
Roberts, Theoderic Erasmus, 1914-
Roberts, Mrs. William Allen
Robertson, A. Willis (Absalom Willis), 1887-1971
Robertson, Arthur P.
Robertson, Charles B.
Robertson, F. J.
Robertson, Gordon L.
Robertson, Mrs. J. A.
Robinson, Mrs. Dorothy
Robinson, E. Stanley
Roche, James M., 1906-
Rockey, Keller Emrick, 1888-1970
Rockwell, Byron
Rodgers, Eric W.
Rogers, George Wesley, 1881-1967
Rorer, John Alexander, b. 1894
Rose, Robert
Ross, B. J.
Rouse, Charles R.
Rowlett, R. A.
Rowley, G. W
Royster, Fenton D.
Royster, Thomas W.
Ruble, John L.
Rufe, Kenneth S.
Rumney, Eugene J.
Russell, James Alvin
Russell, John
Russell, R. Garnett
Ryland, R. K.
Ryland, W. Herman
Sadler, Jesse
Sale, William Wilson, 1870-1939
Salley, Clarence
Salley, Walter E., 1920-
Samford, William M.
Sanders, Paul DeLeon, b. 1901
Sanford, A. H.
Satterfield, Celia
Sanders, Carl Julian, 1912-
Saunders, William Harold
Saville, William R.
Scarborough, William Acree, b. 1895
Schellenberg, E. H.
Schmidt, H.
Scoggin, J. W.
Scott, Berman M.
Scott, Dorothea
Scott, Earl Arthur, 1918-
Scott, Fontaine H.
Scott, Hugh Doggett, b. 1900
Scott, Kirkwood Duval, 1893-1951
Seawell, W. H.
Seaton, William E.
Seiler, Fred W.
Selby, Mrs. Mary G. H.
Sem, Reidar
Sem, Mrs. Synneva
Settle, Bruce
Settineri, Mrs. Helen
Settineri, Nino
Seward, Bernard Jackson
Seward, Ophelia Elizabeth (Short), b. 1900
Seymour, Robert W.
Sharp, Horace W.
Shell, Joseph
Shell, Willis A.
Shelton, Beverly
Shelton, Leo W.
Shields, W. J.
Shipley, Mrs. R. B.
Shoosmith, A. J.
Short, Aubrey Cutler, 1882-1956
Short, Caleb Royston, b. 1889
Short, George Reynolds, 1906-
Short, Leland Stanford, 1887-1959
Short, Leland Stanford, 1928-
Short, Ophelia Elizabeth (Lucy), 1851-1930
Short, Pauline
Short, Richard Turner, 1893-1950
Short, Roy Hunter, 1902-1977
Short, Shelton Hardaway, 1872-1955
Short, Susan Elizabeth (Raney), 1873-1967
Short, Virginia (Lewis)
Short, W. J.
Shugart, Pattie
Sieben, Herbert
Silverthorn, Merwin Hancock, b. 1896
Silvette, David, 1909-1992
Simmons, Abner
Simmons, Maclin
Simmons, W. L.
Simpson, T. E.
Simpson, Thomas McNider
Singleton, Abner Reen, b. 1895
Singleton, Harold Brown, 1906-
Sizemore, Otto
Sizemore, William L.
Skinner, Morris
Slagle, Mrs. A. B.
Slaughter, Daniel French, b. 1900
Slayton, Clarence J.
Slayton, Woodie B.
Sloan, Gertrude (Hatcher)
Smart, O. B.
Smelly, S. T.
Smith, Mrs. Alla R.
Smith, Mrs. C. L.
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles H.
Smith, Eleanor
Smith, Herbert McKelden, 1876-1960
Smith, Howard Worth, 1883-1976
Smith, Irving
Smith, James Edward, 1912-
Smith, Llewellyn Benjamin, b. 1901
Smith, Lee
Smith, Marguerite
Smith, Mary E.
