Short Family, Section 41
Short family. Papers, 1783-1977. Section 41.
Call Number Mss1 Sh8185 a Sect. 41
Index to Correspondence, 1908-1977, of Bessie Morton Goode (Jeffreys) Short (1899-1977)
Adams, E. S.
Alexander, Mary (Robertson)
Allen, D. A.
Allen, Lena P.
Allen, T. Y.
Almond, Josephine Katherine (Minter), 1901-1992
Anderson, James Aylor, 1892-1964
Anderson, Norah
Anderson, Stewart Wise, b. 1889
Armour, Alex
Ayres, Mrs. Carrie Mc N.
Baecher, John Joseph, b. 1897
Bagley, Richard Baldwin, b. 1897
Bagley, William Archer, b. 1895
Ballance, Ruth
Ballou, Mrs. Terry Lee
Barker, May J.
Barrow, Frances Washington (Harris), b. 1900
Baskervill, Sallie B.
Beales, Howard N.
Becker, May (Lamberton), b. 1873
Beckett, W. Stratton
Bennett, Mrs. Evelyn S.
Bernat, Gustav A.
Blackwell, Clifford F.
Blair, Virginia
Bland, John Thomas, 1916-
Bland, Nancy Daniel (Goode)
Bland, William Archibald, 1921-
Block, E. M.
Bonner, Mrs. Louise Montgomery
Boney, D. M.
Boswell, Robert Iverson, b. 1898
Boutwell, William Rowe, b. 1860
Bragg, Mrs. Chris
Branch, Clifford Callcote, 1907-
Branch, Sarah Massie (Goode), b. 1884
Braswell. Harriet R.
Brown, Nan (Steward)
Braxton, Anne Norfolk (Grimm)
Brimm, Henry Muller, 1898-1984
Bryson, Mrs. Rhetta H.
Bugg, Carrie Sturdivant (Goode), b. 1882
Bullington, Mrs. Isabel S.
Burnsukzki, Ursula
Butler, Mae B.
Cabell, John Bell, 1917-1950
Campbell, Mrs. Lucille
Campbell, S. E.
Canaway, Tempe Boddie (Hill)
Carrigan, Mary Hamilton (Goode), b. 1879
Carter, Marshall Sylvester
Carter, Virginia
Chandler, Ruth
Childress, Sadye Bryce
Chuckek, Frank
Collins, Mrs. Hilda
Colpitts, Mrs. Marion
Cooper, Anna (Jarman), 1906-
Coxe, Kathleen Hull (Kelly)
Craigie, Walter Willson, 1931-
Creath, Percy Irving
Crittenden, Charles Christopher, 1902-1969
Culbertson, Anne (Gregory)
Curling, Mrs. A. Irvin
Dalton, Ted, 1901-1989
Daniel, Mrs. Eloise
Daniel, Jeannette
Davis, Edward Morris, 1906-1969
Davis, Mrs. Fanchion L.
Davis, James Treadwell, 1909-
Davis, Lucy
Deans, Lucy Virginia (Saunders)
Deans, Parke Poindexter, 1880-1947
DeLange, T.
Dickinson, Betty G.Dickinson, C. N.
Dietz, August, 1902-1954
Dietz, Frieda Meredith, d. 1965
Donohue, Mrs. Julia B.
Dorsey, Sadie Meade
Drew, Hortense D.
Dugger, Henry B.
Eggleston, Mrs. Margaret
Ellerson, Sidney H.
Elmore, Mary Richard (Short), 1875-1943
Emory, Samuel Thomas, 1933-
Eubank, Dell M.
Eubank, Henry Ragland, 1886-1959
Faulkner, Lucile (Virden)
Finch, Adam Tyree, 1906-
Finch, Bessie Dinwiddie (Morton)
Finch, Lucy Everett (Bedinger)
Finch, Margaret G.
Finch, Mary D.
Flournoy, Mary H. (Boyd), 1872-1970
Flow, Charles B.
Fortune, Margaret S.
Fray, John Miller, b. 1887
Frayser, Edith Lee
Frayser, May Jane
Freehofer, Edward Geier, 1909-
Freeman, Walker Burford, 1843-1935
Gaines, William Harris, 1918-
Gammon, Edgar Graham, 1884-1962
Garden, Mildred (Bagley)
Gardiner, Laurence Bridges, 1906-
Geoghegan, Wayde Marshall, 1898-1952
Gibson, C. William
Glascock, Mrs. Anne T.