Smith, Nancy T. (Dodd)
Smith, Vernon C., b. 1892
Smith, William J.
Smith, William L.
Smith, William L. – Portraits
Smithers, John Westwood, 1909-1981
Smithson, Charles H.
Smithson, Helen
Smolinski, H. J.
Smoot, Elizabeth P.
Smoot, Thomas Arthur, 1900-1969
Snead, George
Snow, John Edward, b. 1880
Snow, John Edward, 1910-
Snow, T. N.
Snow, Virginia Drewry (Short), 1882-1946
Soar, C. S.
Soderholn, Mrs. Elizabeth
Solomon, J. B.
Spain, Lawrence
Spatig, Lula Byrd (Short) Mallory, 1871-1960
Spaulding, Albert Barnes
Spaulding, George M. SEE ALSO Peister, A. D.
Spaulding, Minnie (Barnes)
Spaulding, Samuel Elmer, 1878-1971
Spencer, Bayard Manning, b. 1886
Spencer, Frances L.
Spiers, Bobby E.
Spiers, John Benjamin, 1897-1956
Sprawls, Rex
Stalling, Gus
Stanford, Mrs. F. C.
Stanley, Thomas B. (Thomas Bahnson), 1890-1970
Staples, Abram Penn, 1885-1951
Starnes, Millard F.
Steagal, Henry Bascom, 1873-1943
Steele, Lou
Steele, R. F. Burke
Stem, T. G.
Stembridge, Silas W.
Stephens, Allie Edward Stakes, 1900-1973
Stephenson, Harold Robert, 1896-1956
Stevenson, Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing), 1900-1965
Stewart, Chester Clifford, 1917-
Stewart, Mrs. Helen
Stewart, Jack
Stewart, L.
Stewart, Victor W.
Stimac, Mrs. Nellie B.
Stinson, Mrs. Rosemary
Stoddard, Hugh T.
Stokley, Paul C.
Stone, Lester M.
Stoneburner, W. H.
Storchli, Lilly
Stratton, J. Frank
Strohecker, Charles C.
Strother, Morgan William, 1896-1958
Stuart, Harry Carter, b. 1893
Sturgis, Mrs. Florence
Sturgis, Victor H.
Suits, J. S.
Sullivan, Thomas
Summers, Frank L.
Swift, John W.
Switzer, G. Fred (George Fred), 1903-1974
Talbot, P. M.
Taliaferro, Mrs. J. B.
Talmadge, Marion Lyman, 1923-
Tanner, Henry M.
Tanner, Mrs. Rosa J.
Tarry, George
Tarver, Frank H.
Taylor, Arthur
Taylor, George Hope
Taylor, George William Martin, 1876-1960
Taylor, Mrs. J. A.
Taylor, James
Taylor, John
Taylor M. A.
Taylor, M. T.
Taylor, Mrs. Myrtis
Taylor, Richard H. C. SEE Hunt, A. Lee
Taylor, William K.
Temple, Claude
Terrell, King
Terry, B. H.
Thames, J. R.
Thews, Mrs. M. E.
Thies, Forrie E.
Thomas, Horace R.
Thomas, Juliet (Jeffreys) Blankenship
Thomas, Walter L.
Thomas, William J.
Thompson, Grace M.
Thompson, Luetta (Jeffreys)
Thompson, O’Ferrall
Thompson, Paul Frederick, 1913-
Thompson, William Cutler
Thompson, William Taliaferro
Thompson, William W.
Tiedeken, Anne
Tillar, B. Flournoy
Tilson, C. E.
Timmons, E. Wallace
Timmons, J. Theron
Tisdale, J. C.
Tisdale, John William, b. 1896
Tobin, J. A.
Todd, F. Phelps
Tompkins, Samuel E.
Toombs, H. A.
Toone, E. R.
Toone, Edwin Love
Toritto, Mary Virginia (Goode)
Townsend, Dallas Selwyn, 1888-1966
Trammell, John
Travis, Mason F.
Treakle, G. A.
Tribbett, W. E.
Trimm, R. F.
Trinkle, E. Lee (Elbert Lee), 1876-1939
Trotter, William Augustus, b. 1896
Troxell, Mark F.
Tuck, William M. (William Munford), 1896-1983
Tucker, Daniel Moseley, 1923-
Tucker, Weir Mitchell, 1913-1991
Tunstall, V. Harold
Turnbull, Edward Randolph, 1875-1922
Turnbull, Frances (Maxey) SEE ALSO White, Edward B.
Turnbull, Irby, 1887-1967
Turnbull, Nancy Maclin (Short), 1890-1967
Turnbull, Needham Stuart, 1886-1944
Turnbull, Walter, d. 1954
Turner, Carrie Mae
Turner, Claude
Turner, George L.
Turner, L. G.
Turner, Mary Buford (Epes)
Turner, Oscar
Turpin, Ned
Twigg, E. Pratt
Tyler, R. B.
Unruh, Charles Francis, b. 1895
Upton, John F.
Utley, Harold H.
Valentine, Corbin Braxton, 1924-
Vandegrift, Alexander Archer, b. 1879
Van Doren, Jesse T.
Vassar, I. H.
Vaughan, R. Victor
Vaughan, Mrs. Thelma W.
Vaughan-LLoyd, R.
Vause, E. E.
Vick, Clyde Whitney
Vick, Susan McCracken (Seward), 1933-
Volkman, H. F.
von Meysenbug, Mrs. Heda Kock
Wade, Jay Paul, 1919-
Wagner, John P.
Wagstaff, Agnes
Wagstaff, Alton
Wagstaff, J. W.
Wagstaff, William
Waldrup, Emory S.
Walker, Benjamin L.
Walker, Bert E.
Walker, Mrs. C. A.
Walker, Carl
Walker, Douglas
Walker, J. B.
Walker, Lewis Meriwether, 1914-
Walker, Richard E.
Walker, Ross Halstead, 1894-1972
Walker, W. D.
Wall, Hiram
Wall, Mrs. Hiram
Wall, Joel W.
Wallace, David
Wallace, Donald S.
Wallace, Esther (Gregory)
Wallace, Mrs. Lucy F.
Wallace, Robert Lucius, b. 1902
Wallace, Mrs. Teresa Z.
Waller, C. B.
Waller, C. Page
Waller, Samuel Gardner, 1882-1955
Walsh, Charles Ritchie
Walter, William
Walters, George R.
Walthall, E. B.
Wands, Mrs. Beatrice
Wannamaker, Dink
Ward, Virginia L.
Warren, Hillsman
Warren, Howard D.
Warriner, Thomas Emmett, 1893-1955
Warwick, Linwood Hughes
Waterhouse, George
Waters, J. F.
Watkins, Fred E.
Watkins, James E.
Watkins, Taylor
Watt, M. D.
Wayne, Edward A.
Weaver, Mrs. Elizabeth
Weaver, Harry G.
Weaver, Robert Samuel, b.1900
Webb, Clinton
Webb, Mrs. Margaret H.
Webb, William
Weber, Mrs. Louise
Weeks, L. T.
Welborn, D. N.
Wells, L. Rosser
Wells, Smokey
Wells, T. Warren
Wenrich, A. L.
Wescott, G. Wise
Wesson, George W.
Wesson, Hayne H.
Wesson, W. W.
West, Carlton P.
West, Lee
Wester, E. W.
Weston, Frank E.
Wheeler, John
Whitby, J. C.
White, A. H.
White, Edward B.
White, Harvey A.
White, Lucien
White, Luther Wesley, 1923- SEE ALSO Hunt, A. Lee
Whitehead, Robert, 1897-1960
Whitehurst, James T.
Whitehurst, T. H.