Goode, John Thomas, 1835-1916
Goode, John Thomas, 1918-
Goode, Juliet Catherine (Lynch)
Goode, Lucy (Watkins)
Goode, Mary (Gilmore)
Goode, Morton Graham, 1886-1959
Goode, Richard Hugh, b. 1893
Gordon, Robert Latimer, 1908-
Gordon-Clark, Mrs. Nancy
Gravatt, Isbell (Turnbull)
Gray, Benjamin H.
Gray, Lelia Gayle (Wilburn) Short
Greene, Mrs. Barbara
Gregory, Agnes
Gregory, Earle B.
Gregory, Lucius, b. 1862
Gregory, Mrs. Margaret
Gregory, Richard
Gregory, Sue
Haake, Lawrence C.
Harris, Henry Hiter, 1893-1952
Harris, Martha
Harwood, Harvey L.
Hatcher, Mary Thomas (Cox)
Hermann, Thomas W.
Hervey, Daisey P.
Hicks, A. A.
Hodges, Yewell Melvin, b. 1896
Holzman, Philip D.
Horsley, Lilian (Holladay)
Howell, Adelaide (Jeffreys)
Howison, Mary Graham
Hoxton, Archibald Robinson, 1875-1951
Hubbard, Helen
Hudgins, Edward Wren, 1822-1958
Hudson, Julian D.
Hughes, James T.
Humrickhouse, Margaret Page (Thompson)
Hundley, William M.
Hunt, Mrs. Mary A.
Hutcheson, Betsy Wiggins (Ballou)
Hutcheson, Dianitra
Hutcheson, Nathaniel Goode, 1901-1988
Hutcheson, Sterling, 1894-1969
Jack, Katharine B. (Powell)
Jeffreys, Alvis Waldo, 1923-
Jeffreys, Mrs. Anne
Jeffreys, Miriam (Bickett)
Jeffreys, Sidney B.
Jeffreys, Virginia (Gibbs)
Jeffreys, William P.
Jennings, J. Melville (John Melville), 1916-2004
Johnson, Roberta Daniel
Jones, James Alpheus
Jones, Mrs. Louise T.
Jones, Mrs. Mary Green
Jones, Mattie
Jones, William Macfarlane, 1868-1951
Kable, J. C.
Kane, Harnett Thomas, 1910-1984
Kelly, Mary Eloise (Hull)
Kemp, Demmy M.
Kendall, Laura Pierce
Keyes, Frances Parkinson (Wheeler), 1885-1970
Kibler, Eula (Nash)
Knott, Mrs. J. B.
Lacy, Ernest Crews, 1888-1954
Landers, Frances (Greene)
Lecky, Robert
Lee, Harry
Leigh, Bobbie
Leonard, Mrs. Betty
Lewis, William H.
Lifsey, William P.
Lipscomb, H. Bernard
Lipscomb, Willis G., b. 1901
Lowner, Mrs. Helen
Lord, W. L.
Luck, Charles Merle
Lucy, Calvin Tompkins, 1891-1980
McDougall, Mrs. Irene G.
McElrath, John M.
McGrann, John T.
McKinney, Gladys
McKinney, Mary
McKnight, Colbert Augustus, 1916-
Maddux, Frances C.
Mahaney, Dorothy
Marek, George
Marshall, Lucy
Martin, Drew
Michel, Julian Gerard, 1915-
Minor, Frances (Brittle)
Mitchell, Lila Buford (Goode)
Mibley, H. Sig
Moore, Martha Watkins (Goode), b. 1884
Moore, Thomas Goode, 1914-
Moore, William Cabler
Morton, Richard Page, b. 1901
Moss, Garland E.
Mundee, C. Roy
Myers, J. H. L.
Nason, Mrs. Isabelle C.
Nestvold, Brit Lillian
Newman, Virginia
Newman, Nettie S.
Nicholson, Constance H.
Owen, Garland M.
Palmer, Margaret B.
Pannill, Ruth Callaway, 1889-1974
Parker, William Henry, 1873-1956
Parkinson, Maria F.