Whitt, Ernest
Whitten, Dorris A.
Whitten, O. H.
Wicker, John J. (John Jordan), b. 1893
Wildman, Lucile
Wilkins, W. H.
Wilkins, Walter James, b. 1897
Wilkinson, Lucy Meade (Allen) Price
Wilkinson, William H.
Wilkinson, William Wingfield, b. 1878
Williams, C. O.
Williams, Charles B.
Williams, E. J.
Williams, Herbert T.
Williams, John R.
Williams, Norman Hill
Williams, Robert F.
Williams, T. Lacy
Williams, W. Guy
Williams, Winifred
Willis, Clara
Willis, Frederick W.
Willis, Ralph
Wilmoth, Edward M.
Wilmoth, Marshall L.
Wilshire, Betsy Heath (Seward) Totty
Wilson, A. T.
Wilson, Charles Harrison, 1905-1966
Wilson, David Cooper, 1882-1958
Wilson, Floyd
Wilson, S. B.
Winburg, Dave
Winbush, Allen
Windell, Carl
Winckler, Frank M.
Winn, Paul
Winston, Mrs. Dorothy
Winston, Francis A.
Winston, Henry Spiller
Winston, Mrs. Howell
Winston, Paul D.
Witt, T. Foster
Wolfe, C. Lee
Wood, Joseph
Woodall, Nancy Davis (Jeffreys)
Wooding, Mrs. Pernie
Wooding, Thomas A.
Woods, M. B.
Woodson, Charles W.
Woody, R. M.
Woody, Walter
Woytych, L. J.
Wrenn, James Solomon, b. 1881
Wright, A. B.
Wright, Denny D.
Wright, Mrs. Goode
Wright, J. P.
Wright, L. A.
Wright, Lenvel I.
Wright, Lewis
Wright,. Mrs. Wauketa
Wright, William Alfred, 1891-1959
Wyatt, J. Thompson
Yanase, Jiro
Yancey, Frank
Yancey, L. Hillary
Yates, Elwood Floyd, b. 1903
Young, Mrs. Eula P.
Young, Harold Newell, b. 1895
Young, John A.
Yuille, Mrs. Flora B.
Zehmer, L. H.
Zimmerman, Mrs. H. M.
Zukor, Adolph, b. 1873
Zumsteg, E.
Companies and Organizations
The Acme Laundry Company (Richmond, Va.)
Adams Bros.-Paynes Co. (Lynchburg, Va.)
C. O. Alley Travel Agency (Richmond, Va.)
The Ambassador (New York, N.Y.)
American Airlines (Richmond, Va.)
American Export Lines (Washington, D.C.)
American Express Company (Washington, D.C.)
Anderson & Cosley (Petersburg, Va.)
Atlantic Electrical Supply Corporation (Richmond, Va.)
Automotive Trade Association of Virginia (Richmond, Va.)
Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co. (Philadelpohia, Pa.)
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Barclay Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
Barker-Jennings Corporation (Lynchburg, Va.)
Barnwell Trucking Line (Burlington, N.C.)
Belvidere Hotel (Baltimore, Md.)
Bendix Aviation Corporation (South Bend, Ind.)
Bermuda Trade Development Board
Berry-Burke Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
British Overseas Airways Corporation
Bryan, Kemp & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
The Phillip Carey Co. (Baltimore, Md.)
Carnival Fruit Cake Co. (New Orleans, La.)
Charles & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Chase City Methodist Church (Chase City, Va.)
George Chen & Co., Ltd (Hong Kong)
Clark’s Sports Center (Poplar Branch, N.C.)
Clarksville Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. (Clarksville, Va.)
Clifton Groves, Inc. (Orlando, Fla.)
Coleman & Segar (Lawrenceville, Va.)
Commercial Credit Corporation (Danville, Va.)
Commonwealth Club (Richmond, Va.)
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Consolite Corporation (Freemont, Ohio)
Thos. Cook & Son (Richmond, Va.)
The Country Store (Beverley Hills, Calif)
Benj. T. Crump Co., Inc. (Richmond,. Va.)
Cunard Steamship Company Limited (Washington, D.C.)
Daniel Oil Company (Chase City, Va.)
Davenport & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Davenport-Lewis Chevrolet Corporation (Portsmouth, Va.)
Godfrey Davis, Limited (London, Eng.)
R. S. Dickson & Company (Raleigh, N.C.)
Dillon Supply Company (Raleigh, N.C.)
Duke University Hospital
Dun & Bradstreet (New York, N.Y.)
Alfred Dunhill of London (New York, N.Y.)
Eastern Airlines (Richmond, Va.)
Eastman Kodak Company (Rochester, N.Y.)
Essex House (New York, N.Y.)
The Farm Quarterly (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Field & Stream (New York, N.Y.)
First & Citizens Banks & Trust Co. (New River, N.C.)
First and Merchants National Bank (Richmond, Va.)
Foster Studio, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
H. N. Francis & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Frank Brothers (New York, N.Y.)
Franklin Motor Company (Richmond, Va.)
Franzenburg Wolf Creek Smoke House (Conrad, Iowa)
Friends Magazine (Detroit, Mich.)
Julius Garfinckel & Co. (Washington, D.C.)
Gimbel’s (New York, N.Y.)
Goldsmith Bros. (New York, N.Y.)
The Grand Central Wicker Shop, Incorporated (New York, N.Y.)
Greyhound Bus Lines (Raleigh, N.C.)
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation (Bethpage, N.Y.)
Gulf & South American Steamship Co., Inc. (New Orleans, La.)
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company (Norfolk, Va.)
W. L. Harding, Limited (Yarmouth, Nova Scotia)
Harris Transfer Co. (Charlotte, N.C.)
Harris, Flippen & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
H. P. Harrison Company, Inc. (Petersburg, Va.)
S. H. Hawes & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
John Hayman Oldsmobile (Washington, D.C.)
Herrick Refrigerator & Cold Storage Co. (Waterloo, Iowa)
The Higgin Manufacturing Company, Incorporated (Newport, Ky.)
Hite and Cumbia (La Crosse, Va.)
Home Beneficial Life Insurance Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Home Telephone and Telegraph Co. (Tarboro, N.C.)
Hotel Roanoke (Roanoke, Va.)
Howard Bros. & Hollingsworth (Charlotte Court House, Va.)
Imperial Tobacco Co., Ltd. (Richmond, Va.)
The Jefferson Hotel (Richmond, Va.)
Johnson-Longworth Heating Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Jones Motor Car Company, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Kemper Insurance (Chicago, Ill.)
Ketchum, MacLeod and Grove, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
The Kitty Knight House (Georgetown, Md.)
C. F. Lauterbach Sons Co. (Petersburg, Va.)
Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery (Richmond, Va.)
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane (Monroe, La.)
The Majestic Company (Huntington, Ind.)
Manry Brothers (Courtland, Va.)
Marlin Firearms Co. (New Haven, Conn.)
The John Marshall Hotel (Richmond, Va.)
Mason-Hagan, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
A. T. Massey Coal Company, Incorporated (Richmond, Va.)
L. & C. Mayers Company (New York, N. Y.)
Mayflower Hotel (Washington, D. C.)
Meyer Line (New York, N. Y.)
Military Service Publishing Co. (Harrisburg, Pa.)
Miller & Rhoads (Richmond, Va.)
Miller Manufacturing Company, Incorporated (Richmond, Va.)
Moffett Studio (Chicago, Ill.)
The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York (New York, N.Y.)
K. Nicholson Furniture Co., Inc. (Chase City, Va.)
Norfolk and Western Railroad
Odend’Hal-Monks Corporation (Norfolk, Va.)
Old Ben Coal Corporation (Chicago, Ill.)