Parks, Berta
Payne, G. L.
Peebles, Charles Wesley, 1896-1977
Peebles, Mrs. Clyde
Peebles, Mrs. Sara P.
Peery, George C. (George Campbell), 1873-1952
Penchan, S. G.
Penick, Mrs. Flora A.
Perdue, Paul Goode
Phillips, Anne B.
Powell, Benjamin Edward, 1906-
Pruden, Edward Hughes, 1903-1987
Purcell, John M.
Pyne, Mrs. Frances
Randle, Henry W.
Ratcliffe, Mrs. Mildred
Reed, Mrs. Winifred E.
Reeves, Ruth C.
Reveley, Walter Taylor, 1917-1993
Reynolds, Elizabeth Virginia (Boyd)
Righton, Sara
Roberts, James Walker, b. 1891
Roberts, Theodoric Erasmus, 1914-
Robins, Bessie
Robinson, Mrs. Dorothy
Sandaa, Mrs. Gerd
Sanders, Paul DeLeon, b. 1901
Sargent, Mrs. Kate, b. 1871?
Scott, Mary
Sebrell, Mrs. Jane R.
Settineri, Mrs. Helen
Seward, Ophelia Elizabeth (Short), b. 1900
Sherbondy, Jean Renner (Snyder) Lewis, 1927-
Short, Ophelia Elizabeth (Lucy), 1851-1930
Short, Leone (Robinson)
Short, Shelton Hardaway, 1872-1955
Short, Shelton Hardaway, 1898-1974
Short, Susan Elizabeth (Raney), 1873-1967
Short, Tone (Sandaa), 1943-
Smith, G. L.
Smith, Mrs. Katherine Spottswood, 1881?-1969
Snead, Jeannie
Snow, John Edward, 1910-
Snow, Virginia Drewry (Short), 1882-1946
Spaulding, Minnie (Barnes)
Sprunt, Kate (Cumming), d. 1952
Steel, Thomas D.
Stetson, Sarah Lewis (Pattee), b. 1895
Stokley, Paul C.
Talmage, Marion Lyman, 1923-
Taylor, Lucy Waller (Goode)
Taylor, Mary Argyle
Taylor, Myrtis G.
Thomas, Harry Lee
Thomas, Juliet (Jeffreys) Blankenship
Thomas, Walter L.
Thompson, Luetta (Jeffreys)
Thompson, Mary
Thompson, O’Ferrall
Thompson, William Taliaferro, 1886-1964
Tillery, C. Floyd
Timmons, J. Theron
Toombs, Mrs. Jurline
Travis, Anne Kitchin
Trotter, Frances Evelyn (Seay)
Trotter, George
Trotter, Joseph Triplett
Tuck, William M. (William Munford), 1896-1983
Tucker, Mrs. Mary
Turnbull, Irby, 1887-1967
Turner, Mary Buford (Epes)
Turner, Nancy Byrd, 1880-1971
Turpin, Edna Henry Lee, 1867-1952
Tutwiler, Argyle
Unruh, Mrs. Alice
Venable, Adeline Carrington, 1861-1940
Wagstaff, Mrs. Edith D.
Wall, Mrs. Cabell Watkins
Wallace, Robert Lucius, b. 1902
Washburn, Flora
Watkins, William R.
Weaver, Mrs. Dorothy
Weaver, Robert Samuel
White, Mrs. Alice
White, Mrs. Vixella Rucker
Whitehead, Robert, 1897-1960
Williams, E. A.
Williams, Mrs. Mary S.
Williams, William Twyman, 1884-1971
Williams, Winifred
Wilshire, Betsy Heath (Seward) Totty
Wilson, David Cooper, b. 1882
Woodall, Nancy Davis (Jeffreys)
Wooten, Sterling Dillon
Wright, William Alfred, 1891-1959
Yancey, Mrs. Susanna Burch
Companies and Organizations
Bryan, Kemp & Co. (Richmond, Va.)
Commonwealth Club (Richmond, Va.)
Leach, Calkins & Scott (Richmond, Va.)
Society of the Cincinnati
The Tartan Gift Shops (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Everett Waddey Company (Richmond, Va.)
Last updated: December 7, 2005