Old Dominion Coal, Iron & Coke Corporation (Roanoke, Va.)
The Park Lane Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
Peachtree Hotel (Atlanta, Ga.)
Peoples Bank and Trust Company (Chase City, Va.)
Perkins, Barnes Construction Co. (Blackstone, Va.)
The Poly-Choke Co. (Hartford, Conn.)
Porter International Company (Washington, D.C.)
Potter Oldsmobile, Inc. (North Miami, Fla.)
Pozgay Welding Works (Jamaica, N.Y.)
Prudential Life Insurance Company (Newark, N.J.)
Prudential Storage Company (Norfolk, Va.)
Remington Rand, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Remington Rand, Inc. (Roanoke, Va.)
The Reynolds & Reynolds Company (Celina, Ohio)
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (Winston Salem, N.C.)
T. P. Reynolds and Son (Richmond, Va.)
J. T. & J. S. Reynolds (Chase City, Va.)
Richmond Buick Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Engineering Co., Incorporated (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company
Richmond Optical Company (Richmond, Va.)
Richmond Structural Steel Co., Incorporated (Richmond, Va.)
Ridabock and Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Riley and Van Fossan, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
J. S. Ritchie & Sons, Inc. (Petersburg, Va.)
Rogers Peet Company (New York, N.Y.)
Ruritan Club (Boydton, Va.)
St. Regis Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
R. J. Saunders & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Schwarzchild Brothers, Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Scott & Stringfellow (Richmond, Va.)
Scott, Horner & Mason, Inc. (Lynchburg, Va.)
Scott Stamp and Coin Co. Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Sea Ranch Hotel (Kitty Hawk, N.C.)
Louis Sherry (New York, N.Y.)
Shulman & Co., Inc. (Norfolk, Va.)
South Bend Bait Company (South Bend, Ind.)
The South Side Supply Company, Inc. (Chase City, Va.)
Southside Virginia News ( Petersburg, Va.)
Southern Athletic Supplies (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company (Ruston, La.)
Southern Steel Products Co. Inc. (Richmond, Va.
Southside Chevrolet Company, Inc. (Victoria, Va.)
Southside Sporting Goods Co. (Chase City, Va.)
A. G. Spalding and Brothers (New York, N.Y.)
State Planters Bank and Trust Company (Richmond, Va.)
Statesville Chair Co. (Statesville, N.C.)
Statler Hotel (New York, N.Y.)
George Straith, Limited (Victoria, B.C.)
Tanner Paint & Oil Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Thalhimers (Richmond, Va.)
The Tides Inn (Irvington, Va.)
Tidewater Automobile Association of Virginia, Incorporated, of Norfolk
Tiffany & Co. (New York, N.Y.)
Tomlinson Co., Inc. (Richmond, Va.)
Townes Printing Co. (Danville, Va.)
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation (Houston, Texas)
The Travelers Insurance Company (Norfolk, Va.)
Travelers Protective Association of America (St. Louis, Mo.)
Travelers Protective Association of America (Richmond, Va.)
Tropical Paint and Oil Company (Cleveland, Ohio)
Vick’s Tile & Fixture Corp. (Norfolk, Va.)
Victoria Supply Company, Inc. (Victoria, Va.)
The Waldorf-Astoria (New York, N.Y.)
The Wall Street Journal (New York, N.Y.)
William Walter (London, Eng.)
Wardman Park Hotel (Washington, D.C.)
Martha Washington Inn (Abingdon, Va.)
Washington-Duke Hotel (Durham, N.C.)
Waterfront Motel (Boca Grande, Fla.)
Watkins Motor Company (South Hill, Va.)
Watkins Nurseries (Midlothian, Va.)
Webster, Smith Co., Limited (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
West Disinfecting Company (Richmond, Va.)
Williamsburg Inn (Williamsburg, Va.)
T. W. Wood & Sons (Richmond, Va.)
Last updated: December 7, 2005